Engineering 1892 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1892 Jul-Dec: Index
- View the 1892 Jul-Dec Volumes
Agriculture :
- Dairy Farming in Scandinavia, 641
- Highland and Agricultural Show, Inverness, 13
- Royal Agricultural Society, 460, 753
- Chairman Brush Company (Mr. J. B. Braithwaite, Jun.), 697
- Electrical Engineer of the Great Western Railway, 109
- Engineer to the Post Office (Mr. Preece), 663
- Engineer, Southern Division, North British Railway (Mr. Anderson), 324
- Manager Ebbw Vale Steel Works (Mr. Hilton), 693
- Superintendent Civil Engineer at Devonport, 666
- Tredegar Iron Works Manager, 605
Artesian Wells. See Water Supply.
Artillery. See Guns
Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
Bridges :
- Alcaig Ferry Bridge, Dingwall, 693
- Avon, Bridging the, 363
- Bridge over the Clyde near Glasgow, 203
- Bridge Erection, Practical, 785
- Bridge Foundations, Piling versus Mudsills, 385
- Bridge Removal, Taff Railway, 553
- Bridges in Germany, Cast Iron, 551
- Bridging the Harlem River, 209
- Bridging the Mississippi, 105, 554
- Brooklyn Bridge, Another, 209
- Cannich Bridge, Collapse of, 291. See also 329
- Chicago, New Bridge at, 635
- Field Riveting, 139
- Grtinthal Bridge over North Sea-Baltic Canal Testing, 644
- Mississippi, Bridging the, 105, 554
- North Bridge, Edinburgh, Proposed Rebuilding, 491
- Rutherglen Bridge, Glasgow, 666
- Transmitting Long Bridges by Railway, 951, 554
- Width of Bridges and Width of Eye-Bars, 88
Canals :
- American, 34
- American Ship Canal, 231
- Amsterdam Canal, 417
- Bristol and Thames Canal, 752
- Canal Navigation in England, 139
- Corinth, 135, 304, 802, 819
- Dredging Tyboron Canal, Denmark, 325
- Excavating Canals, 240
- Farmers and Canals, 483
- Forth and Clyde Ship Canal, Model in Edinburgh Museum, 725
- Nicaragua Canal, 644, 725
- Panama Canal, 271
- Panama Canal Directors, Prosecution, 644
- San Diego Flume, 240
- Suez Canal, 232, 272, 493, 654, 820
- Trent and Mersey Canal, Widening, 725
- Vistula to Narew, 762
Catalogues :
- Allan Haigh and Co., 600
- W. H. Allen and Co., 583
- Chain Belt Engineering Co, 583
- J. E. H. Gordon and Co., 500
- E. Green and Son, Limited (Fuel Economiser), 326
- Herbert Morris and Bastert, 500
- Korting Brothers, 583
- Lithanode and General Electric Company, 583
- B. and S. Massey, 500
- Measure Brothers, 500
- C. W. Monninger, 583
- Peckett and Sons, 583
- Henry Simon, 500
- Smith and Vail Co (Pumps and Hydraulic Machinery), 124
- W. H. Spencer and Co., 500, 583
- Statter and Co., 738
- B. Verity and Sons, 513
- Watson, Laidlaw and Co., 500
Coal :
- Alabama Coal, 613. 782
- American Coal in Cuba, 230
- Bedwas Coal Mining Company, 752
- Belgian, 87, 417, 479, 554, 768, 800. 819
- Cardiff, 15, 92, 108, 139, 171, 215, 230, 271, 295, 326, 363, 394, 416, 450, 491, 512, 553, 583, 605, 644, 666, 693, 724, 784, 818
- Cleveland. See Middlesbrough
- Coal in Victoria Colony, 240, 483
- Contracts for Sheffield, 692
- Corean Coal, 541
- Danish Coal Contract, 416, 450
- Developments in Yorkshire, 57
- Discovery of Coal in Llanelly, 583
- Doncaster District Mining Extensions, 394
- English Coal Abroad, 498
- France, Coal in, 498, 828
- French Coal Consumption, 498
- Gas Coal Contracts for Glasgow, 450
- Gas Coal. Scotch, 693
- German Coal, 180, 325, 356,795
- German Coal Mining, 706
- Great Western Colliery, 724
- Illinois Coal. 768
- Iowa Coalfields, 733
- Kentucky Mining, 231
- Limiting Welsh Coal Production, 491
- Middlesbrough, 14, 57, 75, 138, 171, 209, 229, 263, 304, 363, 394, 416, 491, 512, 552, 583, 605, 643, 665, 692, 724, 750, 817
- Monmouthshire Coal, 724
- New Zealand Coal, 667
- Newport and Egyptian Railway Fuel, 553
- Owners and the NerV Railway Rates, 817
- P. and O. Company and Welsh Coal, 724
- Pontefract District Enterprise, 179
- Portuguese, 231
- Prices, Cardiff, 724
- Prussia, Coal in, 762
- Scotch Trade, 14, 108, 230, 294, 324, 416, 450, 490, 612, 553, 682, 725
- Sheffield, 75, 230, 752, 818
- South African, 213, 498
- South Australia Coal, 554
- Vancouver Island, Coal in, 542
- Victorian Coal, 819
- Wales, Pit or Seam, 92, 109, 215, 271, 693, 724
- Welsh Shipments, 15, 57, 92, 491, 613, 724, 752
- West Virginia Coal for Steamers, 668
- Yorkshire. See Sheffield
- Yorkshire Export Trade, 363
- Yorkshire Miners and the Welsh Explosion, 324
- Zollverein, Coal in the, 366
Collisions. See Railways
- Arrol's Bridge and Roof Co., 752
- H and S. Barker and Co., 229
- Barry Graving Docks and Engineering Co, Limited, 666
- Henry Briggs, Sons, and Co., 209
- Bristol and South Wales Railway Wagon Company, Limited, 139
- John Brown and Co., Limited, 57, 723
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Limited, 364, 417
- Charles Cammell and Co., 451
- Crompton and Co., Limited. 109
- Dorman, Long, and Co., Limited, 724
- Powlais Iron Company, 394
- Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron, and Coal Company, Limited, 15, 67, 325
- Electric Power Storage Company, 109
- Samuel Fox and Co., Limited, 229
- Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Limited, 230
- J. Grayson, Lowood, and Co., Limited. 179
- Gwynne and Co. Absorb Pilsen Electric Company, 819
- Hill's Dry Dock and Engineering Company, Limited, 230
- Lofthouse Colliery Company, 179
- McOnie, Harvey, and Co., Limited, 762
- Merry and Cunninghame, Limited, 74
- Mexican Central Railway, 139
- Newport, Abercarn, Black Vein Steam Coal Company, Limited, 57, 108
