1911 The Motor Cycle: Index Jan-Jun

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor Cycle
- Accessibility, A Study in, 58
- Accessories, Among the, 116, 209, 317, 344, 5 8 5
- — Experience with Various, An, 85, 135
- Acclivities, Some Lesser-known, 306-310
- Accumulator, Sulphated, A, 226
- Acetylene Generators, Water Freezing in, 135
- Aeroplane v. Motor Cycle in U.S.A., 97
- Africa, Powerful Mount for African Roads, 44
- — South, Cape Peninsula M.C.C., 40 Motor Cycle in, 492
- — West, Vision from, 494
- Air-cooled Quadcar, The Light, 545
- Alcyon, The New, 356
- Alldays New 3| h.p. Model, 635
- Alton, Inter-club Hill-climb at, 480
- Altrincham, Dunham Hill (illus.), 185
- Amalgamation, The Advantage of, 14
- Amateurs, Competitions for Amateurs only, 495, 521
- — Concerning, 104
- — Professional Riders v., Coventry and
- Warwickshire M.C.C. Event for, 184,
- 369, 504, 509, 529, 564
- — Pseudo-Ama teur, 104
- American and English Times, Best, 301,
- 328, 347, 373, 399, 445
- America, Records in 1910, 56
- — South, Experience from, An, 493
- Antipodes, British Motor Cycles in the, 40, 84
- — Carnival in the, 166
- — Motor Cycle Events in the, 367
- Argentine Republic, The Motor Cycle in the, 161
- Ariel and its Decompressor, 343
- Aughton Hill-climb, 352
- Australia, Motor Cycle in the West of, 348
- — Petrol Consumption Trial in the South,
- 430,
- — Rider’s Criticism of Motor Cycle
- Design, 494
- — Rubber Belts in, 322
- — West Australian Rider’s Views, 493 Auto Cycle Union—
- Affiliations, 141
- Annual General Meeting, 241, 330
- — Race Meeting at Brooklands, 571, 605
- Eighth Annual Dinner, 68, 110 Handbook, Concerning the, 89 Lamp Trials at Brooklands, 33, 108 Criticisms and Suggestions,
- A few, 114
- Lack of Support, 146 London Centre, Reorganisation of, 327 Membership Scheme, The New, 1, 141 Metropolitan Centre of the, 525 News, 33, 108, 243, 374, 479, 524 Northern League of Motor Cyclists and, 413
- Private Riders and the, 21
- Quarterly Trials, 189, 191
- April, The, 215, 264, 413, 447 Course, Over the, 301 Selection of the, 191,
- 223
- • Views on the, 228
- Entries for, 411 Incidents of the, 440 Judges’ Report, 457 List of Performances and
- Official Awards, 429 Report of, 424-429 Hill-climbing in the, 40 January, The, 136, 140 Course, The New, 13, 59 Criticism of the, 90 Entries for, 65, 88, 89 Fads and Fancies on the*
- Machines in, 149
- Official Awards, 144 Regulations, 39
- Quarterly Trials, January, The Report on, 117-122
- Results of, 122
- Lightweights in the, 446
- Machines in the, 214
- Manufacturers’ Union and the, 445
- Regulations, New, 27, 39
- Sutton Bank and the, 444
- Trade and, 49, 73
- Six Days’ Reliability Trial, Course, Description of, 215, 252
- Map of, 218
- — Notes, 571
- Strength of, 353
- Suggestion for the, 141
- Test Hills, 472
- Tourist Trophy Race, 260, 268, 648-658 — — — All about the Junior and Senior, 590-592
- All-British Mounts for, 141
- Cost of, 449
- Course, Practising on the, 327, 570, 629
- Question of, 109
- Engineers, Suggestion for, 22 Entries, 65, 139, 502, 549, 578,
- 614 Fund, 298, 502, 571 Items of Interest, 299
- J.A.P. Engines and, 333 Notes, 430, 549, 571, 604, 615 Regulations for 1911, 313, 325 Riders’ Weights in the, 437 Singles v. Twins, 193 — Topics, 612
- Trade and the, 89, 141 Automobile Association, Amalgamation with Motor Union, 14 63, 107
- Balancing of V Twin Engines, 414 Band Brakes. See Brakes.
- Barnes, George A., Motor Cyclist and Airman, 448
- Barnet Shooting Case, 601, 660
- Battery, A Long-lived, 202
- Belts, Adjustable Fasteners, 644
- — Differential, 544
- — Preserve Belt Rubber, How to, 321
- — Rubber, in Australia, 322
- — Treatment of, 384
- — Undergeared Pulleys and Diameter of
- Rims, 55
- Berend, Miss L., “ The Lady Motor
- Cyclist,” 278
- Beverley, Hull Bridge (illus.), 184
- Billings, B. Richardson, A Memorable Afternoon’s Ride, 154
- Binks’s Single-lever Two-j et Carburetter, 465
- Birmingham M.C.C.—
- Competition for the Lycett Trophy, 487 Land’s End Trial, 195, 353, 578, 592 Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb, Report and Results, 598
- Biscoff, Rev. P. W., and Miss B. Langston, Sidecar Suggestions, 276
- Booth, R. G., Illness of, 524
- ” Boring ” in Track Races, 525
- Bournemouth to Dover, Route, 582
- Brakes, External Band, 416 ,445, 495, 541, 544
- Bread Delivery, Motor Cycle for, 318, 371 Bristol B. and M.C.—
- Open Hill-climb near Bath, 454-456 Judges’ Decision at the, 503 Results of, 447
- British and American Times, Best, 301, 328, 347, 373, 399, 445
- British Motor Cycle Racing Club— Annual General Meeting of the, 65, 133
- Brooklands, First Monthly Meeting at, 195, 245, 293-295
- Fourth Members’ Meeting, 525, 588 Second 1911 Meeting, 375, 430, 450
- Third 1911 Monthly Meeting, 510
- Brittany, A Scamper in, by F. Horsfteld, 438
- Brooker, J. W. G., “Lubrication,” Summary of a Lecture, 244
- Brooklands, Easter Racing Events at, 266, 349, 379, 407, 423
- — First 1911 Meeting, 195
- — Observations of, 387
- — Racing at, 323
- — Record Breaking at, 500
- — Ten Feet Line, 587, 630
- — Third Short Handicap, 627
- — Whit-Monday Meeting, 557, 577
- Brooklands Automobile Racing Club—
- Membership Fee, 401 Opening Race Meeting, 329 Entries for, 289 Third 1911 Meeting, 486
- Brown Lightweight, The New, 521
- Burney, C. S., Acceleration Test at Brooklands, 108
- California, Oil-treated Roads in, 492
- Camping de Luxe, by F. Horsfield, 647
- Canada, Motor Cycling in, 210
- — Riders of British Motor Cycles in (illus.), 71
- — Winter Riding in England and, 136
- Cape Peninsula M.C.C., First Hill-climb (illus.), 197
- Carbon Deposits, Compression and, 71, 472, 516,
- Cure for, 104
- Removing, 240
- Carbonisation in Theory and Practice, 466
- Carburation, 385
- — Valve Stretching and, 557
- Carburetters, Adjustment, 54 2
- — Automatic, 342, 399
- — Auxiliary Air Chimneys, 463
- — Binks’s Single-lever Two-jet, 465
- — Dust and, 104
- — Flooding of, 225 Cure for, 96
- — Moisture on the, 26
- — N.S.U. Automatic, 552
- — Obstruction in, 46, 226
- — Popping in the, 47
- — Scott-Robinson, A New, 393
- — Spray, 335
- Cardiff M.C. Hill-climb at Cross Hands Hill,
- 528
- Catt, A. E., Six Days’ Record, 448, 452, 473. 488, 498, 512-514, 554
- “ Celeriter,” Military Motor Cycling Notes, 539
- Ceylon, Motor Cycle in, 59, 394
- Chain Transmission, 225
- Chains, Worn, 173
- Change-speed Gears. See Gears. Channel, How to Cross the, 634
- Chater-Lea Quadcar, 553
- Cheshire, End of a Wet Day in (illus.), 79
- Clark, Eli, Presentation to, 64
- Clarke, W. J., Six Days’ Record Attempt, 571. 627
- Cleaning and Overhauling a Motor Cycle, 38
- Clipstone, Speed Trials at, 602
- Club Championship Trials, 190
- Clubhouse Scheme, The London, 297, 326
- Auto Cycle Union (Midland Centre), 332
- Ayr and District M.C.C., 410, 483, 580
- Barnoldswick and District M.C., 434
- Bath C.C. (Motor Section), 579
- Batley and District M.C.C., 359
- Belfast and District M.C.C., 457, 629
- Birmingham M.C.C., 66, 91, 246, 271, v 332, 358, 433, 482, 506, 557
- Bishop Auckland, Darlington, and District M.C., 16, 66, 196, 217, 246, lx 359, 459, 063
- Bolton and District M.C.C., 115a, 246, 434, 581, 629
- Bombay M. and A.C.C., 146
- Bradford M.C.C., 381. 482, 501, 533, 665
- Brighouse and District M.C.C., 557
- Brighton, New Club for, 171
- Bristol B. and M.C., 16, 147, 216, 271, 358, 410, 579
- British Motor Cycle Racing Club, 146
- Brookdale C. and S.C. (M.C. Section), 331 Bucks M.C.C., 532
- Burnley A.C., 382, 458, 482, 579 — (Victoria) M. and C.C., 16, 197
- Cambridgeshire M.C.C., 170, 483. 579, 664
- Cambridge University M.C.C., 170, 247, 269. 297, 506, 607
- Cape Peninsula M.C.C., 197 Cardiff M.C., 92, 115b, 147
- Carlyle C.C. (M.C. Section), 297
- Cathcart and District M.C.C., 664
- Chesterfield M.C.C., 247
- Clacton-on-Sea M.C., 505
- Cork and District M.C.C., 171, 297, 410, 434, 607, 629
- Cornwall M.C.C., 66, 91, 269, 296, 382, 555
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 91, 146, 184, 216, 247, 270, 358 410, 458, 581, 663
- Cumberland County M.C.C., 271, 629
- Daimler M.C.C., 359
- Derby and District M.C.C., 66, 91, 115a, 196, 216. 357, 458. 481, 581, 629
- Doncaster and District M.C.C., 483, 505, 579 629
- Dublin and District M.C.C., 197, 296, 530, 580, 607, 628
- Dudley and District M.C.C., 331, 483
- Dundee M.C.C., 482, 664
- Durham and District M.C.C., 16, 196, 357 433
- Edinburgh and District M.C.C., 91, 147, 383, 411, 458, 481, 505, 506, 555, 581, 607, 628
- Essex M.C.C., 43, 66, 333, 358, 382, 410, 457, 557, 580, 581, 628, 664
- Exeter and District M.C.C., 66, 115a, 171, 216, 581, 663
- Falkirk and District M.C.C., 628
- Finsbury Park C.C. (M.C. Section), 91, 333
- Fleet and District M.C.C., 246, 357
- Folkestone, Suggested Club for, 115a
- Gainsborough M.C.C., 533
- Glasgow M.C.C., 16, 91, 196, 269, 505
- Gloucester City C. and M.C., 296
- Great Yarmouth and District M.C.C. See Norfolk M.C.C.
