1909 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

Note:This is a sub-section of The Autocar
The Autocar 1909b Index - Volume 23
- A. A. Controls, Appreciation of, 960
- — Garage, White City (illustration), 57
- - (letters), 224. 978
- — Patrol Case, 619
- - Poster, re Driving. 972
- — Road Sign, Damage to,’ 948
- - Scout Obstructing the Police, 948
- - Scouts, Usefulness of, 948
- — The, and the General Election, 1008
- — Law, and the Motor Scout, 961
- Aberdeenshire, Proposed Restrictions in, 1040
- Aberystwyth Town Council and Persecution of Motorists, 173
- Absence of Cars Noticeable, 535
- Accessories, Parts and, 210, 733
- Accident. An (Leyland), 975
- — to Motor Car (illustration), 330
- — Lord de Clifford’s (illustration), 426
- Accidents, Horse and Tram, Statistics of, 378
- — Motor Car, 403, 506. 600, 608
- — Not Motor Car, 341, 422, 506
- — Police Protection against, 966
- — Responsibility for, 411
- — Preventable, to Children, 1054
- — Street, Dr. Waldo and, 740
- — Two, A Contrast, 334
- Accumulator Charging Precautions, 145
- Accumulators and Accumulator Boxes, 177
- — Care of, 583
- A. C. D. (letter), 689
- Acer Dynamometer, for Testing b.h.p. of Engines, 294
- Acetylene Burner and Generator, Good. 509
- — Gas Tubing, 743
- — Side Lamp, Badger Brass Mfg. Co., 211
- — System, Carbic, 720
- A. C. G. I. (letter), 344
- A. C. of South Africa, 76
- Adams Car, 14-16 h.p. Car, 646
- — Car in Bombay, 988
- — 10 h.p. Car in Malay Peninsula (illustration), 346
- — 10-12 h.p. Car, 9,000 Miles on an, 58
- — 16 h.p. 1910 Model, 778
- — Planetary Gear, 579
- Aden, The Only Petrol Car in, 262 .
- Adler Car, 12 h.p. Car in Siam (illustration), 721
- A D 95 (letter), 534
- Admiral, The (letter), 225
- Adnil Electric Hooter, 528
- A. E. B. (letter), 538
- A. E. (letter), 687
- Aerial Defence, Weapons for, 15
- Aeromobiles, A Suggestion, 220, 306
- — a Warning, 261
- Aeronautics, 14
- Aeroplane Destroyer, German, 1030
- — Engines, Latest Type of, 377
- A Foreign Convert, 803
- Agar, Harold (letter), 576
- A. G. M. (letter),-70
- A. H. D. (letter), 185
- Aiding and Abetting, Dangerous Driving, 1056
- Air Brake and Declutching, 775, 904, 978
- — Tube, Owner Wanted for, 222
- — Valve, Automatic, 1041
- Air-cooled System, The Franklin, 777
- Ajax, A New Type pf Engine, 906
- — *p yr e 655
- A. J. M.’(letters), 71, 147, 225, 343
- A. K. B. (letter), 145
- Alarm, Needless, 877 x. x _
- Albion Cars, Group of (illustration), 15
- — 16 h.p., Country House Car (illustrations), 636 x. . ao_
- — 24-30 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 387
- — Patent Engine with Piston Valve, 450
- Albruna 10-12 h.p. Car, 672
- Alexander, R. M., Fuel Economiser, 207
- Ali Baba (letter), 31
- Alien, Thos. G. (letter), 420
- Allfrey, W. M. (letter), 266
- Alliance, A Motorists’, 802
- A. L. P. N. W. (letter), 533
- Aluminium, Its Uses and Limitations in Motor Engineering, 373
- Amans Pneumo-suspension, o»9,
- Amateurs, Races for, 911
- A Member (letter), 785 . ...
- America, Automobilism in, Interview with S. F. Edge, 21
- — Motoring in, 154
- American Brooklands (illustrated), 839
- — Cars, 106
- American in London (letter), 902
- — Napier Works, 268
- — View of Olympia Show’, 902
- A.M.I.E.E. (letter), 941
- AM 1123 (letter), 423
- AM 100 (letter), 613
- Angler Motorist (letter), 227
- Anglesey, Motor Cases in, 506
- — Police Trap in, 344
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. (letter), 902
- Anglo-India (letter), 571
- Annular Ball Bearings, 211
- Anode (letter), 501
- An Old Irishman (letter), 574
- — Road User (letter), 109
- — Surrey Man (letter), 379
- Another Country Doctor (letter), 976
- — for Fair Play (letter), 146
- — Interested One (letter), 422
- Antarctic Motor Car, 150, 292
- Anti-bumbledon (letter), 383
- Anti-motorist Literature, 612
- Anti-skid, Novel, 56
- Appreciation for Service, 195
- A Resident (letter), 802
- Argyll Balance Sheet, 716
- — Car in Scottish Military Manoeuvres (illustration), 346
- — 12-14 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 56
- — Four-cylinder, Description of, 82
- — S.A.C. Trial, 94, 127
- — 16-20 h.p. Double Landaulet (illustration), 475
- — 1910 Programme, 699, 787
- Ariel 20 h.p. Car, by Coventry Ordnance Works, Ltd. (illustration), 161
- — Car for 1910, 870
- — Chassis with Cabriolet Body (illustration), 464
- — 40 h.p. Chassis with Pullman Body (illustration), 350
- Armoured Car in German Manoeuvres (illustration), 347
- Armstrong-Whitworth 12-14 h.p. Car, Description of, 554
- — Cars at. Gosforth Park (illustration), 276
- — 18-22 h.p. Car (illustration), 453
- Army Motor Schools, 612
- Arrest on Warrant, 100, 229, 260
- Arrol-Johnston 15.9 h.p. Car, 33
- — Description of, 678
- — (illustrations), 587, 788'
- — Cars at Waterworks, Inspection (illustration), 90
- — in Egypt, 156
- — Landaulet, Lieut. Shackleton’s, 150, 292
- — New Pattern Cars, 257
- Arundel, Police Traps Around, 802
- — R. J. (letter), 422
- Ashfordby-Frenchard, M. (letter), 306
- Ashton Resilient Wheel, 966
- Aspenall-Dudley, Louisa A. L. (letter), 535
- Aspinall, Lewis (letter), 499
- Assault, Stone Throwing and, on Motorist, 292
- Aston Hill-climb, Report of, 158
- Atkey, A. R., and Co., Ltd. (letter), 576
- Atlanta Motordrome (illustrated), 899
- Atlas Cast Steel Wheel with Muir’s Hub and Tyre, 307
- — Tyre Protector, Trial of, 62, 90
- Auster, Ltd., New Rear Screen, 451
- Austin and Swift (Joint) Small Car, Description of, 643
- — Qo. and the Grand Prix, 936
- — 18-24 h.p., W. R. Younger’s, 1055
- Australia, 20 h.p. Standard Car in (illustration), 524
- — Western A.C. of, 193
- Australian A.C., 77
- — Goldfields, In the, 380
- Aut Caesar aut Nullus (letter), 266
- “Autocar League, The,’’ 271, 316, 352, 392, 432, 476, 512, 546, 584, 622, 648, 662, 719, 754, 876, 952, 1002, 1026
- — at Olympia, 755
- Autocars of 1910, 619, 697, 702
- — Statistics of, 702, 742, 794a
- — £500 Prize, 543
- Auto-chime, Seabrook, 781
- Automatic Air Valve, The, 1041
- Automobile Association, 65, 105, 112, 113, 181, 191, 387, 443
- — Legal Defence for Members, 33, 66
- — New Premises, 755
- — Construction, Suitable Steels, 259
- — Engineers, Institution of, 926, 1025
- — Suspension, Cowey, 717
- Aviation Week at Rheims, 338
- Aviation Week, British, 429
- A. W. L. (letters), 460, 535
- A. W. R. (letter), 737
- Axiomatic Principles, Highways and Motor Cars, 544
- Axle, Back, Design, 951, 975, 1034
- — Bearings, Front, 1037
- Axles, Jacking up, 951
- Ayton, R. W. (letters), 149, 186
- — Multi-point Ignition, by, 217
- Back Axle Design, 951
- Badly Bitten (letter), 784
- Baker, Arthur F. (letter), 653
- — D’Arcy R. (letter), 654
- Bake well, Round about (illustrations), 87
- Balancing of Flywheels, 333
- — Petrol Motors, 48
- Bale, F. II. (letter), 380
- Ballachulish Ferry, 612, 653. 689
- Ball Bearing, F.S., 782
- — Bearings, Annular, 211
- — Tyre, 739
- Bargain Tyres, 978
- Barker, H. E. (letter), 498
- Barlow, A. K. (letter), 737
- Bartleet, H. W. (letter), 901
- Barton, J. Kingston (letters), 688, 1016
- Bates, H. S. (letter), 977
- B. C. L. (letter), 499
- Bearings, Front Axle, 1037
- — Plain v. Ball, 983, 1018, 1037
- Beatonson Screen Joint, 239
- Beaver, P. J. Atwood (letter), 784
- Beavis, E. J. (letter), 535
- Bedford 18 h.p. Car, 718
- — Cars, 944
- Belgian Speed Trials Results, 641
- Belgium, Motor Cars in, 230
- — Racing in, 505, 615, 641
- Bellamy, Fredk. A. (letter), 535, 689
- Bell, J. Dalrymple, Ignition System, 908,
- — (letters), 28, 944
- — Electrical Starting Device, 205
- Belsize 1910 Cars, 733
- — Car, 14-16 h.p., with Hewer Body, 925
- — 14-16 h.p. (illustration), 774
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 189 Benzol, 493
- — v. Petrol, 993 Berkshire A.C., 75, 504
- Berks A.C. Balloon Race (illustrations), 466
- — Kent and West Surrey A.C/s, 78
- B. H. (letter), 459
- Bicycle, Motor, Influence of the, 949
- Big Cars, Fair Play for, 664
- Bingham Engine (illustration), 869
- Binks, Charles (letters), 302, 786, 904
- Binyon, A. H. (letter), 419
- Birmingham-Wolverhampton Road, Proposed, 675
- Blackheath A.C., 38 Black Plating Process, 920
- Blackpool and Motorists, 1011
- — Aviation Week and Traps, 534
- — Police Traps, 611
- Blakeborough, J. Fairfax, Hunting and Motors, 559
- — Luxury and Sport, 752
- — Oldest Inhabitant and the Motor, 1054
- Blake, Luttrell Bruce (letter), 785
- Bleriot Cup (illustration), 309
- — M-, leaving Victoria Station (illustration), 165
- — Monoplane, 15 Blocked Jet, 583, 875
- Blount, Bertram (letters), 148, 305
- Blue Bottle (letter), 802
- B. M. (letter), 902
- Boake, E. J. (letter), 940
- Boat Body, True, 7
- Bobbett’s Self-holder Tyre Lever, 211
- Bob (letter), 537
- Bodies, Motor Car, 976, 1016
- Body Building, Motor, 518
- — Cabriolet, by Mulliner, 929, 695, 730, 756, 782
- — Corre Limousine (illustration), 1055
- Body Design, Criticisms and Contrasts, 956
- — Daimler with Scuttle Dash, 1010
- — — Dickey Seat, Ellis, 1039
- — Lanchester Folding Detachable
- — Canopy, 964 Million Gufek 990, 1038
- — Two-seated Phaeton, Cann, 1010
- — Open or Closed (Charlesworth), 1032
- — Politic of Motordom, 301, 339
- — Prices, 147, 189
- — Torpedo, A French View, 938
- — Development of, 939, 976
- — T. Masui, 794a, 943
- Bodywork and Shows, 160
- — at Olympia, 942, 976
- — on Small Cars, 943, 976
- Bolide, L., Clutch, Patent, 982
- Bolton Motor Fatality, 600, 608
- Bonnets, Loose, Danger from, 157
- Born, Brian (letter), 533
- Bosanquet, E. C., Lieut. P. N. (letter), 383
- Bosch Dual Ignition, 381, 418
- — Magneto, Latest, Description of, 681
- Bosworth, Col. W. J. (letter), 573
- Bourdon, Marcus, Driving Hints, by, 312
- — Motoring Enthusiast’s Letters, by, 391, 544
- Bowden Speedometer, 716a
- Boyish Ingenuity, Discouragement of, 1040
- Bradford A.C., 428
- Bradbury, Alan (letters), 944, 976
- Brake, Air, v. Declutching, 775, 904, 978
- — Rods and Motion, 998
- — Throttle as a, 967
- Brakes, Foot, Shuddering, 793
- Braking, Front Wheel, 420, 974, 976, 1017
- Brantsen, C. A. (letter), 903
- Brazil Automobile Club, 506
- Brennan Mono Rail, 795
- Brentwood, Proposed Speed Limits for, 804
- Brewer, Robert W. A. (letter), 32
- — Untaxed Fuel, by, 297
- Bright, H. (letter), 263
- British Airship, Proposition to Build, 192
- — American Co. (letter), 804
- — Army Aeroplane, 14
- — Aviation Week, 429
- — Cars, 538, 651
- — Colonial (letter), 739
- — Colonist (letter), 457
- — Columbia, Motoring in, 9
- British Duplex Motor Engine Syndicate, 1037
- — Isles, Flying in the, 15
- — Motor Boat Club, 193, 578, 617
- — or Foreign Motor Fuel, 186, 381
- — Petroleum Co., Ltd. (letter), 688
- — Trade, Discouragement of, 902
- B. R. (letter), 536
- Bromage, G. Arthur (letter), 536
- Brookes-Smith, J. H. (letter), 339
- Brooklands A.R.C. October Meeting, 367r 598
- — as an Aviation Ground, 453
- — August Meeting Programme, 166
- — Automobile Racing Club, 100, 115
- — Race Meetings, 52, 53, 200
- — 1910 Programme, 899
- — Records, 571, 654, 737
- — Records, International, 1013
- — Rules, 67, 109
- — Vauxhall Car Records, 1042
- Brown Car, 20 h.p. (illustration), 773
- — Richardson (letter), 609
- — Walter (letter), 944
- Brussels Exhibition, British Collective Exhibit, 463
- — Motor Car Exhibition, 230, 238
- B.S.A. Cars, 1910 Models, 769
- — 14 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 563
- — with Hewer Body (illustration), 782
- Budget Proposals and Motor Cars, 39, 46, 79
- Buffer, Nevajah Spring, 966
- Buire Cars, La, 919
- Buist, H. Massac, From Spain to Italy by Motor, 878
- Bumps (letter), 379
- Burberry Motor Garments, 871
- Burch, A. W. (letter), 783
- Burder, R. G. (letter), 978
- Burgess, D. (letter), 421
- Burglars Burgling while Police Trap, 436
- Burnett, F. M. (letter),. 977
- Burrow, E. J. (letter), 653
- Burst Tyre, The Story of a, 35
- Burt, Thos. W. (letter), 421
- Business Man’s Wants, 513
- Butler, H. (letter), 1038
- Buxton, A. (letter), 689
- Buyers’ Guide, Colonials and the, 500
- — for 1910, 702, 742, 794a
- Byrorn, John, Invention, An Interesting (Carburetter, 315
- Cabriolet Body, Cole (illustrations), 996
- Cadillac Cars hi Trials, 35
- — Gudgeon Pin Locking (Illustrated), 798
- C. A. H S38
- Cairn-o’-Mount, View from Summit (illustration), 468
- Cairo, Taxicabs in (illustration), 308
- Calcium Chloride, Tests of, as Dust Preventive, 493
- Calland, Eustace (letter), 783
- Calthorpe Cars, Coupe des Voiturettes (illustration), 36
