1918 Directory of Manufacturers in Engineering and Allied Trades: Company G

Note: This is a sub-section of 1918 Directory of Manufacturers in Engineering and Allied Trades
Note: Further information is contained on the page image including number of employees, war work and pre-war work.
5081 Gabriel and Co., 4 and 5, A.B. Row, Birmingham. Phone: Central 1223. T ,/A: Gabriel, Birmingham, Area No. 4. (A.)
5082 Gadd. Geo. and Co., Ltd., Church Lane Iron and Steel Works, Tipton. Phone: 34 Tipton. T/A: Gadds, 34 Tipton. Area No. 4.
5083 Gadd, I., 46, Beeches Road, Blackheath, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
5084 Gadd, J. and Sons, Ltd., High Street, Blackheath, Birmingham. Phone: 53 Halesowen. T/A: Gadd. Area No. 4.
5085 Gadsby, A. T., 42, Denmark Hill, London, S.E.5. Phone: Brixton 1714. T/A: Bronzinium, Camber- well. Area No. 7.
5086 Gale, H.. Birmingham Road, West Cowes, Isle of Wight. Phone: 110 Cowes. T/A: Area No. 6. (A.)
5087 Galley Radiator Co., Scrubbs Lane, Hammersmith, London, W.6. (Head Office, Great Portland Street, London, W.l.). Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
5088 Gallie Bros., Duke Street, Birkenhead. Phone: 358 Birkenhead. T/A: Area No. 2. (A.)
5089 Galliers, H. J., 32, St. James’ Street, Brighton. Phone: P.O. 151. T/A: Galliers, Brighton. Area No. 7.
5090 Gallimore, William and Sons, Arundel Metal Rolling and Wire Mills, Sheffield. Phone: 1069 and 3761. T/A: Area No. 3.
5091 Galloway Engineering Co., Ltd., Shakespeare Street, Dumfries and Ton gland, Kirkcudbright. Phone: 152. T/A: Engines, Dumfries. Area No. 9.
5092 Galloway, M. P., Ltd., 24, Shore, Leith. Phone: 828 (3 wires). T/A: Galloway, Leith. Area No. 8.
5093 Galloway, W. and Co., Sunderland Road, Gateshead. Phone: Gateshead 76. T/A: Galloway, Gateshead. Area No. 1.
5094 Galloways, Ltd., Head Office and Works: Knott Mill Iron Works, Manchester. Phone: 6312 (5 lines). T/A: Galloway, Manchester. And at Boiler Works, Hyde Road, Ardwick, Manchester. Phone: 6312 Central (5 lines). T/A: Galloway, Manchester. Area No. 2.
5099 Gambrell Bros., Ltd., Head Office and Works, Merton Road, Southfields, London, S.W.18. Phone: 2100 Putney. T/A: Gambrell, Putney 2100. And at 61, Broadway, New York. Area No. 7. (A.)
5100 Gameson, T. and Sons, Ltd., Dudley Street, Walsall. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
5101 Gameson, T. and Sons, Ltd., Brit- annia Foundry, Rushall Street, Walsall. Phone: 20. T/A: Malleable, Walsall. Area No. 4.
5102 Gapp, J. B. and Co., Whitecross Street, Union Street, Southwark, Loudon, S.E.l. Phone: Hop. 1705. T/A: Boilermaker, Sedist, London. Area No. 7. Gardam, Harry H. and Co., Staines.
5103 Gardner, A. S., Eaglebush Foun- dry, Neath, Glamorgan. Phone: 100 Neath. T/A: Gardner, Neath. Area No. 5.
5104 Gardiner, H. L., 37a, Lytham Road, Leicester. Phone: House 751 Leicester. T/A: Area No. 4.
5105 Gardiner, Sons and Co., Ltd., Mid- land Ironworks, Willway Street, St. Phillips, Bristol. Phone: 867 and 849. T/A: Gardsons. Area No. 6.
5106 Gardner, E. A. and Sons, Ltd., Brewer Street, Maidstone. Phone: Maidstone 2. T/A: Gardiners, Ltd. Area No. 7.
5108 Gardner, L. and Sons, Ltd., Patricroft, near Manchester. Phone: Eccles 401. T/A: Theorm, Patricroft. Area No. 2.
5110 Gardner, William and Son (Gloucester), Ltd., Bristol Road, Gloucester. Phone: 117 Gloucester T/A: Gardner, Gloucester. Area No. 6.
5111 Garfitt, T. and Sons, Cross Scythes . Works. London Road, Sheffield. Phone: 1836 Sheffield. T/A: Garfitt’s, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
5112 Garland and Co., Brook Forge, Bennett Street, Ardwick, Manchester. Phone: Openshaw 174. T/A: Area No. 2.
5113 Garlick, John (1910), Ltd., Head Office: 43, Sloane Street, London. S.W.l. Phone: Victoria 6734 and 6735. Works: Cadogan Works, Manresa Road. Chelsea, London, S.W. Phone: Kensington 396. Manor Works, Upper Manor Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. Phone: Kensington 3881. T/A: Area No. 7.
5115 Garner, G. and Sons, Ltd., Canal Foundry, Victoria Street, Openshaw, Manchester. Phone: 12 Openshaw. T/A: Renrag. Area No. 2.
5116 Garner, Telford and Hardman, Ltd., Cobden Street, Pendleton, Manchester. Phone: Pendleton 42. T/A: Persevere, Manchester. Area No. 2.
5117 Garner, Tom, Motor Works, Chester Road, Old Trafford, Manchester. Phone: 687 Trafford Park. T/A: Area No. 2.
5118 Garnett, P. and 0., Ltd., Wharfe Works, Cleckheaton, Yorks. Phone: 306 and 307 Cleckheaton. T/A: Garnett, Cleckheaton. Area No. 3.
5119 Garnish, Lemon and Co., Ltd., Pilton Works, Barnstaple. Phone: 22 T/A: Garnish, Lemon, Barnstaple. Area No. 6.
5120 Gamkirk Iron Co., Garnkirk, Glasgow. Phone: 24 Stepps. T/A: Ironclad, Chryston. Area No. 9.
5121 Garnock, Bibby and Co., Ltd., Old Swan Rope Works, Liverpool. Phone: 84 Old Swan. T/A: Garnock. Area No. 2. (A.)
5122 Garrard, O. R., Ltd., 45, Endell Street, Long Acre, London. Phone: Regent 2388. T/A: Garrard, Regent 2388 London. Area No. 7.
5123 Garrard Engineering and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Bruce Road, Stonebridge Park, Willesden, London, N.W.10. Phone: Willesden 2420. T/A: Runic, Willroad, I.on- E don. Registered Office: 17, Grafton Street, London, W.l. Phone: Regent 757. T/A: Rmpearl, Piccy, London. Area No. 7.
5124 Garrett, R. and Sons, Ltd., Leiston Works, Leiston, Suffolk. Phone.: Leiston 16. T/A: Garrett, Leiston. London Office. 53, Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Phone: Victoria 2237. T/A: Semistate, Vic, London. E Area No. 7.
5125 Garrington, John and Sons, Ltd., 1 Albert Works, The Creen, Darlaston. Phone: 53 Darlaston. T/A: Garrington, Darlaston. Area No. 4. j
Garston Graving Dock Co., Garston, Liverpool.
Garton and King, Exeter.
5129 Gartsherrie Engineering and Forge Co., Gartsherrie, Glasgow. Phone: Coatbridge 112. T/A Weldless, Gartsherrie Station. Area No. 9.
5130 Garvie, R. G. and Sons, 2, Canal Road, Aberdeen. Phone: 3001 Aberdeen. 3 T/A: Garvie, Aberdeen. Area No. 8.
5131 Gas and Air Appliance Co., Ltd., 27, Sedgwick Street, Bradford. Phone: 4669 Bradford. T/A: Area No. 3.
5132 Gas Meter Co., Ltd., The, 238, Kingsland Road, London. Phone: Dalston 142. T/A: Meterphone, London. Area No. 7.
5133 Gas Meter Co., Ltd., Union Street, Oldham. Phone: 340. T/A: Meter, Oldham. Area No. 2.
5134 Gaskell and Chambers, Ltd., Dale End Works, Birmingham. Phone: 4336-7 Central. T/A: Gaskells, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5135 Gaston Williams and Wigmore, 51 Ltd., 2ft. Bishopsgate, Lorn don, E.C.2. Phone: London Wall 3040 (4 lines). T/A: Gastonorge, Led, London. Area No. 7.
5136 Gauldie, Gillespie and Co., Ltd., 15, Broomhall Street, Glasgow. Phone: South 1777. T/A: Construct Glasgow. Area No. 9. (A.)
