Engineering 1950 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1950 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1950 Jan-Jun Volume
PARAGRAPHS Accidents :
- Fire Risks, Methyl-Bromide Extinguishers as Provision Against (Catalogue), 28
- “Industrial Accidents,’’ Brochure on, 249
- Rescues from Crashed Aircraft, Explosive Charge for, 542
- Rescue Device, Australian, for Use on Crashed Aircraft, 400
Aeronautics :
- Aero Engines, United States, Overhaul at British Factories, 685
- Aeronautical Engineering, Chair of. University College, Southampton, Establishment of, 96
- Aeronautical Engineering Scholarship, Women’s Legion, 207
- Aeronautical Engineering Subjects, Bibliography of, 240
- Aircraft Display at Farnborough, 712
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Statistics, 50
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 375
- de Havilland “ Comet ” Air Liner, 472
- de Havilland “ Heron ” Air Liner, 218, 578
- “ Duchess ” Flying Boat, 515
- Guided Missiles, United States Range for, 138
- Hawker Jet-Propelled Fighter Aircraft, 733
- Jet-Engined Night Fighter, Royal Air Force, 688
- Jet-Propelled Fighter Aircraft, Canadian, 135
- Magnetic Sweeper for Airports, 739
- Radioactive Isotopes, Carriage by Aircraft, 439
- Rescue from Crashed Aircraft, Explosive Charge for. 542
- Rescue Device, Australian, for Use on Crashed Aircraft, 400
- Remote-Control Equipment in Aircraft (Catalogue), 400
- Rubber in Aircraft, Uses of, 643
- Three-Jet Bomber Aeroplane, United States,
- Top-Dressing of Land, Use of Aircraft for, 644
Agriculture :
- Land Clearing Equipment (Catalogue), 84
- Land Grader, Diesel-Driven (Catalogue), 140
- Top-Dressing of Jjand, Use of Aircraft for, 644
- Alloys. See Mining and Metallurgy
Appointments, Awards and Honours :
- Anglo-American Council on Productivity, Appointments to, 9
- Federation of British Industries, Canadian Organisation, Appointments to, 21
- Royal Society Fellowships, Appointments to, 1950, 319
Associations :
- Air Pilots and Air Navigators, Guild of, 207 Army Kinema Corporation, 340
- British Aircraft Constructors, Society of, 207
- British Chemical Manufacturers, 469
- British Constructional Steelwork, 727
- British Council, 226
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’, 76, 331
- British Gear Manufacturers, 658
- British Hard Metal, 103, 255
- British Iron and Steel Federation, 295
- British Iron and Steel Research, 460
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, 50
- British Scientific Instrument Research, 396
- British Shipbuilding Research, 716
- British Welding Research, 28, 352
- Cement and Concrete, 222, 517
- Civil Engineering Contractors, Federation of, 284
- Coal Tar Research, 563
- Combustion Engineering, 381 Consulting Engineers, 284 Cromptonian, 88
- East African Road Federation, 312 Electrical Association for Women, 239, 622 Engineering Equipment Users, 251 Engineers Buyers and Representatives, 351 Ex-British Westinghouse, 267 Federation of British Industries, 21 Fire Protection, 312 Gauge and Tool Makers’, 611
- Ing6nieurs Electriciens Sortis de I’lnstitut
- Electrotechnique Monteflore, 220
- Li6ge School of Engineering Old Students’, 96
- Machine Tool Trades, 567
- Scientific Film, 138
- Scientific Instrument Manufacturers, of
- Great Britain, 28, 735
- Solid Smokeless Fuels Federation, 611
- Automobiles. See Motor Cars, Etc.
- Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
Bridges and Viaducts :
- Bridge Renewals on British Railways, 519
- Bridge and Roof Structures, Aluminium- Alloy (Catalogue), 612
- Girder-Lifting Bridge, 274
- Joists, Bridge, Long-Span (Catalogue), 196
- Occupation Bridge, Reconstruction at Gorton, 469
- « ' >d. Bridges, Competition for, 167
Buildings and Building Construction :
- Blackburn Generating Station, Extension to, 727
- Building Equipment, Aluminium Alloys (Catalogue), 228
- Chain, Long, for Brickworks, 267 Civil-Engineering Construction, Form Contract for, 284
- Crimpsail Generating Station, Erection 391
- Drakelow Generating Station, Erection 459
- Ducts in Concrete, Construction of, 253 Kleetwood Generating Station, Erection of, 727
- Generating Plant, Erections and Extensions to, 207, 391, 433, 439, 459, 630, 727
- Goldington Generating Station, Erection of, 727
- Lapointe Machine Tool Co., Ltd., New Premises, 685
- Mechanical-Handling Equipment, Mobile (Catalogue), 612
- Pile Driving, Film on, 340
- Portobello Generating Station, Extension of, 391
- Reinforced-Concrete Construction Technique, 411
- Roof and Bridge Structures, Aluminium- Alloy (Catalogiie), 612
- Roofs, Prefabricated, for Tropical Buildings (Catalogue), 372
- Shuttering, Steel (Catalogue), 284 Structural-Steel Design, Problems of. Brochure, 727
- Television Stations, Sites for, 349
- Welded Structures, Film on, 207
Catalogues :
- 28, 84, 112, 140, 168, 196, 228, 255, 284, 372, 400, 428, 584, 612
- Aerex, Ltd., 372
- Aero Research. Ltd., 84, 168
- Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd., 112
- Allam, E. P., and Co., Ltd., 28
- Alumilite and Alzak, Ltd., 612
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., 372
- Automatic Telephone and Electric (^o., Ltd., 284
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 584
- Bailey Meters and Controls, Ltd., 584
- Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss, Ltd., 28
- Beetle Bond, Ltd. (of British Industrial Plastics Group), 612
- Belmos Co., Ltd., 84
- Benford, Ltd., 612
- Benjamin Electric, Ltd., 84
- Birlec Ltd., 612
- Blaw Knox, Ltd., 84, 140, 168, 196, 228
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 612
- British Industrial Plastics Group (Beetle Bond, Ltd.), 612
- British Ropes, Ltd., 584
- British Timken, Ltd., 400
- Brook Motors, Ltd., 255
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 228
- Bryan Donkin Co., Ltd., 284
- Bryce Fuel Injection, Ltd., 196
- Capac Co., Ltd., 112
- Casper, C., and Co., Ltd., 196
- Cawkeil, A. E., 372
- Cement and Concrete Association, 168
- Chaseside Engineering Co., Ltd., 612
- Chloride Electric Storage Co., Ltd., 284 (2) Ciba, Ltd., 168
- Cinema-Television, Ltd., 228
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., 228, 612
- Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works, Ltd., 584
- Communications Systems, Ltd., 196
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., 428
- Coventry Victor Motor Co., Ltd., 168
- Crane Packing, Ltd., 168
- Crittall, R., and Co., Ltd., 284
- Davey Paxman and Co., Ltd., 112, 196
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., 612
- Despo Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 112
- Dewhurst and Partners, Ltd,, 84
- Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd., 196
- Dow-Mac (Products), Ltd., 168
- D.P. Battery Co., Ltd., 228
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., 196, 400
- Elcontrol, Ltd., 372
- Electrical Power Storage Co., Ltd., 112
- Enamelled Metal Products Corporation (1933), Ltd., 84
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., 28, 612
- Everett, Edgeumbe <fe Co., Ltd., 284
- Evershed (fe Vignoles, Ltd., 372
- Ferranti, Ltd., 400
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 400 (2), 584
- Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., 255
- Guyrex Equipment, Ltd., 284
- Holmes, W. C., and Co., Ltd., 28
- Hope, H., and Sons, Ltd., 112
