Engineering 1892 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1892 Jul-Dec: Index
- View the 1892 Jul-Dec Volumes
- ART Locomotive, Rothhorn Railway, 593, 626
- Accident to H.M.S. "Apollo," 617
- Accidents on German Railways, 459
- Accumulators, Electrical, 471
- Aconcagua, Torpedo Boat Attack on, E6
- Acoustical Experiments, Siemens, 36
- Additions to the Navy, 823
- Administration Building, Chicago Exhibition, 361
- Agitator (Electrolyte). London Metallurgical Company, 19
- Agricultural Building, Chicago Exhibition, 801
- Agricultural Implements in Canada, 651
- Agricultural Implements, Reapers and Birders in Denmark, 446
- Agricultural Implements at Smithfield Show, 729
- Air, Compressed, at Portsmouth Dockyard, 275
- Air Impurities, 347
- Air Pump Levers, 354, 425
- Aire and Calder Pollution, 596, 672, 743,771, 811
- Alaska, Fort Wrangel, 754
- Alaska, Yosemite, Yellowstone, and, 403, 439, 474, 519, 533, 563, 597, 623, 659, 688, 717, 745, 773, 807
- Alcoholometer, Siemens, 97
- Alhambra Theatre, Balcony Cantilever, 384. See Erratum, 447
- Alloys, Ferro-Tungsten, 826
- Alloys of Iron and Chromium, 399, 409, 433, 466, 495
- Alloys of Iron, Manganese, and Aluminium, 346
- Alloys, Phosphor-Bronze Bearing Metals, 145
- Alternating Current, Power Transmission by, 225
- Alternating Currents of High Tension, Siemens Experiments, 343
- Alternating Currents, Visible Representations of, 35
- Alternator, for High Tension Current, Siemens, 343
- Alternator, Siemens, Prior to 1872, 282
- Alternator. Bee Siemens Electrical Apparatus Aluminium, 720
- Aluminium Alloys, 346
- Aluminium Naphtha Yacht " Mignon " (Escher Wyss and Co.), 820
- Aluminium, The Properties of, 425
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers, 388
- America. See Notes from United States America, Cost of Earthworks in, 301
- America, Excursion Routes in, 87
- America, Interoceanic Railway's of Central. See Railways
- America, Labour Troubles in, Carnegie Strike, 141, 265
- American Bridges on the Transandine Railway, 685. See LErrints, Bridges
- American Cotton Spinning, 489
- American Gun Construction, 147
- American Guns. See Artillery
- American Iron Trade, 423. See also Notes from United States.
- American Iron Trade Association, Report, Si
- American Naval Engineers, 17. See LETTERS, Engine Room Complements
- American Rail and Track, 30, 120, 214, 397, 495, 525
- American Railroads, 454
- American Railway Timber Bridges, 382, 446
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Trip to San Francisco, 403, 439, 474, 519, 533, 563, 597, 623, 659, 688, 717, 745, 773, 807
- American Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 759
- Ammeter, Siemens, 158
- Ammonia from the Blast Furnace, 390, 425. See LETTERS
- Ammunition. Sec Artillery, Modern United States
- Ammunition for United States Dynamite Gun, 37
- Analysis of Iron and Steel ; International Standards, 347
- Angle of Crank for Maximum Velocity of Piston, 83
- Anti-Cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere, 781
- " Apollo," Grounding of the, 617
- Apprentice Question, 515. See LETTERS
- Arakan, 471
- Arc Lamp (Kent), 19
- Arc, Physics of the Voltaic, 317
- Arctic Exploring Ship " Fram," 642
- Argentina Armour-Clad " Libertad," 648
- Argentina Government, McGregor's Sternwheel Steamer for (Messrs. Bow, McLachlan and Co., Paisley), 748
- Argentine Republic, Oil in the, 768
- Armatures. See Siemens Electrical Apparatus
- Armour-Clad Rsm " Libertsd," Argentine, 648
- Armour-Clad Vessels. See Battle-Shi ps
- Armour Plates ; Harvey Carbonibing Process, 116
- Arms, Manufacture of Small, 703
- Armstrong Quick-Firing Gun, 790
- Armstrong v. Other Quick-Firing Guns, 421, 438, 790
- Armstrong's Hydraulic Derricks ; H.M.S. " Vulcan," 629
- Army Gun Factory, United States, 377
- Army Gun, 12-1n. 52-Ton, United States, 286
- Army Guns ; Weights, Dimensions, ac., United States, 406
- Arsenal, Watervliet, United States, 377. See also 405
- Artificers in American Navy, 17. See Lanus, Naval Engine-Room Complements
- Artificers in the Navy. See Naval Engine-Room Complements
Artillery, Modern United States :
- Ammunition for Dynamite Gun, 37
- Army Gun Factory, 377
- Army Gun, 12-In. 52-Ton, 286
- Army Guns, Weights, Dimensions, &c., 405
- Arsenal, Watervliet, 377. See also 405
- Ballistic Particulars of Breechloading Guns of the United States Navy, 254
- Ballistic Particulars of Mortars, 313
- Ballistics of Driggs-Schroeder Rapid-Firing Gun, 637. See also 667
- Breech Mechanism for the 6-In. Rifle, 126
- Breech Mechanism of 12-In. 52-Ton Army Gun, 287
- Breechloading Rifle, 16-In., 220
- Broadside Carriages, 127
- Canet 12-In. Mortar Carriage, 220
- Carriages, Sea Coast, for Breechloading Rifles and Mortars, 220
- Carriages for 6-In. Naval Guns, 127
- Central Pivot Carriage, Naval Guns, 130, 192
- Dimensions of Naval Guns, 71
- Driggs-Schroeder Rapid-Firing Gun, 603, 636. See also 566
- Dynamite Guns, Pneumatic, Model 1690, 3, 37
- Factories, Gun (American), 377, 405
- Firing Trials of 6-In. Naval Gun, 130
- Gatling Gun, 443
- Gravity Return Carriage Naval Guns, 130, 189
- Hotchkiss Quick- Firing Gun, Driggs-Schroeder, 603, 536, WS
- Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon, 413
- Machine Guns, 443
- Manufacture of an 8-In. Breechloading Steel Rifle at Watervliet Arsenal, 377
- Mortars, Breechloading, 312, 313
- Mortars, 12-In., Breechloading Carriages and Mounts for, 220
- Mountings for Naval Guns, 251
- Mounts for Breechloading Mortars, 220
- Mounts for Quick-Firing Guns, 566
- National Gun Factory, Watervliet Arsenal, 377. See also 905
- Naval Gun Factory, 405
- Naval Guns, 262. See also 71, 99, 126, 162, 408
- Naval Guns, The Construction of, 71
- Naval Guns, Weights, Dimensions, &c., 408
- Navy 8-In. Breechloading Gun, 162
- Navy 6-In. Breechloading Rifle, 99, 126
- Pneumatic Carriage for Naval Guns, 192
- Pneumatic Dynamite S:a Coast G-.ins, Model 1890, 3, 37
- Projectiles for Dynamite Gun, 37
- Projectiles for 6-In. Naval Gun, 130
- Quick-Firing Gun, Driggs-Schroeder, 603, 536. See also 566
- Rapid-Firing Gun. See Quick- Firing
- Rashazoff and Anderson's Mounts far 12-In.Mortars, 220
- Revolving Cannon, Hotchkiss, 413
- Rifle, Manufacture of 8-In. Breechloading Steel, 37
- Sea Coast Carriages for Breechloading Rifles and Mortars, 220
- Shrinkage in Guns, 377, 380
- Spiller's Mount for 12 - In. Breechloading Mortar. 222
- Teets of M aterial for Naval Guns, 71
- Tests of 6-In. Naval Gun, 130
- Time Required to Construct Guns, 405
- Washington Gun Factory, 405
- Watervliet Arsenal, 377. See also 405
- Weights, &c., of Army and Naval Guns, 405, 408
- Asphalte v. Wood Paving, 188. Sea 112, 113
- Astbury's Capstan Lathe. 273
- Astronomical and Civil Time, 290
- Astronomy ; Meteors and Comets, 822
- Atlantic Ferry (1Iaginnis' Book), 126. See also 148, 180, 210, 295, 325, 521
- Atlantic Liners, New Cunard, 293, 321, 391. See also 621
- Atlantic Record, 125, 149, 180, 210, 295, 326, 521
- Atlantic Terminal Ports, 392. Sec 721
- Atomic Weight of Oxyge n, 465, 544, 548
- August Weather, 330
- Austral-Otis Company's Pumping Engine for Hydraulic Mining, 478
- Australia, Railways in Western, 621
- Austria, Labour in, 360
- Auxiliary Machinery on Board Ships, 154, 181, 276
- Aveling and Porter Compound Traction Engine, 18
- Ball's Lectures on Astronomy, 826. Sze also 822
- Ball, Sir R. S. " Story of the Heal ens, Comets and Meteors, 822
- Ballistic Particulars of Breechloading Guns of the United States Navy, 254
- Ballistic Particulars of United States Mortars, 313
- Ballistics of Driggs - Schroeder R Gun, 537. See also 567
- Balloon Accident at the Crystal Palace, 61
- Balloon, Electric Signalling (Bruce), 75
- Baltic and North Sea Canal, 459
- Barry, Pumps at, 635
- Barry Railway Mineral Tank Locomotive (Vulcan Co, Newton-le-Willows), 692
- Battery, Sources of Heat Generated in a Galvanic, 814
- Battle-Ship Construction "Ramillies," 197, 412
- Battle Ship " Libertad," Argentine, 618
- Battle-Ships, Dimensions of, 52
- Battle-Ships Launched 189?, 823
- Battle-Ships " Royal Oak " and " Revenge," 612
- Battleships, Typical, Built Portsmouth, 145, 162, 242
- Beam, Girder, 471
- Beams, Theoretical Strength of, 10, 79, 117, 148, 170, 201, 231, 262, 417
- Bearings, Anti-Friction, 226, 274, 696
- Bearings, Carboid Oilless, 696
- Bearings, Phosphor-Bronze Metal, 146
- "Beauty" Prospecting Drill (Bullock Company), 259
- Beck's " Handy " Valve, 240 ,
- Belfast, Boiler Explosion at, 270
- Belfast Graving Dock, 642
- Belfast Lough, Countermining of, 300, 331
- Belfast, Shipbuilding in 1892, 814
- Belgium, Council of Labour, 23
- Belgium, Iron and Coal in, 361
- Belgium, Labour in, 457
- Belle, Indicator Board for, Smith Siemens Electrical Re-Setting Device, 250
- Belt Clamp, Dougall's, 118
- Ben Nevis Observatory, Meteorological, 290
- Bending Rolls at Schulz-Knaudt's, 351
- Bending Rolls, Vertical (Niles Tool Works, Hamilton. Ohio), 829
- Bennett, Mr. W. B. G., on Southampton Sewage Work i, 176, 396
- Berlin Electrical Underground Railway, 30
- Berthelot's Calorimeter, 27, bl
- Billington and Newton, Longport, Sluice Valve, 131
- Billiter Buildings, London, Electric Lighting, 381
- Binders and Reapers in Denmark, Trials, 446
- " Blanco Encalaia," Torpedo Boat Attack on, 86
- Blast Furnace, Ammonia from the, 390, 4?.5. See Letters
- Block-Making Machinery, Portemouth Dockyard, 425
- Board of Trade and Boiler Explosions, 821
- Board of Trade Electrical Standards, 727, 732
- Boiler, Boulton's Vertical Multitubular, 211
- Boiler Experiments (Mr. Donkin and Professor Kennedy), 115. See LETTERS,
- Boilers, French Boiler Experiments, Steam, Great Eastern Railway Locomotive (Mr. B. Donkin, Jun., and Professor Kennedy), 501
- Boiler Explosion on Lake Geneva, 206
- Boiler Explosion at Leigh, 709
- Boiler Explosion at Rotherham, 649
- Boiler Explosions and the Board of Trade, 821
- Boiler Explosions at Glasgow, Camborne, and Coathridge, 91
- Boiler Explosions at Liverpool and Belfast, 270, 675
- Boiler Explosion at Manchester-Canal Works, 781
- Boiler Feeding Pump (Brush Company), 137
- Boiler, Steam, Damper Regulator, Mason's, 278
- Boiler, Thornycroft, 789
- Boiler Tubeplate Protectors, Cowper's, 795
- Boilers, Circulation of Water in Marine, 509
- Boilers and Forced Draught. See Forced Draught.
- Boilers, French or Elephant, 148, 170, 267
- Boilers, Haystwk, " Lord of the Isles" (Messrs. Henderson, Glasgow), 26, 76
- Boilers of H.M.S. " Ramillies"(Mes3rs. Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 197, 412
- Boilers, High-Pressure, 227
- Boilers, &c., Manchester Steam Users' Association, 44
- Boilers, Navy, 48, 78, 117, 333, 384. See also Forced Draught.
- Boilers, Petroleum, 303
- Boilers, The Treatment of Marine, 528, 590, 619. See LsTrzas.
- Boilermakers' and Iron Shipbuilders' Society, 436. See also 515
- Bolt Forcer, Hydraulic (Messrs. Youngs, Birmingham), 723
- Bores, Deep, 425
- Boring and Drilling Machine (Newark Company, New Jersey), 735
- Boring and Drilling Machine (Messrs. Sharp, Stewart and Co., Glasgow), 148
- Boring Machine, Elliptical (Messrs. G. and A. Harvey, Glasgow), 748
- Boring Machine (Sagar, Halifax), 677
- Boring and Turning Mills, U.S. Gun Factory, Watervliet Arsenal (Niles Tool Works), 272
- Borough Road Polytechnic, 423
- Boulton's Vertical Multitubular Boiler, 211
- Bracket, Alhambra Theatre Balcony, 384. See Erratum, 447
- Bradford and the Chicago Exhibition, 54
- Brain Closed Circuit System for Electric Tram Rails, 239, 329
- Bramwell, Sir Frederick, on Sewage Works at Portsmouth, 176, 336
- Brashear's Spectroscope for Halsted Observatory, 101
- Brassey's Naval Annual, 1. See LErrsas, Source of Inspiration.
- Brayton Petroleum Engine, 69
- Brazilian Cruiser " Republica" and Armstrong Guns, 790
- Brazilian Twin-Screw Steamers " Itaoca" and "Itaipu" (Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 696
- Breakwaters, Concrete in, 266, 359, 456. See Erratum, 480
- Breath Figures, 23
- Breech Mechanism of Guns. See Artillery, Modern United States.
- Breech Mechanism of Schneider's 15Cent. Quick-Firing Gun, 348
- Breech Mechanism of 12-In. 52 Ton United States Army Gun, 237
- Breech Mechanism for United States 6-In. Breech-loading Rifle, 126
- Breechloading Guns. See Artillery, Modern United States.
- Breechloading Rifle, 16 In., United States, 220
- Brewers' Exhibition, 548
- Bridge, Channel, 373
- Bridge Failure at Strathglass, Inverness, 329, 364. See LETTERS.
- Bridge, Floating, at Portsmouth, 176, 463
- Bridge, Siemens Electric Low Resistance, 217
- Bridge between Sister Islands, Niagara, 403
- Bridge, Tower, 380
- Bridges, The Deformations of Metallic, 729. See Limns. Loads on Rivets.
- Bridges. See Formosa and its Railways. Bridges on Glasgow Central Railway, 163, 218
- Bridges, Loads on Rivets, 793. See 729
- Bridges, Measurement of Strains in, 521
- Bridges, Opening, 176, 963
- Bridges, Renewing Railway Viaducts in Scotland, 291, 366
- Bridges, Timber, on American Railroads, 382, 446
- Bridges on the Transandine Railway, 695. See LETTERS.
- Brienz and Rothhorn Rack Railway, 693, 626
- Brigham Young, 638
- Bristol and the Chicago Exhibition, 299
- Britannia Company's Radial Drill, 460
- Britannia Company's Sensitive Drill, 334
- "Britannic" and "Germanic" Refrigerating Machinery (Hall's), 68. See LErTERs, Refrigerating Machine
- British v. American Bridge-Building Practice, 695. See LETTERS, Bridges
- British and American Metallurgy, 423
- British and American Railways, 454
British Association :
- Edinburgh Meeting, 174. See lamina, 231, 262 Mechanical Section.