- Cambridge, Fatality at, 947, 975
- — University A.C., 617
- Canadian Automobile Club Meeting at Montreal, 143
- — Motor Show, 1019
- — Requirements, 383, 424, 457
- Cann Boat-shaped Body (illustration), 564
- — Body, 8 h.p. Renault (illustration), 740
- — High-sided Body (illustration), 347
- Canopy, Detachable, Strachan's, 756
- Captain R. H. A. (letter), 343
- Carbic Acetylene System, 7 20
- Carbon Deposits, Removal of, 32, 71, 148
- — Dioxide and Tyre Inflation, 341, 382, 459
- Carburetter, Expanding, Polyrhoe, Description of, 455
- — Interesting, John Byrom's Invention, 315
- — Jets, Cleaning, 41
- — Polyrhoe, Tests of, 493
- — Trier and Martin, 210
- — White and Poppe, 1038
- Carburetters, Multiple Jet, 967
- Car Design, Progress in, 437
- — Insurance Broker (letter), 1018
- — Lighting by Dynamo, 884
- — Partnerships, 185
- Carleton, Dudley (letter), 737
- Carlisle to Keswick, The Road from, 571, 804
- Carman (letter), 264
- Carr and Co. (letter), 264
- Carrier, Spare Tyre, Cole’s Automatic, 248
- Carson, F. M. (letter), 803
- Cardell, C. C. (letter), 739
- Cases against Motorists, Table of Charges, 286, 310
- Castle Accumulator, Record, 18
- Cates, J. (letter), 786
- Cattle on the Highway, 261, 306, 425, 664, 994
- Caution Board Wanted, 264
- C.A.V. System of Car Lighting, 110
- Caxton Hall Meeting, R.A.C., Finance Bill, 117, 142
- C. C. P. (letter), 306
- Cecil G., Demand for Motors in India, 868c
- Central Road Authority, 287
- Challenge Reinforced Inner Tube, R.A.C. Trials, 131, 532, 566, 1012, 1029
- Chamier, J. A. (letter), 225
- Chancellor’s Concession, Petrol Tax, 697
- Change of Ownership, Notification of, 1039
- Changing a Wheel, 977
- Chapman and Co., IT. J. (letter), 148
- — J. A. G. (letter), 188
- Charity, Checking the Flow of, 990
- Chauffeur (letter), 342
- — Mechanic (letters), 458, 688
- — Sexton-gardener, 928
- — The Unsatisfactory, 419, 461, 501, 536, 573, 610, 654
- Chauffeurs and their Masters, 467
- — Consideration for, 149
- — Qualifications, 975, 1017
- Chenard (letter), 462
- Cheshire and Motorists, 876. 914, 1021
- — A Clean County, 663, 719
- Chester, Round about (illustrations), 283
- Children, Police Persecution and, 266, 340, 420,£ 462, 575
- — Preventable Accidents to, 1054
- Chirurgeon (letter), 145
- Choked Jet, Hints and Tips on, 469
- Christmas, 1909 (illustration), 1022
- Churches, When Passing, 302
- Cinogene Self-starter, 640
- Circulars, The Plague of, 476, 587
- C. J. (letter), 303
- C. J. P. (letter), 690
- Clarkson, A. (letter), 1018
- Clark, Chas. R. (letter), 736
- Clarke, George T. (letter), 461
- Classics, Motor Journalism and the, 996
- Clean Counties, 344, 429, 952, 1002
- Cleaning Unvarnished Paint, 883
- — Wet off Screens, 119
- Cleanser for Hands, 775
- Cleland’s Patent Detachable Canopy (illustrations), 595
- Clement, British, 14-18 h.p., Guy Owen’s, 897
- — M. (illustration), 97
- Clement-Talbot. 15 h.p. Car at Johannesburg (illustration), 150, (illustration), 556
- Clerical View of the Motor Car, 221, 305,
- C 2008 (letter), 940
- Clincher Tyro Experience, 658
- C. L. S. (letter), 381
- Club Doings, 37, 75, 115, 152, 193, 231, 270, 309, 348, 388, 427, 465, 503, 541, 577, 617
- — Trials and the Makers, 70
- Clubs, How to Preserve the Local,
- Clutch Adjustment, 469
- — or Throttle, 571 by Runabout, 494
- — Rollers, Noisy, 743
- Clutches, Fierce Leather, 743
- Clutchshafts. Universally^ ointed, 883
- Clyde Motor Boat Club, 115
- Coat, Leopard Skin, 1013
- Cochion, Y Gwylliad (letter), 69
- C. O. C. M. (letter), 189, 611
- Coil Ailment, A Remedy for, 157
- — Terminal Wires, Tightening Battery and, 41 /
- Cold Weather Starting Tip, 913
- Cole’s Automatic Spare Tyre Carrier, 248
- Coleman, F., White Steamer, Puppies, 765
- — Frederic (letter), 939
- Cole, George A. (letter), 421
- Colibri 8 h.p. Car, 604
- Colonel, R. E. (letter), 303
- Colonial (letter), 147
- — Requirements, 497
- Combustion in Engine Cylinder, Phenomena of, 470
- Common Chauffeur (letter), 610
- Commonsense (letter), 609
- Competitions on Highways and Police Controls, 296
- Complaint, A, 458
- Compound Tyre Pump, Kempshall, 210
- Compression Indicator, Okill’s, 946
- Compressor (letter), 458
- Conference, International, of Automobile Clubs, 973
- Confetti for giving Warning of Police Traps, 944
- Conscientious County Officials, Cheshire, 1021
- Consumption of Motor Spirit, 578, 1028
- — Petrol, 1028
- — Tests, Fuel, 938
- Continental Tyres, Three, 1004
- Continent, New Route to, 225 Contrasts in Justice, 69
- Convictions on Unsupported Testimony, 421
- Conybeare, H, G. M. (letters), 145, 344
- Cook, Dr., in Delaunay-Belleville Car at New York (illustration), 579
- Cooke, Stenson (letters), 69, 341
- Cooling of Internal Combustion Cylinders, 413
- — Thermo-syphon, 883, 994
- Co-operative Continental Touring, 191
- — Motoring, The Possibilities of, 364
- — Trading, Associated Clubs and, 1030
- Cooper Two-stroke Engine, 908
- Cope, C. (letter), 190
- Corbet, B. D. (letter), 71
- Cork Asphalt, Pavement for Motor Roads, 25
- Corners, Taking, 609, 651
- Cornering, A Study in (illustration), 630
- Cornwall, Police Traps in, 114
- Coslett Anti-rust Process, 412
- Cottin-Desgouttes 22 h.p. Car, Description of, 284
- Couchman, J. G., 737
- Counties to Avoid, 265, 266, 342
- Country Doctor (letter), 943
- — Hotels, 538, 575
- — House Car, 16 h.p. Albion (illustrations), 636
- — of Origin, Bedford Cars, 905, 944, 1017
- Countryman, A (letter), 459
- County Council Elections, Motorists and the, 382
- Coupe de Liedekerke Race, 230
- — des Voiturettes, 6, 71
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C. Run to Thames Valley, 465
- Covers for Greasers, 11,9
- Cowey Automobile Suspension, 717
- Craig-y-don (letter), 187
- Crankshaft (letter), 1017
- Crippled Children’s Outings, 78, 388, 516
- Crompton, R. E. (letter), 976
- Cromn-Pognon Self-cleaning Sparking-Plug, 127
- Cross-Channel Flight, Latham’s Attempt (illustration), 118
- Crossley 12-14 h.p. Car (illustration), 727
- — Trial Trip on, 582
- — and 18-20 h.p. Chassis, Description of, 12, 722
- Cross Roads, Dangerotis, near Durham, 262
- — Wm. (letter), 1037
- Croydon-Fowler, L. (letter), 533
- Crump, A. J. (letter), 1035
- — Basil (letter), 422
- C. S. (letter), 266
- CT 417 (letter). 613
- C. T. (letter), 80t
- Cumberland Police, Considerate Action of, 985
- Cup, Sparking Plug, The, 1012
- Cut-out, A Cheap, 868b
- C. W. I), (letter), 190
- Cyclist Thieves, .575, 689
- Cylinders, How Many ? 257
- — Internal Combustion, Cooling of, 413
- Daily Papers and Motor Cars, 138, 531
- Daimler 28 h.p., S. Brown’s, 1019
- — Car, Accident to (illustrations), 131
- — for H.M. the King of Spain (illustration), 95
- — 22 h.p. Car for Bishop of St. Asaph (illustration), 216
- — Latest Pattern on Test, 363
- — with Hewer Body (illustration), 794b
- — 38 h.p. Car (illustration), 361
- — E. Mackirdy’s (illustration), 969
- — Carriages, Improvements, 693
- — Chassis with Cabriolet Body (illustration), 517
- — Co.’s Challenge, 90
- — Engineering Scholarships, 946
- — 15 h.p. (illustration), 781
- — 57 h.p., Mr. F. Sellars’s Car (illustration), 348
- — with Flush-sided Body (illustration), 160
- — Works, A Visit to the, 937
- Scholarship Results, 454
- D. A. (letter), 227
- Damage to Roads by Heavy Traffic (illustration), 1041
- Danger of Cattle on Roads, 994
- Looking. Behind (illustrations), 131
- Dangerous Bend (illustration), 425
- Daniel, E. C. (letter). 340
- Darracq, 14-16 h.p., Description of, 691, 980
- — 25-35 h.p. Limousine (illustration), 111
- — 50 h.p. Six-cylinder Car with R.-W. Wheels (illustration), 452
- Dash, Defects in the Scuttle, 920
- Dastardly Outrage, 454
- Davidson, A. E., Routes through North of England, by, 232
- Davies, W. R. (letter), 263
- Davis Paraffin Carburetter, R.A.C. Trial, 566
- D. B., Capt. (letter), 499
- D. C. (letter), 28
- Deasy 15 h.p. Car (illustration), 151
- — 1910 Models, 763
- — New “J. D. S.” Car, 920
- Declutching r. Air Brake, 775, 904, 978
- De Dion Car and Mer de Glace, 402, 479
- — — 35 h.p. Eight-cylinder Car, 669, 684
- — Engine, Eight-cylinder, 614
- — 12-14 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 397
- — Sir Richard N. Rycroft’s (illustration), 287
- — Patents in England, 968
- — Plug, Twelve Months’ Trial of, 310
- Defects in the Scuttle Dash, 920
- Deferential (letter), 537
- Definition Wanted, Man of Moderate Means, 27, 106
- Delage, 10 h.p., Six Days 'on a, 102, 151
- Delahaye 12-16 h.p. Car, Max Pemberton’s (illustration), 540
- Delaunay-Belleville 10 h.p. Four-cylinder, (illustration), 986
- Delverne, C. H. (letter), 461
- Demand for Motors in India, by George Cecil, 868c
- Demonstration, Reinforced Inner Tubes, 532
- Dennis 18 h.p. Car Complete (illustration), 324
- — 40 h.p. Car for Portugal (illustration), 139
- — Flush-sided Car, 730
- — 18 h.p. Four-cylinder, Description of, 120
- — 28 h.p., H. A. Sheppard’s Car (illustration), 361
- Denny, Walter (letter), 690
- Deputations to the Chancellor, 39, 46
- Derbyshire, Speed Judging Competition in, 504
- Design and Construction, Body, 7, 61, 88, 136, 147, 174, 188, 209, 246, 254, 274, 328, 359, 442, 474, 515, 521, 565, 592, (.36, 695, 730, 756, 789
- — Change in, 1005
- — Progress in Car, 437
- Detachable Canopy, Cleland’s Patent (illustrations). 595
- — Wheels, 68, 147
- — Changing of, 951
- — Wheel Improvement, R.W., 666
- — Sankey, 928
- The N. and B., 770
- Development and Road Improvement Bill, 490, 567, 629, 686, 928
- Lords’ Amendments, 928
- Devon, On the Road in, 360
- D. F., R. A. (letter), 341
- D. H. (letter), 423
- Dickey Seat, Ellis, 1033
- Difficulties of Identification, 100, 229, 260
- Dignity and Impudence, 973
- Dinner, Founder Members, R.A.C., 945
- Discourtesy on the Road, 786
- Discouragement of Boyish Ingenuity, 1040
- Discussions, 1021
- Disc Valve Engine, Rotary, 690
- Disgusted Chauffeur, A (letter), 975
- — (letters), 227, 344
- Disposal of Old Tyres, 30
- Dissatisfied (letter), 802
- D 469 (letter), 689
- Doctor’s Car, 68
- — Experiences in Twelve Months’ Work, Adams Car, 58
- Dodd, G. L. A. (letter), 459
- D. O. D. (letter), 501
- Does a Spray Carburetter Spray ? 145, 189, 344
- Dogs, Lost, Motor Vans for Collecting, 582
- — Motorists and, 421, 535
- Doncaster Race Meeting, Motor Cars at (illustration), 464
- Doors, To Stop Rattling of, 793
- Dorset A.C., 153
- Double-acting Petrol Engine, 945
- Double Ignitions, 574, 689
- Dowson, Fred (letter), 188
- Drain Tap Fitting, Neat, 3
- Dreadnought (letter), 339
- Drewry, W. C. F. (letter), 499
- Driver-owner (letter), 537
- Driver’s Worst Time, 1028
- Driving, The A.A. Poster, 972
- — Hints by Marcus Bourdon, 312
- — Inconsiderate, 432, 433, 478, 513, 573, 586, 665, 688
- — on London and Winchester Road, 28
- — Road Considerations, 875
- — through Ten Mile Limits, 226
- Drunken Horse Driver, Leniency to, 1055
- Drunk and Sober Drivers, 692
- Ducellier Head Lamps, 656
- Duckham, A. (letter), 422
- — Power absorbed by Lubricants, 1001
- DuCros, Harvey, Honoured by King of Spain, 909
- — Presentation to, 894
- Duffer (letter), 380
- Duguid, W. R. (letter). 535
- Dundee Persecutions, 647
- Dunlop Detachable Wheel and Spare Rim Carrier, 558, 606
- — J. B. (letters), 979, 1015
- Duplex Engine, Hopkins, 943, 1037
- Du Pre Inter-club Challenge Cup, 193
- Durham, Dangerous Cross Roads near, 262
- Dust Experiments, Private, 2, 18, 66, 103
- — Prevention, Test , of Calcium Chloride, 493
- — Raising, 538
- — Trials Abandoned, 66, 103
- — R.A.C., 389 Dutch A.C., 116
- Dynamo for Car Lighting, 884
- Dynamometer, Acer, for Testing b.h.p. of Engines, 294
- E. A. E. (letter), 500
- Early Days, In the, 794b
- Earthed, by Owen John, 1045
- East Anglia, Owen John’s Tour to, 63, 101
- — Kent (letter), 533
- E C 291 (letter), 688
- Economiser, Fuel, Henderson’s, 72
- — R. M. Alexander’s, 207
- Edge, S. F., Interview with, Automobilism in America, 21
- — (letters), 67, 689, 737, 1037
- Edison’s New Battery, 68
- Edmonds, Roland W. (letters), 303, 424
- Edwardes, T. E. (letter), 225
- D. E. (letter), 97 7
- Eger ton, Hubert (letter), 689
- E. H. B. (letter), 190
- E.I.C. Dual Ignition Set, The Hall, Description of, 649
- — Magneto for Aeroplanes, 764
- Election, General, The, A.A. and the, 1008
- — Motorists and the General, 939, 954, 988, 1008, 1021, 1026
- — The Motor Union and the General, 1030
- Elections, Cars at, 476
- Electric Buzzer, Sonor, 656 •
- — Headlight, Sylverlyte, 370 .
