Engineering 1946 Jan-Jun: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1946 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1946 Jan-Jun Volume
Aeronautics :
- Aircraft-Propulsion System. Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth (Aircraft), Ltd., and J. Lloyd, 480
- Aircraft Wings. Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd. and J. D. North, 408
- Arrester Hook Gear. Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co., Ltd., and G. E. Petty, 504
- Axial-Flow Compressor. Metropolitan- Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., and C. H. Lloyd, 624
- Flying-Wing Aircraft. Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth (Aircraft), Ltd., and J. Lloyd, 360
- Launching Towed Targets. Miles Aircraft, Ltd., and L. C. Heal, 552
- Pressure-Cabin Door. Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., and B. N. Wallis, 264
- Propulsion of Aircraft. Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., and J. Lloyd, 576
- Radiator-Shutter Mechanism. Rotax, Ltd., and T. W. Milins, 24
- Safety Clips for Bombs. M. E. Guermont, 96
- Searchlights on Aircraft. F. S. Cotton and W. Helmore, 528
- Supercharged Aircraft Engine. Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., S. W. Mansell and F. C. I. Marchant, 144
- Variable-Pitch Propeller. English Electric Co., Ltd., and P. W. Seewer, 336
Agricultural Appliances :
- Converting Wheels to Tracks. Roadless Traction, Ltd., P. H. Johnson and L. W Tripp, 480
- Hand-Guided Cultivator. Mechanised Horticultural Implements, Ltd., and G. H. F. Knight, 384
- Vibratory Sieve. Bryan Corcoran; Ltd., and G. E. Smith, 240
Electrical Apparatus :
- Arc-Rectifier Cubicle. Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., and A. de M. Browne, 456
- Automatic Arc Welder. Whiteley-Read Engineers, Ltd., and J. N. Ro wen, 552
- Cable-Laying Plough. County of London Electric Supply Co., Ltd,, and L. E. W. Humphries, 384
- Constant-Voltage Alternator. Mawdsleys, Ltd., and C. W. H. Minchin, 168
- Electromagnetic Coupling. English Electric Co., Ltd., H. S. Carnegie and W. E. M. Ayres, 72
- Generator-Speed Governor. English Electric Co., Ltd., and P. L. Mardis, 576
- Insulator Assembly. Johnson & Phillips, Ltd., and J. H. Stevens, 72
- Meter Overload Protection. V. A. Sheridan, 192
- Overhead Conductor. T. Bolton & Sons, Ltd,, W. E. Alkins and W. F. Slater, 600
- Power-Operated Brake. E. R. Elliston, 360
- Screened Cable Connector. H. Wood & Co., Ltd., and A. Hayes, 96
- Synchronous-Clock Motor. British Vacuum Cleaner and Engineering Co., Ltd., and W. Clark, 216
Furnace Apparatus :
- Ashpit Conveyor. J. Thompson (Wolverhampton), Ltd., and G. P. Williams, 192
- Ash-Removing Conveyor. Bennis Combustion, Ltd., and A. W. Bennis, 216
- Discharge Recorder for Coke Ovens. Colvilles, Ltd., and D. Todd, 264
- Furnace Door. F. Mills, 168
- Gas Burner. B. H. Scheildrop, 552
- Gas Burner. Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., S. Smith, C. H, Smith and R. C. D. Aspland, 624
Guns and Explosives :
- Delayed-Action Fuse. Allen West & Co., Ltd,, and F. J. Pavitt, 456
Hydraulic Apparatus :
- Liquid Strainer. Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd. and L. W. English, 528
- Pipe Coupling. British Ermeto Corporation, Ltd., and S. H. Jones, 168
Internal-Combustion Engines :
- Air Filter. British Filters, Ltd., and T. C. Worth, 432
- Aluminium-AUoy Pistons. Specialloid, Ltd., and A. A. Cann, 432
- Combustion Chamber Design. J. I. Thorny- croft & Co., Ltd., and E. B. Walker, 216 Cooling Jacket. Cierva Autogiro Co., Ltd., and C. G. Pullin, 288
- Crankcase Ventilation. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., and M. Platt, 288
- Dynamo Drive. Villiers Engineering Co.,
- Ltd., and F. Anstey, 336
- Governor-Controlled Fuel Pump. Armstrong
- Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and T. Clark, 72 Lubricating Overhead-Valve Rockers. Villiers
- Engineering Co., Ltd., and F. Anstey,240
- Lubrication of Rotary Valves. F. M. Aspin, 456
- Oil-Injection Nozzle. Rover Co., Ltd., and W. R. Boyle, 192
- Rotation Control of Reversible-Engine.
