1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name A

Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering
Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
ABELL, Price Abell, M.Inst.C.E., Min. Engr. (Consulting); b. 1861; s. of John Abell. Ed. Appleby Grammar School. Training: Notts Tech. Coll. and G. Fletcher Co., Derby; Wh. Sc. Chairman Derby Soc. of Engineers. Clubs: Meynell Hunt, and also Lord Harrington Hunt. Address: Castle Hill, Duffield, Derby. T. A.: " Price Abell, Duffield." T. N.: 3 Duffield.
ABELL, Thomas Bertrand, O.B.E., M.Eng., M.I.N.A. (Member of Council), Prof. of Naval Archit., Univ. of Liverpool, since 1914; b. 1880. Ed. West Buckland Sch.; R.N.E. Coll., Devonport; R.N.E. Coll., Greenwich. Has been Instructor and Lecturer in Naval Architecture at the Royal N. Coll., Portsmouth, and Temporary Constructor at the Admiralty, 1916; Asst. Dir. of Designs, 1917-19. Address: Ashleigh, Greenbank Drive, Liverpool. T. N.: 721 Wavertree, Liverpool.
ABELL, Sir Westcott Stile, K.B.E., M.Eng. M.I.N.A., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Ship Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping, I r, Wedderburn Road, Hampstead, N.W.3. T.N.: Hampstead 3r 73. b. 1877. Ed. Devon County School; Royal Naval Engineering College, Devonport; Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Appointed Royal Corps of Naval Constructors, 1900; Professional Secretary to Director of Naval Construction, 1904-7; Instructor in Naval Architecture, Royal Naval College, 1907-10; Professor of Naval Architecture,. Liverpool University, r 910-14; delivered the James Watt Anniversary Lecture before the Greenock Philosophical Society, 1916; Member of Council, Institution of Naval Architects; Member of Board of Trade Committee on Internationalization of the Load Line of Ships, 1913; Member of Merchant Shipbuilding Advisory Committee appointed by Ministry of Shipping, 1917; Member of Admiralty Shipbuilding Council, 1917, etc. Publications: Contributions to Transactions of Institution of Naval Architects and other societies. Clubs: Royal Automobile, Royal Societies and Savile.
ABERCONWAY OF BODNANT, Charles Benjamin Bright, Lord, P.C., K.C., A.I.N.A., Chairman of Metropolitan Rly. Co., and John Brown & Co., Ltd.; Director of Palmer's Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.; and Harland & Wolff, Ltd.; Chairman of British Iron Trade Assoc.; b. 1850; s. of Duncan McLaren, M.P. Ed. Edinburgh, Bonn and Heidelberg Universities. Publ.: Articles in The Times and various technical journals on steel shipbuilding and colliery trades. Clubs: Reform, Savile, National Liberal. Address: 43, Belgrave Square, London.
ABLETT, C. Antony, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.E.I.C. Partner, Barrs & Ablett, Consulting Engineers. 6, South Square, Gray's Inn, London, W.C.I, and Severn Chambers, Westgate Street, Cardiff. T. N.: Holborn 5240. Ed. at Westminster and Oundle Schools. Central Technical College (London University); Clothworkers Scholar, B.Sc. Eng., Hons.; and General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y., U.S.A.; Bayliss & Miller Prizes, Institution Civil Engineers. In charge Rolling Mill and Steel Works with Siemens Brothers, Dynamo Works; General Manager and a Director, Siemens Co. of Canada. Papers read before Iron and Steel Institute, Institute of Electrical Engineers, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers on Electrically -driven Rolling Mills. War Services.—Captain, Royal Engineers, 191517. Director of Munitions (Ireland ), 1917-19. O.B.E. (Military Division ).
ABLETT, Norman Lloyd, M.J.Inst.E., Director of Model Workshops, Bulac, Cairo, Egypt. Corresponding Member of Council for Egypt of the Junior Inst. of Engrs. since 1913.
ABRAHAM, Robert M., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical Engineer, 49, Parliament Street, London, SM.'. T. A.: "Escutcheon, London." T. N.: Victoria 212 I. b. 1 879; second s. of Wm. Abraham, J.P., Coleraine. Pupil, W. Moore Longham; City and Guilds, Finsbury, and King's College, London; Siemens Bros., Woolwich, and Coome, Barbour & Coombe, Belfast. Erected Electrical Generating plant in Cape Town; various power schemes in Australia, Canada and U.S.A.; reported on Railway Signalling in South Africa, British East Africa, Egypt and Italy; designer of power-operated railway signals and points and electrical interlocking for Immingham Docks, Wath, Clapham Junction and Manchester. Director, D. Gilson & Co., Ltd, and C. F. Casella & Co., Ltd. Club: St. Stephen's, S.W. War Services.—South Africa, 1900. Designer of aeroplane bomb-sighting apparatus and a number of aeronautical instruments which were largely used during the war.
ABRAHAMS, Marcus Samuel, M.I.N.A., Oil Fuel Engr. Tech. Adviser in London (Production) Royal Dutch Shell Group; b. 1862; s. of Barnet Abrahams, Canterbury. Ed. Private school, Brussels, Framlingham College. Training: Davey Paxmans & Co., Thomas Richardsons & Co., William Gray & Co. Career: Technical Adviser in London on the production side of the Royal Dutch Oil Group.. In 1891 he was responsible for the construction of the Eastern installations, wharves, piers and moorings at Singapore, Penang, Bangkok, Hongkong, Amoy, Swatow, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe and Yokohama; superintended erection of the installation at Bombay, and pioneered the first of the up-country installations on the G.I.P. Rly. In 1895 opened up the oilfields of Sanga Sanga and Moeara Djawa, in Borneo; selected and cleared Balek Pappan, building refinery and loading wharves; 1900, assisted Sir John Durston, the Chief Engr. to the Admiralty, and Sir Fortescue Flannery with the first experiments for burning liquid fuel in the Navy, largely instrumental in introducing liquid fuel for steam raising purposes in both marine and land boilers; in 191 1 took over the management of the oil concessions in Egypt, constructed the tanks, pipeline and piers and brought the wells into production; visited the United States in connection with the acquisition of the first of the Mid-Continent fields at Oklahama. Club: Royal Aero. Address: 5, Arkwright Road, Hampstead. T. N.: Hamps. 5783.
ABRAM, Harold Helling, M.Sc., F.Inst.P., M.Inst.Met., Metallurgist, Research Department, Woolwich Arsenal; b. 1891; s. of William Abram. Ed. Manchester University (1907—I I ). Career: Demonstrator of Physics at Guy's Hospital, 1911-15. War Service (R.F.A. and R.E. ), 1915-19. Published Researches (Physical Chemistry): " Bismuthinitrites," Ball & Abram, Trans. Chemical Soc., 1913; " The Nitrites of Thallium, Lithium, Caesium and Rubidium," Ball & Abram, Trans. Chemical Soc., 1913; " An Enclosed Cadmium Arc," Lowry & Abram, Faraday Soc., 1914; " Complex Rotatory Dispersion in Methyl Tartrate," Lowry and Abram, Trans. Chemical Soc., 1915; " Simple Rotatory Dispersion in the Terpene Series," Lowry and Abram, Trans. Chemical Soc., 1919. Address: Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.
ACFIELD, Wilfred Cosens, O.B.E., M.I. Mech.E., Signal Supt., Midland Rly., Derby.
ACKERMANN, Alfred S. E., B.Sc. (En g.) Lond.; Hon. M.T.I.A., A.C.G.I., M. Cons. E., Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., Mechanical and Civil Engineer, 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A A.: " Windolite, Vic, London." T. N.: Victoria 244. b. 1867; o.s. of A. W. Ackermann, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E; m. 1901, Amy, 2nd d. of J. S. Jowett of Brighouse, Yorks. Ed. at University of the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town, and Central Technical College, London. After being employed by the Delta Metal Co., Ltd., The British Gas Engine Co., Ltd., & James Simpson & Co., Ltd., was Laboratory Assistant to Professor Unwin, F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E. (chiefly on experimental work). Practice on his own account as a Consulting Engineer 1898 to present time. He was Hon. Secretary and Member of Council of the Civil and Mechanical Engineers Society from 1899 to 1910, when it amalgamated with the Society of Engineers. Engineer and Manager of the Linolite Co. from 1902 to 1918; Hon. Gen. Secretary of University of London Graduates Association since 1911; Hon. Treasurer of the League for the Promotion of Science in Education since 1916; Deputy Chairman of Convocation, Univ. of Lond.; P. Pres. of the Casual Club. Publications: " Coal Cutting by Machinery in America " (1901 ); " Some Engineering Observations in 19cI in the U.S.A." (1902); " Pneumatic and Electric Locomotives in and about Coal Mines " (1903); " British and American Coal Cutting Machines " (1904); " The Distribution of Producer Gas as a Means of Alleviating the Smoke Nuisance " (1906); " Popular Fallacies " (First Edition, 1907; Second Edition, 1909); " The Utilization of Solar Energy " (1914 and 1915); " Experiments with Clay in its Relation to Piles " (1919); " The Physical Properties of Clay "-2nd paper (1920); 3rd paper (1921). For his research work on Clay he has received two grants for apparatus from the Dixon Fund of the Univ. of Lond. Gold Medallist of the Society of Engineers twice, Silver Medallist of Royal Society of Art, and Bronze Medallist of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, London, 1886. Clubs: University of London; Casual. War Services.—March, 1916, designed door for airship hangars; January, 1917-July, 1918, inspected and valued for Controlled Establishments Division of the Ministry of Munitions L884,000 worth of plant and machinery put in for war work for the purpose of recommending how much of the cost of this the controlled owners should be allowed to write off from their excess profits. August-December, 1918, attached to the Air Group and acted as Consulting Engineer to the Controller of National Aircraft Factories.
ACLAND, Capt. Frank E. Dyke, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I. and S.I., F.R.S.A., late R.A. Cons. Eng.; b. 1857; s. of Sir Henry W. Acland. ist Bt., K.C.B., F.R.S. Addresses: Walwood, Barstead, and 7, Princes Street, Westminster, S.W.i, T. A.: " Onager, London.".
ACLAND, Herbert Arthur Dyke, B.A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer; Manager Still Engine Co., 7, Princes Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 7660. b. 1886; s. of Capt. F. E. D. Acland, ; m. 1914, Maud Branson, d. of G. E. Branson of Sheffield. Ed. at Harrow, King's College, Cambridge; B.A., Mechanical Sciences Tripos, 1908. Pupil at Davy Bros, Ltd., Hydraulic Engineers, Sheffield. Had charge of the Erection of rtl Heavy Forging Presses, Rolling Mills, Hammers, etc., Continental work, with steel works and Armament firms as Personal Assistant to A. J. Capron, Managing Director to Davy Bros, Ltd. Joint Manager and Director, Brown Bros & Co., Ltd., Rosebank Ironworks, Edinburgh, building Steering Gears, Telemotors and Hydraulic Ship's Cranes, etc. War Services.—Assistant Works Superintendent of the National Projectile Factory, Templeboro', Sheffield (under Thos. Firth & Sons, Ltd. ), employing 5,000 girls and 6co men on 60-pdr. and 4.5 shells, Assistant Director, Mines and Torpedo Section of the Armament Production Department, Admiralty.
ADAM, Thomas Walter, M.C., M.I.Min.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Manager, Coke Ovens Department, The New Monckton Collieries, Ltd., near Barnsley; address, 40, Huddersfield Road, Barnsley. Trained as Mining and Civil Engineer with the Whitehaven Colliery Co. Further training with Andrew Knowles & Sons, Ltd., Pendlebury, near Manchester; and Barker Walker, at Bentley Colliery, near Doncaster. First-class Colliery Manager's Certificate under Coal Mines Act, 1911. Secretary and Assistant Treasurer of Midland Institution Mining and Mechanical Engineers. War Services.-2nd Lieut., York and Lancaster Regiment, January, 1915; Adjutant, 14th Batt. York and Lancaster Regiment, August, 1915; transferred Royal Engineers, August, 1915; served with B.E.F., November to December, 1915, and 191619. Awarded Military Cross. Released from Service, January, 1919.
ADAMS, Charles Henry H., M.I.Water E. Engr. to Water Co., Southfields, Newmarket.
ADAMS, Henry, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.S.I., F.S.A., F.R.San.I., etc.; b. 1846; e.s. of J. H. Adams; na. (1) A. E. Evans, (2) F. E. I. Nicholson. Consulting Engineer and Architect. 60, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4, and The Cedars, Brockley View, Forest Hill, S.E.23. T. N.: Bank 6006. Ed. Private schools, City of London College and King's College, London. 4 medals, 9 prizes, 29 certificates. First place, first-class honours in Machine Construction, also in Applied Mechanics from Science and Art Department. Four years' apprenticeship on North London Railway; twelve years as Outdoor Manager to Sir W. G. Armstrong & Co. Practice on own account since 1877. Partnership with eldest son since 1909. Chief Works: Coal stores, wharves, jetties, hydraulic machinery, river tugs, workshops, offices, water supply and sewerage, structural steelwork and reinforced concrete. Publications: Over 40 standard textbooks and technical papers. Public Positions held: Professor of Engineering, City of London College, 35 years; Past President of Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society, 1889; Society of Engineers, 1890; City of London College Scientific Society, 1900; Institute Sanitary Engineers, 1908; Association of Engineers-in-Charge, 1910; Concrete Institute, 1914-16; Institute of Arbitrators, 1917-18. Member of numerous Societies and Clubs.