- Presidential Address, by Professor W. C. Unwin, 193
- Columbian Exposition, by Mr. J. Dredge and Mr. R. S. McCormick, 193, 213
- The Application of Destructorm, especially to the Electric Lighting of Edinburgh, by Professor G. Forbes, 193
- Refuse Disposal, by Mr. G. Watson, 193, 369, 430
- Absorption and Filtration of Sewage, by Mr. R. F. Grantham, 193
- Shield Tunnelling in Loose Ground under Water Pressure, by Mr. G. F. Deacon, 194, 212
- Forth and Clyde Ship Canal, by Mr. D. A. Stevenson, 195
- Mechanical Transmission of Parcels, by Mr. D. Cunningham, 195
- Electric Locomotives on the City and South London Railway, by Mr. Alexander Siemem, 195, 245
- Utilisation of the Energy of Flowing Water, by Messrs. F. Purdon and H. E. Walters, 196
- Principle of the Hydraulic Ram, by Mr. H. D. Pearsall, 197. See Letter, 23
- A New Form of Windmill for Electrical and
- other Purposes, by Professor J. Blyth, 197 Flexible Metallic Tubing, by Mr. G. it. Redgrale, 197
- Development of Graphic Methods in Mechanical Science Committee's Report, 223
- On the Destruction of Lightning Protectors by Recent Municipal Legislation, by Mr. W. II. Preece, 223
- On the Uses of Secondary Batteries in Telegraphy, by Mr. W. H. Preece, 224
- Power Transmission by Alternating Current, by Mr. Gisbert Kapp, 225
- An Electric Locomotive, by Mr. E. H. Woods, 226
- Coin-Counting Machine, by Lieuterant W. B. Basset, R.N., 226
- Anti-Friction Materials for Bearings used without Lubricants, by Mr. Killingworth Hedges, 226, 274. See also 696
- Design of Steam Generators for High Pressures, by Mr. B. H. Thwaite, 227
- Testing Small Chains, by Professor H. S. Hele-Shaw, 254. See also 427
- Motors Used for Fog Signals in the Northern Lighthouse Service, by Mr. D. A. Stevenson, 255
- On the Progress of the Dioptric Lens as Used in Lighthouse Illumination, by Mr. C. A. Stevenson, 255
- On the Prevention of Smoke in Steam Boiler and other Furnaces, by Mr. A. R. Sennett, 256
- London Sewage Disposal, by Mr. Crawford Barlow, 259, 3U6
- City Sanitation, as Practically Conducted in Edinburgh, by Mr. J. Cooper, 259
- Fire Extinction on Board Ship, by Mr. H. C. Carver, 259
- Physical Section.
- Presidential Address, by Professor Arthur Schuster, 287
- Meteorological Observations on Ben Nevis ;
- Committee's Report, by Lord McLaren, 290 Meteorological Photography, by Mr. Clayden, 290
- Seismological Phenomena in Japan ; Committee's Report, 290
- Underground Temperature ; Committee's Report. 290
- Preliminary Account of Oceanic Circulation, based on the Challenger Observations ; Committee's Report, by Dr. A. Buchan, 290
- Advantages of Maleng Astronomical Time Agree with Civil Time, by Dr. Sandford Fleming, 290
- Leaky Magnetic Circuits, by Professor Du Bois, 290
- Influence of Neighbouring Electrical Discharges on the Electrical Resistance of Metallic Powders, by Dr. Dawson Turner, 290
- On Primary and Secondary Cells in which the
- Electrolyte is a Gas, by Professor A. Schuster, 291
- On Electrical Discharges, by Professor E. Wiedemann, 313
- On the Stability of Periodic Motion, by Lord Kelvin, 313
- On the Specific Conductivity of Thin Films, by Professors Reinold and Rticker, 314
- Sources of Heat in the Galvanic Battery, by Mr. Magnus McLean, 314
- Some Experiments with a Ruhmkorff Coil, by Mr. Magnus McLean and Mr. A. Galt, 314
- A Contribution to the Theory of the Perfect Influence Machine, by Mr. J. Gray, 314
- On the Electric Conductivity of Bismuth and Copper in Magnetic Fields, by Dr. W. Peddie, 314
- The Interference Method for Spectroscopic Analysis, by Professor Michelson, 314
- Photographs of Electric Discharges, by Mr. Campbell Swinton, 316
- Inducto-Script, by the Rev. F. J. Smith, 316. See Erratum, 370
- The Periodic Velocity of Bubbles hi Vertical Tubes Containing Liquid, by Mr. Frederick Trouton, 316
- Thermal Conductivity of Liquids, by Mr. C. H. Lees, 316
- The Physical Laboratory at Grocningen, by Professor Schoute, 310
- A National Physical Laboratory Discussion, 816
- A Magnetic Curve Tracer, by Professor Ewing, 316
- A Magnetic Balance and its Practical Use, 316
- Electrical Standards ; Committee's Report, by Mr. Glazebrook, 316
- The Clark Cell, by Dr. Kahle, 317
- On Wire Standards of Electrical Resistance, by Dr. Lindeck, 317
- On Nomenclature of Units ; Discussion, 317
- Earth Current Storms in 1892, by Mr. Preece, 317
- Dielectric of Condensers, by Mr. Preece, 317
- The Physics of the Voltaic Arc, by Professor S. P. Thomson, 317
- Volume Effects of Magnetisation, by Professor Cargill Knott, 317
- Polarising Gratings, by Professor Du Bois, 317
- On Dispersion in Double Refraction due to Electric Stress, by Dr. John Kerr, 317
- Density of Illumination does not Affect Absorption, by Dr. Peddie, 317
- Physical Condition of the Water of the English Channel, by Mr. H. N. Dickson, 317
- Chemical Section.
- Presidential Address by Professor Hefted McLeod, 316
- Electrolytic Synthesis, by Professor Crum Brown, 346
- Impurities in Chloroform, by Professor W. Ramsay, 316
- Some Alloys of Iron,
- Manganese, and Aluminium, by Mr. T. 11. Hogg, 316
- A New Method of Measuring the Pressure produced in Gaseous Explosions, by Mr. B. Lean and Mr. W. A. Bone, 346
- Luminosity of Hydrocarbon Flames, by Professor Vivian Lewes, 346
- Experiments on Flame, by Professor A. Smithells, 347
- Experiments on Flame Spectra, by Professor A. Smithells, 347
- The Application of a Hydrogen Flame in the Safety Lamp to the Detection and Estimation of Inflammable Gases and Vapours in Air, by Professor F. Clowes, 317
- International Standards for the Analysis of Iron and Steel, by Mr. T. Turner, 347
- Effect of Small Quantities of Foreign Matter on the Propertlis of Metal ; Discussion, 347
- The Impurities of Town Air, by Dr. C. H. Bailey, 347
- Diffusion, by Dr. Svante Arrhenius, 347
- Atomic Weight of Boron, by Professor Ramsay and Miss Aston, 317
- Pure Glucina and the Atomic Weight of Glu-cinum, by Dr. J. Gibson, 347
- Manganese Nodules, by Dr. Gibson, 318
- On the Assumed Potential Difference between
- Metals in the Solid and Molten State, by Professor Ostwald, 318
- Iodides of Sulphur, by Professor McLeod, 348
- British Battle-Ship " Ramillies" (Messrs. Thc m-son, Clydebank), 197, 412
- British Battle-Ships " Royal Oak " and " Revenge," 612
- British Columbia " Toothpicks," 208
- British Cruisers " Indefatigable," " Intrepid," and " Iphigenia" (London and Glasgow Company), 131
- British Cruisers " Pique," " Rainbow," and " Retribution," Engines (Palmer, Jarrow), 608, f 87, 620
- British Official View, Chicago Exhibition, 459
- British Rails Abroad, 147
- British Railways, Signalling Systems in, 179
- British Railways, Working of, 3S9
- British Section, Chicago Exhibition, Prospects, 641
- British Shipping Supremacy, 578
- British Ships and the World's Trade, 55
- British Steel Production, 392
- British Trade Abroad, 544, 721, 761, 794
- Brittany, Land Reclaimed from Sea, 610
- Brixton Cable Tramway, 731
- Broadside Carriages, 127
- Bruce's Electric Signalling Balloon, 75
- Brush Company's Boiler-Feeding Pump, 137
- Brussels Labour Exchange, 488
- Bubbles in Liquids, 316
- Buildings in New York City, Use of Iron in, 2C8
- Bulkhead Doors, 333
- Bulkheads, The Scantlings of Ships', 490
- Bullock Company's Prospecting Drill, 259
- Burglar-Proof Safes, 753
- Butt Connections of the Shell Platirg of Vessels, 832
- Cable Tramway in London, 731
- Cable Tramways, 773
- Cables, Siemens, 218
- Cables, Submarine, 824
- Cabot Memorial, Bristol, 299
- Cabot Memorial and the Chicago Exhibition, 299
- Caisson at Portsmouth Dockyard, '476
- Calder and Aire, River Pollution, 596, 672, 743, 771, 811
- Caledonian Railway, 4E9
- Caledonian Railway Bridges, Rene% ing, 291, 366
- Caledonian Railway Terminal Station, Edinburgh, 424
- Calorimetric Estimation of Fuel, 27, 61
- Camborne, Boiler Explosion at, 91
- Cambridge Electric Lighting (Parsons, Newcastle), 570. See LETTERS, Turbines
- "Campania," New Cunard Steamer, 293, 321, 394. See also 621
- Canada, Industrial Progress of, 23
- Canada, Railroad Building in the North-West, 4E8
- Canada, Wages in, 651
- Canal, Baltic-North Sea, 469
- Canal Directors, Panama, 669
- Canal Lift, Hydraulic (Prttssmann's), 480, 601
- Canal, Manchester. See Manchester Ship Canal
- Canal at Panama, The Effect of a, 302
- Canal, Proposed Forth and Clyde Ship, 195
- Canal Schemes, New, 701
- Canals, European, 639
- Canals, Ladder Dredger for Cleansing (Stothert and Pitt), 492
- Canals and Reservoirs, Indian, 486
- Canet v. Krupp Quick-Firing Guns in French Navy, 204
- Canet and other Quick-Firing Guns, 421, 438, 517. See also 790
- Canet 12-In. Mortar Carriage, 220
- Cannich Bridge, Strathglass, Failure, 129, 364. See LETTERS, Bridges.
- Callon, Grand Ricer, 5]1, 514
- Canon, Horseshoe, Ottawa, Ill., 440
- Canon and Mountain R .ilvt ays, 472, 473, 476
- Cantilever, Alhambra Theatre Balcony, 364. Se: Erratum, 417
- Capstan Lathe (Mr. W. H. Astbury, Grantham), 273
- Carhoid Oilless Bearings, 696
- Carbonising Procesg, Harvey, 116
- Cardiff New Water Works, 351
- Career in India, 703
- Carnegie Strike in America, 141. See also 265
- Carpentry. Book on Manual Instruction, 222
- Carriage for Schneider's 15-Cent. Quick-Firing Gun, 348
- Carriage and Wagon Works of the London and
- South-Western Railway Company, Eastleigh, 130, 178
- Carriage Way Pavements. 112, 143. 183
- Carriages for Guns. See Artillery, Modern United States
- Carriages, Sea Coast, for United States Breechloading Rifles and Mortara, 220
- Carriages for United States 6-1o. Naval Guns, 127
- C irrcd Water-Softening Plant (Mr. John Bellamy, London), 523
- Cars, Sleeping, for European Railways (Midland Car Company), 662
- Cassel, Power Transmission Plant at, 225
- Cast-Iron Test Bars, 117, 147, 231
- C ttskill FAIN, 403
- Cell, The Clark, 317
- Cella, Measurement of the Internal Resistance of, 23
- Cement " Bacillus," 22
- Cement Mortar, Liverpool Water Works, 759
- Centenary of Gas Lighting, 142
- Central Pivot Carriage, United States Naval Guns, 130, 192
- Central Railway. See Glasgow Central Railway Centrifugal Force, 11
- Ceylon Tea Packing, Patent Litigation, 680
- Chain-Making Machine, 427
- Chain, " Triumph," Strength of, 254, 427
- "Challenger " Observations and Oceanic Circulation, 290
- Chamberlain's Labour Programme, 577
- "Champion " Prospecting Drill (Bullock Company), 259
- Channel Bridge, 373
- Channel, Physical Conditi on of Water, 317
- Charge for Electric Lighting, 607
- Chatelier, M. L", on Measurement of Strains in Girders, 521
- Chatelier, M. Le, on Resistance of Railway Curves, 387
- Chatelier Pyrometer, 61
- Chatterton Gas and Steam Engine (Milling Exhibition), 65
- Chemical Annual, 249
- Chemical Science Progress, 237
- Chemistry (Professor McLeod's Presidential Address), 316
- Chicago Exhibition. See Columbian Exposition
- Chicago, Remuneration of Labour and Cost of Living, 55
- Chicken Rock, Curious Eddy at, 49
- Chili, Minerals in, 641
- Chilian War, Torpedo Boat Attack, 86
- Chilled Iron Rolls, Failure of, 410, 521, 544. See LErrzes
- China from an Engineering Standpoint, 231
- China, Railwaj s in, 459
- Chinamen in America (Yosemite, &c.), 623
- Chinese Railway Building, Formosa, 20
- Chloroform, Impurities in, 346
- Chromium and other Metal Alloys, 399, 409, 433, 465, 4P5
- Circulation of Water in Boilers, 609
- City and Guilds of London Institute, 642
- "City of Paris" and Atlantic Record, 125, 148, 180, 325. 521
Civil Engineers, The Institution of: 809
- Presidential Address by Mr. Harrison Hayter, 608
- Halifax Graving Dock, Nova Sc:.tia, by Hon. R. C. Parsons, 642
- Cockatoo Island Graving Dock, Ne le South Wales, by Mr. Ed. W. Young, 642
- Alexandra Graving Dock, Belfast, by Mr. W. R. Kelly, 642
- Construction of a Concrete Graving Dock at Newport, Mon, by Mr. R. Pickewell, 612
- The Manufacture of Small Arms, by Mr John Rigby, 703
- Clamp, Dougall's Belt, 118
- Clark Cell, 317
- Clark and Standfield Pontoon Dor.k, 620
- Cleveland. See Notes from Cleveland
- Cleveland Ironstone Mining, 653
- Clinometer, Francis Surveying Comptms and, 168
- Clipping Bureau at Chicago Exhibition, 801
- Clocks, 97
- Closed Conduit System of Electric Traction, 641
- Cloud Measurements, 781
- Clutch, Simplex (Moore and Norte, Leeds), 118
- Clutch, Stevenson's Friction, 795
- Clyde and Forth Ship Canal, Proposed, 195
