1953 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of 1953 Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Contents Vol. 167. January-December 1953
- Annual Report of the Council for the Year 1952. . 1
- Reports of Meetings held in January and February, and on the 6th, 13th, and 20th March. . 38
- Election and Transferences of Members . 38, 41, 43, 45
- Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture Welding in Marine Engineering, by N. H. Pemberton (Member) 48
- The Flexural Vibrations of Thin Cylinders, by Professor R. N. Arnold, D.Sc , D.Eng., Ph.D., M.S. (Member), and G. B. Warburton, M.A., Ph.D. . 62
- Communications . . 74
- The Design and Operation of Dunston "B" Generating Station with Particular Reference to 50-megawatt Turbo-alternators Unitized with Reheater Boilers, by A. Howell (Member), M.I.E.E., and J. B. Jackson (Member), M.I.E.E. . 81
- Discussion . . . 97
- Communications . . 104
- Memoirs . . 108
- James Clayton Lecture: How American Industry is Attacking the Problem of Materials Handling, by James R. Bright, M.S., MA.S.M.E. . 113
- Development of the Engineer in Railway Practice, by R. A. Riddles, C.B.E. (Member of Council) . . 141
- Mechanical Engineering Features of Nantgarw Colliery, by T. G. Dash (Associate Member), and J. Pettit (Associate Member) . 146
- Principles and Practice Governing Interchangeability and the Specification of Manufacturing Limits of Size, as Influenced by Statistical Considerations, by Captain G. C. Adams, R.N., ret. (Associate Member) . 154
- Discussion
- Communications 169
- Communication on Nodal Pattern Analysis, by A. D. Ruscoe, B.Sc. (Eng.) (Associate Member) 174
- Developments in Steel Castings in the Heavy Power Plant Industry, by F. Buckley, B.Sc. 177
- Discussion 183
- Communications 187
- Contemporary Methods of Watch Production, by R. A. Fell, M.A., and P. Indermuhle (Associate Member) . . . 190
- Discussion . . . 198
- Communications . . 203
- Reports of Meetings held on 27th March and in April and May . 209
- Elections and Transferences of Members . . 216, 219
- Memoirs . . 222
- Report of the Sheffield Summer Meeting 1953 . . 225
- Reception at the Sheffield Summer Meeting . . 225
- Vote of Thanks at the Sheffield Summer Meeting . 226
- The Engineering Industries of Sheffield, by M. A. Fiennes (Member) . 227
- The Metallurgical Industries of Sheffield, by Charles Sykes, D.Sc., Ph.D. (Member): 231
- Excursions and Social Functions at the Sheffield Summer Meeting 234
- Notices of Works . 235
- Report of General Meeting held on 16th October 1953 246
- Elections and Transferences of Members . 246-257
- The Athlone Fellowship Scheme for the Practical Training in Industry of Canadian Engineering Graduates in Great Britain, by W. Abbott, C.M.G., O.B.E., Ph.D., B.Sc. (Eng.) (Member) . . 258
- Discussion . . . 261
- Communications . 268
- The Solution of Transient Heat-flow Problems by Analogous Electrical Networks, by D. I. Lawson, M.Sc., and J. H. McGuire, B.Sc. . .
- Communications . . . 288
- The Problem of Fuel-oil Ash Deposition in Open-cycle Go Turbines, by A. T. Bowden, Ph.D., B.Sc. (Eng.) (Member), P. Draper (Member), and H. Rowling, B.Sc.(Eng.) (Graduate) . . . 291
- Discussion . . 300
- Communications . . 305
- Design Features of Certain British Power Stations, by S. D. Whetman, B.Sc. (Member), M.I.E.E., and A. E. Powell, B.Sc. (Eng.) (Member) (Summary) . .
- Summarized Report of Discussion and Authors' Reply . 314
- Formulation of "Stability Equations" and Derivation of New Constructions, with Complete Systems of Design Formulae, for Variable-speed Control Mechanisms, by Dr. M. S. Frenkel . . 319
- Communications . 331
- Memoirs. . 339
- An Experimental Single-stage Air-cooled Turbine -
- Part I. Design of the Turbine and Manufacture of Some Experimental Internally Cooled Nozzles and Blades, by J. Reeman, B.Sc. (Associate Member), and R. W. A. Buswell, B.Sc. . . 341
- Part II. Research on the Performance of a Type of Internally Air-cooled Turbine Blade, by D. G. Ainley, B.Sc. . . 351
- Discussion . . 363
- Communications . . 367
- A Note on the Theory of Rolling with Tensions, by D. R. Bland, M.A., and R. B. Sims, B.Sc. (Associate Member) . . 371
- Communications 373
- An Investigation of Small Helical Torsion Springs, by W. R. Berry, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Member) . . 375
- Communications . . 392
- The Transmission of Low-pressure Steam for Process Heating, by L. F. C. A. Geneve, B.Sc. (Member). . 394
- Communications. . 398
- Design of Precision Grinding Machines, by G. H. Asbridge. . 402
- Discussion. . 407
- Communications. . 410
- Steels for Steam Power Plant, by A. M. Sage, B.Sc., B.Sc. (Eng. Met.). . 414
- Discussion. . 424
- Communications. . 431
- Memoirs. . 433
See Also
Sources of Information