1908-1909 The Motor: Index

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Volume 14. Aug 1908 to Jan 1909 inc.
- A.A.A. Glidden Tour, The, 34, 35
- A.A., 128; Northern Members’ Dinner, 856. R.A.C. and, 6Q3. Scouts, Road, 310; Haslemere Parish-Council and, 181
- Absorber, Shock, Glissoire, 265, 266
- Accessible Mechanism: Motorcar, 169, 170, 171, 197, 198, 199
- Accessories, 433-434, 503-511; Paris Salon, at, 623-624
- Accidents, Official Figures Concerning, 334
- Accumetre, The, 433
- Accumulators.—Castle, 433; C.A.V., 433, 506; Pearson, 507; Pete-Radford, 509
- Accumulators, Charging: Electrolytic Rectifier for, 83; Thermopile, by, 832
- Accumulators, Rating, 437
- Acetylene Generator, Powell-Hanmer, 566; Roslee 438a
- Aerometer, The, 671
- Act, Motor Car, Decision, Important, under, 737
- A.C.U., The, 40, 47, 72, 102, 232, 301, 792, 819
- Adams Control Gear, 421 Adams Jack, 562
- Adler Oar, Four-cylinder, 12h.p., 739
- Advertisements, Motor, Those, 742, 743, 744
- A.E.C. Carburetter, 398 Aerial Navigation Conference, 819
- Aero Club Dinner—(See “ Dinners ”)
- Aero Exhibition, The—(See “ Shows *’)
- Aeronautical Society, Great Britain, Trial Ground of the, 716
- Aeronautics, 716; French, 737-738; German, 43; Lightweight Engine Development for, 751, 752, 753. 754, 755
- Aeroplane Club, 285, 304, 436; Dinner—(See "Dinners ”)
- Aeroplane Five Years Hence, The, 457, 613, 681; Opinions, Consensus of, on, Archdeacon’s, 528; Bresanpon’s, 527; Bleriot’s, 528; Brewer's, 530; Capper’s, 530; Delagrange’s, 458; Deutsch’s, 529; Esnault Pelterie’s, 529; Farman’s, 458; Ferber’s, 459; Hutchinson’s, 529; Levavasseur’s, 459; Roe’s, 530; Vaulx’s, 528; Voisin’s, 458; Wright’s, 457, 458
- Aeroplane Flights: Delagrange’s, 155; Wright’s, 42, 155
- Aeroplane Magneto, Simms, 433, 506, 599
- Aeroplane Motor Problem, The, 613
- Aeroplane Movements, German, 700
- Aeroplane Records, Delagrange’s, 182; Wright, Orville, 182; Wright, Wilbur, 182
- Aeroplanes.—Antoinette, 735; Bayard-Clement, 735; Bleriot, 92a, 735; Bousson-Borgnis, 92a; Delagrange, 36; Farman, 36, 92a, 128; Ferber, 92a, 128; Gastambide-Mengin, 92a, 128; Rep, 735; Roe, 69, 137; Santos-Dumont, 734; Voisin, 735, 765; Wright, 36, 667 , 735, 809-810
- Aeroplanes, Brooklands, for, 850
- Aeroplane Success, Moore-Brabazon’s, 652
- Aeroplane, The, Lightweight Engine Construction and, 116-117
- Aeroplane Trials, Future, 132
- Aeropianist, A Lady, 214
- Aero Show, French—(See “ Shows ”)
- Aerostats—(See “ Airships ”)
- Africa, Graetz’s Trip Across, 815
- Agents, Motor, Dine, 559
- Agricultural Motors, 97
- Air, Car in the, 807, 810
- Air Cruisers, Guns to Fight, 73fa
- Air, Evening, Engine Revolutions and, 735
- Air, King of the, 317, 318, 319
- Airship Events and Progress, 45
- Airships.— Bayard-Clement, 734-735; Gamage, 670; German Military, 216; Gross, Flexible, 180; " La Patrie,’’ 45; Servero, 45; Zeppelin, 38. 43, 45, 48, 180
- Ajax Rim, 562
- Amac Distributor, H.-T. Novel, 727
- America, Motor Racecourse in, 130, 365
- American Grand Prize, 628
- American Magneto, A Simple, 726, 830
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Interview, 652
- Anglo-American Oils, 561
- Animal Traction, Mechanical and, 113, 114, 115
- Announcement, L.G.B., Important, 20
- Annual Shows, Biennial or, 704a, 706
- Antarctic, Motors in the, 181
- Anti-freezing Solutions, 666
- Anti-glare Lens, Headlight, 210
- Anti-motorist Feeling Engendered, How, 73
- Antoinette Aeroplane, 735
- Appeal to Motorists, R.A.C.’s, 148
- Ardea Vulcaniser, 560
- Aspect of Motor Racing, Another, 364, 365
- Association, Roads Improvement, 438a
- Attachment, Terminal, New, 9
- Attitude, England’s Restful, 764
- Auction Sales, Motor, 585
- Austin Town Carriage, 277
- Australia, Motoring in N.S.W., 49
- Austrian Emperor, First Motor Ride, 73
- Austrian Monoplane, Etrich-Wells, 464
- Austrian Notes, 612
- Autoclipse Lamps, 310. 848
- Auto-Cycle Tourist Trophy Race—(See " Races ”)
- Auto-Cycle Union, The, 40. 47, 72, 102, 792; Council Meeting. 301; Dinner, 819; Penalty Run, 232
- Autoloc, The, 560
- Automatic Tvre Pump, Dunhill, 433
- Autometer, Warner, 505
- Automobile Engineers, Incorporated Institution of, 441, 672
- Automobile Salon, Paris—(See “ Shows ”)
- Automobile Sign, California, Curious, 44
- Automobiles, Military, Austrian, 741
- Auto-Syphon, Petrol, 456
- Avon Tyres, 505
- Axles, 807, 808
- Balloons, Dirigible—(See “Airships”)
- Banquet, Benevolent, The, 334
- Barker’s Motor Clothing, 156
- Barnes, A Bad Smash at, 276
- Bar, Racing, The, Trade Reception of, 397
- Battery, Dry, Usefulness of, 668, 669
- Battery, Edison, Again, The, 79
- Bayard-Clement Aeroplane^-(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Bayard-Clement Balloon, Dirigible—(See “Airships”) Bay, At, 714, 715, 716
- Bearings, Tormo, 561 Benetfink Vibrameter, 433
- Benton and Stone Lubricator, 434; Petrol Tank Valve, 506
- Berkshire A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
- Berlin, Balloon Race at, 305; Thomas Oar at, 9
- Biennial Shows, Annual or, 704a, 706
- Bleriot Aeroplane—(See “Aeroplanes”)
- Boards, Warning, Newmarket, 356
- Bodies.— Alford and Alder, 496; Barker, 495; Brainsby, 499; Cole, 499; Connaught, 498a; Ham-shaw, 499; Hill and Boll, 497; Lacre, 495; Lawton, 499; Maythom, 497; Morgan, 494f; Mulli- . net, 495, 498; Penman, 498a; Regent Carriage, 498; Salmon, 497; Thorn, 499; Windham Sliding, 496; Windover, 498a
- Body, Novel, Design, 789
- Bolt, Security, Novel, 437
- Bonus Scheme, Petrol, 652, 679
- Book, Welsh Touring, 47 Bosch Magneto, 433, 505-506
- Boston (U.S.A.) Show—(See “ Shows ”)
- Bousson-Borgnis Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Bowden Control, The, 565
- Brabazon’s Aeroplane Success, Mr. Moore-, 652 Brakes, 778
- Brakes, Front Wheel, as Skid Preventers, 392
- Brampton Chain, 563
- Brasier Car, Light, 213
- Brasier Landaulet, Two-cylinder, 10-12h.p., 614-615
- Britain, Student no Longer, 649
- British Petroleum, 561
- Brooklands.—Acceleration Tests at, 253, 254, 255; Accident at, 36b; Aeroplanes for, 850; Automobile Racing Club, 36b; Clerk of Course, New, 733; Handicapping at, 103, 104; Hieronymous’ Performance at, 677; Manager, New, 733; Meeting Cancelled, 156; Meetings, August, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16; Accident, Fatal, at, 13; October, 182, 275; September, 79; Programme, 1909, 464, 709; Records, 394; Naudin’s, 392; Resta Breaks, 130; Rodakowski Resigns, 394; Suggestion. A, 653
- Brooklands Racing Club—(See “ Clubs ”)_ Brooks’, Cases, Leather, 503
- Brown-Barlow Carburetter, 561
- Brown Tyre Inflator, 433, 507
- B.S.A. Car (1909), 18-23h.p., 268, 269, 270
- Bullard Speed Indicator, 503, 562
- Bursting Speed, Magneto, 795
- Business and Finance—(See “ Finance and Business ”)
- Cables, Grippies for Ends of, 356
- Cadillac Car, 10h.p., 16 Days on a, 88? 89, 90 Oalmon Tyres, 562
- Camera, The, Aid to Police, 705
- Canadian Motor Shows—(See “ Shows ”)
- Canning Spur Wheels, Patent, 652
- Carburetters.—779; A.E.C. Novel, 398; Brown and Barlow, 561; Claudel-Hobson, 563, 704b; Gillett-Lehmann, 504; Krebs, 231, 605; Longuemare, 434, 503; Pilcher, 756; Seven-Jet, 849; Trier and Martin, 560, 561; White and Poppe, 431; Zenith, 230, 231
- Car, Cheapening the, 702
- Car, Colonial, A, 677
- Car, Comfort in the, 62-63, 792 Car, Future, The, 781, 782 , 783 Oar in the Air, The, 809-810
- Carriage, Austin Town, 277
- Cars.—Adams, 421, 469; Adler, 390 , 501, 540a, 739, 764; Albion, 425; Albruna, 500; Alldays, 383, 541; Ariel, 124, 383, 481; Armstrong-Whitworth, 423, 489; Arno, 597; Austin, 277 , 382, 469, 540; Bell, 385, 488 ; 20h.p„ 57, 58, 59; Belsize, 384, 388, 389 , 432, 474, 501; Bent-all, 423, 538; Benz, 559; Brasier, 213, 389, 500; 10-1211. p., Two-cylinder, 614-615; Brooke, 428, 559; Brown, 381, 546; B.S.A., 493, 538; 18-23h.p. (1909), 268, 269, 270; Buick, 422, 557; Buire, 487; Burgess and Harvey, 540d; Cadillac, 422, 557; 10h.p„ 88, 89, 90; Cal-thcrpe. 390. 491. 545; Charron, 550; Chenard-Walcker, 540c; Clement, 381. 429, 438a, 468, 494d; Clement All-British, 1909, 326; Clyde, 553; Coltman, 424; Commercial, 556; Crossley, 385, 483, 540b; Daimler. 383 , 432, 477, 544; Valveless Engine (1909), 326; Darracq, 384, 423, 490; Deasy, 546; Decauville, 558; De Dietrich, 427; De Dion, 384 , 494a, 554; Delage, 432, 500 . 672; Delahaye, 812, 813; Delaunay-Belleville, 429, 481, 553; De Luca-Daimler, 555; Dennis, 428, 558, 559; Dietrich (British), 537; Dietrich (French), 537; Dolphin, 480; Electric Vehicle Co., 540d, 594; Enfieid, 382 , 501; Fiat, 11, 427, 549, 594; Floren-taa, 152; F.N., 427, 536; Ford, 427 , 539; Germain, 422, 540a; Gladiator, 538; Gobron-Brillie, 430, 536; Gregoire, 556, 760a; Hillman-Coatalen, 427, 485; Hills-Martini, 426; Hotchkiss, 386, 491; Humber, 431, 487, 552, 686; Humphris Gear, 556; Impena, 540b; Iris, 384, 540; Itala, 552; J. and B. Vertex, 426; Jackson, 340; (1909) 484; Lacre, 550; Lanchester, 386, 475; (1909, Wheel-steered) 305; Lancia, 539; Little Britain, 785, 786; Lotis, 398; Luca, 432; Martini, 480; Mass, 500, 542; Maudslay, 391, 558; Mercedes, 41, 125, 383, 479, 543; (1909) 304; Mercedes Du Cros, 479; Metallurgique, 121, 535, 554 ; 26h.p., 189, 190, 191; Miesse. 428, 540c; Minerva, 494c, 549; Valveless Engine (1909), 327; Mors, 485; Motobloc, 391, 540d; N.A.G., 539; Nagant-Hobson, 558; Nameless, 558; Napier, 390, 472, 547, 654; (1909) Two-cylinder, 10h.p., 278; Four-cylinder, 15h.p., 306, 307; Six-cylinder, 40h.p., 176, 177; Norfolk, 391; Opel, 384; Orleans, 430; O.T.A.V., 597; Panhard, 385, 429, 540d; Panhard-Levassor, 489; Peugeot, 327, 432; Phoenix, 494d; (1909) 10-12h.p., 323, 324; Piccard-Pictet, 428; Piccolo, 597; Pilgrims’ Way, 384; Rapid, 594; Renault, 430, 484, 501, 550; Reo, 658; Rex, 535; Riley, 424, 492, 538; 12M8h'.p., 159, 160, 161; Rolls-Royce, 152, 432, 547; Rothwell, 553; Rover,’ 389, 437, 494b, 551; (1909) 15h.p„ 351; Roydale, 390, 540c; Rutherford, 428, 557; Scat, 388, 470; Sheffie’d-Simplex, 428, 480; Siddeley, 385, 493, 548; (1909) 305; Singer, 483, 550; Sizaire, 422, 536, 848; S.K. Simplex, 391, 536; Standard, 387, 388, 474; Stanley Steam, 21, 389 , 555; Star, 384, 494b, 652; Starling, 596; Straker-Squire, 473; (1909) 14-16h.p., 326; Sunbeam, 381, 481, 543; Swift, 422, 490; Two-cylinder, 10-12h.p., 851, 852, 853; Talbot, 149, 308, 431, 764; Thomas, 9, 18; Thorny-croft, 425, 494c, 549, 710, 711, 712; Turner-Miesse, 557; Unic, 389, 500; Valveless. 384, 540a; Vauxhall, 386, 494; Vertex, 552; Vindec Runabout, 597; Vinot, 496; Vulcan, 386, 476; Westinghouse 425, 471; White Steam, 430; Zedel, 2, 3, 4. 421 501; Zust, 271
- Cars for 1909, Interesting, 326, 327, 358, 359, 360, 361
- Cars, Lighting of, Electrical, 841
- Cars, Old, What Becomes of, 585
- Cars on the Road—(See “ Road, Cars on the ”)
- Cars, Small: Contrasts in, 311; French Developments in, 624
- Cases, Leather, Brooks’, 503
- Castle Accumulators, 433
- Castle Coil, 433
- Catalogue, A Sumptuous, 730
- C.A.V. Accumulators, 433, 506
- C.A.V. Magneto, 506
- Cells, Dry, Siemens-Obach, 564
- Chains.—Brampton, 563; Coventry, 564; Hans Renold, 566
- Challenge, A, 236
- Change-speed Gear, Lecture, Special, on, 393 Chassis Driving, Charm of, 723
- Chassis, French, Knight Engine on, First, 612 Chassis, Mercedes, 125
- Chatham, Constitution Hill at, Climbing, 308, 309
- Circuits, Short, Electric, 440
- Claudel-Hobson Carburetter, 563, 704b
- Clement Car, All-British (1909), 326
- Clements, Secondhand, 438a
- Cliff Mystery, Charlesworth, The, 790
- Clincher Tyres, 503
- Clothing—(See “ Motorists, Modes for ”)
- Clubs.— Aeroplane, 285, 304, 436, 678-679, 824; Berkshire A.C., 209; Brooklands Racing, 36’; Coventry A.C., 53, 74, 672, 847; Derby and District A.C., 40, 593; Essex A.C., 41, 73, 156; Irish A.C., 100, 709, 791; Kent A.C., 41; Lancashire A.C., 17; Lincolnshire A.C., 70; Manchester Motor, 97, 276; Motor Cycling, 124; Motor, The, 701; North Middlesex A.C., 625; Nottingham A.C., 790; R.A.C., 40, 46, 70, 90, 148, 155, 157, 200, 258, 361, 392, 438a, 593 , 603, 624a, 709, 792; Scottish A.C., 211, 612, 760a, 798; Stanley Cycling, 577; Yorkshire A.C., 181
- Clutch, Hele-Shaw, The, 265, 266
- C.M.F. Radiator, The, 563
- Coachwork on Carriages, Hints on Care of, 592a
- Coils: Castle, 433; Lodge, 433; Peto and Radford
- Multiple, 433
- Coil Set, Low-tension, Failure of, 316
- College Work, Novel Departure in, 794
- Collier Tyre, 564
- Colonial Car, A, 677
- Colonial Trade, Report to Facilitate, 798
- Comfort, Luxury and, 570, 571
- Comforts, Winter, 767, 768, 769
- Commercial Motors, Progress of (Paper— Mr. Shrapnell-Smith), 624a
- Compression: Cooling and, 673; Effects; of, 721, 722, 723
- Compression, High v. Hot Spark, 611, 612
- Compressors, Air, for Tyres: Nesthill, Hunt, 561;
- Three-stage, Hunt, 434
- Conference, Aerial Navigation, 819
- Congress, Road, International, 141, 142, 143, 213, 332, 333
- Consumption Tests, Petrol.—Manchester M.O., 276; Motor Cycling Club, 124
- Contact, Bad, Tests for, 440
- Contact Maker, White and Poppe. New, 362 Continental Tyres, 503
- Contrasts, Traction, Animal and Mechanical, 113, 114, 115
- Controllability, 113, 114, 115
- Control, Percival, 566
- Control, Steering, Bowden, 565
- Control, Throttle, 175 Cost, Selling, 443, 444
- Costs, Running, 841; Four and Two-cylinder, Engines of, Comparative, 629
- Counter, Revolution, Elliot, 301
- County Screen, The, 446
- Coureurs, Hommage Aux, 460, 461, 462
- Course, Grand Prix 1909, 126
- Courtesy, Respected, to be, 75
- Coventry A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
- Coventry A.C.’s Dinner—(See “ Dinners ’)
- Coventry A.C.’s Hill Climb—(See “ Hill Climbs ”)
- Coventry Chains, 564
- Coventry Simplex Engines, 162
- Cover, Kempshall Non-skid, 334
- Cover, Tyre, Semperit, 391
- Cowey Speed Indicator, 434, 566
- Critics, Wild, 347
- Cyclists, Motorists and, 72
- Cyclomot’s Causebie.— Aeroplane Movement, 759; Future of the, lb.; Best, Car when at, 188; Body Design, Simplicity in, Growing, 641; Bracket, Tube-supporting, A, 826; Cable Ends, Eyes for, 729; Carburetter, Starving the, 205; Clutches, Multiple-disc, 713; Lubrication of, lb.; Cornwall, Roads of, 188; Cornwall’s Non-appeal, 131; Dust Evil, The, 94; Exhaust Whistle, Useful, The, 519; Feet Cold, Hands and, 759; Four-inoh Race, The, Induction Pipe Revelations, 278a; Gear Changing, Art of, 713; Gear Lubrication, Castor Oil for, 188; Ignition Trouble, Diagnosing, 363; Inconsiderate, Checking the, 337; Lighting, Electric, for Cars, 590; Lubricant, Strange, a, 147; Lubrication, Gearbox, 147; Man, Discourteous, Evil Done by the, 337; Manufacture, Home, Importance of, 826; Motor-house, Heating the, 784; Motor Police Corps, The, 337; Noise* maker, Magneto Kick as, 420; Noises, Car Mechanism, in, 420; Engine, External to, 420; Timing Gear, in, 420; Oilcans, Carrying, 5; Oils for Saving Power, Thin, 147; Oil Supplies, Carrying, 5, 6; Overtaken, Overtaking and being, 363; People, Motorist and the, 94; Petrol, Atomising, 205; Jet, New, 205; Storing, 729; Press and People, 94; Press Anti-motorism, 93; Progress, March of, 147; Road Hog, Reliable Evidence against the, 684, 685; Rust, Protection against, 641; Snow, Car in the, 784; Spares, Carrying, 5; Tour, After the, 93; Touring without Trouble, 131; Tramcars, Passing, 826; Tyre Luck, Unusual, 131; Tyre, Motor, Development of, 854; Early Troubles with. 854; Experiments Concerning, Value of, 855; Tyres, New, on Front Wheels, 363; Upholsterer, Evil Deeds of the, 641; Valves, Tyre, Defects of, 519; Wiring Tips, Some, 590
