The Engineer 1872/07/19
1872 July 19th PDF
Main Subjects
- 1872 Copenhagen Exhibition, p 37.
- 1872 Royal Agricultural Show Held at Cardiff, p 34.
- William Tuxford and Sons .
- Davey, Paxman and Co .
- Clayton and Shuttleworth.
- Reading Co.
- Brown and May .
- Stephen Lewin .
- E. R. and F. Turner - 8 hp Portable Engine p 40. (Illustrated).
- Barrows and Stewart .
- Ashby and Jeffery.
- Nalder and Nalder .
- Marshall, Sons and Co .
- Ransomes, Sims and Head .
- William Tasker and Sons .
- Trial of 8 hp Portable Engines, p 38. (Listed).
- Ruston, Proctor and Co .
- John Fowler and Co .
- Brodick Pier, p 37.
- Editorial, p 41.
- Henderson Process, p 40.
- The Price of Iron.
- Water Chemistry and Apeculative Chemistry.
- Petroleum in Alsace.
- Leonard J. Todd - Road Locomotive for Mail Traffic, p 36. (Illstrated).
- Letters to the Editor, p 43.
- On Measuring Temperatures By Electricity - C. William Siemens , p 43.
- On the Most Practicable Methods For Distinguishing Iron From Steel, and Comparing Their Constructive Values - Robert Mallet, p 33.