Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1908-1909 The Motor: Index

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor

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Volume 14. Aug 1908 to Jan 1909 inc.


  • A.A.A. Glidden Tour, The, 34, 35
  • A.A., 128; Northern Members’ Dinner, 856. R.A.C. and, 6Q3. Scouts, Road, 310; Haslemere Parish-Council and, 181
  • Absorber, Shock, Glissoire, 265, 266
  • Accessible Mechanism: Motorcar, 169, 170, 171, 197, 198, 199
  • Accessories, 433-434, 503-511; Paris Salon, at, 623-624
  • Accidents, Official Figures Concerning, 334
  • Accumetre, The, 433
  • Accumulators.—Castle, 433; C.A.V., 433, 506; Pearson, 507; Pete-Radford, 509
  • Accumulators, Charging: Electrolytic Rectifier for, 83; Thermopile, by, 832
  • Accumulators, Rating, 437
  • Acetylene Generator, Powell-Hanmer, 566; Roslee 438a
  • Aerometer, The, 671
  • Act, Motor Car, Decision, Important, under, 737
  • A.C.U., The, 40, 47, 72, 102, 232, 301, 792, 819
  • Adams Control Gear, 421 Adams Jack, 562
  • Adler Oar, Four-cylinder, 12h.p., 739
  • Advertisements, Motor, Those, 742, 743, 744
  • A.E.C. Carburetter, 398 Aerial Navigation Conference, 819
  • Aero Club Dinner—(See “ Dinners ”)
  • Aero Exhibition, The—(See “ Shows *’)
  • Aeronautical Society, Great Britain, Trial Ground of the, 716
  • Aeronautics, 716; French, 737-738; German, 43; Lightweight Engine Development for, 751, 752, 753. 754, 755
  • Aeroplane Club, 285, 304, 436; Dinner—(See "Dinners ”)
  • Aeroplane Five Years Hence, The, 457, 613, 681; Opinions, Consensus of, on, Archdeacon’s, 528; Bresanpon’s, 527; Bleriot’s, 528; Brewer's, 530; Capper’s, 530; Delagrange’s, 458; Deutsch’s, 529; Esnault Pelterie’s, 529; Farman’s, 458; Ferber’s, 459; Hutchinson’s, 529; Levavasseur’s, 459; Roe’s, 530; Vaulx’s, 528; Voisin’s, 458; Wright’s, 457, 458
  • Aeroplane Flights: Delagrange’s, 155; Wright’s, 42, 155
  • Aeroplane Magneto, Simms, 433, 506, 599
  • Aeroplane Motor Problem, The, 613
  • Aeroplane Movements, German, 700
  • Aeroplane Records, Delagrange’s, 182; Wright, Orville, 182; Wright, Wilbur, 182
  • Aeroplanes.—Antoinette, 735; Bayard-Clement, 735; Bleriot, 92a, 735; Bousson-Borgnis, 92a; Delagrange, 36; Farman, 36, 92a, 128; Ferber, 92a, 128; Gastambide-Mengin, 92a, 128; Rep, 735; Roe, 69, 137; Santos-Dumont, 734; Voisin, 735, 765; Wright, 36, 667 , 735, 809-810
  • Aeroplanes, Brooklands, for, 850
  • Aeroplane Success, Moore-Brabazon’s, 652
  • Aeroplane, The, Lightweight Engine Construction and, 116-117
  • Aeroplane Trials, Future, 132
  • Aeropianist, A Lady, 214
  • Aero Show, French—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Aerostats—(See “ Airships ”)
  • Africa, Graetz’s Trip Across, 815
  • Agents, Motor, Dine, 559
  • Agricultural Motors, 97
  • Air, Car in the, 807, 810
  • Air Cruisers, Guns to Fight, 73fa
  • Air, Evening, Engine Revolutions and, 735
  • Air, King of the, 317, 318, 319
  • Airship Events and Progress, 45
  • Airships.— Bayard-Clement, 734-735; Gamage, 670; German Military, 216; Gross, Flexible, 180; " La Patrie,’’ 45; Servero, 45; Zeppelin, 38. 43, 45, 48, 180
  • Ajax Rim, 562
  • Amac Distributor, H.-T. Novel, 727
  • America, Motor Racecourse in, 130, 365
  • American Grand Prize, 628
  • American Magneto, A Simple, 726, 830
  • Anglo-American Oil Co., Interview, 652
  • Anglo-American Oils, 561
  • Animal Traction, Mechanical and, 113, 114, 115
  • Announcement, L.G.B., Important, 20
  • Annual Shows, Biennial or, 704a, 706
  • Antarctic, Motors in the, 181
  • Anti-freezing Solutions, 666
  • Anti-glare Lens, Headlight, 210
  • Anti-motorist Feeling Engendered, How, 73
  • Antoinette Aeroplane, 735
  • Appeal to Motorists, R.A.C.’s, 148
  • Ardea Vulcaniser, 560
  • Aspect of Motor Racing, Another, 364, 365
  • Association, Roads Improvement, 438a
  • Attachment, Terminal, New, 9
  • Attitude, England’s Restful, 764
  • Auction Sales, Motor, 585
  • Austin Town Carriage, 277
  • Australia, Motoring in N.S.W., 49
  • Austrian Emperor, First Motor Ride, 73
  • Austrian Monoplane, Etrich-Wells, 464
  • Austrian Notes, 612
  • Autoclipse Lamps, 310. 848
  • Auto-Cycle Tourist Trophy Race—(See " Races ”)
  • Auto-Cycle Union, The, 40. 47, 72, 102, 792; Council Meeting. 301; Dinner, 819; Penalty Run, 232
  • Autoloc, The, 560
  • Automatic Tvre Pump, Dunhill, 433
  • Autometer, Warner, 505
  • Automobile Engineers, Incorporated Institution of, 441, 672
  • Automobile Salon, Paris—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Automobile Sign, California, Curious, 44
  • Automobiles, Military, Austrian, 741
  • Auto-Syphon, Petrol, 456
  • Avon Tyres, 505
  • Axles, 807, 808
  • Balloons, Dirigible—(See “Airships”)
  • Banquet, Benevolent, The, 334
  • Barker’s Motor Clothing, 156
  • Barnes, A Bad Smash at, 276
  • Bar, Racing, The, Trade Reception of, 397
  • Battery, Dry, Usefulness of, 668, 669
  • Battery, Edison, Again, The, 79
  • Bayard-Clement Aeroplane^-(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Bayard-Clement Balloon, Dirigible—(See “Airships”) Bay, At, 714, 715, 716
  • Bearings, Tormo, 561 Benetfink Vibrameter, 433
  • Benton and Stone Lubricator, 434; Petrol Tank Valve, 506
  • Berkshire A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Berlin, Balloon Race at, 305; Thomas Oar at, 9
  • Biennial Shows, Annual or, 704a, 706
  • Bleriot Aeroplane—(See “Aeroplanes”)
  • Boards, Warning, Newmarket, 356
  • Bodies.— Alford and Alder, 496; Barker, 495; Brainsby, 499; Cole, 499; Connaught, 498a; Ham-shaw, 499; Hill and Boll, 497; Lacre, 495; Lawton, 499; Maythom, 497; Morgan, 494f; Mulli- . net, 495, 498; Penman, 498a; Regent Carriage, 498; Salmon, 497; Thorn, 499; Windham Sliding, 496; Windover, 498a
  • Body, Novel, Design, 789
  • Bolt, Security, Novel, 437
  • Bonus Scheme, Petrol, 652, 679
  • Book, Welsh Touring, 47 Bosch Magneto, 433, 505-506
  • Boston (U.S.A.) Show—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Bousson-Borgnis Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Bowden Control, The, 565
  • Brabazon’s Aeroplane Success, Mr. Moore-, 652 Brakes, 778
  • Brakes, Front Wheel, as Skid Preventers, 392
  • Brampton Chain, 563
  • Brasier Car, Light, 213
  • Brasier Landaulet, Two-cylinder, 10-12h.p., 614-615
  • Britain, Student no Longer, 649
  • British Petroleum, 561
  • Brooklands.—Acceleration Tests at, 253, 254, 255; Accident at, 36b; Aeroplanes for, 850; Automobile Racing Club, 36b; Clerk of Course, New, 733; Handicapping at, 103, 104; Hieronymous’ Performance at, 677; Manager, New, 733; Meeting Cancelled, 156; Meetings, August, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16; Accident, Fatal, at, 13; October, 182, 275; September, 79; Programme, 1909, 464, 709; Records, 394; Naudin’s, 392; Resta Breaks, 130; Rodakowski Resigns, 394; Suggestion. A, 653
  • Brooklands Racing Club—(See “ Clubs ”)_ Brooks’, Cases, Leather, 503
  • Brown-Barlow Carburetter, 561
  • Brown Tyre Inflator, 433, 507
  • B.S.A. Car (1909), 18-23h.p., 268, 269, 270
  • Bullard Speed Indicator, 503, 562
  • Bursting Speed, Magneto, 795
  • Business and Finance—(See “ Finance and Business ”)
  • Cables, Grippies for Ends of, 356
  • Cadillac Car, 10h.p., 16 Days on a, 88? 89, 90 Oalmon Tyres, 562
  • Camera, The, Aid to Police, 705
  • Canadian Motor Shows—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Canning Spur Wheels, Patent, 652
  • Carburetters.—779; A.E.C. Novel, 398; Brown and Barlow, 561; Claudel-Hobson, 563, 704b; Gillett-Lehmann, 504; Krebs, 231, 605; Longuemare, 434, 503; Pilcher, 756; Seven-Jet, 849; Trier and Martin, 560, 561; White and Poppe, 431; Zenith, 230, 231
  • Car, Cheapening the, 702
  • Car, Colonial, A, 677
  • Car, Comfort in the, 62-63, 792 Car, Future, The, 781, 782 , 783 Oar in the Air, The, 809-810
  • Carriage, Austin Town, 277
  • Cars.—Adams, 421, 469; Adler, 390 , 501, 540a, 739, 764; Albion, 425; Albruna, 500; Alldays, 383, 541; Ariel, 124, 383, 481; Armstrong-Whitworth, 423, 489; Arno, 597; Austin, 277 , 382, 469, 540; Bell, 385, 488 ; 20h.p„ 57, 58, 59; Belsize, 384, 388, 389 , 432, 474, 501; Bent-all, 423, 538; Benz, 559; Brasier, 213, 389, 500; 10-1211. p., Two-cylinder, 614-615; Brooke, 428, 559; Brown, 381, 546; B.S.A., 493, 538; 18-23h.p. (1909), 268, 269, 270; Buick, 422, 557; Buire, 487; Burgess and Harvey, 540d; Cadillac, 422, 557; 10h.p„ 88, 89, 90; Cal-thcrpe. 390. 491. 545; Charron, 550; Chenard-Walcker, 540c; Clement, 381. 429, 438a, 468, 494d; Clement All-British, 1909, 326; Clyde, 553; Coltman, 424; Commercial, 556; Crossley, 385, 483, 540b; Daimler. 383 , 432, 477, 544; Valveless Engine (1909), 326; Darracq, 384, 423, 490; Deasy, 546; Decauville, 558; De Dietrich, 427; De Dion, 384 , 494a, 554; Delage, 432, 500 . 672; Delahaye, 812, 813; Delaunay-Belleville, 429, 481, 553; De Luca-Daimler, 555; Dennis, 428, 558, 559; Dietrich (British), 537; Dietrich (French), 537; Dolphin, 480; Electric Vehicle Co., 540d, 594; Enfieid, 382 , 501; Fiat, 11, 427, 549, 594; Floren-taa, 152; F.N., 427, 536; Ford, 427 , 539; Germain, 422, 540a; Gladiator, 538; Gobron-Brillie, 430, 536; Gregoire, 556, 760a; Hillman-Coatalen, 427, 485; Hills-Martini, 426; Hotchkiss, 386, 491; Humber, 431, 487, 552, 686; Humphris Gear, 556; Impena, 540b; Iris, 384, 540; Itala, 552; J. and B. Vertex, 426; Jackson, 340; (1909) 484; Lacre, 550; Lanchester, 386, 475; (1909, Wheel-steered) 305; Lancia, 539; Little Britain, 785, 786; Lotis, 398; Luca, 432; Martini, 480; Mass, 500, 542; Maudslay, 391, 558; Mercedes, 41, 125, 383, 479, 543; (1909) 304; Mercedes Du Cros, 479; Metallurgique, 121, 535, 554 ; 26h.p., 189, 190, 191; Miesse. 428, 540c; Minerva, 494c, 549; Valveless Engine (1909), 327; Mors, 485; Motobloc, 391, 540d; N.A.G., 539; Nagant-Hobson, 558; Nameless, 558; Napier, 390, 472, 547, 654; (1909) Two-cylinder, 10h.p., 278; Four-cylinder, 15h.p., 306, 307; Six-cylinder, 40h.p., 176, 177; Norfolk, 391; Opel, 384; Orleans, 430; O.T.A.V., 597; Panhard, 385, 429, 540d; Panhard-Levassor, 489; Peugeot, 327, 432; Phoenix, 494d; (1909) 10-12h.p., 323, 324; Piccard-Pictet, 428; Piccolo, 597; Pilgrims’ Way, 384; Rapid, 594; Renault, 430, 484, 501, 550; Reo, 658; Rex, 535; Riley, 424, 492, 538; 12M8h'.p., 159, 160, 161; Rolls-Royce, 152, 432, 547; Rothwell, 553; Rover,’ 389, 437, 494b, 551; (1909) 15h.p„ 351; Roydale, 390, 540c; Rutherford, 428, 557; Scat, 388, 470; Sheffie’d-Simplex, 428, 480; Siddeley, 385, 493, 548; (1909) 305; Singer, 483, 550; Sizaire, 422, 536, 848; S.K. Simplex, 391, 536; Standard, 387, 388, 474; Stanley Steam, 21, 389 , 555; Star, 384, 494b, 652; Starling, 596; Straker-Squire, 473; (1909) 14-16h.p., 326; Sunbeam, 381, 481, 543; Swift, 422, 490; Two-cylinder, 10-12h.p., 851, 852, 853; Talbot, 149, 308, 431, 764; Thomas, 9, 18; Thorny-croft, 425, 494c, 549, 710, 711, 712; Turner-Miesse, 557; Unic, 389, 500; Valveless. 384, 540a; Vauxhall, 386, 494; Vertex, 552; Vindec Runabout, 597; Vinot, 496; Vulcan, 386, 476; Westinghouse 425, 471; White Steam, 430; Zedel, 2, 3, 4. 421 501; Zust, 271
  • Cars for 1909, Interesting, 326, 327, 358, 359, 360, 361
  • Cars, Lighting of, Electrical, 841
  • Cars, Old, What Becomes of, 585
  • Cars on the Road—(See “ Road, Cars on the ”)
  • Cars, Small: Contrasts in, 311; French Developments in, 624
  • Cases, Leather, Brooks’, 503
  • Castle Accumulators, 433
  • Castle Coil, 433
  • Catalogue, A Sumptuous, 730
  • C.A.V. Accumulators, 433, 506
  • C.A.V. Magneto, 506
  • Cells, Dry, Siemens-Obach, 564
  • Chains.—Brampton, 563; Coventry, 564; Hans Renold, 566
  • Challenge, A, 236
  • Change-speed Gear, Lecture, Special, on, 393 Chassis Driving, Charm of, 723
  • Chassis, French, Knight Engine on, First, 612 Chassis, Mercedes, 125
  • Chatham, Constitution Hill at, Climbing, 308, 309
  • Circuits, Short, Electric, 440
  • Claudel-Hobson Carburetter, 563, 704b
  • Clement Car, All-British (1909), 326
  • Clements, Secondhand, 438a
  • Cliff Mystery, Charlesworth, The, 790
  • Clincher Tyres, 503
  • Clothing—(See “ Motorists, Modes for ”)
  • Clubs.— Aeroplane, 285, 304, 436, 678-679, 824; Berkshire A.C., 209; Brooklands Racing, 36’; Coventry A.C., 53, 74, 672, 847; Derby and District A.C., 40, 593; Essex A.C., 41, 73, 156; Irish A.C., 100, 709, 791; Kent A.C., 41; Lancashire A.C., 17; Lincolnshire A.C., 70; Manchester Motor, 97, 276; Motor Cycling, 124; Motor, The, 701; North Middlesex A.C., 625; Nottingham A.C., 790; R.A.C., 40, 46, 70, 90, 148, 155, 157, 200, 258, 361, 392, 438a, 593 , 603, 624a, 709, 792; Scottish A.C., 211, 612, 760a, 798; Stanley Cycling, 577; Yorkshire A.C., 181
  • Clutch, Hele-Shaw, The, 265, 266
  • C.M.F. Radiator, The, 563
  • Coachwork on Carriages, Hints on Care of, 592a
  • Coils: Castle, 433; Lodge, 433; Peto and Radford
  • Multiple, 433
  • Coil Set, Low-tension, Failure of, 316
  • College Work, Novel Departure in, 794
  • Collier Tyre, 564
  • Colonial Car, A, 677
  • Colonial Trade, Report to Facilitate, 798
  • Comfort, Luxury and, 570, 571
  • Comforts, Winter, 767, 768, 769
  • Commercial Motors, Progress of (Paper— Mr. Shrapnell-Smith), 624a
  • Compression: Cooling and, 673; Effects; of, 721, 722, 723
  • Compression, High v. Hot Spark, 611, 612
  • Compressors, Air, for Tyres: Nesthill, Hunt, 561;
  • Three-stage, Hunt, 434
  • Conference, Aerial Navigation, 819
  • Congress, Road, International, 141, 142, 143, 213, 332, 333
  • Consumption Tests, Petrol.—Manchester M.O., 276; Motor Cycling Club, 124
  • Contact, Bad, Tests for, 440
  • Contact Maker, White and Poppe. New, 362 Continental Tyres, 503
  • Contrasts, Traction, Animal and Mechanical, 113, 114, 115
  • Controllability, 113, 114, 115
  • Control, Percival, 566
  • Control, Steering, Bowden, 565
  • Control, Throttle, 175 Cost, Selling, 443, 444
  • Costs, Running, 841; Four and Two-cylinder, Engines of, Comparative, 629
  • Counter, Revolution, Elliot, 301
  • County Screen, The, 446
  • Coureurs, Hommage Aux, 460, 461, 462
  • Course, Grand Prix 1909, 126
  • Courtesy, Respected, to be, 75
  • Coventry A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Coventry A.C.’s Dinner—(See “ Dinners ’)
  • Coventry A.C.’s Hill Climb—(See “ Hill Climbs ”)
  • Coventry Chains, 564
  • Coventry Simplex Engines, 162
  • Cover, Kempshall Non-skid, 334
  • Cover, Tyre, Semperit, 391
  • Cowey Speed Indicator, 434, 566
  • Critics, Wild, 347
  • Cyclists, Motorists and, 72
  • Cyclomot’s Causebie.— Aeroplane Movement, 759; Future of the, lb.; Best, Car when at, 188; Body Design, Simplicity in, Growing, 641; Bracket, Tube-supporting, A, 826; Cable Ends, Eyes for, 729; Carburetter, Starving the, 205; Clutches, Multiple-disc, 713; Lubrication of, lb.; Cornwall, Roads of, 188; Cornwall’s Non-appeal, 131; Dust Evil, The, 94; Exhaust Whistle, Useful, The, 519; Feet Cold, Hands and, 759; Four-inoh Race, The, Induction Pipe Revelations, 278a; Gear Changing, Art of, 713; Gear Lubrication, Castor Oil for, 188; Ignition Trouble, Diagnosing, 363; Inconsiderate, Checking the, 337; Lighting, Electric, for Cars, 590; Lubricant, Strange, a, 147; Lubrication, Gearbox, 147; Man, Discourteous, Evil Done by the, 337; Manufacture, Home, Importance of, 826; Motor-house, Heating the, 784; Motor Police Corps, The, 337; Noise* maker, Magneto Kick as, 420; Noises, Car Mechanism, in, 420; Engine, External to, 420; Timing Gear, in, 420; Oilcans, Carrying, 5; Oils for Saving Power, Thin, 147; Oil Supplies, Carrying, 5, 6; Overtaken, Overtaking and being, 363; People, Motorist and the, 94; Petrol, Atomising, 205; Jet, New, 205; Storing, 729; Press and People, 94; Press Anti-motorism, 93; Progress, March of, 147; Road Hog, Reliable Evidence against the, 684, 685; Rust, Protection against, 641; Snow, Car in the, 784; Spares, Carrying, 5; Tour, After the, 93; Touring without Trouble, 131; Tramcars, Passing, 826; Tyre Luck, Unusual, 131; Tyre, Motor, Development of, 854; Early Troubles with. 854; Experiments Concerning, Value of, 855; Tyres, New, on Front Wheels, 363; Upholsterer, Evil Deeds of the, 641; Valves, Tyre, Defects of, 519; Wiring Tips, Some, 590