ADAMS, Henry Charles, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Water E., F.R.San.I., etc.; b. 1873; e.s. and partner of Professor Henry Adams, M.Inst.C.E. Consulting Engineer, 60, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4, and 290, Devonshire Road, London, S.E.23. T. N.: Bank 6006. Ed. at " Cranleigh," City of London College, Crystal Palace Engineering School. Miller Prizeman, Institution of Civil Engineers. Has been engaged as Consulting Engineer to large number of municipalities in all parts of the country, on works of water supply and sewerage; and also on structural engineering. Publications: " Sewerage of Sea Coast Towns " (Crosby Lockwood); " Rail-less Traction " (Society of Engineers); " Waterworks for Urban and Rural; Districts " (Sir I. Pitman) (in Press ). Public Positions: Past Pres. Society of Engineers; Past. Pres. Institution of Municipal Engineers; Past Chairman Joint Committee on Status of Water Engineers; Hon. Member Junior Institution of Engineers; Hon. Member Association of Engineers-in-Charge, George Beach Lodge (Birmingham), London Warwickshire Lodge (London ). War Services.—Consulting Engineer to War Office.. Carried out several sewerage schemes.
ADAMS, Walter Poynter, M.I.E.E., A.K.C., Elec. and Hydro-Elec. Engr; b. 1865; s. of James. Adams, M.D. Ed. King's Coll. School. Training: King's Coll. Eng. Department. Career: Served with Woodhouse & Rawson, Siemens Bros. & Co. and Crompton & Co. Own business from 1898. Various public and private works. Special subjects (I) Utilization of Water Power; (2) Electric Heating and Cooking; (3) Utilization of Waste Heat from Refuse Destructors; (4) General Electricity Supply Undertakings. Publ.: Motor Car Mechanism and Management. Address: 2, Ulva Road, Putney,. S.W.15. T. N.: Putney 1666.
ADAMSON, Daniel, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Longlands, Hyde, Cheshire. T. A.: " Adamson, Hyde." T. N.: 13 Hyde. b. 1869.. Professional Career: Received engineering training with Joseph Adamson & Co., Engineers, Hyde; now senior partner in the firm. Publ.: Papers before Manchester Assoc. of Engrs. and Institution of Mech. Engrs. Member of Council, Institution of Mech. Engrs., 1918-21. Clubs: Engineers', Manchester (Pres., 1919-20); St. Stephen's, Westminster; Old Rectory, Manchester.
ADAMSON, James, Retired Supt. Mar. Engr. Hon. Secretary, Inst. Mar. Engrs., since its foundation) Feb., 1889, and during its formation, pioneer work in 1888. Denny Gold Medallist for paper read at the Inst. of Mar. Engrs.; b. 185o; s. of Thos. Adamson and grandson of Jas. Adamson, shipbuilders in Aberdeen and Grangemouth. Ed. Alloa, Dollar Academy, and Glasgow University. Apprenticeship served at Falkirk for 12 months, completed at Glasgow,. workshops and drawing office; draughtsman in works on the Clyde and Thames (D. & W. Dudgeon); then had some sea experience; served as draughtsman and Asst. to Cons. and Supt. Engr., and then Supt. Engr. at the Victoria and Royal Albert Docks, 1879, to 1915. Since then has occupied himself mainly, and latterly entirely, with the work of the Inst., and received a honorarium in recognition of his services. Has read several papers to the I.Mar.E. Club Glasgow University. Address: St. Quivox, Hayes, Middlesex. T. A.: " St. Quivox, Hayes, Middlesex." T. N.: Avenue 7525.
ADAMSON, Joseph, M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Oaklands, Hyde. T. A.: " Adamson, Hyde." T. N.: 13 Hyde. b. 1843; s. of John Adamson; m. Hannah Platt in 1868. Ed. by private tuition. Professional Career: Apprenticeship with his uncle, Daniel Adamson. Works Manager for Daniel Adamson from 1864 to 1873. Commenced business in 1874 on his own account 'under the style of Joseph Adamson & Co., Hyde, as makers of steam boilers, and general engineering, which later developed into the making of Electric Overhead Travelling Cranes. Publications: Presidential Address to Manchester Association of Engineers in 1907. Clubs: Engineers', Manchester; Royal Automobile, London.
ADDAMS WILLIAMS, Christopher, C.I.E., M.I.E.(Ind.), Irrigation Engr., Superintending Engr., P.W.D., Bengal; b. 1877; s. of William Charles Addams Williams. Ed. Monmouth. Training: Coopers Hill. Career: Asst. Engr., 1897; Executive Engr., 1906; Supt. Engr., 1913, Magra Hat Drainage Scheme Construction; Saugor Island Lighthouse Reconstruction; Flood Control, Irrigation, Drainage and Navigation, Bengal. Publ.: (1) Drainage Problems in the Gangetic Delta; (2) Various Problems connected with the Maintenance of the Rivers and Drainage System of the Gangetic Delta. Address: c/o Barclay's Bank, Usk, Mon.
AGNEW, John Alexander, M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr., Member of Council, Inst. of Min. and Metallurgy. Address: 1 London Wall Buildings, E.C.2.
AHIER, Francis Henry, M.Inst.M.M., F.G.S., General Manager, Robin Hood Oxide and Iron Co., Ltd.; b. 1883; s. of late Rev. Phillippe Ahier. Ed. St. Bees School. Training: Camborne Sch. of Mines. Distinctions: 1st Class Diploma. Career: 1899-1906—Surveyor, Rt. Hon. Lord Leconfield's Iron Mines, Whitehaven; 1906-8-Sampler and Shift Boss, Geldenhuis Deep Gold Mining Co.,. Ltd., Transvaal; 19o8—to—Camborne Sch. of Mines; 1910-14—Manager, Hafan Min. Co., Ltd., and then taken over in 1911 by Tata Ltd., London, Lead Zinc Mines, Wales; 1914-20—General Manager, Dunmanus Bay Barytes Co., Ltd., London, Barytes Min. Co., Cork, Ireland; 1920-21—General Manager, Robin Hood Oxide and Iron Co., Ltd., -London; Iron Mines, Coleford, Glos. Address: :Mill End House, Mill End, Coleford, Glos.
AHRONS, Ernest Leopold, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E., Mech. Cons. Engr.; b. 1866; s. of L. Ahrons, of Bradford, Yorks. Ed. Bradford Grammar Sch. and Eng. Dept., Yorkshire Coll., Leeds (now Leeds University ). Training: Great Western Rly. Works, Swindon. Career: Great Western Rly., Swindon, draughtsman and Inspector of Materials; Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., Manchester, Drawing 'Office; Head of Eng. Dept., Egyptian Government Tech. Schs., Cairo, Egypt; Head of General Eng. Dept., Simon Carves' By-product and Coke Oven 'Co., Ltd., Manchester; General Cons. Mech. Engr. Publ.: "Development of British Locomotive Design," " Repairing of Locomotives," " Lubrication of Locomotives," and articles in railway and technical press. Mem. of The Newcomern Soc. Address: 16, Corporation Oaks, Nottingham.
AIKMAN, David Wann, C.I.E., Water and Sanitary Engr.; b. 1863. Ed. R.I.E. Coll.; Asst. Engr., 1885; Executive Engr., 1887. Services lent to Municipal Corpns. for construction of water supplies, 1890-99; San. Engr. to Govt. U.P., 1902; San. :Engr. P.W.D., Punjab, 1909; Chief Engr. and Sec. to Punjab Govt., 1911-18. Address Simla, Punjab, India.
AIRD, Andrew, M.J.Inst.E., Member of Council, Junior Inst. of Engrs., Melbourne, 1918. Address: 223, Burke Road, Canterbury, Melbourne.
AIREDALE OF GLEDHOW, The Rt. Hon. Lord, Vice-Pres., Iron and Steel Inst., 3, Cadogan Square, S.W.I.
AITCHISON, John Wilson, Mar. Engr.; Man. Dir., Aitchison, Blair, Ltd.; b. 1870. Ed. Glasgow. Club: R.S.A.C. Address: Westfield, Dalmuir. T. N.: Western 2770 (Glasgow).
AITCHISON, Leslie, D.Met., B.Sc., A.I.C., M.I.A.E., Metallurgical Engineer, New Eldon Chambers, Cherry Street, Birmingham. T. A.: " Amalgams, Birmingham." T. N.: Birmingham Cent. 2938. Ed. Central Secondary School, Sheffield, University of Sheffield. Graduate of London University. Professional Career: Metallurgical Chemist to P. Stubs Ltd.; Demonstrator in Metallurgy and Metallur gical Chemistry at Sheffield University; Metallurgist in Royal Naval Air Service; Metallurgist in Technical Department, Air Ministry. Now Consulting Metallurgist to various Automobile and Aircraft firms, also to Brass firms, etc.; Metallurgist to Association of Drop Forgers and Stampers; Consultant on Aircraft Materials to Director of Research at the Air Ministry. Publ.: " Engineering Steels " (Macdonald & Evans ). Papers on Steels of various kinds, including Valve Steels,and the Drop Forging of Steels, the Corrosion of Steels, to various Institutions, etc. Also with F. Ibbots on " The Analysis of Non-Ferrous Alloys " (Longmans). War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., attache:I to Engine Section of R.N.A.S. Later Captain, R.A.F — Sub-Section Director (Materials) in Technical Department at Air Ministry.
AITKEN, Charles Henry William, M.I.Mech.E., Marine Engineer, El Varadero, Caacao, Cavite. T. A.: " Aitken, Cavite." b. 1871. Ed. St. Paul's College, Hong-Kong. Served 5 years'apprenticeship, Hong-Kong & Whampoa Dock Co., Ltd., Hong-Kong. Fourth Engineer, Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., 1892-3; Third Engineer, 1893-5; Second Engineer, 1895-8; First Engineer, 1898-1900. Left the sea, April, 1900, and joined the El Varadero de Manilo Co. at Manila as Superintending Engineer until November, 1913, when he became Manager of abovenamed company. Shipbuilding and Repairing Co., Manila. Member of Peninsula Club.
AITKEN, John, M.I.N.A., F.C.M.S., M.I.Mar.E., Mar. Engr., Cons. Engr., Mar. Surveyor and Supt. to Brussels Steamship Co., Ltd.; London and Channel Islands Steamship Co., Ltd.; London Granite Steamship Co., Ltd.; Elliott Steam Tug Co., Ltd., etc., etc.; b. 1859; s. of David Aitken, Master Mariner. Ed. Dr. Bell's Sch., Inverness. Training: Palmer's Science and Art Classes, Jarrowon-Tyne. Career: Five years' apprenticeship at Palmer's Eng. Works, Jarrow; went to sea at age of 20, passed for 2nd engr.'s certificate at 21, and chief's certificate at 22; after 12 years' service with John Fenwick & Son was appointed Supt. of this Co.'s steamers and Asst. Manager of repair works at Victoria Docks until the business was sold; commenced business in London as Cons. Engr. and Mar. Surveyor; superintended construction of a large 2 number of steamers in this country and on Continent. During the war employed on Admiralty service, superintending various vessels and floating cranes in French ports. Address: 61, Seymour Gardens. Ilford, Essex. T. A.: " Aithalem, Ilford." T. N.: Avenue 5867, London Wall 3756.
AITKEN, William Boag, M.I.Mar.E., Man. Dir., Norwich Pure Ice and Cold Storage Co., Ltd.; b. 1879; s. of Hugh Aitken, Partick, Glasgow. Ed. West of Scotland Tech. Coll., Glasgow. Training: Lees, Anderson & Co., Glasgow. Career: Eng.-Lt., H.M. Navy; Chief Engr., Merchant Service. Address: 32, Newmarket Road, Norwich. T. A. " Cold, Norwich." T. N.: 1317 and 1309 Norwich.
AITON, John Arthur, C.B.E., Principal of Aiton & Co., Derby. T. N.: Derby 525.
ALDRIDGE, Thomas Henry Unite, M.I. Mech.E., Chief Elec. Engr., Shanghai Council Electricity Dept. Address: 66, Szechuen Road, Shanghai, China.
ALEXANDER, Chas. Wm. A.M.I. Mech. E., Mech. and Elec. Eng., " Sydney," Park Farm Road, Kingston-on-Thames. T. A.: " c/o Tata, Ltd., London." T. N.: London Wall 6717. b. 1880. Ed. at Manchester Municipal Technical College. Apprenticed to L. Gardner & Sons, Ltd., Engineers, Manchester. Specialist in Lifting Machinery, Electric and Steam Cranes of all types, Structural and Aeroplane Design. Designed and built numerous noteworthy examples of Steam and Electric Cranes for British and Colonial Railways, Wharves, Docks, etc. Now Assistant Engineer Tata, Ltd., London. War Services.—Captain R.F.C. (S.R.) and R.A.F., 1916-19.
