The Engineer 1875/07/09
1875 July 09th PDF
Main Subjects
- 1875 Pomona Exhibition, p024 (Illustrated)
- 1875 Royal Agricultural Show, p021
- Marshall
- Clayton and Shuttleworth
- Nalder
- Tasker
- Hornsby
- Fisons
- Robey
- Ruston and Proctor
- Aveling and Porter
- Ashby, Jeffery and Co
- Nicholson and Co
- Reading Ironworks Co
- Beare and Co
- J. and F. Howard - 8 H.p "Farmers" Engine, p028, p032 (Illustrated)
- Barrow Shipbuilding Co - Howards Safety Boiler Fitted to the Red Rose, p025, p032 (Illustrated)
- Boiler Feed Pipes, p027
- Day, Summers and Co - Marcasite Boiler Explosion, p023
- Editorial, p029
- Testing Railway Steel Axles
- Collisions at Sea
- Sub-Wealden Exploration
- Science at Oxford
- Belgian College for South Yorkshire
- Unionism at the Antipodes
- Engilsh Experience of Belgian Iron
- Institution of Civil Engineers, p027
- Midland Societies, 023
- Mechanical Properties of Gases, p021
- Passenger Locomotive, Lehigh Valley Railway, p024 (Illustrated)
- Patent Law Discussion, p024
- Pollution of Rivers, p027
- Private Bills in Parliament, p030
- Registration of Trade Marks, p023