  • Cylinders, Joints in, 137
  • Daimler Car, Valveless Engine, 1909, 326
  • Daimler Developments, 146
  • Daimler Engine, Knight Silent Valveless (1909), 146, 202, 203. 204, 301, 330, 331, 380
  • Daimler Scholarships, The, 69 Danger Signs, M.U. 236
  • Darracq Engine, 158
  • Davenport Speed Indicator, 561
  • Dead-beat Voltmeter, Pocket, 125
  • Decision, Legal, An important, 794
  • Deflation, Tyre, at High Speeds, 133
  • Delage Developments, 672
  • Delagrange Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Delahaye Car, Four-cylinder, 12-16h.p., 812, 813
  • Derby and District Club—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Design, Engine, Progress in, 640
  • Design, Motorcar, Some Ideas and Suggestions, 778, 779, 807, 808
  • Detachable Non-skid, Lee-Trigwell, 362
  • Detachable Wheel, Rudge-Whitworth, 26
  • Devon, North, New Road in, 16
  • Dewar Challenge Trophy, The, 820
  • Differential Lubrication, 51, 52
  • Dinners.— A.A. Northern Members, 856; Aero Club, 678, 679: Aeroplane Club, 824; Agents’. 559, 593 (Darracq), 593 (Ford), 709 (Manchester); Auto-Cycle Union, 819; Coventry Motor Club, 672, 847; Motor Union. The, 588, 589; North Middlesex A.C., 625; Nottingham A.C., 790; R.A.C. Associated Clubs, 683; Shorland, Mr. F. W., to, 276a; S.M.M.T., 467. 477; Stanley Club, 577
  • Dirigible Balloons—(See " Airships ”) Dismissed, A Case, 334
  • Distributor, Amac H.-T., 727
  • Distributors, H.-T., Faults of, 419
  • Distributor, Thomas Bennett, 434, 506
  • Doctor and Me, The, 576, 577
  • Dover Steering Wheel, 562
  • Driver, Lady, For the, 572
  • Driving, Careful, A Plea for, 66
  • Driving, Inconsiderate. 124; Winchester, at, 370
  • Drummond Tools, Special, 433, 505
  • Dry Battery, the, Usefulness of, 668, 669
  • Dry Cells, Siemens-Obach. 564
  • Ducellier Lamps, 434, 508
  • Dunhill Tyre Pump, Automatic, 433
  • Dunlop Tyre, 508
  • " Dupe, The ” (Review), 102
  • Duplex Headlight, 433. 505
  • Dust, Fighting the, 736a
  • Dust Nuisance, Motorcars and the, 143 Dust Problem. The, 74, 624a
  • Dust Trials, Erratum Concerning, 1
  • Dynamo for Charging. New Type of, 764
  • Dynamo, Phi, The, 841
  • Echterdingen, Catastrophe, Unsolved, 72
  • Edge, Mr. Cecil, Death of, 19
  • Edinburgh Show—(See “Shows”)
  • Efficiency, Motorcar, To get Full, 581, 582, 615, 616
  • E.I.C.: Ignition Specialities, 434; Magneto, 74, 434, 503, 599
  • Eisemann Magneto, 599, 760a; Plug, 9
  • Engine, Daimler (Knight), New, 380; Criticisms, 580 Engine Design, Progress in, 345, 346, 347, 640 Engines.—779; Daimler-Knight Silent Valveless (1909), 146, 202, 203, 204, 301, 330, 331, 380; Darracq, 158; Humber, 431; Knight, 347, 353-354a, 728, 791; Simplex, Coventry, 162; Two-stroke, New, 301, 422, 423; White and Poppe, 430, 431, 565; White Steam. 430
  • Engines, Lightweight: Aeronautical Purposes, for, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755; Aeroplanes, Incentive to Manufacture of, 116, 117
  • Engines, Petrol, Valve Gear and Valves for, 105, 106
  • Engines, Six Volts, Why some Work Better with, 441
  • Engine Testing Instrument, New, 671
  • Electric Horn, Godin, 434
  • Electric Lamps, 400, 401
  • Electrolytic Rectifier, Charging Accumulators through, 83
  • Elliott Revolution Counter, 301
  • Elliot Speed Indicator, 508
  • Epicyclic Gear, Wear on, 398
  • Essex A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Essex Lanes, Through, 2
  • Establishment Charges, 814
  • Etrich-Wells Monoplane, 464
  • Exhibitions—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Expansion, Effects of, 721, 722, 723
  • Explosions, Exhaust Box, Cause and Remedies, 219; Petrol Tank, Safety From, 839
  • Fact, Fiction and, 736
  • Fairyland, A Toy, 627
  • Fanphare Headlight, The, 504, 772
  • Farman Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Ferber Aeroplane—(See " Aeroplanes”)
  • Finance and Business—10, 39, 68, 96, 123, 151, 179, 207, 235, 273, 300, 329, 351a, 354b, 396, 435, 502, 592, 618. 648, 675, 704, 732, 760, 788, 817, 845
  • Fines, Brighton Road, 628
  • Fire Engine, Motor, Demonstration, 232
  • Fire Engine, Motor, Tricar, Successful Trials of, 214
  • Fire Extinguishing. Experiments, 823
  • Fitments, Useful, How Made, 708
  • Flexibility, Petrol and Steam, Compared, 293
  • Flight, Place-to-place, First, 438a
  • Flying Machine, First Successful, 699, 700
  • Foreign Handbook, The M.U.’s, 45 .
  • Formulae, H.P. (S.M.M.T.). 294, 295, 296
  • Four-cylinder Engines, Two and, 629; Running Costs, Comparative, of, lb.
  • “ Four-inch ” Race, The, and Olympia, Lessons of, 432
  • “ Four-inch ” Race, The, Concerning, 174, 175
  • “ Four-inch ” Race, The, Observations on, 281
  • “ Four-inch ” Race, The, Philosophy of, 279-281
  • “ Four-inch ” Race, The—(See " Races ”)
  • France, Aeronautics In, 737, 738
  • France, Cars in, Lighting and Numbering, 761
  • Freezing, Guarding Against, 665
  • Freezing Solutions, Non-, 666
  • French Chassis. Knight Engine on, First, 612
  • French Writer, a Roused, 6
  • Front Wheel Brakes as Skid Preventer. 392
  • Front Wheel Suspension, New, 152
  • Frost. Fighting the, 665, 666, 667
  • Fuller Magneto. 433. 599
  • Fuller Mileage Recorder, 212
  • Fuller Speedometer, 212
  • Function, A Pleasant. 464
  • Future, Car of the, 781, 782, 783
  • Gamage Airship, Trip of the, 670
  • Garage Pump, Ross-Courtney, 434, 562
  • Gastambide-Mengin Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Gaulois Tyres, 565
  • Gear, Change-speed, Special Lecture on, 293
  • Gear Control, Adams Pedal, 421
  • Gear, Epicyclic, Wear on, 398
  • Gearing, Question of, 164
  • Gearing, Transmission, Noise in, 255
  • Gear Lubrication, 511, 512
  • Gears, 778
  • Gear Valve, for Petrol Engines, Valves and, 105, 106
  • Generator. Acetylene, Powell-Hamner, 566
  • Gillett-Lehman Carburetter, New, 321. 322, 504
  • Gillett’s Verses. Fred.—(See “ Verses ”)
  • Girling Ignition Indicator, 563
  • Glare, Headlight, Prevention of, 463, 464
  • Glidden Tour. The, 34, 35
  • Glissoire Shock Absorber, The, 265, 266
  • Godin Horn, Electric, 434
  • Goodrich Tyre, 564
  • Governor, Disuse of the, 595
  • Grand Prix, The: Course, 1909, 126; Views Concerning, 50
  • Granieri Front Wheel Suspension, 152
  • Graphites, Nixey’s, 561
  • Grippies For Cable Ends, 356
  • Guenet Magneto, 434
  • Gymkhana, Wokingham, Berkshire A.C.’s, 209
  • Hans Renold Chain. 566
  • Harden Cane-tread Tyres, 304. 334
  • Hartridge Tyre, Novel Pneumatic, 75
  • Harvey Frost Vulcaniser, 433
  • Hastings Road, The, 152
  • Headlight Glare, Prevention of, 463, 464
  • Headlight Lens, Antiglare, 210
  • Headeights:— Autoclipse, 310, 848; Duplex. 433, 505; Fanphare, 504. 772; Incandescent Mantle, 16; Motolite, 435, 505; Polkey, 276a
  • Headlights, Dazzling, 438a
  • Heating, Motor House, 665
  • Hele-Shaw Clutch. 265, 266
  • Helsby Tyre, Details of. 338
  • Henrioue Magneto. 433. 504
  • H.F. Vulcaniser, The, 456
  • High Compression v. Hot Spark, 611. 612
  • High-tension Distributors, Faults of, 419
  • Hill Climbs, Austria, France, Great Britain, in, 125
  • Hill Climbs.—Coventry M.C.’s, 53, 74; Irish A.C.’s, 100; Lancashire A.C.’s, 70, 110; Lincolnshire -A.C.’s, 70, 100; Scottish A.C.’s, 211; Semmering, 213; Yorkshire A.C.’s, 181
  • Hills, Kentish, Talbot Testing on, 149
  • Hill Unclimbed, A, 181
  • Hints, Useful, A Few, 770
  • Hirst Magneto, 507
  • History, Motoring, Seventeen Years of, 525, 526, 527.
  • Hobson-Pognon Plug, 563
  • Hog Trough Hill, Kent, 52, 96
  • Hood Improvements, Screen and, 825
  • Horn, Electric, Godin, 434
  • Horse Days, In the Old, 453, 454, 455, 456
  • Horsed Vehicles, Brakes on, 605
  • Horse Power, 294, 295, 296
  • Hosch Spark Plug, 212
  • Hot Spark v. High Compression, 611, 612
  • Humber Car, Two-cylinder, 8h.p., 686, 687, 688
  • Humber Engine, 431
  • Hunt Tyre Compressor, Nest Hill, 561
  • Hutchinson Tyre, 565
  • Hydra Magneto, 507
  • Hydroplane, Dirigible, Malecot, 92a
  • Ignition, 779; Vagaries of, 674
  • Ignition Apparatus: E.I.C. Specialities, 434; Girling Indicator, 563; Lodge, 509; Prested, 506; Van Raden, 565
  • Ignition, Low-tension to High, Converting, 859
  • Imports, Motor, Exports and, 679
  • Incandescent Headlight, Mantle, Petrol, 16
  • Inconsiderate Driving—(See “ Driving )
  • Incorporated Institute of Automobile Engineers, 815
  • Incorrect Milestones. Police Traps and, 232a
  • Indicator, Compression-explosion, Okill, 741
  • Industry, Motor, The, 226, 227, 228, 680
  • Inflators, Tyre, Brown, 507; Sioco, 56
  • Information Bureau.— Accumulators, Dynamo-charging, 371; Frothing of, 287; Running Down,.. 139; Acetylene, Copper Tubes and, 523; Stains-of, Removing, 692; Anti-freezing Solution, 747; Auto-tremblers, 748; Starting Difficulties with, Curing, 84; Axle, Rear, Trouble with, 56; Battery Charging., Solution for. 60/; Bearings, Crank, Worm, 691; Defects of, 803; Faulty, 635; Thrust, Heating of, 223; Bolts, Failure of, 288; Carburation, Faulty, 139, 411; Trouble with,. 607; Two-cylinder Engines and, 635; Carburetters, Float, Leaking, 112; Flooding, 452; Treacly Deposit in, 112; Clutches, Defective, 287; Fierce-316; Leather. Treatment of, 720; Rivets in, 775; Slipping, 316; Trouble with, 83, 636; Coils, Defective, 776; Faulty, 607, 859; Large v. Small, . 167; Plain, Starting on, 663; Wasteful, 343;. Compression, Loss of, 56; Taps Leaking, 111; Tests for, 663, 832; Contact Maker Alteration,. 607; Contacts, Sparking at, 56; Costs, Running, 372; Crankcase, Oil Leakage from, 260; Crankshaft, Broken, Cause of, 343; Cylinders, Cleaned, Require to be, 452; Failing to Fire, 111; Noise, Hammering, in, 28; Water in, 28; Weak,. 691; Differential Trouble, 55; Driving Wheels-Unequal-sized, 196; Dynamo Charging, Accumulator, 167; Engines, Cleaning, 451; Failing, 55-56; Kick-back in. 55; Knock in. 524, 691, 720;. Loss of Power in, 608, 636, 776; Noise in, 28, 84, 860; Overrunning, 663; Racing, 287; Self-starting, 315; Stop Suddenly, 140, 260; V type, 3*o; Exhaust, Annoyance by Explosions, 524; Pungency of, 27; Throttled, Overheating by, 56; Fire, Cylinder Fails to, 111; Floats, Carburetter, Leaky, 112, 411; Flooding, 831; Frost, Precautions Against, 412; Gearbox, Fault in, 692 Noisy, Silencing, 412; Gudgeon Pin Screw Loose,. 371; Hills, Car Fails on, 259, 288; Horse-power Formulae, 664; Ignition, Circuit Resistance, Fitting, 195; Coil Fitting, 664; Connections, 223; Dry Battery, By, 608; Dual, 720, 776; Faulty-Dual, 664; Low-tension, Difficulty with, 636; Magneto, By, 167; Timing, 27, 56, 371; Inconsiderate Driving, 296; Induction Pipe Heating, 27; Lights, Electric, on Cars, 524; Low-tension-Faults, 411; Lubrication Excess, 259, 775; Magneto. Adapting, 635; Chain Drive for. 664; High-tension Misfiring, 140; Setting a, 140, 412: Wiring a, 776: Misfiring, Puzzling Case of, 372; Mixture Wrong, 111; Momentum, Engine with Little, 523; Motor House, Details of. Ill; Non-freezing Mixture, 524; Non-skid, Single, Using a. 692; Non-starter, A, 831; Overheating, 56, 288, 719. 748; Petrol Consumption, 195, 451, 608, 719, 775; Petrol Supply Defects, 167. 195; Pipe Stoppages, 412: Piston Rings, Defective, 223, 748; Faulty, 636; Fitting New, 315; Pinning. 8'. 223; Pistons, Lightening. 747; Plug, Experiment, 860; Fitting Extra, 315; Over-lubricating the, 112; Short-circuited. 223; Trouble with a, 56; Power, Failing, 167; Hill-climbing, Difference in. 803; Increasing the, 523; Pre-ignition, 260, 832; Radiation, Insufficient, 747; Rectifier, Electrolytic. Charging Accumulators Through a, 83; Registration, 831; Revenue Tax, 223; Route, Manchester-London, via Wye Valley, 112; Short Circuits, 740; Spark, Induced, Trouble with, 860; Sparking Plugs, Position of, 720; Tight, Unscrewing, 195; Speed, Failing Engine, 747; Springing. Trouble with. 28; Starting on Low-tension. 83; Steering Gear, Backlash, 372; Switch, Spark at, 196; Thermo-circulation Difficulty, 451; Thermophile, Electric, The, 832; Timing. Wrong, 167; Tremblers Stacking, 288, 635; Tube Repairing, 223; Tyres. Cuts in. Repairing. 167; Tyres on Rims, Interchangeable, 167; Valve Tappet, Clearance of, 344; Valve Timing, 140: Water Circulation. Arrangement of. 139: Wheels, Damaged, Timing, 84; Wheels, Parallelism of, 223
  • Institution of Automobile Engineers, 672
  • Interesting Novelties, Some, 212
  • International Road Congress—(See “ Road Congress ")
  • Irish A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Irish A.C.’s Hill-climb—(See “Hill-climbs”)
  • Irish A.C.’s Reliability Trial, 709
  • Isle of Man, Notes, Motoring, 47, 121
  • Isle of Man Races—(See “ Races ”)
  • Isle of Man, To Reach, 97
  • Jacks: Adams. 562; Millennium, 509
  • Jackson Car (1909), 340
  • Jenatzy Tyres, 563
  • Jones Speed Indicator, The, 433
  • Kalker Sparking-plug, The, 560
  • Kempshall Non-skid Cover, 334
  • Kempshall Tyre, 504
  • Kent A.C.—(See “Clubs”)
  • Kentish Hills, Testing Talbot on, 149
  • Kent, Through, 57
  • Knight Engine, Silent Valveless (1909), 146, 202-204, 301, 330-331, 347, 353-354, 380, 637, 638. 728, 791
  • Knight. Mr., Interview with, 637, 638, 639
  • Krebs Carburetter, 231, 605
  • K. T. Tyres, 564
  • Lady Driver, For - the, 572
  • Lamps.— Autoclipse, 848; Ducellier, 434,-508; Duplex, 433; Electric, 394, 400, 401; Fanphare, 772; Lucas, 433, 505; Mangin Lens Mirror, 433; Moto-lite, 433, 505; Polkey, 701; Powell and Hamner, 74a, 433; Rushmore, 433, 504; Willocq-Bottin, 561
  • Lancashire A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Lancashire A.C.’s Hill Climb—(See “Hill Climbs”)
  • Lanchester Car (1909), Wheel-steered, 305
  • Lapse, A Curious, 71
  • Lathe, The. as Repairing Tool, 392
  • Lauret and Bavery Carburetter, Variable Feed, “ Zenith,” 231, 232
  • Law, Highway, Lecture on, 841
  • Leakage, Electric, 441
  • Leather Cases, Brooks, 503
  • Lee Trigwell Non-skid, 362
  • Legal Decision, Important, 794
  • Legal Status of Motors, 126, 127
  • Lens, Headlight, Anti-glare, 210
  • Lessons of Racing Path, The, 29, 30
  • Liabilities of Motor Owners, 126, 127
  • Lighting Act, Surrey and, 72, 334
  • Lighting, Electric, Dynamo Combination for, 683
  • Lightweight Motor Problem, The, 116, 117, 118
  • Lightweight Motors for Aeronautics, 751
  • Limit, Speed, Preferable Plan for, 61
  • Lincolnshire A.C.—(See " dubs ”)
  • Lincolnshire A.C.’s Hill Climb—(See “ Hill Climbs ”)
  • Little Briton Car, Two-cylinder 10h.p., 785, 786
  • Liverpool, Reckless Driving and, 696
  • Lloyd, Major F. Lindsay, 733
  • L. M. Magneto Plugs, 24
  • Local Government Board Action, 20, 210, 309
  • Lodge Ignition, 509
  • Lodge Switch, Reversing and Two-way, 733
  • London Traffic, Report, 609, 610, 611
  • Longuemare Carburetter, The, 434, 503
  • Lotis Car, 398
  • Lowe Bevan Windscreen, 563
  • Lowell Motor Races, U.S.A.—(See “ Races ”)
  • Lubricants, 66; Stern Sonneborn. 434
  • Lubrication, Differential, and Gear, 51, 52
  • Lubricator, Benton and Stone, 434
  • Lucas Lamps, 433, 505
  • Lucas Tyre Pump, 505
  • Lynton Wheel, The, 32
  • Macintosh Tyres, 565
  • Magneto, Plugs, for: Eisemannj 9; Low-tension, 322
