1903 The Motor: Index: Difference between revisions
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* Valves, Inlet, The Sticking of, 408 | * Valves, Inlet, The Sticking of, 408 | ||
* Vaseline Useful, 351 | * Vaseline Useful, 351 | ||
* [[Velox]] Cars | * [[Velox Motor Co||Velox]] Cars - see Light Cars) | ||
* Vibration. Hard Front Tyres Cause, 375 | * Vibration. Hard Front Tyres Cause, 375 | ||
* Volunteer Corps, 296 (also see Military) | * Volunteer Corps, 296 (also see Military) |
Latest revision as of 08:21, 8 July 2022

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor
View the Issues referred to by this index
- Accidents, Motor, in London, 455
- Accumulator Charging at Home, 151
- Accumulators, 320
- Accumulators, The Lithanode, 72
- Aero Club, 504
- Airship, A New, 455
- American Motor-bicycles, 98
- American Topics, 212, 254, 299, 550, 406, 448, 500, 578, 626
- America’s Light Cars, 121
- Auto Cycle Club (see under A.C.).
- and Motorcyclist-s, 51, 92
- and Racing Men, 164, 192
- Auto Cycle Club, 15, 224, 240, 263, 278, 507, 528
- Auto Cycle Club Reliability Trials, 550b, 375, 585, 654, 656, 639
- Handicappers, 186
- Income, 70
- Johnson Testimonial, 308
- King, the Patron, 70
- Motorcycle Racing, 113
- Motorcycle Trials, 15
- New Secretarial Stall, 113, 134 Papers, 53, 110
- Purley Track, 15, 555, 371
- Reliability Trial? (Motorcycle). 30, 263, 500, 330
- Standards for Motorcycle Racers, 164, 217
- Balloon, Motor-bicycle in. 49
- Balloon v. Bicycle, 350. 574, 411
- Batteries, Latest, in, 10
- Bechrone Motor, 48, 112
- Belt Drives, Efficiency of Round and V, 317
- Belt Hooks, 431
- Belts, 162
- Berlin’s Street Traffic, 485
- Boards, Guide, in U.S.A., 375
- Carburation and Carburetters 'see under “ Cyclomot.’s Causerie,” “ Information Bureau ” and “ O.P.V.”)
- Carburetters, New Design for Spray, 293
- Carburetters (Spray) for Motor-bicycles, 130
- Catford Hill Trials, 538
- Charron. Giradot and Voigt Eight-cylinder Car, 168
- Classification of Motor-bicycles, 264
- Automobile Club (see under Automobile Club) Birmingham, 165, 191
- Brighton, 166
- Cheltenham, 301
- Edinburgh Motorcycling, 279
- Glasgow, 244
- Kentish Auto, 238, 384, 481
- Liverpool. 51, 168
- Midland, 301, 455, 614
- Motorcycle Union of Ireland, 189, 355
- Motor Cycling, 50. 51, 73, 94, 113, 220, 284, 352, 376, 387, 407. 454. 487. 567, 511, 613
- Nottingham. 114, 243, 489
- Portsmouth. 328
- Reading, 221, 501, 327, 414
- Scottish, 50, 283, 574, 454
- Southampton, 189, 221, 284, 376, 567
- Wolverhampton, 305, 429, 567
- Coils and Sparking-plugs, Increasing the Efficiency, 75
- Column, Steering, Strengthening the, 548
- Compression and Cylinder Charge, 273
- Compression as Brake. 503
- Constables on Motor-bicycles, 323
- Continental Touring, 109, 375, 475. 467, 619
- Covered Vans, Improvement in, 95
- Cycle as Applied to the Motor, 400
- Cyclists and Motorcyclists, 240
- Carburetters, 55, 90, 450, 477
- Chain Driver. A. 3
- Chain Guards, 257
- Clothing, 153
- Empire Support, The, 153
- Experiences of Trembler Coil, 236
- Exudation of Oil, 344
- Fore-carriage, The, 579
- Girder Motorcycle Stand, 275
- Growth of Knowledge, 437
- Improved Humber, 604
- Ingenious Repair, An, 437
- Ireland, 579
- Petrol, Complaints about, 236, 321
- Petrol Question, 275
- Railway Restrictions, 213
