1908 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

Note:This is a sub-section of The Autocar
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The Autocar 1908b Index - Volume 21
- A. A. Branch at Glasgow, 109
- — Committee of Public Safety, 523
- — Handbook, 75
- — Patrols, Duties of the, 461, 610
- — The Work of the, 644
- Aberdeen to London Non-stop Run, 893
- A B 437 (letter), 641
- Acceleration Tests, 571
- Accessibility, 25
- Accessories for the Car, 32, 467
- — The Weights of, 1045
- Accident at Brooklands, 267
- — Motor Car, at Bridlington, 388
- — (illustrations), 13
- Accidents, 200, 648, 1024
- — Motor Car, Analysis of, 308
- — in Colonies, 462
- — So-called, 789
- — Fictitious, 782, 787, 789
- — Tramcar, 67
- Accumulator Acid, Is it Harmless ? 357
- — Fors, 269
- — Rating, 674
- Accumulators in Laid-up Car, 914
- — Metallic Boxes for, 607
- Acer, Ltd. (letter), 497
- Acetylene Gas Generator, Rushmore, 622
- — Side Lamps on Small Cars, 148, 232
- Aerometer, Negretti and Zambra’s, 933
- A.C.U. Land’s End to John-o’-Groat’s Run, 146
- Adams Car for India (illustrations), 233
- — on Afghan Frontier (illustration), 154
- — Practical Notes on the, 906
- — 30 h.p. Car (illustration), 648
- — 10 h.p. Car (illustrations), 782, 1020
- — Eight-cylinder Aeroplane Motor, 996
- — W. L. (letter), 607
- Adjustable Pedals, New Lanchester Cars, 1028
- — Screen, by Charlesworth Bodies, Ltd., 663
- Adjusting Screws, Treatment of, 581
- A E 508 (letter), 904
- Aerial Flight, 768
- Aero Club Annual Dinner, 1021
- — Clubs of the World, 800
- — Rival, 889
- Aerodonetics, Review, 899
- Aerodynamics, by F. W. Lanchester, 98
- — Letter re, 189
- Aeronautical Development, 265, 303, 342, 448, 954, 1046
- — Society, Experimental Ground for England, 1008, 1054
- — Paper by F. W. Lanchester, 998
- Aeronautics, 40, 67, 202, 232, 271, 307, 334, 376, 448, 559, 784, 889, 954, 1021, 1046, 1054
- Aeronauts, Prizes for, 909, 954
- Aeroplane Club, Suggested, 452, 570
- — Competitions, 762, 889
- — Eight-cylinder Motor, 996
- — G. H. Curtis’s, 155
- — Jottings, by W. G. Windham, 1055
- — Wright, Details of the, 639, 640, 788
- Aeroplanes at Cannes and Monte Carlo, 954
- — British-built, 682 Affiliation Question, 895
- Aimia Sparking Plugs, 959
- Air Locks in Water Systems, 427
- — Tubes, Repairing from Inside, 71
- Air-propelled Cars, 18
- Airship “ Republique ” at Moisson-Chalais (illustration), 214
- Airships in Warfare, 1021
- A.J.H. (query), 914
- Albion 24 h.p. Car (illustration), 34
- — London to Glasgow on, 245
- Alcohol Fuel Motor Boat (illustration), 157
- A. (letters), 105, 190, 679
- Algeria, Touring in, 540 44
- All-British ” and Others, 265, 333
- Alldays Car, Prize by Lever Bros., 596
- Allen-Liversidge Front Wheel Brakes, 197, 266, 305, 339, 735, 771 Particulars of, 735
- Allen, Thos. (letters), 267, 339, 452, 979, 1019
- Alley Tyre Manipulator, Description of, 926
- Allotment of Space at Olympia, 83, 103, 127, 150, 190, 232, 447, 529
- Also Interested (letter), 1015
- Amateur who set the Problem (letter), 1040
- Amateurs at Brooklands, 974, 1052
- — Ignition Problem, 896. 953, 980, 1017, 1049
- Ambulances, Motor, U.S. Navy Dept. (illustration), 367
- America, Motoring in, 460, 560
- American Aeroplane, Successful, G. H. Curtis’s, 155
- — Cars, 803, 907, 943, 983
- — Differences Settled, 560
- — Grand Prize, 28, 179, 181, 781, 934, 976
- — Report of, 934
- — 'Motorists in Europe, 335
- — Motor Parkway, 526
- — Racing Course (illustration), 637
- — Speedometers, 900
- Amulree Hill, 101 Analysis of Motor Car Accidents, 308
- Ancient and Modern Engines, 541
- — Adventures, Troubles of Pioneer Motorists, 792
- Andorra, An Unauthentic Adventure, by Owen John, 1030
- Anglo-Celt (reply), 540
- Anjou Circuit, 888
- Annual Dinner, Aero Club, 1021
- — Royal A. C. and Associated Clubs, 1007
- An Old Motorist (letter), 24
- — Ordinary Chauffeur (letter), 25
- Another British Manufacturer (letter), 151
- — Surrey Car (letter), 907
- — Liverpudlian (letter), 230
- Anti-dangerous Motorists’ League, Poster (illustration), 338
- Anti-misrepresentation Campaign, 790, 908, 958, 1053
- Anti-motoring Activity, 992, 1018
- Anti-puncture Tyre, Rigford, 16
- Appeal from Oxford, 1053
- Archer, Arthur E. (letter), 1014
- Argyll 12-14 h.p. Car, Description of, 684 (illustration), 376
- — Motors, Ltd., 82, 242, 459
- — Reconstruction Scheme, 902
- Ariel 40-50 h.p. Car (illustration), 387, 574
- — Mr. Thomas Shaw’s Car (illustration), 77
- — 30-40 h.p., Experiences, 688, 740
- Arm Signals when Driving, 189, 231
- Armstrong, Gordon (letter), 681
- Armstrong-Whitworth 18-22 h.p. Chassis,
- — Description of, 544 (illustration), 925
- Arrol-Johnston 38-45 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 76
- Artificial Light for Motor Houses, 504
- Ash, A. E. (letter), 22, 103
- Assault on Motorist, 650
- Aster, Ltd., New Carburetter, 736
- Aston Hill-climbing Competition, 95, 148
- Atkinson, C. (letter), 304
- At the Mercy of Any Needy Loafer, 380, 386
- Au Revoir (letter), 340
- Austin 18-24 h.p. Car Experience, 951 (illustrations), 410, 420
- — 15 h.p. Car (illustrations), 389, 766
- — New Cars, Trial of, 910
- — Car, Lord Chief Justice’s, 518
- — Clutch, New Pattern, 674
- — Grand Prix Car for Touring (illustrations), 500, 574
- — Engine (illustration), 15
- — Motor Co.’s Cup (illustration), 350
- — Rear Suspension, 725, 803
- Australia, A.C. of, 390
- — Across, by Motor, 406, 407, 458
- — Motorphobe in, 22
- — Racing in, 800 Australian Customs Tariff, 405
- Autocar Motor Car Lectures, 207, 245, 363, 405, 467, 542, G40, 671, 726, 751, 806, 896, 932, 1003,- 1039
- Autocars of 1909, 673, 689, 696, 785, 908
- Automatic Carburetters, 619
- Automobile Association, 156, 595
- Committee of Public Safety, 499
- — Engineering at Birmingham University, 406
- — Engineers, Institution of, 636
- Auto-syphon, Dunhill, 264
- Avery and Roberts, Kit of Motor Tools, etc., 600
- A. V. R. (letter), 343
- A. W. P, (reply), 740
- Backbone of the Road, Granite Quarries, 758
- Bailey and Co.’s “ Pilotjet ” Attachment, 937
- Baker, Frank E. (letter), 567
- Bala to Dinas Mawddwy, 191
- Ballachulish Ferry, Crossing, 230
- Ball Bearing Crankshafts, 383, 946, 985, 1016, 1051
- Ballooning, Not Flying, 164
- Bamber, H. W. (reply), 540
- Barbadoes Would-be Automobilist, 1050
- Barber, A. W. (letter), 644
- Barfield, Claude (letter), 608
- Barker, Barnet (reply), 740
- Barnsley and District A.C., 35
- Barrister’s View, Legal Rights to the Highway, 611, 640, 645
- Bartleet, H. W. (letter), 232
- Barton, P. F. (letter), 677
- Bath, H. J. (letter), 805
- Beaumont, Kenneth W. (letter), 192
- Beecroft, L. C. (letter), 681
- Belgium, New Car from, 16-20 h.p. Imperia, 777
- Bell, Laurence (letters), 495, 608
- Belsize Car, Aberdeen to London Nonstop Run, 893
- — in Siam (illustration), 1057
- — 14-16 h.p. Car Experience, 951, 1026
- — with Limousine Body (illustration), 1034
- — Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 782
- Belt Gear, Interesting, 776
- Betham, E. L. (letter), 990
- Benefit of Motoring to the Country, 317, 411
- Benn, A. (letter), 982
- Bennett, Arthur E. (letters), 904, 1014
- — F. S. (letter), 944
- — J. W. (letter), 724
- Benson, J. R. (letter), 681
- — P. R. (letter), 802 B
- Beresford Detachable Rim, 111
- Berkshire A.C., 277, 278
- Berliet Carburetter, 252
- —- 40 h.p. with Rudge-Whitworth Wheels (illustration), 1022
- Berry, A. E. (letter), 229
- Bersey, W. C. (letter), 267
- B. F. B. (letter), 771
- B. H. P. (letter), 24
- Bianchi Chassis (illustration), 887
- Biennial Show, Overtures from France, 975
- Binks, Charles (letters), 943, 980
- Birch Irreversible Steering Gear, 61
- Bird, Lily (letter), 1053
- Birkenhead Ferry, 189, 229
- Birmingham University, Automobile Engineering at, 406
- Blackpool and Fylde District M.C., 616
- — Horse Race on Promenade, 318
- Blakeborough, J. Fairfax, Hunting and Motor Cars, by, 592
- Bleriot Monoplane Wrecked, 762
- — Road Illuminators, 733 B 56 (letter), 305
- Blount, Bertram (letter), 1052
- Blow it All (letter), 945
- B. M. B. C. Regatta (illustration), 459
- B. M. H. (letter), 680
- Bockaert, G. (letter), 150
- Body, Comfortable Short, Hewer Motor Bodies, Ltd., 475
- — Design. Motor Car, 946
- Boehm, Sir Edgar, Short Tour in France, by, 38
- Bolt Turning, To Prevent, 83
- Bombay, Cars in, 350 Bond-signer (letter), 232
- Bonnets, Design of, 979, 1049
- Bordeaux to Paris by Aeronlane, 800
- Borough v. County Police, Leamington, 114
- Bosch Dual Ignition, 921
- — Terminal, 895
- Bosworth, Col. W. J. (letter), 644
- Bourdon, Mafcus W., Articles by, 743, 791 917
- Bowen, J. B. (letter), 340
- Brake Lining, Raybestos, 198
- — Ratchets, Wear of Teeth on, 791
- Brakes, Front Wheel, Allen-Liversidge 197, 266, 305, 339, 735, 771, 906
- Brasier’s Brooklands Records, 779
- Brasier Record Breaking Car (illustration), 720
- Brazil, Motorink in, 874
- Brett, S. E. (letter), 645
- Brighton and Police Traps, 536
- — Beach Twenty-four Hours Race, 535
- British and Foreign Cars, 265, 333
- — Association Meeting at Dublin, Paper by Mr. F. H. Royce, 422
- — Built Aeroplanes, 682
- — Manufacturers (letter), 103
- — Motor Boat Club, 117, 162, 204,1352, 502, 652, 913
- — Patents Granted to Foreigners, 121
- BR51 (letter), 1017
- Broken Wrist, Starting a Car, 465
- Brookes-Smith, J\ H. (letter), 66
- Brooklands, Amateurs at, 974, 1052
- Brooklands Automobile Racing Club, October Race Meeting, 524, 546
- — Future Meetings, 75
- — Handicapping at, 245
- — Notes, 212, 576
- — R.A.C. Dust Trials, 20, 133]
- — Racing at, 68, 208, 546 _j