- Crossley Bros., Ltd., and H. D. Carter, 384 Torsional Vibration Damper. G. S. Bower, 480
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Bomb Slip. Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., R. K.
- Pierson and R. A. Firman, 336
- Portable Conveyor. Fourways (Engineers), Ltd., and W. C. Fisher, 240
Machine Tools and Machine-Shop Equipment :
- Driving Gear for Power Presses. C. J. Rhodes, 288
- Feed Mechanism for Power Press. E. Curran & Co., Ltd., and K. C. Goode, 504
- Form-Grinding Machine. A. R. Sugden & Co. (Engineers), Ltd., and A. R. Sugden, 600
- Hand Riveting Gun. F. T. and T. F. Axon, 624
- Lead-Screw Assembly. Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd., J. T. Petrie and R. W. Willis, 168
- Length Bar Gauge. Fitter Gauge <fc Precision Tool Co., and L. E. Glover, 408
- Lens-Polishing Machine. Avimo, Ltd., and H. C. M. Stevens, 384
- Measurement of Surface Parallelism. Curran Machine Tools, Ltd., J. Curran and H. J. Shervington, 384
- Power Traverse for Lathes. Darling & Sellers, Ltd., and A. Cattley, 552
- Routing-Machine Work Clamp. Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., and C. A. Chouler, 336
- Spline Ring Gauge. C. & G. Gauges, Ltd., A. Graves and H. Clark, 576
- Stock-Feeding Finger for Capstans. G. H. Alexander Machinery, Ltd., and J. H. Guest, 48 ,
- Turret-Lathe Stops. Woodhouse & Mitchell. Ltd., and D. Walker, 120
Metallurgy :
- Annealing Pots. Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd. and J. Fallon, 336
- Ingot Pouring. English Steel Corporation Ltd., E. W. Smith, B. Gray and H. H., Burton, 456
Mining :
- Endless Belt Conveyors. R. Sutcliffe, Ltd.
- • and J. Sheppard, 504
- Unloading Coal Tubs. The Coppee Co.(Great Britain), Ltd., and H. B. Sheppard, 24
Miscellaneous :
- Amphibious Tank. N. Straussler, 600
- Axial-Flow Compressor. Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., F. A. M. Heppner and E. Clayton, 312
- Bench Vice. J. Evans & Son (Portsmouth), Ltd., and A. G. Marshall, 504
- Conveyor Chain. J. E. Walworth, 24
- Cycle-Wheel Hub. Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., H. J. W. Roll and S. C. Wilsdon, 360
- Expanding Reamer. Hardy Spicer & Co., Ltd., and T. B. Prew, 48
- Fuel-Oil Heater. Foster Wheeler, Ltd., and K. E. Humphrey, 120
- Packing Gland. N. B. Newton, 144 Power-Operated Brake. E. R. Elliston, 288
- Resonance Tester. Austin Motor Co., Ltd., and H. N. Charles, 624
- Roller-Bearing Cages. Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and A. K. Brown, 240
- Suspension Bridge. Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, 600
- Triangle Calculator. E. Bates, 384 Washing and Screening Machine for Gravel.
