1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Suppliers D

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
DALLOW, LAMBERT & CO. LTD. Head Office: SPALDING STREET, LEICESTER. T.A. , "Thermovent, Leicester". T.N., Leicester 27832. London Offices: 20 KINGSWAY, W.C.2. T.A., "Airblast, Phone, London". T.N., CHAncery 8325/6.
Pneumatic dust control equipment.
Trade Names: Drymat; Drytex; Multiswirl; Drytube.
DARWINS LTD., FITZWILLIAM WORKS, SHEFFIELD 9. T.A., " Darwins, Sheffield". T.N., Sheffield 41341/6 (6 lines). London Office: 28 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. T.N., ABBey 3623. Established 1929.
Glass-to-metal sealing alloys; glass mould alloys.
Secretary: J. Robinson.
DAVIDSON & CO. LTD., SIROCCO ENGINEERING WORKS, BELFAST, N. IRELAND. T.A., "Sirocco, Belfast". T.N., Belfast 57251/3 (3 lines). London Offices: MORRIS HOUSE, JERMYN STREET, S.W.1. Established 1881.
"Sirocco" propeller and centrifugal fans; "Aeroto" axial flow fans; "Sirocco" heating, ventilating, drying and dehydration, cooling, dust and fume removal, mechanical boiler draught, pneumatic conveying, air-conditioning plant; "Davidson" dust and flue-dust collectors ; "Sirocco" cellular dust collectors.
Trade Names: Sirocco; Aeroto.
Secretary: H. Dunlop.
DAVIES (JAMES) (BURSLEM) LTD., CLYDE COLOUR WORKS, NILE STREET, BURSLEM, STOKE-ON-TRENT. T.A., " Vitretin, Burslem". T.N., Stoke-on-Trent 84504/5. Established 1916.
Enamel colours and stains; metallic oxides.
DEANE & WINFIELD LTD., 6/10 DUNSTON STREET, KINGSLAND ROAD, LONDON, E.8. T.A., "Dewicork, Hack, London". T.N., CLIssold 2626. Established 1872.
Cork sheets, discs, rings, washers, wheels, etc.; all goods in natural cork.
DELHURST LTD., 32 GROVE LANE, SMETHWICK 40, STAFFS. T.A., "Delhurst, Birmingham". T.N., SMEthwick 1958/9.
Suppliers of asbestos mittens to the glass industry.
Managing Director: R. Gerson.
DENISON (SAML.) & SON LTD., HUNSLET FOUNDRY, MOOR ROAD, LEEDS 10. T.A., "Weigh, Leeds". T.N., Leeds 75488. London Office: 168 TERMINAL HOUSE, GROSVENOR GARDENS, S.W.1. Established 1820.
Weighing machines; testing machines.
DERBY & CO. LTD. Head Office: 11/12 ST. SWITHIN'S LANE, LONDON, E.C..4. T.A., "Plativet, London". T.N., AVEnue 5272. Works: MILL-MARSH LANE, BRIMSDOWN, MIDDLESEX. T.N., HOWard 2208. Established 1797.
Fluorescent powders and binders suitable for coating hot and cold cathode fluorescent lamps; luminescent materials for cathode-ray tube screens, direct vision television and projection; radioactive luminous compound; various metals and metallic salts, including precious metals.
Directors: O. Philipp; F. Rau; H. Levy; N. Isaacs.
Secretary: F. A. Ford.
See Advertisement, page 18.
DERBYSHIRE SILICA FIREBRICK CO. LTD., FRIDEN, HARTINGTON, NR. BUXTON, DERBYSHIRE. T.A., "Silica, Friden, Hartington". T.N., Youlgrave 271/3 (3 lines). London Office: COLUMBIA HOUSE, ALDWYCH, W.C.2. T.A., "Wesgasco, Estrand, London". T.N., HOLborn 4108. Established 1892.
Sillimanite bricks and blocks for glass furnaces; silica bricks and blocks for glass furnace roofs; siliceous materials for regenerators; diatomacecus insulation; "DSF" fireclay; "Durosil" plastic firebricks.
Trade Names: Frisil; Peaksil; DSF; Dome.
Managing Director: S. J. F. Beale.
Secretary: W. A. Gillard.
DEVON & COURTENAY CLAY CO. LTD. and WHITEWAY & CO. LTD. (Associate Companies). Offices: 1 BROADWAY ROAD, KINGSTEIGNTON, SOUTH DEVON. T.A., "Key 95, Newton Abbot" (Devon & Courtenay); Whiteway, Kingsteignton" (Whiteway). T .N., Newton Abbot 95. Works: BOVEY TRACEY; CHUDLEIGH KNIGHTON; KINGSTEIGNTON; NEWTON ABBOT.
South Devon ball clay, bulk, shredded and pulverized.
DICKINSON (JOHN) & CO. LTD., APSLEY MILLS, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HERTS. T.A., " Dickinson, Apsley End". T.N., Boxmoor 124.
Packaging products; "Hold fast" gummed tape.