- Clyde Paddle Steamer " Glen Sannox " (Messrs. Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 372
- Clyde Passenger Steamer " Lord of the Isles" (Messrs. Henderson, Glasgow), 26, 76
- Clyde Shipbuilding in 1892, 814
- Coal and Iron in Belgium, 361
- Coal in Italy, 728
- Coal Tipping Device, 355
- Coal and what we Get from it, 37
- Coatbridge, Boiler Explosion at, 91
- Cockatoo Graving Dock, New South Wake, 642
- Cockerill Company in Belgium, 610
- Coin-Counting Machine, 226
- Colliery Pumps, Electrically Dtiven (Messrs. Scott and Mountain, Newcastle), 197
- Colliery Winding Engine (Messrs. Thornewill and Warham), 414, 478. See LETTER, Winding Gear
- Colorado, Seven Falls, 440
- Colorado, Trip to, 403, 439, 474, 519 633, 563, 697, 6230 659, f 88, 717, 746, 807
- Colour Blindness, 297
- Colour Vision, Topical Visual Sensitiveness, 447 Colours in Newton's Scale, Spectra of Various Orders of, 762
- Columbia River, 687, 683
Columbian Exposition of 1893 :
- Administration Building, 801
- Agricultural Building, SO2
- Bradford arid the Exposition, 54
- Bristol and the Exposition, 299
- British Official View, 459
- British Section, Prospects, 641
- Cabot Memorial, 299
- Clipping Bureau, 801
- Columbus Celebration at Huelva and New York, 485
- Columbus Fleet (Santa Maria), 180
- Communication in Exhibition Grounds, 7C6
- Cost of Exhibiting, 328
- Doulton's Exhibit, 675
- Dredge, Mr. James, on the Exhibition, 764, 801, 830
- Electricity Building, 351, 478, 750, E02, 811
- Electric Launches, 766
- Executive Staff, 765
- Finances of the Chicago Exposition, 179
- Fine Art Galleries, 831
- Fisheries Buildings, 229, 26 ', 294, 321, 880, S31
- Fleet of Columbus, 180
- Freight Charges for Exhibits, 328
- Government Building, 12, 46, 73, 137, 198, 833
- Growth of International Commerce, 578
- Horticultural Buildings, 604, 631, 661, 831
- Japanese for the World's Fair, 498
- Krupp at Chicago Exposition, 511
- Liberal Arts Building, 166, 351, 537, 832
- Lighting Auditorium Building, 667
- Machinery Hall, 95, 228
- Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, 166, 351, 537, 832
- Materials of Construction, 801
- Mines and Mining Building, 802
- Naval Exhibit, 478
- Norwegian Viking Ship, 417
- Paper read at British Association 1 y Mr. James
- Dredge and Mr. R. S. M'Cormick, 193, 213
- Plan of Buildings, 765
- Pricing Goods, 17, 95
- Progress in Constructing Buildings, 95, 229, 244, 351, 478, 537, 604, 765, 801, 830
- Publicity, Department of, £01
- Railroads to Exhibition Grounds, 765
- Report to Royal Commission on Visit made, June, 1892, by the Secretary, 244
- " Santa Maria," Columbus' Caravel, 180
- Specifications for Iron Works, 198
- Steamers to Exhibition Grounds, 765
- Telescope, 45-In. Refracting, 584
- Tower, 819
- Transport Rates for Exhibits, 328
- Transportation Building, 351, 694, 731, 830
- U.S. Patent Office Exhibit, 45
- Warship Model Exhibit, 478
- Water Railway, 766
- Water Ways to Chicago, 364
- Women's Building, 832
- Columbus Celebration at Huelva and New York, 485
- Columbus Fleet (" Santa Maria"), 180
- Combustion of Sewage, 430. See also 193, 369
- Comets and Meteors, A Plea, 822
- Common, Dr., on a 6-Ft. Reflecting Telescope, 657, 688, 616, 646, 678
- Communication in Chicago Exhibition Grounds, 766
- Compass and Clinometer, Francis' Surveying, 168
- Compound Engines. See Engines
- Compounding of Engines (Dr. Kirk), 487. See LETTER, 509
- Compressed Air v. Hydraulic Power (Lifting Appliances), 175. See also 147 and 276. See LETTER, 833
- Compressed Air at Portsmouth Dockyard, 275
- Concrete as Fireproof Flooring, 239
- Concrete in Harbour Works, 266, 359, 456. See Erratum, 480
- Condensation in Cylinders, 479
- Condenser Tubes, Arrangement of, 762. See. LETTER, 827
- Condition of Iron Trade of America, 81
- Condition of Labour in Hungary, 116
- Conduction, Secondary, 291
- Conductivity of Films, The Specific, 314
- Conductivity in the Magnetic Field, Electric, 314
- Conduits, Underground Electric (Johnstone's System), 19
- Congress, Trades Union, 359
- Connelly Tramway Motor, 15
- Construction of a 5-Ft. Equatorial Reflecting Telescope, 557, 588, 616, 646, 678
- Continental Railway Sleeping Cars (Midland Car Ccmpany), e62
- Contracts for French Naval Engines, Conditions of, 424
- Contracts, Unreasonable, 233
- Converted Marine Engines (Messrs. Richardson, Hartlepool), 446
- Copper, Ehnore's Deposited, 635
- Copper Pipe, Geddes' Flange, 414
- Copper Plates, Shearing Machincs for, Russworth's, 306
- Collies Engine with Non-Detaching Gear, 260
- Corliss Gear, Pitchford and Garrat's, 355
- Corner, Mr. J. T., on Lifting and Hauling Machinery at Portsmouth, 147, 276. See LETTER, 333
- Cornu-le-Chatelier Pyrometer, 61
- Corrugated Furnaces for Locomotives at Schulz- Knaudt's, 351
- Cost of Earthworks in America, 301
- Cost of Exhibiting at Chicago, 328
- Costa Rica, The Republic, 342. See also 235, 267
- Cotton Manufacturing Industries, 66
- Cotton Spinning in America, 989
- Countermining of Belfast Lougb, 300, 331
- County Councillor's Directory, 471
- Cowper's Tubeplate Protectors, 795
- Cranes, Floating, 333
- Crewe Water Supply, Halliday's Filters, 119
- Cristoval Lake, 473
- Crompton, Mr. R. E., on Electricity in the Navy, 135, 146, 1H. See LETTER, l70
- Cruiser Apollo," Grounding of the, 517
- Cruiser " Jean Bart," French First-Class, 44
- Cruiser "Republica" and Armstrong Guns, Brazilian, 799
- Cruisers " Indefatigable," " Intrepid," and
- " Iphigenia " Engines (London and Glasgow Company), 134
- Cruisers Launched 1892, 823
- Cru sere " Pique," " Rainbow," and " Retribution," Engines (Palmer, Jarrow), 508, 687, 820
- Crushing Diamondiferous Soil, 459
- Culvert for Burn, Glasgow Central Railway, 104
- Cunard Steamers, New, 299, 321, 391. See also 521
- Currenc ti's Needle, 472
- Current, Earth, Storms of 1892, 317
- Current Motor, A, 196
- Currents in the Ocean, 293
- Curves, Resistance of Railway, 387
- Cyclones, Anti-, in the Southern Hemisphere, 781
- Cylinder, Condensation in, 479
- Dam, Periyar Irrigation Works, 654, 689, 713 Dam, Vyrnwy, 759
- Dams, Loose Rock, 332
- Damage to H.M.S. " Apollo," 617
- Damaged Steamer " Koh-i-Noor," 78
- Damper Regulator, Mason's Steam, 278
- Dangerous Structures, 443
- Danish Cruiser " Gaiser" and Thornycroft Boiler, 789
- Davit, A New Ship's (Sample's), 460. See LETTER, 479
- Day System of Elevated Railroad Construction, 332
- Deacon, Mr. G. F., on Shield Tunnelling in Loose Ground, 191, 212
- Deadman, Mr. H. E., on Electricity in the Navy, 135, 146, 182. See LETTER, 170
- Dean's Convertible Broad and Narrow Gauge Locomotive for Great Western Railway, 44
- Decimal System, Our Anti-, 11, 49, 79
- Deflection of Bridges, 729. See LETTERS, Loads on Rivets
- Dell's Automatic Weighing Machine, 13
- Demonstrating Curves of Electric Current Flow in Conductors under Different Conditions, 35
- Denmark, State Railways in, 332, 674
- Denmark, Trials of Reapers and Binders, 446
- Derricks, Hydraulic, H.M S. " Vulcan," 629
- Desdouit's Ds namometer and Railway Curves, 387
- Destructors and Electric Light, Refuse, 193, 269, 430
- Diagrams, Graphic Methods in Mechanical Science, 223
- Diagrams of Metal Prices, 58, 180, 334, 960, 584, 734, 828
- Diamond Mining. South African, 790
- Diamond - Pointed Exploring Drills (Bullock Company, Chicago), 259
- Diamondiferous Soil, Treatment, 459
- Dickinson's Screw Propeller, 570. See LisrrEits, Propellers
- Dielectric of Condensers, 317
- Diffusion of Light, 762
- Dimensions of Physical Quantities ; Relation to
- Direction in Space, 619. See also 24
- Dimensions of United States Naval Guns, 71
- Dimensions of Warships, 52
- Dioptric Lens, 255
- Discharge Phenomena (Electrical) in Vacuum Tubes, 313
- Dispersion in Double Refraction due to Electric Stress, 317
- Disposal of London and Edinburgh Sewage, 258, 259, 306
- Disposal of Sewage, 364
- Distribution, Heat, in Engines, 669
- Distribution and Transmission of Power in Modern Ships, 154, 181, 276
- Dock, Pontoon (Clark and Standfield), 630
- Dock Pumps at Portsmouth Dockyard, 276
- Docks, Graving, 642
- Docks, New Schemes, 702
- Dockyard, Portsmouth, 168. See also 145, 152
- Donkin, Mr. Bryan, Jun., on Locomotive Boiler Experiments, 501
- Donkin, Mr. Bryan, Jun., Steam Boiler Experiments, 115. See LETTBRS. Boilers, French
- Doors in Bulkheads, 333
- Dougall's Belt Clamp, 118
- Doulton's Exhibit for World's Fair, 675
- Dredge, Mr. James, on the Chicago Exhibition, 764, 801, 830
- Dredge, Mr. James, and McCormick, Mr. R. S., on Columbian Exposition, 193, 213
- Dredger, F loating Elevator Transformed into (Mr. A. F. Smulder), 241
- Dredger " Jupiter," Suction Pump (Messrs. Simons, Renfrew), 414
- Dredger, Ladder, for Cleansing Canals (Stothert and Pitt), 492
- Driggs-Schroeder Rapid-Firing Gun, 503, 636. See also 566
- Drill, Radial (Britannia Company, Colchester), 460
- Drill, Sensitive (Britannia Company, Colchester), 331
- Drill, Siemens Electrical, 250
- Drills, Diamond - Point( d Exploring (Bullock Company, Chicago), 259
- Drills, Rock, for Ironstone Mining, 653
- Drilling and Boring Machine (Newark Company, New Jersey), 736
- Drilling and Boring Machine (Messrs. Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Glasgow), 148
- Dublin Electric Lighting Station, 301. See Erratum, 333
- Dublin University Centenary, 87
- Duplex Lathe (Hulse and Co)., 601
- Dynamite Guns, Pneumatic, Model 1890, 3, 37
- Dynamo and Engine, H.M.S. " Rupert" (Latimer Clark, Muirhead, and Co.), 107
- Dynamo for Series Lighting (Greenwood and Batley, Limited), 493
- Dynamo, Siemens, H. B., Direct Coupled Set, 311
- Dynamo, Siemens Direct Current, 1867, 281
- Dynamo F. See Siemens .electrical Apparatus Dynamos, Electric Transmission at Faria Miner, 4' 7
- Dynamometer, Captain DeEdouit's, 387
- Dynamometer, Siemens Astatic Potential, 218
- Eardley-Wilmot, Captain, on Dimensions cf Warships, 52
- Earn Viaduct, Renewing, 366. See also 291
- Earnings of Labour and Cost of Living in C u icago, 65
- Earth Current Storms of 1892, 317
- Earthquakcs, Seismological Phenomena in Japan, 290
- Earthwork in America, Cost of, 301
- East Elliot Pit, Winding Engine (Thornewill and Warham), 414, 478. See LS1TERS, Winding Gear
- Eastern Extension, Cable Compan3 '13 Operations, 702
- Eastleigh Railway Carriage and Wagon Works (London and South-Western Railway Company), 130, 178
- Eastney Sewage Works and Cumberland Fort, 176
- " Eclair," French Torpedo Boat (Forges et Chantiers), 166. See also 201
- Eddy at Chicken Rock, Curious, 49
- Eddy, Mr., and New South Wales Railways, 357, 489, 516, 575
- Edinburgh Sanitation, 259
- Edinburgh Terminal Station, Caledonian Railway, 424
- Edison Lamp Patent in America, 580
- Education, Superficial Science and Art, 327
- Educational Books, 222
- Edwards' Valve Gear, 817
- Efficiency of Fuel, 27, 61
- Egypt, Patents in, 721
- Egyptian Irrigation Works, 118
- Eight Hours and other Labour Schemes, 173
- Eight-Wheeled Coupled Locomotive for Mineral
- Traffic, London and North-Western Railway,
- 760
- Electric Accumulators, 471
- Electric Bells, Indicator Board with Electrical
- Re Setting Device, 250
- Electric C ark s, 218
- Electric Conductivity in the Magnetic Field, 314
- Electric Discharges, Photographs of, 316
- Electric Installation, Billiter Buildings, London,
- 381
- Electric Lamp Patent in America, Edison, 680
- Electric Laut;ches at Chic ago Exhibition, 766
- Electric Light, The Advance of the, 423, 442
- Electric Light and Gas, 651
- Electric Light Installation at People's Palace,
- 606
- Electric Light at Nottingham, 731
- Electric Light Signalling Balloon, 75
- Electric Lighting at Cambridge (Pardons, New-
- castle), 570. See LErrPRs, Turbines
- Electric Lightir g at Old America Exhibition,
- Manchester (Siemens), 602
- Electric Lighting Schemes, New, 702
- Electric Lighting Station, Dublin, 301. See
- Erratum, 333
- Electric Locomotive, 195, 226, 245
- Electric and Magnet Fields Experiments, 709
- Electric Railway Schemes, New, 701
- Electric Railway Signalling System, 365, 637, 639
- Electric Supply, The Cost of, 607
- Electric Supply Meter, Siemcns, 167
- Electric Tram Rails, Brain Closed Circuit System
- for, 239, 329
- Electric Tramway System, Wynne's, 641
- Electric Tramway Traction by Storage Bat-
- teries, 489
- Electric Tramways, 773
- Electric Transmission at the Mines of Faria, 437
- Electric Welding and Soldering, 376. See Errata,
- 417
- Electrical Apparatus. See Siemens Electrical
- Apparatus.
