Engineering 1948 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1948 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1948 Jul-Dec Volume
Aeronautics :
- Aircraft for Sweden, 609
- Anglo-American Aeronautical Conference, 1949, 191, 362, 459
- Bleriot Lecture on Aerodynamic Properties of Prototypes, 624
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 58
- Civil Aviation, Lecture on, 177
- Factory, Aircraft, Construction at Broughton, 448
- Fairey Aviation Co. of Canada, Ltd., Registration of, 430
- Gas Turbines for French Aircraft, Lecture on, 451
- “ Gipsy Queen ’* Aero Engines, Overhaul Period for, 609
- Glider Research, Kronfield Memorial Fund for, 473
- Helicopters, Whole-Day Discussion on, 189, 467
- Military Transport Aeroplane, Rubber Tyre for, 568
- Spitfire, Radar, Complement of the. Lecture on, 318
- Alloys. See Mining and Metallurgy
Appointments, Awards and Honours :
- British Employers’ Confederation, Appointments, 635
- British Engineers* Association, Appointments, 607
- Harvesting Machines, Royal Agricultural Society Awards for, 448
- Kelvin Medal Presented to Sir F. Whittle, 295
- Kenward Research Fellowship, 160
- Model and Experimental Engineers, Society of. Appointments, 620
- Mond Nickel Fellowships, 537
- Mullard Readership in Electronics, 264
- Nuffield Fellowship in Extraction Metallurgy, 178
- Royal Society Awards, 531; Appointments, 562
- Thurston Award, Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers, 144
- Transport, Institute of. Awards for 1947-48, 443
Associations :
- Agricultural Society, Royal, 448
- Aluminium Development, 47
- Bridge and Structural Engineering, International, 107
- British Engineers*, 607
- British Iron and Steel Research, 400
- British Welding Research, 68
- Copper Development 137
- Electric Lamp Manufacturers*, 343
- Electrical Development, 606
- Electrical Engineers, Supervising, 52, 144, 155, 275
- Electrical Research, 380
- Gauge and Tool Makers*, 179
- Helicopter, 189
- International Scientific Film, 35
- Libraries, Special, and Information Bureaux, 527
- Public Lighting Engineers, 153
- Reinforced Concrete, 249
- Rubber Producers’ Research, 389
- Sheet and Strip Metal Users’ Technical, 532 Specialists and Sub-Contractors, Federation of Associations of, 606
- Automobiles. See Motor Cars, Etc.
- Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
Bridges :
- Bridges, Railway, Flood Damaged, 336
- Bridge, Railway, London Midland Region,
- Reconstruction of, 534
- Bridge and Structural Engineering, International Association for, 107
Buildings and Building Construction :
- Cinema Roof, Light-Weight, 99, 266
- Craftsmen, Skilled, in Building Trade, 606
- Electrical Equipment of Buildings, Regulations for, 30
- Factory, Aircraft, Broughton, Construction at, 448
- Garage, ’Bus, Raising Roof of, 151
- Generating Station, Huncoat, Accrington, Construction Begun, 103
- Scottish Tube-Making Works, Extension to, 370
- Thames, River Wall on South Bank of, 633 Transmitting Station, British Broadcasting Corporation, Norwich, Construction Begun, 155
- Warehouse, Railway, Birmingham, Building of, 417
- Waterloo Station, Roof Construction at, 39.5 Witton Electrical Engineering Works, Extensions to, 417
Catalogues :
- 83,155, 216, 240, 335, 383, 407, 432, 455, 528, 552, 576, 624
- Acru Electric Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 155
- American Tool Works Co., 83
- Ames Crosta Mills and Co., Ltd., 240
- Ashworth and Parker, Ltd., 240
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., 216
- Balfour, A., and Co., Ltd., 83
- Baty, J. E., and Co., Ltd., 552
- B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 432
- Birlec, Ltd., 407
- Brammer, H., and Co., Ltd., 240
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., The, 624
- British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., 155
- British Tabulating Machine Co., Ltd., 240
- Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., 83, 155 (3) Burnand, W. E., and Son, 155
- Butterley Co., Ltd., 335
- Canning, W., and Co., Ltd., 624
- Carter and Co. (Nelson), Ltd., 528
- Catalogues—continued,
- Cawkell, A. E., 552
- Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., 624
- Crater Products, Ltd., 432
- Croid, Ltd., 576
- Dargue Brothers, Ltd., 528
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., 83
- Derustit, Ltd., 552
- D.P. Battery Co., Ltd., 240
- Edwards, E. J., Ltd., 216, 528
- Electro Methods, Ltd., 552
- Elliott, B., and Co., Ltd., 528
- English Numbering Machines, Ltd., 216
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., 407
- Fenner, J. H., and Co., Ltd., 432
- Ferranti, Ltd., 407
- Geipel, W., Ltd., 383
- General Electric Co., Ltd., The, 216, 552
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., 40 7
- Hadfields, Ltd., 383
- High Duty Alloys, Ltd., 83, 335, 552, 624
- Holoplast, Ltd., 624
- Hopkinsons Ltd., 216
- Imperial Smelting Corporation, Ltd., 576
- International Engineering Concessionaires, Ltd., 216
- Jackson, P. R., and Co., Ltd., 407
- Jessop, W., and Sons, Ltd., 624
- K.C. Engineering Co., Ltd., 552
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., 155
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., 455
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 83 (2), 407
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., 455
- Metalclad, Ltd., 240
- Monometer Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 335
- Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., 155
- Morrison, Marshall and Hill, 552
- Muirhead and Co., Ltd., 552, 576
- Norwood Engineering Co., 216
- Phillips, J., and Co. (Electrics), Ltd., 576
- Plessey Co., Ltd., 240
- Power-Gas Corporation, Ltd., The, 624
- Protolite, Ltd., 383, 528
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., 216
- Ryan, C., and Co., 576
- Sieber, J., Equipment Co., Ltd., 528
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 528
- Sklenar Furnaces, Ltd., 624
- Small and Parkes, Ltd., 407
- Soag Machine Tools, Ltd., 83, 240
- Steels Engineering Products, Ltd., 216
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 432
- Talbot Tool Co., Ltd., 455
- Thomas, R., and Baldwins, Ltd., 624
- Varispeed Gears (Rochdale), Ltd., 335
- Vent-Axia, Ltd., 240
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 216
- Ward, Dr. J., 216
- Ward, T. W., Ltd., 335
- Wellington Tube Works, Ltd., 383
- Westool, Ltd., 155, 335
- Widnes Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd., 528
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 383
- Wolf, S., and Co., Ltd., 240
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., 240
- Cement and Non-Ferrous Metals, Railway Warehouse for, 417
- Concrete Technology, Lectures on, 249
- Vermiculite for Use in Cements, 579
- Chemistry. See Physics and Chemistry
Coal :
- Belgium and Luxembourg, Coal, Iron and I Steel Production in, 23
- Cardiff, 11, 35, 59,83,107,131,155,179,212, 227, 251, 279, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611, 635
- Coal to Oil Firing, Conversion of Boiler from, 379
- Sand for Determination of Agglutinating Values of Coal, 547
- Scottish, 11, 35, 59, 83,107,131,155,’179,212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443,467,491, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611, 635
- Scottish Coal Exports, 275
- Sheffield, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611 , 635
- United Kingdom Coal Exports, 291
- Colleges. See Education .