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., 584
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., 284
- Kango Electric Hammers, Ltd., 28
- Lister, R. A. (Marine Sales), Ltd., 84
- Mackley, E. N., and Co., Ltd., 400
- Mechanised Handling Plant and Machinery, Ltd., 196
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 584
- Mining Engineering Co., Ltd., 196
- Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., 28
- Modern Wheel Drive, Ltd., 168, 196
- Moore and Wright (Sheffield), Ltd., 228
- Motor Rail, Ltd., 255
- Muirhead and Co., Ltd., 84 (3), 112 (2)
- Musgrave and Co., Ltd., 228
- National Fire Protection Co., Ltd., 28
- Negretti and Zambra, Ltd., 400, 584
- Nordac, Ltd., 400
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 228
- Nuffield Organisation, 84
- Parkinson, J., and Sou (Shipley), Ltd., 84
- Partridge, Wilson and Co., Ltd., 400
- Payne and Griffiths, Ltd., 228
- Philips Electrical, Ltd., 112
- Phosphor Bronze Co., Ltd., 612
- Plessey Co., Ltd., 400
- Pollard Bearings, Ltd., 428
- Prat-Daniel (Staninore), Ltd., 612
- Pritchett and Gold, 112
- Protolite, Ltd., 255
- Peay Gear Works, Ltd., 168
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd,, 140
- R.F.D. Co., Ltd., 228
- SimoD-Carves, Ltd., 168, 228, 284
- Soag Machine Tools, Ltd., 140, 584
- Standard and Pochin Brothers, Ltd., 584
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., 168
- Startrite Engineering Co., Ltd., 196
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 255, 284
- Sunvic Controls, Ltd., 255
- Taylor Woodrow (Building Exports), Ltd., 372
- T.I. (Export), Ltd., 196
- Tinsley, H., <fc Co., Ltd., 284
- Tube Investments, Ltd., 196
- United Steel Cos., Ltd., 612
- Yokes Filters, Ltd., 28
- Wakefield, C. C., Co., Ltd., 228
- West, A., Co., Ltd., 612
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., x.5o
- Westool, Ltd., 168, 372
- Whites-Nunan, Ltd., 28 •
- Wiggin, H., and Co., Ltd., 28, 196, 372
- Wilkins and Mitchell, Ltd., 400
- Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., 255
- Wolf, S., and Co., Ltd., 168, 228
- Wolf Safety Lamp Co., Ltd., 372
- Yale and Towne Manufacturing Co., 112, 584
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., 228
Cement and Concrete :
- Beams, Roof, Reinforced-Concrete (Catalogue), 168
- Buckets for Handling Concrete (Catalogue), 196
- Building Blocks, Concrete (Catalogue), 168
- Concrete Mixer, Mobile (Catalogue), 612
- Concrete Work, Training Courses in, 517 Concreting in Cold Weather, 222
- Drilling of Concrete, Hammers for (Catalogue), 28
- Ducts in Concrete, Construction of, 253
- Reinforced-Concrete Construction Technique, 411
- Shuttering for Concrete Roads (Catalogue), 168
- Chemistry. See PJiyeicfi and Chemistry
Coal :
- Cannel Coal and Oil Shale Conference, 177
- Cardiff, 13, 41, 69, 97, 125, 153, 181, 211, 241, 269, 297, 325, 355, 385, 413, 443, 473, 503, 535, 567, 597, 625, 653, 679, 703, 727
- Coke Ovens for Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 678
- Coking Plant for By-Products (Catalogue), 228
- “Combustion Engineering,” Monthly Journal, 381
- Production in South Wales, 9/, 653
- Pulverised Fuel, Film on, 698
- Scottish, 13, 41, 69. 97, 125, 153, 181, 211, 241, 269, 297, 325, 355, 385, 413, 443, 473, 503, 535, 567, 597, 625, 653, 679, 703, 727
- Sheffield, 13, 41, 69, 97, 125, 153, 181, 211, 241, 269, 297, 325, 355, 385, 413, 443, 473, 503, 535, 567, 597, 625, 653, 679, 703, 727
- Solid Smokeless Fuels, 611
- Southern Rhodesia Coalfield, Expansion under Management of Powell Duffryn Co., Ltd., 413
- Survey of Overseas Markets, 269
- Underground Gasification in United States, Study by British Scientists, 177
- Colleges. See Education
Companies :
- Alton and Co., Ltd., 459
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., 251
- Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co., Ltd., 563
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., 688
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 698
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd.. 68
- Bembrose Publicity Co., Ltd., 438
- Bowater Paper Corporation, Ltd., 595
- Bridges, F. W., and Sons, Ltd., 112
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., 644
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 668
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd., 200
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., 352
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 235, 716
- Brush Coachwork, Ltd., 555
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 555, 688
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 8
- Chain Developments, Ltd., 267
- Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 610
- Courtaulds, Ltd., 251
- Croda, Ltd., 719
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 567
- de Havilland Aeroplane Co., Ltd., 218, 472, 578
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 207
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 395
- Ferranti, Ltd., 200
- Fibreglass, Ltd., 721
- Fischer, G., Ltd., 204
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 678
- Foster, Yates and Thom, Ltd., 439
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 68, 76, 207, 253, 716, 739
- Gloster Aircraft Co., Ltd., 688
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., 369
- Guildhall Trading Co., Ltd., 561
- Gulf Oil Corporation, 454
- Hall, Russell and Co., Ltd., 239
- Harland Engineering Co., Ltd.. 331
- Harper, J., Co., Ltd., 724
- Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., 733
- Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., 309
- Herbert, A., Ltd., 736
- Husband and Co., 460
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 251, 259
- International Road Federation, Ltd., 312
- Jessop, W., and Sons, Ltd., 360
- Jones, S. G., Ltd., 204
- Keenok Co., 83 '
- Lapointe Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 685
- Lever Brothers and Unilever, Ltd., 251
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., 167
- Lincoln, J. F., Arc Welding Foundation, 1(57
- Lochaber Power Co., 110, 240, 60(5
- London Electric Supply Co., 239
- Martin, Glenn L., (To., 19
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 716
- New Engineering Construction Co., Ltd., 77
- Nuffield Metal Poducts, Ltd., 645
- Pickersgill, W., and Sons, Ltd., 239
- Pittsburgh-Des Molines Steel Co., 228
- Plessey Co., Ltd., 76, 648
- Powell Duffryn Co., Ltd., 413
- Provincial Exhibitions, Ltd., 112
- Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd., 606
- Quickdraw Co., 581
- Radiovisor Parent, Ltd., 459
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 399
- Roe, A. V. (Canada), Ltd., 135
- Saunders-Roe, Ltd., 515
- Saville, J. J., and Co., Ltd., 360
- Scottish Oils, Ltd., 177
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., 27
- Shell Petroleum (To., Ltd., 251, 660, 702
- Skefko Ball Bearing Co., 344
- Startrite Engineering Co., Ltd., 433
- Steel Co. of Wales, Ltd., 207
- Troughton and Young, Ltd., 76
- Vactric, Ltd., 305
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 83
- Vorssam, (J. J., and Son, 83
- Wankie Colliery Co., Ltd., 413
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 287
- Wiggin, H., and Co., Ltd., 390, 452, 640
- Wiggins-Sankey, Ltd., 253
- Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., 470
