Engineering 1896 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1896 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1896 Jan-Jun Volume
- ABR Rack Railway. See Snowdon Railway
- Accident to Rochester Bridge, 376
- Aeronautics, Sailing Flight of Birds, 716
- Agricultural. Royal. Society show. Leicester : Road Locomotive, 10 H.-P. Twin Compound (Foden, Limited, Sandbach), 842 Road Locomotive, 7 H.-P. (Fowell, St. Ives), 42 Oil Engine, 12 11.-P. Portable (Clayton and Shuttleworth, Lincoln), 843 Shaft Governor for High-Speed Engines (Ransomes, Sims, and Jefferies, Limited), 843 Road Locomotive, 8 H.-P. (Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Limited), 846
- Cultivator, Hercules Spring Steel Tine (Nicholson, Limited, Newark-on-Trent), 846
- Air Compressor and Corliss Engine (Ingersoll Sergeant Drill Company), 677
- Air and Oxygen, Professor Dewar's Apparatus for Liquefying, 263
- Air and Oxygen, Hampson's Apparatus for Liquefying, 421
- Allis and Co , E. P , Milwaukee, 70-Ton Disc Flywheel, 393
- Alloys, Influence of Impurities, 176, 177
- Alternate-Current Motor, Langdon-Davies, 807, 08, 809
- Alternate-Current Transformer System, 192, 717
- Amazon River Steamer " Santo Antonio" (Lytham Company), 282, 283
- Amaldo, Genoa, Engines of the Italian Ironclad ' Sicilia," 303, 342; 343, 344, 452
- Anti-Breakage Box for Coal (Thomas, Powell, and Batchelor), 421
- Archdale and Co., James, Radial Drilling Machine, 389
- Argentine Cruiser " Buenos Aires ". (Armstrong, Eswick), 707, 708
- Argentine Cruiser " Buenos Aires," 8-In. Quick Firing Elswick Guns, 10, 11, 45, 46
- Armstrong and Co., Limited, Sir W. G., Hydraulic Portable Crane, 397. Hydraulic Coal Tips at Barry, 149, 280, 340, 341, 342, 397
- Armstrong and Co., Elswick, " Buenos Aires," Argentine Cruiser, 707, 708
- Armstrong and Co., Elswick, Japanese Battleship " Yashima," 310
- Armstrong 8-In. Quick-Firing Guns in Argentine Cruiser Buenos Aires," 10, 11, 45, 46
- Arnold on Microstructure of Alloys, 176, 177
- Artillery. See Guns
- Asquith, Halifax, Milling, Boring, and Drilling Machine, 261
- Astronomical Observatory. See Observatory
- Atlanta Exposition : Buildings, 536, 537, 600 Plan, 366 Plant Railway System Exhibit, 601
- Automatic Offlet, Crinan Canal, 505
- Babcock and Wilcox, Limited, Water-Tube Boiler, Tugboat " Rodney," 48, 49
- Baird and Tatlock, Glasgow, Craig's Combustion Tester, 361
- Baldwin Locomotive for Russia, 706
- Barbette Carriage for United States 8-In. Breech-Loading Gun, 152, 153
- Barbette Carriage, United States 12-In. Breech-Loading Gun, 502, 504
- Barbier and Benard, Paris. See French Lighthouses
- Barr, Mr. John H., on the Proportions of HighSpeed Engines, 299
- Barr and Stroud's, Professors, Telemeters and Range-Finders, 233, 264, 285, 806
- Barry Docks, 147, 148, 149, 214, 215, 216, 2S0, 39, 340, 341, 342, 397, 398
- Bars, Manufacturing, by Extrusion, Metallic, 639
- Bath, Destructor for Town Refuse, 14, 15
- Battleship Protection, 650
- Belt Coal Conveyors, 531
- Belt and Rope Power Transmission, 34
- Barrenberg-Chaplin Vacuum Pump, 98
- Bessemer Converters, Edgar Thomson Works, 627
- Bessemer Process, The Invention of the, 414
- Blant Steam Road Carriage, 6, 7
- Blast-Furnace Stoves (Ford and Moncur), 855, 58
- Blocks, Packing (Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co.), 790
- Blower, Compound (Hodges and Co., London), 10
- Blow-Out Sump, Explosion of a, 201
- Boiler Circulation, Water-Tube, 436, 437, 438, 64, 583, 685. See also 39, 62, 59, 94, 127, 163
- Boiler, Compound Marine, 439, 519
- Boiler, Explosion of a Sump, 201
- Boiler of River Steamer " Santo Antonio " (Lytham Company), 282
- Boiler Shells, Strength of, 101, 292
- Boiler, Wegener, Dust Fuel Furnace, 81
- Boilers of H.M.S. " Renown" (Maudslay), 79
- Boilers, Italian Ironclad " Sicilia," 344
- Boilers, Strength of Short, 292. See 101
- Boiler Water-Tube. See Water-Tube Boiltrs
- Boring and Drilling Machine, Horizontal (Loudon Brothers, Glasgow), 180
- Boring, Drilling, and Milling Machine (Asquith), 61
- Boring Machine, Horizontal (Richards Machine Tool Co|Richards Machine Tool Company]], London), 638
- Boring Machines, Electrically-Driven (Crocker Wheeler Company), 368
- Bradford Technical College, 3, 74, 75, 145, 211, 13, 277, 278, 371, 466, 468
- Brake, Swiss Automatic, Snowdon Mountain Railway, 479, 527, 528, 594
- Brass-Finisher's Chasing Lathe (Britannia Company), 471
- Brazilian River Steamer "Santo Antonio" (Lytham Company), 282, 283
- Breech Mechanism, Automatic (Forges et Chantiers), 587
- "Bremerhaven," Oil Tank Steamer, 355. See 17
- Bridge Accident, Rochester, 376
- Bridge, Gull River, Canadian Pacific Railway, 13
- Bridge, Joliette, Marseilles Harbour, 699, 709
- Bridge over Seine, Paris, 767, 782, 799, 814
- Bridge, Stony Creek, Canadian Pacific Railway, 81
- Bridge Troughing, Strickland's, 811
- Bridge Vibrations, 112, 338, 399, 672
- Bridges at Barry Docks, 341, 342. See 398
- Bridges on Snowdon Mountain Railway, 427, 442, 79. See 512, 513, 527, 528, 594
- Bridges, Thames. See 7'hames Bridies
- Britannia Company, Colchester, Brass-Finisher's Chasing Lathe, 471
- Britannia Company, Colchester, 16 11.-P. Oil Engine, 245
- Britannia Company, Colchester, Oil Engine for Launches, 617
- British Warships. See H.M.S., and also Warships
- Brooks Locomotive, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway, 252
- Brush Company, Raworth's Universal HighSpeed Engine, 279, 281
- Buckton's Test-Piece Milling Machine, 719
- "Buenos Aires," Argentine Cruiser (Armstrong, Elswick), 707, 708
- "Buenos Aires," 8-in. Quick-Firing Guns for Argentine Cruiser (Armstrong', 10, 11, 45, 46
- Buenos Ayres, Service Reservoir, 200
- Buildings, Atlanta Exposition, 536, 537, 600
- Bulkhead Doors for Warships, 406, 408, 4C9
- Bulkheads and Paddle Steamers, 96
- Burglar-Proof Safe (Corliss), 212
- Caissons, Sliding and Ship, at Barry Docks, 280
- Calculating Horse-Power for Ships, 297, 298, 299
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Gull River Bridge, 13
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Stony Creek Bridge, 81
- Canal, Crinan, Automatic Offiet, 505
- Canet Automatic Breech Mechanism, 587
- Cannon-Street, South-Eastern, Traffic, 718
- Cantilever Bridge over the Seine, 767, 782, 799, 14
- Carnegie Free Library, Pittsburgh, 626
- Carriage, Barbette, for United States 8-in. Breechloading Gun, 152, 153