- Cylinders, Joints in, 137
- Daimler Car, Valveless Engine, 1909, 326
- Daimler Developments, 146
- Daimler Engine, Knight Silent Valveless (1909), 146, 202, 203. 204, 301, 330, 331, 380
- Daimler Scholarships, The, 69 Danger Signs, M.U. 236
- Darracq Engine, 158
- Davenport Speed Indicator, 561
- Dead-beat Voltmeter, Pocket, 125
- Decision, Legal, An important, 794
- Deflation, Tyre, at High Speeds, 133
- Delage Developments, 672
- Delagrange Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Delahaye Car, Four-cylinder, 12-16h.p., 812, 813
- Derby and District Club—(See “ Clubs ”)
- Design, Engine, Progress in, 640
- Design, Motorcar, Some Ideas and Suggestions, 778, 779, 807, 808
- Detachable Non-skid, Lee-Trigwell, 362
- Detachable Wheel, Rudge-Whitworth, 26
- Devon, North, New Road in, 16
- Dewar Challenge Trophy, The, 820
- Differential Lubrication, 51, 52
- Dinners.— A.A. Northern Members, 856; Aero Club, 678, 679: Aeroplane Club, 824; Agents’. 559, 593 (Darracq), 593 (Ford), 709 (Manchester); Auto-Cycle Union, 819; Coventry Motor Club, 672, 847; Motor Union. The, 588, 589; North Middlesex A.C., 625; Nottingham A.C., 790; R.A.C. Associated Clubs, 683; Shorland, Mr. F. W., to, 276a; S.M.M.T., 467. 477; Stanley Club, 577
- Dirigible Balloons—(See " Airships ”) Dismissed, A Case, 334
- Distributor, Amac H.-T., 727
- Distributors, H.-T., Faults of, 419
- Distributor, Thomas Bennett, 434, 506
- Doctor and Me, The, 576, 577
- Dover Steering Wheel, 562
- Driver, Lady, For the, 572
- Driving, Careful, A Plea for, 66
- Driving, Inconsiderate. 124; Winchester, at, 370
- Drummond Tools, Special, 433, 505
- Dry Battery, the, Usefulness of, 668, 669
- Dry Cells, Siemens-Obach. 564
- Ducellier Lamps, 434, 508
- Dunhill Tyre Pump, Automatic, 433
- Dunlop Tyre, 508
- " Dupe, The ” (Review), 102
- Duplex Headlight, 433. 505
- Dust, Fighting the, 736a
- Dust Nuisance, Motorcars and the, 143 Dust Problem. The, 74, 624a
- Dust Trials, Erratum Concerning, 1
- Dynamo for Charging. New Type of, 764
- Dynamo, Phi, The, 841
- Echterdingen, Catastrophe, Unsolved, 72
- Edge, Mr. Cecil, Death of, 19
- Edinburgh Show—(See “Shows”)
- Efficiency, Motorcar, To get Full, 581, 582, 615, 616
- E.I.C.: Ignition Specialities, 434; Magneto, 74, 434, 503, 599
- Eisemann Magneto, 599, 760a; Plug, 9
- Engine, Daimler (Knight), New, 380; Criticisms, 580 Engine Design, Progress in, 345, 346, 347, 640 Engines.—779; Daimler-Knight Silent Valveless (1909), 146, 202, 203, 204, 301, 330, 331, 380; Darracq, 158; Humber, 431; Knight, 347, 353-354a, 728, 791; Simplex, Coventry, 162; Two-stroke, New, 301, 422, 423; White and Poppe, 430, 431, 565; White Steam. 430
- Engines, Lightweight: Aeronautical Purposes, for, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755; Aeroplanes, Incentive to Manufacture of, 116, 117
- Engines, Petrol, Valve Gear and Valves for, 105, 106
- Engines, Six Volts, Why some Work Better with, 441
- Engine Testing Instrument, New, 671
- Electric Horn, Godin, 434
- Electric Lamps, 400, 401
- Electrolytic Rectifier, Charging Accumulators through, 83
- Elliott Revolution Counter, 301
- Elliot Speed Indicator, 508
- Epicyclic Gear, Wear on, 398
- Essex A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
- Essex Lanes, Through, 2
- Establishment Charges, 814
- Etrich-Wells Monoplane, 464
- Exhibitions—(See “ Shows ”)
- Expansion, Effects of, 721, 722, 723
- Explosions, Exhaust Box, Cause and Remedies, 219; Petrol Tank, Safety From, 839
- Fact, Fiction and, 736
- Fairyland, A Toy, 627
- Fanphare Headlight, The, 504, 772
- Farman Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Ferber Aeroplane—(See " Aeroplanes”)
- Finance and Business—10, 39, 68, 96, 123, 151, 179, 207, 235, 273, 300, 329, 351a, 354b, 396, 435, 502, 592, 618. 648, 675, 704, 732, 760, 788, 817, 845
- Fines, Brighton Road, 628
- Fire Engine, Motor, Demonstration, 232
- Fire Engine, Motor, Tricar, Successful Trials of, 214
- Fire Extinguishing. Experiments, 823
- Fitments, Useful, How Made, 708
- Flexibility, Petrol and Steam, Compared, 293
- Flight, Place-to-place, First, 438a
- Flying Machine, First Successful, 699, 700
- Foreign Handbook, The M.U.’s, 45 .
- Formulae, H.P. (S.M.M.T.). 294, 295, 296
- Four-cylinder Engines, Two and, 629; Running Costs, Comparative, of, lb.
- “ Four-inch ” Race, The, and Olympia, Lessons of, 432
- “ Four-inch ” Race, The, Concerning, 174, 175
- “ Four-inch ” Race, The, Observations on, 281
- “ Four-inch ” Race, The, Philosophy of, 279-281
- “ Four-inch ” Race, The—(See " Races ”)
- France, Aeronautics In, 737, 738
- France, Cars in, Lighting and Numbering, 761
- Freezing, Guarding Against, 665
- Freezing Solutions, Non-, 666
- French Chassis. Knight Engine on, First, 612
- French Writer, a Roused, 6
- Front Wheel Brakes as Skid Preventer. 392
- Front Wheel Suspension, New, 152
- Frost. Fighting the, 665, 666, 667
- Fuller Magneto. 433. 599
- Fuller Mileage Recorder, 212
- Fuller Speedometer, 212
- Function, A Pleasant. 464
- Future, Car of the, 781, 782, 783
- Gamage Airship, Trip of the, 670
- Garage Pump, Ross-Courtney, 434, 562
- Gastambide-Mengin Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Gaulois Tyres, 565
- Gear, Change-speed, Special Lecture on, 293
- Gear Control, Adams Pedal, 421
- Gear, Epicyclic, Wear on, 398
- Gearing, Question of, 164
- Gearing, Transmission, Noise in, 255
- Gear Lubrication, 511, 512
- Gears, 778
- Gear Valve, for Petrol Engines, Valves and, 105, 106
- Generator. Acetylene, Powell-Hamner, 566
- Gillett-Lehman Carburetter, New, 321. 322, 504
- Gillett’s Verses. Fred.—(See “ Verses ”)
- Girling Ignition Indicator, 563
- Glare, Headlight, Prevention of, 463, 464
- Glidden Tour. The, 34, 35
- Glissoire Shock Absorber, The, 265, 266
- Godin Horn, Electric, 434
- Goodrich Tyre, 564
- Governor, Disuse of the, 595
- Grand Prix, The: Course, 1909, 126; Views Concerning, 50
- Granieri Front Wheel Suspension, 152
- Graphites, Nixey’s, 561
- Grippies For Cable Ends, 356
- Guenet Magneto, 434
- Gymkhana, Wokingham, Berkshire A.C.’s, 209
- Hans Renold Chain. 566
- Harden Cane-tread Tyres, 304. 334
- Hartridge Tyre, Novel Pneumatic, 75
- Harvey Frost Vulcaniser, 433
- Hastings Road, The, 152
- Headlight Glare, Prevention of, 463, 464
- Headlight Lens, Antiglare, 210
- Headeights:— Autoclipse, 310, 848; Duplex. 433, 505; Fanphare, 504. 772; Incandescent Mantle, 16; Motolite, 435, 505; Polkey, 276a
- Headlights, Dazzling, 438a
- Heating, Motor House, 665
- Hele-Shaw Clutch. 265, 266
- Helsby Tyre, Details of. 338
- Henrioue Magneto. 433. 504
- H.F. Vulcaniser, The, 456
- High Compression v. Hot Spark, 611. 612
- High-tension Distributors, Faults of, 419
- Hill Climbs, Austria, France, Great Britain, in, 125
- Hill Climbs.—Coventry M.C.’s, 53, 74; Irish A.C.’s, 100; Lancashire A.C.’s, 70, 110; Lincolnshire -A.C.’s, 70, 100; Scottish A.C.’s, 211; Semmering, 213; Yorkshire A.C.’s, 181
- Hills, Kentish, Talbot Testing on, 149
- Hill Unclimbed, A, 181
- Hints, Useful, A Few, 770
- Hirst Magneto, 507
- History, Motoring, Seventeen Years of, 525, 526, 527.
- Hobson-Pognon Plug, 563
- Hog Trough Hill, Kent, 52, 96
- Hood Improvements, Screen and, 825
- Horn, Electric, Godin, 434
- Horse Days, In the Old, 453, 454, 455, 456
- Horsed Vehicles, Brakes on, 605
- Horse Power, 294, 295, 296
- Hosch Spark Plug, 212
- Hot Spark v. High Compression, 611, 612
- Humber Car, Two-cylinder, 8h.p., 686, 687, 688
- Humber Engine, 431
- Hunt Tyre Compressor, Nest Hill, 561
- Hutchinson Tyre, 565
- Hydra Magneto, 507
- Hydroplane, Dirigible, Malecot, 92a
- Ignition, 779; Vagaries of, 674
- Ignition Apparatus: E.I.C. Specialities, 434; Girling Indicator, 563; Lodge, 509; Prested, 506; Van Raden, 565
- Ignition, Low-tension to High, Converting, 859
- Imports, Motor, Exports and, 679
- Incandescent Headlight, Mantle, Petrol, 16
- Inconsiderate Driving—(See “ Driving )
- Incorporated Institute of Automobile Engineers, 815
- Incorrect Milestones. Police Traps and, 232a
- Indicator, Compression-explosion, Okill, 741
- Industry, Motor, The, 226, 227, 228, 680
- Inflators, Tyre, Brown, 507; Sioco, 56
- Information Bureau.— Accumulators, Dynamo-charging, 371; Frothing of, 287; Running Down,.. 139; Acetylene, Copper Tubes and, 523; Stains-of, Removing, 692; Anti-freezing Solution, 747; Auto-tremblers, 748; Starting Difficulties with, Curing, 84; Axle, Rear, Trouble with, 56; Battery Charging., Solution for. 60/; Bearings, Crank, Worm, 691; Defects of, 803; Faulty, 635; Thrust, Heating of, 223; Bolts, Failure of, 288; Carburation, Faulty, 139, 411; Trouble with,. 607; Two-cylinder Engines and, 635; Carburetters, Float, Leaking, 112; Flooding, 452; Treacly Deposit in, 112; Clutches, Defective, 287; Fierce-316; Leather. Treatment of, 720; Rivets in, 775; Slipping, 316; Trouble with, 83, 636; Coils, Defective, 776; Faulty, 607, 859; Large v. Small, . 167; Plain, Starting on, 663; Wasteful, 343;. Compression, Loss of, 56; Taps Leaking, 111; Tests for, 663, 832; Contact Maker Alteration,. 607; Contacts, Sparking at, 56; Costs, Running, 372; Crankcase, Oil Leakage from, 260; Crankshaft, Broken, Cause of, 343; Cylinders, Cleaned, Require to be, 452; Failing to Fire, 111; Noise, Hammering, in, 28; Water in, 28; Weak,. 691; Differential Trouble, 55; Driving Wheels-Unequal-sized, 196; Dynamo Charging, Accumulator, 167; Engines, Cleaning, 451; Failing, 55-56; Kick-back in. 55; Knock in. 524, 691, 720;. Loss of Power in, 608, 636, 776; Noise in, 28, 84, 860; Overrunning, 663; Racing, 287; Self-starting, 315; Stop Suddenly, 140, 260; V type, 3*o; Exhaust, Annoyance by Explosions, 524; Pungency of, 27; Throttled, Overheating by, 56; Fire, Cylinder Fails to, 111; Floats, Carburetter, Leaky, 112, 411; Flooding, 831; Frost, Precautions Against, 412; Gearbox, Fault in, 692 Noisy, Silencing, 412; Gudgeon Pin Screw Loose,. 371; Hills, Car Fails on, 259, 288; Horse-power Formulae, 664; Ignition, Circuit Resistance, Fitting, 195; Coil Fitting, 664; Connections, 223; Dry Battery, By, 608; Dual, 720, 776; Faulty-Dual, 664; Low-tension, Difficulty with, 636; Magneto, By, 167; Timing, 27, 56, 371; Inconsiderate Driving, 296; Induction Pipe Heating, 27; Lights, Electric, on Cars, 524; Low-tension-Faults, 411; Lubrication Excess, 259, 775; Magneto. Adapting, 635; Chain Drive for. 664; High-tension Misfiring, 140; Setting a, 140, 412: Wiring a, 776: Misfiring, Puzzling Case of, 372; Mixture Wrong, 111; Momentum, Engine with Little, 523; Motor House, Details of. Ill; Non-freezing Mixture, 524; Non-skid, Single, Using a. 692; Non-starter, A, 831; Overheating, 56, 288, 719. 748; Petrol Consumption, 195, 451, 608, 719, 775; Petrol Supply Defects, 167. 195; Pipe Stoppages, 412: Piston Rings, Defective, 223, 748; Faulty, 636; Fitting New, 315; Pinning. 8'. 223; Pistons, Lightening. 747; Plug, Experiment, 860; Fitting Extra, 315; Over-lubricating the, 112; Short-circuited. 223; Trouble with a, 56; Power, Failing, 167; Hill-climbing, Difference in. 803; Increasing the, 523; Pre-ignition, 260, 832; Radiation, Insufficient, 747; Rectifier, Electrolytic. Charging Accumulators Through a, 83; Registration, 831; Revenue Tax, 223; Route, Manchester-London, via Wye Valley, 112; Short Circuits, 740; Spark, Induced, Trouble with, 860; Sparking Plugs, Position of, 720; Tight, Unscrewing, 195; Speed, Failing Engine, 747; Springing. Trouble with. 28; Starting on Low-tension. 83; Steering Gear, Backlash, 372; Switch, Spark at, 196; Thermo-circulation Difficulty, 451; Thermophile, Electric, The, 832; Timing. Wrong, 167; Tremblers Stacking, 288, 635; Tube Repairing, 223; Tyres. Cuts in. Repairing. 167; Tyres on Rims, Interchangeable, 167; Valve Tappet, Clearance of, 344; Valve Timing, 140: Water Circulation. Arrangement of. 139: Wheels, Damaged, Timing, 84; Wheels, Parallelism of, 223
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 672
- Interesting Novelties, Some, 212
- International Road Congress—(See “ Road Congress ")
- Irish A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
- Irish A.C.’s Hill-climb—(See “Hill-climbs”)
- Irish A.C.’s Reliability Trial, 709
- Isle of Man, Notes, Motoring, 47, 121
- Isle of Man Races—(See “ Races ”)
- Isle of Man, To Reach, 97
- Jacks: Adams. 562; Millennium, 509
- Jackson Car (1909), 340
- Jenatzy Tyres, 563
- Jones Speed Indicator, The, 433
- Kalker Sparking-plug, The, 560
- Kempshall Non-skid Cover, 334
- Kempshall Tyre, 504
- Kent A.C.—(See “Clubs”)
- Kentish Hills, Testing Talbot on, 149
- Kent, Through, 57
- Knight Engine, Silent Valveless (1909), 146, 202-204, 301, 330-331, 347, 353-354, 380, 637, 638. 728, 791
- Knight. Mr., Interview with, 637, 638, 639
- Krebs Carburetter, 231, 605
- K. T. Tyres, 564
- Lady Driver, For - the, 572
- Lamps.— Autoclipse, 848; Ducellier, 434,-508; Duplex, 433; Electric, 394, 400, 401; Fanphare, 772; Lucas, 433, 505; Mangin Lens Mirror, 433; Moto-lite, 433, 505; Polkey, 701; Powell and Hamner, 74a, 433; Rushmore, 433, 504; Willocq-Bottin, 561
- Lancashire A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
- Lancashire A.C.’s Hill Climb—(See “Hill Climbs”)
- Lanchester Car (1909), Wheel-steered, 305
- Lapse, A Curious, 71
- Lathe, The. as Repairing Tool, 392
- Lauret and Bavery Carburetter, Variable Feed, “ Zenith,” 231, 232
- Law, Highway, Lecture on, 841
- Leakage, Electric, 441
- Leather Cases, Brooks, 503
- Lee Trigwell Non-skid, 362
- Legal Decision, Important, 794
- Legal Status of Motors, 126, 127
- Lens, Headlight, Anti-glare, 210
- Lessons of Racing Path, The, 29, 30
- Liabilities of Motor Owners, 126, 127
- Lighting Act, Surrey and, 72, 334
- Lighting, Electric, Dynamo Combination for, 683
- Lightweight Motor Problem, The, 116, 117, 118
- Lightweight Motors for Aeronautics, 751
- Limit, Speed, Preferable Plan for, 61
- Lincolnshire A.C.—(See " dubs ”)
- Lincolnshire A.C.’s Hill Climb—(See “ Hill Climbs ”)
- Little Briton Car, Two-cylinder 10h.p., 785, 786
- Liverpool, Reckless Driving and, 696
- Lloyd, Major F. Lindsay, 733
- L. M. Magneto Plugs, 24
- Local Government Board Action, 20, 210, 309
- Lodge Ignition, 509
- Lodge Switch, Reversing and Two-way, 733
- London Traffic, Report, 609, 610, 611
- Longuemare Carburetter, The, 434, 503
- Lotis Car, 398
- Lowe Bevan Windscreen, 563
- Lowell Motor Races, U.S.A.—(See “ Races ”)
- Lubricants, 66; Stern Sonneborn. 434
- Lubrication, Differential, and Gear, 51, 52
- Lubricator, Benton and Stone, 434
- Lucas Lamps, 433, 505
- Lucas Tyre Pump, 505
- Lynton Wheel, The, 32
- Macintosh Tyres, 565
- Magneto, Plugs, for: Eisemannj 9; Low-tension, 322
- Magneto, Remagnetising the, 28; Size of the, 671, 672; Speed of, Bursting, 795; Troubles with the, 267; Weight of, 672
- Magnetos.— Aeroplane, 483. 506, 599; American, Simple, 726, 830; Bosch, 433, 505; C.A.V., 506; E.I.C., 74, 434, 503, 599; Eisemann, 599, 760a; Fuller, 433, 599; Guenet, 434 ; Henrique, 433. 504; Hirst, 507; Hydra. 507; Muirhead, 561, 599; Nieu-port, 565, 599; Nilmelior, 433, 509, 599; Ruthardt, 433; Simms, 506; Simms. Aeroplatae, 483. 506, 599