- — Horn, Adnil, 528
- — Lamps, Ever-ready, for Garages and Cars, 557
- — Polkey, 1007
- — Lighting, C. A. V. System, 110
- Set, Ey quern, 256
- Electric Light Regulator, 981
- — Side Lamps, 920
- — Tail Lamps, Rushmore, 214
- — Tyre Pumping, 255
- Electrical Starting Device, J. D. Bell’s, 205
- Electricity, How a Magneto makes, by P. S. Tice, 325, 357, 404
- Elliman, James, and “The Autocar League,” 953
- E. L. R. H. (letter), 305
- E. M. (letter), 226
- Enfield 30-35 h.p. Shooting Brake (illustration), 794c
- Engine, Cooper Two-stroke, 908
- — Cylinder, Phenomena of Combustion in, 470
- — Double-acting, 945
- — Petrol (Roots’), 790
- — De Dion Eight-cylinder, 614
- — Gore Forced Induction, 182, 228, 265,
- „ 306
- — Hopkins Duplex, 868d, 943, 1037
- — H. F. Thrutchley’s, 906
- — Kessler 30 h.p., 935
- — Piston Valve, Hewitt, 761, 1017
- — Practice, Improved, 897
- — Rotary Disc Valve, 690, 794, 803
- — Silent Piston Valve, C. Bingham’s Patent, 729
- — Slide Valve, 225 Rotary Type, 908
- — The Humphrey, 927
- — Two-stroke, 204, 264, 302, 344, 424, 502
- Engines, Aeroplane, Latest Type of, 377
- — Valveless, 108, 262, 344, 421, 460
- Engineer (letters), 803, 977
- English and American Roads Contrasted, 414
- — Politics and French Motor Car Industry, 981
- Equatorial Trading and Mfg. Co.? Ltd. (letter), 226
- E. R. H. (letter), 224
- Essex County A.C., 37
- Estores (letter), 739
- E. T. (letter), 538
- Evidence against Motorists, How Surrey* gets, 226
- Ever-ready Novelties, Electric Lamps, 557
- E. W. P. (letter), 344
- E. W. W. (letter), 976
- Exhaust Box, Improved, 804
- — Pipe Arrangement, 198
- Exeter, Roads around, 1016
- Experiences, 263, 421
- — Tyre, 942
- Experientia Docet (letter), 461
- Explosive Mixture, Function of the, 470
- Exports and Imports, Motor Car, 239, 597, 907, 990
- Eyquern Electric Lighting Set, 256
- F. F. O. O. (letter), 146
- F.I.A.T. 40 h.p. Car (illustration), 375
- — 35 h.p., with Boat-shaped Body, 671
- Fiction, Motor Cars and Tyres in, 982
- Fielding, T. (letter), 535
- Finance Bill, R.A.C. and, Caxton Hall Meeting, 117, 142
- Fines, Amount of, 286, 310
- Finish of a Chauffeurless Car, 34
- Fire at a Motor Works, 378
- Fitting or Removing Studs, 81
- Fitzpatrick, J. (letter), 30
- Five-cylinder Engine and Gearless Car, The Gore, 182
- Fixing Lamp-bracket, Good Method of, 621
- Fletcher, Walter J. (letter), 944
- F 1879 (letter), 342
- F 291 (letter), 802
- Flinty Roads (letter), 188
- Florida, Records at, 108
- Flying Machines at Shepherds Bush, 14
- Flywheels, Balancing of, 333
- F.N. Chassis with Torpedo Body (illustration), 73
- Folding Seats, 221 .
- Foot Brakes Shuddering, 793
- Footpath, Riding on,
- Forced Induction. 88. 182, 302. 343, 380, 383, 419, 457
- Ford. Coates (letter). 262
- — Tom (letters), 202. 460
- Foreign Cur, 784. 803
- — Curs, Expensive, Reliability of, 499
- — Tyres on British Cars, 944
- Forewarned (letters), 1012, 1038
- Formula, A Simple, Wanted, 1003
- Fortescue, W. (letter), 342
- Founder Members’ Dinner, R.A.C., 945
- Fourpence a Day, 613
- Four v. Three Speeds for Small Cars, 147
- Fox, Jas. (letter), 978
- Frameless Car, Simplicia Chassis, 686
- France, Motor Cars in, Statistics of, 391
- — Exports from, 900
- — Racing in, 339
- — Persecution in, 268
- — Petrol Tax in, 307
- — Touring in, 344
- Francis, G. L. B. (letter), 1017
- Frankfort A.C. Competition, 230
- Franklin Air-cooled System, 777
- French and Italian Motor Industry, 644
- — Fuel Consumption Tests, 938
- — Motor Car Industry, English Politics and, 981
- — Industry, Imports and Exports, 268
- — Trade with England, 1019
- — Recriminations, M. Faroux, 937
- — Roads, 226
- — View of Olympia, 885
- — Voiturette Trials, 899, 1011, 1042
- Friend in Need, 944
- Friends in Need (letter), 188
- Friswell, Chas., Knighthood of, 760
- Front Axle Bearings, 979
- — Wheel Brakes, 174, 420
- — on Crossley Chassis, 149
- — Braking, 974, 976, 1017 -
- — Wheels, Non-skids on, 329
- Fryer, Edward H. (letter), 108
- F. S. Ball Bearing, 782
- Fuel Consumption Tests, 938
- — Economiser, Henderson’s, 72
- — R. M. Alexander’s Patent, 207
- — Motor, British or Foreign, 186, 381
- Fuel, New, for Motor Cars, 28
- — Rapidin, 881
- — Untaxed, by Robert W. A. Brewer, 297
- Fuels, New, and Rumours of New Fuels, 1
- Fuller H.T. Magneto, Description of, 444
- Full Limit (letter), 224
- F Y (letter), 462
- Gabriel Horn, Four-note, 174
- G. A. H. (letter), 32
- Gaillon Hill-climb, 425, 613
- — Racing and Touring Car Successes, 569
- Gandy, Maurice (letter), 497
- Garage Accommodation, 7 83
- — Heater, Electric, 934
- Gardner, H. (letter), 223, 266
- Garrard, C. R., Anti-friction Steel Pistons, 764
- — Motor Boat, 973
- Taps shaking on or off, 913
- Gaulois Tyres, 729
- Gavan Inrig (letter), 381
- G. B. H. (letter), 905
- Gear, A Gradually Variable, 1029
- — Changing, Easy, 145, 190, 263
- — Grease, Good, 252, 380
- — Ratios, Tabulated List of, 596, 715
- — Wheel Teeth, Facts Concerning, 921
- Gearing, Its Importance, 773
- — Noiseless and Frictionless, by Eric W. Walford, 86
- Gearless Car, Five-cylinder Engine and, 182
- Gears Loosening on Flanges, 273
- General Election, Motorists and the, 575
- Gentle Protest against Ten Mile Limits, etc., 8
- George, Wm. (letter), 227
- Germain 28-36 h.p. Chainless Car, 443
- — 20 h.p. Six-cylinder with Torpedo Body (illustration), 580
- German Aeroplane Destroyer, 1030
- — Army Manoeuvres, Armoured Car (illustration), 347
- — Military Authorities and Cars, 540
- Germany, The Motor Industry in, 310
- G. H. (letter), 186
- Gilded Pauper, 28
- Givaudan Aeroplane, 14
- Glasgow Chauffeur (letter), 611
- Glidden Tour, White Car in, 258
- — Tours, Roads of Many Lands, 267
- Gloucester and Somerset, Bad Roads in, 186
- Gloves for Cold Weather, 883
- Gobron-Brilli6 70-90 h.p., with Limousine Body (illustration), 245
- God aiming, Persecution of Motorists at, L I i)
- — Police Traps in, 25
- Godalming, Ton MiJos Speed Limit at, 336, oOv
- Godwin, C. E. (letter), 977
- Golightly Bros, (letter), 149
- — H. (letter), 574
- Goodchild, G. W. (letter), 261
- Goodwood, Car Enclosure at (illustration), 196
- — Races, Going to (illustration), 212
- Gordon, Frederick (letter), 501
- — Hon. A., Fatal Accident to, 985, 1020
- Gordon-Stewart, J. W. (letter), 147
- Gore, A. (letters), 265, 344, 458, 534
- — Forced Induction Engine, 228, 265, 306
- — Description of, 182
- — G. Thomas Attwynne (letter), 107
- Gosforth Park, North-eastern A.A., Gymkhana at, 236
- Gough-Galthorpe, Somerset (letter), 784
- Gould, Ernest, 1016
- Government Road Improvement Proposals, 350
- Gradient Measuring, Easy Means of, 197
- Grand Prix for 1910, 600, 658, 732, 751
- — Insufficient Entries, 938
- — The Austin Co. and the, 936
- Grantham, Police Trapping around, 139
- Grantown-on-Spey, 497
- — Speed Limit at, 508, 537
- Grant, W. A. (letter), 653
- Grease-filling Pump, 583, 680
- up with, 412
- Greatorex, J. R. (letter), 497
- Greenly, J. H. M. (letter), 384
- Gregoire Car, Paulhan’s, 789
- Gregoire Gordon 14 h.p. with Torpedo Body, 613
- G. R. H. (letter), 343
- Griffin, H. Hewitt (letter), 190
- Show Statistics, 796
- Grumbles, 661, 736, 930, 998
- Gunton-Howard Gravity Balance, 14
- G. W. (letter), 306
- H 87, A. A:, M. U., A: R. A. (letter), 342
- Hall. E. I. C., Dual Ignition Set, Description of, 649
- — F. H. (letter), 575
- — Jno. H. (letter), 302, 976
- — Spare Wheel and Non-skid, 93
- — r. Stepney Spare Wheel, 1030
- Hampshire A.C., 75
- Handicap, New Form of, 301
- Hands, To keep Warm, 883
- Hannen, R. (letter), 902
- Hants County Council, 977
- Harbert, Sydney R. (letter)-, 109
- Harper, E. R. (letter), 976
- Harrison, Fred J. (letter), 343
- — Robert II. C. (letter), 1018
- Harrod Tyre, 758
- Harrogate A.C., 37, 75
- Hastings and St. Leonards M.U. Activity, 1006
- Haywards Heath Court, Cases at, 495, 580
- Hazell, W. Howard (letter), 261
- H. C. (letter), 382
- H. C. R. (letter), 265
- H. C. S. (letter), 651
- Head Lamps, New, Ducellier, 656
- Head Lamp Trials, R.A.C., 62, 71, 140, 148, 179, 288, 332, 420, 574
- Headlight, Electric, Sylverlyte, 370
- — Seabrook-Solar, 781
- — Tests, R.A.C., Report of, 288
- Heater, Electric, for Garage, 934
- Heating Apparatus, A Simple, 1000
- Heilbronn, II. (letter), 71
- Helix (letter), 611
- Hemery’s Records at Brooklands, 869
- Henderson’s Fuel Economiser, 72
- Henderson, Prof. J. B., Horse-power Rating, by, 620
- — T. Eltringham (letters), 189, 461
- Herts County A.C., 465, 541
- Hertfordshire, 739
- — County A.C. Hill-climb, 158
- Hewer Body on B.S.A. Car (illustration), 782
- — 22 h.p. Daimler (illustration), 794-6
- — par Bodies, Ltd. (letter), 903
- Hewitt, Patent Piston Valve Engine, 761, 976, 1017
- H. F. Garage Vulcaniser, Description of, 365
- (letter), 422
- H. G. R. (letter), 190
- Hibernia (letter), 421
- Hibernicus (letter), 187
- Highway, Cattle on, 261, 306, 425, 664
- Highways and Motor Cars, Axiomatic Principles, 544
- — Competitors on the, and Police Controls,. 296
- — Protection League, 791/947
- Higson, W. (letter), 942
- Hill-climb, Aston, 158
- — Cairn-o’-Mount, Scottish A.C., 417
- Hill-climb, Gaillon, 569
- — Mont Vontoux, 414, 415
- — Shelsley Walsh, 102, 132, 181
- — South African, 362
- Hill-climbers, Small Cars as, 105
- Hill-climbing, Rolls-Royce, 969
- Hills, Descending Greasy, 1028
- Hillman-Coatalen 25 h.p. Car (illustration), 378
- Hill Section, Shelsley Walsh, 72
- Hiscocks and Reeves, Concentric Piston Valve, 790
- H. (letter), 185
- H 2780 (letter), 383
- H 2061 (letter), 975
- H. M. (letter), 424
- — the King entering Car at Doncaster (illustration), 430
- Hoare, A. W., 8 h.p. Renault, 740
- Hobson Tyre Clamp, 296
- Hodgson, Wm. G. (letter), 500
- Hoffmann Mfg. Co. (letter), 1037
- Holcroft, B. M. (letter), 738
- Holden, H. (letter), 266
- Holland, British Cars in, 18
- Holroyd, J. V. (letter), 32
- Holt, P. Henry (letter), 302
- Homoil, 31, 184
- Hood, Cape Cart, Fitting of, 994
- — Divided (illustrations), 239
- — Easily Extended, Leverton, 214
- — Material, Kamac, 696
- Hooper, W. T. (letter), 612
- Hopkins Duplex Engine, 868d, 943, 1037
- — J. H. (letter), 943
- Horn, Electric, Adnil, 528
- — Klaxon, 255
- — Napier New Pattern (illustration), 360
- — Seabrook Auto-chime, 781
- Horse-’bus Drivers, Careless, 613
- Horse and Tram Accidents, Statistics, 378
- — Cruelty to a, 613
- — Drivers Careless, 586, 688
- — Driver, Drunken, Leniency to, 1055
- Horse-power Formula Wanted, 1002
- — of Petrol Engines, by C. F. Dendy Marshall, B.A., 449
- — Rating, 29, 108, 146, 190, 262, 302, 620, 690
- — What is, 380, 423, 459, 497, 535 Horseless Sunday, 104, 233
- Horses, Passing Led, 801
- Hostility to “ The Autocar League,” 953
- Hotchkiss, 12-16 h.p., Description, 772
- Hotel Charges and Motorists, 4-58, 586
- — Continental, 689
- — Garages, 977
- — in London, 1018
- Hotels, by Owen John, 925
- — Country, 538, 575, 653, 783, 903
- Hounds, Cars and, 925
- — Earl Harrington at Meet of (illustration), 1020
- House, Chas. E. G. (letter), 690
- — of Commons and Motor Cars, 25, 65, 103, 143, 258, 299, 337, 378, 418, 456, 494, 570, 648 .