- Recent Experiences, 257
- Sabbath Strangely Spent, A, 404
- Side-slip, 200
- Silence, 297
- Silencing, 213
- Spark Gap, The, 90
- Steering Heads, 200
- Switches, 177
- Taxation Reform Wanted, 297
- Tyres, 544, 457
- Tyres: Why they Wear. 3
- Use of Densimeter, 236
- Washers, 257
- Daimler Factory Burnt. 455
- De Dion Automatic Ignition, 241, 247
- Dog Danger, 241
- Durbar, Motors at, 16
- Fore-carriage, and How to Drive it, 369
- Laurier and Klement, 241
- Rex. 279
- Singer, 137
- Straker. 70
- Frame. Novel Design for, 625
- France for Touring, 375
- France: Licenses, 109
- Freemasonry, Motor, 264
- Future of Motorcars. 503
- German Emperor and Motorists, 18, 50, 115
- Germany and the Cup. 588
- Germany: Free Carriage for Motor-bicycles, 323
- Glasgow-London Non-stop, 327, 333
- Goggles and Spectacles for Motorists, 255
- Accumulator Charging with “ Fuller ” Battery, 464
- Accumulator Notes, 581
- Adjustment of Spark-plug Points, 628
- Belt to be Flexible, 581
- Buckled Wheel. 479
- Diagnosing a Fault, 464
- Fixing Motor to Frame, 628
- Improve Grip of Pulley. 581
- Loose Wire at Spark-plug, 464
- Oil Leaking through Crank Case Joints, 581
- Removal of Broken-in Screws 585
- Removing and Replacing Cylinder. 628
- Spare Inlet and Exhaust Valve. 581
- Spark-plug Wrinkles. 581
- Spray Carburetters Kept Clean, 581
- Stronger Sparks: More Power, 464
- Taking Fly-wheels Apart. 628
- Wear on Motor-bicycle Tyres, 479
- Worn or Loose Bearings, 581
- Ignition '.see under “ Hints and Wrinkles,” u Information Bureau ” and “ O.P.V.”/
- Ignition and Exhaust, Timing the, 474
- Ignition, Auxiliary Spark Gap for, 186
- Ignition, Testing the Wiring and Ignition Parts, 342
- Accelerator, Action of, 160
- Accumulator Charging, 573
- Accumulator Fails to Charge, 469
- Accumulator Query, 366
- Accumulators, 22, 104, 396, 398, 445
- Acetylene Gas Motors, 229
- Acetylene Lamp Burners, 208
- Acid Spilling from Accumulators, 366
- Adapter for “ Bollee ” Motor, 183
- Adjusting Coil Trembler, 573
- Adjusting the Belt, 367
- Adjustment of Spark Gap, 231
- Advantages of Throttle, 250
- Air Release Valve in Crank Case, 231
- Alteration to Ignition Gear, 86
- Alterations to Motor, 290
- Altering Contact Breaker, 105
- Altering the Coil, 366
- Altering Trembler, 85
- Aluminium Solder, 269
- Amperes of Current for Coil, 338
- A Question about Ignition, 182
- Auto-trembler, 313
- Auxiliary Ignition, 420
- Back Eire through Inlet Valve, 126
- Back Firing, 270
- Ball Bearings, 64
- Ball Valve, About the, 395
- Belt Coming Oil, 251
- Belt Fastening, 158
- Belt Slipping, 183 , 443
- Belt Troubles, 64
- Benzine or Petrol, 184
- Blacklead for Valves, 289
- Brakes, 598
- Brass Contacts No Use, 127
- Broken Wire Test3, 206
- Bursts in Air Tubes, 338
- Carburetter, 22, 290, 292, 315
- Carburetter and Coil, 419
- Carburetter Design. 206
- Carburetter Difficulties, 126, 183, 184, 289, 365, 422
- Carburetter Explosion, 446
- Carburetter, Fitting, 160
- Car Difficulties, 104
- Catalytic Ignition, 84
- Cause of Belt Stripping, 251
- Cells Losing their. Charge, 470
- Chain Cases, 397
- Change-speed Gear. 84
- Charging at 80 volts, 419
- Charging Board, 208
- Charging from a Plating Dynamo, 365
- Charging from Another Set of Accumulators 232
- Charging from Plating Dynamo. <69
- Charging through Lamps, 337. 397
