1908 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index: Difference between revisions
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* Cleaner (letter), 243 | * Cleaner (letter), 243 | ||
* Cleaning Gear Boxes and Back Axles, 479 | * Cleaning Gear Boxes and Back Axles, 479 | ||
* [[Clement]] 35-45 h.p. Car (illustration), 203 | * [[Clement Cars|Clement]] 35-45 h.p. Car (illustration), 203 | ||
* [[Clement-Talbot]], Ltd. (letter), 616 | * [[Clement-Talbot]], Ltd. (letter), 616 | ||
* Clever Conversion (illustration), 112 | * Clever Conversion (illustration), 112 |
Latest revision as of 17:16, 4 May 2022

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The Autocar 1908a Index - Volume 19
- A B 761 (letter), 99
- A. B. (letter), 966
- Abyssinia, Motoring in, 231
- A. C. A. Car-testing Machine, 136
- Accessibility, Rolls-Royce Engine, 838, 928
- Accessories, Motor, Markt and Co.’s, 192
- — Some, 274, 496, 543, 565, 680
- Accident at Brooklands, 46, 102
- — Delagrange’s Flying Machine, 685
- — Extraordinary, Sunbeam Car, 478
- — Miss Muriel Hind’s, 654
- — Motor and Furniture Van, Damages Claim, 469
- — Car, at Brighton, 777
- — to Rover Car, Irish Trials, 883
- Accidents, Daily Papers and, 662, 664, 782
- — Horse and Tram, 85. 613
- — Motor Car, Analysis of, 917, 964
- Accumulator Box, Useful, 79
- — by Motor Accessories Co., 182
- — Charging, Primary Batteries for, 72
- — Industries’ Catalogue, 664
- A.C. du Rhone Meeting, 969
- Acetylene Lamps, Frost and, 72, 75
- A. C. (letter), 537
- A.C of South Australia, 977
- — Hill-climb, 126
- — Victoria Reliability Trials, 127, 550
- Adams Car, 10 h.p. Car (illustration), 68
- — 40-50 h.p. Car (illustration), 258
- Adams Manufacturing Co.’s Sixteen-cylinder Petrol Motor (illustration), 240
- — Works, Flooding of (illustration), 734
- — Phaeton, Mr. Oliver Stanton’s (illustration), 662
- Adjustable Spanner, B.S.A., 541
- Adjusting Valve Tappets, 441, 555, 671
- “ Ariel Navigation,” Paper by Herbert Chatley, 256
- Aeronautics, by A. J. McKinney, 774
- — (letters), 808, 843, 890
- — Paris Exhibition, 962
- — Practical, 501
- — The Aerial Derby, 860
- Aeroplane Developments, 22, 58, 202, 140
- — M. Farman’s (illustration), 430
- — Prize, Michelin et Cie., 382
- — v. Flying Machine, 202 Aeroplanes in 1908, 58
- A.G.A. Agents, France (illustration), 763
- Agricultural Hall Motor Show, Report of, 470
- — Show, its Rise and Decline, 482
- A. H. M. (reply), 253
- A. J. B. (queryhL108
- Albert Brown Competition (illustration), 809
- — — Trophy, 704
- Albion Car at Calcutta (illustration), 78
- Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. (letters), 425, 579, 846
- Alcohol Engine Trials, 276
- A. (letters), 284, 384
- Alford and Alder (letter), 322
- Algeria and Tunisia, Motoring in, 410, 450
- Alldays Car, 214, 253
- — 20 h.p. Car in Natal (illustration), 29
- Allweather Body, Limousine, by Messrs. Mullet, 447
- Alps, To the, and Back, 6, 25, 61, 97, 132, 169, 205, 244, 285, 323, 349, 371, 386, 427
- Always Willing to Help (letter), 458
- Amateur Drivers, 497
- — Motorist, The Reliability Trials I Want, 961
- — Patrolling, 591
- — Racing at Brooklands, 518, 925
- Amateurs Competition, Irish A.C. Trials, 413
- — Motor Racing for, 335, 338, 499, 537
- Ambulance, Motor (illustration), 103
- — in France, 445
- America, Forthcoming Races in, 248 y
- Grand Prize of, 962
- American A.A. and A.C. of America, 889
- — Grand prix Car (illustration), 857
- — Motor Racing Matters, 837, 899
- Hotter), 926 /]
- A. M. (letter), 321
- A. M. P. (query), 253
- Analysis of Motor Car Accidents, 917, 964
- Anarchy on the Road, France, 647
- An Enquirer (letter), 730
- Anjou Cup, 970
- Annual General Meeting, Royal A.C., 339
- An Offer, 540, 580
- Another Enquirer (letter), 771
- — Man of Moderate Means, 617
- — Tester (letter), 926
- A. N. P. (reply), 72
- Anti De Dion (letter), 134
- Anti-freezing Mixtures, 97, 185, 658
- — Mixture for Lamps, 185
- Anti-red-Tape (letter), 732
- Anti-rust Process, Mr. T. W. Coslett’s Patent, 736
- Anti-skidding Devices, 520
- Appeal to Motorists, 440
- Appeals to Quarter Sessions, 20
- Appearance Numbers, 86, 87, 109, 335, 365,
- — and facing pages 346 and 382
- April Experience, An, 679
- Arctic Regions, Motors in the, 488
- Ardennes Circuit, Light Car Class, 970
- Ardens, Jehu (reply), 214
- Argentine Republic, Motor Racing (illustration), 724
- Argyll Car for the Syrian Desert, 7 60
- — 14-16 h.p. Car (illustration), 504
- — Doctor’s Cab (illustration), 224
- — 12-14 h.p. Four-cylinder Cars, 72, 142
- Ariel 30-40 h.p. Car at Oswestry (illustration), 885
- — 60 h.p. Car. F. A. Bolton’s (illustrations), 818
- — 20 h.p. Car (illustration), 67
- — Motors, Ltd. (letters), 64, 323, 658
- Ariel-Simplex 20 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 195
- — 30-40 h.p. Doctor’s Car (illustration), 291
- Armstrong, G. (letter), 617
- Army Ambulance Car at Southsea' (illustration), 468
- — Motor Reserve, 777
- Annual Dinner, 158
- Arnold’s Gear Lever, 506
- Arnold Wind Screen, 123
- Arnott, H. R. (letter), 99
- Arrol-Johnston Engine (illustration), 47
- — Tourist Trophy Car (illustration), 665
- Ascot, Car Accommodation at, 737, 818
- Ash, A. E. (letter), 963
- Ashcroft, Sidney (letter), 427
- Association Scheme, R.A.C., 48, 98
- Atherton, Percy (reply), 72
- Atholl Car, 25 h.p. Car, Description of, 676
- Attempt to Attain Car Speed on Rails, 933
- Auction Sale, New Cars at, 135
- Austin 40 h.p. Car at Linares (illustration), 38
- — Car Drivers for Grand Prix (illustrations), 484
- — Driving an, 832
- — 18-24 h.p. Car (illustration), 138
- — 60 h.p. Car (illustrations), 592
- — 40 h.p. Car, Run on, 110
- — with Limousine Body, 816
- — Two-seated Car (illustration), 478
- — Drop-frame Chassis, 213
- — Grand Prix Racers, Description of, 632
- — Measuring, 787
- — H., 928
- Australia Customs Tariffs, 858, 937
- — Darracq Car’s Record Run, 9
- — Motoring in, 99, 126, 583, 968
- — Talbot Successes in, 126, 127
- — The Motor Industry in, 351
- — Motorphobe in, 926
- Australian (letter), 926
- Austrian A.C. International Competition, 493
- — Imports and Exports, 103
- Author (letters), 61, 169, 245, 385
- Autocars of 1908, Buyer’s Guide, 86, 87, 109, 335, 365, and facing pages 346 and 382
- Autoclipse Lamp, Description of, 854
- Autocrat, The, My Ideal Car, by, 352, 376, 526, 642
- Auto Cycle Club’s Quarterly Trials (illustration), 687
- Auto-lubricator, Klinger, 922
- Automatic Carburetter, Invention of G. H. Skinner, 514
- — Oiling Signal, to Announce Failing
- Lubrication, 330, 349, 358
- Automobile Association, 463, 781, 804, 899
- — (query), 72
- Auto-slip, The, 290
- Auvergne Circuit, Permanent Track, 123, 266, 698
- Avenue des Champs ElysSes, Paris, 613, 695, 730
- Avery and Roberts Accessories, 565
- Aviation, Aero Club of France, 91
- A. W. (letter), 658
- Back Axle, Detachable, M. and B., 541
- — — Troubles, 696, 731
- — Axles, Cleaning, 479
- Baillie, G. H., R.A.C., Paper by, 758
- — — Some Features of 1908 Engines, by, 179 215
- Baker, Fred. W. (letters), 578, 771
- Balfour, A. J., Napier Car for, 331
- Ball Bearing Steering, 421
- Balloons, Motor Cars v., 686
- Banning of Hill-climbs, 24
- Barber, J. W. (letter), 806
- Barclay, James W. (letters), 499, 694
- Bargain Hunting, 258
- Baroness Campbell Von Laurentz, Article by, 236
- Barthou Law, France, 533, 584, 611
- Barton, J. Kingston (letter), 64
- Bayard-Clement Car (illustration), 773
- — Grand Prix Racer, Engine of (illustration), 934
- B B 212 (letters), 283, 458
- Beard, W. T. (letter), 538
- Bearing Metal, 72 Bedfordshire A.C., 34
- Beeston Humber 20 h.p. Car, 178
- — -— Car on Coast Track, 5
- Belfast A.C., 101
- — No Speed Limit for, 613
- Belgium, New Police Regulations, 466
- Bellamy, Fred. A. (letter), 846
- Bell, H. G. (letters), 384, 427
- — W. Raikes (letter), 540
- Benevolent Fund, 47
- Bennett and Wood, Ltd. (letter), 693
- Benz Car for Grand Prix Race (illustration), 509
- — 15 h.p. Car for 2,000 Miles Trial (illustration), 899
- Berkshire A.C., 668
- Berliet Carburetter, 279
- — Catalogue, 653
- — 22 h.p., in the Snow (illustration), 630
- — Marche Mixte, Six-cylinder, Description of, 76
- Berlin, Some Impressions, 33
- Bertin’s Flying Machine, 202
- Bess, a Mere Mare (letter), 730
- Bevel Wheel, Beeston Humber Car (illustration), 957
- “ Bibendum ” at a French, Fete (illustration), 494
- Binks, Charles (letter), 62
- Birmingham University Power Station (illustration), 184
- Birtwisle’s Invention, Dust Collector, 689
- Bishop, L. F., 324
- — of Southwell and his 20 h.p. Renault Car (illustration), 220
- B. J. (query), 294
- Blackheath A.C., 143, 975
- Blomstrom Motor (illustration), 495
- Boat, Motor, Racing, International Conference on, 218
- Le Bourbon, for Monaco, 276
- Boats, Motor, at Olympia, 505
- for Customs Service, 339
- Bodies, Car, Three Uncommon, 788
- — Detachable, 888
- Body, Car, for Town or Country, 22
- — Design, an All-weather Body, 447
- — Trend of, 282, 322, 424, 538, 577. 788 899
- Boehm, Edgar (letters), 61, 580
- — Sir Edgar, Article by, 238
- Bogus Claim against a Motorist, 735
- Bombay Gymkhana, 507
- — Reliability Trials, 316, 388, 503
- — to Calcutta in 5J Daye, 241
- Bonus Scheme for Drivers, 603
- Bosch Dual Ignition, 842
- — Magnetos, Chart of, 857
- Bosworth, W. J., Colonel, 127
- — and Sup., by Seymour Lucas, R.A.
