1918 Directory of Manufacturers in Engineering and Allied Trades: Company O

Note: This is a sub-section of 1918 Directory of Manufacturers in Engineering and Allied Trades
Note: Further information is contained on the page image including number of employees, war work and pre-war work.
9841 Oakes, J. and Co., Alfreton Tron Works. Riddings, Derbyshire. ., , ne " and 15 Riddings. T/A: Oakes Works, Riddings. Area No. 4.
9642 Oakley, Ltd., Ilford Aeroplane Works, Ilford Hill, London, E. Phone: 212. Ilford. Works: Regency Street, West minster, London, S.W. Head Office: 9, Duke Street, London, S.W. Phone: Victoria 2477. Gerard 2602. I /A: Oaksie, Sowest, London. Area No. 7.
9643 Oakley, W. (Proprietor, E. F. Sharpe), Freer Street, Walsall. Phone: Walsall 93. T/A: Oaklev. Freer Street, Walsall. Area No. 4.
9644 Oakley, W. and Sons, Wolverhampton Street, Walsall. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
9645 Oatey and Martyn, Ltd., Wadebridge, Cornwall. Phone: 10. T/A: Oatey Foundry, Wade-bridge. Area No. 6.
9646 Oatway Brothers Ltd., 7-11, Mar- ban Place, Bravington Road, Paddington, London, W.9. Phone: Paddington 5284. T/A: Area No. 7.
O’Brien, Thomas and Co., Effingham Works, Rotherham.
O’Brien, F., Swadlincote.
9647 Ocean Dry Docks Co., Ltd., The, Central Dry Dock, Swansea. Phone: 1315. T./A: Central. Area No. 5. Octo Welding Co., Ltd. (Barimar, Ltd.), Poland Street, Oxford Street, London, W.l.
9651 Oddy, W. D. and Co., Globe Road, Holbeck, Leeds. Phone: 291. T/A: Airscrews, Leeds. Area No. 3.
9652 Oertling (Established 1849), Turnmill Street, London, E.C.l. Phone: Holborn 5933. T/A: Oertling, London. Area No; 7.
9653 Offor Engineering Works, Ltd., 1 22, Union Street, Kingston-on-Thames. Phone: 1360. T/A: Aviation, Kingston-on- Thames. Area No. 7.
Offord and Co., Birmingham.
9654 Ogden and Lawson, Stanley Street, Workington. Phone: 50. T/A: Ogden Lawson, Workington. And at Furness Brass Works, Barrow-in-Furness. Phone: 107. T/A: Ogden Lawson, Barrow-in-Furness., Area No. 2. (A.)
Ogilvie and Co., London. Ogilvie, Wm., Methil.
9657 Ogilvy and Partridge, Browning Street, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 670. T/A: London Show and Stock Rooms, 143, Curtain Road, London, E.C.2. Phone: London Wall 5478. Area No. 4.
9658 Ogle, G. C. and Sons, Ltd., Perseverance Works, Cromford Road, Ripley, Derbyshire. Phone: 200. T/A: Oggles Ripley, Derby. Area No. 4.
9659 Ogston Motor Co., Ltd., The, Ogston Motor Works, Southfield Road, Acton, London, W.3. Phone: 1289-1290 Chiswick. T/A: Ogstonia, London. Area No. 7.
9660 Oilbath, Axle-Box Fittings and Engineering Co., Hutton Works, Parkfield Road, Saltley. Birmingham. Phone: East 43. T/A: Lubricity, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9661 Oil Well Engineering Co., Ltd., Cheadle Heath, Stockport. 1 Phone: 44 Gatley. T/A: Olifies, Cheadle, Cbes. Area No. 2.
9663 Old Castle Iron and Tin Plate Co., Ltd., Old Castle Road, Llanelly. Phone: 356. T/A: Castle, Llanelly. Area No. 5.
9664 Old Hill Co, The, Lawrence Lane, Old Hill, Staffs. Phone: 7 Cradley. T/A: Pearson, Old Hill. Area No. 4.
9665 Old Lodge Tinplate Co., The Old Lodge Tinplate Works, Llanelly. Phone: 348 Llanelly. T/A: Lodge, Llanelly. Area No. 5.
9666 Old Park Forge, Ltd.. Clubs Mill Road, Neepsend, Sheffield. Phone: Owlerton 61. T/A: Oldpark, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
9667 Old Park Silver Mills Co., Ltd., . Old Park Mills, Club Mill Road, Sheffield. Phone: 67 Owlerton. T/A: Area No. 3.
9668 Oldbury, I., Reliance Works and New Britannia Works, Wed-nesbury. Phone: 39. T/A: Oldbury Wednesburv. Area No. 4.
9669 Oldfield and Schofield, Central Iron Works, Booth Town, Halifax. Phone: 677. 1 /A: Expert, Halifax. Area No. 3.
9671 Oldfield, J. and R., Ltd., Refulgent Lamp Works, Warwick Street, and Mill Lane, Birmingham. Phone: Warwick Street, Midland 399; Mill Lane, Midland 1913. T/A: Dependence, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9672 Oldham, A. and Sons, Johnson Brook, Dukinfield. Phone: 8 Hyde. T/A: Weldless, Dukinfield. Area No. 2.