Companies :
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Reunion of Former Students, 372
- British Export Trade Advertising Corporation, Booklet, 439
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Visits to Works of, 116
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Ltd., Open Day, 495
- de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., Factory at Broughton, 448
- Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Apprenticeship Schemes, 120
- Fairey Aviation Co. of Canada, Ltd., Registration of, 430
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Register of Ex-Apprentices, 559
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Reduced
- Range of Engines, 126
- Plessey Co., Ltd., Diary, 624
- Steel Co. of Wales, Lecture on, 547
- Steetley Co., Ltd., Booklet on Growth of Business, 174
- Summers, J., and Sons, Ltd., History of, 274
- Taylor, Tunnicliff and Co., Ltd., Visit to Works, 39
- Turner Machine Tools, Ltd., Use of “ Lini- sher,” 72
- Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
Contracts :
- 11, 35, 58, 83, 130, 155, 178, 211, 236, 251, 298, 322, 343, 380, 418, 442, 490, 514, 538, 562, 586, 634
- Aberdare Cables Co., Ltd., 418
- A.E.C. Ltd., 562
- Aiton and Co., Ltd., 634
- Arrol, Sir W., and Co., Ltd., 322, 418, 538
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Ltd., 83
- Associated British Oil Engines, Ltd., 83.130, 514, 586
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., The, 298,
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 634
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd,, 490
- Bierrum and Partners, Ltd., 538
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, 211, 322, 538
- British Polar Engines, Ltd., 83
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 538 (2)
- British Timken, Ltd., 418
- Brotherhood, Peter, Ltd., 490
- Brown, D., Tractors, Ltd., 35
- Brown, J., and Co., Ltd., 442, 514
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., 211, 514
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., The, 35, 83, 130, 251, 586, 634
- Burlingham, H. V., Ltd., 343, 562
- CafRn and Co., Ltd., 211
- Carmichael, A. M., Ltd., 251, 514
- Chance Brothers, Ltd., 418
- Cooper, Wettern and Co., Ltd., 586
- Cowans, Sheldon and Co., Ltd., 35
- Davenport Engineering Co., Ltd,, 634
- Davey, Pa?(man and Co., Ltd., 538
- Demolition and Construction Co., Ltd., The, 380
- Dempster, K., and Sons, Ltd., 322
- Dobson and Barlow, Ltd., 380
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 538, 634
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., 634
- Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., 343, 562
- English Electrical Co., Ltd., The, 155, 178, 251, 322, 418
- Eye, J. L., Construction Co., Ltd., 538
- Fairclough, L., Ltd., 11, 211
- Ferguson Brothers (Port-Glasgow), Ltd., 11
- Fisher, H. (Oldham), Ltd., 236
- Fletcher and Co. (Contractors), Ltd., 58, 634
- Galbraith Brothers, Ltd., 178
- General Electric Co., Ltd., The, 298, 322 (2), 418 (2), 514, 538 (2), 634
- Gerrard, J., and Sons, Ltd., 211, 322
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 251
- Henley’s W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 322
- Henshaw, J., and Sons, Ltd., 343
- Hopkinson Electric Co., Ltd., 490
- Howden, J., and Co. (Land), Ltd., 322
- Hunslet Engineering Co., Ltd., The, 58
- Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., The, 380
- International Combustion Co., Ltd., 418, 634
- Isca Foundry Co., Ltd., 155
- Jarvis, J., and Son, Ltd., 418
- Jenkins, W. J., and Co., Ltd., 211
- Kier, J. L., and Co., Ltd., 322
- Kirk and Kirk, Ltd., 634
- K. and L. Steelfounders and Engineers, Ltd., 35
- Lees, H., Ltd., 35
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., 35, 298, 343
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., 211
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., 418
- McAlpine, Sir K., and Sons, Ltd., 155, 211, 418, 634
- McLaren, J. and H., Ltd., 251, 586
- [[Metal Sections[[, Ltd., 130
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 155, 322
- Metropolitan-Vickers-G.K.S., Ltd., 35
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., 83, 251
- Mitchell, F., and Sons, Ltd., 322
- Mitchell Engineering Co., Ltd., 155, 490
- Morton, F., and Co., 418
- Moss, W., and Sons, Ltd., 322
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., The, 298, 322, 418, 538
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 538
- Petters, Ltd., 130
- Pirelli-General Cable Works, Ltd., 418(2), 442, 538
- Platt Brothers (Sales), Ltd., 380
- Rankin and Blackmore, Ltd., 11
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 343
- Redheugh Iron and Steel Co. (1936), Ltd., 490
- Reyrolle and Co., Ltd,, 211, 538
- Saunders Engineering and Shipyard, Ltd,, The, 418
- Sciaky Electric Welding Machines, Ltd., 380
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 211
- Simon, H., Ltd., 251
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 11, 236
- Spencer (Melksham), Ltd., 155
- Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., The, 58, 343
