1903 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1903 Jan-Jun Index - Volume 10
- Abeille Car, 10 h.p.. 274.
- Absentmindedness, 737.
- Accessibility, 25.
- Accessories and Fittings. Engines. 183.
- Accident at Sandwich. 669.
- — Stanley Show, 103.
- — Crossing, Paris-Madrid Race, 674.
- — near Rome, M. A. Vonwiller, 577.
- — - on La Turbie, Count Zborowski killed. 416. 433, 443, 445. 446. 447.
- — The Norbiton, 582.
- — to Car, Tramlines in Gosport, 246.
- — Mr. Frederick Illingworth 409.
- Accidents. Horse. 131, 190, 195, 431, 706.
- — Motor, in London, 726.
- Accumulator Treatment, 484.
- — Using Spare, 151.
- Accumulators. 1903, 463.
- — Charging, from House-lighting Circuit, 620, 708.
- — The Principles and Care of 715.
- — run down, 534. 563, 648.
- Acetylene Lamps, Keeping in Order 112
- Adams, Mr. F. N.. of New Zealand. 762.
- Adelaide to Melbourne. Mr. Thomson on 6 h.p. De Dion, 725.
- Ader Car, The. 414.
- — Eight-cylinder, View of Engine, 630.
- Adjustment. Hints on, 230.
- Agent, A Good Word for the, 474.
- Agricultural Hall Exhibition. 67. 221, 272. 362. 369. 385.
- Air Pressure in Tyres, 279, 308.
- — Tubes. Patches for Repairing, 21.
- Airship. Prof. [[W. H. Pickerings]’s, 727.
- — Valve, Auxiliary, in Induction Pipe, 55.
- Albany-Lamplugh Control I ever, 564.
- Albion Motor Car Co.’s New Car, 74 , 355.
- Alcohol as Fuel, 649, 657.
- Algeria, Touring in, 265.
- Alldays and Onions, Traveller Voiturette,
- Alresford Automobile Club. 585.
- America, Hill-climbing in, 601.
- — Motor Van Competition in, 703.
- American Automobiles, 46.
- — Challengers, Gordon-Bennett. 310, 487, 523. 541. 557. 584.
- — Patent Question in. 503. 591.
- — Race Meeting, Empire City Track. 710.
- — Stopping Gates for Motor Cars, 754.
- — Trade. Mr. C. J. Glidden on. 69.
- — Weights, 151.
- America's Swiftest Car. The Baker Electric Racer, 113.
- Ampere Hour. The, 307.
- Analysis. Statistical, of Five Motor Shows, 428.
- Andalusia. Excursions in. 20.
- Anglo-American Co.’s Delivery Van. 272.
- Anglo-American Motor Car Co., Ltd., 131.
- Antiquarian Research. Automobilism and. 104.
- Anti-skidding Devices, 33 39. 45, 64, 69, 94. 121. 273. 280 . 404, 553.-555. 582. 595. 728.
- Ardennes Circuit. 105. 203, 496. 692 719, 747.
- Ardscull Camp, Messrs. Mecredy and Percy, 731.
- Argonnes Circuit. 96. 240. 472.
- Argyll Car. The 1903 . 261. 287.
- — Cars. Unique Trial 728. 744.
- — 8 h.p.. Mr. H. B. Hemmon’s, 19.
- — Fitted for Winter Use. 70.
- — 16 h.p.. four cylinder. 690.
- — Spring Brackets. 491.
- Ariel. 16 h.p.. for Water Department Engineer. Birmingham, 554.
- — Illustration of. 608.
- Army Autocars, 293. x
- Artillery Wheel Mulliner’s New Design of, 670.
- Description of, 307, 335.
- Necessity of Truing. 230.
- Asbestos Washers. 459.
- Ascot Races. Ipswich to. Run on 13 h.p Primus, 753.
- Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Club Meet at. 676.
- Australia, De Dion Voiturette in, 698.
- Austria. Automobile Service in, 582.
- — Hill-climbing in. 546.
- —- Motor Waggons in 718.
- — Hungary. Army Motors in, 195.
- Austrian Items, 665.
- Autocar, The, Balloon, see Balloon. “Autocar Log Book, 726.
- Automatic Carburetters, 217, 642.
- — versus Mechanically Operated Valves, 120.
- — Circular Sawing Machine, 270.
- — Regulator and Petroleum Burner, 7.
- — Sight Feed Lubrication, 19.
- Automobile Club, Annual General Meeting. 298.
- — Meeting, Numbering Proposals, 330, 565.
- — of France, 21.
- — of Spain. 38.
- — Commercial Syndicate’s Dinner, 101.
- — Regulations, France. 718.
- — Volunteer Corps, 383. 529.
- — Mutual Protection Association, Ltd., 707.
- Automobiles for Professional Men, 118.
- Auxiliary Air Valve in Induction Pipe, 55.
- Awards. Paris Show, 38.
- Axles, Live, 463.
- Back Firing in Induction Pipe. 204.
- Bag for Air Tubes, 698.
- Baker Electric Racer; America’s Swiftest Car, 113.
- Balanced Motor. 466.
- Balancing of Engines, 16, 39.
- Ball Bearings, Locomobile, Query as to, 764.
- — Renewing, 408. 712.
- Balloon, “ The Autocar,’* 487, 528, 557, 583 . 665, 706, 730.
- Band Brakes on Light Steam Cars, 102.
- Bardon Car, Plan View of, 326.
- — Engine, 326.
- Barrow, Mr. Loraine, Death of 720. 731.
- — on 80 h.p. De Dietrich, 628. 664.
- Bastogne Cup, Ardennes Circuit, 719.
- Batteries, Dry, 590.
- — Primary, 696.
- Bavarian Government. Services of Automobile Omnibuses, 500.
- Beacon Hill, Climbing, 301.
- Bearings, Worn, 335.
- Beaufort Car, 12 h.p.. Run on a, 53.
- — Cars. New Types of. 231.
- — Company, Sale of Car, 76.
- — 14 h.p., two-cylinder, 404.
- Beaufort Motor Co.. Fire, 532.
- Beaumont, Professor W. Worby, Cantor Lectures. 535. 559. 588.
- Belt Driven Cars, Steam and. 267.
- — Driving, Pick Cars. 696, 751.
- Belgium, Circuit National of, 522 . 577. 604.
- — Gordon-Bennett Cup Race in. 97.
- — Road from Ostend to Blankenberghe. 355.
- — Automobile Exhibition, 247.
- Belle Car. Mr. Ellis’s, Fitted with Patent Starting Gear, 59.
- Belsize, 20 h.p.. 282.
- Belt. A Word for the, 243.
- Bench and Vice. Combined, 3’4.
- Beneough. Mr. W., Non-slipping Device, 553.
- Berlin. A Motordrome in, 61.
- — Autocar Fete in. 319.
- — Industry in, 582.
- Bichrone Two-stroke Motor. 273.
- Bicycles, Motor, and Trailers, 267. 295, 322.
- Bidon Consumption Test, Course for. 477.
- Bill of the Automobile Club, 625.
- — for the Gordon-Bennett Race, 254 , 368, 424.
- Birmingham. Experimental Public Service in. 728.
- — Water Dent. Engineer. 16 h.p. Ariel Car for, 554.
- Blackburn. Corporation of. and Motor Traction, 45. 68.
- Blowing Back. 648.
- Body Building, Clever. 544 , 551.
- Body Design. Car, 548.
- Bognor and Chichester. Service of Motor Cars. 532.
- Boiler. Steam showing from Flash Type,
- Boiler Pressure, 563.
- Bonnet. The Fashion of the, 301.
- Bordeaux, The Arrival at (illustration), 639.
- Boston. U.S.A., Hill-climbing at. 601.
- Bowden, Mr. H. H., on 12 h.p. Darracq, 746.
- Brackets, Argyll Spring. 491.
- — Combined Lamp and Wing, New Orleans, 564.
- Brake Connections, Clutch and. Deschamps. 564.
- Brakes, Efficient, 243.
- — Faulty, 568.
- — Front Wheel 478. 506.
- — Trials at Nice. 124. 468. 473.
- Bradford Motor Telescopic Tower. 103.
- Bridge Tolls, Maidenhead, 70.
- British Car Design, 129 193. 216. 228. 241. 267, 295. 320, 349, .380. 417 . 450. 474 , 498.
- British Motor Traction Co.. Legal. 200.
- — Power, Traction, and Lighting Co
- — Failure, 334.
- — Success. Another, 26.
- — Tourists in France. 13.
- Brooke Carburetter. 259.
- — Change Speed Gear. The Wear of. 68.
- — 14^ h.p. Three-cylinder Car. 358. 510.
- — 12 h.p. 1903 Car, 36.
- Broomfield Hill. Richmond Park, 464, 465.
- Bronze Medal awarded to Napier and Son, Paris Show, 44.
- Brougham Top. 44.
- Brown Brothers. Balance Sheet, 553.
- — Sparking Plug External Gap. 411.
- Brush Car. 16 h.p., 214.
- — Electrical Engineering Co., 21.
- — Sparking Plug External Gap. 411.
- Buenos Ayres, Automobiles at, 46.
- — Imports of Motors, 581.
- Burchall, W. B.. Two-cycle Engine, 600.
- Burglaries, Motor. 668.
- Burners. Paraffin, for Steam Cars, 17, 39. 66, 101.
- — Petroleum Automatic Regulator and, 7.
- — Steam Car. 590.
- Burnley and District A.C., 536.
- Butin. M., on Automobile Pumps 743.
- Buying a Second-hand Car, Hints on, 6, 28.
- Cabmen, Automobilists and, 431.
- Cadogan. Earl, 16 h.p. Napier, 502.
- Cairnwell Pass, 219.
- Calcutta. Supply of Petrol in, 131.
- California, Labour-saving Farm Implement, 20.
- Cambridge University Automobile Club, 48
- Camp at Ardscull Moat, 731.
- Camping with an Autocar. 713, 745.
- Cannstadt Fire. Remains of Mercedes Cars. 719.
- Canoe on. Conveying, Mr. T. B. Percy's Car. 622.
- Cantonnier System of Road Mending, 318.
- Cantor Lectures, 535, 559. 588.
- Carburation Troubles. 478.
- Carburetter and Governor, Combined. 259.