- World Wide Pictures, Ltd., 340
- Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
Contracts :
- 12, 40, 68, 96, 124, 152, 180, 210, 268, 290, 324, 354, 384. 412, 472, 502, 534, 596, 602, 624, 652, 726
- Aluminium, Ltd., 502
- Associated British Oil Engines, Ltd., 124
- Australian General Electric Pty., Ltd., 324
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 12,152, 268
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., 324
- Balfour Beatty and Co., Ltd., 268, 412
- Berckemeyer and Co., 124
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., 652
- Braithwaite and Co. (Structural), Ltd., 268
- British Challenge Glazing Co., 324
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd.. 152, 596, 602, 624, 726
- British Insulated Clallender’s Construction Co., Ltd., 354, 726
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 152 (2), 268, 324, 354, 412, 534, 624, 726
- Brown, J., and Co., Ltd., 472
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., 534
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 12, 124 324
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 296
- Clark, G. (1938), Ltd., 534
- Clyde Engineering, Ltd., 12
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 124
- Demolition and Construction Co., Ltd., 296, 596
- Denny, W., and Brothers, IJd., 96
- Dorman, W. H., and Co., Ltd., 180
- Electric Construction Co., Ltd., 534
- Electric and Musical Industries, Ltd.. 152
- Enfield Cables, Ltd., 268, 726
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 384, 412, 502, 534, 726
- Eve, J. L., Construction Co., 268
- Fairclough, L., Ltd., 324
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., 180
- Ferguson Brothers (Port-Glasgow), 68
- Ferguson Pailin, Ltd., 12, 152, 180, 268, 534
- Ferranti, Ltd., 12, 412, 534, 726
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 180
- Fuller Electrical and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 726
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 40, 152, 180, 268, 412
- Gleeson, M. J., Ltd., 12
- G.P.U. Ltd., 652
- Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., 534, 726
- Hall, Russell and Co., Ltd., 726
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 2J0. 324
- Head Wrightson Aldean, Ltd., 21U
- Head Wrightson and Co., Ltd., 210
- Henley’s, W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 268
- Howell and Co., Ltd., 210
- Hnnslet Engine Co., Ltd., .534
- International Combustion, Ltd., 12
- International Marine Hadio (’o., Ltd., 40 596
- lyaing, J., and Son, Ltd., 354, 412
- Lewin Koad Sweepers, Ltd., 96
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., 726
- Loewy Engineering Co., Ltd., 726
- Long, N. S., Ltd., 324
- Lysaght’s, .L, Bristol Works, lAd., 534
- Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., 652
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraidi Co., Ltd., 68, 124, 354, 534, 652
- McAlpine, Sir B., and Sons (Midlands), Ltd., 624
- McAlpine, Sir K., and Sons (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Ltd., 624
- McLean Co., 602
- Mellowes Co., Ltd., 324
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage Co., Ltd., 324
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical i 12, 124, 268, 534, 726 (2)
- Mining Engineering Co., Ltd., 68
- Mitchell Engineering Ltd., 12, 472
- Mitchell, F., and Son, 534
- Parsons, C. A., d: Co., Ltd., 268
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., 384
- Perkins, F., Ltd., 412, 472 (2)
- Pickersgill, W., and Sons, Ltd., 652
- Pirelli-General Cable Works. Ltd., 412
- Powell Duffryn Technical Services, Ltd., 68
- Reyrolle, A., tfc Co., Ltd., 12 (2), 152, 268
- Richardsons, Westgarth tt Co., Ltd., 534
- Riley, A. D., and Co., 180
- Robertson Building Service Wolverhampton Corrugated Iron Co., Ltd., 324
- Russell Newbery and Co., TAd., 96
- Sandfleld, W., Ltd., 324
- Saunders Engineering dr. Shipyard T4d.. 726
- Simms (Builders), Ltd., 324
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 68, 268
- Simpson and Co., 472
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., 152 (2)
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 268
- Strachan and Henshaw, Ltd., 40
- Structural Waterproofers, Ltd., 324
- Sulzer Brothers (London), Ltd., 534
- Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., 534
- Thompson, J., Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., 268
- Tileman and Co., Ltd., 726
- Tube Investments, Ltd., 210
- Tubes, Ltd., 210
- Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd., 68
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 472
- Venner Time Switches, Ltd.,* 502
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 12, 324, 384
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., 384
- Watshams, Ltd., 412
- Weir, G. and L, Ltd., 268
- Westminster Dredging Co., Ltd., 412
- Wood, E., and Co., Ltd., 12
- Wood, E., and Sons, Ltd., 124
- Wrigley, T., Ltd., 596
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., 502
Education :
- “ Brush ” Apprentices, Reunion of, 555 Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 375 Chair of Aeronautical Engineering, Tmiversity College, Southampton, Establishment of, 96
- Competition for Welded Bridges, 167
- Conferences, Oil Shale and Cannel Coal, 177 : Properties of Semi-Conducting Materials, 189 ; Safety in (‘hemical Works, 469; Industrial Statistics, 555 : Large Electric Systems, 588: Heat Transfer. 674 ; Electricity as Aid to Production, 725
- Congress, Liege School of Engineering Old Students Association, 96
- (Jourses, on Timber, 283 ; Concrete Work, 517: Electron Microsco])y, 516: Work Study and Operational Research, 535: Protective Gear, 54.5 ; Metrology, 581 ; at Koad Research Laboratory, 666
- Examinations, Institution of ^Metallurgists, 179; North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, 279: Institution of " Institution of
- Ex-Service Men. to, 588
- Horology and National College of. Establishment of, 584 Lectures, Spectrochemical Analysis, 11:
- High-Frequency Heating, 180 f Aluminium and Its Alloys, 276 ; Mining Engineering, 443
- Napier Shaw Premium, Institxition of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 439
- Prizes, George Montiflore, 220: Royal Sanitary Institute Essay Competition, 237 ; Watts Fund, 250 : British Oxygen Company Welding Research, 352 : H. Hooper 3temorial, 454
- Research in Chemistry, Grants to Assist, 276 Royal Technical College, Journal of, 515 Scholarship, Aeronautical Engineering, 207
- Sir John Cass Institute, Lectures, 11 Summer School in Relaxation Methods, 279 : Automatic Computing. 610
- Swann Diploma, Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers, 314
Electricity :
- Actuators, Electric (Catalogue), 400 Alternators, Diesel (Catalogue), 112 Amplifier, Portable (Catalogue), 400 Batteries for Motor Cars (Catalogue), 284 Batteries for Train-Tdghting (Circuits (Catalogue), 112
- Batteries for Trucks and Vehicles (Catalogues), 228
- Bridge, Conductivity, Universal-Unit (Cata- togue), 112
- Bridge, Inductance (Catalogue), 84
- Bridge, Wien, for Audio Frequencies Catalogue), 84
- Bonnyside Generating Station, P3xtension to, 630
- fionnalfs Q.iia^’ Generating Station, .ApjU'oval of, 630
- Control Gear, Electric Motor ((?atalogue), 6I2 ('openhageu Wavelength Plan, 337 Crimping Tool for Soldeiiess Wiring joints, 76 Crompton Parkinson Electric Motors, 567 Distribution Systems, Metal-Clad ((Catalogue), 584