- Hovenden, JI Reginald (letter), 500
- Howard, R. (letter), 737
- How Many Cylinders ? 257
- H. R. B. H. (letter), 420
- H. S. (letter), 610
- H. S. S. (letter), 302
- H. S. W. (letter), 149
- Hudson, F. C. (letters), 688, 689
- Hughes, Hugh (letter), 738
- Humber Cars, New Models, 734
- — 12 h.p. Car, Prince Kuropatkin’s (illustration), 505
- — 16 h.p. in Russian Forest (illustration), 540
- — Sporting Car (illustration), 463
- — 8 h.p. Two-cylinder, 97, 190, 534, 653
- Humber’s New Manager, 334
- Humphrev Internal Combustion Pump, 927, 1038
- Huntingdonshire Police Traps, 26
- Hunting and Motors (illustration), 968
- Reviewed, by J. Fairfax Blake- borough, 559
- Hunts, Justice as Dispensed in, 498
- Hustler, W. R. (letter), 611
- I.A.E. Graduates in France, 260
- Ideal Car. The Autocrat’s, 282, 339, 381
- Ide, John Jay (letters), 29, 262
- Identification, Difficulties of, 100, 229, 260, 307
- Ignition, Multi-point, by R. W. Ayton, 217
- — Synchronising Device, 41, 81, 119
- — System, J. D. Bell, 908
- Ignitions, Double, 574, 689, 737
- — Two Separate, The Joy of, 412
- Imperial Side-entrance Phaeton (illustration), 658
- Importance of Good Steel, 262, 306, 344, 422
- Imports and Exports of Motor Cars, 239, 597, 907, 990
- — of Motor Spirit, Statistics, 134
- Improvements in the Small Car, 920
- — which Lesson the Motorist’s Troubles, 1024
- Inconsiderate Driving, 432, 433, 478, 513, 573, 586, 665, 688, 739, 783, 955
- Incorrect Information, 543
- India, Demand for Motors in, 868c
- — Motoring in, 35
- — Price of Petrol in, 379
- — The Car for, by L. J. Martin, 216
- — Touring in the Punjab, 1035
- — White Steam Cars in (illustrations), 372
- Indictment against Police and Magistrates, 371
- Indignities upon a Motorist, Kent Police, 715a
- Industry, French Motor Car, 981
- Ineffective Associations, 305
- Ingenuity, Discouragement of Boyish, 1040
- Inland Revenue Licenses, Old or New Scale, 1002
- — Tax, Motor Cars and the, 563, 737
- Inspector of Petroleum (letter), 978
- Inspection of Roads, 651
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 634, 657
- — Graduate’s Section, 522, 695
- — Members of (illustration), 164
- Instructions for Drivers of Motor Cars, 119
- Insurance, Motor Car, 149
- — Points in, 28, 107, 109, 940, 1018
- Inter-club Challenge Cup, Du. Pr6, 193
- — Hill-climb for Uttoxeter Cup, 428
- — Meet at Brooklands Track, 91
- — North Middlesex A.C. and Southern M.C., 78
- Internal Combustion Cylinders, Cooling of, 413
- International Aeronautical Exhibition, Frankfort-on-Main, 191
- — Conference of A.C.’s, 973
- — League of Touring Associations, 24, 92, 123
- — Motor Traffic Regulations, 758 Proposed, 685
- Invalids, Specially Designed Body for, 274
- Invemessian (letter), 424
- Inverness (letter), 382
- Invulnerable Tyres, 149
- Ipswich and East Suffolk A.C. War Game, 579, 620
- Ireland and England, Motorists in, a Contrast, 345
- — for Motorists, 381, 610
- — Touring in, 348
- Iris Cars, Ltd. (letter), 457
- — Car, R.A.C. Trial of, 694, 758, 870
- Isaacson, Fred G. (letter), 107
- Isle of Man Race, 911 Wight, 662
- Itala 30 h.p. Car Presented to the Pope (illustration), 36
- Italian and French Motor Industry, 644
- Italy, Tourists’ Motor Cars in, 934
- Items of Interest, 655
- Itinerant (letter), 423
- Itinerary, Olympia Show, 744
- Ivor (letter), 502
- Jackson, Wm. (letter), 383
- Jaques, John, Hints on Tyre Repairs, by, 234
- Jarrott, Chas, (letter), 942
- Java, Motor Cars in, 695, 776
- Jefferson, R. L., Resignation of, 1008
- Jeffreys, W. Rees (letters), 342, 613, 1014
- Jelly, G. Aubrey (letter), 264
- Jersey (letter), 381
- — Motor Association, 153, 154
- Jet, Blocked, 875
- J. H. H. (letter), 939
- J. H. 35 (letter), 803
- J. H. S. (letter), 1016
- Joe (letter), 381
- Johnson, J. (letters), 31, 265
- Jones, J. (letters), 304, 382 .
- Journalism, Motor, and the Classics, 996
- Jowett, H. A. D. (letters), 384, 574
- Joynson-Hicks, W. (letter), 31
- J. P. (letter), 29
- J. R. B. (letter), 107
- J. R. G. (letter), 342
- J. T. (letter), 653
- Justice, Contrasts in, 69, 972, 1055
- — (letters), 384, 905
- Juvisy Aerodrome, 14
- J. W. E. (letter), 145
- Kapara (letter), 500
- Kay, Tom K. (letter), 498
- K. C., J.P. (letter), 226
- Kean, F. J. (letter), 1038
- Keeble, J. (letter), 67
- Koith, J. B. (letter). 459
- Kempshall Tyre Co. of Europe, Ltd. (letter), 228.
- — Patch, 570
- Kensington A.C., 75
- Kent A.C., 37, 153, 270, 577
- — and Cattle on Highway, 425
- — Dangerous Road in, 944
- — Police Trap in, 804
- — Unlawful Procedure of, 715a
- — Roader (letters), 737, 1017
- Kershaw, F. W., Simple h.p.. Formula Wanted, 1003
- Kessler Engine, 30 h.p., 935
- Kettleby Hill-climb. 75
- K.E.W. High-tension Magneto, Description of, 20
- Kicking Engines, Safe Starting of, 951
- Kidner, Percy (letter), 613
- Kiel Motor Boat Races, 51, 73
- King and Queen at Goodwood (illustration), 229
- — Shooting at Sandringham (illustration), 962, 963
- Kingscote, R. A. F. (letter), 149
- Kingston (Surrey) Magistrates, 786
- Kingswood (letter), 613
- Klaxon Horn, 255
- Knight, John Henry (letter), 226
- Kogan, M. (letter), 739
- Kootenay Spare, 9
- K S 115 (letter), 801
- K. T. Tyres, Demonstration of, 180
- Kuropatkin, Prince, in 12 h.p. Humber Car (illustration), 505
- La Buire Cars, New, 919 (letter), 690
- Ladies’ A.C., 78
- Lafone, H. C., On the Track, by, 23, 52, 91, 137, 165, 212, 252, 368, 453, 480, 517, 556, 598, 635, 683, 718a, 780, 929, 970, 1033
- Lamp Burners, Cleaning, 583
- — The Mixt, 1012
- — Trials, R.A.C., 62, 71, 140, 148, 179, 288, 332, 420, 574
- — Report of, 288
- Lamps and Lamp Trials, Some Criticisms and Suggestions, 376
- — Combined Tail, 994
- — Electric, Ever-ready, for Garages and Cars, 557
- — Electric Side, 920
- — Polkey Electric, 1007
- Lancashire A.C., 77, 116, 193, 270, 427, 465, 541, 577, 618
- — and Manchester A.C.’s Hill-climb, 10, 11
- — Police Persecution in, 264, 609
- — — Traps, 447, 532
- Lanchester Cars, Improvements in, 716
- Two Early Pattern, 16
- — 40 h.p. Dudley Pennington (illustration), 948
- Lancia 20 h.p. Car for Cape Colony, 715
- Limousine (illustration), 216
- — 30 h.p. with Rotund Double Phaeton Body (illustration), 192
- Lane, Mrs. M. (letter), 305
- Langridge, G. T. (letters), 689, 737
- La Auto Reliability Trials, 899
- Lavery, J. P. (letter), 340
- Law and Courtesy, 224, 306
- — Fair Administration of the, 955, 1027
- Layfield, F. (letter), 344
- Laying a Car up for the Winter Months, 721
- Lay Press Motoring Notes, 448
- L. B. (letter), 609 '
- LC3152 (letter), 106
- Leaguer (letter), 785
- League. “The Autocar,” 271, 316, 352, 392, 432, 476, 512, 546, 584, 622, 915
- Leeds (letter), 227
- Leicestershire A.C., 348, 388
- — Cripples’ Outing, 38
- Leigh, S. (letter), 534
- Leonard, John J. (letter), 1018
- Letter of the Law, 457, 500, 538
- Letts. W. M. (letters), 70, 186
- Lever, A Combination Tyre, Gamage, 934
- — Spring Suspension, The, 900
- Leverton Hood, 214
- Lewis, Col. H. le Roy, and the Police Orphanage, 990
- Lewis’s Rotary Valve Engine, 794
- Lex (letters), 29, 109
- Leyland, G. R. (letter), 975
- L. H. D. (letter), 738
- Liberal Treatment, 651
- Licenses, Car, New, 278, 422
- — Inland Revenue, Old or New, 1002
- — Motorists and Inland Revenue, 785, 802 their, 584, 623, 626, 659, 662, 719, 876
- — Motor Spirit, 978
- Light Car Improvements, 801
- — Six-cylinder Cars, 226
- Lighting Car by Dynamo, 884
- Lights, Motorists without, 1004
- —; on the Road, 339
- Ligue Internationale des Associations Touristes, 24, 92
- Lincolnshire A.C., 1 IB, 152, 503
- Lindley, H. (letters), 228, 306, 383, 420
- Linens, Motoring and, 111
- Liner, Kempshall Tyre, 995
- Lion-Peugeot 1910 Model (illustration), 56
- — Racer at Brooklands (illustration), 780
- — with Kempshall Tyres (illustration), 492
- Liverpool A.C., 348
- Llanwrst Magistrates, 738, 786
- Lloyd, F. Lindsay (letter), 654
- — (letter), 978
- L N 000 (letter), 419
- L N 4606 (letter), 943
- Local Clubs, How to Preserve, 1014, 1038
- — Tradesmen, Motorists and. (letter), 613
- Lock, II. W. (letter), 975
- Locke, William (letters), 264, 344
- Loder, G. (letter), 804
- Lodge Brothers and Co. (letter), 108
- — Double Pole Plug, 760
- London and Winchester Road, Driving on, 28
- — Car (letter), 342
- — Figures of Horse and Motor Traffic, 209
- — the World’s Motor Mart, 937
- Longinotto, E. J., Mail Service in South Africa, 916
- Lords and Development and Road Bill, 686
- Lord Stafford at Trentham Hall (illustration), 386
- Lorraine-Dietrich 30 h.p. Car (illustration), 73
- Loss of Power, Cure for, o75
- — in Old Cars, 81
- Loveridge, S. G., Perjury Charge against Park-keepers, 740
- Low Body, Essentials of, 57
- Lowe, Godfrey (letter), 344
- Lowell A.C., 309
- Lubricants, Power Absorption by, 1001
- Lubricating Oil, Straining, 509
- Lubrication of Crankshaft and Big Ends, 786
- — Economy in, 267
- — Winter, 775
- Lubricator Chart, 351
- Lubricators, Drip Feed, 743
- Lux in Tenebris (letter), 262
- Luxury and Sport, J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 752
- Lyell, J. C., Concentric Pilot Valve, 972
- Lynton and Lynmouth Railway, Car on (illustration), 425
- Maccallum, P. F. (letter), 28
- M. A. Cantab, (letter), 1017
- Macdonald, Arthur E. (letter), 108
- — J. H. A. (letter), 502
- — Sir J. H. A., The Road and the Power Vehicle, by, 209
- Mac (letter), 611
- Magistrate’s Good, Example, 507
- — Reasonable, 688
- Magneto, Bosch, Description of, 68JL
- — Derangements, Hints and Tips on, 3
- — for Aeroplane Engines (E.I.C.), 764
- — High-tension. K. E. W., Description of, 20
- — How it makes Electricity, by P. S. Tice, 325, 357, 404
- — H T., Fuller, Description of, 444
- — Ignition,. Starting op Low-tension, 951
- — Making. 960
- — Simms S.U.4 Type, 337
- — Switch Starting, 944
- — Tip, 509
- Magnetos, Small Cars and, 381, 424
- Mail and Passenger Service in South Africa, 916
- Main and Co.’s Spare Tyre Carrier, 656
- Majority Celebration, Pneumatic Tyre, 894
- Malay, Motoring in, 459
- — Peninsula, Adams Car in (illustration), 346
- M. A. (letters), 609, 739
- Malglaive, Henri de (letter), 537
- M. A. L. (letter), 533
- Manchester A.C., 116, 270, 466, 617
- — Cripples’ Outing, 115
- — (letter), 538
- — Magistrates, 494
- — M.C., 194, 231, 348, 465
- — Motor §how, 411
- — Royal Visit (illustration), 113
- Manoeuvres, Motors at the, from a Military Correspondent, 562
- Man of Moderate Means, Definition Wanted, 27, 106
- — (letter), 106
- Manufacturer (letter), 70
- Map Holder for Dashboard, 771
- Maps of Police Traps, 43, 167, 249, 321, 485
- Market Gardener and Motor Car (illustration), 230
- Marriott, H. S. (letter), 266
- Marry att. Frcdk. (letter), 108
- Marsden, A, Gear Wheel Teeth, 921
- Marshall, C. F. Dendy, Horse-power of Petrol Engines, by, 449
- — (letters), 29, 108, 190
- Martini 10-12 h.p. Car (illustration), 295
- Martin, Chas. E. (letter), 227
- — L. J., The Car for India, by, 216
- Masui, Theo, Torpedo Body, 794a, 943
- Mason Motor Spirit Co. (letter), 979
- — Petrol Can Faucet, 981
- Materials used in Automobile Construction, Suitable Steels, 259