- — De Dion. 321. 384.
- — Derangement. 384.
- — An Economical. 17.
- — Flooded. Cure for. 511.
- — Flooding, 350.
- — J. B. Dunlop’s, 641, 667, 691. 751.
- — Nozzles. 148.
- — The Vaurs. 486.
- — Troubles. 17, 79.
- — Warming the, 712.
- Carburetters, Automatic, 217.
- — Soot in. by A. J. Wilson, 344.
- — Spray, 423.
- — Surface. Suggested Improvement in. 568.
- Cardiff Corporation. Motor Cars for. 654.
- — Motor Repairer at, 132.
- Care required in engaging Chauffeur. 14.
- Carnival. Paris The Autocar in the. 240.
- Carpevium Two-seated Machine, 426.
- Carriage of Autocars by Rail, 406.
- Carriage Work. 188.
- Carriers. Motor, for Small Crops, 439.
- Cartoon. Mr Roger W. Wallace. K.C., 192.
- Catalytic Ignition. 69. 418.
- — Plug. New Electric. 361.
- Caters. Baron de, on 60 h.p. Mercedes, 47C.
- Caution Boards. 17, 221.
- Century. 6$ h.p. Single-cylinder, 734.
- — Tandem. 696. 710.
- — for Ashanti. 700.
- Certificates and Permits for Continental Tourists, 575.
- — Driving. 499.
- Ceylon. Law Administered in, 43.
- C.G.V. Car in Ardennes Circuit, 753.
- — Eight-cylinder Motor. 347.
- Chaboche Steamer, Illustration of, 628.
- Chain-driven Commutator. Replacing Chain. 204.
- Chainless Car, Dashboard of. 702.
- — Racing Car. 40 h.p., 581.
- Chains. 502.
- — Driving. 187.
- — Patent Lubricated. 269.
- Change Speed Gear, 77 126. 193. 266, 294. 404 . 499.
- Changing Speed, 357.
- — Spead Gear without Noise. 351.
- Chat with the Cup Holder, A, 759.
- Cheap Cars, 511.
- Cheltenham and Gloucester A.C.. 707.
- Chemical Fire Engine, Liverpool 131.
- Chenard, Non-stop Run on a, 687.
- — Midwinter Run on a, 285.
- Chenard-Walcker Oars in French Consumption Trials, 271, 274.
- — 14 h.p. Car, 30.
- — Run on a 14 h.p., 616.
- — Supplement. 122.
- Chicago. Automobile Trade in. 585.
- Circuit des Ardennes. 105. 203 , 496 , 692. 719. 747.
- — National of Belgium, 522. 577, 604.
- — The French. 96, 240. 472.
- City Traffic. 254.
- Clarkson Steam Vehicles. 669.
- — Thomas. Paper by, 197.
- Classification. A New Motor. 61.
- Clement Coupe, 544.
- — 9 and 11 h.p. Engines. 38.
- — Racing Light Car. Illustration of, 629.
- Clergymen, Autocars for, 67.
- Climbing Beacon Hill. 301.
- Clipper Continental Motor Tyres. 68. 247 . 273, 554.
- Clocks for Gordon-Bennett Race. 733.
- Clothing for Motorists. 102. 189.
- Club Bill, The Automobile. 625.
- — Doings. 23. 72. 147. 193, 209. 247 . 279, 306, 324 . 368, 383 . 431 453 , 508, 536, 560, 585. 676. 707. 723. 752.
- — Journal.” “ The Automobile. 482.
- — Meeting. Automobile. Numbering Proposals. 330.
- — Runs of Motor Cycle Club. 269, 328.
- — The Automobile Run to Hertford, 655.
- — The Automobile Annual General Meeting. 298.
- - Vote as to Numbering, etc.. 530.
- Clutch Action. Langdon-Davies. 491.
- — and Brake Connections, Deschamps, 564.
- — Double Friction, 350.
- — Dressing. A Good, 459.
- Clutches. 423.
- — De Dion. 498. 530.
- — Expanding. 1903 Mercedes, 236.
- — Oiling the. 484.
- Clyde Motor Bicycles with Simms Magneto Ignition. 17. 65.
- Coaches. Motor, in Ireland 466.
- Coil Induction. Details. 540.
- — explained, 374 , 422.
- — Induction. English made, 22.
- — on Gordon-Bennett Racers, 528.
- — Trembler High Speed, 591.
- Col de Braus. Illustration of. 473
- Collier Tyres. Converting Wheels for, 754.
- Commutator, A Rolling. 463.
- — Chain Driven, Replacing Chain. 204.
- Compression. 147. 696.
- — Relief Taps. Fitting for. 204.
- Connaught. Duke of. on 10 h.p. Wolseley Car. 711.
- Consumption Trials, France, 272, 274. 353. 354 . 379, 448.
- — Trials. Fuel. 548.
- Control of Motors 605.
- — Standardising. 405.
- Contact Breaker and Commutator, 739
- — Breaker Plates. Metal 104.
- Continental Notes and News, 12. 38 , 60. 96 123. 191, 215. 240 264 293 319 . 347. 378 , 414 . 441. 467 . 495 . 546 576 . 602, 662, 691 717. 747.
- Continental Tourists. Certificates and Permits. 575.
- Contracts for Motor Work. 561.
- Control Lever. Albany-Lamplugh. 564.
- Convalescents. Motor Driving for. 736.
- Conversions, Ignition. 384 554 . 563 . 712.
- Conveyance of Cars to Dublin. 488.
- Coolers. Honeycomb. 10, 11.
- Copeland. Mrs. Neville 12 h.p. Clement Car. 755.
- Corbet's Non-slipping Apparatus. 404.
- Cork Exhibition. Motors at, 270.
- Corners. Turning. 547.
- Correspondence, 14 . 39. 63, 98. 125. 192. 216. 241. 266. 294 , 320. 349 . 380 . 417. 450, 474 530 547. 578. 605. 641, 666 . 693. 721, 750.
- Cost of Keeping Gordon-Bennett Course. 733.
- — per Mile. 110.
- Cottereau Popular. Description of, 599.
- Council of Paris Autocar Trials, 576. 602.
- County Councils and Highways, 9. 41.
- — West Riding, and Autocars. 102.
- Crampton’s 10 h.p. Decauville 33.
- Crank Bearing Firing. 736.
- Crankshafts. Broken. 648.
- Crawhez. Baron de. on 90 h.p. Panhard, 633, 637.
- — Baron Pierre de. on 70 h.p. Panhard, 747.
- Creber. W.. Non-skidding Device. 595.
- Creosote Burner. Testing a 100 h.p., 134.
- Crest Manufacturing Co., 8.
- Crestmobile Car, 8.
- Criterium of Industrial Cars, 191. 378.
- Crompton. Colonel. Fined for Speed. 422.
- Crystal Palace Show. The. 36, 152, 217.
- — From a French Point of View, 210.
- — Guide. 137.
- Cummings. Lieut. Mansfield, Wolseley Car, 458. 501. 669.
- Cundy, J. A., Article by, 436.
- Cup. Gold, awarded to Chenard and Walcker, 96.
- Cut Out, Noisy. 454. 506.
- Cylinder Cooling. 697.
- — of Internal Combustion Engines, 743.
- Daimler Car. Elevation and Plan of, 308.
- — Works. Fire at. 554.
- Damage to Roads by Traction Engines, 9, 42.
- Darracq. The. and its Management, 62. 701.
- — Cars. Illustrations of, 633.
- — 12 h.p,. 327.
- Dashwood Hill, Eliminating Trials. 518.
- Davis. Colonel, on a Locomobile, 370.
- Dawson Car with Three-cylinder Engine.
- Day and Night Services. 750.
- Deasy. Captain. London to Glasgow Non-atop Run. 569.
- Decauville Engine Bed Plate, 654.
- — Hansom Cab, 12.
- — Mr. Crampton’s 10 li.p., 33.
- — 20 h.p. Paris-Madrid, 677.
- De Dietrich Car, Mr. Jarrott on, 626, 629.
- — 16 h.p.. Hon. Rupert Guinness's, 404. 432.
- — 16 b.p., George Macmillan on. 549.
- — Military Oar. 3.
- — Omnibus. 414.
- — 24 h.p.. Latest Pattern. 704.
- De Dion-Bouton Light Van. 24.
- — Carburetter. 321.
- — Clutches, 498, 530.
- — Engine, Two-cylinder 10 h.p. 205, 232.
- — Four-cylinder Cars, Illustration of. 749.
- — Light Car. 18 h.p., Four-cylinder, Illustration of, 635.
- — 9 h.p., Two-cylinder, Illustration of, 748.
- — 6 h.p.. Run on a. 47, 246.
- — 6 h.p., Adelaide to Melbourne on. 725
- — 8 h.p., 123 246. 297.
- — Tonneau, 8 h.p.. Four-seated. 670.
- — Voiturette, 6 h.p.
- — in Australia. 698.
- — 10 h.p.. as Racer. Illustration of, 627.
- Defence Union, Suggestion for a. 753.
- Delivery Van. Light. Star Eng. Co. 69.
- — Trials. Light. 11.
- Dennis Brothers Ltd., Balance Sheet. 552.
- — 40 h.p., 582.
- — 9 h.p.. Run on a. 304.
- — Spring Drive, 58.
- Dents in Tubes. Hint for Removing 151. -rr. .
- Departmental Committee on Highways. 531.
- Deposit. Security for. 708.
- Derbv and District Automobile Club. 147, 752.
- Desert Transport by Motor. 20.
- Deschamps Clutch and Brake Conn^o- tions, 564.
- — 9 h p . 244.
- Design. British Car* 129. 193. 216.. 228- 241 267, 295, 320, 349, 380. 417, 450. 474. 498.
- Design. Car Body. 548. 752.
- Development of Power Traction on Roads. 147.
- — Recent, in Light Steam Cars 316.
- — in the Modern Automobile. 305. 332.
- — Racing hastening. 457.
- Devices and Fittings, 1903
- — Pattern. 463, 491, 564.
- — Electrical Timing, 62, 215, 264.
- Dickenson. Morette. 97.
- Direction Boards for Automobilists, 18.
- Dirt in Petrol, 408. 722.
- Dolnar. Hugh. Articles by. 113. 223. 248. 277. 438. 523. 541, 601. 740.
