Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Suppliers A

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry

ACCLES & POLLOCK LTD., PADDOCK WORKS, OLDBURY, NR. BIRMINGHAM. T.A. "Accles Oldbury". T.N. BROadwell 1500. London Office: THE ADELPHI, JOHN ADAM STREET, W.C.2. T.A., "Acclepollo, London". T.N., TRAfalgar 5633. Established 1909.
Glass blowing irons.
Proprietors: Tube Investments Ltd., Birmingham.

ACCURATE RECORDING INSTRUMENT CO., GARTH ROAD, MORDEN, SURREY. T.A., "Accuracy, Morden, Surrey". T .N., DERwent 2211/3 (3 lines). Established 1927.
Dial-type temperature and pressure indicators, recorders and controllers; thermostats and pressurstats; tank-contents gauges.
Trade Names: Accurate; Aric.
Managing Director: R. N. Reid.
Secretary: D. F. West.

ACHESON COLLOIDS LTD. Head Office: 18 PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., " Oildag, Piccy, London". T.N., WHitehall 2034/7 (4 lines). Works: PRINCE ROCK, PLYMOUTH, S. DEVON. T.A., " Oildag, Plymouth". T.N., Plymouth 2352/3. Incorporated 1911.
Dispersions of "dag" colloidal graphite used for the pre-treatment and general lubrication of moulds, machine and conveyor bearings and the bearings and cylinders of air compressors: "Aquadag" colloidal graphite in water; "dag" dispersion 80 colloidal graphite in alcohol; "dag" dispersion 60 graphited wax emulsion; oil grade "ZN" containing "dag" colloidal graphite; graphited mould lubricant grade "WN".
Trade Names: dag; Aquadag; Oildag; Prodag; Glydag.
Managing Director: H. A. Acheson.
Secretary: E. G. Clarke.

ACTON & BORMAN LTD., 51 HOLLOWAY ROAD, LONDON, N.7. T.A., "Actonery, London". T.N., NORth 2023. Established 1781.
Emery grains and powders; abrasive cloths and papers.
Trade Name: Protector (Lion) Brand.
Directors: C. F. C. Tidswell; J. A. Hind, B.Eng.

ADAMS PICT FIREBRICK CO. LTD. Head Office: SCOTSWOOD, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 5. T.A., "Sanifera, Newcastle-upon-Tyne". T.N., Lemington 74185/7 (3 lines). Works: SWALWELL, Co. DURHAM. T .N., Newcastle 87269. London Office: 54 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. T.A., "Sanifera, Sowest, London". T.N., VICtoria 2172/3. Established 1918.
Highly aluminous refractory firebricks, fireblocks and refractory cements.
Trade Name: Pict.
Managing Director: A. H. Adams.
Secretary: F. Dale.

ADCOCK & SHIPLEY LTD., ASH STREET, LEICESTER. T.A., "Adcock, Leicester". T.N., Leicester 65154/5. Established 1914.
Spherical and toric lens roughing machines; lens and prism grinding machines; glass slitting machines.
Directors: G. Adcock (Joint Managing); H. Shipley (Joint Managing and Secretary).

Glass-making sand.
Managing Director: A. A. Wain.
Secretary: M. F. Adams.

ADVANCE COMPONENTS LTD., ADVANCE WORKS, BACK ROAD, SHERNHALL STREET, LONDON, E.17. T.A., "Attenuate, London". T.N., LARkswood 4366/8 (3 lines). Established 1932.
Constant-voltage transformers.
Trade Name: Advance.
Managing Director and Secretary: A. W. Stapleton.

A. E. W. LTD., IMPERIAL WORKS, HIGH STREET, EDGWARE, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Furnedge, Edgware". T.N., EDGware 0323 and 3975. Established 1923.
Electric furnaces, kilns, conveyor furnaces and annealing ovens.
Trade Name: A. E. W.
Managing Director: A. E. Watkins.
Secretary: I. L. Royce.

AIR PLANTS LTD. (BRANCH OF SMITH BROTHERS, LEICESTER, LTD.). Offices: BATTEN STREET, LEICESTER. T.A., "Emergency, Leicester". T.N., Leicester 32218. Works: LEICESTER; BRIMSCOMBE, STROUD, GLOS. T.N., Brimscombe 2109. Established 1897.
Fan work of all descriptions: heating, ventilating, dust control, fumes extraction, pneumatic-conveying, steam absorption; mixing machines.
Trade Name: Fortis.
Directors: W. Smith; J. F. Smith; S. Smith; H. H. Langham.

Vacuum-operated filling machines for milk, wines, squashes, sauces, acids, and all liquids, thick or thin.
Directors: A. G. Cox, F.C.A. (Chairman); A. E. Lee; J. Woodruffe-Grayson.

ALCOCK (PEROXIDE) LTD., CHAUL END LANE, LUTON, BEDS. T.A., "Peroxide, Luton". T.N., Luton 4900 (3 lines). Established 1929.
Sodium metasilicate ; detergents; hydrogen peroxide.
Directors: H. E. Alcock; J. A. Alcock; A. H. Russell; A. E. Alcock.

