1913 Royal Warrants (06)
LIST of Tradesmen who hold Warrants of Appointment to His Majesty The King from the Lord Chamberlain, with Authority to display the Royal Arms. These Warrants do not carry the right to fly the Royal Standard, or to use the word "Royal.":-[1] (See original source document for description and address of these companies).
Pages 20-25
- Adams and Son
- Agnew and Sons, Thomas
- Aitchison, James
- Allan and Co, James
- Allen and Howard
- Anderson, Arthur
- Arthur, Frederick
- Ashton and Mitchell
- J. Avery and Co
- Bannister and Co, Henry
- Banting and Sons
- Barber and Sons
- Barker, Albert
- Bar-Lock Typewriter Co
- A. Barrett and Sons
- Barringer, Wallis and Manners
- J. G. Bartholomew
- Beale and Inman
- Beattie and Co, Andrew
- C. Bechstein
- Bellman, Ivey and Carter
- Benzie, Simpson
- Berlin Photographic Co
- Blackford, Oscur
- H. Bocking
- Borax Co, The Patent
- J. and J. Box Brothers
- Box, Joseph s
- Bracher and Sydenham
- Bramah and Co]]
- Bridges and Co, Geo. M.
- Brinsmead and Sons, John,
- Broadwood and Sons, John,
- C. T. Brock and Co
- Brodie, Robert
- Bromsgrove Guild
- Brook and Son
- Brooks, Ernest
- Brown Brothers and Taylor
- Bryant and May
- Buddies, William
- Bumpus, John and E.,
- Burroughes and Watts
- Caesar Brothers
- Caley and Son
- Campbell, Gray,
- Carrington and Co
- Carters
- Cartier
- Chand, Manick
- P. E. Chappuis and Co
- Charles and Russell
- Chubb and Sons
- A. Clark
- Clarke, Edward
- Clayton and Bell
- Clough, Thomas, and Son
- E. C. Collings
- Collingwood and Co
- P. and D. Colnaghi and Co
- Cook and Co, Edward
- Cook, Thomas, Sons and Co
- Cooper and Son, George
- Corbyn, Stacey and Co
- Coulthard and Sons, Thos.
- Couperthwaite and Sons
- Coutts and Sons, William
- Crapper and Co
- Crichton Brothers
- Criddle and Smith
- Crosfield and Sons, Joseph,
- Curtis and Horspool
- Davidson and Kay
- Davis, Charles
- Debenham and Freebody
- De Castro and Wilson
- De la Rue and Co
- M. F. Dent
- E. Dent and Co
- Dent and Hellyer
- C. W. Dixey and Son
- Doig, Wilson, and Wheatley
- Doig and Co, William
- Doulton and Co]]
- Draper, Francis
- Dreyfous, Edouard
- J. F. Duggin and Co
- Dusmo Co
- Dyson and Sons
- Dyson and Sons
- Eastman and Son
- Edinburgh Press
- Edward and Son
- Elkington and Co]]
- Ellis, Richard
- S. and P. Erard
- Evans, John
- Ewing and Mclntosh
- C. Faberge
- J. M. Farina
- Farina, Johann, Maria
- Feetham and Co
- Findlay, John
- Fine Art Society
- E. Flint and Co
- Forrest and Sons
- Fountain
- Frodsham and Co, Charles
- Furnival, Stephen
- R. and S. Garrard and Co]]
- Gawthorp and Sons
- Gibson and Co
- Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co
- Goslett and Co, Alfred
- Gough and Davy
- Goulding and Co
- Goupil and Co
- Grant and Sons, Stephen
- Graves and Co, Henry
- J. Gray and Son
- Gray, William E.