- Bourchior-Moxon, P. (letter), 694
- Bournemouth, Motor Union Meet, 784
- Bowden, Harold (letter), 691
- Bowers, S. (letter), 59
- Bradford A.C., 252, 332, 779
- Brady, Chas. M. (letter), 25
- Brake Drums, To Clear Oil from. 39
- Brandauer, Fred. C. (letter), 171
- Brentford, Beware of, 888, 925
- Brewer, Robert W. A. (letter), 805
- Briarcliff Trophy, Race for the, 663 (illustration), 706
- Bright, H. (letter), 96
- Brighthouse, J. P. (letter), 888
- Brighton Road, Persecution, 655, 733
- Proposed Alteration, 19
- Bristol and Gloucestershire A.C., 701
- Britannicus (letter), 387
- British-American Co. (letter), 97
- British Divisible Rim, 448
- — Gladiator, 18-24 h.p. (illustration), 530
- — Motor Boat Club, 34, 66, 252, 293, 548, 627, 667, 702, 742, 780, 862, 902, 939, 975 977
- Brodtmann, Paul (letter), 692
- Broken Studs, Withdrawing, 147
- Brooke 40 h.p. Car, Description of, 414 B
- Brooke II. Motor Boat (illustration), 973
- Brooklands, Amateur Racing at, 518, 925
- Brooklands Automobile Racing Club, 100, 264, 371, 435, 474, 634, 683, 793, 859, 924
- — Racing Rules, 264, 615, 660, 692
- — Criticisms and Suggestions, 655, 691, 768
- — Distinguishing Colours at, 617, 694
- — Easter Meeting Entries, 572
- — First Impressions, 617
- — Handicapping, 579, 925
- — Impressions from, by H. C. Lafone, 719
- — Notes, 718, 896
- — 1908 Programme, 1, 7
- — Race Meeting (illustrations), 740
- — Racing at, 302, 594, 716, 892, 933
- — Over 121 Miles an Hour, 933, 961, 966
- — Rating, 239, 265, 579, 843, 929
- — Records at, 46, 98, 197, 280, 311, 403, 563, 933
- — Record Tablet (illustration), 665
- — Standard Class Races, 502
- — Training Notes, by H. C. Lafone, 803, 847
- — Trip-gate at (illustration), 593
- — What it has taught us, 467
- Brown Car, 40 h.p. Car for Australia, 175
- — Harold H. (letters), 23
- — Kenneth and Co., 387, 462
- Brussels, Automobile Accident at, 433
- — Procession of Illuminated Cars, 344
- — Show, 55
- Brutality on the Bath Road, 25
- B.S.A. Adjustable Spanner, 541
- Budapest Motor Exhibition, 433
- Buick 15-20 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illustration), 936
- Burberry’s Motor Garments, 310
- Burke v. Cocks Action, a Bad Fit, 497
- Bury and West Suffolk A.C., 251
- Business Outlook in France, 494
- Cadillac 20 h.p. Car (illustration), 974
- — Run on, 390
- — Cars in New Zealand (illustration), 507
- — Clutch, New, 378
- — Standardisation Test, 204, 269, 336, 370, 431, 654
- — R.A.C. Certificate, 654
- Cairns (letter), 349
- — T. Munro (letter), 26
- Cairo Motor Race, 454
- Camber of Roads, 397
- Cambs and Isle of Ely A.C., 176, 252
- Cameron, Wm. (letter), 427
- Campbell, Colin (letter), 767
- Canada, Motor League of, 722
- Canadian Motor House (illustrations), 88, 89
- Can I Afford to Keep a Car ? 63
- Canopy Removal Tackle, 355
- Cape Cart Hoods, 112, 242
- — Hood Material, 195
- Capel Cure, Francis (letter), 616
- Capt. H. B. (query), 72
- — Pretoria (query), 333
- Carburetter Adjustment, 147
- — Ailments, 297
- — Automatic, Invention of G. H. Skinner, 514
- — Claudel-Hobson, 920
- — for Napier 80 h.p. Car, 761
- — Jackets, Frozen Pumps and, 75
- — Jet Treatment, 631
- — Longuemare, with Single Lever Control, 582
- — Patent, Important, 687, 770
- Carburetter, Scott-Robinson, Description of, 589
- — Well-designed, 26
- Cardiff M.C., 176, 293, 742, 809, 901
- Carette (letter), 134
- Carle, L. (letter), 281
- Carless, Capel, and Leonard (letter), 928
- Carleton, Dudley (letter), 892
- Carrier, Tyre Cover and Spare Tube, 544
- Car Supply Co., Ltd. (letter), 888
- Case-hardening, by G. Shaw-Scott, M.Sc., 586
- Castle Coil, 974
- — Horns, 759
- Casual Visitor (letter), 617
- Cattle on Roads, 965
- Cayley, Arthur (letter), 25, 730
- C. B. (letter), 133
- C. D. L. (letter), 462
- Central India, Motor Trial in, 968
- Certificates, R.A.C. Non-stop Runs from London to Edinburgh, 203
- C. E. W. (letter), 62
- C F 300 (letter), 461
- C. F. S. (letter), 500
- Chain Case for 1907 Daimler Car (illustration), 351
- — Drive (letter), 286
- — Fitting Tool, 544, 615
- Chairmanship of Royal A.C., 483, 743
- Challenges, 173, 237, 371,. 585
- Charge of Stealing Drawings, 491, 536
- Charges for Repairs, 2
- Charlesworth Bodies, Ltd. (letter), 322
- Chassis Prices, 462
- — What does it include ? 693
- Chauffeur Difficulty, Sidelight on the, 71, 99
- — (letter), 538
- — or Mechanic, 240, 616, 730
- — Question, 730, 771, 888, 927, 964
- Chauffeurs’ Competition, 621
- — Proficiency Competition, 86
- Chaytor, H. S. (letter), 965
- Cheap Repairs, 91
- Cheshire A.C., 742
- Chinese Mandarin’s Car (illustration), 139
- — Star Car (illustration), 858
- Chirurgeon (letter), 887
- C. H. T. (letter), 963
- Churchill, J. R., Patent by, 562
- — Winston, at Manchester (illustration), 664
- C. I. C. (reply), 142
- Circuit d’Auvergne, Permanent Track, 123, 266
- — des Ardennes, Light Car Class, 970
- Circularising Pest, 537, 580
- C. J. (letter), 501
- C J 390 (reply), 108
- Claudel-Hobson Carburetter, 920
- Clark, Geo. H. (letter), 59
- — W. A. (reply), 253 •
- Clarke, Geo. T. (letter), 771
- Cleaner (letter), 243
- Cleaning Gear Boxes and Back Axles, 479
- Clement 35-45 h.p. Car (illustration), 203
- Clement-Talbot, Ltd. (letter), 616
- Clever Conversion (illustration), 112
- C L 32 (letter), 62
- Club Chairmanship, 483, 743
- — Doings, 34, 66, 101, 143, 176, 213, 252, 293, 332, 513, 548, 582, 627, 667, 701, 741, 778, 808, 861, 901, 938, 975
- Clutch (letter), 96
- C N 14 (letter), 324
- Coach, Mr. Vanderbilt’s (illustration), 639
- Coates Ford (reply), 333
- Cobb, Reginald A. (letter), 206
- Cochrane, T. G. (letter), 501
- Cozens-Hardy, Edward H. (letter), 617
- Cold Snap, The, 37
- — Weather, To Assist Running in, 111
- Collex Detachable Rim, 532
- Colonel W. J. Bosworth, 127
- — and Sup., by Seymour Lucas, R.A.
- — (query), 214
- Combination Car, 749
- Comfortable One (letter), 61 —
- Comfort on the Car, 123
- Commercial Travellers’ Cars, 253
- — Traveller (query), 253
- Commutators, Distributers, and Coils, 142
- Commutator, Trigger, F.H.S., 542
- Comparative Tests of Petrol and Alcohol, 515, 552
- Comparing Prices, 629
- Compensation Claim, Damage to Motor Car, 973
- — Motor Car Accident, 970
- Competitions for Amateurs, 145
- — on the Public Highways, 153
- Competitor in First Run to Brighton (letter), 282
- Compound Magneto and Accumulator Switch, 661
- Compressed Wood Fibre Tyre Tread, 813
- Compression, 837
- Compression Taps, 927
- — Valve, United Motor Industries, 842
- Compromise in Design, by Bertram C. Joy, 199
- Continental Notes and News, 28, 55, 90, 122, 167, 201, 236, 275, 314, 343, 430, 466, 493, 533, 573, 611, 647, 684, 725, 772, 839, 882, 969
- — Touring, 371 Facilities, 78
- — Tyre and Rubber Co. (letter), 660
- Controlling Motor Traffic, 24, 95, 131, 170
- Conybeare, H. G. M. (letter), 577
- Coop, F. (letter), 321
- Cope, F. Swaine (letter), 209
- Cordingley’s Annual Motor Show, Report of, 470
- Correspondence, 23, 59, 95, 131, 169, 205, 243, 281, 319, 347, 383, 423, 457, 499, 537, 577, 615, 655, 691, 729, 767, 805, 843, 887, 925, 963 Corroborative Police Timing, 171, 205
- Corseted Tyre, McConechy’s, 281
- Coslett Anti-rust Process, 736
- Cost of Motor Spirit, 500
- — Tyres, 59
- Costs of Running, 62, 65, 97, 135, 170, 320, 386, 500, 657, 929
- Country Smith (query), 333
- Coupe de la Presse, 239, 882
- Courtesies of the Road, 303
- Courtesy (letter), 925
- — or Obligation, 691
- — on Road Signs, 655
- Coventry Engineering Society, Result of Racing on Design, 180, 217
- — Humber 10-12 h.p. Car, Description of, 114 (illustrations), 31, 113
- -15 h.p. (illustration), 357
- — M.C., 101, 582, 840, 861, 901, 940
- — Meet (illustration), 446
- Covering the Bonnet, a Warning, 39
- Cowell, F. B. (letter), 247
- Coward and Sons (letter), 462
- Crank Chamber, Emptying the, 111
- Craven, Malcolm M. (letter), 247
- C. R. G. (reply), 178
- Critchley, J. S. (letter), 767
- Crombie, C. R._ (letter), 385 ’
- Cross, A. (reply), 108
- Crossley Car, Accessibility of, 493
- — 40 h.p. Car, Earl of Dunraven’s (illustration), 329
- Croeswylan Stone at Oswestry (illustration), 885
- Crow, J. (letter), 60
- Crowley, Reginald W. (letter), 692
- Crystal Palace A.C., 293, 332, 548, 778, 855
- — Flexibility Trial, 558, 714, 778, 855
- Cuninghame, John, J.P. (letter), 386
- Currin, Sydney A. (letter), 579
- Customs Service, Motor Boats for, 339
- C. W. K., Tientsin, N. China (query), 108
- Cylinders of Germain Grand Prix Cars, 852
- Daimler Car in Australia (illustration), 468
- — the Snow (illustrations), 674, 700
- — Upkeep of, 142
- — 40 h.p. Cars, Runs on, 509
- — Cars for Hire in London (illustration) 492
- — Chassis with Special Roi des Beiges
- — Body (illustrations), 599
- — Landaulet for King Edward VII.