ALDRED (SHIRLEY) & CO. LTD., WORKSOP, NoTTs. T.A., "Aldred, Worksop". T.N., Worksop 2192. Established 1796.
Wood charcoal for all purposes.
Trade Names: Shalco; Esterul.
Managing Director: J. B. Aldred.
Secretary: R. Beetham.

ALLDAY (WILLIAM) & CO. LTD., ALCOSA WORKS, STOURPORT-ON-SEVERN, WORCS. T.A., "Yadall, Stourport-on-Severn". T.N., Stourport 311/4 (4 lines). London Office: CRESSWELL WORKS, SOUTH NORWOOD, S.E.25. T.A., "Allday, South Northwood". T.N., ADDiscombe 1162. Established 1923.
Gas/air blowpipes; gas and oil-fired furnaces; fans and blowers.
Trade Name: British Alcosa.
Managing Director and Secretary: R. G. Roberts.

ALLDAYS & ONIONS LTD., GREAT WESTERN WORKS, SMALL HEATH, BIRMINGHAM. T.A., "Alldays, Phone, Birmingham 11". T.N., VICtoria 2251/4 (4 lines). London Office: 2 QUEEN ANNE'S GATE, WESTMINSTER, S.W.1. T.A., "Typhoon, Parl, London". T.N., WHItehall 1923/5 (3 lines). Established 1650.
Furnaces: annealing, normalizing, tempering, melting, for gas; oil and solid fuels; all types of fan, including multivane, dust, propeller, high-pressure, forced-draught, etc.
Managing Director: J. Erskine.

ALLEN (EDGAR) & CO. LTD., IMPERIAL STEEL WORKS, SHEFFIELD 9. T.A., "Allen, Sheffield". T.N., Sheffield 41054. London Offices: 17/19. COCKSPUR STREET, S.W.1.
Crushing plant; stainless and heat-resisting steels; rotary dryers and kilns.
Trade Names: Stag; Imperial; K.9; Minerva; Maxilvry; Maxhete; Double Six.
Directors: W. H. Higginbotham, F.S.A.A., F.S.S. (Chairman); H. D. Boyd; L. K. Everitt, B.Met., F.I.M.; E. Gregory, M.Sc., Ph.D., M.I.E.I., F.R.I.C.; Brig. A. Levesley, O.B.E., M.C., T.D., M.I.Mech.E.

ALLEN & SON (HALIFAX) LTD., HALIFAX. T.A., "Allen, Hipperholme". T.N., Hipperholme 69403. London Agents: W. G. BAILEY, ROOM 601, 329 HIGH HOLBORN, W.C.1. Established 1897.
Firebricks and insulating firebricks.
Trade Names: Selfrac; Super Selfrac.
Managing Director: H. V. Allen. Secretary: L. Wilson.

ALLEY & MacLELLAN LTD., POLMADIE, GLASGOW, S.2. T.A., "Alley, Glasgow". T.N., POLLock 2966/7. London Office: 105 PARK STREET, W.1. T.N., MAYfair 3166. Established 1875.
Air compressors; vacuum pumps; air filtering equipment; air cooling equipment.
Managing Director: J. B. Blakeborough.
Secretary: R. H. Hunter.

AMAL LTD., HOLFORD WORKS, PERRY BARR, BIRMINGHAM 20. T.A., "Amalcarb, Phone, Birmingham 20". T.N., BIRch fields 4571. Established 1928.
Bunsen burners-injectors and jets, with calibrated orifices for various gases.
Trade Name: Amal.
Joint General Managers: T. W. Clibbery; J. H. Walker.
Secretary: E. C. Whitehouse.
Subsidiary of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.

ANGLO-AMERICAN OIL CO. LTD., 36 QUEEN ANNE'S GATE, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., "Esso, Parl, London". T.N., WHItehall 5151. Established 1888. Petroleum products; fuel oils and lubricants. Trade Name: Esso.

ANGUS (GEORGE) & CO. LTD., ANGUS HOUSE, 152/8 WESTGATE ROAD, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 1. T.A., "Angus, Newcastle-upon-Tyne". T.N., Newcastle 22656/9 (4 lines). Established 1788.
Conveying equipment; protective clothing of all descriptions.
Managing Director: M. S. Angus, T.D.

APIS ENGINEERING & RESEARCH LTD. For Address, etc., see Section B.
Ampoule fillers; ampoule cutting machines; vial capping machines; liquid dispensing apparatus.
Trade Name: Apis.

APPLIED HEAT CO. LTD., ELECFURN WORKS, WATFORD BY-PASS, WATFORD, HERTS. T.A., "Grafton, Watford". T.N., Watford 6094/7 (4 lines). Established 1933.
Electric lehrs and kilns for decorating, annealing, bending and fusing.
Trade Name: Grafton.
Directors: G. R. Barclay, O.B.E.; J. E. Oram, M.Inst. Prod.E. Secretary: E. R. Pope.
Proprietors: Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces Ltd.