- Cleaning Belt with Petrol, 251
- Clement-Garrard Details. 645
- Coil Connections, 86, 158, 271
- Combined Brake and Switch, 63
- Compression, 62
- Compression, Los* of, 207
- Compression Paradox, 269
- Condensers, 159, 160
- Conditions for Smooth Running, 573
- Connecting up. 182
- Connection to Battery, 249
- Connections, 229, 269, 42*>
- Constructing a Motor, 2o5
- Construction, 368
- Contact Breaker Experiments, 251
- Conversion to Spray. 395
- Converting Bollee Motor, 271
- Converting Machines, 23, 85, 86
- Converting Trembler, 315
- Cooling Cylinder, 62
- Correct Charging Current, 315
- Crack in Water-cooled Head, 420
- Crank Case Heating, 397
- Crank Case Overheating, 443
- Current, Failure of, 159
- Cyclometer to read Pedalling Distances, 5&
- Damaged Crank Case, c66
- Dead Weight, 24
- De Dion carburetter, 85
- De Dion Coil, 567
- De Dion Trembler, 127
- Defective Coil, 595
- Design of Combustion Chamber, 252
- Design of Jockey Pulley, 252
- Design of Surface Carburetter, 597
- Differential Gear, 398
- Dimensions tor Coil, 272
- Dispensing with Differential, 367
- Efficient Running, 2u6
- Electric Cars, 575
- Electrical Problem, 23
- Electrical Query, An, 229
- Estimating Speed, 104
- Exhaust Valve, Life of, 513
- Explosions in Cylinder. 574
- Failure of Current, 249
- Failure of Spark, 251
- Faulty Carburation, 565
- Faulty Timing, loO
- Fitting a Contact, 470
- Fitting a Cut-off, 445
- Fitting Fore-carriage, 84
- Fitting New Pulleys, 573
- Flooded Carburetter, 207
- Fly-wheel Coming Loose, 252
- Fly-wheels, 290, 597
- Fore-carriage Strains, 23
- Fore-carriage Tax, 420
- Front Forks, 443
- Fusing of Contacts, 395:
- Gas Engines, 366
- Gasoline or Petrol, 64
- Gearing, 127, 206, 397
- Gear Wheels, 368
- Hill Climbing Experience, 573.
- Horse Power, 22
- How to Fit a Valve Lifting Contact, 25G»
- Ignition, 207, 446.
- Increasing Compression, 314
- Increasing Power, 205, 207
- Increasing Power of Car, 419
- Injecting Paraffin, 443
- Inlet Valves, 647
- Insulation, 252
- Insurance, 126, 251
- Jerky Action, 22
- Keeping Machine Indoors, 35
- Knocking in Crank Case, 22, 65
- Knocking in Motor, 421, 574
- Launch Motor Connections, 24
- Leakage from Coil, 185
- Leakage of Current, 207
- Leakage of Oil, 184
- Leaking Accumulator, 558
- Licenses, 232
- Lightning and Petrol, 567
- Loss of Compression, 105
- Loss of Current. 105
- Loss of Power, 272, 316, 470, 545
- Loss of Power on Car, 251
- Lubricating Oil, 514
- Lubrication, 647
- Lubrication and Electric Circuits, 13?
- Machine Running Badly, 35
- Mechanical Details, 251
- Mechanical Problems, Some, 86.
- Misfiring at High Speeds. 269
- Misfiring on Rough Roads, 469
- Misfiring Troubles, 272
- MoTor-5icycle to France, 159
- Motor Locks Itself, 251
- Motor, Making a, 63
- Motor Speed and Coil, 574
- Motor-tricycle Axle Twisted, 126-
- Motor-tricycles, 64
- Motor Varies In Efficiency, 84
- Charge in Battery,. 251
- No Power, 421
- Noise from Tricycle Gear, 63
- Noise in Motor. 270
- Noisy Motor, 250
- Non-slipping Bands, 126
- Ormonde Connections. 444
- Overheating 205. 289. 568, 419, 420, 421, 446. 575
- Paraffin Oil Motors, 62
- Pedalling Gear 558
- Perpetual Motion, 64
- Petrol. 127
- Petrol Dangers, 574
- Petrol Density, 516
- Petrol in India, 18'’
- Petrol Question. 597
- Picric Add in Petrol, 26?