- Carriage, Barbette,United States, 12-in. Breechloading Gun, 502 504
- Carriage, Electrical Road (Thrupp and Maberly), 91
- Carriage for 10-in. Gun, Gordon Disappearing (Morgan Company, Ohio), 82, 83
- Carriage, Panhard-Levassor Road Motor, 566
- Carriages, Le Blant Steam Road, 6, 7
- Carriages, Peugeot Motor, 274, 275, 306, 307, 08
- Carriages, Snowdon Mountain Railway, 479, 512, 13, 528, 594. See 427, 442
- Cast Iron, Testing the Contraction of. 557, 558
- Castings, 107, 237, 239, 493, 701
- Catenary Problems, 173, 303, 304
- Caustic Soda Concentration, Apparatus (Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan), 741, 743
- Central Electric Supply Station, Chicago (Edison Company), 246, 247, 248, 249
- Central Station, Dublin Electric Tramway, 743, 44, 745, 746, 771, 772, 773
- Central Station, Norwich Electric, 702, 703
- Chandler's Triple-Expansion Engine, 117, 118
- Charing Cross South-Eastern Traffic, 718
- Chasing Lathe, Brass-Finisher's (Britannia Company), 471
- Chemical Measurement of Feed Water, 654, 655, 56, 726
- Chicago Edison Company Electric Supply Station, 246, 247, 248, 249
- Chromogeneous Top, 330
- Circulation in Water-Tube Boilers, 436, 437, 438, 64, 583, 585
- Circulation in Water-Tube Boilers (Yarrow), 40, 1, 52, 59, 94, 127, 163
- Clacton-on-Sea Pier and Pavilion, 372, 373
- Clayton and Shuttleworth, Lincoln, 12 11.-P. Portable Oil Engine, 843
- Clifton and Crossley, Johnstone, 4-Ft. Radial Drilling Machine, 553
- Coal, Anti-Breakage, Box (Thomas, Powell, and Batchelor), 421
- Coal Consumption Diagram, Niclausse WaterTube Boiler, 226
- Coal Consumption of Water-Tube Boilers, 13, 226
- Coal Conveyors, Belt, 531
- Coal Tips at Barry, Hydraulic, 340, 341, 397
- Coast and Lighthouse Illumination in France, 63, 623, 733, 802, 803, 836
- Cockrill - Doulton Glazed Tiles for Concrete Buildings, 327
- College, Bradford Technical, 3, 74, 75, 145, 211, 13, 277, 278, 371, 466, 468
- Collision, Points, 234
- Combustion Tester, Craig's (Baird and Tatlock), 61
- Combustion Tester for Ships' Use, 452
- Commutator, Tesla Collector and, 431. See 500, 01, 502. See 807, 808
- Compound Blower (Hodges and Co., London), 10
- Compound Engine. See Engine
- Compound Marine Boiler, 439, 519
- Concentration of Caustic Soda, Apparatus (Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan), 741, 743
- Concrete Building, Glazed Tiles, 327
- Contraction of Cast Iron, Testing, 557, 558
- Converter, Bessemer, 414
- Converters, Bessemer (Edgar Thomson Works), 27
- Conveyors, Belt Coal, 531
- Copper, Influences of Impurities in Gold and, 76, 177
- Core Press, Hydraulic (Crocker-Wheeler Company), 369
- Corliss Burglar Proof Safe, 212
- Corliss Engine and Air Compressor for Water Raising (Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company), 77
- Corliss Triple-Expansion Engine, 129
- Corsica Lighthouses, 733, 802, 803, 836
- Coverings, Testing Non-Conducting, 540
- Craig and Donald, Johnstone, Electrically Driven Punching Machine, 27
- Craig's Combustion Tester (Baird and Tatlock), 61
- Crane, Hydraulic Portable (Armstrong), 397
- Crane, Hydraulic Timber (Hindson and Co, Gateshead), 434, 435
- Crane, Locomotive Steam, for Steel Works (Marshall, Fleming, and Jack), 345
- Crane, Locomotive, 5-Ton (Wilson, Liverpool), 57
- Crane, Steam, for Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company (Isles, Limited, Leeds), 634
- Crank Axle, Webb's Built-Up Locomotive, 590
- Crinan Canal, Automatic Offlet, 505
- Crocker-Wheeler Electrical Works, Orange, New
- Jersey, 336, 337, 365, 366, 368
- Cruiser. See Warships
- Cubic Contents, Tables of, 195
- Cultivator, Hercules Spring Steel Tine (Nicholson, Limited, Newark-on-Trent), 846
- Curve, Recalescence, from Steel, 674
- Cylindrical Shells, Strength of, 101, 292
- Davey, Paxman and Co., High-Speed Indicator Gear, 617
- Decauville Light Railway, Caen to Dives and Lue-sur-Mer, 295
- "Desperate," H.M. Torpedo - Boat Destroyer (Thornycroft) 30
- Destroyers. See Torpedo-Boat Destroyers Destructor for Town Refuse, Bath, 14, 15
- Dewar's Apparatus for Liquefying Air and Oxygen, 263
- Diagram of Coal Consumption of Water-Tube Boilers, 13, 226
- Diagram of Cubical Contents, 195
- Diagram of Train Resistance, 449
- Diagrams of Compound Engines, 132, 133
- Diagrams, Entropy, 2
- Diagrams of Metal Prices, 26, 196, 326, 450, 616, 56
- Diagrams of Peache's High-Speed Engine, 691
- Diagrams of Rates of Speed and Rates of Freight, 23, 424
- Disappearing Carriage for 10-In. Gun, Gordon (Morgan Company, Ohio), 82, 83
- Docks, Barry, 147, 148, 149, 214, 215, 216, 280, 40, 341, 342, 397, 398
- Doerfel-Proell Governor and Triple-Expansion Mill Engine, 374, 380
- Doors for Warships, Water-Tight, 406, 408, 409
- "Doris," H.M. Cruiser (Naval Construction Company, Barrow), 778, 834, 835
- Drawing Class Room, Bradford College, 145. See , 74, 75, 211, 277, 278, 371, 466, 46i
- Dredger, Grab, for Shaft Sinking, 108, 109, 400, 401
- Drilling and Boring Machine, Horizontal (Loudon Brothers, Glasgow), 180
- Drilling Machine, Radial (Archdale and Co.), 389
- Drilling Machine, 4-Ft. Radial, Clifton and Crossley, Johnstone, 553
- Drilling Machine, 24-Spindle (Herbert, Limited, Coventry), 311
- Drilling, Milling, and Boring Machine (Asquith), 61
- Drop Hammers, 105
- Drysdale and Stoddart's Compensating Nuts, 617
- Dublin Electric Tramway, 743, 744, 745, 746, 771, 72, 773
- Dust Fuel Furnace, Wegener, 81
- Dust-Proof Wheel for Trucks, Longridge's, 229
- Dutch Cruiser and Yarrow's Water-Tube Boiler, 49
- " Duke of Cornwall " Locomotive, Great Western Railway, 120, 184, 185, 188, 197
- Dynamos and Motors (Crocker-Wheeler Electric Works, Orange, N.J.), 365
- Eastern Railway of France, Car Heating, 736, 37, 774, 775
- Edgar Thomson Works, Bessemer Converters, 27
- Edinburgh Royal Observatory, 467, 469, 529
- Electric Alternate - Current Motor Syndicate Langdon-Davies, 807, 808, 809
- Electric Circuit, Dr. Hopkinson's Address, 135
- Electric Installation, Rhone Hydro-, 495, 496, 497
- Electric Lighthouses in France, e63, 623, 733, 802, 03, 836
- Electric Lighting Station, Norwich, 702, 703
- Electric Motor, Tesla, 40 Horse-Power, 431. See 00, 501, 502. See 807, 808
- Electric Supply Station, Chicago, Edison Company, 246, 247, 248, 249
- Electric Traction :
- Metropolitan Elevated Railway of Chicago, 43, 4
- Trucks, Electric Railway, 43, 44
- Electric Tramway, Dublin, 743, 744, 745, 746, 771, 72, 773