- Maudslay Car, 17 h.p. Car, Description of, 550
- — Spring Wheel, 104
- Maxim Engine, New, 493, 534
- May bury, H. P. (letter), 533, 944
- McKinney, A. J. (letters), 68, 498
- McManus, Blanche, The Riviera, 805
- McWilliam, Alex, (letter), 804
- M. D.-(letters),' 30f), o33
- Mechanician (letters), 502, 654
- Mecredy, R. J. (letter), 610
- Medical Men and Petrol Tax, 698
- Meigh, Alfred (letter), 145
- Meirionfab (letter), 109
- Melville, A., and Sons (letter). 804
- Member of “ The Autocar League ” (letter), 739
- Mercedes Cars, 730
- — Rotating Valve Engine, 790
- Merchant (letter), 501
- Mer de Glace, Climbs to, and around Chamonix, 593, 673
- — De Dion Car at (illustrations), 402, 479
- — To the Foot of, 260
- Merionethshire Justices and the High Court, 417
- — Police in, 29, 60, 68, 74, 99, 108, 146, 173, 186, 227, 265, 342, 384, 508
- — Roads, 384
- Metallurgique Car for Phyllis Dare (illustration), 126
- — — Moore-Brabazon on (illustration), 74
- — 40 h.p. with Berline de Voyage Body, 442
- Metal Work, Getting Rid of, 56
- Metropolitan Police, 343, 422
- M.I.C.E. (letter), 147
- Michelin Tyre Co. (letter), 901
- Micklewood, E. H., Two-stroke Super-induction Motor, Description of, 645
- Middle Temple (letter), 306
- Midland A.C., 75, 102, 115, 181, 503
- — Club House, 1029
- — Hill-climb at Shelsley Walsh, 102, 132, 181
- — Meet, R.A.C., 15, 55, 80, 127
- Mihi Shock Absorber, 696
- Miles, C. E. (letter), 302
- Militant Policy, Advantages of, 1026
- Military Manoeuvres, Steam Cars in, 446
- — Motor Blockade at Ipswich, 579
- — Motorist, 195, 266
- Million Guiet Body, 16-20 h.p. Peugeot, 990
- Mills, H. G. (lett&),'-68B
- Milne, J. A. (letter), 500
- M.I.Mech.E. (letter), 904
- M.I.M.E. (letter), 266
- Minerva, 15 h.p., Mr. A. E. Joyce’s Car (illustration), 562
- Misdirection in North Wales, 340
- Misfires at First Starting, 509
- Misfiring, 3, 273
- Misplaced Police Traps, 479, 487, 499, 507, 537
- “ Miss Siddeley ” (letter), 420
- Misuse of Petrol Cans, 785
- Mitchell Cars, American, 799
- Mobilisation, Motor, and Royal A.C., 40
- Model of Six-cylinder Petrol Engine (illustration), 218
- Models, Museum of Motor Car, 1025
- Monaco Exhibition and Races, 1020
- Monoplane Successes, M. Latham’s, 14
- Mono-rail, Brennan, 795
- Monte Cristo (letters), 27, 106
- Montefiore, Mrs., 35-40 h.p. Westinghouse (illustration), 740
- Montgomery, Alfred J. (letters), 265, 304
- Monthly Trials, R.A.C., 134, 222, 300
- Montreal, Canadian A.C. Meeting at, 143
- Mont Ventoux Hill-climb, 414, 415
- Moody, David N. (letter), 424
- Morgan, It. E., Internal Combustion Turbine, 1044
- Morland, H. (letter), 262
- Morrlss, Frank (letter), 905
- Morrison, J. W. (letter), 804
- Mors New Cars, 696
- Mothersole, R. D. (letter), 978
- Motobloc, 12 h.p., A Drive on, 981
- Motor Bicycle, Influence of the, 949
- — Car Industry, Exports and Imports, 239
- — Cars and Motor Cyclists, 804
- — Club, 115, 231, 309, 427, 617
- — Cycle, T.T. Race, 416
- Motor Cycling Club, 427
- Motor Cyclists, 69
- — — and Cars, 804 _ L Lj ’
- — Driver, S. A. M. D. (letter), 573
- — Engineering in New Zealand, 739
- — Garments, Burberry, 871
- — Journalism and the Classics, 996
- — Manufacturers’ and Traders’ Annual Dinner, 869
- — Roads, 311, 434, 448, 477
- — Special, considered in Light of Cold Figures, 473
- — Spirit, Consumption of, 578
- — Test, 148
- — Traction Defence Alliance, Success of, 697, 698
- — Traffic and Road Maintenance, 334, 350, 375, 390, 416, 490, 507, 529
- — — Regulations, International, Proposed, 685
- — Tramp, R.A.C. Dinner Menu (illustration), 141
- — Transport and the Budget Proposals, 308
- Motor Union and Local Clubs, 1014, 1038
- — — General Committee, 730, 1025
- Hastings and St. Leonards, 1006
- — — New Developments, 874, 884
- Notes, 19, 59, 89, 135, 175, 215, 253, 293, 331, 369, 407, 441, 489, 525, 561, 601, 637, 677, 731, 757, 800, 887, 931, 965, 999, 1031
- — Road Signs, 933
- — the Genera] Election, 1030
- — Yacht Club, 76, 115, 193, 231, 270, 309, 348, 428
- Motoring Enthusiast’s Letters, 391, 544
- — from Centres, 245
- Motorist (letters), 149, 262, 459, 612, 687, 786
- — of Many Years (letter), 501
- Motorists’ Protection Association, 73
- — and their Enemies, 498
- Mott’s Splash Flange on Tyres, 982
- Mountaineering by Motor Car, by W. Douglas Fawcett, 593, 673
- Moynan, C. O. (letter), 362
- M. P. T. (letter), 737
- M. R. C. S. (letter), 225
- Mudguards, Design and Material, 998
- Mudshields, Front, 85
- Muir’s Shock Shifter Hub and Compressed Leather Tyre, 307
- M. U. (letter), 501
- M U 4811 (letter), 576
- Mulford, A. H. (letter), 107
- Multi-point Ignition, by R. W. Ayton, 217
- Municipal Elections, 662, 664
- Museum of Motor Car Models, 1025
- Myways, C. (letter), 905
- Napier Six-cylinder at Cromer (illustration), 579
- — 15 h.p. Cab for India (illustration), 491
- — Colonial Car, on Active Service (illustration), 698
- — in Rhodesia (illustration), 426
- — Tasmania (illustration), 91
- — W. A. Rhode’s (illustration), 213
- — Car in Australia for Governor of
- — Adelaide (illustration), 156
- — Cars for Portugal (illustration), 62
- — 16.9 h.p. Car, R.A.C. Trial, 566
- — 40 h.p. Car with Maxim Gun (illustrations), 591
- — 30 h.p. Chassis with Cann Body, 307
- — in Western Australia (illustration), 506
- — Extension in America, 268
- — Limousine for Queen of Siam (illustrations), 69,5
- — Racer, Sir George Abercromby’s (illustration), 213
- — Special 120 h.p. Car (illustration), 16
- National Motor League, 67
- Navy, The Autocar in the (illustration), 268
- N. B. (letter), 538
- N. Devon (letter), 575
- Negretti and Zambia (letter), 224
- Netherhall Gardens on Top Gear, Sheffield-Simplex Car, 23
- Neva) ah Spring Buffer, 966, 995
- New Car Licences, 278
- The Choice of, 715
- — Motor and General Rubber Co., Ltd. (letter), 30
- — York (letter), 1017
- — Zealand, Motor Engineering in, 739
- — Motoring in, 463
- Newton and Bennett Detachable Wheel, 770
- Nias, A. E. (letter), 612
- Nice, Motors in, 144
- Night. Driving, Some Notes on, by Runabout, 682
- Nine Thousand Miles on a 10-12 h.p. Adams, 58
- Nixon, Memorial to, 942
- Noad, Percy H. (letter), 571
- Noiseless and. Frictionless Gearing, by Eric W. Walford, 86
- Non-puncturing Inner Tube, 60
- Non-skid, Hall Spare Wheel and, 93
- — Tyre, The Rom, 973
- Non-skids on Front Wheels, 329
- Norfolk Roads, Motorists on, 380
- Northamptonshire, Road Maintenance ^in.
- North Berkshire A.C., 427, 578
- North British Rubber Co. (letter), 942
- — Middlesex A.C., 503
- — and Southern M.C. Inter-club Meet, 7 8
- — of England Routes, by Capt. A. E. Davidson, 232
- — Wales A.C., 153
- — A Misdirection in, 340 <
- — Police Traps in, 29, 60, 68, 74, 99, 108, 146, 173,, 186, 227, 265, 342
- — Territorial Motor. Reserve for, 416
- North-eastern A.A. Gymkhana, 236
- — Automobile Association, 115, 236
- Northern Africa, Touring Car in (illustration), 245 _?
- — Motor Co. (letter), 802
- Northumberland County Council and. “ The Autocar League,” 755
- — (letter), 107
- Norway, Motoring in, 36
- Notice of Proceedings under Motor Act, 910
- Notification of Change of Ownership, 1039
- Nottingham A.C. Cripples’ Outing, 516
- — Motorists and Cripples, 376, 516
- Nottinghamshire A.C., 76, 348, 577
- Not Wanted (letter), 611
- November Exhibition at Olympia, Voting for Positions, 130
- Number-plates, Skeleton, 74, 149, 340, 421
- Nunn, H._ W. (letter), 575
- Nyassaland, Motoring in, 81
- Oakey, J. M. (letter), 69
- Observer (letter), 266
- Obstructing the Police, A.A. Scout, 948
- Odi Persicos et—Arceo, 631
- Offences against the Person Act, Charge under, 1055
- Oil Leaking, To Prevent, 237
- — Tap, Wakefield (illustration), 447
- — Wastage, 680, 868c
- Okill’s Compression Indicator, 946
- Old Act Revived, 641, 687, 717a, 1055
- — Horse Driver (letter), 610
- — Invicible, 1052
- — Prestonian (letter), 611
- — Surreyite (letter), 304
- Oldest Inhabitant, and the Motor Car, 1054
- Oldham, A. H. (letter), 462
- O 3481 (letter), 28
- O 4349 (letter), 786
- Olympian Delights, 905
- Olympia Exhibition, 255, 410
- — French Recriminations, 937
- — French View of, 885 j
- — Results, The Autocar League,” 955
- — Show at (note), 791
- — Attendances at, 910
- — Bodywork and,.1.60, 942 _
- — Itinerary, 744
- — Report, 808
- — Voting for Positions, 130
- — Small Car Advice for, 768
- Once or Twice Bitter (letter), 263
- One “ Lung ” v. Four, 223, 305, 330, 412, 421
- — of the Four Motorists (letter), 575
- — Lazy Dishonest Incompetents (letter), 502
- — who Knows (letter), 69
- Onions, W. J. (letter), 384
- Only a Mechanic (letter), 573
- On the Track, by H. C. Lafone, 23, 52, 91, 137, 165, 212, 252, 368, 453, 480, 517, 556, 598, 635, 683, 718a, 780, 929, 970 1033
- — Road, by Owen John, 8, 63, 101, 138, 160, 206, 245, 335, 360, 402, 448, 496, 531, 564, 607, 631, 670, 726, 765, 797, 889, 925, 962, 996, 1013, 1024
- Organisations, Rival Motoring, 902
- Origin, Country of, 905
- Osborne, Frank (letter), 228
- Our Unreasonable Attitude,.459
- Over-gearing, 273
- Overhauling a Car, 522, 523
- Overlander (letter), 497
- Overtaking Sheep, 66
- Ownership, Notification of Change of, 1039
- Oxford A.C., 37
- Paddon, W. (letters), 188, 190, 341
- Pago (letters), 227, 498
- Paid Driver (letter), 462
- — — SAMD 499 (letter), 1016
- Paint, Cleaning Unvarnished, 883
- Paint for Tyne, 733
- Palmer Cord Tyre Studs, 177
- Panflex Spring Wheel. Particulars of. 4 88
- Panhard 12-15 h.p. Car. Description of. 510
- — 7 h.p. Conversion of. by Shaw and Son, 985
- — 15-25 h.p. for Premier of New Zealand (illustration), 505
- — 18'80 h.p., Lord Penrhyn’s (illustration), 794c
- Paris Conference of Automobile Clubs, 900
- — Regulation of Traffic in, 1024
- Paris-Madrid Race, 942
- Parliamentary Elections, Motor Cars and, 28
- Parliament and Motor Cars, 25, 65, 103, 143. 258, 299, 378, 418, 456, 494, 529, 570
- — Bargaining with, 659
- Parrott, Fredk. G. (letter), 461
- Parsons, F. O. (letter), 149
- Partnerships, Car, 185 Parts and Accessories, 210
- Pascall, Henry (letter), 264
- Passenger Service in South Africa, 916
- Patents, De Dion, in England, 968
- — Recent, 450, 524, 647, 790, 982
- — Renault. Revocation of, 676
- Patience (letter), 109
- Paulhan at Brooklands, 718a
- Pavement, Ideal, for Motor Roads, 25
- Peculiar Requirements for Peculiar Countries, 107, 224
- Pedal Cover, Rubber, 995
- Pedals, A braided Rubber behind Control, 951
- Pedley, C. H., the Case of Cheshire, 914
- Peebles (letter), 226
- Pemberton, Max, in Delahaye Car (illustration), 540
- Pembrokeshire A.C., 37
- Pendine, Speed Tests at, 123
- Perjury, Charge against Park-keepers, 740
- Persecution, Is it ? 25
- — of Motorists, 145, 225, 227, 367, 540
- Perth and Motorists, 342
- — Motor Speed Limit Inquiry, 614
- Perthshire (letter), 342
- — Police Cases in, 268
- Pestell, Chas. E. (letter), 147
- Petrol, Aviator’s, 786
- — Benzol v., 993
- — Cans, Misuse of, 688, 785
- — Consumption on Small Cars. 145, 190, 224
- — Deposit on Inlet Valves, 431
- — Engines, Horse-power of, by C. F.