- Piston Position. 271
- Plug Charred. 250
- Porcelain v. Mica Plugs, 645
- Position of Air Lever. 290
- Position of Carburetter, 251
- Position of Cranks. 128
- Power and Gearing, 229
- Pulleys, 25
- Radiators, 251
- Railway Rates. 160. 290
- Real Power of 2 h.p Motor, 185
- Reason for Piston Sticking. 470
- Re-boring a Damaged Cylinder, 565
- Re-charging Battery. 106
- Reducing the Gear. 469
- Regulation of Speed. 575
- Removing Pulley, 251
- Repairing Celluloid Accumulator Case,. ff«
- Repairing Cracked Fly-wheel. 62
- Repairing Leaking Float, 338
- Repairing Tyre Cuts, 422
- Securing Leather Pulley, 515
- Securing the Nuts, 540
- Self-sealing Air Tube, 515
- Snort Circuit, o46
- Silencers, 567, 647
- Silencer, Making a, 159
- Small Wheel 8, 62
- Spark Gaps, 84, 269
- Spark Gaps and Leakage. 128
- Spark Gap Loses Power, 2u5
- Spark Intensifier 445
- Sparking, Defective, 206
- Sparking, Mysterious, 566
- Sparking to Motor, 645
- Sparking-plug Charring, 22
- Starting Difficulties, t>4, 231, 540
- Starting Troubles. 128, 205
- Steam Cars, Iby
- Specific Gravity of Spirit, 25Q
- Speed Gears, 516
- Speed Indicators, 443
- Speed Reduced, 104
- Speed Regulation, 290
- Speed Regulator, 340
- Tandems, 270
- Testing Accumulators, 270
- Three-wheeled Cars, 106
- Timing, 537, 339
- Timing a Motor, 106
- Timing at Fault, 596
- Touring France, 420
- Traffic Regulation. o57
- Trailer of Rex Motor, 252
- Trailers and Low Power Motors. 182
- Trailers. Tyres for, 160
- Trembler Blade Bending, 184
- Trembler Coil, 516
- Trembler v. Positive Break, 84
- Tricycle Alterations, 24
- Trouble with 4’4 h.p. De Dion Car, 566
- Tube Ignition, 445
- Two-stroke Motors, 249
- Two-stroke Motor Difficulty, <26
- Tyre Solution, 598
- Tyre Treads, 446
- Valve Leaking, 22 valve Springs, 271
- Water Circulator, 105
- Water Tanks, 647
- Weak Compression, 182, 444
- Weak on Hills, 184*
- Weakest Part of "Frame, 25Q
- Wear on Front-Tyre, 28y
- Wear on Tyres, 22
- Winding Coil, 183
- Wiring, 185
- Wood Driving Rims, 5/a -
- Worn Magneto Gear, 540 '
- Wrong Connections, 421
- Wrong Type of Coil. 158
- Wrongly Charged, 24
- India, The Motorcar in, 349
- Industry, Motor, of the World, 18a, 67
- Accumulator Charging Battery, 210
- Batteries, New Form of, 10
- B.RL. Spark Gap, 188
- Bell Odometer, 31
- Belt Chain, 176
- Belt Fastening, 176
- B.K. Spark Gap Attachment, 91
- B.K. Tube Spark Gap, 576
- Brown Oil Retaining Pulley, 590
- Charging, New Form of, 4
- Chater Lea Improved Frame, 456
- Crowden's Rail-ring Tractor. 29
- Crypto Ignition Cell Tester, 167
- Crypto Transformer, 454
- Dashboard Voltmeter. 153
- Double Arch Tyre, 4
- Double Pole Spark-plug, 210
- Duplex Folding Jack, 153
- Durable Spark-plug. 210
- Edison’s New Battery, 91
- E.I.C. Cable Grip, 210
- Filling Device for Petrol Tank. 91
- Fitting New Platinum Tips, 590
- Flexible Belt Hook, 91