- Magneto’s Point of View.— Accessibility and Quick Detachment, 219.; Accumulator Running Down, Cause of, 163; Aerial Navigation, French Methods and, 795; Aeroplane Disasters, Lessons of Recent, 267; Aeroplane Trials, Future, 132; Brake, Countershaft. Decline of the, 656; Cabby, Careless, The, 219; Carburation, Faulty, 80; Car, Cheap Small, Suggested Lines for, 811; Chain Sprockets, Danger of Wear on, 840; Coil, Curious, 7; Coil, Faults in, Causes Short Circuit, 7; Combustion. Spontaneous, Tyre Bursts due to, 87; Compression, Gauges for, 796; Compression Tests, Misleading, 33; Controllability, 728; Cylinders, Cleaning Out, 80; Design, Future, Finality in, 811; Differential Gear, Driving without, 320; Distributor, Dispensing with the, 599; Dustless Roads, Tai* Splashes from, 163; Electrodes, Spark-plug, Experiments with, 770; Engine Power Output, Valve Setting Variation, 267; Engine, Self-starting, Incident, 219; Engine Weight, Reduction in, 702; Experiments, Dangerous, 840; Flexibility v. Controllability, 405; Ignition Defects, Insidious. 163; Illusions, Optical, 7; Improvement, Desirable, A, 770; Lamps, Lighting Season and, 320; Lesson, A, 771; Lubricants, Queer, 2; Magneto Accessibility, 599; Magneto Bursting Speed, 795; Magneto Construction, Simple, 599; Magneto Contact Setting by Gauges, .599; Magneto Design, 599; Magneto, Perfecting, 599; Magneto Systems, L.T., Conversion, 702; Motorcars, Repairing and Renovation of, 85, 86, 87; Motor, Lightweight, Problem of the, 163; Motor, Slide Valve, Old, Interesting, 405; Paris Salon, Improvements at, 656; Petrol Economiser, 320; Petrol Efficiency, Falling, 33; Petrol Pipe, Air-lock in. 656; Piston Seizure, 133; Pitting, Platinum, Minimisation of, 87; Plate Number Rear, 770; Plug Fouling, 80; Pressure Tank System Troubles.. 80; Remagnetising, 728; Road Signs, Inefficient, 192; Rule of the Road, Cyclists and, 192; Starters, Bad and Good, 33; Steering, Defective, 320; Stroke and Power, Question of 192; Switch, Starting on the, 33; Synchronisation’ 796; Tyres, Rust and, 796; Valve Improvements’ 405; Valve Principle, A Better, 80; Water Circulation System, Inefficient, 163; Wheels, Front. Sloping, 87
- Malecot Hydroplane-Dirigible Combination, 92a
- Manchester Motor Club—(See “Clubs")
- Mangin Lens Mirror Lamp, 483
- Mantle Headlight, Incandescent, Petrol, 16
- Manxland Races—(See “ Races ”)
- Maybury Way, Down the, 189, 190, 191 I
- Mechanical Features (1909), 568-569
- Mechanical Non-skid, 298
- Mechanical Traction, Animal and, 113, 114, 115
- Mechanism, Accessible, Motorcar, 169, 170 171 197 198, 199 ,
- Megaphone Reed, The, 47
- Mercedes Car, 1909, Live Axle, 304; Racers, None, 41
- Metallurgique Car, 26h.p., 189, 190, 191
- Michelin Tyres, 503
- Midnight Sitting, A, 694, 695, 696
- Mileage Recorder, Fuller’s, 212
- Milestones, Incorrect, Police Traps and, 232a
- Military Motoring, Austrian and German, 44
- Military Uses for Motorcars, 394
- Millennium ’ Jack, 509
- MinervaCar (1909), Valveless Engine, 327
- Misfiring, Peculiar Symptoms of, 404
- Moebius Oils, 563
- Monoplane, Etrich-Wells, Austrian, 464
- Motolite Headlight, The, 505
- Motor Becomes Nuisance, When a, 126, 127
- Motor Car Act, Decision under, Important, 736a
- Motorcar, Cheapening the, 583, 584, 585
- Motorcar Design, 778, 779, 807 , 808
- Motorcar Efficiency, To Get, 581, 582, 615, 616
- Motorcar Mechanism, Accessible, 169, 170, 171, 197, 199 *
- Motorcar, Military Uses of the', 394
- Motorcar Problems, Some, 325
- Motorcars and Dust Nuisance, 143
- Motor Club, The—(See “ Clubs ")
- Motorcycle, Zenette, 108
- Motor Cycling Club—(See “ Clubs ”)
- Motor Development, Lightweight, for Aeroplanes, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755
- Motor History, Seventeen Years of, 525, 526, 527
- Motor-house, Heating, 665; Stove, Safe, for, Norton, 563
- Motor Industry To-day, 681
- Motorist, Aggressive Anti-motorist Attitude towards, 130
- Motorists, Modes for, 156, 512-515
- Motorists, R.A.C.’s Appeal to, 148
- Motor, Lightweight, Problem, 116, 117, 118
- Motor Owners, Liability of, 126, 127
- Motor Shows—(See “ Shows ”) Motors, Legal Status of, 126, 127
- Motors, Petrol, Power Development in, 721, 722, 723
- Motor Union, The, 124, 354b, 436, 593, 623; Danger Signs, and, 236; Foreign Handbook of, 45; Membership Increase, 271; Oxford, Visit to, 97, 125; Protects Users, 305; Provinces and, 392
- Motor Vehicles, Wear in, Cause and Prevention of, 215, 216
- Mountain Climbs, 181
- Mountaineering, Motor, 261, 262, 263 , 264, 289, 290 , 291, 292. 293, 348, 349, 350, 376, 377, 378, 379
- Muirhead Magneto, 561, 599'
- My Way of Thinking.— AA-Al, 799; Accelerator Pedal, The, 134; Act, Secret Commission, 298; Advertising, Ethics of, 725; Aeronautics, 60; Argyll’s, New, 837; Bond. Commercial Vehicle Makers and; the, 602; Bonds, Separate, 336; Bonnet Design, 631; Rattling, 135; Brooklands Betting, 366; Car, Big, Preference for, Reasons, 335; Carburetters, New, 756; Car, Cheapest on Record, 756; Car Contest, American Light, 230; Cars, Commercial, Show of, Abandoned, 836; Cars, Dusty, 297: Oases, Circumstances Alter, 144; Cattle, Lighting-up of, 446, 827; Class, Our, Duty to Our, 134; Oom plaint, Illogical. 173; Conservatism, 660; Controllability, 659; Conundrum Solved, A Modern, 144; Corner Driving, 335, 336; Cylinders, Three, Concerning, 367; Danger, Motoring, Real, 107; Direction Posts, Concerning, 297; Disaster, Lessons from, 516; Draughts, Question of, 60, 61; Drivers, Drunken, Punishment of, 407; Drivers, Horse, Indiscriminate, 446; Dust Question, Not New, 229; Dust Trials, The, 23, 406, 517; Eccentric, Action of, 407; Effect, Cause and, Confounding. 406; Effect, Peculiar, 406; Engine, Tests for, 800; Exhibitor, Rough on the, 631; Farmers, Unreasonable, 671; Fines Question, The, 837; Four-inch Race, Gears and, 297; Front, Remarkable Change of, 230; Frost, Effects of, 827, 828; Future; Contests of the. 298; Development Towards a Big, 282; Leaders, Strong, Wanted in the, 283; Gate Change, Concerning the, 828; Gearbox, Abolition of the, 631; Gearing, High, Concerning, 108; Gearing Question. Tire, 602; Gear, Lower, Fitting, 697; Grand Prix, France and the, 72-5; Greetings. Season’s, 697; Hands Warm. Keeping the, 828; Headlights, Dazzline. 297; Hill Climbs. Management of, 31: Horn or Whistle. 61; Horn. Sounding the. 107; Horsed Vehicles, Brakes on, 230. 407, 517; H.P. Double Nomenclature, 799; Hub, Wheel around the, 230; Humber Development, 172; Illustrations, Catalogue, Concerning, 799; Inconsiderate Driving, 108. 135; Industry, Motor, and the Motor, 172; Injustice, A Gross, 31, 32; Irish Show Question, The, 447: Judgement, Fine, 756: Kindness, Mistaken, 134; Law, Absurd. An. 836; Light Electric. Heating Power of, 631; Lights, Coloured, on Motorcars, 406: Limits, Speed, Ten-mile, 61: Lynton Wheel. The, 32; Magneto, A Simple, 726: Magnetos, Size of. 630, 631; Maintenance Contract, 23: Manchester Show, The, 446. 837; Marks, Manufacturers’, Police and, 172: Methods, British v. Foreign, 630; Misconception, Anti-motorist, An Entire, 145; Moment. Creatures of, 697; Money-spreading Motorist, The, 172; Motorcab, The, Practicability of, 60; Motoring, Decline of, 516; Motorphobe, Opinion of a, 135; Motors, 'Two-stroke, Use of, in England, 757; M.P.’s, Anti-motoring 671; Notion, A Clever, 697; Nuts and Bolts, Elimination of, 447; Occupation, Risky, A, 756; Olympia, French, The, and 836; Olympia, Salon, The, and, 366; Olympia Space, Question of, 282; Outline, A Handsome, 335; Patents, British, Foreign-owned, 24; Pedestrian, Nocturnal, The, 602; Perquisites, Damaged Tyre not, 602; Petrol, Price of. 407; Police, Co-operation with the, 107; Policy, Undesirable, 659; Polishing, Engine Power for, 726; Punishment, Exemplary, 173; Question Answered, A, 200, 201; Racing Path, Lessons of the, 135; R.A.C., Four-inch Race and, 282; Manifesto, 200; M.U. and the, 670; Rating Formulae, Engine, 725; Reckless Driving, Example of, 229; Reprisals, Attempted, 173; Restrictions, American, 108; Rims, Detachable, under Test, 446; Road Congress^ Decision, 367; Road, Danger of the, A, 516; Roadmaking Material, A New, 31; Road, Rule of the, 670, 800; Road, Speed on, 60; Roads, Rubber, 516; Roads, Unemployed Question and the, 201; Road, Waste of the, 726; Rust, Prevention of, 799; Scare, A Little, 144; Scouts, Effect of, 201; Screen, The County, 446; Self-starting Devices, 698; Show Incident, Another, 631; Shows: Horn-blowing at, 366; Objection to, 366; Side, Near, Passing on the, 837; Signposts, Too Many, 135; Skid, Double, 144; Speed Detection, 726; Coloured Signals for, 516; Speed Limit, Concerning the, 145; Steam Question, Re, 800; Stepney Wheel in America. 602; Stone Setts, Danger of, 108; Suggestions: Practical, 800; Quaint, 31; Rural, Truly, 229; Tarmac, Concerning, 134; Taximeters. Abou 827; Time, Present, Hardly Wise at the, 145. -Tonneau, 659; Touring, Home, 23; Tourists, Foreign, Carriage Licenses and, 31; Trade, the, Press and, 145; Prospects of, 725; Traffic, Trams and, 630; Tramcars, Passing, 827; Treat, A Coming, 297; Trials, 1909, 23; Tyre Alarms, 698, 828; Tyre Stock, Wanting, 60; War into Enemy’s Camp, Carrying the, 229; Weather, Prospective, 828; Winter, Motor in, The, 757; Zenette Motorcycle, The, 108
- Name, Good Trade, Importance of, 226, 227, 228
- Napier Car, 1909, lOh.p. Two-cylinder, 278; 15h,p, Four-cylinder, 306, 307
- Napier Cars, Mr. C. Hobson’s Challenge to, 276a
- Nesthill Tyre Compressor, Hunt, 561
- Newbury Magistrates, Custom Withdrawn by Action of, 645
- New York-Paris, Interview with Driver, 18, 18a
- Nieuport Magneto, 565, 599 Night, Speed Greater at? 735
- Nilmelior Magneto, 433, 509, 599 1909, Cars! for, 358, 359 , 360, 361
- Nixey Graphites, 561
- Noise, Transmission Gearing, 255
- Non-freezing Solutions, 666
- Non-skids.—Kempshall, 334; Lee Trigwell, 362; Mechanical, 298; Parsons, 562; Pullman, 564
- North Middlesex A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
- Norton Stove, Motor-house Heating, Safe, 563
- Norwich, R.A.O. Meet at, 155
- Nottingham A.C.—(See “ Clubs”)
- Novelties, Some Interesting, 212
- Nuisance, Dust, Motorcars and the, 143
- Nuisance, When Motor Becomes a, 126, 127
- Obstruction, A Case of, 277
- Odometers—(See ‘‘Speed Indicators”)
- Official Figures;, Accidents, 334
- Oil Pump, Rotary, Rotheram, 563
- Oils.—Anglo-American, 562; British Petroleum, 561; Moebius, 563; Vacuum, 562; Valor, 562; Wilcox. 562
- Okill Indicator, Compression and Explosion, 741
- Olympia, Brake Improvements and Brakes at, 573, 574
- Olympia, Engineer, An, at, 568
- Olympia. Racing Cars, Prohibited at, 362
- Olympia Show—(See " Shows ”)
- Olympia, Space Allotment at, 217, 218 1909, Cars for, 358, 359, 360, 361
- Opinion.—A.A. and its Work, The, 272; A.A., The, 647; Accessories, Developments in, 567; Accumulators, New Rating for, 439; Adjustment Facilities, 67; Advance, A Show of Remarkable, 567; Aeroplane, Five Years Hence? 439; Aeroplane, France and the, 591; Aeroplane Interviews, 567; Articles, Interesting, 466; Behind, All, England! 731; Bonnets, Artistic, 409; Brakes, Horsed Vehicle, 369; Brakes, Unreliable, Danger of, 234; Brooklands, Hill Climbing at, 844; Cab Horse, Uncontrolled, The, 206; Christmas, A Happy Motoring, 703; Cold Snap, The, 466; Combustion Chamber, Best Shape for the, 703; Considerate Driving, 150, 206, 844; Contrast, American-European, 617; Cornwall County Council, Enlightenment, 787; Cyclists, Motorists and, 357; Disappointment, A Bitter, 38; Driver, Reckless, Curbing the, 67; Engine, Slide Valve, New, 233; Engines, Two-cylinder, Revived, 731; Experience, Unpleasant, 38; Fact, Fiction and, 122, 731; Fiat Match, Times Confirmed, 11; Four-inch Race, 206; Disparagement Efforts, 399; Effect, 122; Lessons of, 234; Outcome of, 272; Public Opinion and the, 67; France, Lesson from, A, 675; Grand Prix, Imperilled, 675; Horse, The, 95, 466; Income Tax Figures, 178; Inconsiderate Driving, To Crush Out, 178; Inconsiderate Practising, Public Feeling and. 95; Legislation, Future, 787; L.G.B, Circular: Statesmanlike Document, 233; Mind, Official, Breadth of, 816; Motoring, Reforming, 617; "Motor Manual,” 11th Edition, 326; Motor Movement, Growth of, 703; Motor, the. Dragging in, Somehow. 122; Opinion, Evidence of, 816; Parliament. Temperate Mood of, 11; Patent Act, New, Defeating the, 787; Pedestrian, Motorist and the, 844; Petrol Consumption Bonuses. 591, 617; Police, Motorists and the, 399; Press Campaign, The, 233; Press, Halfpenny, Petrol Se^ Serpents, and the, 178; Press, Public, Advertisements, 299; Racing, Motor, New Development, 357; Racing, Track, Long-distance, Risks of, 38; Rating, Proposed New, 150; Reliability, American Ideas of, 38; Road Congress, International, 328; Road Hogs, Motorist Attitude Towards, 206; Road Rule, Ignorance of, 299; Roads, Bread Question of, 67; Road, Waste of the, 675; Rubber Supply Question, The, 272; Self-starting Question, 328; Situation, Anti-motorist, The, 95; Show, Revelations at the, 299; Shows, Motor, French Proposal, Cool, 647; Snow, Motor in the, 758; Sport, Motor, An End to, 399; Standards, Many, Motorcar has Raised, 11; Variance, at (Surrey C.C. and L.G.B.), 617; Vehicle, One-whistle, 439; Tramcars, Passing, 758; Tuning-up, Art of, 591; Weather, Cold, Driving in Comfort in, 758; Welcome, British, Characteristic, 357; Wheels, Detachable, Racing, Use Sanctioned, 647
- Ostend Liedekerke Meeting, the, 278