5137 Gauldie, Richard, Standon, Ware, Herts. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
5138 Gaunt, J. R. and Son, Birmingham. Phone: Central 2365. T/A: Area No. 4.
5139 Gay Bros., Tenby Works, Tenby Street North, Birmingham. Phone: Central 1046. T/A: Gay Brothers, Tenby Street North, Birmingham. Area No. 4. Gaze, A. W., London. G. B. Metal Works, 47, Twickenham Road, Teddington.
5140 Gear Grinding Co., Ltd., Anne Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. Phone: Smethwick 231. T/A: Orcutt, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5142 Gee, E. T. and Sons, 8/10, Hunter Street, Liverpool. Phone: Royal 892. T/A: Area No. 2. Gee, H. A., Winchester Place, Park Road, E. Acton.
5143 Geen, H. S. and Sons, Harbour Road. Swansea. Phone: 342c. T/A: Area No. 5.
5144 Gehrling and Son, 52, Fembroke Street, Caledonian Road, Islington, London, N. Phone: 1975 North. T/A . Punchable, .Kincross, London. Area No. 7.
Geipel and Co., Wembley. See No.5514
5145 Geipel, W. and Co., Vulcan Works, 72a, St. Thomas Street, London, S.E.1. and Wembley. Phone: Hop. 594, 595 and 596. T/A: Patella, Boro., London. Area No. 7.
5147 Gell Telegraphic Appliances Syndicate, Pine Grove Works, Tollington Park, London, N.4. Phone: North 1196. T/A: Gelltas. Area No. 7.
5148 Gellings Iron Foundry, South Quay, Douglas, Isle of Man. Phone: 13 Douglas (insular only). T/A: Gellings Foundry, Douglas. Area No. 2.
5149 Gemmell and Frow, Plane Street, Hull. Phone: 1571. T/A: Area No. 1. (A.) Genatosan, Ltd., London. General Aircraft Engineering Co., The, London.
5150 General Accessories Co., Ltd., 70, Worship Street, London, E.C.2. W'orks: Birmingham. Phone: London Wall 7465/6-T/A: Tegenacco, London. Area No. 7.
5151 General Aeronautical Co., 5, Hythe Road, Willesden, London, N.W. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
5152 General Brass Fittings Co., Ltd., 5, Lothian Road, Camberwell New Road, London, S.W.9. Phone: Brixton 1965. T/A: Area No. 7.
5154 General Electric Co., Ltd., Engineering Works, Witton, near Birmingham. Phone: 201 East (Birmingham). T/A: Polyplane, Birmingham. And at Ileene Works, Wheeley’s Lane, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 2240. T/A: Fixture, B'ham. Area No. 4.
5155 The General Electric Co., Ltd., Union Street Works, 120, Union Street, Southwark, London, S.E.l. Phone: 3600 London Wall, Extension 78. T/A: Boosters, Sedist, London. Head Office: 67, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. Area No. 7.
5156 General Engine and Boiler Co., Ltd., Hatcham Iron Works, 43, Pomeroy Street, New Cross, London, S.E.14. Phone: New Cross 668. T/A: Oxygen, Phone, London. Area No. 7.
5157 General Engineering Co. (King's Cross), Ltd., Marlborough Works, Upper Holloway, London, N.19. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
General Fire Appliance Co., London.
5158 General Foundry and Engineering Co., The, Lutterworth, Leicester. Phone: 13. ] T/A: Castings. Area No. 4.
5159 General Iron Foundry Co., Ltd., 1 Hutchings Street, Millwall, London, E. Phone: City 5317 and 5318. T/A: General Iron, Central ' London. Area No. 7.
5160 General Motors (Europe), Ltd., I Bedford Works, Old Oak Lane, Willesden Junction, London, N.W.10. Phone: 1194 Willesden. ] T/A: Exbuickmo, London. Area No. 7.
General Pneumatic Appliances, Ltd., Cheetham.
5161 General Seating Co., Ltd., 13, City Road, London, E.C.l. Phone: 6187 London Wall. T/A: Cushining, London. Area No. 7.
General Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., London.
General Stampings, Ltd., Acton Green, London, W.4.
5162 General Stores and Munitions Co., Ltd., 192, Goldhawk Road, London, W.12. Phone: Hammersmith 88, 89. T/A: Area No. 7.
5163 General Surgical Co., Ltd., 147/ ! 149, Farringdon Road, London, E.C.l. Phone: Hoi. 5398, 5399. T/A: Tourniquet-Smith, London. Area No. 7.
5164 General Utility Co., Ltd., 538, ( Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow, and 2,19/211, Crossloan Road, Govan. Phone: Queen’s Park 486. Govan 631. T/A: Guco. Area No. 9.
5165 Gent and Co., Ltd., Faraday Works, Leicester. Phone: 150 Leicester. T/A: Lodestone, Leicester. Area No. 4.
5168 Genton, A. F., King Edward’s Place, Birmingham. Phone: Central 1060. T/A: Syren, Birmingham. Area No. 4. (A.)
5169 George and Jobling, Bowness-on-Windermere. Phone: 89. T/A: Motors. Area No. 2.
5170 George and Jobling, South Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone: Central 2207 and 2208. T/A: Motors, Newcastle-on- Tyne. And at 41 /42 Blackwell Gate, Darlington. Phone: 2047. T/A: Motors, Darlington. And at Newcastle, Glasgow, and Windermere. Area No. 1.
5172 George, W. J., Ltd., Great Charles Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 514 Birmingham. T/A: Chemistry, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5173 Gerry Bros., Cattedown, Plymouth. Phone: Not yet connected. T/A: Gerry, Cattedown, Plymouth. Area No. 6.
5174 Gershon, A., Ltd., 18, Kingsland Road, Shoreditch, London. Phone: 9699 London Wall. T/A: Gershon, London. Area No. 7.
5176 Gibbins and Bodenham, Rotten Park Street, Birmingham. Phone: Edgbaston 1380. T/A: Copraloy. . Area No. 4.
5177 Gibbins, James and Sons, St. Andrew’s Dock, Hull. Phone: T/A: Area No. 1. (A.)
5178 Gibbins, J. and Sons, Ltd., 124, Moore Street, Sheffield. Phone: 2409. T/A: Cutule, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
5179 Gibbins, Richard C. and Co., Berk- < ley Street, Birmingham. Phone’: Midland 244. T/A: Gibbins, Birmingham. Area No. 4. Gibbon and Sons, Ltd., Cardiff.
5180 Gibbons Bros., Ltd., Dibdale < Works, Lower Gornal, Dudley. Phone: 2450. T/A: Gibbons, Lower Gornal. Area No. 4.
5181 Gibbons, James, St. John’s Works, Church Lane, Wolverhampton. Phone: 615. T/A: Gibbons, Wolverhampton. And at Hand Grenade Works, Nelson Street, Wolverhampton. Phone; 615. T/A: Gibbons, Wolverhampton. Area No. 4.
5183 Gibbons, Wilson and Co., 37, Lud-gate Hill, Birmingham. Phone: Central 5 842. T/A: Area No. 4.
5184 Gibbs and Co., Fawcett Street, Fishergate. York. Phone: 400 York. T/A: Prompt. York. Area No. 3.
5185 Gibbs, Charles and Co., Cuckfield, . Sussex. Phone: 19 Cuckfield. T/A: Gibbs. Area No. 7.
5186 Gibbs, John and Son, 72-76, Duke Street. Liverpool. Phone: 2579 Royal. T/A: Ventilation, Liverpool. Area No. 2.
5187 Gibson, A. L., Radnor Works, Strawberry Vale, Twickenham. Phone: Richmond 680. T/A: Shannies, Twickenham. Branch Offices: Glasgow — 121, West George Street. Phone: Central 1559; Manchester 90, Deansgate. Phone: City 3138; Paris — 136 Rue-Legendre. Area No. 7.
Gibson, James, Birmingham.
Gibson Bros., Hebden Bridge.
5189 Gibson, J. and Co., Ltd., Unity Works, Bell Street, West Bromwich. Phone: 103 West Bromwich. T/A: Elliptic, West Bromwich. Area No. 4.
Gibson, John, Leith.
Gibson, R. and Co., Seaforth, Liverpool.
5191 Gibson, S. W. and Co., Iron Works, 74, High Street, Dartford. Phone: 305 Dartford. T/A: Gibson, Dartford. And at Eynsford, near Dartford. Phone: Farningham 305. T/A: Gibson, Eynsford. Area No. 7.
Giddings and Dacre, Ltd., Salford, Manchester.