- — Rules, 104
- — Starts at, 104
- — The Popular Shilling, 265
- — Undesirables at, 605
- — Oil Supplies at, 643
- Brooks Coil, 1007
- Brown, Arthur (letters), 230, 494
- — F. Gould (letter), 680
- Browne, T. B. (letter), 722
- Bryant, E. (letter), 504
- B.S.A. Cars, Description of, 660
- — 18-23 h.p. Four-cylinder Car for the Colonies (illustration), 501
- Buick 15 h.p. Car, Experiences, 651
- — 15-20 h.p. Car, Winner in Dust Trials (illustration), 501
- Burman, James (letter), 768
- Burns, E. R. (letter), 191
- Bury and West Suffolk A-C., 784
- Business Purposes, Cars for (illustrations), 916
- Buyers’ Guide, Cars in the, 802
- Cadillac 10 h.p. Car (illustration), 141
- — Cars in Trials, 200
- — New Pattern Car, Particulars of, 719
- Calthorpe Car for Four-inch Race (illustration), 237
- Campling, John J. B. (letter), 570
- Camping Party in Cheshire (illustration), 335
- Canning, Leopold (letters), 189, 265, 1051
- Cantab, (letters), 527, 942
- Cape Hood, Hints and Tips on, 1029 Joint, 763
- Car Body (letter), 1016
- Carbon Deposit, Preparation for Removing, 321
- Carburetter, Berliet, 252
- — Construction, 1013, 1052
- — Crossley, New Pattern, 757
- — Gillett-Lehmann, Test of, 462, 787
- — Multiple Jet. H. P., 29
- — New Pattern, Aster, Ltd., 736
- — Trouble, 1026
- — Unions, 3
- Carburetters, Automatic, 619
- — Careful Handling of, 791
- — on Fire, A Cure, 165
- — Pilot Jet for, 937, 985
- — with Two Jets, 802, 943
- Car Cover, Useful, 710
- — Owner (letter), 1015
- — since 1898 (letter), 908
- Car Supply Co., Ltd. (letter), 306
- — with a Perspective, 120 h.p. Napier, 973
- Cardiff M.C., 277, 390, 989
- Careful Handling of Carburetters, 791
- Carriage Bodies, Olympia Show, 858
- Carrying Back Lamps, 507
- — Tool Roll and Jack, 393
- Carter, Henry (letter), 229
- Case for Investigation, 681, 769
- — Reparation, 266
- Castle Novelties, 32
- Catalytic Ignition, 876
- Cattle on the Highway, 605, 679
- Caucasus, Touring in the-(illustration), 262
- Cause and Effect, Handbills, 299, 387, 414
- Prevention of Wear, Paper by Mr. F. H. Royce, 422
- C. C. C. 18 h.p. Car, Mr. A. Armitage’s (illustration), 199
- Certus Gearless Car, 517
- Ceylon, Ancient and Modern Forms of Transport (illustration), 749
- Chain Drive (letters), 945, 1018
- — or Gear Drive, 1019
- Chain-driven Magnetos, 319
- Chainless 15 h.p. Panhard Car, Description of, 166
- Challenge, A, 518, 574
- Change-speed Gear, R.A.C. Paper, 720 J
- — Lever, Improving a, 581
- Chapman, Herbert J. (letter), 1013
- Charging Accumulators and Lighting Motor Houses, 990, 1026
- Charlesworth Bodies, Ltd., Adjustable Screen by, 663
- Chateau-Thierry Hill-climb, 625, 626
- Chauffeur-Courier (letter), 642
- Chauffeur Difficulty, 1014
- — The Knowing, 724, 942, 943, 1014
- Chauffeurs, Dishonesty in, 304, 341, 380
- — Touring Expenses, 914, 951, 990
- Cheapening the Small Car, 776 ,
- Cheshire A.C., 79, 989, 1025
- Children and Automobiles, 953
- Choked Jet, 357
- City of London Protests, 132
- Clark, C. Inglis, Article by, 128, 182
- — John (letter), 450
- Claude (reply), 952
- Clayton, J. (letter), 1018
- Cleaning Coach work, 710 ;»J]
- — Out Tyre Covers, 43 j
- — the Silencer, 165, 357
- — Water-jackets, 393
- Clement-Bayard Airship in Shed (illustration ) 949
- Clerk, Dugald, Presidential Address by, 614
- Climbing Great Orme’s Head, 342
- — Mount Prarion, 572
- Clothing Accessories, Cheap, 619
- Club and Union, 611
- — Doings, 35, 78, 115, 159, 203, 241, 276, 315, 351, 390, 424, 456, 502, 539, 578, 616, 652, 739, 784, 913, 989, 1025, 1058
- Clutches, Small Car, 797
- Cochrane, F. (letter), 903
- Coil, Brooks and Co., 1007
- — Multi-cylinder, Single Trembler, Brooks and Coils, 348
- Coils and Courtesy, 609
- Col de Tenda, Over the, 744
- Coldman, E. (letter), 568
- Cole, J. A. (letters), 722^908
- Coleman, Frederic, Observations on the Four-inch Race, by, 489
- Colonial Touring Car, Napier, 406
- Commercial (letter), 24
- — Travellers’ Car, 10-12 h.p; Humber,1023
- Committee of Public Safety, The A. A., 523
- Common Dangers and Popular Fallacies
- Considered, Motoring Phenomena, 929
- Competitions, Motor, 917
- Compression, Restoring in Worn Cylinders, 393, 427, 497, 567, 609
- Considerate Motorists, 380
- Contempt (letter), 645
- Continental Non-skid Tyre, New, 221
- — Notes and News, 18, 178, 261, 374, 418, 448, 534, 572, 586, 624, 762, 888
- Contours, Isle of Man, 295
- Contrast, A, Police Cases, 1056
- Contributor of the Tip (letter), 567
- Control of City Traffic, 1059
- Convertible Limousine Touring Car (illustration), 783
- — Motor Vehicle, 895
- Conviction Quashed, A, 130
- Conybeare, H. G. M. (letters), 943, 1052
- Cooke, F. H. (letter), 1018
- — Stenson (letter), 304
- Co-operation, Useful, with the Police, 535
- Cornwall and Wilts, 567
- Correspondence, 21, 63, 103, 147, 189, 229, 265, 303, 339, 379, 411, 449, 493, 527, 566, 605, 641, 677, 721, 767, 802, 903, 941, 979, 1013, 1049 Cost of a Car, by Capt. Theo Masui, 1009
- — Running a Car, 104, 157, 266, 426, 496, 531, 711, 723, 805, 943, 1018
- — Small Cars, 380, 411, 528
- Cote du Calvaire Contest, Trouville, 374
- Coupe des Voiturettes, 534
- — d’Evreux, 517
- County Councils’ Association Conference, \ 1024
- — L.G.B. Circular to, 463
- — Wind Screen, 348
- Coventry Humber 10-12 h.p., 914
- — as Hospital Van (illustration),200
- — Four-inch Racer (illustration), 348
- — M.C., 79, 160, 578, 989
- Coward, Edward (letter), 607
- Cowes Week, Motor Cars on Tow Boats (illustration), 318
- Cowey Tyre Alarm, 32
- Cox, Fred T. (letter), 905
- Craig, A. S. (letter), 1014
- Craven, J. H. (letter), 643
- Creamer, R. J. (letter), 983
- Crippled Children’s Outing, Hull and District A.C., 351
- Cripples, Motor Outing for, 79
- Cropper, J. (letters), 147, 906
- Crossing Main Roads, 653
- Crossley Carburetter, New Pattern, 757
- Cross Roads, Traffic at, 767
- — Wm. (letter), 449
- Crowley, Regd. W. (letter), 65
- Croydon Chauffeur (letter), 942
- C. R. V. (letters), 306, 805
- Cunard, Barrington (letter), 494
- Cunliffe, H. L. (reply), 914
- Cured (reply), 914
- Curious Control, 427
- Curtis, G. H., Aeroplane, 155
- Cycle and Motor Trades’ Benevolent Fund Banquet, 649
- Cyclist (letter), 193
- Cyclists and Motor Cars, 686, 904, 1015
- Cyclo-maniac (letter), 527
- Cylinder (reply), 1026
- — Truing, 1014
- Cylinders, Extracting Foreign Matter from, 43
- — Plumbago in, 914
- C. Y. (query), 504
- Ducellier Motor Lamps, 34
- D. A. C. (reply), 688
- Daily User (reply), 688
- Daimler, Mr. A. Farnell’s (illustration). 225
- — 42 h.p. Car for Queen of Spain’s Use
- — (illustration), 349 . , „oo
- — Car in Australia (Illustration), 988
- — India (illustration), 949
- — New Slide Valve, Non-stop Run, 628
- — Right Hon. J. Burns (illustration), « * o
- — 35 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 34
- — 1909 Engine 495, 530, 568, 607, 644, 668, 712, 724, 770, 804, 904, 944, 979, 984
- — Description of, 428
- — Royal A.C. Criticism, 668
- — 35 h.p., F. C. Hunter’s (illustration), 612
- — (letter), 413
- — Limousine as Ambulance (illustration), 575
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 770
- — Scholarships, 185, 273
- Damping a Carburetter Needle, 655
- Dangerous Driving, Suppressing, 65, 243. 389, 394, 413, 567, 600, 621, 643, 879, 881
- — Road, 231
- — Spots, 722, 808, 1018
- Dar-es-Salaam to Swakopmund, 938
- Darracq Car after Accident (illustration), 570
- Davidson, George L. O. (letter), 304
- Dazzling Lights, 930
- Deas, George T. (letter), 1052
- Deasy 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 778
- — Four-inch Racer (illustration), 386
- — 45 h.p. in Racing Trim (illustration), 275
- — 35 h.p. with Cabriolet Body (illustration), 687
- Death of Mr. Cecil Edge, 186
- De Dietrich 60 h.p. Car (illustration), 420
- — 24 h.p. Car, Touring in the Far East (illustration), 500
- — Six-wheeled Car (illustration), 576
- — 60 h.p. with Sporting Body, 239
- De Dion Car, King of Spain Driving (illustration), 362
- — 28-30 h.p. Car, Mr. G. B. Shaw’s, 950n
- — Cars, New Pattern, 736
- — -— 10 h.p. Car, New Zealand (illustration), 387
- — 8 h.p., Dr. White's, of Bradford, 986
- — Four-inch Racer (illustration), 419
- — Ignition, Improving, 655
- — Snow Sleigh for Antarctic Expedition, 287
- — Sparking Plugs, 911
- — Two-seated Car, A. J. Wilson’s, 196
- — 8 h.p., Mr. H. West’s (illustration),79
- — Sparking Plugs, New Pattern, 257
- — Freville, G. P. H. (letters), 569, 645, 804
- — Holden-Stone, Geoffrey, Article by, 26
- Delage Four-cylinder Car, Testing, 952
- Delaney, L. (letter), 983
- Delaunay-Belleville, Sampling a, 563
- Dennis 14 h.p. Car, Five Years Old (illustration), 666
- — Char-5-banc, 25 h.p. (illustration). 275
- — Chassis with Landaulet Body (illustration), 156
- Derby and District A.C., 36, 64, 159, 276. 502, 784, 989
- Design, Engine, 770, 903
- — Individuality of, 1013
- — of Bonnets, 979, 1049
- Destroying Empty Oilcans, 507
- Detachable Band and Tyre Protector, 729
- — Rim. Dunlop, 763
- — Hinton and Egginton, 1023
- — The Beresford, 111
- — Spare Wheel, J. H. Hall’s, 716, 1010
- — Wheels and Rims in Races, 901
- for the Grand Prix, 938
- Detail, Attention to, 382
- Devizes Corporation and Petrol Signs, 475
- Devon and Cornwall A.C., 1025
- Devonshire Roads, 189, 268
- Dey, T. II. (letter), 189
- Differential Locking and its Defects, 391
- Dignity and Impudence, King Dick Spanners, 299
- Dirt. Roads, 542
- Disappointment and How to Avoid it, 22,64
- Disc Clutches, 23, 25, 66, 149, 192, 230, 306, 339, 381, 412, 941
- Disgusted Driver (letters), 304, 380
- Disheartened Well-wisher of the R.A.C.