- Barth and Insulation Testers (Catalogue), 372 Electric Systems. Large, Conference on, 588 Electric Traction Films, 23.5 Electricity as an Aid to Production, Conference on, 725
- Electrode Holders for Welding, 606 Electrodes, Welding, Classification of, 331 Electronic Equipment (Catalogue), 228 Electronics Symposium and Exhibition, 735 Engine-Room Telegraph (Catalogue), 168 Fires, Electrical, Extinguishers for (Catalogue), 28
- Flame Detection of Non-Luminous Flames by Electrical Means, 459
- Fluid-Level Control by Electrical Means (Catalogue), 372
- Furnaces, Electric Catalogue), 612
- Furnaces, Electric, for Industrial Cses Catalogue), 400
- Gauges, Wire-Strain (Catalogue), 284 Generating Plant, Extensions and Erections, 207, 391, 433, 439, 459, 630, 727
- Generating Plant for South Africa, 207 Generation Returns, Great Britain, 110, 471 Generation Returns, Scotland, 240, 606 Godalming, Early Electric Lighting at, 389 Hammers, Electric, for Boiler Scaling (Catalogue), 28
- High-Frequency Heating, Lectures on, 180
- Hoist-Block Controller (Catalogue), 84 Hydro-Electric Power Schemes, Welsh, Support for, 620, 622 '
- Lighting, Electric, at 1881, 389 , Lighting, Flameproof, Fittings for ((‘atalogue), 84 *
- Lighting, Fluorescent, Fittings for ((‘ata- ? logue). 112
- Lighting, Fluorescent,for House of (‘ommons, ' 76
- Lighting, Fluorescent, on London Transport Bail Cars, 2.5.3
- Lighting, Industrial, Equipment for (Cata- ' logue), 84 I
- Lighting, Industrial, Fittings for (Cata- I logue), 584
- Lighting, Street, Fittings for (('atalogue), 584 Lighting Svstems, Emergency ((’atalogue), 284
- Lubrication for Transformers and Switchgear, 27
- Magnetic Sweeper for Airports and Workshops, 739
- Meter, House-Service, 200
- “ Multipol ” Electrical Appliances, 30.5 Oscillograph, Oil-Damped Bifllar Suspension (Catalogue), 84
- Oscilloscope (Catalogue), 372
- Precipitation from Cooling Towers, Elimination of, 105
- Protective (xcar, Electrical, Courses on. 545 Radio Components, Specification for, 457 Radio, National, Exhibition 181 ! Radio-Telephony Control of Dredger Fleet, (>8
- ' Radioactive Isotopes, Safe Handling of, 129 Ships Named After Electricity Pioneers. 239 Solderless Wiring .Joints, Crimping ‘fool for, 76
- Starters for Electric Motors (Catalogue), 255 Suppb’’ Stations, British, Efficiency of, 624 Switch, Control, for Belt Conveyors (Catalogue), 406
- Switches, Vacuum. Hot-Wire (Catalogue), 255
- Tachometers, Electric (Catalogue). 284 Telephone Exchanges, Automatic (Catalogue), i 196
- Television Station Construction in Scotland, 349
- Television Station, Scottish, Contract for, 602 Telvisiou Tubes (Catalogue), 400 Thermometers, Electrical (Catalogue), 400 Timing Devices, Phonic-Motor (Catalogue). 112 I
- Toolsand Attachments, Electric ((’atalogue), 168
- Tools, Electric, Kit for Home Cse, 470
- Tools, Electric, Portable ((’atalogue), 228 Transformer and Rectifying Equipment (Catalogue), 460
- Transformers and Switchgear, Insulating
- Oils for, 702
- Valves, Thermionic, “ Preferred ” Types, 28 Welsh Water-Power Scheme, Support for. (?>26, 622
Engines and Boilers :
- Boiler-reed Pumps, Harland. 331
- Boilers, (hates, Stokers and Pressure Vessels (Catalogue), 584
- Seale, Boiler, Prevention by Pltrasonie Waves, 6(>0
- Scaling, Boiler, Pilectric Hammers for
- Removal of (Catalogue), 28 Steam-Generating Plant (Catalogue). 228 j Steam Power Plant (Catalogue), 168 Winding Engines and Winches (Catalogue), | 228 ] 1
- Pacific-Type Locomotives for Indian Railways, 68
- ” Railway Breakdown and Equipment,” 399
- ” Streamline Plow,” 48
Exhibitions :
- Aeronautical Exhibition, International, Brussels, 733
- Aircraft Display, Farnborough. 712
- British Trade Week, Peru, 625
- Chicago International Trade Fair. 269 Electronics, 735
- Engineering (’entre, Glasgow, 227
- French Scientific Instruments, 82. 227
- Liege International Fair, 27
- Packaging, 112
- Physical Society’s, 204
- Port of Botterdam, 616
- Radio, National, 181
- Railway Civil Engineering, 567
- Standardisation, Brush Company’s, 688
- Swiss (-opying Lathes, 204
- Swiss Industries Fair, 9
- Technical Literature, 259
- Threading Machinery, 736
- Toronto International Trade Fair, 325, 473, 679, 703
- Welding Research and Production, 28
- Wet-AIilling and Mixing Plant, 83
- Explosions. See Accidents
- Explosives. See Guns and Explosires
Gas :
- Remote Control Equipment for Gas (Catalogue), 284
Gas and Oil Engines ;
- “(Combustion in Internal-Combustion Engines,” Erratum, 700
- Diesel-Alternator I'nits (Catalogue), 112 Diesel-Driven Land Grader (Catalogue), 140 Diesel Engines, Air-Cooled (Catalogue), 168
- Diesel Engine, Alarine ((Catalogue), 84
- Diesel Engines for Bailway Traction (Catalogue), 196
- Diesel and Paraffin Engines, Alarine (Catalogue), 84
- Gears, Beversing-B(‘duction, Oil-Operated, for Marine Use (Catalogue), 168
- Jet Engines, General Electric, for Vnited States Bomber Aeroplane, 19
- Jet-Engined Pighter Aircraft, Canadian, 135
- Jet-Engined Night Eighter, Boyal Air Porce, 688
- Jet-Propelled Eigliter Aircraft, Hawker, 733
- Locomotives, Diesel-Electric ((Catalogue), 228
- Locomotives, Diesel, Small (Catalogue), 255 Lubricants, Turbine (Catalogue), 228 Lubrication for Internal-Combustion Engines, 27
- Oils, Heavy, as Diesel Fuels, 563
- Oil Purifier for Marine Engines ((‘atalogue), 112
Guns and Explosives :
- Explosive Charges for Rescues from (Tasked Aircraft, 542
Hydraulics :
- Bar Cropper, Hydraulic, for Reinforcing
- Bods (Catalogue), 28
- Pumps, Hydraulic Gear, Standardised, (>48 “ Streamline Plow,” Corrigendum, 48 Water Turbines for Industrial I’ses, 438
Industries and Commerce :
- Aluminium Production in Vnited Kingdom, 473
- Anglo-American (’ouncil on Productivity, Ai)pointments to, 9
- British Trade Week, Peru, 625
- (Canadian Industrial Statistics, 381
- Census of Production, 410
- Chicago International Trade Pair, 209
- Copper, Price of, 678
- Electricity as Aid to Production, conference on, 725
- Export of Goods Control Order, 1949, 48
- Exports from United Kingdom, 473 Federation of British Industries, Opening of
- Offices in Toronto, 21
- “ Hintsto Business Aten ” Booklets, 472, 582 Iron Ore and Scrap, Imports of, 626
- Iron and Steel Scrap, Prices of, 616
- Lead Allocations System, Suspension of, 354 Lead, Bulk Buying of, 545
- North American Market, Facilities for British Industry, 21
- Pakistan, industrial Afission to, 93
- Prices of Iron and Steel, 1914-50, 251
- Statistics, I ndustrial, 1 .’onference on, 555
- Sundry Materials, Directorates of, Amalgamation of, 56
- Swansea Steel-Sheet Industry, 4], 69. 97 125, 153, 181, 211, 241, 269, 297, 325, 355* 385, 413, 473, 503, 535, 567. 597, 625, 679, 703, 727
- Swiss Industries Pair, 9
- Tees-Side Industries, 438
- Visits to Vnited States Under Marshall Aid 177
- Institutions. See TecJinical Societieff
- Internal-Combustion Engines. See Gas (fnd Oil Engines
Iron and Steel :
- Cleveland Basic Iron, 13,41,69,97,125,153, ' 181, 211, 241, 269, 297, 325, 355, 385, 413, 443, 473, 503, 535, 567, 597, 625, 653, 679, 703, 727
- Cleveland Iron Markets, 13, 41, 69, 97, 125, 153, 181, 211, 241, 269, 297, 325. 355, 385, 413, 443, 473, 503, 535, 567, 597, 625, 653, 679,703, 727