- Electric Transformers, 192, 717
- Electric Transformers, Iron Losses of, 717
- Electric Tube Expanding, Yarrow Boiler, 464, 73
- Electric Welding of Pipes, 692, 693
- Electrical Road Carriage (Thrupp and Moberly), 91
- Electrical Works, Crocker-Wheeler, Orange, New Jersey, 336, 337, 365, 366
- Electrical Works, Westinghouse, Brinton, near Pittsburg, 430, 431, 500, 501, 502
- Electrically Driven Punching Machine (Craig and Donald, Johnstone), 27
- Electrically Driven Tools. See Crocker-Wheeler Works
- Electro-Pneumatic Signals, Westinghouse, 64, 65
- Elevator, Hydraulic Gravel, 627
- Elswick. See Armstrong
- "Emperador Carlos V.," Engines of Spanish Cruiser (Barcelona Company), 12
- Emptying Merjelen Glacier Lake, 78
- Engine, Chandler's Triple-Expansion, 117, 118
- Engine, Compound Mill (Whitmore and Binyon, Wickham Market), 710, 711, 714
- Engine, Corliss, and Air Compressor (Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company), 677
- Engine and Dynamo, Westinghouse, 431. See 00, 501, 502
- Engine Indicator Gear, High-Speed (Davey, Paxman, and Co.), 617
- Engine, Mill, Shaft Governor, 374
- Engine, Oil, 16 Horse-Power (Britannia Company, Colchester), 245
- Engine, Oil, 16 Horse-Power Portable (Clayton and Shuttleworth), 843
- Engine, Oil, for Launches (Britannia Company, Colchester), 617
- Engine, Peache's High-Speed, Diagrams, 691
- Engine, Priestman Oil, Yacht, 541
- Engine, Raworth's Universal High-Speed (Brush Company), 279, 281
- Engine, Triple-Expansion, Corliss, 129
- Engine, Triple-Expansion, with Doerfel-Proell Governor (Westgarth, English, and Co., Limited), 380
- Engines, Compound, Test Diagrams, 132, 133
- Engines of Cruisers " Juno" and " Doris" (Naval Construction Company, Barrow), 834, 35. See 776, 778
- Engines of the Italian Ironclad "Sicilia" (Ansaldo, Sampierdarena, Genoa), 303, 342, 343, 344, 452
- Engines, Paddle Steamer " Duchess of York " (Penn), 198
- Engines, The Proportions of High-Speed, 299
- Engines, Road. See Road Locomotives
- Engines of Torpedo-Boat Destroyers " Sturgeon,"
- "Starfish," and " Skate " (Naval Construction Company, Barrow), 831
- Engines, Trial of Compound, 132, 133
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, Argentine Cruiser
- "Buenos Aires " (Humphrys, Tennant, and Co.), 707, 708. See 10, 11, 45, 46
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, of H DI.S. "Renown" (Maudslas ), 79
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, of River Steamer "Santo Antonio " (Lytham Company), 282
- Engines, Triple - Expansion, of Torpedo - Boat Destroyers (Fairfield Company), 241
- Engines, Triple - Expansion, T.-S.S. " Puri" (Gourlay, Dundee), 571, 572
- Engines, Twin - Screw Triple - Expansion, of Spanish Cruiser " Emperador Carlos V." (Barcelona Company), 12
- English, Lieut -Colonel, on Calculating HorsePower for Ships, 297, 298, 299
- Entropy Diagrams, 2
- Equations, Approximate Solution of, 173, 303, 04
- "Ersatz Freya," German Warship, 826
- "Ersatz Leipzig," German Warship, 826
- "Ersatz Preussen," German Warship, 827
- Evaporating Apparatus Sextuple Effect, Yaryan, 68, 741, 743
- Excavator, Porter's Steam Crane (Wilson, Liverpool), 244, 245
- Exhibition. See Atlanta Exposition
- Exhibition, Kiel, 567
- Explosion of a Blow-out Sunip, 201
- Exposition Buildings, Atlanta, 536, 537, 600
- Extrusion, Metallic Bars, Manufacturing, by, 639
- Fairfield Company, Torpedo - Boat Destroyers, 40, 241
- Fans, Compound (Hodges and Co., London), 810
- Feed Measurement by Chemical Means, 654, 655, 56, 726
- Feed Motion for Planing Machines (Smith and Ridgway, Manchester), 327
- Feed Pump, Duplex Direct-Acting (Oddie and Hesse), 377
- Flanges, Pipe, Solid, 165
- Flash Lighthouses in France, 563, 623, 733, 802, 03, 836
- Flying of Birds, 716
- Flywheel, 70-Ton Disc (E. P. Allis Company, Milwaukee), 393
- Foden, Limited, Sandbach, 10 H.-P. Twin Compound Road Locomotive, 842
- "Forban," French Torpedo-Boat (Normand), 470
- Ford and Moncur's Hot-Blast Stoves, 855, 858
- Forges et Chantiers, Automatic Breech Mechanism, 587
- Forging Hammers, 105
- Foundry at Latrobe Steel Works, 578
- Foundry Practice, 107, 237, 239, 493, 701
- Fowell, St. Ives, 7 H.-P. Road Locomotive, 842
- Fractures of Steel and the Microscope, 486, 487
- France, Lighthouses, 563, 623, 733, 802, 803, 836
- Fraser and Chalmers Corliss Engine, 129
- French Cruiser " Friant," Coal Consumption, Diagrams, Nielausse Boiler, 226
- French Ironclads, Stranding of, 37, 38. See 217
- French Navy Salvage Tug (Satres and Son, Lyons), 217
- French Railway Carriage Heating, 736, 737, 774, 75
- French Torpedo-Boat " Forban" (Normand), 470
- "Friant" Coal Consumption Diagram, Niclausse Water-Tube Boiler, 226
- Furnace Gas Analysis, 452
- Furnace Gas Tester, 361
- Furnace, Wegener, Powdered Fuel, 81
- Gantry to Coal Tips at Barry, 341. See 397
- Garbage Destructor, Bath Town, 14, 15
- Garwood's Line-Throwing Gun, 483
- Gas Analysis, Furnace, 452
- Gas Furnace Reversing Valve, 689
- Gas, Liquefaction of, 263, 421
- Gas Producer and Sulphate Recovery Plant, Mond's, 794
- Gas Welding of Pipes, 692, 693
- Gates for Locks at Barry, 147, 148, 149, 214, 215, 16, 280, 340, 341, 342
- Gauge Glass, Webb's Safety, 98
- Gauge, Smith's Direct-Reading Micrometer, 405
- Gehre's Steam Superheater, 362. See 362, 393, 85, 602
- Geometry and the Stability of Ships, 489
- German Warships " Ersatz Leipzig," " Ersatz Freya," " Ersatz Preussen," 826, 821
- Girders with Curved Flanges, Web Shear, 60
- Glacier Lake, Emptying Merjelen, 78
- Glazed Tiles for Concrete Buildings (CockrillDoulton), 327
- Gold Alloys, Influence of Impurities, 176, 177
- Goidon Disappearing Carriage for 10 In. Gun (Morgan Company, Ohio), 82, 83
- Gourlay Brothers and Co., Dundee, T.-S.S. "Puri," 508, 571, 572
- Governor (Doerfel-Proell), Shaft, Mill Engine, 374
- Governor, Raworth's Engine, 281
- Governor, Shaft. See Shaft Governor
- Grab Dredger for Shaft Sinking, 108, 109, 400, 401
- Gradients of Great Western Railway, London and Penzance, 197
- Gradiometer, Stanley's, 631
- Gravel Elevator, Hydraulic, 627
- Great Western Railway Passenger Locomotive, 20, 184, 185, 188, 197
- Great Western Railway, Section between London and Penzance, 197
- Grenfell's Sights for Ordnance, 116
- Gull River Bridge, Canadian Pacific Railway, 113
- Gun (Barbette) Carriage, United States, 8-In. Breechloading, 11,2, 153