- — (letter), 495
- Dishonesty in Chauffeurs, 304, 341, 380
- Dispensing with Pump, 724, 770, 945
- Divisible and Detachable Rim, 990, 1026
- Dixon, Charles W. (letter), 643
- D 1617 (letters), 147, 306
- Doctor’s Car, 12-14 h.p. Singer, 537
- “ Don’ts ” for Motorists, 507
- Dorando being Trained with White Steam Car (illustration), 956
- Douglas and the Roads to the Course, Map of, 437
- Dover, Routes to, 157
- Drastic Cure for Road Hogs, 937
- D. (reply), 504
- Drinkwater, George (letter), 341
- Driver’s Competition, 775
- Driving a 35 h.p. Talbot, 215
- — Careless and Inconsiderate, 21, 94, 106, 147, 186, 191, 192, 264, 268, 305, 377, 382, 413, 449, 452, 527, 529, 607, 723
- — Fast, in Norfolk, 23
- — Inconsiderate, A Thoughtful Suggestion 642, 681, 769
- — Negligent, of Railway Co.’s Van. 31
- Duckham, A. (letters), 341, 412, 530, 570, 642, 941, 945 Duffy, F. (letter), 1019
- Duncanson, T. J. G. (letter), 452
- Dunhill Auto-syphon, 264
- Dunlop Detachable Rim, 763
- Dunoon Ferry Project, 350
- Du Pre Challenge Cup, 37, 241
- Durable Hood Material, “ Kamac,” 346
- Dust, 343, 412
- — A Suggestion, 333
- — Committee, 1908, R.A.C. Report, 765
- — Problem, Collecting Information, 286
- — Inconsiderate Driving of Motor Vehicles 377 41 1
- — Solvable, 336, 364, 365, 383, 579, 677
- — Small Stud Tyres and, 304
- — Trials, Royal A.C., 20, 133, 163, 177, 194, 620, 765 (illustrations), 194, 195, 198
- Dustless Roads, Disadvantage of, 570
- Eastmead, Frederic (letter), 1020
- Economical Running, 410, 495, 531, 606, 722
- Economy and Comfort on the Road, 797
- Edge, S. F. (letters), 106, 380, 382, 415, 571, 945, 984, 1018
- Edge’s, Mr., Withdrawal from Racing, 769, 908, 946, 983, 1017
- Edinboro, Ernest (letter), 982
- Edwardes, Leonard G. (letter), 567
- E. H. (letter), 1018
- E.I.C. High-tension Magneto, 152
- — Sparking Plug, 1003
- Eight-cylinder Aeroplane Motor, Adams,
- Eills, A. D. (letter), 230
- Eisemann Magneto, 1909 Pattern, Description of, 970
- Electioneering at Chelmsford (illustration),
- Elections, Motor Cars at, 318
- Electric Horn, Godin, Particulars of, 1044
- Elliott Engine Revolution Indicator (illustration), 613
- Encyclopaedia of Motoring, Review, 875
- Engaging Coned Unions, 283
- Engineer (letter), 941
- Engine Design, 770, 903
- — Efficiency Overdone, 281, 450, 498
- — Lubrication, 22, 63, 103
- — M.D.H., Four-stroke, Description of, 764
- - Oil, Butterworth’s, Ltd., 386
- - Position in a Motor Car, 723
- Engine Starting from the Seat, 1060
- — Tuning, Progressive Power and High Maximum Power, 554, 590, 609
- Engines, Ancient and Modern, 541
- English and French Hotels, 104, 149, 169, 189, 306, 450
- Enlightened Local Authorities, 565
- Enniskillen Hill-climbing Competition, 241
- Enquirer (letter), 341
- Eq Route,” Review, 875
- E. N. W. (letter), 231
- Epicyclic Gears, 383
- E. P. (letter), 904, 1052
- E. R. H. (letter), 1051
- Erratic Starting, 504
- E. R. W. (reply), 951
- Esnault-Pelterie Aeroplane (illustration), 921
- Essex County A.C., 117
- Etrich-Wells Aeroplane (illustrations), 597
- E. W. W. (letter), 985,
- Exciting Prejudice, 299, 302
- Exhaust Box, Efficient, White and Poppe, 780
- — Gas Extractor, 982
- — Joints, 465 "
- — Valve Lifters on Small Cars, 298, 340, 381
- Exmoor Hills, 569
- — Up Along, 384
- Experiences, 1014, 1053
- Experimental Ground for England, Aeronautical Society, 1008
- — Work, On, by Bertram C. Joy, 920
- Exploring Britain on a Small Car, 530
- Exports and Imports, Motor Car, 503, 612, 777, 975
- Extracting Foreign Matter from Cylinders, 43
- Extra Edition of The Autocar, 425, 564
- Fair Play, 945
- — (letter), 380
- Family Group of Cars (illustrations), 201, 460
- Farman Aeroplane, New Type, 762
- Farman’s New Triplane (illustrations), 920, 987
- — Transformed Aeroplane, 1046
- Farrell, G. A. (letter), 451
- Fast Cars Meeting Each Other, 903
- Fastening Non-skid Covers to Rims, 976
- Hear of Prosecution, 1015
- Fellow-mechanic (letter), 943
- Ferrying Motor Cac& in Scotland, 299
- F. H. H. (letter), 946
- F.I.A.T. – Napier Match, Timing of, 13, 25
- Fictitious Motor Accidents, 782, 787
- Fifteen (letter), 680
- Finnegan. J. M. (letter), 983
- Fire Engine Demonstration, 61, 447
- First Motor Boat on River, 23
- Fittings for the Motor House, 1059
- Five Thousand Miles, After, 496, 567
- Fixing Side and Tail Lamps, 1029
- Fleet of Cars, Successful, Trial of Six Siddeleys, 366
- Flight in the Wright Aeroplane, by F. H. Butler, 598
- — the Hon. C. S. Rolls, 597
- — The Secret of, 18
- Flooring for Motor House, 540
- Florio Cup Race, Italian ^Success, 408
- Flying Clubs, 1054
- — Machines, Wright and Voisin, A Comparison, 998
- — Records, 109, 1054
- F. N. (letter), 411
- Ford Car, Two-seated, 540
- — Cars, Output of, 76
- Formalities on Entering Italy, 280
- Formoy, J. Arthur (letter), 452
- Formulae, Horse-power, for Petrol Engines, 325
- Forrester, J. A. (letter), 305
- Fors Accumulator, 269
- Foster, T. Scott (letter), 804
- Four-cylinder Small Cars, 741
- A Prophecy, 522
- Four-inch Race, 13, 62, 81, 121, 187, 193, 233, 294, 338, 356, 402, 432, 452, 485, 505, 516, 523, 531, 567
- — Descriptions of Competing Cars, 432, 476
- — for Tourist Trophy, Report of, 485
- — (illustrations), 551, 558, 577, 790
- — Lessons of the, 512, 771
- — Map of Course, 43?
- — Money Prizes for, 193
- — Preliminary Notes, 439,, 480
- — Preliminary Work with the Cars, 402, 439
- — R.A.C. Chart of, 720
- Four-inch Tourist Trophy Race, as Seen from a Sunbeam, 491
- — Lap Times and Average Speeds, 492
- Four Speeds, The Advantage of, 205
- — Thousand Miles on 14 h.p. Siddeley Car, 520
- Four-stroke Oscillating M.D.S. Engine, Description of, 764
- Fox, Fred H. (letter), 768
- Frames and Bodies, 1016
- France, A Short Tour, by Sir Edgar Boehm, 38
- — and Motor Shows, 975
- — Motor Car Imports and Exports, 807
- Freezing, Solutions to Prevent, 960, 1060
- French Credit from the Grand Prix, 178
- — Roads, Over, 1051
- — Senate and Aerial Flight, 762
- — View of the Show, 887
- From my Passenger’s Diary, 792
- — the Paris Salon (illustration), 1006
- Front Tyres, 642
- — Wheel Braking, 197, 266, 305, 339, 414, 497, 690, 735, 771, 906, 945, 979, 1019, 1049
- Fryer, E. H. (letter), 64
- — F. E. (letter), 64
- F. T. P. (letter), 1017
- Gabriel Shock Absorber, 33
- Gaillon Hill-climb, 561
- G. A. (letter), 24
- Gamage’s New Non-skid Appliance, 632
- Gandy, Maurice (letters), 24, 105
- Gaal, A. (letter), 531
- Gaol Bird (letter), 1015
- — Motorists’ Experiences of, 1015
- Garage Proprietors, Motorists and, 531
- Garaging at Scottish Hotels, 103
- Gardiner, W. (letter), 724
- Garrard, C. R. (letter), 413
- Gas Turbines, 769
- Gate Change, 878, 910
- Gates, Closed, on the Highway, 681, 769
- G. A. Tyre Inflator, 560
- Gaudeamus Igitur, 516
- G. B. H. (letter), 21
- Gear Box, The Car without, 676
- — Change Improvement, 283 -
- — Levers, Loose, A Warning, 609
- — Lubrication, 455
- — Ratios in 2,000 Miles Trial, 109
- Gearless Car, Certus, 517
- — Magnetos, 248
- General Practitioner (letter), 943
- Generator Boxes, Enclosed, 165
- — “ Neverout ” for Acetylene Lamps, 240
- Gentleman Chauffeurs, 24, 64, 104
- George, F. W. (letter), 985
- Germain 100 h.p. with Double Phaeton Body (illustration), 199
- G. F. (letter), 24
- Gibbons, A. C. (letter), 496
- Gibbs, F. H. (letter), 266
- Gibraltar, Motoring in, 191, 268, 339
- Gilbert, Sir W. S., 626, 760, 800
- Gillett-Lehmann Carburetter, Test of, 462, 787
- Gillett, Thos. (letters), 985, 1020
- Gill, Roy (letter), 106
- Gilmour, D. (letters), 22, 946
- Gladiator 14-18 h.p. Car, Experience, 740
- — 35-45 h.p., Experience of, 949
- Glasgow A.A. Branch, 109
- Glidden Tour (illustrations), 274, 297
- Glissoire Shock Absorber, Description of, 892
- Godin Electric Horn, 155
- Particulars of, 1044
- Goode, Ernest C. (letter), 106
- Goodwood, The Car Park,. 237
- Gordon-Bennett Cup, Aviation Contest, 1022
- Governor, Simple, R. Howard’s Patent, 269
- — Suction, H. C. Lambert’s, 294
- G. P. N. T. (reply), 876
- Grafton, Henry (letter), 770
- Grand Ducal Fleet of Cars (illustration), 446
- — Prix Accommodation at Dieppe, 22
- — American, Description of, 934
- — Austin Car for Touring (illustration), 574
- — Austin Engine (illustration), 15
- — Car Race at Brooklands, 106
- — Course for Next Year, 179
- — des Voiturettes Race, Report of, 45
- — The Winner Interviewed, 93
- — Echoes, 84
- — Napier Cars, 100
- — Race Doomed, 991, 1056
- — Lap Times, Totals, and Average Speeds, 55
- — Next Year’s, 562, 626, 762, 888
- Grand Prix Race, Particulars of Cars, 53
- — Report of, 50
- — Tyre Conditions for, 262
- — Races, 14, 44, 84, 93, 141, 178
- — Rating, 588
- — Some Considerations, 141
- — Vauxhalls, 946, 1018
- — Prize of Automobile Club of America, 28, 179, 181, 781, 934, 976
- Granieri Suspension, 611
- Granite Quarries at Penmaenmawr, 758
- Grant, E. J. Robertson (letter), 451
- Grantham Magistrates, Plain Speaking to, 759
- Graphic Trophy Race, 214, 404
- Great Orme’s Head, Climbing, 342
- Gregoire Car, 876
- — (reply), 876
- Griffin, H. Hewitt, Statistics of Olympia, by, 873
- — Paris Show, by, 969
- Griff Process of Aluminium Brazing, 238
- G. T. (query), 504
- Guest, Arthur (letter), 786
- G. V. V. (letter), 608
- Gyroscopic Action, 66
- “Haigh Hexmoor,” by H. C. Lafone, 484
- Half-crown Man (letter), 104
- Hall’s Detachable Spare Wheel, 716, 1010
- Hampshire Motorist (letter), 985
- Handicapping at Brooklands, 245
- Hands, G. W. (letter), 193