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 322, 634
- Taylor Woodrow Construction Co., Ltd., 211
- Tenaplas, Ltd., 562
- Tube Investments, Ltd., 130
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 130, 178, 322, 562
- Visco Engineering Co., Ltd., The, 442
- Waddington, A., and Sons, Ltd., 322
- Watshams, Ltd., 155, 538
- Wellerman Brothers, Ltd,, 380
- Westwood, J., and Co., Ltd., 211
- Wharton Crane and Hoist Co., Ltd., 490
- Wood, E., and Sons, Ltd., 35, 343
- Wright, Anderson and Co., Ltd., 490
Cranes, Conveyors, Etc. :
- Diesel-Electric Kailway Cranes, 317
Education :
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Keuniou of Students of, 372
- Apprentices, Locomotive-Engineering, 475
- Apprenticeship Register of Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 559
- Apprenticeship Training Scheme, Electric Construction Co., Ltd., 120
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 58
- Chemical Engineering Course, Durham University, 19
- Chemical Engineering Degree Course, London University, 33, 82
- City and Guilds of London Institute, Syllabuses, 372 '
- Conference, Biology and Civil Engineering, 28 ; Road Research, 186 ; Transport, 187 ; Anglo-American Aeronautical, 191, 362; 459 ; Fuel Efficiency Educational, 261, High-Vacua, 321 ; ASLIB, 527
- Congress, Empire, Mining and Metallurgical, 534
- Electrical Engineering Course, South East London Technical College, 129
- Electricity Summer School, Oxford, 151 Examinations, Institution of Chemical Engineers, 226 ; Institution of Production Engineers, 319 ; Society of Engineers, 503 ; Institute of Marine Engineers, 571 ; Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 571
- Gloucester Technical College, Prospectus, 281 Gray, T., Memorial Trust, 240
- Kenward Research Fellowship, 160
- Lectures, Road Construction, 129 ; Economic Factors in Civil Aviation, 177 ; Concrete Technology, 249 ; Advanced Engineering, 266; imperial College Com- memoration-Day, 372 ; Rubber Technology, 389, 612 ; Engineering, for School Children, 412 ; Internal-Combustion Turbine, 420 ; Heat Pumps, 428 ; Gas Turbines for French Aircraft, 451 ; Baekeland Memorial on Plastics, 474 ; Shipsand Shipping, 531 ; Steel Co, of Wales, 547 ; Thomas Lowe Gray, 571 ; Lubrication, 579 ; Chemical Engineering, 610 ; Institution of Electrical Engineers’ Christmas, 611 ; Royal Institution’s Christmas, 617 ; Thermodynamics, 617 ; B16riot on Aeronautics, 624
- Management, Courses on, Glasgow, 88 Metals, Mechanical Working of. Refresher (Jourso
- Mullard Readership in Electronics, 264 Northampton Polytechnic, Prospectus, 281 Nuffield Research Fellowship in Extraction
- Metallurgy, 178
- Parsons Memorial Lecture, 360
- Perkin Memorial Fund for Chemical Research, 389
- Photo-Elasticity, Courses in, 305
- Reginald Memorial Lecture, 318
- Royal Navy Commissions in Electrical Engineering Branch, 365, 535
- Scholarships, State Technical, 138 ; H. Spurrier Memorial, 160, 623 ; Lloyd’s Register, in Marine Engineering, 231 ; Sir W. Preston, 416 ; Shell, in Marine Engineering, 459 ; British Council, 561
- ” Schools-on-Wheels,” British Railways, 594 Sir John Cass Technical Institute, 291, 370 South East London Technical College, 129, 274 ....
- Swann Diploma, Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers, 151
- Textile Engineering, Careers in, 99 Timber, Course of Instruction on, 159 W. E. Highfleld Shield Competition, 52 West Hartlepool Technical College, 226
Electricity :
- Bendix Radio Equipment, Manufacture in Britain, 177 .
- British Electricity Authority, Commercial Research Station, 150 ; Summer School, 151
- Cable Systems, Large, Stability of, 305
- Chokes and Transformers, Totally-Enclosed, 538
- Christmas Lectures on Electricity, Oil
- Diesel-Electric Locomotives, London Midland Region, 54
- Diesel-Electric Shunting Locomotives for Malaya, 29
- Dolgarrog Hydro-Electric Stations, Extension to,188
- “ Electric Engineering, Laboratory Practice in, Bulletin of,” First Issue of, 130
- Electric Heating, High-Erequency, for Soldering Operations, 005
- Electric Locomotive, for Southern Region, 503
- Electrical Branch, Royal Navy, Commissions in. 365, 535
- Electrical Engineering Course, South East London Technical College, 129
- Electricity Summer School at Oxford, 151 Electronics, Mullard Readership in, 264 Fluorescent Lighting Control Units, 144 Generating Plant, Auxiliary, 347
- Generation Returns, Great Britain, 129, 250 Government Electrical Specifications, 620 Greenwich Power Station, Alterations, 619 Household Appliances, Electrical, Exhibition of, 606
- Huncoat, Accrington, Generating Station, 103
- Illumination Exhibition, Science Museum, 343
- Lahti Broadcasting Station, 259
- Lamps, Electric-Discharge, Installation of, 30
- Load Spreading in Commercial Undertakings, 111
- Manchester- Sheffield Railway, Electrification, 67
- Metallic Resistance, 25,000-h.p., for Railway Electrical Equipment, 515
- Mine-Haulage System, Man-Aiding, at Durham, 103
- Neasden Power Station, Conversion of Boiler to Oil Firing, 379
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 136, 342
