Engineering 1948 Jan-Jun: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1948 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1948 Jan-Jun Volume
Aeronautics :
- Aircraft Turbo-Compressor Apparatus. The De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., F. B. Halford and G. Bristow, 144
- Jet-Propulsion System. Aerojet Engineering Corporation, 312
- Measurement of Fluid Flow. Westland Aircraft, Ltd., and W. M. Widgery, 432
- Speed-Controlled Electric Switch. S. Smith and Sons (England), Ltd., and W. O. Davis, 240
- Temporarily Attaching Articles to Aircraft. Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., and A. Tharratt, 408
Agricultural Appliances :
- Boiler for Water Heating and Steam Raising. Gascoignes (Reading), Ltd., and J. A. Kingston, 456
- Lifting Mechanism for Plough. Ransomes, Sims and Jefleries, Ltd., and A. Challacombe, 216
- Tractor-Drawn Vehicles. Blaw Knox, Ltd., and J. E. Conacher, 336
Electrical Apparatus :
- Brush-Holder. The General Electric Co., Ltd., and E. C. Davies, 24
- Brush Holder for Electrical Machines. Rotax, Ltd., and W. F. Gilbert, 360
- Differential Electrical Apparatus. H. M. Powell, 480
- Direct-Current Amplifier Galvanometer. N. F. Astbury and C. S. Wright, 528
- Electric Impulse Producer. R. C. Graseby, 552
- Instrument Casing. Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and L. W. Pettitt, 504
- Rotary Multiple Switch. Muirhead and Co., Ltd., and W. C. Lister, 72
- Ultra High-Frequency Coupling. D. M.
- Robinson, A. T. Starr and J. B. Adams, 120
Furnace Apparatus :
- Electrically-Driven Soot Blower. The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and H. F. Jefferson, 624
- Furnace-Charging Apparatus. The Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and I. Kay, 600
Guns and Explosives :
- Gun Carriage. N. Straussler, 480
- Discharge Regulator for Turbine. Boving and Co., Ltd., and D. A. Akins, 192
- Hydraulic-Pressure Generator. H. E. Page, 96
- Reciprocating-Piston Pump. Precision Developments Co., Ltd., and G. Olah, 216
- Servo Motor for Fuel System. H. M. Hobson (Aircraft and Motor) Components, Ltd., and L. S. Greenland, 240
Internal-Combustion Engines :
- Automatic Ignition Timer. J. Lucas, Ltd., W. H. Burgess and A. P. McGowran, 24
- Engine-Repair Equipment. Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., and E. P. Paxman, 312
- I Gas-Turbine Bearing. Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., H. Constant, D. M. Smith and E. E. Baumann, 504
- Gas-Turbine Combustion Apparatus. Power Jets (Research and Development), Ltd., and G. B. R. Fielden, 24
- Two-Stroke Engine. Trojan, Ltd., F. J. Dykes and H. J. Rickwood, 144
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Conveyor. R. Mercer, 24
- Conveyor Rollers. The Newbiggin Colliery Co., Ltd., and W. H. Stothard, 120
Machine Tools and Machine-Shop Equipment :
- Drawing of Metal Tubes. The Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and C. Brooks, 528
- Machine-Tool Slide. Drummond Brothers, Ltd., and J. L. Blacklock, 600
- Screw-Operated Press. Hordern, Mason <fe Edwards, Ltd., W. G. Edwards, R. F. Deykin and G. S. Wilson, 640
- Screw-Thread Gauge. Rotol, Ltd., B. Teague and Vo G. Parry, 432
Mining :
- Coal-Sorting Device. B. A. Collieries, Ltd., and H. Hardwick, 192
- Mining Apparatus. Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., and J. B. Mavor, 504
- Miscellaneous :
- Apparatus for Winding Threads, Wire or Ribbon. The United Wire Works, Ltd., and W. D. T. Green, 408
- Clutches. The British United Shoe Machinery Co., Ltd., and F. B. Keall, 96
- Coating Metal Surfaces. The Pyrene Co., Ltd., E. Wright and S. J. Scouse, 144
- Cooling Mercury-Vapour Lamps. Aldis Brothers, Ltd., and A. C. W. Aldis, 24
- Double Ball Thrust Bearing. Power Jets, Ltd. (Tn Liquidation), and R. C. McLeod, 72
- Flexible Diaphragm. K.D.G. Instruments, Ltd., and A. Yeoell, 336
- Flowmeter. J. H. Whitaker, 600
- Gas Manufacture. Drakes, Ltd., and M. Thompson, 624