- Grosvenor M.C.C., 333, 359
- Halifax and District M.C.C., 197
- Hampshire Motor Cycle Union, 297, 665
- Harrogate and District M.C.C., 171, 217, 506, 531, 607
- Hartlepool and District M.C.C., 608
- Helensburgh M.C.C., 115a, 532 Herefordshire A.C., 434
- Hereford and District M.C.C., 217, 530
- Herts County A.C. (M.C. Section), 147, 185, 196, 217, 271, 296, 381, 383, 482, 628, 663
- High Wycombe and District M.C.C., 196, 506
- Howden M.C.C., 483
- Huddersfield and District A.C.C., 358, 557
- Hull and East Riding A.C.C., 196, 246, 357, 481, 505, 628
- Ilkley and District M.C.C., 66, 197, 2 46, 331, 409, 580, 628
- Inverness and District M.C.C., 482
- Jocker-Bill M.C., 196
- Lancashire M.C.C., 115a, 581
- Leeds M.C.C., 247, 359, 410, 458, 506, 530, 557, 628
- Leicester and District M.C.C., 66, 217, 271, 332, 481
- Leven and District M.C.C., 459
- Lewes M.C.C., 146, 359
- Lincolnshire A.C. (Motor Cycle Section), 91, 115a, 170, 332, 434, 482, 664
- Liverpool A.C.C., 16, 66, 92, 171, 246, , 296, 409, 434
- Macclesfield M.C.C., 481
- Manchester M.C.. 410, 532, 555
- — Wednesday M.C.C., 663
- Marlborough A.C. (M.C. Section), 333, w 557,607
- Mersey M.C., 16, 91, 271, 333, 482, 531, ,r,41 n 581, 628, 664
- Middlesbrough and District M.C.C., 146, K 271, 458
- Motor Cycle Union of Ireland (Ulster Centre). 433, 532, 607, 664
- Motor Cycling Club, 16, 171, 181, 271, 331, 409, 434, 628, 665
- Naval M.C., 383
- Newcastle M C , 66, 92, 246, 382, 410, 580, 663
- — (Staffs ) M.C., 216
- Newport (Mon.) and District M.C.C., 217 271 331
- Norfolk MC.C., 146, 196, 531’
- Northamptonshire M.C.C., 43, 433, 663
- Northants M.C.C., 115b
- North-eastern Automobile Association, 216
- Northern League of Motor Cyclists, 296, 359, 457, 481, 530
- North Middlesex M.C.C., 16, 42, 196, 270, 296, 533, 555, 581, 628
- North Staffordshire M.C.C., 269, 331, 357, 434, 506, 531, 629
- North Wales M.C.C., 359. 531
- North-west London M.C.C., 43, 115b, 147, 247, 271, 296, 331, 382, 457, 482, 607
- Norwich and District M.C.C., 433
- Nottingham and District M.C.C., 171, 359, 411, 458
- Oxford M.C.C., 42, 66, 115b, 170, 217, 246, 271, 359, 434, 482, 557
- Oxton and Claughton (Birkenhead) M.C C. 333
- Perth and District M.C.C , 382, 409, 607
- Plymouth and District M.C.C., 66, 331
- Pontefract M C , 507, 555
- Purley and District M.C.C., 197, 433, 458, 483, 533
- Putney and District M C C , 359, 628
- Reading and District M.C.C., 115a, 483
- Redcar and District M.C.C., 333
- Redditch and District M.C.C., 171, 333, 628
- Rhymney Valley M.C., 411
- Ripon and District M.C.C., 359, 411, 506, 607, 665
- Sarum and District M.C.C , 579, 607
- Scarborough and District M.C., 66, 170, 246, 359, 481, 556
- Scottish Border MC.C., 170, 196, 411, 54
- Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C.C., 91, 115b, 181, 216, 270, 358, 481, 483, 506, o <3 *555
- Shropshire M C.C., 357, 411, 458,’530, 556, 607
- Southampton and District M.C., 217
- South Australian M.C.C., 533
- South-east London M.C.C., 247, 333, 383, 433 531
- Southend-on-Sea M.C.C., 171, 196’
- Stockport and District M.C.C., 333, 608
- Streatham and District M.C.C., 16, 43, 91, 115a, 196, 271, 297, 357, 381, 409, 458, 556, 580
- Stroud M.C.C., 381
- Suffolk, Suggested Club for, 170 Surrey M.C.C., 92, 115a, 217, 331, 357, 382, 557, 665
- Sutton Coldfield A.C., 42, 66, 115a, 147, 246, 296, 358, 409, 411, 634, 459
- Swadlincote and District M.C.C., 216
- Sydney (N.S.W.) M.C.C., 628
- Taunton M.C.C., 483, 530, 664
- Torbay and District M.C.C., 42, 171, 270, 358, 533, 665
- Tunbridge Wells M.C.C , 530, 665
- Victoria (N.S.W.) M.C.C., 663
- Walsall M.C.C., 297, 382. 409, 533
- Walthamstow M.C., 66, 115b, 147, 217, 246, 297, 332, 358, 359, 411, 433, 505, 555, 580, 628, 664
- Wansbeck M.C., 458. 557
- West Cumberland M.C., 581
- West Essex M.C.C., 91, 115b, 196, 530, 557, 628, 664
- — Lancashire M.C.C., 115a, 359
- — of Scotland M.C.C., 296, 383
- Western District M.C. (London), 115b, 246, 270, 332, 357, 433, 459, 481, 530, 579
- Westmoreland M.C.C., 115a, 147, 247, 433, 483, 507, 532, 555, 607
- Willesden Green C. and M.C.C., 217, 296, 506
- Winchester and District M.C.C., 171
- Woolwich, Plumstead, and District M.C.C., 381, 410, 459, 483, 533, 628
- Worcestershire M.C.C., 147, 331, 530, 581, 664
- Yeovil and District M.C.C., 147
- York City and District M.C., 296
- — County M.C.C., 115a, 170, 359, 506,
- Clubs, Leading Motor Cycle. See Lcadinir Motor Cycle Clubs.