- Other People’s Views.— “Accidents,” Motor, Daily Press and, 258; Accumulator Defect, Puzzling, 136, 165, 256; Aerial Navigation, 857; Aeroplane Club, Suggested New, 285; Aeroplane Experiment, Mr. Roe’s, 137; Aeroplane Five Years Hence, The, 632; Africa, South, Light American Vehicles for, 717; Agree, We, 25; Alcohol Fuel, Experiments, 54; Assaults, Motorists, on, 342; Auto-trembler Connections, 136, 165, 256; Bad Feeling Engendered, How, 110, 138; Battery, Charging, Difficulty, 369, 606; Bearings, Adjusting, 858; Bevel Gear, Ratio of, Altering, 746, 774, 802; Bonnets, Artistic, 521; Breakdown Incident, 54, 109; Cab Horse, Uncontrolled, The, 258; Carburation, 774, 829; Carburetter Defect, Cause of, 256; Carburetter Design, 858; Car, Cheapening the, 661; Car, Future, The, 857; Oars, Small, Contrasts in, 368, 521; Car, Steam, The, 606, 661, 717; Cattle, Roads, on, 368; Cans, Petrol, A Safeguard, 25; Chatham, Constitution Hill, Climbing, 341, 376 , 450; Circulation, 773; Clutches, Disc, Lubrication of, 258, 284; Clutches, Plate, Lubrication, 448; Clutch, Defective, A, 168; Clutch, Metal-to-Metal, Difficulty, 633; Clutch, Plate, Improvising a, 448; Coach work, Polish, Obtaining, 221; Coil Construction, Defect in, 450; Comments: Four-inch Race, Satirical, 342; Compression, High, v. Hot Spark, 717; Contests, Future, 368; Control, Wheel and Foot Only, 718; Corner, Dangerous, A, 606; Cornish Roads, 194; Costs, Running, .522, 605; Cross Roads, Dangerous, 661; Cylinders, Carbon in, 137; Cylinders, Clearing Out, 110; Cylinders, Single v. Four, Compared, 717; Cylinders, Untrue, Grinding and Re-boring, 717; Daimler Knight Engine, 633 ; Danger Signposts, Fixing, 222; Dartmoor, Dangerous Hills on, 286; Deposit, Carbon, Nuisance of, 53, 81; Design, Engine, Progress in, 745; Differential, Driving without a, 342; Differential, Fault in, 109; Ditch, Hint for Oar in, 605; Dry Cells, 256; Dustless Roads, Disadvantage of, 341; Dust Nuisance, The, 109; Dust Prevention, 284; Dust Problem, The, 222; Dust Trials, 605; Dust Troubles, 632; Duty. Forgotten, A, 857; Engine Design, Progress of, Criticisms, 520; Engine Formula), Rating, 801; Engine, Hot, Starting Difficulty with, 256; Engine, Knight, Valves and, 521; Engine Knocking, Reasons for, 109; Engine, Single-cylinder, The, 802; Engine, Slide-valve, New, 450; Engine, Three-cylinder, 520; Engine, Turbine, for Motorcars, 520; Engines, Two-cylinder, Revived, 801; Engine, Two-stroke, 746; Epicyclic Gearing, 109; Expenses, Running, 81, 312; Experiences, Fortunate, 370; Fan Belt, Spring, Experiences with, 802; Flexibility, 522; Floats. Leaking, 166; Four-inch Race, The, 286; Gearboxes, Lubricants, .Special, for, 606; Gearbox, Shavings in, 634; Gearing Question, The, 662; Gloucestershire, Road Warnings in, 138; Guarantees, Agents’, 661; Head, Combustion, Beet Shape for, 774; Headings, Misleading, 774; Headlights, High-power, Unscreened, Dangers of, 256, 313; Headlights, Unshaded, 408; Hill Climbs,“Graphic” Trophy, Cancellation, 286; Hills, Climbing on Re-/ verse, 165; Hills, Dartmoor, Dangerous, 368; Hills, Lake District, 109, 138, 165; Hills, Test, 194; Hog Trough Hill, 81; Horsed Vehicles, Brakes on, 314, 320, 632; Horse, Insanitary, The, 313; H.P. Formulae, 408, 604, 858; Humber, Ltd., Staff and, 286; Ignition Problem, The, 25, 26, 81, 138; Elusion, Optical, Wheel, 81; Justice, Motorists and, 110; “Justice,” Worcester, at, 314; Knight Engine, 690; Discussion nn, 521; Lead, English,'Following the, 690; Lighting Cars, Electrically, 663; Lights on Cars, Coloured, 632, 662; Lights on Vehicles, 634, 718; Limit, Speed, Special, 81; Long-stroke Motors, Why? 193, 194, 220, 221; Lubricants, Gearbox, 256, 313; Magneto Defect, A, 256; Magneto, Perfecting the, 662; Magneto, Simple, 829, 830; Magneto, Size of, 689; Magneto Troubles, Simple. 341; Motorbuses, Trams and, 829; M.U. and R.A.C., 410; Mud Splashing, Prevention of, 54; Mud v. Dust, 522; Napier, Noiseless, New, The, 370; New Zealand, Motor in, 138; Night, Road Dangers at, 718; Overheating, Causes of, 341, 773; People and Motorist, 53, 54; Petrol Bonus System, 633; Petrol Fumes, Inhaling, 690; Petrol Pipe, Air-lock in, 522, 690; Petrol v. Steam, 221, 312, 341, 369, 409, 448, 450 , 522, 604 , 634, 661, 689, 746, 773, 858; Platinum Pitting, 221; Plug Experiments, 801; Power, Motor, Day and Night Conditions, Under, 691; Power, Valve Setting in Relation to, 690; Practising, Inconsiderate, 138; Preignition, Bad Case of, 633; Queensland, Western, Motoring in, 222; R.A.C. and M.U., 634; R.A.C. and Situation, 312; Rating, New, Prophecy of, 284; Repairers, Honest, 110; Repairs, Expeditious, 369; Repairs, Guarantees and, 450; Road, Cars on the, 449; Road Dangers, Night, 408; Road Rule, The, 222, 450, 632, 745, 857; Roads, Dusty, Driving on, 110; Roads Problem, The, 284; Roads, Studded Tyres on, 633; Rubber, Rust and, 746; Self-starting, Engine Incident,-An, 194; Sheep-Shearing, Motor, 689, 690; Show, Future, Exhibition Buildings, and, 26; Signals, Road, Drivers’, 25, 81; Single-cylinder Car, Perfecting the, 408; Situation, Anti-motorist Crusade, 166, 194; Situation, Motorphobe, The, 256; Spares, Carrying, 54; Special Speed Limits, 25, 26; Springs, Adjustable, 774; Starting-up Mystery, A, 313; Stones, Throwing, at Oars, 368; Stroke, Long v. Short, 449; Studs, Steel, on Roads, Effect of, 312; Switch, Starting, 53, 165; Taxation, 284; Taximeters, 85e; Thames, Crossing the, 256; Trams, Passing, 857; Tuning-up, 774, 829; Tyres, Front, 342; Unique, Not, 286; Valve Breakages, What Causes, 284; Valve, Inlet, Experiment, 718; Valve System, Better, A, 136; Vaporiser, Choked, 606; Villages, Roads Round, 109; Warm, To Keep, when Driving, 829; Watling Street, near Wall, 136, 165; Wear of Road, Studded Tyres and, 257; Wheel, Racing, 109; Wheel Shedding Incident, The, 26
- Owners, Motor, Liabilities of, 126, 127
- Palmer Tyres, 505, 672
- Paris, News From.— Aerial Pioneers, Honours for, 593; Aeronautical Demonstration, Suggested, 793; Aeronautical Race, Gordon-Bennett, 64; Aeronautics, 182; Aeroplane Contest, Monaco, 438, 822; Aeroplane Grand Prix, 593; Aeroplane Movement, 438; Aeroplane News, 92a; Aeroplane Race, Bordeaux-Paris, 600; Aeroplane Race Rules, 707; Aeroplane Race, The First, 355, 395; Aeroplanes, Plenty of, 848; Aeroplane Trials, Controlling, 36b; Aeroplane Trophy, Gordon-Bennett, 682; Aeroplaning Sport, 683; Aero Quarrel, An, 601; Aero Show, First, 734, 735; American Grand Prix, France and, 36, 36a, 252, 276b; Anti-Salon Movement, The, 682; Anti-smoke Exhaust Apparatus, 395; Ardennes Race, Abandoned, 19; Aviation Enthusiasm, 848; Balloons, Military, 36a; Competition, Novel, A, 36, 36b; Cylinder Limitation, 184; Darracq’s and Racing, 182; Dumont’s Latest, 600; Engines, Light, Competition for, 626; Entries, Poor, 64; Events, important, Dates of, 654; French, 64; Farman's Movements, 128, 395; Flying, First Pupil in, 395; Flying over Paris, 395; Gordon-Bennett Aeroplane Trophy, 64, 682; Grand Prix, The, 36a, 252, 302, 349, 355, 395, 438, 600, 602, 626, 627, 706, 762; Hill Climbs, Gaillon, 276, 322; Cote du Calvaire, 129; Ven-toux, 189; Knight Engine, English, First, 601; Law, New, Operation of the, 601; Lottery, A, 600; Michelin Trophy, The, 626, 683. 762, 848; Monaco, Aeroplane Races at, 438, 822; Motors, High-power, Conipetition for, 184; Nazzaro, No Retirement, 182; New Truck, A, 252; New York-Paris, Protos Disqualified, 19; Racing Conference, International, 355; Racing, Cost of, 682; Road Congress, International, 129, 303, 356; Road, Future, 356; Roofs, Landing, 600; Salon, The, 184, 402, 403, 404, 438, 682, 683; Salon, 1909, 601, 706; Signs, Road, 355, 654; Tyre Inflator, Mechanical, 626; Voiturette Race, The, 92a, 128, 184, 303, 793; Wheels, Detachable, France and, 302, 654; Wheels, Spring, Trials, 793; Wright Aeroplane, The, 36; Wright, Orville, 821: Wright, Wilbur, 92a, 252, 276b, 302, 356, 438, 601, 683, 707, 762, 763, 793
- Parsons’ Non-skid, 562
- Patent Act, German, 441
- Pearson Accumulator, 507
- Pedals to Push Control Gear, Adams, 421
- Peter-Union Tyre, 564
- Peto and Radford Accumetre, 433; Accumulators, 509; Coil. Multiple. 433
- Petrol Bonuses, 652, 704b, 709
- Petrol Cans, Auto-syp)ion for, 456
- Petroleum, Origin Of, 218
- Petrol Motors, Power Development in, 721, 722, 723
- Petrol Storer, Rotax Safety, 738
- Petrol Tank, Explosions, Safety from, 839
- Petrol Tank Regulating Valve, 506 Peugeot Car, 327
- Phi Dynamo, The, 841
- Philosophv of “Four-inch" Race, The, 279, 280, 281
- Phoenix Car. 1909, 10-12h.p.. 323, 324
- Pilcher Carburetter, The, 756 Place-to-place Flight, First. 438a Plugs.—Eiseipann. 9; Hobson-Pognon, 563: Hosch, 212; Kalker, 560; L.M. Magneto, 322; Switch, 71; W. and G., 563
- Plymouth to London, Back and, 40
- Pneumatic Tyre, Hartridge, Novel, 75
- Police, Camera as Aid to the, 705
- Police Trap, Milestones Incorrect. 322a
- Police Traps.—Alconbury Hill, 738; Barnet-Hatfield. 738; Blackpool Road, 339; Bolney-Pye-combe, 738: Brighton Road, 738; Cambridge, 304; Cornwall (Liskeard-Torpoint), 16: Cuckfield-Clay-ton Tunnel, 736a; Eltham, 612; Huyton (Lancs.), 276a
- Polkey Head Lamps, 276a, 701
- Powell-Hamner Acetylene Generator. 566
- Powell-Hanmer Lamps. 74a, 433
- Power in Petrol Motors, Development of. 721. 722, 723
- Pressure Indicator, Okill, 741
- Prested Ignition. 506
- Price, A Factor in, 814
- Problems. Motorcar, Some, 325
- Prowodnik Tyre. Red. 563
- Pullman Non-skid. 564
- Pump, Garage, Ross-Courtney, 434, 562
- Pump, Oil, Rotary. Rotheram, 564
- Pumps, Tyre. Dunhill. 433; Lucas. 505
- Puncture-proof Tube, Sealomatic, 564
- Qualification, Withdrawal and a, 236
- Racecourse, Motor. America’s, 365
- Race. “ Four-inch," Philosophy of the, 279, 280, 281
- Races, American, Vanderbilt Cup, Long Island, Course. 130, 361
- Races, Brooklands, 12, 13, 14, 15
- Races, Essex M.C., Stadium, 41
- Races, Isle of Man, Auto-Cycle Tourist Trophy, 47, 211 237
- Races,’Isle of Man, “ Four-inch,” 98, 120. 120a, 120b, 121, 153, 154, 174, 175, 180, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248; Accident, 276, 276a; Cars, 157, 158; Cars, Competing, Run Round, 119; Course, The, 209; Drivers, Leading, 250; Incidents, Week’s,'208; Induction Pipe Design, 278a; R.A.C. and Criticisms of, 125; Ramsey Depots, Scenes at, 249
- Races, Isle of Man, Notes on, 47
- Races, Isle of Man, Practise in, 71
- Races, Ostend, Liedekerke, The, 278
- Races, Targa-Florio, Summary, 153, 154, 185, 187
- Racing in 1908, 416, 417, 418 419
- Racing, Motor, Aspect of, Another, 364, 365
- Racing Path Lessons, 29, 30
- Racing Records, Book of, 438a
- Racing Speeds, Tyres at. 133
- R.A.C., The, 40, 70, 90, 148, 155, 200, 258, 603, 709; Aeronautics and, 646; Appeal, Motorists, to, 148; Associated Clubs and, 818, 819; Dinner of, 792; Associates, Scheme, 70, 361, 392, 624a, 646, 792, 820; Certificate Examinations, 46; Club House, New, 646; Critics and, 157; Dazzling Headlights and, 438a-; Dinner, 624a 683; Driving Certificates, 593, 792; Driving, Reckless, Scheme Against, 276a, 296; Lectures and Meetings, 820; Meet, Next, 43; Membership, 820; Motorcar Statistics, 709; M.U. and, 301; News, 792; Petrol Bonuses and, 646; Report, Weekly, 683, 820; Roads, Dustless, Resolution, 646; Touring Department, 46 , 301; Trials Summary, 792b; Work. 1908, 765, 766
- Radiator, C.M.F., 563
- Radiators, 778
- Rating, Accumulator, 437
- Rectifier, Electrolytic, Accumulator Charging Through, 83
- Regulating Valve, Petrol Tank, 506
- Remagnetising Magnetos, 728
- Rep Aeroplane, 734
- Repairing Tool, Lathe as, 392
- Report, Traffic, London, 609, 610, 611
- Reputation, Trade, Value of, 226, 227, 228
- Retaliation, 793
- Review, “ The Dupe,” 102
- Revolution Counter, Elliot, 301
- Rims, Ajax, 562; Shaw-Kersop, 361
- Ripault Wire Terminal, New, 9
- Road Bill? Who Shall Pay the, 834, 835
- Road, Cars on the, 2-4, 57, 59, 88-90, 189-191, 268-269, 270, 686, 710-712, 739, 785, 851-853
- Road Conference, A, 820
- Road Conference, International, 141, 142, 143, 213, 332-333
- Road Dangers, 789
- Road, North Devon, New, 16
- Road Rule, The, 802
- Roads Conference, Scotland, 709
- Road Signposting—Dover, Folkestone, 69
- Roads Improvement Association, 438a
- Road Slip Tests, 236
- Roads, Effect of Motors on the, 124
- Roads, Question of Our, 413, 414, 415
- Roads, Roman, 76, 77, 78, 79
- Roads, Snow and, 760a
- Roads, Tarred, Fishes and, 214
- Road Surfacing, New Method of, 236
- Rodakowski, Dinner to, 653
- Roe Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Roslee Acetylene Generator, The, 438a
- Ross-Courtney Garage Pump, 434, 562
- Rotax Novelties, 397
- Rotax Petrol Storer, The, 738
- Rotheram Oil Pump, Rotary, 563
- Rover Car, 15h.p., New Model, 1909. 351, 352; Prices, 437
- Rubber Industry Exhibition—(See " Shows ”)
- Rudge-Whitworth Detachable Wheel, 26
- Rushmore Lamps, 433, 504
- Ruthardt Magnetos, 433
- Rutland, Duke of, on Motoring, 152
- Samson Tyre, 564
- Sandringham, Motor Traffic to, 623
- Santos-Dumont’s Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Scotland, Roads Conference in, 709
- Scotland, S.M.T.A., Ltd., v. England, 9
- Scottish A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
- Scottish A.C.’s Hill Climb—(See “ Hill Climbs”)
- Screen Improvements, Hood and, 825
- Screen, The County, 446
- Sealomatic Tube, Puncture-proof, 564
- Security Bolt, Novel, 437
- Selling. Cost of, 443, 444
- Semmering Hill Climb—(See “ Hill Climbs ”)
- Seven-jet Carburetter, A, 849
- Share List, “The Motor”—(See '‘Finance and Business ”)
- Shaw-Kirsop Rim, Detachable, 561
- Shell Spirit, 561
- Shock Absorber, Glissoire, 265 . 266
- Shocks, Electric, 441
- Shorland, Mr. F. W., Dinner- to—(See “ Dinners ”>
- Show. Observations at the, 531, 532, 533, 534, 586. 587, 588
- Shows.— Aero Exhibition. The, 847; Aero, French,. 735; American, Boston, Burned Out, 819; Canadian, Toronto, 790; Edinburgh, 182, 830, 846, 847; Olympia: 381-391, 421-433 . 503-511; Accessories at, 433, 434, 560, 564; Brake Improvements and Brakes at, 573. 574; Carriage Work at, 494e-499, 503-511. 560, 566; Engineer’s Impressions at, 568; Four-Inch Race, Lessons and, 432; Observations at, 586, 587r 588; Reviews of: I., 467-494d. 500-501; II., 535-561; Paris Salon, 619, 620, 621, 622; Carriage Work at, 642, 643; Departures, New, at, 649, 650, 651; Prospects, Future, of, 655; Rubber Industry Exhibition, 211; Stanley, 596-598
- Shows, Annual, Biennial or, 704a, 706
- Showscripts, 566
- Shows, Motor, Conception, Development and Rise of, 373, 374, 375, 445
- Show, The, Value to Trade and Public, 518
- Siddeley Programme. 1909. 305
- Siemens-Obach Dry Cells, 564
- "Silent Knight, ’ Engine, Valveless, 146: Discussion on, 347, 353, 354, 354a
- Simms Magneto, Aeroplane, 433, 506, 599
- Simplex Engines, Coventry, 162
- Sioco Tyre Inflator, 560
- Sirdar Tyre, 565
- Situation, Anti-motorist, The, 91, 92
- Skid Preventer, Front Wheel Brakes as, 392
- Small Cars, Contrasts in, 311
- Smith-Parfrey Wheels, 560
- Smith Speed Ind cator, 433, 510, 511
- S.M.M.T., The. 304, 437, 559, 679, 709, 764, 792, 797, 819, 847; Dinner, Annual, of, 467, 477; Rating, h.p. Formulas, 294, 295, 296; New, Proposed, 150 Snow, Non-Skid in the, 765 Solutions, Non-Freezing,. 666 Spa, Racing Track Near, 667 Spark at Switch, 196
- Spark, Hot, v. High Compression, 611, 612
- Spark Plug, Hosch, 212
- Spark Plug, Switch, 71
- Speed Indicators.— Bullard, 503. 562; Cowey, 434, 566; Davenport, 561; Elliot, 508; Fuller, 212: Jones, 433; Smith, 433, 510, 511; Stewart, 508
- Speedometers.—(See *' Speed Indicators ’’)
- Speeds, High, Deflation of Tyre at, 133
- Springs, 778; Terry’s, 565
- Spur Wheels, Canning’s Patent, 652
- Stadium: Autocycle Record at, 102; Essex M.C., Races at, 41
- Stanley Cycling Club—(See " Clubs ’’)
- Stanley Show—(See “ Shows ”)
- Stanley Steamer, The, 21, 22
- Starting Device, A New, 688
- States, News From The: America, Grand Prize of, 46; Cars in Favour In, Medium Priced, 46
- Status, Legal, of Motors, 126, 127
- Steamer, The Stanley, 21, 22'
- Steam, Possibilities of, 583
- Steering Control, Bowden, 565
- Steering Wheel, Dover, 562
- Stepney Spare Wheel, The, 506
- Stern Sonnebom Lubricants, 434
- Stewart Speed Indicator, 508
- Stove, Motor House, Norton Safe, 563
- Straker-Squire Car, 1909, 14-1611.p., 326
- Student, Great Britain No Longer a, 649
- Summer’s Windscreen, 503
- Suspension, Front Wheel, Granieri, 152
- Swift Car. Two-cylinder, 10-12h.p., 851, 852, 853
- Switch, Lodge, Reversing and Two-way, 733
- Switch, Sparking Plug, 71
- Talbot Car, Testing on Kentish Hills, 149
- T. and M. Carburetter, 561
- Tank, Petrol, Regulating Valve for, 506
- Targa-FIorio Race, The—(See “ Races ’’) Tarmac, 134
- Terminal Attachment, New, 9
- Terry Springs, 565
- Testing. Instrument for Engine. 671
- Tests. Contacts, Bad, for, 440; Wiring, Defective, for, lb.