- Handsome Car, What Constitutes a, 508
- Hardships of the 2,000 Miles Trials, 41
- Hard-working Chauffeur (letter), 105
- Harris, F. H. (letters), 149, 530
- Harrison, F. W. (letter), 981
- Harrogate and District A.C., 539
- — Meeting of Motor Union, 162, 173
- Hart Davies, Ivan B. (letter), 569
- Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd. (letter), 192
- Haslemere Parish Council and A.A. Scouts, 461, 475
- Hastings Motor Club Gymkhana, 138
- Hawkes, W. G. (letter), 304
- Hawkins, C. A. (letter), 769
- Hayes, Henry G. (letter), 679, 906 (reply), 914
- Haywards Heath Magistrates and Motorists, 1057
- H. B. (letter), 908
- Headaches, Motoring, 619
- Headlights, Dazzling, Royal A.C. and, 779
- — How to Set Them, 881, 979, 1051
- Heating of Motor Houses, 914, 918
- Hele-Shaw; H. S. (letter), 681
- Helsby Tyre and Tread, Description of, 599
- Sections (illustration), 650
- Henderson, J. F. Getter), 979
- Henrique Magneto, 248
- Henry Edmunds Hill-climb, 233, 404
- Henslaughter, 680
- Hep well, C. C. (letter), 1016
- Herbert, Alfred (letter), 104
- Hereford, R.A.C. Provincial Meetings at, 96
- Herts A.C. Club Badge (illustration), 316
- Hill-climb (illustrations), 92, 108
- Hertfordshire County A.C., 161, 204, 989
- Hill-climb, 95, 148, 1025
- Hewer Motor Bodies, Ltd., A Comfortable Short Body, 475
- Hewitt, J. (letter), 946
- H. F. Baby Vulcaniser, 32, 66, 192
- Hicks, S„ and Son (letter), 64
- High Engine Speed, Siddeley Car Tests, 590
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 3, 43, 83, 123, 165, 223, 246, 283, 319, 357, 393, 427, 465, *1 507, 543, 581, 619, 655, 710, 743 791, 880, 917, 957, 993, 1029
- — to Manufacturers, 362
- Hiring Motor Cars, 349
- Hirst Magneto, Description of, 947
- Hitchins, Charles F. (letter), 569
- H. J. (letter), 981 _ OA_
- H. (letters), 147, 267, 412, 607, 767, 802
- H. L. T. B. (letter), 1017 _
- Holcroft, B. M. (letters), 265, 340, 379, 497, 803, 104y
- Hood Material, “ Kamac,” 346
- Hooter Troubles, 3
- Horne, F. N. (letter), 767
- Horse-drawn Vehicles, Motors v., 493
- Horse and Tram Accidents, 233, 238, 298, 616, 1060
- — Justice, Motor Law, 289
- — Nuisance, 341
- — Motor Superseding the, 789
- Horse-power Denomination, 1027
- — Formulae for Petrol Engines, 325
- — in France, 418
- Hotchkiss 30-40 h.p. Car (illustration), 1005
- — 16-20 h.p. Landaulet with Kellner Body (illustration), 649
- Hotels, 563, 641
- — Storage and Insurance of Cars at, 511
- House of Commons and Motor Cars, 20, 62, 107, 137, 188, 206, 234, 621, 658, 715, 773, 900, 940
- Hove Mews Converted into Garage, 239
- Howard, A. (letter), 232
- — Richard (letter), 450
- — S. G. (letter), 681
- How Money is Wasted, 984, 1052
- — to Enjoy the Motor Show, 772
- H.P. Multiple Jet Carburetter, 29
- H. T. (letter), 985
- Hudson, F. C. (letter), 268
- Hughes, H. (letter), 740.
- — Hugh (reply), 876
- — T. W. R. (letters), 65, 148
- Hull and District A.C., 203, 351
- Humber Agent (letter), 945 •)
- — 15 h.p. Car, 945, 985, 1020
- — Car in Moscow (illustration), 113 1
- — 10-12 h.p. Commercial Traveller’s Car, 1023
- — Four-cylinder 1908 Car, Experience, 786, 876
- — Developments, 630
- — Ltd., Proposed Reconstruction, 1046
- — Workpeople (illustration), 76
- Huntingdonshire, Beware of, 566, 767
- Hunting and Motor Cars, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 592
- Huth, Alfred H. (letters), 530, 1051
- H. W. (reply), 1026
- Hydraulic Jack, 287
- Variable Gear, 681, 781
- Ideal Body for Small Car, 503
- Ignition Catalytic, 876
- — Problem of an Amateur, 896,^953, 980,
- T ? 1017, 1049
- Ignotus (letter), 265
- Illusions of a Passing Car, by Charles F. Street, 798
- Ilminster, 229
- Impartial View, An, Motorphobia, 455
- Imperia Car, 16-20 h.p., Belgian Car, 777
- — Parts, 959
- Importance of Trifles, 2
- Imports and Exports, Motor Car, 503, 612. 777. 975
- Inaccessible Nuts, 543
- Incandescent Car Lamp, “ Tito.” 346
- Inconsiderate Driving, A Thoughtful Suggestion, 642, 681, 769
- — Driving, To Stop, 65, 243, 389, 394, 413, 600, 621, 643, 879, 881, 907,
- Increasing Compression, 606
- — Cars for’ Hints to Manufacturers, 362
- — Motoring in (illustration), 157
- — Motor Trials in, 560 Individuality of Design, 1013
- Ingenious Argument, An, 497
- Ingram, Harry M. (letter), 609
- Inner Tube, New, “ Sealomatic,” 191
- Insanitary Horse. 530
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 157, 347, 636, 654, 718, 952, 971
- — Weight of Car and
- Insulated Wires, 83
- Insurance and Storage of Cars at Hotels, 511
- — A Question of, 380
- — (letter). 343
- — Motor Car, 1053
- Insured (letter), 380
- Insurer (letter), 1053 .
- International Amenities, Grand Prix Race, 178
- — Conference, The R.A.C. and the, 986
- — Roads Congress, 388, 460, 586
- — Sports Commission, 19 4
- Ipswich and East Suffolk A.C., 116, 204
- Ireland (letter), 803
- — Speed Limits in, 506
- — Touring in, 459
- Irish A.C., 241, 277, 351, 913, 989, 1056^
- — Hill-climb, 344
- — Prosecution by the, 881
- — M. Y. C., 116
- Irreversible Steering, F. Birch’s Invention, 61
- Isle of Man Contours, 295
- — Race, Descriptions of Competing Cars, 432, 476
- — Preliminary Notes, 439, 480
- — Racing Week, 247
- — Man’s Laughter, 768
- Isotta-Fraschini Voiturette (illustration),
- Itala 100 h.p. Car, Mrs. Edgar Thornton’s (illustration), 649
- — Mr. H. R. Pope’s (illustration), 18
- Italian Car, The Marca, 636
- Italy, Entering, Formalities on, 280
- — Motoring in, 616 y
- Jack, Hydraulic, 287
- J. A. C. K. (letter), 566
- Jaeger’s Woollen Motor Clothing, 470
- James, Alfred (letter), 529
- Jarrott, Chas, (letters), 25, 770, 983, 1020
- J. and B. Vertex Cars, 886
- J. C. (letter), 979
- Jelf-Petit, Louis W. (letters), 608
- Jersey Motor Association Parade, 196, 244
- — Car Law in, 365
- J. H. M. (reply), 1026 ?
- J. L. S. (letter), 1052
- J. M. (reply), 540 w
- John, Owen, On the Road, by, 94, 132, 169, 224, 253, 296, 333, 364, 416, 446, 473, 533, 556, 623, 659, 712, 772, 795, 894
- — The Paris Show, by, 1004
- Johnson, C. (letter), 25
- Jones, G. H. (letter), 22
- — Harold (letter), 903
- — Stacey, Simple Method of Testing Petrols, by, 550
- Joy, Bertram C., Articles by, 279, 920
- J S 37 (letter), 979
- Judd, Walter (letter), 769
- Justices’ Justice, A Sample of, 906
- J. W. B. (query), 504
- J. W. W. (letter), 149
- Kamac for Cape Hoods, 987
- K. B. W. (letter), 907
- K. C. B., Colombo (reply), 786
- Kember, George (letter), 981
- Kempshall Tyre Demonstration, 714
- — Tyres, 504, 518, 688, 714
- Kennedy, Thomas (letter), 65
- Kent A.C., 79, 115, 161, 241, 277, 502
- — Roads in, Effect of Tarring, 336
- Kettleby Hill-climb, 116
- Kenway, Philip T. (letter), 493
- Kinder, C. A. (letter), 607
- Kingdom, Holman (letter), 771
- King, J. B. (letter), 411
- Knight, Chas. Y. (letter), 944
- — C. Y., R.A.C. Paper by, “ The Valve
- — less Engine,” 601
- — Engine, Patent Rights for, 737, 770
- — Mr., Paper by, “ Notes,” 617
- — Patent, Particulars of, 666
- Knowing Chauffeur, 724, 942, 943, 1014
- K.T. Pneumatic Tyres, 588, 990
- Kylfyre Demonstration, 61
- La Buire 35-50 h.p. (illustration), 377
- Ladies’ A.C., 115
- Lafone, H. C., “ Haigh Hexmoor,” by, 484
- — (letter), 984
- — On the Track, by, 17, 70, 108, 154, . 201, 213, 254, 293, 548, 691, 785. 893, 948, 1008, 1047
- — Up Along, by, 384
- — Westward Ho ! by, 538
- La Las Hydroplanes (illustrations), 270
- Lamp, Incandescent, Tito, 346
- Lamps, Acetylene—the “ Never-out ” Generator, 240
- — and Generators, Bleriot, 733
- — Side and Tail, Fixing, 1029
- Lancashire A.C., 79, 115, 457
- — — Open Hill-climb, at Rivington Pike, 216
- Lancaster County Police Action, Protest against, 444
- Lanchester Adjustable Pedals, 1028
- — F. W., Aerodonetics, by, 899
- — Aerodynamics, by, 98
- — — (letter), 450
- — Paper by, 998
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letters), 268, 306, 342
- — Wheel-steered Car, Description of, 552
- Lancia Cars, Description of, 692
- Landowning Motorist (letter), 1050
- Land’s End to John-o’-Groat’s Run, A.C.U., 146
- Lanterns for Cows and Sheep, 1011
- Larkin, P. C. (letter), 23
- Laurin-Klement 14-16 h.p. Car, Run on a, 532
- Lawford, Acland (letter), 379
- Law, Horace (letter), 990
- L C 3142 (letter), 383
- L C 84 (letter), 606
- Lectures, Motor Car, 207, 245, 363, 405, 467, 542, 604, 640. 671, 727, 751, 806, 896, 932, 1003, 1039
- Lee-Trigwell Detachable Non-skid Band, 729
- Legal and Legislative Defence Fund, Motor Union, 198, 238
- Leicestershire A.C., 278, 315, 390
- Leng, C. D. (letter). 497
- Leon-Bollee 20-30 h.p. Car (illustration), 875
- Le Sage, Edward (letter), 266
- Lessons of the Four-inch Race, 512
- Lester, J. H., and Dr. W. Rr Ormandy, Article by, 284
- (letters), 63, 411
- Lethbridge, Charles (letter), 382
- Letters from Motoring Enthusiast, 743, 791, 917, 993
- Lewis, S. (letter), 643
- L. H. D. (letter), 22
- L.I.A.T. Congress, 1011
- Licenses, Driving, in London, 34
- — Motor Car, New Provisions, 803, 941
- Liddall, N. (letter), 193
- Life of Tyres, 149
- Lights, Dazzling, 930
- Lights on Vehicles Acts. 56, 140, 595 —7
- — Proposed Byelaw at Surrey, 807
- Ligue Nationale Adrienne, 1046
- Lincoln Council, Fleet of Cars for (illustration), 687
- — Motor Gymkhana, 78
- Lincolnshire A.C., 161, 315, 351, 502, 739, 1058
- Little, A. Clarke, Article by, 222. 255
- Liverpool and Cheshire A.C.’s Inter-club Meet, 162
- Liverpudlian (letter), 189
- L. L. (letters), 990, 1015 £5
- Motor Car, by H. C. Lafone, 110