  • Magneto, Remagnetising the, 28; Size of the, 671, 672; Speed of, Bursting, 795; Troubles with the, 267; Weight of, 672
  • Magnetos.— Aeroplane, 483. 506, 599; American, Simple, 726, 830; Bosch, 433, 505; C.A.V., 506; E.I.C., 74, 434, 503, 599; Eisemann, 599, 760a; Fuller, 433, 599; Guenet, 434 ; Henrique, 433. 504; Hirst, 507; Hydra. 507; Muirhead, 561, 599; Nieu-port, 565, 599; Nilmelior, 433, 509, 599; Ruthardt, 433; Simms, 506; Simms. Aeroplatae, 483. 506, 599
  • Magneto’s Point of View.— Accessibility and Quick Detachment, 219.; Accumulator Running Down, Cause of, 163; Aerial Navigation, French Methods and, 795; Aeroplane Disasters, Lessons of Recent, 267; Aeroplane Trials, Future, 132; Brake, Countershaft. Decline of the, 656; Cabby, Careless, The, 219; Carburation, Faulty, 80; Car, Cheap Small, Suggested Lines for, 811; Chain Sprockets, Danger of Wear on, 840; Coil, Curious, 7; Coil, Faults in, Causes Short Circuit, 7; Combustion. Spontaneous, Tyre Bursts due to, 87; Compression, Gauges for, 796; Compression Tests, Misleading, 33; Controllability, 728; Cylinders, Cleaning Out, 80; Design, Future, Finality in, 811; Differential Gear, Driving without, 320; Distributor, Dispensing with the, 599; Dustless Roads, Tai* Splashes from, 163; Electrodes, Spark-plug, Experiments with, 770; Engine Power Output, Valve Setting Variation, 267; Engine, Self-starting, Incident, 219; Engine Weight, Reduction in, 702; Experiments, Dangerous, 840; Flexibility v. Controllability, 405; Ignition Defects, Insidious. 163; Illusions, Optical, 7; Improvement, Desirable, A, 770; Lamps, Lighting Season and, 320; Lesson, A, 771; Lubricants, Queer, 2; Magneto Accessibility, 599; Magneto Bursting Speed, 795; Magneto Construction, Simple, 599; Magneto Contact Setting by Gauges, .599; Magneto Design, 599; Magneto, Perfecting, 599; Magneto Systems, L.T., Conversion, 702; Motorcars, Repairing and Renovation of, 85, 86, 87; Motor, Lightweight, Problem of the, 163; Motor, Slide Valve, Old, Interesting, 405; Paris Salon, Improvements at, 656; Petrol Economiser, 320; Petrol Efficiency, Falling, 33; Petrol Pipe, Air-lock in. 656; Piston Seizure, 133; Pitting, Platinum, Minimisation of, 87; Plate Number Rear, 770; Plug Fouling, 80; Pressure Tank System Troubles.. 80; Remagnetising, 728; Road Signs, Inefficient, 192; Rule of the Road, Cyclists and, 192; Starters, Bad and Good, 33; Steering, Defective, 320; Stroke and Power, Question of 192; Switch, Starting on the, 33; Synchronisation’ 796; Tyres, Rust and, 796; Valve Improvements’ 405; Valve Principle, A Better, 80; Water Circulation System, Inefficient, 163; Wheels, Front. Sloping, 87
  • Malecot Hydroplane-Dirigible Combination, 92a
  • Manchester Motor Club—(See “Clubs")
  • Mangin Lens Mirror Lamp, 483
  • Mantle Headlight, Incandescent, Petrol, 16
  • Manxland Races—(See “ Races ”)
  • Maybury Way, Down the, 189, 190, 191 I
  • Mechanical Features (1909), 568-569
  • Mechanical Non-skid, 298
  • Mechanical Traction, Animal and, 113, 114, 115
  • Mechanism, Accessible, Motorcar, 169, 170 171 197 198, 199 ,
  • Megaphone Reed, The, 47
  • Mercedes Car, 1909, Live Axle, 304; Racers, None, 41
  • Metallurgique Car, 26h.p., 189, 190, 191
  • Michelin Tyres, 503
  • Midnight Sitting, A, 694, 695, 696
  • Mileage Recorder, Fuller’s, 212
  • Milestones, Incorrect, Police Traps and, 232a
  • Military Motoring, Austrian and German, 44
  • Military Uses for Motorcars, 394
  • Millennium ’ Jack, 509
  • MinervaCar (1909), Valveless Engine, 327
  • Misfiring, Peculiar Symptoms of, 404
  • Moebius Oils, 563
  • Monoplane, Etrich-Wells, Austrian, 464
  • Motolite Headlight, The, 505
  • Motor Becomes Nuisance, When a, 126, 127
  • Motor Car Act, Decision under, Important, 736a
  • Motorcar, Cheapening the, 583, 584, 585
  • Motorcar Design, 778, 779, 807 , 808
  • Motorcar Efficiency, To Get, 581, 582, 615, 616
  • Motorcar Mechanism, Accessible, 169, 170, 171, 197, 199 *
  • Motorcar, Military Uses of the', 394
  • Motorcar Problems, Some, 325
  • Motorcars and Dust Nuisance, 143
  • Motor Club, The—(See “ Clubs ")
  • Motorcycle, Zenette, 108
  • Motor Cycling Club—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Motor Development, Lightweight, for Aeroplanes, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755
  • Motor History, Seventeen Years of, 525, 526, 527
  • Motor-house, Heating, 665; Stove, Safe, for, Norton, 563
  • Motor Industry To-day, 681
  • Motorist, Aggressive Anti-motorist Attitude towards, 130
  • Motorists, Modes for, 156, 512-515
  • Motorists, R.A.C.’s Appeal to, 148
  • Motor, Lightweight, Problem, 116, 117, 118
  • Motor Owners, Liability of, 126, 127
  • Motor Shows—(See “ Shows ”) Motors, Legal Status of, 126, 127
  • Motors, Petrol, Power Development in, 721, 722, 723
  • Motor Union, The, 124, 354b, 436, 593, 623; Danger Signs, and, 236; Foreign Handbook of, 45; Membership Increase, 271; Oxford, Visit to, 97, 125; Protects Users, 305; Provinces and, 392
  • Motor Vehicles, Wear in, Cause and Prevention of, 215, 216
  • Mountain Climbs, 181
  • Mountaineering, Motor, 261, 262, 263 , 264, 289, 290 , 291, 292. 293, 348, 349, 350, 376, 377, 378, 379
  • Muirhead Magneto, 561, 599'
  • My Way of Thinking.— AA-Al, 799; Accelerator Pedal, The, 134; Act, Secret Commission, 298; Advertising, Ethics of, 725; Aeronautics, 60; Argyll’s, New, 837; Bond. Commercial Vehicle Makers and; the, 602; Bonds, Separate, 336; Bonnet Design, 631; Rattling, 135; Brooklands Betting, 366; Car, Big, Preference for, Reasons, 335; Carburetters, New, 756; Car, Cheapest on Record, 756; Car Contest, American Light, 230; Cars, Commercial, Show of, Abandoned, 836; Cars, Dusty, 297: Oases, Circumstances Alter, 144; Cattle, Lighting-up of, 446, 827; Class, Our, Duty to Our, 134; Oom plaint, Illogical. 173; Conservatism, 660; Controllability, 659; Conundrum Solved, A Modern, 144; Corner Driving, 335, 336; Cylinders, Three, Concerning, 367; Danger, Motoring, Real, 107; Direction Posts, Concerning, 297; Disaster, Lessons from, 516; Draughts, Question of, 60, 61; Drivers, Drunken, Punishment of, 407; Drivers, Horse, Indiscriminate, 446; Dust Question, Not New, 229; Dust Trials, The, 23, 406, 517; Eccentric, Action of, 407; Effect, Cause and, Confounding. 406; Effect, Peculiar, 406; Engine, Tests for, 800; Exhibitor, Rough on the, 631; Farmers, Unreasonable, 671; Fines Question, The, 837; Four-inch Race, Gears and, 297; Front, Remarkable Change of, 230; Frost, Effects of, 827, 828; Future; Contests of the. 298; Development Towards a Big, 282; Leaders, Strong, Wanted in the, 283; Gate Change, Concerning the, 828; Gearbox, Abolition of the, 631; Gearing, High, Concerning, 108; Gearing Question. Tire, 602; Gear, Lower, Fitting, 697; Grand Prix, France and the, 72-5; Greetings. Season’s, 697; Hands Warm. Keeping the, 828; Headlights, Dazzline. 297; Hill Climbs. Management of, 31: Horn or Whistle. 61; Horn. Sounding the. 107; Horsed Vehicles, Brakes on, 230. 407, 517; H.P. Double Nomenclature, 799; Hub, Wheel around the, 230; Humber Development, 172; Illustrations, Catalogue, Concerning, 799; Inconsiderate Driving, 108. 135; Industry, Motor, and the Motor, 172; Injustice, A Gross, 31, 32; Irish Show Question, The, 447: Judgement, Fine, 756: Kindness, Mistaken, 134; Law, Absurd. An. 836; Light Electric. Heating Power of, 631; Lights, Coloured, on Motorcars, 406: Limits, Speed, Ten-mile, 61: Lynton Wheel. The, 32; Magneto, A Simple, 726: Magnetos, Size of. 630, 631; Maintenance Contract, 23: Manchester Show, The, 446. 837; Marks, Manufacturers’, Police and, 172: Methods, British v. Foreign, 630; Misconception, Anti-motorist, An Entire, 145; Moment. Creatures of, 697; Money-spreading Motorist, The, 172; Motorcab, The, Practicability of, 60; Motoring, Decline of, 516; Motorphobe, Opinion of a, 135; Motors, 'Two-stroke, Use of, in England, 757; M.P.’s, Anti-motoring 671; Notion, A Clever, 697; Nuts and Bolts, Elimination of, 447; Occupation, Risky, A, 756; Olympia, French, The, and 836; Olympia, Salon, The, and, 366; Olympia Space, Question of, 282; Outline, A Handsome, 335; Patents, British, Foreign-owned, 24; Pedestrian, Nocturnal, The, 602; Perquisites, Damaged Tyre not, 602; Petrol, Price of. 407; Police, Co-operation with the, 107; Policy, Undesirable, 659; Polishing, Engine Power for, 726; Punishment, Exemplary, 173; Question Answered, A, 200, 201; Racing Path, Lessons of the, 135; R.A.C., Four-inch Race and, 282; Manifesto, 200; M.U. and the, 670; Rating Formulae, Engine, 725; Reckless Driving, Example of, 229; Reprisals, Attempted, 173; Restrictions, American, 108; Rims, Detachable, under Test, 446; Road Congress^ Decision, 367; Road, Danger of the, A, 516; Roadmaking Material, A New, 31; Road, Rule of the, 670, 800; Road, Speed on, 60; Roads, Rubber, 516; Roads, Unemployed Question and the, 201; Road, Waste of the, 726; Rust, Prevention of, 799; Scare, A Little, 144; Scouts, Effect of, 201; Screen, The County, 446; Self-starting Devices, 698; Show Incident, Another, 631; Shows: Horn-blowing at, 366; Objection to, 366; Side, Near, Passing on the, 837; Signposts, Too Many, 135; Skid, Double, 144; Speed Detection, 726; Coloured Signals for, 516; Speed Limit, Concerning the, 145; Steam Question, Re, 800; Stepney Wheel in America. 602; Stone Setts, Danger of, 108; Suggestions: Practical, 800; Quaint, 31; Rural, Truly, 229; Tarmac, Concerning, 134; Taximeters. Abou 827; Time, Present, Hardly Wise at the, 145. -Tonneau, 659; Touring, Home, 23; Tourists, Foreign, Carriage Licenses and, 31; Trade, the, Press and, 145; Prospects of, 725; Traffic, Trams and, 630; Tramcars, Passing, 827; Treat, A Coming, 297; Trials, 1909, 23; Tyre Alarms, 698, 828; Tyre Stock, Wanting, 60; War into Enemy’s Camp, Carrying the, 229; Weather, Prospective, 828; Winter, Motor in, The, 757; Zenette Motorcycle, The, 108
  • Name, Good Trade, Importance of, 226, 227, 228
  • Napier Car, 1909, lOh.p. Two-cylinder, 278; 15h,p, Four-cylinder, 306, 307
  • Napier Cars, Mr. C. Hobson’s Challenge to, 276a
  • Nesthill Tyre Compressor, Hunt, 561
  • Newbury Magistrates, Custom Withdrawn by Action of, 645
  • New York-Paris, Interview with Driver, 18, 18a
  • Nieuport Magneto, 565, 599 Night, Speed Greater at? 735
  • Nilmelior Magneto, 433, 509, 599 1909, Cars! for, 358, 359 , 360, 361
  • Nixey Graphites, 561
  • Noise, Transmission Gearing, 255
  • Non-freezing Solutions, 666
  • Non-skids.—Kempshall, 334; Lee Trigwell, 362; Mechanical, 298; Parsons, 562; Pullman, 564
  • North Middlesex A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Norton Stove, Motor-house Heating, Safe, 563
  • Norwich, R.A.O. Meet at, 155
  • Nottingham A.C.—(See “ Clubs”)
  • Novelties, Some Interesting, 212
  • Nuisance, Dust, Motorcars and the, 143
  • Nuisance, When Motor Becomes a, 126, 127
  • Obstruction, A Case of, 277
  • Odometers—(See ‘‘Speed Indicators”)
  • Official Figures;, Accidents, 334
  • Oil Pump, Rotary, Rotheram, 563
  • Oils.—Anglo-American, 562; British Petroleum, 561; Moebius, 563; Vacuum, 562; Valor, 562; Wilcox. 562
  • Okill Indicator, Compression and Explosion, 741
  • Olympia, Brake Improvements and Brakes at, 573, 574
  • Olympia, Engineer, An, at, 568
  • Olympia. Racing Cars, Prohibited at, 362
  • Olympia Show—(See " Shows ”)
  • Olympia, Space Allotment at, 217, 218 1909, Cars for, 358, 359, 360, 361
  • Opinion.—A.A. and its Work, The, 272; A.A., The, 647; Accessories, Developments in, 567; Accumulators, New Rating for, 439; Adjustment Facilities, 67; Advance, A Show of Remarkable, 567; Aeroplane, Five Years Hence? 439; Aeroplane, France and the, 591; Aeroplane Interviews, 567; Articles, Interesting, 466; Behind, All, England! 731; Bonnets, Artistic, 409; Brakes, Horsed Vehicle, 369; Brakes, Unreliable, Danger of, 234; Brooklands, Hill Climbing at, 844; Cab Horse, Uncontrolled, The, 206; Christmas, A Happy Motoring, 703; Cold Snap, The, 466; Combustion Chamber, Best Shape for the, 703; Considerate Driving, 150, 206, 844; Contrast, American-European, 617; Cornwall County Council, Enlightenment, 787; Cyclists, Motorists and, 357; Disappointment, A Bitter, 38; Driver, Reckless, Curbing the, 67; Engine, Slide Valve, New, 233; Engines, Two-cylinder, Revived, 731; Experience, Unpleasant, 38; Fact, Fiction and, 122, 731; Fiat Match, Times Confirmed, 11; Four-inch Race, 206; Disparagement Efforts, 399; Effect, 122; Lessons of, 234; Outcome of, 272; Public Opinion and the, 67; France, Lesson from, A, 675; Grand Prix, Imperilled, 675; Horse, The, 95, 466; Income Tax Figures, 178; Inconsiderate Driving, To Crush Out, 178; Inconsiderate Practising, Public Feeling and. 95; Legislation, Future, 787; L.G.B, Circular: Statesmanlike Document, 233; Mind, Official, Breadth of, 816; Motoring, Reforming, 617; "Motor Manual,” 11th Edition, 326; Motor Movement, Growth of, 703; Motor, the. Dragging in, Somehow. 122; Opinion, Evidence of, 816; Parliament. Temperate Mood of, 11; Patent Act, New, Defeating the, 787; Pedestrian, Motorist and the, 844; Petrol Consumption Bonuses. 591, 617; Police, Motorists and the, 399; Press Campaign, The, 233; Press, Halfpenny, Petrol Se^ Serpents, and the, 178; Press, Public, Advertisements, 299; Racing, Motor, New Development, 357; Racing, Track, Long-distance, Risks of, 38; Rating, Proposed New, 150; Reliability, American Ideas of, 38; Road Congress, International, 328; Road Hogs, Motorist Attitude Towards, 206; Road Rule, Ignorance of, 299; Roads, Bread Question of, 67; Road, Waste of the, 675; Rubber Supply Question, The, 272; Self-starting Question, 328; Situation, Anti-motorist, The, 95; Show, Revelations at the, 299; Shows, Motor, French Proposal, Cool, 647; Snow, Motor in the, 758; Sport, Motor, An End to, 399; Standards, Many, Motorcar has Raised, 11; Variance, at (Surrey C.C. and L.G.B.), 617; Vehicle, One-whistle, 439; Tramcars, Passing, 758; Tuning-up, Art of, 591; Weather, Cold, Driving in Comfort in, 758; Welcome, British, Characteristic, 357; Wheels, Detachable, Racing, Use Sanctioned, 647
  • Ostend Liedekerke Meeting, the, 278
