The Engineer 1857/12/11
Main Subjects
- 1857 Smithfield Club Implement Show, p 434.
- Clayton and Shuttleworth.
- Barrett, Exall and Andrewes.
- Burgess and Key.
- Wedlake and Dendy.
- Page and Co.
- Oliver Maggs
- Smith and Ashby.
- Richard Garrett and Sons.
- Henry Clayton.
- Clubb and Smith.
- James and Frederick Howard.
- Dray and Co.
- Warner and Sons.
- Robert Boby (Company).
- St. Pancras Ironwork Co.
- Whitmee and Co.
- Reeves
- Crosskill and Co.
- Ransomes and Sims
- W. H. Smith
- Holmes and Sons of Norfolk
- Hart, Gibbons and Gibbons.
- Swift Brothers.
- R. and F. Turner.
- Cottam and Hallen.
- Richard Hornsby and Sons.
- Tuxford and Co.
- Brick Manufactory near Farnham, p 435 and 436. (Illustrated).
- Dippin Hall - John Mainwaring Payne, landowner.
- William Beckwell Praed, landowner.
- Johnson Hands, patentee of the heating chambers.
- Archibald Hurley
- Henry Clayton.
- Chemical, p 444.
- Compressed Peat.
- Production of Steel; Puddled and Cast.
- Preparation of Drying Oil by Manganese and Borate.
- Conversion of Carbonate and Manganese into Binoxide.
- Osmium-Iridian in Russian Gold.
- Editorial, p 441.
- Work For Parliament.
- 1857 Smithfield Club Implement Show
- The Science and Art Department New Regulations.
- Society of Arts New Examinations.
- SS Great Eastern - The Leviathan.
- Explosion at Huddersfield, p 444.
- Gledhill, Mitchell and Armitage - Boiler Makers.
- George Power's Improved Scuttle for Ships, p 437.
- Henry Doulton's Kilns for Stoneware, p 433.
- Lee Steven's Regulating Air-Door Furnaces, p 433.
- Keen and Welsh, Mustard Manufactory.
- Lemmettais and Bonneiere's Distilling Apparatus, p 40. (Illustrated).
- Letters to the Editor, p 437.
- George H. Smyth.
- Thomas Yarrow of Arbroath.
- John Pinchbeck.
- John Gray and Co.
- William Hughes.
- Edmund Hunt.
- F. W. Hopkins.
- Society of Arts, p 431.
- Discussion on Mr. Apsley Pellatt's Paper on "The comparative heating properties of coke and coal .....", p.431.
- Charles Wye Williams.
- Henry Doulton.
- Frederick Pellatt.
- Lee Stevens.
- Dr Fyfe
- Dr Ure
- Hyde Clarke
- Hugh Mair of Glasgow
- Discussion on Mr. S. Sidney's Paper on "Progress of the Agricultural Implements Trade", p.432.