- Gun, 10-In., Carriage for, 82, 83
- Gun Carriage (Barbette), United States, 12-In. Breechloading, 502, 504
- Gun, Garwood's Line-Throwing, 4S3
- Guns of Argentine Cruiser "Buenos Aires," Elswick 8-In., 10, 11, 45, 46
- Guns, Breech Mechanism for, 687
- Guns, Grenfell's Sights for, 116
- Hammers, Forging, 105
- Hampson, Liquefaction of Gases, 421
- "Handy," Torpedo - Boat Destroyer, Engines
- (Fairfield Company), 240, 241
- Hardening of Steel, 759
- "Hart," Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, Engines (Fairfield Company), 240, 241
- Heating Trains in France, 736, 737, 774, 775
- Herbert, Mr Alfred, Limited, Coventry, 24Spindle Drilling Machine, 311
- H.M.S. " Niobe " (Naval Construction Company, Barrow-in-Furness), 779
- H.M.S "Powerful" (Naval Construction Company, Barrow-in-Furness), 778, 779 .
- H.M S. "Renown," Propelling Engines, and Boilers (Maudslay), 79
- H.M.SS. " Doris " and " Juno " (Naval Construction Company, Barrow-in-Furness), 776, 778, 34, 835
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Desperate " (Thornycroft), 30
- H.M. Torpedo - Boat Destroyers " Hart,"
- " Handy, and " Hunter " (Fairfield Company), 40, 241
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyers "Sturgeon,"
- " Starfish," and " Skate," Engines (Naval Construction Company, Barrow-in Furness), 831
- Hick, Hargreaves, and Co.'s Superheater, 362.
- See 363, 393, 485
- High-Speed Engines. See Engines
- Hindson and Co., Gateshead, Hydraulic Timber Crane, 434, 435
- Hodges and Co., London, Compound Blower,
- Hoists, Coal-Tipping Hoists at Barry, 341, 397
- Horseless Carriage. See Motor
- Horse-Power for Ships, Calculating, 297, 298, 299
- Hot-Blast Stoves (Ford and Monour), 855, 858
- Humphrys, Tennant, and Co., Engines, Argentine Cruiser " Buenos Aires," 707, 708
- " Hunter," Torpedo - Boat Destroyer, Engines (Fairfield Company). 240, 241
- Hydraulic Coal Tips at Barry, 340, 341, 397
- Hydraulic Core Press (Crocker-Wheeler Company), 369
- Hydraulic Gravel Elevator, 627
- Hydraulic Machinery at Barry, 147, 148, 149, 214, 15, 216, 280, 340, 341, 342, 397, 434, 435
- Hydraulic Portable Crane (Armstrong), 397
- Hydraulic Press at Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan's, 532. See 604, 605, 668, 741, 742, 743
- Hydraulic System for Points and Signals (Saxby and Farmer), 314, 315, 318
- Hydraulic) Timber Crane (Hindson and Co., Gateshead), 434, 435
- Hydro-Electric Installation, Rhone, 495, 498, 497
- Impurities in Gold and Copper, Influences of, 76, 177
- Inclinometer, Theodolite, Lister's, 631
- Indicator Gear for High-Speed Engines (Davey, Paxman and Co.), 617
- Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company, Corliss Engine and Air Compressor for Lifting Water, 677
- Iron, Magnetisation of, 267
- Iron and Steel, Effect of Temperature on, 242
- Isles, Limited, Leeds, Steam Crane for Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, 634
- Italian Ironclad " Sicilia," 303, 342, 343, .344,, 52
- Japanese Battleship " Yashima " (Sir W. G, Armstrong and Co.), 310
- Japanese Bridge Vibrations, 112, 338, 399, 672
- " Jenny Lind " Locomotive, 687
- Joliette Bridge, Marseilles, 699, 709
- Jonage Canal, Rhon_e Water Power Electric Plant, 496
- Julien's Electric Road Carriage, 791
- "Juno," H.M. Cruiser (Naval Construction Company, Barrow), 776, 778, 834, 835
- Kiel Industrial and Maritime Exhibition, 567
- " Kittiwake," Priestman's Oil Engine in Yacht, 41
- Laboratory, Physical, Penywern House Technical College, 740, 741
- Lake, Emptying Merjelen Glacier, 78
- Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Locomotive (Brooks), 252
- Lancrenon's System of Train Heating, 736, 737, 74, 775
- Langdon-Davies Alternate-Current Motor, 807, 08, 809
- Lathe, Brass-Finisher's Chasing (Britannia Company), 471
- Lathe for Milling Cutters, Backing-off (Ludwig Loewe and Co), 165
- Lathe, Vertical, at Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan's, 532. See 604, 605, 668, 741, 742, 743
- Lathes (Shanks, Johnstone), 674, 575
- Latrobe Steel Works, Pittsburg, 570, 578, 642
- Launches, Oil Engine (Britannia Company, Colchester), 617
- Laurence, Scott and Co., Norwich Electric Lighting, 70'2, 703, 705
- Lecture-Room, Bradford College, 145. See 3, 74, 5, 211, 277, 278, 371, 466
- Leicester Show. See Agricultural Show Library, Pittsburg, Carnegie, 626
- Life-Saving Line-Throwing Gun, 483
- Light Railway, Caen to Dives, &o. (Decauville), 95
- Lighthouses in France, Coast, 563, 623, 733, 802, 03, 836
- Lighting Station. See Electric Lighting Station Lille Rope and Belt Power Transmission Tests, 4
- Line-Throwing Gun, Garwood's, 483
- Liquefaction of Gases (Hampson), 421
- Liquefying Air and Oxygen, Professor Dewar's Apparatus, 263
- Lister's Inclinometer, Theodolite, 631
- Little Eaton Junction Collision, Points, 234
- Liverpool Steam Tug Company, Wreck-Raising Appliances, 403, 404
- Look and Gates at Barry, 147, 148, 149, 214, 215, 16, 280. 340, 341, 342
- Lock and Weir, Richmond, 47
- Locomotive Crane, 5-Ton (Wilson, Liverpool), 57
- Locomotive Crank Axle, Built-up (London and North-Western), 590
- Locomotive "Jenny Lind," 687
- Locomotive, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway (Brooks), 252
- Locomotive, Passenger, for Great Western Railway, 120, 184, 185, 188, 197
- Locomotive Plant, Railway System Exhibit, Atlanta Exposition, 601
- Locomotives, Road. See Road Locomotives Locomotive for Russia (Baldwin), 706
- Locomotive, Snowdon Mountain Railway, 427, 42, 479, 512, 613, 627, 594
- Locomotive Steam Crane (Marshall, Fleming and Jack),. 345
- Longridge's Dust-Proof Wheel for Trucks, 229
- Loom Flanges, Press for Stamping out (Rice, Leeds), 723
- Losses in Eleotrio Plant, 366
- Loudon Brothers, Glasgow, Horizontal Boring and Drilling Machine, 180
- Ludwig Loewe and Co., Backing-off Lathe for Milling Cutters, 165
- Lyons Water Power Electric Lighting, 495, 496, 97
- Lytham Company River Steamer " Santo Antonio " (Lytham Company), 282, 288
- McGlasson's Propeller, Oil Launch, 541
- McPhail and Sinipson's Superheater, 393. See 011362, 393, 485, 602
- Machine Shop, Bradford Technical College, 75. See 3, 74, 146, 211, 213, 277, 278, 371, 466, 468
- Magnetisation of Iron, 267
- Maquinista Terrestrey Maritima of Barcelona, Engines of Spanish Cruiser, 12
- Marseilles Harbour, Joliette Bridge, 699, 709
- Marshall, Fleming, and Jack, Travelling Steam Crane, 346