- Dorward. Mr. David. Steam Oar. 685
- Dourdan Trials, Electrical Timing Apparatus. 264.
- Drilling Machine, Universal. 421.
- Drimosit Rug. The. 57.
- Drive on a Gordon-Bennett Car. by Mary E. Kennard, 522.
- Driver, A Youthful, 19,
- Drivers in Private Employment, 14.
- — of British Gordon-Bennett Cars. 545.
- — The Responsibility of, 338.
- Driving a Car. Hints and Tips on, 256, 284. 311, 339. 372.
- — Certificates, 499.
- — Skill. 738.
- Dry Batteries, 590.
- Dublin. Garage Boom in. 584. 645. 705.
- — Petrol Famine in, 150.
- Ducellier Lamps. 295, 323.
- Dudley, Earl of. on 12 h.p. Panhard. 650.
- Du Gast. Madame, and 24 h.p. De Dietrich, 632.
- Dumfriesshire Steam Car, 685.
- Dunlop. Mr. J. B.. Patent. Silencers. 653
- — Non-slipping Tread. 94. 121.
- — Tyres in Paris-Madrid Race. 734.
- Dunlop’s Carburetter, 751.
- Dunstable, Garage at, 532.
- Durbar. Autocars Banished from, 19.
- Duryea Surrey in Japan, 329.
- Dust Problem. The, 75, 268. 608, 692, 744,
- — Raising Oars. Proposed Trials of. 75.
- — Mudguard Flaps. 267.
- Earl’s Court Exhibition. 45, 72. 80.
- Eastern Counties Automobile Club, 72, 193.
- Echoes of the Show. 213.
- Economical Carburetter, An. 17. Economy, 679.
- — Speed or. 283 721.
- Edge, S. F., A Chat with, 759.
- — Photograph of. 545.
- — Ltd., Gold Medal awarded to 21.
- Edinburgh Show, 243.
- — To Ireland. Route, 591, 618.
- — 7- York, Winter Run, 285.
- Edison Storage Batteries, 8.
- Edmond on 40 h.p. Darracq. 664.
- Egyptian Government and Automobiles. 20.
- Eisemann System of Magneto Ignition. 237.
- Election at Newmarket, Motor Cars at, 36.
- — Motor Cars at Chertsey. 554.
- Electric Catalytic Plug, New. 361.
- — Connections. Making. 511.
- — Ignition, 336.
- — A Curious Feature of. 37.
- — Co.’s Insulated Cable. 77.
- — Omnibus. 426.
- — Racer. The Baker. America’s Swiftest Car. 113.
- — Terminals. Short Circuits prevented.
- Electrical Accessories. General Electric Co.. 47.
- — Police Trap at Patch am. 22.
- — Timing Device. 62. 215 . 264, 515.
- — Variable Speed Gear, 260.
- Electricity as applied to Motor Cars, H. A. Jones’s Lecture, 276.
- Electrolyte. A New, 413.
- Electromobiles. 180.
- Elephants and Automobiles. 19.
- Eliminating: Testa, Loag Island 525. 541.
- — Trials Gordon-Bennett. 513, 513 558, 584. 585, 619. 645.
- Ellis Starting Gear. The, 59.
- Empire City Track, America. Race Meeting, 710.
- Engine. A Balanced. 466.
- — A Two-cycle, 600.
- — Bed Plate, Decauville. 654.
- — Clarendon Motor Co.’s, 425.
- — 85 h.p. Panhard 609.
- — How to Start the, 563, 590, 712.
- — Indicator. High Speed. 58.
- — Lubrication, 678.
- — New Type Steam Car, Mason Regulator Co., 532.
- — Rex. Single-cylinder Governed. 684.
- Engineer, Motor, License for. 357, 384.
- Engineering Science, Vibration Problems in, 429.
- Engines Accessories and Fittings, 183.
- — High and Low Speed, 204.
- — Horizontal. 2, 26.
- — Internal Combustion. Cylinder Cooling of, 743.
- — Short Stroke, Standard Motor Co.. 661.
- — Three-cylinder, 15, 44, 128.
- — The Balancing of. 16 39.
- — Two-cylinder 10 h.p. De Dion. 205. 232
- — View of Eight-cylinder Ader, 630.
- English Course for the Gordon-Bennett Race, 107.
- — made Induction Coils. 22.
- Entries for Paris-Madrid Race 240.
- Enquiry Office, Gordon-Bennett, 758.
- Essex. Storage Accommodation in, 21.
- Exhaust Pressure, 423, 451.
- — Valve Stems. Bent. 739.
- Exhibition, A Permanent Autocar, Paris. 293.
- — A Permanent, 643.
- — in Paris, 665.
- Exhibitions, Many. 5L
- Exhibits at the Stanley Motor Show. 80.
- Experiences. Practical, 268.
- Experiments, Some Sparking Plug. 37, 54. 100, 121 127, 192, 193 266, 323. 328. 361 411. 475.
- — with an Auto Trembler. 574.
- Expense in re-making Roads, 9.
- Farman Automobile Co.’s Garages. 727.
- — M. Henri, on 90 h.p. Panhard. 634.
- Fashion of the Bonnet. 201.
- Fete in Berlin. Autocar 319.
- Fine for Assaulting Motorists, 608.
- — for Excessive Speed—Monaco, 53.
- — for Warning Motorists. 724.
- — under Petroleum Act. 500.
- Fines for Alleged Excess of Legal Limit, 18 . 20. 21, 22, 440. 452 476 561. 579. 647.
- — Graduated, 679.
- Fire at Daimler Works. 554.
- — Wolseley Co.’s Factory, 132.
- — Cannstadt. Remains of Mercedes Cars, 719.
- — Engine. Chemical Liverpool. 131.
- — Motor, Merryweather and Co.’s, 689.
- — Steam Motor. Hartford. Conn.,
- — U.S.A. 482. 508.
- — Engines, Motor. 324. 350 418 . 482, 643. 689.
- — for Paris, 103.
- — Extinguisher—Petrol or Paraffin Fires. 102.
- — Tender. Leamington Spa Corporation. 290.
- Firing of Crank Bearing. 736.
- — Effect of Irregular. 568.
- — Setting. 127.
- Fittings. Engines. Accessories, and. 183.
- — 1903 Devices and. 463. 491. 564.
- Flooded Carburetter. Cure for a, 511.
- Flooding Carburetter. 350.
- Floods. A Run through the. 742.
- Forecarriages. 322.
- Foreign Tariffs on Autocars. 512. 532.
- Formula. Horse-power 589 . 648.
- Foundationless Road, 9.
- Four-cylinder Motor. Simms, 460.
- Renault Engines, Lubrication Scheme of, 32.
- Fournier, Henry, on 80 h.p. Mors 639. 663.
- — M. Henri, 271.
- Four Thousand Miles Tyre Trials, 136. 149.
- France. British Tourists in. 13.
- Frankfort. Motor Exhibition at 503.
- French Automobile Club. 21.
- — Experts. 546.
- — Regulations, 718.
- — Circuit, 96.
- — Consumption Trials. 272. 274 , 353 . 354.
- French Floating Hotel, 527.
- — Military Commission, 13.
- — Road Signs. 18, 700.
- — Sir J. P. D., at Aidershot, 434.
- — Trade in Autocars. 192.
- — View of the Crystal Palace Show, 210.
- — of Gordon-Bennett Race, 705.
- Friction Driven Car Mr. W. F. Toomas's 567.
- Frightening Horse, Motorist fined for. 220.
- Friswell. Ltd. Balance Sheet, 133.
- Friswell’s Motor Repository. 728.
- Front Wheel Brakes, 478. 506.
- Fuel, Comparative Cost of, 606.
- Furniture Waggon. Automobile, 111.
- Gabriel on his Mors, Illustrations, 638, 662.
- Gamage, A. W., Ltd., Balance Sheet, 551.
- Garage Association, A. 549.
- Garages, 11, 45. 68 301. 421. 453, 532. 533, 549, 584. 669. 705. 724, 727 728.
- Gardner-Serpollet Omnibus Trial, 196.
- Gates, Stopping. for Motor Cars, America, 754.
- Gear, A Simple Starting. 59.
- — Bevel Wheel, 221.
- — Change Speed. 126, 193. 266. 294 . 499.
- — New Orleans, 404.
- — Changing, 454.
- — Electrical Variable Speed. 260.
- — The Louet Change Speed. 77.
- — Ratios, Hill-climbing and, 112. Gearing. 506.
- — for a Light Car, 678.
- Geipel and Lange, A New Ignition, 640. 702.
- Georges-Richard Light Car. 20 h.p., 44.
- General Electric Co.. Electrical Accessories. 47.
- Germain Carburetter. The. 120. »
- — Cars at Brussels Exhibition. 302.
- — Electrical Change Speed Gear, 260.
- German Autocar Trust, 379.
- — Automobile Club and Mercedes Cars, 527, 558, 584, 705.
- — Emperor’s Autocar, 669.
- — Gordon-Bennett Cars, 558.
- — Society of Agriculture Test. 500.
- Gladiator 10 h.p. Light Delivery Van, 608.
- — 10 h.p. Two-cylinder, Lord and Lady Decies’, 262.
- — 12 h.p.. Run on a, 17, 327, 343.
- — 12 h.p.. Run by a. South Africa, 533.
- — Works, Testing Cars at. 726.
- Glasgow-London V - ~ al. 271 325.466 545, 583. 610, 642. 670, 675.
- Glidden. Chas. J.. Tour. 486.
- — Mr. C. J., on American Trade, 69.
- Glittering Lamps, 66.
- Gloucester Automobile Club. 383.
- — Speed in 696.
- Gobron-Brillie Car, 120 h.p., 467.
- — Inlet Valve, 491.
- Goodson Igniter, The, By Hugh Dolnar. 740.
- Goodyear Tyre Guarantee, 220.
- 1903 Type. 124.
- — Tyres. 641. 668. 694, 722.
- Gordon-Bennett Bill, 254, 368 , 424.
- — Car, Drive on a, By Mary E. Kennard, 522.
- — The First, 373.
- — The Second, 410.
- — Course Definitely Decided. 377.
- — Illustrations of. 406. 407. 408. 409, 410 . 412. 413. 422, 424 , 429, 430. 489.