- — (illustration), 698
- — No. 4 (letter), 578
- — (letter), 770
- — Limousine for Sultan of Zanzibar (illustration), 102
- — 42 h.p. (illustration), 329
- — 42 h.p., with Special Limousine Body, 447
- Daimler-Italian Car, Description of, 712
- Daimler-Mercedes Patents, 733
- Damage by Self-ignition, 745, 767
- — to Motor Car, Compensation Claim, 973
- Dangerous Driving, Suppressing, 781, 863, 887, 942, 963
- — Path (illustration), 585
- Darracq 40 h.p. Car (illustration), 198
- — 15 h.p. Car (illustration), 539 (letter), 253
- — Car with Side-entrance Body (illustrations), 435
- — Car’s Record Rim, in Australia, 9
- — (letter), 846
- — 50 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 856
- Darwen, Jack (letter), 205
- Dashpot Effect, 178
- Davey, George (letter), 131
- Davis, Messrs., Inventors of Stepney Wheel (illustration), 622
- Dawe. C. IT. (letter). 386
- Dawson. Philip (letter), 132
- Deasy 45 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 455
- — H. H. P. (letter). 64
- — 25 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 619
- — 35 h.p., with Limousine Body (illustration), 391
- Death of Founder of Belgian A.C., 30
- Debole (letter), 617
- De Dietrich Enterprise, New, 957
- — 14-18 h.p. Landaulette, 634
- — 100 h.p., Chas. Jarrott’s, on Brooklands Track (illustration), 2
- — Motor Ambulance (illustration), 103
- De Dion, 10 h.p., 253
- — Car at Brooklands (illustration), 250
- — for New York-Paris Race (illustration), 251
- — Mrs. Weguelin’s (illustration), 440
- — 18 h.p. Car, Miss Forrest-Smith’s (illustration), 817
- — 12-14 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 232, 270
- — patents, 652
- — Twelve-cylinder Rotary Motor (illustration), 140
- De Dion-Bouton Challenge, 338
- De Freville, G. P. H. (letters), 246, 459, 731
- Defries, Cohn (letters), 246, 351, 503, 695, 926
- De la Croix (letter), 209
- Delagrange Aeroplane, 575
- De la Rue, Stuart (letter), 925
- Delaunay-Belleville 40 h.p. Car (illustration), 847
- Delhi, Kashmir Gate (illustration), 648
- De Luca Daimler Car, Description of, 712
- Denmark, Motor Touring in, 5
- Dennis Car, Good Running of, 837
- — 35 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 899
- — Limousine (illustration), 341
- — with Detachable Tonneau (illustrations), 290;
- Denny, A. (reply), 142
- Deposits in Cylinders, 63, 135, 205, 324
- Deputation on Taxation, 304
- Derby A.C., 332, 938
- De Reuter, E. (reply!, 142
- Design, Car, and Dust, 926
- — Compromise in, by Bertram C. Joy, 199
- — Influence of Racing on, 146
- — of Car Bodies, 282, 322, 424, 788, 899
- — the Automobile, Paper by F. W. Lanchester, 392, 436, 475
- — Result of Racing on (letters re), 243, 284, 287, 348, 387, 426, 428, 459, 500, 579, 694, 731, 806, 927
- — Paper by S. F. Edge, 180, 217
- — Designer (letters), 458, 964
- Desondi (letter), 660
- Detachable Back Axle, 541
- — Bodies, 888
- — Flange Wheel, Watton, 190
- — Rim, Collex, 532
- — Rims, 178, 214, 253, 294, 448, 616
- — Changing, 660
- — v. Detachable Wheels, 537, 578, 579, 616, 729, 770
- — -— and Wheels, Particulars of, 600
- — Wheels, 284, 537, 578
- — and Grand Prix Race, 134, 144, 173, 175, 201, 207, 245, 285, 314, 320, 344, 462, 503
- — Wheel, Humber, Ltd., 498
- — New, 273
- Devon and Cornwall A.C., 702, 902
- — Motorists Oppose Taxation, 341
- Dewar Challenge Trophy for 1907, 139
- Disappointment and how to Avoid it, 669, 807, 926
- Disc Clutches, 928, 964
- Disgusted Driver (letter), 963
- Dissatisfied (letter), 578
- Distilled Water for Cooling, 660
- Distinguishing Colours at Brooklands, 617, 694
- Distress Signal, 349, 384, 425
- Distributer, Lacoste, 662
- — (letters), 538, 580
- Dixon, Chas. F. (letter), 319
- D 1617 (letters), 170, 319, 384, 503, 655, 696
- Do Cars run Better at Bromley ? 503, 538, 579, 696, 730
- Doctors’ Motor Cars and the Income Tax, 247, 283
- Does a Car run Better at Night ? 25, 61, 208, 243
- Dogs and Cats, 62
- Dog, The Tale of a, 157
- Do it Now (letter), 323
- Donelan, Thos. C. (reply), 72
- Doolittle Detachable Rim, Particulars of, 408
- — Patent, 687, 770
- Double-action Tyre Lever, Motor Accessories Co., 274
- Double Cone Clutch, 506
- D. (query), 294
- Draining Undershields, 745, 767
- Driver (letter), 428
- Drivers, Incompetent, 963
- — of Mors Cars in Grand Prix (illustrations), 726
- Driving an Austin, 832
- — Furious, Against, 781, 863, 887, 942, 963
- — over Wet Ice, 39
- — Selfish, 696, 890, 925
- Dropped Chassis and Low Bodies, 281, 321
- — Frames, 931
- Drury Medhurst Tyre, 930
- Dry Batteries, 214
- Dual Ignition, Bosch, 842
- Du Boulay, E. (letter), 60
- Duckham, A. (letters), 63, 205, 503, 888, 966
- Duckworth, A. C. (letter), 807
- Dunhill’s Axle Wrench, 496
- Duplex Two-cycle Motor, 355
- Duroy, Paul Louis (letter), 285, 386
- Dust, An Appeal, 890
- — Car Design and, 926
- — Collector, Mr. Birtwisle’s Invention, 689
- — Trials and Experiments, by D. J. Mooney, 644
- — 1907, Judges’ Report, 464
- — R.A.C., 790, 819, 926, 957
- — (illustrations), 620, 791
- Dutch Garage (illustration), 389
- Dutrieux Shock Absorber, 483
- Easter Meeting at Brooklands, 572, 594
- — Reliability Competition, 663
- Eastmead, Frederic (letter), 731
- East Surrey A.C., 548
- — Sussex (letter), 142
- E. B. B. (letter), 696
- E C 10 (letter), 24
- Edge, S. F. (letters), 97, 245, 286, 348, 350, 503, 659, 694, 732
- — Result of Racing on Design, by, 180 217
- Editor the ‘Motor Cycle’ (letter), 768
- “ Effect of Motors on Roads,” Papers, 723
- Efficiency Temperature, 350, 426
- Egerton, Hubert (letters), 208, 246, 284, 286
- — J. Reginald (letter), 502
- Egypt, Experiences in, Motor Transport, 188, 227, 287
- — The Motor Car in, 524
- E. H. H. (query), 178
- E. H. (letter), 845
- E. I.C. Ignition Specialities, 567
- Eisemann Magneto Adjustment, 756
- E. K. (letter), 135
- Elastes Co. (letters), 694, 731
- — 3,000 Miles Trial of, 546, 554, 665
- Elastic Spring Tyre, Mr. Ritson’s Invention, 507
- — Wheel and Tyre Trials, 28, 575, 611, 647, 684, 725, 806, 890
- Electrical Exhibition, International, at Marseilles, 699
- Electric Cars, Silvertown, Description of, 491, 702, 845
- — Ignition Devices, by S. F. Walker, 650, 729
- — Lamps, Polkey, 921
- — Lubricating Tell-tale, 330, 349, 358
- — Vulcanising, 135
- Electro-magnetic Trembler, Peto and Radford’s, 588
- Elliott, F. H. (letter), 889
- — Motormeter (illustration), 49
- — Speed Indicator Trial, 635
- E. M. C. (reply), 334
- Enfield 18 h.p. Car, Hood Arrangement (illustration), 328
- — 18-22 h.p. Car (letter), 99
- Engine Braking, 128, 243
- — Efficiency Tests, 194
- Engineer (letters), 693, 889, 965
- Engine Lubrication, Smoking Test, 821, 925 963
- — Motor Car, for Lathe, 178, 214
- — of Bayard-Clement Grand Prix Racer
- — (illustration), 934
- — Weigel Grand Prix Car (illustration), 900
- — Protection Crossing Fords, 631
- — Racing through Road Slip, 380
- —• Sheffield-Simplex (illustration), 928
- Engines, Rotary, Inventors’ Fruitless Efforts, 934
- — 1908, Some Features of, R.A.C. Paper, 179
- English Fiat Works, 204
- — Lorraine-Dietrich Works, 557
- English Patent Law and French Makers, 648
- Enquirer (query), 294
- Epsom Summer Races (illustration), 898
- E.R. Detachable Rim, 421, 448
- Erroneous Impressions Abroad, 336
- Esnault Pelterie Seven-cylindered Petrol Engine, 581
- Essex County A.C., 667, 701, 779
- — M.C., 940
- — Motor Boat Club, 780
- Evaporine, 977
- E. V. (letters), 132, 616
- E. W. (query), 294
- Examination Experiences, 88
- Exhaust Cut-out, 515, 655
- — Gases, 801
- Ex Parte, 26
- Experience with Frost, 131
- Exports and Imports, 67, 155, 241, 545, 566, 759, 890
- — Motor, in France, 649
- — Eyesight, Motor Driving and, 889
- Eyquern Sparking Plug, 94
- Eyre, G. F. (letter), 282
- Fafnir 8 h.p., Dr. W. G. Copestake on (illustration), 901
- Fairclough, P. R. (letter), 660
- Fair Play (letter), 23
- — Trader (letter), 806
- — Wages (letter), 964
- Faithfull-Davies, R. E. (letter), 133
- Fan Belts for Grooved Pulleys, 707, 745
- — Dispensing with the, 3
- Fanphare Headlight, Motor Accessories Co., 422
- Farman Aeroplane, New, 239, 430
- — Henry, Circular Kilometre Flown by, 79, 122
- Farman’s Accident, 493
- — New Record, 466
- F. C. C. (query), 178
- F. C. (letter), 927
- Features of 1908 Engines, R.A.C. Paper, 179 215
- Fellows, Percy WT. (letter), 729
- Feng (letter), 424
- F.H.S. Switch, 682
- — Trigger Commutator, 542
- Fiat 35-40 h.p. Car for Johannesburg (illustrations), 353
- — Cyclone Car in Ormond Daytona Beach
- — Races (illustration), 377
- — 90 h.p. for Brooklands Race (illustration), 820
- — Motor Car for Indian Prince, 358
- — Works, English, 204
- — 15 h.p. (letter), 281
- Fifteen Thousand Miles for £ ? 237
- Finance, Motor, 315
- Fire Extinguisher, Effective, 924
- — Station, All-motor (illustration), 357
- Fittings and Accessories, Car, 680
- Flashlight Sparking Plugs, 585
- Flat Country (query), 72
- Flexibility Trial, a Fiasco, 559
- Florida, Bridge in (illustration), 289
- — Races, 30, 86, 345, 367, 465
- Florio Cup, 168
- Flying Experiments, 773
- — Kilometre Race at Le Mans, 969
- — Machine Accident, Delagrange, 685
- — Aeroplane v., 202
- — Records, 575, 611, 839, 962
- Flywheels, Gyroscopic Action of, 24, 59, 96, 132
- Foley-Baker Wheel, 680
- Forced Feed Lubrication, 207, 244, 247,324, 502
- Forthcoming Trials, 490
- Foster, T. Scott (letter), 805
- — (reply), 214
- Foul Exhaust, Accidental, 963
- Four Inch Race, by F. Strickland, 672
- — Tourist Trophy, 64, 407^, 439, 440, 572, 672, 849
- Foxe’s Puttees, 123
- Franco-British Exhibition, 276
- France, Motor Car Holidays in, 738
- — On the Road, 484, 528, 538, 560, 624, 636, 694, 721, 770
- — Trade in, a Rumoured Combine, 882