- L N 6298 (letter), 984
- L N 139 (letter), 1052
- Local Government Board Circular to County Councils, 463
- Lock, J. L. (letters), 567. 722
- Locomotive Engines, Motor Cars and, 1049
- Loco. Superintendent (letter), 1049
- Lodge Bros, and Co. (letter), 192
- — Coil for Single-cylinder Cars, 725
- Lomas, II. (letter), 1016
- London, Number of Cars in, 890
- — the World’s Motor Mart, 955
- — to Glasgow on a 24 h.p. Albion; 245
- Long Distance Trial of R.R.H. Car Wheels, 524, 559
- — Stroke Misunderstandings, 653
- — Motors, 449, 528, 566, 580, 643, 653
- Lonsdale, J., Capt. (letter), 193
- Loose Gear Levers—a Warning, 609
- — Timing by Police, 231
- Lord Chief Justice’s Car, 518
- Doss of Power, 504
- Low-grade Spirit Experiments, 743
- L. R. C. P. (letter), 804
- Lubrication, Disc Clutch, 941
- — of Engine, 22, 63
- — Gears, 455
- — - Plate clutches, 655
- — Small Cars, 627
- Ludw. Loewe and Co., Ltd. (letter), 1052
- Lux (letter), 982
- L. Y. Z. (letter), 380
- Mackirby, Wm. (reply), 8761
- Maclulich, J. M. (letter), 3051
- Madeley, Jas. C. (letter), 946 1
- Magistrate for Sevenoaks Division (letter), 191
- Magneto, Eisemann 1909 Pattern, Description of, 970
- — for Easy Starting, the Hirst, Description of, 947
- — Henrique Gearless, 248
- — High-tension, E.I.C., 152
- — New Pattern, Muirhead and Co.’s, 909
- — — Premier Accumulator Co.’s, 675
- — Nieuport Gearless, 249
- — Self-starting, Simms-Bosch, 264
- — Tip, 283
- — Troubles, 223, 743, 917
- Magnetos, Chain-driven, 319
- — Spare Parts for Bosch Magneto Co.’s Outfit, 337
- Maidens, J. R. (letter), 724
- Main Roads, Crossing, 653
- Malay, Motoring in (illustration), 296
- Malecot Airship Destroyed, 954
- Mallin’s Starting Device, 1060
- Manchester A.C., 36, 115, 203, 277, 502, 578, 616, 652, 784, 1025, 1058
- — M.C. Fuel Consumption Test, 352, 577
- Mann, G. N. C. (letter), 23
- Mansion House Meeting, Anti-motorists, 676
- Map of Police Traps, 119, 175, 259, 369
- Maps for Motorists, 677
- Marathon Race (illustration), 181
- Marca Car, 636
- M. A. ^(reply), 540
- Marsden, A. (letter), 66
- Marshall Tyre Jacket, 74
- Martin, Chas. E. (letter), 984
- — J. (letter), 381
- — L. J. (letter), 232
- Masui, Capt. Theo, The Cost of a Car, by, 1009
- Maudslay Car, 35-45 h.p. Car, The Duke of Grafton’s, 264
- — Live Axle Car (illustration), 421
- Maybury, H. P., Kent County Surveyor (illustration), 384
- Mayo, V. P., Motor Union (letter), 64
- Maythorn Body with Detachable Top, 989
- McKinney, A. J., Article by, 929
- — (letter), 303
- M.D.S. Four-stroke Oscillating Engine, Description of, 764
- Mechanical Engineer (letter), 724
- — Progress, "425
- Mechanician (letters), 805, 1014 x
- Medical Men, Cars for, 627, 721, 804, 943
- Medicus (letters), 25, 721
- Meeting the Enemy, Anti-misrepresentation Campaign, 958, 1053
- Meier, O. L. (letter), 343
- Melhuish and Co.’s Wind Screen, 632
- Member of the R.A.C. General Committee (letter), 41'5
- “ Men of England ” Handbill, 299, 387
- Mercedes 15-20 h.p. Car, 672
- — Cars, Mr. F. R. Fry’s (illustration), 739
- — 60 h.p., D. Resta Driving (illustration), 389
- — 6 (letter), 63
- — 35 h.p. with Limousine Body (illustration), 911
- M. E. (reply), 1026
- Mero Gear, Trial of, 17
- Mervyn O’Gorman Trophy, 112
- Metallic Boxes for Accumulators, 607
- Metallurgique 18 h.p. Car (illustration), 807
- — Miss Moore Brabazon’s (illustration), 158
- — 26 h.p. Car (illustration), 911
- — 40 h.p., H. R. Kirk’s Car (illustration), 59
- Metal-studded Tyres, 42
- Michelin Air Cylinder, 537
- — Security Valve, 1035
- — Type of Tyre Valve, 465
- Midland A.C., 161, 315, 913
- — Hill-climb, Shelsley Walsh, 117, 170, 278
- Milan to Manchester, S.C.A.T. Cars (illustration), 403
- Military Uses of Motor Cars, 690, 694
- Miller, Jas. (letter), 413
- Miln, A. L. (letter), 148
- Mi Ines-Daimler, Ltd. (letter), 770
- M.I.N.A. (letter), 191
- Minerva 15 h.p. 1909 Car (illustration), 1024
- — 18 h.p. with Prince Henry Trials Body
- — (illustration), 184
- Ministers, His Majesty’s, and Motoring, 378
- Misfiring and Jerkiness Cured, 605
- M 1831 (letter), 66
- Moderately Noisy (letter), 723
- Modest Motoring, 493
- Moffat, H. W. (letter), 723
- Monaco Aeroplane Competition, 762
- Money Circulated by Motorists, 471
- Montagu Cup Winner (illustration), 238
- Montenegro, Motors in, 200
- Mont Ventoux Hill-climb, 448
- Morgan, William (letter), 530
- Morley, Archibald (letter), 342
- Morocco, Capt. Gentil’s Panhard Car in (illustration), 139
- Morrison, William (letter), 104
- Mors 10 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, 672
- Moscow, Humber Car in (illustration), 113
- Moseley, H. P., Multiple Jet Carburetter, 29
- Mossop, Sidney (letter), 266
- Motor Car Bodies, 946
- — Rights on the Highway, 611, 640, 645
- — Club, 115, 241, 390, 424, 456, 784, 1058
- — Gymkhana at Hastings, 138
- — (illustrations', 179
- — Cycle Tourist Trophy Race, 419
- — Cycling Club, 390, 456
- — Driving as Profession for Women, 596
- — (letters), 982, 1017
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Allotment of Space at Olympia, 447, 573
- — Society of, 573
- — Outing for Cripples, 79
- — Parkway, American, 526
- — Propelled Carriages, Olympia Show, 813
- — Show, 1908, 877
- — Traffic in the City, 148
- — Union, 28, 77, 162, 173, 198, 237, 238, 350, 376, 419, 461, 897, 1047
- — and Road Improvements, 461
- — Royal A.C., 721, 771, 802
- — Harrogate Meeting, 162, 173
- Meeting at Oxford, 392, 468
- Monthly Meeting, 1047
- — — Notes, 519, 555, 593, 631, 728, 761, 801, 891, 931, 961, 997, 1048
- — Provincial Meetings, 376, 392, 468
- — — Report of Speeches, 897
- — Yacht Club, 35, 79, 115, 161, 226, 316, 372, 392, 424, 502, 616, 739
- — and Olympic Races, 372, 392
- — Efficiency Trials, 226
- — Sphinx (illustration), 263
- Motoring Illustrated, 716
- — Organisations, Work for the, 790, 958
- — Phenomena, 288, 929
- Motorist and Constant Reader (letter!, 21
- — Good-Samaritan, 452
- — (letters), 494, 1018
- Motorists and Garage Proprietors, 531
- — the Public, 527, 569, 608, 641, 645, 680, 803
- — Experiences of Gaol, 1015
- — Guide Book Wanted, 767
- Motorphobe in Australia, 22
- Motorphobia—an Impartial View, 455
- Motors v. Horse-drawn Vehicles, 493
- M. S. (letters), 191, 304
- Muhlenkamn, Fritz (letter), 104
- Muirhead Magneto, 909
- Multiple Jet Carburetter, The H.P., 29
- — Carburetters, 385, 451
- Mummery, P. L. (letter), 985
- N.A.G. Car, 12-14 h.p. Car, Description of, 750
- — Light Car, 263
- Nagpur (India), Motor Trials at, 560
- Nails, etc., on Tarred Roads, 106
- Nainby, C. M. (letter), 383
- Naish, P. (renly), 1026
- Namfcnurn (letter), 25
- Napier and F.I.A.T. Times. 64, 105
- — Car for South Africa, 406
- — Test, 720
- — Cars, Bore and Stroke of, 686
- — for Maharajah of Nepal, 387
- — Grand Prix Cars, 100
- — Jas. Langmuir (letters), 382, 449, 570
- — Small Cars, 549
- — 15 h.p. Four-cylinder, Particulars of, 594, 595
- — — New Pattern, 643
- — 30 h.p. New Pattern Car, 715
- — 45 h.p., Prime Minister’s Car (illustration), 274
- — Six-cylinder Car, Description of, 442, 466
- — 120 h.p. Car, 973
- — 1909 Six-cylinder Car, 805
- N. A. (reply), 786
- National Defence, 690, 694
- N.E.C. Springing, 633
- Negligent Driving of Railway Co.’s Van, 31
- Nettlefold’s Spanners, 734
- “ Never-out ” Generator, 240
- New Arrol*Johnston Car, 1905
- — T.T. Winner (illustration), 460
- — Co., Ltd. (letter), 771
- — Club House, Royal A.C., 102
- — Light Cars, 564
- — South Wales, Racing in (illustration), 114
- — Thing in Cars, 898, 945, 1015
- — York (letter), 905
- — to Paris Race, 178
- — Zust Car, The End-of, 521
- — Zealand Trials, 150, 304, 416
- Newmarket and the A.A., 282, 304
- Newspaper Headings, Misleading, 189, 289
- Newspapers, Daily, and Accidents, 189, 253, 271, 289
- Newton and Bennett, Ltd. (letter), 452
- Nias, A. E. (letter), 268
- Nicuport Magneto, 249
- Noble, Jas. H. (letter), 903
- Non-freezing Solutions, 748, 960, 1060
- Non-skid Appliance, A. W. Gamage, Ltd., 632
- — Bands and Studded Tyres, 740
- — Covers, Fastening to Rims, 976
- Non-stop Run of 550 Miles, Daimler Car, 628
- Nordenfelt Chassis (illustration), 883, 913
- Norfolk, An Example from, 205
- — Police and Motorists, 494
- Norris, H. E. (letter), 907
- Northamptonshire A.C., 278
- North Berkshire A.C., 351, 539
- — Berks A.C. Hill-climb (illustration), 557
- — Country Danger Spot, 722, 808, 1018
- — Eastern Automobile Association, 203, 241, 316
- — Wales Roads, 566
- Northerner (letter), 645
- Norwich Gymkhana, 352
- — Meeting, Royal A.C. Associates, 251, 394, 415
- Notc3 from Isle of Man Course, 439
- Nottinghamshire A.C., 502, 1025
- Nulli Secundus (reply), 990
- Number of Motor Vehicles, 1011, 1040,1052
- — Registered, Statistics, 1040
- — Plate, 123, 274
- N.U. Motor Spirit, 716
- Nuts, Inaccessible, 543
- Nutt, W. H. Rothery (letter), 229, 641
- Obituary, 186
- Observations on the Four-inch Race, by
- Frederic Coleman, 489
- Observer (letter), 946
- Obstinate Starting, 427
- Obstruction, Horse Drivers, 388
- October Race Meeting, B.A.R.C., 524, 546
- O. D. (letter), 343
- Official Observer (letter), 191
- O’Gorman, Mervyn, Paper by, Weight of Motor Car and Parts, 977, 994
- Oil, Gas, or Electricity, 903
- — Lamp Tip, 581
- — Pump Washers, 16
- — Supplies at Brooklands, 643
- Oleo Insulated Terminal, 293 O 2991 (letter), 941
- Oliver, C. Bryham (letter), 412
- Olympia Motor Show, Forecast and General Notes, 752
- — Plan of, Supplement Nov. 14th.
