Engineering 1942 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1942 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1942 Jul-Dec Volume
Aeronautics :
- Airscrews, Variable Pitch. L. G. Eairhurst, 520
- De-Icing System. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., L. J. Clark and J. H. Walker, 360
- Gun Turret. Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., and L. G. Prise, 320
- Landing Wheel. Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., C. V. Murray and H. R. Watson, 120
Electrical Apparatus :
- Cable Conduits, Threading of. Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., and C. J. Culling, 260
- Cables, Electric. British Insulated Cables, Ltd., and P. W. Cave, 220
- Commutator. Ellison Insulations, Ltd., E. J. P. Reynolds, J. Lucas, Ltd., and P. C. Strong, 440
- Dash-Mounting Instrument. Aron Electricity Meter, Ltd., and E. J. Riordan, 380
- Generator, Electric-Welding. A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., and J. W. Bayles, 460
- Lamp, Mercury-Vapour, High - Pressure. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and H. K. Bourne, 140
- Magnesium Alloys, Cutting. High Duty Alloys, Ltd., and J. A. Heron, 480 Measuring Instrument, Alternating-Current.
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and G.F. Shotter, 520
- Switch, Tap-Change. Asea Electric, Ltd., and J. F. White, 60
- Furnace Apparatus :
- Conveyor. John Thompson (\^ olverhainp- ton), Ltd., and G. P. Williams, 460
- Gas Producer. D. S. Kennedy and K. W. Willans, 140
- Gas Producer. Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and B. H. Schieldrop, 500
- Kiln, Electrically-Heated. B. J. and B. C. Moore, 520
- Pyrometer, Molten-Liquid Bath. Brayshaw Furnaces and Tools, Ltd., S. N. Brayshaw and F. Rushton, 80
Hydraulic Apparatus :
- Pump, Centrifugal, Self-Priming. Drysdale and Co., Ltd., and J. W. W. Drysdale, 240
- Remote-Controlled
- Dowty Equipment, kenzie, 220
- Tower, Water-Cooling. Davenport Ji^ngineer- ing Co., Ltd., and R. H. Harrah 160
- Valve, Reducing, Smallpiece, Ltd., C. D. P. Smallpiece and C. E. Curzons, 360
Internal-Combustion Engines :
- Engine, Internal-Combustion. Parkinson and Cowan (Gas Meters), Ltd., and Green, 20
- I’ingine, Two-Stroke, Double-Acting. Price, 380
- Filter, Fuel. Cooper’s Mechanical Ltd., and J. M. Boyle, 400
- Lapping Machine, Piston-Ring. Metropoli- tan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., and J. S. Turnbull, 100
- Pistons, Cooling. D. Napier and Son, Ltd. and F. B. Halford, 380
- Priming System for Diesel Engines. H. Da Costa and The Plessy Co., Ltd., 220
- Supercharger Three-Speed Gear. D. Napier and Son, Ltd., F. B. Halford and B. W. Barlow, 480
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Crane, Travelling. G. W. King, Ltd., and
- D. M. King, 300
- Drum, Winch. A. V. Roe A Co., Ltd., and C. B. Redrup, 140
- Lifts and Hoists, Driving. Express IJft Co., Ltd., and W. A. Dixie, 240
- Winch. Blaw-Knox, Ltd., and J. E. Conacher, 420
Machine Tools and Machine-Shop Equipment :
- Aluminium-Alloy Sheet, Porming. Pressed
- Steel Co., Ltd., and A. H. Pether, 120 Bending or Twisting Machine. Parnail Aircraft, Ltd., and A. C. Clayton, 60
- Chuck, Self-Centring. Miller Chuck Co., Ltd., and J. Miller, 400
- Cutter, Face Milling. John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., and P. B. Nlekirk, 260
- Cutter, Oxy-Acetjdene Flame. General :
- Electric Co., Ltd., and W. Schiff, 20
- Machine Tools and Machine-Shop Equipment—continued.
- Drilling and Boring Machines. Parnall Aircraft, Ltd., and A. C. Clayton, 200
- Extractor Tool. British Power Boat Co., Ltd., and W. P. Bradbury, 160
- Gauge, Height. Precision Grinding, Ltd.,
- G. P. Barrott and H. F. Plant, 280
- Planer, Tool Feed for. Swift-Summerskill, Ltd., and J. Carter, 100
- Reamer, Expanding. D. Brown and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., C. Burton and S. Welsby, 440
- 'Caps and Dies, Production of. Coventry Gauge (fe Tool Co., Ltd., S. J. Harley and
- J. E. Wainwright, 360
- Tool-Holder. Pressed Steel Co., Ltd.,
- K. J. B. Wolfe and W. G. Caesar, 420
Metallurgy :
- Casting, Centrifugal. Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., and P. H. Wilson, 140
- (lasting Machine, Centrifugal. David Brown and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., and J. F. B. Jack- son, 200
- Casting Metal Bodies with Cored Holes. Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., and V. A. Bonifas, 280
- Ferrous Metals, Bright Annealing of. General Electric Co., Ltd., I. Jenkins and S. V. Williams, 60
- Magnesium Alloys, Protection of. High- Duty Alloys, Ltd., and L. Whitby, 260
- Rolling Mills. United Steel Companies, Ltd., and G. A. V, Russell, 280
- Salt Bath. Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and F. Kerfoot, 240
Mining :
- Winding Gear, Mine. British Hopes, Ltd.