ALEXANDER, Thomas, M.A.I.,M.Inst.C.E.I., Professor of Civil Engineering, 39, Trinity College, Dublin. Ed. University of Glasgow. Professor of Civil Engineering in the Imperial University of Japan and University of Dublin; Head of the Engineering School, Trinity College, Dublin. Publications: "Exercises in Graphic Statics " (1905); " Applied Mechanics " (3rd edition, 1916); " Two-nosed Catenaries " (Trans. R.I.A., 1888).
ALFORD, John Sidney, M.Inst.C.E. M.Cons.E., Cons. Civil and Water Engr.; member of the firm of Catterton and Alford. Address: Victoria Street, T. A.: " Drofland, London." T. N.: Victoria 1948.
ALLAN, C. E., M.I.N.A. (Member of Council), M.Inst.C.E. Address: Rousdon, Devon.
ALLAN, John Frederick, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M.M., Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1861; s. of Alexander Allan. Ed. Farnah Hall. Training: Royal Saxon Sch. of Mines, Freiberg, and Student Inst.C.E. Career: 188o-2—Asst. Min. Engr. to The Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Co., Ltd., Spain; 1882-4—Student, Royal Saxon Sch. of Mines, Freiberg; 1884-7—In service of Rio Tinto Co., Ltd., Spain, 1st year Asst. Min. Engr., next 2 years Min. Engr. in charge of N. Lode; 1887-9—Manager, West Argentine and Glenrock Co.'s Mines, Argentine Republic; 1889-94—Cons. Engr., Buenos Aires and London; 1894-1903—In service of Mexican Gold and Silver Recovery Co., 1st year Deputy-Manager, next I. 8 years General Manager; 19o3-4—Cons. Engr., Mexico City; 19o5-7—Madrid Manager of Rio Tinto• Co., Ltd., Spain; 19o7-9—General Manager of The Caucasus Copper Co., Ltd.; 1909 to date— Cons. Min. Engr. to companies operating in Canada, Egypt, Great Britain, Mexico and Spain, besides reporting on mines in Algiers, Austria, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Serbia, Tunis, Turkey and the United States. Papers on mining in the Province of Huelva and cyanide process. Club: Conservative Club, St. James' Street, S.W. Address: 62, London Wall, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Larenim, London." T. N.: London Wall 4523.
ALLARD, William, O.B.E., B.Sc.Eng. (Lond.), A.K.C., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.R.C.I., Civil Engineer, c/o Public Works Ministry, Cairo, Egypt. T.A.:" Allard, Ashghal, Cairo." b. 1889; s. of late W. Allard, J.P., of Kingston-on-Thames. Ed. Clifton College; King's College, London. Exhibitioner and Jelf Medallist of latter. Gained London University engineering degree with first,. class honours. Spent a short while with the G C. Railway (U.K.) and joined the Egyptian P.W.M. in 1910. Is now a Director of Works in the Irrigation Service. Chief Worhs: Employed on the maintenance of perennial and basin irrigation works in Upper Egypt and the canalization of the Gezira district (Sudan ). War Services.—Served with the Royal Engineers, Transportation Royal Engineers, Intelligence Corps,. and on the Staff in France and the Near East, 191519. Awarded O.B.E., promoted to the rank of Major and mentioned in dispatches.
ALLCOCK, Harry, M.I.E.E., M.Mech.E A.Amer.I.E.E., Electrical Cable Specialist, " Radbourne," 011erbarrow Road, Hale, Cheshire. T. N.: Altrincham 176. b. 1879; sole surviving s. of Joseph and Lucy Allcock, Manchester; m. in 1903 Grace Byard of Derby. Ed. at Manchester College of Technology and premium apprenticeship with Royce, Ltd., Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Manchester. Professional Career: With Royce, Ltd., Manchester, 1895-1900; Trafford Power & Light Supply, Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester, 1900-2; W. T. Glover & Co., Ltd., Electric Cable Makers, Manchester, I 902-present day. Has visited many parts of the world in the interests of W. T. Glover & Co., Ltd. Publications:Lectures and pamphlets re Decimal Coinage and the Metric System of Weights and Measures. Public Positions, Past and Present: Member of Executive. Ctee. of Federation of British Industries; Vice-Pres. of British Engineers' Association; Hon. Secretary of Engineering Section, Manchester Chamber of Commerce; Vice-Chairman of The Decimal Association (London); Hon. Secretary Manchester Decimal Association, etc. Clubs: London, Royal Automobile and St. Stephen's; Manchester, Constitutional and The Engineers.
ALLCUT, Edgar Alfred, M.Sc.Eng., A.M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, 32, St. Matthew's Road, Smethwick, Staffs; b. 1888. Training: Engineering Course, Birmingham University, 1904-8; Bowen. Research Scholarship and Heslop Gold Medal, 1909; Research on Producer Gas, 1908-10. Professional Career: Assistant Engineer, Humphrey Pump Co., Ltd.,. Westminster, 1910-13; Manager, Mond Gas Plant, Saltley, 1913-14; Manager, Engineering and Testing Machine Departments, W. & T. Avery, Ltd., Soho Foundry, Birmingham, 1914-17; Chief Inspector of Materials, Austin Motor Co., Northfield, 1917 to 1921; Cons. Engr. 1921 to date. Business Address: 368, Dudley Road, Birmingham. Publ: Paper read before Inst. Mech. Engrs., 1911. Articles in principal Engineering papers. " The Application of Materials to Engineering Design " (Chas. Griffin & Co. ). War Services.—Designer and maker of testing machines for all classes of war work, particularly aeronautical. Responsible for quality of materials used on motor and aircraft work.
ALLEN, Arthur Hinton, M.I.E.E., Technical Editor " Electrical Review," 4, Ludgate Hill London, E.C.4. Professional Career: Apprentice with Norman & Son, Electrical Engineers, Glasgow; Electrical Assistant to the late Professor A. Jamieson, M.Inst.C.E., 1889-90; First Pender Gold Medallist in Electrical Engineering, Glasgow Technical College; with J. H. Holmes & Co., Electrical Engineers, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1890-94; Demonstrator and Lecturer on Electrical Design at Central Technical College, London, 1894-99; joined " Electrical Review " as Technical Sub-Editor, 1899.
ALLEN, C. Edgar, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical Engineer, 51-52, Chancery Lane, W.C. T. A.: "Machtool, London." T. N.: 1718 Holborn. Ed. King's College, London. Technical Training: Northampton Institute; Craven Engineering Works. Professional Career: With various Engineering Conce rns. Engineer to Co-Partnership Tenants, Ltd. Woodworkers, Ltd., and Brick & Tile Makers, Ltd.; Manchester Engineering Exhibition, etc. Editor " Engineering Review " and " Machinery." Publications: " Machinery's Screw Thread Book." War Services.—Investigated and advised on Production of Munitions.
ALLEN, George Bennett, Engr. Lt.-Commander R.N., M.Inst.Met., Mar. Engr. On the staff of the Engineer-in-Chief of the Fleet, Admiralty; b. 1888; s. of S. W. Allen, M.I.M.E. (deceased) of Cardiff. Ed. Privately. Training: Royal Naval Eng. Coll., Keyham, and Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich. Distinctions: Awarded " The Newman. Memorial Prize," 1908. Career: Service in H.M. ships " Hibernia," " Britannia," " Indomitable," " Chester," " Lydiad," and Engr.-in-Chief Dept., Admiralty. Pubs.: A paper on " Service Experience with Condensers " before Institute of Metals, 1920. Club: Royal Automobile. Address: c /o Admiralty, S.W.
ALLEN, Harold Gwynne, M.A. (Cantab.), J.P., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Man. Dir, of W. H. Allen, Sons & Co., Ltd.; b. 1874; s. of W. H. Allen, J.P., D.L., Chairman of W. H. Allen, Sons & Co., Ltd., Bedford. Ed. Westminster and Trinity College, Cambridge. Training: The Eng. Schs. at Trinity Coll., Cambridge; Queen's Eng. Works, Bedford; The Fairfield Shipbuilding Co., Govan, Glasgow; The Wallsend Slipway and Eng. Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne. Clubs: United University, Pall Mall; Town and County, Bedford. Address: The Dene Woburn Sands, Beds. T. A.: " The Dene, Woburn Sands." T. N.: 12 Woburn Sands.
ALLEN, Percy Ruskin, O.B.E., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Associate I.E.E. (served on Council ), Electrical Engineer and General Practitioner. Specialized in large power plants and internal commbustion engines, Linden Lodge, Runcorn, Cheshire. T. A.: "Ruskin Runcorn." T. N.: 33 Runcorn. b. 1855; s. of Robin Allen, late Secretary of Trinity House, London. Ed. Woodford School; Mathematical Tutor at Brighton; City of London Guilds; Student Inst.C.E.; obtained Miller Scholarship. Served five years at the works, Trinity House, under Sir James Douglas, M.Inst.C.E., afterwards became Engineer to the Anglo-American Brush Electrical Co., and had charge of the first public Electric Supply plant in Great Britain, which lit up the City of London and supplied current to Charing Cross and Waterloo Stations. Became Manager to Woodhouse & Rawson, and whilst with them made the first Welsbach incandescent mantles used in this country.. Spent some years in the United States engaged in various branches of Engineering; joined Staff of the Aluminium Co., Ltd., 1894. On the formation of the Castner-Kellner Alkali Co., Ltd., became Engineer, and advised as to the purchases of Western Point, which has become a large modern electro-chemical concern. To-day, Chief Engineer and Works Manager at Western Point. Introduced large gas engines for the generation of electricity, and prior to the war was frequently consulted by public bodies and companies in connection with generating schemes. Acted for twelve years as Consulting Engineer to tile Waihi Grand Junction Gold Co., Ltd. Served on Jury dealing with Internal Combustion Engines at the Brussels Exhibition of 1910. Chief Works: Extensive Steam and Gas Installations at Western Point; Construction of a Ferro-Concrete Reservoir, capacity two million gallons; Power House at Western Point containing Parsons' Compound Geared Turbines and boiler plant aggregating 14,000 H.P.; a syphon under the River Weaver Canal to supply condensing water to the new power plant from the Manchester Ship Canal and Turbo plant and buildings for the Waihi Grand Junction Gold Co., Ltd. Publications: Contributions to various Engineering magazines; chiefly connected with Internal Combustion Engines; Report to the Jury at the Brussels Exhibition. War Services.—Improvised emergency plant at Western Point for producing lethal gases. General arrangement of hydrogen compressing plant supplying hydrogen to the Admiralty and the R.A.F. Served en several war committees.
ALLEN, Raymond Cecil, C.M.G., F.R.G.S., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I., Director of Surveys and Land Officer, Uganda Protectorate; b. 1872; s. of late Capt. C. F. Allen, Kinsale. Ed. Roy. Univ., Ireland; Queen's Coll., Cork. Asst. Engr., L.C.C. Water and Main Drainage, 1895-1900. Address: Entebbe, Uganda.
ALLEN, R. W., C.B.E., J.P., M.I.N.A., M.Inst.Met., M.I. and S.I., Member of Council I.Mech.E., Man. Dir. of W. H. Allen, Son & Co., Ltd. Address: The Woodlands, Clapham, Beds.
ALLEN, Sydney Trewhella, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr.; Chief Engr. and General Manager, County Borough of Wolverhampton Electricity Department; b. 1873. Ed. Plymouth and Mannamead Coll. Training: Cardiff University Coll. Served articles under S. F. Walker & Co., Cardiff Elec. Eng. Works. Career: Draughtsman to S. F. Walker Co.; Elec. Engr. in Cardiff and district to Gilbert & Co., London; Elec. Engr. to the Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Co.; 1889, Senior Charge Engr., Plymouth Corpn. Elec. Works; 19o1, Chief Asst., Borough Elec. A Engr., at Plymouth; 1908, City Elec. Engr., Carlisle; 1903, appointed to present position. Vice-Pres. Incorporated Municipal Elec. Assoc.; Member of the Council and of the Executive Committee of the British Elec. Development Assoc.; Member of the B.Eng.S.Assoc.; Past Chairman of the South Midland Centre of the Inst. Elec. Engrs.; Chairman of the Elec. Engrs.' Committee preparing Joint Scheme for electricity supply for the North-West Midlands Elec. District.
ALLEN, William Henry, D.L., J.P., Bromham House, Bromham, near Bedford. T. A.: "Salemthrif, Bedford." T. N.: 45 Bedford. b. 1844; s. of William George Allen and Anne Thomas Allen; m. (1) Annie Mary Pemberton Howell, (2) Madeline Agnew Fedden. Ed. John Elwell, Wallescote House, Weston-superMare and Christ College, Brecon. Founder and Chairman of W. H. Allen, Sons & Company, Limited, Queen's Engineering Works, Bedford. Publications: Paper read before Institution of Civil Engineers on Auxiliary Machines for Large Steamships. High Sheriff of Bedfordshire, 1904-5; Vice-President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Clubs: Carlton, Automobile and Athenaeum. War Services.—Quadrupled the production of the works from employing 1,50o men before the war to 4,000 during the war. Manufacturing naval auxiliaries and aero-engines.
