1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Suppliers A

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
ACCLES & POLLOCK LTD., PADDOCK WORKS, OLDBURY, NR. BIRMINGHAM. T.A. "Accles Oldbury". T.N. BROadwell 1500. London Office: THE ADELPHI, JOHN ADAM STREET, W.C.2. T.A., "Acclepollo, London". T.N., TRAfalgar 5633. Established 1909.
Glass blowing irons.
Proprietors: Tube Investments Ltd., Birmingham.
ACCURATE RECORDING INSTRUMENT CO., GARTH ROAD, MORDEN, SURREY. T.A., "Accuracy, Morden, Surrey". T .N., DERwent 2211/3 (3 lines). Established 1927.
Dial-type temperature and pressure indicators, recorders and controllers; thermostats and pressurstats; tank-contents gauges.
Trade Names: Accurate; Aric.
Managing Director: R. N. Reid.
Secretary: D. F. West.
ACHESON COLLOIDS LTD. Head Office: 18 PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., " Oildag, Piccy, London". T.N., WHitehall 2034/7 (4 lines). Works: PRINCE ROCK, PLYMOUTH, S. DEVON. T.A., " Oildag, Plymouth". T.N., Plymouth 2352/3. Incorporated 1911.
Dispersions of "dag" colloidal graphite used for the pre-treatment and general lubrication of moulds, machine and conveyor bearings and the bearings and cylinders of air compressors: "Aquadag" colloidal graphite in water; "dag" dispersion 80 colloidal graphite in alcohol; "dag" dispersion 60 graphited wax emulsion; oil grade "ZN" containing "dag" colloidal graphite; graphited mould lubricant grade "WN".
Trade Names: dag; Aquadag; Oildag; Prodag; Glydag.
Managing Director: H. A. Acheson.
Secretary: E. G. Clarke.
ACTON & BORMAN LTD., 51 HOLLOWAY ROAD, LONDON, N.7. T.A., "Actonery, London". T.N., NORth 2023. Established 1781.
Emery grains and powders; abrasive cloths and papers.
Trade Name: Protector (Lion) Brand.
Directors: C. F. C. Tidswell; J. A. Hind, B.Eng.
ADAMS PICT FIREBRICK CO. LTD. Head Office: SCOTSWOOD, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 5. T.A., "Sanifera, Newcastle-upon-Tyne". T.N., Lemington 74185/7 (3 lines). Works: SWALWELL, Co. DURHAM. T .N., Newcastle 87269. London Office: 54 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. T.A., "Sanifera, Sowest, London". T.N., VICtoria 2172/3. Established 1918.
Highly aluminous refractory firebricks, fireblocks and refractory cements.
Trade Name: Pict.
Managing Director: A. H. Adams.
Secretary: F. Dale.
ADCOCK & SHIPLEY LTD., ASH STREET, LEICESTER. T.A., "Adcock, Leicester". T.N., Leicester 65154/5. Established 1914.
Spherical and toric lens roughing machines; lens and prism grinding machines; glass slitting machines.
Directors: G. Adcock (Joint Managing); H. Shipley (Joint Managing and Secretary).
Glass-making sand.
Managing Director: A. A. Wain.
Secretary: M. F. Adams.
ADVANCE COMPONENTS LTD., ADVANCE WORKS, BACK ROAD, SHERNHALL STREET, LONDON, E.17. T.A., "Attenuate, London". T.N., LARkswood 4366/8 (3 lines). Established 1932.
Constant-voltage transformers.
Trade Name: Advance.
Managing Director and Secretary: A. W. Stapleton.
A. E. W. LTD., IMPERIAL WORKS, HIGH STREET, EDGWARE, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Furnedge, Edgware". T.N., EDGware 0323 and 3975. Established 1923.
Electric furnaces, kilns, conveyor furnaces and annealing ovens.
Trade Name: A. E. W.
Managing Director: A. E. Watkins.
Secretary: I. L. Royce.
AIR PLANTS LTD. (BRANCH OF SMITH BROTHERS, LEICESTER, LTD.). Offices: BATTEN STREET, LEICESTER. T.A., "Emergency, Leicester". T.N., Leicester 32218. Works: LEICESTER; BRIMSCOMBE, STROUD, GLOS. T.N., Brimscombe 2109. Established 1897.
Fan work of all descriptions: heating, ventilating, dust control, fumes extraction, pneumatic-conveying, steam absorption; mixing machines.
Trade Name: Fortis.
Directors: W. Smith; J. F. Smith; S. Smith; H. H. Langham.
Vacuum-operated filling machines for milk, wines, squashes, sauces, acids, and all liquids, thick or thin.
Directors: A. G. Cox, F.C.A. (Chairman); A. E. Lee; J. Woodruffe-Grayson.
ALCOCK (PEROXIDE) LTD., CHAUL END LANE, LUTON, BEDS. T.A., "Peroxide, Luton". T.N., Luton 4900 (3 lines). Established 1929.