- Clutch Control, 416 Clutches, “ Free,” 490
- — Gear Variation by Slipping, 23, 38, 55, 60, 93
- — Premier Free-engine Hub, 170
- — Variable Speed Gears and, 470, 520
- — Villiers’ Hub Clutch, 192
- Coast Bides. See Catt, A. E., and Dover, Fred
- Colonial Models, Why they are Necessary. 545
- — Requirements, 105, 208, 212, 256, 261, 566
- — Roads, High Clearance for— 493 Colonies, Transmission for the, 22, 55 Comparisons, 637
- Competitions, Amateurs only, for, 495
- — Hints on Competition Riding, 158
- — International, 139
- — in 1911, 227, 316
- — Sunday, 161
- Compression, Carbon Deposit and, 71
- — Forced Induction, 83
- — Poor, 26, 97, 517
- — Variable Devices, 240 Consumption, Current, 70, 226, 334 Contact Breaker, Sparking at, 201 Continental Holidays, 316
- — Tourists, How to Cross the.Channel, 634 Control Levers, Transmission, 342
- Cooper, W., London-Exeter Winter Run,
- Experiences of, 9 Cornering, Photographic Studies in, 537
- Cost of Running a Motor Cycle, 24, 36, 60, 84, 106, 134, 137, 163, 262 Couplers, Cycle, 31
- Cove, H.G., Illness of, 502
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.C.—- Amateurs, Professionals v., 184, 504 Programme for 1911, 184
- Crank Case, Flushing, 442 Overheated, 46
- Creyton, W., Recovery of, 64 Cudham, Test at, 190
- Cumberland County M.C.C.—
- Kirkstone Pass Hill-climb, 404 Reliability Trial, 527
- Acceleration Test at Brooklands, 108 Accident due to Fast Speed, Another 375, Advantages of a Motor Cycle, 548 Amalgamation, The Advantages of, 14 American Invasion, 15, 64
- — Records Rejected, 214
- Anything and Everything for a Motor Cycle. 548
- Aston, Motor Cycle Race at, 430 Attempt on Record at New Brighton, 401 Aughton Hill-climb, 352
- Automobile Association and Motor Union, New Badge, 41
- Baron de Forest’s £4,000 Prize, Winner of, 14
- ” Basic ” Patent Covering Motor Cycles, 14
- British Motor Cycle Racing Club. See that title.
- Cycles in the Antipodes, 40
- Bullet Rewards Motor Cycle Speed, 40
- Canadian Police on Motor Cycles, 267
- Carnival in the Antipodes, 166
- Catalogue Artists and the Motor Cycle, 401
- Club Championship Trials, 190
- Coast Ride, Another Long, 548
- Conviction for Obstruction, 400, 525
- Coventry Riders Fined, 167
- Criticism of the Quarterly Trials Course, 90
- Cudham, Test at, 190 Customs Tariffs, 266
- Cyclist Fined for Obstruction, 400
- Derby Club’s Preparations for Team
- Trial, 630
- Direction Posts, 191
- Disclaimer, A, 299
- Distinction without a Difference, 242
- District Trials, a Suggestion, 190 Dog, The Vicious, 524
- Dunlop Tyres, Mileage of, 215
- Exhaust Gas to Warm Handle-bars, 14 English and American Times, The Best.
- See that title
- Four Hundred and Ninety-two Miles per Gallon, 571
- French Motor Cycle Trial, 353
- German Motor Cycle Corps, 167
- Go-anywhere Machine of 2|h.p., 503
- Godfrey, O.C., Indian Tribe and, 191
- Grants from the Road Board, 166
- H.M.S. “ Thunderer,” Launching- of, 90, 141
- Heaton Woods on the Route of the Six Days’ Trial, 299
- Hedge-trimming, 141, 167
- Hog Trough, Attack on, 190
- Honister Pass Climbed, 166, 243
- Hour Record, 90
- Humber Experiments, 570
- Hutchinson Competition,^Result of the, 64
- Irish Record, Attempt to set up an, 327
- Isle of Man Speed Limit Abolished, 242
- Lady Competitors for “ The Motor Cycle ” Cup, 243
- Leicester, Motor Cycle Show at, 64
- Lever Action for Pedalling Gear, 65 Lincoln, Clubhouse for, 298
- Liverpool Police Vindicated, 431 London-Edinburgh Route, Signposts on the, 266
- Long Posh and the Cause, 140
- Luggage Problem, Solving the, 90
- Manx Coronation Demonstration, 353
- Marseilles, Reliability Trial at, 431
- Milestone at Bromley, a Link with the Past, 141 .
- Motor Cycle as a Means of Improving the Health, 64
- for Road Surveyors, 15
- — Cyclists for President’s Guard, 64 Natal, Hill-climb in, 90
- New South Wales, Hill-climb in, 15
- — Zealand, Motor Cycle in, 431 Ninfield, 15
- Nitro-glycerine Engine, 190
- One Hour or Twenty Laps, 327 — Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-two Miles in Six Days, 430
- Oxford, Motor Cycle Show at, 215 Paris to Tronville, 571
- Peculiar Accident, 449
- Personally Conducted Tour, 430
- Police Activity in Worcestershire, 166 — Traps, 191
- Quarterly Trials. See Auto Cycle Union. Road Obstruction at Horsey Removed, 525
- — Obstructions, 215
- — Race in Nyasaland, 41
- — Records, A.C.U. Decision re, 215
- — “ Trials ” at Hyeres, 401
- Roads, Suggested New, 166
- Roller Skater v. Motor Cyclist, 166
- Royal Navy, Motor Cyclists in the, 660
- — Pardon under the Motor Car Act, 375
- Salt Box Hill, something like a Hill, 215
- Scotland, Proposed Motor Cycle Show for, 431
- Secret Hills and Large Entries, 327
- Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb, 242
- Six Days’ Record, 215
- South Africa, New Club for, 40
- Southport,. Police Activity at, 299 Speed Limits, 191
- — — in Sussex, New, 14
- — Match, A Private, 375
- State of the Industry, 266
- Stolen Motor Cycle. See Motor Cycles.
- Stoupe Brow Climbed, 401
- Street Surfaces, Gritting of, 90 Stringent Measure, A, 502
- Sutton Bank, Inter-club Competition at, 191
- Ten-mile Speed Limits, 108
- Test Hill, Another, 431
- — Run, A Severe, 243
- Title, A Lengthy, 267
- Tourist Trophy Race. See Auto Cycle Union.
- Victoria, Summer Competition in, 65
- Wedding, A Motor Cycle, 352
- Well-deserved Sentence, 631 Westerham, 15
- Witham on the Warpath, 40
- Yorkshire Centre Quarterly Trials. See Auto Cycle Union.
- Customs Tariffs, 266
- Cutler, Trissie, Experience of Hill-climbing, 568
- Cut-out Switch, The Tingye, 250
- Cyclists’ Touring Club — Annual General Meeting, 298
- Programme for 1911, 191
- Cylinders, Auxiliary Exhaust Provided by Drilling Holes in, 173
- Cylinders, Grit in, Cause of Excessive, 324
- — Inequality of Power, 443
- — Reboring, 150
- — Rusty, 345
- — Speedy Single 601
- — Staggered, 161
- — Vertical: Are they the Best ? 145, 163
- Darkness, Wind, and Weather, 28
- Davies, B. H.—
- — End-to-end Record Holder 603
- — Extremes Meet, 304
- Facts about Two-stroke Engines, 69
- — Finding a Winning Team, 338
- — Is the Modern Motor Cycle Perfect ? 80
- — Is the Spider Quad coming to Stay ? 536
- — Lightweight in 1910, The, 5
- — Ten Years’ Progress in Motor Cycle Design, 280-285
- De Havilland Motor Cycle, 367
- De Lissa, Mrs., Making a Clean Ascent of Kop Hill in the Herts County A.C. Hill-climb, 491
- De Rosier, Jacob — Chat with 547
- Match with C. R. Collier, 630
- — Record Ride in San Francisco, I 66 on a 7 h.p. Indian, Details of, 214 Visit to England, 15, 167
- Deans, W., in the Edinburgh M.C.C. Hillclimb at Manor Hill, 507
- Derby and District M.C.C.—
- — Hill-climb near Alsop-en-le-Dalc (illus.), 65
- — Winter Reliability Trial, 195
- Dew, W. C. P., Fall into the Sea with his Motor Cycle, 41
- Devon, In the Wilds of North Devon, 204-206, 229-232
- Differential Gears, Passenger Machines and, 198
- District Trials, 190
- Dogs, Vicious, 544, 595, 621
- Douglas, A Bigger, 545
- — - Two-speed. Week-end on a, 183 Dover, Fred, Long Distance Coast Ride,
- 89, 578, 619, 630, 659 Drip-feed Lubrication, 567
- Dust on the Carburetters, 104
- Dutch M.C.C.—
- First 1911 Summer Meeting (illus.), 502
- — Programme of Tour Across England en route for the Isle of Man, 528
- Visit to the Isle of Man, 371, 447
- Dutch Motor Cyclists, Challenge to, 14, 22, 35 E
- Easter Competitions, Forecast of Events, 300
- — Jaunts, 337
