J. Harrison Carter, of 82 Mark Lane, London, and Dunstable, milling engineer and manufacturer of chain lubricator.
Modern Flour milling using Carter's automatic roller system.
1873 James Harrison Carter set up a mill-furnishing business with his brother.
1877 Started producing roller machinery
1880 Advert for Carter's patent disintegrating machine
1881 Carter displayed six machines at the 1881 Islington Exhibition of machinery, involving "fluted rollers" (for reductions of the wheat) produced by Escher, Wyss and Co together with smooth rollers (used for the middlings) produced by E. R. and F. Turner.
c.1882/3 Turners also started producing the break rolls, replacing Escher Wyss as supplier. Carter was responsible for the marketing, installation and commissioning of the complete plant.
1885 Gold medal for invention of rolling milling machinery
1888 Mr. J. Harrison Carter retired; E. R. & F. Turner of Ipswich purchased his Stock and Interest.
1889 The business continued to exhibit as Mr J. Harrison Carter of London[1]
1889 Jan/Feb. 1889 Stanley Cycle Show. Cycle accessories by the 'well-known milling engineer'
1890 June. Royal Agricultural Society’s Disintegrator and Grist Mill Trials.
1891 February. Exhibit at the 1891 Stanley Cycle Show of chain lubricator on the Rover cycle (presumably the chain driven 'Rover' Safety Bicycle made by John Kemp Starley).
1891 Advert. for disintegrating machine by J. Harrison Carter, London
1892 Mr Harrison Carter, of London, was the name used for an exhibit of amagnetic separator and other devices[2]
1895 Exhibit by Mr J. Harrison Carter of Mark Lane, featuring Carter's patent disintegrators and other machines[3]
J. Harrison Carter of Engineering Works, Dunstable

1894 James Harrison Carter came out of retirement, announcing he was to "set up a milling engineering firm in Dunstable". He worked in this establishment until his death in 1906
1895 Advert. for disintegrating machine by J. Harrison Carter, Dunstable
After his death the Carter family maintained control of the business, continuing to produce ‘conveyors, elevators, disintegrators, grinding crushing, sifting, drying and mining machinery’.
1922 J. H. Carter, of Dunstable. Directors: J. Harrison Carter and G. Carter. Manufacturer of disintegrators, grinding, crushing sifting, drying, and mining machinery, conveyors and elevators.
1925 J. Harrison Carter, milling engineer, of 12 Mark Lane, London[4]
1946 Advert. for disintegrating machine by J. Harrison Carter Ltd
1969 Member of a consortium which won a contract to supply a new national non-alcoholic drink for Egypt; other companies involved were Bratby and Hinchliffe, Barnet and Foster, John C. Carlson, J. Harrison Carter, Crown Cork Manufacturers (Ford Finsbury)[5]
1969 Acquired by Turners
1972 J. Harrison Carter Ltd was voluntarily wound up; registered office at Foxhall Works, Ipswich[6]
1986 The winding up was completed; meeting held at the company's offices in Ipswich[7]
See Also
Sources of Information
- The Engineer 1889/02/22 p158
- The Engineer 1890/06/27 p521
- [1] Mills Archive