- Governed Carburetter, 345
- Improved Silencer, 210
- J.A.P. Lubricator, 414
- J.C.M. Lubricating Pump. 4
- Kelly’s Two-stroke Motor, 74
- Lacoste Contact Maker, 136
- Liberty Bell, 210
- Motor Kit, Stirling, 10
- New Dynamo for Electric Ignition, 29
- New Living Crank, 255
- New Motor-bicycle Handle, 156
- New Vacuum Valve, 210
- New Wiring System, 545
- Non-puncturing Pneumatic Wheel, 5»4
- Novel Pump, 220
- Oxborrow Motorcycle Brake, 485
- Peto and Radford Novelties. 113
- “ Pfluser ” Ignition Accumulators, 548
- Puncture Guard. A. 4
- Soames’ Change Gear. 176
- Tendeloff Moror-bicyele, 4
- Useful Petrol Funnel. 235
- Valve Controlled Carburetter, 274
- Vaurs Carburetter, 255
- Woodstock Spark Gap, 34S
- Yelstan Plug, loa
- Ireland. Who Suggested? 112 „ .. , i:-
- Irish fortnight (see also Gordon-Bennett Race), R<-. 189. 432, 526, 557
- Irish Year, The, 425
- Jenatzy, 588
- John o’ Groats to Land’s End, 489
- Kilometre Speed Triads, 70
- Lamps for Motor-bicycles, 220
- Launches, Racing, 652, 658
- Launches, The Petrol Motor Applied to, 578
- The Motorcars Bill, 218, 329, 550u, 550b. 584, 55a, 556, 585 , 587, 589, 609 , 655
- Legislation in America. 329
- Lire Savers for Cars, 550a
- Light Car, Ideal, 55
Light Cars—
- Automotor, 188
- Citizen, 211
- Clarendon, 613
- Crestmobile, 306
- Humber, 167, 401
- Lanchester, 70
- L.V.B. Universal, 657
- Mabley, 508
- Motorette, 94 , 657
- Oldsmobile, 585
- Ranelagh, 550
- Rex, Ill
- Pick, 458
- Vauxhall, 259
- |Velox, 70, 165
- Vesta, 97. 616
- Wolseley, 192, 461
- Light Cars, Future of, 25
- Light Side, The, 5, 47, 68. 277
- London to Glasgow Non-stop, 504
- Looping the Loop on Motorcar, oti5
- Machine, New, and How to Handle it, 254
- Mercedes for 1903, 94
- Cycles in Austria, 390
- Volunteer Corps, 347. 590, 410. 653, 636
- Military Motoring. 18, 193, 525, 505
- Military Trailer, 109
- Minerva Motors, Ltd., 527
- Misfiring, 242
- Moderation, A Plea for. 455
- Motor and Politics. 165
- Motor-bicycle, Balancing and Steering of, 107
- Motor-bicycles, by Mervyn O’Gorman, 55
- Motor-bicycle in India Experiences. 175
- Motor-bicycle, 1J4 h.p., What Can be Done with. 151
- Motor Busses, 242
- Ariel, 507
- Autobike, 51
- Bowden, 93
- Bradbury “Peerless,” 549
- Centaur. 193
- Columbia. 192
- Eclipse, 429
- Emerald. 171, 192
- Evart-Hall, 388
- Eysink, 171, 191
- Humber Featherweight. 585
- Laurin and Element, 223
- Liberty. 17
- New Phoenix, 505
- Noble, 458
- Peugeot. 504
- Progress. 17
- Royal Enfield. 261
- Royal George, 35
- Rover, 485
- Sandringham, 188
- Simms, 157
- Star-Griffon, 167
- Tendeloff, 4
- Thien and Goldberger, 225
- Thomas, 49
- Wagner. 261
- Weller. *1
- Motorcycle Trades’ Association, 94
- Motorcycle Traffic, 531
- Motorcycle Trials see under Automobile Club}
- Motor Cycling Club 'see Clubs.'
- Motorcar, First Spirit. 214
- Motorcars Bill (see under Legislation).