- — Interview with Mr. Winton on. 680.
- — Proposed. 78, 107. 109, 130.
- — Cup Course Map of 761.
- — Eliminating Trials, 513, 518. 558 , 584, . 585. 619, 645.
- — Items. 456. 479. 487. 527. 557. 584 , 618. 645 673. 705 730, 758.
- — Mileage, 591.
- — Race. 3. 25. 42. 62 . 97, 222 . 310, 334, 368, 377, 424. 623. 644.
- — American Champions. 310, 487, 523. 541. 557 . 584.
- — How it will be run 761.
- — Road Fund. 132. 203 480.
- Governor, Combined Carburetter and, 259.
- — What is the use of a. 358.
- Gradients. Parbold Hill. 95.
- Griffiths. Mr. J. G. Detachable Non-slipping Shoe. 728.
- Growth of Automobilism. 96.
- Guide to the Crystal Palace Show. 137.
- Guildford, Summonses dismissed at. 752.
- Guinness’s. Hon. Rupert 16 h.p. De Dietrich Car. 404 432.
- Gymkhana Prize, 490.
- Hadfield’s, Mr. F. H., Patent Sparking Plug, 68.
- Haphazard Show Methods. 407. 451.
- Hargreaves, Messrs. B. and G.. on Clement Cars, 754.
- — Mr. John B., 20 h.p. Napier Car, 502.
- Harmsworth International Launch
- Race, 492, 547. 731.
- Hart, 40 h.p. Petrol-electric Car, 425.
- Harvester and Threshing Machine, California, 20.
- Hay, Miss Maude, on her Locomobile. 23.
- Headlights, Paraffin, 243.
- Health. Moderation, the Keynote of, 49.
- Heavy Spirit, How to Bun on, 739.
- — Traffic, Vehicles for, 18L
- Hele-Shaw, Prof. H. 8., Notable Speech by. 229.
- Hemmons’s, H. B., 8 h.p. Argyll. 19.
- Hey, Mr. 8., Tour on Spyker Car, 724.
- Hickman. Sir Alfred, on 80 h.p. Star, 553.
- Hieronymous on 90 h.p. Mercedes, 632.
- Higginbotham, G.. on 60 h.p. Mercedes, 538.
- High Speed Engine Indicator, 58.
- Highways, County Councils and, 9. 41.
- — Departmental Committee on. 531.
- Hill-climbing and Gear Ratio, 112.
- — Contest, Sheffield. 677.
- — at Boston. U.S.A., 601.
- Hints on, 540.
- — in Austria, 546.
- — Trials, Scottish Automobile Club, 646.
- Hillier, G. Lacy. 439.
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 6. 28. 55. 79, 112, 151 204 , 230, 256, 284. 311, 339, 372, 408, 435, 459, 484, 511. 540. 568 . 595. 624, 652, 681 712, 739.
- — on Buying a Second-hand Car. 6, 28.
- — Driving a Car, 256 . 284. 311.
- — to Show Exhibitors, 268.
- Historic Horseless Carriage, 134.
- Hodgson v. Speedwell Motor Co., 334.
- Holcar Four-way Delivery Pump 463.
- Holder, Mr. J. A., on 24 h.p. Panhard. 725.
- Honeycomb Coolers, 10, 11.
- Hoof8 and Wheels 111. 126.
- Hook Fastener on Tonneau Bodies, 151.
- Horizontal Engines, 2, 26.
- Horns. Musical Motor. 699.
- Horse Accidents, 131, 190, 195, 431. 706.
- Horse Frightened, Motorist Fined, 220.
- — Loving Nation. A, 116.
- — Power Formula. 358. 589, 648.
- of Motor Cars. 127.
- Horses and Autocars, 302.
- — Unattended, 355, 562.
- Hotel. French Floating, 527.
- Hotels. Some Good. 579.
- Hozier Engineering Co.. TeM, of Cars 728. 744.
- — Extension of Works, 382.
- Humber Car, The Three-cylinder. 562.
- — 5 h.p. Voiturette, Description of, 682.
- — 20 h.p., 202.
- Hundred Horse-power Motors. 293.
- — Miles on Two Gallons of Petrol, 530, 548.
- Trials, Automobile Club. 529 . 579.
- Hutchinson. Dr. F. W. H., Cambridge, A Trying Experience, 21.
- Hydroleum and Petrol Burner Trials, 144.
- Icy Roads. Autocaring on. 100.
- Identification of Cars, 547 614. 667.
- Igniter. The Goodson. By Hugh Dolnar, 740.
- Ignition and Power. 534.
- — A I" v. Geinel and Lange. 640. 702.
- — Catalytic 69 418.
- — Converting. 384. 554 . 563. 712.
- — Electric, 37 336.
- — Magneto. 243, 266. 268. 294.
- — The Eisemann System. 237.
- — Supplementary, for Magneto Ignited Motors. 418.
- — Trouble An. 764.
- — Tube. 336. 505.
- Illingworth, Mr. Frederick. Accident to, 409.
- Imports of Motors, Buenos Ayres. 581.
- Imprisonment for Furious Driving, Paris. 20 60. 130.
- India. S^nnlv of Pe*rol in 131.
- Indiarubber. By Mervyn O’Gorman, 461.
- — Testing, 151.
- Indicator Dial on Ormonde Motor Bicycle, 70.
- — High Speed Engine. 58.
- I In^iction Coil Details 540.
- — explained. 374, 422.’
- — Mr. Waterson’s. 22.
- Induction Pipe. Bick Firing in, 204.
- — Valves. Controlled. Renault. 263.
- Industrial Cars, The Criterium of. 191. 378.
- Industry. New Phase of the. 319.
- Inlet Valve. Gobron-Brillie, 491.
- — Springs Strength of. 436 590 . 739.
- — Valves. Mechanically-operated 207, 327 , 419.
- Inspecting and Weighing Gordon-Bennett Cars 479.
- Instone. E. M. 22 h p. Daimler. 522.
- Insulated Cable. E.I.C.. 77.
- Insurances. Motor Car 16 39. 66 128.
- Internal Combustion Engines. Cylinder Cooling of. 743.
- International Automobile Sport 25
- — Launch Race, Harmsworth. 492 547, 731.
- Ipswich to Ascot Races, Run on 13 h.p. Primus. 753.
- Ireland. Edinburgh to Route 591.
- — Motor Coaches in. 466.
- — Petrol in, 150. 585. 730.
- — Sending Cars to. 645. 673.
- — Speed Limit in. 282.
- Irish Automobile Club. 324.
- — Motor Cycle Union 78.
- — Tour, 334, 366.
- Irregular Firing. Effect of 568.
- Irreversible Steering Gear, Selbach’s, 491.
- Ivel Agricultural Motor, 283.
- Jackson’s Spring Wheels for Automobiles. 52.
- James and Browne Automobiles. 340.
- — Chassis, 9 h.p., 135.
- — 18 h.p., 234.
- Japan. Duryea Surrey in, 329.
- Jarrott. Mr. Charles. Paper, 105.
- — Photographs of. 545.
- — Interviewed. Paris-Madrid Race. 671.
- — On his De Dietrich Car. 626, 629.
- Jeffreys, Mr. W. Rees. Paper by. 359.
- Jenatzy M., on 90 h.p. Mercedes. 631. 637. 663.
- Johannesburg Motor Car Co., 763.
- — Omnibuses for. 245, 594.
- John-o’-Groat’s to Ipswich, Winter Drive. 250.
- Johnson. Mr. Claude. 515.
- — Testimonial. 538.
- Joints. Universal, Keeping clean 79.
- Keene. Mr. Foxhall. 618.
- Keeping Steam, 48.
- Kennard. Mary E.. Drive on a Gordon-Bennett Car. By, 522.
- Kent Automobile Club. 707, 723.
- Kilometre Bun. Illustrations of Course, 489.
- Kilrush Stand. Gordon-Bennett Race. 758
- Knyff. Chevalier Ren6 de, on 90 h.p. Panhard. 636.
- Krebs Carburetter. 419, 578. 606 . 641.
- Lacoste Commutator, 463.
- Ladies’ Automobile Club. 56(k 570.
- Lamp and Wing Brackets. Combined. New Orleans, 564.
- — Inspection and Test, Crypto Works Co., 420.
- Lamplugh-Albany 8team Car. 208.
- — Pullman Body. Interior of. 755.
- Lamps. 268. 323, 326.
- — Acetylene. Keeping in good order. 112
- — Glittering, 66.
- Lancashire. North-east, Automobile Club. 560.
- Lanchester Car Fording River 566.
- — in Hertford Brake Trials. 701.
- — South Africa. 729.
- — Hinged W’indboard 104.
- Lower Priced, 299.
- Langdon-Davies Clutch Action 491.
- Launch. Napier Racing Motor 52?
- — Race. Harmsworth International. 492. 547. 731.
- Law HR to Motor Vehicles 51.
- Law Timet and Law as to Motor Cars. 69.
- Layshaft. Swinging Cam or. Maudslay. 315.
- Le Bion and his Serpollet. 636.
- Leak To Stop a. 459.
- Leamington Spa Corporation Fire Tender, 290.
- Leeds Cycle and Motor Show 45.
- -- Police Timing Autocars 702
- Legal, British Motor Traction Co.. 210.
- Legal Limit, Fines for Alleged Excess 18 . 20 . 21, 22. 440. 452. 476. 561, 579, 737.
- — Opinion of the Automobile, 191.
- — Questions. Interesting. 494.
- Legislation Prospective 109. 254. 510 537 561. 566 578 . 605. 614 . 625. 668 . 679 . 693, 709 . 722, 738 750.
- — in Use, 548.
- — Mrs. Fish on, Portugal, 592.
- — Miss Maud Hay on her. 23.
- — 10 h.p., 292.
- Locomotive. Model Petrol. 68.
- Log Book. “ The Autocar.” 409.
- L. and N.W. Railway Loading Trays, 758.
- London Chamber of Commerce. 383.
- — to Glasgow, Captain Deasy’s Non-stop Run, 569.
- Holyhead by Road, 734 , 735. 762.
- — Motor Garage Co., New Premises, 642.
- Long Acre Motor Co.’s Brougham Top,
- — Island Eliminating Tests, By Hugh Dolnar. 523, 541.