- Electrical Appliances in Navy, 170
- Electrical Discharges, 313
- Electrical Fngineers, h e Instil ut ion of: The Conbtitution of the Council, 609. See albo 612
- Dinner, 667
- Electrical Engineering as a Profession (See LITERATURE), 222
- Electrical Exhibition (Crystal Palace): Agitator (Electrolyte), London Metallurgical Company, 19
- Conduits, Underground, Johnstone's System, 19
- Kent Arc Lamp, 19
- Siemens Exhibits, 19. See ,Siemens Electrical Apparatus
- Welding (Messrs. Lloyd and Lloyd), 19
- Electrical Indicator for Sewage Works, 176, 336
- Electrical Resistance, Wire Standards of, 317
- Electrical Sparks and Resistance, 290
- Electrical Standards, Board of Trade, 316, 727, 732
- Electrical Underground Railway in Berlin, 30
- Electrical Welding (bleEsrs. Llo% d and Lloyd), 19
- Electrically Driven Pumps at North Seaton Col-
- liery (Scott and Mountain, Newcastle), 97
- Electricity, 442
- Electricity Building, Chicago Exhibition, 351, 478, 750, 802, 814
- Electricity, Measurement cf the Internal Resistance of Cells, 23
- Electricity from Mountain Streams, 269
- Electricity in the Royal Dockyards and the Navy, 135, 146, 182. See LErricR, 170
- Electricity in Sweden, 207
- Electro-Magnet, 442
- Electrolyte Agitator, London Metallurgical Company, 19
- Electrolytic Synthesis, 316
- Elephant Boilers, French or, 148, 170, 262
- Elephant or French Boilers (Mr. Donkin afid Professor Kennedy), 116. See LEneRs. Elevated Railroad Construction, Day Sy steth, 332
- Elevated Railroads at New York, 790
- Elevator, Floating, Transformed into Dredger (Mr. A. F. Smulder), 241
- Elimination of Sulphur from Iron, 412, 462
- Elliptical Boring Machine (Messrs. G. and A. Harvey, Glasgow), 748
- Elmore's Deposited Copper, 635
- Embankment, Periyar Irrigation Works, 651, 689, 713
- Enfield Works, 703
- Engine, Brayton Petroleum, 89
- Engine, Compound Traction (Messrs. Aveling
- and Porter, Rochester), 13
- Engine, Corliss, with Non-Detaching Gear, 2e,0
- Engine, Fire, Competition at Havre, 262, 303, 333, 385
- Engine, Gas, Igniting Tubes, 720
- Engine, Gas and Steam, Chatterton (Milling Exhibition), 55
- Engine, Griffin Oil, 585
- Engine, Oil, Priestman, from American Point of View, 105
- Engine, Oil, " Trusty " (Weymaa and Hitchcock), 707
- Engine, Rolling Mill (Messrs. Hayward Tyler and Co.), 134
- Engine, Steam, and Dynamo, H.M.S. " Rupert," 197
- Engine, Steam, Professor Thurston's Manual to the, 282
- Engine, 1600 Indicated Horse-Power Tandem Mill (Hick, Hargreaves, and Co.), 662
- Engine, Traction (Ransomer, Sims, and Jefferies), 40
- Engine, Winding, for Colliery (Thornewill and Warham), 414, 418. See Lamm
- Engines, Compound Paddle, of the Steamer
- " Glen Sannox (Thomson, Clydebank), 372
- Engines, Converted Marine (Richardson, Hartlepool), 446
- Engines, Diag3nal " Lord of the Isles " (Messrs. Henderson, Glasgow), 26, 76
- Engines, French Marine (Forges et Chantiers),
- 262. See Erratum, 325
- Engines, French Naval, Conditions of Contract, 424
- Engines, Gas (Brewers' Exhibition), 648
- Engines, Heat Distribution in, 659
- Engines, Naphtha, of Aluminium Yacht " Mignon " (Escher-Wyss), 320
- Engines, Oil, for Fog Signalling, 265
- Engines, Pumping, for Hydraulic Mining, New
- South Wales (Austral-Otis Company), 478
- Engines, Pumping, for Sewage Works, 176, 336 Engines, Quadruple-Expansion Mill (Musgrave,
- Limited, Bolton), 543
- Engines at Smithfield Show, 729
- Engines, Steam Jacketed, 649, 556, 667, 736, 766, 797. See LETTER.s, Steam Jacket8
- Engines, Triple - Expansion, Brazilian Twin-Screw Steamers " Itaoca " and " Itaipu " (Thomson, Clydebank), 696
- Engines, Triple-Expansion (Dr. Kirk), 487. See LETTER, 609
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, of H. M. Battle-Ship " Ramillies" (Thomson, Clydebank). 197, 412
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, of H.M.SS " Indefatigable," " Intrepid," and " Iphigenia" (London and Glasgow Company), 134
- Engines, Triple Expansion, H.M.SS. "Pique," " Rainbow," and "Retribution " (Palmer, Jarrow), 508, 587, 620
- Engine3, Triple-Expansion, of S.S. " Lovart " (Messrs. Ross and Duncan, Govan), 816
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, of Yacht " Princeese Alice" (Penn), 780
- Engineering in China, 234
- Engineering Telegraph Code, 442
- Engineering, Three Aspects of (Science, Art, Business), 111
- Engineers, Amalgamated Society of, 388
- Engineers, American Naval, 17. See Lsrms, Engine-Boom Complements
- Engineers in India, 262, 354, 631. See also 703
- Engineers, Naval, The Position of, 82
- Engineers, Naval, Training (Greenwich), 40
- Engineers in the Navy. See .Naval Engine-Room Complements
- Engineers in the Navy. See Unification, 705, 720, 793, 827
- Engineers, Wages of British Sea-Going, 23
- English Commercial Enterprise Abroad, 641, 721, 761, 794
- Escher-Wyss Aluminium Naphtha Yacht "Mig-non," 320
- Ether Pressure Theory, 361, 465. 514, 648
- "Etruria," Fast Steaming, 125, 148, 180, 325. See 521
- European Canals, 639
- Everett, Washington, 746, 754
- Ewing, Professor, on Tests of Turbine and Superheated Steam, 570. See Unitas, Turbines
- Excavating in Quicksand, 23
- Excursion Routes in America, 87
- Executive Staff, Chicago Exhibition, 765
- Exhibition, Brewers', 548
- Exhibition, Chicago. See Columbian Exposition
- Exhibition, Milling, 55
- Expansion of Long Rails, 703
- Experiments with a High-Tension Alternating Current (Siemens), 343
- Experiments, Steam Boiler, Great Eastern Railway Locomotive (Mr. B. Donkin, Jun., and Professor Kennedy), 501
- Exploring Ship, Arctic, 612
- Explosion, Boiler, at Manchester Ship Canal, 781
- Explosions. See Boiler Explosions
- Explosions, Boiler, and the Board of Trade, 821
- Explosions, Gaseous, 346
- Factories, Gun (American), 377, 405
- Faesch and Piccard Turbines for Niagara Utilisation, 787
- Failure of a Bridge at Stratbglass, Inverness,
- 329, 364. See LETTERS, Bridge Failure Failure of Chilled Iron Rolf, 410, 524. See
- Fairfield Company, New Cunard Steamers, 298, 321, 394. See also 521
- Fairfield Company, Thames Passenger Stcamer " Koh-i-Noor," 78
- Faraday (Royal Institution), 113
- Fares, Second•Class Railway Passengers', 699
- Faria Mines, Electric Transmission at, 437
- Farms, Sewage, 258, 25), 306
- Farmer, The Late Mr. John Stinson, 780
- Fay and Co.'s Yard, Southampton, 178
- Feed HeaterP, &c., Manchester Steam Users' Association, 44
- Ferro-Tungsten Alloys, 826
- Ferrule for Navy Boilers, 195
- Ferrules. See Cowper's Tubeplate Protector, 705
- Ferry Steamer at Portsmouth (Floating Bridge), 176, 463
- Films, The Specific Conductivity of Thin, 314
- Filters for London and North-Western Railway Works, Crewe, Halliday's, 119
- Finances of the Chicago Exhibition, 179
- Fire Engine Competition at Havre, 262, 303, 333, 385
- Fire Engine, Siemens Electrical, 251
- Fire Extinction on Board Ship, 259
- Fireboxes, Steel, in Locomotive, 421
- Firemen and " Iona," Marine, 681
- Firemen, Marine, 647. See Lismits
- Fireproof Flooring, 239
- Firing Trials of 3.94-In. Canet Quick-Firing Gun, 517
- Firing Trials of U.S. 6-In. Naval Gun, 130
- Fisheries Building, Chicago Exhibition, 229, 260, 294, 321, 380, 831
- Flame, Hydrogen, in Safety Lamps, 347
- Flames, Experiments on, 347
- Flames, Hydro-Carbon, Luminosity of, 346
- Flange for Copper Pipes, Geddes', 414
- Flanging Flues and Boiler Ends at Schulz-Knaudt's, 351
- Fleet of Columbus, 180
- Flexible, Metallic Tubing, 197
- Floating Bridge at Portsmouth, 176, 463
- Floating Cranes, 333
- Floating Elevator Transformed into Dredger (Mr. A. F. Smulder), 241
- Floods and Sluices, 827
- Flooring, Fireproof, 239
- Flow of Water in Pipes, 239. See LETTERS
- Fog Signalling, Marine, 255
- Forced Draught and Marine Boilers, 608, 544, 581, 682, 613, 634, 635, 663, 704, 705, 760, 761, 793
- Foreign Trade, British and other National, 678
- Forges et Chantiers Torpedo Boat Engines, 262. See Erratum, 225
- Forges et Chantiers Torpedo Boats, 166, 201
- Formosa and its Railways, 20
- Fort Wrangel, Alaska, 754
- Forth and Clyde Ship Canal, Proposed, 195
- Foundations, Levelling Subaqueous, 369
- Francis Surveying Compass and Clinometer, 168
- Freight Charges for Exhibits for Chicago, 328
- Freights, 457
- French or Elephant Boilers, 148, 170, 282
- French or Elephant Boilers (Mr. Donkin and Professor Kennedy), 115. See LETTERS
- French First-Class Cruiser " Jean Bart," 44
- French Marine Engines (Forges et Chantiers), 262. See Erratum, 325
- French Naval Machinery Contract Conditions, 424
- French Navy, Quick-Firing Guns in, 204
- French Steam Navigation, 269
- French Torpedo Boats (Forges et Chantiers), 166, 201
- Friction Clutch (idoore and KOrte), 118
- Friction Clutch, Stevenson's, 795
- Fritz John, 540
- Froude, Mr. R. E., on Haslar Experimental Works, 176
- Fryer, The Late Mr. Alfred, 780
- Fuel Economy, 256
- Fuel and its Efficiency, 27, 61
- Furnace Combustion, 256
- Furnace Company, Monongahela, McKeesport,
- Penn., Plant of the, 140
- Furnace Temperature Recorder, 390
- "Gabriel Charmes," French Torpedo Boat (Forges et Chantiers), 201. See also 166
- Gais and St. Gall Mountain Road Railway, Switzerland, 741, 805
- Galvanic Battery, Sources of Heat Generated in, 314
- Garbage Disposal, 37, 193, 369, 430
- Gas Burneri, Results from, 142
- Gas Coal, Petroleum as an Enricher of, 81
- Gas Companies, 442
- Gas and Electric Light in European Cities, 551
- Gas Engine Igniting Tubes, 720
- Gas Engines at the Brewers' Exhibition, 648
- Gaseous Explosions, 346
- Gas Lighting, Centenary of, 142
- Gas, Oxygen, 721
- Gas and Steam Engine, Chatterton (Milling Exhibition), 55
- Gasholder Construction, Difficulties in, 29
- Gatling Gun, United States, 443
- Gauge Glasses, Scholt and Gens New Composite, 730
- Gauges of Indian Railways, 421
- Geddes Flange for Copper Pipes, 414
- Generating Electricity by Hydraulic Power, 269
- Geneva, Bailer Explosion on Lake, 206
- German Railway Accidents, 459
- "Germanic" and " Britannic" Refrigerating Machinery (Hall's), 58. See LETTERS, Refrigerating Machine
- Germany, Iron and Iron Ore in, 116
- "Ghelendjick," Russian Torpedo Boat (Forges et
- Chantiers), 201
- Gilbert's " De Magnete," 790
- Girder Construction, 471
- Girders, Measurement of Strains in Bridge, 521
- Glaciers in Alaska, 774
- Glasgow. See Notei from, the North
- Glasgow, Boiler Explosion at, 91
Glasgow Central Railway :
- Bridges, 163, 218
- Culvert for Burn, 104
- Kelvinside Section, 8
- Stobcross Section, 8
- Timbering Tunnels, ate., 7
- Tunnelling, 7
- Underground Stations, 70, 104
- Underpinning, 7
- Glasgow and South-Western Railway Company's Paddle Steamer " Glen Sannox" (Thomson, Clydebank, 372
- "Glen Sannox," Glasgow and South-Western Railway Company's Steamer (Thomson, Clydebank), 372
- Glenury Viaduct, Renewing, 291, 366
- Glenwood Springs, 552
- Government Building, Chicago Exhibition, 12, 46, 73, 137, 198, 832
- Governmental Council of Labour, 23
- Grand Trunk Railway, Doubling, 610
- Granger's Steam Nozzle Ventilator, 334
- Granolithic Fireproof Flooring, '239
- Graphic Methods in Mechanical Science, 223
- Gratings, Polarising, 317
- Graving Docks, 642
- Gravity Return Carriage ; United States Naval
- Guns, 130, 189
- Great Eastern Railway Locomotive Boiler Experiments ; Mr. B. Donkin, Jun., and Profesor Kennedy, 50
- Great Western Railway Convertible Broad and
- Narrow Gauge Locomotive, 44
- Greathead, Mr., on the Liverpool Overhead Railway, 390
- Green's Economisers ; Steam Boiler Experiments, 115. See Unitas, Boiler8, French Greenwich Naval Engineer Training, 40 Greenwood and Batley's Dynamo for Series Lighting, 493
- Griffin Oil Engine, 586
- Grinding Machine for Mirror of Telescope, 557. See also 588, 616, 646, 678
- Groeningen, Physical Laboratory at, 316
- Growth of International Commerce, 578
- Guatemala Central Railway, 268. See also 235, 267, 365
- Gun Construction in the United States ; Present Position, 147
- Gun Manufacture in Sweden, 49
- Guns. See Artillery, Modern United States Guns, Naval, 478
- Guns, Quick-Firing, in French Navy, 204
- Gunnery and Ordnance, A Course of Instruction in, 249
- Hadfield, Mr. R. A., and Alloys of Iron and Chromium, 399, 409, 433, 465, 495
- Halifax Graving Dock, Nova Scotia, 642
- Halliday's Filters for London and North-Western
- Railway Works, Crewe, 119
- Hall's Refrigerating Machinery in " Britannic" and " Germanic," 58. See LETTERS, Refrigerating Machine
- Halsted Observatory, Spectroscope, 101
- Hammer, Steam, at Schulz-Knaudt's, 291
- Hammers, Steam, 613
- Harbour Schemes, New, 702
- Harbour Works, Concrete in, 266, 359, 456. See Erratum, 480
- Harris, Mr. H. G., on Floating Bridge at Portsmouth, 176, 463
- Harvey Carbonising Process, 116
- Harvey's Elliptical Boring Machine, 748
- Haslar Experimental Works, 176
- Hauling and Lifting Machinery at Portsmouth, 147, 176, 275. See LETTER, 333, 175
- Hayward Tyler and Co.'s Rolling Mill Engine, 134
- Heat Distribution in Engines, 659
- Hedges, Mr. Killingworth, on Anti - Friction Materials, 226, 274, 696
- Hele-Shaw, Professor, on Graphic Methods, 223
- Henderson and Co. Steamer " Lord of the Isles," 26, 76
- H.M.S. " Vulcan," 629
- H.M.SS. " Indefatigable," " Iphigenia," and " Intrepid ' (London and Glasgow Company), 134
- H.M.SS. "Pique," " Rainbow," " Retribution " (Palmer, Jarrow), 608, 587. 620
- H.M.SS. " Royal Oak " and " Revenge," 612
- Hertz Researches on Electro-Magnetic R2diation, Polarising Gratings, 317
- Hick, Hargreaves, and Co., 1630 indicated Horse•
- Power Tandem Mill Engine, 662
- High-Tension Alternating Current, Experiment with a (Siemens), 343
- Hill Climbing Motor, 610
- Historical Machines (Siemens), 281
- Holder Construction, Difficulties in Gas-, 29
- Holland, Labour in, 298
- Holle, Mr., on the Berlin Electrical Underground Railway, 30
- Holtzapffel's Lathe for Rose Turning, 227
- Homestead Strike, Carnegie ; Labour Troubles in America, 141. See also 265
- Honduras Interoceanic Railway, 343. See also 235, 267
- Horticultural Buildings, Chicago Exposition, 604, 631, 664, 831
- Hotchkiss Quick-Firing Gun, Driggs-Schroeder, 603, 636, 666
- Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon, 443
- Howe Truss, Timber, 446. See also 382
- Hulse and Co.'s Duplex Lathe, 601
- Hungary, Condition of Labour in, 116
- Hungary, Miners in, 179
- Hydraulic Canal Lift (Prtissmann's), 480, 601
- Hydraulic v. Compressed Air Power (Lifting Appliances), 175. See also 147, 275. See LETTER, 333
- Hydraulic Derricks, H.M.S. "Vulcan," 6:9
- Hydraulic Machinery, 723
- Hydraulic Mining, Pumping Engine for, New
- South Wales (Austral-Otis Company), 478
- Hydraulic Power for Generating Electricity, 269
- Hydraulic Ram, 197. See LETTERS, 231
- Hydraulics, Flow of Water in Pipes, 239. See LETTERS
- Hydrocarbon Flames, Luminosity of, 346
- Hydrogen Flame in Safety Lamps, 347
- I'Anson, Mr. J. C., on Ironstone Mining in Cleveland, 663
- Illumination, Density does not affect Absorption, 317
- Imports and Exports of Colonies per Head of Population, 188
- Impurities of Town Air, 347
- Incandescent Lamp Patent in America, 580
- Inclined Railway, Bridgnorth, 87
- " Indefatigable," " Intrepid," and " Iphigenia," Cruisers (London and Glasgow Company), 134
- "Independencia," Argentine Armour-Clad Ram, 648
- Index to Engineering Literature, 269
- India, Engineers in, 4, 25, 262
- Indian Canals and Reservoirs, 485
- Indian Public Works Department, 262, 354, 637 See also 703
- Indian Railway' Gauges, 421
- Indicator Board for Bells with Siemens Electrical Re-Setting Device, 250
- Induction, Telegraphy by, 674
- Inducto-Script, 316. See Erratum, 370
- Industrial Notes, 26, 69, 89, 119, 150, 181, 211, 241, 273, 305, 335, 368, 395, 429, 461, 493, 523, 655, 585, 615, 646, 677, 707, 735, 763, 795, 829
- Industrial Progress of Canada, 23
- Influence Machine, The Theory of the Perfect, 314
- Inspiration, The Source of (Brassey's Annual),49
- Institution of Civil Engineers. See Civil Engineers, Institution of
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers. See Mechanical Engineers, institution of
- Institution of Naval Architects. See Naval Architects, institution of
- Intermittent Currents, Visible Representations of, 35
- International Commerce, The Growth of, 578
- Interoceanic Railways of Central America. See Railways
- " Intrepid," British Cruiser (London and Glasgow Company), 134
- Inventors' Rights, 233
- Inverness Bridge Failure, 329, 364. See Licrrins, Bridge Failure
- " Iona," Marine Firemen of, 581
- " Iphigenia," British Cruiser (London and Glasgow Company), 334
- Irish Industrial Progress, 332
- Irish Shipping, 332
- Iron Alloys, 346
- Iron and Chromium, Alloys of, 399, 409, 433, 465, 495
- Iron and Coal in Belgium, 361
- Iron Construction in New York City, 208
- Iron, Elimination of Sulphur from, 412, 462
- Iron Industry of Spain, 700
- Iron and Iron Ore in Germany, 116
- Iron Ore in Italy, 728
- Iron and Ores in Sweden, 703, 791
- Iron, The Reduction of, 580
- Iron Rolls, Failure of Chilled, 410, 524. See LrivrErt, 544
- Iron Shipbuilders and Boilermakers' Society, 486. See also 515
- Iron, Siemens Apparatus for Testing Magnetic Qualities of, 312
- Iron and Steel, Analysis of, International Standards, 347
Iron raid Steel Institute :
- Notes on Fuel and its Efficiency, by Mr. B. H.