DILWORTH & CARR LTD., BOW LANE, PRESTON, LANCS. T.A., "Dilcar, Preston". T.N . Preston 56054/6 (3 lines). Established 1874.
Manufacturers of glass forming machines and equipment; component parts for glass bottle manufacturing plant.
Managing Director: F. W. Smith.
Machines for the scientific glass trade: universal glass lathes; blowing machines; vertical welding machines; necking machines; variable speed stopper grinders; blow and flare chucks.
Partners: C. W. Dix; J. E. Dix; J. H. Dix.
See Advertisement, page 384.
DOHM LTD. Head Office: 167 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON S.W.1. T.A., "Dohms, London". T.N., VICtoria 1414/6 (3 lines). Works: LONDON, E.16. T.N. ALBert Dock 3086. BRAMLEY, NR. LEEDS. T.N., Horsforth 2265. STOCKPORT. T.N., Great Moor 3801. STOKE-ON-TRENT. T.N., Stoke-on-Trent 29683.
Grinding and pulverizing all materials for the trade.
Directors: S. A. Dohm (Danish); J. D. McKellar; B. M. Dohm; D. K. Page; J. E. Hellyar; G. M. W. Robertson.
DOLBY (W. J.) LTD., LYTTON STREET, STOKE-ON-TRENT. T.A., Dolby, Stoke-on-Trent". T.N., Stoke-on-Trent 4763. Established 1922. Borax; boric acid; red lead; litharge; felspar. Managing Director: W. J. Dolby.
DONKIN (BRYAN) CO. LTD., DERBY ROAD, CHESTERFIELD. T.A., "Donkin, Phone, Chesterfield". T.N ., Chesterfield 3166/9 ( 4 lines). London Office: 3 VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W.1. T.A., "Donkin Company, Sowest, London". T.N., ABBEY 1096. Established 1803.
Blowers; compressors.
Managing Director: L. Seaman.
DOUGALL (JAMES) & SONS LTD., BONNYSIDE FIREBRICK WORKS, BONNYBRIDGE, SCOTLAND. T.A., "Ganister, Bonnybridge". T.N., Bonnybridge 70/71. Established 1884.
Standard and high alumina firebricks for glass tank furnaces, regenerators, etc.; semi-silica Jack arch blocks.
Trade Names: Dougall; Diamond; Docken; Aludo.
Directors: W. B. Mitchell, M.B.E.; A. D. Cuthbert; Sir A. Murray Stephen, M.C.; G. Elliott.
DOUGLAS FIREBRICK CO. LTD., DALRY, AYRSHIRE. T.A., "Firebrick, Dalry, Ayrshire". T.N., Dalry 2125/6. Established 1914.
High alumina refractory bricks and setting material.
Trade Names: Douglas X; Douglas S; Douglas D.
DOWLOW LIME & STONE CO. LTD. Offices: MILL CLIFF, BUXTON. T.A., "Dowlow, Buxton". T.N., Buxton 1066. Works: DOWLOW, NR. BUXTON. Established 1898.
Limespar for the glass industry; Buxton lime; hydrated lime; limestone chippings (all sizes); powdered limestone.
Trade Names: Dowlow; Dowlim.
Directors: A. Jackson; H. W. Jackson; L. Jackson (Secretary).
See Advertisement, page 36.
DOWSON & MASON GAS PLANT CO. LTD., ALMA WORKS, LEVENSHULME, MANCHESTER 19. T.A., "Gasify, Levenshulme". T.N., HEAton Moor 2261/3 (3 lines). Established 1905.
Glass tank melting furnaces; television tube annealing lehrs; gas producer plants.
Managing Director: L. G. A. Leonard.
Secretary: F. Picker.
DUGUIDS LTD., BROOKFIELD Works, LYMM, WARRINGTON. T.A., "Duguids, Lymm". T.N., Lymm 133. Established 1919.
Fuel economy instruments: Hays inclined tube draught gauges, portable vernier draught gauges, portable gas analysers, combined CO2 and draught recorders, automatic gas samplers.
Trade Name: Hays.
Directors: S. N. Duguid; J. Duguid.
DUNLOP RUBBER CO. LTD FORT DUNLOP, ERDINGTON, BIRMINGHAM 24. T.A., "Dunlops, Phone, Birmingham". T.N., ERDington 2121. London Offices: ST. JAMES'S HOUSE, ST. JAMES'S STREET, S.W.1. T.A., "Dunlop, London". T.N., WHitehall 6700.
Air compressors and receivers.
DURHAM CHEMICALS LTD., BIRTLEY, Co. DURHAM. T.A., "Deecee, Newcastle-upon-Tyne". T.N., Birtley 240. London Offices: DURHAM RAW MATERIALS LTD., 1/4 GREAT TOWER STREET, E.C.3. Established 1930.
Special grades of zinc oxide for glass manufacture and ceramic glazes; cadmium sulphide, carbonate and other compounds for ceramic trade.
Managing Director: N. Dawson.
See Also
Sources of Information