- Frederick Street (Edinburgh) Gradient, 244, 284, 321, 350
- French Automobile Industry, 649 882,
- — Body on British Chassis (illustration), 250
- — Customs, Automobile Association and, 547
- — Form, 354
- — Manufacturers’ Association, 32
- — Motor Ambulance, 445
- — BiU, New, 533, 584, 611
- — Exports and Imports, 649
- — Mitrailleuse in Morocco, 56
- French Road. Administration, 674 1
- — Roads. Condition of, 284, 319, 384/460
- — View of English Grand Prix Entries,'276
- — Voituretto Trials, 57. 535
- From the Riviera Home, by Sir Edgar Boehm, 238
- “Front Driving,” Papers at Institute of Automobile Engineers, 144
- Frost, 151
- — and Acetylene Lamps, 72, 75
- — Experience with, 131
- Frozen Pumps and Carburetter Jackets, 7 5, 97
- F. R. S. (letter), 423
- Fryer, F. E. (reply), 294
- F. T. J. (letter), 60
- F. T. R. (query), 142
- Fuel Consumption and Power, 220
- Furious Driving, Against, A.A. Scheme, 781, 863, 887,942,963
- Gaal, A., and Co. (letters), 658, 731, 889
- Gabriel Horn, 583
- Gambier-Housfield, Chas. G. (letter), 965
- Garage Charges, 770, 846
- — Proprietors, Responsibilities of, 599
- Garages, 211, 539
- Garrard, C. R. (letter), 616
- Gas Analysis and Carburation, 26, 63, 96
- Gay Gordons’ Company Motoring (illustration), 562
- Gear Boxes, Cleaning, 479
- — Box Lubrication, 966
- — Changing, 196, 243, 281, 319, 347, 355, 383, 427, 539
- — Lever, Arnold’s, 506
- — Quadrants, Straight-through, 783
- — Ratios, Need for Low First Speed, 941
- — Tests, 26, 64
- Gearing, Toothed Gears and, 26, 96
- Gemmell, R. L. (letter), 927
- Generator (reply), 253, 355
- — The Ross, 71
- Gentlemen Chauffeurs, 888, 927, 964
- George and Jobling (letter), 246
- Germain Ball Bearing Crankshaft (illustration), 34
- — 18 h.p., Round France on (illustration), 585
- German Government and Motor Cars, 683
- — Motor Yacht Club, 862
- Germany, Motordrome in, 275
- — Motor Licenses in, 430
- — Restriction of Output, 772
- G. F. E. (letter), 133
- G. F. (letter), 888
- G. H. C. (letter), 349
- Gilbert, W. S. (letter), 730
- — on Cadillac Car (illustration). 699
- Gilchrist, W. (letter), 458
- Gladiator 45 h.p. (illustration), 570
- Glidden, Chas. J., World’s Tour, 468, 527, 547
- Gliding Motor Boat for Monaco, 382
- Gloucestershire, Bristol and, A.C., 701
- — Its Beauties and Associations, 379
- G. L. (query), 108
- Godfrey, Stuart H. (letter), 462
- Godin Electric Horn, 681
- Goggles, How not to Store, 745
- Gold Medal Won by Lanchester Cars (illustration), 665
- Good and Bad Cars, 183
- Goodwin, A. (letter), 131
- Gordon-Macleod, A. (letter), 60
- Gordon-Stewart, J. W. (letter), 693
- Gould, Ernest (letter), 461 (reply), 334
- Governing Bodies, Our, 384
- Gower, C. Leveson (letter), 351
- G. P. (replies), 108, 253
- Graham, Philip (letter), 26
- Grand Prix, 58, 90, 167, 173, 175, 201, 239, 275, 466, 612, 852, 959
- — Car, Thomas Flyer (illustration), 857
- — Course, 30
- — for Aeroplanes, 328
- — Germain Car (illustration), 924
- — Mercedes Racers for 1908, 422
- — Mors Cars, 533, 970
- — Practising for the, Renault Car (illustration), 685
- — Preparations for the Race, 959
- — Race, Detachable Wheels and, 134, 144, 173, 175, 201, 207, 245, 285, 314, 320, 344, 351, 385, 387, 462, 503
- — Drivers of Cars (illustrations), 484, 485
- — Racers, Austin Cars, Description of, 632
- — Details of the, 487
- — Measuring, 787
- — — Racing Chassis, the Weigel, Description of, 340
- — Weigel Racing Engine, Description of, 312
- Grand Prize of America, 962
- — Trunk Road, On the. by R. L. Jefferson,
- — (letters), 133, 385, 428, M I 500, 659
- Grant/E. J. Robertson (letters), 24, 459
- Graphic Challenge Trophy Race, 715
- Gravity (letter), 925
- Grease Lubricators, 783
- Greathed, E. A. (letter), 349
- Gregoire and De Dion Cars, 333
- — 10-14 h.p., Description of, 148
- Grieg, C. Gordon (letter), 537
- Gunner (letter), 655
- Gyroscopic Action of Flywheels, 24, 59, 96, 132, 925
- Gyrostatic Action, R.A.C. Paper by Prof. Watson, 382
- Haddon, Herbert and Co. (letter), 770
- Had this been a Motor Car, 770
- Hallen, A. C, (letter), 615
- Hamilton, Lindsay A. (letter), 888
- Hampshire M.U. and New Forest A.C., 741
- Handicap, A Good, 145
- Handicapping, 516, 732, 767, 966
- Harmer, Oscar (letter), 843
- Harrisburg Reliability Trials, 776, 817
- Harris, F. H. (letters), 243, 349, 460, 580, 806
- — H. H., Number of Tyre Sizes, by, 614
- Hartlepools A.C., 293
- Hartridge Pneumatic Tyre, New, 967
- Haute-Savoie (letter), 424
- Hawkes, H. G. (letter), 97
- H. B. (reply), 142
- H. C. L. (letter), 347
- H. C. (reply). 334
- Heating of Motor Houses, by J. H. Lester, 8, 615 (letter), 59
- Henfrey, George (letter), 617
- Henri De M. (letter), 286
- Herefordshire A.C., 862
- Herkomer Tour, Lessons of the, 269
- Her Majesty the Queen at Aldershot (illustration), 756
- Herts County A.C., 213, 549, 701, 741, 780, 861, 940
- — North A.C., 101
- Hewer Sporting Body on Ariel Car, 818
- H. G. (letter), 927
- — (reply), 108
- H. G. R. (letter), 730
- H. H. D. (reply), 214
- H. H., Leicester (reply), 72
- High Compression, 130, 294
- Highway by the Sea, 248
- Highways Act, Proposal to Amend, 757
- — Committee of Herts County Council, 699
- — Proper Use of the, 932, 971
- — Protection League, 5, 642, 666
- — Public, Competitions on the, 153
- Hill-climbing, 170, 281, 319
- — Contest in South Australia, 610
- — Exploit (illustrations), 618
- Hill-climbs, Banning of, 24, 289
- — Open, 226
- Hill-climb, Sharpenhoe, Motor Cycling Club Competition, 675, 738
- Hillman-Coatalen Racer, 697
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 3, 39, 75, 111, 147, 185, 221, 259, 297, 337, 368, 399, 441, 479, 517, 555, 593, 631, 671, 707, 745, 783, 821, 865, 905, 943
- — to Prospective Motor Tourists, 753
- H. I. W. (letter), 385
- H. J. (letters), 281, 355, 383
- H 2840 (letter), 387
- H.M. the King in Motor Car (illustration), 744
- Hodgkin, J. E. (letter), 27
- Hoffman and Co. (letter), 927
- Holidays, Motor Car, in France, 738
- Hollands, Sidney H. (letter), 502
- Holtec (letters), 24, 61, 95, 132, 170
- Hope, R. (letter), 730
- Hop Pickers’ Medical Mission, 966
- Horn Bulbs, Motor, 441
- — Motor Castle, 759
- E. J. Hardy’s (illustration), 661
- “ Scout,” 849
- — Wagner Electric, Description of, 156
- Horse and Tram Accidents, 85, 613
- — Decline of the, in Paris, 210
- Horseless Carriage, Ship on Wheels (illustration), 686
- Horse-power and Wind Resistance, 36
- — at the Road Wheels, Testing Machine, 640
- — Formula?, 694, 767
- Hostile Counties, a Suggestion, 963
- Hostility, The Root of, 564
- Hotchkiss 16-20 h.p. Car (illustration), 635
- — Racing Car (illustration), 92
- Hotchkiss Six-cylinder Chassis with Limousine Body (illustration), 855
- House of Commons and Motor Cars, 204, 242, 268, 311, 336, 381, 398, 440, 497, 519, 630, 670, 705, 744, 852, 904,»967
- Housing of Cars, 337
- How Cars are Treated, 219
- — to Obtain a Motor, 578, 617, 696
- H. (query), 108
- H. S. (letter), 347
- Hubbard, Philip Egerton (letter), 247
- Humber 10-12 h.p. 1908 Cars, 214<*i|
- — Cars, Hints and Tips on, 337, 368
- — Car Towing New Chassis (illustration), 141
- — with Detachable Spare Wheel (illustration), 897
- — Factory, New, Opening of, 372, 417
- — Ltd., Detachable Wheel, 498
- — Speed Tests at Brooklands, 345
- Humphris, Frank (letter), 96
- Hunt, F. L. (reply), 214
- Hutchinson Tyre Tread, 813
- Hutt, A. E. (letter), 890
- Hutton 26 h.p. Car, 886
- — J. E. (letter), 322
- on 26 h.p. Napier-built Hutton Car (illustrations), 971
- H. W. (query), 214
- Hydra Sparking Plug, 65
- Ice, Wet, Driving over, 39
- Ideal Car, My, by the Autocrat, 352, 376, 526, 642
- — Motor Car, 354, 383, 423, 458, 616, 659, 732, 788
- Ignition and Extra Air Control, Interconnection of, 263, 321, 328, 425, 539, 579
- — Devices, Electric, by S. F. Walker, 650, 729
- — Specialities, E.I.C., 567
- I K 323 (letter), 172
- Illar (letter), 539
- Imports, Exports and, 67, 155, 241, 545, 566, 759, 890
- Impressions from Brooklands, by H. C. Lafone, 719
- Improvised. Funnel, 135 Incidents at Olympia, 62, 98, 134, 170
- Income Tax, Doctors’ Motor Cars and, 247, - . 283
- Incompetent Drivers, 963
- Inconsiderate Driving, 696, 890, 925
- India, Central, Motor Trial in, 968
- — Home from, 563
- — Motoring in (illustrations), 309, 686
- — Motor Tour in, on the Great Trunk Road, 52, 82, 117
- •— Oh the Heights in, 845
- — Speed Trials in, 124, 152
- Inflation of Tyres, 385, 428
- Influence of Racing on Design, 146
- Inglis, Lionel (letter), 385
- Ingram, Harry M. (letters), 319, 427
- Inquirer (letter), 540
- — (query), 178
- I N 85 (reply), 294
- Inrig, Gavan (letter), 659
- Instantaneous Rim and Flange, 682
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 51, 358, 409, 666
- — Papers on “ Front Driving,” 144
- — Paper, “ Design of the Automobile,” 392, 436, 475
- Interchangeability Trial, Cadillac Cars, 204, 269, 336, 370, 431, 654
- Interchange of Experience, R.A.C. Trials, 863
- Inter-club Racing, 553
- Inter-connection of Ignition and Extra Air Control, 263
- Interested (letter), 729
- International Conference on Motor Boat Racing, 218
- — Electrical Exhibition at Marseilles, 699
- — Motor Yacht Association, 176
- — Touring Car Trial, 80, 125, 224, 272, 291, 320. 345, 428, 431, 456, 477, 490, 501, 525. 715, 757, 819, 822, 869, 883,903,906,944,965
- R.A.C. Paper by Mr. Claude Johnson, 510
- — Union of Chauffeurs, 168
- Inventors’ Exhibition, Paris, 344
- Iris Car in Canada (illustrations), 88, 89
- Irish A.C. Trials, Sketch Map of Course, 584
- — Reliability Trials, 89, 292, 354 413. 455, 458, 490, 570, 703, 794, 850, 853
- — Details of Cars, 703 Report of, 794, 850, 898
- — Trials, Scenes round Killarney (illustrations), 762, 775
- — Swift Cars (illustration), 882