- Newport Docks and Railway Company, 450
- North Central Wagon Co, 229
- Penarth Shipbuilding and Repairing Company, 230
- Penarth Steam Laundry Company, 416
- Port Adelaide Dock Company, 498
- Rhymney Iron Company, Limited, 92, 108
- Rosewell Gas Coal Company, 393
- Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company, 295, 416
- Sheffield Companies, 784
- Shotts Iron Company, Limited, 393
- Staveley Coal Company, 263, 295
- Steel Company of Scotland, 230, 363
- Swansea Wagon Co, 394, 416
- Tinsley Rolling Mills Co, Limited, 138
- Tredegar Iron and Coal Co, Limited, 92
- West Gloucestershire Water Co, 416
- Western Union Telegraph Company, 748
- Western Wagon and Property Company, Limited, 171
Defence of Coasts. See Naval
Drainage. See Sewage
Electric Tramways. See Electricity
- Antipodean Telegraph, 768, 814
- Board of Trade Electrical Standard, 584
- Cable Rates, Antipodean, 814
- Cost of Electricity at Brighton, 560
- Coupling for Lightning Conductors, 725
- Crane, Electric Travelling, 451
- Current of One Million Alternations per Minute, 753
- Derrick Cranes, Electricity for, 108
- Electric Pump, 240
- Electric Railways in London, 240
- Electrically Driven Tools, 451
- Electro-Plating with Aluminium, 15
- French Submarine Telegraph Enterprise, 303
- Government and the Telephones, 304
- Great Northern Telegraph Company, 436
- Incandescent Lamps, 304
- Lamp, New Westinghouse, 667
- Lamps, Life of Incandescent, 167
- Light, Electric, Popularly Explained, 308
- Lighting Bridgend, 512
- Lighting Bristol, 230, 612, 653, 752, 753
- Lighting Caledonian Station, Edinburgh, 108
- Lighting Dundee, 363
- Lighting Exeter, 15
- Lighting Glasgow, 618
- Lighting Great Northern Hotel, Bradford, 697
- Lighting Nottingham, 752
- Lighting in Ogmore Valley, 784
- Lighting Paisley, 75
- Lighting Port Adelaide, 733
- Lighting Santiago, Chili, 697
- Lighting Scotch Mansion (Benmore), 697
- Lighting Sheffield, 108
- Lighting Smithfield Market, 417
- Lighting Southport, 240
- Lighting in Stockholm, Sweden, 614
- Lighting Taunton, 784
- Lighting Thames Embankment, 15
- Lighting Town Hall, St. Helens, 211
- Lighting Trains, Brighton Line, 697
- Lighting Trains on Taff Vale Railway, 605
- Lighting Wales, 138, 553, 683
- Locomotive, Mining, 308
- Meter, 763
- Meter Prize Competition, 614
- Mining Installation, 139
- New Telephone Company, 139
- New York and Chicago Telephone, 763
- Niagara Fall Power Company, 325, 386, 492
- Overhead Electric Construction, 614
- Pacific Cable, Proposed, 733, 768
- Pelton Wheel Plant, 88
- Projecting Letters on the Clouds, 554
- Railway in Belgium, 231
- Railway at Brighton, Electric, 697
- Railway, Cost of Traction, 14
- Riveting Machine, 304
- Search Light on Mount Washington, 325
- Signalling Balloon, 75
- Steering American Monitor by Electricity, 230
- Telegrams, The World's, 542
- Telegraph, Fort Salisbury, 697
- Telegraphy in New Zealand, 490
- Telegraphing in West England, 818
- Telephone (Chicago-New York), Longest in World, 667
- Telephone Companies in United States, Statistics, 303
- Telephone in Russia, 118
- Telephone in Sweden, 513
- Telephone in Switzerland, 513
- Telephone in Vienna, 554
- Telephony in West of England, 92
- Tramway, Welsh Electric, 612
- Transmission Plant in Sweden, 584
- Underground Wiring, Road Bed and, 667
- Welding, Thomson Process, 725
- Windmill Plant, 483
Engineering. See Shipbuilding and Engineering
Engines and Boilers :
- Boiler Explosion in Denmark, 326
- Boiler Explosion, Pontypridd, 725
- Boiler Settings, 167
- Brass Condenser Tubes, Phenomena, 785
- Corliss Gear Engine, Positive (Erratum), 32
- Determining Quantity of Steam produced by a given Weight of Coal, 483
- Green's Fuel Economiser, 326
- Invention of the Steam Locomotive Engine, 167
- Iron and Steel for Boiler Tubes, 584
- Joy's Gear, Extension of Patent, 667
- Packing Joints with Portland Cement, 667.
- See LETTER, 721
- Preservation of Tubulous Boilers, 451
- Smoke Consumption in Sheffield, 522
- Smoke, Waste of Fuel, 554
Exhibitions :
- Batavia, Agricultural Dutch, 461
- Berlin Exhibition Abandoned, 240
- Cable Exhibition at Berlin, 210
- Kimberley Exhibition, 364
- Laundry Exhibition, London, 295
- Mathematical Models, Nuremberg, 139
- Naval Exhibition Surplus, 785
- Paris 1900, 88, 491
- Workmen's Exhibition in London, 830
Explosions. See Engines and Boilers
Explosives. See Guns.
Gas :
- Aberdeen, Extensions to Works, 263
- Advance in Gas Prices, 752
- Bristol, 271
- Centenary of Gas Lighting, 108
- Dispensing with Cannel at Leeds, 643
- Edinburgh and Leith, Prospective Reduction of the Price, 362
- Glasgow Gas Tank, Largest Tank in Scotland, 171, 363
- Natural Gas in Obio, 652
- Natural Gas at Pittsburgh, 88
- Newport, 230
- Pontypridd, 57
- Silencing Exhaust of Gas Engines, 644
- Undertakings in the United Kingdom, 819
- Wishaw Works, 693
Guns :
- American Ordnance, 483
- American Ordnance Contracts, 654
- Armour Plates for Swedish Ironclads, 513
- Emmensite Powders, 483
- Firing Gun in Germany, Largest, 644
- French Artillery in Japan, 554
- French Battle-ship Armament, 667
- Government Officials and Patents, 667
- Gunpowder and Cordite for Expelling Torpedoes, 512
- Krag-Jorgensen Magazine Rifle, 364
- Krupp at Chicago, 541
- Krupp of Essen, 654
- Magazine Rifle at Bisley, 88
- Sweden, Manufacture in, 49
- Trinitrophenols for Use in War, 325
Harbours :
- Aden, Dredging, 417
- Aden Military Harbour, 210
- Barry Dock Accommodation, 15, 606, 693, 762.