- Hardening of Steel Articles. English Steel Corporation, Ltd., J. L. Squire and A. P. Field, 456
- Indexing Mechanism. The Plessey Co., Ltd., and E. S. Cleave, 384
- Liquid-Drag Speedometer. G. Kent, Ltd., and H. G. Flory, 216
- Magnetic Speedometer. Evershed and Vig- noles, Ltd., and J. C. Needham, 576
- Manufacture of Bricks. Eastwoods Flettons, Ltd., and J. Paisley, 360
- Refuelling Plant for Aircraft. Zwicky, Ltd., and L. T. Spurin, 96
- Releasing Device for Wringer. The English Electric Co., Ltd., P. V. Coonan and T. A. Underwood, 384
- Steam-Heating Presses. Foster, Yates Thom, Ltd., and D. Pole-Welman, 360
Motor Vehicles :
- Control of Epicyclic Gears. Lagonda, Ltd., and W. O. Bentley, 72
- Electromagnetic Friction Clutch. Humber, Ltd., and A. C. Sampietro, 552
- Hydraulic Shock Absorber. Monroe Auto Equipment Co., 192
- Lubricating Systems. Leyland Motors, Ltd., and V. W. Pilkington, 312
- Motor Bicycle. J. R. V. Dolphin, 576
- Springing of Vehicles. The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., and J. C. Haefeli, 408
- Synchronising Coupling. Lea-Francis Cars, Ltd., and J. C. Ridley, 456
- Variable-Speed Power Transmission. Morris Motors, Ltd., T. Brown and W. J. Thomas, 384
Printing and Allied Machinery :
- Delivery of Printed Sheets in Counted Batches. R. Hoe and Co., Ltd., and C. H. Skinner, 480
- Rotary Printing Machine. J. Halley and Sons, Ltd., and A. M. Halley, 528
- Sheet-Separating Mechanism. R. Hoe and Co., Ltd., and A. P. Battey, 120
- Railways and Tramways ;
- Wheel Mounting for Railway Vehicles. R. Hudson, Ltd., and W. S. Hudson, 576
Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc. :
- Inspection Cover for Steam or Water Drums. G. S. Pounder, 240
- Steam Desuperheater. Cockburns, Ltd., J.
- Rodger and T. Grant, 576
Textile Machinery :
- Drafting-Roller Gearing. Casablancas High Draft Co., Ltd., and J. Noguera, 576
- Formation of Rolls of Silver from Long Staple Fibres. J. Mackie and Sons, Ltd., and J. P. Mackie, 432
- Roller-Weighting for Textile Machinery. Howard and Bullough, Ltd., and W. A. Hunter, 336
- Silver-Crimping and Roll-Forming Machine. Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour, Ltd., and J. R. Bee, 552
- Adams, J. B., and others. Ultra High-Frequency Coupling, 120
- Aerojet Engineering Corporation. Jet-Propulsion System, 312
- Akins, D. A., and others. Discharge Regulator for Turbine, 192
- Aldis, A. C. W., and others. Cooling Mercury- Vapour Lamps, 24
- Aldis Brothers, Ltd., and another. Cooling Mercury-Vapour Lamps, 24
- Astbury, N. F., and another. Direct-Current
- Amplifier Galvanometer, 528
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., and another. Springing of Vehicles, 408
- B. A. Collieries, Ltd., and another. Coal-Sorting Device, 192
- Battey, A. P., and others. Sheet-Separating Mechanism, 120
- Baumann, F. E., and others. Gas-Turbine Bearing, 504
- Bee, J. R., and others. Silver-Crimping and Roll-Forming Machine, 552
- Bentley, W. O., and others. Control of Epicyclic Gears, 72
- Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Temporarily Attaching Articles to Aircraft, 408
- Blacklock, J. L., and others. Machine-Tool Slide, 600
- Blaw-Knox, Ltd., and another. Tractor-Drawn Vehicles, 336
- Boving and Co., Ltd., and another. Discharge Regulator for Turbine, 192
- Bristow, G., and others. Aircraft Turbo-Compressor Apparatus, 144
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and another. Electrically-Driven Soot Blower, 624
- British United Shoe Machinery Co., Ltd., and another. Clutches, 96
- Brooks, C., and others. Drawing of Metal Tubes, 528
- Brown, T., and others. Variable-Speed Power Transmission, 384
- Burgess, W. H., and others. Automatic Ignition Timing, 24
- Casablancas High Draft Co., Ltd., and another. Drafting-Roller Gearing, 576
- Challacombe, A., and others. Lifting Mechanism for Plough, 216
- Cleave, E. S., and others. Indexing Mechanism, 384