- J. L. Kerry and H. Hitchen, ,500
Miscellaneous :
- Bearing. Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd. W, Betteridge and E. R. Gadd, 60
- Bearing. J. Lithgow and J. A. Thornton, 40 Concrete-Smoothing Machine. Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., and R. B. Pitt, 420
- Coupling, Transmission Safety. Self-Changing Gear Co., Ltd., and W. H. R. Durston, 80
- Flame-Cutter, Portable. Swift, Levick and Sons, Ltd., and D, G. L. Horsburgh, 400
- Gauge, Screw Thread. D. Gilson and Co., Ltd., A. F. J. Wright and E. Bannister, 480
- Measuring Instrument, Distance. Siemens- Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., and
- E. A. j. Tunnicliffe, 100
- Press, Coining. Taylor and. Challen, Ltd., and H. D. Challen, 300
- Press, Extrusion. High Duty Alloys, Ltd., and J. A. Heron, 20
- Repeat-Motion Mechanism. Parnall Aircraft, Ltd., A. G. Fraser-Nash and S. R. Proctor, 260
- Road-Sweeping Machine. Lewin Road Sweepers, Ltd., and W. J. Lewin, 440
- Sand-Blasting Machine, Centrifugal. Tilghman’s Patent Sand Blast Co., Ltd., and R. T. Ankers, 500
- Signalling Apparatus, Mountings for. Aldis Brothers, Ltd., and A. C. W. Aldis, 460
- Wood-Planing Machine. T. Robinson and Son, Ltd., and J. W. Haytock, 320
Motor Road Vehicles :
- Ball-Bearing Assembly. K. H. Johnston, 80 Brake, Internal Expanding. Automotive Products Co., Ltd., and F. G. Parnell, 400 Brake-Shoe Spreader. Automotive Products Co., Ltd. , and L. C. Chouings, 120
- Clutch, Friction. Borg <fe Beck Co., Ltd., and L. P. Godfrey, 340
- Clutch, Unidirectional. Avimo, Ltd., and H. C. M. Stevens, 180
- Power Transmission. Leyland Motors, Ltd., and V. W. Pilkington, 180
- Steering Gear. Bishop Transmission Co., Ltd., and H. Leese, 220
- Track, Endless. David Brown Tractors, Ltd., A. H. Kersey and J. Stirling, 40
Pumps :
- Centrifugal Pump Construction. Hayward- Tyler and Co., Ltd.,and G. P. E. Howard,340 Compressor Unit. Holman Brothers, Ltd., and E. C. Mills, 200
- Pump. Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., and L. Hathaway, 40
- Pump, Submersible. Hayward-Tyler and Co., Ltd., and G. P. E. Howard, 440
Railways and Tramways :
- Locomotive, Diesel-Electric. Crompton,
- Parkinson, Ltd., and H. G. McClean, 300
Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc. :
- Boiler, Multitubular Marine.
- Banks of Netherton, Ltd., and J. A. Banks, 180
- Combustion, Control of. and Engineering Co., Bobbs, 320
- Governor, Centrifugal,
- Cockburns, Ltd., J. Rodger and T. Grant, 160
- Valve, Control, High-Pressure. Cockburns, Ltd., J. Rodger and R. Grant, 340. See Erratum, 377
- Wallsend Slipway Ltd., and A. G. Emergency Trip.