- Hardy & Padmore, Ltd., and C. Guise, 72
Motor Vehicles :
- Articulated Bogie. V. Loyd & Co. and V. G. Loyd,336
- Disc Wheel. Joseph Sankey & Sons, Ltd., and G. B. Sankey, 96
- Gas-Washing Apparatus. Eastern National
- Omnibus Co., Ltd., and W. J. Morison, 24 Tension Adjuster for Vehicle Tracks. Morris
- Motors, Ltd., and A. V. Oak, 48
Printing and Allied Machinery :
- Sizing and Drying Machine. Hartley’s (Stoke-on-Trent), Ltd., and C. J. and A. J. Hartley, 96
Pumps :
- Reciprocating Pump. Barr & Stroud, Ltd., and C. D. MacGill, 264
- Reciprocating Pump. Greenwood & Batley, Ltd., and J. C. M. Maclagan, 144. See Erratum, 192
Railways and Tramways :
- Diesel-Electric Locomotive. Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., and H. G. McClean, 480
- Electric Locomotive Axle-Bearing. Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and H. Smith, 576
- Locomotive Sanding Apparatus. London & North Eastern Railway Co., and W. Downs, 528
Road Vehicles :
- Car Body. Sir Roy Fedden and I. G. Duncan, 24
- Road Roller. Aveling-Barford, Ltd., and W. H. Bramble, 288
- Ships and Nautical Appliances :
- Adjustable-Pitch Propeller. English Electric Co., Ltd., and P. W. Seewer, 480
- Prefabricated Dock Gates. Head, Wrightson & Co., Ltd., F. J. Walker and Sir T. Wrightson, 408
- Remote Recorder for Humidity. Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and E. F. Spanner, 312
- Roll Stabiliser. W. Denny & Brothers, Ltd., J. F. Allen and Brown Brothers & Co., Ltd., 432
Steam Engines, Boilers, etc. :
- Super-Control Equipment. John Thompson
- Water-Tube Boilers, Ltd., and C. J. Howard, 552
- Superheater Header. S. E. Alley, 48 Water-Gauge Mounting. Cockburns, Ltd.,
- J. Rodger and T. Grant, 96
Textile Machinery :
- Bobbin-Wheel Support. Tweedales & Smalley (1920), Ltd., and F. Blomley, 24
- Carding-Engine Drive. Platt Brothers &
- Co., Ltd., and I. Marsden, 120
- Draw-off Mechanism. B. Toone (Nottingham), Ltd., R. N. Toone and T. L. Allen, 360
- Electric Stop Motion. I. L. Berridge & Co.,
- Ltd., and L. H. Colton, 432 Loom-Shuttle Guard. Boardman & Baron,
- Ltd., J. Sim and W. Sim, 120
- Lubrication of High-Speed Shafts. Tecale- mit, Ltd., and C. C. S. Le Clair, 312
- Picker-Control Mechanism. Hindley
- Brothers, Ltd., and D. Walton, 240 Warp-Protector Stop Motion. H. S. Cargill and J. A. Galloway, 72
- Alexander, G. H., Machinery, Ltd., and another. Stock-Feeding Finger for Capstans, 48
- Alkins, W. E., and others. Overhead Conductor, 600
- Allen, J. F., and others. Roll Stabiliser, 432
- Allen, T. L„ and others. Draw-off Mechanism, 360
- Alley, S. E. Superheater Header, 48
- Anstey, F., and others. Dynamo Drive, 336
- Anstey, F., and others. Lubricating Overhead- Valve Rockers, 240
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth (Aircraft), Ltd., and another. Aircraft-Propulsion System, 480
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth (Aircraft), Ltd., and another. Flying-Wing Aircraft, 360
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth (Aircraft), Ltd., and another. Propulsion or Aircraft, 576
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and others. Axial-Flow Compressor, 312
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and another. Governor-Controlled Fuel Pump, 72
- Aspin, F. M., Lubrication of Rotary Valves, 456
- Aspland, R. C. D., and others. Gas Burner, 624
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., and another. Resonance Tester, 624
- Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., and another. Liquid Strainer, 528
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., and another. Road Roller, 288
- Avimo, Ltd., and another. Lens-Polishing Machine, 384
- Axon, F. T., and T. F. Hand Riveting Gun, 624
- Ayres, W. E. M., and others. Electromagnetic Coupling, 72
- Barr & Stroud, Ltd., and another. Reciprocating Pump, 264
- Bates, E. Triangle Calculator, 384
- Bennis, A. W., and others. Ash-Removing Conveyor, 216
- Bennis Combustion, Ltd., and another. Ash- Removing Conveyor, 216
- Berridge, I. L., & Co., Ltd., and another. Electric Stop Motion, 432
- Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., and others. Cycle-Wheel Hub, 360