ALLEN-WILLIAMS, Sir Arthur John, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.Inst.C.E., Beach Lodge, Littlehampton; b. 1869; s. of William and Anne Williams, Tower Hill, Fishguard; m. Ursula, e.d. of Francis Allen, J.P., Cockley Cley Hall, Swaffham. Ed. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill. Practical training on Manchester Ship Canal. Employed on various large public works contracts. Chief Agent and Engineer for Punchard, Lowther & Co., Contractors on the Hong-Kong Naval Yard Extension, 1902-8. Partner in firm of Westley, Williams & Henderson, Ltd., Public Works Contractors. Clubs: Reform, Royal Porthcawl Golf. War Services.—Lieutenant, R.E., 1915; subsequently Major, Lt.-Colonel, Colonel and Brig.General, December 27, 1917; Commandant, Richborough, 1916-1919; C.M.G., January I, 1918.
ALLINGHAM, Henry W., M.A., M.I.Mech.E., S.M.E., M.S.A.E., Vice-President Inst. Wks. and Cost Accountants, Consulting Production Engineer, The Manor, Sharston, Northenden, Cheshire. T. N.: Gatley 18 (Manchester). b. 1883; s. of William Allingham, Irish poet, and Helen Allingham, R.W.S., water-colour artist. Ed. University College. Engineering Course; worked in factories in England and U.S.A. as Machinist and Toolmaker. Joined Westinghouse Brake Co., Ltd., 1905, to start up Morse Chain Factory; Hans Renold, Ltd., Manchester, 1911-5, installation of Scientific Shop Management, 19 i 5—Commenced as Consulting Engineer on production. Has specialized as Consultant on Scientific Factory Management; advises in this capacity several firms employing L000 to io,000 hands, and a number of smaller firms. Papers read before various American and English Societies of Engineers. Club: The Arts. War Services.-19x4-5—Shell and fuse layouts, and machine design. 1916—Sent to U.S.A. by Ministry of Munitions for ten months, in charge of fuse manufacturing methods. 1917—Assistant Director Ij of National Projectile Factories, four months. 19178—Consultant on aero-engine component manufacture to nine factories.
ALLISON, Frederick William, M.Eng., F.G.S., Min. and Cons. Engr., Man. Dir., Cradock, Allison & Co., Ltd., and other firms; b. 1863; s. of Thomas Allison, Min. Engr. Ed. Guisborough Grammar Sch., Darlington, and privately. Training: Mines and Collieries in Durham and Cleveland and in the Chemical Laboratory of Dr. Stead, F.R.S., Middlesbro'. Club: Cleveland. Address: The Square, Guisborough, Yorks. T. N.: 18 Guisborough.
ALLISON, Oswald, M.I.Mech.E., Cons. and Superintending Engr.; b.186o; s. of Col. W. H. Allison. Ed. Durham Grammar Sch. Training: Palmer's Shipbuilding and Iron Co., Ltd., Jarrow-on-Tyne. Distinctions: Queen's and King's Medals, South African War, 3 clasps. Career: Works Manager, Eng. Dept., Palmer's S. ano L. Co., Ltd., 1885-87; Mar. Surveyor, Eng. Dept., Palmer's S. and L. Co., Ltd., 1888-93; Foundry Manager, Ransome, Sims and Jefferies, Ipswich, 1894-96; In charge of Installation of Elec. Power Plant, Port Elizabeth Elec. Tramways, S. Africa, 1897; Eng. to Grahamstown Industrial Exhibition, S. Africa, 1898; Designer, builder and Manager of New Construction Works at Vereeniging for the Central South African Rlys., 1903-5; Engr. and Manager, The Port Elizabeth Salt Pan Co., Ltd., 1910-19. Club: St. George's, Port Elizabeth, S. Africa. Address: 20, Mutual Buildings, Port Elizabeth.
ALLOM, Gilbert Fox, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Specialist in Lighting, 15, George Street, Hanover Square, London, and 19, East 52nd Street, New York City, U.S.A. T. N.: Gerrard 5716. b. 1873; s. of Arthur Thomas Allom, F.R.I.B.A., Belle Carrick (Allom). Ed. Bedford and King's College, London. Professional Career: Member of the firm of White, Allom & Co., and of Allom Bros., Electric Light Contractors, and Specialists in Reflector Lighting. Inventor of the first Enclosed Arc Lamp in 1892, also Inventor of the Allom Reflector used for lighting pictures, tapestries, and large surfaces. Publications: Treatise on the Banking System, with an explanation of a new form of State finance—by which the debt of the war can be transferred to a 2+% basis. Clubs: Royal Automobile; Walton Heath, Epsom Downs, Hayling Island and Coombe Hill Golf Clubs. War Services.—Established and conducted Shell Manufacturing Works at Battersea in 1915, and executed contracts for the Ministry of Munitions and Admiralty. Served in the Headquarters, Central Division, Scotland Yard.
ALLOTT, Henry Newmarch, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Min.E., Civil and Cons. Engr. (in private practice under the style of C. S. Allott & Son); b. 1869; s. of the late C. S. Allott, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Manchester Grammar Sch. Training: Pupilage under the late Wm. Hunt, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr. to the L. & Y. Rly. Career: Civil Engr. in charge of design and lay-out of large power station works for various Corpns. and Rly. Cos., bridges for various Corpns. and other works. Engr. to the Isle of Man Rly. Papers for professional societies on reinforced concrete, engineering workshops, bridge erection, etc. Clubs: Engineers,' Manchester. Address: 46, Brown Street, Manchester. T. A.: " Allotted." T. N.: 1952 Central.
ALLOTT, James Rayney Leach, M.I.Min.E. F.S.I., Min. Engr.; Man. Dir. of The Birchenwood Colliery Co., Ltd., Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent; b. 1876; s. of James Allott. Ed. Wakefield Grammar Sch. Training: The Fitzwilliam Hemsworth Collieries, near Wakefield. P.Pres. N. Staffs Branch of The National Assoc. of Colliery Managers; Pres. of The N. Staffs. I.Min.E. Responsible for the elec. equipment of the Birchenwood Collieries for hauling, pumping, etc. A.C. 2,500 volts 5o to generated by steam and gas engines (5,300 kilowatts); erection of by-product coking plant, consisting of 84 Simon Carve ovens and 72 Carl Still ovens, with plant for the recovery of tar, ammonia and crude benzol; plant for the distillation of tar, rectification of benzole, purification of naphthalene, etc. Address: Avenue Villa, Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent. T. A.: " Allott, Kidsgrove." T. N.: 1401 Hanley.
AMBERTON, Richard, Major, A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr.; Director of Elec. Apparatus Co., Ltd., and Bray Markham & Reiss, Ltd.; b. 1884; s. of L. Amberton. Ed. City of London Sch. Training: Finsbury Tech. Coll. Career: Student, General Electric Co., Schenectady, U.S.A.; one of the founders of the Elec. Apparatus Co.; many patents in connection with electric motor control gear. War Service: Oct., 1914, until severely wounded 1916, in the Royal Fusiliers, in France. Rank, Major (Infantry ). Director in M. of M. Clubs: Junior Army and Navy, and Bristol Channel Yacht. Address: 61, Evelyn Gardens, S.W.7. T. A.: " Elapratus." T. N.: Kensington 316.
AMBROSE, John Goldwell, O.B.E., M.C., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.S.E., M.C.I., Reinforced Concrete Constructional Engineer, Haigh Park Road, Stourton, Leeds. T.• A.: " Conlimcrete, Leeds." T. N.: Leeds 26549. b. 1886; m. Mary Saville of Ilkley, 1917. Ed. Maidstone Grammar School. Professional Career: Served articles under William Banks, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., City Engineer and Waterworks Engineer of Rochester and Strood. Now Managing Director, Concrete, Ltd., Leeds. War Services.—Served four years in the Royal Engineers, including three and a half years with the B.E.F., France. Three times mentioned in Dispatches. In conjunction with C. B. Mathews, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., designed the Standard Concrete Block Pill Box used in the B.E.F., France, having organized, established and ran the two largest Concrete Factories in France for the manufacture of this Pill Box, each factory employing upwards of I,000 men.
AMPTHILL, Rt. Hon. Lord, Pres. of the British Elec. and Allied Manufacturers' Assoc., King's House, Kingsway, W.C.2.
ANDERSON, A., Treasurer of Assoc. of Min. Elec. Engrs.; Man. Dir., Anderson, Boyes & Co., Ltd., Flemington, Motherwell.
ANDERSON, Sir Arthur Robert, Kt., C.B.E., C.I.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engr.; b. 1860; s. of late James Anderson, Auchendarroch, Argyllshire. Ed. Glasgow Academy and Univ.; Asst. Engr. to the Southern Maharatta Rly., India, 1882 Chief Engr., 1897; Agent of the Madras and Southern Maharatta Rly., 1908; Member Railway Board Government of India, 1914-19; Pres. since 1919. Address: Simla, India.
ANDERSON, David Martin, C.B.E., Mechanical Civil and Geperal Engineer, Dalmarnock Iron Works, Glasgow. D. A.: " Tay, Glasgow." b. 1880. Ed. Glasgow High School and West of Scotland Technical College. Apprenticed with A. J. Inglis, Engineer and Shipbuilder, Glasgow, and later with Sir Thomas Richardson & Sons, Hartlepool, in their scientific office. Chief Assistant Engineer, Vickers Sons & Maxim, Sheffield; Managing Director, Heavy Stampings, Ltd., Middlesbrough; Chief Engineer for Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd., Sheffield and Penistone. Director, Sir Wm. Arrol & Co., Ltd., Glasgow. Member of the Iron and Steel Institute and Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland; Cleveland Iron Steel and Institute; Sheffield Engineers. Chief Works: Laying out and equipping steel works; plant complete and designing, laying out and equipping complete the Nottingham National projectile factory. Clubs: Devonshire, London; Conservative, Glasgow. War Services.—Deputy Director-General of Guns and later Controller of forgings,castings and stampings, Ministry of Munitions, Admiralty, and Air Board. Awarded a C.B.E. ands also a Knight of the Crown of Italy.
ANDERSON, Prof. George R., M.A., Head of Dept. of Eng. Physics and Photography, University of Toronto, since 1904; b. Shetland Islands. Ed. Seaforth High Sch.; Univ. of Toronto. Club: Madawaska, Toronto. Address: University of Toronto.
ANDERSON, George William, Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Gasworks Engineer, 5, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. A.:" Adderwort." T. N.: 1879 Victoria. b. 1859. Professional Career: Eight years with the Commercial Gas Co. as draughtsman; three years Manager to Parramatta Gas Works; nine years Manager, Caterham Gas Works; several years Manager, Primitiva Gas Co., Buenos Aires (1901-6 ); and thirteen years partner of Anderson Bros., Gas Engineers, 5, Victoria Street, S.W.I. Club: St. Stephen's.
ANDERSON, James Edward, C.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., Deputy Chief Mech. Engr., Midland Rly. Co; b. 1871; s. of Rev. Wm. Anderson, Minister of Fettercairn, Kincardineshire. Ed. at Montrose Academy; Gordon's Coll., Aberdeen; Andersonian (now the Royal Tech.) Coll., Glasgow. Training: G.N. of Scotland Rly.; Sharp, Stewart & Co.; Dubs & Co.; Glasgow & South Western Rly.; Robt. Stephenson & Co., Darlington. Distinctions: ist Class Ordinary Grade in Metal Working Tools, with Bronze Medal for 2nd in U.K.; 1st Class Hons. in rail carriage building, with Silver Medal for ist in U.K.; and 1st Class in Mech. Eng. Passed 1st Class in advanced stages in Science and Arts Dept., in Machine Construction and Drawing, Applied Mechanics, Steam, Theoretical Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Mathematics, Solid Geometry and Freehand Drawing. Responsible for design of the 2-8-0 locomotive and tender for Bengal & Nagpur Rly., an original design adopted as the standard engine for the Indian State Rlys. Joined the M. Rly. Co. 1903; Chief Draughtsman 1906. Responsible for detail design locomotives. 1913, Works Manager; June, 1915, to May, 1919, acting Chief Mech. Engr. in absence of Sir Hy. Fowler., during which time, besides maintaining repairs and renewals of locomotives, a special shop was laid out for the production of 30,000 graze fuses per week; [6 also a special shop for renovation of 135,000 fired cartridge cases per week, the majority of machines and furnaces being from the Co.'s own designs. The boiler, machine, and erecting shops were adapted for dealing with the production of gun parts and complete carriages. Appointed Deputy Chief Mech. Engr., May, 1919. Address: Chief Mech. Engr's Dept., Midland Rly., Derby. T. A.: " Locomotive." T. N.: noo; Private, 1154.
ANDERSON, John H., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Min.E., M.I.Mar.E., F.C.S., M.Inst.P.T., Purfleet, Essex. T. N.: Rainham 5. b. 1879. Ed. at Larkhall Academy, N.B. Training: Under Geo. Anderson (Manager ), Ferniegave Colliery, N.B.; for a number of years as Chief Resident Engineer under Chas. S. Meik, M.Inst.C.E. Engaged on Mining, Mechanical and Ferro-Concrete work. One of the first to establish that it was possible to effectively repair Ferro-Concrete. Evolved transport schemes for various materials. Publications: " The Spontaneous Ignition of Coal, with Special Relation to Storage Heaps, Ships' Bunkers and Cargoes "; " The Mining of Coal "; " The Transport of Coal "; " The Economical Use of Coal "; " How the American Miner Produces Three Times as much Coal as the British Miner "; " Some By-products of Coal "; " Liquid Fuel for Steam-Raising Purposes "; and various articles relating to scientific use of fuel, together with its transport. Denny Gold Medallist, 1919-2o.