- Aldis, A. C. W., and others. Mountings for Signalling Apparatus, 460
- Aldis Brothers, Ltd., and another. Mountings for Signalling Apparatus, 460
- Ankers, R. T., and others. Centrifugal Sand- Blasting Machine, 500
- Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., and others. Landing Wheel, 120
- Aron Electricity Meter, Ltd., and another. Bash-Mounting Instrument, 380 _
- Asea Electric, Ltd., and another. Switch, 60
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Brake-Shoe Spreader, 120
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Internal Expanding Brake, 400
- Avimo, Ltd., and another. Clutch, 180
- Bannister, E., and others. Gauge, 480
- Barlow, B. W., and others. Three-Speed Gear, 480
- Barrott, G. P., and others. Bayles, J. W., and others. Generator, 460
- Betteridge, W., and others. Birmingham Electric Eurnaces, another. Salt Bath, 240
- Bishop Transmission Co., Ltd., and another. Steering Gear, 220
- Blaw-Knox, Ltd., and another. Winch, 420 Bonifas, V. A., and others. Casting Metal
- Bodies with Cored Holes, 280
- Borg and Beck Co., Ltd., and another. Eriction Clutch, 340
- Boyle, J. M., and others. Fuel Filter, 400
- Bourne, H. K., and others. High-PressureMercury-Vapour Lamp, 140
- Bradburv, W. P.. and others. Extractor Tool, 160
- Brayshaw Furnaces and Tools, Ltd., and others. Molten-Liquid Bath Pyrometer, 80
- Brayshaw, S. N., and others. Molten-Liquid Bath Pyrometer, 80
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., and others. Bearing, 60
- Bristol Aeroplane Co.. Ltd., and another. Gun Turret, 320
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., and another. Electric Cables, 220
- British Power Boat Co., Ltd., and another. Extractor Tool, 160
- British Ropes, Ltd., and others. Mine Winding Gear, 500
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and others. De-Icing System, 360
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and another. High-Pressure Mercury-Vapour Lamp, 140
- Brown, David, and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., and another. Centrifugal Casting Machine, 200
- Brown, David, and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., and others. Expanding Reamer, 440
- Brown, David, Tractors, Ltd., and others. Endless Track, 40
- Burton, C., and others. Expanding Reamer 440
- Caesar, W. G., and others. Tool-Holder, 420 Carter, J., and others. Tool Feed for Planer, 100
- Cave, P. W., and others. Electric Cables, 220 Challen, H. D., and others. Coining Press, 300 Chouings, L. C., and others. Brake-Shoe Spreader, 120
- Clark, L. J., and others. De-Icing System, 360 Clayton, A. C., and others. Bending or Twisting Machine, 60
- Clayton, A. C., and others. Drilling and Boring Machines, 200
- Cockburns, Ltd., and others. Emergency Trip Centrifugal Governor, 160
- Cockburns, Ltd., and others. High-Pressure Control Valve, 340. See Erratum, 377
- Conacher, J. E., and others. Winch, 420
- Cooper’s Mechanical Joints, Ltd., and another. Fuel Filter, 400
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., and another. Pump, 40
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., and others. Production of Taps and Dies, 360
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd.. and another. Diesel- Electric Locomotive, 300
- Culling, C. J., and others. Threading of Cable Conduits, 260
- Curzons, C. E., and others. Reducing Valve, 360
- Da Costa, H., and others. Priming System for Diesel Engines, 220
- Danks, J. A., and others. Multi-Tubular Marine Boiler, 180
- Danks of Netherton, Ltd., and another. MultiTubular Marine Boiler, 180
- Davenport Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Water-Cooling Tower, 160
- Dixie, W. A., and others. Driving Lifts and Hoists, 240
- Dobbs, A. G., and others. Control of Combustion, 320
- Dowty Equipment, Ltd., and another. Remote- Controlled Hydraulic System, 220
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., and another. Self-Priming Centrifugal Pump, 240
- Drysdale, J. W. W., and others. Self-Priming Centrifugal Pump, 240
- Durston, W. H. R., and others. Transmission Safety Coupling, 80
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and another. Alternating-Current Measuring Instrument, 520
- Ellison Insulations, Ltd., and others. Commutator, 440
- Express Lift Co., Ltd., and another. Driving Lifts and Hoists, 240
- Fairhurst, L. G. Variable Pitch Airscrews, 520 Fowler, John, Co. (Leeds), Ltd., and another.