- See LETTER, 635
- Barry Dock Company and Engineering, 513, 666
- Bremenbaven Port, 231
- Bristol Docks, 108, 139, 363, 653, 583, 644, 752, 818
- Bristol Docks and Ocean Steamers, 271, 417, 491
- Bristol's Customs Revenue, 67
- Bute Docks, Cardiff, Traffic, 171
- Caisson for Calcutta Docks, 513
- Cardiff, 491, 724
- Cardiff Entrances and Clearances, A Decade of, 724
- Clarence River Works, N.S.W., 491
- Clevedon Piers, 109
- Closing Crevasses in the Levees on the Mississippi, 167, 304, 451, 479
- Clyde Trust, 57, 668, 693
- Danube, Lower, 811
- Distances between British and American Ports, 724
- Dover, 109
- Dredging in Glasgow Harbour, 668, 693
- Dundee Harbour Trust, 57
- Egyptian Harbour Improvements, 109
- Exe River, Inspection, 693
- Falmouth, 15
- German New Harbours, 45
- Glasgow, 57, 668
- Glasgow New Docks, 14
- Grangemouth Docks, Valuation, 416
- Helmsdale New Harbour, 263
- Hull, 451
- Kirkcaldy, Proposed Deep Water Harbour, 56, 108, 643
- Lighthouse on Black Nore Point, Bristol Channel, 325
- Llanelly Shipping Facilities, 818
- Mersey Docks, 785
- Milford Haven, 666, 724
- Mississippi Levees, 167, 304, 461, 479
- Morecambe, New Pier at, 324
- Newport Dock Extensions, 57, 92
- Pontoon Dock at North Shields, :385
- Port Adelaide Docks, 498
- Port Talbot, 363
- Portishead, Low Water Pier at, 138
- Portsmouth, New Dredger for, 304
- Preston, 15
- St. Ives, New Pier at, 583
- Sand Pump Dredger, 515
- Sand Pump Dredging at Llanelly, 295
- Severn, 295, 391, 416, 491, 605, 644
- Southampton Docks, 230
- Swansea Docks, 644, 762
- Tiek, Improvement in Navigation of, 108, 784
- West of Scotland, New Lights, 363
Hydraulics :
- Uwynne's New Fire Pump, 483
- Lilts at Eastbourne Hotel, 210
- Lifts for Glasgow Subway, 393
- Mining in New South Wales, 216
Industries. Various:
- Aluminium Works in Switzerland, 240
- American Mechanical, 34
- American Petroleum, 394
- Canada, Progress of, 109
- Cast-Iron Pipe Contract (Noumea), 46
- Chain and Anchor Manufacture in Scotland, 490
- Chicago Industries, 738
- Copper Imports into the Clyde, 612, 605
- Copper Pyrites, Imports to Glasgow, 725
- Cotton Trade Outlook, 181
- Engineering ; Condition of Trade, 106, 645, 725
- Engineering, Sheffield, 108, 522, 582
- Foreign Trade Prospects, 816
- French Mechanical Industries, 692, 819
- German Trade with the East and Australia, 167
- Grenfell Copper Works, Swansea, 606
- Kerosene Trade in Singapore, 483
- Lancashire, Sheffield, Rotherham, and Birmingham Trades. See Industrial Notes
- Locomotive Building Trade, British, 819
- Locomotive Orders for Glasgow, 605. See also 818
- Mechanical Establishments in Switzerland, 271
- Melyn Tin Works, 108
- Nickel Ore Imports to Glasgow, 605
- Pipe, Cast Iron, Scotch, 14, 605, 818
- Railway Material Works at Sheffield, 752
- Reopening a Greenock Foundry, 605
- Russian and American Petroleum, 231, 310
- Russia's Foreign Trade, 483
- Russian Mechanical Industry, 210
- Scotch Tube Trade, 324
- Sheet Iron Trade, Scotch, 605, 725
- Sheffield's Exports to United States, 950
- Sugar Engineering, Greenock ; Contract for Refinery, 582, 752
- Sugar Machinery Contract, 263, 682
- Swansea Spelter and Copper Trades, 612
- Swansea Yellow Metal Trade, 666
- Tinplate Manufacture in United States, 76
- Tinplate Trade in Wales, 271, 58S, 818
- Tinplate Workers Emigrating, Welt-h, 612, 644
- Tinplate Works, Reopening (Welsh), 693
- Trade in China, 271
- Vulcan Foundry and Engine Works, Coatbridge, 818
- Welsh Tinplates for Italy, 271
- Zinc Production in Europe, 230
Institutions. See Technical Societies.
Iron and Steel:
- American Iron Trade, 120
- Armour Plate Works, Depressed, 752
- Belgian Rail Exports, 690, 819
- Belgian Steel Making, 693
- Bilbao Ore Exports to Glasgow, 88, 613, 725
- Blast Furnace Charge-Calculating Slide Rule, 451
- Blast Furnaces in Belgium, 498, 564, 614, 753
- Blast Furnaces in United States, 118, 231, 356, 484
- Brown's Works at Sheffield, 16
- Butterley Works Closed, 692. See LETTERS
- Cardiff, 67, 230, 363, 762
- Cast Iron Car Wheels, 483
- Chemical Composition of Steel, 723
- Cleveland Blast Furnacemen and Christmas Box, 784
- Cleveland Furnaces to be Relighted, 324
- Cleveland Iron Works for Sale, 363
- Cleveland Trade, 14, 57, 75, 107, 138, 171, 209,
- 229, 263, 304, 324, 363, 394, 416, 450, 991, 510,
- 652, 683, 604, 643, 665, 693, 724, 760, 784, 817
- Contract for Clydebridge Company, 698
- Contract for Water Pipes, 171
- Desulphuri,ing of Iron and Steel, 783
- Dudley Works, New Steel Works, 697
- France, Imports of Iron, 80, 554
- Girders for New Slaughter House, Glasgow, 263
- Glasgow. See Scotch
- Hardening Steel Toole, 325
- India and Steel Rails, 584i
- Iron for Buildings in America, 584
- Iron Ore Imports into the Clyde, 512
- Iron Ore in Wisconsin, 818
- Iron Pipes in New South Wales, 820
- Middlesbrough. See Cleveland
- New South Wales and Steel Rails, 725
- New Z-aland Iron Sands, 483
- Nickel, Coating of, 109
- Paints for Iron Work, 614
- Parkhead Forge, Short Time, 693
- Pig Iron in Belgium, 498, 554
- Pig Iron in Germany, 484, 554, 794, 823
- Pig Iron in New Zealand, 16
- Pig Iron in United Stites, 122, 8 2
- Pig Iron in Zollverein, 498, 554
- Rail Experts from Belgium, 554, 673
- Rails for the Congo, 498
- Rails in France, 231.