- Motoring. Cost of. 209
- Motor Manufacturers’ and Trades’ Society, 197
- Motor Position and Stability. 76
- Motor Turntable. 166
- Motor Union, 458
- Napier. Gordon-Bennett, The, 168
- National Cyclists’ Union and Motorists. 167
- New Machine and How to Handle, 255
- Novice on the Car. 295
- Novice, Reminiscences of a. 547
- Numbering Proposals, 94, 96
- Abolition of Change Speed Gearing, 227
- Accumulators, 102. 122, 205, '204, 228
- Acetylene Lamps. 361
- Alcohol Driven Motors, 225
- Alternative Sparking Systems, 466
- Aluminium Washers, 394
- Baud Brakes, 465
- Bell or Horn, ^88
- Belt Connection, 246
- Belt Difficulties, 180
- Belt Dressing, 202, 288
- Belt Drive. 180
- Belt Fasteners, 19, 122, 181
- Belt Treatment, 248
- Belt v. Chain, 2f6, 247, 391, 417, 440
- Belts, 642
- Best Introduction to Car Driving, 180
- Better Trailer Design, 181
- Bogus Platinum, 416
- Bogus Platinum Contacts,
- Broken Piston Kings. 287
- Carburetter Improvement, 285
- Carburetters, 19. 60. 61. 85, 102, 123, 156, 178, 201, 203, 204, 229, 245, 267, 512, 592„ 466, 491
- Cause of Bursts in Tyres, 395
- Chain and Belt, 286
- Chain and Belt Combined, 361
- Compression and Cylinder Charge, 336a
- Continental Touring, 619
- Control Conditions,“ 19
- Conversion to Trailer, 100
- Converting Roadsters, 21. 102
- Cooling System, New, 465
- Cost of Running Motor-bicycles, 125
- Cotton and Rubber Belts, 201
- Coupler Experiences, 355
- Cramp while Riding, 102
- Cranks, Swinging, 19, 82
- De Dion Ignition Difficulty, 122, 157
- De Dion Trembler, 309
- Density of Petrol, 394
- English Motor Industry, 105
- Enriching Petrol, 468
- Excessive Speed, 364
- Exhaust Silencers, 309
- Experience with 3 “ Bat,’’ 285
- Experiences of”Bat” 201
- Fitting an Exhaust Valve Lifter, 201
- Fitting Throttle Valve, 465
- Fore-carriage, 492
- Fore-carriage Experiences, 643
- Fore-carriage Motors: Do they Overheat? 395
- Fore-carriages, Safety of, 468
- Free-wheel Clutches, 58, 60
- Front Forks, 288
- Greater Efficiency from Petrol Motors. 226
- Handicapping and Classifying Motor-bicycles, 245,
- Handicapping and Classification, 365, 417
- Handlebar Control. 509
- Hard or Soft Tyres, 285J 391
- High Tension v. Magneto, 58, 124
- Holland Touring Experiences, 467
- Home-made Car, 122
- Horse-power, 246
- Ignition Hints, 569
- Ignition Tip. An, 204
- Improved Spark Cam, 82
- Improving F.N. Carburetter, 364
- Improving Small Motor, 181
- Increasing Power of Petrol, 286
- Insurance Risks, 85
- Knocking in Motor, 122, 228. 248. 391, 441, 491
- Large Power from Small Engines, 181
- Leaking Valve, 102, 228
- Light Cars: Type Wanted, 154. 156, 180, 202
- Lincona Belt, 363
- Magneto’s Battery, 203, 225
- Magneto Ignition, 227, 416
- Magneto v. Coil Ignition, 336
- Minerva Spray Carburetter Tip, 363
- Misfiring, 418, 439
- Misfiring at High Speeds. 336, 336a
- Misfiring with De Dion Coil, 465
- Motor-bicycle for Medico, 571
- Motor-bicycles for Ladies. 101
- Motor-bicycles on the Riviera, 225
- Motorcar Legislation, 391
- Motorcars Hundred Years Ago, 123
- Motorcycle Contests, 58
- Motorcycles for Medicos. 81, 157
- Motorcycles in Isle of Wight. 535
- Motorcycles in the Tropics, 179
- Motorcycling Club. 466