- Longridge. Captain C. C., Article by, 118. 207. 492, 743.
- Looping the Loop. 699.
- Lottery, Paris Autocar Show. 12.
- Louet Change Speed Gear. 77.
- Lovelace Non-slipping Tyre, 280, 582.
- Lubrication. 307.
- — and Lubricators. 197.
- — Engine, 678.
- — Rate of, 708.
- — Scheme of Four-cylinder Renault Engines, 32.
- — Sight Feed, Automatic. 19.
- Lubricator Tubes, Cleaning, 403
- Luggage on Cars, 297.
- Luthi Sparking Plug. 491.
- Macdonald, Sir J. H. A., Lecture by. 147.
- MacMillan, E. C., Run by. 17.
- — George, on 16 h.p. De Dietrich, 549.
- Magisterial Blindness 737.
- Magnetic Trembler, H. Waterson's. 263.
- Magneto Ignited Motors, Supplementary Ignition for, 418.
- — Ignition, 243. 266, 268, 294.
- — The Eisemann System, 237
- Maidenhead Bridge Tolls. 70.
- Mail Van, The White Steam 132
- Mallinson Engine, 9 h.p.. 317.
- Manchester Automobile Club, 306, 383 431. 508 . 560 . 697, 723.
- — Show, 243.
- — Southport Walk. 647.
- Mania for Speed. 547.
- Manometer, Fitting to Water-circulating System, 47.
- Map of Gordon-Bennett Course (official), 479.
- - “The Autocar” of the Gordon-Bennett Course, 730.
- Marioni, M., on Mr. Instone’s Daimler, 757.
- Marks for 1903 Reliability Trials. 209.
- Martini Simplex 15 h.p. Car, 427
- Martin. Mrs. Woodhu’l. Tour by 686
- Mason Regulator Co.. New Type Engine
- Maudslay Swinging Cam or Lay shaft. 315.
- May Day Motor Van Parade. 556, 575.
- Mayback Patent. 421.
- Mayhew. Mark, on Napier Car^ 516.
- — Mr. Mark, Driving into the Tuileries. 632.
- Mayors in a Motor Car. 5.*
- McWhirter v. The New Automobile Co.. 728
- Mechanical Road Vehicles, 535, 559. 588, 617 ?*
- Mechanically Operated Inlet Valves, 207. 327, 419. „
- — Valves. Automatic Carburetter versus, 120.
- Mechanicians, Mendacious. 483. 642.
- Menzies Western Australia, Motoring in, 754. .
- Mercedes. Gordon-Bennett. Drivers of the. 527, 558, 584 , 705, 719 732.
- — 1903, Expanding Clutch, 236.
- — Car. 20
- — Cars
- — 18 h.p.,
- — Racers. 719.
- — 60 h.p.. 596.
- — G. Higginbotham on, 538.
- — 1903 Pattern. 215, 421.
- — 60 h.p., Stuttgart to Guildford on, 583.
- Merryweather Motor Fire Engine 689.
- Metal Contact Breaker Plates. 104. Meteor Steam Car, 258.
- Metropolitan Fire Brigade, Lieutenant Sladen inspecting, 701.
- Mica, Contact of Oil with, 371.
- Mi-Careme Carnival, Queen of Queen’s _ Car. 378.
- Michelin Tyre, Guide Book. 720.
- Middle Aged, Motor Cars for the. 50, 99, 143.
- Midgley, Mr. E. C.» on 16 h.p. Napier, 727.
- Midland Automobile Club Annual Dinner, 72.
- Miesse Steam Cars, 668, 693.
- Mile, The Cost per, 110.
- Mile Record by the Hon. C. S. Rolls, 303.
- Mileage of the Gordon-Bennett, 591.
- Military Car, De Dietrich. 3.
- — Commission, French, 13.
- — Officers’ Cars. 209.
- — Purposes, Automobiles for. 195.
- Milnes-Daimler Car, Duke of Portland's. 738.
- Motor Telescopic Tower, 103.
- — Omnibuses, 27, 67.
- — 7 Vans, 272.
- Misfiring Causes and Treatment, 435, 505.
- M.M.C. 8 h.p. with Tonneau Body, 203.
- — Car, 20 h.p., 214.
- Moderate Means, Motors for Men of, 142, 192. 217, 246, 322..
- Monaco, Fines for Excessive Speed Monmouthshire A.C., 676.
- Montagm Hon. J. Scott, Paper by. 278.
- Monte Carlo. Concours d’Elegance 447.
- Montenegro. Motor Omnibuses in Mooers, L. P.. 80 h.p.. Peerless Car 525, 541. 543, 760.
- Morette, Mr. Dickinson's 45.
- Mors Car, 18 h.p., with Lamplugh-Pullman Body, 755.
- — 80 h.p.. Illustration of, 444, 472
- — Mr. Schwab’s, 472.
- — Racer, 80 h.p.. Mile Record on, 304.
- Moscow to 8t. Petersburg, Motor Car Race. 700.
- Motor Bicycling, 65.
- — Car Co., Liquidation of, 22.
- — Insurance 16, 39. 66.
- — S?r8’.j?y Mervyn O’Gorman, 586.
- — Classification, A New. 61
- — Cycle.” ” The 369. Trials, 73. 96.
- — Cycling Club Reliability Trial, 756.
- — Cycle. A Sculptor’s Self-made. 193
- — Cycles, 181.
- — Cycles. Mr. Mervyn O’Gorman’s Paper,
- Motordrome at Purley. 615
- — in Berlin. A. 61.
- Mud Plugging and Stone Crushing 16
- Mudguard Flaps, Dust Raising, 267
- Muir, Mr. Campbell, Drive by 585
- Mulliner Motor Body Co..’ ArtilU^w Wheel. 670. Artillery
- Nadall Auto Tyre, 714.
- Napier Adjustable Steering Gear, Details of. 701.
- — Back Axle. Illustration of, 480.
- — Car. 16 h.p.. Mr. Stuart Ogilvie’s. 29. 70.
- — Run on a. 43.
- — Mr. E. E. Midgley on, 727.
- — Cars. Gold Medal for, 21.
- — Chassis. 12 h.p.. 195.
- — Racers. One of the, 479.
- — Racing Motor Launch. 529.
- — 16 h.p.. Earl Cadogan’s. 502.
- — Mr. Roger Fuller and Party on 558.
- — Mr. W. S. Gilbert’s, 338.
- — 20 h.p., Mr. John R. Hargreaves, 502
- Naphtha for Motors. 648.
- Napiers, 100 h.p.. Edge and Jarrott, 618.
- National Automobile Union, 666, 693.
- — Importance, A Question of. 10.
- Nec Temere, Nec Timide, 497.
- "New Automobile Co.. McWhirter v„ 728.
- — Orleans Change Speed Gear, 404.
- — Combined Lamp and Wing Brae- ke t s 564
- — Patents, 48. 74, 108, 1487~Z26, 280 308, 508. 564. 591. 763.
- — York Automobile Track. 755.
- — Legislation in, 607.
- — Show. 220, 223. 248. 277.
- — to Pittsburg. Non-stop Run, 755.
- Newcastle Automobile Club. 279. 431, 508.
- Newmarket Election. Motor Cars at, 36.
- Nice, Brake Trials at, 124, 468. 473.
- — Races. Interdiction of the. 215.
- — The Automobile Week at, 414 441. 467, 576.
- — The Meeting at. 348.
- Night, Stopping Motor Drivers at, 195.
- Noisy Cut Out, 454, 506.
- — Exhaust and Overheating. 736.
- Non-skidder. The Parsons. 33, 609.
- Non-skidding Devices. 33, 39. 45, 64, 69, 94. 121. 273 . 280 . 404. 553. 555, 582, 595, 728.
- Non-slipping Device. Mr. W. Bengough’s 553.
- — Treads, 94. 121. 294, 322.
- Non-stop Drive, Captain Deasy’s, London to Glasgow. 569, 606.
- — Nottingham to Liverpool, 20.
- — Trial. Glasgow-London. 271 325, 466, 545. 583. 610. 642, 670, 675 . 694.
- — Run on a Chenard. 687.
- — to Nottingham. 12 h.p. Gladiator. 343.
- Norfolk Automobile Club, 219. 431, 707
- Nozzles. Carburetter, 148.
- Numbering. Club Vote as to. 530.
- — Nuisance, 100.
- — of Cars. France. 12.
- — Proposals. 14. 19, 39. 64. 69, 125, 281. 309. 330. 351. 371. 382. 651.
- Nuts. Tightening. 409, 624.
- Objection to Autocars. 15.
- Objectionable Methods—Sale of Car, etc., 76. 127. 216, 475. 497. 546.
- Officers’ Cars. Military. 209.
- Ogilvie’s, Mr. Stuart, 16 h.p. Napier, 29. 70.
- O’Gorman. Mr. Mervyn. Indiarubber, 461.
- — Motor Cars, 586.
- — Motor Cycles. 269.
- Oil Cars. Heavy. 451.
- — for Paraffin Burner. 55.
- Oiled Road at Farnborough. 227.
- Oldsmobile Doctor’s Car. 227.
- — 8 h.p. Touring Car. 248.
- Omnibus Automobiles in Switzerland, 21, 52. 96. 669.
- — Electric. 426.
- — Trackson Motor. 44.
- — Trial of Gardner-Serpollet. 196.
- Omnibuses for Johannesburg. 245. 594.
- — London Service of Motor, 73.
- — Milnes-Daimler Motor. 27. 67.
- — Steam, at Westerley, U.S.A.. 437.
- Ormonde Motor Bicycle 19. 70.
- Ormskirk and Southport Agricultural Society Annual Show. 698.
- Outside Spark Gap— A Warning, 266.
- Overheating. Noisy Exhaust and. 736. 754.
- Overturning. Side-slipping and. 674.
- Owen. Mr. on his Winton Racer. 523. o42.
- Oxford and District Automobile Club. 209.
- — Short Cut to Avoid. 757.
- Oxo Motor Cars in Bradford-A ork Walk, 729.
- Packing, Bad, 291.
- Panhard and Levassor Sparking Plug Device, 37, 286. 360.
- — Works. 383.
- — 80 h.p. Racing, 690.
- — 85 h.p. Engine, 609.
- — 7 h.p.. Hon. C. S. Rolls’s, 483.