- Rails, German Contract for Steel, 326
- Rails in Germany, 554
- Rails, Steel, Offers for Contracts, 385
- Rails, Steel, in South Australia, 498
- Rails for Sweden, English, 614
- elsh, for the Transvaal, 491
- Scotch, 263, 324, 362, 416, 450, 490, 512, 005, 616, 666, 725, 752, 818
- Scotch Iron Works and the Fair Holidays, 74.
- See Hurst, Neilson, and Co., 133
- Sheffield, 15, 75, 103, 138, 179, 229, 263, 295,
- 363, 394, 416, 451, 479, 622, 652, 682, 604, 613,
- 661, 665, 692, 724, 750, 784, 817
- Sheffield Exports to United States, 57
- Shipments at Middlesbrough, 583
- Shrinkage of Steel Tyres, 139
- Slag, 167
- Spliiish Iron Minerals, 513
- Steel Castings for American Navy, 819
- Steel Chimney at Chicago, 167
- Steel and Iron Tests, 169
- Steel Rails in United States, 4E0
- Steel Shipments from Clyde, 57
- Steel Works Extension at Rotherham, 209
- Swedish Iron Ore, 400
- Tinplate Steel, American Order for Glasgo*, 666
- Valuation of Dawlais Works for Rating, 693
- West Hartlepool Iron Works Restarted, 491
- Wrought Iron Bird, Effect of Heating and Heading, 271
- Yorkshire. See Sheffield
Irrigation :
- Arizona, Irrigation in, 261
- Artesian Wells for Irrigation, 109, 231
- Australian Irrigation, 210
- Idaho, Irrigation in, 372
- Irrigation, Indian, 385
- Irrigation in Victoria, 768
Labour Questions. See Trade Societies
Light, Electric. See Electricity
Machine Tools. See Mechanics
Markets :
- Cleveland Iron, 14, 67, 76, 107, 139, 171, 209, 229, 263, 301, 824, 363, 394, 416, 450, 491, 510, 552, 583, 604, 643, 665, 692, 724, 7n0, 783, 817
- Glasgow Pig Iron, 14, 66, 74, 108, 13x, 171, 208, 230, 262, 294, 324, 362, 393, 415, 449, 490, 512, 553, 582, 605, 643,666,693,724,762,784, 818
- Make and Disposal of Cleveland Iron, 57, 171,321, 450, 604, 724
Mechanics :
- Aluminium, 785, 817
- Aluminium, Soldering Metal for, 697
- Cam, Balanced, for Gold Stamps, 57
- Cast-Iron Car Wheels, Duration, 483
- Chemical Composition of Steel, 723
- Cutting Angles of Lathe Tools, 304
- Cylinder for Powerful Lead Press, 643
- Embankment Building in American Railroads, 613
- Holding Power of Anchor Bolts, 88
- Load per Square Foot on Floor Surface, 614
- Metal Ties, 644
- Portland Cement in Australia, 372
- Portland Cement for Packing Joints, 067
- Preparing Chromium by Electrolysis, 785
- Rock Cutting Dredger, 361
- Shrinkage of Steel Tyros, 139
- Spurwheel Failures, 385
- Testing Transverse Strength of Wooden Beams, 644
- Tests of Malleable Cast Iron, 45
- Tube-Making Plant for Russia, 304
Mining :
- Alaska, 170
- American Minerals, 230
- Electric Installation for Mine, 139
- French Mining, 726
- Gold Production, The World's, 613
- Gold in the Transvaal, 109, 231
- Granite Block of 400 Tons, 2P5
- Hydraulic Mining in New South Wales, 210
- Iron Ore Mining in Lake Superior District, 109
- Precious Metals in United States, 816
- South African Gold, 498
- Sweden, 400
- Tin Mining at Perak, New Method, 385
- Alaska Statistics, 201
- Aluminium Horseshoes, 210
- American Lake Navigation, 434
- American Patents, 334
- Antimony, Recovering from its Ores, 326
- Argentina, 76
- Associated Chamber of Commerce, 364
- Australian City Populations, 209
- Ballooning, Military, 697
- Brazil and Groat Britain, Trade, 139
- British Possession, Another, 352
- I3urgl tr- Proof Safes, 753
- Cpadito0 In United Staterit 819
- Miscellaneous -continued.