- — Show, 570, 752, 795, 809, 877
- — and Racing Cars. 673
- — French View of, 887
- — General Review of, 809 New Small Cars at, 882
- — Notes, 884
- — Statistics, by H. Hewitt Griffin, 873
- — Space Allotment, 82, 103, 127, 150, 190, 232, 447, 529, 724
- Olympic Races, Motor Yacht Club and, 372
- One and All (letter), 567
- — of the Victims (letter), 566
- Onlooker (letter), 22
- On the Road, by Owen John, 94, 132, 169, 224, 253, 296, 333, 364, 416, 445, 473, 533, 556, 623, 659, 712, 772, 795, 894
- — In Wales, 364, 416, 445, 473
- — Track, by H. C. Lafone, 17, 70, 108, 154, 201, 213, 254, 293, 548, 589, 671, 691, 785, 893, 948, 1008, 1047
- Open Exhaust (letter), 1053
- Organisations, Motoring, Work for the, 790,
- Ormandy, Dr. W. R., and J. H. Lester, Article by, 284
- — W.R. (letters), 411, 494
- Ostend Meeting, 572, 589
- O.T.A.V. 5.5 h.p. Air-cooled Single-cylinder Car, 272
- — Car (illustrations), 236, 417
- Our Position, 1
- Over Expansion, Argyll Motors, Ltd., 82
- Over the Alps to Venice, by C. Inglis Clark, 128, 182
- Col de Tenda, 744
- Overhang, 984 Overheating, 540
- Owen, A. E. (letter), 803
- — Montague C. (letter), 231
- Oxford, An Appeal from, 1053
- — and District A.C., 161
- — Motor Union Meet, 392, 468
- Packing Joints for Pumps, 393 Page (letter), 339
- Pazolt, Arthur N. (letter), 496
- Paid Driver (letters), 606, 688
- Palmer, Greville H. (letter), 67 7
- Panhard, Chainless, 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 165
- — Military Car in Morocco (illustration), 139
- Paris International Road Congress, 624, 713, 796, 911
- — Salon, 19, 418, 562, 587, 732, 922, 955, 962, 1046
- — Show, by Owen John, 1004
- — General Review of Exhibits, 922,962
- - (illustration), 938
- Statistics, 969 Parkinson, G. W. (reply), 688
- Parliament, Motor Cars and, 20, 62, 107, 137, 188, 206, 234, 621, 658, 715, 773, 900, 940
- Parsons Sparklet Inflators, 73
- Particulars of Cars, Grand Prix Race, 53
- Patents Act, New, 122, 879
- — British, Granted to Foreigners, 121
- Pearson-Cox Light Steam Car, 747
- Peat, B. A. (letter), 980
- Pedals, Adjustable, Lanchester, 1028
- — Rattling, 123
- Pedestrians on the Highways, 63, 103
- Pegged Brasses, 357
- Pembrokeshire A.C., 351, 578
- Peninsular (letters), 150, 980
- Penmaenmawr Granite Quarries, 758
- Perplexed (letter), 65
- — (query), 876
- Perrin, Harold E. (letter), 7.69
- Petrol, Bonus on, 895, 911, 938, 946, 982, 988, 1019
- — Engines, Horse-power Formulae for, 325 742
- — Filler, Collapsable, 760
- — Gauge Substitute, 917
- — (letter), 528
- — Level, Dial for Registering, 76
- — Levels, Testing, 319
- — Price of, 609, 805
- — Signs at Devizes, 475
- — Suggested Tax on, 1011, 1027
- — Testing, 641
- — Simple Method of, by J. E. Stacey Jones, 550
- — The Word, 65
- Petrol-electric Reconnoitring Car (illustration), 158
- Peugeot 12-16 h.p. Live Axle Car, Description of, 582
- Phenomena, Motoring, 288
- P. H. F. (letter), 566
- Phillips, Edward (letter), 990
- P. H. (letter), 945 Phoenician (letter), 1018
- Phoenix Motors, Ltd. (letters), 231, 341
- Pick Car, Run on, Through the Chilterns, 120
- Pierce, Robert E. (letter), 451
- Pizey, G. H. (letters), 606, 723
- Pilgrim 30 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 142
- “ Pilotjet” Attachment, Bailey and Co.’s, 937
- Pilot Jet for Carburetters, 937, 985
- Plain Speaking to Grantham Magistrates, 759
- P 2931 (letter), 677
- P. L. (letter), 609
- Plumbago in Cylinders, 914
- Plumridge, A. (letters), 191, 339
- Pneumatic Tyre Improvements, 221
- Pognon Sparking Plug, 75
- Points in the Tyre Problem, by Geoffrey de Holden-Stone, 26
- Police Case, Motorist Awarded Costs, 109
- — Motor Union Protest, 444
- — Cases, 21, 40, 108, 109, 113, 130, 131, 157, 197, 199, 233, 236, 307, 313, 324, 348, 380, 386, 459, 501, 523, 549, 575, 591, 788, 879, 950, 988, 1010, 1024, 1045, 1056, 1057
- — Persecution, Effect of, 946
- — Promotion, 760
- — Timing, 231, 312
- — Traps, Map of, 119, 175, 259, 369
- Polkey, John (letters), 382, 450
- Porlock Hill, 265, 304, 1013
- Positions of Valve in Petrol Motors, by Bertram C. Joy, 279
- Power and Spark, Relation between, by W. Watson, 124
- (letter), 192
- Practical Notes on the Adams Car, 906
- Prejudiced Surrey, 63
- Prejudice, Exciting, 299, 302
- Premier Accumulator Co.’s New Magneto, 675
- Premium on Extravagance in Petrol, 895, 911, 938, 946, 982, 1019
- Presha Tyre Pump, 498, 716
- Price of Independence, 378
- Petrol in Canada and England, 23
- Princely Appeal, 355, 377
- Private Car Owners and Their Drivers, 529, 642, 679, 768, 805, 907, 1013
- — Chauffeur (letter), 105
- — Owner (letter), 805
- Prize Competition Car, 596
- Prizes for Aeronauts, 909
- Problems of the Motor Car, by Dugald Clerk, 614
- Pro Bono Publico (letter), 567
- Progress in Mechanical Flight, 1046
- Provincial (letter), 771
- — Meetings, R.A.C., 20, 96
- Public Health, Motor Cars and, 188
- Pugh, John V. (letters), 497, 1016
- — Ralph J. (letter), 414
- Pump, Dispensing with, 724, 770, 903, 945
- Puncture, Extraordinary, 641, 681
- Pushcar (letter), 268
- Queries and Replies, 504, 540, 651, 688, 740, 786, 876, 914, 951, 990, 1026
- R.A.C. and Associated Clubs’ Annual Dinner, 1007, 1056
- — Motor Union, 781, 802
- — International Conference, 986
- — Acceleration Tests, 76
- — Ass (letter), 531
- — at Hereford (illustrations), 97
- — Dust Trials, 20, 133, 163, 177, 194, 620, 765, 992
- — Extraordinary General Meeting, 74
- — Founder Members’ Dinner, 953
- — General Committee, 77, 553, 971
- — New Club House, 102
- — Paper, by C. Y. Knight, The Valveless Engine, 601
- — Provincial Meetings, 20, 96, 251, 394415
- — Associates, 293, 616, 632, 721, 780, 794
- — The Norwich Meeting, 251, 394, 415
- — at Roads Congress, 796
- — The Attack on the, 505, 516
- — Dust Committee Report, 765
- — Manifesto, Inconsiderate Driving, 394, 600
- — Test of Siddeley Engine, 498
- — Trials of Motor Vehicles, 1008
- — Policy of, 494
- Racecourse, Motor, in America (illustration), 637
- Races, Detachable Wheels and Rims in, 901
- Racing and the Public, 1016
- — at Brooklands, 68, 208, 546
- — Cars and Olympia Show, 673
- — Motor, in Isle of Man, 877
- — The Safety of, 567
- — Utility of, 147, 190, 231, 267, 340, 379, 412, 607, 623
- Radiator Efficiency Investigations, by Dr. W. R. Ormandy and J. H. Lester, 284
- — Letters re, 340, 381, 411, 449 494, 569
- Radiators, Non-freezing Solutions for, 748
- Rank Injustice, A Case of, 21
- Rankin Patent Collapsable Petrol Filler, 760
- Rating of Petrol Engines, 325, 742
- R. B. (letter), 63
- R. D. (letter), 679
- R. D. S. (letter), 724
- Reaction in Turning, 21
- Rear Suspension, Austin New Pattern, 725
- — Wheel Testing, 465
- Reasons for Abstention, 404
- Record Book, The Chas. Jarrott, 1003
- Records, 389, 459
- Recovering Parts from Inaccessible Places, 357 393
- Reeves, A. W. (letter), 23, 1016
- Reformation from Within, 879
- Registration of Cars, 641
- Relation between Power and Spark, by W. Watson, 124
- Removing Dropped Set Screw from Crank Case, 357, 393
- Renault 20-30 h.p. Car (illustration), 924
- — Chassis, Back View of (illustration), 294
- — (letter), 608
- — Self-starter, Description of, 912
- — Six-cylinder Car with Touring Phaeton
- — Top or Limousine (illustrations), 686
- — Type of Car, 802, 980, 1015
- Renouf, P. L. (letters), 907, 980, 1050
- Repair, Prompt, 150
- Repairing Air Tubes from Inside, 71
- Repentant Municipality, Issoire, 262
- Reviews, 75, 98, 242, 278, 316, 524, 875, 899, 1025
- Rhodesia, Motoring in, 938
- Rhodes Motors, Ltd., and Reduced (letter), 1015
- Ridley, L. S. R. (letter), 412
- Rigford Anti-puncture Tyre, 16
- Riley 12-18 h.p. Car with Patent Wheels (illustration), 498
- — Gear. Box, 123
- — Two-cylinder Car (illustration), 537
- Ringwood, Charles A. (letter), 605
- Rio de Janeiro to Sao Paulo by Road, 874
- Rippon, Claude (letter), 1053
- Rivington Pike Hill-climb, 216
- R. J. C. (letter), 802
- R. M. (letter), 677
- Road Congress at Paris. 624, 713, 796, 911
- — Construction, Paris Congress and British Methods, 713
- — Destruction, 104, 450
- — Finding the, 319
- — Hogs in India, Drastic Cure for, 937
- — Maintenance, Motorists’ Fines and, 229
- — Obstructor brought to Justice, 565
- — The Backbone of the, Granite Quarries, 758
- — Warnings, 118, 120, 174, 258, 368
- — Wheels, Slip at, 525
- — Testing for Alignment, 880
- Roads and Public Playgrounds, 176, 474, 530
- — Improvement Association Paper, 808
- — Kent, The Dust Problem Solvable, 336
- — Motors, and Taxes, 972, 1050
- — The State and the, 800
- — Upkeep of, 302, 450, 542
- Roberts, J. T. (letter), 680
- — R. (letter), 805
- Rolls, Hon. C. S., A Flight in the Wright Aeroplane, by, 597
- Rolls-Royce Cars, 719
- — at Brooklands, 112
- — Car in Funnel of Yacht Iolanda (illustration), 630
- — Works at Derby, Opening of, 114
- Roman Road, An Old, by A. Clarke Little, 222 255
- Rooke, Arthur E. (letter), 724
- Roosevelt, President, after Cavalry Inspection, 301
- Roots, J. D. (letter), 23
- Ross Petrol Experience, 688