- Edinburgh M.C.C. Hill-climb at Manor Hill, Peebles (illus.), 506
- Edward, King, National Memorial to, 254
- Egypt, Group of Riders at Alexandria (illus.), 494
- — The Sidecar in, 301
- End-to-end Record, 519. 546, 603, 618 Engineerng, Motor Cycle, 389
- Engines, Air-cooled Piston Valve, An, 115, 129
- — Air v. Water-cooled, 345
- — Carbon Deposits, Cure for, 104
- — Efficiency, 137
- — Free-engine Clutch, 151
- Criticism, 366
- — Improvements, 150
- — J.A.P. Tourist Trophy, 333
- — Knocking, Peculiar, 311
- — Nitro-glycerine, 190
- — Overhead Valves on Touring, 272
- — Piston Valve Motor Cycle Engine, The First, 4 35
- — Precision, Lugs and Plates of, 257
- — Premier Free-eugine Hub Clutch, 170
- — Rotary Valve, 6
- — Slide Valve, 89, 125, 132, 164, 298, 302 Dome, The, 132
- First Motor Cycle, 298, 302 Possibilities of the, 130-132
- — Starting Motor Cycle, 520, 546, 596
- — Two-stroke, Facts about, by B. H. Davies, 69
- — Good Performance of a New, 239
- — V Twin, Balancing of, 414, 520
- — Water-cooled, 353
- — Wonderful, A, 136
- England and Canada, Winter Riding in, 136
- England, Scotland, and Wales, Round the Coast of, 489
- English and American Times, Best, 301, 328, 347, 373, 399, 445
- Errors in Issuing Results, 389 Essex M.C. Annual Dinner, 86 Exeter M.C.C.’—
- Exeter-Land’s End-Exeter Trial, 90
- — Sunday Competition, 107
- — Winter Trial to Chudleigh, 13
- Exports and Imports of Motor Cycles. See Motor Cycles
- Extremes Meet, by B. II. Davies, 304
- F.N. Users, A Hint for, 519
- Fads and Fancies on the Quarterly Trials Machines, 149
- Far-off Lands, Experiences in, 485
- Selection of Letters from Motor Cyclists in, 493-495
- Firmax as a Puncture Sealer, 616
- Flying Kilometre Record, 546, 597
- Foolproof Machine, The Fool and the, 192
- Forced Induction, 83
- Four Hundred and Ninety-two Miles per Gallon, 571
- Frame Design, 31, 36
- France, Motor Cycle as seen through French Spectacles, 259
- - Business in, 23, 38, 82, 84
- — Road Race in, 406b
- Frasetti, Ernest, Climb up Arthur Street, Edinburgh, 242
- Gears, Change Speed, 421, 470 for Passenger Work, 124
- — Racing Machines and, 559, 595 —- — -Sidecars and. 596. 623, 670
- — Singer Co. and, 503
- — Changing, 632
- — Clutches and Variable Speed, 470, 520
- — Differential, Passenger Machines and,
- 263 Use of a, 135, 186
- — Infinitely Variable, Barred, 208 Boycotting, 279
- — — — in Hill-climbing, 240, 263
- — Pedal-starting, A New Form of, 95
- — Pedalling, Lever Action for, 65
- — Pulley Two-speed, 72
- — Ratio, How to Measure, 395
- — — Question of, 25
- — Single and Sidecars, 35
- — Three-speed Worm-driven, 340
- — Triumph, New, 503
- — Two-speed, 248
- — — Advantages of, 150
- — — Detachable, 342, 423
- — — Gear Ratio and, 123
- — — Hub Gear with Internal Brake, 361
- — Variable, A New, 92
- — Variation by Slipping a Clutch, 23, 38, 55, 60, 93, 107, 161
- Generators, Ro tax Lamp and, 418
- Gent, Charles, Death of, 267
- Germany, The Motor Cycle in, 255, 352, 375
- — Road Tolls in, 375
- — Touring in, 272
- Gibson, Hugh, Experiences in the London- Exeter Winter Run, 7
- Glasgow, Clubroom for, 449 Glasgow M.C.C.—
- Open Hill-climb, Results, 481 Scenes at the, 472
- Godfrey, O.C.# Indian Tribe and, 191 Gordon Runabout, The, 224
- Grandex, Precision Lightweight, 356
- Grange, W. E., Climbing Stoupe Brow for the First Time (illus.), 401
- Grease Romo ver, 202
- Grimsthorpe Park, Speed Trials at, 54 6a
- Guildford, An Effective Smash at, 212
- H.M.S. “ Thunderer,” Launching of, 90,
- Handicappers in Motor Cycle Races, 237
- Handle-bars, Exhaust Gas to Warm, 14
- — Lamp-bracket combined with, 621
- Hardee, Mrs., Successful Hill-climber, 326
- Harrogate, Inter-team Trial to, and Ladies Competition. See Herts Count > A C
- Harrogate and District M.C.C.— Gymkhana, Results of the, 108
- - Winter Trial in Yorkshire, 19
- Healy, J.. 1,290 Miles in Six Days on Irish Roads, 355
- Heavyweight, Two-speed Gear for a, 201
- Herts* County (A.C.M.C. Section)— Annual Dinner, 185
- Inter-club Tour to Harrogate and Open Hill-climb, 245, 318
- — Report of, 402- 402b, 432
- Ladies’ Tour to Harrogate, 167, 432
- Members" Hill-climb at Kop Hill, 351
- — Results and Report, 475-477
- North-west London M.C.C., 197
- Open Speed Trials at Brookmail’s Park, 550, 606
- Hewitt, Walter, Death of, 326
- Highways. See Roads
- Hill-climbing, 166, 371, 397, 399, 421, 423, 445, 471, 520
- — Feature of this Year’s Hill-climb, 488
- — Formula? in D ill-climbs, 509, 584
- — Infinitely Variable Gears in, 240, 263
- — Lady’s Experience of, 568
- — Lightweights in, 567
- — Passenger Classes. 568
- — Twin-cylinder Sociables and, 397
- Hills, In Search of Steep, 315
- ? Hillyard, G. W., in the Leicester M.C.C. Hill-climb (illus.), 532
- Hints and Tips for Motor Cyclists. See Mqtor Cyclists
- Hobart, The New Twin-cylinder, 45
- Holidays, Continental, 316
- Honister Pass Climbed, 140, 166, 243
- Horse-power, 173
- — Rating, 301, 347, 399
- — Sidecar Work for, 172
- Horsfield, F., Camping de Luxe, 647 Scamper in Brittany, A, 438 Hour Record, 553
- Hub Lubricants, 392
- Hughes, G., With Miss Tomlin as Passenger (illus.), 109
- Humber Models, New, 526
- Hutchinson Tyre Co , Result of Competition, 64
- — Correction in, 109
- Hyeres Road, “ Trials ” at, 401
- Ideal Motor Cycle, My, by R. Rude. 156, ’ - 158, 386
- — The. 521, 544
- Ignition, Knocking due to Pre-ignition, 384
- — Synchronised, Meaning of, 151
- — of a V Type Twin, 225
- Imports and Exports of Motor Cycles See Motor Cycles
- Improvements, Needed, 24, 60
- India, The Motor Cycle in, 371 Induction, Forced, 32, 83
- Initials and Names, Confusion of, 212 Insurance Policies, 22, 35, 595, 672 International Competitions, 139, 560
- — Reliability Trials, 372, 398 Belgian Interest in the Suggested Competition, 322
- Inter-team Trial at Harrogate. See Herts County A.C.
- Ireland, Recollections of an Irish Tour, 518 Is the Spider Quad coming to Stay ? By B. 11. Davies, 536
- ~ — — Reply, 594
- Isle of Man, Coronation Demonstration.353
- Itahah Lightweight Definitions, 353
- Italy, The Motor Cycle in, 372
- Ixion, Private Riders and the Auto Cycle Union, 66'2
- Jamaica, Interesting Communication from, 492 James, Details of the Standard 3| hp.., 257 Jarrott Cup Competition. See M.C.C.
- London-Land’s End-London Run
- Jets, One Big or Many Small, 236
- — Small, 334
- Johannesburg to Pretoria and Back Race, T , 581
- John-o -Groat’s House, Origin of, 112
- Joint Conference, The, 305
- K
- Ketch, J. Upset by a Dug, 56
- Kettering to Sheffield, Route, 582
- Kingston Road Danger, 568
- Kirk Michael, Tourist Trophy Topics, 612 Knocking, 248
- — due to Pre-ignition, 384
- Kop Hill, Gradients of, 449
- L
- L.M. Quadcar, The, 63
- Lacquers, Transparent, 563
- Ladies’ Competitions, Ruling for, 267
- Lady Motor Cyclists, 323, 348, 363, 372,
- 422, 471
- ' Competition to Harrogate and
- Back, 353, 379, 417
- — — — Lady Motor Cyclist, The, by
- Miss L. Berend, 278, 323
- * Leightweights, A Preference for the, 393
- Lake Baikal, From Pekin to, by Motor Cycle, by Prof. E. J. Nystrom, 74-77 Lamps, Adjustable Bracket, A New, 244
- — Bracket and Handle-bar combined, 621
- — Night Riding and, 83
- — Rotax Lamp and Generator, 418
- — Trials. See Auto Cycle Union Lancashire to South Devon, Route, 583
- Langston, Miss B., and Rev. P. W. Bischoff, Sidecar Suggestions, 276
- Launceston A.C., Annual Reliability Trial, 65
- Auto Cycle Union. See that title.