- Iron and Steel Institute of Vienna, Paper, 586
- Irving. Bell, Record Drive, Bombay to Calcutta, 241
- Isle of Ely and Cambs A.C., 176, 252
- Itala Automobiles, Ltd. (letters), 731, 769
- — 20-30 h.p. Live Axle Car (illustration), 939
- Italian Daimler Car, Description of, 712
- Italy, Law’s Delay in, 460
- J. A. C. K. (query), 355
- Jack (reply), 178
- Jameson, W. B. (letter), 25
- Jarrott, Chas, (letters), 207, 284, 695, 732
- Jarrott’s Record, 247, 249, 283
- Java, Garage in (illustration), 583
- — Royalty Motoring in (illustration), 19
- J. B. C. (query), 72
- J. C. (letter), 658
- J. C. M. (letter), 691
- Jefferson, R. L., On the Great Trunk Road, by, 52, 82, 117
- Jeffreys, W. Rees, 351
- J. G. (query), 178
- J. H. F. (query), 294
- J. H. L. (letters), 98, 170
- J. I. E. (letter), 964
- J. (letter), 387
- J. M. (reply), 108 g
- John, Owen, On the Road, by, 45, 151, 229, 267, 303, 342, 379, 418, 446, 484, 528, 560, 624, 636, 721, 762, 853
- John Rot (letter), 730
- Johnson, Claude, R.A.C. Paper by, 510
- — C. (letter), 769
- Jolly, A. (letter), 131
- Jones and Co. (letter), 350
- -— J. E. Stacey (letter), 205
- Joule, Percy E. (letter), 579
- Journalistic Methods, 628, 695, 730
- Joy, Bertram C., Article by, 199
- Joynson-Hicks, M.P., Interview with, 754
- J.P. on Justices’ Justice, 887
- J. T. H. (letter), 24
- Junior A.C., 548
- — Institution of Engineers, Paper, “ Aerial Navigation,” 256
- J. W. T. (reply), 108
- Kalmucks, The, and Automobiles, 556
- Kamac for Motor Hoods, 855
- Kearney High Speed Railway, 933
- Kempshall Motor Tyres, 333, 626
- Kendal Application for Speed Limit, 23
- Kendon, Samuel (letter), 966
- Kennedy, Thomas (letter), 966
- Kensington A.C., 977
- Kent A.C., 143, 667, 809, 940, 976
- Kentish, H. E. (reply), 333
- Kettering’s Oldest Inhabitant in Motor Car (illustration), 531
- Kindler, C. W. (letter), 658
- King, E. G. (reply), 333
- Kirkstone Pass, 209, 246
- — — (illustrations), 174
- Klinger Auto-lubricator, 922
- Knocking, 72, 108, 142
- Knowles, G. J. F. (letter), 692
- Kronprinz at Dieppe, 314
- La Buire Car, 24-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 222
- — Car for Bombay, 58
- Lacoste Distributer, 662
- — Petrol Gauge, 280
- Ladies’ A.C., 252, 293, 901
- — in Royal and Scottish A.C. Trials, 251, 282
- Lady Driver (letter), 965
- Lafone, H. C., Brooklands Training Notes, by, 803, 847, 892
- — On the Trials, by, 916, 958
- Lambert, Frank L. (letter), 500
- Lamp Generators Freezing. To Prevent, 72, 75, 185
- — The “ Roadlite,” by Rotax Co., 274
- Lamps, Metallic Reflectors for, 598
- — Paraffin and Acetylene, 543
- — Side and Head, Combining, 707
- — Side, Orto. 166 Lancashire A.C., 702, 742
- Lancaster (letter), 843
- Land, H. (letter), 283
- Lanchester 20 h.p. Car, 72, 142
- — Landaulet, Mrs. Edgecombe’s (illustration), 864
- — 16 h.p. Car, 294
- — Cars, 386
- — Gold Medal Won by (illustration), 66 ,
- Lanchester, F. W., Paper by, “ Design of the Automobile,” 392, 436, 475
- — Limousine (illustration), 549
- — 12 h.p. Mail Van, 199
- — Method of Carrying Spare Wheel (illustrations), 739
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 64, 324, 616
- — with Detachable Top (illustration), 309
- Lane Driving on the CXX., 802
- Lansdown Hill, Bath, 108
- Larger Tyres, 387
- Launching the Wolseley-Siddeley, 325
- Laurin-Klement 14-16 h.p. Car (illustration), 917
- L. B. (letter), 730
- L C 5457 (letter), 517
- Lea, S. T. (letter), 321
- Leechman, Douglas, Articles by, 69, 93 (letter), 384
- Lee, W. H. (reply), 72
- League that is a Failure, 5, 61
- Leicestershire A.C., 741, 901, 975
- Le Mans Flying Kilometre Race, 969
- Leng, C. D. (letter), 320
- Lester, J. H- (letters), 135, 244, 615
- The Heating of Motor Houses, by, 8
- Letts, W. M. (letters), 246, 283, 286
- Lever Spring Suspension, 551
- L. H. D. (letters), 61, 170. 320
- Licensed Cars, 96, 133, 171, 208, 243
- License, Production of, 317
- Liedekerke Cup, 92
- Life of Tyres, 501, 616, 731
- Lighting of Villages, 27, 62
- Lighting-up Tables, 739
- Lights on Vehicles Act, 20, 289
- Lincolnshire A.C., 66, 101, 213, 513, 940
- Little, E. Cuthbert (letter), 696
- Live Axle Lubrication, 39
- Liverpool M.C., 252, 332
- — Motorists at Mersey Ferry, 664
- Liversedge, J., and Son, Ltd. (letter), 99
- L. M. M. J. (letter), 283
- L N 1625 (letter), 133
- Lodge Bros, and Co. (letter), 62
- — Distributer, 65
- London Suburban Roads, 23, 59
- — to Edinburgh, 165
- - M.C.C. Run, 957
- — Non-stop Runs, R.A.C. Certificates, 203
- Long Distance Traps, 629
- Longridge, C. C. (letter), 323
- Longuemare Carburetter, New, with Single
- Lever Control, 582
- Loosening Tight Bolts or Studs, 75
- Lorraine-Dietrich 20-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 834, 866
- — Works in England, 557
- Loss of Compression, 943
- Low First Speed, Need for, 941
- — Pressure Tyres, 781, 810
- L. R. C. P., M.R.C.S. (letter), 247
- Lubricant for Hot Bearings, 297
- Lubricating Oil, 99
- — System, Cleansing of the, 185
- Lubrication, An Object Lesson in, 943
- — Failing to Announce, Automatic Oiling Signal, 330, 349
- — Forced Feed, 207
- — Prizes for Chauffeurs, 621
- Lucas Electric Lamps, 831
- — Lamps, 329
- Luggage Carrying Question, 191, 236
- L. W. C. (letter), 244
- L. W. (queries), 333, 334
- Lyddon, R. B. (reply), 355
- Lynam, F. J. (letter), 387
- Lyons, Racing at, 648
- Macdougald, G. D. (letter), 324
- Macdonald, J. H. A. (letters), 244, 350
- MacLulich, J. M. (letter), 134
- Madden, E. M. (letter), 579
- Madison Square Garden, New York, Importers’ Show (illustration), 100
- Magneto and Accumulator Switch, Compound, 661
- — Bosch Two-cylinder, 802
- — Experience, 3
- — Setting, 221
- — The, a Plea for Increased Size, 688
- Main Roads and Motor Taxes, 456
- Maison Talbot (reply), 253
- Maja Car for Briarcliff Trophy (illustration), 391
- Maja Concession Co. (letter), 173
- Malay Peninsula, Motoring in the (illustrations), 904, 937
- Malglaine, Henri de (letter), 320
- Manchester A.C., 143, 252, 332, 513, 582, 742, 778, 862, 901, 976
- — Motor Shows, 127, 230, 254, 327
- —- M.C. Reliability Trial, 932
- Man of Moderate Means (letter), 578
- Manometer, Manifold Uses of, 519, 577, 616
- — Chain Case (illustration), 505
- — Grand Prix Racers for 1908, 422
- — Six-cylinder Engine, Description of, 121
- Mervyn O’Gorman Trophy, 66
- Metallic Reflectors for Lamps, 598
- Metallurgique Cars, 108, 142, 294, 306, 841
- — v. Napier Match Cars, 841
- Mexico, Napier Car in (illustration), 72C
- Meyan, Paul (letter), 207
- Michelin Tyres, 583 Middlesex (letter), 171
- — North, A.C., 213. 513, 667, 779
- Midland A.C., 549, 862, 975
- — Hill-climb, 341
- — Test Hill (illustration), . 3/
- Mid-Staffordshire A.C., 809
- Military Races and Competitions, Motor, 404
- Mills, Fred (letter), 929
- Miloscope, 431
- M.I.N.A. (letters), 580, 691
- Minerva Cars, 178, 214, 253
- — Car in New South Wales (illustrations), 545
- Misconception, To Avoid, 617, 659
- Misunderstandings, 7 3
- Monaco Motor Boat Meeting, 166, 430, 534, 573, 611, 625, 645
- — — Boats for, 29
- Mooney, D. J., Dust Trials and Experiments, by, 644
- Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C. (letters), 808, 843
- Moore, Henry (letter), 99
- — of Brighton, Ltd. (letter), 696
- Mordaunt, Frank (reply), 178
- More Misrepresentation, 129
- Morrison, Stuart (letter), 696
- Mors Car for Grand Prix (illustration), 623
- — 15 h.p. Car (illustration), 228
- — Landaulet (illustration), 337
- — Grand Prix Cars, 533, 773, 970
- Morton, Richard H., 142
- Moseley, D., and Sons (letter), 846
- Moss, Arthur E. (letter), 692
- Motobloc Candidate for Grand Prix (illustration), 936
- Motor Accessories Co.’s Accumulator, 182
- — Markt and Co.’s, 192
- — Car Commission, Revival of, 533
- — Club, 702, 742, 976
- — Competitions in South Africa, 95
- Motor Cycling Club, 902
- — Club’s Hill-climb, 675
- — Driving and Eyesight, 889
- — Engineering, Universities and, by G. Shaw-Scott, 234
- — House (letter), 135
- — Military Races and Competitions, 404
- — Pinnace (illustration), 315
- — Racing for Amateurs, 335, 338, 499, 537
- — Roads, 28
- — Schools, Ltd., 921
- — Scouts and the Police, 57, 96, 133
- — Shows, 846 Continental, 29
- — Technology at Sheffield University, 168
- — Transport for the Colonies, 188, 227
- — Union, 51, 94, 139, 204, 356, 357, 697, 698, 699, 737, 739, 900
- — Annual Meeting, 492 Chairman, 754
- — Conference, 94, 455 on Taxation, 375, 455, 480
- — Continental Tom'S, 547
- — Engineering Department, 665
- Meet at Bournemouth, 784
- — of Western India, 722
- — Policy, Taxation of Cars, 295, 318 45o> 60Q
- Motor Union. Royal A.C. and, 1, 4, 27, 73. 102. 130. 133, 170, 174, 198, 206, 229, 282, 283
- — Scottish A.C. and, 591
- - Unionist and Member of the A.A. (letter), 537
- — Wedding (illustration), 101
- — Yacht Club, 66, 143, 213, 252, 293, 513, 551, 582, 627, 668, 701, 742, 809, 682, 976
- — Fifth Annual Efficiency Trial, 551
- Motors, Roads and Taxes, 49, 97, 277, 295, 304, 320, 346, 350, 365, 375, 456
- Motordrome in Germany, 275
- Motoring in Abyssinia, £31
- Motorphobia in the City, 941
- Mountain Pass Climbing, 462
- Mouse’s Nest on Beeston Humber Engine (illustration), 688
- Moxon, Paul B. (letter), 243
- Mrs. H. (reply), 253
- Mudguard Improvement, 221
- Mud-hook, American Invention (illustration), 701
- Muirhead, J. M. P. (letter), 385
- Mulliner’s Two-piece Hood, 242
- Multum-in-Parvo Plug, The Eyquem, 94
- Munn, Walter (letter), 172, 208
- Munro, Geo., jun. (reply), 108
- My Ideal Car, by the Autocrat, 352, 376
- N.A.G. Car, A Run on a, 129
- Naish, M. P. (letter), 767
- Naming Racing Cars, 695
- Napier, 60 h.p., at Brooklands (illustration), 308
- — Car at the Pyramids, 110, 140