- Cleveland Manufactured Iron and Steel, 13, 41. 69, 97, 125. 153, 181. 211, 241. 269, 297, 325, 355, 385, 413, 443, 473, 503. 535, 567, 597, 625, 653, 679. 703, 727
- Furnace. Blast, Cargo Elect Ironworks, ^Middlesbrough, 181
- Furnace, Forge Catalogue), 612
- Girders, Plate, Construction of. Film on, 2(b Hematite and Low-Phosphorus Iron, 13. 41. 69. 97. 125, 153, 181, 211, 241, 269, 297. 325, 355, 385, 413, 443, 473, 503, 535, 567, 597. 625. 653, 679, 703, 727
- Iron Ore and Sera]), Imports of, 620
- Iron and Steel, Control of. Order, 517
- Iron and Steel Production, Scottish Becords, 41
- Iron and 295
- Iron and ,, ,
- Lintels. Steel, for Door Frames (('atalogue), 112
- Middlesbrough Sera]), 13, 41, 69, 97, 125, 1;>3, 211, 241, 269, 297, 325, 355, 385, 413, 443. 473, 503, 535, 567, 597, 625. 653, 679, 703, 727
- Powders, Polishing, for Iron and Steel. 369 Prices of Iron and Steel, 1914 to 1950, 251 Beinforcing Bods, Hydraulic Bar (lro]>p(r for (Catalogue), 28
- Rolling-Mill Construction (Catalogue), 612
- Scottish Iron and Steel Trade, 13, 41, 69, 97, 125, 153, 181, 211,241,269, 297,325, 355, 385, 413, 443. 473, 503, .535, 567, 597, 625. 653, 679, 703. 727
- Scottish Steel Works, Strike of Maintenance Men, 211
- Sheffield Iron and Steel Trade, 13, 41, 69, 97, 125, 153, 181, 211. 241, 269, 297, 325, 355, 385, 413, 443, 473, 503, 535, 567, 597, 625, 653, 679, 703,727
- Shuttering, Steel (Catalogue). 284
- Shuttering, Steel, for Concrete Beads (Catalogue), 168
- Steel Distribution, Becords of. 684
- Steels, High-Tensile (Catalogue), 612
- Steel Production in South Africa, by Works of W. T. Flather, Ltd., 625
- I Steel Production, United Kingdom, 295, 443 Steel Besearch Station, Sheffield, 460 Structural-Steel Design, Problems of. Brochure on, 727
- Swansea Steel-Sheet Industry, 41, 69, 125, 153, 181, 211, 241, 269, 297, 325, 385, 413, 473, 503, 535, 567, 597, 679,703, 727
- Toronto Trade Fair. ExhBMts at, 325, 679, 703
- Tubes, Stainless-Steel ((Catalogue), 196
- Labour Questions. See Trade Soeieties,
- Lighting. See Electrieifp and frVrs
- Literature. See LITEUATUKH INDEX
- Locomotives. See Baihvays and hocnmodrex
Machine and Other Tools :
- Bandsaw, Petrol-Driven, 433
- Cemented-Carbide Tipped Tools (Catalogues), 255, '612
- (Copying Lathes, Swiss, Exhibition of, 204
- Criinping Tool for Solderless Wiring (Connections, 76
- Drill. Heavy-Duty, Portable (Catalogue), 372
- Electrics Tools, Portable ((Catalogue), 228
- Gauge and Tool Makers’ Association. Quarterly Luncheon, 611
- Gear-Planing Machine ((’atalogue), 84 (irinding Attachments. Auxiliary (Catalogue), 168
- Grinding Machines, Hydraulic (Catalogue), 284
- Guillotine. Treadle-Operated (Catalogin*), 196
- Hamni"‘r, Electric, for Removal of Boiler Sale (Catalogue), 28
- Hand Tool, Electrically-Operated, 305
- Hand Tools for Engineers (Catalogue), 228
- Plate-Shearing Machine (Catalogue). 196
- Presses, Power ((’Catalogues), 400
- Presses, Power, •• Robot Hand ” for, 645
- Reamer with Micrometer Adjustment (Catalogue). 28
- Rebuilt Machine 'fools (Catalogue), 140
- •• Robot Hand ” for Power JTesses, 645
- Sanding Machines, Electric, Portable (Catalogue), 25.5
- Shearing Machine, Hand (Catalogue), 428 Sheet Metal Machiiv'ry (Catalogue), 584 'rhreading Machinery, Exhibition of, 736 Tools, Electric. Kit for Home Vse, 470 'rungsten-Carbide Tij)ped Lathe 'fools. Stocks of. 103
- Woodworking Machines (Catalogue). 196
- Woodworking Machine 'fools. Release from Price Controls, 572. 692
- Marine Engineering. See Enyinea and
- Boilers', and Ships and Shipbaildinif
- Mining and Metallurgy :
- Alloj'S and Bearing Metals, Non-h'errons ((Catalogue), 612
- Alloys for Glass-to-Metal Seals (Catalogue). 28
- Aluminium Alloys, British Standard Nomenclature for, 638
- Aluminium Alloys for Building Equipnient (Catalogue), 228
- Aluminium and Its Alloys, Lectures on, 276
- Aluminium Alloys in Ships’ Superstructures, 668
- Aluminium Alloj^s for Structural Engineering (Catalogue), 612
- Aluminium, Finishing Processes for (Catalogue), 612
- Aluminium Production in fnited Kingdom. 473
- Belt Conveyor for Mines (Catalogue), 19(5 (Compounds, Pre-Treatnient, for'Metal Surfaces (Catalogue), 112
- Grinding Metals, New Kegulations for, 54(1 Magnetic Alloys, Applications of, 3(10 Metallographic Polishing Powders, 369 Microid Gamma Alumina for Metal Polishing, 369
- Mining Engineering, Lectures on, 443 ^^onel Btetal, Engineering Data on, (i40 Nickel Alloys, Apjilication of ((’atalogue), 372 Nickel Alloys for Springs, 39(»
- Nickel and Nickel Alloj^s ((Catalogue), 196 Nimonic Series of Alloys, 452
- Steels, Low-Alloy High-'rensile (Catalogue), 612
Miscellaneous :
- *’ Accidents,” Quarterly Publication of Ministrj' of Labour, 249
- Alhesives, Resin, Laboratory Control of, 643
- Adhesives, Synthetic-Resin (Catalogue), 84
- Air Compressors, portable ((.’atalogue), 584
- Air-Conditioning Plant ((Catalogue), 228 Air Filters and Washers (Catalogue), 255
- Alton and Co., Ltd., History of, Brociiure, 459
- Automatic Computing, Summer School in, 610
- Gearings, Ball, Roller and Thrust (Catalogue), 428
- Bibliography of Engineering Subjects, 240 Blowers and Exhausters, Rotary (Catalogue) 196
- “ Bowater Pa{)ers,” First Issue of, 595
- ?? British Journal of Ajiplied Physics,” First Issue of, 77
- ” British Transport Review,” First Issue of, 471
- Jiushes, Bearing, Bronze (Catalogue), 255 (‘eramics for High-Temperature Applications, 264
- Chain Drives, Roller (Catalogue), 140 Chain, Long, for Brick Works, 267 ’‘Combustion Engineering,” Monthly Publication Acquired by Combustion Engineering Association, 381
- (Contract, Form of, for Civil-Engineering Construction, 284
- Conveyor, Belt, for Mines (Catalogue), 196 Couplings, Flexible, for Power-Transmission Shafts (Catalogue), 28
- Croda, Ltd., 25th Anniversary, Brochure, 719 Door Frames, Steel Lintels for (Catalogue), 112
- Drawing Board with Sketching Instrulnent, 581
- Drawings, Preparation for R«‘production, 311 Dunloj)'Flexible Piiics, 395
- Dust Collector, Low-Resistance (Catalogue), 612
- Dust-(Jontrol Units (Catalogue), 28 Dust Suppression Spray Unit, 77 Electron Microscojjy, Course on, 516 1'^ igineering Equipment Users Association, Formation of, 251 1'J‘gonomics Research Society, Formation of, 384
- Fans, Industrial (Catalogue's). 372. 584 Fibreglass, Ltd., New Offices Opeiu'd, 721 Films, Admiralty Instructional, 616 Films on British Transport, 596
- Film, Construction of Plate Girders, 267 l•’ilm, Electric Traction, 235
- Films, Oil-Refinery Processes, 666 Film, Pile Driving, 346 Film, Pulverised Fuel, 698
- Films, Scientific, Displays at Science ^Museum, 138, 595
- Fire Extinguishers ((’atalogue), 28
- Fire Extinguishers, Portable, 312 Flame Detector for Non-Luminous Flames, 459
- Fluid-Level Control (Catalogue), 372
- Foster, Yates <fc Thom, Ltd., History of, , Brochure, 439 i
- French Scientific luitrunients. Exhibition at , Science Museum, 82 I
- Fuel-Injection Equipment (Catalogue), 196 Gauges, Electrical Resistance Wire Strain (Catalogue), 284
- Gauges, Pressure ((’atalogue), 228
- Gears, Reversing-Reduction, Oil-Operated (Catalogue), 168
- Gearwheels (Catalogue), 168 Gland Packaging (Catalogue), 168 Glass-Enamelled Equipment (Catalogue), 84 Glass-to-Metal Seals, Alloys for (Catalogue), 28
- Goggles, Workmen’s (Catalogue), 228