Sodium metasilicate ; detergents; hydrogen peroxide.
Directors: H. E. Alcock; J. A. Alcock; A. H. Russell; A. E. Alcock.
ALDRED (SHIRLEY) & CO. LTD., WORKSOP, NoTTs. T.A., "Aldred, Worksop". T.N., Worksop 2192. Established 1796.
Wood charcoal for all purposes.
Trade Names: Shalco; Esterul.
Managing Director: J. B. Aldred.
Secretary: R. Beetham.
ALLDAY (WILLIAM) & CO. LTD., ALCOSA WORKS, STOURPORT-ON-SEVERN, WORCS. T.A., "Yadall, Stourport-on-Severn". T.N., Stourport 311/4 (4 lines). London Office: CRESSWELL WORKS, SOUTH NORWOOD, S.E.25. T.A., "Allday, South Northwood". T.N., ADDiscombe 1162. Established 1923.
Gas/air blowpipes; gas and oil-fired furnaces; fans and blowers.
Trade Name: British Alcosa.
Managing Director and Secretary: R. G. Roberts.
ALLDAYS & ONIONS LTD., GREAT WESTERN WORKS, SMALL HEATH, BIRMINGHAM. T.A., "Alldays, Phone, Birmingham 11". T.N., VICtoria 2251/4 (4 lines). London Office: 2 QUEEN ANNE'S GATE, WESTMINSTER, S.W.1. T.A., "Typhoon, Parl, London". T.N., WHItehall 1923/5 (3 lines). Established 1650.
Furnaces: annealing, normalizing, tempering, melting, for gas; oil and solid fuels; all types of fan, including multivane, dust, propeller, high-pressure, forced-draught, etc.
Managing Director: J. Erskine.
ALLEN (EDGAR) & CO. LTD., IMPERIAL STEEL WORKS, SHEFFIELD 9. T.A., "Allen, Sheffield". T.N., Sheffield 41054. London Offices: 17/19. COCKSPUR STREET, S.W.1.
Crushing plant; stainless and heat-resisting steels; rotary dryers and kilns.
Trade Names: Stag; Imperial; K.9; Minerva; Maxilvry; Maxhete; Double Six.
Directors: W. H. Higginbotham, F.S.A.A., F.S.S. (Chairman); H. D. Boyd; L. K. Everitt, B.Met., F.I.M.; E. Gregory, M.Sc., Ph.D., M.I.E.I., F.R.I.C.; Brig. A. Levesley, O.B.E., M.C., T.D., M.I.Mech.E.
ALLEN & SON (HALIFAX) LTD., HALIFAX. T.A., "Allen, Hipperholme". T.N., Hipperholme 69403. London Agents: W. G. BAILEY, ROOM 601, 329 HIGH HOLBORN, W.C.1. Established 1897.
Firebricks and insulating firebricks.
Trade Names: Selfrac; Super Selfrac.
Managing Director: H. V. Allen. Secretary: L. Wilson.
ALLEY & MacLELLAN LTD., POLMADIE, GLASGOW, S.2. T.A., "Alley, Glasgow". T.N., POLLock 2966/7. London Office: 105 PARK STREET, W.1. T.N., MAYfair 3166. Established 1875.
Air compressors; vacuum pumps; air filtering equipment; air cooling equipment.
Managing Director: J. B. Blakeborough.
Secretary: R. H. Hunter.
AMAL LTD., HOLFORD WORKS, PERRY BARR, BIRMINGHAM 20. T.A., "Amalcarb, Phone, Birmingham 20". T.N., BIRch fields 4571. Established 1928.
Bunsen burners-injectors and jets, with calibrated orifices for various gases.
Trade Name: Amal.
Joint General Managers: T. W. Clibbery; J. H. Walker.
Secretary: E. C. Whitehouse.
Subsidiary of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.
ANGLO-AMERICAN OIL CO. LTD., 36 QUEEN ANNE'S GATE, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., "Esso, Parl, London". T.N., WHItehall 5151. Established 1888. Petroleum products; fuel oils and lubricants. Trade Name: Esso.
ANGUS (GEORGE) & CO. LTD., ANGUS HOUSE, 152/8 WESTGATE ROAD, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 1. T.A., "Angus, Newcastle-upon-Tyne". T.N., Newcastle 22656/9 (4 lines). Established 1788.
Conveying equipment; protective clothing of all descriptions.
Managing Director: M. S. Angus, T.D.
APIS ENGINEERING & RESEARCH LTD. For Address, etc., see Section B.
Ampoule fillers; ampoule cutting machines; vial capping machines; liquid dispensing apparatus.
Trade Name: Apis.
APPLIED HEAT CO. LTD., ELECFURN WORKS, WATFORD BY-PASS, WATFORD, HERTS. T.A., "Grafton, Watford". T.N., Watford 6094/7 (4 lines). Established 1933.
Electric lehrs and kilns for decorating, annealing, bending and fusing.
Trade Name: Grafton.