- Comparisons, 637
- Competitions (1911), 227
- Easter Jaunts, 337
- Errors in Issuing Results, 389 Experiences in Far-off Lands, 485 Farcical Position, 413
- Formulae in Hill-climbs, 509 Interchangeability of Tyres, 363
- Lady Motor Cyclist, 363 Lessons from the Winter Trials, 1 Motor Cycle Engineering, 389 National Council, 203
- Problem of a Runabout, The, 99 Placing Machines and Change-speed Gear,
- 559 Rear Suspension, 177
- Reliability Trials, Open, 203 Riders’ Weights in the Tourist Trophy
- Race, 437
- Sidecars. See that title.
- Six Days’ Record, The New, 461 Slide Valve Engines,. 125
- Ten Feet Line at Brooklands, 587
- —- Years’ Progress in Motor Cycle Design, 275
- Trade and the Trials, 49, 251
- “ Vivat Rex—Vivat Regina,” 611
- Birmingham M C.C., History of, 57
- Bradford M.C.C , 207
- Bristol B. and M.C., 133
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C , 350
- Edinburgh M.C.C., 255
- Glasgow M.C.C., 113
- Great Yarmouth and District M.C.C., 159
- Manchester M.C., 286
- Newcastle and District M.C., Ltd., 235
- North-west London M.C.C., 370
- Oxford M.C.C., 86
- Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C.C., 181
- Sutton Coldfield A.C., 319
- Leechman, G. D., Stability, 148, 199
- Leicester Motor Cycle Show, 64, 140, 165
- A.C. Users, Tip for, 568
- Accessories, An Experience with Various,
- 85, 135 Act of Injustice, 445, 519
- Amateur Opening Hill-climb Suggested, 519
- Balancing of V Twin Engines, 520
- Bread Delivery, Motor Cycles for, 371
- Brooklands Wobble, The, 421 Canada, Motor Cycling in, 210 Carbon Deposits, Removing, 240 Cleaning and Overhauling a Motor Cycle,
- 38
- Clubs, A Grumble Regarding, 138 Colonial Requirements, 105, 186, 212,261
- Conversions, 212, 470, 596
- Cost of running a. Motor Clyde. Sec Motor Cycles.
- Converted Tricars, 470
- Criticisms on Sidecar Topics, 371 Crown Ash Hill, Climbing of, 347 Cylinders. See that title.
- Dastardly Action, 210
- Deposit System, 470
- Dogs, Vicious, (521
- Douglas, A Bigger, 595
- I)rin Feed Lubrication, 5(57
- Dutch Club’s Visit to the Isle of Man, 371. 421
- — Motor Cyclists, Challenge to, 22. 35
- Egypt, The Sidecar in, 301 Enthusiastic Owner’s Tribute, An, 85 Explanation, An, 213, 239
- External Band Brakes, 445
- Fibre, Trouble Caused by Damp, 210 Forced Induction, 83
- Formula. Is a New One Wanted .' 670 Frame Design, 36
- Guildford, %An Effective Smash at, 212 Halifax and District, Paving in, 269 Handicappers in Motor Cycle Races, 237 Hint, A Useful, 347
- Horse-power Rating, 301 Improvements Needed, 24, 60 Ingratitude, 495
- Insurance Policies, 22. 35, 621
- Interchangeability of Tyres, 399, 421,519 International Reliability Trials, 322, 372 Lamplighting Wrinkle, A, 59 Lamps and Night Riding, 83
- Liability of Sidecar Drivers, 421
- Licences in “ Clean ” Counties, Renewing of, 82
- Low Registration Numbers, 397
- Madras Presidency, Motor Cycling in, 105 Maintenance of Power on Lightweights. 189, 24 0 Tune in Lightweights, 421
- Mapholder, A Neat Weatherproof, 210
- Motor Cycle Show in the North, The Suggested, 263, 321
- Steamer, 261
- — — Taxation, 186
- — Cycling in Ceylon, 59
- Mudguarding Devices, 82
- Names and Initials, Confusion of, 212 Nitro-glycerine as a Motive Power, 237 Oil-treated Roads in California, 492 Old Boy’s Ride, 85
- Organisation Scheme for Motor Cyclists,
- 263
- Petrol Pipe, Mending Cracks in the, 59
- Pinhole Punctures, How to Locate, 544
- Premier Cycle Co., an Appreciation, 135
- Preserving Plated Parts from Rust., 567
- Pulleys, Undergeared, 22
- Puncture-sealing Compound, 210
- Quads, a Warning, 36 Reflex Rear Lights, 238 Remarkable Occurrence, 470
- Riding Conditions in New South Wales, 492 Road Obstructions, 263
- Roller Blind Mud Screen, 35
- Roman Road to Edinburgh, 263
- Rubber Belts in Australia, 322
- Runabout, Problem of the, 187
- Scavenging Devices, Mechanically- operated, 62, 85 '
- Sidecar Licences, 187
- Signposts, Direction, 240
- Silencers, Efficiency of, 59
- Silent Motor Cycle, 187
- Single-cylinder Roadsters of 31 h.p. at Olympia, 37, 60
- Single Gears and Sidecars, 35
- Sixteen Thousand Miles with a 31 h.p. Sidecar, 105
- South Africa, Motor Cycle in, 492
- Sportsman or Potterer ? 34, 37, 60
- Staggered Cylinders, 161. 188
- Starting Devices, Easy, 135, 187
- State of our Highways, 36, 60, 82
- Steep Hills. In Search of, 349
- Steering Design, 85
- Stone Splinters on Wood Pavement s, 2(53
- Strange Experience, 238
- Sunday Competitions, 161
- Tandem Seat Attachments, 23
- Test Road for Motor Cycles, 567
- Touring Machine, A Fast, 162
- Tourist Trophy Mount, A Rakish-looking, 237
- Race. See Auto Cycle I nion.
- Transmission for the Colonies. 22 Tricar, The Perfect, 138
- — to Sociable, From, 4 45
- Twin-cylinder Sociables, 1(53-164, 188, 210, 264 Two-speed Douglas, \ Week-end on a. 213, 237
- Two-stroke Engine, Good I'ert'ormanee of a New, 239
Tyros and Side-slips, 186
- Valve Cotter Extractors, 371
- Variab/le Compression Devices, 240 — Pulleys 189
- Vertical Cylinders : Are they the Best ? 163, 188
- Water-cooling the Exhaust Valve Cap,59 AV ater Freezing in Acetylene Generators, 135
- Wax Vestas, Beware of. 621
- Wind and Mud Shield, Another Design of, 161
- Winter Equipment, 35
- — Reliability Trials, 186
- Wrong Impression, 519
- Lover Action for Pedalling Gear, 65
- Licences, “ Clean ” Counties, Renewing in,
- 82
- — Sidecar, 187
- Licensing Case, A Curious, 194 Lightweight Record, *A New, 606
- The Advantages of, 437 T.T., 644
- Lightweights, Alcyon, The New, 356
- — Appreciation of, 262
- — A.C.U. Trials, In the. 446
- — Brown Lightweight, The New, 521
- — 11 ill-climbs, in, 515, 567
- — Home-made, A Promising. 213
- — How to Test, 160
- — Experience with, 348
- — (Ira nd ex-Precision, 356
- — Italian Lightweight Definitions, 353
- Lightweight in 1910, The, by B. H. Davies, 5
- — Maintenance of Tune in, 421
- — Power. Loss of, 208
- Maintenance of, 189, 240
- What are they '? 318, 347
- Lights. Reflex Rear, 238
- Lister-Cooper, 11. See Cooper, II. Lister. Liverpool A.C.C., Local Police and, 447
- London Clubhouse Scheme, 352
- Factories, A Run Round some, 528
- Long Distance Records, 546
- Speed in. 463 Harry, Coast Ride, 548
- Long Distance Records, Speed in, 463
- Longuemare, Madame. Death of, 215
- Loughborough. T. W., Modern Motor Cycle, The, 380
- Lubrication. 516, 582, 632
- Bengal Reader’s Suggestion , 240
- — Brooker. ,T. W. G., Summary of a Lecture by, 244
- — Castor Oil for, 200
- Drip Feed, 567
- — Forced, 32
- — Hub and Crank Case, 248
- — Methods of. 422
- — Overheating and Unequal 334
- Luggage Problem Solving the 90
- Lycett Trophy Competition. See Birmingham M.C.C.