- Thompson-Bennett Distributor. 494, 506
- Thornycroft Car, Four-cylinder, 18h.p., 710, 711, 712
- Three-stage Tyre Compressor, Hunt, 434
- Throttle Control, 175
- Time-keeping, Curiosities of, 736a
- Tom Thumb Tool Kit, The, 333
- Tonneau, Fall and Rise of the, 749, 750
- Tool, Repairing, Lathe as a, 392
- Tools, Special, Drummond, 433, 505
- Tormo Bearings, 561
- Touring Book, Welsh, 47
- Tourists’ Note Book, Jottings, 578, 579
- Traction, Animal and Mechanical, Contrasts Between, 113, 114, 115
- Trade Celebrity, A, 603
- Trade, Colonial, To Facilitate, Report, 497, 498
- Trade, Foreign, Our, 838
- Trade, Goodwill in the, 226, 227, 228
- Traffic Report, London, 609, 610, 611
- Tramcars, Passings 816, 820
- Tramlines. Dangerous. 236
- Trans-Continental Motoring, 36b
- Transmission Gearing, Noise in, 255
- Trapped, 792a, 792b
- Traps, Police—(See " Police Traps ”)
- Traps, Tram, 855, 856
- Trials, R.A.C.. 1908, Summary, 792b
- Trier and Martin Carburetter, 560, 561
- Trucks, Railway, Motor, Prussian, 815
- Tube, Sealomatic, 564
- Tuning up, 581, 615, 616. 644, 645, 673
- Two-cylinder Engines, Four and, 629; Running Costs of, Comparative, lb.
- Two-stroke Engine,. New, 301, 422. 423
- Tyre Compressor, Nesthill. Three-stage, Hunt, 434, 561
- Tyre Covers, Kempshall Non-skid, 334; Semperit, The, 391
- Tyre Deflation at High Speeds, 133
- Tyre Economy, True, To Reach, 456
- Tyre, Helsby, Details of, 338
- Tyre Inflator, Brown Bros, 433, 507
- Tyre Inflator, Sioco, 560
- Tyre, New, A Remarkable, 304
- Tyre Pump, Dunhill Automatic, 433
- Tyre Pump, Lucas, 505
- Tyres.— Avon, 505; Calmon, 562; Clincher, 503; Collier, 564; Continental. 503; Dunlop, 508; Gaulois, 565; Goodrich 564; Harden Cane Tread, 304, 334; Hartridge Novel, 75; Helsby, 338, 339; Hutchinson, 565; Jenatzy, 563; Kempshall, ^504; K.T., 564; Mackintosh, 565: Michelin. 503; Moseley, 504; Palmer, 505, 672; Peter-Union, -564; Prowodnik, 563; Samson, 564; Sirdar, 565
- Tyres, Six-inch, A Drive on, 7, 8
- Tyres, Speeds of. Racing, 133
- Tyres, Troubles with. Causes of, 761
- U.S.A. Record, 24 Hours, For, 31a
- Vacuum Oils. 562
- Valor Oils, 562
- Valve Gear, Petrol Engine, Valves and, 105 106
- Valveless Engine, Daimler, 146
- Valveless Engine, Knight. 330. 331
- Valve. Petrol Tank Regulating, 506
- Valves, Petrol Engine. Valve Gear and, 105, 106
- Vanderbilt Cup Contest, Track for, 130 , 361
- Vandervell Lamps. Electric, 394
- Van Raden Ignition Apparatus, 565
- Variable-feed Carburetter, Lauret and Bavery, 231, 232
- Vehicle, Electric, A Smart, 667
- Vehicles, Motor, Weai; in, Cause and Prevention of, 215, 216
- Verses, Crank Chamber, The, 379
- Verses, Gillet’s, 118, 175, 255, 339. 410, 419, 527, 577, 593, 639, 660, 671, 700, 738, 760a, 798
- Verses, Goddard’s, 119
- Vibrameter, Benetfink, 433
- Voisin Aeroplane, 735
- Voiturettes, Coupe des, 232, 271
- Voltmeter, Pocket, 125
- Volts, Six, Engines Work Better with, Why Some, 441
- Vulcanisers: Ardea, 560; Harvey-Frost, 433, 456; Woodward, 212
- Wagon, Home-made. A, 728
- Wales, North. “ Accident ” in, 764
- W. and G. Plug, 563
- Warner Autometer, The, 505
- Watchmenot Vulcaniser, Woodward, 212
- Water System, Freezing of. Guarding Against, 665
- Wear in Motor Vehicles, Cause and Prevention of, 215, 216
- Welsh Touring Book. A, 47
- Wheel, Front. Suspension, Granieri, New, 152
- Wheels.— Canning Spur, 652; Lynton, New, 32; Rudge-Whitworth 26, 559; Smith-Parfrey, 560; Stepney Spare, 506, 602
- Wheels, Driving, Unequal-sized. 196
- Wheel-steering, Dover, 562
- White and Poppe Carburetter, 431; Contact Maker 362; Engines, 430, 565
- Wilcox Oils, 562
- Willocq-Bottin Lamps, 561
- Wimbledon, Motor Enterprise at, 679
- Windscreens.—Low Bevan, 563; Summers, 503
- Wire Terminal, New, 9
- Wiring. Defective, Tests for, 440
- Woodward Vulcaniser, 212
- Wright Aeroplane, 735, 809, 810—(See also " Aeroplanes”); Patent Rights of, 667
- Wright, Mr. Wilbur, Flies. How He, 64-66; Flights of, High, 730; Record, 709; Le Mans, at, 317-319; “Motor” Interview, lb.; Movements, His, 124
- Writer, French, Roused, A, 6
- Years of Motor History, Seventeen, 525, 526, 527
- Yorkshire A C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
- Yorkshire A.C.’s Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ”)
- Zedel Car, 15h.p., 2, 3, 4
- Zenette Motor Cycle, The 108
- Zenith Carburetter, Variable-feed, 230, 231
- Zeppelin Airship, The, 38; Disaster to, Theories Concerning, 43
- Zust, Disaster, The, 271
- Accumulator, Castle, 433
- Acetylene, Generator, Purifier and, Roslee, 438a
- Aerometer, The, 671
- Adams Car (1909), 16h.p., Control Pedals, 421; Gearbox, lb.; Four-cylinder 14-16h.p., 470; Control Pedals, 470; Shaft, Propeller, Universal Joint on, 470; Thermo-syphon Circulation, lb.
- Adler Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
- Adler Car, Four-cylinder, 12h.p., 739; Brake Levers, 740; Carburetter, 740; Chassis, 740; Clutch, 739; Gearbox, 739; Engine, 739
- Advertisements, Motor, Those, 742, 743
- A.E.C. Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
- Aerial Navigator, Petin’s Old, 583
- Aerial Way, The, 835
- Aero Club Dinner, Sketches at, 678
- “ Aerodoute,” 657
- Aerodrome; Sazigny if Orge, 607
- Aeroist, Motorist and the, 696
- Aeronautical Ground, Britain’s First, Experimental, 716
- Aeroplane Club Dinner, Menu Design, 819 Aeroplane Model, Gamage, 521
- Aeroplanes.— Antoinette, 755; Bollotof, 632; Engine for, 613; Bonnet-Labranche, 148; British Army, 792a; Delagrange, 205, 735; Dumont, 601, 604; Ecquevilley Multiplane, 600; Esnault-Pel-terie, 616; Etrich-Wells, 464; Farman, 627; Moore-Brabazon, 600, 627; Multiplane, Novel, 600; Roe’s, 69; Voisin, 734, 755; Wright, 64, 165, 252, 757 , 810; Elevations of, Front, 810; Sectional, 810: Plan, 810; Shed for, 165; Starting Rail for, 65; Flights of, 66, 59, 313
- Aeroplanes, Brooklands for, 850
- Aeroplanes. Engines for—(See “ Engines ”)
- Aeroplanes, Ideas of. How Made! 858
- Aeroplane Trophy, Michelin, Designs, 653
- Age, H.P. for, 36a
- Air, Amenities of the, 450
- Airships, Attacking. German Armed Semi-armoured Car for. 803. 828
- Airships.— Baldwin Dirigible, 104; Bayard-Clement, 448, 624a; British Dirigible, New, 27; German Military, 216; “Ville de Bordeaux,” 723; Zeppelin, Last Voyage of, 48; Wreckage of, 43
- Airship, Zeppelin, Model, Gamage, 521
- Air, Trifles Light as, 260
- Alarm, Tyre, 507
- Albion Car, 24h.p., Joint, Shackle, Unique, 550
- Albruna Car, Four-cylinder, 12h.p., Gear Locking Device, 546; Magneto Switch on, 500
- All-British Tyre, Barker—(See “ Tyres ”)
- Alldays Car, 541; Anti-friction Joint, Gearbox-Lever, 541; Brake Calliper, 541; Ratchet Sprag, 541; 20h.p., Lubrication Bearings, 383
- Alps, Motoring in the High, 113
- Amac Distributor—(See “ Distributors ”) Ambulance, Army, 825
- America, Motor Racecourse in, New. 130
- Anti-chill, The. 767
- Anti-motorist, The, What he Does Not Know, 465
- Antoinette Aeroplane—(See “Aeroplanes”); Engine of—(See “ Engines ”)
- A.P.S. Shock Absorber—(See “ Shock Absorbers ”) Archdeacon, Mr. Ernest, 528
- Ardea Vulcaniser, Peto and Radford—(See “ Vul-canisers ”)
- Argyll, Duke of, K.T., 678
- Ariel Car, 383; Brake, Clutch, 390; 50h.p., Rod, Distance, 483; Water Circulation, 483
- Armstrong-Whitworth Car, 489; Filler, Water, 489; Strainer, Detachable, 489
- Asbeston Side Lamp, Dunhill’s—(See “ Lamps ”) Aster Tyre Inflator—(See “ Tyre Inflatory ”)
- Asylum, Wye House, Buxton, Car for Patients at, 745
- Austin Car, Four-cylinder, 15h.p., 469; Engine, 469; Suspension of, lb.; 15h.p., 382: Brakes, 382; Clutch Leather, Detachable. 382: Live Axle, 382; Shaft. Propeller, Torque Rod, lb.
- Australia, Fremantle, Earl of Dudley, Lands at, 803; Motoring in, 401; Vitality of, 452; South Australian A.C., Cars on Road to National Park, 638
- Auto Chain Tightener, The, 562
- Auto-Cycle Tourist Trophy Race—(See " Races ”) Autometer, Warner, The. 565; Clock and, 505
- Autorette Spanner, The, 718
- Aviation, Engines for—(See “ Engines ”)
- Aviation, Ideas, Early, Concerning, 702
- Axles, Live, Improvements in, Diagrams, 650
- Bablot, Mons., 197, 276; On Brasier (Grand Prix), 182
- Balfour, Rt. Hon. A. J., 82
- Balloons, Dirigible—(See “ Airships ”) Bangor-Conway Coast Road, The, 224 Barker Tyre, All-British—(See “ Tyres ”) Bayard-Clement Engine, Seven-cylinder—(See ** Engines ”)
- Beacon Hill, Bulford Camp, 140
- Bearings, Design of, 778
- Beebe. Mr. W., Letter Ilustrations, 773
- Bell Car, 554, 555; Accelerator Pedal, Ratchet and
- Trigger, 554; Brake Joint, Universal Steering Lever, 554; Petrol Filter, 555; Valve Needle, Screw-down. 555
- Belsize Oar, 389; Oiling Pump, 389; System of, lb.; 14h.p., Brake, Foot, 475; Clutch, Cone, Metal, 475; Control, Throttle. 540a; Steering Pillar, 540a Benetfink, Pliers, Combination, 565; Voltmeter, Pencil Type, 565
- Benton and Stone Petrol Tank Valve. 506
- Beresford Patent Rims—(See “ Rims ”)
- Berg, Mrs. Hart O., 303 Besan^on, M. Georges, 529 Bibendum est Nunc, 639; Bibendum, Sir, 661 Bleriot, Mons. L., 529 Bockemuhl. Mr. R., 69
- Bodies.—Alford and Alder, 496; Door, Front of, lb.; Barker, 495; Door of, Folding Seat and, lb.: Burlington Carriage Co., 499; Cole, W., and Son. 498; Connaught Motor Carriage Co.. 498; Hill and Boll. 497; Lawton, J. A., and Co., 499; Maythorn and Son, 497; Morgan, 540a; Mulliner, 496, 498, 630; Canopy of, Collapsible, 496; Newton and Bennett, 806; Penman, 2*. C.. 498a : Regent Carriage Co., 498; Sheffield Simplex, 497; Vincent, 540d
- Body, Coach, A. 642
- Body Design, Novel, 789
- Bollotof Aeroplane (See ‘‘Aeroplanes”)
- Bolt, Security, Novel, Diagrams, 437
- Boot, Over-, Glace Leather, Fur-lined, 767
- Boulogne-sur-Mer Racecourse, Lord Mayor of London Arrives at, 26
- Boutin, Mons., 261
- Bowden. Control, Steering, 565
- Boxes, Vulcanised Fibre, for Sundries, 5
- Bracket, Tube Supporting, A, 826
- Brake Diagrams, 573
- Brasier Car, Two-cylinder, 10-12h.p., 614; Axle, Rear, 614; Connecting Steering Rod, 614; Steering Lock, 614
- Brasier Engine—(See " Engines ”)
- Brasted Hill, 149
- Breakdown, A, 83
- Bridgman, Melior, Letter Diagrams, Connections, 136
- British Aeroplane, Army—(See “Aeroplanes”)
- British Columbia, Vancouver, Hackney Motor in, 608
- Bromsgrove Road, Old Crown Inn on Worcester and, 269
- Brooklands.—Acceleration Tests at, Curves and Diagrams of, 254; Accident, Fatal, at, Mercedes, Remains of, after. 14-15; Mercedes, Remains of Engine of, after, 16; Lane, Mr., before, At Full Speed, 16; Aeroplane at, Roe’s, 69; Aeroplanes for, 850; Course-Clerk, The, 733; Manager, The, 733; Meetings. August, Accident (See “ Accident,” supra); October, Sketches at, 275; Orde, Mr. Julian, at, 13; Races at. All-comers’ Handicap, Jocheurs Wins, 274; Naudin on Sizaire-Naudin in, 274; Ladies, 53; Montague Cup, The, 12; Lane Nearly Overhauls Newton, 12; Newton in, 12; Newton Leads Home, 409; Record Attempted at, 355; Speed Impressions at, 1908, 724; Teck, Prince Francis of, at, 13
- Brooklands, Frolic and Fun, Artist’s Dream of Christmas at, 706-707
- Brown and Barlow Carburetter—(See '* Carburetters ”)
- Browne de Brown, My Friend, Mr., 814
- Brown, Mr. A. J., 69
- Brown, Mr. Albert; 603
- Brown, Mr. G. W. A., 120a
- Brooks’ Coil, Synchronised—(See ” Coils ”)
- Brooks’ Trembler, Detachable, 563
- Brussels Show (See '* Shows ”)
- B.S.A. Car, 18-23h.p., 1909: Crankcase, Upper Half of, 268; Suspension Bolts on, 268? Crankshaft, Five-bearing, 268; Brakes, Internal-expansion, Adjustment for, 269; Shoes for, Double Locomotive Type for, 268; Joints, Steering, Fork Connections on, 269; Universal, Casing for, 268; Lubricator, 269; Oil Filler, 270; Oil Pump, 270; Four-cylinder 14h.p., 538; Exhaust Box Attachment for, 538; 25h.p., 493; Chassis of, lb.