- ” Gulf” Oil, Story of, 454
- Harper, J., Ltd., History of, 724
- “ Heads and Threads,” First Issue of, 329 ?* Hints to Business Men ” Booklets, 472, 582 History of Aiton and Co., Ltd., Brochure, 459 History of British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association, 76
- History of Foster, Abates tfc Thom, Ltd., Brochure. 439
- History of Skefko Ball Bearing Co., 344 House of Commons, Lighting of, 76 Lifting Tackle, Hand-Operated (Catalogu('). 112
- failn’icants for Industrial Purposes, 27 Lubricants, T’urbine (Catalogue), 228 Magnetic Materials, Applications of, 366 .Man and His Working Environment, Rt*- search on, 384
- Materials Inspection for Britisli Railways, 212
- Mechanical Handling E<iuipment (Catalogue), 196
- Meteorological Observations
- Transport Railways, 465
- Meteorology, Short Course on, 581
- Milling and Mixing Plant, Wet, Exhibition of, 83
- Oil, “ Gulf” Story of, 454
- Oi Is, lnsulating,for Transformers and Swileh- gear, 702
- Oil Purifier, Centrifugal (Catalogue), 112 Oil-Rellnery Processes, Film of, 666
- Operational Research Club Quarterly, First issue of, 484
- Packaging, Exhibition of, 112
- Pallet Trucks and Hoisting Equipment (Catalogue), 584
- Paper Industry, First Issue of ” Bowater papers,” 595
- Power Control Units (Catalogue), 228 Projector for 16-mm. Sound Films, 561 Pumps, Standardised Hydraulic Gcarfor. 648 Purves, Sir 'P. F., Memorial Service for, 143 Recording Instruments (C'atalogue), 584 Resin for Bonding Foundry Sand (’ores (Catalogue), 612
- Resins, Synthetic, for Sealing and Insulation (Catalogue), 168
- “Road Abstracts," Publication by H.M. Stationery Office, 20
- Road Federation, East African, Formation of, 312
- Road Research Laboratory, Lecture Courses at,666
- ** Robot Hand ” for J’ower Presses, 645
- Royal Technical College, Glasgou;, Journalof, 515
- Rubber in Aircraft, Uses of, 643
- Rubber, international Study Group, 297
- Scandinavian Literature, Checking Service for, 226
- Science Mieeuni. Exhibition of French Scientific Instruments, 82 ; Film Displays, 138, 595 ; Model of Experimental Pile, 219 Scientific Instrument Research Association, British, Facilities Providul for, 396
- ” Shell Industrial Lubricants,” Shell-Mex tV B.P., Ltd., Brochure, 27
- Skefko Ball Bearing Co., History of, 344
- Smeaton, John, Engineering Designs of, 653 Solderless Wiring (Connections, (’rimping Tool for, 76
- Solid Smokeless Fuels, 611
- Spherical Tanks, Welded, Construction of, 228
- Standardisation Exhibition, Brush Coni’ pany’s, 688
- Sugar Machinery (Catalogue), 28
- Sundry Materials, Directorates of. Amalgamation of, 56
- Tanks, Spherical, Welded, Construction of, 228
- ‘‘Tees-Side Enterprise,” Brochure on, 438 Testing Appliances, Aural (Catalogue), 112 Timber, Lectures on, 283
- Timbers, Steam Bending Properties of, 605 Timing Devices, Phonic-Motor (Catalogue), 112
- United States State Department, Establishment of Science Office, 725
- Valves, Forged Steel (Catalogue), 584 Valves, Oil, Steam and Water (Catalogue), 28 Valve ” Positioner ” (Catalogue), 584 Valves, Thermionic, ” Preferred ” Types, 28 “ Water Power, Development of,” Brochure on, 438
- Welding Electrodes, Classification of, 331 Welding Electrode Holders, 606
- Welding Research, British Oxygen Company’s Prize for, 352
- Welding Research and Production Fjxhibition, 28
- Winches and Hoists (Catalogue), 228
- Wire Ropes (Catalogue), 584
Motor Cars, Etc. :
- Omnibuses, Four-Wheeled, Maximum Length of, 552
- Pallet Trucks (Catalogue), 584
- Road Vehicles, Batteries for (Catalogues), 228, 284
- Tractors, Power-Control Unit for (Catalogue), 228
Naval :
- Admiralty instructional Films, (>1G
- Navy Estimates, Erratum, 322
- Koyal Naval Koserve Recruitment, 212
- Naval. See also Aeronautics
- Obituary. See (TEXEKAL INDEX
- Oil. See J/uceZittneous
- Oil Engines. Sec (/ns ami OH Eayines
Physics and Chemistry :
- Acid and Alkali-Resisting Linings (Catalogue), 400
- Atomic Energy, information on, 150
- •• British Journal of Applied Physics,” First issue of, 77
- Chemical Works, Safety in, Conference on, 469
- Elimination of Precipitation from Cooling Towers, 105
- Experimental Pile, Low-Energy, Graphite, Model of, 219
- lieat Transfer, Conference on, 674
- Heating, Dielectric and induction. Lectures on, 181
- Heaviside, Oliver, Centenary of Birth of, 529
- Isotopes, Radioactive, Carriage by Aircraft, 439
- isotopes. Radioactive, Safe Handling of, 129 isotope Separator at Harwell, 716 Negradizing Compounds for Metal Surfaces (Catalogue), 112
- Physical Society’s Exhibition, 204 Semi-Conducting Materials. Propertiesof, 189 Spectrochemicai Analysis, Lectures on, 11 Sulphur-Acid Plants ((Catalogue), 284 Ultrasonic Waves for Boiler Scale Removal, 660
- Power Plants. See Electricity
Power Transmission :
- Overhead Lines, Equipment for (Catalogue), 28
- Shafts, Power Transmission. Couplings for (Catalogin'), 28
- Railways and Locomotives :
- Axleboxes, Koller-Bearing, for Locomotives (Catalogue), 400
- British Transport, Films on, 590
- British Transport Review,” First Issue of, 471
- Canadian Pacific Railways, Earnings in 1949, 381
- t'ounty Down Railway, Discontinuation of Services on, 8
- Electric Traction Eilins, 235
- Locomotives, ” Clan ” Class, Last of, 309
- Locomotives, Diesel-Electric (Catalogue), 228 Locomotive, Direct-Current, with Alternating-Current Supply, 287
- Locomotives and Dumpers (Catalogue), 255
- Locomotives, Pacific, for Indian Metre-Gauge Railways, Corrigendum, 68
- London Transport Railways, I’irst Post-War Train on, 443
- London Transport Railways, Metc^orological Observations on, 465
- London Transport Railways, Hail Cars, Fluorescent Lighting on, 253
- Materials Inspection for British Railways, 212
- Occupation Bridge*, at Gorton, Eastern Region, Reconstruction of, 469
- Permanent Way Fastenings (Catalogue), 28 Hail Traction, Diesel Engines for (Catalogue), 196
- Railway Breakdown Equipment, Erratum, 399
- Railway Civil Engineering Exhibition, 567 Regional Boundaries, Revision of, 249 Rolling Stock, British Railways, Statistics of, 519
- Running Sheds, British Railways, Codes for, 324
- Signalling Apparatus, .Hallway (Catalogue), 255
- Swttish Kegion, Closure of Stations and Lines, 111
- 'frack and Bridge Hcnewals, British Railways, 519
- Traffic-Receipts Income of British Railways, 53
- ITain-Lighting Circuits, Batteries for (Catalogue), 112 '
- Schools, .See Education
Ships and Shipbuilding :
- Auxiliary Machinery (Catalogue), 584
- British Shipbuilding Kesearch Association, 710
- “ Carnarvon Castle,” Keturn to Service, 075 Crew Accommodation in Merchant Ships, Watts Prizes for Suggested Improvements in. 250
- Dredger Fleet, Kadio Control of, 08
- Electricity Pioneers, Ships Named After, 239 Ploodlighting for Ships (Catalogue), 012 Kamewa ” Controllable-Pitch Propeller, 8
- Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Agreement with Kegistro Italiano, 002
- ” Lucy,” Clyde Paddle Steamer, 710
- Propeller, Controllable-Pitch, 8
- Rotterdam Port Exhibition, 010
- Ships’ Auxiliary Machinery (Catalogue), 584 Ship-Repairing on Merseyside, 300. See 305 Sliips’ Superstructures, Use of Aluminium Alloys in, 008
- “Wandsworth,” M.S., Controllable-Pitch Propeller for, 8
- Winches and Hoists for Marine Use (Catalogue), 228
- Societies. Sec Technical Societici^ : and Trade Societies, Etc.