- McNab. F. A.. Attempt on the Two Hours’ Record, 167
- Madras Presidency, Motor Cycling in, 105 Magnetos. Connections, 582
- — Cont nd. 491
- — Cylinders, Behind the, 21, 35, 62
- — Defects in, 346
- — Invaluable Tip. 182
- — Mea, The. 112
- New British Made. 540
- — Pitting of Contacts. 47
- — Position of, 2-4. 59. 79. 322
- — Slow Running and. 26
- — Small. 173
- — Suiting to the Engine. 96
- — Testing. 419. 442
- Timing of. 311. 516. 593. 644
- — U.H.. The. 30
- — Weather proof. 342
- Manchester M.C.C., Hill-climb at Hayden Bridge, 552
- Mann. Horace H., In the Wilds of North Devon. 204-206. 229-232
- Manufacturers' Union and the Quarterly Trials, 445
- Mapholder. A Neat Weatherproof. 210
- Married (A urles who Motor Cycle Ulus. 643. 670
- Martin, Harr y—
- — Breaks the Standing Mile British Record. 400
- — Tourist Trophy Race and, 214
- — Matchless T.T. Machine, 561
- Matchless v. Zenith, 660
- Maurer, J., on his Sleigh fitted with a Twin-cylinder V Type Air-cooled Motor Cycle Engine (illus.), 214
- Mersey Motor Club 'Week-end Meeting at Clegg Arms, Cheshire (illus.), 507
- Metropolitan Police and Slow Traffic, 631
- Midland Reliability Trial, Conditions of, 220-222
- Midlands, Progress in the, 391, 484
- Military Motor Cycling Notes, by “ Cele- riter,” 539
- - Purposes, The Motor Cycle for, 253
- Milligan, John L., Variable Gears and Slipping Clutches, 93
- Misfiring, 442
- — Caused by Damp Fibre, 143
- Models, Alldays’ New 3.1 h.p. Model, 635
- — Humber, 526
- — Why Colonial are Necessary, 545
- — Wulfruna, 585
- Modern Motor Cycle, The, 380
- Mongolia, Through, by Motor Cycle, by Prof. E. J. Nystrom, 74-77, 101-103, 126-129
- Motor Cycle Engineering, 389
- Steamer, 348
- Taxation. See Motor Cycles
- Terms Illustrated, 311
- Motor Cycle Union of Ireland (Ulster Centre)—
- Second Quarterly Trial, 111
- Start of the Reliability Run and Hillclimb to Ballycastle (illus.), 531
- Motor Cycles, Aeroplane v., in U.S.A., 97
- Amateur’s Design of a Gear-driven, 347
- Antipodes, in the, 84
- Are the Modern Perfect ? by B. H. Davies, 80
- Argentine Republic, in the, 161
- Ariel, and its Decompressor, 343
- Cleaning and Overhauling, 38, 79; 135
- Cost of Running, 24, 36, 60, 84, 106, 134, 137, 163, 262
- De Havilland, 367
- Design of, Suggestions for Improving, 106
- Ten Years’ Progress in, 275, 280-285
- Exports and Imports of, 41, 43, 266, 375, 478, 503, 600
- January, 167
- Features of the Leading American, 140
- Finding Faults in, 109
- Four-cylinder V Type Two-stroke Engine with Scavenging Device, an Ambitious yet Simple Design of, 156- 158
- — — Future, 453
- Gear-driven. An Amateur’s Design of, 261
- Greasing New, 160
- Ideal, The, 213
- Machine of the Future, 227
- Military Purposes, foT, 254
- Modern : Are they Perfect ? 106
- Old Pattern Machines. Improving, 77, 106, 371, 495
- Open Frame. 321
- Passenger, 83, 94, 136
- Attachments, 25
- Differential Gears and, 198, 263
- Why not Steam ? 35, 62
- Second-hand, 70, 202
- Singer, A New 24 hp., 474
- Sociables, Twin-cylinder, 163, 188, 210, 239, 264
- South Africa, in, 492
- Standard 34 h.p. James, Details of, 257
- Steam-propelled. 107, 162, 174
- Stolen. 41. 140, 242. 448. 524, 549, 570. 661. 672
- Taxation, 113, 135, 153, 186, 210, 264
- Test Roads for, 567
- Touring Machine, A Fast, 162
- Weatherproof, 138
- — Cycling in Ceylon, 59
- — Temperature below Zero, 324
- Motor Cycling Club. 181
- Annual General Meeting, 68 Eighth Team Trial. 234
- Inter-club Team Trial. 258, 302, 462
- London-Edinburgh-London Run, 269, 449, 595, 600
- Awards, 617, 661
- London-Edinburgh-London Bun, Dig. qualifications in, 631
- Entries, 478, 554
- — — In Yorkshire during the, 610
- Notes, 352
- Suggested Route for, 22
- — — Passenger Machines (illus.), 589 Report (illus.), 572-576 London-Exeter Winter Run, 44, 62 Competitors’ Experiences, 7-11 Passengers in the, Concerning
- 22, 37
- — Result of, 10, 90
- London-Land’s End Trial,375, 405-406b
- 422, 487 —? Awards in, 432
- Contour Section of the New Route between Exeter and Liskeard
- 339 -— Route for, 215
- Members’ Hill-climb at Kop Hill, Re- suits and Report, 496
- Programme for 1911, 155
- Team Trial, 660
- Entries, 603
- List of Competing Teams, 620
- Photographs of Teams in, 667
- — — Report (illus.), 624. 626
- Motor Cyclists, Hints and Tips for, 481, Letters from, in Far-off Lands,
- Selection of, 493-495
- Military, 140
- Organisation Scheme for, 263 Roller Skater v., 26, 166, 267 Signalling for, 322
- — Union and Automobile Association,
- Amalgamation, 14, 63, 107
- Mudguards, 54, 82, 202
- — Artistic Outline in, 208
- — Detachable Side, 152
- — Hinged Back, 593
- — Roller Blind Mud Screen, 35
- — Wind and Mud Shield, Another Design
- of, 161
- My Ideal Motor Cycle, by R. Rude, 156- 158, 386
- Nail Catchers and Damage to Tyres, 672
- Names and Initials, Confusion of, 212
- Natal, Hill-climb in, 90
- National Motoring Council, 479
- New, E. S., 16,000 Miles with a 3jh.p. Sidecar, 50-54
- Newson, W. F., Attempt on the Hour Record, 527
- New South Wales, Hill-climb in, 15, 41
- Riding Conditions in, 492
- — Zealand, British Success in, 327
- Motor Cycle in, 493
- Trials in, 15, 243
- Twenty-four Hours Trial in, 631, 661
- Night Riding and Lamps, 83
- Nitro-glycerine as a Motive Power, 237, 321
- Nomenclature, 479
- Normandy, Three Nomads in, 638-643
- Northern League of Motor Cyclists, 194
- Auto Cycle Union and, 413
- General Meeting, 328
- Meeting at York, 245 Programme for 1911, 258
- Richmond 1911 Meet, 403
- North-west London M.C.C.—
- Herts County A.C. v., 197 London to Coventry and Back Run, 523 Results, 538
- Twelve Hours’ Ruu to Gloucester and Back, 17-19
- Nottingham Speed Trials, 511 Novelties, Some Interesting, 268
- N.S.U. Automatic Carburetter 552,
- Nuts, Some Tiresome, 134
- Nyasaland. Road Race in, 41
- Nystrom, Prof. E. J., Through Mongolia by Motor Cycle, 74-77
- Oakamoor. Inter-club Hill-climb at, 546b
- Alternative Magneto Timings., 644
- Automatic Carburetters, 342
- Boycotting Infinitely Variable Gears, 27 ?
- Carbonisation and its Cure, 104
- Colonial Needs, 208, 256
- Continental Holidays, 316
- Cui Bono ? 515
- Cycle Couplers, 31
- Detachable Two-speed Gears, 342
- Drip Feed Oil Pumps. 279, 366
- Duet on the Carburetter, 104
- External Band Brakes, 416
- Firmax as a Puncture Sealer, 616
- Flaws in Existing Rear Springing
- Methods, 236
- Frame Design, 31
- Free-engine Criticism, 366
- Grumble, Another, 416
- Greasing the New Machine, 160
- Ringed Baek Mudguards, 593
- Hub Lubricants, 392
- Jets, One Big or Many Small, 236
- Long Distance Road Records, 316
- Magnetos. See that title.
- Medical Aspects of Six Days Records,
- Undergeared Pulleys and Diameter Belt Rims, 55
- Weatherproof Magnetos, 342
- Winter Reliability Trials, 31 Wheels, Easily Detachable, 182
- Oil, Escapes of, 248
- — Freezing, How to Prevent, 446
- — Pumps, Drip Feed, 279, 373 Pressure Feed to, 349
- — Tapless, 213 Old Machines. See Motor Cycles Olympia Motor Show, Single-cylinder 3|h.p. Roadsters at, 37, 60
- One Thousand Miles without Opening the Toolbag, 474
- Two Hundred and Ninety Miles in Six Days on Irish Roads, 355
- Overheating, 200, 225
- — A Case of, 226
- — Unequal Lubrication and, 334 Oxford M.C.C.—
- Irondown Hill-climb, 247
- Entries for, 328
- Results, 268
- Open Hill-climb at Kop Hill, 247, 328, 376-379, 41 1
- Passenger Classes at Hill-climbs, 568
- — See Motor Cycles.