- — Dendy Marshall, 449
- — from Carburetter. To Withdraw, 157
- — Fumes, How it Feels to be Poisoned by, 605
- — Gauge, Accurate, 197
- — Importation and Taxation, 24
- — of, at Portishead, 98
- — Imports of, Statistics, 134
- — Jets, Reamering Out, 157
- — Level Adjustment, 758, 802
- — Motors, Balancing, 48
- — Pipe Repairs, 431
- — Price of, 29, 586, 736
- — Rebate on, 69
- — Short Measure of, 432, 513. 514, 535, 547, 586, 609, 626, 902, 979
- — Storage and Transport of, 1006
- — Regulations, 741, 801, 1006
- — Systems, Pressure-fed, 737, 803
- — Tax and Tariff Reform, 204
- — ceased to be Enforced, 994
- — Collecting, at Paris, 112
- — Concession, Important, 512
- — — to Commercial Cars, 698
- — — in Abeyance, 1018 France, 307
- — Legality of its Imposition. 208, 258. 460
- Petter, E. W. (letter), 423
- Peugeot 12 h.p. Car. Hill-climbing (illustration). 616
- Pfleumatic Filled Tyres, Experience of, 30
- Phaeton, From, to Chassis (illustration), 657
- Phillips, Chas. J. (letter), 612
- Phoenix Motors, Ltd. (letters), 68, 106
- Pike, E. W. (letter), 575
- Pilot Valve, The Concentric, 972
- Pin di, Rawal (letter), 1037
- “ Pioneer ” Coach and White Steam Car (illustration), 732
- Piston Rings and their Fitting, 989
- — Valves, Concentric, 790
- — Valve Engine, 694, 761
- Pistons, Steel, Anti-friction (C. R. Garrard), 764
- Place, John (letter), 459
- Places to A void, 265, 266, 342, 384, 574, 624
- Plating Process, Black, 920
- Platt, Henry (letter), 382
- Phag, The Cap Sparking, 1012
- Pncu-a-Boules Tyre, 655
- Pneumatic Springs, 974, 987, 1035
- Pneumatic Transmission. Spyker, 377
- — Tvre Majority Celebration, 440, 630, 894, 901, 909, 942, 979
- Pneu Tyre Grip, 966, 1020
- Pneumo-suspension, The Amans, 932
- Poisoned by Petrol Fumes, How it Feels to be, 605
- Police and Magistrates, Indictment against, 371
- — Motorists, Judicious Driving, and Traps, 26, 343, 458
- — their Methods, 266, 537
- — Cases, 24, 33, 74, 100, 151, 166, 191, 333, 346, 386, 403, 414, 426, 456, 487, 579, 630, 641, 660, 672, 732
- — — against Motorists at Haywards Heath, 495
- — Speed Indicators in, 57
- — Controls, R.A.C. and, 255
- — Evidence, Disproving, 533
- — Injustice, 383
- — and Lights, 986
- — Meanness Exposed, 403
- — Negligence in Surrey, Fruits of, 676
- — Orphanage, Motorists and the, 990
- — Perjury, To Checkmate, 382
- — Persecution and Children, 266
- — at Retford, 576
- — Heroic Remedy for, 783, 902
- — How to Meet, 60
- — in Hunts, 498
- — Lancashire, 264
- — Warwickshire, 196, 228, 345
- — Result of, 341 Surrey Out-Surreys Itself, 189
- — Responsibility for Many Accidents, 411
- — Trapping around Grantham, 139
- — — in Salop, 497
- — Traps, 25, 26, 32, 42, 64, 71, 104, 114, 149, 167, 205, 233, 247, 264, 268, 318, 344, 382, 434, 479, 487, 491, 507, 5^9, 611, 689
- — — around Arundel, 802
- — Bad Roads and, 250, 332
- — How to Reduce, 738
- — in North Wales, 29, 60, 68, 74, 99, 108, 146, 173, 186, 227, 265, 342, 356
- — Lancashire, 447
- — Maps of, 43, 167, 249, 321, 485
- — Misplaced, 4 79, 487, 499, 507, 537
- — Result of, 203, 227. 303, 384, 423
- — Warning by Confetti, 944
- — Motorists of, 948, 978
- — Trap Signs, 801, 905
- Polkey Electric Lamps, 1007
- — John (letter), 148
- Polyrhoe Carburetter Tests, 493
- — Expanding Carburetter, Description of, 455
- Poor but not Mean (letter), 536
- Poppe, Carburetter Patent, 982
- Portishead, Importation of Petrol at, 98
- Power Absorption by Gear-box Lubricants, 1001 »
- — Carve of Sunbeam Engine (illustration), 50
- — Loss of, Cure for, 875
- — of Motorists, 206
- — Source, New, for Motor Cars, 261
- Practical Tyre Improvements, 155
- Precision in Motor Repair Shops, 103, 224
- Prejudice, Magistrates, Evesham Borough, 150
- Premier Ampero Rectifier, 639
- Pressure-fed Petrol Systems, 737, 803
- — Systems, Some Notes on, 621
- Pressure-feed Tanks, Protecting, 351
- Pressure Systems, Double, 743
- — Washers, 583
- Preventable Accidents to Children, 1054
- Price of Petrol in India, 379
- Prince Henry Tour, 25, 974
- — of Wales Tour, 102
- Pringle, W. G. (letter), 612
- Private Owner and Self Driver (letter), 1016
- Proposed Taxes on Motor Cars, An Outside View, 327
- Prosecuted for a Skid, 612
- Prospective Motorist, 62
- Protection against Accidents, Police, 966
- — of Motorists, 224, 657
- Protest, A Shropshire, 876
- Protruding Petrol Tank, 34 .
- Provence Meeting, 387
- Provincial Clubs and the Motor Union, 1038
- — Garage, Ideal, 56
- Prussian Police and Motorists, 334
- Public Safety, Motoring and, 687
- Pugh, John V. (letter), 265, 979, 1017, 1018. 1034
- Pullin, J. (letter), 737
- Pump, Double-acting Horizontal Tyre, 933
- — Internal Combustion, 927, 1038
- Punjab, Touring in, 1035
- Pyman, J. Sutcliffe (letter), ,226
- Quid Pro Quo for Taxation, 223, 340
- Quillin, Bernard Lord M. (letter), 651
- R.A.C. and Motor Mobilisation, 40
- — Taxation, 81, 118, 142, 759
- — Police Controls, 255, 386
- — — the Road Improvement Bill. 401
- — Question, 256, 386, 535
- — Associates, 785
- — Danger Signs, Oakamoor, 948
- — Dust Experiments, 2, 18, 389
- — Founder Members’ Dinner, 945
- — Head Lamp Trials, 62, 71, 140, 148, 179, 288, 332, 420, 574, 804
- — Light Test, Report, 288
- — in Warwickshire (illustration), 159
- — Midland Meet, 15, 55, 80, 127, 162
- — Monthly Trial, Certificates of Performance, 300
- — Trials, 134, 222, 300, 647, 870
- — Poor Paid Surrey Driver (letter), 501
- — Rating Class, 21 h.p., 963
- — Test of Homoil, 184
- — Touring Department, 334
- — Trial, Challenge Reinforced Inner Tube, 131, 532, 566
- — Trials, Certified, 334
- Race, A Three-inch, 911
- Races in Sweden, 900
- Racing, Record of Motor, 896
- Radiator, Withers (illustration), 615
- Radius Rods, 967
- Radio (letter), 903
- Rapidin Motor Spirit, 717a, 881, 910
- Rates, Licenses and, 876
- Rattling Doors, To Stop, 793
- — Joints, 351
- Rawal Pindi (letter), 1037
- Reading, Harold C. (letter), 30
- — Unequal Treatment at, 436
- Real Road Hog, 424
- Reamering out Petrol Jets, 157
- Rear Screen, New, Auster, Ltd., 451
- Reckless Misstatement, 430
- — Driving, 383
- Record of Motor Racing, 896
- Records at Florida, 108
- — Brooklands, 737, 780
- — International, 1013
- — by Thames Car at Brooklands, 929
- — Hemery’s, at Brooklands, 869
- — Kilometre, 464
- — Lyon-Peugeot, Thames and Benz, 780
- Red Rock (letters), 344, 534, 942, 978
- Referendum, First, by “ The Autocar League,” 546, 584, 622
- Registration of Cars, Statistics, 937
- Regulations for Storage of Petrol, 741, 801
- — Motor Traffic, International, 685, 758
- Reid, K. (letter), 305
- Reid-Reikie Spring Wheel, 907
- Reigate and Motorists, 804
- Reigatonian (letter), 804
- Reinforced Inner Tube, Challenge, R.A.C. Trial, 131, 532, 566, 1012, 1029, 1030
- — Tubes, 60, 225, 419, 445, 457, 534. 576, 615, 802
- Reliability of Expensive Foreign Cars, 499
- — Trials, French, 899, 1011, 1042
- Removable v. Divisible Rims, 534
- Removal of Carbon Deposits, 32, 71, 148
- Removing Broken Studs, 41
- Renfrewshire Speed Limits, 1004
- Renard Train and Road Wear, 909, 976, 1017
- Renault, 8 h.p., A. W. Hoare’s (illustration), 740
- — 12-16 h.p. Car (illustration), 390
- — 35-45 h.p. Car (illustration), 539
- — with Phaeton Body, 443
- — Car, Paddon (illustration), 1028
- — with Divided Hood (illustrations), 239
- — Driver (letter), 304
- —- 20-30 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 192
- — Patents, Revocation of, by Eric W. Walford, 676
- Renouf, P. L. (letter), 149
- Repainting, Cost of, 459
- Repairers, Motor, Responsibilities, 976
- Repair Shops, Precision in, 103, 224
- Repairs, Tyre, Hints for Car Owner, by John Jaques, 234
- Resident in Bucks (letter), 304
- Resilient Fillings for Tyres, 68, 107, 226. 381, 498
- Restell-Little, Mrs. A. M. (letter), 305
- Retaliatory Tactics against Motorists, 229
- Retford, How to Avoid, 690, 802
- Retreading Worn Covers, 930
- Reviews, 47, 194, 269, 348, 374, 386, 388, 618, 788, 1053
- Rheims Aviation Week, 338
- R. H. (letter), 302
- Rhodesia, 15 h.p. Napier in (illustration). 426
- Richards, S. (letter), 422
- Richmond and District A.C., 76
- — Motorists, 640
- Rigidly Enforced Ten Mile Limit, Effect of, 452 •
- Riley Car in Competitions, 230
- — 12-18 h.p., F. A. Brassey-Salt’s Car (illustration), 616
- — 12 h.p. Torpedo Runabout (illustration), 526
- [[Victor Riley|Riley Victor (letter), 105
- Rim, Spencer-Moulton Detachable, 787
- Riviera, The, by Blanche McManus, 805
- Rivington Pike Hill-climb, 10, 11, 70
- Road Authority, A New, 390
- — Bill, Earl Russell on the, 660
- — Board, Work for the, 736
- — Broken, 613
- — Construction, A New Form of, the Ferromac Process, 414
- — Courtesies, 190, 226
- — Dangers, Removal of, 396
- — Destroyers for which Motorists must pay, 147, 1041
- — from Carlisle to Keswick, 571
- — Hog, Genus, 305, 462, 478, 586, 689
- — Maintenance in Northamptonshire, 310
- — Motor Traffic and, 334, 464, 502, 529
- — Metalling, 944, 975, 1016
- — Question, The R.A.C. and, 256, 386, 535
- —- Signals, 651
- — Sign, Improper, 901, 947
- — The, and the Power Vehicle, by Sir J. H. A. Macdonald, 208
- — Treatment, New System of, 118
- — Warnings, 25, 26, 32, 42, 64. 71, 104, 114, 141, 149, 167, 181, 190, 222, 247, 266, 275, 318, 343, 382, 385, 424, 482, 533, 739
- — Wear, Renard Train and, 976, 1017
- -— where Lord de Clifford’s Accident Occurred (illustration), 426
- Roads and Dust, 383
- — the Development Fund, 783
- — around Exeter, 1016
- — Bad, 234, 305
- — and Police Traps, 250, 332
- — in Gloucester and Somerset, 186
- — English and American, Contrasted, 414
- — going North, 379
- — Improvement Association Tests, 493
- — Bill, 349, 350, 375, 390, 416, 490, 507, 529, 567, 581, 629, 686
- — R.A.C. and the, 401
- — Inspection of, 651
- — Motor, 311, 434, 448, 477, 507, 529
- — Special, Considered in Light of Cold Figures, 473
- — of Many Lands, 267
- — Tar Spraying of, 244
- — Unfit, 689
- — Wear and Tear of, 380, 502
- — White Edges to Tarred, 967
- Roadside Fauna and their Death Rate, 496
- — Thieves, 189
- Robert (letter), 611
- Roller Bearing, Timken, 552
- Rolls-Royce, 40-50 h.p. (illustration), 799
- — Car on Amulree Hill (illustration), 632
- — 1910 Chassis (illustration), 742
- — Hill-climbing Car, 969
- — Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 32
- Rom Non-skid Tyre, 973
- Roots, J. D. (letter), 147
- — Petrol Engine, Double-acting, 790, 905
- Rotary Disc Valve Engine, 690, 739. 794, 803
- — Valve Engine (Lewis), 794
- Rothschild et Fils, Landaulet by (illustration), 695
- Rotten Row (letters), 384, 738
- Rotz (letter), 1038
- Roundabout Bakewell (illustrations), 87
- Route to the Continent, New, 225
- Routes through North of England, by Capt. A. E. Davidson, 232
- Rowell, Arthur F. (letter), 690, 803
- Royal A.C., Entrance Fee and Subscription, 592
- — Automobile Club Tests, Results of, 566
- — Visit to Manchester (illustration), 113
- — Warwickshire Regiment D Company (illustration), 38
- Roy an Meeting, 454
- Royce, Lubrication, Patent, 982
- R. S. B. H. (letters), 190, 422, 653
- Rubber, Abraided, behind Control Pedals, 951
- Rudge-Whitworth Detachable Wheel Improvement, 492, 666
- Rule of the Road, 570
- Runabout, How Many Cylinders ? by, 257
- — Small Car Advice for Olympia, 768
- - Talk, by, 34, 56, 85, 144, 176, 267, 330, 364, 412, 526, 553. 591, 642, 680, 715
- — Cars at Olympia, 891
- Running Costs of a Car, 69, 576
- Expenses, 538, 652, 738
- Rush mon: Electric Tail Lamps, 214
- Russell Earl (letters), 460, 1034
- Russian Duma Members in Scotland, 40
- Reliability Trial, 208, 268, 630
- Ruticus (letter), 538
- R. W. B, (IcHcr), 500
- Sabarini, A. (letter), 502
- Salesman (letter), 424
- Salisbury Plain Accident., 688, 738, 905
- Saltburn Speed Trials, 4
- Sam ways, D. W. (letters), 785, 1014
- Sandringham, Shooting at (illustration). 962, 963
- Sankey All-steel Wheel. 928
- Sarum (letter), 188 .