5194 Gilbert and Son, Ltd., 28, Pelham Street, Lincoln. Phone: 463. T/A: Gilbert, Limited. Area No. 4.
5195 Gilbert Belt Fastener Co., Caroline Works, Stalybridge. Phone: T/A: Area No. 2.
5196 Gilbert, Francis, Canal Street, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
5197 Gilbertson. W. and Co., Ltd., Pontartawe Steel Tinplate and Galvanizing Works, near Swansea. Phone: Panardawe 54. T/A: Gilson, Pontardawe. Area No. 5.
5198 Gilchrist Bros., 37, Benvie Road, Dundee. Phone: 2214. T/A: Gilchrist, Engineers, Dundee. Area No. 8.
5199 Giles, F. and Sons, Scholefield Street, Birmingham. Phone: East 242. T/A: Casement, Birmingham. Area No. 4. (A.) Giles’ Foundry and Rudge Littley, Ltd., Swan Village, .near West Bromwich.
5201 Gilham, J. and J., Trafalgar Foundry, Meadow Lane, Leeds. Phone: 23880. T/A: Area No. 3.
5202 Gilkes, Gilbert and Co., Ltd., Ken- dal. Phone: T/A: Area No. 2.
5203 Gill and Russell, Ltd., Cyclops Tube Works, Walsall. Phone: 255. T/A: Tubes, Walsall. Area No. 4.
5204 Gill Bros., Victoria Works, Os- sett. Phone: T/A: Gill Bros., Ossett. Area No. 3.
5205 Gill, C. and W., Endive Place, . Limehouse, London, E.14. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
5206 Gill, H., Premier Works, 52, 1 Hylton Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 3746. T/A: Area No. 4.
5207 Gill, John and Co., Engineers, George Street, Wakefield. Phone: 102. T/A: Superheat. Area No. 3.
5208 Gillespie’s, Ltd., Chattan Iron Works, Bonnybridge, Scotland. Phone: 40 Bonnybridge. T/A: Chattan, Bonnybridge. Area No. 8.
5209 Gillespie, A. and Sons, Smith Street, Kinning Park, Glasgow. Phone: South 1666. T/A: Considerate. Area No. 9.
5210 Gillett and Johnston, Whitehorse Road. Croydon, Surrey. Phone: Croydon 202S /29 /30. T/A: Gillett, Croydon. Area No. 7.
5211 Gillett, Stephen and Co., Ltd., Atlas Works, Bookham, Surrey. Phone: 4 (2 lines). T/A: Area No. 7.
5213 Gillott, John and Son, Lanczster Works, Summer Lane, Barnsley. Phone: 33. T/A: Gillott, Barnsley. Area No. 3.
5214 Gillott, Joseph and Sons, Victoria Works, Graham Street, Birmingham. Phone: 5569 Central. T/A: Gillott, Birmingham. Area No. 4. Gilmour, G., Ltd., Hughenden Road, Kelvinside, Glasgow.
5216 Gilpin, W„ Sen., and Co., Ltd, Churchbridge Works, Cannock. Phone: Cannock 7. T/A: Gilpins, Cannock. Area No. 4.
5217 Gilson and Co., Ltd., Billet Road, Walthamstow, London, E.17. Phone: 619 Walthamstow. T/A: Archimedean, Wathill, London. Area No. 7.
Gilwern Motor and Engineering Co., Gilwern, Abergavenny.
5218 Gimson and Co., Ltd., Vulcan Road, Leicester. Phone: 6734 and 1274. T/A: Gimson, Leicester. Area No. 4.
5219 Girdler, James A., Vastern Road Iron Works, Reading. Phone: 21. T/A: Girdler, Reading. Area No. 6.
5220 Girling, H. P., Electricity Works, Maldon, Essex. Phone: 49; Private phone 46. T/A: Girling, Maldon. Area No. 7.
5221 Gittus, Henry, Midland Iron Works, 93. Travis Street, Manchester. Phone: T/A: Gittus, Manchester. Area No. 2.
5222 Gittus, W. and Son, Ltd., Barnsley J unction, Penistone, Sheffield. Phone: 2 Penistone. T/A: Gittus, Penistone. Area No. 3.
5223 Giusti Patents and Engineering Aero Works, Ltd., 117, Chal-ton Street, Euston Road, London, N.W.l. Phone: Museum 1273. T/A: Gusto, Eusquare, Lon- don. Area No. 7.
5224 Gjers, Mills and Co., Ltd., Ayrsome Iron Works, Middlesbrough. Phone '• Middlesbrough 913. T/A: Ayres ome. Area No. 1.
5226 Glacier Anti-Friction Co., Ltd., Waldo Road, Willesden Junction, London, N.W.10. Phone: 1882 Willesden. T/A: Beaucoup, Kensal, Lon- don. Area No. 7.
5227 Gladstone, Ltd., Vulcan Rivet Works, Stockton-on-Tees. Phone: 81. T/A: Gladstone, Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees. Area No. 1.
5229 Glaholm and Robson, Ltd., Hendon Patent Wire Rope Works, Sunderland. Phone: 1252 Sunderland (2 lines). T/A: Glaholm, Sunderland. Area No. 1.
5230 Gladwin, S., Montgomery Works, Rockingham Street, Sheffield. Phone: T/A: Gladsome, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
5231 Glancynon Foundry Co., Ltd., Aberdale, Aberdare. Phone: 31 Aberdare. T/A: Glancynon Foundry', Aberdare. Area No. 5.
5232 Glanmor Foundry Co., Ltd., Glan- mcr Road, Llanelly, South Wales. Phone: 325 Llanelly. T/A: Glanmor, Llanelly. Area No. 5.
5233 Glanrhyd Tinplate Co., Ltd., The, Pontardawe, Glamorganshire. Phone: 41. T/A: Gian, Pontardawe. Area No. 5.
5235 Glasgow Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., The, Wishaw Iron Works, Wishaw, Lanark. Phone: T/A: Area No. 9.
5236 Glasgow Railway Engineering Co., Ltd., Helen Street, Govan. Phone: 53 Govan. T/A: Expansion, Glasgow. Area No. 9.
5238 Glasgow Steel Roofing Co., Ltd., The, North Western Works, Possilpark, Glasgow. Phone: 3760 and 3761 Douglas. T/A: Roofing, Glasgow. Branches: London: 143, Cannon Street. Newcastle: Emerson Chambers. Johannesburg: Oceana Build- ings, Simmond Street. Area No. 9. (A.)
5239 Gledhill, G. H. and Sons, Ltd., Trinity Works, Halifax. Phone: 1596. T/A: Till, Halifax. Area No. 3.
5240 Glendower Aircraft Co., Ltd., 54, Sussex Place, South Kensington, London, S.W.7. Phone: 7065, 7066, and 7067 Kensington. T/A: Glenacelle, South Kensington. Area No. 7.
5242 Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Hydraulic Engineers, Kilmarnock. Phone: 28 Kilmarnock. 66 Central Glasgow. T/A: Area No. 9.
5244 Glengall Iron Works, Ltd., Glen- gall Road, Millwall, London, E.14. Phone: East 30. T/A: Glengall, Milleast, London. Area No. 7. (A.)
5245 Gleniffer Motors, Ltd., Temple Works, Anniesland, Glasgow. Phone: T/A: Area No. 9.
5247 Globe Foundry, Ltd., The, Glad- stone Street, Battersea, London, S.W.8. Phone: Batt. 1131. T/A: Area No. 7>
5248 Globe Foundry (Coventry), Ltd., Leicester Street, Coventry. Phone: Coventry 396. T/A: Globe Foundry, Coventry Area No. 4.
5249 Globe Foundry (Stratford), Ltd., 43, Chatsworth Road, London, E.15. Phone: 30i Stratford. T/A: Globe Foundry, Stratford. Area No. 7. Globe Pneumatic Engineering Co., Victoria Street, London, S.W.l.
5250 Globe Tank and Hurdle Co., Green Lane, Wolverhampton. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
5251 Gloria Cycle Co., Ltd., Much Park Street, Coventry. Phone: 1097 Coventry. T/A: Gloria. Area No. 4.
5252 Glossop Iron Works, Co., Surrey Street, Glossop. Phone: 11 Glossop. T/A: Iron Works, Glossop. Area No. 4.
5253 Gloster, J., Ltd., Lion Silver Works, Hockley Hill, Birmingham. Phone: 2745 Central. T/A: Matchboxes, Birming- ham. Area No. 4.
5254 Gloucestershire Aircraft Co., Ltd., The, Sunningend Works, Cheltenham. Phone: 1162, 1163 and 1164 (private exchange). T/A: Sunningend, Chelten- ham. Area No. 7. Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Mold Junction, near Chester.
5258 Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Bristol Road, Gloucester. Phone: 1015. T/A: Slater, Gloucester. Area No. 6. Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Cardiff.
