1913 Royal Warrants (13)
LIST of Tradesmen who hold Warrants of Appointment to Queen Alexandra from the Comptroller to Her Majesty, with authority to use Her Majesty's Arms. These Warrants do not carry the right to fly Her Majesty's Standard, or to use the word "Royal": [1](See original source document for description and address of these companies).
- Adams and Son
- Allen, Howard and Howard
- Allen, Robert, and Co.
- Apollinaris Co.
- Ashton and Mitchell
- Atkins, G. and W., and Co
- Bailey and Co
- Barkentin and Krall
- Barrett, A., and Sons
- Bellamy Brothers
- Benson and Hedges
- Bentley, Joseph
- Berry Brothers, and Co.
- Booking, H.
- Bower, William, M.R.C.V.S.
- Bridges and Son, G. M.,
- Brigg and Sons
- Buchanan, James, and Co.
- Buddies, William
- Cadbury Brothers
- Cadbury, Pratt and Co.
- Caley, A. J., and Son
- Callard, Stewart and Watt
- Callow, T., and Son
- Carter, James and Co.
- Cave, H. J., and Sons
- Champion and Wilton
- Charles, F. E
- Chivas Brothers
- Cockerell, G. J., and Co
- Coller, R., and Sons
- J. and J. Colman
- Cording, G.
- Daniels Brothers,
- Dash and Bellamy
- Davies, T. W., and Son
- Day and Martin
- Dicksori, Brown and Tait
- Dickson and Robinson
- Donaldson, Andrew
- Dunkley, H., and Son
- Eastman and Son
- Elijah Eyre's Brewery
- Elkington and Co
- Fitt, H., and Son Foot, J., and Son
- Fortnum and Mason
- Frodsham, Charles, and Co..
- Fry, J. S., and Sons
- Garrard, R. S., and Co.
- . Gillard and Co.
- Goode, Thomas, and Co
- Goslin and Co.
- Gray, Henry, and Son
- Gunter and Co
- Hall and Sons
- Hampton and Sons
- Harrison and Sons
- Harvey, John, and Sons
- Hassel and Teudt
- Hatfield and Sons, H. J.
- Hay and Lyall Hobbies
- Hooper and Co.
- Hooper, Struve and Co.
- Hubert, Charles
- Jannoch, Theodore
- Jennings, George,
- Jeyes Sanitary Compounds Co
- Johnson, Herbert
- Justerini and Brooks
- King's Lynn Hotel Co
- Lincoln, Bennett and Co.
- Lindsay, J., and Co.
- Lister and Beck, and Day, Watson, and Son and Watney
- Lock, William, and Son
- Locket and Judkins
- Lumsden and Gibson
- Lusty, John
- Mackintosh, J.,
- Maple and Co.
- May and Williams
- McVitie and Price
- Merry and Co
- Mew, W. B., Langton and Co.
- Miller and Sons,
- Morel Brothers, Cobbett and Son
- Mortlocks
- Miiller and Co
- Mumby, Charles, and Co
- Nicholas, E. E.
- Overtoil, Horace
- Parker, J. W., and Son
- Paul, William, and Son
- A. and F. Pears
- Phillips
- Playford, H. G
- Pool, David
- Poole, Henry and Co
- Pope, Roach and Son
- Powell and Powell
- Power, W. M
- Price, Whittaker and Co
- Pugh and Co
- Ralph, F., Senior
- Rawlings, H. D.,
- J. Rayner and Co
- Reckitt and Sons
- Roberts and Co
- Rogers and Cook
- Ronuk
- Russell and Sons
- Sangster and Co.
- Sankey, Richard, and Son
- Schweppes
- Scotts
- Sewell and Cousens
- Shingleton Ice Co
- Shirras, Laing and Co.
- Shoolbred, James, and Co.
- Skovgaard, Thorvald
- Smart, John
- Smith, Charles Winlove
- Smith: H. Allen
- S. Smith and Son
- Solomon, I.
- Solomon, Lewis
- Spiking and Co
- Spratt's Patent
- Stevenson, R., Taylor, and Co.
- Street, G., and Co.
- Sutton and Sons
- Swaine and Adeney
- Sweetland, W. F.
- Taggart, James
- Tansley, William
- Taylor and Henderson
- Thomas, E., and Son
- Thresher and Glenny
- Thrupp and Maberly
- Trenowath Brothers
- Tuck, Raphael, and Sons
- Twining, Richard, and Co
- United Kingdom Tea Co
- Wagland, William
- Wall, T., and Sons
- Ward, John,
- Watney, Combe, Reid and Co
- Waugh, George, and Co
- Whippy, Steggall and Co
- White, Robert
- Wickwar and Co
- Wilkinson and Son
- Williams, G., and Sons, M.R.C.V.S.
- Wills and Segar
- Wilton, Frank
- Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co
- Wood, William, and Sons
- Worthington and Co
See Also
Sources of Information