- — General Milo-Spitzer’s (illustration). 683
- — in Mexico (illustration), 720
- — 80 h.p. Carburetter, 761
- — Six-cylinder Car for India (illustration), 210
- — Cars, Sir John Miller’s (illustration), 235
- — Dashboard by Night (illustration), 550
- — 60 h.p. in Egypt (illustration), 405
- — Metallurgique v., Match Cars, 814
- — Record Times and Distances, 311
- — 45 h.p., Six-cylinder, Miss Levitt on (illustration), 919
- Napier-Fiat Match, 897, 933, 966
- Narrow Escape, Miss Muriel Hind’s Accident, 554
- Natal, 20 h.p. Alldays Car in (illustration), 29
- Naval M.C., 582 Nemo (letter). 350
- New Cars at Auction Sale, 63, 135
- New Engine (Motor) Co., Ltd. (letters), 321, 322, 348, 501, 538, 539
- — Forest A.C. and Hampshire M.U., 741, 976
- — Motoring in the, 31
- — Patents Act, 69, 93, 243, 319
- — Pick Light Car, 935
- — Roads through Old Lands, by Francis Miltoun, 410, 450
- — South Wales, Australia, Motoring in, 99
- — Minerva Car in (illustrations), 545
- — Racing in, 891
- Newton, Frank (letter), 660
- New York Carnival Hill-climb, 643
- — to Paris Race, 168, 175, 201, 239, 315, 366, 449, 576, 611, 648, 693; 700, 726
- — York-Paris Race (cartoon), 508 (illustrations), 211, 212
- — Zealand Garage (illustration), 741
- — Hill-climb (illustration), 68
- — Motor Club, Opening Meet (illustration), 331, 345
- — Trials 571
- N.H.G. (letters), 387, 459, 500
- Nice Week, 92, 495
- Nightmare, A, 446
- Night Running of Cars, 25, 61, 208, 243
- Nilmelior Sparking Plug, 619
- N 23 (letters), 24, 95
- Noel-Storr, C. E. (letter), 927
- Noise at Brooklands, 776
- Non-skid, Palmer, 619
- Non-skids, 520
- North Herts A.C., 101
- — London A.C., 66
- — Middlesex A.C., 213, 513, 667, 779
- Norwood and District A.C., 780
- Nottingham, R.A.C. Provincial Meeting, 708
- Notts A.C,, 143, 176, 332, 724
- — Speed Trials, 814
- — To the, Experiences of Cars, 864
- Novice (letter), 844
- N. R. (query), 294
- Number of Things, Their Effect on Tyres, 359
- — Tyre Sizes, by H. H. Harris, 614
- — Plates, Provision for, 257, 353, 390
- Nuttall, Miriam (letter), 243
- Nutt, W. Rothery (letter), 655
- Oakamoor Inter-club Hill-climb, 938
- Observer (letter), 95
- O. r>. (letters), 383, 659, 732
- Ogilvie, G. Stuart (letter), 502
- — R.A.C. Paper by, 104
- O’Gorman, Mervyn, Royal A.C. Paper by, 359
- Oil Tracks on the Road, 613, 695, 730
- Okonite Cable, 204
- Obituary, 936
- Old Joke, An, 730
- — Motorist, L C 6325 (letter), 538
- — Routier, The (letters), 169, 285, 427
- Oldridge, Sidney (letter), 655
- O 2991 (letter), 805
- Olympia, Incidents at, 62, 98, 134, ,170
- — Motor Boats at, 505
- — Show, 1908, Uniform Decoration, 172, 205
- — Ventilation of, 249
- Onlooker (letter), 457
- On the Road, by Owen John, 45, 151, 229, 267, 303, 312, 342, 379, 418, 446, 484, 528, 560, 624, 636, 721, 762, 853, 972
- — in France, 484, 528, 538, 560, 624, 636, 694, 721, 732, 762, 770
- — Track, by H. C. Lafone, 803, 847, 892
- — Trials, by H. C. Lafone, 916, 958
- Opel Car for Grand Prix Race (illustration), 509
- Open Hill-climbs, 226 Opinions on Cars, 72
- Orde, J. W. (letters), 98, 428
- Orkney and Shetland Islands and Motors, 391, 458
- Ormond Daytona Beach Races (illustrations), 464, 465
- — 1908 Meet, 30, 86, 345, 367, 665
- Orto Special Side Lamps, 166
- Outhwaite, T. Roland (letter), 321
- Overheating, Diagnosis and Treatment for, 517
- Over 121 Miles an Hour, 933, 961, 966
- “Owen John” and Chauffeurs, 45, 240, 616, 730
- Oxidising Iron or Steel Surfaces, Process for, 671
- Paddon, W. (letter), 97
- Paid Driver (letter), 538
- Paint for Silencers, 297
- Palmer Non-skid, 619
- — O. C. (reply), 108
- — Tyres, 387
- — Inflation of, 810
- Panhard Motor Mitrailleuse, 202
- Paraffin plus Patience, 111
- Paris Salon, 122
- — Street Accidents in, 466
- — to Moscow, 845
- — the Sea Race, 686
- Parliament, Motor Cars in, 204, 242, 268, 311, 336, 381, 398, 440, 497, 519, 630, 705, 744, 852, 967
- Patents and Designs Act, 1907, 69, 93, 243, 319
- — De Dion, 652
- Payne, F. Alick (letter), 729
- Peebles Motor Co., Ltd., 350
- Pelican (query), 142
- Pelly, Douglas R. (letter), 62
- Perkins Metal, 214
- Permanent Circuit for France, 123, 266
- Petersburg to Moscow Race, 430
- Petition, Suggested, against being Fleeced, 843
- Peto and Radford’s Electro-magnetic Trembler, 588
- Petrol and Alcohol, Comparative Tests, 515 552
- — its Price, 743, 782, 806, 925
- Petrol Tests, R.A.C. Paper, 758, 805
- — Tyre Mileage, 538
- — Engine, Novel, the Roche, 186, 247,
- _ 323, 324
- — Roche, Description of, 186
- — Seven-cylindered, 581
- — Failure on Hills, 399
- — Fumes, 691, 731
- — Gauge, Lacoste, 280
- — Low in Tank, 943
- — Motor, Sixteen-cylinder, Adams Co.’s (illustration), 240
- Petrol Pipe Joints, Unscrewing, 441
- — The Word, 888, 928
- P. G. (query), 253
- Phoenix Car, 8 h.p. Car (illustration), 504, 721
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 323, 768
- Physical Endurance, 170, 209, 244, 286
- — Laboratory and R.A.C., 25, 61
- P. J. J. (letter), 696
- Platinum, Firm Specialising in, 841
- P 993 (letter), 890
- Police and Christmas, 23
- — Cases, 31, 318, 390, 433, 735, 776, 777, 858, 859, 936, 937, 974
- — Consideration, 820
- — Evidence in Motor Cases, 770, 805
- — Methods, 965
- — Motor Scouts and the, 57, 96, 133
- — Timing, Corroborative, 171, 205
- — Traps, 391
- — Long Distance, 629
- Policeman and Motor Scout, 698
- — Non-signalling, 20
- Polkey Electric Lamps, 921
- Pope, H. R. (letter), 770
- Popular Car, 55, 173, 206, 343, 502
- Portable Vulcaniser, Southall, 78
- Portal, E. R. (letter), 25
- Porthos Car, 45 h.p. Car (illustration), 663
- — Chassis (illustration), 91
- Portsmouth, Proposed New Road, 508
- Power at Great Altitude, 142, 178, 214
- — and Spark, 23, 62
- Precursor (letter), 458
- Pre-ignition and Loss of Power on Magneto, 297
- Prendergast, J. A. (letter), 767
- Prescott, F. K. (letter), 245
- Pressed Steel Pistons, 738
- Pressure Feed Trouble, 259, 319
- P. and R. Filing Tool (illustration), 696
- Prices, Comparing, 629
- Prima Cars, 253
- Primary Batteries for Accumulator Charging, 72, 108
- Prince Francis of Teck (illustration), 757
- — Henry of Prussia Competition, 35, 97 124, 209, 535, 898, 923, 969, 970 (illustration), 970
- Private Owners Handicapping at Brooklands, 518, 925
- — Owner (letter), 350
- Prix d’Aviation Circular Kilometre Flown by Henry Farman, 79
- Procession of Illuminated Cars in Brussels, 344
- Propeller-shaft, 108, 142
- Provincial Meeting, Motor Union, at Bournemouth, 784
- — Meetings, R.A.C., 584, 708, 923, 962
- — Shows, 323
- Provision for Number Plates, 257
- Prowodnik, the New Russian Tyre, 550
- Pugh, John V. (letters), 98, 247, 348
- Pump Spindles, Leaky, 75
- Puncture Difficulty, Overcoming the, 578, 694, 771
- — Preventing Device, Sealomatic Tube, 248
- — Repairing Studs, 102
- Puzzled (letter), 966
- Pyle, E. E. (letter), 208
- Pyman, Walter H. S. (letter), 887
- Queries and Replies, 72, 108, 142, 178, 214, 253, 293, 333, 355
- R.A.C. and M.U. Deputations, Motor – Car Taxation, 277
- — Motor Taxation, 375
- — Union, 1, 4, 27, 73, 102, 130, 133, 170, 174, 194, 198, 206, 229, 282, 283
- — the Motor Industry, 191
- — its Associates, 113, 269, 279
- — Annual General Meeting, 339, 375, 419
- — Annual Dinner, 329
- — Associates’ Headquarters (illustration), 418
- — Association Scheme, 21, 47, 48, 98, 113,
- — Booklet, 817
- — Certificates, London to Edinburgh Non-stop Runs, 203
- — Chairmanship of, 483, 743
- — Dust Trials, 790, 926, 957
- — (illustrations), 620, 791
- — Legal Dept., 547, 654
- — Meeting at Hereford, 962
- — New Ground for, 25, 61
- — Paper, “ A Number of Things :
- — Their Effect on Tyres,” 359
- R.A.C. Paper, “ Features of 1908 Engines,” .. T 179,215
- — International Touring Car Trial,” 510
- — ‘ Petrol and Petrol Tests,” 758
- — “ Resilient Road Wheels,” 104
- — Provincial Meeting at Hereford, 923
- — Nottingham, 708
- — Meetings, 584, 708, 923, 962
- — Ratings, Two Thousand Miles Trial, 272
- — Stewards, 527
- — 2,000 Miles Trial, 80, 125, 224, 272,, 291,320,345,428,431, 456, 477, 490, 501, 523, 715, 737, 819, 822, 869, 883, 903, 906, 944, 965
- — Touring Car Trial, 80
- — Touring Dept., 32, 576, 974
- Race Entries, 839
- Races, Forthcoming, in America, 248
- Racing at Brooklands, 302, 594, 716, 892 1908
- — Programme, 7
- — Lyons, 648
- — Formula, 239, 265, 843
- — in New South Wales, 891
- — on Design, Result of (letters), 243, 284, 287, 348, 387, 426, 428, 459, 500, 579, 694, 731, 806, 927
- Result of, Paper by S. F. Edge, 180, 217
- — Rules, Simplified, 201
- Radiator, To Abolish the, 56
- Ralli, Stephen S. (letter), 284
- R. P. (letter), 731
- Rapid Racing Car, 70 h.p. (illustration), 158
- Ratchet-shifting Spanner, Motor Accessories Co., 396
- R. B. (letter), 926
- Reading, Trapping Motorists at, 695
- Reconciliation, An Attempt at, 184, 198
- Records at Brooklands, 46, 98, 197, 280, 311, 403, 563, 915, 933, 961
- — Mr. Jarrott’s Attempt at, 247, 249, 283, 323
- Record, 26 h.p. Class, 635
- — World’s, 777 Miles in a Day, 9
- Re-establishing Bruised Screw Threads, 75, 111
- Registration Money, Motor Car, 96
- — of Motor Cars, 622
- Regulation of Motor Traffic, 657, 729
- Reid, A. H. (letter), 963
- R. E. (letter), 925
- Reliability and Speed Judging Competition, Junior A.C., 755
- — Competition, New Form of, 502
- — North of Ireland, 663
- — Bombay, 316
- — Irish A.C., 89, 292, 354, 413, 455, 458, 490, 570, 703, 794
- — Report of, 794
- — I Want, by an Amateur Motorist, 961
- — Scottish A.C., 158, 225, 367, 497, 527, 539, 757, 876, 890, 906, 944
- Remagnetising, 108
- Removable Rims and Treads for Motor Covers, 694
- Renault Car, Bishop of Southwell’s (illustration), 220