- Buckinghamshire Road, Iver-Slough, 47
- Buick Car, 1909, Valves, Exhaust and Inlet, 422
- Buire Car, 486; Spring, Elliptic, on, 486
- Bulgaria, Crown Prince of, Brother, and, 748
- Busley, Professor, 823
- Cadillac Car, 10h.p., 88-90; Ball Joints, Universal, 88 : Brakes, Band, 88; Contact Breaker, 89; Engine, 89; Lubricator, Mechanical, 88
- Cadillac, Fire, The, 838
- California, Automobile Club, Women’s, 456; Coronado, Notices, Contradictory, at, 166
- Campbell Sir Charles, 823
- Canning’s, Wheels, Spur, Patent—(See " Wheels ”) Canterbury, Inn at, ‘‘Old Falstaff,” 191; West Gate at, Ibv
- Car, Armed, German, Semi-armoured, for Attacking Airsnips, 803, 828
- Carburetter Design, 779, 780
- Carburetters.—Adler, 740; A.E.C. Novel, 398; Brown and Barlow, 561; Claudel-Hobson, 563, 704b; Gillett-Lehmann New, 321, 322; Jet of, The, 321; Throttle Control of, 321; Details of,-322; View, General, of, 321; Lauret and Bavery, 231; Seven-jet, A, 844; Drum, Upper, of, 849; Throttle of, Closed, 849; Open, lb.; Trier and Martin, Triple-jet, 560; Vulcan, 477; Zedel, 501; Zenith, 231
- Carolling, Christmas, New Style of, 744
- CARS.— Adams, 421; 10h.p., 112; 10h.p., Single-cylinder, 679; 16h.p., Four-cylinder, 775; Adler, 113; 7h.p., 540a; 12h.p., Four-cylinder, 739; 17h_p., 44; Albion,. 24h.p., 550 ; 24-30h.p., 598; Albruna, 546; 12h.p., Four-cylinder, 500 , 626; Alldays, 383; 10h.p., 541; 20h.p., 383; Ariel, 223, 360, 383, 390, 391; 30-40h.p., 46; Armstrong-Whitworth, 423, 489; Arno, 596; Arrol-Johnston, 180, 196, 230; Austin, 277, 382, 385, 469; Beeston Humber, 286, 287; Bell, 554; 20h.p., 57, 59; Belsize, 475, 540a; 20-30h.p., 745; Benz, 417; Brasier, 182, 185, 197; 10-12h.p., 614; 12-14h.p., 213; 24h.p., 646; Brooke, 361; B.S.A., 391, 538; (1909) 18-23h.p., 268, 493 ; 25-35h.p., 493; Buick, 422; 15-20h.p., 557; Buire, De la, 486; Cadillac, 10h.p., 88-90, 837; Oalthorpe, 75, 119, 225, 245, 491; Chenard-Walcker, 540c; Clement, 468; Crossley, 483; 20-30h.p., 540b; Daimler, 55, 101, 383, 478, 606, 608, 660 ; 30h.p., 17; 42h.p„ 137; 55h.p., 70; 57h.p., Six-cylinder, 544; Darracq, 196, 241, 245, 280, 423, 492; Deasy, 228, 546; 35h.p., 412, 586; De Dion, 187, 208, 225, 244, 261, 384, 588, 634; 8h.p., 646; 18h.p., 494a; De Dion-Bouton, 45, 128; 30h.p., Four-cylinder, 283; Delahaye, Four-cylinder, 12-16h.p., 812; Delaunay-Belleville, 481; De Dietrich, 1531 537, 689; Electric, 667; F.I.A.T., 153, 167, 214, 549; Florentia, 60h.p., 152; Ford, 536, 539; Germain, 30h.p,, 70; Gladiator, 538; Gobron-Brillie, 70-90h.p., Six-cylinder, 536; Gregoire, 9h.p., 556; Guarded Flame, 53; Hillman-Coatalen, 120b, 181, 239, 240, 245, 247, 485; Hotchkiss, 386, 492; Humber, 487, 488, 552; 8h.p., 431; Sh.p., Two-cylinder, 635; 15h.p., 534; Hutton, 241, 246, 259; Imperia, 199, 355, 540b; 20h.p., 820; Iris, 20h.p., 540; Isotta-Fraschini, 214; Jackson, 340, 484; La Buire, 199; Lancia, 664; Lanch ester, 386, 476; (1909) 305; Laurin-Klement, 16-18h.p., 677; Little Briton, 596, 786; 10h.p., Two-cylinder, 785; Lozier, 232a, 288, 691; Manxman, 208; Mass, 20h.p., 542; Matheson, 451; Maudslay, 523; Mercedes, 14, 15, 274, 479, 543; (1909) 304; Metallur-gique, 17, 208, 225, 241, 245, 535 ; 26h.p., 191; 40h.p., 554; Miesse, 199; Minerva, 101, 527; 25h.p., 494o; Mors, 359, 486; N.A.G., 12-14h.p., 26; Nameless, 558; Napier, 82, 401, 547; 15h.p., Four-cylinder, 472; (1909) 306, 307; 10h.p.» Six-cylinder, 472; 12h.p., Six-cylinder, 645 ; 30h.p., Six-cylinder, 472; 45h.p., Six-cylinder, 176; Six-cylinder, 580; O.T.A.V., 596; Panhard, 429, 490; 18-30h.p., 540d; Peerless, 34, 35; Peugeot, 792; Phoenix, 792; 10-12h.p., 494d; (1909) 323, 324; 12h.p., 550; Piccolo, 596; Pierce, 35; Pilain, 595; Porthos, 642; Rapid, 35h.p., 594; Remo, 535; Renault, 484, 485; Reo, 18-22h.p., Two-cylinder, 658; Riley, 159, 227, 424, 538; 12-18h.p., 115, 492; Rolls-Royce, Six-cylinder, 547; Rover, 140; 8h.p., 138, 848; 15h.p.. 494b, 551; (1909) 351, 352; Rutherford Steamer, 557; S. and K., Simplex, 537; S.C.A.T., 124, 440 , 471, 806; Sheffield Simplex, 480, 540d; 45h.p., 570; Siddeley, 54, 72, 385. 494; 10-12h.p., 110; 14-20h.p., 124, 132; Singer, 16h.p., 483 . 550; Sizaire-Naudin, 13, 199, 232, 392, 422; Standard, 474; Six-cylinder, 20h.p., 540 . 638; Stanley Steamer, 555 ; 20h.p., 21; Star, 494b, 494c; Straker-Squire, 69, 473 . 540c; 14-16h.p., 326; Sunbeam, 481; 14-18h.p., 543 ; 20h.p., 381; Swift, 168, 491, 551, 852; Four-cylinder, 15-18h.p., 571; Talbot. 20.08, 71; 15h.p„ 100, 545 ; 35h.p., 545; Thomas, 1, 24; Thornycroft, 158, 245, 549; 18h.p., Four-cylinder, 710; Turner-Miesse, Steamer, 558; Vauxhall, 540b; 12-16h.p., 194; 14-16h.p., 154; 20h.p., 494a, 847; Vertex, 426, 552; Vindec, 597; Vinot, 120, 180, 225, 241, 245; Vulcan, 97, 387, 539; 16h.p., 476, 477; Werner, 9h.p., 541; Westinghouse, 157; Zedel, 421; 10-12h.p., 112; Zust, 169
- Cape Cart Hoods, Morgan’s Closing, 494f
- Cape Cart Hood, Tubular Lamp for, 510
- Cap, Head, Davos-Plat?, 769
- Cap, Head, Perfectos, 831
- Castle Accumulator—(See “ Accumulator ”) O.A.V. Direction Indicator, 506
- C.A.V. Plug, 506
- Ceylon, Garage at, Messrs. Walker, Sons and Co.’s, 776
- Ceylon, Motoring in, 777
- Chain, Coventry-Wormo Roller, 564
- Chain Holding Device, 434
- Chain Tightener, Auto, 562
- Champoiteau, Mons., 315
- Channel, Crossing the, 749
- Charlecote Park, Warwickshire, 852; Oak Fencing, Dowelled, Unique, at, 853; Stile, Tumble-down’ in, 852
- Charlesworth “Accident,” The, 764; Penmaenbach Point, 764; Scene of, lb.
- Charts, Power, R.A.C., At, 354
- Chassis.— Adler, 740; Armstrong-Whitworth, 489; 18-22h.p„ 423; B.S.A., 18-20h.p„ 391, 493; 25-35h.p., 493; Coltman, 20h.p., 424; Daimler, 478; 38h.p., Four-cylinder, 424 ; 57h.p., Six-cylinder, 544; Delage, 10h.p., Four-cylinder, 500; G.E.M., 612; Gobron-Brillie, 70-90h.p., Six-cylinder, 536; Hill-man-Coatalen, 12-15h.p., 427; Hotchkiss, 20-30h.p., 492; 30-40h.p., Gun-mounted, 624; Humber, 8h.p., 431; Mercedes, 35h.p., 479; Metallurgique, 12h.p., 554; Mors, 10-15h.pu, 359; Napier, 45h.p., Six-cylinder, 176; Peugeot, 12-16h.p. (1909), 327; S.C.A.T., 440; 14h.p., 388; Sheffield Simplex Gearboxless, 428; Siddeley, 20-30h.p., Six-cylinder, 548; Singer, 316; Stabilia, 649; Standard, 14h.p., 387; 20h.p., Six-cylinder, 474; 30h.p., Six-cylinder, 390; Straker-Squire, 14-16h.p. (1909), 478; Thornycroft, 45h.p., 425; Vulcan, 16h.p., 477; Werner, 9h.p., 541
- Chateau de Barbe-Blue, 526
- Chatham, Constitution Hill at, Climbing, 308, 309
- Chelmsford Election, Motorcar, Suffragettes’, at, 662
- Christmas Like What? 714
- Circulation, Pipes, Water, Connections of, Diagrams, 139; Pump, Water, 510
- Cissac, M., The Late, Memorial to, 188
- Citroen, Mr. D., 330
- Claudel-Hobson Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
- Clement-Bayard Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
- Clement Car, Four-cylinder, 14h.p., 468; Clutch, 468; Fan Belt Adjustment, 468; Gear Lever, 468; Torque Stay, 468
- Clerk, Mr. Dugald, F.R.S., 331
- Clock, Smith, 700
- Clothing—(See “ Modes, Motorists’ ”)
- Clouth, Herr E., 823
- Clutch, Hele-Shaw, The, 265; Discs on Inner Core, Mounted, 265; Tongue, Spring, Separating, 265
- Coatalen, Mr. L., 245
- Coats, Motor, Barker’s, 156
- Cobe, Mr. Harry, 232a
- Coil, Prested, Socket Connection Terminal for, 506
- Coils.—Brooks, Synchronised, 563; Trembler of, Detachable, 563; Lodge, 433; Nilmelior, 509; Peto and Radford, Synchronised, 509
- Collision Signal, A, 605
- Colver, Mr. H. V., 168
- Commons, House of, Night Scene in Courtyard, 796
- Compression Gauge, Cylinder, Duco, 507
- Compression Indicator, Explosion and, 741
- Conjeeveram Temple, India, Siddeley Car at, 110
- Connection, Plug, 507
- Consternation, An Owner’s, 271
- Contact Maker, Trier and Martin, L.-T., 560
- Contact Maker, White and Poppe, 362
- Contact, Wipe, Thomson Bennet, Four-cylinder, 506
- Contrast, Interesting, 403
- Contrasts, Traffic, London, 765
- Control Lever, Percival, 566
- Control, Steering, Bowden, 565
- Cormaiile, Turn at, 526
- Corsica, in, De Dion on Bridge, 588; Motorcar, The, in, 634
- Counter, Revolution, Engine, Elliot, 508
- Coureurs, Hommage Aux, 460, 461, 462
- Coventry-Wormo Roller Chain, 564
- Cover, Starting Handle, Gamage, 511
- Cowes Regatta, R.Y.S. Cars Outside Headquarters, 37
- Cowey Tyre Alarm, The, 566
- Crapand Jack, The. 510
- Cromwell Windscreen—(See “ Windscreens ”)
- Crossley Car, 43, 485; Brake, Pedal-Applied, 433; Shaft Propeller, Brake for, Suspension of, 483; 20-30h.p., 540b; Shaft Propeller, Joint, Universal, on, 540b
- Cupper. Mr. Oscar, 240, 245
- Cupper's Comer, Stocks, Mr. J. W., Cutting, 244
- Daimler Car, Four-cylinder, 38h.p., 478; Brake Adjustment, 478; Engine Exhaust, Piping, 478; Joint (Clutch-Gearbox) Coupling, Type of, 478; Joint, Universal, Lubricating Caps, 478; New Model, 383; Gate Change-speed Lever, 383; Gearbox Suspension, 383
- Daimler Car, 1909, Clutch Spring on, 594
- Daimler Car, Six-cylinder, 57h.p., 544; Brakes, Balancer, 545; Chassis, 544; Engine, 544; Fan, 545; Lubricator, 544; Steering Connections, 545; Tubular Stay, Rear, 545
- Daimler Engine, Six-cylinder, 57h.p—(See “Engines”) Dale, Mr. Martin, 823
- Dare, Mr. A. W. Hall, Mrs. and, 815
- Darraoq Car, Four-inch, Carburetter Control, 490 Davenport Odometer, Dashboard, 561 Deasy Car, 546
- Deasy Engine, The—(See “ Engines ”)
- De Dietrich Car, Four-cylinder, 20h.p., 537; Fan Belt Tensioning, Automatic, 537; Pump, Water, 537
- De Dion-Bouton Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
- De Dion Car, 18h.p.. 294a; Axle, Stub, New, 494a; Brake, Pedal, 494a; Rear Arrangement, 494a; 1909, 384; Carburetter Chambers, 384; Clutch, 384; Engine, 384
- Deep, Peril Added to the, 802
- Delage Car, Four-cylinder, lOh.p., 500
- Delagrange Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Delagrange, Mons. Leon, 458; Aeroplane, Descend* from, 205; Le Mans, Flies at, 182
- Delahaye Car, Four-cylinder, 12-16h.p., 812; Brake Countershaft Adjustment, 813; Engine, Monobloc, Attachment, 813; Gearbox, Narrow, 812; Gear Change Quadrant, 812; Springs, Arrangement, 812
- Deutsch, M. Henry, 529
- Dignity, Impudence and, 295
- Dilemma, Motorists’, 285
- Distributors.—Amac, 727; Lodge, 509; Trier and Martin, 560
- Doctor, Me and the, 576, 577
- Doolittle Rim, Detachable—(See “ Rims ”)
- Dorking, White Downs, Ascent to, 698
- Dream, John Bull’s, 805
- Driving, Meritorious, Stripes for, 73
- Driving, Motorcar, Soldiers Training for, 74
- Droitwich, Raven Hotel, The, 270
- Ducasble Tyres, Hollow Rubber—(See “ Tyres ”)
- Ducellier Headlight®— (See “ Lamps ")
- Duco Compression Gauge, 507
- Duco Jack, The, 434
- Duco Plug Connection, 507
- Duco Tyre Inflator—(See “ Tyre Inflators ”)
- Dudley, Right Hon. The Earl of, 802; Caulfield Races, Melbourne, Australia, at, 660
- Dumont Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Dumont, M. Santos, 601, 604
- Dunhill Non-skid—(See “ Non-skids ”)
- Dunhill Tyre Pump—(See “ Tyre Pumps ”)
- Dunlop Detachable Rim—(See “ Rims ”)
- Dunlop, Mr. J., 100
- Dunlop Tyre Co., Ltd., Department at Acton Works, 747
- Dunmail Raise, Cumberland, 160
- Dunville, Mr. J., 823
- Duray, Mr., 689
- Dynamo for Charging, New Type, 764
- Dynamo, “ Phi,” The, 841
- Earth, Girdling the, 822
- Ecquevilley Aeroplane, Multiplane—(See ” Aeroplanes ”)
- Edge, Mr. Cecil, The Late, 19 Edinburgh Show—(See “ Shows ”)
- E.I.C. Magneto, Make and Break, New—(See “ Magnetos ”)
- Eisemann Magneto Plug, 9
- Electric Buzzer, Gamage, 511
- Elliot Revolution Counter, 301, 508
- Ellis, Miss Christabel, 53
- Engine Design, 779
- Engine, Four-stroke, Diagram of, 782
- Engine, Knight, 612; French Chassis, First on, 612 Engines.—Adams, 421; Adler, 739; Aeroplane—(Se^ “Engines, Aviation,” Infra); Austin, Four-cylinder, 15h.p., 469; Brasier, 692; 12-14h.p., 216; Clement-Bayard, 7h.p., 621; Coventry Humber, Valve, SideView of, 195; Coventry Simplex, Four, cylinder, 16b. p., 162; Six-cylinder, 25h.p., 162; Daimler, Exhibition, Split Cylinder, 425; Six-cylinder, 57h.p., 544; Darracq, Valve, Side View of, 158; Deasy, 546; Under-view of, 120; De Dion-Bouton, 541; l%h.p., 761; Delaunay-Belleville, 429; Ford, 539, 556; Gladiator, 538; Henriod, Four-cylinder, Air-cooled, 620; Iris, 540; KnighteDaim-ler, 146, 202-204; Belt Pulley Fan, 202, 204; Chain. Casing, 202;Complete View of, 204;Contact Maker, 204; Crankshaft, 204; Cylinders, 203; Sections of, 204 • Flywheel, 204; Head, Detachable, 203; Lubrication, 203; Magneto Drive, Screw Gear, 203: Pistons, 202; Plugs, Spark, Holes for, 203; Sleeve, Inner, Exhaust Side of, 203; Sleeves, Inlet Side of, 203; Sprocket, Chain, 204; Tank, Petrol, Air Pump for, 203; Water Inlet Junction, 203; Water Outlet, Radiator, 203; Water Pump, 204; Minerva., 655; Motobloc, 623; Panhard, Six-cylinder, 622; S. and K. Simplex, 500; Turner-Miesse Steam, 558; Vertex, Four-cylinder 426; White, 1909, 430 ; Moving Parte, 430; Valve Rocking Member, lb.