- Post Office Telephones, Statistics, 175
- Radar, Complement of the Spitfire, Lecture, 318
- Radar for Tilbury-Gravesend Ferry, 131
- Radio Communication in East Africa, 151
- Radio Components, Exhibition of, 643
- Radio Equipment, Bendix, Manufacture in Britain, 177
- Radiographs, Exhibition of, 596
- Rectifier, Steel, Pumpless, Long Service of, 639
- River Creed Hydro-Electric Scheme, 257 Scotland, Electricity Supply in, 342, 511, 607
- Severn Barrage Scheme*, 559
- Sloy Transmission Lines Scheme, 136
- Soldering Gun, Pistol-Grip, Electric, 5
- Soldering, High-Frequency Electric Heating for, 605
- Sta|;or, 110-ton, Road Transport of, 360
- SutJfcon Coldfield Television Station, 321
- Television Broadcasting of Olympic Games, 371
- Television in United States, 155
- Transformer, 30-MVA, Transport of, 513
- Transmitting Station, British Broadcasting Corporation, at Norwich, 155
- Transmitting Station, 100-kW, in Sweden, 662
- Uganda Electricity Board, 127
- Witton Electrical Engineering Works, Extensions to, 417
- Engines and Boilers :
- Aero Engines, de Havilland, “ Gipsy Queen,” Overhaul Period for, 609
- Boiler at Neasden Power Station, Conversion to Oil Firing, 379
- Engines, Oil, Lubrication of, 047
Exhibitions :
- Bicycle and Motor-Cycle, 175
- British Industries Fair, 119
- Copenhagen British Exhibition, 35, 174
- Design at Work, 416
- Engineering Equipment and Materials, 538 Household Electrical Appliances, 606 ” Ideal Home,” 419
- Illumination, at Science Museum, 343 Industrial Finishes, 473
- Mechanical Handling Exhibition and Convention, 34
- ” Model Engineer,” 53
- Photographic, 239
- Plastic and Bonded Materials, 417
- Plywoods and Synthetic Boards, 171
- Poole Industrial Products, 10
- Public Health and Municipal Engineering Congress and Exhibition, 211
- Radio Components, 643
- Radiographs, 596
- Street Lighting Equipment, 153
- Underground Mining Machinery, 420
- Gas and OH Engines :
- Gas Engines, National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Reduced Range of Sizes, 126
- Turbines, Gas, for French Aircraft, Lectures on, 451
- Turbine, Gas, for Road Transport, Lecture on, 563
- Turbine, Internal-Combustion, Lectures on, 420
- Harbours, Docks, Piers, Etc. :
- Dockyards, Royal, Commercial Work of, 123
Industries and Commerce :
- Anglo-American Steelmakers’ Agreement, 360
- British Electricity Authority, Commercial Research Station, 150
- Calcium Carbide, Prices of, 139
- Castings, Aluminium, Production of, 228 Copenhagen, British Exhibition in, 35,174 Electricity Load Spreading, Commercial, 111 Factory, Eaglescliffe, Transfer to Admiralty, 227
- Factory Inspectors, Recruitment of, 611
- Factory Inspectorate, Work of. Film Illustrating, 491
- Industrial Development of Wales, Erratum, 630
- Industrial Products Exhibition, Poole, 10 Iron and Steel Industry, Scrap Metal for, 400 Light Metal, Production Statistics, 523 Luxembourg Iron and Steel Industry, 23,288 Motor-Cycle and Cycle Exports, 298
- Plastics, Laminated, Formica, Made in Britain, 127
- Potash Industry in United States, 235
- Royal Dockyards, Commercial Work at, 123 Steel Industry, Canadian, Statistics, 568 Swansea Steel-Sheet Industry, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 179, 212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611, 635
- Trade, Export, Advertising Corporation for, Booklet, 439
- Zinc, Prices of, 634
- Institutions. See Technical Societies; and Associations
- Internal-Combustion Engines. See Gas and Oil Engines
Iron and Steel:
- Cleveland Basic Iron, 11, 35, 59, 83,107,131, 155,179, 212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611, 635
- Cleveland Iron Markets, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611, 635
- Cleveland Manufactured Iron and Steel, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107,131, 155,179, 212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611, 635
- Distribution, Simplified, for Steel and Castings, 520
- Hematite and Low-Phosphorus Iron, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611, 635
- Ingots and Castings, Steel, Production of, 31
- Iron, Steel and Coal Production in Belgium and Luxembourg, 23, 288
- Middlesbrough Scrap, 11, 35, 59,83,107,131, 179, 212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611, 635
- Nickel-Alloy Steels for Machine Tools, 454
- Scottish Iron and Steel Trade, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 407, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587, Oil, 635
- Scrap Metal for Iron and Steel Industry, 400
- Sheffield Iron and Steel Trade, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611, 635
- Steel (Jo. of Wales, Lecture on, 547
- Steel production in (Janada, 568
- Steelmakers’ Agreement, Anglo-American, 360
- Swansea Steel-Sheet Industry, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 179, 212, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419. 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587, 611, 035
- Tool Steel, Film on 538
- Tube-Making Works, Scottish, Extensions to, 370
- Labour Questions. Sec Trade Societies, Etc.