- Cnic4go Copulation, 393
- Chili, Concession of Territory, 414
- Clay for Dams, 335
- Clinograph, Harrison's, 370
- Colour Copying Company and Drawings, 819
- Cremation at Manchester, 272
- Cyclone Dust Collector, Patent Case, 614
- Dangerous Trades under Factory Act, 819
- Designing Factory Buildings, 167
- Eiffel Tower for Copenhagen, 370
- Fire Engines, Bombay (Merryweather), 139
- Fireproof Partitions, 94
- Forests in Burmnh, 014
- France, Public Engineering Works, 491
- Glass-Lined Tubes, 451
- Grain at Chicago, 819
- Gwynne's New Fire Pump, 483
- Imbed4ing Wire in Glass, 644
- Immigration into United States, 232, 818
- Imperial Institute. 763
- Iron Sand of New Zealand for Bricks, 554
- Kerosene at Singapore, 483
- Leeds and the Exchequer Grant, 321
- London Fire Engines, 584
- Lucigen Light System, 592
- Mechanic Magistrate, A, 813
- Melbourne Population, 24
- Mitchell Library, Glasgow, 386
- Montana Falls, 362
- Montreal, Assessed Value of, 684
- New Orleans Commerce, 491
- New South Wales and Protection, 470
- Newport, Improvements at, 108
- Ocean Depths, 87
- Oil Engine for African Lake Steamer, 725
- Oklahoma Population, 786
- Paints for Ironwork, 614
- Patents iu New Zealand, 400
- Petroleum Gas Motor Boats, Daimler, 513
- Petroleum Launch, Root's Patent, 372
- Petroleum in Persia, 209
- Philadelphia and New York Statistics, 498
- Pneumatic Tubes for Telegraph, 240
- Polarised Light, 646
- Portland Cement Regulations, 240
- Portland Cement. Tensile Strength of, 301
- Private Bills in Parliament, 818
- Roofing Slates, 451
- Ropes, Locked Coil, Construction of, 46
- Russian Manganese, 166
- Russian Petroleum Industry, 156
- Snow Storage to Combat Droughts, 554
- Staircase Step Covering, 417
- Tall Buildings in Chicago, 2/1
- Taxation of Machinery, 613
- United Statts Post Office, 818
- Uruguay Engineering Department of State, 785
- Vienna Public Works, 768
- Welsh Private Bills, 724
- American Monitor Steered by Electricity, 230
- American Warships, Auxiliary Machinery, 654
- Argentine Cruiser, 148
- Armour, Harveyised, Plate Tested in Britain, 584
- Armour Plato Trade, 604
- Armour Plate Trial at Shoeburyncss, 210
- Armour Plate Works, Depressed British, 752
- Artificers in Navy, 45, 92
- Battle-Ships, Castings for, 661
- Brooklyn Naval Yard, 230
- Brooklyn Naval Yard, New Dock, 364
- Coast Communication, 271
- Cruisers, The Advance in, 816
- Defences of Plymouth, 271
- Dockyard Employds, 109, E30 ; Dovonport, 818
- Ferrules in Warships, 32, 45
- Fortifications of Heligoland, 385
- French Navy, 230, 554
- German Torpedo Boats, 614
- Government Officials and Patents, 667
- Gunboats, Obsolete, 271
- H.M.S. " Anson," 693
- H.M.S. "Apollo," 394
- H.M.S. " Aurora," 416
- H.M.S. " Barfleur's"Engines, 230
- H.M.S. " Blenheim," 641, 575
- H.M.S. " Bonaventure," 734
- H.M.S. " Brilliant," 482
- H.M.S. " Centurion," 180, 553
- H.M.S. " Devastation," 612
- H.M.S. " Edgar," 583
- H.M.S. " Heels," 612
- " Hercules," 696
- H.M.S. " Howe " Ashore, 785, 819
- H.M.S. " Intrepid," 230
- H.M.S. " Iphigenia," 426, 447
- 1I.M.S. " Jaseur," 425
- H.M.S. " Jason," 781
- H.M.S. " Niger," 781
- H.M.S. " Osborne" ( Yacht), 583
- H.M.S. " Renard," 734
- H.M.S. " Repulse," 666
- H.M.S. " Retribution," 893
- H.M.S. " Royal Arthur," 583, 632
- " St. George," 32
- H.M.S. " Sappho, 46
- H.M.S. " S iylla," 781
- H.M.S. " Sharpshooter," 295
- H.M.S. " Svdftsure,"16
- H. M.S. " Sybille," 664 693
- H.M.S. " Theseus," 365
- H. M.SS. " Leda" and " Alarm," 381
- H.M.SS. " Pique" and ",Sybille," 644, 693
- H.M. Torpedo Boats, 522
- Japanese Cruiser " Yoshino," 781
- Japanese Navy, 280
- Liberia Gunboat, 799
- Lofty Smoke Stacks, 676
- Manoeuvres, 109
- Navel Orders for Tyneside, 824
- Navies of the World, 231
- Netherland Gunboat " Borneo" (Thomson,
- Clydebank), 697
- New British Battle-Ship ("Renown"), 666
- New Cruiser Building at Devonport, 583
- " No mar d," Fast Torpedo Boat, 613
- Peuibroke Dock, 653
- Repairs in Portsmouth Dockyard, 461, 491
- Russian Cruiser " Rurik," 601
- Russian Ironclad " Dvienadvt Apostoloff," 749
- Naval —continued.
- Russian and Italian Torpedo Boats, 27 knots
- (Schichau), 381
- Ships Sold out of Service, 138
- Siamese Armed Yacht, 60
- Sighting in French Ships, 386
- Signalling Balloon, Electric, 76
- Steamer for Defence in Burmah, 513
- Swedish Ironclads, 613
- Torpedo Boat Programme, 522
- Turkish Navy, 522
- United States Battle•Ship "Texas," 239
- United States Defences, 491
- United States Nal y, 753
- Victorian Defences, 554
Obituary. See General Indexx
Piers. See Harbours
Railways :
- Aberdeenshire Railway, New, 666
- Aberthaw Railway, 139
- Accidents to British Railway Stock, 301
- Algerian, 498
- American Embankment Building. 513
- American Locomotive Building, 231, 667
- American Locomotives, 614
- American Railways, 210, 356, 667
- American Railways ; New Lines, 697, 819
- Antioquia. Railway, 139
- Argentina Railway, 88, 201, 361
- Atlantic•Pacific Honduras Railway, 498
- Austrian Railways, 278, 333
- Austro-Hungarian Railways, 391, 818
- Baldwin Locomotive for New South Wales, 228
- Baldwin Locomotives, 436
- Barry Railway, 139, 230, 491, 605, 721
- Barry Railway Engineer, 325
- Beira Railway, 733
- Belgian Locomotive Building, 11, 560
- Ben Nevis, Railway to Top, 263
- Brakes for High Railway Speeds, 451
- Bridgnorth Inclined Railway, 87
- Bristol Tramways, 171
- British Railway Statistics, 167
- Brooklyn Elevated Railroad, 676
- Caithness, Railway Extension into, 491
- Cambrian Rail% ay, 215
- Canadian Railway, Another Great, 768
- Canadian Railways, 697
- Car ; Largest Freight Car (American), 644
- Carlsruhe•Lorraine Strategic Railway, 45
- Contract for Steel Wagons, 75
- Cornwall, Mineral Railway Company, 45
- Cost of Electric and Steam Traction, 14
- Cowbridge and Aberthaw Railway, 325, 450
- Danmark Government Railways, 654
- Eastern Railway of France ; Rolling Stock, 209
- Edinburgh Waverley Station, 363
- Electric Lighting of Trains (France), 364
- Electric Railway in Bflgium, 231
- Elevated Railroad for Paris, 614
- Endangering St. Enoch's Station, Glasgow, 393
- Exeter and the Landon and South-Western
- Railway, 644
- French Railway Rolling Stock, 209
- French Railways, 303
- Glasgow Central Railway ; Legal, 14. Sce
- also General Index
- Glasgow Subway, 393, 491
- Glasgow Tramways, Management of, 108
- Great Eastern Railway Works, Stratford, 75
- Great Western Railway, 215