5258 Glover and Wood, Viaduct Foundry, Kirkstall Road, Armley, Leeds. Phone: 23794. T/A: Area No. 3.
5260 Glover Bros., Egmont Street, Mossley, near Manchester. Phone: 51 Mossley. T/A: Ropes, Mossley. Area No. 2. Glover, Frederick, Castleton.
5262 Glover, George and Co., Ltd., Ranelagh Works, 122, King’s Road, Chelsea, London, S.W.3. Phone: Kensington 1140. T/A: Dry Meters, Phone, London. Area No. 7.
5263 Glover, J. and Sons, 12, Muslin Street, Glasgow. Phone: 16 Bridgeton. T/A: Area No. 9.
5264 Glover, M. and Co., Holbeck Lane, £ Leeds. Phone: Leeds 20059. T/A: Glovers, Leeds. Area No. 3. Glover, M. L. and Co., Ltd., Cheadle, ? Cheshire.
5265 Glover. T. and Co., Ltd., Gothic Works, King Edward Road, Birmingham. Phone: 1360-1361 Central. T/A: Gothic, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5266 Glover. Thos. and Co., Ltd., Gothic Works, Angel Road, Edmonton, London, N.18. Phone: Tottenham 40, 41, 42. T/A: Gothic, Phone London. Area No. 7.
5267 Glover Wm. Jas. and Co., St. Helens, Lancs. Phone: 39 St. Helens. T/A: Glovers, St. Helens. Area No. 2. (A.)
5268 Glover, W. T. and Co., Ltd., Traf- ford Park, Manchester. Phone: Central 7196. T/A: Glovers, Cables, Man- chester. Area No. 2.
5269 Glyco Metal Co., Ltd.,—(Head Office: 8 and 9, South Parade, Openshaw, Manchester). Phone: 2100 Central and 350 Openshc'W. T/A • Glyco, Manchester. Works: Fairfield Foundries, Edge Lane, Fairfield, Manchester. Area No 2.
5270 Glynbendy Tinplate Co., Ltd., Upper Brynamman, Carmarthenshire. Phone: 13 Upper Brynamman. T/A: Glynbendy, Brynamman. Area No. 5.
5271 Glynhir Tinplate Co., Ltd., Pontardulais, Glam. Phone: T/A: Area No. 5.
5273 G. N., Ltd., Etna Works, Albert Road, Hendon, London, N.W.4. Phone: 949 Finchley. T/A: Engairfroi, Hendon. Area No. 7. Gnome and Le Rhone Engine Co., Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow, London, E.17.
5274 Godfrey Engineering Works, Boundary Road, Wood Green, London, N.22. Phone: Tottenham 1977. T/A: Factories, Wood, London. Area No. 7.
5275 Godfrey, G. and Co., Watery Lane, Birmingham. Works, Beehive Foundry, Glover Street, Birmingham. Phone: Victoria 40. T/A: Godfrey, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5276 Godfrey, C., Wagon Works, G.E.R., Peterborough. Phone: 115. T/A: Godfrey, Peterborough. Area No. 4.
5277 Godrich, Abraham, Edward and Co., Wharf Street, Aston, I Birmingham. Phone: East 159 Birmingham. T/A: Godrich, Aston, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
Godward Carburettor Co. (London), Ltd., London.
Godwin, Wright and Co., White T Hart Lane, Willesden, London, N.W. Goethals Phosphor, Richmond.
5280 Golcher„ John, Ltd., Bright Street, I King’s Hill, Wednesbury. Phone: Darlaston, 65. T/A: Golcher, Wednesbury. Area No. 4. I Gold, A. H., Birmingham. 5
5281 Gold and Co. (Birmingham, Ltd.), 1 Love Lane, Aston Road, I Birmingham. Phone: Central 1873. T/A: Hinges, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5282 Gold Bros., 309, Summer Lane,. J Birmingham. Phone: 3369. T/A: ] Area No. 4.
5283 Goldberg, I. A. and Sons, Livery ' Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 6249. ] T/A: Firstrate, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5284 Goldberg, I. A. and Sons, 57,: Graham Street, Birmingham. ] Phone: Central 6249. T/A: Firstrate, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5285 Goldendale Iron Co., Ltd., Tun- 1 stall, Stoke-on-Trent. Phone: Potteries, Central 580 (Works). T/A: Potteries, Wolstanton 9y. (H. Birchall.) Area No. 4.
5286 Good and Menzies, Ltd., Lockwood Street, Hull. Phone: Nat. 66. T/A: Iron, Hull. Area No. 1. (A.)
5287 Goodacre, Glover and Butler, Ltd., London Road, Nottingham. Phone: 4140 Nottingham. T/A: Radiation. .Area No. 4.
5288 Goodacre, W. and Sons, Ltd., Cey- lon Mills, Victoria Docks, London, E.16. Phone: East 1740 and 1741. T.A.: Goodacre, London. Area No. 7. Goodall, Charles W., Bradford.
5289 Goodall, Clayton and Co., Ltd., Pepper Road, Hunslet Leeds. Phone: T/A: Area No. 3.
5290 Goodbrand and Co., Ltd., Britannia Foundry, Clarence Street, Stalybridge. Phone: 431 Ashton-under- Lyne. T/A: Goodbrand and Co. Area No. 2.
5291 Goodchild, G. W., and McNab, Bangor Works, Fawlev Road, Tottenham, London, N. Phone: Tottenham 43, and Holborn 6405. T/A: Whizzing, London. Area No. 7.
5292 Goode, John and Sons, Quality Works, Great Hampton Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 2594. T/A: Quality, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5293 Goodfellow, D. and Co., Skeochmill Works, Bannockburn, Stirling. Phone: T/A: Area No. 8.
5294 Goodall and Hatton, Ltd., Head Office and Works, Vaughan Truck Works, Bradford. Phone: Bradford 1229. T/A: Movement, Bradford. Area No. 3. Show Rooms at 26, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C.l. Phone: Holborn 5253. T/A: Truckality, Phone, Lor don. And at Moult Street, Manchester. Phone: Central 391. T/A: And at 330, Argyle Street. Glasgow. Phone: Central 3175.
Gooding, M. G. and Co., Croydon.
5295 Goodman, George, Ltd., 80/85, Caroline Street, Birmingham. Phone . Central 3283. T/A: Pins. Area No. 4.
5296 Goodman, H. C., Caversham Bridge Foundry, Reading. Phone: 984. T/A: 984 Reading. Area No. 6.
5298 Goodwin, A. and Son, Ltd., 57, Summer Street, Southwark, London, S.E.l. Phone: Hop. 4930. T/A: Shaftman (London). Goodwin and Dilworth, Manchester.
5299 Goodwin, Barsby and Co., St. Mar- garet’s Tron Works, Watling Street, Leicester. Phone: Central (2 lines). T/A: Goodwin, Ironfounders. Leicester. Area No. 4.
5300 Goodwin Bros. (FT. Goodwin, (Proprietor), 7a. Cooper’s Road, London, S.E.l. (Office) 403, Old Kent Road, London, S.E.l. Phone: Hop 1493. T/A: Area No. 7. Goodwin, R. and Sons, Hanley.
5301 Goodwins, Ltd., St. George’s ' Iron Works, Cruso Street, Leek, Staffs. Phone: Leek 70. T/A: Goodwins, Engineers, Leek. Area No. 4. (A.)
5302 Goodyear, W. and Sons, Ltd., Truck and Trolly Works, Dudley. Phone: 2440 and 2449 Dudley (2 lines). T/A: Goodyear, Dudley. Area No. 4.
5303 Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co,, Ltd,, Victoria Shipyard, ] Goole. Phone: 161 and 162 Goole. T/A: Shipyard, Goole. Area No. 1. (A.)
5304 Gordon and Co., Taunton Road, Sparkbrook, Birmingham. Phone: 556 South. T/A: Suites, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5305 Gordon Armstrong, East Riding Garage and Engineering Works, ( Beverley. Phone: 58x Beverley. T/A: Gordon Armstrong. Area No. 1.
5306 Gordon Campbell Engineering Co., Grant Street, Hillhead, Glasgow. Phone: 223 Douglas. T/A: Area No. 9.
Gordon, Watney and Co., Ltd., South Lodge Motor Factory, Wey bridge.
5308 Gorham Manufacturing Co., Barr Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 6873. T/A: Area No. 4.
5309 Gorrie, D. and Sons, 27, South: Methven Street, Perth. Phone: 358 Perth. T/A: Machinery, Perth. Area No. 8.
5310 Gorse Galvanizing Co., Ltd., Dafen, Llanelly. Phone: 32. T/A: Galvan Dafen. Area No. 5.
5311 Gosforth Foundry Co., Ltd., Dronfield, Derbyshire. Phone: 11. T/A.: Area No. 4.
5312 Goslin, S. B. and Son, 13, Artillery Lane, Bishopsgate, London, E. Phone: Avenue 6775. T/A: ' Area No. 7.
5313 Gosling and Gattenbury, Victoria Road, Hanley. Phone: 286 Central. T/A: Dies, Hanley. Area No. 4.
5314 Gosport Aircraft Co., Head Office: Gosport, Hants. London Office: 15, George Street, Hanover Square, London, W.l. And at Southampton, Phones: Gosport 217; Southampton 1861; London — Gerard 5716. T/A: Flight, Gosport; Flying, Southampton. Area No. 6.