- Strikes. See Trade Societies, Etc.
Technical Societies :
- Aeronautical Society, Koyal, 14G, 207, 010
- Arts, Koyal Society of, 270
- Chemical Society, 270
- Civil Engineers, Institution of, 284, 507 Electrical Association for Women, 239, 022 Electrical Engineers, Institution of, 70, 133, 454, 529, 543, 725
- Electrical Engineers, Supervising, Association of, 311
- Engineering Council for Professional Development, 240
- Ergonomics Kesearch Society, 384
- Fuel Luncheon Club, 20
- Gas Engineers, Institution of, 501.
- Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Institution of, 439
- Marine Engineers, Institute of, 153, 503
- Mechanical Engineers, American Society of, 074
- Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, 319, 309, 658, 074
- Metallurgists, Institution of, 179
- Meteorological Society, Koyal, 581
- Mining and Mechanical Engineers, North of England Institute of, 279
- Naval Architects, Institution of, 250, 394
- Newcomen Society, 053
- Old Centralians, 13, 283, 399, 024
- Packaging, Institute of, 112
- Petroleum, Institute of, 177
- Physical Society, 204
- Physics, Institute of, 77, 730
- Physics, International Union of, 189
- Production Engineers, Institution of, 93, 079 Koyal Society, 189, 319
- Sanitary Engineers, Institution of, 39J
- Sanitary Institute, Koyal, 138, 237
- Statistical Society, Koyal, 555, 058 Surveyors, Chartered, Koyal Institution of, 305
- Testing Materials, American Society for, 204 Welding, Institute of, 352, 384
- Women’s Engine(*ring Society, 207
- Telegraphy. See Electricity
- Telephony. Sec Electricity
- Tools. See Machine and Other Tools
- Trade. Sec Coal; Electricity ; Iron and Steel : and Shipsand Shipbuildiny
- (Conditions of limploynient and National Arbitration Order, 422, 452, 606
- Control of Engagement ()rder, 78
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., Strike at Stockport Works of, 334
- (Town, .L, Sons, Ltd., Government Licences for Foreign Orders for Ships, 220
- (unningham. Lord, Handicaps to Shipping Industry, 394
- Devaluation of Sterling, 106, 364 Dividends, Legal Limitation of, 688 Docks and Inland Waterways Executive Wage Claims Against, 106, 306 ; Negotiating Machinery for Salaried Staffs, 576 Dock Industry, Government Inquiry into Conditions in, 544, 606
- Dock Labour Board, National, Attitude to London Dock Strike, 512
- Docks, London, Man-Power Problems at, 364, 394
- Doncaster Railway Shopmen. Dispute Over Piecework Rates, 162, 190, 250
- Economic Survey for 1949, 50 Economic Survey for 1950, 364, 452 Electrical-Contracting Industry, Employees
- in. Wage Increase for, 606
- Electrical Trades I’nion, Devaluation of Sterling, 106; Wage Stabilisation, 106; Annual (Conference, 576 ; Wage Increase for Employees in Electrical-Contracting Industry, 606
- Employment in United Kingdom, Statistics of, 78
- Engineers, Claims for 20a. a Week Wa<^e Increase, 22, 78. 106, 134, 162, 190, 278, 306, 334, 422 ; (Uaims for Increase of 40.s’ a Week, 278 ; Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot on Wage Increase, 278, 306
- Engineering Advisory Committee, Rc-Estab- lishment of, 278
- Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen, Association of, Annual (Conference of, 422’ Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Wage Stabilisation, 50, 712; Claim for (iverall Wage Increase of 20and‘. a Week, 22, 78, 134, 162, 190, 606; Legal Limitation of Dividends, 688
- lairfteld Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd., Strike of Platers at, 190 ’
- h’estival of Britain Buildings, Strike at, 662 Firemen, London, Wage Increase for, 250 Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Strike at Dagenham Works of, 190
- Foulkcs, F., Presidential Address to Eftic- trical Trades Union, 576
- Foundry Sands, Restrictions on Use of, 220 I^)undry Workers, Amalgamated Union of Employment Problems in British Shipyards, 134 ; Working Conditions in Foundries, 220 ; Membership Statistics, 736 ; Annual Conference, 736 ; Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot on Wage Increases in Engineering Industry, 736
- Fuel and Power, Ministry of. Statistics of Coal-Mining Industry, 50, 190
- Furniture Trade Operatives, National Union
- of, Wage Stabilisation in Industry, 22 General and Municipal Workers, National Union of, Wage Stabilisation, 22, 78; Possibility of Government Taking Over Trade Unions, 134 ; Opposition to Strike- or-Arbitrate Ballot on Engineers’ Wages, 278, 306, 482, 606, 712, 736 ; Annual Congress, 712 : Membership Statistics, 712 Gifts to Chiefs of Industry, 78 Godwin, B. A., Presidential Address to National Federation of Professional Workers, 544
- (Tovernment Control of Trade Unions, Possibility of, 134
- Great Western Enginenien’s, Firemen’s and Cleaners’ Mutual Assurance, Sick and Superannuation Society, 736
- Harrison ifc Sons, Ltd., London Printing- Trade Dispute, 688, 736
- Hopkin, W. E., Chairman’s Address to National Union of General and Municipal Workers, 712
- Hotels Executive, Wage Claims Against, 106, 306 ; Negotiating Machinery for Salaried Stalfs. 576
- Hours of Work, Changes in, 134 Income, Need for Wiser Spending of, (»SiS
- Index of Industrial Production, 100, 394, 512
- Index of Kates of Wages, 22, 134, 250, 512, 034
- Index of Ketail Prices, 250, 394 Industrial Disputes. See Strikei^ Industry, Chiefs of, Company Gifts to, 78 Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, Views on Wage Stabilisation, 78
- Labour and National Service, Ministry of, Weekly Earnings and Wage Increases, 22, 134, 250, 394, 512 ; Strike Statistics, 22, 134, 250, 544, 034 ; Employment Statistics, 78; Working Population Statistics, 78, 300, 452 ; Hours of Work, 134 ; Six- Monthly Survey of Earnings of Manual Employees, 394 ; Intervention in Engineers’ Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot, 394, 422 Labour Notes, 22, 50, 78, 100, 134, 102, 190, 220, 250, 278, 300, 334, 304, 394, 422, 452, 482, 512, 544, 576, 000, 634, 002, 688, 712, 736
- Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, Associated Society of, Refusal to Join in Wage Claims on Behalf of Lowest-Paid Railway Employees, 22, 250, 334, 364, 452 ; Wage Claims by, 634
- London Master Printers’ Association, London Printing-Trade Dispute, 088, 736
- London Society of Compositors, London Printing-Trade Dispute, 688, 730
- London Transport Executive, Wage Claims Against, 106, 306 ; Employment of Women Conductors by, 334
- Master Builders’ Association, Strike at Festival of Britain Buildings, 602
- Mentmore Manufacturing Co., Ltd., View on Burdens of Heavy Taxation, 250 Merchant-Ship Construction in 1949, 22 Merseyside, Ship-Repairing Facilities on,
- Investigations by Working Party, 300. See 305
- Miners’ International Federation, Suggested World Scarcity of Coal, 088
- Mineworkers, National Union of. Views on Wage Stabilisation, 50 ; Claims for Concessionary Coal by Lancashire and Cumberland Miners, 50, 300, 452 ; Working of Saturday Shifts, 300 ; Views on Shortage of Man-Power, 512 ; Wage Demands of Lower-Paid Miners, 600, 634, 736; Resumption of Joint Consultative Relations with National Coal Board, 688 ; Strike at Thinacres Colliery, 688 ; Suggested World Scarcity of Coal, 688
- Mining Industry, Coal, Man-Power Position, 50, 512, 634 ; Production Statistics, 50, 190 ; Claims for Concessionary Coal by Miners in Lancashire and Cumberland, 50, 306, 452 ; Claims for Concessionary Coal : by Colliery Managers, 162 ; Working of Saturday Shifts, 306 ; Wage Demands of Lower-Paid Employees, 606, 634, 736 ; Joint Consultative Relations, 688; Suggested World Scarcity of Coal, 688
