Joshua Tetley

1822 Joshua Tetley and Son was founded[1] at Tetley's Brewery in Leeds by Joshua Tetley (1778-1859), who came from a family of maltsters.
1834 Tetley was able to incorporate the malting business he had inherited from his father.
1859 Joshua Tetley died, and his son Francis Tetley, took over the business.
1874 Francis Tetley was selling 160,000 barrels of beer a year.
1890 Tetley commenced buying public houses.
1897 Joshua Tetley and Son Ltd was incorporated as a limited company[2]
1911 Tetley's challenged escape artist, Harry Houdini to escape from a padlocked metal cask of ale. Houdini accepted this challenge, however it proved too much for him and he had to be rescued from the cask.
1933 Public issue of preference shares to repay the outstanding debentures[3]
1937 41st OGM told that ordinary shares had been placed with the public for the first time[4]
1950s Tetley's owned 1,000 or so pubs.
1960 Merged with Walkers Brewery; new holding company formed: Tetley Walker [5]
1961 Tetley Walker joined with Ind Coope and Ansells to form Allied Breweries.
By 1981 was part of Allied Breweries Ltd, a subsidiary of Allied Lyons
1998 Company was taken over by Carlsberg, who had previously had a 50% stake.