Goswell Engineering Co., Ltd., London.
5315 Goulds Foundries, Ltd., Vulcan Foundry, Cardiff. Phone: 4743 Cardiff. T/A: Cupola, Cardiff. And at Barry. Phone: 415 and 416. T/A: Castings, Barry. Area No. 5. (A.)
5317 Govan Shafting and Engineering Co., Ltd., Merryland Street, Govan. Glasgow. Phone: 653 and 654 Govan. T/A: Pedestal, Glasgow. Area No. 9. Government Instructional Factory, Sherland Road, Twickenham.
5318 Gower, A. W. and Son, Market Drayton, Salop. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4,
5319 Gowanbank Foundry Co., Oakbank Street, Glasgow. Phone: 3190. T/A: Area No. 9.
5320 Gowlland, William (1916), Ltd., Works, Morland Road, Croydon, Surrey. Phone: Croydon 2129-463. T/A: Fundus, Cloydon. Area No. 7.
Graber Ellis, Tunbridge Wells.
5321 Grace and Marsh, 79, Tamworth Road, Croydon, Surrey. Phone: Croydon 1576. T/A: Grace and Marsh, Tam- worth Road, Croydon. Area No. 7.
5322 Grace and Sutcliffe (Keighley), Lawkholme Lane, Keighley, Yorks. Phone: 506 Keighley. T/A: Transport. Area No. 3.
5323 Grafton and Co., Vulcan Works, Bedford. Phone: Bedford 249. T/A: Grafton, Bedford. Area No. 7.
5324 Graftons, Ltd. (Ellams), Duplicator Co., Ltd., West Street, New Charlton, London, S.E. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
5325 Graham, Alfred and Co., St. Andrew’s Works, Crofton Park, Brockley London, S.E.4. Phone: Sydenham 952 and 1700. T/A: Navalhada, Brock, London. And at Kilmorie Road, Forest Hill, London, S.E.23. Phone: Sydenham 366. T/A: Area No. 7. (A.)
5327 Graham and Fleming, Premier Works, Boothtown, Halifax. Phone: 39 Halifax. T/A: Graham, Fleming, Halifax. Area No. 3.
5328 Graham and Latham, Ltd., 27, Lots Road, Chelsea, London, S.W.10. Phone: Kensington 3761. T/A: Stratiotes, Fulroad, London. Area No. 7.
5329 Graham and Normanton, Excelsior Iron Works, Exmoor Street, Halifax. Phone: 1306. T/A: Excel, Halifax. Area No. 3.
5330 Graham-Lambert, J., 5, Cork Street, Leicester. Phone: 321. T/A: Lambert, 321 Leicester. Area No. 4.
5331 Grahame-White, Aviation Co., Ltd., The, T he London Aerodrome, Hendon, London, N.W.9. Phone: Kingsbury (7 lines) 120. T/A: Volplane (Hyde), London. Area No. 7.
5332 Grahamston Iron Co., Ltd., Iron founders, Falkirk. Phone: 20 Falkirk. T/A: Grahamston, Falkirk. Area No. 8.
5333 Graisley Tank Co., Church Lane, Wolverhampton. Phone: T/A: Tanks, Wolverhampton. Area No. 4.
5334 Gramophone Co., Ltd., The, Hayes S Middlesex. Phone: Southall 180. T/A: Jabberment, Hayes, Middlesex. Area No. 7.
5335 Gramostyles, Ltd., 249-250, Ick- ' nield Street, Birmingham. Phone: Gramostyles, Ltd., Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5336 Grampian Engineering and Motor Co., Ltd., Causewayhead, Stirling. Phone: 54 Bridge of Allan. T/A: Motion, Stirling. Area No. 8.
5337 Grandage. E. B., Longside Lane Tool Works, Bradford. Phone: 1891. T/A: Grandage, Longside Lane, Bradford. Area No. 3.
5338 Grange Iron Co., Ltd., Grange Iron Works, Durham (City). Phone: 285 Durham. T/A: Grange, Durham. Area No. 1.
5339 Grange Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd., Kent’s Bank Road, Grange-over-Sands, Lancs. Phone: 38. T/A: Autocar, Grange-over-Sands. Area No. 2.
5340 Grangemouth Iron Co., Falkirk. Phone: 92 Falkirk. T/A: Iron, Falkirk. Area No. 8.
5341 Grant, D. and Co., 45, East Cross- causeway, Edinburgh. Phone: Central 3181. T/A: Dagran, Edinburgh. Area No. 8.
5342 Grant, Henry and Co., Ltd., Riley Street, Tower Bridge, London, S.E.l. Phone: Hop. 1123 and 1124. T/A: Jilt, Berm, London. Area No. 7.
5343 Grant, J. A. and Co., Cardonald, Glasgow. Phone: 110 Govan. T/A: Grant, Cardonald. Area No. 9.
5344 Grant, Legros and Co., Ltd., Gran- type Works, Dog Lane, Willesden, London. Phone: 1106 Willesden. T/A: Gralego, Westcart, London. Area No. 7.
5345 Grant, Ritchie and Co., Ltd., Townholm, Kilmarnock, Scotland. Phone: 93. . T/A: Grant. Area No. 9.
5346 Grantham Boiler and Crank Co., Ltd., Dysart Road, Grantham. T/A: Land, Grantham. Area No. 4.
5348 Granville Brass Foundry Co., Ltd., Cumberland Works, 132/135, Great Colmore Street, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 1380. T/A: Fenders, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5349 Granville, F. and Co., Globe Works, Carver Street, Sheffield. Phone: 1539. T/A: Area No. 3.
5350 Granville Tinplate Co., Cumberland Street, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 1681. T/A: Midland 1681. Area No. 4.
5351 Gratrix, John and Co., Brieryficld Road Foundry, Preston. Phone: 1175 Preston. T/A: Gratrix, Preston. Area No. 2.
5352 Gratze, Ltd., 44, 45, 46, and 47. Whitfield Street, London. W.l. Phone: Gerrard 7337. T/A: Gratzelim, Ox, London. Also 18, Tottenham Street, London, W.l. Area No. 7.
5356 Graves, J. C., Ltd., Enterprise Works, Shoreham Street, Sheffield. Phone: 2979 Sheffield. T/A: Express, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
5357 Graveson and Sons, Union Bolt Works, Wigan Road, Atherton, Lancs. Phone: 5y Atherton. T/A: Area No. 2.
Gray and Selby, 30, Selby Street, London, W.C. Gray, Conoley and Co., Ltd., London.
5359 Gray, J. and Sons, London Road, Hatfield, Herts. Phone: 52 Hatfield. T/A: Gray's. Area No. 7.
5360 Gray, James, Ltd., 20, Danvers Street, Chelsea, London, S.W.3. Phone: Western 201 (2 lines). T/A: Gray, Western 201. Area No. 7. • (A.)
5361 Grey Geo. T. and Co. Ltd., Holborn Engineering Works, South Shields. Phone: 717. T/A: Alert. Area No. 1.
5362 Gray, Sir Wm. and Co., Ltd., Central and Dock Shipyard, West Hartlepool. Phone: T/A: Area No. 1. (A.)
5363 Grayson, H. C., Ltd., Royal Liver Building, Liverpool. Phone: 8800 Bank. T/A: Regulator. And at North Works, Canada Dock, Liverpool. Phone: 1106 Bootle. And at South Works, Queen’s Dock, Liverpool. Phone: 8630 Bank. And at Graving Dock Works, Birkenhead. Phone: 1538 Birkenhead. And at Grayson’s Slipways, Birkenhead. Phone: 971 Birkenhead. And at Grayson’s Dry Dock. Garston. Phone: 324 Garston. Area No. 2. (A.)
5368 Grayson, Thomas, 16, Queen Street. Derby. Phone: 942. T/A: Area No. 4.
5369 Grazebrook, M. and W., Ltd., Netherton Iron Works, near Dudley. Phone: 2026 Dudley. T/A: Area No. 4.
5370 Great Central Co-operative Engineering and Ship Repairing Co., Ltd., Hutton Road, Fish Docks, Great Grimsby. Phone: 931, 932, and 933. ] T/A: Box, Grimsby. Area No. I. (A.)
