The Engineer 1889/02/22
Main Subjects
- 1889 Stanley Cycle Show, p 157. (Illustrated).
- C. Leni
- Claviger Cycle Co
- Coventry Machinists Co
- Goy and Co
- Quadrant Cycle Co
- Nottingham Cycle Co
- Humber and Co
- Hutchins, Hamilton and Co
- Rudge Cycle Co
- Hillman, Herbert and Cooper
- Singer Co
- Sparkbrook Manufacturing Co
- Surrey Machinists Co
- Whippet Co
- Marriott and Cooper
- J. M. Taylor
- S. P. Thomson and Co
- W. Andrew.
- Jelley Brothers.
- Lightning Tandem Bicycle Co.
- F. W. Hall.
- J. K. Starley and Co.
- Nottingham Cycle Co
- Ashton, James and Co.
- Cycle Improvement Syndicate.
- Midland Cycle Co.
- Bradford Cycle Co.
- Redman's spring fork.
- Quadrant Cycle Co.
- Bagshawe Brothers.
- 400 Compound Condensing Engine at The 1888 Brussels International Exhibition, p 154, 155 and 164. (Illustrated).
- Lonsberg's Flax Spinning and Weaving Mills.
- Charles Brown.
- Edmond Hertay.
- Bowesfield Iron Co - Rolling Mill Engines, p 169. (Illustrated).
- Canals and Inland Navigation, (No. II) - By W. H. Wheeler, p 153.
- Death - Wellington Purdon, p 165.
- Editorial, p 165.
- The Perils of Petroleum - Bristol Docks.
- Anthracite Iron.
- Cross-River Communication at Glasgow.
- Steamships in the Tyne.
- Lord Carnarvon on the Defence of our Coaling Stations.
- Railway Profits and Extensions.
- Education of Institution in Machine Designing, concluded from p 147 - By John T. Hawkins, p 170.
- Explosions of Locomotive Boilers in France, Belgium, Holland and England, continued from p 92, p 156.
- Graydon Dynamite Shell, p 160. (Illustrated).
- Inspection and Cleansing of Domestic Drainage - By W. D. Scott Moncrief, p 168.
- Institution of Civil Engineers, p 161.
- C. Bunt - The Construction of Gasholder Tanks.
- Launches and Trial Ships, p 163.
- Institution of Marine Engineers, p 169.
- Letters to the Editor, p 171.
- Lukin Lathe, p 171. (Illustrated).
- Mathewson's Steam Drier, p 161. (Illustrated).
- Society of Arts Engine Trials, p 162.
- Horticultural Gardens, South Kensington.
- Davey, Paxman and Co.
- Sturtevant Mill Co - Grinding Mill, p 160 and 161. (Illustrated).
- Wrought Iron Cone Pulleys, p 160.