- Satisfied (letter), 65^
- Savage, D. (letter)* 149
- Sayer, E. C. (letter), 801
- Scaife, Robt. (letter), 340
- S.C.A.T. 15 h.p. New Model Car, 527
- Schofield, T. (letter), 342
- Scholarships, Daimler Engineering, 946
- Scotland, Suppressing Scorching in, 660
- — Touring in, 803
- Scot (letter), 383
- Scottish A.C., 75, 154, 231, 309* 427, 504
- — Hill-climb, Cairn-o’-Mount, 417
- — Chief Constable (letter), 497
- — Justice, 248
- — Motorists and the League, 514
- — Practice in Motor Matters, 950
- — Reliability Trials, 6, 67, 96
- — Road Warning, 343, 383
- — Trial, Suggestions for Future Competitions, 17
- — Trials Course, Official Test of Argyll Car, 94, 127
- Scouts’ Day at Portsmouth (illustrations), 64
- Scout; The Law and the Motor, 960
- Screen for Semi-racers, 775, 967
- — Joint, Simple, Beatonson. 239
- — Rear Seat, Auster, Ltd., 451
- Screens, Cleaning Wet off, 119, 875
- — Novel, 756
- Scully, Thos. A., 1018
- Scuttle Dash, Defects in the, 920
- S. D. (letter), 149
- Seabrook Auto-chime, 220
- — Horn, 781
- Seabrook-Solar Head Light, 781
- Sear, R. H. (letter), 379
- Seats, Folding, 221
- S. E. B. (letter), 340
- Second-hand Cars, A Warning, 457
- Security Bolt and Valve Nut Spanner, 34
- — — Improvement, 178
- S. E. C. von L. (letter), 802
- S. E. C. (letter), 803
- Seeman, Norman C. (letter), 189
- Self-starter, Cinogene, 640
- Semmering Hill-climb, 492
- Sexton-Gardener-Chauffeur, 928
- Shackleton, Lieut., at the R.A.C., 725
- Sharp, Archibald, and Pneumatic Springs, 987
- Shaw, James S. (letter), 265
- Sheep, Overtaking, 66
- Sheffield and District A.C., 75, 152, 194, 231, 348, 466, 503
- Sheffield-Simplex Car, Capt. Townshend’s (illustration), 374
- — 45 h.p. Car for Australia (illustration), 491
- — in Spain, 1052
- — Motor Works, Ltd., 224
- — South to North on a, 51
- Shell (letter), 786
- Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb, 102, 132, 181
- Sheppee, E. W. (letters), 573, 903
- Sherwell, W. V. (letter), 902
- Shippey, Arthur (letter), 32
- Shipping Motor Cars, 268
- Shock-absorbing Device, The Amans, 932
- Shock Absorber, Mihi, 696
- — Nevajah, 966, 995
- — Absorbers, 351
- “ Simply,” 210
- Short Measure in Petrol, 979
- Should the Motorist be “ Capped ” ? by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 559
- Show, A Successful, 873
- — Catalogue, 689
- — Itinerary, Olympia, 744
- — Olympia, Full Report, 808
- — Statistics, H. H. Griffin, 796
- Shropshire, A Protest, 876
- — Motor Car Traffic in, 172
- — Traps in, 382
- Siddall, II. (letter), 904
- Siddeley No. 2708 (letter), 652
- Side Lamps, Electric, 920
- Signal for Turning to Left, 458
- Sign, A Useful, 500, 612
- — for Slowing Down, 30
- — Police Trap, 786
- Sign-posting, R.A.C., 968
- Sign-posts, Inefficient, and Remedy, 261
- Signs, Necessary, 690
- Simms Magneto S U 4 Type, 337
- Simplicia Chassis, Frameless Car, 686
- Simplicity (letter), 301
- Simultaneous Sparks in Cylinder, 107, 148
- Singer Car, after 15,000 Miles, 738
- Singer 16 h.p. Car, E. J. Mitchell's (illustration), 256
- — 12-14 h.p. Car in Singapore (illustration), 587
- — Car Test, 239
- Single-cylinder Cars, 223
- Sin of Omission, 228
- Sirron Car, Two-seated, 797
- Sizaire et Naudin 1910 Car, 671
- — 6 h.p., Mr. Jack Withers’s Car (illustration), 566
- — Car, Mrs. Gee’s (illustration), 479
- on Mont Ventoux (illustration), 416
- — 12h.p. 1910 Model (illustration), 480
- Skeleton Number-plates, 74, 149, 340, 421
- Skew Tyre, 782
- Skinner, H. (letter), 1035
- S. (letter), 382
- Slide Rule and Sounding Stick, 1043
- — Valve Engine, 225
- Small Car Advice for Olympia, 7 68
- — Experiences, 609
- — Improvements in the, 920
- — Prospects, 680
- — Queries and Replies, 591
- — Races, 27, 70, 105, 185
- — Talk, by Runabout, 34, 56, 85, 144, 176, 267, 295, 330, 364, 412, 526, 553, 591, 642, 680, 715, 775, 868b, 883, 920, 967, 994, 1028
- — Trial, Plea for, by Runabout, 648
- — Cars and Magnetos, 381, 424
- — as Hill-climbers, 105
- — at Olympia, 891
- — Bodywork on, 943, 976
- — Four v. Three Speeds for, 147
- — Upkeep of, 422, 500
- Smith, A. Gordon (letter), 107
- — Alan, W. F. (letter), 784
- — J. Kent (letter), ’653
- — J. Martyn (letter), 534
- — (letter), 944
- — R. H. (letter), 904
- — Sidney, “ Old Invincible,” 1052
- Society of Automobile Mechanic Drivers, 38, 78, 194, 466, 618
- Soldering Bit, Use of the, 1022
- Solly, Ernest (letter), 457
- Some Motors and a Chancellor, 1051
- Somerset Gough-Calthorpe (letter), 303
- Sounding Stick, Slide Rule and, 1043
- South Africa, East Provincial A.A. (illustration),-874
- — Mail and Passenger Service, 916
- — Touring, Car for, 515
- — African A.C., 76, 617
- — Hill-climb, 362
- Southampton Speed Limit, 454
- Southern M.C., 309, 541, 617
- South Wales Events, M.U. Tour and, 123
- Spain to Italy by Motor, H. Massac Buist, 878
- Spares, The Packing of, 351
- Spare Tyre Carrier,. Automatic, 248
- — Main and Co.’s, 656
- — Wheel, Carrying the Second, 1028
- Sparking Plug, Cronan-Pognon Self-cleaning, 127
- — The Cup, 1012
- Speight, A. (letter), 302
- Speed Indicators in Police Court Cases, 57
- — Limit Application Withdrawn, 612 —1
- — Inquiry, Perth, 614
- — Horsham Application abandoned, 1020
- — Limits, 934
- — Action to Prevent, 1009
- — for Brentwood, 804
- — Proposed, 113, 156, 166, 635
- — Renfrewshire, 1004
- Speedometer, Bowden, 716a
- Spencer-Moulton Rim, 787
- — Tyres, 140
- Spirit, Rapidin Motor, 717a
- Sporting Car, 274, 975, 1017
- Sprags, 86
- Spray Carburetter, Does it Spray? 145, 189, 344, 460
- Springs, Pneumatic, 974, 987
- Spring Wheel, Panflex, Particulars of, 488
- — Reid-Reikie, 907
- Spyker Pneumatic Transmission, 377
- Stafford, J. G. (letter), 266
- Standard 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 627
- — in Queensland, Australia (illustration), 524
- Scottish Trials (illustration), 161
- — Guy Lewin’s Car (illustration), 112
- — Cars only, Races for, 911
- Standardisation Committee, Automobile Engineers, 926
- Standard (letter), 976
- Stanley Car, 30 h.p. Car (illustrations), 396
- — 10 h.p. Car. Mrs. H. E. Galloway’s (illustration), 522
- Star 15 h.p. (’ar (Illustration), 197
- — Cars in Trials, 9, 107
- Star Car, 10 h.p. Car. with Doctor’s Victoria Body (illustrations). 490
- — 15 h.p. Competition Car. 638
- — Engine and Gear Box Unit (illustration). 759
- — for Brooklands (illustration), 1008
- — (illustration). 924
- — in Shelsley Walsh Climb (illustration), 907
- — 1910 Models, 638
- — 12 h.p., 1910 Model (illustration), 759
- — 10 h.p., T. W. Kelly’s, Sydney, 1053
- Starting Device, Electrical, J. D. Bell s, 205
- — in Cold Weather, 913
- — of Kicking Engines, 951
- — on Low-tension Magneto, 951
- — the Switch, 28
- — up after Standing, 875
- Star-Vauxhall Match, 1038
- Statistics, Number o£ Cars Registered, 937
- — A-. Motor Show, 796
- Stawell, R. de S. (letter), 68
- S. T. C (letter), 943
- Stealing a Motor Car, Result of (illustration). 506
- Steam Cars in Military Manoeuvres, 446
- Steel, Good, Importance of, 262, 306, 344, 422, 533, 653
- Steels, Suitable, for Automobile Construction, 259
- Steering Gear Repairs, 913
- — Gears Criticised, 998
- — Unfounded Allegation against, 430
- — Joints, Care of. 431
- — Mechanism, Notes on, 240
- — Rod, Supporting the. 226
- Stella Car, 16-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 633
- Stephens. Concentric. Piston Valve. 790
- Stepney Spare Wheel Co., Hall v., 1030
- Stilton, John B. (letter), 610
- Stitch in Time ^saves Nine (letter), 574
- Stockton and District A C , 38
- Stonek C. (letter). 340
- — Erank Getter), <>36
- Stone-throwing and. Assault on Motorist, 292
- Storage and Transport Of Motor Spirit. 1006
- Strachan. Detachable 'CP.nony and Screen, 756
- Sturridge, G. F. (letter) 380
- Straker-Squire 14-16 h.p. Car (illustration), 539
- — 15 h.p. in Scottish Trials (illustration) 113
- — 1910 Model, 762
- Studded Tread (letter), 905
- “ Stud ” or “ Fleet ” of Cars, 225
- Studs, Fitting or Removing, 81
- Suburban Motorist (letters), 613, 651, 786, 801
- Suffolk Traps, 611
- Sullivan, Harry F. (letter), 69
- Summers, T. (letter), 786
- Summers’s Wind-screen, 177
- Sunbeam 12-16 h.p. Car, Description of, 277, 6’02
- —_ (illustration), 658
- — Car, Dr. Arthur Pritchard’s (illustration), 386
- — 14-18 h.p. Car (illustration), 191
- — Cars, Mr. P. Denny’s, 292
- — Car, Power Curve, 104
- — 22-38 h.p. Car. R.A.C. Certificate, 134
- — 1618 (letter), 533
- — Shooting Brake for Bombay (illustration), 544
- —_15.9 h.p. R.A.C. Trial, 870
- Surgeon (letter), 458
- Sur la Piste, by H. C. Lafone, 368
- Surrey and Sussex, 272, 381, 689
- — County Council and Speed Limits, 113, 540
- —- Getting Evidence against Motorists, 226
- — Persecution of Motorists in, 367, 560
- Suspension Lever Spring, 900
- — The Amans, 689, 932, 977, 1035
- Suspicious Coincidences in Timing of Motorists, 487, 575
- Sussex A.C.’s Balloon Chase (illustration), 99
- — County A.C., 116, 270
- — East, 784
- — Motopsts, Meet of, 115
- — M.Y.C. (Automobile Section), 152, 61
- Sutton Coldfield A.C., 309, 388, 428
- Sweden, Motor Races in, 900
- Swedish Long Distance Competition, 159
- Swift and Austin (Joint) Small Car, Description of, 643
- Switch-starting Magneto, 914
- — Tip, 509
- Switza, J. 8. (letter), 381
- Switzerland, Motoring in, 463
- H. W. (letter), 462
- Sykes, B. W. (letter), 306
- H Y 80 (letter), 261
- Sylverlytx? Electric Headlight, Particulars of, 370
- 12 Humber (letter), 265
- Talbot (letter), 688
- Tabulated List of Gear Ratios, 596
- Tail Lamps, 994
- Talbot 35 h.p. Car (illustration), 657
- — Cars, 1910 Models, 767
- — Car Trophies (illustration), 794b
- — 20 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, 505
- — 35 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 588
- Tame Motorist, 379
- Taps Shaking: on or off, 911
- Tariff Reform, The Petrol Tax and, 204
- Tarrant, Capt. Harley, 1056
- Tarred Roads and Slipperiness, 468
- Tar Spraying of Roads, 244
- — Stains, Removing, 583
- Tasmania, Motoring in (illustration), 91
- Taxation, Bases of, Tyres the Criterion, 670
- — Motor, and Royal A.C., 80, 117, 759
- — of Motor Cars, 305, 327, 546, 624, 670
- — Tyres, 737
