George Edward Durston Ralls
George Edward Durston Ralls (1875- )
1918 of Bradford Street, Birmingham. A new Carburetter.[1]
1922 M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.T., M.I.A.E., Man. Dir., Birmingham and Midland Counties Transport Co., Ltd., and Allied Road Transports, Ltd., Birmingham; b. 1875; s. of Orlando Ralls. Ed. Dursley Grammar Sch., Bedford Modern Sch. Training: Merchant Venturers' Tech. Coll., Bristol. App., Llewellins and James, Bristol; Weyman and Hitchcock, Guildford and Cheltenham; Improver, Erector, and later Supt., Dougill and Co., Leeds; Draughtsman, Charles Burrell and Sons, Ltd., Thetford; Chief Draughtsman and Engr., Traction Dept., Ruston, Proctor and Co., Ltd., Lincoln; Chief of Experimental and Testing Dept., Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Birmingham; Works Mngr., Swift Motor Co., Ltd., Coventry; Mang. Partner, Express Motor Transport Co., Pershore; Designer of Road Locomotives, Road Rollers, Steam Ploughing Engines, Steam and Petrol Motor Wagons and Ploughs. Clubs: R.A.C.; Pall Mall, London. Address: The Rookery, Pershore, Worcs.