5372 Great Northern S.S. Fishing Co., Ltd., St. Andrew’s Dock, Hull. Phone: 1477 Corporation. T/A: Brill, Hull. London Office: 1 /3, Billingsgate Buildings, Lower Thames Street, London, E.C. Phone: 1767 Avenue, London. T/A: Sylt, London. Area No. 1. . (A.)
5373 Great Yarmouth Iron Foundry Co., Great Yarmouth. Phone: 129. T/A: Area No. 7. Greaves, Horace and Co., Ltd., Derby. Greaves, F. and Sons, Sheffield.
5374 Green, A., Foundry Street, Whit- tington Moor, near Chesterfield, Derby. Phone 17 Chesterfield. T/A: Area No. 4. Green Aircraft Co., London.
5375 Green and Carter, Ltd., Vulcan Iron Works, King’s Worthy, Winchester. Phone: T/A: Vulcan, King’s Worthy. Area No. 6.
5376 Green and Smith, 30/32, St. Georges Street, Leeds. Phone: 22017. T/A: 22017 Leeds. Area No. 3.
5377 Green, A. T. and Sons, Ltd., Engineering Works, North-field, Rotherham. Phone: 197 Rotherham. T/A: Forward, Rotherham. Area No. 3.
5378 Green, E. and Son, Ltd., Wakefield. Phone: 443, 444, and 445 Wakefield. T/A: Economiser, Wakefield. Area No. 3.
5380 Green Engine Co., Ltd., Aeroplane Engine Builders, 166, Piccadilly, London, W.l. Phone: Gerrard 8165, and Richmond 1293. T/A: Airengine, London. Area No. 7.
5381 Green, Horace and Co., Station Works, Cononley, Keighley, Yorkshire. Phone: 33 Crosshills. T/A: Green, 33 Crosshills. Area No. 3.
5382 Green, Henry, Kneller Iron Works, Brockley, London, S.E. Phone: New Cross 916. i T/A: Green, Ironworks, Brock- ley. Area No. 7.
5383 Green, H. H. and Russell, Ltd., 1 Nelson Street, Wolverhampton. Phone: 808. T/A: Advance. Area No. 4.
5384 Green, J. H. and Co., Cook Street, 1 Salford, Manchester. Phone: 5531 Central. T/A: Area No. 2.
5385 Green, John, Crown Chain and Anchor Works, Old Hill, Staffs. Phone: 14 Cradley. (Private) 156 Stourbridge. T/A: Creen, Old Hill. Area No. 4. (A.)
5386 Green, Richard, Ltd., Coveland ! Works, Cradley Heath, Staffs. Phone: 52 Cradley. T/A: Ready, Cradley Heath. Area No. 4.
5387 Green, R., East Kent Iron Works, Sittingbourne, Kent. Phone 39. T/A: Gardiner, Sittingbourne. Area No. 7.
5388 Green, Ramsden, Ltd., Wagner . Street, Old Kent Road, London, S.E.15.
5389 Green, R. H. and Silley Weir, Ltd., 5 Blackwall Yard, London, E.14. Phone: 4168 East (5 lines). T/A: Repairs, Pop. London, and at Royal Albert Docks, London, E. 16. Phone: 4376 and 1641 East (2 lines). T/A: Repairs, Pop., London. And at Surrey Commercial Dock, London, S.E.16. Phone: New Cross 1758. T/A: Repairs Pop., London. And at Millwall Docks, London, E.14. Phone: East 3623 and East 12. And at Poplar Dock, Cubitt Town, London, E.14. Phone: 223 East. T/A: Repairs, Pop., London. Area No. 7. (A.)
5394 Green, T. and Sons, Ltd., Smithfield Street, North Street, Leeds. Phone: 20357. T/A: Smithfield, Leeds. Area No. 3.
5395 Green, Thomas and Co., Coseley Foundry, near Bilston. Phone: Bilston 84. T/A: Green, Deepfields. Area No. 4.
5396 Green, Thomas and Son, Ltd., New Surrey Works, Southwark Street, London, S.E.l. Phone: Hop. 2022. T/A: Surrey Works, London. Area No. 7.
5397 Green, William and Co. (Eccles- field), Ltd., Norfolk Foundry, Ecclesfield, near Sheffield. Phone: 1 Ecclesfield. T/A: Green, Ecclesfield. Area No. 3.
5398 Green, W. F. and Sons, Ltd., 41, Water Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 854. T/A: Green, Water Street. Area No. 4.
5399 Green, W. J., Ltd., Croft Road, and Duke Street, Coventry. Phone: Coventry 1141. T/A: Green, Coventry. Area No. 4.
5400 Green, W. T. and Co., Ltd., 142, Moor Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 6360. T/A: Mowers,, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5402 Greener, W. W., 2, St. Mary’s Square, Birmingham. And at Garrison Lane, Bir- mingham. Phone: 4332 Central. T/A: Greener, Birmingham. Area No, 4.
5403 Greenhalgh and Co., Engineers, Atherton, Lancs. Phone: 26 Atherton. T/A: Area No. 2.
5405 Greening, N. and Sons, Ltd., Brit- annia Works, Warrington. Phone: 15 Warrington. T/A: Greenings. Area No. 2.
5406 Greenlees, R. and Co., Ltd., 11, Norfolk Court, Glasgow. Phone: T/A: Area No. 9.
5407 Greenock and Grangemouth Dockyard Co., Ltd., Canal Street, Grangemouth. Phone: T/A: Area No. 8. (A.)
5408 Greenock and Grangemouth Dockyard Co., Ltd., Main Street, Greenock. Phone: 1000 Greenock. T/A: Mainyard, Greenock. Area No. 9. lA.)
5409 Greenough, R., Anchor Brass Works, Leigh. Phone: 178. T/A: Anchor. Area No. 7,
5411 Greenway Bros., Ltd., Britain Iron and Steel Works, Bilston. Phone: 6. T/A: Greenway Bros., Bilston. Area No. 4.
5412 Greenway Bros., Ltd., Liverpool Iron and Steel Works, Widnes. Phone: 51. T/A: Greenway, Bros., Widnes. Area No. 2.
5413 Greenwell, T. W. and Co., Ltd., ! Graving Dock Repair Works, South Dock, Sunderland. Phone: Sunderland 940 and 941. T/A: Repairs, Sunderland. Area No. 1. (A.)
5414 Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., The I Cartridge Works, Abbey Wood, London, S.E.2. I Phone: Woolwich 132. T/A: Greenwood, Abbey Wood. Area No. 7.
5415 Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., Albion Works, Leeds. Phone: Central 20011. T/A: Greenwood, Leeds. London Office: 16, Great George Street, London, S.W.L Area No. 3. I
5416 Greenwood, F. and Sons, Trafalgar Street, Rochdale. Phone: 487. T/A: Greenwood, Trafalgar Works, Rochdale. Area No. 2.
5417 Greenwoods Gear Cutting Co., Ltd., New Bond Street, Halifax. Phone: 1212. T/A: Gears. Area No. 3.
Gregory, T. and Co., Ltd., Taffs .£ Well, Cardiff.
5419 Gregson and Co., Felsted Road, 1 Victoria Docks, London, E.16. ] Phone: City Office, Avenue 56. Works: East 554. T/A: Gregidcs, Fen., London. Area No. 7. (A.)
5420 Gregson and Monk, Vulcan Iron 1 Works, Preston. Phone: 124. T/A: Looms, Preston. Area No. 2.
5421 Greig, John and Sons, Dundee £ Street, Edinburgh. Phone: Central 1472. T/A: Greig, Edinburgh. Area No. 8.
5422 Gresham and Craven, Ltd., South 3 Hall Street, Ordsall Lane, - Salford, Manchester. Phone: Central 613. T/A: Brake, Manchester. Area No. 2. 1
5423 Grews Engineering Co. (G. Gallow, , Proprietor), 25, Lea Bridge Road, Clapton, London, E.5. Phone: Dalston 1381. T/A: Works: 25a, 25b, 25d, Lea Bridge Road and 486-7, Arches, Downs Park Road. Area No. 7.
5424 Grey and Marten, Ltd., Lead Manufacturers, Ac., City Lead Works, Southwark Bridge, London, S.E.l. Phone: 3830 Hop. (2 lines). T/A: Amalgam Boroh, London. Area No. 7.
Grey Geo. T. and Co., Holborn 5 Engineering Works, South Shields.
5425 Grice and Harrison, Ltd., 144/6, j Sherborne Street, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 338. T/A: Sherborne, Birmingham. Area No. 4. ]
5426 Grice, Grice and Son, Ltd., Heath 1 Street South, Birmingham. Phone: Central 1890. And at Nile Street, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 22. T/A: Grice, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5428 Grice, H. J., 79-81, Lombard 1 Street, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 953. T/A: Capacity, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5429 Grice, Wm. and Sons, Ltd., Foundry 2 and Minerva Engineering Works, Fazeley Street, Birmingham. Phone: 114 Central. ] T/A: Motive, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5430 “Grids,” (G. Newman),23, Slaney 1 Street, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: 1 Area No. 4.