- Engines, Aviation.— Antoinette, 16-cylinder, 116; Bayard-Clement, Seven-cylinder, 754; Cylinder, Copper-jacketed, 754; Valve, Double-acting, 754; Bollotof, 613; E.N.V., Eight-cylinder, 751; Es-nault-Pelterie, Seven-cylinder, 117; Cam Mechanism, 117; Crankshaft, Top Throw, 118; Valve, Inlet-Exhaust, Combined, 117; View of. Front. Ib.; Faroot, Seven-cylinder, 70h.p., 680; Eight-cylinder 752; Cam Design, 752; Exhaust, 752; Firing Order, 752; Intake, 752; Valves, Combination, 752 -Fiat, 50h.p., 1491b., 772; Gnome, Revolving* Seven-cylinder, 50h.p., 663, 735; Gobron-Brillie, 621; Eight-cylinder, 751; Panhard-Levassor’ lOOh.p., 613; Pipe, Eight-cylinder, 70h.p., Aeroplane, 640
- Engine Testing Instrument, New, 671
- Engine, Two-stroke, New. 301
- E.N.V. Engine, Eight-cylinder, Aeroplane—(See “Engines ”)
- Epping Forest, Road in, 3
- Ericksen, Polar Explorer, on Motor Sleigh, 44
- Esnault-Pelterie Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes “) • Engine of—(See “ Engines ”)
- Essex Lanes.. Through, 2; Route Map of, 4
- Etrich-Wells Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Explosion Indicator, Compression, and, 741
- Eyes, Cable End, 729
- Fanphare Headlight—(See “ Lamps ”)
- Farcot Engine, Aeroplane—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”)
- Farman, Mr. H., 395, 458, 627; Flights, Aeroplane, Chalons, 276b; Chalons-Reims, 447
- Fawcett, Mr., 344
- Ferber, Capt., 459
- Fiat Car, 12-14h.p., 549; Axle, Front, Flanged, 549; Throttle Connections, 549
- Fiat Engine, Aeroplane—(See "Engines, Aviation'*)
- Fire Brigade, Springfield, Mass., U.S.A., 589
- Fire Engine, Motor, Dennis Patent, 232
- Fire Engine, Motor, Weybridge Demonstration, 232 'I
- Fire Engine, Novel, South Tottenham, 611
- Fitments, Useful, To Make, Diagrams of, 709
- Fitt, Miss Doris, 154
- Flight, Problem of, Our Ancestors’ Views, 722
- Flit, Moonlight. A, 220
- Foot Receptacles, Apron with, 769
- Ford Car, Four-cylinder,. 20h.p., 539; Current Generator, 539; Flywheel, 539
- Ford Engine—(See “ Engines **)
- Forge, Mr. Lindus. 154
- Four-inch Race—(See “ Races ”)
- Fraser, Hon. Simon, 401
- Froehlich, Mr. F., 355
- Fuller, Geyser, Garage, 510
- Fuller Mileage Recorder, 212
- Fuller Speed Indicator—(See “ Speed Indicators ”)
- Gaal, Mr., 157
- Gabriel on Mors Car, 1903, 659
- Gaillon Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ”)
- Gamage Buzzer, Electric, 511; Horn, Double, 562; Lamp, Protected Back, 434; Non-skid Mechanical, 298; Seat, Spring-up, 511; Starter, Pedal, 434; Starting Handle, Cover, 511
- Garage, Aeroplane-Balloon? 336
- Gathering, Historic, A, 823
- Gauge, Compression, Cylinder, Duco, 507
- Gears, Design of, 779
- Geyser, Garage, Fuller, 510
- Gillett-Lehmann Carburetter, New—(See “ Carburetters ”)
- Girling Indicator, Ignition, 563
- Gladiator Engine—(See “Engines”)
- Glare, Headlight, Prevention of. Diagrams, 463
- Glidden Tour, Albany, Starting from, 35; Bethlehem, at, 35; Long Lake, by, 34; Rangeley, Arrival at, 36a; Saratoga Springs, Finish, 52
- Glissoire Shock Absorber—(See “Shock Absorbers”)
- Glove, Foot, Orno. 769
- Gloves, Fingerless, 767, 769
- Gnome Engine, Aeroplane—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”)
- Gobron-Brillie Engine, Aeroplane—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”)
- Godin Horn, Electric, 434
- Goggles, Dog, 46
- Grand Prix, The—(See “ Races ”)
- Granieri, Suspension, Front Wheel, 152
- Gratz, Lieutenant, 746
- Grease Cap, Stauffer, 506
- Great-Waltham, Tudor Remains at, 3
- Grippies for Cable Ends, 356
- Gryp'ta Apparatus, The, 674
- Guards, Ear, 767
- Guenet Magneto—(See “ Magnetos ”)
- Gymkhanas.—Norwich, 155; Southend District M.C.’s,
- Hagan, Mr. H. O., 295
- Hambledon Festival, Cricket, Cars at, 182
- Harbord, Hon. Mrs. Assheton, 678
- Harden Tyre—(See “ Tyres ”)
- Hartridge, Mr., 157
- Hayes, Kent, Mr. H. Walker’s Fire at, 780
- Headlights, Photos of, Unique Effects of. 842
- Headlights—(See “ Lamps ”)
- Heater, Hot Water, Steering Wheel Device, Coan, 769
- Hele-Shaw Clutch, New—(See “ Clutch ”)
- Helsby Tyre—(See “ Tyres ”)
- Henriod Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
- Henriod Gear, Two-speed, Clutch and, 620
- Henrique Magneto—(See “Magnetos”)
- Herbert, Mr. Gerald, 316
- Hertfordshire, Picturesque, 584
- Hiedmann, Herr H., 823
- Hieronymous, Mr., 677
- Hildebrandt, Capt., 823
- Hill-climbs.— Gaillon, Bablot Winning, 276; Champoiteau Gathers Speed, 315; Irish A.C.'s, 100-101; Class Winners, E 100; F, 101; G, 101; Competitors, Weighing, 100; Ford Challenge Cup, Winner, 100; Lancashire A.C.’s, Rivington Pike, Haworth, Mr. J. W., on Fiat, 17; Metallurgique, Winner, lb.; Lincolnshire A.C.’s, Class Winners, B, 71; C, 70; Time, Fastest, Daimler makes, 70; Midland A.C.’s, Cars Behind Starting Line, 28; Semmering, Cars Assembled for, 284; Ventoux, Mont, Rosher, Turning, Bablot, at, 197; Scenes at, 199; Yorkshire A.C.’s, Pateley Bridge, Daimler, Mr. Parnell's, on HilL 181
- Hillman-Coatalen Car, 1909, Chassis, 427; Steering Gearbox, Fitting, 427; 25h.p., 485; Petrol Filler and Supply, 485
- Hirst Magneto—(See “ Magnetos ”)
- Hodge, Mr. D. S., 158, 245
- Hog Trough Hill, 149; Survey of, 52
- Holden, Colonel, 239
- Hood and Screen, Rex Calash, New, 332
- Hoods, Cape Cart, Morgan Closing, 494f; Marryat, 825
- Horns, Double, Gamage, 562; Electric, Godin, 432; New 564
- Horsch ’Spark-plug, 212
- Hotchkiss Car (1909), 386; Driving Belt Adjustment, 386: Fan Bracket, 386; 20-30h.p., 492; Chassis, 492; Valve, Petrol Pipe, Screw-down, 492
- Hounds, Droitwich, Croome, 227
- Humber Car, 8h.p., 686; Brake, Calliper, 687; Clutch Brake and Clutch Disc, Withdrawing Links for, 687; Crankcase. Top View of, 687; Crank Chamber, Under View of. 686.; Cylinders, 636; Piston, 687; 10-12h.p„ 487, 488; Carburetter, 487; Cylinder Casting, New Model, 487; Engine, 488; Sundries Box, 487; 22h.p., 522; Axle, Stub, 553; Oil Indicator, 553; Silencer, 552
- Hunt, At the, 517
- Huntingdon, Professor A. K., 678, 823
- Hunting Season, Start of the, 227
- Hutton, Mr., 210, 240
- Ignition, Attachment, Dual, for, 503; Indicator for, Girling, 563
- Imagination, Flights of, 831
- Incidents, Exciting, 414; Touring, 415
- Indicators.—Compression, Explosion and, 741; Direction, C.A.V., 506; Ignition, Girlihg, 563; Pump Lubricator, for, Trier and Martin, 560; Speed— (See “ Speed Indicators ”)
- Inflators.—Aster, 736; Grypta, 674: Saurer, 674; Vadam, 682— (See also “ Tyre Inflators ”)
- Instone, Mrs., 55
- Interests, Conflicting, 91
- Iris Car, 28h.p., 540
- Iris Engine—(See “Engines”)
- Isle of Man.—Glen Helen, Car Passing through, 345; Mishaps in the, 180; Towed, Preparing to be, 372
- Isle of Man Races—(See “ Races ”)
- Jacks.—Crapand, 510; Duco, 434
- Jackson Car, 8h.p., One-cylinder, 484; Engine, 484;
- Steering Stop Plate, 484; (1909) 340
- Jacobs, Herr F„ 823
- Jarman, Miss, Folkestone Beauty Show Winner, 72 Jarrott, Mr. Chas., 42 Jatho, Herr Carl, 681
- Kempshall Tyne Cover—(See “Tyre Covers”)
- Kentish Hills, Testing on, 149
- Kent, Through, Chiddingstone, Old Houses at, 58; Pol Hill, 57; Westerham Hill, 59
- Kilostone, Auto Club de France, 683
- Kindleham, Capt., 823
- Knife Grinder, Street, De Dion-Bouton Drives, 761
- Knight-Daimler Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
- Knight, Mr. C. Y., 330; Lectures on Valveless En gine, 330, 331
- Lamp, Incandescent Mantle, Tilofydi, 16
- Lamps, Electric, Battery Connections, 668; Circuit Arrangements, 668; Diagrams, lb.
- Lamps.—Electric: Hand Garage, 510; Peto and Radford, 510; Polkey, 701. Head: Autoclipse, 310; Bracket for, 310; Generator for, lb.; Ducellier, 508; Fanphare, 772; Lucas, 505: Mangin Lens Mirror, 505; Polkey, 701; Powell and Hanmer, Generator for, lb.; Willocq-Bottin, 561. Side: Dunhill, Asbeston, 507. Tail: Gamage, 434; Polkey, 701; Powell and Hanmer, 74a
- Lamps, Tubular, Cape Cart Hood, for, 510 Lanchester Car (1909), 386; Absorber, Recoil, 386;
- Gearbox, Steering, Adjustment, 386; Springing, Rear, 386; Torque Rod, 386; 28h.p., Six-cylinder, 305, 475; Detachment, Device for, H.T. Cables, 475; Fans, Double, 475; Water Outlet Pipes, Design of, 476
- Land’s End-John o’ Groat’s, Official Car, 26
- Lane, Devonshire, Through a, 89
- Lane, Mr., 409
- Lang, Mr. J., Letter from, Illustration, 773
- Lasseron, Course at, 526
- Lauret and Bavery Carburetter—(See “Carburetters”) Ledeboer, Herr J. H., 823
- Lee Guinness, Mr., 242, 243
- Lee-Trigwell Non-skid—(See “ Non-skids ”)
- Legagneux, M., Wins 200 metres Prize on Ferber IX. Aeroplane, 92a
- Lenham, Cottage at, 190; Forge at, lb.
- Levavasseur, M., 459
- Lever, Percival Control, 566
- Lloyd-George, Mr., 182
- Lloyd, Major F. Lindsay, 733, 857
- Locomotion, A Contrast in, 222
- Lodge Coil, The—(See “ Coils ”)
- Lodge Distributor—(See “ Distributors ”)
- Lodge Switch, Change-over,. Reversing, 509; Two-way Reversing, 733
- London, Lord Mayor, The, 26
- London to Cockermouth, Back, and, 161; Route Map, lb.
- Long, Capt., 155
- Lonsdale, Lord, 517
- Lorraine, Croix de, Road at, 526
- Louroux Beconnaes, 526
- Lubrication Case, The, 5
- Lubricator, Pump, Indicator for, Trier and Martin, 560
- Lucas Lamps—(See “Lamps”); Tyre Pump—(See “ Tyre Pumps ”)
- Luton, Mr., 409
- Madeira, Motorcars in, 646
- Magneto Plug, Eisemann, 9
- Magnetos.—E.I.C., 74; Guenet, 504; Henrique, 504; Hirst, 507; Muirhead, 561; Ruthardt, 433; Nil-melior, 509
- Mail Coach, Motor, Laurin-Klement, 859
- Mallam, Mrs. J. Stewart, 678
- Mangin Lens Mirror Headlight—(See “ Lamps ”)
- Manns, Herr H., 823
- Marryat Hood, 825; Windscreen, lb.
- Marshall, Mr. J., 237
- Martin, Mr. Percy, 331
- Mascot, The, 766
- Mass Car, 20h.p., 542; Fan Mounting on, 542; Joint, Universal, on, 542; Split Cup for Steering Head, 542
- Maudslay Car, Indian Model, Live Axle, 523
- Maxim, Sir Hiram, 678
- Meet, Extremes, 454
- Meeting, Roadside, A, 440
- Meet, Motor at the. 815
- Mercedes Car, 543; Clutch, Multiple-plate, on Live Axle, 544; (1909) 3h.p., 479; Axle, Live, Dismantled, 479
- Merstham, A.A. Signals at, Dangerous, 836
- Mesner, Capt., 823
- Metallurgique Car, 26h.p., 189-191; Clutch, Internal Expansion, 189; Connections, Electric, Bare Copper, 190; Drive, Spring, Patent, 189; Joint, Universal, 189; Lubricating System, Pump, 191; Radiator. Distinctive, 19; 40h.p., 554; Spring, Rear, of, lb.
- Metternich, Duchess of, 128
- Michelin Aeroplane Trophy, Artistic Designs, 671, 697; Wright’s Course over, 762
- Mileage Recorder, Fuller, 212
- Minerva Car, Four-cylinder, 25h.p., 494c; Engine of, 494d; Torque Road Attachment, 494c; (1909) 38h.p., 327; Engine of, Valveless, 327
- Minerva Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
- Mishap, A Curious, 81
- Modes, Motorists’, for, 32, 512-515; Barker, John, Costume (Ladies’), 514; Hats (Ladies’), 514; Dunhill, Hats (Ladies’), 513, 514; Gamages, Coats (Ladies’), 513; Hats (Ladies’), 513; Piggott, John, Coats (Gent’s), 515; Samuel Bros., Coats (Ladies’), 512; Hats (Ladies’). 512
- Moedebeck, Lieut.-Colonel, 828
- Molon, Mr. M. L., 225
- Montague Cup Race—(See “ Brooklands.”)
- Monte Carlo Aviation Meeting, Poster, 834
- Moore-Brabazon, Mr. J. T. O., 208, 823; On Aeroplane, 627
- Morgan Cape Cart Hoods, Closing, 494f
- Morgan, Capt. C. E., Mrs. and, 684
- Morgan, Mr. W., B.Sc., 794
- Mors Car, 12-15h.p., 486; Bevel Adjustment, lb.
- Moseley Rim—(See "Rims’’)
- Moseley Tyres—(See “ Tyres ”)
- Motorbloc Engines—(See " Engines ") Motorcar, " Boot ” in, for Hounds, 643
- Motorcar. What to do with, 127
- Motorcycle, Matchless, H. V. Colver and, 168 Motoring, Thrills of, 22 Motor, Valveless, Old, 405
- Mountaineering, Motor: Chamounix, Mer de Glace, 264; Chatelard-Vernayaz Road, Georges de Trieze, 376; Clot, Chalet le, Gradient, Descending, Severe, from, 317; Lodgment of Car at, 350; Cordon, Hotel at, Outside^ 291; Flumet, Savoy, Arly Gorge Bridge, 261; Lacets, Furka, 378; Grimsel, 378; Montan vest, Turn in Higher Part of the, 291; Montreux, High above, 349; Novel, Folk Interested at, 292; Turn, on Way Back from, 289; Oex, Chateau d’, Gradient 1-3 at, 344; Prarion, Mont, Gradients of, 261, 263; Rhone Glacier, The, 377; Rond, Mont, Near Top of, 291; Scierie, Peasants’ Welcome, 291; Simplon Pass, Berisal, On Way to, 349; Covered Gallery on, 348; On the,. 350; Varens, Aiguille de, Work on, 291; Vermala, Forest, 376; Hotel at, 379; Vernayaz, Col de, Turning on, 377
- Muffs. Amherst, Leather, 768; Foot, 768; Steering Wheel, 767
- Muirhead Magnetos—(See " Magnetos ”)
- Nalder, ,Mr. H. G., 70
- Napier Car, 547; Brake, Locomotive, 547; Joints, Universal, Double, 547; 10h.p., Two-cylinder, 472; Fan, 472; Gearbox, Change-speed Lever, 472; 15h.p., 472; Gas Mixing Chamber, 473; Gearbox Change-speed Lever, 472; 30h.p., Six-cylinder, 472; (1909) 10h.p., Two-cylinder, 278; Engine, 278; (1909) 15h.p., Four-cylinder, 306, 30?; Chassis, 306; Engine, 307,; Views of, 306, 307 ; 45h.p., New Model,. 176; Chassis, 176; Engine, 177; Gearbox, 177
- Naudin, Mons. L., 13, 392, 853
- Navestock Side, Road near, 3
- Nazzaro, 153
- New Forest, Bolderwood, In the, 636
- Newfoundland, Signal Hill, Napier, Six-cylinder, 60h.p., at, 822
- New, Mr. V. G., 124
- New York-Paris Race—(See " Races ’’)
- New Zealand, Motoring in, 138
- Nilmelior Coil—(See " Coils ’’)
- Nilmelior Magneto—(See “ Magnetos ”)
- Non-skids.—Dunhill, 433; Lee-Trigwell, 362; Mechanical, Gamage, 298 Samson, 564
- North Middlesex A.O. Dinner 'Programme, Artistic, 625
- Norwich, Motor Meet at, 154, 155
- Oberschonweide, N.A.G. Works at, 182
- Odometer, Dashboard, Davenport, 561
- Olympia Show—(See "Shows”)
- Orde, Mr. Julian, 13
- Orr, Mr. P., 110
- Outhwaite, Mr. T. R., 245
- Overheard, Actually, 29
- Pall, Questions that, 609
- Panhard Car, 490; Brake Connections, 490; Clutch, Spring Buffer on, 490; Pump, Oil, 490; (1909), 429; Brake System, 429; Lubricator Switch, 429
- Panhard Engine—(See "Engines")
- Panhard-Levassor Engine, Aeroplane—(See ” Engines, Aviation ”)
- Paris, Map of, for Aerial Machine Landing Places, 679
- Paris Show—(See " Shows ”)
- Patterson, Miss, 820
- Pedestrian, Consideration for the, 737
- Pencil Voltmeter, 565
- Penmaenbach Point, North Wales, 764
- Percival Control Lever, 566
- Perrin, Mr. H. E., 823
- Peto and Radford Coil—(See " Coils ”); Lamps— (See " Lamps ”); Vulcaniser—(See “ Vulcanisers ’’)
- Petrol, Gauge, Ross-Courtney, 562; Stone for, Safety, 738; Tank, Valve for, Benton and Stone, 506
- Phi Dynamo, The, 841
- Phoenix Car, 494d; Control Connections, 494d; Adjustable Balljoints to, lb.; Control Levers, Friction, 494d; (1909), 10-12h.p., 323, 324; Brake Power, Balancing, Application of, 323; Chassis, View of, 324: Live Axle, Robust, 323; Shackling Devices, Spring, 323; Spring Clips, 324; Torque Rod, Attachment, 323, 324; Wear, Adjustment for Taking Up, 324
- Pilgrims’ Road, 149
- Pipe Engine Aeroplane—(See ” Engines, Aviation ”) Pleasure v. Business, 786
- Pliers. Combination, Benetfink’s, 565
- Plug Connection, Duco, 507
- Plugs, Spark.—C.A.V., 506; Hosch, 212; Switch, 71; Thomson-Bennett, 433; Umpire, 509; W. and G., 563
- Poles, Aeroplane will Reach the, 824
- Polkey Lamps—(See " Lamps ’’)
- Poster, Scurrilous Anti-motorist, Brighton, Sandwich-man and, 138 .