- Great Western Railway at Bath, 612
- Great Western Railway at Cardiff, 325, 573, 683
- Great Western Railway at Cheltenham, 215
- Great Western Railway Locomotive, 230
- Guatemala, Railway Material for, 355
- Guatemala Railways, 753
- Hamburg, New Central Station, 116
- Hartlepool and Seaham Railway, 726
- Hemsworth, Proposed New Line, 391
- Highland Railway Extension, 75, 363
- Highland Railway Locomotives, 324
- Highland Railway, New Scotch, 613
- Hungarian State Railways, 321
- Inclined Railway, Bridgnorth, 87
- Indian Railways, 186, 426. See also 420
- Irish Railway Receipts, 15
- Japan Railways, 240
- Jerusalem Railway, 45, 384, 447, 614
- Kettering Railway, Communication with, 450
- Launceston Extension of London and South-
- Western Railway, 138
- Leeds Railway Accommodation, 643
- Leeds Tramway s, 363
- Liverpool Overhead Railway, First Train, 614
- Locomotive Efficiency, 75
- Locomotive on Great Western, 394
- Locomotive of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 554
- Locomotives in the United Kingdom, Statistics, 725
- London Electric Railway Schemes, 240
- London and North-Western Company and
- Sheffield, 692
- London and South-Western Railway, 171, 295
- Madras Railway Working Stock, 209
- Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, 645
- Metropolitan Line Extension to Aylesbury, 304
- Mexican Railways, 139, 231, 663
- Midland Railway and Bristol, 693, 724
- Mombasa-Victoria Railway, South Africa, 304
- Mountain Railways, Heights, 417
- New South Wales, 11, 167, 228, 263, 667
- New South Wales Culcairn and Corowa Rail-
- way, 646
- New York Elevated Railway, 667
- New Zealand Railways, 768, 809
- North British Railway, New Stock, 138
- Northern Pacific Railroad, 819
- Norwegian Locomotive, 394
- Ohio and Mississippi Railway, 326
- Olney and Towcester Railway, 725
- Oriental Railway Through Rates, 45
- Palestine Railway, 45, 364, 447, 836
- Pembroke, Pendine, and Carmarthen Ra4lway,
- 687
- Pembroke and Tenby Railway, 450
- Plymouth and London Line, 296
- Proposed Line from Loch Fyne to the Clyde,
- 313
- Railways- continued.
- Prussian State Railways, 498
- Pullman Cars, 738
- Rails, 60 Ft., adopted in America, 819
- Railway to London, Sheffield, 15
- Railway Rates, 109, 724, 753, 817, 819
- Railways in New England, 386
- Rapid Transit Railway between Minneapolis
- and St. Paul, 554
- Rates, Rail Nay and Canal, 109, 724, 753, 817, 819
- Rates in West England, 724
- Rating Appeal (England), 118. See also 139
- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway, 57, 295,
- 605
- Rhymney Railway, 139, 784
- Russian Railway Project, New, 575
- Safety of Railway Workers, Proposed Legislation, 451
- St. Gothard Railway, 231
- Siberian R iilway, Western, 417
- Signalling, 72
- Sleepers, Metallic, on Pennsylvania Railroad, 614
- Sofia and Mediterranean, 15
- Somerset and Dorset Railway, 693
- South African, 31, 109, 819
- South Australian, 109, 661, 802
- Southern Pacific Company, 209
- Speed of Railway Trains, 451, 785
- Staveley and Annesley Lines Opening, 553
- Steel Sleepers, 605, 785
- Surveying, 417
- Swansea Bay Railway, 752
- Swedish Bogie Locomotives, 385
- Swiss Railway across Simplon Pass, 361
- Tatl Vale Railway, 215, 605, 666, 752
- Tehuanttpec Railway, 784
- Tramway Cable at Melbourne, 554
- Tramway Motor, Connelly Oil, 15
- Tramways in Scotland, Municipalising, 653
- Transcaspian Railway, 667
- Transporting Long Girders by Rail, 451, 554
- United Kingdom Railway Temperance Union, 706
- United States Railways, 240, 356, 667
- Victorian Railways, 498, 601, 650, 763, 819
- Vienna City Railways, 58, 635
- Wagons, Tubular Iron, 107
- Waverley Station, Edinburgh, 363
- Welsh Electric Tramways, 672
- Welsh Tramways, 818
- Western Australian Railways, 768
- Western Railway of France Rolling Stock, 209
- Wheels, Cast-Iron, *3
- World's Railways, 303
Sewerage and Drainage:
- Abingdon Sewerage, 819
- Clacton-on-Sea Sewerage, 490, 693
- Clowne Sewerage, 447
- Dorking Sewerage, 400
- Durham County Sewage, 726
- Ecclesfield Sewage Disposal, 763
- Evesham Sewage, 697
- Karachi Sewerage (Shone System), 819
- Lifts, Self-Acting, for Sewage, 521
- Loughborough,105
- Loughton Sewage, 450
- Marchay, New Sewage Scheme at, 263
- Mold Sewerage, 820
- Monmouth Drainage, 784
- Mytholmroyd (Yorkshire) Drainage, 693
- New South Wales Drainage, 802
- Pollution of the Yeo, 818
- Pontypridd, 57
- Purification of Sewage at Massachusetts, 819
- Rawdon Sewage, 667
- Refuse Destructors, Glasgow, 682
- River Pollution, Legal, 109
- Sale, Sewage Disposal at, 663
- Sewage Purification at Balmoral, 664
- Sewage Sludge Machinery, Contract for, 295
- Shone System of Sewage in India, 667, 819
- Swindon Sewage Farm, 295
- West Riding, Sewage Question in the, 364
- Weybridge and Oatlands Sewerage, 460, 703
- Worksworth Sewage Purification, 546
- Worcester Sewage, 786
- Zuider Zee Drainage, 417
Shipbuilding and Engineering:
- American and Argentine Lines, 551
- American Whalebacks, 231
- Atlantic Record, 148. See GENERAL INDEX
- Austrian Lloyd's, 816, 819
- Barry and Philadelphia Line, Proposed, 295
- Barry, Repairing at, 450
- Boat Building, A Seamless Steel, 491
- Bristol and the Cape Service, Proposed, 295, 583, 693
- Bristol Channel Passenger Steamer, 139
- Canada and Jamaica Line of Steamers, 116
- Canadian Pacific Atlantic Steamers, 109
- "Charleston " and " Baltimore " Steamers, 819
- Clyde Shipbuilding, 56, 230, 294, 512, 582, 693, 784, 796
- Coal Consumption of Cargo Steamers, 370, 400
- Cunarders, The New, 75, 784
- Danubian Steam Navigation, 768
- Displacement of Wood v.IIron Ships, 554
- Economical Steamer, 370, 400
- Engineering, Condition of Trade, 107
- Engineering at Sheffield, 108
- Firemen in Steamers, 433
- Freights and Old Ships, 683
- French Shipbuilding and the Bounty Laws, 24
- French Steam Navigation, 186
- German Steam Navigation, 483
- Hamburg Shipping Companies, 231
- Inman Line Steamers and American Mails. 321, 325, 370, 393, 498
- Inman Line Steamers, Professor Bike and the, 230, 263. See 321, 325, 370, 393, 498
- Line from New Orleans to South America, 239
- Lloyd's Visitation Committee in Clyde District,263
- Lord Erne and Cardiff, 138
- M'Glasson Propeller, 385. See Limnos
- Middlesbrough Trade, 724
- Middlesbrough Yard Closed, 692
- Milford Haven Shipping, 325. See also 31/
- New Union Liners, 481
- Norwegian Iron Ship, 52?/
- Shipbuil4ling and Engineering—continued.