- Blackburn Aeroplane and Motor Co., Ltd., and another. Arrester Hook Gear, 504
- Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Routing-Machine Work Clamp, 336
- Blomley, F., and others. Bobbin-Wheel Support, 24
- Boardman & Baron, Ltd., and others. Loom- Shuttle Guard, 120
- Bolton, T., & Sons, Ltd., and others. Overhead Conductor, 600
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Aircraft Wings, 408
- Bower, G. S. Torsional-Vibration Damper, 480
- Boyle, W. R., and others. Oil-Injection Nozzle, 192
- Bramble, W. H., and others. Road Roller, 288
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., and others. Supercharged Aircraft Engine, 144
- British Ermeto Corporation, Ltd., and another. Pipe Coupling, 168
- British Filters, Ltd., and another. Air Filter, 432
- British Vacuum Cleaner and Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Synchronous Clock Motor, 216
- Brown, A. K., and others. Roller-Bearing Cages, 240
- Brown Brothers and Co., Ltd., and others. Roll Stabiliser, 432
- Browne, A. de M., and others. Arc-Rectifler Cubicle, 456
- Burton, H. H., and others. Ingot Pouring, 456
- Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd., and others. Lead-Screw Assembly, 168
- Cann, A. A., and others. Aluminium-Alloy Pistons, 432
- Cargill, H. S., and another. Warp-Protector Stop Motion, 72
- Carnegie, H. S., and others. Electromagnetic Coupling, 72
- Carter, H. D., and others. Rotation Control of Reversible Engine, 384
- Cattley, A., and others. Power Traverse for Lathes, 552
- C. and G. Gauges, Ltd., and others. Spline Ring Gauge, 5176
- Charles, H. N., and others. Resonance Tester, 624
- Chouler, C. A., and others. Routing-Machine Work Clamp, 336
- Cierva Autogiro Co., Ltd., and another. Cooling Jacket, 288
- Clark, H., and others. Spline Ring Gauge, 576
- Clark, T., and others. Governor-Controlled Fuel Pump, 72
- Clark, W., and others. Synchronous Clock Motor, 216
- Clayton, E., and others. Axial-Flow Compressor, 312
- Cockburns, Ltd., and others. Water-Gauge Mounting, 96
- Colton, L. H., and others. Electric Stop Motion, 432
- Colvilles, Ltd., and another. Discharge Recorder for Coke Ovens, 264
- Coppee Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., and another. Unloading Coal Tubs, 24
- Concoran, B., Lid., and another. Vibratory Sieve, 240
- Cotton, F. S., and another. Searchlights on Aircraft, 5281
- County of London Electric Supply Co., Ltd., and another. Cable-Laying Plough, 384
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., and another. Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 480
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., and another. Rotation Control of Reversible Engine, 384
- Curran, E., & Co., Ltd., and another. Feed Mechanism for Bower Press, 504
- Curran, J., and others. Measurement of Surface Parallelism, 384
- Curran Machine Tobis, Ltd., and others. Measurement of Surface Parallelism, 384
- Darling and Sellers, Ltd., and another. Power Traverse for Lathes, 552
- Denny, W., & Brothers, Ltd., and others. Roll Stabiliser, 432
- Downs, W., and others. Locomotive Sanding Apparatus, 528
- Duncan, I. G., and another. Car Body, 24
- Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and another. Gas-Washing Apparatus, 24
- Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of. Suspension Bridge, 600
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and another. Remote Recorder for Humidity, 312
- Elliston, E. R. Power-Operated Brake, 288,360
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and another. Adjustable-Bitch Propeller, 480
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and others. Electromagnetic Coupling, 72
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and another. Generator-Speed Governor, 576
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and another. Variable-Bitch Propeller, 336
- English, L. W., and: others. Liquid Strainer, 528
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., and others. Ingot Bouring, 456
- Evans, J., & Son (Portsmouth), Ltd., and another. Bench Vice, 504