Directors: G. R. Barclay, O.B.E.; J. E. Oram, M.Inst. Prod.E. Secretary: E. R. Pope.
Proprietors: Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces Ltd.
ARMSTRONG CORK CO. LTD., KINGSBURY, LONDON, N.W.9. T.A., "Armcorko, London" . T.N., COLindale 7080.
Corks; cork stoppers; metal-topped stoppers; embossed wood stoppers; crown corks; moulded screw caps. Special caps made to customers' own designs.
ARMYTAGE BROS. (KNOTTINGLEY) LTD., THE FOUNDRY, KNOTTINGLEY, YORKS. T.A., "Armytage Bros., Knottingley". T.N., Knottingley 46. Established 1906.
Glassmaking machinery; moulds for all kinds of glassware; special heat-resisting castings; special profiling attachment for fitting to machines for the manufacture of moulds for glassware.
Managing Director: F. W. Armytage.
Secretary: Miss F. D. Armytage.
See Advertisement, page 380.
ASHTON, (N. C.) LTD., ST. ANDREW'S ROAD, HUDDERSFIELD. T.A., "Huddersfield 5489" . T.N., Huddersfield 5489. Established 1941.
Glass-mould aluminium bronze alloy.
Trade Name: Narglas. Managing Director: N. C. Ashton.
Secretary: Mrs. E. Ashton.
See Advertisement, page 381.
ASHWORTH (THOMAS) & CO. LTD. Head Office and Works: VULCAN WORKS, ROSEGROVE, BURNLEY, LANCS. T.A., "Taco, Burnley". T.N., Burnley 5259 (4 lines). Works: BASKET STREET, BURNLEY. Established 1828.
"Speedy" moisture tester.
Trade Name: Speedy.
Managing Director: J. Stanworth, M.B.E.
Secretary: W. Parker, A.C.A.
ASSOCIATED LEAD MANUFACTURERS LTD. Head Office: 14 FINSBURY CIRCUS, LONDON, E.C.2. T.N., LONdon Wall 4394. Southern Area Sales Office: IBEX HOUSE, MINORIES, LONDON, E.C.3. T.N., ROYal 4525. Northern Area Sales Office: CRESCENT HOUSE, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 1. T.N., Newcastle 21151. North-Western Area Sales Office: LEAD WORKS LANE, CHESTER. T.N., Chester 21022/ 8 (7 lines). Unified 1949. Some of the original Companies established over 200 years ago.
Red lead: " Glassmakers" and " Crystal Glass" qualities ; oxide of antimony; lead fruit: low solubility.
Chairman: J. L. McConnell.
Secretary: U. Stewart.
Refractory sands and glass sands.
Proprietors: G. & B. Watson Ltd.
AUTOFLOW ENGINEERING LTD. Head Office and Works: 118/120 CLIFTON ROAD, BIRMINGHAM 12. T.N., CALthorpe 1047. Works: HOCKLEY HILL, BIRMINGHAM. London Office: 35 MALFORD GROVE, E.18. T.N., WANstead 1762. Established 1947.
Machines incorporating a patented automatic flow of abrasives and polishing compounds, enabling fast grinding and polishing of all optical components; fast cutting abrasives; optical tools of special design.
Trade Names: Autoflow Poker Arm Machine; Vibraflow.
Managing Director: D. Taylor.
Secretary: H. R. Baker.
See Advertisement, page 403.
AUTO-KLEAN STRAINERS LTD. Offices: AUTO-KLEAN HOUSE, HOUNSLOW, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Auto-Klean, Hounslow". T.N., HOUnslow 6441/6 (6 lines). Works: STRAFFORD ROAD, HOUNSLOW, MIDDLESEX. London Offices: BISHOPSGATE HOUSE, 80 BISHOPSGATE, E.C.2. Established 1923.
"Auto-Klean", " Lolos", and "Flushflo" strainers for lubricating oil, fuel oil, water and all liquids.
Trade Names: Auto-Klean; Lolos; Flushflo.
Directors: E. A. Beldam; W. R. Beldam; R. G. Beldam.
AUTOMATIC COIL WINDER & ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO. LTD., WINDER HOUSE, DOUGLAS STREET, WESTMINSTER, LONDON. S.W.1. T.A., "Autowinder, Sowest, London". T.N., VICtoria 3404/9 (6 lines). Established 1923.
Multi-range electrical testmeters; electronic laboratory apparatus; specialized electronic production and laboratory apparatus to customers' specification.
Trade Names: Avo; Avometer; Avominor; Avocet.
Managing Director: J. H. Rawlings.
Secretary: A. J. Hunt.
AVERY (W. & T.) LTD., SOHO FOUNDRY, BIRMINGHAM 40. T.A., "Avery, Birmingham 40". T.N., SMEthwick 1112. London Showrooms and Offices: AVERY HOUSE, CLERKENWELL GREEN, E.C.1. Established 1730.
Weighing, counting and testing machines.
Trade Name: Avery.