- Maudslay, Sons, and Field, Engines of H.M S. "Renown," 79
- Measurement of Feed by Chemical Means, 654, 55, ft56, 726
- Merjelen Glacier Lake, EmptyinE, 78
- Merryweather, Salvage Pump, 6r6
- Metal Price Diagrams, 26, 196, 326, 450, 616, 756
- Metallic Bars, Manufacture by Extrusion, 639
- Metric System and Screw Threads, 163, 194
- Metropolitan Elevated Railway of Chicago, 43, 44
- Micrometer Gauge, Smith's Direct-Reading, 405
- Micro-Crystalline Structures, 92
- Microscopic Flaws in Steel, 486, 487
- Micro-Structure of Alloys, 176, 177
- Mill Engine, Compound (Whitmore and Binyon, Wickham Market), 710, 711, 714
- Mill Engine Shaft Governor, 374
- Mills, Sugar-Cane Crushing (Mirrlees, Watson, Yaryan and Co|Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan]]), 604
- Milling, Boring, and Drilling Machine (Asquith), 61
- Milling Cutters, Backing-off Lathe, 165
- Milling Machine, Buckton's Test-Piece, 719
- Milling Machine (Richards, Manchester), 823
- Milne's Seismograph, 672. See also 112, 338, 399, 72
- Mirabeau Bridge, Paris, 767, 782, 799, 814
- Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan Company's Works in Glasgow, 532, 533, 604, 605, 668, 741, 743
- Modern Theatre Stages. See Theatre Stages
- Moncur and Ford's Hot-Blast Stoves, 855, 858
- Mond's Gas Producer and Sulphate Recovery Plant, 794
- Morgan Engineering Company, Ohio, Gordon Disappearing Carriage for Gun, 82, 83
- Morse, Valve-Seating Machine, 635
- Motor Car, Blant, 6, 7
- Motor Cars, Panhard-Levassor Road, 566
- Motor Carriages, Peugeot, 274, 275, 306, 307, 308
- Motor,Langdon-Davies Electric Alternate-Current, 807, 808, 809
- Motors and Dynamos (Crocker-Wheeler Electric Works, Orange, N.J.), 365
- Moulding Cylinders, 107, 237, 239, 493, 701
- Mount for Guns. See Carriage
- Mountain Railway, Snowdon, 427, 442, 479, 512, 13, 527, 528, 594
- Naval Construction and Armaments Co, Barrow-in-Furness, Cruisers, 776, 778, 779, 831, 34, 835
- Naval Construction and Armaments Company, Barrow, Torpedo-Boat Destroyer's Engines, 831
- Naval Telemeters and Range Finders, Barr and Stroud's, 233, 264, 265, 806
- Navvy, Porter's Steam (Wilson, Liverpool), 244, 45
- [[Nicholson, Limited, Newark-on-Trent, Hercules Spring Steel Tine Cultivator, 846
- Niclausse Water-Tube Boiler Tests Diagram, 226
- "Niobe," H.M. Cruiser (Naval Construction Company, Barrow), 779. See 831
- Normand, French Torpedo-Boat " Forban," 470
- Norton's Tests for Non-Conducting Coverings, 540
- Norwich Electric Lighting Station, 702, 703
- Nuts, Drysdale and Stoddart's Compensating, 617
- Observatory, Edinburgh, 467, 469, 629
- Oddie and Hesse, Duplex Direct-Acting Feed Pump, 377
- Offlet, Automatic, Crinan Canal, 505
- Oil Engine, 16 H.-P. (Britannia Company, Colchester), 245
- Oil Engine for Launches (Britannia Company, Colchester), 617
- Oil Engine, Portable, 843
- Oil Engine, Priestman's Marine, 541
- Oil Tank Steamer, 355, 517
- Optical Appliances of French Lighthouses, 836. See also 663, 623, 733, 802, 803
- Optical Rotostat, 690
- Ordnance. See Guns
- Oscillations of Bridges, 112, 338, 399, 672
- Oxygen and Air, Apparatus for Liquefying, 263, 21
- Packing Blocks (Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co.), 790
- Paddle Engines. See Erzgotes
- Paddle Steamers. See Steamers
- Panhard-Levassor Road Motor Cars, 566
- Paris, Bridge over Seine, 767, 782, 799, 814
- Passenger Locomotive for Great Western Railway, 120, 184, 185, 188, 197
- Patent Shaft and Axle - Tree Company, Bridge Troughing, 811
- Pavilion and Pier at Clacton-on-Sea, 372, 373
- Peache's High-Speed Engines, Diagrams, 691
- Penn, Engines of South -Eastern Company's
- Paddle Steamer " Duchess of York," 198
- Penywern House Technical College, 740, 741
- Petersen, Mr. P. A., Canadian Bridge, 113, 181
- Peugeot Motor Carriages, 274, 275, 308, 307, 308
- Phillips' Water-Tube Boiler, 640
- Photometric Experiments, 290
- Physical Laboratory, Penywern House Technical College, 740, 741
- Pier and Pavilion at Clacton-on-Sea, 372, 873
- Pipes, Solid Flanged, 165
- Pipes, Welding of, 692, 693
- Pitching of Ships and Stresses, 523, 524
- Pittsburg, Carnegie Free Library, 626
- Planing Machine Feed Motion (Smith and Ridgway, Manchester), 827
- Plenum Process Shaft Sinking, 108, 109, 110, 409
- Pneumatic Signals, Westinghouse Eleotro-, 64, 66
- Pneumatic System ShafG Sinking, 108, 109, 110, 09
- Points and Signals, Electro Pneumatic System, 4, 65
- Points and Signals, Hydraulic System (Saxby and Farmer), 314, 816, 318
- Pontoons for Wreck Raising (Liverpool Steam Tug Company), 403, 404
- Porter's Steam Crane Excavators (Wilson, Liverpool), 244, 245
- Powdered Fuel Furnace, Wegener, 81
- Power Distribution at Lyons, 496, 497
- Power Transmission by Ropes and Belts, 34
- "Powerful," H.M. Cruiser (Naval Construction Company, Barrow), 778. See 834, 835
- Press for Stamping out Loom Flanges (Rice, Leeds), 723
- Pressure Regulating Gear for Sugar Mills, Toggle, 04
- Priestman's Oil Yacht Engine, 541
- Propeller for Oil Launch, McGlasson's, 541
- Protection of Warships, 650
- Pump, Berrenberg-Chaplin Vacuum, 98
- Pump, Feed, Duplex Direct-Acting (Oddie and Hesse), 377
- Pump for Raising Water by Compressed Air, 677
- Pump, Salvage (Merryweather), 676
- Punching Machine, Electrically Driven (Craig and Donald, Johnstone), 27
- Punching Machine for Making Armature Blanks (Crocker-Wheeler), 369
- " Puri," T.-S.S. (Gourlay, Dundee), 608, 571, 572
- Quadruple Geared Surface and Boring Lathe (Shanks, Johnstone), 574, 575
- Quick-Firing Guns in Argentine Cruiser " Buenos Aires," 8-1n. Elswick, 10, 11, 45, 46
- Rack Railway, Snowdon Mountain, 427, 442, 479, 12, 513, 527, 528, 594
- Radial Drilling Machine, 4-Ft. (Clifton and Crossley, Johnstone), 553
- Rail Fractures, Micro-Crystalline Structures, 92
- Rail Smash at St. Neot's, 231
- Railway Collision, Little Eaton Junction, 234
- Railway Crossing, 27
- Railway, Light, Caen to Dives, &c., Decauville, 95
- Railway, Profile of Great Western, 197
- Railway Signals and Points, Hydraulic System (Saxby and Farmer), 314, 315, 318
- Railway Signals, Westinghouse Electro-Pneumatic, 64, 6.5
- Railway, Snowdon Mountain, 427, 442, 479, 512, 13, 527, 528, 594
- Railway Train Heating in France, Lancrenon, 36, 737, 774, 775
- Range-Finders and Telemeters, Barr and Stroud's, 33, 264, 265, 806
- Ransome, and Co., Allen, Wood Pavement Machinery, 357
- Ransome, Sims, and Jefferies, Limited, 8 H.-P.