- Patching versus Vulcanising, 616
PATENTS, by Eric W. Walford—
- Auto-wheel, The Latest Wall, 72
- B.S.A. Filler Cap, 636
- Centaur Hub Clutch, 558
- Chain Belt, 436
- Double Purpose Stand, 558
- Hand Starter, An Effective, 436
- Hub Plate Clutch, 636
- Live Axle without Differential Gear, A Simple, 436
- Map and Route Card Holder, 558
- Pulley Two-speed Gears, 72
- Pedley Tyre, The, 462
- Pekin to Lake Baikal by Motor Cycle, by Prof. E. J. Nystrom, 74-77
- Pennington, E. J., Death of, 326
- Petrol, Blowback, 443
- — Constituents of, 423
- — Consumption of, Excessive, 542
- — Cracks in the Pipe, Mending, 59, 261
- — Leakage, 442
- — Shops Bill and, 570 gmall Quantities, 422
- — Solidified, 323
- Stoppage in Supply, A, 46
- Pining Foi^‘cylinder Motor Cycle, 54
- Pill01? °5 Tandein Seat, A, 418, 471
- Pinhole Punctures, 463, 515
- How to Locate, 495
- Piston Rings, Fit of, 225
- New, 172
- Plated Parts, Preserving from Rust,
- Platinum Points, Adjustment of, 609
- Police Traps, 191, 327, 360, 400, 431,
- 549,
- Metropolitan, 352
- Some Comments on, 360
- Portmarnock, Racing at, 546b.
- — Speed Trials at, 453
- Potterer or Sportsman ? 34, 37, 60,
- Power, Loss of, 226, 312 on Hills, 25 Lightweights, 208
- — Maintenance of, on Lightweights, 340
- — Nitro-glycerine as a Motive, 237, 321
- — Sidecar Work, for, 124
- Precision Engine and Plates, 257
- Premier Free-engine Hub Clutch, 170
- Pretoria, Race from Johannesburg to, 581
- Prendergast, J. A., Restarting on Sutton Bank, 243
- Preparing for the Road, 290-292
- Prince Henry Cup Tour, 141
- Private Riders of the Auto Cycle Union, 21, 662
- Professional v. Amateur Riders, 369
- Pulleys, Crude Adjustable, 644
- — How to Remove, 225
- Undergeared, 22, 55
- Diameter of Belt Rims for, 55
- — Variable, 189
- Pumps, Drip Feed. See Oil
- Punctures, Firmax as a Puncture Sealer, 616
- — Home-made Sealer, 593
- — Pinhole, 463, 495, 515, 544
- Quad cars, ('hater-Lea, 553
- — Light Air-cooled, 545
- — L.M., The, 63
- — Robinet, The (illus.), Ill
- — See Spider.
- Quads, a Warning, 36
- Quarterly Trials. See Auto Cycle Union. and Tourist Trophy Races, Manufacturers’ Decisions, 244
- Racing Machines and Change-speed Gears, 559, 595
- Rear Springing Devices, 178-180, 238 Hydraulic, 236
- Flaws in, 236
- — Suspension, 177
- — Wheel and Tyre Trouble, How to
- Avoid, 211
- Recollections of an Irish Tour, 518
- Records, American, in 1910, 56
- Rejected, 214
- — Catt, A. E., Six Days’ Record. See Catt, A. E.
- — A.C.U. Decision re Road, 215
- — End-to-end, 546, 603, 618
- — Fifty Miles Class C Record Beaten, 661
- — Flying Kilometre, 546, 597
- — Hour, Attempt on the, 400, 553
- — Lightweight, A New, 606
- — Long Distance Road Records, 316, 444,
- 546 7 — Speed in, 463
- — Martin, Harry, Breaks Standing Mile
- British Record, 400
- — Motor Cycle, for 1910, 12, 42
- — Single-cylinder Hour, A New, 449
- — Six Days’, 603, 627
- Lightweight Record, 626
- ~ — Hours Track Record Beaten, 453
- Reflex Lights, Tests of, 185
- Registration, 96
- — Numbers, Low, 397, 472
- Repair Outfit, 202
- Results, Errors in Issuing, 389
- Rex Motor-Cycle Works, Reorganisation of
- Richmond Meet (1911), 194
- Riders Weights in the Tourist Trophy Race, 437, 520
- Road Board, Grants from the, 166, 453
- — Dangers at Night, 401, 568, 616
- Records, A.C.U. Decision re, 215
- — Rider, Touring Tips, 668.
- ? Surveyors, Motor Cycles for, 15
- Roads, Obstructions in, 263, 316
- — Open the, 313
- — State of our Highways, 36, 60, 82
- Roc Tricycle, Trials of, 627 Roller Blind Mud Screen, 35
- — Skater v. Motor Cyclist, 26, 166, 267 Roman Road to Edinburgh, 263
- Rom Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Prizes for
- the T.T. Race, 549
- Rotax Lamp and Generator, 418
- Round the Coast of England, Scotland,
- and Wales, 489
- Routes—
- — Bournemouth to Dover, 582
- — Kettering to Sheffield, 582
- — Lancashire to South Devon, 583
- — Welwyn to Harrogate, 610
- Rover Co., Ltd., About the New Rover, 87
- — Racing Cyclists’ Club Sports at Aston,
- Misunderstanding re, 502
- Royal Automobile Club—
- Reflex Lights, Tests of, 185
- Seventh Provincial Meeting, 522 Taxation Conference, 167
- Royal Enfield, On the Road with New, 67
- Rubber, Preservation of, 541
- Rude, R., My Ideal Motor Cycle, 156-158 Criticisms, 386
- Runabouts, Four-wheeled Light, Problem of the, 99, 104, 108, 123, 163, 187
- — Gordon, The, 224
- — New Pattern, 462
- — Tandem-seated, 464
- — Turner, The, 233
- Run on a Water-cooled Sidecar Combination, 368
- — Round some London Factories, 528
- Russell Edgar, Novel Way of Starting his
- Machine, 214
- Rust, Preserving Plated Parts from, 621
- Saddle Seat, A New, 356
- Scarborough and District M.C.C.—
- — Gymkhana, Photographs, 556
- — Kilometre Speed Trial, 608
- Scavenging Device, A Mechanically - operated, 62, 85, 107, 162
- Scotland, England, and Wales, Round the Coast of, 489
- Scott, A. M. C., Contour Section of the New Route between Exeter and Liskeard in the London-Land’s End- London Run, 339
- Scott-Robinson Carburetter, The New, 393
- Scottish Six Days’ Trials, Great Reforms in, 538, 597, 671
- Scrap Steel on the Highways, 470
- Shaft Drive, Disadvantages of, 173
- Shap Fell Hill-climb, 353, 406b
- — — — Result of, 432
- Sharpe, Edmund, Pioneer Motor Cyclist,467
- Shaw, H. D., Starting in the Leeds M.C.C.
- Speed Trial (illus.), 530
- Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C.C., 181 Hill-climb at Edale, Starting Point (illus.), 533
- Winter Reliability Trial, 20
- Shelsley Walsh Open Hill-climb, 598
- Shetland Hills, Climbing Two Noted, 369
- Sidecar Drivers, Liability of, 421, 446, 447
- Sidecars, Attachments, Fitting, 25
- — Rear Seat Preferred, 37, 109 Tax and, 82
- — Change-speed Gears and, 596, 623, 670
- — Choice of, 151
- — Combination, A Luxurious, 390
- — Criticisms on Sidecar Topics, 371
- — Driving from, 200
- — Egypt, in, 301
- — Fittings, Quickly Detachable, 500
- — Flexible, 443
- — Growing Popularity of, 177
- — Hill-climbs, in, 515
- — Horse-power for Sidecar Work, 172
- — Licences, A.C.U. Solicitor’s Views, 85
- — Motor Cycle and Sidecar for Bread Delivery, 318
- — Power for, 124
- — Rigid or Castor Wheel, 335
- — Single Gears and, 35
- — Single or Two-speed Gears with, 334
- — Sixteen Thousand Miles with a 3.1 h.p. Sidecar, 50-54
- — Spring Forks and, 311
- — Starting with, 420
- — Suggestions, by Beatrice Langston and P. W. Bischoff, 276
- — Taxation, 89, 201
- — Three-speed Water-cooled Machine 394
- — Two-seater, 314
- Water-cooled, Run on a, 368
- Signalling for Motor Cyclists, 322, 349
- Signposts, Originality in regard to, 567
- Silencers, Blue Flame from the, 272 Efficiency of, 59
- — Fitting Extra Pipes, 237
- ~ Position of, 225
- Singer Co. and Change Speed Gears 503
- — A New 2 J h.p., 474
- Single-cylinder Hour Record, A New, 449
- -— Roadsters of 31 h.p. at Olympia, 37, 60
- Six Days’ Record, The New, 461, 603
- Sixteen Thousand Miles with a 31 h.p. Sidecar, 50-54, 105
- Sleigh-cum-Motor Cycle-cum-Aeroplane (illus.), 98
- Slide Valve Engines. See Engines
- Slow Running, Adjustments for, 490
- — Traffic, Metropolitan Police Decision, 631
- Smith, F. W., going well in the Oxford, M.C.C. Open Hill-climb (illus.), 377
- - Harry, Presentation of Cup to M.C.C., 630
- Snaefell Mountain, Climbing, 549
- Sociables, Twin-cylinder, 163, 188, 210, 239, 264
- — I-Iill-climbing and, 397
- Sopwith, T., Winner of Baron de Forest’s £4,000 Prize, 14
- South-east London M.C.C. Open Hill-climb at Vigo Hill, 501
- South London M.C.C’. Open Hill-climb, 452
- Southport, Police Activity in, 299
- Spark, Advancing and Retarding, 97
- — An Errant, 70
- — Lever, Position of, 490
- — Position, The Maximum, 334
- Sparking Plugs, Remedy for Oily, 322 Spectacles, Blurred, 70
- Speed Limits, Sussex,’ New, for, 14
- — — Ten-mile, 108, 525.