- — 70 h.p., 4. 44.
- — 10 h.p. Four-cylinder 34. 229 310.
- — 24 h.p. 725.
- Paraffin as Fuel for Motors, 552.
- — Burner. Oil for. 55.
- — Burners for Steam Cars, 17, 39. 66. 101.
- — Hints on Use of, 230.
- Parbold Hill Gradients, 95 217, 245.
- Paris Exhibition, a Permanent Autocar, 293.
- — Autocar Show Lottery. 13.
- — Fire Brigade, 103.
- — Berlin Race. 106.
- — Bordeaux Race 105.
- — Exhibition, A Racing Man’s View, 40, 63, 98. 126, 193.
- — Madrid Cars, Table of Speeds. 750.
- — Course, 319.
- — Race. 13, 38, 62, 124, 240, 501 546. 603. 607, 621, 626, 644, 662, 668, 669, 697.
- — Crossing Accident. 674.
- — Mr. Chas. Jarrott Interviewed. 671.
- — Report of, 626.
- — Results of, 692.
- — Tourists’ Caravan. 603.
- — Municipal Council of. and Autocars. 576, 602.
- — Show Awards, 38.
- Parisian Autocar Stolen 46.
- — Awards, 21, 26.
- — Automobilists. Imprisonment of, 20. 60.
- Parliament, Questions in. 625.
- Parliamentary Questions re Gordon-Bennett Race. 645.
- Parsons’s Non-skidder, 33. 609.
- Patcham, Electrical Police Trap at. 22. e
- Patents Act. The New. 125.
- — Applications for. 355.
- — for 1902. Report, 700.
- — Motor Tyre, 381.
- — New. 48, 74. 108 148. 226, 280 . 308, 508, 564. 591, 763.
- — Question in America, 503 . 591.
- Pau Meeting. 215.
- Pebble Hill. 127.
- Peerless Racing Car, 80 b.p.. 521. 525, 526, 541. 543.
- — 8 h.p. Light Car, 46, 104.
- Pennington. Mr. E. J., 124.
- Percy Mr. J. C., on his 10 h.p. Ariel, 733.
- Perjury. Charge of, York. 302, 338.
- Peter’s Patent Union Tyre, 427. 670.
- Petition against Imprisoning, Paris, 577.
- Petrol Burner. Hydroleum and. Trials. 144.
- — Car, The Rochet-Schneider 20-22 h.p.. 345.
- — Cars, 153.
- — Consumption, 297.
- — Cheap Carriage of. 475.
- — Dirt in, 408. 722.
- Petroleum Act, Graphic Motor Co. fined, 500.
- — Burner, Automatic Regulator and, 7.
- — How Obtained, 35.
- — Products, 35.
- — 100 Miles on Two Gallons of, 530, 548.
- — in Ireland, 150. 585. 730.
- — Locomotive, Model, 68.
- — or Motor Spirit. Something about. 35
- — Problem, How to Solve the, A Lesson from France. 649, 657.
- — Procuring, on Sundays. 531.
- — Question. The, 475 . 481. 499, 509. 530, 537. 547. 567. 590. 649. 699.
- — Storage, License for. 217. 591.
- — Straining, 408. 722.
- — Supply of, in Calcutta. 131.
- — Specific Gravity of. 436.
- — Supply of. 51. 502, 595. 760.
- — Tank Capacity. 350.
- — The Transport of. 2.
- Peugeot. Baby, Three-speed Gear. 404. -6i h.p.. 275.
- Phillips’s, R. E., Electrical Timing Apparatus, 515.
- Phoenix Monument. 488.
- — Park Events, 488. 528.
- Physical Aspect of Automobilism. 49.
- Pick Cars, Belt Driving. 696, 751.
- Pickering. Professor W. H., New Airship. 727.
- Pickford. Mr. J. Hardy, on Critchley-Daimler, 21.
- Pioule Race. Suppression of the. 60.
- Piston Fitting. 708.
- — Ring Construction. 126.
- Plates. Metal Contact Breaker, 104.
- Playing at Motors. 551.
- Plug. New Electric Catalytic. 361.
- Plug. Sooting at the. 736.
- — Sparking, Mr. F. H. Hadfield's. 68.
- Pognon Plug, The. 146.
- Police Error. 209.
- — Notices, 694.
- — Persecution in Surrey, 696.
- — Police Prosecution, 430.
- — Supervision, Ireland, 733.
- — Timing, 18. 22, 46.
- — Trap at Patcham. Electrical, 22.
- — Traps. 195. 289. 325, 420, 422. 500. 507. 533. 552, 579, 607 . 625, 647, 675. 702. 726. 755, 757.
- Policemen as Motorists, Paris, 103.
- Policing the Gordon-Bennett Course, 762.
- Popping in the Silencer. 540.
- Popular Priced Cars, 453.
- Portland, Duke of. Milnes-Daimler Car. 738.
- Porter, Mr. Leslie, Accident in Paris- Madrid Race. 674.
- — Mr. Leslie, on 50 h.p. Wolseley, 635.
- Portsmouth Motor Steam Fire Engine. 643.
- Portugal, Royal Automobile Club, 700.
- — Motor Transport in, 299.
- — Mrs. Fish on Locomobile. 592.
- Postal Service, Autocars for, 191.
- Pot tier Electrical Timing Apparatus. 264.
- Power. Ignition and. 534.
- Primary Batteries. 696.
- Primus, 7 h.p., Winter Drive. 251.
- Prince of Wales Protected Phaeton, 544 Car, 255.
- Pritchard. W. S.. Run by, 17.
- Private Employment of Drivers. 14.
- Professional Men. Automobiles for, 118.
- Proposals for Numbering, 14, 19, 39, 64. 69, 125, 281, 309. 351, 371. 382.
- Prospective Legislation, 109, 254, 330, 51C. 537. 561, 566.
- Provinces and the Automobile Club, 593.
- Provincial Shows, 98.
- Public Service Cars, 27, 73.
- Pump Guard to Gladiator Cars, 45.
- — Water Circulating, 463.
- Pumps, Leaking, 624.
- Puncture Repair, A (illustration). 490.
- Purley, The Club Motor Track at, 615.
- Queen of Queen’s Car. Mi-Careme Carnival, 376, 378.
- Queries of General Interest, 48, 147, 279. 307, 335, 357, 384. 423, 454. 478 . 505, 534. 563. 589, 620, 648 678, 708. 736. 764.
- Questions, Interesting Legal, 494.
- Quiet Travelling, 697.
- “Quintype” Arrangement with. French Customs Department, 13.
- Race in Australia. Sydney to Melbourne 724.
- — Meetings, Suppression of, 60.
- — on Empire City Track, America. 710
- — Round the World, 60.
- Racing. 650, 666, 694, 721.
- — Man’s View of the Paris Exhibition. 40. 63, 98, 126, 128, 193.
- — Motor. Sporting and Educational. 105
- — Tracks, Motor, 150, '203. 483. 622.
- Radiator, A Temporary, 511.
- — New Type of, 11.
- — Tubes, 764.
- Rail. Carriage of Autocar by, 406 , 670.
- Railless Trams, 539.
- Railway Rates, 483.
- Railways, Motor Cars as Feeders to. 24V
- — Motors for, 478.
- Ranelagh Motor Co.’s Depot, 699.
- Reading Automobile Club, 707, 723.
- — Steam Cars. 97.
- Recent Development in the Modern Automobile, 305. 332.
- Reconstruction Resolution Motor Traction Co.. 23.
- Record by Hon. C. S. Rolls, 303.
- Regal. 9 h.p.. 300.
- — 10 h.p.. 278.
- Registration, etc., 751.
- Regulations, Automobile, France, 718.
- Regulations to Govern Motor Cars, 18
- Regulator, Automatic, and Petroleum Burner. 7.
- Reliability. A Record of. 236.
- — Tests. Speed in, 539.
- — Trials, 1903. 16. 20 . 25, 40. 107, 209. 227. 295. 299, 493. 642, 649.
- Relieving Compression, 147.
- Renault Controlled Induction Valve. 263
- — Engines. Four-cylinder, Lubrication Scheme of. 32.
- — Gear, 426.
- — M. Marcel, on 30 h.p. Renault Light Car, 627 . 665.
- Renouf. P. L.. Sparking Plug External Gap. 360.
- Repair of 'lyres. 136 . 327.
- Repairing Air Tubes. Patches for, 21.
- — Depot. Garage and. York, 11, 45.
- Reserve Car for Gordon-Bennett Race. 619. 673.
- Retrospect, A. 1902, 1.
- Rex Brougham, 10 h.p. Car. 145.
- — Single-cylinder Governed Engine. 684.
- — Voiturette. 8 h.p., Two—seated. Illustration of. 268.
- Rhodesia, Motor Cars in. 103.
- Riches Sparking Plug External Gap. 411.
- Richmond Park. Broomfield Hill. 464 . 465.
- Road Maintenance. 458. 695.
- — Oiled, at Farnborough. 227.
- — Problem. The Motor Problem a. 359.
- — Racing The Knell of. 641, 666.
- — Signs. 17. 18 . 221, 549 . 700.
- — Surveyors, Lincolnshire Automobilists and. 507.
- — Vehicles. Mechanical. 535. 559 . 588. 617.
- Roads, Belgian. 355.
- — Foundationless. 9.
- — Improvement, Gordon-Bennett Race, 132. 203, 270.
- — Bad, 70. 76. 130.
- Rochet Car. 420.
- Rochet Schneider Cars, Touring Competition, 477.
- — M. Jolliot’s. 472.
- — Mr. Frisbie’s. 469.
- — 20-22 h.p. Petrol Car, 345.
- Rolls. Hon. C. S.. Record. 303.
- — Napier Car. 514, 516, 557.
- — on 85 h.p. Paris-Madrid Panhard, 598.
- — on 7 h.p. Panhard. 488.
- — and Co., C. S., Reception at Lillie Bridge, 729.
- Rothschild. Baron Henri de. Imprisoned. 60.
- — Paper by, 71.
- Rougier. M.. on 45 h.p. Turcat-Mery, 628, 692.
- Route for Testing, 475. 498. 549.
- — to the North, 683.
- Royal Automobilists, 49.
- Rubber Tubes, Clamping, 409.
- Rug, The Drimosit, 57.