  • Other People’s Views.— “Accidents,” Motor, Daily Press and, 258; Accumulator Defect, Puzzling, 136, 165, 256; Aerial Navigation, 857; Aeroplane Club, Suggested New, 285; Aeroplane Experiment, Mr. Roe’s, 137; Aeroplane Five Years Hence, The, 632; Africa, South, Light American Vehicles for, 717; Agree, We, 25; Alcohol Fuel, Experiments, 54; Assaults, Motorists, on, 342; Auto-trembler Connections, 136, 165, 256; Bad Feeling Engendered, How, 110, 138; Battery, Charging, Difficulty, 369, 606; Bearings, Adjusting, 858; Bevel Gear, Ratio of, Altering, 746, 774, 802; Bonnets, Artistic, 521; Breakdown Incident, 54, 109; Cab Horse, Uncontrolled, The, 258; Carburation, 774, 829; Carburetter Defect, Cause of, 256; Carburetter Design, 858; Car, Cheapening the, 661; Car, Future, The, 857; Oars, Small, Contrasts in, 368, 521; Car, Steam, The, 606, 661, 717; Cattle, Roads, on, 368; Cans, Petrol, A Safeguard, 25; Chatham, Constitution Hill, Climbing, 341, 376 , 450; Circulation, 773; Clutches, Disc, Lubrication of, 258, 284; Clutches, Plate, Lubrication, 448; Clutch, Defective, A, 168; Clutch, Metal-to-Metal, Difficulty, 633; Clutch, Plate, Improvising a, 448; Coach work, Polish, Obtaining, 221; Coil Construction, Defect in, 450; Comments: Four-inch Race, Satirical, 342; Compression, High, v. Hot Spark, 717; Contests, Future, 368; Control, Wheel and Foot Only, 718; Corner, Dangerous, A, 606; Cornish Roads, 194; Costs, Running, .522, 605; Cross Roads, Dangerous, 661; Cylinders, Carbon in, 137; Cylinders, Clearing Out, 110; Cylinders, Single v. Four, Compared, 717; Cylinders, Untrue, Grinding and Re-boring, 717; Daimler Knight Engine, 633 ; Danger Signposts, Fixing, 222; Dartmoor, Dangerous Hills on, 286; Deposit, Carbon, Nuisance of, 53, 81; Design, Engine, Progress in, 745; Differential, Driving without a, 342; Differential, Fault in, 109; Ditch, Hint for Oar in, 605; Dry Cells, 256; Dustless Roads, Disadvantage of, 341; Dust Nuisance, The, 109; Dust Prevention, 284; Dust Problem, The, 222; Dust Trials, 605; Dust Troubles, 632; Duty. Forgotten, A, 857; Engine Design, Progress of, Criticisms, 520; Engine Formula), Rating, 801; Engine, Hot, Starting Difficulty with, 256; Engine, Knight, Valves and, 521; Engine Knocking, Reasons for, 109; Engine, Single-cylinder, The, 802; Engine, Slide-valve, New, 450; Engine, Three-cylinder, 520; Engine, Turbine, for Motorcars, 520; Engines, Two-cylinder, Revived, 801; Engine, Two-stroke, 746; Epicyclic Gearing, 109; Expenses, Running, 81, 312; Experiences, Fortunate, 370; Fan Belt, Spring, Experiences with, 802; Flexibility, 522; Floats. Leaking, 166; Four-inch Race, The, 286; Gearboxes, Lubricants, .Special, for, 606; Gearbox, Shavings in, 634; Gearing Question, The, 662; Gloucestershire, Road Warnings in, 138; Guarantees, Agents’, 661; Head, Combustion, Beet Shape for, 774; Headings, Misleading, 774; Headlights, High-power, Unscreened, Dangers of, 256, 313; Headlights, Unshaded, 408; Hill Climbs,“Graphic” Trophy, Cancellation, 286; Hills, Climbing on Re-/ verse, 165; Hills, Dartmoor, Dangerous, 368; Hills, Lake District, 109, 138, 165; Hills, Test, 194; Hog Trough Hill, 81; Horsed Vehicles, Brakes on, 314, 320, 632; Horse, Insanitary, The, 313; H.P. Formulae, 408, 604, 858; Humber, Ltd., Staff and, 286; Ignition Problem, The, 25, 26, 81, 138; Elusion, Optical, Wheel, 81; Justice, Motorists and, 110; “Justice,” Worcester, at, 314; Knight Engine, 690; Discussion nn, 521; Lead, English,'Following the, 690; Lighting Cars, Electrically, 663; Lights on Cars, Coloured, 632, 662; Lights on Vehicles, 634, 718; Limit, Speed, Special, 81; Long-stroke Motors, Why? 193, 194, 220, 221; Lubricants, Gearbox, 256, 313; Magneto Defect, A, 256; Magneto, Perfecting the, 662; Magneto, Simple, 829, 830; Magneto, Size of, 689; Magneto Troubles, Simple. 341; Motorbuses, Trams and, 829; M.U. and R.A.C., 410; Mud Splashing, Prevention of, 54; Mud v. Dust, 522; Napier, Noiseless, New, The, 370; New Zealand, Motor in, 138; Night, Road Dangers at, 718; Overheating, Causes of, 341, 773; People and Motorist, 53, 54; Petrol Bonus System, 633; Petrol Fumes, Inhaling, 690; Petrol Pipe, Air-lock in, 522, 690; Petrol v. Steam, 221, 312, 341, 369, 409, 448, 450 , 522, 604 , 634, 661, 689, 746, 773, 858; Platinum Pitting, 221; Plug Experiments, 801; Power, Motor, Day and Night Conditions, Under, 691; Power, Valve Setting in Relation to, 690; Practising, Inconsiderate, 138; Preignition, Bad Case of, 633; Queensland, Western, Motoring in, 222; R.A.C. and M.U., 634; R.A.C. and Situation, 312; Rating, New, Prophecy of, 284; Repairers, Honest, 110; Repairs, Expeditious, 369; Repairs, Guarantees and, 450; Road, Cars on the, 449; Road Dangers, Night, 408; Road Rule, The, 222, 450, 632, 745, 857; Roads, Dusty, Driving on, 110; Roads Problem, The, 284; Roads, Studded Tyres on, 633; Rubber, Rust and, 746; Self-starting, Engine Incident,-An, 194; Sheep-Shearing, Motor, 689, 690; Show, Future, Exhibition Buildings, and, 26; Signals, Road, Drivers’, 25, 81; Single-cylinder Car, Perfecting the, 408; Situation, Anti-motorist Crusade, 166, 194; Situation, Motorphobe, The, 256; Spares, Carrying, 54; Special Speed Limits, 25, 26; Springs, Adjustable, 774; Starting-up Mystery, A, 313; Stones, Throwing, at Oars, 368; Stroke, Long v. Short, 449; Studs, Steel, on Roads, Effect of, 312; Switch, Starting, 53, 165; Taxation, 284; Taximeters, 85e; Thames, Crossing the, 256; Trams, Passing, 857; Tuning-up, 774, 829; Tyres, Front, 342; Unique, Not, 286; Valve Breakages, What Causes, 284; Valve, Inlet, Experiment, 718; Valve System, Better, A, 136; Vaporiser, Choked, 606; Villages, Roads Round, 109; Warm, To Keep, when Driving, 829; Watling Street, near Wall, 136, 165; Wear of Road, Studded Tyres and, 257; Wheel, Racing, 109; Wheel Shedding Incident, The, 26
  • Owners, Motor, Liabilities of, 126, 127
  • Palmer Tyres, 505, 672
  • Paris, News From.— Aerial Pioneers, Honours for, 593; Aeronautical Demonstration, Suggested, 793; Aeronautical Race, Gordon-Bennett, 64; Aeronautics, 182; Aeroplane Contest, Monaco, 438, 822; Aeroplane Grand Prix, 593; Aeroplane Movement, 438; Aeroplane News, 92a; Aeroplane Race, Bordeaux-Paris, 600; Aeroplane Race Rules, 707; Aeroplane Race, The First, 355, 395; Aeroplanes, Plenty of, 848; Aeroplane Trials, Controlling, 36b; Aeroplane Trophy, Gordon-Bennett, 682; Aeroplaning Sport, 683; Aero Quarrel, An, 601; Aero Show, First, 734, 735; American Grand Prix, France and, 36, 36a, 252, 276b; Anti-Salon Movement, The, 682; Anti-smoke Exhaust Apparatus, 395; Ardennes Race, Abandoned, 19; Aviation Enthusiasm, 848; Balloons, Military, 36a; Competition, Novel, A, 36, 36b; Cylinder Limitation, 184; Darracq’s and Racing, 182; Dumont’s Latest, 600; Engines, Light, Competition for, 626; Entries, Poor, 64; Events, important, Dates of, 654; French, 64; Farman's Movements, 128, 395; Flying, First Pupil in, 395; Flying over Paris, 395; Gordon-Bennett Aeroplane Trophy, 64, 682; Grand Prix, The, 36a, 252, 302, 349, 355, 395, 438, 600, 602, 626, 627, 706, 762; Hill Climbs, Gaillon, 276, 322; Cote du Calvaire, 129; Ven-toux, 189; Knight Engine, English, First, 601; Law, New, Operation of the, 601; Lottery, A, 600; Michelin Trophy, The, 626, 683. 762, 848; Monaco, Aeroplane Races at, 438, 822; Motors, High-power, Conipetition for, 184; Nazzaro, No Retirement, 182; New Truck, A, 252; New York-Paris, Protos Disqualified, 19; Racing Conference, International, 355; Racing, Cost of, 682; Road Congress, International, 129, 303, 356; Road, Future, 356; Roofs, Landing, 600; Salon, The, 184, 402, 403, 404, 438, 682, 683; Salon, 1909, 601, 706; Signs, Road, 355, 654; Tyre Inflator, Mechanical, 626; Voiturette Race, The, 92a, 128, 184, 303, 793; Wheels, Detachable, France and, 302, 654; Wheels, Spring, Trials, 793; Wright Aeroplane, The, 36; Wright, Orville, 821: Wright, Wilbur, 92a, 252, 276b, 302, 356, 438, 601, 683, 707, 762, 763, 793
  • Parsons’ Non-skid, 562
  • Patent Act, German, 441
  • Pearson Accumulator, 507
  • Pedals to Push Control Gear, Adams, 421
  • Peter-Union Tyre, 564
  • Peto and Radford Accumetre, 433; Accumulators, 509; Coil. Multiple. 433
  • Petrol Bonuses, 652, 704b, 709
  • Petrol Cans, Auto-syp)ion for, 456
  • Petroleum, Origin Of, 218
  • Petrol Motors, Power Development in, 721, 722, 723
  • Petrol Storer, Rotax Safety, 738
  • Petrol Tank, Explosions, Safety from, 839
  • Petrol Tank Regulating Valve, 506 Peugeot Car, 327
  • Phi Dynamo, The, 841
  • Philosophv of “Four-inch" Race, The, 279, 280, 281
  • Phoenix Car. 1909, 10-12h.p.. 323, 324
  • Pilcher Carburetter, The, 756 Place-to-place Flight, First. 438a Plugs.—Eiseipann. 9; Hobson-Pognon, 563: Hosch, 212; Kalker, 560; L.M. Magneto, 322; Switch, 71; W. and G., 563
  • Plymouth to London, Back and, 40
  • Pneumatic Tyre, Hartridge, Novel, 75
  • Police, Camera as Aid to the, 705
  • Police Trap, Milestones Incorrect. 322a
  • Police Traps.—Alconbury Hill, 738; Barnet-Hatfield. 738; Blackpool Road, 339; Bolney-Pye-combe, 738: Brighton Road, 738; Cambridge, 304; Cornwall (Liskeard-Torpoint), 16: Cuckfield-Clay-ton Tunnel, 736a; Eltham, 612; Huyton (Lancs.), 276a
  • Polkey Head Lamps, 276a, 701
  • Powell-Hamner Acetylene Generator. 566
  • Powell-Hanmer Lamps. 74a, 433
  • Power in Petrol Motors, Development of. 721. 722, 723
  • Pressure Indicator, Okill, 741
  • Prested Ignition. 506
  • Price, A Factor in, 814
  • Problems. Motorcar, Some, 325
  • Prowodnik Tyre. Red. 563
  • Pullman Non-skid. 564
  • Pump, Garage, Ross-Courtney, 434, 562
  • Pump, Oil, Rotary. Rotheram, 564
  • Pumps, Tyre. Dunhill. 433; Lucas. 505
  • Puncture-proof Tube, Sealomatic, 564
  • Qualification, Withdrawal and a, 236
  • Racecourse, Motor. America’s, 365
  • Race. “ Four-inch," Philosophy of the, 279, 280, 281
  • Races, American, Vanderbilt Cup, Long Island, Course. 130, 361
  • Races, Brooklands, 12, 13, 14, 15
  • Races, Essex M.C., Stadium, 41
  • Races, Isle of Man, Auto-Cycle Tourist Trophy, 47, 211 237
  • Races,’Isle of Man, “ Four-inch,” 98, 120. 120a, 120b, 121, 153, 154, 174, 175, 180, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248; Accident, 276, 276a; Cars, 157, 158; Cars, Competing, Run Round, 119; Course, The, 209; Drivers, Leading, 250; Incidents, Week’s,'208; Induction Pipe Design, 278a; R.A.C. and Criticisms of, 125; Ramsey Depots, Scenes at, 249
  • Races, Isle of Man, Notes on, 47
  • Races, Isle of Man, Practise in, 71
  • Races, Ostend, Liedekerke, The, 278
  • Races, Targa-Florio, Summary, 153, 154, 185, 187
  • Racing in 1908, 416, 417, 418 419
  • Racing, Motor, Aspect of, Another, 364, 365
  • Racing Path Lessons, 29, 30
  • Racing Records, Book of, 438a
  • Racing Speeds, Tyres at. 133
  • R.A.C., The, 40, 70, 90, 148, 155, 200, 258, 603, 709; Aeronautics and, 646; Appeal, Motorists, to, 148; Associated Clubs and, 818, 819; Dinner of, 792; Associates, Scheme, 70, 361, 392, 624a, 646, 792, 820; Certificate Examinations, 46; Club House, New, 646; Critics and, 157; Dazzling Headlights and, 438a-; Dinner, 624a 683; Driving Certificates, 593, 792; Driving, Reckless, Scheme Against, 276a, 296; Lectures and Meetings, 820; Meet, Next, 43; Membership, 820; Motorcar Statistics, 709; M.U. and, 301; News, 792; Petrol Bonuses and, 646; Report, Weekly, 683, 820; Roads, Dustless, Resolution, 646; Touring Department, 46 , 301; Trials Summary, 792b; Work. 1908, 765, 766
  • Radiator, C.M.F., 563
  • Radiators, 778
  • Rating, Accumulator, 437
  • Rectifier, Electrolytic, Accumulator Charging Through, 83
  • Regulating Valve, Petrol Tank, 506
  • Remagnetising Magnetos, 728
  • Rep Aeroplane, 734
  • Repairing Tool, Lathe as, 392
  • Report, Traffic, London, 609, 610, 611
  • Reputation, Trade, Value of, 226, 227, 228
  • Retaliation, 793
  • Review, “ The Dupe,” 102
  • Revolution Counter, Elliot, 301
  • Rims, Ajax, 562; Shaw-Kersop, 361
  • Ripault Wire Terminal, New, 9
  • Road Bill? Who Shall Pay the, 834, 835
  • Road, Cars on the, 2-4, 57, 59, 88-90, 189-191, 268-269, 270, 686, 710-712, 739, 785, 851-853
  • Road Conference, A, 820
  • Road Conference, International, 141, 142, 143, 213, 332-333
  • Road Dangers, 789
  • Road, North Devon, New, 16
  • Road Rule, The, 802
  • Roads Conference, Scotland, 709
  • Road Signposting—Dover, Folkestone, 69
  • Roads Improvement Association, 438a
  • Road Slip Tests, 236
  • Roads, Effect of Motors on the, 124
  • Roads, Question of Our, 413, 414, 415
  • Roads, Roman, 76, 77, 78, 79
  • Roads, Snow and, 760a
  • Roads, Tarred, Fishes and, 214
  • Road Surfacing, New Method of, 236
  • Rodakowski, Dinner to, 653
  • Roe Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Roslee Acetylene Generator, The, 438a
  • Ross-Courtney Garage Pump, 434, 562
  • Rotax Novelties, 397
  • Rotax Petrol Storer, The, 738
  • Rotheram Oil Pump, Rotary, 563
  • Rover Car, 15h.p., New Model, 1909. 351, 352; Prices, 437
  • Rubber Industry Exhibition—(See " Shows ”)
  • Rudge-Whitworth Detachable Wheel, 26
  • Rushmore Lamps, 433, 504
  • Ruthardt Magnetos, 433
  • Rutland, Duke of, on Motoring, 152
  • Samson Tyre, 564
  • Sandringham, Motor Traffic to, 623
  • Santos-Dumont’s Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Scotland, Roads Conference in, 709
  • Scotland, S.M.T.A., Ltd., v. England, 9
  • Scottish A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Scottish A.C.’s Hill Climb—(See “ Hill Climbs”)
  • Screen Improvements, Hood and, 825
  • Screen, The County, 446
  • Sealomatic Tube, Puncture-proof, 564
  • Security Bolt, Novel, 437
  • Selling. Cost of, 443, 444
  • Semmering Hill Climb—(See “ Hill Climbs ”)
  • Seven-jet Carburetter, A, 849
  • Share List, “The Motor”—(See '‘Finance and Business ”)
  • Shaw-Kirsop Rim, Detachable, 561
  • Shell Spirit, 561
  • Shock Absorber, Glissoire, 265 . 266
  • Shocks, Electric, 441
  • Shorland, Mr. F. W., Dinner- to—(See “ Dinners ”>
  • Show. Observations at the, 531, 532, 533, 534, 586. 587, 588
  • Shows.— Aero Exhibition. The, 847; Aero, French,. 735; American, Boston, Burned Out, 819; Canadian, Toronto, 790; Edinburgh, 182, 830, 846, 847; Olympia: 381-391, 421-433 . 503-511; Accessories at, 433, 434, 560, 564; Brake Improvements and Brakes at, 573. 574; Carriage Work at, 494e-499, 503-511. 560, 566; Engineer’s Impressions at, 568; Four-Inch Race, Lessons and, 432; Observations at, 586, 587r 588; Reviews of: I., 467-494d. 500-501; II., 535-561; Paris Salon, 619, 620, 621, 622; Carriage Work at, 642, 643; Departures, New, at, 649, 650, 651; Prospects, Future, of, 655; Rubber Industry Exhibition, 211; Stanley, 596-598
  • Shows, Annual, Biennial or, 704a, 706
  • Showscripts, 566
  • Shows, Motor, Conception, Development and Rise of, 373, 374, 375, 445
  • Show, The, Value to Trade and Public, 518
  • Siddeley Programme. 1909. 305
  • Siemens-Obach Dry Cells, 564
  • "Silent Knight, ’ Engine, Valveless, 146: Discussion on, 347, 353, 354, 354a
  • Simms Magneto, Aeroplane, 433, 506, 599
  • Simplex Engines, Coventry, 162
  • Sioco Tyre Inflator, 560
  • Sirdar Tyre, 565
  • Situation, Anti-motorist, The, 91, 92
  • Skid Preventer, Front Wheel Brakes as, 392
  • Small Cars, Contrasts in, 311
  • Smith-Parfrey Wheels, 560
  • Smith Speed Ind cator, 433, 510, 511
  • S.M.M.T., The. 304, 437, 559, 679, 709, 764, 792, 797, 819, 847; Dinner, Annual, of, 467, 477; Rating, h.p. Formulas, 294, 295, 296; New, Proposed, 150 Snow, Non-Skid in the, 765 Solutions, Non-Freezing,. 666 Spa, Racing Track Near, 667 Spark at Switch, 196
  • Spark, Hot, v. High Compression, 611, 612
  • Spark Plug, Hosch, 212
  • Spark Plug, Switch, 71
  • Speed Indicators.— Bullard, 503. 562; Cowey, 434, 566; Davenport, 561; Elliot, 508; Fuller, 212: Jones, 433; Smith, 433, 510, 511; Stewart, 508
  • Speedometers.—(See *' Speed Indicators ’’)
  • Speeds, High, Deflation of Tyre at, 133
  • Springs, 778; Terry’s, 565
  • Spur Wheels, Canning’s Patent, 652
  • Stadium: Autocycle Record at, 102; Essex M.C., Races at, 41
  • Stanley Cycling Club—(See " Clubs ’’)
  • Stanley Show—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Stanley Steamer, The, 21, 22
  • Starting Device, A New, 688
  • States, News From The: America, Grand Prize of, 46; Cars in Favour In, Medium Priced, 46
  • Status, Legal, of Motors, 126, 127
  • Steamer, The Stanley, 21, 22'
  • Steam, Possibilities of, 583
  • Steering Control, Bowden, 565
  • Steering Wheel, Dover, 562
  • Stepney Spare Wheel, The, 506
  • Stern Sonnebom Lubricants, 434
  • Stewart Speed Indicator, 508
  • Stove, Motor House, Norton Safe, 563
  • Straker-Squire Car, 1909, 14-1611.p., 326
  • Student, Great Britain No Longer a, 649
  • Summer’s Windscreen, 503
  • Suspension, Front Wheel, Granieri, 152
  • Swift Car. Two-cylinder, 10-12h.p., 851, 852, 853
  • Switch, Lodge, Reversing and Two-way, 733
  • Switch, Sparking Plug, 71
  • Talbot Car, Testing on Kentish Hills, 149
  • T. and M. Carburetter, 561
  • Tank, Petrol, Regulating Valve for, 506
  • Targa-FIorio Race, The—(See “ Races ’’) Tarmac, 134
  • Terminal Attachment, New, 9
  • Terry Springs, 565
  • Testing. Instrument for Engine. 671
  • Tests. Contacts, Bad, for, 440; Wiring, Defective, for, lb.