- — — Timing Speed Events, The Problem of, 314, 467, 666
- — Trials, Clipstone, 602
- — Grimsthorpe Park, 546a
- Speedometers, Drive, The Latest, 30
- Spider Quad, Is it coming to Stay ? by B. H. Davies, 536, 618, 622
- — Reply, 594
- Sportsman or Potterer ? 34, 37, 60, 79, 82, 100
- Spring Fork, A New, 489
- — — Attachments and Sidecars, 491
- Sidecars and, 311
- - Triumph Improvements, 274
- Stability, 148, 182, 199, 232, 239, 321
- Stanley, G. E., Fifty Miles Class C Record beaten by, 661
- Starting Difficulties, 97, 226, 249, 269, 273, 301, 335, 396, 469
- — Easy Devices for, 135, 172
- — Motor Cycle Engines, 546, 596
- — Sidecars, with, 420
- — Sluggish, 151, 516
- Staxton Hill-climb, 409
- — — Competitors Rounding the Corner (illus.), 422
- Steam-propelled Motor Cycles. See Motor Cycles
- Steamer, The Motor Cycle, 261
- Steering Design, 85
- Stewart, Lieut., R.N., Six Hours’ Track Record Beaten by, 453_
- Stolen Motor Cycles. See Motor Cycles
- Stoupe Brow, Inspection of, 353
- — - Is it a Fair Test ? 430
- — Recent Attempts to Climb, 447
- — — Six Days’ Trials and, 448
- Streatham M.C.C., Surrey M.C.C. and, Team Trial, 142
- Sunday Closing of Garages, 525
- Surrey M.C.C., Streatham M.C.C. and Team Trial. 142
- Surridge, Victor J. — Death of, 658
- — Holder of the Hour Record, 553
- — Rudge-Whitworth Dinner to Celebrate Record, 599
- Sussex, New Speed Limits in, 14
- Sutton Bank, Inter-club Competition at, 191
- — — One Hundred Ascents in Seven and a Half Hours, 551
- — Quarterly Trials and, 444
- Sutton Coldfield A.C.— Hill-climb at Coalport, 522
- — Open Reliability Run, 170, 193
- Swaying Sensation when Riding, 160
- Swift, H. V., Six Days’ Lightweight Record, 626, 661
- T.A.C., A Trial of the, 168
- Tandem or Pillion Seat, 418, 471
- — Seat Attachments, 23
- Taunton and District M.C.C., Group at the Opening Run of the (illus.), 533 Taxation Concessions, 21, 135
- — Question of, 113
- Ten Feet Line at Brooklands, 587, 630
- Miles Speed Limit, The Proposed, 525
- Tessier, S. T., Illustrating a Common Expression, “All out” (illus.), 511
- Three Nomads in Normandy, 638, 462
- Thunder, Al. IT., Saved by his Motor Cycle, 524
- Timing Speed Events, The Problem of, 314, 353, 401
- — Problem, 314, 353, 401, 666
- — dips, by Road Rider., 668
- — Wheel, Removing a, 150 Toolkits, Necessary Addition to, 444
- Torbay Motor Cyble Club Reliability Trial
- to Truro and Back, 406b
- Touring Preparations for, 290-292
- Tourist Trophy* Race. See under Auto Cycle Union
- Races and Quarterly Trials, Manufacturers’ Decisions, 244
- Trade and the Trials, 49, 251
- — v. Amateurs, 504, 509, 529
- Tramlir.es, Dangerous, 670
- Transmission, Non-slipping, 200
- Transvaal, Short Trip in the, 564-566
- — The Motor Cycle in, 327 Trembler and Plain Coil, 70
- Trials Trifles, 428 Tricar Tax, 420
- Tricars, Novel Design of, 215
- — Tandem, 243
- Triumph Spring Fork Improvement, 274
- Trouser Shields, 169, 563
- Trump-Jap Racer, A 1911, 175
- Turner Runabout, 233
- Twin-cylinder Hobart, The New, 45
- — Sociables, 138, 163, 188, 210, 239, 264
- Two-speed Douglas, Week-end on a, 183, 237
- Two-stroke Engines, Facts about, by B. H. Davies, 69
- Two Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-seven Miles in Six Days, 498
- Tyres, Gordon Non-skid Cover, 336
- — Interchangeability of, 363, 399, 421, 445, 519
- — “ Midland ” New Non-skid Rubber-studded, 202
- — Nail Catchers and Damage to Tyres, 672
- — Passenger Outfits, Tyre Troubles on, 256
- — Pedley, The, 462
- — Sideslip and, 186, 238, 264
- — Stability in Grease, 123
- — Troubles with Back Wheel and : How to Avoid it, 211
- U. H. Magneto, 30
- Valve Stretching and Carburation, 557
- Valves, Adjustment of, 249
- — Air-cooled Piston Valve Engines, 129
- — Chest Design, 265
- — Combination Inlet and Exhaust, 320, 349
- — Cooling Devices, 274, 321
- — Cotter Extractors, 371
- — Exhaust. Broken, 593
- — Lift of, 173
- — — Novel Design of, 169
- — Seating of, 150
- — Timing of, 542
- — Grinding of, 80, 97
- — Overhead, on Touring Engines, 272
- — Piston Valve Motor Cycle Engine, The First, 4'35
- — Slide Valve Engines, 89, 125, 132, 164, 298, 302
- — — Dome, The, 132
- — — First Motor Cycle, 298, 302 Possibilities of the, 130-132
- — Spring Tightener, 202
- — Springs, Weak, 419
- — Tension of Valve Springs, 201
- — Timing, 150, 311
- — Water-cooled Exhaust Valve Cap, 59, 516
- Variable Compression Device, 194
- Victoria M.C.C. Summer Competition, 65
- Villiers’ Hub Clutch, 192
- “ Vivat Rex, Vivat Regina,” 611
- Vulcanising versus Patching, 616
- Wales, England, and Scotland, Round the Coast of, 489
- Walker, Roy, London-Exeter Winter Run, Tale of the, 7-9
- Walthamstow M.C. Hill-climb at Low Hill* Results, 528
- Water-cooled Sidecar Combination, Run on a, 368
- Water Freezing in Acetylene Generators, 135
- Weather, Wind, and Darkness, 28
- Westcliffe-on-Sea, Opening Air Ranking, 15
- Westmorland M.C.C., Shap Fell Hill-climb, Prizes for, 167
- Wheels, Easily Detachable, 182
- — Which is it that Lifts ? 397, 345, 446
- Wilberforce, V., Winner of the 65 m.p.h.
- Handicap at Brooklands (illus ), 416
- Wild-fowling, a Sportsman’s Use for his Motor Cycle, 287-289
- Willesden Green M.C.C., Surviving Competitors in the 100 Miles Reliability Trial (illus.), 507
- Wind and Mud Shield, Another Design of, 161
- Winning Team, Finding a, by B. H. Davies, 338
- Winter Equipment, 35
- — Reliability Trials, 31, 160, 186
- — How Riders set about Conquering Adverse Conditions, 28
- — Lessons from the, 2
- — Success of, 125
- Witham, S. A. M., Challenge to Jake de Rosier, 40
- Woodhouse, J. W., in Sutton Coldfield A.C. Hill-climb (illus.), 524
- Worcestershire, Police Activity in, 166
- Wright, S., London-Exeter Winter Run,
- Experiences of, 10
- Wulfruna Models, 585
- Yates, Bert, Attempt on the Hour Lightweight Record, 527
- Yorkshire M.C.C. Quarterly Trials, 180, 190
- — as she is Spoke, 364
- Zenith versus Matchless, 660