- -— 14-20 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 452, 574
- — Chassis with Cab Body (illustration), 328
- — 50-60 h.p. Six-cylinder Chassis, 433
- — New Suspension, 737
- Rendel, S. G. (letters), 209, 659
- Reo Car, 18 h.p. Car, 390
- — Silencer, 626
- Repairing Horn Bulbs, 593
- Repairs, Charges for, 2
- — Cheap, 91
- Replies to Queries, 350, 461
- Resileon, Test of, 469
- ” Resilient Road Wheels,” R.A.C. Paper, 104
- Responsibilities of Garage Proprietors, 599
- Restriction of Output, Germany, 772
- Retrospect, 1907, 10
- Reviews, 177, 438, 549, 554, 702, 862, 977
- Revision of Racing Rules, Brooklands, 264
- Rexine for Upholstering Cars, 290
- Rhone A.C. Meeting, 969
- R. H. W. (letter), 253
- Ricardo, Harry C. (letter), 844
- Richardson, Percy (letter), 284
- Rignold, Harry R. (letter), 426
- Riley 12-18 h.p. Car (illustration), 974
- — Mrs. Ed. A. (letter), 282
- — Victor (letters), 173, 768
- — Rims and Flanges, Detachable, 448
- — Wheels, Detachable, Particulars of, 600
- — Detachable, 178
- — (letter), 770
- Riviera, From the, by Sir Edgar Boehm, 238
- R. J. H, (query), 72
- Road Administration, 732, 787
- — Club, 862
- — Congress at Paris, 493
- — Construction, Good, 291
- — from Lichfield to Coventry, 320, 349
- — Maintenance by Motorists, 480
- — Signs, Courtesy on, 655
- — Slip, Engine Racing and, 380
- — Surveyors’ Reports on Motor Traffic, 564, 622
- — Trial for Old Cars, 655
- — Warnings, 456, 549
- Roads and Rails, North and South, 384
- — Taxes, Motors, 49, 97, 277, 295, 304, 320, 346, 350, 365, 375, 456
- — Camber of, 397
- — Effect of Motors on, Paper, 723
- — Improvement Association, 623, 689, 739, 978
- — Motor, 45
- — near Bristol; 250
- Roadless Counties, Some, 978
- Roadlite Lamp, Rotax Co.’s, 274
- Roadmakers’ Opportunity, 257
- Robbins, Sam., Ltd. (letter), 579
- Robertson, J.P. (letter), 577
- Roberts Non-skid Motor Tyre Co. (letter), 63
- Roche Petrol Engine, 186, 247, 323, 324, 356
- Description of, 186
- Rocking Joint (letter), 806
- Roi des Beiges Body with Folding Seats
- (illustrations), 599
- Rolls-Royce Challenge, 237, 346
- — Engine, Accessibility of, 838
- — Ltd. (letter), 890
- Rooke, Arthur E. (reply), 108
- Root of Hostility, 564
- Rosco Acetylene Co. (letter), 27
- Ross Generators, 71
- — Motor Spirit, Scottish A.C. Trial of, 251, 329
- Rotary Engines, Inventors’ Fruitless Efforts, 934
- Route for 2,000 Miles Trial, 883
- — to Netley, 434
- Rover Cars, 253, 294, 333, 355
- — at Brighton (illustration), 548
- — 6 h.p. Car for Africa, 698
- — Specially-built (illustrations), 628
- — Query, 333
- — 20 h.p. Car, Mr. Jenkins’s (illustration), 939
- — Car with Rudge-Whitworth Wire
- — Wheels (illustration), 721
- — 8 h.p. in Irish Trials, 883, 965
- — 12 h.p. Landaulet, 915
- — Tyre Trials, 490
- — Commission on Motor Traffic, 525
- Roy dale Engineering Co. (letter), 134
- R. T. B. (reply), 178
- Rubber Matting, 39
- - Prices of 331
- Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd. (letters), 64, 246, 579
- — Wheel from Napier Car (illustration), 32
- Rules and Courtesies of the Road, 554
- Running Costs, 62, 65, 97, 135, 170, 320, 386, 500, 657, 929
- — Experiences, 692
- Russell (letter), 25
- Russian Tyre, the Prowodnik, 550
- Russia, St. Petersburg to Moscow Race, 329
- R. W. C. (letter), 692
- 751- Y 8 (letter), 461
- Saill,Henry"(letter), 966
- Salomons, David (letter), 423
- Salsbury Speedometer, 683
- Samson Non-skid Tyre, 681
- Samways, D. W. (letter), 61, 655
- Sankey, E. H. O. (reply), 355
- San Sebastian Meeting, 649
- Savage Club Menu (illustration), 666
- Savannah Races (illustrations), 480, 481
- Savory (letter), 171
- Scarborough and District M.C., 861
- Scotch Car, 25 h.p. Car, The Atholl, Description of, 676
- Scotter (letter), 170
- Scottish A.C., 34, 176, 293, 513, 548
- — Acrostic, 168
- — and Motor Union, 591
- — Trial of Ross Motor Spirit, 251
- — Motor Exhibition, 8, 159
- Show, Review of Exhibits, 159
- — Reliability Trial, List of Entries, 878
- — Rules for, 876
- — Trials, 158, 225, 367, 497, 527, 539, 757, 876, 890, 906, 944
- Scott-Robinson Carburetter, Description of, 589
- Scout Motor Horn, 849
- Scovell, G. V. (letter), 659
- Screw Threads, Bruised, Re-establishing, Scully, Thos. A. (letters), 324, 427
- Scalomatic Tube, Puncture-preventing Device, 248
- Searle and Co.’s Rapid Connection Terminal (illustration), 514
- S.E. Auto Cycle Association, 702
- Security Bolt Heads, 399
- — Bolts, To Use or Not to Use, 925
- Sei da Paris, 134
- Semperit Tyre, 661
- Seven-cylindered Petrol Engine, 581
- Seven Years’ Driving (letter), 135
- Severe Specification, Iris Car, 875
- Shackel, F. C. (letter), 205
- Sharpenhoe Hill-climb, Motor Cycling Club Competition, 675, 738
- Shaw-Scott, G., Article by, 234
- Case-hardening, by, 586
- Sheffield and District A.C., 143, 513, 701, 940
- — Publishers’ Fleet of Motor Cars (illustration), 263
- — University, Motor Technology at, 168
- Sheffield-Simplex 45 h.p. Car (illustrations), 197, 367
- — Chassis, Description of, 400, 442
- — Engine (illustration), 928
- — Motor Works, Ltd. (letter), 929
- Shelsley-Walsh Hill-climb, 322
- Shelton, R. M. (letter), 386
- Sheppee, E. W. (letters), 173, 502, 889
- Sherrin, Geo. (letter), 208
- Shock Absorber, Dutrieux, 483
- Shows, Motor (letter), 846
- Shropshire A.C., 143 Sicilian Cup, 103, 726
- — Races, Description of, 764
- Siddeley Army Ambulance Car at Southsea (illustration), 468
- — Cabs (illustration), 690
- — Car at Bombay (illustration), 857
- —- — in Abyssinia, 7
- — India (illustration), 646
- — with Cowey Speed Indicator (illustration), 504
- — 40 h.p. Car for Convalescent Home (illustration), 267
- — 18 h.p. Cars for Nigeria (illustration), 301
- — 14 h.p. Car (illustration), 777
- — Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 746
- — Landaulet (illustration), 140
- — Catalogue, 32
- — Chassis with Limousine Body (illustration), 663
- — J. D., Interview with, 645
- — Trial Run, 125
- — 12 h.p. Two-cylinder, 294
- Side Lamp Sizes, 525
- Sidelight on the Chauffeur Difficulty, 71
- Silencers, 108
- — Cleaning the Interior of, 745
- Silent Knight Engine, Description of, 81
- Silvertown Electric Cars, Description of, 491, 702, 848
- Simmonds, Reginald (letter), 462
- Simple Dust Collector, Mr. Birtwisle’s, 689
- Singer Cars for Bradford Argus, 569
- — 12-14 h.p. Car (illustration), 583
- — Doctor’s Car (illustration), 409
- — Car, Tour on, 856
- Six-cylinder Berliet Marche Mixte, Description of, 76
- — Engine, Maudslay, 590
- Sizaire-Naudin 12 h.p. Car, 690
- — Car (illustrations), 546, 626, 736
- Skinner, G. H., Automatic Carburetter, by, 514
- S K 4 (letter), 208
- Small Car Race at Turin, 167
- — Talk, by Runabout, 884 The, 839
- Smith, G. H. (letter), 537
- — J. A. (letter), 770
- — J. Martyn (letter), 657
- — Professor C., Article by, 934
- — R. F. Ruthven (letter), 460
- Smoking Test, Engine Lubrication, 821, 925
- Snowed Up, Daimler Car (illustrations), b674, 700 >n), 736 c
- — Drivers, 477, 504
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 311, 628, 689
- Soeculoria Bronze Co. (reply), 214
- Somaliland and Abyssinia, Through, by Car, 308
- Somerset A.C., 702
- South Africa, Motor Competitions in, 95, 385
- — Meet in, 668 FJ
- — African Alcohol for Power, 619
- Southall Portable Vulcaniser, 78
- South Australia A.C./977
- — Hill-climb, 126 ’
- — Hill-climbing Contest, 610
- Southend and District A.C., 177, 742
- Southern M.C., 548, 582, 667, 741, 862, 939
- South Indian Motor Union Speed Trials, 124, 152
- — Wales A.C., 293
- — to South Spain by Road, 373
- Spain, Daimler Car in (illustration), 74
- — Touring in, 373
- S.P.A. Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 927
- Spanish Highways, 972
- — Voiturette Trials, 612
- Spare Petrol,^905
- — Wheel, Lanchester Method of Carrying (illustrations), 739
- Sparking Plug, Eyquern, 94
- — Hydra, 65
- — Nilmefior, 619
- Special 15 h.p. Mass, 294, 334
- Spectator (letter), 768
- Speed Judging and*Reliability Competition, Junior A.C., 755
- — Limit Applications, 23, 288, 699,936, 973
- — on Roads, 537, 553, 577
- — Trials in India, 152
- Speedometer Test, Jones, 541
- Speedometers, 72, 108, 378, 541, 547, 635, 682 833
- Spinney, R« D. (letter), 322
- Spivey, W. W. (letter), 323
- Split Pin, To Straighten, 3
- Spring Wheel Trials, France, 28, 575, 611, 647, 684, 725, 806, 890
- Square-treaded Studded Tyres, 63, 98
- Squire, L. R. L. (letter), 845
- Stables as Garages, A Legal Aspect, 510
- Standard 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 556
- — Cars, Definition of, 659
- — 20 h.p. Car, M. Leon Vint’s (illustration), 816
- — Six-cylinder Car, 715
- Standardisation Test, Cadillac Car, 204, 336, 269, 370, 431, 654
- Stanley, Charles J. (reply), 334
- Star Cab for Metropolitan Police Regulations (illustration), 210
- — 12 h.p. Car, Chassis Elevation, 334
- — for Chinese Mandarin (illustration), 858
- — with Racing Body (illustration), 702
- Star Engineering Co.’s Book of Instructions, 977
- — Weather Screen, 752
- Starting on the Switch, 655
- Stealing Drawings, Charge of, 491, 536
- Steam Car (query), 214
- — Cars, 214, 244, 253, 324, 333, 355
- — 10 h.p. Turner-Miesse, 154
- Steering, A Warning, 555, 658, 659, 671, 692, 730, 769, 806, 821, 888
- — Gear Defects and a Remedy, 806, 821
- — Good, 541
- — Wheels, Parallelism of, 707
- Stella Car, 16-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 453
- Stepney Wheel Co., Agents’ Reports. 978
- — Improvement, 723
- Stewart Speedometer, 833
- Sthenos Carburetter, Description of, 429
- Stocks, H. L. (letter), 284
- Stone-throwing at Motorists, 958
- — in France, 103
- Stoves for Motor Houses, 31, 67
- St. Petersburg-Moscow Race, 699
- Stradling, J. (letter), 964