5431 Grieve, John and Co., Motherwell Crane and Engine Works, Motherwell. Phone: 56. T/A: Grieve, Motherwell. Area No. 9.
5432 Grieve, T. and Co., Leicester. Phone: 572. 1 T/A • Area No. 4.
5433 Grieve, T. and Co., Queen Street 1 Works, Leicester. Phone: 572 and 3713. T/A: Excel. Area No. 4.
5434 Grieve, T. and Sons, Bedford Street, North Shields. Phone: North Shields 10 and j 52. T/A: Grieve, North Shields. Area No. 1.
5435 Griffin Engineering Co., The, Monksdale Road, Bath. Phone: 554. T/A: Motor, Bath. Area No. 6.
5436 Griffin Iron Works, The, Albion Foundry, Browning Street, Ladywood, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 553. T/A: Cupola, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5437 Griffin, John J. and Sons, Ltd., Kemble Street, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Phone: Gerrard 2621. T/A: Gramme. Area No. 7.
5438 Griffin, William and Sons, Ltd., Triton Works, Cradley Heath, Staffs. Phone: 3. T/A: Chain. Area No. 4.
5439 Griffins, J. R., Ltd., Link Works, Soho Hill, Birmingham. Phone: 496 Northern. T/A: Diversity, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5440 Griffith, S., Soho Hill, Birmingham. Phone: Norn 535. T/A: Studding, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5441 Griffin, Wm. and Sons, Ltd., Napier Steel and Spring Works, Saville Street East, Sheffield. Phone: 4680 (3 lines). T/A: Griffith, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
5442 Griffiths and Billingsley, Victoria Tube Works, Newtown, Wednesbury. Phone: T/A: Victoria, Wednesbury. Area No. 4.
5443 Griffiths and Browett, 68, Bradford Street, Birmingham. Phone: 632 Midland. T/A: Ferblanterie. Area No. 4.
5444 Griffiths, E. and Sons, Beacon Works, Bradford Street, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 285. T/A: Eli, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5445 Griffiths, F. and Co., Bilston Road, Wolverhampton. Phone: 23. T/A: Griffis, Wolverhampton. Area No. 4.
5446 Griffiths, Gilbart, Lloyd and Co., Head Office: Empire Works, Guest Street, Birmingham. Phone: Northern 13; Central 2752. T/A: Ahead, Birmingham. And at Metal Ball Works, 385, Camden Street, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5448 Griffiths, I. and Sons (Proprietors: J. McDougall, Ltd.,) Imperial Tube Works, Friar Street, Mesty Croft, Wednesbury. Phone: Wednesbury 75. T/A: Griffiths. Wednesbury. Area No. 4.
5449 Griffiths, John and Sons, Dudley Wood, Old Hill, Staffs. Phone: Cradley 114, T/A: Cradley Heath, Dudley. Area No. 4.
5450 Griffiths. T. and Co. (Birmingham), Ltd., Grafton Road, Sparkbrook. Birmingham. Phone: Victoria 79. T/A: Privilege, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
5453 Grimley, George and Co., Hall Works, Walsall Street, Willenhall, Staffs. Phone: Willenhall 64. T/A: Britannia. Willenhall. Area No. 4.
5454 Grimsby and North Sea Steam Trawling Co., Ltd., Fish Docks, Grimsby. Phone: National 27. T/A: Stryx, Grimsby. Area No. 1. (A.)
5455 Grimsby Engineering Co., Fish Docks, Grimsby. Phone: 589. T/A: Steam, Grimsby. Area No. 1. (A.) Grimshaw, Baxter and J. J. Elliott, Tottenham, London.
5456 Grimsley and Co., Queen Street, Leicester. Phone: Central 79. T/A: Grimsley. Area No. 4. Grimston Tyres, Ltd., St. Albans. Gripper Manufacturing Co., Leicester. Grocers’ Engineering and Whitnee, Ltd., London.
5458 Grocock's Wagon Co., Ltd., White Lea Road, Swinton. Phone: T/A: Area No. 2.
5459 Groom, F., Ltd., King Street, Whalley, near Blackburn. Phone: 11 Whalley. T/A: Groome, Whalley. Area No. 2.
5461 Grosvenor Carriage Co., Ltd., The Welbeck Works, Kimberley Road, Willesden Lane, London, N.W.6. Phone: Willesden 1733. T/A: Grovenocar, Brond, London. Area No. 7.
5462 Grosvenor Foundry, Grosvenor Street, Coleshill Street, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
5463 Grosvenor Engineering Works, Ltd., 59, Poole Road, West-bourne, Bournemouth. Phone: 707. T/A: Area No. 6.
5464 Grosvenor Motor Co., 41, Eastgate 1 Street, Chester. Phone: 682. ] T/A: Mechanics, Chester. Area No. 2.
5465 Groutage, J. and Co., 150, Great J Lister Street, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: 1 Area No. 4. Grove Engineering and Utilities, Ltd., London.
5466 Grove, James and Sons, Ltd., I Bloomfield Works, Halesowen, near Birmingham. Phone: 7 Halesowen. T/A: Grove, Halesowen. Area No. 4. I
5467 Grove, J. and Son, 47|, Great Hamp- 1 ton Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 2644. T/A: Area No. 4. I
5468 Grover and Co., Ltd., Britannia 4 Engineering Works, Carpenters Road, Stratford, London, E.15. Phone: Stratford 984 and 985. T/A: Adopted, Strat., Lon- don. ] Area No. 7. Grover, Smith and Willis, Basing-stoke.
5469 Groves and Gutteridge, Clarence j Road, E. Cowes. Phone: 153. T/A: ] . Area No. 6. (A.)
5470 Groves, S. and Co., Ltd., Musgrove • Road, Soho, Birmingham. Phone: Central 220. T/A: Sevorg. Area No. 4.
5471 Groves, S., Bank Chambers, £ Finsbury Park, London, N.4. Phone: North 1751. T/A: Area No. 7.
5472 Grovesend Steel and Tinplate Co.,: Ltd., The, Steel Works, Gor- ] seinon, Glamorgan. Phone: Gorseinon 45 (4 lines). T/A: Grovesend, Gorseinon. Area No. 5.
5473 Gravesend Steel and Tinplate Co., Ltd., The, Hendy Tinplate Works, Pontardulais, South Wales. Phone: Pontardulais 40. T/A: Grovesend, Gorseinon. And at Amman Tinplate Works, Garnant, South Wales. Phone: Garnant 4. T/A: Panama, Gamant. Area No. 5.
5475 Grundy, John, Ltd., Parr Street, Tyldesley, near Manchester. Phone: Atherton 56. T/A: Grundy’s Foundry, Tyldesley. Area No. 2.
5476 Guaranteed Lens Co., Ltd., Chapel Place Works, White Hart Lane, Tottenham, London N.17. Phone: Tottenham 1980. T/A: Area No. 7.
5477 Guest and Chrimes, Ltd., Foundry and Brass Works, Rotherham. Phone: 205 Rotherham. T/A: Guest, Rotherham. Area No. 3.
5478 Guest and Co. (Halesowen), Ltd., Great Cornbow Works. Halesowen, near Birmingham. Phone: 15 Halesowen. T/A: Guest and Co., Halesowen. Area No. 4.
5479 Guest, B., Eaton Bank Iron: Works, Congleton, Cheshire. Phone: 68. T/A: Guest, Congleton. Area No. 2.
5480 Guest, Jas. J. and Co., The Charter- 1 house Works, Coventry. Phone: T/A: Grinders, Coventry. Area No. 4.
5481 Guest, J. and Sons, Wolverhampton Road, Walsall. Phone: 292. T/A: Guests, Ironfounders, Walsall. Area No. 4.
5482 Guest, J. and Sons, Victoria Foun- dry, West Bromwich. Phone: 25. T/A: Chilled, West Bromwich, Area No. 4.
5483 Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., Screw Department, 16, Broad Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 4261. T/A: Nettlefolds, Birmingham. Works: Heath, near Birmingham St. George’s Works, Grave Lane, Smethwick. Imperial Mills, Cranford Street, Smethwick. Stirchley Street, Birmingham. Rolling Mills: London Works, near Birmingham. Phone: Smethwick 8. T/A: Globe, Birmingham. And at Stour Valley Works, West Bromwich. Phone: SO. T/A: Nut, West Bromwich. Area No. 4.