  • Thompson-Bennett Distributor. 494, 506
  • Thornycroft Car, Four-cylinder, 18h.p., 710, 711, 712
  • Three-stage Tyre Compressor, Hunt, 434
  • Throttle Control, 175
  • Time-keeping, Curiosities of, 736a
  • Tom Thumb Tool Kit, The, 333
  • Tonneau, Fall and Rise of the, 749, 750
  • Tool, Repairing, Lathe as a, 392
  • Tools, Special, Drummond, 433, 505
  • Tormo Bearings, 561
  • Touring Book, Welsh, 47
  • Tourists’ Note Book, Jottings, 578, 579
  • Traction, Animal and Mechanical, Contrasts Between, 113, 114, 115
  • Trade Celebrity, A, 603
  • Trade, Colonial, To Facilitate, Report, 497, 498
  • Trade, Foreign, Our, 838
  • Trade, Goodwill in the, 226, 227, 228
  • Traffic Report, London, 609, 610, 611
  • Tramcars, Passings 816, 820
  • Tramlines. Dangerous. 236
  • Trans-Continental Motoring, 36b
  • Transmission Gearing, Noise in, 255
  • Trapped, 792a, 792b
  • Traps, Police—(See " Police Traps ”)
  • Traps, Tram, 855, 856
  • Trials, R.A.C.. 1908, Summary, 792b
  • Trier and Martin Carburetter, 560, 561
  • Trucks, Railway, Motor, Prussian, 815
  • Tube, Sealomatic, 564
  • Tuning up, 581, 615, 616. 644, 645, 673
  • Two-cylinder Engines, Four and, 629; Running Costs of, Comparative, lb.
  • Two-stroke Engine,. New, 301, 422. 423
  • Tyre Compressor, Nesthill. Three-stage, Hunt, 434, 561
  • Tyre Covers, Kempshall Non-skid, 334; Semperit, The, 391
  • Tyre Deflation at High Speeds, 133
  • Tyre Economy, True, To Reach, 456
  • Tyre, Helsby, Details of, 338
  • Tyre Inflator, Brown Bros, 433, 507
  • Tyre Inflator, Sioco, 560
  • Tyre, New, A Remarkable, 304
  • Tyre Pump, Dunhill Automatic, 433
  • Tyre Pump, Lucas, 505
  • Tyres.— Avon, 505; Calmon, 562; Clincher, 503; Collier, 564; Continental. 503; Dunlop, 508; Gaulois, 565; Goodrich 564; Harden Cane Tread, 304, 334; Hartridge Novel, 75; Helsby, 338, 339; Hutchinson, 565; Jenatzy, 563; Kempshall, ^504; K.T., 564; Mackintosh, 565: Michelin. 503; Moseley, 504; Palmer, 505, 672; Peter-Union, -564; Prowodnik, 563; Samson, 564; Sirdar, 565
  • Tyres, Six-inch, A Drive on, 7, 8
  • Tyres, Speeds of. Racing, 133
  • Tyres, Troubles with. Causes of, 761
  • U.S.A. Record, 24 Hours, For, 31a
  • Vacuum Oils. 562
  • Valor Oils, 562
  • Valve Gear, Petrol Engine, Valves and, 105 106
  • Valveless Engine, Daimler, 146
  • Valveless Engine, Knight. 330. 331
  • Valve. Petrol Tank Regulating, 506
  • Valves, Petrol Engine. Valve Gear and, 105, 106
  • Vanderbilt Cup Contest, Track for, 130 , 361
  • Vandervell Lamps. Electric, 394
  • Van Raden Ignition Apparatus, 565
  • Variable-feed Carburetter, Lauret and Bavery, 231, 232
  • Vehicle, Electric, A Smart, 667
  • Vehicles, Motor, Weai; in, Cause and Prevention of, 215, 216
  • Verses, Crank Chamber, The, 379
  • Verses, Gillet’s, 118, 175, 255, 339. 410, 419, 527, 577, 593, 639, 660, 671, 700, 738, 760a, 798
  • Verses, Goddard’s, 119
  • Vibrameter, Benetfink, 433
  • Voisin Aeroplane, 735
  • Voiturettes, Coupe des, 232, 271
  • Voltmeter, Pocket, 125
  • Volts, Six, Engines Work Better with, Why Some, 441
  • Vulcanisers: Ardea, 560; Harvey-Frost, 433, 456; Woodward, 212
  • Wagon, Home-made. A, 728
  • Wales, North. “ Accident ” in, 764
  • W. and G. Plug, 563
  • Warner Autometer, The, 505
  • Watchmenot Vulcaniser, Woodward, 212
  • Water System, Freezing of. Guarding Against, 665
  • Wear in Motor Vehicles, Cause and Prevention of, 215, 216
  • Welsh Touring Book. A, 47
  • Wheel, Front. Suspension, Granieri, New, 152
  • Wheels.— Canning Spur, 652; Lynton, New, 32; Rudge-Whitworth 26, 559; Smith-Parfrey, 560; Stepney Spare, 506, 602
  • Wheels, Driving, Unequal-sized. 196
  • Wheel-steering, Dover, 562
  • White and Poppe Carburetter, 431; Contact Maker 362; Engines, 430, 565
  • Wilcox Oils, 562
  • Willocq-Bottin Lamps, 561
  • Wimbledon, Motor Enterprise at, 679
  • Windscreens.—Low Bevan, 563; Summers, 503
  • Wire Terminal, New, 9
  • Wiring. Defective, Tests for, 440
  • Woodward Vulcaniser, 212
  • Wright Aeroplane, 735, 809, 810—(See also " Aeroplanes”); Patent Rights of, 667
  • Wright, Mr. Wilbur, Flies. How He, 64-66; Flights of, High, 730; Record, 709; Le Mans, at, 317-319; “Motor” Interview, lb.; Movements, His, 124
  • Writer, French, Roused, A, 6
  • Years of Motor History, Seventeen, 525, 526, 527
  • Yorkshire A C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Yorkshire A.C.’s Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ”)
  • Zedel Car, 15h.p., 2, 3, 4
  • Zenette Motor Cycle, The 108
  • Zenith Carburetter, Variable-feed, 230, 231
  • Zeppelin Airship, The, 38; Disaster to, Theories Concerning, 43
  • Zust, Disaster, The, 271


  • Accumulator, Castle, 433
  • Acetylene, Generator, Purifier and, Roslee, 438a
  • Aerometer, The, 671
  • Adams Car (1909), 16h.p., Control Pedals, 421; Gearbox, lb.; Four-cylinder 14-16h.p., 470; Control Pedals, 470; Shaft, Propeller, Universal Joint on, 470; Thermo-syphon Circulation, lb.
  • Adler Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
  • Adler Car, Four-cylinder, 12h.p., 739; Brake Levers, 740; Carburetter, 740; Chassis, 740; Clutch, 739; Gearbox, 739; Engine, 739
  • Advertisements, Motor, Those, 742, 743
  • A.E.C. Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
  • Aerial Navigator, Petin’s Old, 583
  • Aerial Way, The, 835
  • Aero Club Dinner, Sketches at, 678
  • “ Aerodoute,” 657
  • Aerodrome; Sazigny if Orge, 607
  • Aeroist, Motorist and the, 696
  • Aeronautical Ground, Britain’s First, Experimental, 716
  • Aeroplane Club Dinner, Menu Design, 819 Aeroplane Model, Gamage, 521
  • Aeroplanes.— Antoinette, 755; Bollotof, 632; Engine for, 613; Bonnet-Labranche, 148; British Army, 792a; Delagrange, 205, 735; Dumont, 601, 604; Ecquevilley Multiplane, 600; Esnault-Pel-terie, 616; Etrich-Wells, 464; Farman, 627; Moore-Brabazon, 600, 627; Multiplane, Novel, 600; Roe’s, 69; Voisin, 734, 755; Wright, 64, 165, 252, 757 , 810; Elevations of, Front, 810; Sectional, 810: Plan, 810; Shed for, 165; Starting Rail for, 65; Flights of, 66, 59, 313
  • Aeroplanes, Brooklands for, 850
  • Aeroplanes. Engines for—(See “ Engines ”)
  • Aeroplanes, Ideas of. How Made! 858
  • Aeroplane Trophy, Michelin, Designs, 653
  • Age, H.P. for, 36a
  • Air, Amenities of the, 450
  • Airships, Attacking. German Armed Semi-armoured Car for. 803. 828
  • Airships.— Baldwin Dirigible, 104; Bayard-Clement, 448, 624a; British Dirigible, New, 27; German Military, 216; “Ville de Bordeaux,” 723; Zeppelin, Last Voyage of, 48; Wreckage of, 43
  • Airship, Zeppelin, Model, Gamage, 521
  • Air, Trifles Light as, 260
  • Alarm, Tyre, 507
  • Albion Car, 24h.p., Joint, Shackle, Unique, 550
  • Albruna Car, Four-cylinder, 12h.p., Gear Locking Device, 546; Magneto Switch on, 500
  • All-British Tyre, Barker—(See “ Tyres ”)
  • Alldays Car, 541; Anti-friction Joint, Gearbox-Lever, 541; Brake Calliper, 541; Ratchet Sprag, 541; 20h.p., Lubrication Bearings, 383
  • Alps, Motoring in the High, 113
  • Amac Distributor—(See “ Distributors ”) Ambulance, Army, 825
  • America, Motor Racecourse in, New. 130
  • Anti-chill, The. 767
  • Anti-motorist, The, What he Does Not Know, 465
  • Antoinette Aeroplane—(See “Aeroplanes”); Engine of—(See “ Engines ”)
  • A.P.S. Shock Absorber—(See “ Shock Absorbers ”) Archdeacon, Mr. Ernest, 528
  • Ardea Vulcaniser, Peto and Radford—(See “ Vul-canisers ”)
  • Argyll, Duke of, K.T., 678
  • Ariel Car, 383; Brake, Clutch, 390; 50h.p., Rod, Distance, 483; Water Circulation, 483
  • Armstrong-Whitworth Car, 489; Filler, Water, 489; Strainer, Detachable, 489
  • Asbeston Side Lamp, Dunhill’s—(See “ Lamps ”) Aster Tyre Inflator—(See “ Tyre Inflatory ”)
  • Asylum, Wye House, Buxton, Car for Patients at, 745
  • Austin Car, Four-cylinder, 15h.p., 469; Engine, 469; Suspension of, lb.; 15h.p., 382: Brakes, 382; Clutch Leather, Detachable. 382: Live Axle, 382; Shaft. Propeller, Torque Rod, lb.
  • Australia, Fremantle, Earl of Dudley, Lands at, 803; Motoring in, 401; Vitality of, 452; South Australian A.C., Cars on Road to National Park, 638
  • Auto Chain Tightener, The, 562
  • Auto-Cycle Tourist Trophy Race—(See " Races ”) Autometer, Warner, The. 565; Clock and, 505
  • Autorette Spanner, The, 718
  • Aviation, Engines for—(See “ Engines ”)
  • Aviation, Ideas, Early, Concerning, 702
  • Axles, Live, Improvements in, Diagrams, 650
  • Bablot, Mons., 197, 276; On Brasier (Grand Prix), 182
  • Balfour, Rt. Hon. A. J., 82
  • Balloons, Dirigible—(See “ Airships ”) Bangor-Conway Coast Road, The, 224 Barker Tyre, All-British—(See “ Tyres ”) Bayard-Clement Engine, Seven-cylinder—(See ** Engines ”)
  • Beacon Hill, Bulford Camp, 140
  • Bearings, Design of, 778
  • Beebe. Mr. W., Letter Ilustrations, 773
  • Bell Car, 554, 555; Accelerator Pedal, Ratchet and
  • Trigger, 554; Brake Joint, Universal Steering Lever, 554; Petrol Filter, 555; Valve Needle, Screw-down. 555
  • Belsize Oar, 389; Oiling Pump, 389; System of, lb.; 14h.p., Brake, Foot, 475; Clutch, Cone, Metal, 475; Control, Throttle. 540a; Steering Pillar, 540a Benetfink, Pliers, Combination, 565; Voltmeter, Pencil Type, 565
  • Benton and Stone Petrol Tank Valve. 506
  • Beresford Patent Rims—(See “ Rims ”)
  • Berg, Mrs. Hart O., 303 Besan^on, M. Georges, 529 Bibendum est Nunc, 639; Bibendum, Sir, 661 Bleriot, Mons. L., 529 Bockemuhl. Mr. R., 69
  • Bodies.—Alford and Alder, 496; Door, Front of, lb.; Barker, 495; Door of, Folding Seat and, lb.: Burlington Carriage Co., 499; Cole, W., and Son. 498; Connaught Motor Carriage Co.. 498; Hill and Boll. 497; Lawton, J. A., and Co., 499; Maythorn and Son, 497; Morgan, 540a; Mulliner, 496, 498, 630; Canopy of, Collapsible, 496; Newton and Bennett, 806; Penman, 2*. C.. 498a : Regent Carriage Co., 498; Sheffield Simplex, 497; Vincent, 540d
  • Body, Coach, A. 642
  • Body Design, Novel, 789
  • Bollotof Aeroplane (See ‘‘Aeroplanes”)
  • Bolt, Security, Novel, Diagrams, 437
  • Boot, Over-, Glace Leather, Fur-lined, 767
  • Boulogne-sur-Mer Racecourse, Lord Mayor of London Arrives at, 26
  • Boutin, Mons., 261
  • Bowden. Control, Steering, 565
  • Boxes, Vulcanised Fibre, for Sundries, 5
  • Bracket, Tube Supporting, A, 826
  • Brake Diagrams, 573
  • Brasier Car, Two-cylinder, 10-12h.p., 614; Axle, Rear, 614; Connecting Steering Rod, 614; Steering Lock, 614
  • Brasier Engine—(See " Engines ”)
  • Brasted Hill, 149
  • Breakdown, A, 83
  • Bridgman, Melior, Letter Diagrams, Connections, 136
  • British Aeroplane, Army—(See “Aeroplanes”)
  • British Columbia, Vancouver, Hackney Motor in, 608
  • Bromsgrove Road, Old Crown Inn on Worcester and, 269
  • Brooklands.—Acceleration Tests at, Curves and Diagrams of, 254; Accident, Fatal, at, Mercedes, Remains of, after. 14-15; Mercedes, Remains of Engine of, after, 16; Lane, Mr., before, At Full Speed, 16; Aeroplane at, Roe’s, 69; Aeroplanes for, 850; Course-Clerk, The, 733; Manager, The, 733; Meetings. August, Accident (See “ Accident,” supra); October, Sketches at, 275; Orde, Mr. Julian, at, 13; Races at. All-comers’ Handicap, Jocheurs Wins, 274; Naudin on Sizaire-Naudin in, 274; Ladies, 53; Montague Cup, The, 12; Lane Nearly Overhauls Newton, 12; Newton in, 12; Newton Leads Home, 409; Record Attempted at, 355; Speed Impressions at, 1908, 724; Teck, Prince Francis of, at, 13
  • Brooklands, Frolic and Fun, Artist’s Dream of Christmas at, 706-707
  • Brown and Barlow Carburetter—(See '* Carburetters ”)
  • Browne de Brown, My Friend, Mr., 814
  • Brown, Mr. A. J., 69
  • Brown, Mr. Albert; 603
  • Brown, Mr. G. W. A., 120a
  • Brooks’ Coil, Synchronised—(See ” Coils ”)
  • Brooks’ Trembler, Detachable, 563
  • Brussels Show (See '* Shows ”)
  • B.S.A. Car, 18-23h.p., 1909: Crankcase, Upper Half of, 268; Suspension Bolts on, 268? Crankshaft, Five-bearing, 268; Brakes, Internal-expansion, Adjustment for, 269; Shoes for, Double Locomotive Type for, 268; Joints, Steering, Fork Connections on, 269; Universal, Casing for, 268; Lubricator, 269; Oil Filler, 270; Oil Pump, 270; Four-cylinder 14h.p., 538; Exhaust Box Attachment for, 538; 25h.p., 493; Chassis of, lb.