- Road Locomotive, 846. Shaft Governor, 843
- Rates of Speed and Rates of Freight, 423, 424
- Raworth's Universal High-Speed Engine (Brush Company), 279, 281
- Recalescence Curve from Steel, 674
- Refuse Destructor, Bath Town, 14, 15
- "Renown," Engines of H.M.S. (Maudslay), 79
- Reservoir at Buenos Ayres, Service, 200
- Resistance, Train, 449
- Revolving Domes at Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, 467, 469. See 529
- Rhone Hydro-Electric Installation, 495, 496, 497
- Rice, Leeds, Press for Stamping Out Loom Flanges, 723
- Richards Company Horizontal Boring Machine, 38
- Richards Milling Machine, 823
- Richmond Lock and Weir, 47
- River Steamer " Santo Antonio " (Lytham Company), 282, 283
- Road Carriage, Electrical (Thrupp and Maberly), 91
- Road Carriages, Le Blant Steam, 6, 7
- Road Locomotive, 7 H.-P. (Fowell, St. Ives), 812
- Road Locomotive, 10 H.-P. Twin Compound (Foden, Limited, Sandbach), 842
- Road Locomotive, 811.-P. (Ransome, Sims, and Jefferies, Limited), 846
- Road Motor Cars, Panhard-Levassor, 666
- Road Motor Carriages, Peugeot, 274, 275, 306, 07, 308
- Rochester Bridge Accident, 376
- " Rodney," Babcock and Wilcox Water-Tube Boiler, 48, 49
- Roll Welding of Pipes, 692, 693
- Rolling Mill, Tyre, 570
- Rolling of Ships, Non-Uniform, 694, 695, 696
- Roof of Pavilion, Clacton-on-Sea Pier, 372, 373
- Roof Troughing, Strickland's, 811
- Roof, Westinghouse Electric Works, 500, 501, 02
- Rope and Belt Power Transmission, 34
- Rotostat, Optical, 590
- Royal Agricultural Society. See Agricultural
- Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, 467, 469, 529
- Russian Locomotive (Baldwin), 706
- Sachs, Mr. Edwin 0., on Modern Theatre Stages. See Theatre Stages
- Safe, Corliss Burglar-Proof, 212
- Sailing Flight of Birds, 716
- St. Neot's Rail-Breaking Tests, 231
- Salvage Pump (Merryweather), 676
- Salvage, Ship (Liverpool Steam Tug Company), 03, 404
- Salvage Tug for French Navy (Satres and Son, Lyons), 217
- " Santo Antonio," River Steamer (Lytham Company), 282, 283
- Satres and Son, Lyons, French Navy Salvage Tug, 217
- Saw, Temperley's Cross-Cut (Ransome and Co., Limited), 357
- Saxby and Farmer, Limited, Hydraulic System of Points and Signals, 314, 315, 318
- Schwoerer Steam Superheater, 485. See 361 62, 393, 602
- Screw Threads and Metric System, 163, 194
- Section of Great Western Railway, LondonPenzance, 197
- Seine Bridge, Paris, 767, 782, 799, 814
- Seismograph, Milne's, 672
- Seismographic Observations on Bridges, 112, 338, 99, 67'2
- Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co., Packing Blocks, 790
- Serpollet Steam-Worked Tramcars, 630
- Shaft Fractures, Micro-Crystalline Structures, 92
- Shaft Governor (Ransome, Sims, and Jefferies, Limited), 843
- Shaft Governor, Raworth's, 281
- Shaft Governor, Mill Engine (Doerfel-Proell), 74
- Shaft Sinking, Grah Dredger, 108, 109, 400, 401
- Shaft Sinking and Equipment, 108, 109, 110, 400, 01
- Shanks, Johnstone, Universal Lathes, 574, 575
- Shear, Web, of Plate Girders with Curved Flanges, 60
- Ship Caisson at Barry Docks, 280
- Ship, Light, 563, 623, 733, 802, 803, 836
- Ship Pitching and Stresses, 523, 524
- Ship Stability, Geometry and, 489
- Ships, Non-Uniform Rolling of, 694, 695, 696
- "Sicilia," Italian Ironclad, 303, 342, 343, 344, 52
- Sights for Ordnance (Grenfell's), 116
- Signals and Points, Hydraulic System (Saxby and Farmer), 314, 316, 318
- Signals, Westinghouse Electro-Pneumatic, 64, 65
- Sinclair's Steam Superheater, 485. See 361, 362, 93, 602
- Sinking Shafts, Grab Dredger, 108, 109, 400, 401
- Sliding Caisson at Barry Docks, 280
- Smith and Ridgway, Manchester, Planing Machine Feed Motion, 327
- Smith's Direct-Reading Micrometer Gauge, 405
- Smith's Optical Rotostat, 590
- Snowdon Mountain Railway, 427, 442, 479, 512, 13, 527, 528, 594
- South - Eastern Company's Paddle Steamer "Duchess of York," Engines (Penn), 198
- South-Eastern Railway, London Traffic, 718
- Spanish Armoured Cruiser " Ernperador Carlos V. " Propelling Engines, 12, 45, 46
- Speed and Freight Rates, 423, 424
- Stability of Ships, Geometry and the, 489
- Stages. See Theatre Stages, Modern
- Stamping Out Loom Flanges, Press for (Rice, Leeds), 723
- Stanley Surveying Instruments, 631
- Steam Crane for Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company (Isles, Limited, Leeds), 634
- Steam Hammers, 105
- Steam Road Carriages (Le Blant), 6, 7
- Steam Superheaters, 361, 362, 393, 485, 602
- Steam-Worked Tramcars (Serpollet), 630
- Steamer Expenditure for Different Rates of Speed, 423, 424
- Steamer, Oil Tank, 355, 517
- Steamer, Paddle, " Duchess of York," Engines of (Penn), 198
- Steamer, River, " Santo Antonio " (Lytham Company), 282, 283