- Thwaite, 27, 61
- Liverpool Meeting—
- On the Manufacture of Iron in its Relation with Agriculture, by Sir Lowthian Bell, 390. See Letter, 426
- On an Apparatus for Autographically Recording the Temperature of Furnaces, by Professor Roberts-Austen, 390
- On the Liverpool Overhead Railway, by Mr. J. H. Greathead, 390
- Alloys of Iron and Chromium, by Mr. R. A. Hadfield, 399, 409, 433, 465, 495
- Failures in the Necks of Chilled Rolls, by Mr. Charles A. Winder, 410, 524. See LEITERS
- The University College Walker Engineering
- Laboratory and the Scheme of Engineering
- Instruction, by Professor H. S. Hele-Shaw, 412
- On a New Process for the Elimination of Sulphur from Iron, by Mr.Saniter, 412, 462
- On the Elimination of Sulphur from Iron, by Mr. J. E. Stead, 412
- Iron and Steel Production in Scotland, 621
- Iron and Steel, Rolled, Sections, 827
- Iron and Steel in Sweden, 703, 791
- Iron Test Bars, Cast, 117, 147, 231
- Iron Trade, American, 81
- Iron Trade, British Finished, 824
- Iron and Tungsten Alloy, 826
- Ironfounders' Society, 638
- Ironstone Mining in Cleveland, 653
- Irrigation, b8
- Irrigation in India, 485
- Irrigation in New South Wales, 362
- Irrigation, Sewage, 258, 259, 306
- Irrigation Works, Egyptian, 118
- Irrigation Works, Periyar, 664, 689, 713
- Isla Viaduct, Renewing, 366. See also 291
- Italy, Labour in, 608
- Italy, Minerals, Industries, 728
- " Itaoca" and " Itaipu." Brazilian Twin-Screw Steamers (Thomson, Clydebank), 696
- Jackets, Steam, 649, 556, 567, 736, 766, 797. See Lsrms
- Japan, Seismological Phenomena, 290
- " Jean Bart," First-Class Cruiser, French, 41
- Johnstone's Underground Electric Conduits, 19
- Joinery, Book on Manual Instruction, 222
- July Weather, 174
- June Weather, 63
- Juneau, Capital of Alaska, 764
- " Jupiter," Suction Pump Dredger (Messrs. Simone, Renfrew), 414
- " Kabyle," French Torpedo Boat (Forges et Chantiers), 166. See also 201
- Kapp, Mr. Gisbert, on Power Transmission, 225
- Kelvinside Section, Glasgow Central Railway, 8
- Kennedy, Professor, on Steam Boiler Experiments, 116, 601. See LETTERS, Boilers, French Kent Arc Lamp, 19
- Kinetic Theory of Gases, Stability of Periodic Motion, 313
- Kirk, Dr. A. C., on Tests of Navy Boilers, 78, 333
- Kirk, The Late Dr. Alexander C., 469, 487. See LETTER, 609
- "Koh-i-Noor," Thames Passenger Steamer (Fairfield Company), 78
- Krupp v. Canet Guns in French Navy, 204
- Krupp at Chicago Exhibition, 641
- Krupp v. other Quick-Firing Guns, 421, 438. See also 790
- Laboratory at Groeningen, Physical, 316
- Laboratory, National Physical, 316
- Laboratories, Walker, Liverpool, 412
- Labour in Austria, 360
- Labour in Belgium, 467
- Labour Exchange, Brussels, 488
- Labour, Governmental Council of, 23
- Labour in Holland, 298
- Labour in Hungary, Condition of, 116
- Labour in Italy, 608
- Labour Movement, A New (Apprentice Question), 515. See LETTERS.
- Labour in Parliament, 173
- Labour Programme, Mr. Chamberlain's, 577
- Labour Questions. See Industrial Notes.
- Labour, Remuneration of, in Chicago, 55
- Labour in Switzerland, Condition of, 327
- Labour Troubles in America (Carnegie Strike), 141, 265
- Ladder Dredger for Cleansing Canals (Stothert and Pitt), 492
- Lamp, Kent Arc, 19
- Land Reclamation from the Sea at Brittany, 610
- Lathe, Capstan (Mr. W. H. Astbury, Grantham), 273
- Lathe, Combination (Messrs. Lister), 308
- Lathe, Duplex (Hulse and Co.), 601
- Lathe for Rose Turning, Holtzapffel, 227
- Latimer Clark, Muirhead, and Co., Dynamo (H.M.S. " Rupert"), 107
- Launch of Pontoon Dock (Messrs. Clark and Stand field), 730
- Launches at Chicago Exhibition, Electric, 766
- Launches and Trial Trips, 32, 60, 92, 122, 148, 180, 209, 272, 303, 321, 355, 381, 425, 447, 482, 609, 541, 575, 601, 682, 696, 734. 749, 781, 816
- Leaky Magnetic Circuits, 290
- Leaky Tubes. See Forced Draught.
- Leduc, Dr., and the Atomic Weight of Oxygen, 465, 644, 648
- Leigh, Boiler Explosion at, 709
- Leland Stanford University, &c., California, 598, 599
- Lemon, Mr. James, on the New Royal Pier at Southampton, 176, 307
- Lens, Lighthouse, 265
- Lesseps, De, and Panama Canal, 669
- Lever Motion Stone Breaker (Messrs. Mason, Leicester), 675
- Liberal Arts Building, Chicago Exhibition, 166, 361, 537, 832
- " Libertad," Argentine Armour-Clad Ram, 648
- Life-Saving Deck Seats, " Lord of the Isles," 26. See also 76
- Lift, Prttssmann's Hydraulic Canal, 480, 601
- Lifting and Hauling Machinery at Portsmouth, 147, 175, 275. See LEI TER, 333
- Light, Diffusion of, 762
- Light, Electric, at Nottingham, 731
- Lighthouse Lens, 255
- Lighting Auditorium Building, Chicago Exhibition, 667
- Lighting, Electric, at Old America Exhibition, Manchester (Siemens), 602
- Lighting, Electric, Billiter Buildings, London, 381
- Lighting, Electric, at Cambridge (Parsons, Newcastle), 5i0. See LETTERS, Turbines
- Lighting, Electric, in the Navy, 135, 146, 182. See LETTER, 170
- Lighting, Electric, Provisional Orders, 423, 442
- Lighting, Series, Dynamo for (Greenwood and Batley, Limited), 493
- Lighting Station, Dublin Electric, 301. See Erratum, 333
- Lightning Conductors, 223
- Linde British Refrigerating Company, Limited, 170
- Linde, Refrigerating Machinery Tests, 66. See LErrEas, Refrigerating Machines
- Liquid, Bubbles in, 316
- Liquid Measure, 97
- Liquids, Thermal Conductivity, 316
- Lister's Combination Lathe, 308
- Lister's Shaping Machine (Keighley), 645 Literature, 1, 37, 67, 97, 125, 187, 222, 249, 282, 376, 442, 471, 772, 809
- Literature, Index to Current Engineering, 269 Liverpool, Boiler Explosion at, 170, 076 Liverpool Overhead Railway, 390
- Liverpool Water Works at Vyrnwy, 769
- Loads on Rivets, 793
- Lobley, Mr. J. Logan, on the London Water Supply, 187
- Lock and Block Signalling (Sykes), 639. See also 365, 537
- Locomotive, Abt, Brienz and Rothhorn Rack Railway, 693, 626
- Locomotive, Barry Railway (Vulcan Company, Newton-le-Willows), 692
- Locomotive Boiler Experiments (Mr. Bryan Donkin, Jun., and Professor Kennedy), 501
- Locomotive Boilers, Corrugated Flues (Schulz-Knaudt's), 361
- Locomotive, Eight-Wheeled Coupled, for Mineral Traffic (London and North-Western Railway), 780
- Locomotive, Electric, 226
- Locomotive Fireboxes, Steel in, 421
- Locomotive, How it is Propelled, 49
- Locomotive, Passenger, for the St. Petersburg and Warsaw Railway, 260, 320. See Erratum, 870
- Locomotive Propulsion (Angle of Crank for Maximum Velocity of Pistons), 83
- Locomotive for Swiss Mountain Railway, 805. See also 741
- Locomotives. See also Traction Engines Locomotives, Electric, 195, 246
- Locomotives for Great Western Railway, Convertible Broad and Narrow Gauge, 44
- Locomotives on New South Wales Railways, 357, 489, 676, 616
- Loewe and Company's Milling Machine, 656
- Logging Camp, 746
- London Cable Tramway, 731
- London and Edinburgh Sewage, 258, 259, 306
- London and Glasgow Company's Engines of H.M.SS. " Indefatigable," " Intrepid," and Iphigenia," 134
- London and North-Western Railway Eight-Wheeled Coupled Locomotive for Mineral Traffic, 780
London Societies :
- Royal Institution, 113, 206, 238, 716, 777, 825. See also 826
- London and South-Western Railway Company's Carriage Works, Eastleigh, 130, 178
- London Street Improvements, 702
- London Streets, Paving of, 188. See 112, 143
- London Tower Bridge, 380
- London Water Companies' Legal Position, 611
- London Water Supply, 187
- London Water Supply Commission, 482, 522, 551, 611, 634, 708, 780
- Long Island and Milford Haven, 392. See 724
- "Lord of the Isles," Clyde Passenger Steamer (Messrs. Henderson, Glasgow), 26, 76
- "Lovart," Triple-Expansion Engines of (Messrs. Ross and Duncan, Govan), 816
- "Lucania," New Cunarder, 228, 321, 394. See also 521
- M'Cormick, Mr. R. S., and Dredge, Mr. J., on Columbian Exposition, 193, 213
- McGregor's Stern-Wheel Steamer for Argentine Government (Messrs. Bow, McLachlan, and Co.), 748
- Machine Guns, 443
- Machinery Hall, Chicago Exhibition, 95, 228
- Machinery Taxation of, 513, 645, 5S2, 612
- Mackenzie, Mr. A. T., on Periyar Irrigation
- Works, 654, 689, 713
- Magazine Rifles, English, 703
- Maginnis, Mr. Arthur J., Book on Atlantic Ferry, 125. See Atlantic Record.
- "Magnete, De," Gilbert's, 790
- Magnetic Apparatus for Testing Iron, Siemens, 312
- Magnetic Circuits, Leaky, 290
- Magnetic Curve Instruments, 316
- Magnetic Field, Electric Conductivity, 314
- Magnetic Fields, Electric Experiments, 709
- Magnetisation, Volume Effects of, 317
- Magnetism, 442
- Magnetism v. Electricity, 810
- Mahler Calorimeter, 27, 61
- Manchester Sanitation, 419
- Manchester Sewage Disposal, 351
Manchester Ship Canal:
- Boiler Explosion, 781
- Commercial Prospects, 584
- Contracts, 17
- Coping of Docks (Letter), 201
- Corporation Indebtedness, 385. See also
- Finance
- Finances, 75, 174, 299, 334, 684, 644. See LETTER, 201
- Oldham Town Council and the Finances, 614
- Progress, 174, 299, 334
- Salford Corporation, 613, 584
- Manchester Ship Canal, Coping for Docks, 201
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, 44
- Manchester, Technical Education in, 611
- Manganese Alloys, 346
- Maniton, City of, 441
- Manning American Warships, 17
- Manufacture of Small Arms, 703
- Manufacture of a United States 8-In. Breechloading Steel Rifle at Watervliet, 377
- Manufactures in Canada, 23
- Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, Chicago Exhibition, 166, 351, 537, 832
- Marey, Professor, and Photography of Moving Objects, 55
- Marine Boilers. See Boilers
- Marine Engineering in 'United Kingdom, 189?, 791, 814
- Marine Engines. See Engines
- Marine Firemen, 547. See LETTERS, Firemen
- Mason's Lever Motion Scone-Breaker, 676
- Mason's Pivoted Side Lights, 210
- Mason's Steam Damper Regulator, 278
- Materials of Construction, Chicago Exhibition, 801
- Mayer, Robert Julius von, 758
- Measurement of the Internal Resistance of Cells, 23
- Measurement of Strains in Bridge Members, 521
Mechanical Engineers, Institution of:
- Electricity in the Royal Dockyards and the Navy, by Mr. H. E. Deadman, 135, 146, 182. See LETTER, 170
- Shipbuilding in Portsmouth Dockyard, by Mr. W. H. White, 145, 162, 242. See also 169
- Lifting and Hauling Machinery at Portsmouth, by Mr. J. T. Corner, 147, 175, 275. See LErno, 333
- New Royal Pier at Southampton, by Mr. James Lemon, 175, 307
- Portsmouth Sewage Outfall Works, by Sir Frederick Bramwell, 176, 336
- Floating Bridge between Gosport and Portsmouth, by Mr. H. G. Harris, 176, 463 Southampton Sewage Works, by Mr. W. B.