ANDERSON, John Wemyss, M.Eng., Wh. Ex., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Prof. of Engineering (Refrigeration) and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Liverpool. b. 1868; s. of J. Anderson, Engineer R.N.; m. Caroline Emily Taylor, 1897, one d. T. A.: "University, Liverpool." T. N.: University—Royal 1314; Home—Birkenhead 1054. Ed. Park Grammar School, Plymouth. Professional Career: Served five years' apprenticeship with John Jack & Co., and the Kilbourn Refrigerating Co., Liverpool. Specialized in Cold Storage and Ice Making Machines, and Refrigeration in general. Chief Works: Central Cold Stores, Liverpool; Ashton's Cold Stores, Wigan. Publications: " Refrigerating" (Longmans ); " Vapour Compression "; " Refrigerating Machines," Inst. Mech.E., 1912. Papers on Refrigeration before Liverpool Engineering Society, and Ice and Cold Storage. President Liverpool Engineering Society, 1918-19; Member of Executive Council, Cold Storage and Ice Association; Member of Council, Birkenhead Literary and Scientific Society. Assessor representing Ministry of Food on Food Investigating Board Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Club: University, Liverpool.
ANDERSON, Robert, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engr; Inspecting Engr. to Port of London Authority; b. 1863; s. of William Anderson, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. George Watson's Coll., Edinburgh. Career: Pupil with Head Wrightson & Co., of Teesdale Ironworks, Thornaby-on-Tees; in charge of the erection of the Hamble Viaduct, Bursledon (Hants ), and the Thames Bridge, Putney; Works Manager, Teesdale Ironworks, Thornaby-on-Tees, from 1890 to 1909; Res. Engr. on construction of the Tees Transporter Bridge, Middlesbrough; Res. Engr. on the reconstruction of the Widnes-Runcorn Transporter Bridge over the Mersey at Widnes; and since 1914 Inspecting-Engr. in Scotland for the Port of London Authority. Address: Blairnairn, Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire.
ANDERSON, Robert, C.M.G.; b. 1858; s. of late David Anderson, of Mount Pleasant, Cambuslang, Scot. Career: Res. Engr. on railways in Scotland; went to Mexico, Venezuela and Uganda; Deputy Chief Engr., Uganda Rly., 1895-1903; Chief Engr., 1904.
ANDERSON, Robert Bruce, A.K.C., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Gas Works Engineer, 5, Vic. toria Street, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Adderwort, Vic, London." T. N.: Victoria 1879. b. 1864. Ed. Madras College, St. Andrew's; Heidelberg University; King's College, London; Durie Foundry, Leven. Engaged since 1886 in design and management of numerous gasworks. Clubs: St. Stephen's, London; Cork; Hull and East Riding.
ANDERSON, Robert Simpson, Member of Council I.Min.E., Vice-President North of England Inst. of Min. and Mech. Engrs., Mem. of S. Wales Inst. of Engrs.; Con. Min. Engr. Office: Collingwood Buildings, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. N.: 1306 Newcastle. Club: Union, Newcastle. Private Address: Highfield, Wallsend, Northumberland. T. N.: III Wal I send.
ANDERSON, Wm. Patrick, Lieut.-Colonel, C.M.G., M.Inst.C.E., M.E.I.C., F.R.G.S., Lighthouse and Harbour Engineer, 64, Cooper Street, Ottawa, Canada. T. N.: Queen 1910. b. 1851; eldest s. of late Thos. Anderson of Edmonton, Alberta; m. 1876, Dorothea S. Small (four s., one d.). Ed. Bishop's College, Lennoxville, and University of Manitoba. Assistant Engineer, Department of Marine, Canadian Government, 1875; Chief Engineer and General Superintendent of Lighthouses, 1891; superannuated, 1919; retired from practice. Positions Held: Member of the Lighthouse Board of Canada, of the Geographic Board of Canada, and of the Engineering Standards Association of Canada; Treasurer Dom. Rifle Assoc.; Member of the Ottawa Collegiate Institute Board, etc. Chief Works: The design and construction of all lighthouses, fog alarms and other aids to navigation in Canada between 188o and 1919, aggregating over Soo installations. Publications: Several short articles in technical periodicals; geographical articles in " Encyclopaedia Britannica," etc. Clubs: Rideau, Royal Ottawa Golf, and Rideau Curling.
ANDERSON, William T., M.I.E.E.,M.I.Min.E., Electrical Engineer, 6, Birch Avenue, Old Trafford, Manchester. T. N.: 160 Trafford Park. b. 1869. Ed. King William's College. Served time with John Hetherington & Sons, Ltd.; W. T. Glover & Co., Ltd., Electric Cable Makers. Late Pres. Lancashire, Cheshire and North Staffordshire Branch of the Association of Mining Electrical Engineers; Member of Council of the Institution of Mining Engineers. Publications: Report on the Conditions and Prospects of the Iron, Steel and Engineering Trades in Spain, and sundry other papers. Club: Engineers', Manchester. War Services.—Engineering Commissioner to Spain for the Board of Trade, 1917.
ANDERSON, W. V., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., City Engr. and Surveyor, Winchester.
ANDERSON, William Young, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Commercial Engineer, 14, Dale End, Birmingham. T. A.: "Dynamo, Birmingham." T. N.: Central 25c1. b. 1874. Ed.: Rev. Dr. Addison and private tuition. Engineering training with Swan & Hunter, Ltd., Shipbuilders, Newcastleon-Tyne, and Workman & Clark. Subsequently with Laird Bros., Vickers, Ltd., and Lancashire Electric Power Works. Now Commercial Engineer to the City of Birmingham Electric Supply Department.
ANDREW, George Edward, Engr. Capt. R.N. (retired), C.B. (M. Div.), M.I.Mech.E., Mar. and Gen. Mech. Engr., Tech. Adviser and Chief Engr., Azulay Syndicate and Fabricless Rubber Products, Ltd.; b. 1869; s. of the late Donald Macdonald Andrew, of Swindon. Ed. Swindon North Wilts Tech. Sch.; also Kaiser Wilhelm Universitat, Berlin. Training: G.W.R. Works, Swindon; Earle's Shipbuilding Works, Hull. Distinctions: Bronze Medal 2nd Prize Eng. (Mech.) City Guilds, 1891. Career: Trained as Mech. Engr. at Swindon G.W.Rly. Works and Earle's Shipbuilding Co. Works, Hull; entered H.M.Navy as Asst. Engr., 1892; Engr.-Lieut., 1899; and Eng.-Commander, 1910; retired as Engr.-Capt. 1919. Sometime Asst. Engr. Manager, H.M. Dockyard, Devonport, and 1st Asst. Manager and Acting Engr. Manager, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. Mentioned in Dispatches for Service in H.M.S. " Pelorus " and H.M.S. " Kent "; present as Engr.-Commander H.M.S. " Kent " at Battle of Falkland Islands, 1915; at destruction of S.M.S. " Dresden " off Juan Fernandez, 1916; received thanks of Lords Commissioners of Admiralty for services rendered as Engr.-Commander H.M.S. " Kent," 1915-16; and as Asst. Manager, Eng. Dept., H.M. Dockyard, Chatham; C.B. (Mil. ), 1916; now Tech. Adviser and Chief Engr. to Fabricless Products, Ltd. Clubs: Malta Union and Mediterranean Gibraltar;. M.I. Mechanical Engineers and Fellow Royal Society of Arts, London. Address: " The Falklands," 13o, Green Lane, Northwood, Middlesex.
ANDREW, John Harold, D.Sc. (Manchester), Metallurgist, Prof. of Metallurgy, the Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; s. of John Andrew, Ashton-u.-Lyne. Ed. Bickerton House Sch., Birkdale. Training: The University, Manchester. Distinctions: Ralton Sch. and late Research Fellow, Manchester University. Career: Chief Chemist, Isaac Storey & Sons, Ltd., Carnbrook, Manchester; six years Chief of Research Dept. at Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Ltd., Openshaw, Manchester. Numerous publications in Scientific Journals. Address: The Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow.
ANDREWS, George Samuel Burt, M.I. Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Town Engr., Municipal Offices, Johannesburg, Transvaal.
ANDREWS, Leonard, M.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Cons. Engr. to Johnson, Matthey & Co., Ltd., and Director of Key Eng. Co.; b. 1869; s. of Henry Andrews. Ed. Bedford County Sch. Premium Pupil Brush Elec. Eng. Co. Distinctions: Extra Premium for paper on " Switchgear "; and Paris Exhibition Premium for paper on " Gas Engines," read before the I.E.E. Career: Engr. and Manager, Hastings Electric Light Co., and subsequently Borough Elec. Engr., io years; Man. Dir., Key Eng. Co., 9 years; Man. Dir., Canadian British Eng. Co., 2i years; Chief Engr. and Progress Supt., TF Metropolitan Munitions Committee, 3 years; present position, 3 years. Publ.: " Electricity Control " (Treatise on Elec. Switchgear ). Published by C. Griffin, 1904. Various papers before Eng. Socs. Club: St. Stephen's. Address: The Hut, West End Lane, Pinner, Middlesex. T. A.: " 147 Pinner." T. N.. 147 Pinner.
ANFILOGOFF, Nicholas A., M.I. Mech.E., F.C.S., M.Inst.P.T., Chemical Engineer (Speciality—Petroleum), " Lathol House," Thames Haven, Essex. T. A.: " Anfilogoff, Thames Haven." T. N.: 32 Stanford-le-Hope. b. 1877. Ed. in Russia; Graduate Russian Imperial Technical Institute. Professional Career: Technical Adviser and General Works Manager to London and Thames Haven Oil Wharves, Ltd., 3, St. Helen's Place, London, E.C.3. Director London Oil Storage Co., Ltd., Sussex Place House, 87-88, Leadenhall Street, E.C. Member of the Chemical Engineering Group; Member of the Society of Chemical Industry. Chief IVorks: Design and erection of Refineries at Thames Haven; European Petroleum Co., Ltd., Thames Haven, 1897; London & Thames Haven Oil Wharves, Ltd., 190 8; layout, design and erection of Petroleum Storage Tanks, Boilers, Pumps and Pipe Lines at Thames Haven. Publications: " Distillation Test of Petrol," " Handling of Petroleum in Bulk." Member of Chemical Industry Club, 2, Whitehall Court.
ANGUS, Thomas Cochrane, Captain R.A.F., D.F.C., Ventilation Engineer, Factory and Workshop, " Pitreavic," Loughton, Essex; b. 1891; s. of Captain T. S. Angus, F.R.S., master mariner. Ed. Merchant Taylors School and City and Guilds College, Finsbury. Professional Career: General training in Mechanical and Electrical Technology and Practice; worked with Dr. Leonard Hill, F.R.S., upon "Atmospheric Conditions that affect Health, with especial reference to Factories and Workshops." Now employed with the Dunlop Rubber Co. investigating the physical conditions of the air in their works and advising upon ventilation methods. War Services.—Home service, Infantry, H.A.C., till 1915. Commissioned R.N.A.S. and Pilot and Flight Commander R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. till 1919. Distinguished Flying Cross awarded 1918.
ANSELL, Roger Horace, Engr.-Lieut.-Commander R.I.M., M.I.Mar.E., Mar. Store Officer, Govt. Dockyard, Bombay; b. 1884; s. of Alfred Ansell. Ed. Gillingham Secondary Sch. Training: Rochester and Gillingham Tech. Sch., R.N. Dockyard Sch., Chatham. Distinctions: ist Class B.O.T. Certificate; several Bd. of Education distinctions for Mathematics and Applied Mechanics. Career: Joined R.I.M. as Engr.-Sub.-Lieut., Aug., 1905; Engr.-in-Charge of Persian Gulf Lights for three years; served in the R.N. as Engr.-Lieut. for nine months during the War, afterwards reverting to R.I.M.; Surveyor of Stores, Govt. Dockyard, for one year; Mar. Store Officer from Sept., 1919. Clubs: Bombay Gymkhana. Address: c/o Director, R.I.M., Bombay, India.
ANSON, Bernard Oglie, A.M.I.E.E., Executive Engr., G.P.O. (Telephones and Telegraphs); b. 1878; s. of Richard Anson, of Hull. Specialist in Automatic Telephony, G.P.O. Address: Engr.-in-Chief's Dept., G.P.O., London, E.C. T. N.: Official 8yr.
ANSTEY, Henry Charles, Engineer Commander, R.N., 0.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., Mechanical Engineer, Thornbury Hall, Cheadle, Staffs. T. N.: Cheadle 35. b. 1872. Training: H.M. Dockyards, and Royal Naval College, Greenwich (special course). At sea in various H.M. ships. Engineer-in-Chief's Department at the Admiralty, 1901-4. Retired from active list to become Manager, R. Hornsby & Sons, Grantham, 1904-10; Engineer-in-Chief and Naval Constructor, Chilean Navy, 1910-16; rejoined Active list of Navy, Admiralty, 1917-19; Local Director, Thomas Bolton & Sons, Limited, 1919. Contributions to proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers and Institution of Naval Architects. War Services.—Deputy Assistant Director, Materials and Priority Department, Admiralty.