- Rule of the Roa<L Trams and. 593.
- Run on a 6 h.p. De Dion Voiturette, 267.
- Run through the Floods, A, 742.
- Russia, Opening for Motors, 754.
- — Tlie Autocar in, 495.
- Ryknield Motor Works. 504.
- Ryley’s Sparking Plug External Gap 411.
- Sahara, Automobile Caravan to. 21.
- Sale of Car. Objectionable Methods. 76, 127. 216. 475 . 497. 548.
- Salsbury and Son, External Gap Sparking Plug. 360.
- — New Catalytic Plug. 361.
- Schwab. Mr. in Mors Car. 472.
- Scottish Automobile Club 147, 218, 247, 279. 306. 368. 431, 508, 536, 707, 723, 752.
- — Non-stop Trial. 271 545. 583.
- — Hill-climbing Trials, 646.
- — Manufacturers and Traders’ Association, 477.
- Second-hand Car, Hints on Buying a, 6, 28.
- Security for Deposit, 708.
- Selbach’s Irreversible Steering Gear, 491.
- Selden Invention, 503, 591.
- Self-made Motor Bicycle, Sculptor’s. 193.
- Sennett. A. R., Paper by 305, 332.
- Serpollet Car, Illustration of, 442, 445, 628.
- — 20 h.p.. Scottish Hill Climbing Trials, 646.
- Service Cars. Public, 27, 73. 614.
- — of Motor 'Buses between Oxford Circus and Cricklewood, 73.
- Cars, Bognor and Chichester, 532.
- — Motor Car. P. and O. Co.. 194.
- Sheffield and District Automobile Club, 23. 324.
- — Hill Contest, 677. Ship of the Roads. A, 29.
- Short Circuits, Prevent, Electric Terminals, 112.
- Shoe. Detachable Non-slipping. Mr. J. G. Griffiths’s. 728.
- 8how, Agricultural Hall, 67, 221. 272. 362. 369, 385, 425. 428.
- — Awards, Paris, 38.
- — Comparisons, Crystal Palace and New
- York, 202.
- — Crystal Palace, 37, 137. 152, 217.
- From a French Point of View, 210.
- — Earps Court, 45, 72, 9C
- Show Exhibitors, Hints to, 268.
- — Liverpool. The Exhibits, 145. 222.
- — New York. 220, 223 . 248, 277.
- — Questions. The, 253. 268.
- — Stanley Motor, 45. 72. 80.
- Shows. Provincial, 98.
- Shrewsbury Phaeton. 544.
- Side Slip and Skidding.. 606.
- — Devices for the Prevention of. 33. 39, 45 . 64 . 69. 94. 121, 273 , 280, 404. 553. 555. 582, 595 . 728.
- — Car Design. 752.
- Side Slipping and Overturning, 674, 697.
- Sight Feed Lubrication. Automatic, 19.
- Signs. Road. 17. 18. 221. 549, 700.
- Silencer, Popping in the. 540.
- Silencers, Mr. J. B. Dunlop’s Patents, 653.
- — Size of. 589.
- — Trials of. 38 . 348 . 717.
- Silent Cars. 103.
- Simms’s Bicycle Motor, 2? h.p., 344.
- — Four-cylinder Motor, 460.
- — Magneto Ignition. Clyde Motor Bicycle with. 17. 65.
- — Mfg. Co.’s Engine. 43.
- — Report and Balance Sheet, 503.
- — Mr. F. R.. 146.
- Simplicity, 16.
- Simpson 10 h.p. Steam Car. 130.
- Singer Motor Co., Registered, 302.
- Six-cylinder Engines. 20.
- Slippery Roads. Autocaring on, 100.
- Slipshod Work 695.
- Sociable, The Motor, 201.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 19. 101, 354, 455.
- Solid Tyres, 695. 722.
- — Refixing, 568.
- — Tyre, Prolonging the Life of a, 511.
- Solids v. Pneumatics, 125.
- Soot in Carburetters, By A. J. Wilson, 344.
- Sooting at the Plug, 736.
- South Wales, Automobile Club, 193, 368, 585.
- Southampton to Southsea Road, 643, 667.
- Spain. Automobile Club of. 38.
- Spanish Interdiction, Paris-Madrid Race 662.
- Spare Parts, 511.
- Spark Gap. Outside. A Warning, 266.
- Sparking Plug Experiments, Some, 37, 54. 100, 121, 127, 192. 193. 266, 323, 328, 361, 411, 475.
- — External Gap. Brown Bros., 411.
- — “ Brush.” 411.
- — C. S. Rolls, 302.
- — Panhard and Levassor. 37, 286.
- — P. L. Renouf, 360.
- — Riches. 411.
- — Ryley’s, 411.
- — Salsbury and Son, 360.
- — United Motor Industries, 328.
- — Mr. F. H. Hadfield’s, 68.
- — Paris, 550.
- — Cement on, 335.
- — The Luthi, 491.
- Spectators of the Trials, 517.
- Speed. Changing, 357.
- — Fines for Alleged Excess of, 18, 20, 21, 22, 440, 452. 476. 561, 579.
- — in Reliability Tests. 539.
- — Law as to. in New York State. 607.
- — Limit and Trade, 696.
- — in Ireland, 282.
- — or Economy. 283. 721.
- — Question, 119, 129, 695.
- — Trials, Iri-h Fortnight 706.
- “ Speedon Motor Oil, 270.
- Speedwell Motor Co., Hodgson v., 334.
- Sport, International Automobile^ 25.
- Sporting and Educational, Motor Racing. 105.
- Sprags, On, 351.
- Spray Carburetters, 423.
- Spring Brackets Argyll. 491.
- — Control. The Truffault, 314.
- — Drive, The Dennis. 58.
- — Inlet, Replacing. 204.
- Springs Squeaking, To Prevent, 79. 624.
- — Strength of Inlet Valve. 436. 590, 739.
- — Wheels for Automobiles, Jackson’s, 52.
- Spyker Car, 20 h.p., 426.
- — 22 h.p.. Tour on, 724.
- Standardising Control. 405.
- Stanford. Captain Bennett. 20 h.p. Wolseley. 501.
- Stanley Motor Show Exhibits, 80. : The. 45, 72. 80.
- — Steam Cars, Record for Mile. 724.
- Star Eng. Co. Light Delivery Van, 69.
- — Wolverhampton, Prices of Cars. 69.
- Star Racer on Weighbridge. 479. 480.
- Starting. Easy. 241, 268, 297 , 351, 408. 540.
- — Engine. 563, 590.
- — Gear A Simple, 59.
- — Handle. Pull up, 151.
- Statement, An Unfounded. 641.
- Statistical Synopsis of Agricultural Hall Show. 428.
- the Show, 212.
- Steam and Belt Driven Cars. 267.
- — Car Burners, 590.
- — The Lamplugh Albany. 208.
- — The Meteor. 258.
- — The Weston. 14.
- — Cars, Light, 381.
- — Recent Development in. 316. 176, 563.
- — Paraffin Burners for, 17. 39. 66, 101
- — Flash Type of Boiler showing, 112.
- — Keeping, 48.
- — Omnibuses at Westerley. U.S.A., 437.
- — Van Users, Practical Suggestions, 667
- Steel Band Tyre, 683.
- — for Axles. 534.
- Steels for Autocar Construction, 643.
- Steering. Adjustment of. 230.
- — Centres. Sloped. 579.
- — Difficulty. A, 764.
- — Gear. Napier Adjustable. Details of, 701.
- Selbach’s Irreversible, 491.
- — Wheel. Arrangement for Tilting. 112.
- — Wheels, 357.
- Stirling Motor Omnibuses for Johannesburg, 594.
- St. Mary’s Lock, Automobiles by the side of, 56.
- Stock Exchange Walk, 555, 581.
- Stocks, J. W., on Napier Car, 513. 516, 533.
- Photograph of, 545.
- Stone Crushing, Mudplugging and. 16.
- — Throwing Nuisance. 551.
- Storage Accommodation, etc., in Essex, 21.
- — Batteries. Edison. 8.
- — Petrol, License for, 217. Strainer, A Water, 459.
- Straker Lorry, 211.
- Stralsec Electrical Timing Apparatus, 264.
- Strickland Superheater, 122.
- Summonses dismissed at Guildford, 752.
- Sunbeam Car, 10-12 h.p., 644.
- Superheater, Strickland. 122.
- Suppression of Race Meetings, 60.
- Supremacy of the Motor, 371.
- Surface Carburetters, Suggested Improvement in, 568.
- Surrey. Police Persecution in, 696.
- — 'West, A. C., 656.
- Sussex County Police and Timing Apparatus, 22.
- Swiftest Car. America’s. The Baker Electric Racer, 113.
- Switzerland, Omnibus Automobiles in, 21. 52, 96, 669.
- Sydney to Melbourne, Automobile Test, 724.
- Tariffs. Foreign, on Autocars, 512, 532.
- Tarring of Roads, 692.
- Tax upon Motor Vehicles, 20, 109.
- Teaching to Drive a Car, 554.
- Technical Instruction, 435.
- Telescopic Tower. Motor, Bradford, 103.
- Temperature on Tyres, The Effect of, 295.
- Test on a 70 h.p. Panhard, 665, 667.
- — German - Society of Agriculture, 500.
- — Hill, Richmond Park, 464, 465.
- Testimonial to Mr. Claude Johnson. 538.
- Testing Route, A. 475, 498, 549.
- Tests, Eliminating for Gordon-Bennett Race, 487.
- Teutonic Steel Works, 643.
- Thanks from a Disabled Motorist. 667.
- Thermo-syphon Water Cooling. 534.
- Thomas, Mr. W. F., Friction Driven Car, 567.
- Thomson, Mr. B., Drive from Adelaide to Melbourne, 725.
- Thornycroft Waggon, South Africa, 496.
- Three-cylinder Engines. 15 44, 128.
- Threshing Machine, Harvester and California, 20.
- Timekeeping in the Gordon-Bennett Race, 645. 732, 758, 762.
- Timing Autocars by Leeds Police. 702.
- — Devices. Electrical. 62, 215. 264, 515.
- — by Police, 18, 22, 46.
- Tips. Useful Hints and. 6. 28. 55. 79, 112, 151. 204. 230. 256, 284 . 311, 339 . 372. 408, 435 , 459. 484 . 511, 540. 568, 595. 624, 652, 681. 712. 739.