- G. Bennett, 176, 396
- Haslar Experimental Works, by Mr. R. E. Froude, 176
- Steam Jackets, Research Committee Report, 549, 556, 567, 736, 766, 797
- Screw Propeller, Experiments on the Arrangement of the Surface of, by Mr. Walker, 670. See LETTERS
Excursions at Portsmouth Meeting :
- Union Steamship Company's Ship Repairing Works, 126
- Eastleigh Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, London and South-Western Railway Company, 130, 178
- Eastney Sewage Works and Cumberland Fort, 176
- Royal Clarence Victualling Yard, Gosport, 177 Southampton, 178
- Northern Iron Works, 178
- Fay and Company's Yard, 178
- Southampton Corporation Water Works at Otterburne, 178
- Round the Isle of Wight, 179
- Proposed Visit to Middlesbrough, 491
- Mechanical Transmission of Parcels, 195
- Membrane, Siemens, 36
- Mersey Aqueduct Tunnel, Shield Tunnelling in Loose Ground, 194, 212
- Metal Prices, Diagrams, 68,180, 334, 460, 584, 734, 828
- Metallurgy in Scotland, 521
- Meteorological Observations on Ben Nevis, 290
- Meteorological Photography, 290
Meteorological Society, Royal :
- Thunderstorm, Cloudburst, and Flood at Langtoft, East Yorkshire, July 3, 1892, by Mr. J. Lovel, 642
- Remarks on the Measurement of the Maximum
- Wind Pressure and Description of a New Instrument for Recording the Maximum, by Mr. W. H. Dines, 642
- Moving Anticyclones in the Southern Hemisphere, by H. C. Russell, 781
- The Tracks of Ocean Wind Systems in Transit over Australasia, by Captain Hepworth, 781
- Rainfall of Nottinghamshire, 1861-90, by Mr H. Mellish, 781
- A New Instrument for Cloud Measurements, by Dr. Nils Ekholm, 781
- Meteors and Comets, A Plea, 822
- Meter, Electric Supply, Siemens, 157
- Meters, Water, for Engine Trials, 205. See Erratum, 227
- Metropolitan Water Supply, 187
- Metropolitan Water Supply Commission, 482, 522, 551, 611, 634, 708, 780
- Michaelis, Dr. Wilhelm, on "Cement Bacillus," 22
- Microbes, Purification of Sewage by, 453. See LETTERS
- Microphone, 442
- Middendorf, Herr, on Butt Connections of the Shell Plating of Vessels, 832
- Middlesbrough. See Notes from Cleveland
- " Mignon," Aluminium Naphtha Yacht (Escher- Wyss), 320
- Milford Haven and Long Island, 392. See 724
- Mill Engine, Tandem, 1600 Indicated Horse-Power (Hick, Hargreaves, and Co.), 662
- Mill Engines. Quadruple-Expansion (Musgrave, Limited, Bolton), 543
- Milling Exhibition, 65
- Milling Machine (Ludwig Loewe and Co., Berlin), 655
- Mine Field at Belfast Lough, 300, 331. See also 521
- Mines, Deep, 425
- Mines and Mining Building, 802
- Mineral Industries of Italy, 728
- Mineral Rt sources of Chili, 641
- Miners in Hungary, 179
- Mining, Hydraulic Pumping Engine for (Austral Otis Company), 478
- Mining Ironstone in Cleveland, 653
- Miscellanea, 15, 46, 88, 109, 139, 167, 210, 240, 271, 304, 325, 364, 385, 417, 451, 483, 631, 654, 584, 614, 644, 667, 697, 725, 753, 765, 819
- Moisture Figures, 24
- Molecular Forces, 24, 619, 676. See Erratum, 706
- Monongahela Furnace Company, McKeesport, Penn., Plant of, 149
- Montana, 808
- Monterey, California, 668
- Moore and Mae, Leeds ; Simplex Clutch, 118
- Mormon Temple, &c., 634
- Morrison, Mr. D. B., on Steam Jacket Experiments, 649. See also 556, 567, 736, 763, 797. See LETTERS, Jackets
- Mortar, Liverpool Water Works, 759
- Mortars, United States Breechloading, 312, 313
- Mortars, United States, 12-In., Breechloading, Carriages and Mounts for, 220
- Motion, Stability of Periodic, 313
- Motor, Connelly Tramway, 15
- Motor Generator, 1883 (Siemens), 282
- Motor Generator (Siemens, H. D.), 311
- Motor for Steep Grades, 610
- Motors for Street Railwa3 s, 770
- Mountain Railway, Brienz and Rothhorn, 593, 626
- Mountain Railways, Colorado, 472, 473, 474
- Mountain Railways Compared, 805. See also 741'
- Mountain Road Railway, St. Gall and Gais, Switzerland, 741, 806
- Mountings for Guns. See Artillery, Modern United States
- Mounts for United States Breechloading Mortars, 220
- Mountings for United States Naval Guns, 254
- Mounts for United States Quick-Firing Guns, 5E6
- Mudd's Arrangement of Condenser Tubes, 762. See LETTER, 827
- Mulhouse Society, Prizes of the, 87
- Murdoch and Gas Centenary, 142
- Murphy, Mr. E. 0., on Marine Firemen. See Llg TTER S, Firemen
- Musgrave's Quadruple-Expansion Mill Engines, 643
- Nansen's Arctic Exploring Ship, 642
- Naptha Yacht " Mignon," Aluminium (Escher- Wy Es), 320
- National Gun Factory, Watervliet Arsenal, United States, 377. See also 405
- National Physical Laboratory, 318
- Naval Annual, 1. See LETTERS, Source of Inspiration
- Naval Architects, The Institution of, 23
- Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, American Society of, 769
- Naval Boilers, 48, 78, 117, 333, 384. See Forced Draught
- Naval Defence Programme, 823
- Naval Engine-Room Complements, 46, 117
- Naval Engineers, American, 17. See LErrsRs,
- Naval Engine-Room Complements
- Naval Engineers, The Position of, 82
- Naval Engineers, Training (Greenwich), 40
- Naval Exhibit, Chicago Exhibition, 478
- Naval Gun Factory, United States, 406
- Naval Guns, 478
- Naval Guns, United States, 70, 252. See also 71, 99, 126
- Naval Guns, Weights, Dimensions, &c., United States, 406
- Naval Manoeuvres, 266, 300, 331
- Navy Additions-Warships Launched 1892, 823
- Navy Boilers. See Forced Draught
- Navy 8-In. Breechloading Gun, United States, 162
- Navy, Electrical Appliances in, 170
- Navy Engineers. See Unification, 703, 720, 793, 827
- Navy, 6-In. Breechloading Rifle, United States, 99, 126
- Navy, Unification of the, 705, 720, 793, 827
- Navy, United States, 828
- Nevada, 563
- New South Wales, Irrigation in, 362
- New South \Vales Railway, 357, 489, 616, 675
- New York Iron Buildings, 208
- New Zealand Railways and other Works, 671
- Newark Company's Boring and Drilling Machine, 735
- Newbigging, Mr. Thomas, on the Difficulties in Gas Tank Construction. 29
- Newport Graving Dock, Mon., 613
- Newton v. Huygens, 11
- Newton's Scale, Spectra of Various Colours in, 762
- Niagara Falls, The Utilisation of, 787
- Nicaragua Interoceanic Railway, 342. Ste also 235, 267
- Niles Tool Company, Boring and Turning Mills, 272 ; Vertical Bending Rolls, 829
- Nomenclature of Units, 317
- Nordenfelt, Unreasonable Contracts, 233
- North Sea-Baltic Canal. 459
- Northam Iron Works (Day, Summers, and CO.),
- Southampton, 178
- Northern Pacific Railroad, 674
- Norwegian Viking Ship for Chicago, 417
- Notes from Cleveland and the Northern Counties, 14, 57, 75, 107, 138. 171, 24 9, 229, 263, 304, C04, 324, 363, 394, 416, 450, 491, 510, 552, 583, 554, 643, 665, 692, 724, 750, 783, 817 498,
- Notes, Foreign and colonial, 209, 230, 583, 768, 818
- Notes from the North, 14, 66, 74, 108, 138, 171, 208, 230, 262, 294, 324, 362, 393, 415, 449, 490, 512, 553, 582, 605, 643, 666, 693, 724, 752, 784, 818
- Notes from South Africa, 675, 732
- Notes from the South-West, 15, 57, 92, 108, 128, 171, 215, 230, 271, 295, 325, 363, 394, 41C, 450, 491, 512, 653, 683, 605, 644, 666, 693, 724, 752, 784, 818
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 15, 57, 75, 107, 138, 179, 209, 229, 263, 295, 324, 363, 394, 416, 451, 479, 522, 553, 582, 604, 643, 664, 692, 723, 750, 784, 817
- Notes from the United States, 24, 58, 87, 1CF, 147, 167, 228, 302, 321, 381, 415, 447, 492, 522, 541, 581, 604, 664, 696, 732, 749, 816
- Nottingham, Electric Light at, 731
- Nottingham Water Supply, 301
- Nottinghamshire Rainfall, 781
- November Weather, 730
- Nozzle Ventilator, Granger's Steam, 334
- Nunhead and Shortlands Railway, 732
- Obituary : (Moved to separate index)
- Ocean Winds, The Tracks of, 781
- Oceanic Circulation, " Challenger" Expedition and, 290
- October Weather, 579
- Off-Shore Dock, Clark and Standfield, 630
- Oil in Argentine Republic, 758
- Oil, Connelly Tramway Motor, 15
- Oil Engine, Brayton, 89
- Oil Engine, Griffin, 586
- Oil Engine, Priestman, from American Point of View, 105
- Oil Engines. See Petroleum, 707
- Oil Engines for Fog Signalling, 256
- Oil Engines at Smithfield Show, 729
- Oil Fields, Soul h American, 475, 531. See also 768
- Oil Industry, Russian, 392
- Oil Launch " Mignon," Escher-Wyss, 320
- " Orage," French Torpedo Boat (Forges et Chantiers), 166. See also 201
- Ordnance and Gunnery, A Course of Instruction in, 249
- Ores, Spanish Iron, 700
- Ores in Sweden, Iron, 703
- Oscillating Engine Valve Gsar, 817
- Ouray Mountain and Town, 472, 473
- Overhead Railroad Construction, Day Systsm of, 332
- Overhead Railway, Liverpool, 390
- Overlapping Propellers, 394
- Oxychloride of Lime for Eliminating Sulphur from Iron, 412, 462
- Oxygen, Atomic Weight of, 465, 644, 648
- Oxygen Gas, 721
- Pacinotti Ring Armatures, 36
- Paddle Engines. See Engines
- Paddle Steamer, Clyde, " Lord of the Isles" (Messrs. Henderson, Glasgow), 26, 76
- Paddle Steamers. See Steamers
- "Pallion," Converted Marine Engines of S.S. (Messrs. Richardson, Hartlepool), 446
- Palmer, Engines of H.M. Cluisers " Pique,"
- "Rainbow," and " Retribution," 508, 587, 620
- Panama Canal Directors, 669
- Panama Canal, The Effect of the, 302
- Panama Interoceanic Railway, 842. See also 235, 267
- Paper read at British Association by Mr. James Dredge and Mr. R. S. MeCcrmick, 198, 218
- Parcels, Mechanical Transmission of, 195
- Parliament, Labour in, 173
- Parsons The Late Mr. P. M., 811
- Parsons1 Turbine and Cambridge Electric Lighting, 670. See LITrsas, Turbines
- Passenger Locomotive for the St. Petersburg and Warsaw Railway, 260, 320. See Erratum, 370
- Passengers on British Railways, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 395
- Passengers, Second-Class Railway, 699
- Patent Fees, Reduction in, 147
- Patent Litigation in Ceylon, 580
- Patent Record, 33, 68, 93, 123, 155. 185, 215, 247, 279, 309, 839, 371, 401, 435, 469, 499, 529, 561, 591, 621, 651, 683, 711, 739, 769, 803, 835
- Patents in Egypt, 721
- Patents, Provisional Protection, 61
- Pavements, 112, 143, 188
- Pearsall's Hydraulic Engine, 197. See Lsrmits, 231
- Penn's Engines for Yacht " Princesse Alice," 760
- Pennsylvania Railroad (Excursion Routes in America), 87
- People's Palace Electric Light Installation, 506
- Perlyar Irrigation Works, 651, 689, 713
- Peterhead Harbour, Levelling Subaqueous Foundations, 359
- Petroleum. See Oil
- Petroleum Boilers, 303
- Petroleum as an Enricher of Coal G18, 81
- Phosphor- Bronze Bearing Metals, 14b
- Photographs of Electric Discharges, 316
- Photography; Inducto Script, 316. See Erratum, 810
- Photograhy, Meteorological, 290
- Photography of Moving Objects, 55
- Physical Condition of the Water of the English Channel, 317
- Physical Laboratory at Groeningen, 316
- Physical Laboratory, National, 316
- Physical Science, Progress, 287
Physical Society :
- On Breath Figures, by Mr. W. B. Croft, 24
- On the Measurement of the Internal Resistance of Cells, by Mr. E. Wythe Smith, 24
- On the Relation of the Dimensions of Physical
- Quantities to Direction in Space, by Mr. W. Williams, 24, 619, 676
- On Molecular Forces, by Mr. W. Sutherland, 24, 619, 676
- On the Determination of the Critical Density, by9 Dr. Young and Mr. G. L. Thomas, B.Sc., 61
- On the Determination of the Critical Volume, by Dr. Young, 619
- On the Boiling Points of Different Liquids at Equal Pressures, by Dr. Young, 619
- Experiments in Electric and Magnetic Fields, constant and varying, by Messrs. Riwington and Wythe Smith, 709
- The Spectra of various Orders of Colour in Newton's Scales, by Mr. W. B. Croft, 762
- The Diffusion of Light, by Dr. W. E. Sumpner, 762
- Pictet Refrigerating Machinery Tests, 66. See LErrxas, Refrigerating Machines Pier, New Schemes, 702
- Pier at Southampton, 176, 807
- Pig Iron Production in the States, 423
- Pike's Peak, 441
- Pilot System of Tunnelling, 610
- Pipe Facing Machine (Richards, Broadheath), 779. See Addendum, 816
- Pipe, Flange for Copper, Geddes', 414
- Pipes, Flow of Water in, 239. See Lisrrzas
- " Pique," H.M.S., Engines (Palmer, Jarrow), 508, 687, 620
- Piston, Angle of Crank for Maximum Velocity of, 83
- Pitchford and Oarrat's Corliss Gear, 355
- Plan of Grounds, Chicago Exhibition, 766
- Planing Machine, Horizontal and Vertical (Messrs. Sharp, Stewart and Co.), 779. See Addendum, 816
- Planing Machine, Plate-Edge (Messrs. Smith Brothers and Co.), 763
- Plating Ships, Butt Connections, 832
- Pneumatic Carriage for United States Naval Uuns, 192
- Pneumatic Dynamite Sea Coast Guns, Model 1890, 3, 37
- Pollution of Aire and Calder, 598, 672, 743, 771, 811
- Polytechnic, Borough Road, 423
- Pontoon Dock, Clark and Standfield, 630
- Population in the United States, 362
- Portland Cement " Bacillus," 22
- Portland Cement Manufacture in Australia, 170, 201, 231. See also 372
- Portland Cement for Steam Joints, 721
- Portland, Oregon, 687
- Ports, Mason's Pivoted Side Lights, 210
- Portsmouth Dockyard, 158. See also 146, 153, 242
- Portsmouth Dockyard, Shipbuilding in, 145, 152, 242. See also 152, 158
- Portsmouth Sewage Works, 176, 336
- Potential Dynamometer, Astatic (Siemens), 218
- Power Transmission by Alternating Current, 225
- Power, Variable Water, 11
- Precipitation, 37
- Preece, Mr. W. H.. on Lightning Conductors, 223
- Preller, Mr. Charles S. du Riche, on Rothhorn Railway, 593, 626
- Preller, Mr. C. S. du Riche, on Swiss Mountain Railways, 741, 805
- Presses and Pumps for Gun-Cotton Slabs (Taylor and Challen), 723
- Pressure, Measuring Wind, 64?
- Pricing Goods, Chicago Exhibition, 17, 95
- Priestman Oil Engine from American Point of View, 105
- " Princesse Alice," Engines of Yacht (Messrs. Penn, London), 780
- Private Bill Legislation, 870, 701
- Production of Steel in Great Britain, 392
- Progress in Constructing Chicago Exhibition Buildings, 95, 229, 351, 478, 537, 604, 765, 801, 830
- Projectiles. See Artillery, Modern Untied Stated
- Projectiles for U.S. 6-In. Naval Gun, 130
- Projectiles for U.S. Dynamite Gun, 37
- Projectors in the Navy, 135, 146, 182. See Lwrrm, 170
- Propellers, 670. See Lyrrsits
- Protection, Provisional (Patents), 61
- Prusemann's Hydraulic Canal Hoist, 480, 601
- Pump, Boiler Feeding (Brush Company), 137
- Pump Levers, Air, 364, 425
- Pumps at Barry, 636
- Pumps, Colliery, Electrically Driven (Messrs. &At and Mountain, Newcastle), 197
- Pump, Dock, at Portsmouth Dockyard, 276
- Pumps and Presses for Gun-Cotton Slabs (Messrs. Taylor and Challen), 723
- Pumping Engines for Hydraulic Mining, New South Wales (Austral-Otis Company), 478
- Pumping Engines for Sewage Worke, 176, 335
- Pumping Plant, Electric Transmission, at Faria Mines, 437
- Purdon's Staff-Changing Apparatus, 615 Purification of Sewage by Microbes, 463. See LEITSIt8
- Purification of Thames, 2.78, 259, 806
- Pyrometer and Blast Furnace Temperatures, 390
- Pyrometer, Cornu-le-Chatelier, 61
- Quadruple Engines. See Engines
- Queensland, Railways in, 579
- Quick-Firing Gun, Drigge - Schroeder, United States, 503, 536. See also 566
- Quick-Firing Gun, Schneider's 15-Cent., 348
- Quick-Firing Guns, 421, 438
- Quick-Firing Guns, Armstrong, 790
- Quick-Firing Guns, Canet, 517
- Quick-Firing Guns in the French Navy, 204
- Quicksand, Excavating in, 23
- Rack Railway, Brienz and Rothhorn, 593, 626
- Rick Railway, Swiss Mountain, 741, 803
- Radial Drill (Britannia Company, Colchester), 460
- Radiation, Density of Illumination and Absorption, 317
- Radiation, Hertz Researches, Polarising Gratings, 817
- Radiophone, 442
- Rail and Track, American, 30, 120, 214, 397, 495, 625
- Rails Abroad, Our, 147
- Rails, Expansion of Long, 703
- Railroad Building in North-West Canada, 488
- Railroad Construction, Day's System of Elevated, 332
- Railroad, Northern Pacific, 674
- Railroads to Chicago Exhibition Grounds, 765
- Railroads, Elevated, in New York, 790
- Railways. See Glasgow Central Raitwat/.
- Railway Bridges, Timber, American, 382, 446
- Railway Bridges, Transandine, 685. See barrEtts,
- Bridges, dm.