- Literature. See LITERATURE INDEX
- Locomotives. Sec Railways and Locomotives
- Machine and Other Tools :
- Grinding Machines, Bead Forming by, 369
- Grinding Machines, Use of Name “ Linisher ” for, 72
- Lubricator, Sight-Feed, Automatic, 67
- Machine Tools at Works of Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Visits to, 116
- Nickel-Alloy Steels for Machine Tools, 454 Surplus Machine Tools, Auction of, 106
- Marine Engineering. See Engines and
- Rollers; and Ships and Shipbuilding
Mining and Metallurgy :
- Aluminium-Alloy Cinema Roof, 99, 266 Aluminium Alloys for Marine Uses, 47 Aluminium Castings, Production of, 228 Brass and Copjjer, Thread Rolling in, 137 Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress. 534
- Extraction Metallurgy, Nuffield Fellowship In, 178
- Foundry Cleanliness, Factory Act Provisions for, 104
- “ G6otechnique,” New Publication on Soil Mechanics, 10
- Light Metal, Production Statistics of, 523 Liverpool Metallurgical Society, Formation of, 135
- Metals, Mechanical Working of. Refresher Course on, 274
- Mine-Haulage System, Electrically-Operated, Man-Aiding, at Durham, 103
- Mineral Development in Northern Ireland. 233
- Mineral Wagons, Conversion of, 116
- Mining Machinery, Underground, Exhibition of, 420
- Mond Nickel Fellowships for Metallurgical Research, 537
- Nickel-Alloy Steels for Machine Tools, 454
- “ Nickel Bulletin,” Contents of, 43
- Non-Ferrous Metals, Refining of, Symposium on, 11
- Sheet and Strip Metal Users’ Technical Association, 532
- Soil Mechanics, Course at Leeds University 179
- Vermiculite, Use for Insulating Materials 579
- Zinc, Prices of, 634
- Zirconium Hydride, British Made, 83
Miscellaneous :
- American Society for Testing Materials,
- Index to Standard Specifications, 184 Anglo-American Steelmakers’Agreement, 360 Atomic Energy, “ Declassification Guide ” on,257
- “Avigel” Plastic Coating for Metal Parts. 579
- Bead Forming by Centreless Grinding, 369 Bearing Bushes, Standard, 342 Belt-Conveying Equipment, Film on, 400 Bicycle and Motor-Cycle Exhibition, 175 Bicycle and Motor-Cycle Exports, 298 Biology and Civil Engineering, Conference on, 28
- ” Bulletin of Laboratory Practice in Electrical Engineering,” New Publication, 130
- Calcium Carbide, Prices of, 139
- Chemical Research Laboratory. Teddington Errata, 91
- Cinema Roof, Aluminum-Alloy, 99, 266
- ” Continuous Venture,” History of J, Summers and Sons, Ltd. 274
- Cranes, Railway, Diesel-Electric, 317
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Ltd., Open Day, 495 Design at Work Exhibition, 416
- Diaries, 624
- “Dolomite and Refractories by Steetley,” Booklet, 174
- Dow, J. S.,the Late, Memorial Service to, 364 Drafting Machine, “ Mavitta Minor,” 56 Engineers’ Guild, Formation of New Branch. 480
- “Engineering Opportunities,” Booklet on Apprenticeship, 475
- Factory Act Provisions for Foundries, 104 Factory, Eaglescliffe, Transfer to Admiralty, 227
- Factory Inspectors, Recruitment of, 611
- Film on “ Meet the Pioneers,” 400
- Films, Railway, Loan of, 520
- Film, Scientific, Congress, International, 35 Film on Tool Steel, 538
- Film on Work of Factory Inspectorate, 491 Fuel Efficiency Educational Conference, 261 Gauge and Tool Makers’ Association, 179 “ G6otechnique,” New Publication on Soil Mechanics, 10
- Hague Tramways, British Equipment for, 136 Harvesting Machines, Awards lor, 448 Harwell Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Erratum, 154
- Heat-Pump Installations, British, Information Desired, 380
- Heat Pumps and Power Economy, £?rrafa,448 Hints to Business Men,” Booklets, 59,174 Ice Formation on Conductor Rails, 436 Industrial Finishes, Exhibition of, 473 Insulating Materials from Vermiculite, 579 ** Linisher,” Use of Name, 72
- Lubrication, Lectures on, 579
- Lubricator, Sight-Feed, Automatic, 67
- “ Management Abstracts,” New Publication, 451
- Map of Routes Through London, 103 ” Mathematics as a Tool,” Erratum^ 643 Mechanical Handling Exhibition and Convention, 34
- ” Modern Chlorination Practice,” Booklet, 160
- ** Naval Ordnance Inspection Journal,” New Admiralty Publication, 11
- “ Nickel-Alloy Steels for Machine Tools,” Booklet, 454
- “ Nickel Bulletin,” Contents of, 43
- ” Oil Engine Lubrication,” Booklet, 647
- Olympic Games, Television Broadcasting of, 371
- Photography, Exhibition of, 239
- Plastic and Bonded Materials, Exhibition of, 417
- Plastic Coating, ” Avigel,” for Metal Parts, 579
- Plastics, Laminated, Formica, Made in Britain, 127
- Plastic Material, New, Applications of, 351 Post Office Telephones, Statistics, 175 Public Health and Municipal Engineering Congress and Exhibition, 184
- R.E.M.E. Reunion Dinner, 467
- Road Construction, Lectures on, 129
- Road Research, Scottish Conference on, 186 Rubber Production, Statistics of, 216 Rubber Technology, Lectures on, 389, 612 Sand for Determination of Agglutinating Value of Coal, 547
- Scottish Accident Prevention Council, 186 Severn Barrage Scheme, 559
- Sheet-Cutting Device for Hacksaws, 346
- Soil Mechanics, Course at Leeds University, 179
- Soldering Gun, Piston-Grip, Electric, 5
- Soldering Irons, Cleaning by Aquadag, 88
- Soldering Operations, Electric Heating for, 605
- Standard Specifications, American Society for Testing Materials, Index of, 184
- Synthetic Boards and Plywoods Exhibition, 171
- Thread Rolling in Copper and Brass, 137
- Trade, Export, Advertising Corporation, Booklet, 439
- Trevithick, R., Memorial to, Erratum^ 442 Tube Bender, Light-Gauge, 212
- Tyre, Rubber, for Military Transport Aeroplane, 568
- von Eotvos, Baron, Centenary of, 131 Water Chlorination of. Developments in, 160 Zirconium Hydride, British Made, 83
Motor Cars, Etc. :
- Automobile Association, Route Map Through London, 103
- ’Bus Garage Roof, Raising of, 151
- Lorries and Trailers, Sliding Roof for, 131
- Commissions in Electrical Branch of Royal Navy, 365, 535
- Eaglescliffe Factory, Transfer to Admiralty, 227
- Marine Engineering in Royal Navy, 571
- Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Shell Scholarships in, 459
- ” Naval Ordnance Inspection Journal,” New Admiralty Publication, 11
- Royal Dockyards, Commercial Work of, 123
- Obituary. See GENERAL INDEX.