ARMSTRONG CORK CO. LTD., KINGSBURY, LONDON, N.W.9. T.A., "Armcorko, London" . T.N., COLindale 7080.
Corks; cork stoppers; metal-topped stoppers; embossed wood stoppers; crown corks; moulded screw caps. Special caps made to customers' own designs.

ARMYTAGE BROS. (KNOTTINGLEY) LTD., THE FOUNDRY, KNOTTINGLEY, YORKS. T.A., "Armytage Bros., Knottingley". T.N., Knottingley 46. Established 1906.
Glassmaking machinery; moulds for all kinds of glassware; special heat-resisting castings; special profiling attachment for fitting to machines for the manufacture of moulds for glassware.
Managing Director: F. W. Armytage.
Secretary: Miss F. D. Armytage.
See Advertisement, page 380.

ASHTON, (N. C.) LTD., ST. ANDREW'S ROAD, HUDDERSFIELD. T.A., "Huddersfield 5489" . T.N., Huddersfield 5489. Established 1941.
Glass-mould aluminium bronze alloy.
Trade Name: Narglas. Managing Director: N. C. Ashton.
Secretary: Mrs. E. Ashton.
See Advertisement, page 381.

ASHWORTH (THOMAS) & CO. LTD. Head Office and Works: VULCAN WORKS, ROSEGROVE, BURNLEY, LANCS. T.A., "Taco, Burnley". T.N., Burnley 5259 (4 lines). Works: BASKET STREET, BURNLEY. Established 1828.
"Speedy" moisture tester.
Trade Name: Speedy.
Managing Director: J. Stanworth, M.B.E.
Secretary: W. Parker, A.C.A.

ASSOCIATED LEAD MANUFACTURERS LTD. Head Office: 14 FINSBURY CIRCUS, LONDON, E.C.2. T.N., LONdon Wall 4394. Southern Area Sales Office: IBEX HOUSE, MINORIES, LONDON, E.C.3. T.N., ROYal 4525. Northern Area Sales Office: CRESCENT HOUSE, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 1. T.N., Newcastle 21151. North-Western Area Sales Office: LEAD WORKS LANE, CHESTER. T.N., Chester 21022/ 8 (7 lines). Unified 1949. Some of the original Companies established over 200 years ago.
Red lead: " Glassmakers" and " Crystal Glass" qualities ; oxide of antimony; lead fruit: low solubility.
Chairman: J. L. McConnell.
Secretary: U. Stewart.

Refractory sands and glass sands.
Proprietors: G. & B. Watson Ltd.

AUTOFLOW ENGINEERING LTD. Head Office and Works: 118/120 CLIFTON ROAD, BIRMINGHAM 12. T.N., CALthorpe 1047. Works: HOCKLEY HILL, BIRMINGHAM. London Office: 35 MALFORD GROVE, E.18. T.N., WANstead 1762. Established 1947.
Machines incorporating a patented automatic flow of abrasives and polishing compounds, enabling fast grinding and polishing of all optical components; fast cutting abrasives; optical tools of special design.
Trade Names: Autoflow Poker Arm Machine; Vibraflow.
Managing Director: D. Taylor.
Secretary: H. R. Baker.
See Advertisement, page 403.

AUTO-KLEAN STRAINERS LTD. Offices: AUTO-KLEAN HOUSE, HOUNSLOW, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Auto-Klean, Hounslow". T.N., HOUnslow 6441/6 (6 lines). Works: STRAFFORD ROAD, HOUNSLOW, MIDDLESEX. London Offices: BISHOPSGATE HOUSE, 80 BISHOPSGATE, E.C.2. Established 1923.
"Auto-Klean", " Lolos", and "Flushflo" strainers for lubricating oil, fuel oil, water and all liquids.
Trade Names: Auto-Klean; Lolos; Flushflo.
Directors: E. A. Beldam; W. R. Beldam; R. G. Beldam.

AUTOMATIC COIL WINDER & ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO. LTD., WINDER HOUSE, DOUGLAS STREET, WESTMINSTER, LONDON. S.W.1. T.A., "Autowinder, Sowest, London". T.N., VICtoria 3404/9 (6 lines). Established 1923.
Multi-range electrical testmeters; electronic laboratory apparatus; specialized electronic production and laboratory apparatus to customers' specification.
Trade Names: Avo; Avometer; Avominor; Avocet.
Managing Director: J. H. Rawlings.
Secretary: A. J. Hunt.

AVERY (W. & T.) LTD., SOHO FOUNDRY, BIRMINGHAM 40. T.A., "Avery, Birmingham 40". T.N., SMEthwick 1112. London Showrooms and Offices: AVERY HOUSE, CLERKENWELL GREEN, E.C.1. Established 1730.
Weighing, counting and testing machines.
Trade Name: Avery.

See Also


Sources of Information