  • Buckinghamshire Road, Iver-Slough, 47
  • Buick Car, 1909, Valves, Exhaust and Inlet, 422
  • Buire Car, 486; Spring, Elliptic, on, 486
  • Bulgaria, Crown Prince of, Brother, and, 748
  • Busley, Professor, 823
  • Cadillac Car, 10h.p., 88-90; Ball Joints, Universal, 88 : Brakes, Band, 88; Contact Breaker, 89; Engine, 89; Lubricator, Mechanical, 88
  • Cadillac, Fire, The, 838
  • California, Automobile Club, Women’s, 456; Coronado, Notices, Contradictory, at, 166
  • Campbell Sir Charles, 823
  • Canning’s, Wheels, Spur, Patent—(See " Wheels ”) Canterbury, Inn at, ‘‘Old Falstaff,” 191; West Gate at, Ibv
  • Car, Armed, German, Semi-armoured, for Attacking Airsnips, 803, 828
  • Carburetter Design, 779, 780
  • Carburetters.—Adler, 740; A.E.C. Novel, 398; Brown and Barlow, 561; Claudel-Hobson, 563, 704b; Gillett-Lehmann New, 321, 322; Jet of, The, 321; Throttle Control of, 321; Details of,-322; View, General, of, 321; Lauret and Bavery, 231; Seven-jet, A, 844; Drum, Upper, of, 849; Throttle of, Closed, 849; Open, lb.; Trier and Martin, Triple-jet, 560; Vulcan, 477; Zedel, 501; Zenith, 231
  • Carolling, Christmas, New Style of, 744
  • CARS.— Adams, 421; 10h.p., 112; 10h.p., Single-cylinder, 679; 16h.p., Four-cylinder, 775; Adler, 113; 7h.p., 540a; 12h.p., Four-cylinder, 739; 17h_p., 44; Albion,. 24h.p., 550 ; 24-30h.p., 598; Albruna, 546; 12h.p., Four-cylinder, 500 , 626; Alldays, 383; 10h.p., 541; 20h.p., 383; Ariel, 223, 360, 383, 390, 391; 30-40h.p., 46; Armstrong-Whitworth, 423, 489; Arno, 596; Arrol-Johnston, 180, 196, 230; Austin, 277, 382, 385, 469; Beeston Humber, 286, 287; Bell, 554; 20h.p., 57, 59; Belsize, 475, 540a; 20-30h.p., 745; Benz, 417; Brasier, 182, 185, 197; 10-12h.p., 614; 12-14h.p., 213; 24h.p., 646; Brooke, 361; B.S.A., 391, 538; (1909) 18-23h.p., 268, 493 ; 25-35h.p., 493; Buick, 422; 15-20h.p., 557; Buire, De la, 486; Cadillac, 10h.p., 88-90, 837; Oalthorpe, 75, 119, 225, 245, 491; Chenard-Walcker, 540c; Clement, 468; Crossley, 483; 20-30h.p., 540b; Daimler, 55, 101, 383, 478, 606, 608, 660 ; 30h.p., 17; 42h.p„ 137; 55h.p., 70; 57h.p., Six-cylinder, 544; Darracq, 196, 241, 245, 280, 423, 492; Deasy, 228, 546; 35h.p., 412, 586; De Dion, 187, 208, 225, 244, 261, 384, 588, 634; 8h.p., 646; 18h.p., 494a; De Dion-Bouton, 45, 128; 30h.p., Four-cylinder, 283; Delahaye, Four-cylinder, 12-16h.p., 812; Delaunay-Belleville, 481; De Dietrich, 1531 537, 689; Electric, 667; F.I.A.T., 153, 167, 214, 549; Florentia, 60h.p., 152; Ford, 536, 539; Germain, 30h.p,, 70; Gladiator, 538; Gobron-Brillie, 70-90h.p., Six-cylinder, 536; Gregoire, 9h.p., 556; Guarded Flame, 53; Hillman-Coatalen, 120b, 181, 239, 240, 245, 247, 485; Hotchkiss, 386, 492; Humber, 487, 488, 552; 8h.p., 431; Sh.p., Two-cylinder, 635; 15h.p., 534; Hutton, 241, 246, 259; Imperia, 199, 355, 540b; 20h.p., 820; Iris, 20h.p., 540; Isotta-Fraschini, 214; Jackson, 340, 484; La Buire, 199; Lancia, 664; Lanch ester, 386, 476; (1909) 305; Laurin-Klement, 16-18h.p., 677; Little Briton, 596, 786; 10h.p., Two-cylinder, 785; Lozier, 232a, 288, 691; Manxman, 208; Mass, 20h.p., 542; Matheson, 451; Maudslay, 523; Mercedes, 14, 15, 274, 479, 543; (1909) 304; Metallur-gique, 17, 208, 225, 241, 245, 535 ; 26h.p., 191; 40h.p., 554; Miesse, 199; Minerva, 101, 527; 25h.p., 494o; Mors, 359, 486; N.A.G., 12-14h.p., 26; Nameless, 558; Napier, 82, 401, 547; 15h.p., Four-cylinder, 472; (1909) 306, 307; 10h.p.» Six-cylinder, 472; 12h.p., Six-cylinder, 645 ; 30h.p., Six-cylinder, 472; 45h.p., Six-cylinder, 176; Six-cylinder, 580; O.T.A.V., 596; Panhard, 429, 490; 18-30h.p., 540d; Peerless, 34, 35; Peugeot, 792; Phoenix, 792; 10-12h.p., 494d; (1909) 323, 324; 12h.p., 550; Piccolo, 596; Pierce, 35; Pilain, 595; Porthos, 642; Rapid, 35h.p., 594; Remo, 535; Renault, 484, 485; Reo, 18-22h.p., Two-cylinder, 658; Riley, 159, 227, 424, 538; 12-18h.p., 115, 492; Rolls-Royce, Six-cylinder, 547; Rover, 140; 8h.p., 138, 848; 15h.p.. 494b, 551; (1909) 351, 352; Rutherford Steamer, 557; S. and K., Simplex, 537; S.C.A.T., 124, 440 , 471, 806; Sheffield Simplex, 480, 540d; 45h.p., 570; Siddeley, 54, 72, 385. 494; 10-12h.p., 110; 14-20h.p., 124, 132; Singer, 16h.p., 483 . 550; Sizaire-Naudin, 13, 199, 232, 392, 422; Standard, 474; Six-cylinder, 20h.p., 540 . 638; Stanley Steamer, 555 ; 20h.p., 21; Star, 494b, 494c; Straker-Squire, 69, 473 . 540c; 14-16h.p., 326; Sunbeam, 481; 14-18h.p., 543 ; 20h.p., 381; Swift, 168, 491, 551, 852; Four-cylinder, 15-18h.p., 571; Talbot. 20.08, 71; 15h.p„ 100, 545 ; 35h.p., 545; Thomas, 1, 24; Thornycroft, 158, 245, 549; 18h.p., Four-cylinder, 710; Turner-Miesse, Steamer, 558; Vauxhall, 540b; 12-16h.p., 194; 14-16h.p., 154; 20h.p., 494a, 847; Vertex, 426, 552; Vindec, 597; Vinot, 120, 180, 225, 241, 245; Vulcan, 97, 387, 539; 16h.p., 476, 477; Werner, 9h.p., 541; Westinghouse, 157; Zedel, 421; 10-12h.p., 112; Zust, 169
  • Cape Cart Hoods, Morgan’s Closing, 494f
  • Cape Cart Hood, Tubular Lamp for, 510
  • Cap, Head, Davos-Plat?, 769
  • Cap, Head, Perfectos, 831
  • Castle Accumulator—(See “ Accumulator ”) O.A.V. Direction Indicator, 506
  • C.A.V. Plug, 506
  • Ceylon, Garage at, Messrs. Walker, Sons and Co.’s, 776
  • Ceylon, Motoring in, 777
  • Chain, Coventry-Wormo Roller, 564
  • Chain Holding Device, 434
  • Chain Tightener, Auto, 562
  • Champoiteau, Mons., 315
  • Channel, Crossing the, 749
  • Charlecote Park, Warwickshire, 852; Oak Fencing, Dowelled, Unique, at, 853; Stile, Tumble-down’ in, 852
  • Charlesworth “Accident,” The, 764; Penmaenbach Point, 764; Scene of, lb.
  • Charts, Power, R.A.C., At, 354
  • Chassis.— Adler, 740; Armstrong-Whitworth, 489; 18-22h.p„ 423; B.S.A., 18-20h.p„ 391, 493; 25-35h.p., 493; Coltman, 20h.p., 424; Daimler, 478; 38h.p., Four-cylinder, 424 ; 57h.p., Six-cylinder, 544; Delage, 10h.p., Four-cylinder, 500; G.E.M., 612; Gobron-Brillie, 70-90h.p., Six-cylinder, 536; Hill-man-Coatalen, 12-15h.p., 427; Hotchkiss, 20-30h.p., 492; 30-40h.p., Gun-mounted, 624; Humber, 8h.p., 431; Mercedes, 35h.p., 479; Metallurgique, 12h.p., 554; Mors, 10-15h.pu, 359; Napier, 45h.p., Six-cylinder, 176; Peugeot, 12-16h.p. (1909), 327; S.C.A.T., 440; 14h.p., 388; Sheffield Simplex Gearboxless, 428; Siddeley, 20-30h.p., Six-cylinder, 548; Singer, 316; Stabilia, 649; Standard, 14h.p., 387; 20h.p., Six-cylinder, 474; 30h.p., Six-cylinder, 390; Straker-Squire, 14-16h.p. (1909), 478; Thornycroft, 45h.p., 425; Vulcan, 16h.p., 477; Werner, 9h.p., 541
  • Chateau de Barbe-Blue, 526
  • Chatham, Constitution Hill at, Climbing, 308, 309
  • Chelmsford Election, Motorcar, Suffragettes’, at, 662
  • Christmas Like What? 714
  • Circulation, Pipes, Water, Connections of, Diagrams, 139; Pump, Water, 510
  • Cissac, M., The Late, Memorial to, 188
  • Citroen, Mr. D., 330
  • Claudel-Hobson Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
  • Clement-Bayard Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
  • Clement Car, Four-cylinder, 14h.p., 468; Clutch, 468; Fan Belt Adjustment, 468; Gear Lever, 468; Torque Stay, 468
  • Clerk, Mr. Dugald, F.R.S., 331
  • Clock, Smith, 700
  • Clothing—(See “ Modes, Motorists’ ”)
  • Clouth, Herr E., 823
  • Clutch, Hele-Shaw, The, 265; Discs on Inner Core, Mounted, 265; Tongue, Spring, Separating, 265
  • Coatalen, Mr. L., 245
  • Coats, Motor, Barker’s, 156
  • Cobe, Mr. Harry, 232a
  • Coil, Prested, Socket Connection Terminal for, 506
  • Coils.—Brooks, Synchronised, 563; Trembler of, Detachable, 563; Lodge, 433; Nilmelior, 509; Peto and Radford, Synchronised, 509
  • Collision Signal, A, 605
  • Colver, Mr. H. V., 168
  • Commons, House of, Night Scene in Courtyard, 796
  • Compression Gauge, Cylinder, Duco, 507
  • Compression Indicator, Explosion and, 741
  • Conjeeveram Temple, India, Siddeley Car at, 110
  • Connection, Plug, 507
  • Consternation, An Owner’s, 271
  • Contact Maker, Trier and Martin, L.-T., 560
  • Contact Maker, White and Poppe, 362
  • Contact, Wipe, Thomson Bennet, Four-cylinder, 506
  • Contrast, Interesting, 403
  • Contrasts, Traffic, London, 765
  • Control Lever, Percival, 566
  • Control, Steering, Bowden, 565
  • Cormaiile, Turn at, 526
  • Corsica, in, De Dion on Bridge, 588; Motorcar, The, in, 634
  • Counter, Revolution, Engine, Elliot, 508
  • Coureurs, Hommage Aux, 460, 461, 462
  • Coventry-Wormo Roller Chain, 564
  • Cover, Starting Handle, Gamage, 511
  • Cowes Regatta, R.Y.S. Cars Outside Headquarters, 37
  • Cowey Tyre Alarm, The, 566
  • Crapand Jack, The. 510
  • Cromwell Windscreen—(See “ Windscreens ”)
  • Crossley Car, 43, 485; Brake, Pedal-Applied, 433; Shaft Propeller, Brake for, Suspension of, 483; 20-30h.p., 540b; Shaft Propeller, Joint, Universal, on, 540b
  • Cupper. Mr. Oscar, 240, 245
  • Cupper's Comer, Stocks, Mr. J. W., Cutting, 244
  • Daimler Car, Four-cylinder, 38h.p., 478; Brake Adjustment, 478; Engine Exhaust, Piping, 478; Joint (Clutch-Gearbox) Coupling, Type of, 478; Joint, Universal, Lubricating Caps, 478; New Model, 383; Gate Change-speed Lever, 383; Gearbox Suspension, 383
  • Daimler Car, 1909, Clutch Spring on, 594
  • Daimler Car, Six-cylinder, 57h.p., 544; Brakes, Balancer, 545; Chassis, 544; Engine, 544; Fan, 545; Lubricator, 544; Steering Connections, 545; Tubular Stay, Rear, 545
  • Daimler Engine, Six-cylinder, 57h.p—(See “Engines”) Dale, Mr. Martin, 823
  • Dare, Mr. A. W. Hall, Mrs. and, 815
  • Darraoq Car, Four-inch, Carburetter Control, 490 Davenport Odometer, Dashboard, 561 Deasy Car, 546
  • Deasy Engine, The—(See “ Engines ”)
  • De Dietrich Car, Four-cylinder, 20h.p., 537; Fan Belt Tensioning, Automatic, 537; Pump, Water, 537
  • De Dion-Bouton Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
  • De Dion Car, 18h.p.. 294a; Axle, Stub, New, 494a; Brake, Pedal, 494a; Rear Arrangement, 494a; 1909, 384; Carburetter Chambers, 384; Clutch, 384; Engine, 384
  • Deep, Peril Added to the, 802
  • Delage Car, Four-cylinder, lOh.p., 500
  • Delagrange Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Delagrange, Mons. Leon, 458; Aeroplane, Descend* from, 205; Le Mans, Flies at, 182
  • Delahaye Car, Four-cylinder, 12-16h.p., 812; Brake Countershaft Adjustment, 813; Engine, Monobloc, Attachment, 813; Gearbox, Narrow, 812; Gear Change Quadrant, 812; Springs, Arrangement, 812
  • Deutsch, M. Henry, 529
  • Dignity, Impudence and, 295
  • Dilemma, Motorists’, 285
  • Distributors.—Amac, 727; Lodge, 509; Trier and Martin, 560
  • Doctor, Me and the, 576, 577
  • Doolittle Rim, Detachable—(See “ Rims ”)
  • Dorking, White Downs, Ascent to, 698
  • Dream, John Bull’s, 805
  • Driving, Meritorious, Stripes for, 73
  • Driving, Motorcar, Soldiers Training for, 74
  • Droitwich, Raven Hotel, The, 270
  • Ducasble Tyres, Hollow Rubber—(See “ Tyres ”)
  • Ducellier Headlight®— (See “ Lamps ")
  • Duco Compression Gauge, 507
  • Duco Jack, The, 434
  • Duco Plug Connection, 507
  • Duco Tyre Inflator—(See “ Tyre Inflators ”)
  • Dudley, Right Hon. The Earl of, 802; Caulfield Races, Melbourne, Australia, at, 660
  • Dumont Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Dumont, M. Santos, 601, 604
  • Dunhill Non-skid—(See “ Non-skids ”)
  • Dunhill Tyre Pump—(See “ Tyre Pumps ”)
  • Dunlop Detachable Rim—(See “ Rims ”)
  • Dunlop, Mr. J., 100
  • Dunlop Tyre Co., Ltd., Department at Acton Works, 747
  • Dunmail Raise, Cumberland, 160
  • Dunville, Mr. J., 823
  • Duray, Mr., 689
  • Dynamo for Charging, New Type, 764
  • Dynamo, “ Phi,” The, 841
  • Earth, Girdling the, 822
  • Ecquevilley Aeroplane, Multiplane—(See ” Aeroplanes ”)
  • Edge, Mr. Cecil, The Late, 19 Edinburgh Show—(See “ Shows ”)
  • E.I.C. Magneto, Make and Break, New—(See “ Magnetos ”)
  • Eisemann Magneto Plug, 9
  • Electric Buzzer, Gamage, 511
  • Elliot Revolution Counter, 301, 508
  • Ellis, Miss Christabel, 53
  • Engine Design, 779
  • Engine, Four-stroke, Diagram of, 782
  • Engine, Knight, 612; French Chassis, First on, 612 Engines.—Adams, 421; Adler, 739; Aeroplane—(Se^ “Engines, Aviation,” Infra); Austin, Four-cylinder, 15h.p., 469; Brasier, 692; 12-14h.p., 216; Clement-Bayard, 7h.p., 621; Coventry Humber, Valve, SideView of, 195; Coventry Simplex, Four, cylinder, 16b. p., 162; Six-cylinder, 25h.p., 162; Daimler, Exhibition, Split Cylinder, 425; Six-cylinder, 57h.p., 544; Darracq, Valve, Side View of, 158; Deasy, 546; Under-view of, 120; De Dion-Bouton, 541; l%h.p., 761; Delaunay-Belleville, 429; Ford, 539, 556; Gladiator, 538; Henriod, Four-cylinder, Air-cooled, 620; Iris, 540; KnighteDaim-ler, 146, 202-204; Belt Pulley Fan, 202, 204; Chain. Casing, 202;Complete View of, 204;Contact Maker, 204; Crankshaft, 204; Cylinders, 203; Sections of, 204 • Flywheel, 204; Head, Detachable, 203; Lubrication, 203; Magneto Drive, Screw Gear, 203: Pistons, 202; Plugs, Spark, Holes for, 203; Sleeve, Inner, Exhaust Side of, 203; Sleeves, Inlet Side of, 203; Sprocket, Chain, 204; Tank, Petrol, Air Pump for, 203; Water Inlet Junction, 203; Water Outlet, Radiator, 203; Water Pump, 204; Minerva., 655; Motobloc, 623; Panhard, Six-cylinder, 622; S. and K. Simplex, 500; Turner-Miesse Steam, 558; Vertex, Four-cylinder 426; White, 1909, 430 ; Moving Parte, 430; Valve Rocking Member, lb.