- Face Milling Cutter, 260
- Frazer-Nash, A. G., and others. Repeat- Motion Mechanism, 260
- Frise, L. G., and others. Gun Turret, 320
- Jackson, J. F. B., and others. Casting Machine, 200
- Jenkins, I., and others. Bright Annealing of Ferrous Metals, 60
- Johnston, R. H., Ball-Bearing Assembly, 80
- Kennedy, D. S., and another. Gas Producer, 140
- Kerfoot, E., and others. Salt Bath, 240
- Kerry, J. L., and others. Mine Winding Gear, 500
- Kersey, A. H., and others. Endless Track, 40
- King, D. M., and others. Travelling Crane, 300
- King, G. W., Ltd., and another. Travelling Crane, 300
- Leese, H., and others. Steering Gear, 220
- Lewin Road Sweepers, Ltd., and another. Road-Sweeping Machine, 440
- Lewin, W. J., and others. Road-Sweeping Machine, 440
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., and another. Power Transmission, 180
- Lithgow, J., and another. Bearing, 40
- Lucas, J., Ltd., and others. Commutators, 440
- Mackenzie, D., and others. Remote-Controlled Hydraulic System, 220
- McClean, H. G., and others. Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 300
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., and another. Piston-Ring Lapping Machine, 100
- Miller Chuck Co., Ltd., and another. Self Centring Chuck, 400
- Miller, J., and others. Self-Centring Chuck, 400
- Mills, E. C., and others. Compressor Unit, 200
- Moore, B. J., and B. C. Electrically-Heated Kiln, 520
- Murray, C. V., and others. Landing Wheel, 120
- Parkinson and Cowan (Gas Meters), Ltd., and another. Internal-Combustion Engine, 20
- Parnall Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Bending or Twisting Machine, 60
- Parnall Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Drilling and Boring Machines, 200
- Parnail Aircraft, Ltd., and others. Repeat Motion Mechanism, 260
- Parnell, F. G., and others. Internal Expanding Brake, 400
- Pether, A. H., and others. Forming Aluminium-Alloy Sheet, 120
- Pilkington, V. W., and others. Power Transmission, 180
- Pitt, R. B., and others. Concrete-Smoothing Machine, 420
- Plant, H. F., and others. Height Gauge, 280
- Plessey Co., Ltd., and another. Priming
- System for Diesel Engines, 220
- Precision Grinding, Ltd., and others'. Height Gauge, 280
- Pressed Steel Co., Ltd., and another. Forming Aluminium-Alloy Sheet, 120
- Pressed Steel Co., Ltd., and others. Tool-Holder, 420
- Price, J. B. Double-Acting Two-Stroke Engine, 380
- Proctor, S. R., and others. Repeat-Motion Mechanism, 260
- Redrup, C. B., and others. Winch Drum, 140
- Reynolds, E. J. P., and others. Commutator, 440
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., and another. Electric- Welding Generator, 460
- Riordan, E. J., and others. Dash-Mounting Instrument, 380
- Robinson, T., and Son, Ltd., and another. Wood- Planing Machine, 320
- Rodger, J., and others. Emergency Trip Centrifugal Governor, 160
- Rodger, J., and others. High-Pressure Control Valve, 320. See Erratum, 377
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., and another. Winch Drum, 140
- Rushton, F., and others. Molten-Liquid Bath Pyrometer, 80
- Russell, G. A. V., and others. Rolling Mills, 280
- Schieldrop, B. H., and others. Gas Producer, 500
- Schiff, W., and others. Oxy-Acetylene Flame Cutter, 20
- Self-Changing Gear Co., Ltd., and another. Transmission Safety Coupling, 80
- Shotter, G. F., and others. Alternating-Current Measuring Instrument, 520
- Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., and another. Distance-Measuring 100
- Smallpiece, Ltd., and others. Valve, 360
- Standard Telephones and Cables, another. Threading of Cable Conduits, 260
- Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., and another. Centrifugal Casting, 140
- Stevens, H. C. M., and others. Unidirectional Clutch, 180
- Stirling, J., and others. Endless Track, 40 Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., and another. Concrete- Smoothing Machine, 420
- Strong, P. C., and others. Commutator,
- Swift, Levick and Sons, Ltd., and another. Portable Flame-Cutter, 400
- Swift-Summerskill, Ltd., and another. Feed for Planer, 100
- Taylor and Challen, Ltd., and another. Coining Press, 300
- Thompson, John (Wolverhampton), Ltd., and another. Conveyor, 460
- Thornton, J. A., and another. Bearing, 40 Tilghman’s Patent Sand Blast Co., Ltd., and another. Centrifugal Sand-Blasting Machine, 500
- Tunnicliffe, E. A. J., and others. Distance- Measuring Instrument, 100
- Turnbull, J. S., and others. Lapping Machine, 100
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Rolling Mills, 280
- Wainwright, J. E., and others. Taps and Dies, 360
- Walker, J. H., and others. De-Icing System, 360
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Control of Combustion, 320
- Watson, H. R., and others. Landing Wheel, 120
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corpora- Gas Producer, 500 Expanding Reamer,
- tion, Ltd., and another.
- Welsby, S., and others. 440
- Whitby, L., and others.
- White, J. F., and others. 60
- Willans, K. W., and another. Gas Producer, 140
- Williams, G. P., and others.
- Williams, S. V., and others.of Ferrous Metals, 60
- Wilson, P. H., and others.
- Wolfe, K. J. B., and others.
- Wright, A. F. J., and others. Screw Thread Gauge, 480
See Also
Sources of Information