1942 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of 1942 Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Contents. Vol. 147. January—June 1942
- Portrait of the President, Colonel S. J. Thompson, D.S.O. Frontispiece
- List of Council and Officers vii
- List of Committees of the Specialized Groups
- List of Committees of the Local Branches
- List of Past-Presidents and Past-Vice-Presidents .
- Annual Report of the Council for 1941 . x.:
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meetings held in January and February . 26
- The Utilization of Wood Refuse for Steam Raising, by R. B. Gillham, A.M.I.Mech.E. 32
- Air Raid Precaution Measures and the Engineering Industry, Summaries of Opening Addresses . . 49
- Mechanization of Foundries, by A. S. Beech, M.I.Mech.E. 53
- Vibration in Power Station Steam Pipework, by F. J. Cowlin, A.M.I.Mech.E. 69
- Some Notes on the Development of the Steam Boiler, by H. F. Reeman, (Member of Council) . 72
- The Operation of the Mechanical Engineering Section of the Central Register in War Time: Informal Discussion opened by B. J. Tams, B.Sc. (Eng.),M.Sc.Tech., A.M.I.Mech.E. . 75
- Discussion in Manchester on Munitions Supply Organization (by W. H. Denholm) 78
- Communications on Fretting Corrosion and Fatigue Strength Brief Results of Preliminary Experiments (by E. J. Warlow-Davies) . 83
- Communication on First Report of the Research Committee on High-Duty Cast Irons for General Engineering Purposes (by J. G. Pearce) . 88
- Memoirs 89
- Minutes of Proceedings yf the Meeting held in March . 97
- Proneness to Damage of Plant through Enemy Action, by Hal Gutteridge, M.I.Mech.E. 99
- Communications on The Regenerative Cycle An Efficiency Basis having Special Reference to the Number of Feed Water Heating Stages (by H. S. Horsman). 110
- Discussion on the Application of Statistical Control to the Quality of Materials and Manufactured Products . 125
- Memoir 144
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meeting held in April . 145
- Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture: The Propelling Machinery of Cross-Channel Packets, by Major William Gregson, late R.E., M.Sc., M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council) 147
- Communications on the Utilization of Wood Refuse for Steam Raising (by R. B. Gillham) . 185
- Memoirs . 189
- Elections and Transferences of Members 193
- Mechanical Movements and their Design (introduced by Frederick Grover, M.I.Mech.E ) 199
- Operating Experiences with Gas Producers (introduced by K. W. Willans, M.I.Mech.E.) . 205
- Through Trouble to Improvement, Lecture to Graduates' Section, London, by H. L. Guy, D.Sc., F.R.S., Wh.Ex., M.I.Mech.E . 214
- Memoirs . 231
- Index . 233
Contents. Vol. 148. July—December .942
- List of Council and Officers . vii
- List of Committees of the Specialized Groups . Ail
- List of Committees of the Local Branch. viii
- List of Past-Presidents and Past-Vice-Preside. xi
- Fans—their Types, Characteristics, and Application, by C. G. Ferguson, B.Sc. (Eng.), with verbal discussion in London . 1
- Communications on Some Problems Connected with Steam Turbine Governing (by G. W. Higgs-Walker) . 26
- Communication on Mechanical Movements and their Design (by F. Grover) . 33
- Memoirs . 34
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meetings held on 23rd October and 6th November . 41
- Distribution of Boiler Load, by Paul G. Kaufmann . 42
- Mechanical Mishaps (introduced by G. E. Windeler, M.I.Mech.E.) . 52
- War Time Problems, Planning, and Performance (introduced by A. G. Ramsey, O.B.E., B.Sc. (Eng.), M.I.Mech.E.) . 57
- Communications on Bench and Field Tests on Vehicle Gas Producer Plant as Applied to Farm Tractors (by A. T. Bowden, E. E. Freeth, and A. D. Rutherford) . 65
- Communications on Mechanization of Foundries (by A. S. Beech) . 71
- Memoirs 76
- A Review of Recent Progress in Heat Transfer, by Professor C. H. Lander, C.B.E., D.Sc., M.I.Mech.E. 81
- Communications on Heat Transmission in Surface Condensers (by the late Thomas Petty) 113
- Communications on Proneness to Damage of Plant through Enemy Action (by Hal Gutteridge) 120
- Minutes of Proceedings of Meeting held on 20th November 129
- Address by the President, Col. S. J. Thompson, D.S.O., M.I.Mech.E., on "Boilers - Past and Present" 132
- The Linen Flax Industry and its Introduction to New Zealand, by S. B. Barltrop, A.M.I.Mech.E 162
- Further Communication on Mechanical Movements and Their Design (by F. Grover) 169
- Memoirs 170
- Minutes of Proceedings of Meeting held on 17th July (inauguration of Applied Mechanics Group) 173
- The Measurement of Torsional Vibrations, by R. Stanfield 175
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meeting held on 18th December 194
- Discussions in London and Manchester, and Communications, on Axial Vibration in Diesel Engines (by R. Poole) . 197
- Memoirs . 218
- Index 221
See Also
Sources of Information