- Motorcycling in Ireland. 201
- Motor-tricycles. 31. 102, 125. 156, 287, 562, 415, 466
- Name for Small Cars, 178
- New Standards. 510
- Noisy Float. 191
- Noisy Gearing. Cause of. 180
- Noisy Tricycle Gears, 266
- Non-slipping Devices, 156
- Numbering. 297
- Numbering Proposals, 201
- Overheating on Hills, 265
- Patents Act. 81
- Petrol. 123. 439. 440
- Petrol Consumption. 154, 356a
- Patrol, Enriching. 336a
- Petrol. Green Deposit in. 361
- Petrol Motor Launch, 641
- Petrol Turbine Motor, 391
- Picric Acid, 226, 286. 556b, 561, 392, 418
- Piston Sticking Trouble, 267
- Police Traps, 58, 61, 510, 565, 594, 441, 442, 467, 491, 570, 645
- Position, Engine, and Side-slip, 58
- Position. Motor, 20, 100
- Possibilities of Unicycle, 100
- Pulley Remover, 105
- Quad Experiences 58, 81
- Racing Tracks, 179
- Reckless Car Driving, 225
- Running Motors on Paraffin, 157
- Running on Paraffin, 204
- Side-car Attachments, 572
- Side-slip and Engine Position, 125, 157, 179, 202, 247
- Silencer, New, 593, 418
- Silencers, 201, 285, 440
- Spark Coils, 179
- Spark Coils: Efficiency. 83, 124
- Spark Gap in Wet Weather, 285
- Spark Gap, 124, 181, 204
- Spark Gaps, 265. 266, 268 , 512 , 356
- Sparking-plug Washers,
- Speed and the Trailer, 467
- Speed Regulation, 85
- Starting Device for Hills, 226
- Starting Motor, 82
- Starting Voiturette, 101
- Steam Motor-bicycles, 288, 564, 415, 467
- “Title for Light Car3, 267
- To Prevent Overheating, 564
- Towing Rods, 440, 569
- Trailer Incident. A, 563
- Trailer with Pedal Gear, 466
- Transport of Petrol, 595
- Trembler Adjustment, 416
- Tube Ignition to Electric, 416
- Twisting of Tricycle Axle, 226
- Two-speed Clutch for Cycles and Cars, 268
- Two-stroke and Four-stroke Motors, 268
- Two-stroke Motors, 248, 561, 492, 570
- Two-stroke or Four-stroke, 154, 201, 202, 227
- Tyres, VY ear of, 641, 643
- Using Engine as Brake, 465
- Valve Litters, 82
- Valve Liner Guide, 512
- Vibration and side-slip, 286
- Wear on Fore-carnage Tyres, 465, 569, 571
- Wick Carburetter, oal, 415
- Olympia Exhibition, 324, 455
- One Year Old, 1
- A Protest, 138
- Auto-cycle Club, The, 216
- Automobile Club Secretaries, 138
- Automobile Exhibition, 158
- Challengers and Their Methods, 52
- Consummation, A Happy, 170
- Cost of Motoring, 194
- Culpable Neglect, 372
- Demand and Supply, 116
- Extraordinary Ruling, An, 630
- Facing Both Ways, 54
- Fanatical Prejudice, 405
- Fatuous Idea, A, 216
- Formation of New Motor Trade Association, 54
- Forthcoming Legislation, 405
- Fournier-Barden Match, 116
- Future of Motorcycling, 298
- Gratifying! 216
- Important Reforms, 96
- Infinity of Records, An, 546
- Knowledge, Thirst for, 14
- Legislation, 298
- Legislative Problem, The, 454
- Motorcars Bill, The, 506, 554, 580, 650
- Motorcycle Race in Ireland, 170
- Motorcycle Reliability Trials. 580
- Motorcycle Track R-acing, 372
- Motorcycling Club Reliability Trials, 650
- Motor Pacing Abandoned, 454
- Motor’s Future, 96
- Mysterious Source of Energy, 276
- Narrow View, The, 405
- Neglect of the Press, 554
- New Standard. The, 276
- New Railway Rates for Cycles, 276
- No Scamping. 74
- Numbering, 96
- Numbering Proposals, 322
- Organisation for Men of Moderate Means, 460