- Toledo Car. Good Tour on. 131.
- Tolls. Maidenhead Bridge. 70.
- — Southampton to Southsea. 643.
- Tonneau. Four-seated. De Dion. 8 h.p 670.
- Tools, How to Use. 652. 681. 712.
- — Storage of. 459.
- Tour. By Chas. J. Glidden. 486.
- — T1* i fl h ZAA
- — by Mrs. Woodhull Martin, 686.
- — on 22 h.p. Spyker Car. 724.
- Tourand, M., on 40 h.p. Tourand Car, 635
- Touring Car, Requirements of a. 264.
- — Cars, Trials of A.C. of Touraine, 495.
- — France, 691.
- — in Algeria, 265.
- — Transport, Light Car as. 151.
- Tourists, British, in France, 13.
- — Caravan. Paris-Madrid, 603.
- — Continental, Certificates and Permit, 575.
- Towing, A Novel Method of, 511.
- Track for Motor Cars at Purley 615.
- Tracks, Motor Racing, 150. 203, 483, 615, 622.
- Trackson Motor Omnibus. 44.
- Traction Engines, Damage to Roads by. 9. 42.
- Trade in Autocars, French. 192.
- — and the Speed Limit. 696.
- — Use. License for, 358. Traffic in the City. 254.
- Trailers. Motor Bicycles and, 267 294 322.
- Tramlines in Gosport, Accident to Car, 246.
- Trama and the Rule of the Road. 593.
- — Railless, 539.
- Transmission Shaft*. Parallel 66.
- Transport, Desert, by Motor. 20.
- — Motor, and the Corporation of Blackburn, 45.
- — Goods, 434, 457.
- — Portugal. 299.
- — of Petrol, The. 2.
- Traps. Police, 195, 289, 507. 533. 552 579. 607. 726, 755, 757.
- Traveller Voiturette, Onions. 485.
- Trays for Loading. L. and N.W. Railway, 758.
- Trembler Blades, Setting, 454.
- — Coils, High Speed, 591.
- — Experiments with an Auto, 574.
- — Magnetic, H. Waterson’s, 263.
- — Tip, 595.
- Trial Notes, 519.
- — of a New Car. 605.
- — Track, Proposed. Paris, 293.
- Trials of Light Delivery Van. 11.
- — of Autocars in Paris. 576, 602.
- — Consumption, in France. 272, 274, 353 354, 379.
- — Electrical Timing Apparatus. 264.
- — Eliminating, Gordon-Bennett. 513, 518. 558. 584. 585, 619, 645.
- —- Fuel Consumption, 548.
- — Hill-climbing. Scottish Automobile Club. 646.
- — 100 Miles. A.C.. 529, 579. 606.
- — 100 Miles. Scottish Automobile Club. 218.
- — Hydroleum and Petrol Burner, 144.
- — Motor Cycle for 19 3 73 98 217.
- — of Edison Storage Batteries. 8.
- — of Silencers. A.C.F. 348 , 717.
- — of Touring Cars, Nice, 441.
- — A.C. of Touraine, 265. 495.
- — Dust Raising Cars. 75.
- — Light Motor Van. Pro* o cd 477
- — Reliability. 1903. 16. 20 . 25. 40, 107. 205. 227. 295 . 493. 642. 649.
- — Speed. Irish Fortnight, 706.
- Truffault Spring Control 314.
- Trust, German Autocar. 379.
- Tube Ignition. 336, 505.
- Turbie. Accident at La, 416. 433.
- — Werner at. Summit of La. 448.
- Turcat-Mery 45 h.p., M. Rougier on. 628. 692.
- Turning Corners, 547.
- Two-cycle Engine. W. B. Burchall’s, 600.
- Tyre, An Unburstable. 17. 39, 65.
- — Double Arch. United Motor Industries, 246.
- Tyre Patents. Motor. 381.
- — Pressure. 336.
- — Repairs. 136, 327.
- — R. S. Wood’s, 419.
- — Steel. Band, 683.
- — The Nadall. 714.
- — T i p8 484
- — Triais. The 4,000 Miles, 136, 150, 242.
- Tyres. 186. 578, 605, 606.
- — Buffer, Sirdar Rubber Co., 70.
- — Care of Pneumatic. 151, 230.
- — Clipper Continental Oo., 68.
- — Goodyear. 641. 668 694, 722.
- — Life of, 635, 641.
- — Preparation for Chits in. 21.
- — Solid, 511. 695. 722.
- — Refixing, 568.
- — The Effect of Temperature on. 295.
- Udino, Italy, Automobile Race, 700.
- Uncontrollable Horse, '1 he 131, 190, 195.
- Unburstable Tyre, An, 17, 39, 65.
- Unfair Criticism, 26.
- Union Tyre, Peters’s Patent, 427, 670.
- Unique Experience, An, 99.
- United Motor Industries Double Arch Tyre 946
- — Sparking Plug, 328.
- — States Master Patent, 503, 591.
- — Trade, Mr. C. J. Glidden on. 69.
- Upkeep, Cost of, 679.
- Valencia. Steel Track at. 700.
- Valve, Auxiliary Air in Induction Pipe. 55.
- — Controlled Induction. Renault, 263.
- — Timing and Wiring, 307. 454.
- Valves, 694.
- — Mechanically Operated Inlets 207, 327, 419.
- Van Competition, Motor, in America. 703.
- — Light. De Dion-Bouton. 24.
- — — Delivery, Star Engineering Co. 69.
- — 10 h.p. Gladiator. 608.
- — Motor, May Day Parade, 556. 575.
- — Steam. Users, Practical Suggestions to, 667.
- — Trials, Light Delivery. 11.
- Vans, Delivery, 69, 272, 500. 608.
- Variable Speed Gear, Electrical, 260.
- Varnish, Care of Carriage. 79.
- Vaurs Carburetter. 486.
- Velox Cars, 756.
- Vernon, Dr. Clauderon’s 8 h.p. Argyll. 270.
- Veteran Clocker, Timing the Cup Race, 732.
- Vibration Problems in Engineering Science, 429.
- Vice. Combined Bench and, 314.
- Victrix Car, 135.
- Villages. Speed through. 594.
- Voiturette, 5 h.p. Humber. Description of, 682.
- — Georges Richard. 500.
- — for Men of Moderate Means 485.
- Voltmeter attached to Coil. 356.
- Volunteer Corps. Motor, 383. 529 . 562, 591, 604. 763.
- Vonwiller. Mr. A., Accident near Rome, 577.
- Waggon. Thornycroft. South Africa, 496.
- Waggons. Motor, in Austria. 718.
- Wales. South. Automobile Club. 676.
- Walk. Stock Exchange. 555. 581.
- Wallace, Mr. Roger W. (Cartoon), 192.
- Warden, J. B., on 60 h.p. Mercedes. 662
- Warning, A. re Punctures. 498.
- — The Outside Spark Gap 266.
- Warwickshire Chamber of Agriculture and Autocars, 20.
- Washers, Asbestos. 459.
- Water Cooling, 506.
- Thermo Syphon, 534.
- Waterford, The Claims of, 558.
- Waterson’s, H., Induction Coils, 22.
- — Magnetic Trembler, 263.
- Waverley Electric Car, 420.
- Weighbridge at the Tuileries. 634.
- Weighing, Inspecting and. Gordon-Bennett Cars, 479.
- Welford, W., on 5 h.p. Wolseley, 20.
- Weller 20 h.p. Car, Description of. 659, 688, 699.
- Werner Monocyclette. 147.
- Werner on 60 kp. Mercedes at Summit of La Turbie, 448.
- West Sussex Motor Co., 532.
- Westerley, U.S.A., Steam Omnibuses at. 437.
- Weston Steam Car, 14, 16.
- Wet Weather Driving. 337.
- Wheel. Artillery, Mulliner’s New Design, 670.
- Wheels, Artillery. Description of 307, 335.
- — Necessity of Truing, 230.
- — Hoofs and. Ill, 126.
- — Size of Road. 589 668.
- — Steering, 357.
- White Lion Placard, 68.
- White Steam Car, 97.
- — Mail Van. 132.
- Williamson, John A.. Article bv 10.
- Wilson, A. J., Article by. 54, 574.
- — Soot in Carburetters, 344 .
- —- and Pilcher Car, The 10 h.p.. 313.
- — 10 h.p., Plan of the. 312.
- Wily Chauffeur, The, 497, 548. 578.
- Wind. Bun against, 257.
- Windboard. Hinged, Lanchester Car with. 104.
- Wing Brackets, Combined Lamp and. New Orleans, 564.
- Winter Drive, John-o'-Groat's to Ipswich, 250.
- — Bun on a Chenard, 285.
- — U3e, 8 h.p. Argyll fitted for. 270.
- Winton. Alex., and the Winton Racer. 271, 526, 645, 726.
- — Mr. Alexander, Interview with. 680.
- — Racer. Details of, 542. 673.
- — Mr. Owen on, 523. 542.
- — 20 h.p., Bun on, 257.
- Wire. Spare, 484.
- Wiring Difficulty, A, 590.
- — Valve, Timing and, 307, 454.
- Wolseley Cars, 50 h.p.. 543.
- — Co.. Gold Medal Awarded to, 26.
- — Factory, Fire at, 132.
- — 60-70 h.p. Car, Lieut. Cummings. 458, 501.
- — 10 h.p., Scottish Hill-climbing Trials, 646.
- — 5 h.p., 20.
- — 7£ h.p., 273.
- — Racer. 50 h.p., Illustration of. 515.
- — Touring Car, 30 h.p.. 132.
- Wolverhampton and District A.C., 431. 536.
- Wooden Wheels, 221.
- Worcestershire County Council and Motor Cars, 18.
- World. Race Round the, 60.
- Wyatt. Horace M., Article by. 716.
- York Garage and Repairing Depot, 11. 45.
- Yorkshire Automobile Club. 23 247 324 453 . 707. 723.
- Young. Filson, Article by. 316.
- Zborowski. Count, and Baron Pallange on 60 h.p. Mercedes. 438.
- — Accident on La Turbie. 416, 433. 443, 446. 447.
- Zichy. Count, driving Mercedes Phaeton. 470.