- Cockburns, Ltd., and others. Steam Desuperheater, 576
- Conacher, J. E., and others. Tractor-Drawn Vehicles, 336
- Constant, H., and others. Gas-Turbine Bearing, 504
- Coonan, P. V., and others. Releasing Device for Wringer, 384
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., and another. Engine-Repair Equipment, 312
- Davies, E. C., and others. Brush-Holder, 24
- Davis, W. O., and others. Speed-Controlled Electric Switch, 240
- de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., and others. Aircraft Turbo-Compressor Apparatus, 144
- Deykin, R. F., and others. Screw-Operated Press 624
- Dolphin, J. R. V. Motor Bicycle, 576 Drakes, Ltd., and another. Gas Manufacture, 624
- Drummond Brothers, Ltd., and another. Machine-Tool Slide, 600
- Dykes, F. J., and others. Two-Stroke Engine, 144
- Eastwoods Elettons, Ltd., and another. Manufacture of Bricks, 360
- Edwards, W. G., and others. Screw-Operated Press, 624
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and another. Instrument Casing, 504
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and others. Releasing Device for Wringer, 384
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., and others. Hardening of Steel Articles, 456
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., and another. Magnetic Speedometer, 576
- Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour, Ltd., and another. Silver-Crimping and Roll-Forming Machine, 552
- Field, A. P., and others. Hardening of Steel Articles 456
- Fielden, G. B. R., and others. Gas-Turbine Combustion Apparatus, 24
- Flory, H. G., and others. Liquid-Drag Speedo’ meter, 216
- Foster, Yates and Thom, Ltd., and another. Steam-Heating Presses, 360
- Gascoignes (Reading), Ltd., and another. Boiler for Water Heating and Steam Raising, 456
- General Electric Co., Ltd., and another. Brush-Holder, 24
- Gilbert, W. F., and others. Brush Holder for Electric Machines, 360
- Grant, T., and others. Steam Desuperheater, 576
- Graseby, R. C. Electric Impulse Producer, 552
- Green, W. D. T., and others. Apparatus for Winding Threads, Wire or Ribbon, 408
- Greenland, L. S., and others. Servo Motor for Fuel System, 240
- Haefeli, J. C., and others. Springing of Vehicles, 408
- Halford, F. B., and others. Aircraft Turbo Compressor Apparatus, 144
- Halley, A. M., and others. Rotary Printing Machine, 528
- Halley, J., and Sons, Ltd., and another. Rotary Printing Machine, 528
- Hardwick, H., and others. Coal-Sorting Device, 192
- Hobson, H. M. (Aircraft and Motor) Components, Ltd., and another. Servo Motor for Fuel System, 240
- Hoe, R., and Co., Ltd., and another. Delivery of Printed Sheets in Counted Batches, 480
- Hoe, R., and Co., Ltd., and another. Sheet- Separating Mechanism, 120
- Hordern, Mason and Edwards, Ltd., and others. Screw-Operated Press, 624
- Howard and Bullough, Ltd., and another. Roller-Weighting for Textile Machinery, 336
- Hudson, R., Ltd., and another. Wheel Mounting for Railway Vehicles, 576
- Hudson, W. S., and others. for Railway Vehicles, 576
- Humber, Ltd., and another. Friction Clutch, 552
- Hunter, W. A., and others. for Textile Machinery, 336
- Jefferson, H. F., and others. Electrically- Driven Soot Blower, 624
- Kay, I., and others. Furnace-Charging Apparatus, 600
- K.D.G. Instruments, Ltd., and another. Flexible Diaphragm, 336
- Keall, F. B., and others. Clutches, 96
- Kent, G., Ltd., and another. Liquid-Drag Speedometer, 216
- Kingston, J. A., and others. Boiler for Water Heating and Steam Raising, 456
- Lagonda, Ltd., and another. Control of Epicyclic Gears, 72
- Lea-Francis Cars, Ltd., and another. Synchronising Coupling, 456
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., and another. Lubricating Systems, 312
- Lister, W. C., and others. Rotary Multiple Switch, 72
- Mackie, J., and Sons, Ltd., and another. Formation of Rolls of Silver from Long Staple Fibres, 432
- Mackie, J. P., and others. Formation of Rolls of Silver from Long Staple Fibres, 432