- Oil Engines. See Gas and Oil Engines
Physics and Chemistry :
- Atomic Energy, Publication of Information on, 257
- Chemical Engineering Course at Durham University, 19
- Chemical Engineering Degree Course at London University, 33, 82
- Chemical Engineering Lectures on, 610
- Chemical Research Laboratory, Teddington, Errata t 91
- Chlorination of Water, Developments in, 160
- High-Vacua Convention, 321
- Photo-Elasticity, Courses in, 305
- Plastics, Phenolic, Baekeland Lecture on, 474
- Polytetrafluorethylene (P.T.F.E.), Applications of, 351
- Potassium Salts, United States Production of, 235
- Thermodynamics, Lectures on, 617
- Zirconium Hydride, British Made, 83
- Power Plants. See Electricity
- Railways and Locomotives :
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Revenue of, 204, 587
- Cranes, Diesel-Electric, for Pre-Fabricatcd Track,317
- East African Railways, Extension to, 459
- Films and Filmstrips, Railway, Loan of, 520 Flood-Damaged Railways, Restoration of, 442
- Gravesend-Tilbury Railway Ferry, Radarfor, 131
- Grimsby-Immingham Line, Doubling of Track on, 123
- Ice Formation on Conductor Rails, 436 Instruction Vehicles, Travelling, 594 Liverpool Street Central Line Station, 299
- Locomotives, Shunting, Diesel-Electric, for Malaya, 29; Diesel-Electric, London Midland Region, 54 ; Feed-Water Heating for, 191 ; Passenger, Express, 4-6-2, Pacific, for British Railways, 227 ; ** G. J. Churchward,” 475 ; Electric, for Southern Region, 503
- Locomotive Construction at Gorton, 623 Locomotive Engineering Apprentices, 475 Lorries and Trailers, Sliding Roof for, 131 Manchester-Sheffield Line Electrification, 67 Mine-Haulage System, Electrically-Operated, Man-Aided, at Durham, 103
- North-Eastern Railway Junction, Reconstruction of, 497
- Railcar Services on Western Region, 520 Railway Bridges, Flood-Damaged, 336 Railway Bridges, Reconstruction of, 534 Railway Electrical Equipment, 25,000-h.p.
- Metallic Resistance for, 515
- Scottish Railway, Jubilee of, 593
- Sheffield Railway Junction, Rene\vals at, 595 Standedge Tunnel, Track Laying on, 347 ” Stephenson ” Locomotive, London Midland Region, 154
- Thurgoland Railway Tunnel, 323
- Track Relaying at Standedge Tunnel, 347
- Traffic Control Rooms, London Midland Region, 95
- Tramways at The Hague, British Equipment for, 136
- Transport, Rail, of 110-ton Stator, 360 Wagons, Mineral, Conversion of, 116 Warehouse for Railway Use at Birmingham, 417
- Waterloo Railway Station, Roof Construction at, 395
- Wembley Station Renamed, 28
Ships and Shipbuilding :
- Brading,” M.S., for Isle of Wight Ferry Service, 465
- “ Carthage,” S.S., Return to Service, 129
- Ferry, Gravesend-Tilbury, Radar for, 131
- Lloyd’s Register of Shipping and American Bureau of Shipping, Working Agreement Between, 64
- Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Scholarship in Marine Engineering, 231
- Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Wreck Statistics, 420, 603
- Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture, Shell Scholarships in, 459
- Marine Engineering in the Royal Navy, Lecture on, 571
- Ships’ Fires in Ports, 383
- Ships and Shipping, Development of, Lecture on, 531
- “ Southsea,” M.S., for Isle of Wight Ferry Service, 465
- Societies. See Technical Societies; and Trade Societies^ Etc.
- Technical Societies) Etc. :
- Aeronautical Sciences, Institute of the, 191, 362, 459
- Aeronautical Society, Royal, 177, 189, 191, 315, 362, 451, 459, 467, 473, 624
- American Society for Testing Materials, 184 Arts, Royal Society of, 240, 416
- ASLIB, 527
- British Institute of Management, 451
- Chemical Engineers, Institution of, 226
- Chemical Industry, Society of, 321, 474
- Chemical Society, 389
- Civil Engineers, Institution of, 28, 179, 186, 412
- County Surveyors’ Society, 186
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, 30, 39, 295, 323, 412, 611
- Electrical Engineers, Supervising, Association of, 52, 144, 151, 275
- Engineers* Guild, 480
- Engineers, Society of, 503
- Gas Engineers, Institution of, 498
- Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Institution of, 575
- Illuminating Engineering Society, 364
- Iron and Steel Institute, 498, 547
- Liverpool Metallurgical Society, 135 Locomotive Engineers, Institution of, 251 Marine Engineers, Institute of, 575 Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, 571 Metallurgists, Institution of, 274
- Mining and Metallurgy, Institution of, 11,178
- Model and Experimental Engineers, Society of, 620
- Municipal Engineers, Institution of, 186, 323, 412
- Newcomen Society, 508
- North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 360
- Photographic Society, Royal, 239
- Physics, Institute of, 596
- Plant Engineers, Incorporated, 124
- Production Engineers, Institution of, 319,547
- Public Lighting Engineers, Association of, 153
- Road Transport Engineers, Institute of, 563 Royal Institution, 617
- Royal Society, 531, 562
- Standards Institution, British, 9
- Stoke-on-Trent Association of Engineers, 318
- Transport, Institute of, 118, 154, 160, 187, 443, 623
- Water Engineers, Institution of, 539
- Welding, Institute of, 275
- West Riding Federation of Engineering Societies, 531
- Women’s Engineering Society, 365
- Telegraphy. See Electricity
- Telephony. See Electricity
- Tools. See Machine and Other Tools
- Trade. See Coal ; Industries; Iron and Steel; and Ships and Shipbaildina