- Morris, P., Presidential Address to Railway Clerks’ Association, 576. See LETTER, 684 Morrison, H., Need for Wiser Spending of Incomes, 688
- National Arbitration Tribunal, Consideration of Engineers’ Wage Claims by, 306 ; Reso- lution of Clerical Workers’ Union Declaring Work of Tribunal No Longer Necessary, 422 ; London Printing Trade Award, 736
- National Chamber of Trade, Views on Census of Distribution, 162
- National Coal Board, (Haims for Concessionary Coal by Lancashire and Cumberland Miners, 50, 306, 452; Claims for Concessionary Coal by Colliery Managers, 162 ; Working of Saturday Shifts, 306 ; Wage Demands of Lower-Paid Miners, 606, 634, 736 ; Kesuniption of Joint Consultative Relations with National Union of Mineworkers, 688 ; Strike at Thinacres Colliery, 688 ; Suggested World Scarcity of Coal, 688
- National Reference Tribunal, Claims by Colliery Managers for Concessionary Coal, 162
- Nationalised Industries, Pension Schemes for, 544
- Naval Architects, Institution of. Lord Cunningham on Handicaps to Shipping Industry, 394
- Navigators’ and Engineer Officers’ Union, Nationalisation of Shipping Industry, 482 Padley, W., Presidential Address to Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers, 422
- Parliamentary (Questions, Engineers’ Wage Claims, 452 ; London Dock Strike, 512, 544 Patternmakers’ Association, United, Question of Seceding from Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, 106, 278, 576 ; Wage Claims of Engineering and Shipbuilding Industries, 334 ; Membership Statistics, 662 ; Living Standards in 1949, 662
- Pearson, W., Presidential Address to Scottish Trades Union Congress, 482
- Pension Schemes for Nationalised Industries, 544
- Printing Trade, London, Dispute in, 688, 73(5 Professional Workers, National Federation of, Working Conditions for Non-Manual Workers, 544
- Purchase Tax, Demands for Concessions, 482 Radio Officers’ Union, Nationalisation of Shipping Industry, 482
- Railway Board of Conciliation, Work of, 334, 364
- Railway Clerks’ Association, Refusal to Join in Wage Claims on Behalf of Lowest-Paid Railway Employees, 22,250, 334, 364, 452 ; Annual Conference, 576. (See LETTER, 684); Membership Statistics, 576 ; Proposal for Change of Name, 576
- Railway Efficiency, 576. See LETTER, 684
- Railway Executive, Consideration of Wage Claims by, 22, 106, 250, 306, 334, 364, 452, 576, 634, 712 ; Traffic-Receipts Income, 78, 190, 662 ; Doncaster Railway Shopmen’s Dispute, 162, 190, 250 ; Agreements Involving Work on Rest Days, 364 ; Western Region Footplate Men’s Pension ! Dispute, 736
- Railway Review^ Views on Government Wage Policy, 452
- Kail way Shopmen, Doncaster, Dispute Over Piecework Rates, 162, 190, 250
- Railway Shopmen’s National Council, Consideration of Wage Claims by, 22, 250
- Railway Staff Conference, Consideration of Wage Claims by, 22
- Railway Staff National Council, Consideration of Wage Claims by, 364, 452
- Railway Staff National Tribunal, (Consideration of Wage Claims by, 364, 452 I
- Railwaymen, National Union of. Wage I (Claims of Lowest-Paid Railway Emoloyees, 22, 106, 250, 306, 334, 364, 452, 576, 634, J 712; Agreements Involving Work on Rest ? Days, 364 ; Demands for Withdrawal of National Arbitration Order, 606 |
- Railwaymen, Wages of, 22, 106, 250, 306, ? 334, 364, 452, 576, 634, 712
- Road Haulage Executive, Negotiating Machinery for Salaried Staffs, 576
- Rowell, H. B. R., Prospects of British Shipbuilding Industry, 22
- Schuman Plan, Views of Amalgamated Union of Foundry Workers, 736
- Scottish Trades Union Congress, Annual Congress of, 482
- Seamen, National Union of, Nationalisation of Shipping Industry, 482 ; Annual Meeting of, 662
- Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation, (Claims of Employees for 20s. a Week Increase, 78, 102, 162, 190, 278, 334, 422, 452 ; Agreement on Patternmakers’ Differential, 10(5; Attitude to Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot, 394
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, (Confederation of. Claims for Overall Wage Increase for Engineers of 20s. a Week, 22, 106, 134, 162, 190, 278, 306, 334, 422, 452 : Difficulties Regarding Patternmakers’ Differential, 106, 278, 576 ; Re-Establishment of Engineering Advisory Committee, 278 ; Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot on Engineers’ Wage Increase, 278, 306, 394, 422, 482, 606, 712, 736 ; Claims for Overall Wage Increase for Engineers of 40s. a Week, 278
- Shipbuilding Industry, British, Output in 1949, 22 ; Prospects of, 22 ; Wage Demands in, 22, 190, 278, 306, 334 ; Licences for Foreign Orders, 220
- Shipping Industry, Handicaps Imposed on, 394 ; Nationalisation of, 482
- Ship-Repairing Facilities on Merseyside, Investigations by Working Party, 306. See 305
- Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers, Union of. Conference of, 422
- Stevedores and Dockers, National Amalgamated, Application by Expelled Dockers for Membership of, 512
- Strikes: Doncaster Railway Shopmen, 162, 190, 250 ; Platers at Fairfield Shipyard, 190 ; Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 190 ; Crossley Motors, Ltd., 334 ; London Docks, 512, 544 ; Unofficial, 544 ; Festival of Britain, 662 ; Thin acres Colliery, 688 ; Western Region Footplate Men, 736
- Strike Statistics, 22, 134, 250, 544, 634 Tanner, J., Presidential Address to Amalgamated Engineering Union, 688, 712
- Taxation, Heavy, Burdens Imposed by, 250 Trade Unions, Possibility of Government Control of, 134
- Trades Union Congress, Conference of Trade- Union Executives on Wage-Stabilisation Policy, 22, 50, 78 ; Wage Policy, 106, 162, 422, 482, 544, 688, 712 ; Re-Establishment of Engineering Advisory Committee, 27s ; Rise in Cost of Living, 364; Pension Schemes for Nationalised Industries, 544
- Traffic-Receipts Income of British Railways, 78, 190, 662
- Transport and General Workers’ Union, Wage Stabilisation, 22, 78, 220, 606 ; Membership of Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, 306 ; Wage Structure in Engineering Industry, 334; Man-Power Problems at London Docks, 364, 394, 544, 606; Appeal by Docker Members Against Expulsion, 482, 512 : London Dock Strike, 512 ; Request for Relaxation of Wage Restraint, 662 ; Membership Statistics, 712
- Transport Tribunal, Recommendations of, 334, 364
- Unemployment Problems and Statistics in Canada, 50 ; in British Shipyards, 134 ; in British Aircraft Industry, 162 ; in Great Britain, 78, 306 ; in United States, 334 Wages, Index of Rates of, 22, 134, 250, 512, 634; Railway Employees, 22, 106, 250, 306,334, 364,452,576, 634,712 ; Demands of Engineers for All-Round Increase of 20x. a Week, 22, 78, 106, 134, 162, 190, 278, 306, 334, 422, 452 ; Demands of Shipbuilding Employees for All-Round Increase of 20s. a Week, 22, 190, 278, 306, 334, 422, 606 ; Ministry of Labour Statistics, 22, 134, 250, 394, 512, 634 ; Government Stabilisation Policy, 22, 50, 78, 106, 422, 544, 662, 688, 712 ; London Firemen, 250; Views of Scottish Trade Union Congress, 482 ; Coal Miners, 606, 634, 736 ; Possibility of Increases in Industry Generally, 606 ; Employees in Electrical-Contracting Industry, 606 ; Suggested Relaxation of Restraint, 662 ; Wiser Spending, 688
- White Paper on Personal Incomes, Profits and Prices, 78
- Women Conductors, Employment by London Transport Executive, 334
- Working Population, Statistics of, 78, 306, 452
- Turbines. See Engines and Boilers
- Universities. See Education
- Vehicles. See Motor Cars, Etc, ; and Railways and Locomotives
- Warships. See Naval
See Also
Sources of Information