  • Engines, Aviation.— Antoinette, 16-cylinder, 116; Bayard-Clement, Seven-cylinder, 754; Cylinder, Copper-jacketed, 754; Valve, Double-acting, 754; Bollotof, 613; E.N.V., Eight-cylinder, 751; Es-nault-Pelterie, Seven-cylinder, 117; Cam Mechanism, 117; Crankshaft, Top Throw, 118; Valve, Inlet-Exhaust, Combined, 117; View of. Front. Ib.; Faroot, Seven-cylinder, 70h.p., 680; Eight-cylinder 752; Cam Design, 752; Exhaust, 752; Firing Order, 752; Intake, 752; Valves, Combination, 752 -Fiat, 50h.p., 1491b., 772; Gnome, Revolving* Seven-cylinder, 50h.p., 663, 735; Gobron-Brillie, 621; Eight-cylinder, 751; Panhard-Levassor’ lOOh.p., 613; Pipe, Eight-cylinder, 70h.p., Aeroplane, 640
  • Engine Testing Instrument, New, 671
  • Engine, Two-stroke, New. 301
  • E.N.V. Engine, Eight-cylinder, Aeroplane—(See “Engines ”)
  • Epping Forest, Road in, 3
  • Ericksen, Polar Explorer, on Motor Sleigh, 44
  • Esnault-Pelterie Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes “) • Engine of—(See “ Engines ”)
  • Essex Lanes.. Through, 2; Route Map of, 4
  • Etrich-Wells Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Explosion Indicator, Compression, and, 741
  • Eyes, Cable End, 729
  • Fanphare Headlight—(See “ Lamps ”)
  • Farcot Engine, Aeroplane—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”)
  • Farman, Mr. H., 395, 458, 627; Flights, Aeroplane, Chalons, 276b; Chalons-Reims, 447
  • Fawcett, Mr., 344
  • Ferber, Capt., 459
  • Fiat Car, 12-14h.p., 549; Axle, Front, Flanged, 549; Throttle Connections, 549
  • Fiat Engine, Aeroplane—(See "Engines, Aviation'*)
  • Fire Brigade, Springfield, Mass., U.S.A., 589
  • Fire Engine, Motor, Dennis Patent, 232
  • Fire Engine, Motor, Weybridge Demonstration, 232 'I
  • Fire Engine, Novel, South Tottenham, 611
  • Fitments, Useful, To Make, Diagrams of, 709
  • Fitt, Miss Doris, 154
  • Flight, Problem of, Our Ancestors’ Views, 722
  • Flit, Moonlight. A, 220
  • Foot Receptacles, Apron with, 769
  • Ford Car, Four-cylinder,. 20h.p., 539; Current Generator, 539; Flywheel, 539
  • Ford Engine—(See “ Engines **)
  • Forge, Mr. Lindus. 154
  • Four-inch Race—(See “ Races ”)
  • Fraser, Hon. Simon, 401
  • Froehlich, Mr. F., 355
  • Fuller, Geyser, Garage, 510
  • Fuller Mileage Recorder, 212
  • Fuller Speed Indicator—(See “ Speed Indicators ”)
  • Gaal, Mr., 157
  • Gabriel on Mors Car, 1903, 659
  • Gaillon Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ”)
  • Gamage Buzzer, Electric, 511; Horn, Double, 562; Lamp, Protected Back, 434; Non-skid Mechanical, 298; Seat, Spring-up, 511; Starter, Pedal, 434; Starting Handle, Cover, 511
  • Garage, Aeroplane-Balloon? 336
  • Gathering, Historic, A, 823
  • Gauge, Compression, Cylinder, Duco, 507
  • Gears, Design of, 779
  • Geyser, Garage, Fuller, 510
  • Gillett-Lehmann Carburetter, New—(See “ Carburetters ”)
  • Girling Indicator, Ignition, 563
  • Gladiator Engine—(See “Engines”)
  • Glare, Headlight, Prevention of. Diagrams, 463
  • Glidden Tour, Albany, Starting from, 35; Bethlehem, at, 35; Long Lake, by, 34; Rangeley, Arrival at, 36a; Saratoga Springs, Finish, 52
  • Glissoire Shock Absorber—(See “Shock Absorbers”)
  • Glove, Foot, Orno. 769
  • Gloves, Fingerless, 767, 769
  • Gnome Engine, Aeroplane—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”)
  • Gobron-Brillie Engine, Aeroplane—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”)
  • Godin Horn, Electric, 434
  • Goggles, Dog, 46
  • Grand Prix, The—(See “ Races ”)
  • Granieri, Suspension, Front Wheel, 152
  • Gratz, Lieutenant, 746
  • Grease Cap, Stauffer, 506
  • Great-Waltham, Tudor Remains at, 3
  • Grippies for Cable Ends, 356
  • Gryp'ta Apparatus, The, 674
  • Guards, Ear, 767
  • Guenet Magneto—(See “ Magnetos ”)
  • Gymkhanas.—Norwich, 155; Southend District M.C.’s,
  • Hagan, Mr. H. O., 295
  • Hambledon Festival, Cricket, Cars at, 182
  • Harbord, Hon. Mrs. Assheton, 678
  • Harden Tyre—(See “ Tyres ”)
  • Hartridge, Mr., 157
  • Hayes, Kent, Mr. H. Walker’s Fire at, 780
  • Headlights, Photos of, Unique Effects of. 842
  • Headlights—(See “ Lamps ”)
  • Heater, Hot Water, Steering Wheel Device, Coan, 769
  • Hele-Shaw Clutch, New—(See “ Clutch ”)
  • Helsby Tyre—(See “ Tyres ”)
  • Henriod Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
  • Henriod Gear, Two-speed, Clutch and, 620
  • Henrique Magneto—(See “Magnetos”)
  • Herbert, Mr. Gerald, 316
  • Hertfordshire, Picturesque, 584
  • Hiedmann, Herr H., 823
  • Hieronymous, Mr., 677
  • Hildebrandt, Capt., 823
  • Hill-climbs.— Gaillon, Bablot Winning, 276; Champoiteau Gathers Speed, 315; Irish A.C.'s, 100-101; Class Winners, E 100; F, 101; G, 101; Competitors, Weighing, 100; Ford Challenge Cup, Winner, 100; Lancashire A.C.’s, Rivington Pike, Haworth, Mr. J. W., on Fiat, 17; Metallurgique, Winner, lb.; Lincolnshire A.C.’s, Class Winners, B, 71; C, 70; Time, Fastest, Daimler makes, 70; Midland A.C.’s, Cars Behind Starting Line, 28; Semmering, Cars Assembled for, 284; Ventoux, Mont, Rosher, Turning, Bablot, at, 197; Scenes at, 199; Yorkshire A.C.’s, Pateley Bridge, Daimler, Mr. Parnell's, on HilL 181
  • Hillman-Coatalen Car, 1909, Chassis, 427; Steering Gearbox, Fitting, 427; 25h.p., 485; Petrol Filler and Supply, 485
  • Hirst Magneto—(See “ Magnetos ”)
  • Hodge, Mr. D. S., 158, 245
  • Hog Trough Hill, 149; Survey of, 52
  • Holden, Colonel, 239
  • Hood and Screen, Rex Calash, New, 332
  • Hoods, Cape Cart, Morgan Closing, 494f; Marryat, 825
  • Horns, Double, Gamage, 562; Electric, Godin, 432; New 564
  • Horsch ’Spark-plug, 212
  • Hotchkiss Car (1909), 386; Driving Belt Adjustment, 386: Fan Bracket, 386; 20-30h.p., 492; Chassis, 492; Valve, Petrol Pipe, Screw-down, 492
  • Hounds, Droitwich, Croome, 227
  • Humber Car, 8h.p., 686; Brake, Calliper, 687; Clutch Brake and Clutch Disc, Withdrawing Links for, 687; Crankcase. Top View of, 687; Crank Chamber, Under View of. 686.; Cylinders, 636; Piston, 687; 10-12h.p„ 487, 488; Carburetter, 487; Cylinder Casting, New Model, 487; Engine, 488; Sundries Box, 487; 22h.p., 522; Axle, Stub, 553; Oil Indicator, 553; Silencer, 552
  • Hunt, At the, 517
  • Huntingdon, Professor A. K., 678, 823
  • Hunting Season, Start of the, 227
  • Hutton, Mr., 210, 240
  • Ignition, Attachment, Dual, for, 503; Indicator for, Girling, 563
  • Imagination, Flights of, 831
  • Incidents, Exciting, 414; Touring, 415
  • Indicators.—Compression, Explosion and, 741; Direction, C.A.V., 506; Ignition, Girlihg, 563; Pump Lubricator, for, Trier and Martin, 560; Speed— (See “ Speed Indicators ”)
  • Inflators.—Aster, 736; Grypta, 674: Saurer, 674; Vadam, 682— (See also “ Tyre Inflators ”)
  • Instone, Mrs., 55
  • Interests, Conflicting, 91
  • Iris Car, 28h.p., 540
  • Iris Engine—(See “Engines”)
  • Isle of Man.—Glen Helen, Car Passing through, 345; Mishaps in the, 180; Towed, Preparing to be, 372
  • Isle of Man Races—(See “ Races ”)
  • Jacks.—Crapand, 510; Duco, 434
  • Jackson Car, 8h.p., One-cylinder, 484; Engine, 484;
  • Steering Stop Plate, 484; (1909) 340
  • Jacobs, Herr F„ 823
  • Jarman, Miss, Folkestone Beauty Show Winner, 72 Jarrott, Mr. Chas., 42 Jatho, Herr Carl, 681
  • Kempshall Tyne Cover—(See “Tyre Covers”)
  • Kentish Hills, Testing on, 149
  • Kent, Through, Chiddingstone, Old Houses at, 58; Pol Hill, 57; Westerham Hill, 59
  • Kilostone, Auto Club de France, 683
  • Kindleham, Capt., 823
  • Knife Grinder, Street, De Dion-Bouton Drives, 761
  • Knight-Daimler Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
  • Knight, Mr. C. Y., 330; Lectures on Valveless En gine, 330, 331
  • Lamp, Incandescent Mantle, Tilofydi, 16
  • Lamps, Electric, Battery Connections, 668; Circuit Arrangements, 668; Diagrams, lb.
  • Lamps.—Electric: Hand Garage, 510; Peto and Radford, 510; Polkey, 701. Head: Autoclipse, 310; Bracket for, 310; Generator for, lb.; Ducellier, 508; Fanphare, 772; Lucas, 505: Mangin Lens Mirror, 505; Polkey, 701; Powell and Hanmer, Generator for, lb.; Willocq-Bottin, 561. Side: Dunhill, Asbeston, 507. Tail: Gamage, 434; Polkey, 701; Powell and Hanmer, 74a
  • Lamps, Tubular, Cape Cart Hood, for, 510 Lanchester Car (1909), 386; Absorber, Recoil, 386;
  • Gearbox, Steering, Adjustment, 386; Springing, Rear, 386; Torque Rod, 386; 28h.p., Six-cylinder, 305, 475; Detachment, Device for, H.T. Cables, 475; Fans, Double, 475; Water Outlet Pipes, Design of, 476
  • Land’s End-John o’ Groat’s, Official Car, 26
  • Lane, Devonshire, Through a, 89
  • Lane, Mr., 409
  • Lang, Mr. J., Letter from, Illustration, 773
  • Lasseron, Course at, 526
  • Lauret and Bavery Carburetter—(See “Carburetters”) Ledeboer, Herr J. H., 823
  • Lee Guinness, Mr., 242, 243
  • Lee-Trigwell Non-skid—(See “ Non-skids ”)
  • Legagneux, M., Wins 200 metres Prize on Ferber IX. Aeroplane, 92a
  • Lenham, Cottage at, 190; Forge at, lb.
  • Levavasseur, M., 459
  • Lever, Percival Control, 566
  • Lloyd-George, Mr., 182
  • Lloyd, Major F. Lindsay, 733, 857
  • Locomotion, A Contrast in, 222
  • Lodge Coil, The—(See “ Coils ”)
  • Lodge Distributor—(See “ Distributors ”)
  • Lodge Switch, Change-over,. Reversing, 509; Two-way Reversing, 733
  • London, Lord Mayor, The, 26
  • London to Cockermouth, Back, and, 161; Route Map, lb.
  • Long, Capt., 155
  • Lonsdale, Lord, 517
  • Lorraine, Croix de, Road at, 526
  • Louroux Beconnaes, 526
  • Lubrication Case, The, 5
  • Lubricator, Pump, Indicator for, Trier and Martin, 560
  • Lucas Lamps—(See “Lamps”); Tyre Pump—(See “ Tyre Pumps ”)
  • Luton, Mr., 409
  • Madeira, Motorcars in, 646
  • Magneto Plug, Eisemann, 9
  • Magnetos.—E.I.C., 74; Guenet, 504; Henrique, 504; Hirst, 507; Muirhead, 561; Ruthardt, 433; Nil-melior, 509
  • Mail Coach, Motor, Laurin-Klement, 859
  • Mallam, Mrs. J. Stewart, 678
  • Mangin Lens Mirror Headlight—(See “ Lamps ”)
  • Manns, Herr H., 823
  • Marryat Hood, 825; Windscreen, lb.
  • Marshall, Mr. J., 237
  • Martin, Mr. Percy, 331
  • Mascot, The, 766
  • Mass Car, 20h.p., 542; Fan Mounting on, 542; Joint, Universal, on, 542; Split Cup for Steering Head, 542
  • Maudslay Car, Indian Model, Live Axle, 523
  • Maxim, Sir Hiram, 678
  • Meet, Extremes, 454
  • Meeting, Roadside, A, 440
  • Meet, Motor at the. 815
  • Mercedes Car, 543; Clutch, Multiple-plate, on Live Axle, 544; (1909) 3h.p., 479; Axle, Live, Dismantled, 479
  • Merstham, A.A. Signals at, Dangerous, 836
  • Mesner, Capt., 823
  • Metallurgique Car, 26h.p., 189-191; Clutch, Internal Expansion, 189; Connections, Electric, Bare Copper, 190; Drive, Spring, Patent, 189; Joint, Universal, 189; Lubricating System, Pump, 191; Radiator. Distinctive, 19; 40h.p., 554; Spring, Rear, of, lb.
  • Metternich, Duchess of, 128
  • Michelin Aeroplane Trophy, Artistic Designs, 671, 697; Wright’s Course over, 762
  • Mileage Recorder, Fuller, 212
  • Minerva Car, Four-cylinder, 25h.p., 494c; Engine of, 494d; Torque Road Attachment, 494c; (1909) 38h.p., 327; Engine of, Valveless, 327
  • Minerva Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
  • Mishap, A Curious, 81
  • Modes, Motorists’, for, 32, 512-515; Barker, John, Costume (Ladies’), 514; Hats (Ladies’), 514; Dunhill, Hats (Ladies’), 513, 514; Gamages, Coats (Ladies’), 513; Hats (Ladies’), 513; Piggott, John, Coats (Gent’s), 515; Samuel Bros., Coats (Ladies’), 512; Hats (Ladies’). 512
  • Moedebeck, Lieut.-Colonel, 828
  • Molon, Mr. M. L., 225
  • Montague Cup Race—(See “ Brooklands.”)
  • Monte Carlo Aviation Meeting, Poster, 834
  • Moore-Brabazon, Mr. J. T. O., 208, 823; On Aeroplane, 627
  • Morgan Cape Cart Hoods, Closing, 494f
  • Morgan, Capt. C. E., Mrs. and, 684
  • Morgan, Mr. W., B.Sc., 794
  • Mors Car, 12-15h.p., 486; Bevel Adjustment, lb.
  • Moseley Rim—(See "Rims’’)
  • Moseley Tyres—(See “ Tyres ”)
  • Motorbloc Engines—(See " Engines ") Motorcar, " Boot ” in, for Hounds, 643
  • Motorcar. What to do with, 127
  • Motorcycle, Matchless, H. V. Colver and, 168 Motoring, Thrills of, 22 Motor, Valveless, Old, 405
  • Mountaineering, Motor: Chamounix, Mer de Glace, 264; Chatelard-Vernayaz Road, Georges de Trieze, 376; Clot, Chalet le, Gradient, Descending, Severe, from, 317; Lodgment of Car at, 350; Cordon, Hotel at, Outside^ 291; Flumet, Savoy, Arly Gorge Bridge, 261; Lacets, Furka, 378; Grimsel, 378; Montan vest, Turn in Higher Part of the, 291; Montreux, High above, 349; Novel, Folk Interested at, 292; Turn, on Way Back from, 289; Oex, Chateau d’, Gradient 1-3 at, 344; Prarion, Mont, Gradients of, 261, 263; Rhone Glacier, The, 377; Rond, Mont, Near Top of, 291; Scierie, Peasants’ Welcome, 291; Simplon Pass, Berisal, On Way to, 349; Covered Gallery on, 348; On the,. 350; Varens, Aiguille de, Work on, 291; Vermala, Forest, 376; Hotel at, 379; Vernayaz, Col de, Turning on, 377
  • Muffs. Amherst, Leather, 768; Foot, 768; Steering Wheel, 767
  • Muirhead Magnetos—(See " Magnetos ”)
  • Nalder, ,Mr. H. G., 70
  • Napier Car, 547; Brake, Locomotive, 547; Joints, Universal, Double, 547; 10h.p., Two-cylinder, 472; Fan, 472; Gearbox, Change-speed Lever, 472; 15h.p., 472; Gas Mixing Chamber, 473; Gearbox Change-speed Lever, 472; 30h.p., Six-cylinder, 472; (1909) 10h.p., Two-cylinder, 278; Engine, 278; (1909) 15h.p., Four-cylinder, 306, 30?; Chassis, 306; Engine, 307,; Views of, 306, 307 ; 45h.p., New Model,. 176; Chassis, 176; Engine, 177; Gearbox, 177
  • Naudin, Mons. L., 13, 392, 853
  • Navestock Side, Road near, 3
  • Nazzaro, 153
  • New Forest, Bolderwood, In the, 636
  • Newfoundland, Signal Hill, Napier, Six-cylinder, 60h.p., at, 822
  • New, Mr. V. G., 124
  • New York-Paris Race—(See " Races ’’)
  • New Zealand, Motoring in, 138
  • Nilmelior Coil—(See " Coils ’’)
  • Nilmelior Magneto—(See “ Magnetos ”)
  • Non-skids.—Dunhill, 433; Lee-Trigwell, 362; Mechanical, Gamage, 298 Samson, 564
  • North Middlesex A.O. Dinner 'Programme, Artistic, 625
  • Norwich, Motor Meet at, 154, 155
  • Oberschonweide, N.A.G. Works at, 182
  • Odometer, Dashboard, Davenport, 561
  • Olympia Show—(See "Shows”)
  • Orde, Mr. Julian, 13
  • Orr, Mr. P., 110
  • Outhwaite, Mr. T. R., 245
  • Overheard, Actually, 29
  • Pall, Questions that, 609
  • Panhard Car, 490; Brake Connections, 490; Clutch, Spring Buffer on, 490; Pump, Oil, 490; (1909), 429; Brake System, 429; Lubricator Switch, 429
  • Panhard Engine—(See "Engines")
  • Panhard-Levassor Engine, Aeroplane—(See ” Engines, Aviation ”)
  • Paris, Map of, for Aerial Machine Landing Places, 679
  • Paris Show—(See " Shows ”)
  • Patterson, Miss, 820
  • Pedestrian, Consideration for the, 737
  • Pencil Voltmeter, 565
  • Penmaenbach Point, North Wales, 764
  • Percival Control Lever, 566
  • Perrin, Mr. H. E., 823
  • Peto and Radford Coil—(See " Coils ”); Lamps— (See " Lamps ”); Vulcaniser—(See “ Vulcanisers ’’)
  • Petrol, Gauge, Ross-Courtney, 562; Stone for, Safety, 738; Tank, Valve for, Benton and Stone, 506
  • Phi Dynamo, The, 841
  • Phoenix Car, 494d; Control Connections, 494d; Adjustable Balljoints to, lb.; Control Levers, Friction, 494d; (1909), 10-12h.p., 323, 324; Brake Power, Balancing, Application of, 323; Chassis, View of, 324: Live Axle, Robust, 323; Shackling Devices, Spring, 323; Spring Clips, 324; Torque Rod, Attachment, 323, 324; Wear, Adjustment for Taking Up, 324
  • Pilgrims’ Road, 149
  • Pipe Engine Aeroplane—(See ” Engines, Aviation ”) Pleasure v. Business, 786
  • Pliers. Combination, Benetfink’s, 565
  • Plug Connection, Duco, 507
  • Plugs, Spark.—C.A.V., 506; Hosch, 212; Switch, 71; Thomson-Bennett, 433; Umpire, 509; W. and G., 563
  • Poles, Aeroplane will Reach the, 824
  • Polkey Lamps—(See " Lamps ’’)
  • Poster, Scurrilous Anti-motorist, Brighton, Sandwich-man and, 138 .
