The Engineer 1876/06/09
1876 June 09th PDF
Main Subjects
- 1876 Centennial Exhibition, p427, p430, p431 (Illustrated)
- Greenlee Brothers and Co of Chicago
- E. and B. Holmes of Buffalo, NY
- Action of Water Flowing Through A Nozzle - James Brownlee, p432 (I)
- American Towing Boat, p438.
- Australian Colonies and Clyde Shipbuilding, p428
- Auxiliary Engine and Condensers of the Joseph B. Williams, p435, p438 (Illustrated)
- Bath and West of England Society's Show at Hereford, p437.
- Bremerhaven Explosion, p439.
- Editorial, p435
- Double ended Ships of War
- Canal Du Midi
- Leeds Gas Works
- Sanitation at Birmingham
- Failure of a Tank at St.Georges Hospital
- Explosion on Board HMS Hydra
- Prizes for Reports on Machinery at the Philadelphia Exhibition
- Ironworks Arbitration
- Hint to Employers
- Coversazione of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
- Exhibition of Railway Appliances at the Crystal Palace, p428
- Institution of Civil Engineers - R. Price Williams, p437.
- Kings College Engineering Society, p439.
- Method od Lacing a Heavy Belt, p428.
- Obituary, p439
- Robert Rankin's Tobacco Pipe Making Machines, p438