- — Petrol Importation and, 24
- — Propositions, 955
- — Quid Pro Quo for, 223, 340
- Taxes, Earl Russell and Motor, 1034
- — Motor Car and Petrol, 39, 46, 67, 79, 344, 454
- — Proposed, on Motor Cars, an Outside View, 327
- Taxing by Unit of Horse-power, 754
- Tax on Motor Spirit in Abeyance, 995, 1018
- — Petrol, 30
- Taylor, Geo. H. (letter), 575
- — George (letter), 226
- — H. (letter), 1035
- — Mark R. (letter), 266
- T. B. C. (letter), 610
- Teeth, Facts concerning Gear Wheel, 921
- Ten Mile Limit Rigidly Enforced, Effect of, 452
- — Limits, When Driving through, 226
- — Speed Limit at Godaiming, 336
- Tent Arrangement for Touring Car (illustration), 245
- Terminal, Easily Made, 81
- Territorial (letter), 460
- — Motor Reserve, 195, 219, 258, 264, 302, 422, 460
- — for North Wales, 410
- Testing b.h.p. of Engines, Acer Dynamometer, 294
- Tests, Benzol r. Petrol, 993
- — Fuel Consumption, 938
- Thames Car Records at Brooklands, 929
- Thanks for Assistance, 340
- Thermo-syphon Cooling, 883,. 994
- “ Third Hand ” Tyre Fitting Device, 650
- Thistlethwaite, F. J. (letter), 944
- Thorburn, S. S. (letter), 736
- Thornycroft Hydroplane Boat (illustration), 154
- — Sir John I. (illustration), 308
- Three-inch Race, A,. 911
- Throttle as a Brake, 967
- Thrutchley Engine, The, 906
- Tice, P. S., How a Magneto makes Electricity, by, 325, 357, 404
- Tightening Battery and Coil Terminal Wires, 41
- Timing of Motorists, Suspicious Coincidences, 487
- Timken Roller Bearing, 552
- Tips, Hints and, Useful, 3, 41, 81, 119, 157, 19V, 234, 273, 312, 351, 391. 431, 469, 509, 544, 583. 621, 661, 721, 743, 875, 951
- T. J. F. (letter). 537
- T. (letter), 804
- To every Pull there is a Push (letter), 1016
- Tolls, Whittlesea and Thorney, 67 Tool-box, Metal, 35
- Torbinia Transmission, 888
- Torkington Tyres at Brooklands, 929
- Torksey Castle (illustration), 961
- Torpedo Bodies. Some Points about, 475, 576
- — Body, a French View, 938
- — Development of, 903, 939
- — — on Small Chassis, 61, 526, 591
- — Rex (illustration), 997
- — T. Masui, 794a, 943
- — Frame Car, Skeleton of a, 7
- — Motor-driven, 18 Tour, How to, 266
- Touring Associations, International League of, 24, 92, 123
- — Department, A.A., 113
- — Foreigners, R.A.C. Leaflet for, 203
- — in France, 344
- — Ireland, 348
- — Scotland, 803
- — (illustration), 194
- — — the Punjab, 1035
- — Wales, 265
- — Notes, Week-end and, 232
- — Tourist (letter), 612
- — Trophy Motor Cycle Race, 416
- Tourists’ Motor Cars in Italy, 934
- Trade, British, Discouraged, 787
- — Motor Imports and Exports, 239, 597, 907, 990
- Traffic Regulations in Paris, 1024
- — Motor, 758
- — Facilitated by Motors, 910
- Trams, Speed of, 789
- Transmission, The Torbinia, 888
- Transport, Storage and, of Motor Spirit, 1006
- Transvaal A.C., 153, 466
- Traps in East Sussex, 737
- — Police, Warning by Confetti, 944
- Travellers’ Car, 934
- Treasure, Councillor R. E. (letter), 534
- Trembler Coil, Silencing, 81
- Trenchard, Mohun A. (letter), 421
- Tresidder, T. J. (letter), 460
- Trials, French Reliability, 899, 1011, 1042
- — L’Auto Reliability, 899
- — R.A.C. and the Makers, 70
- — Certified, 1012
- — Track v. Road, 903
- Tricarist (letter), 979
- Trier and Martin Carburetter, 210
- Trimmer, A. R. (letter), 538
- Tropics, Motoring in the (illustration), 1019
- Trunks for Motorists, 655
- T. T. (letter), 785
- Tubing for Acetylene Gas, 743
- Turbine Internal Combustion, 1044
- Turned at Last (letter), 423
- Turner, Alfred William (letter), 68
- Turner Motor Manufacturing Co. (letter), 786
- — Steam Car, 12 h.p. (illustration), 986
- Twenty H.P. (letter), 739
- Two-seater (letter), 146
- Two-stroke Engine, 204, 264, 302, 314, 424, 502, 645
- — Super-induction Motor, E. H. Micklewood’s, 645
- Twyford, Fatality at, 947
- Tyre, Ajax, 655
- — Ball, 739
- — Bursts, Fatal, 149, 498
- — Challenge Reinforced Tube, R.A.C.
- Trial, 1012
- — Clamp, Hobson, 296
- — Curious Behaviour of, 535
- — Experiences, 803, 977, 942
- — Gauge, Roberts Non-skid Motor Tyre Co., 210
- — Harrod, 758
- — Improvements, Practical, 155
- — Recent, 262^
- — Inflation, Carbon Dioxide and, 341, 382, 459
- — Kempshall, Liner, 995
- — (letter), 419
- — Lever, Bobbett’s Self-holder, 211
- — Mileage, 784
- — Patch, Kempshall Tyre Co., 570
- — Pneu-a-Boules, 655
- — Pneumatic, First Action at Law, 896
- — Majority Celebration, 894, 942, 979
- — Problems, 608, 785, 904, 940, 978, 1014
- — Protector, Atlas, Trial of, 62, 90
- — Pump, Double-acting Horizontal, 933
- — Pumping, Electric, 255
- — Repair Hints, by John Jaques, 234
- — Rom Non-skid, 973
- — Skew Non-skid, 782
- — Taxation, 877
- — Tester, Sensitive, 378
- Tyres, 609, 611, 739
- — Bargain, 911
- — Cost of, 107, 226, 302
- — Filled, 30
- — Foreign, on British Cars, 944
- — for Taxation, 737, 803
- — Gaulois, 729
- — Invulnerable, 1.49
- — K.T., Demonstration of, 180
- — Old. Disposal of. 30
- — Paint for, 733
- — Resilient Fillings for, 68, 107, 226, 381, 498
- — Rise in Cost, 419
- — Spencer-Moulton, 140
- — Torkington, at Brooklands, 929
- Undershields, 784
- United States, Motors in, 58, 347
- Unity, Motorists and, Realisation Ideals, 335
- Unpleasant Story, Ap, 499
- Unscientific (letter), 1016
- Unsupported Testimony, Convictions
- Untaxed Fuel, by R. W. A. Brewer,
- Upkeep, Cost of, 538, 652
- — of Small Cars, 422, 500, 576
- U.S.A. Racing, Point Breeze Track (illustrations), 96 .
- Uttoxeter Cup, Inter Hill-climb for 4 28
- Valve, Automatic Air, 1041
- — Caps, To Remove, 793
- — Concentric Pilot, 972
- — Treatment, Hints on, 273
- Valves, Concentric Piston, Hiscocks and Reeves, and Stephens, 7VO
- Valveless Engines, 108, 262, 344, 421, 460
- Vanderbilt Cup Race (illustrations), 792
- Van Hooydonk, J. (letter), 67
- Variable Gear, A Gradually, 1029
- — Stroke Motor, 524
- Vaughan, Chas. F. (letter), 302
- Vauxhall Six-cylinder Car, 656, 766
— * 20 b p. Racer, 1033
- — with Cabriolet Landaulet Body (illustration), 463
- — Car Records at Brooklands. 1042
- — Trials Team (illustration), 35
- — Trophies, 884
- Vauxhall-Star Match, 1038
- Vendor (letter), 457
- Vere (letter), 31
- Veritas (letter), 226
- Vernon, Lord, in his Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 580
- Viator (letter), 944
- Vibration, To Diminish, Balancing Petrol Motors, 48
- Vienna Show, 947
- Vivo Wheel, 178
- Vincent Bodies, Uncommon, 592
- Vogt Engine, The, 927
- Voiturette Cup Race, 789 •
- — Race, 85
- — Trials, French, 899
- Vorley, Norman, 10-J4 h.p. Panhard, 918
- Car, Vulcan 12h.p. Car, 310
- — Car 12 h.p. Four-cylinder, 991, 1025
- Vulcaniser, H. F., New Pattern, 365
- — Vulcan, 481
- W.A.C.C. (letter), 68
- Wag, The Work of a, 801
- Wakefield Oil Tap (illustration), 447
- Waldo, Dr., on Street Accidents, 740
- Wales, Persecution of Motorists in, 29, 60, 68, 74, 99, 108, 146, 173, 186, 227, 265 342, 356
- — Touring in, 265
- Walford, Eric W. (letters), 67, 1038
- — — — Noiseless and Frictionless Gearing, by, 86
- Revocation of Renault Patents, by, 676
- Walker, A. A. (letter), 457
- Huntley (letter), 535
- Walters, A. (letter), 499
- Wanderer (letter), 186
- Wanted by the Police, 340
- Ward and Co., George (letter), 70
- Warminster, Warnings near, 610
- Warning Sign (illustration), 78
- Warnings, Unsightly, 538
- Warrant, Arrest on, 100, 229,-260
- War, Use of Motor Vehicles in, 984
- Warwickshire Meeting, R.A.C., 15, 55, 80, 127, 162
- — Police Methods, 104, 196, 228, 345
- — Traps, Magisterial Disapproval, 345
- Wastage of Oil, 868b
- Water Circulation, 903
- Waterworks Inspection (illustration), 90
- Watson, Henry N. (letter), 576, 802
- W. C. (letter), 533
- Wear and Tear of Roads, 380
- Webb, E. Reginald (letter), 302
- Week-end and Touring Notes, 232
- W. E. (letter), 303
- Welsh Character Study, 265
- — Roads, 263
- Werner Car for Coupe des VoitUret1.es (illustration), 126
- Westall, S. C. (letter), 306
- Western Australia, A.C. of, 193
- West Hartlepool A.C., 193
- Westinghouse Car (illustration), 740
- Westmoreland Police and Old Act, 641, 687, 717a
- Weybridge, The Way to (letter), 30
- W. G. F. (letter), 804
- What Base Uses, To, 688
- — does Mr. Lloyd-George Mean ? 79
- — is Horse-power, 380, 423, 459, 497, 535
- Wheel, Ashton Resilient, 966
- — Carrying the Second Spare, 1028
- — Detachable, R.-W., 492
- — Sankey All-steel, 928
- — Spring, Reid-Reikie, 907
- Wheeler, E. H. (letters), 146, 613, 786
- Wheels, Changing Detachable, 951
- — The N. and B. Detachable, 770
- White and Poppe Carburetters, 1038
- — Car in Glidden Tour (illustrations), 258
- — Models, Particulars of Latest Designs, 128
- — 20 h.p. Petrol Car, Description of, 408
- — Petrol Car, Trial of, 445
- White Steam and Petrol Cars (illustrations), 527
- — Cars in India (illustrations), 372
- Whittlesea and Thomey Toll, 67
- W. H. (letter), 533
- Who Owned the Road ? (illustration), 173
- Wilkinson’s Patent for Counteracting
- Centrifugal Force, 450
- Williams, E. G. Hamilton (letter), 783
- — J. (letter), 1018
- — Osman, 187
- Williamson, J. H. K. (letter), 67
- Wilson, A. J. (letter), 940
- Wind-screen, Summer’s, 177
- Windshields, Winter, and, 994
- Winter Months, Laying a Car up for, 721
- — Motoring, The Joys of, 889
- — Motorist (letter), 1017
- Wiring, Parti-coloured, 680
- Withers Radiator (illustration), 615
- W. L. W. (letter), 380 I
- Wolseley-Siddeley, An Appreciation, 971
- — 12-16 h.p. Car, Description, 667
- - 40-50 h.p. Car, Description, 728
- Wolverhampton A.C. Hill-climb, 570, 577, 578, 608
- Wood, W. B. (letter), 651
- Worcestershire, British Justice in, 1018
- Work of a Wag, 801
- Worthing Bench and Motorists, 276, 383
- Wright, A. C. (letter), 785
- — H. (letter), 380
- Wrigley, J. (letter), 535
- W. S. (letter), 457
- W. W. (letter), 30
- X. (letter), 382
- X. Y. (letter), 574
- X. Y. Z. (letter), 738
- Yacht Club, Motor, 76, 115, 193, 231, 270, 309, 348, 428, 542
- Yetts, E. M. (letter), 30
- Yorkist (letter), 458
- Yorkshire A.C., 428
- — Hill-climb at Pateley Bridge, 541
- — — Speed Trials at Saltbum, 4
- Yorkshireman (letter), 576
- Young, A. J. (letter), 803
- Zedel 15 h.p. Car, Owen John’s (illustration), 8
- — Chassis with Coupe Body (illustration), 85
- Zeppelin’s Voyage, 15