- Rotax Speed, Mileage, and Time Recorder, Description of, 72
- Rover 20 h.p. Car, 688, 1026
- — T.T. Car, Description of, 290
- — 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 656
- — 8 h.p. Car in Manchester Hill-climb
- — (illustration), 160
- — Miss Agnes Wood’s (illustration), 235
- — Co., Ltd. (letter), 340
- — (letter), 609
- Royal Parks and Motor Cars, 621
- Royce, F. H., Paper by, 422
- R.R.H. Wheels, Long Distance Trial of, 524, 559, 643
- Rudge-Whitworth Detachable Wire Wheels, 389, 635
- — Ltd. (letter), 341
- — Wheels (illustrations), 671
- Rule of the Road, Tramcars and the, 139
- Runabout (letters), 381, 411
- — Small Car Talk, by, 60, 177, 228, 270, 298, 385, 503, 522, 557, 627, 776, 797, 882 1012
- Running Costs, 104, 167, 266, 380*, 496, 531, 711, 723, 805, 943, 1018
- — on Two Accumulators, 876
- Rushmore Acetylene Gas Generator, Description of, 622
- — Lamps, Ltd. (letter), 1051
- Russell, J. Ronaldson (letter), 452
- — (letter), 64
- Russia, Wright Aeroplanes for, 954
- Safety of Motor Racing. 567
- Salisbury Garage (letter), 531
- Salmon, Arthur J. (letter), 148
- Salon de 1’Avlation, 1022
- - Meeting, 44 8
- Saltburn Results, 106, 151
- — Yorkshire A.C., Speed Trials at, 30
- Samson Non-skid Tyre, 779
- Samways, D. W. (letters), 342, 414, 494, 642, 942
- Sangster, Chas, (letter), 643
- Satisfied (letters), 149, 531, 805
- Saunders, Tom (letter), 193
- Saunders-Wolseley Yacht, 987
- Savory, L. (letter), 189
- S.C.A.T. 1909 Cars, 672
- — Chassis with Brougham Body (illustration), 314
- — Four-inch Car (illustration), 313, 910
- Scotland (letter), 688
- Scottish A.C., 352, 464, 539, 632, 739, 784, 913, 989, 1058
- — and Inconsiderate Driving, 242, 264
- — Conviction Annulled, 1010
- — Hotels, Garaging at, 103
- — Lights on Vehicles Bill, 33
- — Reliability Trial, 1909, 1055
- — Trials, 21, 65, 66, 80, 101, 232
- — Report of, 80
- — Road Signs, 451, 493, 616
- Screen, Adjustable, by Charlesworth Bodies, Ltd., 663
- Screens, Toughened Glass for, 341
- Sealomatic inner Tube, 191, 201
- S.E. Auto Cycle Association Trial, 117
- Secret of Flight, 18
- Security Bolts, 22, 232, 340
- — Abolished, Michelin Tyres, 1035
- Self-starter, Renault, Description of, 912
- Seventy Thousand Miles in Three and a Third Years, 986
- Severe Specification, 65
- S. F. C. S. (letter), 608, 803
- S. F. N. (letter), 944
- Shackel, F. C. (letter), 1053
- Sharp, J. Russell (letter), 804
- Shaw-Kirsop Rim, 375
- Sheffield A.C., 162, 424, 578, 913, 1058
- — Hill-climb (illustration), 122
- Sheffield-Simplex Car, Driving a, 320
- — in Scottish Trials, 66
- — New, Description of, 730
- — Testing the, 458
- — with Hamshaw Body (illustration), 156 .
- — without Gear Box, 676, 730
- — Motor Works, Ltd. (letters), 340, 569
- — Projects, 1011
- — 45 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 616
- Shell Spirit, Price of, 77
- Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb, 117, 170, 278
- Shock Absorber, Glissoire, Description of, 892
- Shoolbred, H. G. (letter), 450
- Shorland, Frank, Dinner, 574 Short-bodied Car, 131
- Short Tour in France, by Sir Edgar Boeihm, 38
- Show Attendants, Badges for, 645
- — Notes from General Survey of Exhibits, 884
- — Suggestion, A, 1, 306
- Shrewsbury-Challiner Detachable Rim, 421
- Siam, Belsize Car in (illustration), 1057
- Siddeley 30 h.p. at Dundee (illustration), 238
- — 14-20 h.p. Car after Collision (illustration), 176
- — Car in India (illustration), 143 r-
- — Nigeria (illustration), 473
- — 14-20 h.p. Car, Lady Maurice Fitzgerald’s (illustration), 1057
- — Cars, Trial of, 366
- — Engine, Royal A.C. Test, 498
- —-14 h.p., Four Thousand Miles on, 520
- — New Pattern Cars, .637
- — No. 2708 (letter), 496
- — Tests of High Engine Speed, 554, 590
- Sizaire et Naudin 12 h.p. Car (illustration), 388
- Signposting London-Dover-Folkestone Road, 313, 334, 349, 576
- — through Towns, 173
- Signs, Motor Union, for Wales, 388
- Silencer, Cleaning the, 165
- Silencers, Choked, 34
- Silent Knight Cars (illustration), 944
- — Running, Is it Desirable ? 723
- Silly Season, The Topic of the, 247
- Simms-Bosch Self-starting Magneto, 264
- Simms Engines for Siam, 56
- — Fredk. R. (letter), 65
- Simplex Car, 50 h.p. Car in Twenty-four Hours Race (illustration). 650
- — Speedometer, 180
- Singer 12-14 h.p. Car, 504, 540, 1058
- — at Brooklands, 518
- — Experiences, 688, 786
- — Car on Test (illustration), 575
- Motor Co., Ltd (letter), 190, 568
- Sioco Tyre Inflator, 39, 324
- Sizaire-Naudin Car (illustration), 227
- — Single-cylinder Car, 695
- S.K. Car, 8-10 h.p. Car, 695
- Skidding on Purpose, 543
- Slaughter, Ernest A. (letter), 946
- Slipping Clutch, 786
- S. L. (letter), 678
- Small Boys’ Dangerous Amusement, 805
- — Cars at the Show, 1020
- — New, at the Show, by Runabout, 882
- — Car Stakes, 25
- — Talk, by Runabout, 60, 177, 228, 270, 298, 385, 503, 522, 557, 627, 776, 797, 1012
- — Four-cylinder Cars, 741
- — Napier Cars, 549
- — Stud Tyres and Dust, 304
- Smallwood, J. (letter), 644
- Smith, A. Tennyson (letter), 721
- — C. A. (letter), 189
- — David J. (letter), 903
- — J. A. (letter), 450
- — J. Martyn (letter), 531
- — Robert J, (letter), 21
- — Sydney (letter), 65
- So-called Motor Car Accidents, 789
- Soldier (letter), 450
- Solicitor (letter), 645
- Some Problems of the Motor Car, by Dugald Clerk, 614
- Something for Nothing Firms, 645
- Sooty Plugs, Causes of, 917
- South America, Motoring in, 1028
- — Australia A.C. (illustration), 878
- South-eastern A.A., 162
- Southend and District M.C., 989
- Southern Nigeria, Motor Cars in, 950
- — M.C., i56, 616
- South Wales, On the Road, 364
- Spanners; Nettlefold and Sons, 734
- Spare Parts for Magnetos, Bosch Co.’s Outfit, 337
- — Petrol, 66, 319
- — Springs, 3
- Sparking Plug, Pognon, 75
- Special Spanners, Making, 655
- — Two-seated Car, De Dion, 196
- Spectacles, How to Keep Them Dry in Rain and Mist, 246
- Speed Indicators, 80
- — Judging, 900
- -— Limit for Addingham, 21
- — Limits, Anti-motorists’ Deputation, 975
- — Applications for, 313, 314, 420, 621, 632, 716, 940
- — at Watford, 420
- — Proposed, 612
- Speedmeter, The Simplex, 180 Speedometer (letter), 106
- Speedometers, American, 900
- Spider and the Car, 803
- Spinney, R. D. (letters), 568, 609
- Spinning 1’op (letter), 66
- Sporting Body, 60 h.p. De Dietrich, 239
- Sportsman (letter), 903
- Springing, 148
- — N.E.C. System of, 633
- Springs, Squeaking, and How to Cure Them, 957
- Stacey Jones, J. E., Experiments of Non-freezing Solutions, by, 748
- Standard Car for the Colonies (illustration), • 737
- (illustration), 77
- — Kempton Cannon’s (illustration),386
- — New Pattern, Description of, 664
- — Princess Said Bey. Toussoun’s, 807
- — Cars, 540, 650
- — Motor Co.’s Price List, 536
- — New 16 h.p. Car, 930
- — Six-cylinder Car, Driving, 347
- Stanley Show, Cars at, 890
- — 20 h.p. Steam Car, 504
- — 30 h.p. Steam Car (illustration), 313
- Stannah,. A. J. (letter), 803
- Star Car, 12 h.p. Car for Lewis Waller, 80
- — Car, New Pattern (illustration), 312
- — Cars in Singapore (illustration), 573
- — Models, New, 711
- State, The, and the Roads, 800
- Statistics of Motor Vehicles Registered, 1040
- — Olympia, by H. Hewitt Griffin, 873
- — the Paris Show, 969
- Stead, Wm. (letter), 605
- Steam Car, Pearson’- Cox Three - cylinder, 747
- — Turner Four-seated, 734
- — Cars,-540, 651, 914
- Steering Connections, A Study of, 300
- — Gears; 64, 355, 358, 413
- — Gear Defects and How they may be Remedied, 358
- — Irreversible, F. Birch’s Invention, 61
- Stella Car, 16-20 h.p. Car. Tour by, 500
- Stephenson* M. (letter), 530
- Stepney Wheel Exports, 500
- — New, 225
- Stewart. L. A. (letters), 413. 1014
- Storage and Insurance of Cars at Hotels, 511
- Strainer Gauze. Fine, Necessity for, 123
- Straker-Squire 14-16 h.p. Car, Description of. 1036
- Straker-Squire’s Shamrock Car, 254
- Street, Charles F.» Illusions of a Passing Car, by. 798
- — Lamps, 956
- Stroke Problem, 804
- Stuart-White, J. (letter), 606
- Studded Tyres, 42
- Sturmey Motors, Ltd. (letter), 191
- Suction Governors, 269, 294
- Sunbeam 20 h.p. Car (illustration), 648
- — 14 h.p. Car, Particulars of, 726
- — Landaulet for Glasgow Corporation (illustration), 558
- — (letter). 380
- — Six-cylinder Car for India (illustrations), 922, 923
- Suppressing Dangerous Driving, 65, 243, 389, 394, 413, 567
- Surrey Car (letters), 642, 769
- — Prejudiced, 63
- Suspension, Tyres and, 230, 268
- Sussex Motor Boat Club, 78
- Sutton, C. N. (letter), 268
- Sweeping Statement, 796
- Switzer, J. S. (letter), 941
- Switzerland, Motoring in, 314, 687
- Sydney, N.S.W., Big Race in, 800
- Syren Nuisance, 191, 382, 413, 494
- Tall Lamps Going Out, 507
- Taking Corners, 608, 641
- Talbot 8-10 h.p. Car (illustration), 560
- — 35 h.p., Driving a, 215
- — Engines, 112, 634
- — Management Change, 405
- Tal-y-Llyn (letters), 528, 641
- Tappets of 12-16 h.p. Talbot, 710
- Tar on Highways, 94
- — Stains, Removing, 619
- Tarring of Roads, France, 418
- Taylor, F. C. (letter), 268