  • Pressure Indicator, Compression and Explosion, 741
  • Prested Coils, Connections, Terminal Socket for, 506
  • Pump, Circulation, Positive, 310
  • Pump, Lubricator, Indicator for, Trier and Martin, 360
  • Pump, Ross-Courtney, 562
  • Pursuit!—Thus Far, 444
  • Queensland. Attorney-General of, 166
  • Question, Eternal, The, What to do with Motorcar, 257
  • Racecourse, American, Briarcliffe, Road on, 524 Race, Replenishing, Wheel Changing and, Dating a, 400
  • Races.—American, Brighton Beach, 232a; 24-hour, 288; Miniature Car on, 343; Night Scenes, 343; Robertson, Adjusting, 369; —iter Winning, 368; Winning, 319; Fairmont Park, 80m.p.h., Car at, 615; Grand Prize of America, Duray on Straight, 689; Grand Stand, Car Stopping at, 691; Hennery Racing, 645; Wagner, Winner (Fiat), 628; Long Island, Speed Photos, Distorted, 449; Vanderbilt Cup, Speed, High for, 451; Track for, 130; Lowell . Road Race, Scenes in, 214; Parkway Course, Race, First, at, Finish, 365; Woodbury, Turn at, 370; Australian: Melbourne, Caulfield, Earl Dudley at, 660; Autocycle Tourist Trophy, Marshall Winning, 237; Start, 247; Berlin-Vienna Winner, 45; Brooklands, At—(See “Brooklands”); Cara-man-Chimay Challenge Cup, Franchomme, M., Starts, 45; Four-inch, The, 119, 120; Accident, The, Coventry Humber after, 208; Darracq after, 276a; Hutton after, 246; Metallurgique, 209; Bal-lacraine, Darracq and Hutton Rounding Corner, 245; Cars for, 75, 119, 120, 120a, 120b, 157, 158, 210, 211; How’Weighed, 239; Weighing, 238; Darracq Car for, 196; Darracq Engine, 158; Darracq Finishes Second, 241, 245; Darracq Finishes Third, 241; Engine, Coventry Humber, for, 195; Grand Stand, Jottings from the, 249; Hillberry, Corner, Metallurgique and Hutton Rounding, 245; Mr. Guinness at, 181; Hutton, Winner, at Full Speed at, 426; Hillman-Coatalen Ready to Line-up for the, 240; Hutton, Winner of the, 245; Incidents of the, 245, 251; Keppel Gate, 85; Kirkmichael: Coatalen and Cupper Rounding Corner into, 245; Hodge and Outhwaite Rounding Corner into, 245; Practice on Course, Late, Deasy, 228; Wheel Changing, 225; Press Car for the, 221; Ramsey, Adjustments at, 241; Darracq Rounds Hairpin Bend out of, 242, 243; Hutton on Hairpin Bend, 242, 243; Robinson’s Calthorpe Running into, 245; Route Map of the, 121; Scales, Clerk of the, 239; S.C.A.T. for the, 124; Scoring Board, The, 239; Snaefell, Cupper and Hutton at Close Quarters at, 240; Guinness and Hutton Racing up, 335; Starting Point, Hillberry, for the, 125; Stocks, Mr. J. W., on De Dion, 187; Watson, Mr. W., at Full Speed, 246; Wins, 247; Weighing Beeston Humber, Ill-fated No. 18, 286; Gordon-Bennett Trophy, 644; Thery Wins on Brasier, 644; Essex M.C.’s 24-hours, Winner, 156; Grand Prix, The, Course for (1909), 126, Bl, 171; Lon-dinieres (1908), Full Speed at, 417; Route of Passing Tribunals on the, 418; Ladies. Brooklands—(See “ Brooklands ”); London to Plymouth, Back, and, 40; Fenny Bridges, Approaching, 41; Crossing, 40; Woods, Mr. F. C., Leaves Crewkerne, 40; New York-Paris: Accident, 20; Berlin, Thomas Car at, 18, 24; Zust Car at, 169; Camp, in, 8; Paris, Arrival in, 18a; Scarfoglio Arrives at, 211; Russia, Military Station in, Stop at, 8; Thomas Car in, 1; Thomas Car, Hauls Another from Mud, 8; Trans-Siberian Railway, Golent, Waiting at, 8; Vladivostok, Highway near, 6; Road Races, Reminiscences of Last, 705; Stadium, Racing at the, 41; Essex M.C.’s at, Clark-Gibson Ding-dong Racing at, 41; Record, Colver Passes Bennett and Collier, 102; Targa-Bologna, Porporato Wins, 185; Targa-Florio, Bologna Circuit, Finishing Straight, 153; Nazzaro, Winner, 153; Trucoo, Runner-up, 153; Velodrome d’Hiver, 792; Voiturette Race, 853; Voiturettes, Coupe des, 232a; Sizaire-Naudin Team, 232a
  • Radiator, Design, 346, 778, Enfield, 501
  • Ranmore Common, Surrey, Hairpin Turning, 711 Rawlinson, Captain, 280
  • Rawlinson, General Sir Henry, 818 Reid, Mr. H., 822
  • Remo Car, 535; Brake Balancer, Rear, 535; Clutch Pedal Attachment, lb.
  • Renault Car, Four-cylinder, 35h.p., 484
  • Renault Shock Absorber—(See “Shock Absorbers”);
  • Bracket Shackle Pin, 484; Engine, 484
  • Revolution Counter, Elliot, 301, 508
  • Rex Calash Screen and Hood, New, 332
  • Riley Car, Two-cylinder, 12-18h.p., 159-161; Axle, Front, Cross Connecting Bar, Steering Head, 161; Contact Breaker, 538; Distributor, 538; Engine Cylinders, 159; Water, Separate, To Each, lb.; Gear, Always in Mesh, 162; Shaft, Propeller, Sliding Joint in, 493; (1909) 10h.p., 424; Cross-stay, 424; Radiator, Distinctive, 424; Shackles, Spring, 424
  • Rims— Beresford Patent, Manipulation of, 505; Doolittle. Mechanism of, 565; Dunlop, 508; Moseley, 504; Shaw-Kirsop, 561; Band, Inner, of, 561
  • Road, Brockley Hill-Bushey Heath, On the, 785 Roads, Bad, 54
  • Roads Congress. International, Warning Signs Recommended, 394
  • Roads, Roman, The, Fosse Way, 77; Holyhead Road (Towcester-Weedon), 77; Leatherhead Down, Stane Street, 76; Lincoln-Humber, 77; Newmarket, Near, 78
  • Roads, Slip Tests, 236; Napier Contact Maker, Electric, for, 236; Revolution Counter for, 236
  • Roberts, Mr. Cyril, 196
  • Robertson, Mr., 319, 368, 369
  • Robinson, Mr., 119
  • Rodakowski, 394, 857
  • Rogate Church, 411
  • Rolls, Hon. C. S., 678, 823
  • Romford Road, Stocks-Brentwood, 3
  • Roslee Purifier, Acetylene, 438a
  • Rotax Novelties, 397; Footwarmers, 397; Lamp Bracket, Adjustable, 397; Step. Folding, 397
  • Rover Car, 15h.p., 494b; Accessibility Of, 551; Fanshaft Bracket, 494b; Support, Brake Pedal 494b; (1909) New Model, 351, 352; Brakes, Balancer, 351; Chassis of, 352; Engine of, 351; Gearbox, Steering, Supporting, 352; Joint, Expansion, 351; Joint, Universal, 351; Pump, Oil, 351; Rear Axle, Trussed, 352; Shaft, Propeller, 351
  • Royston, Lord, 823
  • Rugeroni, M., 46
  • Rug, Oteley Patent, 768
  • Russell, Mr. T., 225
  • Russia, Thomas Car in, 1
  • Ruthardt Magneto—(See “ Magnetos ”)
  • Sampson, Mr. Lyon, 239
  • Samson Non-skid—(See “ Non-skids ”)
  • S. and K. Simplex Car, Two-cylinder, JOh.p., Distance Rods, 537
  • S. and K. Simplex Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
  • Saurer Apparatus, The, 674
  • Soarfoglio, 211
  • Scat Car, Four-cylinder, 22h.p., 471; Cover, Universal Joint, 471; Pump, Oil, 471; Starter', Self, 471; (1909) Chassis, 388; Valve, Exhaust, To Petrol Tank, 388
  • Schalk, Colonel, 823
  • School, Off to, 367
  • Screen, Hood and, New Rex Calash, 332
  • Screen Steering Column, Newman’s Patent, 769 Screwdriver, Bent Ended, 562
  • Seat, Double-purpose, A 633; Flap, Spring-up, 511
  • Semmering Hill-climb—(See ‘Hill-climbs”)
  • Semperit Tyre Covers—(See ‘‘Tyre Covers”)
  • Seven-jet Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
  • Seymer, Mr. V. Ker, 823
  • Seymour, Admiral Sir Edward, 678
  • Shade, Eighty in the—Look Pleasant! 49
  • Shaw, Mr. Thomas, 132
  • Sheep Shearing, Cadillac Car (lOh.p.) Mechanism, Used for Driving, 839
  • Sheffield-Simplex Car, 480, 540d; Axle, Angle of Wheel to, 540d; Engine, Gearboxless, 480
  • Shock Absorbers— A.P.S., 564; Glissoire, 266; Compressed, 266; Free, 266; View of Exterior, 266; Renault, 484
  • Shoe, Beaver, Over-, 769
  • Show, A Few Impressions at the, 575
  • Shows.— American, Madison Square Garden, Decoration Scheme, 720; Brussels, View, General, of, 860; Edinburgh, Cars at, 846, 847; View, General, of, 846; Olympia, Cars at, 570, 571, 580 , 586, 594, 595, 598, 606, 626, 629, 635; Exhibits at, Accessories, Carburetters, Cars, Chassis, Engines, 381-391, 421-432, 665; View of, General, 532; Paris Salon, Aero, Aeroplanes at, 734, 735, 755, 757; Airship at, 723; Engines at, 751, 752, 753, 754, 772; Auto Lux Electric Lighting Set 683; Carriage Work at, 642, 643; Engines at, 620, 621, 622, 623, 655, 692; Ilustration, Amusing, An, 673; Novelties at, 649, 650, 651; Palais, Grand, Scenes Outside, 619; Speed Tests at, Winner, 182; Tyres, British, at, 672; Stanley, Cars at, 596, 597; Tunbridge Wells, 1895, Programme, 374
  • Siddeley Car, 494, 548; Chassis, 549; Clutch, 549; Crankcase, Oil Troughs, 494; Fan Bracket, 548; Steering Head, 548; 20-30h.p., 558; Brake, Pedal, 558; Brake Shoes, 558; Joint, Universal, Enclosed, 558; (1909) 14-20h.p., Carburetter, Adjustable, 385; Water Jackets. 385
  • Siercke, Herr Wilhelm, 44 Signal, Collision, 605
  • Signboard, Anti-motorist, 662
  • Silence Craze, The, 685
  • Simplex Speed Indicator—(See " Speed Indicators ”) Simplex Tyre Inflator—(See “ Tyre Inflators ”)
  • Singer Car, 14h.p., 483; Propeller Shaft Suspension, 483; 16h.p., Brake Actuation, 550
  • Sizaire Car, 536; Carburetter, 536; Valve Cage, 536; (1909) One-cylinder, 422; Magneto on, H.T., 422; Thermo-syphon Water Circulation, 422; Valve Inlet, Overhead, 422
  • Sizaire, Mons. 853
  • Ski-ing, 833
  • Sleigh, Motor, 44; De Dion, 111
  • Smith, Mr. Turbeville, 221
  • Spain, H.M. King of, 128, 314
  • Spanner, Automatic, The, 714
  • Speed Indicators.—Fuller, 212; Simplex, 510;
  • Smith, 511; Drives for, lb.; Stewart and Clark, 508; Joint, Swivel, for, lb.
  • Speedometers—(See “ Speed Indicators ”)
  • Spring Links, Arrangements of, Diagrams, 63 Springs, Design of, 778 Stade, Herr H., 823
  • Standard Car, 20h.p., Six-cylinder, 474, 540; Fan Drive, 540; Indicator, Oil, 474; Inspection Hole, Brake Drum, 474; Magneto, 540; Parts, Removable, 474; Pump, 540; (1909) 387; Chassis, 387; Pump, Oil’ Drive for, lb.
  • Stanley Steamer Car, 20h.p., 21; Engine, 21; Pumps, Oil, Petrol, Water, 21; Tank, Oil, 21
  • Star Oar. 494c; Steering Head, 494c; Triangulated Torque Rod, 494b
  • Starter, Pedal, Gamage, 434
  • Starting Device, New, A, 688
  • Starting Handle, Cover, Gamage, 511
  • Stauffer Grease Cap, 506
  • Steering Control, Bowden, 565
  • Stewart and Clark Speed Indicator—(See “ Speed Indicators ”)
  • Stirling, Mr. P. D., 259
  • Stocks, Mr. J. W., 187. 209, 244, 225
  • Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, Abbey at, 719; Park, 693; Village of. 686
  • Straker-Squire Car, 14-16h.p., 540c; Joint, Universal, 540o; Torque Stay, 540c; (1909) 326; Engine of, lb. Suit, Safety, Pneumatic, 760a
  • Summer’s Windscreen—(See “ Windscreens ”)
  • Sunbeam Car, 543; Exhaust Pipe Expansion Joint, 543; Selector Rods Catch, 543 ; 20h.p., Two-cylinder, 481, 558; Engine of, 481; Greaser, Accessible, 558; Spring, Rear, lb.
  • Sunrising Hill, 159
  • Sweden, H.M. King of, 9
  • Swift Car, 551; Lever, Swivelling, Gate-change Control, 551; 15-18h.p., 491; Axle Back, 491; Joint? Universal, 491; Pump, Water, 557
  • Switch, Two-way, a, 510
  • Targa-Bologna Scoring Board, The, 186—(See also “ Races ”)
  • Targa-Florio Pace—(See “ Races ”) j
  • Taxicab Driver, Communication with, impossibility of, 574
  • Teck, Prince Francis of, 155, 818
  • Terminal Connections, Socket, for Prested Coils, 506; Wire, New, for, 9
  • Tests, Consumption, Petrol, Manchester M.C.’s, 124 Thomas Car, Russia, in, J
  • Thomson-Bennett Plug, Spark, 433; Wipe Contact, Four-cylinder, 506
  • Thornycroft Car, 549; Cover, Gearbox, Detachable, 549; Gear Locking Quadrant, 549; 18h.p., Four-cylinder, 494c, 710; Axle Casing, Steel, 710; Axle, Rear, Inspection. Opening, 494c; Brake Pedal Arm, 712; Buffers, Torque Rod, 712; Clutch Angle Adjustment, 710; Clutch Pedal Arm, 712; Crankshaft, Flywheel Attachment, 711; Flywheel, 712; Joint, Universal, 712; Silencer Ends, Substantial, 711
  • Tilofydi Lamp, Mantle, Incandescent—(See “Lamps”)
  • Titsey Hill, Surrey, Smash at, 258
  • Tom Thumb Toolkit, 333
  • Tonneau, Rise and Decline of the, 750
  • Touring Season, I.W. Joint Railways’ Oar Ferry, 93; Reminiscent of, 665
  • Tourist’s Notebook, Jottings from a, 579
  • Tower, Cabot, The, 822
  • Toys, Up-to-date, Novel, 521
  • Trapping Motorists, Kingston Police Method for, 791 Traps, Tram, 855, 856
  • Travellers’ Samples! 84
  • Tremblers, Brooks’ Detachable, 564; Two-blade, Short Circuiting, 7
  • Trier and Martin Carburetter—(See " Carburetters ”); Contact Maker, 560; Distributor—(See “Distributors”); Indicator, Pump Lubricator, 560
  • Trucco, 153
  • Tube Bending Machine, A, 434
  • Turner-Miesse Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
  • Two-way Switch, A, 510
  • Tyre Alarms.—Cowey, 566; Brown, 507
  • Tyre Carrier, Improved, 504
  • Tyre COVERS.—Kempshall, 334; Semperit, 391
  • Tyre Inflators.—Aster, 736; Duco Automatic, 507; Simplex, 507—(See also “Inflators”)
  • Tybe Pumps.—Dunhill Automatic, 507; Lucas, 505— (See also “ Inflatory ” and “Tyre Inflators")
  • Tyres.—Barker, 587; Ducasble Hollow Rubber, 283; Harden, Cane Tread, 334; Hartridge Pneumatic, 75; Helsby, 338; Section of, 339; Testing, Novel Device for, lb.; Kempshall, 794; K.T., The, 564; Moseley, 504; Palmer, 672; Machine, Cord-laying, for, 563
  • Tyre Valve, Section of a, 519
  • Umpire Plug—(See ” Plugs ”)

Vadam Inflator, The—(See “ Inflators *’)

  • Valve Gear, Valves and, Diagrams, 106
  • Vaniman, Melvin, Mons., 613
  • Vaulx, Comte de la, 528, 823
  • Vauxhall Car, 20h.p.. 494, 540b; Circulation Water, 540b; Engine, 540o; Gear, Bevel, Brake Connection, 494; Stay on, 540b; Valve Springs, 540b
  • Vehicles, All-weather, 722; Luxurious, 654
  • Ventoux, Mont, Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ’ )
  • Vertex Car, 25h.p., 552; Selector, Automatic, 552;
  • Valve Gear, Overhead, 552; (1909) 426
  • Vibrameter, The, 433
  • Views, Exactly Our. 669
  • Ville de Bordeaux Airship—(See “ Airships ’)
  • Vives, Colonel, 823
  • Voisin Aeroplane—(See “Aeroplanes”); M. Charles, 458
  • Voiturettes, O.T.A.V., 156
  • Voltmeters, Pencil Type, 565; Pocket, Dead Beat, Dunhill, 125
  • Von Luydon, Baron Guy, 823
  • Vulcan Car, 539; Clutch Details, 539; Contact Breaker, 539; Distributor, 539; 16h.p., 476, 477; Joint, Universal, Cover for, 477; 25h.p., 387;
  • Vulcan Carburetter—(See “Carburetters”)
  •—Pteto and Radford, “ Ardea,” 560; •-“ Watchmenot,” 212
  • Wagner, Winner American Grand Prize, 628
  • Wagon, Motor, Australian, 728
  • Wallace, Mr. Roger, K.C., 678, 823
  • W. and G. Plug—(See “Plugs”)
  • Warmers, Chemical, 768; Clark, 769; Instra, 768
  • Warner, Autometer, 565; Clock and, 505
  • Watchman, Night, The, 694
  • Watchmenot Vulcaniser, 212
  • Water Pump Circulation, 510
  • Watson, Mr. W., 250
  • Wear, Motor Vehicle, Cause of, Prevention, Diagrams, 215, 216
  • ier, M. Lazare, 762
  • Wheels.—Canning’s, Spur, Patent, 652; Riley, 115, 161; Rudge-Whitworth, 559; Method of Locking, lb.
  • White and Poppe Contact Maker, 362
  • Willing Spirit—Weak Flesh, 763
  • Willocq-Bottin Headlight—(See “ Lamps ”)
  • Windscreens.—Cromwell, 540a; Marryat, 825; Summers, 503, 565
  • Wire Terminal, New, 9
  • Worthing, Incident, Remarkable, at, 102
  • Wrap, Neck, Shetland Wool, 768
  • Wright Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Wright Bros., Messrs. Orville, 520; Wilbur, 120, 457, 762
  • Wright, Mr. Wilbur, Anemometer, Reading the, 302; Banquet to, 436; Flights of, Michelin Course Covered, 762; Passenger, Lady Starts with, 302; Record, 154; Sixty Miles, High Altitude, 741; Stormy Sky, Under, 252
  • Wright, Mr. Warwick, 208, 225
  • Wrotham-Maidstone, Hill Between, Breasting, 189
  • Year 1909, First Trial in, 820
  • Yorkshire A.C.’s Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ”)
  • Zedel Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
  • Zedel Car, 15h.p., 2; Brakes, Internal-expansion, Adjustment, 4; Engine, Balance Weight to Air Supply to, 4; Lubrication, 2; Exhaust Pipe, Flanged, 2; Gas Pipe. 2; Magneto, H.T., 2; Throttle Valve, Mushroom Type, 2; (1909) Gearbox Lubrication, 422; Wear, Adjustment, 421
  • Zenith Carburetter The—(See “ Carburetters ”)
  • Zeppelin Fund, Airship Stamp for, 449

See Also


Sources of Information