The Engineer 1913/09/19
- Contents, p 309.
Main Subjects
- A Semi-Fireproof Railway Carriage, p 305 - 306.
- A Consideration of British Express Locomotive Design, No III, by E. A. Johnston, p 295 - 296.
- British Association (Concluded from p 286), Address to the Engineering Section by Professor Gisbert Kapp - President of the Section, p 317 - 318.
- British Association, No I, p 300 - 303.
- Sir Oliver Lodge.
- Gisbert Kapp.
- F. W. Burstall.
- 'The Internal Combustion Engine Applied to Railway Locomotion' by F. W. Lanchester.
- W. P. Wynne.
- Dr Walter Rosenhain.
- 'Inland Waterways in England' by R. B. Dunwoody.
- Editorial, p 309.
- Railway Accidents and The Public.
- Control of The Clyde.
- Railway Labour Problems.
- The Science of Metals.
- International Electro-Technical Commission, Dr E. Budde, Presided. p 306.
- Launches and Trial Trips, p 322.
- 'Tringa' steel screw steamer by Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson for the Cork Steamship Co.
- 'Kandahar' by Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson for Sir John Ellerman, ( Bucknall Line). Engines by Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co.
- Letters to The Editor, p 314.
- 'Engineering as A Profession' by Vernon Smith.
- 'Safety and Stability of Aeroplanes'
- 'The British Association (Engineering Section) Meetings' by William P. Durtnall.
- 'Self-Starter for Motors' by J. H. Noble.
- 'Case-Hardening'
- 'The Aisgill Inquiry' by J. Alfred Fisher of Bell's United Asbestos Co.
- 'Bridge Over The Lower Ganges' by J. Tudor Graves.
- Mercury Vapour Lamp and Plant Growth, p 311.
- New Generations for Diesel Engines, p 312 - 313.
- New Portable Hand Pump, p 316.
- Progress of Engineering in the East, No XIX, Shanghai Municipal Electric Works, p 300.
- Second Report to the Corrosion Committee of the Institute of Metals, by Guy D. Bengough and Richard M. Jones, p 313 - 314.
- The Aisgill Accident, p 306.
- Sir Guy Granet.
- The Aerial Propulsion of Barges on Canals, by L. Blin Desbleds. Read at The British Association (Engineering Section), Birmingham, 1913, p 318.
- The Compressive Strength of Concrete and Stone, p 296 - 297.
- The Giovi Line and Chiappella Station, No IV, p 297 - 300. (Illustrated).
- [[[Babcock-Wilcox]].
- The Supply of Coke Oven Gas to Municipalities, p 303.
- Twin Scherzer Bridges at Dublin, p 304 - 305 and p 308. (Illustrated).
- Sir John P. Grifith.
- Spencer and Co of Melksham.
- Ross and Walpole.
- Siemens and Co.