- F. Haines and Sons
- Hall and Anderson
- W. T. Hamblin and Co
- Hamilton and Co
- Hamilton and Inches
- Hampton, Thomas W
- Hancocks and Co
- Hatfield and Sons, Henry J.,
- Hay and Lyall
- Hazell, Watson and Viney
- Heelas, Sons and Co
- Heming and Co
- Herberts Supply Stores
- Herzog and Higgins
- Hewett and Sons
- Hill and Son, William
- Hill and Sons, W. Ebsworth
- Hills and Saunders
- Hobbs, Hart and Co
- Hogg, W.D., M.D
- Holland and Sons
- Holt, Renfrew and Co
- Howard and Sons
- Hunt and Roskell
- Jackson and Sons, George
- Jarrold and Sons
- A. Jenkins and Sons
- Jennens and Co
- Jenner and Co, Charles
- Jennings, George
- Jermyn and Perry
- Johnson, Edmond
- Johnston and Hoffman
- H. Johnston
- Joubert, Felix
- Jump and Sons
- Kanjimull and Sons
- Kendal, Milne and Co
- W. V. Kirk and Sons
- Kishan Chand and Sons
- E. T Knight
- Koch, Robert Lafayette
- G. and H. C. Lambert
- Lancellotti, C. de
- Lazarus and Co
- Lee and Son, Samuel
- Leggatt Brothers
- Le Roy et fils
- Lever Brothers]]
- Liberty and Co
- List and Sons, William
- Lobb, John
- Lock, William
- Longman and Strongi'th'arm
- Lowry and Company
- Macdougall, Gavin C,
- Maclehose and Sons, James
- Macmichael, Arthur
- Maine, Charles Thomas
- J. Manley
- Mansfield, Joseph
- Maple and Co
- Marr, Wood and Co
- Marshall, Ernest
- W. J. Marshall
- Marvin, George
- Maule and Son, Robert
- Mawers
- May and Williams
- McAfee and Son
- McHardy, David
- R. and A. McVicker
- Merryweather and Sons]]
- Metcalfe and Son
- Methven, Simpson
- Miles and Co
- Millar and Beatty
- Minton, Hollins and Co
- Mintons]]
- Mitchell, John
- Mitchell, William (Pens)
- Moore and Sons, Josiah
- Morant and Co
- Morgan and Sons, John
- Morris and Co
- J. Mowlem and Co
- Mowll and Morrison
- Murphy and Orr
- D. Neill Sharman
- New, George
- Newman, James
- F. Newton and Co
- Nixey, William G.
- Norman and Beard
- Norton and Co
- Pain and Sons, James
- Pattrick and Thompsons
- Peal and Co
- A. and F. Pears
- J. and B. Pearse and Co
- Pellatt and Co, Apsley
- Perry and Co
- Phelps and Co
- T. G. Phillips
- H. H. Plante
- Pope, Roach and Son
- W. M. Power
- Pratchitt Brothers
- Pratt and Keith
- Pullar and Sons, John
- F. Ralph
- Ranken and Co
- Rayner and Co
- J. Redmayne and Co
- Remington Typewriter Co
- Rigby and Co, John
- Ritchie and Son, Alex.
- R. Riviere and Son
- Robb, William
- Roberts and Co
- J. W. Roberts and Son
- Robinson and Cleaver
- Rodgers and Sons
- J. Rodman, William, and Co
- Rolandi, Peter
- Ronuk
- Rowney and Co, George
- Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Co
- Russell and Co, James
- Russell and Sons
- Salt and Son
- Sangster and Co
- Sanitas Co
- Satterfield, Bye and Co
- Savory and Moore,
- Scott Thomson and Co
- Searle and Sons
- Shalimar Paint, Colour and Varnish Co
- Shaw, John S.
- Silver and Co and Benjamin Edginton
- Simmonds Brothers
- Skeffington and Son
- Skinner and Co
- C. Smith and Son
- Smith and Sons, Thomas
- Smith, Stanistreet and Co
- Smith, Turberville and Son
- Solomon Brothers
- R. and W. Sorley
- H. Sotheran and Co
- Squire and Sons
- Stanford, Edward
- Stevenson, John
- Steinitz and Jefferiss
- Steinway and Sons
- Straker and Sons, Samuel,
- G. Street and Co
- Stringer
- W. S. Stuart
- Swan and Edgar
- Symends, Mary
- F. S. Taylor
- Taylor and Henderson
- Teale Fire Place Co
- Thacker, Spink and Co
- Thew and Sons
- Thomas and Co F. B
- Thompson and Co, John
- Thomson and Son
- Thresher and Grlenny
- Thurston and Co
- Tiffany and Sons
- Tims and Sons, John
- R. B. Tope and Co
- Trenowath Brothers
- Tuck and Sons, Raphael,
- Turner and Co
- Thomas Tytier, William W.
- Wagland and Son
- Walker and Son Walker, John
- Walker's Gallery
- Walpole Brothers
- Ward, John
- Waring and Gillow
- Warner and Sons, John,
- R. Waygood and Co
- D. and J. Wellby, D. and J.
- West and Son
- Westley Richards and Co
- White, Allom and Co
- White and Co, Thomas
- Whiteley, William
- H. J. Whitlock and Son
- Whytock, Reid and Co
- Wilkinson, John S.
- Wilkinson Sword Co
- Wilton Royal Carpet Factory]]
- Winsor and Newton]]
- E. Wolff and Son
- R. Wood
- Worcester Royal Porcelain Co
- Wylie and Lochhead
- Wyon, Allan G.
- J. Wright
See Also
Sources of Information