9673 Oldham and Son, Hyde Road, Denton, Manchester. Phone: 35 Denton. T/A: Oldhams, Denton, Manchester. Area No. 2. (A.)
9675 Oliver-Pell Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Works: Cambridge Place, Burrage Road, Woolwich, London, S.E.18. Phone: 76 Woolwich. T/A: Light, Woolwich. Office: Granville House, Arun- del Street, London, W.C.2. Area No. 7.
9676 Oliver, Archibald T., Wandon End, Luton. Phone: T/A: Oliver, Breach wood Green. Area No. 7. Omnium Central, Ltd., London, N.W,
9678 Onions, Herbert, Ltd., Progress Works, 56, Great Hampton Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 7593. T/A: Improving. And Back 132 and 134, Barr Street, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9679 Opperman, Sons and Tasker, 3, Albermarle Street, London, E.C.l. Works: Wharf Road, Latimer Road, London. W.10. Phone: Holborn 952. Park 4004. T/A: Oppedenda, Smith, London. Area No. 7.
9680 Orbit Motors, Ltd., Orbit Works, j 24, Sedgeley Street, Wolverhampton. Phone: 562. T/A: Orbit. Area No. 4-
9681 Orbito Optical Co., Ltd., 88/91, Steward Street, Spring Hill, Birmingham. Phone: Central 3696. T/A: Orbito, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9682 Ord and Maddison, Ltd., Victoria Works, Earlington. Phone: 2024. T/A: Orde, Darlington. Area No. 1.
9684 Oriental Tube Co., Church Lane, West Bromwich. Phone: 43 and 166. T/A: Tubes, West Bromwich. Area No. 4.
9685 Oritur Manufacturing Co., Ltd., The, Oritur Works, Wood Street, Willenhall. Phone: 148. T/A: Oritur, Willenhall. Area No. 4.
9686 Orme, Evans and Co., Ltd., Elgin Works, Wolverhampton. Phone: Elgin Works—228. Phcenix Works—303. T/A: • Orme, Wolverhampton. London Office: Bath House, 59, Holborn Viaduct. London. Phone: 481. Area No. 4.
9687 Orme, Evans and Co., Ltd., Phoenix Works, Dudley Road, Wolverhampton. Phone: 303. Area No. 4.
9688 Orme, George and Co., Atlas Meter Works, Oldham. Phone: 93. T/A: Orme, Oldham. Area No. 2.
9689 Ormerod’s Tool Co., Ltd., Valley Iron Works, Hebden Bridge, Yorks. Phone: T/A: Ormerod Bros., Hebden Bridge. Area No. 3.
9690 Ormiston and Sons, 79, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C.l. Phone: 13259 Central. T/A: Ormiston, London. Area No. 7.
9691 Ormiston Metal Co., Ltd., The, 22, St. Margaret’s Road, Hanwell, London, W.7. Phone: 725 Ealing. T/A: Area No. 7.
9692 Ormond Engineering Co., 199, Pentonville Road, London, N.l. Phone: Holborn 1812. T/A: Area No. 7.
9693 Orr, Watt and Co., Ltd., Lanarkshire Bridge Works, Mother-well. Phone: 222Motherwell (2 lines). T/A: Structural, Motherwell. Area No. 9.
Orthopeedic Foot Appliance Co., Ltd., London, W.
9694 Orton, Emma, Mrs., Melbourne Works, Stringes Lane, Willenhall, Staffs. Phone: 121. T/A: Orton, Willenhall. Area No. 4.
Orton, George and Sons. Burton-on-Trent.
9696 Osbourne, Graham and Co., Ltd., Hylton, Sunderland. Phone: 921 Sunderland. 11 Hylton. T/A: Osbourne, Sunderland. Area No. 1. (A.)
9697 Osborn, Samuel and Co., Ltd., Clyde Steel Works, Sheffield. Phone: 4544 Central. T/A: Osborn. Area No. 3. (A.)
Osborn, Samuel and Co., Ltd., Bury’s Regent and Philadelphia Works, Sheffield.
9701 Osborne and Co. (Dronfield), Ltd., Colonial Works, Dronfleld, Derbyshire. Phone 8 Dronfield. T/A: Colonial, Dronfield. Area No. 4.
9702 Osborne and Co. (Glasgow), Ltd., Osborne Street, Glasgow. Phone: 613 Bell. T/A: Leadworks, Glasgow. Area No. 9.
9703 Osborne, C. and Co., Ltd., 12/14, Whittall Street, Birmingham. Phone: 1541 Central. T/A: Osborne, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9704 Osborne F. and Co., Ltd., 27, Castle Street East, Oxford Street, London, W.l. Phone: Museum 2264. T/A: Area No. 7.
9705 Osborne Bros., Ltd., New Summer Street Works, Birmingham. Phone: Central 204. T/A: Area No. 4.
9706 Osborne, J. and Sons. 102 and 104, Lord Street, Wolverhampton. Phone: 381. T/A: J. Osborne and Sons, Wolverhampton. Area No. 4.