- Railway, 13ridgnorth Inclined, 87
- Railway, Brienz and Rothhorn Rack, 593, 623
- Railway, Caledonian, 489
- Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, Eastleigh, (London and South- Western Railway Company), 130, 178
- Railway Curves, Resistance of, 387
- Railway, Doubling the Grand Trunk, 610
- Railway, Electrical Underground, in Berlin, 30
- Railway Gauges in India, 421
- Railway, Liverpool Overhead, 390
- Railway Passengers, First, Second, and Third, 392, 699
- Railway Passengers, Second-Class, 699. See 302
- Railway, St. Gall and Gais Mountain Road. Switzerland, 741, 805
- Railway Schemes in Parliament, 670, 701
- Railway, Shortlands and Nunhead, 732
- Railway Signalling System, Siemens Electric, 65. See Lwrrisa, 170
- Railway Signalling System on British Lines, 179
- Railway Signalling System, Waterloo Station, 365, 537, 639
- Railway Sleeping Cars for France (Midland Car Company), 662
- Railway Staff-Changing Apparatus, Purdon's, 615
- Railway Station, Edinburgh, Caledonian, 424
- Railway, Trans-Siberian, 203
- Railway Unpunctuality, 755
- Railway Viaducts in Scotland, Renewing, 291, s66
- Railway, Water, in Chicago Exhibition Grounds, 766
- Railways, Accidents on German, 459
- Railways, American and 13ritish, Compared, 454
- Railways, British, A Year's Working of, 389
- Railways of Central America, Inter. oceanic : 235, 167, 311
- Costa Rica, The Republic of, 312. See also 235, 261
- Guatemala Central Railway, 268. See also 235, 267, 355
- Honduras Interoceanic Railway, 343. See also 235, '267
- Nicaragua Interoceanic Railway, 342. See also 236, 267
- Panama Interoceanic Railway, 342. See also 235, 267
- Tehuantepec Interoceanic Railway, 313. See also 236, 267
- Railways in China, 459
- Railways in Denmark, New, 674
- Railways in Denmark, State, 332
- Railways, Formosa and its Railways, 20
- Railways in Holland, 298
- Railways, Irish, 332
- Railways, Narrow-Gauge, in Scandinavia, 731
- Railways, New South Wales, 357, 489, 516, 575
- Railways in New Zealand, 671
- Railways in Queensland, 579
- Railways and Railway Men, 249
- Railways in South Africa, 675, 727
- Railways in Western Australia, 521
- Railways, Working and Management of English, 67
- " Rainbow," II.M.S., Engines (Messrs. Palmer, Jarrow), 508, 597, 620
- Rainfall of Nottinghamshire, 781
- Ram, hydraulic, 197. See LETTERS, 231
- Ram, Ward, 72
- " Ramillies," H.M. Battle-Ship (Messrs. Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 197, 412
- Ransomes, Sims, and Jefferies' Traction Engine, 40
- Rapid-Firing Gun, Schneider's 16-Cent., 348 Rapid-Firing Gun, United States. See Quick-Firing
- Rapid-Firing Guns in the French Navy, 2G1 Rapid-Firing Guns, Various Types Compared, 421, 438, 790
- Rashazoff and Anderson's Mounts for United States 12-In. Mortars, 220
- Reapers and Binders in Denmark, Trials, 446 Reclamation of Land from the Sea in Brittany, 610
- Reconstructing Railway Viaducts in Scotland, 291, 366
- Reduction of Iron, The, 680
- Reflection of Sound, Teh 645
- Refraction Due to Electric Stress, On Dispersion in, 317
- Refraction, Magnetic, and Leaky Coils, 290
- Refrigerating Machinery in " Britannic" and " Germanic" (Hall's), 68. See Letters
- Refrigerating Machinery, Linde British Refrigerating Company, Limited, 79, 148
- Refrigerating Machinery, Tests of (Pictet and Linde), 66. See Letters
- Refuse of Cities, 37
- Refuse Destructors, 430. See also 193, 369 Refuse Destructors and Electric Light, 138, 369, 430
- Refuse Disposal, 193, 369, 430
- Regulator for Stage Lighting (Siemens), 312 Reichsanstalt Standard of Electrical Resistance, 317
- Reliance Automatic Weighing Machine (Messrs. Dell, London), 13
- Remuneration of Labour and Cost of Living in Chicago, 65
- Renewing Railway Viaducts in Scotland, 291, 366
- Report to Royal Commission, Chicago Exhibition, on Visit made June, 1892, by the Secretary, 244
- " Republica," Brazilian Cruiser, and Armstrong Guns, 790
- Reservoir, Cardiff New, 354
- Reservoir Dams, Loose Rock, 332
- Reservoir, Periyar Irrigation Works, 654, 639, 713
- Reservoirs and Canals, Indian, 485
- Residual Products from Gasmakinp.„ 142
- Resistance, Bridge, 217
- Resistance in Cells, Measurement of, 23
- Resistance of Railway Curves, 387
- Resistance, Wire Standards of Electrical, 317
- " Itetribution," H.M.S., Engines (Messrs. Palmer, Jarrow), 508, 587, 620
- " Revenge," British Battle-Ship, 612
- Revolving Cannon, Hotchkiss, 443
- Richards' Pipe Facing Machine, 779. See Addendum, 815
- Richardson, Hartlepool. Converted Marine Engines, 446
- Rifle, Manufacture of United States8-In. Breech-loading Steel, 377
- Rifles, Manufacture of Magazine, 703
- Rigby, Mr. John, on Manufacture of Small Arms, 70.1
- River Pollution, Aire and Calder, 598, 072, 743, 771, 811
- Rivets, Loads on, 793
- Riveting Shell Plates of Vessels, 832
- Roadways, 113, 143, 188
- Rock Drills for Ironstone Mining, 653
- R) ld Iron and Steel Sections, 827
- Rolling Mill Engine (Messrs. Hayward Tyler and C ).), 134
- Rolling Mill at Schulz-Knaudt's, 291
- Rolling Stock for Swisi Mountain Railway, 805. See also 741, 593, 620
- Rolls, Failure of Chilled Iron, 410, 621. See LETTERS, 644
- Rolls, Vertical Bending (Niles Tool Works, Hamilton, Ohio), 829
- Ross and Duncan, Triple-Expansion Engines of S. S. " Lovart," 816
- Rotherham, Boiler Explosion at, 649
- Rotthorn and Brienz Rack Railway, 693, 628
- Royal Clarence Victualling Yard, Gosport, 177
- Royal Institution, 113, 206, 238, 716, 777, 826, 826
- Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, 651
- " Royal Oak," British Battle-Ship, 612
- Ruhnikorff Coil, Some Experiments with a, 314
- Rushworth's Shearing Machines for Copper Plates, 306
- Ittissian Passenger Locomotive, 260, 320. See, Erratum, 370
- Russian Petroleum Industry, 392
- Russian Torpedo Boat " Ghelendjick " (Forges ' et Chantiers), 201
- Sacramento. Cal., 599, 600
- Safes, Burglar-Proof, 753
- Safety Lamps, Hydrogen Flames in, 347
- Sagar's Boring Machines, 677
- Sc. Gall road Uais Mountain Road Railway, Switzerland, 741, 805
- Salford, Sanitation in, 680
- Sample's Ship Davit, 460. See LyrrsR, 479
- San terancisco, 699, 600
- Sanitation at Manchester, 419
- Sanitation in Salford, 680
- Saniter, Mr. E. H., on the Elimination of Sulphur from Iron, 412, 462
- " Santa Maria," Columbus' Caravel, 180
- Scandinavian Narrow-Gauge Railways, 731
- Scantlings of Ships' Bulkheads, 490
- Schneider 15-Cent. Quick-Firing Gun, 348
- Schneider v. other Quick-Firing Guns, 421, 438. See also 790
- Scholt and Gene New Composite Gauge Glasses, 730
- Sehonheyder Water Meter, 205. See Erratum, 227
- Schultz-Khan lit Company, Limited. The Works el I he :
- Bending holly, 351
- Corrugated Furnaces for Locomotives, 361
- Flanging Flue 3 and Boiler Ends, 351
- Hammer, Steam, 291
- Locomotive Boilers, Corrugated Flues, 351
- Rolling Mill, 291
- Shearing Machine, 291
- Schuster, Professor, on Physical and Chemical
- Science, Progress, 287
- Science and Art Department Examinations, 327
- Scotland. See Notes from the North
- Scotland, Renewing Rahway Viaducts in, 291, 366
- Scotland, Shipbuilding in, in 1892, 814
- Scott and Mountain's Electric Pump 3, 197
- Screw Propellers, 670. See LETTBRS
- Screw Steamers. See Steamers.
- Sea Coast Carriages for the United States Breech-loading Rifles and Mortars, 220
- Sea Coast Guns. See Artillery, Modern United States.
- Search Lights in Navy, 135, 146, 182. See LErrEtt, 170
- Seattle, Washington, 719, 746
- Second-Class Railway Passengers, 699. See 392
- Secondary Batteries for Telegraphy, 224
- Secondary Conduction, 291
- Section List of Rolled Iron and Steel, 827
- Seismological Phenomena in Japan, 290
- Sellers, Dr. Coleman, on Priestinan Oil Engine, 105
- Sennet's Smoke Prevention Device, 266
- September Weather, 465
- Series Lighting, Dynamo for (Messrs Greenwood and Batley, Limited), 493
- Sewage Combustion, 430. See also 193, 369
- Sewage Disposal, 354
- Sewage, London and Edinburgh, 258, 259, 306
- Sewage of Manchester, 419
- Sewage Purification by Microbes, 453. See LyrrEns.
- Sewage Works at Eastney, 176
- Sewage Works at Portsmouth, 176, 336
- Sewage Works at Southampton, 176, 396
- Sewerage Absorption and Filtration, 193, 370, 430
- Sewerage of Cities, 37
- Sewerage of Level Towns, 674
- Shafts and Boreholes, Deep, 425
- Shank's Slotting Machine (Johnstone), 80
- Shaping Machine (Messrs. Lister, Keighley), 645
- Shearing Machine for Copper Plates (Kushworth's), 305
- Shearing Machine at Schulz-Knaudt's, 291
- Sheffield. See N9tes from South Yorkshire.
- Shell Plating of Vessels, Butt Connections, 832
- Shield Tunnelling in Loose Ground, Mersey Aqueduct Tunnel, 194, 212
- Ship Canal. See Manchester Ship Canal.
- Ship Model Experimental Works, Haslar, 176
- Ship Plating, Butt Connections, 832
- Ship Repairing Works, Southampton, Union
- Steamship Company, 126
- Ships' Side Lights, Mason's Pivoted, 210
- Ships, British, and the World's Trade, 55
- Ships' Bulkheads, The Scantlings of, 490
- Ship's Davit, A New (Sample's), 460. See LgrraR, 479
- Shipbuilding Apprentices, Leave Certificates, 615. See Larrms, Apprentices.
- Shipbuilding in Belgium, 610
- Shipbuilding in Portsmouth Dockyard, 146, 152, 242. See also 162, 168
- Shipbuilding in Scotland and Ireland, 814
- Shipbuilding Trade, 86, 467, 791, 814
- Shipbuilding in the United Kingdom, 86, 457, 791, 814
- Shipping, French Steam, 269
- Shipping and Shipbuilding, 457
- Shipping Supremacy, British, 578
- Shipwrecks, Lloyd's Three Months', 489, 759
- Shipwrecks, Statistics of World's, 147
- Shortlands and Nunhead Railway, 732
- Shrinkage in United States Guns, 377, 380
- Siberian Railway, Trans-, 203
- Sibley College, 301
- Sidelights, Mason's Pivoted Ship, 210
- Siemens, Mr. Alex., on Electric Locomotives, 195, 246
- Siemens' Automatic Nock signalling System, 65
Siemens' Electrical Apparatus :
- Acoustical Experiments, s6
- Alcoholometer, 97
- Alternate Currents, Visible Representation of, 36
- Alternating Currents of High Tension, Experiments, 343
- Alternator, for High-Tension Current, 313
- Alternator, Siemens, Prior to 1872, 282
- Ammeter, 158
- Bells, Indicator Board for, with Electrical Resetting Device, 25(1
- Bridge, Low Resistance, 217
- Cables, 218
- Demonstrating Curves of Electric Current Flow in Conductors under Different Conditions, 86
- Drill, Electric, 250
- Dynamo, Direct Current, 1867, 281
- Dynamo, Siemens, H. B., Direct Coupled Set, 311
- Dynamometer, Astatic Potential, 218
- Experiments with a High-Tension Alternating
- Current, 848
- Fire Engine, Electric, 251
- High-Tension Alternating Current, Experiment with a, 343
- Historical Machines. 281
- Indicator Board for Belle, with Electrical Re- setting Device, 260
- Intermittent Currents, Visible Representation of, 35
- Iron, Siemens Apparatus for Testing Magnetic
- Qualities of, 312
- Magnetic Apparatus for Testing Iron, 312
- Membrane, 36
- Motor Generator, 1883, 282
- Motor Generator, Siemens, H. D., 311
- Pacinotti Ring Armatures, 36
- Potential Dynamometer, Astatic, 218
- Skin e ns' r 1 c rt tic id Apparatus—continued.
- Regulator for Stage Lighting, 312
- Resistance Bridge, 217
- Signalling System, Mr. Alexander Siemens'
- Automatic Blor-k, 65. See LETTER, 170
- Stage Lighting, Regulator for, 312
- Supply Meter, 1b7
- Switch, Carbon Contact, 158
- Testing Magnetic Qualities of Iron, Siemens' Apparatus, 312
- Transformer for High - Tension Alternating Current, 343
- Siemens Electric Lighting Plant, Old America Exhibition, Manchester, 602
- Siemens, Dr. Ernst Werner von, 727. 757
- Siemens Exhioits, Electrical Exhibition, 19. See
- Siemens' Electrical Apparatus
- Siemens' Inventions, 757
- Signalling System at Waterloo Station, 365, 537, 639
- Signalling Systems on British Railways, 179
- Silver Smelting Works, Zeehan and Dundas, 201
- Simplex Railway Signalling System, 365, 637, 639
- Sitka, Alaska, 774
- Sleeping Cars for French Railwa3 s (Midland Car Company), 612
- SlOjd System of Manual Instruction, 222
- Slotting Machine (Messrs. Shanks, Johnstone), 80
- Sluice Valve (Messrs. Billington and Newton, Longportl, 137
- Sluices and Floods, 827
- Smelting Works, Silver, Zeehan and Dundas, 201
- Smith Brothers and Co., Plate-Edge Planing Machine, 763
- Smithfield Club Show, 729
- Smoke Prevention, 256
- Smulder, Transformation of Floating Elevator into Dredger, 241
- Soap Films, The Specific Conductivity of, 314
Society of Arts:
- Coniversazione, 15
- Programme for 1892-93 Session, 613
- Presidential Address, 641
- Columbian Exposition, The World's, by Mr.