Trade Societies, Etc. :
- Absenteeism, 92, 188, 500, 524
- Admiralty Shipbuilding Trades Joint Council, Wage Increases at Admiralty Industrial ' Establishments, 524
- Aircraft Construction Industry, Employment in, 20, 212
- Arbitration Order, National, Limitation of Strike Action, 644
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Unofficial Strike, 212 Blastfurnacemen, Ore Miners, Coke Workers and Kindred Trades, National Union of. Views on Iron and Steel Nationalisation, 284
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Distribution of Receipts, 308
- British Industries, Federation of. Incentives for Managements, 548
- British Transport Commission, Statistics, 308, 548
- British Transport Joint Consultative Committee, 620
- Building Trade Workers, Amalgamated Union of, 116
- Burrows Committee for Coal Industry, 404, 524
- Chain Makers’ and Strikers’ Association, 164 Chemical Manufacturers, British, Association of, Survey of Chemical Industry, 620
- Civilian Employees of Government Departments, 332, 572
- Clerical and Administrative Workers’ Union, Wage Increases for Engineering Clerical Staffs, 332
- Coal Industry, Targets for 1948, 68, 356, 380 ; National Wage Structure, 68; Benefits for Injured and Disabled Miners, 68, 620 ; Absenteeism, 92,188, 500, 524 ; Mechanical Loaders at Melton Field Seam, 92; Development of Yorkshire Coalfield, 92; Small Mines as Private Concerns, 116 ; Sliding-Scale Agreements, 140; Profits and Earnings in Scottish Division, 188; Coal Prices, 236; Joint Production Committee for Coal Industry, 380, 404, 452, 500, 524 ; Burrows Committee, 404, 524; Closure of Welsh Pits, 452 ; Joint Attendance Committees, 500, 524; Coal Industry Bill, 500, 524; National Coal Board Financial Statement, 572 ; Closure of Scottish Pits, 596; Wage Claim of Colliery Winding Enginemen, 620 ; Coal Production, 620; Holidays with Pay, 620 ; Powers of Area Managers in Scotland, 620 ; Compulsory Deduction of Union Dues, 644
- Colliery Winders’ Federation of Great Britain, Wage Increasesfor Enginemen, 620
- Control of Engagement Order, 500, 572
- Cost of Living, Index of Retail Prices, 116, 140, 284, 380, 548 ; in United States, 116
- Cripps, Sir S., on Wages and Profits, 260 ; on Taxfree Overtime, 452
- Dock Labour Board, National, Disciplinary Powers of, 20, 44, 212 ; Loans to Strikers, 44 ; Dock Labour Scheme, 260
- Dock Strike, London, 20, 44, 116, 188, 212 Economic Survey for 1948, 188
- Electrical Association, National Federated, Wage Increases to Journeymen, 572
- Electrical Trades Union, Views on Wages and Prices, 284
- Employment, Statistics of Vacancies Filled, 500
- Engineering and Allied Employers’ National Federation, 116, 188, 260, 308, 332, 356, 452
- Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen, Association of, 284
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Resolutions at 80th Trades Union Congress, 164, 284; Token Strike Against 5s. Award, 308 ; Conference on 5s. Award, 332, 404 ; Restrictive Practices in Industry, 524; Control of Nationalised Industries, 548
- European Recovery Programme, 140, 428 ; Advisory Committee on, 140
- Export Trade, Requirements of, 20 ; Losses Through London Docks Strike, 20, 44
- Factories, Certificates for Building, 20 “ Fly British ” Policy, Maintenance of, 20 Forces, Releases of Men to Industry, 332 ; Supplies for, 332
- Foundry Workers, Amalgamated Union of, on Curtailment of Wages by White Paper, 164 ; Nationalisation of Iron and Steel Industry, 236 ; Industrial Production, 524
- General Federation of Trade Unions, 49th Annual Report, 20, 140, 164 ; Membership and Benefit Data, 164 ; Views on Social Security, 284
- General and Municipal Workers, National Union of, Annual Conference, 44 ; Government Wage Policy, 44; Comment on Unofficial Strikes, 44; Conference on Discipline of Dockers, 212
- Grimethorpe Colliery, Solution for Stint Dispute at, 92
- Hancock, NXiss F., Views on Labour Problems, 116, 260
- Hours of Work, Changes in, 164,284, 380 incentives for Managements, 548
- Incomes, Costs and Prices, Government White Paper on, 20, 44, 116, 260, 284, 308, 332, 452, 476, 500, 620, 644
- Income Tax, a Deterrent to Overtime, 380 Index of Rates of Wages, 308, 380, 550, 572 Indexof Retail Prices, 116,140, 284, 380, 548 Industrial Court for Wage Dispute in Shipbuilding and Engineering Industries, 92, 116, 140, 188, 236, 260, 308, 332, 356, 380, 404, 452, 620
- Industrial Disputes. See Strikes International Trade Union Conference, 140 Iron and Steel Board, Resignations from, 356 Iron and Steel Industry, Future of, 260, 284 Iron and Steel Trades’ Confederation, Views on Iron and Steel Nationalisation, 236, 284
- Joint Consultation in Industry, Need for Compulsion, 20
- Joint Production Councils and Committees, 356, 476
- Labour Party Conference, 164, 548
- Labour Turnover, 476
- Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, Associated Society of, Amalgamation with Other Unions, 44 ; Industries, 164;
- Wage Claims, 428
- London Transport Wage Claim, 404
- Man-Power, Statistics of, 140 ; Effect of Increased Armaments Programme on, 332 ; Conference of Trades Union Congress on, 476; Views of United Patternmakers’ Association on, 644
- Mines, Small, of Great Britain, Federation of, 116