- — G. D. (letter), 229
- — Mark R. (letter), 769
- T. B. (letter), 380
- Tell-tale for Rear Lights, 736
- Ten Mile Posts in Scotland, 193
- — Years’ Practical Experience (letter), 679
- Terminal, New, Non-corrosive Terminal Co.’s, 32
- Testing Petrols, 641
- — Petrol, Simple Method of, by J. E. Stacey Jones, 550
- — Road Wheels for Alignment, 880
- — of Smooth Running, 373, 412
- Tests, Suggested, 281
- Their Just Deserts, 321
- The Victim (letter), 906
- Thornycroft Four-inch Racer (illustration), 419
- — Parcel Van at Bombay (illustration),587
- Thornycroft-Westinghouse Four-inch Collision, 606, 804
- Thousand Miles Trial, Official, Valveless Car, 683
- Tilbury-Gravesend Ferry, 77
- Tilting Hinged Bodies, 581
- Timing at Brooklands, Napier and F.I.A.T., 64, 105
- — Suggestion, Foolish, 228
- Timson, W. (letter), 644
- Tips, Useful Hints and, 3. 43. 83, 123, 165, 223, 246, 283, 319, 357, 393, 427, 465, 507, 543, 581, 619, 655, 710, 743, 791, 880, 917, 957. 993, 1029
- Tito Incandescent Car Lamp, 346
- Toil. Trial, and Triumph (illustrations), 536
- Toolbox, Clever, 43
- Tool Roll, How to Carry, 393
- Torkington Tyre, 153
- Toughened Glass for Screens, 341
- Touring Cars in Hill-climbs, 268
- — Expenses, Chauffeur's, 914, 951, 990
- — in the Caucasus (illustration), 262
- Tourist (letters), 149, 265, 493
- — Trophy Four-inch Race, as Seen from a Sunbeam Car, 491
- — Lap Times and Average
- — Speeds, 492
- — Report of, 485
- Townsend. W. E. (letter), 66
- Tram Accidents, Horse and, 233, 238, 298, 6 I 6
- Tramcars and the Rule of the Road, 139
- Transvaal A.C., 457, 784
- Award*, Evi-ritH and Competitions offl'wst Year,
- Transvaal A.C. Non-stop Competition, 652
- Trapping Joke, 193
- Travesty of Justice, 566, 608, 679, 768
- Trembler Blades, Old, Stiffening, 619
- Trevor, Roy (letter), 268
- — School (letter), 232
- Trial of M6ro Gear, 17
- — Runs on Small Cars, 503
- Trials of Tyres, Oil, Fuel, etc., 1056
- — Motor Yacht Club, 226
- Trifles, The Importance of, 2
- Trimmer, A. R. (letter), 943
- Triptyques, from Motor Union, 389
- Troman, Carl J. (reply), 914
- Trophy for St. Petersburg-Moscow Race (illustration), 19
- Troubles Made Easy, 936
- Truing Cylinders, 1014
- Turbine, Interesting, R. E. Pelterie’s Invention, 746
- Turner and Houston (letter), 643
- — Four-seated Steam Car, 734, 914
- Turner Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (reply), 914
- Turner-Miesse 10 h.p. Live Axle Steam Car, 504, 651
- Turner’s Motor Mfg. Co., Ltd. (letter), 190
- Turvey, Fred (letter), 339
- Two Classes of Cars, 464
- — Kinds of Justice, 605
- — Summonses for One Offence, 197, 233
- — Thousand Miles Trials, 2, 4, 25, 41, 57, 63, 101, 109, 150, 191, 268 (illustrations), 2, 7, 9
- — Importance of Trifles, 2
- — Report of, 4, 162
- — Summary of the Behaviour of Each Car, 57
- Two-stroke Engine Co.’s New Model, 613
- Tyre and Tread, Helsby, Description of,599
- — Anti-puncture, Rigford, 16
- — Conditions for the Grand Prix, 262
- — Costs per Mile, 723
- — Covers, Cleaning Out, 43
- — Experiences, 229, 266, 634, 651
- — Improvements, 618
- — Inflator, Sioco, 39, 324
- — Jacket, The Marshall, 74
- — Manipulator, Alley, Description of, 926
- — Manipulating Tool, 33
- — Pressure Gauge, 342
- — Pressures, 22, 65, 305, 339
- — Problem, Points in the, by Geoffrey de Holden-Stone, 26
- — Protectors, 497, 677, 941
- — Pump Tip, 427
- — Washers, 3
- — Samson Non-skid, 779
- — Sizes, Effect of, 1029
- Tyres, 904, 980
- — and Suspension. 230. 268
- — in Winter, 985
- — Life of, 149
- — Metal-studded, 42
- — on Wire and Wood Wheels, 341, 450
- — Parts, and Accessories, Olympia Show, 861
- — and Tyre Repairs, 378 '
- Tyring of Small Cars, 522
- Tyro (reply), 688
- Ubique (reply), 951
- Undesirables at Brooklands, 605
- Undesirable Practices, 530
- Unfair Criticism, Royal A.C., 505
- Un Francais Degoutd (letter), 722
- Unity of Action, Suppressing Dangerous Driving, 567
- Unshipping a Car at Rotterdam (illustration), 236
- Unspeakable Wilkins, The, 1042
- Unsupported Evidence as to Speed, 591
- — Prosecutions, 639
- Up Along Exmoor, by H. C. Lafone, 384
- Unnleasant Experiences, 606, 677. 769
- Utility of Racing, 147, 190, 231, 267, 340, 379, 412
- Vacuum Oil Co.. Ltd. (letter), 643
- Vacuus Viator (letter), 606
- Valveless Car, Official Thousand Miles Trial, 683
- — Engine, Discussion on C. Y. Knight’s * Paper, 646
- — Engine, Paper by C. Y. Knight, 601
- Valve Positions in Petrol Motors, by Bertram C. Joy, 279
- — Tyre, Michelin Type of, 465
- Vanderbilt Cup, Europeans and, 179
- — Race, 673, 719, 742
- Van Hooydonk, J. (letter), 66
- Variable Compression, 767, 941
- Vauxhall Cars for Grand Prix, 946, 1018
- — Next Year’s, 738
- — 12-16 h.p. Car (illustration), 75
- — 20 h.p. Car (illustration), 1024
- Veitch, Alexander (letters), 231, 340
- Venice, Over the Alps to, by C. Inglis-Clark, 128, 182
- Vertex Car, 25 h.p., Particulars of, 774
- Victorian Automobile Club, Australia (illustrations), 647, 737
- Vinot Car, 12-16 h.p. Car, Description of, 322
- — Cars in Four-inch Race, 574
- — Four-inch Racer (illustration). 350
- — Landaulet with Steel Wheels (illustration), 783
- Voisin, E. O. B. (letter), 641
- Voiturette, Grand Prix Race, 45, 93
- Vulcan Cars, 540, 688
- — 14 h.p. Car (illustration), 1034
- — Four-inch Racer (illustration), 349
- Vulcaniser, H.F., 32, 66, 192
- Wade, Christopher (letter), 769
- Wales, On the Road in, 364, 416, 445, 473
- Walker, L. F., Article by, 953
- Walker’s Patent Non-skid Tyre, 221
- Walton, L. (letter), 905
- Wandering Worm (letter), 149
- Warfare, Airships in, 1021
- Warning, 66
- — Signs, Lack of, 567
- Warren, James (letter), 946
- Water Circulation, Impeded, 452
- — in Petrol, 581
- — Splash, 229 Watson, A. (letter), 1052
- — W. (letter), 531
- — Relation between Power and Spark: by, 124
- Wear, Cause and Prevention of, Paper, by Mr. F. H. Royce, 422
- Weight of Motor Car and Parts, Paper by M. O’Gorman, 977, 994
- Weights of Some Accessories, 1045
- Weiler, Ernest (letter), 150
- Welch, Mr. William (letter), 1050
- Wells, R. G. (letter), 21
- Welsh A.C., 1025
- Westinghouse Four-inch Car (illustration), 388
- Westward Ho ! by H. C. Lafone, 538
- W. Ford C. (reply), 876
- What Constitutes a Handsome Car, 508
- — Might Have Been, 564
- Wheeler, E. H. (letters), 567, 680
- Wheel in Pneumatic Tyre, 413, 523, 570, 642, 679, 941
- — Slip at the Road, 525
- — Steered Lanchester Car, Description of, 552
- Wheels and Rims, Detachable, in Races,901
- W. H. H. (reply), 914
- White and Poppe Exhaust Box, 780
- — J. Wilson (letter), 568
- — Steam Car (illustration), 20
- — New Pattern, 717, 804, 907
- — Cars, New Pattern, Description of, 717
- — Steamer, W. J. Bryan in (illustration), 643
- Whittaker, C. E. (letters), 946, 983
- W. H. M. (reply), 740
- Whyte, Ridsdale, and Co. (letter), 266
- Wickham, Wallace (letter), 945
- Wickstead, Chas, (letter), 381
- Willan, F. (letter), 381
- Williams, J. (letter), 1013
- Wilis. W. A. (letter), 982
- Wilson, A. J. (letter), 1052
- — S. (letter), 804
- Wiltshire A.C., 539 x
- Windham, W. G., Aeroplane Jottings, by, 1055 (letters), 452, 570
- Wind Screen, Melhuish and Co.’s, 632
- Winter Housing of the Small Car, 776
- Wine Circuit, Cheap, 43
- Wire and Wood Wheels, Results of Impact Tests 144, 483
- — Wheels, Rudge-Whitworth, 389, 635
- Wiring, Bad, on Early Cars, 3
- Wix, L. (letter), 1018
- W. (letter), 306
- W. L. (letter), 980
- Woakes, Ernest R. (letter), 641
- Wolber Pneumatic . Tyre, 221
- Wolseley Co.’s Orders, 77
- Wolverhampton and District A.C., 117, 203
- Wood and Wire Wheels, 305, 341, 150
- — Results of Impact Tests. 144, 183
- — Philip (letter), 25
- Woodforde, F. Archibald (letter), 230
- Worcester Justice and the Entente Cordiale, 722
- Works Manager (letter), 105
- Worthing Carnival and Regatta, 352
- Would-be Paid Driver (letter), 768
- W. P. (letter), 908
- Wreford, William (letter), 23
- Wright Aeroplane, A Flight in, by Hon. C. S. Rolls, 597
- — Details of the, 639, 640, 788
- — Flight in, by F. H. Butler, 598
- — in France, 954
- — Trial Trips in the, 597, 598, 654
- — and Voisin Flying Machines, A Comparison, 998
- — C. C. and A. C. (letters), 305, 497
- — (letter), 1050
- — Trevor (letters), 571, 767
- — Wilbur, Testing his Aeroplane, 261, 307, 586
- — Warwick J. (letters), 232, 529, 609, 905
- X. (letter), 2661
- X. Y. Z. (letter), 104
- Yacht Club, Motor. 35, 79, 115, 161, 226, 316, 372, 392, 424, 502, 739, 782
- — and Olympic Races, 372, 392
- — Efficiency Trials, 226
- Yerbury, F. A. (reply), 504
- Y. (letter), 303
- Yorkshire A.C., 203, 315, 457
- — Speed Trials, 30
- — (letters), 106
- Young, George M. (letter), 22
- Yzelen, D. (letters), 65, 566
- Zedel Car, 10-12 h.p. Car, 237
- — 15 h.p. Car, An Appreciation, 263
- — Experience, 990
- — Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 399, 453
- — with Two-seated Body (illustration), 499
- — 10-12 h.p. Car for Japan (illustration), 314
- Zeppelin Disaster, 271
- Zust Car, New York to Paris, The End of, 521