- James Dredge, 764, 1:01, 830
- Soldering by Electricity, 376. See Errata, 417
- Soliani, Nabor, On the Transmission and Distribution of Power in Modern Ships, 154, 184, 276
- Sound, The Reflection of, 645
- Source of Inspiration, 49
- South African Diamond Mining, 790
- South African Railways, 675, 727
- South African Trade. See Notes from South Africa
- South American Oil Fields, 476, 631. See also 758
- South Kensington Examinations, 327
- South London Railway Electric Locomotive, 195, 245
- Southampton, 178
- Southampton Corporation Water Works at Otterburne, 178
- Southampton Pier, 175, 307
- Southampton Sewage Works, 176, 396
- Spanish Iron and Ores, 700
- Specification for Iron Work, Chicago Exhibition Buildings, 198
- Spectra of Various Orders of Colours in Newton's Scale, 762
- Spectroscope for Halsted Observatory, 101 Spiller's Mount for United States 12-In. Breech-loading Mortar, 222
- Spinning Mill Engines, Quadruple Expansion (Messrs. Musgrave, Limited, Bolton), 543 Spokane Falls, Yellowstone, 808
- Stack Pipes as Lightning Conductors, 223 Staff-Changing Apparatus, Purdon's, 615 Stage Lighting, Regulator for, Siemens', 312 Standards, Electrical, 316, 727, 732
- Standards, Electrical, Board of Trade, 727, 732 Standards of Electrical Resistance, Wire, 317 State Railways in Denmark, 332
- Station, Caledonian Railway, Edinburgh, 424
- Steam Boiler Experiments (Mr. Donkin and Professor Kennedy), 115. See LETTERS, Boilers, French
- Steam Boiler Experiments, Great Eastern Railway Locomotive (Mr. Bryan Donkin, Jun., and Professor Kennedy), 501
- Steam v. Compressed Air at Portsmouth Dockyard, 275
- Steam Engine, Professor Thurston's Manual to the, 282
- Steam and Gas Engine, Chatterton's (Milling Exhibition), 55
- Steam Hammers, 613
- Steam Jackets, 549, 556, 567, 736, 766, 797. See LETTERS
- Steam Joints, Portland Cement for, 721
- Steam Pipe, Loss of Pressure in, 479
- Steam Shipping Enterprise, 551
- Steam, Superheated, Cambridge Electric Supply, 570. See LErrEas, Turbines
- Steam Users' Association, Manchester, 44
- Steamer " Glen Sannox," Glasgow and South Western Railway Company's (Thomson, Clydebank), 392
- Steamer " Koh-i-Noor," Thames Passenger (Fairfield Company), 78
- Steamer, " Lord of the Isles" (Messrs. Henderson, Glasgow), 26, 76
- Steamer Plating, Butt Connections, 832
- Steamer, Stern-Wheel, for Argentine Government, McGregor's (Messrs. Bow, McLachlan, and Co.), 748
- Steamers, Brazilian, Twin-Screw, " Itaoca " and " Itaipu" (Thomson, Clydebank), 690
- Steamers to Exhibition, 765
- Steamers, New Cunard, 298, 321, 394. See also 621
- Steel and Chromium, Alloys of, 899, 409, 433, 465, 495
- Steel as a Constructive Material for Ships, 617 Steel in Fireboxes, 421
- Steel Institute. See Iron and Steel Institute Steel and Iron, Analysis of International Standards, 347
- Steel and Iron Production in Scotland, 521
- Steel and Iron in Sweden, 791
- Steel Production in Great Britain, 392
- Steel Trade, American, 81
- Stern-Wheel Steamer for Argentine Government, McGregor's (Messrs. Bow, McLachlan, and Co.), 748
- Steven and Son's Rotation Locking Signal, 3e5, 537, 639
- Stevens' Institute of Technology, 84
- Stevenson's friction Clutch, 795
- Stobcross Section, Glasgow Central Railway, 8
- Stone Breaker, Lever Motion (Mason, Leicester), 676
- Storage System of Traction, 489
- Stothert and Pitt's Ladder Dredger for Cleansing Canals, 492
- Stowmat ket Water Softening Plant, 623
- Strains, Measurement of, in Bridge Members, 521
- " Stranton," Converted Marine Engines of S.S. (Richardson, Hartlepool), 446
- Street Paving, 112, 143, 188
- Street Railways, 773
- Strength of Beams, Theoretical. See Beam
- Strength of Chains, 254, 427
- Stresses in Bridges, 729. See LETTERS, Loads on Rivets
- Subaqueous Foundations, Levelling, 369
- Submarine Telegraph Enterprise, 208, 702, 824
- Suction Pump Dredger " Jupiter" (Messrs. Simons), 414
- Sulphur from Iron, Elimination of, 412, 462
- Superficial Education, 327
- Superheated Steam (Cambridge Electric Supply), 570. See LETTERS, Turbines
- Supply Meter, 157
- Surveying Compass and Clinometer, Francis, 168
- Sweden, Electricity in, 207
- Sweden, Gun Manufacture in, 49
- Sweden, Iron and Iron ore in, 703
- Sweden, Iron and Steel in, 791
- Swiss Mountain Railway, 741, 805
- Switch, Carbon Contact, 158
- Switch, Siemens Carbon Contact, 158
- Switzerland, Labour in, 327
- Sykes' Railway Signalling System, 365, 637, 639
- Synthesis, Electrolytic, 346
- Tacoma, Washington, 718, 719
- Tandem Mill Engine, 1600 Indicated Horse-Power (Hick, Hargreaves, and Co.), 662
- Tank Construction, Difficulties in, 27
- Tank Locomotive, Barry Railway (Vulcan Company, Newton-le-Willows), 692
- Taxation of Machinery, 513. 645, 582, 612
- Technical Education in London, 642
- Technical Education in Manchester, 641
- Technical Literature, 221
- Technico-Chemical Annual, 249
- Technology, Stevens Institute of, 84
- Tehuantepec Interoceanic Railway, 343. See also 236, 267
- Telegragh Cables, Elstern Extension Company, 702
- Telegraph Company, Anglo-American, 208
- Telegraph Company, Western Union, 116
- Telegraph Enterprise, Submarine, 824
- Telegraphy by Induction, 674
- Telegraphy, Secondary Batteries for, 224
- Telephone, 442
- Telescope, Construction of a 5-Ft. Equatorial
- Reflecting, 557, 688, 616, 646, 678
- Telescope, 45-In. Refracting, for Chicago Exhibition, 584
- Temperature of Blast Furnaces, Recorder, 390
- Temperature, Underground, 290
- Temperatures, Experiments on High, 11
- Tequixquiac Tunnel, 761
- Test Bars, Cast Iron. See Cast Iron
- Tests of Material for United States Naval Guns, 71
- Tests of Navy Boilers (Dr. A. C. Kirk), 78, 333
- Tests of 6-In. United States Naval Gun, 130
- Testing Magnetic Qualities of Iron, Siemens' Apparatus, 312
- Testing Small Chains, 254, 427
- " Teutonic," Fast Steaming, 125, 295, 325. See 621
- Thames Passenger Steamer " Koh-i-Noor," (Fairfield Company), 78
- Thames Purification, 258, 259, 306
- Thermal Conductivity of Liquids, 316
- Thermodynamics, Ether-Pressure Theory of, 361
- Thompson, Professor Silvanus P., on Electro Magnets, 442
- Thomson, Clydebank, Brazilian Twin Screw
- Steamers " Itaoca " and " Itaipu," 696
- Thomson, Clydebank, H. M. Battle-Ship " Ramillies," 197, 412
- Thomson, Clydebank, Steamer "Glen Sannox," 392
- Thornewill and Warham's Winding Engine for Colliery, 414, 478. See LErrisRs
- Thornycroft Boiler, 789
- Three Months' Shipwrecks, 759
- Thunderstorms, 642
- Thurston's, Professor, Manual to the Steam Engine, 282
- Thwaite, Mr. B. H., on the Efficiency of Fuel, 27, 61
- Ticket of Leave Apprentice, 615. See LETTERS, Apprentices
- Timber in British Columbia, 208
- Timber Structures on American Railroads, 382, 446
- Timbering Tunnels, Glasgow Central Railway, &c., 7
- Time, Astronomical and Civil, 290
- Time Required to Construct American Guns, 405
- Tipping Coal, Device for, 356
- Toltec Gorge, 514
- Torpedo Boat Attack, 86, 266, 300, 331
- Torpedo Boat Engines (Forges et Chantiers), 262. See Erratum, 325
- Torpedo Boat, Russian (Forges et Chantiers), 201
- Torpedo Boat " Schichau," 381.
- Torpedo Boats, French (Forges et Chantiers), 166, 201
- Torpedo and Gun Circuits, Electricity in Navy, 183. See LETTER. 170
- Torpedo Repairing Ship "Vulcan," 629
- Tower Bridge, 380
- Tower for Chicago Exhibition, 819
- Towns Sewerage, Level, 674
- Track, American Rail and, 30, 120, 214, 397, 496, 525
- Traction Engine (Messrs. Ransome, Sims and Jefferies), 40
- Traction Engine, Compound (Messrs. Aveling and Porter, Rochester), 13
- Traction by Storage Batteries, 489
- Trade. See Notes from the 1Vorth, &c.
- Trade Disputes. See Industrial otes
- Trade Unions. See Industrial Notes
- Trades Union Congress, 359
- Trades Union Statistics, 388, 486, 638
- Trades Unionism, New and Old, 577
- Traffic across Dover Straits, 3;3
- Train Unpunctuality, 755
- Training of Royal Naval Engineers (Greenwich), 40
- Tramway, Cable, in London, 731
- Tramway, Electric, Brain Closed Circuit System for, 239, 329
- Tramway Motor, Connelly, 15
- Tramway Schemes, 702
- Tramway System, Wynne's Electric, €41
- Tramway Traction by Storage Batteries, 489
- Tramways, 773
- Tramways in Holland, 298
- Transandine Railway, Bridges, 685. See LEITERS
- Transatlantic. See A tlantic
- Transatlantic Company, French, 269
- Transformer for High-Tension Alternating Current, Siemens, 343
- Transmission and Distribution of Power in Modern Ships, 154, 184, 276
- Transmission, Electric, at the Mines of Faria, 437
- Transmission of Parcels, Mechanical, 195
- Transport Rates for Exhibits for Chicago, 328
- Transportation Building, Chicago Exhibition, 351, 694, 731, 830
- Trans-Siberian Railway, 203
- Treatment of Marine Boilers, 528, 590, 619. See LETTERS
- Triple-Expansion Engines. See Engines
- Triple-Expansion Engines, The Jntroduction of (Dr. Kirk), 487 See LETTER. 509
- "Triumph" Chain-Making Machine, 427
- Truss Bridges, Timber, on American Railroads, 382, 446
- "Trusty " Oil Engine (Weyman and Hitchcock), 707
- Tubeplate Protectors, Cowper's, 795
- Tubes, Condenser, Arrangement of, 762. See LETTER, 827
- Tubing, Metallic Flexible, 197
- Tubulous Boiler, Thornycroft, 789
- Tungsten and Irt'n Alloy, 816
- Tunnel, Tequixquiac, 761
- Tunnel under West Point (West Shore Railway), 403
- Tunnelling, Glasgow Central Railway, 7
- Tunnelling, Pilot System, 610
- Tunnelling Shield, in Loose Ground, Mersey Aqueduct Tunnel, 194, 212
- Turbines. See " A Current Motor," 196
- Turbines, Electric Transmission at Faria Mines, 437
- Turbines for Niagara Falls Utilisation, 787
- Turhine4, Parsons', 670. See LErrERs
- Turbines for Sewage Works, 176, 336
- Turning and Boring Mill.' (U.S. Gun Factory, Watervliet Arsenal), Niles Tool Works, 272
- Twin-Screw Engines. See Engines.
- Twin-Screw Steamers. See Steamer.
- Tyndall, Professor, and the Royal Institution, 716, 776, 825
- " Umbria," Fast Steaming, 126, 210, 325. See 521
- Underground Railway. See Glasgow Central Railway.
- Underground Railway in Berlin, Electrical, 30
- Underground Stations, Glasgow Central Railway, 70, 104
- Underground Temperature, 290
- Underpinning, Glasgow Central Railway, 7
- Unification of the Navy, 705, 720, 793, 827
- Union Steamship Company's Ship Repairing Works, Southampton, 126
- Unit, Board of Trade Electrical Standard, 728
United Service Institution, Royal: 18
- Premises, in Whitehall Banqueting Hall, 18
- Dimensions of Modern Warships, by Captain S. M. Eardley-Wilmot, R.N., 62
- United States. See America.
- United States Artillery. See Artillery.
- United States Navy, 826
- United States Patent Office Exhibit, Chicago Exhibition, 45
- United States Population, 362
- Units and their Constitution, 24, 619, 676
- Units, On Nomenclature of, 317
- University Centenary, Dublin, 87
- Unreasonable Contracts, 233
- Utab, Map of, 534
- Inilisation of Niagara Falls, 787
- Utilising Energy of Flowing Waters, 196
- Valve, Beck's " Handy," 240
- Valve Gear, Corliss Engine with Non-Detaching, 260
- Valve Gear, Edwards', 817
- Valve, Sluice (Messrs. Billington and Newton, Longport), 137
- Valves, Discharge Sewage, 176, 336
- Vector and Scalar of Quantities and their Relation to Physical Units, 24, 619, 676
- Velocity of Bubbles in Liquid Tubes. 316
- Velocity of Piston, Angle of Crank for Maximum, 83
- Ventilation, 788
- Ventilation of Portsmouth Sewage Works, 176, 336
- Ventilator, Granger's Steam Nozzle, 334
- Viaducts in Scotland, Renewing. 291, 366
- Victorian Colonial Statistics, 188
- Victualling Yard, Royal Clarence, Gosport, 177
- Voltaic Arc, Physics of the, 317
- " Vulcan," Torpedo Repairing Ship, 629
- Wages of British Seagoing Engineers, 23
- Wages in Canada, 551
- Walker Laboratories, Liverpool, 412
- Walker, Mr. W. G., on Screw Propellers, 570. See LErrsRs, Propellers
- Ward Ram, 72
- Warship, Dimensions of, 52
- Warship Lighting, Engine and Dynamo, 107
- Warship Model Exhibit, Chicago Exhibition, 478
- Warships. See Cruisers and Battle-Ships
- Warships Launched 1892, 823
- Washington, U.S., Gun Factory, 405
- Washington State, 718, 719
- Watches, 97
- Water Companies' Legal Position, London, 611
- Water Meters for Engine Trials, 205. See Erra-tum., 227
- Water in Pipes, Flow of, 239. Sce LETTISR8
- Water Power, Variable, 11
- Water Railway in Chicago Exhibition Grounds, 766
- Water Schemes, New, 701
- Water-Softening Plant, Carrod (Mr. John Bellamy, London), 523
- Water Supply Commission, London, 482, 622, 551, 611, 634, 708, 780
- Water Supply, Halliday's Filters, 119
- Water Supply of London, 187
- Water supply of Nottingham, 301
- Water Tube boiler, Tnornycroft, 789
- Water Works, 442
- Water Works, Cardiff New, 354
- Water Works at Southampton, 178
- Water Works at V) rnwy, Liverpool, 759
- Waterloo Station Signalling System, 365, 537, 639
- Watervliet Arsenal, United States American Naval Gun Factory, 377. See also 905
- Waterways to Chicago Exhibition, 364
- Watkins, Mr. J. Elfreth, on the American Rail and Track, 30, 120, 214, 397, 495, 525
- Watson, Mr. G., on Disposal of Refuse, 193, 369, 4:30
- Weather, 53, 174, 330, 455, 579, 730
- Weighing Machine, Automatic (Messrs. Del London), 13
- Weight of Oxygen, Atomic, 455, 644, 548
- Weights, &c., of United States Army and Naval Guns, 405, 408
- Welding, Electric (Lloyd and Lloyd), 19
- Welding by Electricity, 376 See Arrata, 417
- Well Sinking, South American Oil Fields, 475, 531
- Wells, Deep, 426
- West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute, 521
- West Shore Railway Map, 404
- Western Australia, Railways in, 521
- Western Union Telegraph Company, 651
- Weyman and Hitchcock, " Trusty" Oil Engine, 707
- Whaleback Steamers, 754
- White, Mr. W. H., on Shipbuilding in Portsmouth Dockyard, 145, 162, 242. See also 158
- Willan's Experiments on High Temperatures, 11
- Wilson, Mr. W W.. on the Treatment or Marine
- Boilers, 528, 590, 619. See BuVers, Treatment Of
- Wind Pressure, Measuring, 642
- Winds, The Track of Ocean, 781
- Winder, Mr. Chas. A., on Failure of Chilled Iron Rolls, 410, 624. See LETTER, 544
- Winding Engine for Colliery (Thornewill and Warham), 414, 478. See LETTERS
- Windmill for Electric Generation, 197
- Wire Chain-Making Machine, 427
- Wire Standards of Electrical Resistance, 317
- Women's Building, Chicago Exhibition, 832
- Wood Paving v. Asphalte, 188. Sec 112, 143
- Wood, Sir H. Truman, on Progress at Columbian Exposition, 244
- Wooden Bridges on American Railroads, 382, 446
- Wood-Working Machinery, 425
- Working and Management of English Railways, 67
Works :
- Eastleigh Railway Carriage and Wagon Works,
- London and South-Western Railway Company, 130, 178
- Fa‘ and Co.'s Yard, Southampton, 178
- Monongahela Iron Works, 149
- Northam Iron Works (Messrs. Day, Summers, and Co.), Southampton, 178
- Portsmouth Dockyard, 158. See also 145, 153, 242
- Schultz-Knaudt Company, Limited, 291, 351
- Union Steamship Company's Ship-Repairing Works, Southampton, 126
- Washington Gun Factory, 405
- Watervliet Arsenal, American Naval Gun Factory, 377
- Zeehan and Dundas Silver Smelting Works, 201
- Works in Canada, 23
- Works in New Zealand, 671
- World's Fair. See Columbian Exposition
- World's Shipwrecks, Statistics of, 147
- Wormwheels, 333
- Wrecks, Three Months' Ship-, 769
- Wynne's Electric Tramway S3 stem, 641
- Yacht Engines, " Princess Alice " (Penn), 780'
- Yacht " Mignon," Aluminium Naphtha (Escher Wyss), 320
- Yellowstone Park, 808, 809
- Yosemite, Alsska, and the Yellowstone, 403, 439; 474, 619, 633, 663, 697, 623, 659, 688, 717, 745, 773, 807
- Yosemite Valley, 624, 660, 661
- Young's Hydraulic Bolt Forcer, 723
- Zeehan and Dundae' Silver Smelting Works, 201
See Also
Sources of Information