- Mineworkers, National Union of. Annual Conference, 44, 68 ; Coal Targets for 1948, 68; National Wage Structure In Coal Industry, 68, 620 ; Benefits for Injured and Disabled Miners, 68, 620 ; Sliding- Scale Agreements, 140 ; IJnion Representation on Nationalised Industries, 164 ; Profits and Earnings in Scottish Division, 188; Joint Production Committee for Coal Industry, 380, 404, 452, 500, 524 ; Joint Attendance Committees, 500, 524 ; Closure of Scottish Pits, 596; Coal Production, 620 ; Holidays with Pay, 620 ; Powers of Area Managers in Scotland, 620 ; Compulsory Deduction of Union Dues, 644 Morrison, H., on Trade-Union Responsibilities, 356 ; Administration of Nationalised Industries, 548
- National Coal Board, Financial Deficit of, 44 ; Licences for Small Mines, 116 ; Profitsand Earnings in Scottish Division, 188 ; Coal Prices, 236 ; Joint Production Committee for Coal Industry, 380, 404, 452, 500, 524 ; Burrows Committee, 404, 524 ; Closure of Welsh Pits, 452 ; Joint Attendance Committees, 500, 524 ; Coal Industry Bill, 500, 524; Financial Statement, 572 ; Closure of Scottish Pits, 596 ; Wage Claim of Colliery Winding Enginemen, 620 ; Coal Production, 620; Holidays with Pay, 620 ; Powers of Area Managers in Scotland, 620 ; Compulsory Deduction of Union Dues, 644
- Nationalised Industries, Responsibilities of Employees to Community, 68 ; Control of, 164, 236, 548
- Overtime, Deterrent Effects of P.A.Y.E., 380 Patternmakers’ Association, United, Need for Greater Production, 140 ; Manpower Requirements, 140, 624; Wage Award to Engineers, 404; Membership and Benefit Data, 548 ; Strike Action, 548 ; Joint Consultation in Industry, 624 ; Restrictive Practices, 624
- Post Office Engineering Union, on Control of Post Office by Council, 236 ; Claim for Increased Wages, 260, 452, 476, 500 ; Ballot on Strike Action, 260
- Post Office, Proposed Management by Joint Council, 164, 236
- Post Office Workers, Union of, on Control of Post Office by Joint Council, 164, 236
- Productivity Council, Anglo-American, 140, 236, 428, 452, 476, 596
- Railway Clerks’ Association, Amalgamation with Other Unions, 44 ; Railway Employees’ Wage Claims, 428
- Railway Electrical Council, National, Holidays with Pay Claim, 620
- Railway Executive, Railwaymen’s Wage Claims, 308, 332, 644
- Railway Shopmen’s National Council, 404 Railway Shopmen, Wage Claims of, 404, 452 Railwaymen, National Union of. Annual Conference, 44, 68 ; Wages and Hours of Work, 44; Representation on Transport Commission and in Control of Nationalised Industries, 44, 68, 164, 236, 548 ; Promotion of Rank and File, 44 ; Amalgamation with Other Unions, 44 ; Responsibility to Community, 68 ; Lack of Housing Accommodation, 68 ; Production Objectives in 1948, 68 ; Increased Wages Claim, 308, 332, 404, 428, 644
- Restrictive Practices in Industry, 524, 644 Roe, A. V., and Co,, Ltd., Employment at, 20 Royal Ordnance Factories, Work on Civilian Orders, 332
- Scottish Trades Union Congress, 644 Scottish Transport and General Workers’ Union, Conference on Discipline of Dockers, 212
- “ Sheffield Shift System,” Wage Increases in, 404
- Shipbuilding Employers’Federation, 116,380 Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Confederation of, 68, 92, 116, 140, 260, 308, 332, 356, 380, 404
- Shipbuilding, High Cost of, 20
- Slogans in Industry, Unsuitability of, 404 Steelworks, Sheffield, Wage Increases to Maintenance Men at, 68
- Stevedores’ and Dockers’ Union, Amalgamated 212
- Strikes, London Docks, 20, 44, 116,188, 212, 260 ; Unofficial, Comments on, 44, 116, 260; Resolutions at Eightieth Trades Union Congress, 164; Against Wage Award to Engineers, 308 ; Railway Shopmen’s, 404 ; at Welsh Pits, 452 Strike Statistics, 188, 284, 380, 500, 596 Supervisory Staffs, Executives and Technicians, Association of, 20
- Trade Unions, Amalgamations of, 140
- Trades Union Congress, British Economic Plan, 20 ; White Paper on Incomes, Costs and Prices, 20, 44,116,164,308 ; Approval of Anglo-American Productivity Council, 140 ; Eightieth Annual Conference, 164, 236, 260, 284 ; Wages and Price Increases, 236, 284, 308 ; Membership Data, 284 ; 404, 524 ?
- Trade Unions, Diplomatic Service of Industry, 644
- Trade Unions, Returns of Registrar of Friendly Societies, 596
- Transport and General Workers’ Union, London Dock Strike, 20, 44, 116, 212 ; Use of Union Machinery, 116 ; Advantages of the Big Union, 188 ; Wages and Price Increases, 236, 284 ; Dock Labour Scheme, 260; Joint Production Committees, 596
- Tudor II Aircraft, Employment on, 20 United Kingdom Joint Wages Board, 44 Vehicle Builders, National Union of, 44 Wages, Vehicle-Building Industry, Government Policy on, 20, 44, Railwaymen’s, 44, 308, 332, 428 ; builders’, 68, 92, 116, 380 ; Engineers’, 68, 92, 116, 140, 188, 236, 260, 308, 356, 404; Sheffield Steelworkers’, 68; in Government Industrial Establishments, 236 ; Increases in, 44, 68, 164, 284, 380, 500, 572 ; Post Office, 260, 452, 476, 500 ; in Relation to Prices and Profits, 284, 308 ; Engineering Clerical Staff’s, 332 ; Railway Snopmen’s, 404, 452 ; Women Engineers’, 452 ; Engineers in Admiralty Dockyards, 524 ; Journeymen in Electrical Industry, 572 ; Colliery Winding Enginemen, 620 Walks, Industrial Activities in, 428
- Watermen, Lightermen, Tugmen and Bargemen’s Union, 20
- Woodcutting Machinists, Amalgamated Society of, 44
- Working Population of Britain, 188, 500, 596 Tramways :
- Equipment for The Hague Tramways, 136 Universities. See Education
- Vehicles. See Motor Cars, Etc.
- Warships. See Naval
See Also
Sources of Information