- Ocean Depths, 87
- Oil Steamers, Expansion Cylinders for, 58
- Overlapping Propellers, 394
- Paddle Steamer for Shire River, 210
- P. and 0. Company and Welsh Coal, 724
- P. and 0. Liners Built at Greenock, 553, 784
- Petroleum Launch, Root's Patent, 372
- Philadelphia and the Mediterranean, 460
- Renfrew Shipyard Work, 752
- Sheffield Engineering, Severe Depression, 451
- Shipbuilding Trade, Condition, 395
- Ships Lost at Sea. Lloyd's Return, 210
- Steamer for Cardiff, New, 583
- Steamship Race to Australia, 613
- Strength of Ships, Evening Classes, 643
- Weir's Steam Pumps, 752
Shipping. See Shipbuilding and Engineering
Societies. See Technical Societies
Strikes. See Trade Questions
Technical Societies:
- Birmingham Association and Mechanical Engineers, 417, 483, 753
- Civil and Mechanical Engineers, 325
- Cleveland Institute of Engineers, 643
- Colliery Managers, Association of, 171, 325
- East of Scotland Engineering Association, 693
- Experimental Tank at Glasgow University, Proposed, 324
- Finsbury Technical College Lectures, 417
- Graduates' Section, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 605, 725
- Highgate Museum of Sanitary Appliances, 697
- Hull and District Institution of Naval Architects, 753
- Institute France and Forth Bridge Engineers, 782
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 553, 666, 784
- James Forrest Lecture, 614
- Junior Engineering Society, 88, 167, 240, 417, 492
- Laboratory, Engineering, at University Col-
- lege, London, 16
- Leeds Association of Engineers, 479, 553, 728, 753
- Liverpool Polytechnic Society, 667
- London Association of Foremen Engineers and
- Draughtsmen, 76, 644, 763
- Manchester Students, Institution of Civil Engi-neers, 644
- Marine Engineers, Institute of, 450, 483, 491,
- 605, 697, 784
- Mechanical Engineers and Middlesbrough, 491
- Midland Institute of Mining Engineers, 138
- Miller Prizes, Institution of Civil Engineers,
- 644
- Mining Institute of Scotland, 693
- Mining Instruction at Barnsley, 416
- Naval Architecture in Glasgow University, 613
- Newcastle Engineering Students' Club, 584
- North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and
- Shipbuilders, 15
- Owens College Engineering Society, 725, 785
- Patent Agents, Chartered Institute, 802
- Royal Institution, 770
- Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 643
- Royal Society of Edinburgh, 56, 108
- Scholarships, Whitworth, 263 ; 1851 Exhibition, 271
- Sheffield Junior Engineering Society, 75
- Technical Societies-continued.
- Sheffield Society of Engineers, 363
- Sir John Fowler and the Bristol Merchant
- Venturers' School, 644
- Society of Engineers, 451, 614, 762
- South Wales Institute of Engineers, 666
- West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute, 512
- Whitworth Scholarships, 263
Telegraphy. See Electricity
Telephony. See Electricity
Trade. See Iron and, Steel, Coal, Shipbuilding, and Industries
Trade Questions :
- Accoutrement Trade Strike, 369
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers, 161
- American Trade Difficulties, 240, 242, 369
- Arbitration in Cumberland Miners' Dispute, 152
- Barrow, Strike at, 368, 396, 586
- Bass Brewery Strike, 616
- Birmingham Corporation and Union Wages, 120
- Blacksmiths, Associated, 69, 120, 211, 555, 645
- Blastfurnacemen, Cleveland, Organise, 692
- Board of Trade Report on Skilled Labour, 26, 119, 273, 623, 677, 795
- Boilermakers and Shipbuilders' Society, 119 273, 395, 555, 677, 796
- Boot and Shoe Strike, 27
- Bowling Iron Works Strike, Sheffield, 108
- Broken Hill Mines Strike, 586
- Builders in London, 556, 646, 678
- Building Trade Difficulties and Regulations, 182, 369, 494, 616, 708, 830
- Building Trade Disputes, 120, 830
- Cambrian Railway, 369
- Canadian Industrial Conditions, 88
- Cardiff Demonstrators and the Police, 829
- Carinaux Strike, 524, 586
- Carpenters and Joiners' Strike in London, 242
- Christmas Play Week, 582
- Church Congress, 494
- Cleveland Lead Ore Miners, 678
- Cleveland Miners and the Federation, 817
- Clyde Helpers' Strike, 678
- Clyde Shipyard Wages, 430
- Coal Boys' Strike, 15
- Co-operation in New Zealand Government Works, 417
- Cost of American Strikes, 554
- Cotton Difficulties in Lancashire, 151, 181, 242, 274, 462, 494, 524, 686, 616, 645, 678, 796
- Cotton Trade Outlook, 181
- Crawford Statue, 396
- Cutlers' Strike, Miners and the, 263
- Depression in Trade, 623
- Derbyshire Miners' Unionism, 784
- Dispute, Coal, at Sheffield, 532
- Dispute at Salt Union Works, 336
- Dockers' Union, 336
- Durham Miners, 27
- Durham Miners and the Eight Hours, 586
- Edison-Swan Electric Works Strike, 369
- Eight Hours Bill, Optional (Mr. Mathers), 336
- Eight Hours and the Cotton Trades, 306
- Eight Hours Question, 27, 59, 60, 429
- Employers' Right to Dismiss Men, 760
- Engineers, Amalgamated Society of, 90, 242, 368, 5?.3. See also 388
- Engineers' Wages, Reduction (Tyne), 138, 151
- Enginemen, Firemen, and Colliers Amalgamate in Yorkshire, 416
- Enginemen and Firemen's Union, 479
- Enginemen's Amalgamated Society, 75
- Forest of Dean Strike, 306
- Glasgow Engineers' Wages, 494
- Government and the Dockyards, 151
- Homestead, Difficulties at, U.S.A., 90, 120, 141, 150, 586, 678, 697, 736, 785, 796, 830
- Idle Week in Coal Trade, 604, 665
- Industrial Situation, 26, 119, 273, 523, 735, 763, 795. See Industrial Notes, GENERAL INDEX
- International Amalgamated Society of Engineers. See Engineers
- International Working Men's Congress, 462
- Iron and Steel Founders' Society, National, 75
- Iron and Steel Workers' Association, 479
- Ironfounders' Society, 90, 242, 368, 493, 615, 763.