- Steamer Speed and Rates of Freight, 423, 424
- Steamer, Twin-Screw, " Puri " (Gourlay, Dundee), 08, 571, 572
- Steamers, Calculating Horse-Power for, 297, 298, 99
- Steamers, Paddle, and Bulkheads, 96
- Steel Hardening, 759
- Steel and Iron, Effect of Temperature on, 242
- Steel Manufacture, Bessemer Process, Invention, 14
- Steel, Micro-Crystalline Structures, 92
- Steel, Microscopic Flaws in, 486, 487
- Steel Pipes, Welding of, 692, 693
- Steel, Recalescence Curve, 674
- Steel Works, Latrobe, Pittsburg, 570, 578, 642
- Stephenson and Co., R., Gate and Sliding Caisson at Barry Docks, 147, 280
- Stony Creek Bridge, Canadian Pacific Railway, 81
- Stoves, Ford and Moncur's Hot-Blast, 855, 858
- Stranding of French Ironclads, 37, 38
- Strength of Cylindrical Shells, 101, 292
- Stresses of Ships, Pitching, 523, 524
- Strickland's Troughing for Bridges and Roofs, 11
- Stroud and Barr, Professors, Telemeters and Range-Finders, 233, 264, 265, 806
- "Sturgeon," "Starfish," and "Skate," Engines, Torpedo Boat Destroyers (Naval Construction Company, Barrow), 831
- Sugar Machinery (Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan Company, Glasgow), 532, 533, 604, 605, 668, 41, 742, 743
- Sulphate Recovery Plant, Mond's Gas Producer and, 794
- Superheaters, Steam, 361, 362, 393, 485, 602
- Surveying Instruments, 631
- Swing Bridge at Marseilles Harbour, 699, 709
- Swiss, Emptying Merjelen Glacier Lake, 78
- Swiss Locomotive Company, Locomotive for Snowdon Railway, 468, 479, 527, 528
- Switchboard, Electric Station, Chicago (Edison Company), 248
- Sympalmograph Curves, Colour from, 99
- Technical College, Bradford, 3, 74, 75, 145, 211, 13, 277, 278, 371, 466, 468
- Technical College, Penywern House, 740, 741
- Telemeters and Range - Finders (Barr and Stroud's), 233. 264, 285, 806
- Temperature Effects on Iron and Steel, 242
- Temperley's Cross-Cut Saw (Ransome and Co, Limited), 357
- Temperley's Special Thicknessing Machine (Ransome and Co., Limited), 357
- Tender for Great Western Locomotive, 188. See 20, 184, 185, 197
- Tesla Motor, 40 Horse-Power, 431. See 500, 501, 02, 807, 808
- Test-Piece Milling Machine (Buckton), 719
- Testing the Contraction of Cast Iron, 557, 558
- Testing Laboratory at Bradford College, 211, 213, 71, 466, 468. See 3, 74, 145, 277, 278
- Testing Non-Conducting Coverings, 540
- Thames Bridges :
- Abingdon Bridge, 474
- Appleford Bridge, Great Western Railway, 286
- Bablock Hythe Ferry Bridge, 850
- Binsey Bridge, 669
- Botley Road Bridge, 748
- Clifton Hampden Bridge, 220
- Culham Bridge, 412
- Eynsham Bridge, 839
- Folly Bridge, 608
- Gathampton Bridge, Great Western Railway,18
- Godstow Navigation Cut Bridge, 838
- Godstow Old Bridge, 838
- Goring Bridge, 86
- Isis Bridges, Great Western Railway, 680
- Kennington Bridge, Great Western Railway, 44
- Little Wittenham Bridge, 220
- Medley Navigation Cut Bridge, 838
- Medley Weirs and Foot Bridges, 838
- Moulsford Bridge, Great Western Railway, 86
- New Bridge, 839
- North Hinksey Road Bridge, 748
- Nuneham Bridge, Great Western Railway, 474
- Occupation Bridge, Culham Navigation Cut, 348,
- Osney Bridge, 680
- Oxford Gas Light and Coke Company's Bridge, 08
- Pangbourne Bridge, 18
- Shillingford Bridge, Old, 147 ; New, 156
- Sutton Courtney Bridge, 286
- Sutton Courtney Foot Bridge and Weir, 348
- Swinford Bridge, 839
- Tadpole Bridge, 839
- Tenfoot Bridge, 839
- Towing Path Bridge near Culham 412
- Towpath Bridge near University Bathing Place, 544
- Wallingford Bridge, 156
- Thames Iron Works, Limited, Sliding Caisson at Barry Docks, 280
- Thames Lock and Weir (Richmond), 47
- Theatre Singes, Modern :
- Amsterdam Theatre, 140
- Brussels Flemish Theatre, 462, 463
- Dresden Opera House Stage, 593, 597
- Eden Theatre, Paris, 459, 460
- Electric Turntable Stage, Munich Court Opera House, 209
- English Wooden Stage, 271, 272, 273, 594
- Flemish Theatre, Brussels, 462, 463
- French Wooden Stages, 459, 460, 539, 663
- Gas Fittings for English Wooden Stage, 594
- German Wooden Stage, 593, 596, 597
- Gridiron of Theatres, 141, 144, 205, 665
- Herkomer's Contracting Proscenium, 205
- Iron Stages, 663, 664, 665
- Iron and Wooden Stage, Rotterdam, 769, 770
- London Trafalgar Theatre, 140
- Munich Court Opera House, Electric Turntable Stage, 209
- Opera House, Paris, 141, 206, 663, 664, 665
- "Palace of Pleasure " Scene (Faust) at Empire, 33
- Paris Eden Theatre, 469, 460
- Paris National Opera House, Gridiron and Flies, 141, 205. See 663, 664, 665
- Paris Opera House, 663, 664, 665
- Proscenium, Herkomer's Contracting, 205
- Rostrums, 333, 334
- Rotterdam Theatre, 769, 770
- Stage, 71
- Theatre Sizes, Representative, 139
- Theatre Stages, Modern-continued.