9707 Osborne and Co., 122, Rockingham Street, Sheffield. Phone: 3916. T/A: Osborne, 3916 Sheffield. Area No. 3.
9708 Osler, F. and C., Ltd., 230, Broad Street, Birmingham. Phone: Midand 2077. T/A: Osler, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
Osram-Robertson Lamp Works, Ltd., Hammersmith, London.
9709 Oswald, J. and Sons, Ltd., Sleaford Street, Battersea, London, S.W.8. Phone: Brixton 2377. T/A Oswalifer.Battpark, London. Area No. 7.
9710 Ottwav, John and Son, 410, St. John Street, London, E.C. Phone: Central 8454. T/A: Ottway, Isling, London. Area No. 7. (A.)
9711 Ottway, W. and Co., Ltd., Orion Works, Ealing, London, W.5. Phone: Ealing 144 and 644. T/A: Orionid, Ealux, Ealing. Area No. 7.
9712 Ouse Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.,Hook, near Goole. Phone: 4 Goole. T/A: Repair, Goole. Area No. 1 (A.)
9713 Outram, Henry and Son, Canal ] Works, Cadman Street, Sheffield. Phone: 1396. T/A: Area No. 3.
9714 Overton and Higgins, Ltd., Frederick Street, Walsall. I Phone: 103. T/A: Industry. Area No. 4.
9715 Overton Brothers, Holme Church Lane, Beverley, Yorks. Phone: 78 Beverley, 348 Cen tral, Hull. I T/A: Overtons, Beverley. Area No. 1. (A.)
9716 Overy, William and Son, Shipbuilders, Commercial Road, E Lowestoft. Phone: Head Office 288 ; Harbour Branch, 356 ; Principal’s Residence 202. T/A: William Overy, Lowestoft. Area No. 7. (A.)
9717 Owen and Dyson, Ltd., Rother Iron Works, Rotherham. Phone: 24. T/A: Press. Area No. 3.
9718 Owen, D. and H., Vulcan Works, Atherton, Lancs. Phone: 124 Atherton. I T/A: Owens, Ironfounders, Atherton. Area No. 2.
9719 Owen, D. and Sons, Landowne Road, Foundry, Monton, Eccles. I Phone: 545. T/A: Owen, Iron founder, Monton, Eccles. Area No. 2.
9720 Owen, Henry and Sons, Ltd., 5 /8, Caroline Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 218. T/A: Deversum. Area No. 4.
9722 Owen, Wm.. Beach Road, Bangor, N. Wales. Phone: T/A: Area No. 2.
9723 Oxford Steam Plough Co., Ltd., The, Cowley, Oxford. Phone: 109. T/A: Steamplough, Cow ley, Oxford. . Area No. 4.
9724 Oxley Brothers, Ltd., Union Foundry, Mowbray Street, Sheffield. Phone: Central 1087. T/A: Area No. 3.
Oxley, G. and Sons, Sheffield.
9725 Oxley, Wm. and Co., Park Gate Steel Works, Rotherham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 3.
Oxy-Acetylene Welding Co., Ltd., Glasgow.
9726 Ozonair, Ltd., 96, Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Phone: Victoria 12. T/A: Ozonair, Sowest, London. Area No. 7.
9727 O'Brien, F. and Co., Swadlincote, near Burton-on-Trent. Phone: T/A: O’Brien, Hill Top, Church Gresley. Area No. 4.
9728 Osram Robertson Lamp Works, Ltd., Brook Green Works, Hammersmith, London, W.6. Phone: Hammersmith 1500to 1502. T/ A: Voltamento, Phone, and Osram, Phone, London. Area No. 7
9729 Offord and Co., Ltd., Reservoir 3 Road, Erdington, Birmingham. Phone: 34 Erdington. T/A: Offord 34. Erdington, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9730 Orton, George and Sons, Lion Show Carriage Works, Princes Street, Burton-on-Trent. Phone: 588. T/A: Area No. 4.
9731 Oxy-Acetylene Welding Co., Ltd., 1 169, Finnieston Street, Glasgow. Phone: 1987 Central. T/A: Finis. Area No. 9.
9733 O’Brien, Thomas and Co., Effingham Works, Rotherham Phone: 219 Rotherham. T/A: Effingham, Rotherham. Area No. 3.
9737 Ogilvie and Co., Mildmay Avenue, Newington Green Road, Islington, London. Phone: Dalston 1388. T/A: Ogilviego, Kinland. Area No. 7.
9739 Omnium Central Co., Ltd., Collin- dale Avenue, Hendon, London, N.W. Phone: Holborn 185. T/A: Omnicentum, Westcent, London. Area No. 7.
9740 Orthopaedic Foot Appliance Co., Ltd., 5-7, New Inn Road, Tottenham Court Road, London, W. Phone: Museum 1993. T/A: Area No. 7.
9741 Ogilvie, Wm., East High Street, Methil. Phone: Leven 25. T/A: Forge. Area No. 8.
9742 Oxley, George and Sons, Ltd., Vulcan Foundry, Attercliffe Road, Sheffield. Phone: Central 1200. T/A Founders, Sheffield. Area No. 3
See Also
Sources of Information