- Paris-Madrid Race, The, 546. 573
- Petrol Problem. 506
- Prices of French Cars, 52
- Protest against Monopoly, 194
- Public Rights. 74
- Reducing their Numbers. 170
- Reliability Trials for Motorcycles, 460
- Reliability Trials, The, 258
- Safety of Motor Racing, 478
- Scorching. 506
- Show—-and Future Shows, 14
- Side-slip and its Prevention, 74
- Sound and Reliable Vehicle, A. 116
- Standards for Motor-bicycles. 237, 258
- The Gordon-Bennett Race, 237, 572, 506
- Tragedy Nice. The, 194
- Trophy for the Trials. 276
- Water/’arts and Trams, 258
- Wonderful Vehicle, A, 546
- Petrol Economy, 6.9
- Petrol m India, lo7
- Petrol Motors, Efficiency of, 451
- Petrol Storage, 245, oza
- Phoenix Motors, 584
- Police Traps, 532
- Policy, No Change of, 17
- Position, Motor, and Stability, ~b
- Price, Question or, <8
- Purley Track (see under Automobile Club)
- Ardennes Circuit, 240
- Birmingham, 505
- Canning Town, 187, 219
- Cause v. Max tin, 221
- Circuit National ^Belgium), 528
- Consumption Trials ,1 renenj, 77
- Eastbourne, 219
- Fournier Barden Match, 111
- Fournier-Winton, 51
- Glasgow, 528
- Glasgow to London Non-stop, 306
- Gordon-Bennett, 16, 17, 52, 51, 72, 92, 95, 165, 167, 195. 262, 280, 282, 285, 499, 507
- Nice, 49, 218
- Nice La Turbie, 186, 187, 190
- Paris-Madrid, 57, 75, 117, 155, 242, 529
- Putney, 221
- Ardennes Circuit, 411, 413, 450, 453, 459, 461, 482
- Birmingham, 586
- Bristol, 550b
- Canning Town, 553 , 386, 459 , 488 , 566 , 588, 636
- Carmarthen, 409
- Catford Mill, Climb, 387
- Frankfurt, 590
- Glasgow Non-stop, 352, 355
- Gordon-Bennett, 551, 552, 553, 360, 585, 384, 414, 450, 456, 457, 462. 483, 490, 551
- Manchester, 566
- Ostend, 586, 589
- Paris-Bordeaux, 409
- Paris-Madrid, 354, 577, 386, 589
- Putney, 587
- Reading, 450
- St. Albany 383
- Vienna, 585
- Railway Rates for Motorcycles, 260, 263, 281
- Reading Track, 360
- Records, 17, 155, 555, 488, 656
- Motorcycle, 169, 262, 505. 331
- Roads, Good, in America, 575
- Roads Improvement Association, 280
- Rubber. Substitute for. 550a
- Royal Commission on Traffic, 32
- Russia, Motors in, 389
- Scorching, To Stop, 474
- Side-carriage, The Trafalger, 428
- Silencer, An Efficient, 162
- Silencers, Water Jacketed, 585
- Silencing of Motor-bicycles, 601
- Size of Wheels for Motor-bicycles, 430
- Agricultural Hall, 139, 171
- Brighton, 110
- Crystal Palace, 7, 10, 11, 13
- Edinburgh, 15
- Liverpool, 18
- New York, 27
- Small Engines, Large Power from, 66, 87
- Spark Gap Devices, 256
- Sparking-plug, Cleaning A, 376
- Spirit, Density of, 283
- Spirit, Motor, 553
- Standards, 405
- Standard of Power, A Better, for Bicycles, 215
- Steam Car. Early, 575
- Switzerland on a Motor-bicycle, 475
- Tax on Motorcycles, 456
- Clacton-on-Sea-. Suggested, 16, 114
- Purley. see under Automobile Club)
- Trembler. Improved High Speed, 6
- Tricycles, 18b
- Tyre Repairs, Roadside, 502
- Tyro, For the, 45
- Valves, Inlet, The Sticking of, 408
- Vaseline Useful, 351
- |Velox Cars - see Light Cars)
- Vibration. Hard Front Tyres Cause, 375
- Volunteer Corps, 296 (also see Military)
- Voltmeter, Use the, 549
- Water-cooled Motor-bicycle, 550a
- Wiring Circuits, The Various, 549
- Wridgway, C. G., 112