- Straight through Gear Quadrants, 783
- Straker, Donald (letters), 282, 424
- Straker-Squire Engine (illustration), 55
- Strengthening Back Axles, 259
- Strickland, F., Four-inch Race, by, 672
- Substitutes for Air in Motor Car Tyres. 615. 660, 692
- Sunbeam Car, Tyre Pressure Experiments, 750
- — 234 (letter), 731
- Surplus Power, 37
- Surrey, East, A.C., 548
- — Grasping, 60
- — Police and the A.A. Scouts, 381
- — West, A-C., 252, 549
- Suspension, New, M. Louis Renault’s, 737
- Sussex County A.C., 34
- Sutton, Henry (letter), 26
- Sweden, Motor Car Race on Ice, 358
- Swift Cycle Co. (letter), 539
- Switch, Compound Magneto and Accumulator, 661
- S W 50 (query), 214
- Syrian Desert, Special Argyll Car for, 7 60
- Tabular Details of Chassis at Olympia, Note, 32
- Talbot 20-24 h.p. Car in Australia, 103
- — 15-20 h.p. Car in Australia (illustration), 390
- Tank for De Dietrich Cars (illustration), 634
- Targa Florio Race, Report of, 344, 765, 811
- Tattersall, J. C. (letter), 925
- Taxation, Deputations to Chancellor of the Exchequer, 277, 304, 318
- — Motor, R.A.C. and, 375, 728
- — The Royal A.C. and M.U., 728
- — Union Conference, 375, 455, 480
- — of Motors, 49, 97, 277, 295, 304, 320, 346, 350, 365, 375, 381, 386, 397, 398, 423, 457, 480, 670, 705, 728
- Testing Machine, A.C. of America’s, 136
- — Horse-power at Road Wheels, 640, 731
- Tests, Engine Efficiency, 194
- Thames Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 50
- — Touring Car (illustration), 493
- Thomas Car in Japan (illustration), 960
- — Flyer 60 h.p. Car for Grand Prix (illustration), 857
- Thorny croft Paraffin Engine (illustration), 226
- Three-note Horn, Rotax Co.’s, 274
- Three Uncommon Bodies, 788
- Tidmarsh, A. W. (letter), 244
- Tight Bolts or Studs, Loosening, 75
- Time, saving Direction Plans, 972
- Time to Decide, 109
- Timson, W. (letters), 97, 206, 349
- Tips, Useful Hints and, 3, 39, 75, 110, 147, , 185, 221, 259, 297, 337, 399, 441, 479, *" 517, 554, 593, 631, 671, 707, 745, 783, 821, 865, 905, 943
- T 220 (letter), 133
- T 1238 (letter), 770 ;
- T 786 (letter), 964
- Tomes, C. S. (letter), 247
- Tool Carrier, Simple, 821
- Toothed Gears and Gearing, 26, 96
- Torque Rods and Tyres, 426, 537
- To the H.P.L., Conviction of Cart Driver, 242
- Touring across France, 387, 425
- — Car Standards, 272, 323, 926
- Trial, 2,000 Miles, 80, 125, 224, 272, 291, 320, 345, 428, 431, 456, 477, 490, 501, 525, 715, 757, 819, 822, 869, 883, 903, 906, 944, 965
- — Report of, 906, 944
- — Facilities, Continental, 78
- — Hints to Prospective Motor Tourists, 753
- — Trial, R.A.C., 2,000 Miles, Description
- — of Cars, 822, 869
- Tourist Trophy Four-inch Race, 64, 407, 439, 440, 572, 672
- Type of Car, 767
- Tour of France, 727
- — To the Alps and Back, 6, 25, 61, 97
- Traffic Difficulties, 439, 537
- Training in Motor Mechanics, 665
- Transmission (query), 355
- — and Tyres, 354
- Transport, Motor, for the Colonies, by John Wells, 188, 227, 287 Trapped (letter), 695
- Trapping Motorists at Reading, 695
- Treasure of a Chauffeur, 461, 578
- Trembler, Electro-magnetic, Peto and Radford’s, 588
- Trend of Body Design, 282, 322
- Trials, On the, by H. C. Lafone, 916, 958
- — Scottish Reliability, 158, 235, 367, 497, 527, 539, 757, 876, 890, 906, 944
- Trippel, Major H. F., Article by, 404
- Triumph of Wolseley-Siddeley Boat, 645
- Trotter, Jno. (letter), 97
- Truing Platinum Points, 39
- Tuning and Tuners, 734
- — v. Engine Ignition, 943
- Turin Small Car Race, 167
- Turner-Miesse Cars, 333, 355
- — 10 h.p. Car, A Run on, 566
- — New 10 h.p. Steam Car, 154, 236
- — 16 h.p. Steam Car (illustration), 973
- Twin Hood Arrangement (illustrations), 153
- — Michelin Prize, 540
- Twisted Fan Belts, Fasteners for, 707, 745
- Two-cylinder Magneto, 802
- Two Hoods in One, 242
- — Shillings per Yard, 696
- — Thousand Miles Touring Car Trial, R.A.C., Report of, 906, 944
- — Trial, R.A.C., Description
- — of Cars, 822, 869
- Trials, 80, 125, 224, 272, 291, 320, 345, 428, 431, 456, 477, 490, 501, 525, 715, 757, 819, 822, 869, 883, 903, 906, 944, 965
- — Interchange of Experience, 863
- — Route for, 883
- Tyke (letter),_694
- Tyler, Alec. W. (letter), 208
- Tyre Alarms, 403
- — Changing Competition, 691
- — Costs, 74, 462
- — Drury-Medhurst, 930
- — Hartridge Pneumatic, 967
- — Lever, Double Action, Motor Accessories Co., 274
- — Pressures, 462, 580, 615, 750, 781, 805, 810, 845, 888, 927, 966
- — Pressure Experiments by Sunbeam Car, 750
- — Gauge, Experience and Warning, 64, 99, 134
- — Prowodnik, 550 ,
- — Sizes, 219, 387, 614, 691
- — Number of, by H. H. Harris, 614
- — Stealing Epidemic, 135
- — Steel-studded, The Semperit, 661
- — Test, 273
- — Testing Track, 886
- — Valve Nuts, 593
- Tyres, Effect on, A Number of Things, Paper, by Mervyn O’Gorman, 359
- — Hints on, Care and Selection of, 865, 905
- — Inflation of, 385
- — Life of, 501, 538, 579
- — Old, What becomes of, 26, 292
- Tyron, Henry C. (letter), 209
- Undergraduates and Motor Driving, 859
- Undershields, Draining, 745, 767
- Unfortunate Run, An, 135
- Union Taxation Conference, 375, 435
- United Motor Industries’ Accessories, 496
- Universities and Motor Engineering, by G. Shaw Scott, 234
- Unlicensed Cars, 97, 171, 208
- Unscrewing Petrol Pipe Joints, 441
- Unsprung Weight, 387
- Unthankful, The, 458
- Unusual Diagnosis, 593
- Upkeep, Costs of, 62, 63, 97, 131, 170, 320, 386, 500, 657, 929
- Valuation and Depreciation, 247, 283, 322
- Valve Grinding Tip, 185
- — Setting, 678
- — Tappets, Adjusting, 441, 555, 671
- Variable Speed Gear, Wonham, 200
- Vauxhall 12-16 h.p. Car, Description of, 298 (illustration), 858
- Vaughan, Chas. F. (letter), 59
- Velure, New Paint for Cars, 67
- Vere (letters), 170, 171, 285
- Verna, C. R. (reply), 355
- Verona Circuit, 240, 315, 430
- — — (illustration), 467
- — Club, 315
- Vicars, Edward (letter), 770
- Victim (letter), 890
- Victoria A.C. Reliability Trials, 127, 550
- Vieo, Ltd. (reply), 178
- — Wheel,. 142, 178
- Vincent Wind Screen, 482
- Vita Sparking Plug, 358
- Voiturette Cup, 28, 30, 57, 90, 123, 773
- — (letter), 96
- — The Cost of the, 314
- Vulcan 14 h.p. Car, Description of, 260
- — Speed Indicator, 1908, 127
- Vulcaniser, Portable, Southall, 78
- Vulcanising, 253
- Wade, C. W. (letter), 888
- Wagner Electric Horn, Description of, 156, 212, 249
- Wait, G. H., and Co. (letter), 501
- Wallkoth, C. A., Eastbourne (reply), 142
- Walford, Eric W. (letters), 656, 769
- — (reply), 214
- Walker, S. F., Electric Ignition Devices, by, 650
- — The Magneto, by, 688
- Walthard, R. (letter), 349
- Wandering Worm (letter), 657
- Ward, T. Robinson (letter), 845
- — Rowland (letter), 26
- Warning for Corners at Night, 617
- Washing the Car, 185, 243
- Watt, Dixey (letter), 247
- Watters, T. J. (letter), 426
- Water in the Exhaust, 138
- Watton Detachable Flange Wheel, 190
- W. B. G. (letter), 428
- W. B. (letter), 500
- Weigel Car, 25 h.p., Description of, 40
- — Drivers for Grand Prix Race (illustrations), 485
- — 40 h.p. Car (illustrations), 317, 777
- — their First Motor Drive (illustration), ?51
- Weigel, D. M. (letters), 134, 173, 207,245, 771
- Weigel — Grand Prix Car (illustration), 900
- ? Chassis (illustration), 649
- — Engine (illustration), 900
- — Racing Chassis, Description of, 340
- — — Engine, Description of, 312
- — 40 h.p. Limousine, Dowager Empress of
- — Russia (illustration), 434
- — Motors, Ltd. (letters), 63, 660, 695, 696, 731, 965
- — Six-cylinder Engine, First, 291
- (illustrations), 469
- Welching at Brooklands, 890
- Wells, John, Motor Transport for the Colonies, by, 188, 227, 287
- Welsh A.C., 332, 902
- West-Aster Cars, 108, 178
- Western India, Motor Union of, 722
- Westinghouse Cars, 142
- West Surrey A.C., 252, 549
- Wet in Wire Wheels, 141
- W. F. O’C., Calcutta (query), 142
- What becomes of Old Tyres ? 26, 292
- — does a Chassis Include ? 693
- — Motorists Encounter, 729
- Wheel and Elastic Tyre Trials, 28, 575, 611, 647, 684, 725
- — Grazing, 767
- W. H. G„ Assam (query), 178
- White and Poppe Engine Tests, 323, 351
- White and Poppe, Ltd. (letter), 351
- — 20 h.p. Car in Java (illustration), 486
- — E. Irish A.C. Secretary (illustration), 978 (letters), 384, 387
- — Hussar (letter), 925
- — J. Stuart (letter), 63
- — Robert Prosser (letter), 691
- — 30 h.p. Steam Car (illustration), 642
- Wilkinson, G. J. (letter), 283
- Williams, Tom. (letter), 244
- Wills, F. (letter), 423
- — Wilfred R. (letter), 656
- Windermere, Way to, 95
- Windham Detachable Body on 60 h.p. Fiat (illustration), 623
- — W. G. (letters), 423, 580
- Windham’s Sliding Detachable Bodies, 407
- Wind Resistance, Horse-power and, 36
- — Turbine Cars, 612
- Wire Wheels, 64
- — v. Wooden Wheels and Dust, 843, 888
- Wet in, 141
- Wiring, Correct Methods, 399, 671
- W. K. (query), 214
- W 765 (letter), 243
- W. N. (letters), 62, 108, 208
- Wolseley (query), 108
- Wolseley-Siddeley Boat Trials, 325, 432
- — Triumph of, 645
- Wolverhampton and District A.C., 862
- Wonham Variable Speed Gear, 200
- Wood, Agnes E. (letter), 537
- — and Wire Wheels (illustration), 524
- World-girdling Race, 168, 175, 201, 239, 315, 366, 449, 576, 611, 648, 693, 700, 726
- World’s Record, 777 Miles in a Day, 9
- W. O. S. (letters), 26, 61, 616
- — (reply), 142
- Wreford, William (letter), 808
- Wright, W. J. Hornagold (letter), 427
- — Warwick J. (letter), 617
- W. R. O. (letter), 26
- W. R. P. (letter), 320
- X. Y. Z. (letters), 132, 334
- Yacht Club, Motor, 66, 213, 252, 293, 513, 551, 582, 627, 668, 701, 809, 862, 976
- — Steam, High-speed made by Simpson and Strickland, 509
- York-Paris Motor Race, 193
- Yorkshire A.C., 101, 176, 213, 549, 62 7, 667, 976
- Young, George M. (letter), 319
- Yzelen, D. (letter), 929