- Ironnioulders of Scotland, Associated, 119, 273, 396, 493, 615. 735. See also 486, 515
- Ironstone Miners' Wages, 494
- Ironworkers' Organisation, 735
- Labour Commission, 27, 90, 182, 585
- Leather Dressers' Strike, Bermondsey, 151
- Lincolnshire Ironstone Miners' Strike, 764
- Locomotive Workers, York, Reduction of Wages, 462
- London County Council and the Building Trades, 555, 646
- Midland Miners' Permanent Relief Society, 209
- Miners' Demonstration, Sheffield, 107
- Miners' Federation, 27, 182, 212, 242, 369, 817
- Miners and the Election, 120
- Miners' Conference at Birmingham, 830
- Miners' Relief Fund, 604
- Miners' Vote in Elections, 90
- Mining Matters, 138, 179, 295, 324, 369, 394, 396, 430, 462, 494, 524, 556, 586, 616, 646, 655, 678, 708. 736, 764, 784, 796, 797, 830
- National United Engineers, 211
- North of England Conciliation Board, 336
- Profit Sharing at Spring Vale Furnaces, Bilston, 556
- Railway Men's Congress, 494, 523. See also 556
- Railway Servants, Amalgamated Society of, 523
- Requesting Reduction in Wages, 524
- Sailors and Firemen's Wages, 462, 494
- Scotch Miners' Wages, 416
- Seamen's Congress, 494
- Settlement of Sheffield Cutlers' Strike, 582
- Sheffield File Trade, 752
- Sheffield Glass Trade Dispute, 817, 830
- Sheffield Spindle Works Strike, 522
- Sheffield Steel Works, Wages Reduction, 784
- Shipping Trade, Condition of the, 430, 556
- Shoemaking Trade, Dispute and Arbitration, 306
- Signalmen's Hours and Thirsk Disaster, 708
- Sliding Scale in Cleveland, 138, 416, 462, 692
- Sliding Scale in Midlands, 181
- Sliding Scale in Wales, 15, 57, 60, 151, 182, 212, 335, 666. 752, 764, 830
- South Wales Coal Difficulties, 736
- Spindle Makers' Strike (Sheffield), 138
- Steam Engine Makers' Society, 523, 646, 763
- Steel Dispute in Monmouthshire, 335, 369, 396
- Steel Prices, 60
- Steel Workers' Wages, Scotch, 818
- Stovegrate Strike, 664
- Strike Averted at Leicester, 60
- Strike at Messrs. Joseph Rodgers and Sons, Limited, 451
- Sunderland Boilermakers and Shipbuilders' Wages, 107
- Tailoring Trade, Threatened Lock-Out, 274, 306, 336
- Thames Iron Works Dispute, 708
- Trades Congress at Glasgow, 212, 274, 305, 335. See also 359
- Tyne Shipbuilding Difficulties and Engineers, 26, 60, 181, 211, '242, 273, 305, 335, 394, 416, 430
- Tyne Steamship Owners' Association and Arbitration, 512
- Union v. Non-Union Men, 643
- Vestry Employes in London, 151
- Wales Iron and Steel Trade, Wages;394
- Whitby Shipyard Strike, 479
- Working Hours in Mines, 479
- Yorkshire Miners' Association, 179, 209, 324, 394, 582
Tramways. See Railways
Tunnelling :
- Apennines, Tunnelling the, 209
- East River at New York, Tunnelling, 179, 819
- Glasgow District Subway and Harbour Tunnel, 553
- Methods of Tunnelling in Loose Ground, 271
- Needles, Steel, for Supporting Roofing, 614
- Prince Edward Island Tunnel, 271
- Simplon Tunnel, 210
- Smoke in Tunnels, 483
- South Australia Tunnel, 491
- Totley Tunnel, Midlands, 563
Warships. See Naval
Water Supply :
- Aberdeen Supply, 553
- Annan District, 295
- Artesian Well Boring a Quarter of a Mile Deep, 521
- Artesian Well, New South Wales, 749
- Artesian Well 3000 Ft. in Texas, 697
- Artesian Well, Yeovil, 753
- Berlin Water Supply and the Cholera, 513
- Birmingham Supply, 139
- Cardiff Works, 108, 271
- Chicago, 109, 227
- Cromer, 64. Erratum, 80
- Croton Reservoir for New York, 554
- Dundee Water Supply ; New Steel Main, 295
- Filters in Germany, 513
- Glasgow Loch Katrine Aqueduct, 57 ; Water Pipes, 171
- Hydrants and Water Supply for Fire Extinction, 15
- Idaho Storage, 184
- Johannesburg Water Supply, 650
- Leighton Buzzard Supply, 738
- Liverpool ; Bursting of a Main, 75, 109
- London Supply Statistics, 75
- London Water, Analysis, 785
- London Water Supply Commission, 417
- Matlock Bath Water Works, 521.
- Pollution of Drinking Waters by Vegetable Growths, 304
- Pontypridd Supply, 139
- Reservoir Indicator, 118
- Stirling Works, Extensive Additions to, 295
- Swansea Corporation Works, 215
- Teignmouth Supply, 785
- Uttoxeter Supply, 523
- Victoria ; Irrigation, 118
- Welch Sources of Supply, 664
- Wotton-under-Edge Supply, 818
See Also
Sources of Information