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., and another. Mining Apparatus, 504
- Mavor, J. B., and others. Mining Apparatus, 504
- McGowran, A. P., and others. Automatic Ignition Timing, 24
- McLeod, R. C., and others. Double Ball Thrust Bearing, 72
- Mercer, R. Conveyor, 24
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., and others. Gas-Turbine Bearing, 504
- Monroe Auto Equipment Co. Hydraulic Shock Absorber, 192
- Morris Motors, Ltd., and others. Variable- Speed Power Transmission, 384
- Muirhead and Co., Ltd., and another. Rotary Multiple Switch, 72
- Needham, J. C., and others. Magnetic Speedometer, 576
- Newbiggin Colliery Co., Ltd., and another. Conveyor Rollers, 120
- Noguera, J., and others. Drafting-Roller Gearing, 576
- Olah, G., and others. Reciprocating-Piston Pump, 216
- Page, H. E. Hydraulic-Pressure Generator, 96
- Paisley, J., and others. Manufacture of Bricks, 360
- Parry, V. G., and others. Screw-Thread Gauge, 432
- Paxman, E. P., and others. Engine-Repair Equipment, 312
- Pettitt, L. W., and others. Instrument Casing, 504
- Pilkington, V. W., and others. Lubricating Systems, 312
- Plessey Co., Ltd., and another. Indexing Mechanism, 384
- Pole-Welman, D., and others. Steam-Heating Presses, 360
- Pounder, G. S. Inspection Cover for Steam or Water Drums, 240
- Powell, H. M. Differential Electrical Apparatus, 480
- Power Jets, Ltd. (In Liquidation), and another. Double Ball Thrust Bearing, 72
- Power Jets (Research and Development), Ltd., and another. Gas-Turbine Combustion Apparatus, 24
- Precision Developments Co., Ltd., and another. ! Reciprocating-Piston Pump, 216
- Pyrene Co., Ltd., and others. Coating Metal Surfaces, 144
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., and another. Lifting Mechanism for Plough, 216
- Richards-Wilcox Manufacturing Co. Conveyor, 24
- Rickwood, H. J., and others. Two-Stroke Engine, 144
- Ridley, J. C., and others. Synchronising Coupling, 456
- Robinson, D. M., and others. Ultra High-Frequency Coupling, 120
- Rodger, J., and others. Steam Desuperheater, 576
- Rotax, Ltd., and another. Brush Holder for Electric Machines, 360
- Rotol, Ltd., and others. Screw-Thread Gauge 432
- Sampietro, A. C., and others. Electromagnetic
- Friction Clutch, 552
- Scouse, S. J., and others. Coating Metal Surfaces, 144
- Skinner, C. H., and others. Delivery of Printed Sheets in Counted Batches, 480
- Smith, D. M., and others. Gas-Turbine Bearing, 504
- Smith, S., and Sons (England), Ltd., and another.
- Speed-Controlled Electric Switch, 240
- Spurin, L. T., and others. Refuelling Plant for Aircraft, 96
- Squire, J. L., and others. Hardening of Steel Arfiplpfl 4-fifi
- Starr, A. ’ T., and others. Ultra High-Frequency Coupling, 120
- Stothard, W. H., and others. Conveyor Rollers, 120
- Straussler, N. Gun Carriage, 480
- Teague, B., and others. Screw-Thread Gauge, 432
- Tharratt, A., and others. Temporarily Attaching Articles to Aircraft, 408
- Thomas, W. J., and others. Variable-Speed Power Transmission, 384
- Thompson, M., and others. Gas Manufacture, 624
- Trojan, Ltd., and others. Two-Stroke Engine. 144
- Underwood, T. A., and others. Keleasing Device for Wringer, 384
- United Wire Works, Ltd.^ and another. Apparatus for Winding Threads, Wire or Ribbon, 408
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and another. Drawing of Metal Tubes, 528
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and another. Furnace-Charging Apparatus, 600
- Westland Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Measurement of Fluid Flow, 432
- Whitaker, J. H. Flowmeter, 600
- Widgery, W. M., and others. Fluid Flow, 432
- Wilson, G. S., and others. Press, 624
- Wright, C. S., and another. Amplifier Galvanometer, 528
- Wright, E., and others. Coating Metal Surfaces, 144
- Yeoell, A., and others. Flexible Diaphragm, 336
- Zwicky, Ltd., and another. Refuelling Plant for Aircraft, 96
See Also
Sources of Information