ANTHONY, Charles, F.R.S.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.Arner.S.C.E., F.R. San.I F.R.M et. S. , F.R. A.S., F.C.S., Vieytes y Gorriti, Bahia Blanca, Argentina; b. Hereford, 1865; eldest s. of Charles Anthony, late of the 16th Lancers, and Elizabeth, o.c. of John Warington; m. 1892, Frances Mary, d. of Edward Vincent Heward, F.R.A.S.; (one s.). Ed. Private tutors, Royal School of Mines, Bristol, and University Laboratory, Cambridge. Pupil of James Mansergh, F.R.S., Past President Inst.C.E., 1886-9; Assistant Engineer, Bateman & Parsons, City of Buenos Ayres water supply and sewerage works, 1890-I; retained by Argentine Government as Engineer, First Class, 1891-3; Principal Resident Engineer, Buenos Ayres Sanitary Improvement Works Commissioners, 1893-1902; as Chief of Commissions in 1889,1900 and 1902, designed water supply works for the provincial capitals of Jujuy, La Rioja, and Santa Fe, also for the town, and military and commercial ports, of Bahia Blanca; selected by Cape Colonial Government, Consulting Engineer to design water supply and sewerage works for East London County Council, 1903-6; Legal Representative and Chief Engineer, Dirks & Dates, Concessionaires, Bahia Blanca Water Works, 1906-8; General Manager, Bahia Blanca Water Works Co., 1909. Publications: Professional and scientific papers in proceedings of learned and technical societies. Recreations: Boating and billiards. Clubs: Royal Societies, London, and Argentine, Bahia Blanca.
ANTHONY, Philip Arnold, C.M.G., M.Inst.C.E., Gen. Manager and Chief Engr., Federated Malay State Rlys.; b. 1873. Ed. Mill Hill Sch. Career: In Eng. Dept., G. W. Rly., 1894-1910; Gen. Manager and Chief Engr., F.M.S. Rlys., 1910; services lent to M.M., May, 1915November, 1916; resumed duty in F.:U.S., February, 1917; services lent temporarily to Govt. South Australia, April, 1918; resumed duty F.M.S., January, 1919.
APPLEBY, Percy Vavasseur, Assoc.M. Inst.0.E M.I.Mech.E., Mech. Engr., Director, I. H. Vavasseur & Co., Ltd., London, Ceylon and India; b. 1864. Ed. Eastbourne Coll., 1876-79; University Coll., London; Eng. Course under Prof. Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 1879-82. Distinctions: Awarded Gilchrist Gold Medal for Chemistry; Telford Premium of Inst. of C. Engrs. for paper read before the Students on " Strength of Materials." Career: Was Director of Appleby Bros., Ltd., and Jessop & Appleby Bros., Ltd., 1890 to 1905. Club: 'Colombo. Address: " Rostherne," Redhill, Surrey..T. N.: 6833 London Wall.
APPLEYARD, Frederick, M.I.Mech.E., Res. Docks Engr., North Eastern Rly., West Hartlepool.
APPLEYARD, Kenelm Charles, Assoc.M.I. Min.E., M.I.&S.I., Colliery and Mech. Engr. General Manager of The Birtley Iron Co., Birtley, Co. Durham; b. 1894; s. of C. W. Appleyard, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Ed. Colet Court and St. Paul's Sch., Kensington, and privately. Served apprenticeship with C. A. Parsons & Co., Ltd.; appointed Asst. Manager in charge of production at their Close Works, Gateshead; kept this appointment on the transfer of works to Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Ltd.; in latter years responsible for production inside works and at sub-contractors, all stores departments and transport. Joined The Birtley Iron Co. in 1919, and responsible for entire modernization and reorganization of works, covering foundries and general enginering shops. Specializes in the application of ball and roller bearings in mining work and in improved efficient plant for colliery purposes. Club: Union, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Old Pauline. Address: Birtley Springs House, Birtley, Co. Durham. T.A.: " Appleyard, Birtley." T.N.: Birtley 31.
APSEY, Sir John, K.B.E., Naval Arch.; Chief Constructor, R.C.N.C. (retired); b. 1850; s. of John Apsey. Ed. Royal Naval Coil., Greenwich, and Dockyard Sch. Training: H.M. Dockyards. Career: On completion of usual course of training for naval architects was appointed to a special course of elec. training, and subsequently appointed to Chatham Yard in charge of the elec. work, and was thus a pioneer in the establishment of the present elec. departments, and the development of modern styles of elec. fittings in H.M. Navy, was appointed to supervise the building of H.M.S. " Medea " and " Medusa " at Chatham, in 1885-6; first overseer appointed for shipbuilding under Lord George Hamilton's Naval Defence Act, 1889; Chief Constructor at Malta Dockyard, 1902-7; and Manager, Constructive Dept., Portsmouth, 1907-19, during which period the leading ship of every class of super-Dreadnought battleship was built under his directions, and also the larger classes of submarines; and was knighted in 1920 in consideration of services rendered whilst serving in that capacity during the War.
ARCHIBALD, Robert D., B.Sc., M.I.E.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Head of Elec. Eng. Dept., Tech. Coll., Dundee, since 1910; and extra Mural Lecturer, Univ. Coll., Dundee. T. N.: 956 Dundee; b. 1881. Ed. Royal Technical College, Glasgow; Glasgow University. Professional Career: Apprenticeship-2 years Fairfield Shipbuilding Yard, Govan and 1 years Mayor & Coulson, Electrical Engineers, Glasgow; 3i years Electric Construction Co. Wolverhampton (Testing Department and Assistant Designer); 1 years Chief Assistant to Professor Magnus Maclean of the Electrical Engineering Department, Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Chief Work: Researches in design of Elec. Machinery, Petrol Electric Systems, Cyclostats, Static Balancing; Design and equipment of the Elec. Laboratories in the Technical College, Dundee. Publications: " Electrical Laboratory Course for Junior Students," by Archibald & Rankin; " Alternating Current Machinery," by Barr & Archibald; " Alternators," by Archibald; article contributed to " Modern Electrical Engineering," edited by Prof. Magnus Maclean. War Services.—Gazetted February II, 1915, as Second Lieutenant North Scottish R.G.A. (T.); Lieutenant, October, 1915. Overseas (France ), July, 1916, attached to 57th Siege Battery. Orderly Officer to Counter Battery Staff Officer, i 7th Corps, February, 1917. Staff Captain, Counter Battery, i7th Corps, October, 1917. Mentioned in Dispatches.
ARMFIELD, J. Harold, A.M.I.Mech.E., Expert in Water Power Development, Ringwood, Hants. T. A.: "Armfield, Ringwood." T. N.: 3 Ringwood. b. 1889; s. of Joseph J. Armfield, engineer and millwright, Ringwood. Ed. Sidcot School, Winscombe, Somerset; University of Manchester Technical School; Training in Offices and Workshops of Vale of Avon Works, Ringwood. Professional Career: Successively Departmental Manager, Works Manager and Director of Vale of Avon Works, Ringwood. Awarded special prize for Papers in Associate Members Examination, Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Chief Works: Survey of Water Power Sites, McGillycuddies Reeks, Co. Kerry; Low Fall Hydro-Electric Plant, Longparish, near Andover; Pumping Plant, Water Driven for Bournemouth Water Supply. Publications: Article on Water Power, " New Statesman."
ARMITAGE, Herbert Cyril, Specialist in Manufacturing Production and Works Organization, Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Birmingham. T. A.: " Speedily." T. N.: Icing's Norton 23o. b. 1885. Training: Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School, Rochester, Kent. Served apprenticeship with Ruston & Hornsby, Ltd., Grantham. Chief Tool Draughtsman, Ruston & Hornsby, Ltd., Grantham; Works Engineer, Mather & Platt, Ltd., Manchester; Works Manager, Cogswell & Harrison, Ltd., London; now Efficiency Engineer, Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Birmingham. Chief Works: Design, layout and starting up of new engineering works for Mather & Platt, Ltd. Publications: Paper on " Jigs and Tools for Standardized Parts " before Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1919. War Services.—Production of small arms, periscope and service rifle parts with Cogswell & Harrison.
ARMITAGE, Robert, M.P., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.&.S.I., Chairman and Man. Dir. Brown Bayley's Steel Works, Ltd. Address: Farnley Hall, Leeds.
ARMSTRONG, Brig.-Gen. Charles Johnstone, C.B., C.M.G., Canadian Engrs. Career: Civil Engr., Rly. Surveys and Construction, Canada, 1893-99; with Sir John Jackson, Ltd., Engrs. and Contractors, docks, harbours and water powers in Canada, 1911-14; Chief Engr. Canadian Army Corps, 1915; Chief Engr. 7th Army Corps, 1918; Grand Officer, Order of Aviz (Portugal), 1919.
ARMSTRONG, F. Edwin, M.Sc. (Victoria), M.Eng. (Liverpool), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Min.E., Mining Engineer, 4o, Elmore Road, Sheffield, and The University, St. George's Square, Sheffield. T. N.: 4705 Central. b. 1879. Ed. Giggleswick School, University College, Liverpool. Professional Career: Apprentice at collieries. Certificated Colliery Manager and Surveyor. Colliery management and reporting on foreign and colonial colliery properties. Professor of Mining, University of Sheffield. Member of Board of Trade Committee on Miners' Safety Lamps. Club: National Liberal. War Services.—Two and a half years motor driving, France and Belgium, with B.R.C.S.; one and a half years in charge of Labour Disputes and Wages Section, Coal Mines Department, Board of Trade.
ARMSTRONG, H., Min. Engr., Collingwood Bdgs. Collingwood Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
ARMSTRONG, 0. C., Col., D.S.0., Chairman of Greenwood & Batley, Ltd., Elec. Engrs., Albion Works, Leeds. Pres. of British Engineers' Assoc.
ARNOLD, Bening Mourant, Major R.G.A. (T.), D.S.0., M.A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, Highfields, Great Baddow, Chelmsford; b. 1884; s. of B. Arnold and Emilie Arnold, nee Mourant; ni. Elsie Kate Best. Ed. St. Paul's School, Jesus College, Cambridge. Professional Career: Trained at J. I. Thornycroft's; employed in the Gun Factory, Woolwich Arsenal. War Services.—July 31, 1914, to October II, 1919, in Anti-Aircraft Artillery; Captain-Instructor, Portsmouth, 1914-15; Major commanding " L " Anti-Aircraft Battery, 1916-18; Maj or-Instructor, Shoeburyness, 1918-19; Mentioned in Dispatches, December, 1917; Awarded D.S.O., January, 1918.
ARNOLD, John Oliver, D.Met.,F.R.S. Member of Council, I.&S.I., Emeritus Prof. of Metallurgy, Sheffield University; b. 1858; s. of David Nelson Arnold, M.I.M.E. (the late). Ed. King Edward's Grammar Sch., Birmingham, and H.M.S. " Conway." Training: Rock Ferry; the Sheffield Steel & Ironworks (Brown Bayley's, Ltd.). Distinctions: Telford Medal and two Premiums Inst.C.E.; Bessemer Gold Medal I. & S.I. Designer of the Sheffield University Metallurgical Laboratories and Steel Works; Alternating Stress-Strain Testing Machine. Important Papers: Discovery of the Influence of Vanadium on Steel; The Influence of Aluminium in Traces on Steel Ingots; The Influence of Carbon on Iron; The Influence of Elements on Iron; The MicroStructure of Plain Carbon Steel; The Influences of Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, Cobalt, Vanadium, Tungsten and Molybdenum on Steel; the Correlations of Molecular Constitutions and Lathe Efficiencies of High-speed Steels; The Micro-Chemistry of Cementaion; The Metallurgy of Steel Castings; The Discovery of about 25 Micro-Constituents of Steel, including the Sulphides of Iron, Manganese, Chromium, etc. Publ.: " Steel Works Analysis," and numerous research papers published before Inst.C.E., Inst.M.E., Inst.N.A. and I. & S.I. Clubs: Royal Mersey Yacht, Royal Windermere Yacht. Address: 2, Pembridge Square, London, 41,.2; and The University, St. George's Square, Sheffield. T. N.: Park 1506.
ARNOT, Thomas, M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council ), Min. Engr., 109, Hope Street, Glasgow.
ARTER, Arthur Marshall, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.A.E., V.-Pres. S.E., Cons. on Automobile and Aeronautical Engine designs; in charge of the design and manufacture of aero engines. s. of Andrew Arter. Ed. St. Paul's Sch. Training: Central Tech. Coll. and also by private coach. Apprenticed to John I. Thorneycroft & Co., and stayed on two years; Engr. to the Long Acre Motor Car Co.; started business, as general engrs., as Marshall Arter & Co., 1904; designed and manufactured the Marshall-Arter light car; formed 'a Co. called Marshall-Arter, Ltd., 1913, for building light b cars, and obtained Gold Medals for these cars in 1913-14; assisted in the design of an aeronautical engine, 1915; Works Manager to the British Ensign Co., Ltd., 1916; designed new type of aeronautical engines and superintended their manufacture 1917 and onwards. Read the following Papers: " Indicating High-Speed steam Engines," before students Inst.C.E. (awarded the Miller Prize); " Ball Bearings " before the Soc. of Engrs.; " Nomography," joint-author, before the Inst. Auto. Engrs. Address: 15, Cecil Court, S.W.Io.