5487 Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., Dowlais Iron Works, Dowlais, Glam. Phone: Dowlais, 70. T/A: Guest, Dowlais. And at Castle Works, Rogerstone, near Newport, Mon. Phone: 2281-2282. T/A: Nettlefolds, Newport, Mon. And at Cwmbran Works, near Newport, Mon. And at Imperial Mills, Coverack Road, Newport, Mon. And at H.P.W.N. Nail Works, Rogerstone, near Newport, Mon. Phone: 2281-2282. T/A: Nettlefolds, Newport, Mon. And at Dowlais Cardiff Works, East Moors, Cardiff. Phone: Cardiff 36. T/A: Dowlais Works, Cardiff. (A.) Area No. 5.
5500 Guest, O. D., Ltd., Vicarage Street, Walsall. Phone: 335. T/A: Enterprise, Walsall. Area No. 4.
5502 Gummer, G. and W. G., Ltd., Effingham Brass Works, Rotherham. Phone: 578 and 579. T/A: Gummer, Rotherham. Area No. 3.
5503 Gunther, W. and Sons, Central Engineering Works, Havelock Street, Oldham. Phone: 317. T/A: Gunther’s, Oldham. Area No. 2.
5504 Gunton and Co., Ltd., Eclipse Works, Short Street, Church Gate, Leicester. Phone: 606. T/A: Cutters. Area No. 4.
5505 Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton. Phone: 1141 and 1142. T/A: Guymo, Wolverhampton. Area No. 4.
5506 Guyver, F., 41, Wood Street, Stratford-on-Avon. Phone: 86. T/A: Guyver. Area No. 4.
5507 Gwalia Foundry and Engineering Co., Copperworks Road, Llanelly, Carmarthen. Phone: 124. T/A: Area No. 5.
5508 G. W. K., Ltd., Cordwalles Works, Cordwalles Road, Maidenhead. Phone: 562. T/A: Cars, Maidenhead. Area No. 7.
5509 Gwynne and Co., Ltd., Tin Plate Works, Briton Ferry, Glam. Phone: 62. T/A: Gwalia, Briton Ferry. Area No. 5.
5510 Gwynnes, Ltd., Church Wharf, Chiswick, London, W.4. Phone: 1780, 1781, and 1782 Chiswick. T/A; Gwynne, London. And at Hammersmith Iron Works, Hammersmith, London, W.6. Phone: Hammersmith 1910. T/A: Gwynne, ‘London. Area No. 7.
5512 Gyrnos Tinplate Co., Ltd., Lower Cwmtwrch, Glam. Phone: 37 Ystalyfera. T/A: Gyrnos, Ystalyfera. Area No. 5.
5513 Globe Pneumatic Engineering Co., 1, Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Phone: Vic. 2671. T/A: Pneumatoid, Vic., London. Area No. 7.
5514 Geipel and Co., Cable Works, Perival Lane, Wembley, Middlesex. Phone: Wembley 211 T/A: Head Office: Vulcan Works, St. Thomas Street, London^ S.E.l. Phonei: Hop. 594 (3 lines). T/A: Patella, Borch, London. Area No. 7.
5515 Gregory, T. and Co., Ltd., Garth Works, Taffs Well. Cardiff. Phone: Taffs Well 6. T/A: Gregory, Taffs Well. Area No. 5.
5516 Goodall, Chas. W., Bank Top Truck Works, Great Horton, Bradford. Phone: Thornton 131. T/A: Handcarts, Bradford. Area No. 3.
5517 Giddings and Dacre, Ltd., 19, Chapel Street, Salford, Manchester. Phone: Citv 2077, 2078, and 7638. T/A: Giddings, Manchester. Area No. 2.
5518 Garton and King, Exeter Foundry, 190, High Street, Exeter. Phone: Exeter 104. T/A: Area No. 6.
5519 Grimshaw, Baxter and J. J. Elliott, Ltd., Hatton Garden Works, 86a, St. Anne’s Road, Tottenham, London. Phone: Tottenham 2368. T/A: Grimbax, London. Area No. 7.
5520 Gilwern Motor and Engineering Co., Gilwern, Abergavenny. Phone: T/A: Clockworks, Gilwern. Area No- 5.
5521 General Stampings Ltd., Chiswick Park W'orks, Kent Road, Acton Green, London, W.4. Phone: Chiswick 148. T/A: Area No. 7.
5522 Grover, Smith and Willis, Sarum Hill, Basingstoke. Phone: 155. T/A: Greithwil, Basingstoke. Area No. 6.
5523 Goodwin and Dilworth, Grey Mare Lane, Bradford, Manchester. Phone: Openshaw 33. T/A: Area No. 2.
5524 General Aircraft Engineering Co., The, 6, 8, and 10, Balling Road, Hammersmith, London, W.6. Phone: Hammersmith 1781. T/A: Area No. 7.
5525 Glover, M. L. and Co., Ltd., 39, High Street, Cheadle, Cheshire. Phone: T/A: Area No. 2.
5526 General Pneumatic Appliances, Ltd., Imperial Works, Derby Street, Cheetham. Phone: 6261 and 6262 City. T/A: Pneutools, Manchester. London Office: 14, New Bur- lington Street, London, W.l. Area No. 2.
5527 Gaze, A. W., 199, Rosebery Avenue, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.l. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
5528 Gardam, Harry H. and Co., Ltd., Staines. Phone: Staines 98. 1 /A: Gardam, Staines. Area No. 7.
5529 General Fire Appliance Co., 69, Peckham Grove, London, S.E.15. Phone: New Cross 312. T/A: Area No. 7.
5530 General Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., The Stowage, Deptford, London. Phone: New Cross 1036. T/A: Generalship Dept. mark, London. Area No. 7.
5531 Genatosan, Ltd., 12, Chenies Street, W.C.l, and 83, Bond Street, Vauxhall, London, S.W.8. Phone: Museum 1820. Hop 1685. T/A: Genatosan, Phone, London. Area No. 7.
5532 Godward Carburettor Co. (Lon- Ltd., 1, Thames Street, Kingston, London. Phone: Victoria 8649. T/A: Godwacarba, Phone, London. Area No. 7.
5533 Gooding, M. G. and Co., Jubilee Works, George Street, Croydon. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
5534 Goswell Engineering Co., 194, < Goswell Road, London, E.C. Phone: Central 3321. T/A: Area No. 7.
5535 Graber Ellis, 16, Newton Road, < Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
5536 Gray, Conoley and Co., Ltd., 76, West India Docks Road, London, E.14. Phone: East 408. T/A: Area No. 7.
5537 Grimston Tyres, Ltd., The Camp j St. Albans. Phone: 452. T/A • Saltire, St. Albans. Area No. 7.
5538 Green Aircraft Co., 79, Essex Road. Islington, London,N.l. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
5540 Grocers’ Engineering and Whitnee, Ltd., Coke Street, London, S.E.l. Phone: Hop. 4231. T/A: Metrical, Sedist, London. Area No. 7.
5541 Grove Engineering and Utilities, Ltd., High Street, Merton, London, S.W. Phone: Wimbledon 4S7. T/A: Utilengro Mert, London. Area No. 7.
5542 Goodwin, R. and Sons, Ivy House Foundry, Hanley; Phone: Central 132x. T/A: Area No. 4.
5543 Greaves, F. and Sons, Radford Street Works, Sheffield. Phone: 1096 Central. T/A: Frank, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
5544 Greaves, Horace and Co., Ltd., Stuart Street Engineering Works, Derby. Phone: 561. T/A: Coal Washer, Derby. Area No. 4.
5545 Gibson, James, Aston Brook Street, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
5546 Gold, A. H., 103, Hospital Street, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
5548 Gibbon and Sons, Ltd., Crwys Works, Cardiff. Phone: 483. T/A: Searings. Area No. 3.
5549 Gratrix, Samuel, Jun., and Bro., Ltd., Phillips' Park Road, Bradford, Manchester. Phone: City 2800. T/A: Lead, Manchester. Area No. 2.
5550 Glover, Frederick, Hanover Street, Castleton, Lancs. Phone: Rochdale 803. T/A: Area No. 2.
5551 Gibson, R. and Co., 3, Seaforth Road, Seaforth, Liverpool. Phone: Waterloo 140. T/A: Exodus, Liverpool. Area No. 2.
5552 Goethals-Prosper, Lower Petersham Road, Richmond. Phone: Richmond 1330. T/A: Area No. 7.
5553 Gibson, John, 109, Leith Walk, Leith, Edinburgh. Phone: Leith 53y. T/A: Aero, Edinburgh. Area No. 8.
5554 Gripper Manufacturing Co., Portland Road, Leicester. Phone: 4360. T/A: Area No. 4.
5555 Gibson Bros., Osborne Works, Hebden Bridge. Phone: 73. T/A: Area No. 3.
See Also
Sources of Information