- Fallon, J., and others. Annealing Pots, 336
- Fedden, Sir Roy, and another. Car Body, 24
- Firman, R. A., and others. Bomb Slip, 336
- Fisher, W. O’., and others. Portable Conveyor, 240
- Foster Wheeler, Ltd., and another. Fuel-Oil Heater, 120
- Fourways (Engineers), Ltd., and another. Portable Conveyor,' 240
- Galloway, J. A., and another. Warp-Protector Stop Motion, 72
- Glover, L. E., and others. Length Bar Gauge, 408
- Goode, K. C., and others. Feed Mechanism for Bower Press, 504
- Grant, T., and others. Water-Gauge Mounting, 96
- Grriyes, A., and others. Spline Ring Gauge, 576
- Gray, B., and others. Ingot Pouring, 456
- Greenwood & Batley, Ltd., and another. Reciprocating Pump, 144. See Erratum, 192
- Guermont, M. E. Safety Clip for Bombs, 96
- Guest, J. H., and others, Stock-Feeding Finger for Capstans, 48
- Guise, C., and others. Washing and Screening Machine for Gravel, 72
- Hardy & Padmore, Ltd., and another. Washing and Screening Machine for Gravel, 72
- Hardy, Spicer & Co., Ltd., and another. Expanding Reamer, 48
- Hartley, C. J. and A. J., and others. Sizing and Drying Machine, 96
- Hartleys (Stoke-on-Trent), Ltd., and others. Sizing and Drying Machine, 96
- Hayes, A., and others. Screened Cable Connector, 96
- Head, Wrightson & Co., Ltd., and others. Prefabricated Dock Gates, 408
- Heal, L. C., and others. Launching Towed Targets, 552
- Helmore, W., and another. Searchlights on Aircraft, 528
- Heppner, F. A. M., and others. Axial-Flow Compressor, 312
- Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., and another. Arc- Rectifler Cubicle, 456
- Hindley Brothers, Ltd., arid another. Bicker- Control Mechanism, 240
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and another. Electric-Locomotive Axle Bearing 576
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and another. Roller-Bearing Cages, 240
- Howard, C. J., and others. Superheat-Control Equipment, 552
- Humphrey, K. E., and others. Fuel-Oil Heater 120
- Humphries, L. E. W., and others. Cable-Laying Blough, 384
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., and another. Annealing Pots, 336
- Johnson, P. H., and others. Converting Wheels to Tracks, 480
- Johnson & Phillips, Ltd., and another. Insulator Assembly, 72
- Jones, S. H., and others. Pipe Coupling, 168
- Knight, G. H. F., and others. Hand-Guided Cultivator, 384
- Le Clair, C. C. S„ and others. Lubrication of High-Speed Shafts, 312
- Lloyd, C. H., and others. Axial Flow Compressor, 624
- Lloyd, J., and others. Aircraft Propulsion System, 480
- Lloyd, J., and others. Propulsion of Aircraft, 576
- Lloyd, J., and others. Flying-Wing Aircraft, 360
- London & North Eastern Railway Co., and another. Locomotive Sanding Apparatus, 528
- Loyd, V., & Co., and another. Articulated Bogie, 336
- Loyd, V. G., and others. Articulated Bogie, 336
- MacGill, C. D., and others. Reciprocating Pump, 264
- Maclagan, J. C. M., and others. Reciprocating Pump, 144. See Erratum, 192
- Mansell, S. W., and others. Supercharged Aircraft Engine, 144
- Marchant, F. C. I., and others. Supercharged Aircraft Engine, 144
- Mardis, P. L., and others. Generator-Speed Governor, 576
- Marsden, I., and others. Carding-Engine Drive, 120
- Marshall, A. G., and others. Bench Vice, 504
- Mawdsley’s, Ltd., and another. Constant- Voltage Alternator, 168
- McLean, H. G., and others. Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 480
- Mechanised Horticultural Implements, Ltd., and another. Hand-Guided Cultivator, 384
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co;, Ltd., and another. Axial-Flow Compressor, 624
- Miles Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Launching Towed Targets, 552
- Milins, T. W., and others. Radiator-Shutter Mechanism, 24
- Mills, F. Furnace Door, 168
- Minchin, C. W. H., and others. Constant- Voltage Alternator, 168
- Morison, W. J., and others. Gas-Washing Apparatus, 24
- Morris Motors, Ltd., and another. Tension Adjuster for Vehicle Tracks, 48
- Newton, N. B. Packing Gland, 144
- North, J. D., and others. Aircraft Wings, 40J
- Oak, A. V., and others. Tension Adjuster for Vehicle Tracks, 48
- Pavitt, F. J., and others. Delayed-Action Fuse, 456