ARTHUR, Henry Herbert, M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E., Engr. and Manager, Egham & Staines Elec. Co., Ltd.; b. 1881. Ed. Private Sch. and Bedford. Training • Bedford Science & Art Sch. App. and subsequently Asst. in Testing Dept., W. H. Allen, Son & Co., Ltd., Bedford; Asst. Northampton Electricity Works; Charge Engr. Ilford Electricity Works; Acting Chief Asst. Ilford U.D.C. Electricity Dept.; Engr. and Manager Carmarthen Electricity Co., Ltd.; now Engr. and Manager, Egham & Staines Electricity Co., Ltd. Address: Electricity Works, Staines. T. N.: 117 Staines.
ASHDOWN, Jab ez William, Wh.Ex., M.I.Mech.E. Man. Dir. to W. Weeks and Son, Ltd.; b. 1875; s. of E. Ashdown. Ed. Aske's Haberdashers' Sch., Hatcham, S.E. Training: Goldsmith's Inst., New Cross, S.E. Apprenticed with W. R. Dell & Son, of Croydon, drawing office at Fraser & Chalmers, of Erith. Asst. Manager to W. Weeks & Son, Ltd., of Maidstone, 1897; Gen. Manager and Director, 1905, and Man. Dir., 1920. Clubs: Conservative, Earl Street, and Constitutional Club, West Borough, Maidstone. Address: 4, Chertsey Terrace, Maidstone. T. A.: "Ashdown, Chertsey Terrace, Maidstone." ASHLEY, Herbert, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Eng. and Gen. Manager, Waterworks Co., Commercial Road, Portsmouth.
ASHTON-HILL, Henry, M.Inst.C.E., Water E.; b. Nov. 11, 1852. Ed. Liverpool Coll. Articled to T. & T. Vicars, Mech. Engrs., Liverpool. Mar. Engr. afloat; charge of Ga-s affairs, Liverpool Corpn.; Engr. and Manager Gas and W. Works, Wallasey; Engr.-in-Chief, South Staffordshire Waterworks, Co. (retired). Member Liverpool Polytechnic Soc., 1877-1914. Pres. 1914; Member Liverpool Geological Soc., 1899-1914, Vice-Pres., 1892-4; Member Birmingham Stu. Assoc. Inst.C.E., Pres., 1899. Address: 3, Hermitage Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. T. N.: Edgbaston 40.
ASHWIN, Guy Hamilton, M.I.Min.E., Min. Engr.; Agent and Gen. Manager, Wath Main Colliery; b. 1860; s. of the Rev. Hamilton Ashwin, LL.D. Ed. Dedham Grammar Sch. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines. Address: Coverleigh, Wathon-Dearne, Yorkshire. T. N.: 28 Mexboro'.
ASHWORTH, John, M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Min. Engr., 77, King Street, Manchester.
ASKEW, Septimus Robert, Partner of Gray & Askew, Cons. Engr. b. 1879; s. of Francis John Askew. Ed. Higher Grade Sch., Gateshead-on-Tyne. Training: Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Address: c/o Gray & Askew, Glebe Island, Rozelle, N.S.W., Australia. T. A.: " Askew, Rozelle, Sydney."
ASPINALL, Sir John Audley Frederick, Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knight of the Order of Leopold, Consultant Mechanical Engineer to the Ministry of Transport, Deerstead House, St. John's, Woking, Surrey. T. A. and T. N.: 491 Woking. b. 1851; s. of John Bridge Aspinall, Q.C. Professional Career: Trained at Crewe Works, L.N.W.R.; Locomotive Engineer of the G.S. & W. Railway of Ireland; Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway; General Manager, L. & Y. Railway; Director, L. & Y. Railway. Past President Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland; Past President of Junior Institution of Engineers; Past President Institution of Mechanical Engineers; President, 1918-19, Institution of Civil Engineers. Union Club, Trafalgar Square. War Services.—Member of the Railway Executive Committee.
ASQUITH, John William Stancliffe, M.I. & S.I. Chairman and Man. Dir, of William Asquith (1920 ), Ltd. b. 1874. Clubs: R.A.C., Pall Mall, London; Halifax. Address: Moorlands, Halifax. T.A.: " Asquith, Engineer, Halifax." T. N.: 1116 Halifax.
ASTBURY, Arthur Ralph, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Public Works Department, Secretariat, Lahore, Punjab, India. T. A.: " Santenger, Lahore." T. N.: 586 and 587 Lahore. b. 1880. Ed. Westminster and the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. Appointed in 1900 to the Indian Public Works Department as Assistant Engineer. Imperial: promoted to Executive Engineer, 1908; appointed Under-Secretary to Government, 1915; promoted to Superintending Engineer, 1916; and appointed Sanitary Engineer to Government. Member of the Punjab Club, Lahore.
ASTON, John William, Wh.Sch., M.I.Mech.E., Lecturer in Machine Design and Mech. Eng., Birmingham Municipal Tech. Sch. and Belliss & Morcom, Ltd., Birmingham. b. 1862; s. of John Aston, Birmingham. Ed. King Edward's High Sch., Birmingham. Training: Piercy & Co., Engrs., Birmingham. Sir Joseph Whitworth & Co., Ltd., Manchester; also Birmingham and Midland Inst. Career: Teaching Mech. Eng. in Birmingham, reorganizing the system to suit the requirements o 1 apprentices and others, has conducted some of the more advanced Eng. classes in Birmingham Municipal Tech. Sch. Address: 6, Edgbaston Road, Moseley Road, Birmingham.
ATCHISON, Arthur Francis, M.I.E.E., Chief Elec. Engr., Ministry of the Interior, Cairo, Egypt.
ATHERTON, William Henry, M.Sc., Wh.Ex., M.I.Mech.E., Conveying and Elevating Machinery Expert, Whitaker Road, Derby. T. A.: " Chainbelt, Derby." T. N.: 139 Derby. b. 1867; s. of senior partner of Atherton Bros., Preston. Ed. Preston Grammar School; Manchester Technical School; Owens College; Royal College of Science, London; Armstrong College and Rutherford College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Professional Career: Apprentice in works of Brooks & Doxey, Ltd., and Craven Bros., Ltd., Manchester; 3 years in drawing office of Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd., Elswick Works; 7 years with Mather & Platt, Ltd., Manchester. Represented that firm at the Glasgow International Exhibition of 19o1; 1905 to date, T General Manager and Technical Director of the Chain-Belt Engineering Co. and the Ewart Chainbelt Co., Ltd., Derby. Responsible for carrying out many important installations in gasworks, collieries, power houses, chemical works, sugar refineries, soap works, and large factories of all kinds, 1914 to date. Engineering Director, Ley's Malleable Castings Co., Ltd., Derby. Late special lecturer on Textile Engineering, etc., in the Manchester Municipal College of Technology. Late examiner in Heating and Ventilating Engineering for the City and Guilds of London Institute of Technology. An authority and occasional lecturer on Orchestral Instruments. Publications: Author of " The Design of Beams and Girders " (Charles Griffin & Co.). Numerous articles and papers on " The Resistance of Ships " and on the mechanical handling of materials and packages. An authority on Profitsharing Schemes. Vice-President of the Derby Society of Engineers and ex-Chairman. Member of the Rotary Club. War Services.—Equipment of munition factories, m ember of 1st Batt. Derbyshire Volunteers.
ATHIM, Samuel, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. C.E. India, Irrigation Engineer, Grindlay & Co.; Bombay; b. 1859. Ed. St. George's College, Mussoorie, India, and entered from there in 188o the Civil Engineering College, Roorkee. Passed out in 1882, gaining a Government-guaranteed post as Assistant Engineer; posted to Irrigation Branch, Public Works Department, North-West Provinces (now United Provinces of Agra and Oudh ). Entire service in the Irrigation Branch, Public Works Department, as Assistant Engineer, Executive Engineer and Officiating Superintending Engineer. Retired in 1914, but employed by Government as Temporary Engineer on special works. Retired finally, February, 1919, and entered service of the Nepal Government as Superintending Engineer for design and construction of canal works. Chief Works: Construction of Dhukhwan Dam on the Betwa River, near Jhansi; reconnaissance with report and estimate for a canal from Sarda River to the Ganges River (called Sarda-Ganges Feeder Canal— since modified); reconnaissance of the whole Ganges-Sarda doab and preparation of estimate for Sarda Canal (Rs. 58o lacs); employed on special duty on irrigation and drainage projects, and on management of irrigation divisions in the Provinces; serving Nepal Government at present as Superintending Engineer, Trijuga-Chandra Canal.
ATKINSON, Alfred Ashley, Chief Inspector of Coal Mines and General Supt. of State Coal Mines; b. 1857; s. of J. J. Atkinson, late H.M. Inspector of Mines, Durham, England. Ed. Grammar Sch., Houghton-le-Spring, Co. Durham, and Coll. of Physical Sc., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Training: Earl of Durham's Lumley and Harraton Collieries. Address: Department of Mines, Sydney, N.S.W.
ATKINSON, Archibald John Buchanan, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Min.E., Civil Engr. Partner, F. R. Atkinson & Sons, Newcastle, Staffs.; Secretary N. Staff. Inst. of Min. Engrs. b. 1889; s. of late Frederick R. Atkinson. Ed. Repton Sch. Training: Engrs. Dept., G.C. Rly. Clubs: Public Sch., 61, Curzon Street, W.I. Address: 40, High Street, Newcastle, Staffs. T. A.: " Atkinson: Newcastle, Staffs." T. N..268 Newcastle, Staffs.
ATKINSON, Charles Alfred, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Engr., Accident Dept., Royal Exchange Assce. Corpn., Royal Exchange, E.C.3.
ATKINSON, Fred, M.I.&S.I., M.Inst.Brit.F., Metallurgist and Tech. Works Manager, Thomas Andrews & Co., Ltd., Royds Works, Sheffield; Associate in Metallurgy (University of Sheffield). b. 1882. Ed. Central Secondary Sch. Training: Five years University of Sheffield, seven years chief Asst. Brown-Firth Research Laboratories, Sheffield, five years Director of the Amalgams Co., Ltd., Sheffield (Analytical and Cons. Metallurgists). Member Sheffield Assoc. of Metallurgists & Metallurgical Chemists; Member Sheffield Engrs. and Metallurgists (Member of Council); Member Sorby Scientific Soc. Address: Royds Works, Sheffield. T..4.: c/o " Shafting, Sheffield." T. N.: 3718 Central.
ATKINSON, Henry, M.I.Mech.E., F.L.S., Mech. Production Engr., 7, Hobart Place, London, S. W.1. T. A.: " Atkinson, Whilloric, London." T. N.: Victoria 9522. b. 1873. Ed. Private Sch., Goldsmiths Coll. App. to John Penn & Sons, Ltd., Greenwich, 1890-4; 3 year with John Penn & Son, Ltd., Mar. Engrs.; 3 years with James Simpson & Co., Ltd., Pump Makers, London; Consulting Engineer, London, 1899-1914; specializing in layout of factories and workshops, works' investigation and economical production. Inventor and patentee of saw-mill and other machinery. On the erection of wireless stations, Egypt, 1914-15; appointed Engineer Expert to the Mixed Tribunals, Cairo, 1915; Works' Organizer and labour adviser to the National Metal and Chemical Bank, 1918 to 1920. Director and Manager of Co-operative Production Department of Hill & Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 7, Hobart Place, S.W.I, and St. Williams College, York. Member of Higher Production Council, Executive Committee, 1919; Industrial League and Council, Committee of Scientific Management, 1919; on Council of Institution of Production Engineers. Publ.: " A Rational Wages System," 1917; " Incentives to Efficiency under Scientific Management, 1919." War Services.—On the erection of wireless stations, Abu Zabal and Abu Sueir, Egypt.