- Pressure Indicator, Compression and Explosion, 741
- Prested Coils, Connections, Terminal Socket for, 506
- Pump, Circulation, Positive, 310
- Pump, Lubricator, Indicator for, Trier and Martin, 360
- Pump, Ross-Courtney, 562
- Pursuit!—Thus Far, 444
- Queensland. Attorney-General of, 166
- Question, Eternal, The, What to do with Motorcar, 257
- Racecourse, American, Briarcliffe, Road on, 524 Race, Replenishing, Wheel Changing and, Dating a, 400
- Races.—American, Brighton Beach, 232a; 24-hour, 288; Miniature Car on, 343; Night Scenes, 343; Robertson, Adjusting, 369; —iter Winning, 368; Winning, 319; Fairmont Park, 80m.p.h., Car at, 615; Grand Prize of America, Duray on Straight, 689; Grand Stand, Car Stopping at, 691; Hennery Racing, 645; Wagner, Winner (Fiat), 628; Long Island, Speed Photos, Distorted, 449; Vanderbilt Cup, Speed, High for, 451; Track for, 130; Lowell . Road Race, Scenes in, 214; Parkway Course, Race, First, at, Finish, 365; Woodbury, Turn at, 370; Australian: Melbourne, Caulfield, Earl Dudley at, 660; Autocycle Tourist Trophy, Marshall Winning, 237; Start, 247; Berlin-Vienna Winner, 45; Brooklands, At—(See “Brooklands”); Cara-man-Chimay Challenge Cup, Franchomme, M., Starts, 45; Four-inch, The, 119, 120; Accident, The, Coventry Humber after, 208; Darracq after, 276a; Hutton after, 246; Metallurgique, 209; Bal-lacraine, Darracq and Hutton Rounding Corner, 245; Cars for, 75, 119, 120, 120a, 120b, 157, 158, 210, 211; How’Weighed, 239; Weighing, 238; Darracq Car for, 196; Darracq Engine, 158; Darracq Finishes Second, 241, 245; Darracq Finishes Third, 241; Engine, Coventry Humber, for, 195; Grand Stand, Jottings from the, 249; Hillberry, Corner, Metallurgique and Hutton Rounding, 245; Mr. Guinness at, 181; Hutton, Winner, at Full Speed at, 426; Hillman-Coatalen Ready to Line-up for the, 240; Hutton, Winner of the, 245; Incidents of the, 245, 251; Keppel Gate, 85; Kirkmichael: Coatalen and Cupper Rounding Corner into, 245; Hodge and Outhwaite Rounding Corner into, 245; Practice on Course, Late, Deasy, 228; Wheel Changing, 225; Press Car for the, 221; Ramsey, Adjustments at, 241; Darracq Rounds Hairpin Bend out of, 242, 243; Hutton on Hairpin Bend, 242, 243; Robinson’s Calthorpe Running into, 245; Route Map of the, 121; Scales, Clerk of the, 239; S.C.A.T. for the, 124; Scoring Board, The, 239; Snaefell, Cupper and Hutton at Close Quarters at, 240; Guinness and Hutton Racing up, 335; Starting Point, Hillberry, for the, 125; Stocks, Mr. J. W., on De Dion, 187; Watson, Mr. W., at Full Speed, 246; Wins, 247; Weighing Beeston Humber, Ill-fated No. 18, 286; Gordon-Bennett Trophy, 644; Thery Wins on Brasier, 644; Essex M.C.’s 24-hours, Winner, 156; Grand Prix, The, Course for (1909), 126, Bl, 171; Lon-dinieres (1908), Full Speed at, 417; Route of Passing Tribunals on the, 418; Ladies. Brooklands—(See “ Brooklands ”); London to Plymouth, Back, and, 40; Fenny Bridges, Approaching, 41; Crossing, 40; Woods, Mr. F. C., Leaves Crewkerne, 40; New York-Paris: Accident, 20; Berlin, Thomas Car at, 18, 24; Zust Car at, 169; Camp, in, 8; Paris, Arrival in, 18a; Scarfoglio Arrives at, 211; Russia, Military Station in, Stop at, 8; Thomas Car in, 1; Thomas Car, Hauls Another from Mud, 8; Trans-Siberian Railway, Golent, Waiting at, 8; Vladivostok, Highway near, 6; Road Races, Reminiscences of Last, 705; Stadium, Racing at the, 41; Essex M.C.’s at, Clark-Gibson Ding-dong Racing at, 41; Record, Colver Passes Bennett and Collier, 102; Targa-Bologna, Porporato Wins, 185; Targa-Florio, Bologna Circuit, Finishing Straight, 153; Nazzaro, Winner, 153; Trucoo, Runner-up, 153; Velodrome d’Hiver, 792; Voiturette Race, 853; Voiturettes, Coupe des, 232a; Sizaire-Naudin Team, 232a
- Radiator, Design, 346, 778, Enfield, 501
- Ranmore Common, Surrey, Hairpin Turning, 711 Rawlinson, Captain, 280
- Rawlinson, General Sir Henry, 818 Reid, Mr. H., 822
- Remo Car, 535; Brake Balancer, Rear, 535; Clutch Pedal Attachment, lb.
- Renault Car, Four-cylinder, 35h.p., 484
- Renault Shock Absorber—(See “Shock Absorbers”);
- Bracket Shackle Pin, 484; Engine, 484
- Revolution Counter, Elliot, 301, 508
- Rex Calash Screen and Hood, New, 332
- Riley Car, Two-cylinder, 12-18h.p., 159-161; Axle, Front, Cross Connecting Bar, Steering Head, 161; Contact Breaker, 538; Distributor, 538; Engine Cylinders, 159; Water, Separate, To Each, lb.; Gear, Always in Mesh, 162; Shaft, Propeller, Sliding Joint in, 493; (1909) 10h.p., 424; Cross-stay, 424; Radiator, Distinctive, 424; Shackles, Spring, 424
- Rims— Beresford Patent, Manipulation of, 505; Doolittle. Mechanism of, 565; Dunlop, 508; Moseley, 504; Shaw-Kirsop, 561; Band, Inner, of, 561
- Road, Brockley Hill-Bushey Heath, On the, 785 Roads, Bad, 54
- Roads Congress. International, Warning Signs Recommended, 394
- Roads, Roman, The, Fosse Way, 77; Holyhead Road (Towcester-Weedon), 77; Leatherhead Down, Stane Street, 76; Lincoln-Humber, 77; Newmarket, Near, 78
- Roads, Slip Tests, 236; Napier Contact Maker, Electric, for, 236; Revolution Counter for, 236
- Roberts, Mr. Cyril, 196
- Robertson, Mr., 319, 368, 369
- Robinson, Mr., 119
- Rodakowski, 394, 857
- Rogate Church, 411
- Rolls, Hon. C. S., 678, 823
- Romford Road, Stocks-Brentwood, 3
- Roslee Purifier, Acetylene, 438a
- Rotax Novelties, 397; Footwarmers, 397; Lamp Bracket, Adjustable, 397; Step. Folding, 397
- Rover Car, 15h.p., 494b; Accessibility Of, 551; Fanshaft Bracket, 494b; Support, Brake Pedal 494b; (1909) New Model, 351, 352; Brakes, Balancer, 351; Chassis of, 352; Engine of, 351; Gearbox, Steering, Supporting, 352; Joint, Expansion, 351; Joint, Universal, 351; Pump, Oil, 351; Rear Axle, Trussed, 352; Shaft, Propeller, 351
- Royston, Lord, 823
- Rugeroni, M., 46
- Rug, Oteley Patent, 768
- Russell, Mr. T., 225
- Russia, Thomas Car in, 1
- Ruthardt Magneto—(See “ Magnetos ”)
- Sampson, Mr. Lyon, 239
- Samson Non-skid—(See “ Non-skids ”)
- S. and K. Simplex Car, Two-cylinder, JOh.p., Distance Rods, 537
- S. and K. Simplex Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
- Saurer Apparatus, The, 674
- Soarfoglio, 211
- Scat Car, Four-cylinder, 22h.p., 471; Cover, Universal Joint, 471; Pump, Oil, 471; Starter', Self, 471; (1909) Chassis, 388; Valve, Exhaust, To Petrol Tank, 388
- Schalk, Colonel, 823
- School, Off to, 367
- Screen, Hood and, New Rex Calash, 332
- Screen Steering Column, Newman’s Patent, 769 Screwdriver, Bent Ended, 562
- Seat, Double-purpose, A 633; Flap, Spring-up, 511
- Semmering Hill-climb—(See ‘Hill-climbs”)
- Semperit Tyre Covers—(See ‘‘Tyre Covers”)
- Seven-jet Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
- Seymer, Mr. V. Ker, 823
- Seymour, Admiral Sir Edward, 678
- Shade, Eighty in the—Look Pleasant! 49
- Shaw, Mr. Thomas, 132
- Sheep Shearing, Cadillac Car (lOh.p.) Mechanism, Used for Driving, 839
- Sheffield-Simplex Car, 480, 540d; Axle, Angle of Wheel to, 540d; Engine, Gearboxless, 480
- Shock Absorbers— A.P.S., 564; Glissoire, 266; Compressed, 266; Free, 266; View of Exterior, 266; Renault, 484
- Shoe, Beaver, Over-, 769
- Show, A Few Impressions at the, 575
- Shows.— American, Madison Square Garden, Decoration Scheme, 720; Brussels, View, General, of, 860; Edinburgh, Cars at, 846, 847; View, General, of, 846; Olympia, Cars at, 570, 571, 580 , 586, 594, 595, 598, 606, 626, 629, 635; Exhibits at, Accessories, Carburetters, Cars, Chassis, Engines, 381-391, 421-432, 665; View of, General, 532; Paris Salon, Aero, Aeroplanes at, 734, 735, 755, 757; Airship at, 723; Engines at, 751, 752, 753, 754, 772; Auto Lux Electric Lighting Set 683; Carriage Work at, 642, 643; Engines at, 620, 621, 622, 623, 655, 692; Ilustration, Amusing, An, 673; Novelties at, 649, 650, 651; Palais, Grand, Scenes Outside, 619; Speed Tests at, Winner, 182; Tyres, British, at, 672; Stanley, Cars at, 596, 597; Tunbridge Wells, 1895, Programme, 374
- Siddeley Car, 494, 548; Chassis, 549; Clutch, 549; Crankcase, Oil Troughs, 494; Fan Bracket, 548; Steering Head, 548; 20-30h.p., 558; Brake, Pedal, 558; Brake Shoes, 558; Joint, Universal, Enclosed, 558; (1909) 14-20h.p., Carburetter, Adjustable, 385; Water Jackets. 385
- Siercke, Herr Wilhelm, 44 Signal, Collision, 605
- Signboard, Anti-motorist, 662
- Silence Craze, The, 685
- Simplex Speed Indicator—(See " Speed Indicators ”) Simplex Tyre Inflator—(See “ Tyre Inflators ”)
- Singer Car, 14h.p., 483; Propeller Shaft Suspension, 483; 16h.p., Brake Actuation, 550
- Sizaire Car, 536; Carburetter, 536; Valve Cage, 536; (1909) One-cylinder, 422; Magneto on, H.T., 422; Thermo-syphon Water Circulation, 422; Valve Inlet, Overhead, 422
- Sizaire, Mons. 853
- Ski-ing, 833
- Sleigh, Motor, 44; De Dion, 111
- Smith, Mr. Turbeville, 221
- Spain, H.M. King of, 128, 314
- Spanner, Automatic, The, 714
- Speed Indicators.—Fuller, 212; Simplex, 510;
- Smith, 511; Drives for, lb.; Stewart and Clark, 508; Joint, Swivel, for, lb.
- Speedometers—(See “ Speed Indicators ”)
- Spring Links, Arrangements of, Diagrams, 63 Springs, Design of, 778 Stade, Herr H., 823
- Standard Car, 20h.p., Six-cylinder, 474, 540; Fan Drive, 540; Indicator, Oil, 474; Inspection Hole, Brake Drum, 474; Magneto, 540; Parts, Removable, 474; Pump, 540; (1909) 387; Chassis, 387; Pump, Oil’ Drive for, lb.
- Stanley Steamer Car, 20h.p., 21; Engine, 21; Pumps, Oil, Petrol, Water, 21; Tank, Oil, 21
- Star Oar. 494c; Steering Head, 494c; Triangulated Torque Rod, 494b
- Starter, Pedal, Gamage, 434
- Starting Device, New, A, 688
- Starting Handle, Cover, Gamage, 511
- Stauffer Grease Cap, 506
- Steering Control, Bowden, 565
- Stewart and Clark Speed Indicator—(See “ Speed Indicators ”)
- Stirling, Mr. P. D., 259
- Stocks, Mr. J. W., 187. 209, 244, 225
- Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, Abbey at, 719; Park, 693; Village of. 686
- Straker-Squire Car, 14-16h.p., 540c; Joint, Universal, 540o; Torque Stay, 540c; (1909) 326; Engine of, lb. Suit, Safety, Pneumatic, 760a
- Summer’s Windscreen—(See “ Windscreens ”)
- Sunbeam Car, 543; Exhaust Pipe Expansion Joint, 543; Selector Rods Catch, 543 ; 20h.p., Two-cylinder, 481, 558; Engine of, 481; Greaser, Accessible, 558; Spring, Rear, lb.
- Sunrising Hill, 159
- Sweden, H.M. King of, 9
- Swift Car, 551; Lever, Swivelling, Gate-change Control, 551; 15-18h.p., 491; Axle Back, 491; Joint? Universal, 491; Pump, Water, 557
- Switch, Two-way, a, 510
- Targa-Bologna Scoring Board, The, 186—(See also “ Races ”)
- Targa-Florio Pace—(See “ Races ”) j
- Taxicab Driver, Communication with, impossibility of, 574
- Teck, Prince Francis of, 155, 818
- Terminal Connections, Socket, for Prested Coils, 506; Wire, New, for, 9
- Tests, Consumption, Petrol, Manchester M.C.’s, 124 Thomas Car, Russia, in, J
- Thomson-Bennett Plug, Spark, 433; Wipe Contact, Four-cylinder, 506
- Thornycroft Car, 549; Cover, Gearbox, Detachable, 549; Gear Locking Quadrant, 549; 18h.p., Four-cylinder, 494c, 710; Axle Casing, Steel, 710; Axle, Rear, Inspection. Opening, 494c; Brake Pedal Arm, 712; Buffers, Torque Rod, 712; Clutch Angle Adjustment, 710; Clutch Pedal Arm, 712; Crankshaft, Flywheel Attachment, 711; Flywheel, 712; Joint, Universal, 712; Silencer Ends, Substantial, 711
- Tilofydi Lamp, Mantle, Incandescent—(See “Lamps”)
- Titsey Hill, Surrey, Smash at, 258
- Tom Thumb Toolkit, 333
- Tonneau, Rise and Decline of the, 750
- Touring Season, I.W. Joint Railways’ Oar Ferry, 93; Reminiscent of, 665
- Tourist’s Notebook, Jottings from a, 579
- Tower, Cabot, The, 822
- Toys, Up-to-date, Novel, 521
- Trapping Motorists, Kingston Police Method for, 791 Traps, Tram, 855, 856
- Travellers’ Samples! 84
- Tremblers, Brooks’ Detachable, 564; Two-blade, Short Circuiting, 7
- Trier and Martin Carburetter—(See " Carburetters ”); Contact Maker, 560; Distributor—(See “Distributors”); Indicator, Pump Lubricator, 560
- Trucco, 153
- Tube Bending Machine, A, 434
- Turner-Miesse Engine—(See “ Engines ”)
- Two-way Switch, A, 510
- Tyre Alarms.—Cowey, 566; Brown, 507
- Tyre Carrier, Improved, 504
- Tyre COVERS.—Kempshall, 334; Semperit, 391
- Tyre Inflators.—Aster, 736; Duco Automatic, 507; Simplex, 507—(See also “Inflators”)
- Tybe Pumps.—Dunhill Automatic, 507; Lucas, 505— (See also “ Inflatory ” and “Tyre Inflators")
- Tyres.—Barker, 587; Ducasble Hollow Rubber, 283; Harden, Cane Tread, 334; Hartridge Pneumatic, 75; Helsby, 338; Section of, 339; Testing, Novel Device for, lb.; Kempshall, 794; K.T., The, 564; Moseley, 504; Palmer, 672; Machine, Cord-laying, for, 563
- Tyre Valve, Section of a, 519
- Umpire Plug—(See ” Plugs ”)
Vadam Inflator, The—(See “ Inflators *’)
- Valve Gear, Valves and, Diagrams, 106
- Vaniman, Melvin, Mons., 613
- Vaulx, Comte de la, 528, 823
- Vauxhall Car, 20h.p.. 494, 540b; Circulation Water, 540b; Engine, 540o; Gear, Bevel, Brake Connection, 494; Stay on, 540b; Valve Springs, 540b
- Vehicles, All-weather, 722; Luxurious, 654
- Ventoux, Mont, Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ’ )
- Vertex Car, 25h.p., 552; Selector, Automatic, 552;
- Valve Gear, Overhead, 552; (1909) 426
- Vibrameter, The, 433
- Views, Exactly Our. 669
- Ville de Bordeaux Airship—(See “ Airships ’)
- Vives, Colonel, 823
- Voisin Aeroplane—(See “Aeroplanes”); M. Charles, 458
- Voiturettes, O.T.A.V., 156
- Voltmeters, Pencil Type, 565; Pocket, Dead Beat, Dunhill, 125
- Von Luydon, Baron Guy, 823
- Vulcan Car, 539; Clutch Details, 539; Contact Breaker, 539; Distributor, 539; 16h.p., 476, 477; Joint, Universal, Cover for, 477; 25h.p., 387;
- Vulcan Carburetter—(See “Carburetters”)
- Vulcanisf.rs.—Pteto and Radford, “ Ardea,” 560; •-“ Watchmenot,” 212
- Wagner, Winner American Grand Prize, 628
- Wagon, Motor, Australian, 728
- Wallace, Mr. Roger, K.C., 678, 823
- W. and G. Plug—(See “Plugs”)
- Warmers, Chemical, 768; Clark, 769; Instra, 768
- Warner, Autometer, 565; Clock and, 505
- Watchman, Night, The, 694
- Watchmenot Vulcaniser, 212
- Water Pump Circulation, 510
- Watson, Mr. W., 250
- Wear, Motor Vehicle, Cause of, Prevention, Diagrams, 215, 216
- ier, M. Lazare, 762
- Wheels.—Canning’s, Spur, Patent, 652; Riley, 115, 161; Rudge-Whitworth, 559; Method of Locking, lb.
- White and Poppe Contact Maker, 362
- Willing Spirit—Weak Flesh, 763
- Willocq-Bottin Headlight—(See “ Lamps ”)
- Windscreens.—Cromwell, 540a; Marryat, 825; Summers, 503, 565
- Wire Terminal, New, 9
- Worthing, Incident, Remarkable, at, 102
- Wrap, Neck, Shetland Wool, 768
- Wright Aeroplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
- Wright Bros., Messrs. Orville, 520; Wilbur, 120, 457, 762
- Wright, Mr. Wilbur, Anemometer, Reading the, 302; Banquet to, 436; Flights of, Michelin Course Covered, 762; Passenger, Lady Starts with, 302; Record, 154; Sixty Miles, High Altitude, 741; Stormy Sky, Under, 252
- Wright, Mr. Warwick, 208, 225
- Wrotham-Maidstone, Hill Between, Breasting, 189
- Year 1909, First Trial in, 820
- Yorkshire A.C.’s Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ”)
- Zedel Carburetter—(See “ Carburetters ”)
- Zedel Car, 15h.p., 2; Brakes, Internal-expansion, Adjustment, 4; Engine, Balance Weight to Air Supply to, 4; Lubrication, 2; Exhaust Pipe, Flanged, 2; Gas Pipe. 2; Magneto, H.T., 2; Throttle Valve, Mushroom Type, 2; (1909) Gearbox Lubrication, 422; Wear, Adjustment, 421
- Zenith Carburetter The—(See “ Carburetters ”)
- Zeppelin Fund, Airship Stamp for, 449
See Also
Sources of Information