- Petrie, J. T., and others. Lead-Screw Assembly, 168
- Petty, G. E., and others. Arrester-Hook Gear, 504
- Pierson, R. K., and others. Bomb Slip, 336
- Pitter Gauge & Precision Tool Co., Ltd., and another. Length Bar Gauge, 408
- Platt Brothers & Co., Ltd., and another. Carding-Engine Drive, 120
- Platt, M., and others. Crankcase Ventilation, 288
- Prew, T. B., and others. Expanding Reamer, 48
- Pullin, C. G., and others. Cooling Jacket, 288
- Rhodes, C. J. Driving Gear for Power Presses, 288
- Roadless Traction, Ltd., arid others. Converting Wheels to Tracks, 480
- Rodger, J., and others. Water-Gauge Mounting, 96
- Roll, H. J. W., and others. Cycle-Wheel Hub, 360
- Rotax, Ltd., and another. Radiator-Shutter Mechanism; 24
- Rover Co., Ltd., and another. Oil-Injection Nozzle, 192
- Rowen, J. N., and others. Automatic Arc Welder, 552
- Sankey, G. B., and others. Disc Wheel, 96
- Sankey, J., & Sons, Ltd., and another. Disc Wheel 96
- Schieldrop, B. H. Gas Burner, 552
- Seewer, P. W., and others, Variable-Pitch Propeller, 336, 480
- Sheppard, H. B., and others. Unloading Coal Tubs, 24
- Sheppard, J., and others. Endless Belt Conveyors, 504
- Sheridan, V. A. Meter Overload Protection, 192
- Shervington, H. J., and others. Measurement of Surface Parallelism, 384
- Sim, J. and W., and others. Loom-Shuttle Guard, 120
- Slater, W. F„ and others. Overhead Conductor, 600
- Smith, C. H., and others. Gas Burner, 624
- Smith, E. W., and others, Ingot Pouring, 456
- Smith, G. E., and others. Vibratory Sieve, 240
- Smith, H., and others. Electric-Locomotive Axle Bearing, 576
- Smith, S., and others. Gas Burner, 624
- Spanner, E. F., and others. Remote Recorder for Humidity, 312
- Specialloid, Ltd., and another. Aluminium- Alloy Pistons, 432
- Straussler, N., Amphibious Tank, 600
- Stevens, H. C. M., and others. Lens-Polishing Machine, 384
- Stevens, J. H., and others. Insulator Assembly, 72
- Sugden, A. R., and others. Form-Grinding Machine, 600
- Sugden, A. R., & Co. (Engineers), Ltd., and another, Form-Grinding Machine, 600
- Sutcliffe, R., Ltd., and another. Endless Belt Conveyors, 504
- Tecalemit, Ltd., and another. Lubrication of High-Speed Shafts, 312
- Thompson, John, Water-Tube Boilers, Ltd., and another. Superheat Control, 552
- Thompson, John (Wolverhampton), Ltd., and another. Ashpit Conveyor, 192
- Thornycroft, J. I., & Co., Ltd., and another. Combustion-Chamber Design, 216
- Todd, D., and others. Discharge Recorder for Coke Ovens, 264
- Toone, B. (Nottingham), Ltd., and others- Draw-Off Mechanism, 360
- Toone, R. N., and others. Draw-Off Mechanism, 360
- Tripp, L. W., and others. Converting Wheels to Tracks, 480
- Tweedales and Smalley (1920), Ltd., and another. Bobbin-Wheel Support, 24
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., and another. Crankcase Ventilation, 288
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., and others. Bomb Slip, 336
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., and another. Pressure-Cabin Door, 264
- Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Dynamo Drive, 336
- Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Lubricating Overhead-Valve Rockers, 240
- Walker, D., and others. Turret-Lathe Stops, 120
- Walker, E. B., and others. Combustion Chamber Design, 216
- Walker, F. J., and others. Prefabricated Dock Gates, 408
- Wallis, B. N., and others. Pressure-Cabin Door, 264
- Walton, D., and others. Picker-Control Mechanism, 240
- Walworth, J. E. Conveyor Chain, 24
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and others. Gas Burner, 624
- West, A., & Co., Ltd., and another. Delayed? Action Fuse, 456
- Whiteley-Read Engineers, Ltd., and another. Automatic Arc Welder, 552
- Williams, G. P., and others. Ashpit Conveyor, 192
- Willis, R. W., and others. Lead-Screw Assembly, 168
- Wilsdon, S. C., and others. Cycle-Wheel Hub, 360
- Wood, H., & Co., Ltd., and another. Screened Cable Connector, 96
- Woodhouse and Mitchell, Ltd., and another. Turret-Lathe Stops, 120
- Worth, T. C., and others. Air Filter, 432
- Wrightson, Sir T., and others. Dock Gates, 408
See Also
Sources of Information