ATKINSON, John Boland, M.Sc. (Durham), Cons. Min. Engr. b. 1852; s. of John Job Atkinson. Ed. Houghton-le-Spring Grammar Sch., Newcastleon-Tyne Coll. of Science, now Armstrong College. Training: Collieries in Durham. Distinctions: Pres. of Scottish Min. Inst. for 3 years. Career: After training at Collieries in Durham, appointed Asst. Inspector of Mines, 1873-89; Inspector-in-Charge of East Scotland district, 1889-1902; in charge of Newcastle District, 1902-1913; visited Spitzbergen in 1913 and reported on minerals there; now practising as Cons. Min. Engr. Published " Explosions in Coal Mines," in conjunction with brother, Sir W. N. Atkinson. Dealt with same subject in mining papers. Acted as expert for Miners' Federation of Great Britain in the Minnie Pit Explosion enquiry. Clubs: Conservative, Newcastle-on-Tyne; City of Newcastle Golf. Address: 86, St. Georges Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
ATKINSON, Llewellyn Birchall, M.I.E.E., Assoc..Inst.0.E., Elec. Engr. Director, Cable Makers Assoc. and Pres. I.E.E. Ed. Merchant Taylors Sch. In 188o attended Prof. Ayrton's classes on Electricity. First prize and silver medal City and Guilds in Elec. Eng. Three years' course at King's Coll., gained the Telford Medal in both second and third years. Served App. at Kilson's Eng. Works, Leeds. Articled to Goolden & Trotter, of London. In 1888 became a partner in the firm. On the amalgamation of firm with Easton & Anderson, Mr. Atkinson remained a director of the new firm until 1897. He assisted in founding the Trafford Power and Light Supply Co., Ltd., in 190o, and three years later became a Director of W. T. Glover & Co., Ltd., Cable Makers. In 1916 was appointed Secretary to the Cable Makers Assoc., of which he is now Director; and he is Chairman of the Joint Industrial Council of the Cable Making Industry. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Automobile. Address: Alster, Little Hampden, Great Missenden. T. A.: " Alster, Great Missenden."
ATKINSON, Reginald Charles, Assoc. M.Inst.0.E., A.M.E.E., A.M.Mech.E. , Cons. Engr.; Partner in firm of Thorp & Atkinson, Cons. Engrs., Leeds.; b. 1884; s. of Charles Howard Atkinson, of Sidcup, Kent (and late of London Stock Exchange). Ed. Private Sch. and Dean Close Sch., Cheltenham, Finsbury Tech. Coll. (City and Guilds of London). Asst. Engr., Brush Elec. Eng. Co., Ltd., Loughborough (1908-11); Suptd. Power Station Construction Dept. of Yorkshire Electric Power Co. (1912-19); Construction of Barugh Power Station for utilization of Coke Oven Gas under Boilers. Address: 32, 33, and 34, Greek Street Chambers. Park Row, Leeds. T. A.: " Advice, Leeds." T. N. • Leeds.
ATKINSON, Sir W. N., I.S.O., LL.D., P. Pres. I.Min.E„ Min. Engr., Upper Holcombe, Painswick, Stroud, Glos.
ATTWELL, Sydney Watson, M.B.E., M.I. Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. T. A.: " Physics, Teddington." T. N.: Kingston 336o. b. 1876; s. of Rev. W. Attweil, Bradford-on-Avon; m. Annie Scotson, M.Sc., Manchester. Ed. Caterham School, Surrey, and Finsbury Technical College. Training with Easton, Anderson & Goolden, Ltd., Erith; Vickers, Sons & Maxin, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness, Inspection Department; joined the National Physical Laboratory in 1904, and now a Principal Assistant in the Metrology Department of the Laboratory. Publications:" Measurements on Error of Workmanship," Report No. 25, British Engineering Standards Association. War Services.—Testing gauges for the Ministry of Munitions, and in the latter part of the war responsible for the technical side of this work.
ATTWOOD, Edward Lewis, 0.B.E., M.I.N.A., Naval Architect, Chief Constructor Admiralty; b. 1871; s. of William Attwood. Ed. George Green's Sch., Poplar, and Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich. Training: Thames Ironworks. Member R.C.N.C. Career: Instructor in Naval Architecture Royal Naval Coll.; Resident Overseer of H.M.S. Hercules and Queen Mary; superintended construction of H.M.S. Repulse, Renown and Hood. Tech. Publications: " Theoretical Naval Architecture," " Warships, " " The Modern Warship, " " Laying off or the Geometry of Shipbuilding." Address: 35, The Drive, Ilford, Essex.
AUDEN, Arthur Charles, M.Inst.C,.E., Consulting Engineer, 5, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.'. T. N.: Victoria 2685. Engineering Training: Fairfield Works, Glasgow, and the University, Glasgow; Cambridge University (Demonstrator in Applied Science). Chief of Engineering Staff S. Newmann & Co., Johannesburg. Previously in practice in Liverpool; Member of Council Liverpool Engineering Society, 1914. Author of papers read before Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Royal Sanitary Institute, etc., and contributions to Technical and Engineering Press.
AULD, James Paton, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engr.; Director of Public Works and Sea Defences, also Harbour Engr., British Guiana; b. 1870. Ed. Kilmarnock Academy. Training: Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. Coll. App. to Grant, Ritchie & Co., Engrs., and Asst. to Dick, Kerr & Co., London; entered Col. Civil Service as Engr., P.W.D., Southern Nigeria,.and made Provincial Engr. of the Central Province on amalgamation of that Colony with Lagos in 1906; Director of Public Works, British Honduras, 1908, and Inspector of Munitions and Steel in U.S.A. and Sheffield from 1915-19; in that year appointed by Sec. of State for the Colonies Director of Sea Defences and Harbour Engr., British Guiana, to which the duties and office of Director of Public Works was added in 1921; Official Member of the Legislature; received thanks of Sec. of State for report on Storm Creek Rly., and seconded in 1920 to the Government of Barbados to report upon Bridgetown Harbour. Clubs: Royal Societies, London. Address: Georgetown, British Guiana. T. A.: " Auld, Demerara." AULD, John, M.I.Mech.E., Loco. Supt., Barry Rly., Barry, B.O., Glam.
AUST, Frank, B.Sc. (Glas.), Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Mechanical and Civil Engineer, Chinese Government University, Tai Yuan Fu, Shansi Province, North China; b. 1880. Ed. Kendrick Boys' School, Reading, 1890-6; University College, Reading, 1894-6; Mackies, Ltd., Engineers, Reading, 1897; Winans a; Robinson (Rugby ), 1897-1901; Strachan & Henshaw, Engineers, Bristol, 1 90 1-2; Scholarship to Glasgow University, 1902-5. Career: Northern Nigeria, West Africa, constructional work and pioneering for Sudan United Mission, 1905-9; Professor of Mechanics, Shansi University, Tai Yuan Fu, 1910-2; Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Hydraulics at Pei Yang University, Tientsin, 1913-9 Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Hydraulics at Shansi University, 1919 to date. Decoration by the Chinese Government, 1918. Building construction and laboratory equipment; installation of electric light for Pei Tai Ho foreign settlement; consulting engineering, roads, waterworks, etc. War Services.—Recruiting Interpreters for Chinese Labour Corps.
AUSTIN, Sir Herbert, K.B.E., M.P., M.I.NIech. E.M. of Council I.A.E., Commander of the Order of Leopold II.; Motor and Motor Car Engr.; Chairman and Man. Dir. Austin Motor Car, Ltd. b. 1866. Ed. Rotherham Grammar Sch. and Brampton Coll. Apprenticed in Australia to the engineering trade. Joined the Wolseley Sheep Shearing Co., Sydney, N.S.W., who sent him in 1891 to Birmingham to superintend the manufacture of their machines. The Co. started making motor cars, "I 01 and that side of the business was refloated by Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Ltd., under the style of the Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd. Became Engr. and Gen. Manager. Occupied that position for 41 years, and in 1905 started the Austin Motor Co., Ltd. A founder of the Soc. of Motor Manufacturers and Traders; a Member of the A.C.G.B. & I.; Chairman of the Committee of the British Empire Motor Trades Alliance, and P. Pres. of the Automobile and Cycle Engrs. Inst. Clubs: R.A.C., British Empire, Unionist, Carlton, Junior Carlton, 1900, Conservative (Birmingham). Address: Lickey Grange, Bromegrove, Worcs. T. N.: Barnt Green 66.
AUSTIN, John, M.I.N.A., Supt. Engr., The Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd., Cunard Building, Liverpool.
AUTY, Clifford M., B.Sc., M.Ins t. Met., Metallurgist; Metallographist, Bolckow Vaughan & Co., South Bank, Yorks.; b. 1893. Ed. Johnston Sch., Durham, University of Leeds. Career: 1915, Chief Chemist, British Westinghouse Co., Ltd., Manchester; 1917, Research Chemist, Yorkshire Electric Power Co., Ltd., Dewsbury; 1918, Research on Charcoal, Anti-Gas Establishment, Royal Engrs. Address: Victory House, Coatham, Redcar, Yorks.
AVELINE, William Rebotier, O.B.E., Mech.E., Chief Engr. of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd.; b. 1867; s. of William Talbot Aveline, F.G.S. Ed. privately at Bath. Training: University Coll., Bristol. Articled pupil to G. K. Stothert & Co., Engrs., Bristol, 1883-89; in 1889 joined Samuelson & Co., of Banbury, Oxon; in 1892 proceeded to India to join the eng. staff of Geo. Gahagan & Co., and was engaged in the design and execution of irrigation and sanitary work for the Indian Government, and various municipalities of the Bombay Presidency; in 1898 joined the staff of the Shell Transport Co., took charge of the erection of large bulk oil installations in India, Egypt and East Africa; in 1903 Chief Engr. to the Asiatic Petroleum Co.; in that capacity during the War was connected through the M. of M. with the plant required for the manufacture of High Explosives from Toluol, Benzene and also took a responsible part in the organization for the distribution of petrol for the British Army in France. Clubs: Royal Automobile. Address: " Greengates," Carshalton, Surrey. T. N.: Sutton 921.
AVELING, Thomas Clifford, Major late R.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.A.E., 148, Great Charles Street, Birmingham. T. A.: "Aveling, Birmingham." T. N.: 892 and 2929 Central, Birmingham; 324 Northern, Birmingham. b. 1871; third s. of the late Stephen Aveling of Rochester; m. Ethel Elizabeth Parke. In conjunction with W. & T. Avery, Ltd., invented and introduced the Axleweight Ascertainer; Man. Dir., T. C. Avelino-b & Co. (Birmingham ), Ltd., Engrs. Club: Royal Automobile. Wart Services.—Served in command of Field CO. in Gallipoli, Salonika and France; Demolition Officer Seduhl Bahr after the Evacuation of Gallipoli; O.C. R.E. Base Depot, B.E.F.
AVELING, Thomas Lake, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Director, Aveling & Porter, Ltd., Rochester.
AVERY, Thomas, C.I.E., M.I.N.A., F.S.A.; b. 1862. Ed. Plymouth. In H.M. Dockyard, 1884-93; Constructor R.I.M. Dockyard, Kidder2, pore, 1893-1908; Chief Constructor, R.I.M. Dockyard, Bombay, 1908-17.
AYRES, George Herbert, A.M.I.Mech.E., Mech. and Elec. Engr. to Industrial Waste Eliminators, Ltd.; b. 1891; s. of (late) Zenas Ayres. Training: Victoria Tech. Day Coll., Preston, Lancs. Specialist in Works Plant Equipment and Lay-out. Research work on Electric Tubular Furnaces for Heat-Treatment of Steels; Waste and By-Product Recovery Plants. Addresses: 3, Melrose Mansions; 127, Walm Lane, Cricklewood, N.W.2. T. A. " Turbinism, London." T. N.: Chancery 7186.
AYRTON, Mrs. Hertha, M.I.E.E; carrying out private research; d. of Levi Marks. Ed. Girton Coll. Distinctions: Hughes Medal Royal Society. Researches on the Electric Arc, on Sand Ripples and the movements of Oscillating Water, Invented Anti-Gas Fan largely used at Front during War. Papers before Royal Soc. Inst. of Elec. Engrs., etc. Book " The Electric Arc." Club: 1917. Address: 41, Norfolk Square, W.2. T. N.: Paddington 3109.
AYTON, Frank, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 56, Henley Road, Ipswich. T. A.: " Ayton, Tramways, Ipswich." T. N.: 354. b. 1873. Ed. St. Mark's School (now the Imperial Service College), Windsor; Finsbury (City Guilds) Technical College, London. Professional Career: Apprenticed to Siemens Bros., Woolwich; on Siemens Bros. staff up to 1898; 1898-1903, Assistant to Sir Alex. B. W. Kennedy, F.R.S. , M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., etc.; since 1903 Chief Engineer and Manager Ipswich Corporation Electric Supply and Tramways Departments. Public Positions: Chairman and Hon. Secretary The Electric Vehicle Committee of Great Britain; Past-President Incorporated Municipal Elec. Assoc.; Chairman of East Coast Area Industrial Council (Electricity Supply); Chairman of " I " Area Industrial Council (Tramways); Mem. of Council, Elec. Development Assoc.; Mem. of B.E.S.A.
AYTON, Reginald, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 21, Christchurch Road, Winchester, Hants. T. N.: 148 Winchester. b. 188r. Ed. Bedford Modern School and Finsbury Technical College, London; afterwards pupil with Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Woolwich; thence to Newcastle-onTyne Electric Supply Co., Ltd., also as pupil. Professional Career: Assistant Operating Engineer, Newcastle-on-Tyne Electric Supply Co., Ltd., having charge of high tension distribution over the county of Durham, 1907-10; Chief Engineer's Office, Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Co., Ltd., Johannesburg, S. Africa, 1910; City Electrical Engineer, Winchester Corporation, 1911 to date. Re"sponsible for considerable alterations and extensions to Corporation Power Station, etc., Winchester; also installation of high tension plant and transmission to Flower Down and Worthy Down Aerodromes, outside Winchester, for Air Ministry (bulk supply from Winchester Corporation).
See Also
Sources of Information