- Turntable Stage, Electric, Munich Court Opera House, 209
- Vienna Court Opera House Stage, 593, 596
- Vienna Court Theatre, 140
- Vienna Theatre, Gridiron and First Mezzanine, 44, 208
- Windlasses for Stage Purposes, 334
- Wooden and Iron Stage, Rotterdam, 769, 707
- Wooden Stage, English, 271, 272, 273, 594
- Wooden Stages, French, 459, 460, 539, 663
- Wooden Stage, German, 593, 594, 597
- Theodolite, Lister's Inclinometer, 531
- Thermodynamics, Entropy Diagram, 2
- Thomas, Powell, and Batchelor, Anti-Breakage Box for Coal, 421
- Thornycroft, H. M. Torpedo -Boat Destroyer
- "Desperate," 30
- Threads, Screw, and Metric System, 163, 194
- Thrupp and Maberly, Electrical Road Carriage, 91
- Tiles for Concrete Buildings, Cockrill-Doulton Glazed, 327
- Timber Crane, Hydraulic (Hindson and Co, Gateshead), 434, 435
- Tips, Hydraulic Coal, at Barry, 341, 397, 434, 35
- Toggle Pressure Regulating Gear for Sugar Mills, 04
- Top, Chromogeneous, 330
- Torpedo-Boat. See Warships
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer. See Warships
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Sturgeon," Engines (Naval Construction Company, Barrow), 831
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, Calculating HorsePower for, 298, 299
- Torsion Gear for Testing Machine, 371. See 374, 45, 211, 277
- Tower, Coal-Tipping Towers at Barry, 341, 397
- Traction, Electric. See Electric Traction
- Traction, Road. See Road Locomotives and Motor Cars
- Train Heating in France, 736, 737, 774, 776
- Train Resistance, 449
- Train Vibrations on Bridges, 112
- Tramcars, Steam-Worked (Serpollet), 630
- Tramway, Dublin Electric, 743, 744, 745, 746, 771, 72, 773
- Tramway, Electric. See Electric Traction
- Transcendental Equations, Solution of, 173, 303, 04
- Transformer System, Alternate Current, 192
- Transformers, Iron Losses of, 717
- Transit House, Edinburgh Observatory, 529. See 467, 469
- Travelling Steam Crane for Steel Works (Marshall, Fleming, and Jack), 345
- Trevithick's Steam Superheater, 361. See 362, 93, 485, 602
- Triple-Expansion Engines. See Engines
- Troughing for Bridges and Roofs, Strickland's, 11
- Trucks, Electric Railway, 43, 44
- Trucks, Longridge's Dust-Proof Wheel for, 229
- Tube Expanding, Water-Tube Boilers (Yarrow), 64, 673
- Tug, Salvage, for French Navy (Satres and Son, Lyons), 217
- Tugboat " Rodney," Babcock and Wilcox Boiler, Water-Tube, 48, 49
- Tyler-Ellis Hydraulic Forging Conpany, Crossing, 27
- Tyre Rolling Mill, Latrobe Steel Works, 570
- Twin-Screw Engines. See Engines
- Twin-Screw Steamera. See Steamers
- United States Barbette Carriage, 12-In. Breechloading Gun, 602, 504
- United States 8-in. Gun, Barbette Carriage, 162, 53
- Vacuum Pump (Berrenberg-Chaplin), 98
- Valve, Reversing, for Gas Furnace, 689
- Valve Seating Machine (Morse), 635
- Veitch and Wright's Gas Reversing Valve, 689
- Viaduct Vibrations, 338, 399, 672
- Vibration of Bridges, 112, 338, 399, 672
- Vibrations (Trains) on Bridges, 112
- Warships :
- Argentine Cruiser " Buenos Aires " (Armstrong,
- Elswick), 707, 708
- Argentine Cruiser " Buenos Aires," 8-In.
- Quick-Firing Elswick Guns, 10, 11, 45, 46
- Dutch Cruiser and Yarrow's Water-Tube
- Boiler, 249
- French Cruiser " Friant," Coal Consumption,
- Diagrams, Nicla,usse Boiler, 226
- Va nth 1 ps-continued.
- French Ironclads, Stranding of, 37, 38. See 217
- French Torpedo-Boat " Forban " (Normand, Havre), 470
- German Warships " Ersatz Leipzig," " Ersatz Freya," " Ersatz Preussen," 826, 827
- H.M.S. " Niobe " (Naval Construction Company, Barrow-in-Furness), 779. See 831
- "Powerful " (Naval Construction Company, Barrow-in-Furness), 778. See 831
- "Renown," Propelling Engines and Boilers (Maudslay), 79
- H.M.SS. " Doris" and "Juno " (Naval Construction Company, Barrow-in-Furness), 776, 78, 834, 835
- H.M. Torpedo Boat Destroyer " Desperate" (Thornycroft), 30
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Sturgeon," Engines (Naval Construction Company, Barrow), 831
- H. DI. Torpedo-Boat Destroyers " Hart,' "Handy," and " Hunter " (Fairfield Company), 240, 241
- Italian Ironclad " Sicilia," 303, 342, 343, 344, 452
- Japanese Battleship " Yashima " (Sir W. G. Armstrong and Co., 310
- Protection of Warships, 650
- Spanish Armoured Cruiser " Emperador Carlos V.," Propelling Engines, 12, 45, 46
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, Calculating HorsePower for, 298, 299
- Water-Tight Doors for Warships, 406, 408, 409
- Water Power Installation, Rhone, 495, 496, 497
- Water Reservoir at Buenos Ayres, 200
- Water-Tight Doors for Warships, 406, 408, 409
- Water-Tube Boiler Circulation, 436, 437, 438, 464, 83, 585. See also 39, 52, 59, 94, 127, 163
- Water-Tube Boiler, Phillips, 540
- Water-Tube Boiler Test Diagram, Niclausse, 226
- Water-Tube Boiler, Tugboat " Rodney " (Babcock and Wilcox, Limited), 48, 49
- Water-Tube Boiler, Yarrow, for Dutch Navy, 249
- Water-Tube Boiler, Yarrow, Tube Fixing, 464, 673
- Water-Tube Boilers, 456
- Water Tube Boilers, Coal Consumption, 13
- Water-Tube Boilers, Circulation in, Yarrow, 39, 2, 59, 94, 127, 163
- Water-Xube and Tuhulous Boiler, Compound 39, 519
- Web Shear of Girders with Curved Flanges, 60
- Webb's Built-up Crank Axle for Locomotives, 90
- Webb's Safety Gauge Glass, 98
- Wegener Powdered Fuel Furnace, 81
- Weir, Richmond Lock and Weir, 47
- Welding of Pipes, 692, 693
- Westgarth, English, and Co., Triple-Expansion Mill Engine, with Doerfel-Proell Governor, 374, 80
- Westinghouse Electrical Works, Brinton, near Pittsburg, 430, 431, 500, 501, 502
- Westinghouse Electro-Pneumatic Signals, 64. 65
- Wheel for Trucks, Longridge's Dust-Proof, 229
- Whitmore and Binyon's, Wickham Market, Mill Engine, 710, 711, 714
- Wilson and Co., J. H., Liverpool, Porter's Steam Crane Excavators, 244, 245
- Wilson, Liverpool, 5-Ton Locomotive Crane, 757
- Wind Pressure, Experiments on, 95
- Wood Pavement Machines (Ransome and Co., Limited), 367
- Wood-Working Shop, Bradford Technical College, 74. See 3, 75, 145, 211, 213, 277, 278, 371, 66, 468
- Works, Crocker - Wheeler's Electrical, Orange, N.J., 336, 337, 365, 366
- Works, Latrobe Steel, Pittsburg, 570, 578, 642
- Works, Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan Company's, 32, 533. See 604, 605, 668, 741, 742, 743
- Works, Westinghouse Electrical, Brinton, near Pittsburg, 430, 431, 500, 501, 502
- Wreck-Raising Appliances (Liverpool Steam Tug Co), 403, 404
- Wreck of Snowdon Locomotive, 513
- Wright and Veitch's Gas Reversing Valve, 689
- Yacht " Kittiwake," with Priestman Oil Engine, 541
- Yarrow Boiler, Tube-Fixing Appliances, 464, 673
- Yarrow Water-Tube Boiler for Dutch Navy, 249
- Yarrow's Water-Tube Boilers, Circulation, 39, 52, 9, 94, 163
- Yaryan Evaporating Apparatus, Sextuple Effect (Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan Company), 668, 41, 743
- "Yashima," Japanese Battleship (Sir W. G. Armstrong and Co.), 310
See Also
Sources of Information