1902 The Motor: Index: Difference between revisions
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View the [[1902 | View the [[1902 The Motor: Issues | Issues]] referred to by this index | ||
* About the Engine, 188. | * About the Engine, 188. |
Latest revision as of 09:12, 12 July 2021

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor
View the Issues referred to by this index
- About the Engine, 188.
- Across France on Motorcycles, 162.
- Accumulators, 103, 255, 314, 350, 411.
- Advantages of Motor Bicycle, 170.
- Agricultural Motor, 410.
- Air Ship, An English, 233.
- Air Ship, Santos Dumont’s, 147.
- Alcohol Trials, 252.
- Alcohol : Found a Success, 348..
- Aluminium, 269.
- American Bicycles, 167, 226, 245, 262, 276, 296, 323,380. •; .
- America's First Motorcycle Club, 268.
- American Speed Trials, 316, 331.
- Autpmobile Battie of Flowers, 329.
- Advisory Committee and Motorcycles, 117, 425.
- Bexhill Meeting, 201, 214, 246, 24.7, 330, 394, 39^, « 405.
- Big Trial. 201, 331.
- Club Engineer, A, 298.
- Dashwood, 227, 230, 245, 246.
- Doings, 395.
- Show, 112, 127, 144, 164, 179, 184, 197, 203;
- Automobile Club, Manchester, see Motor Clubs.
- Baker Automobile, 331.
- Bands for Tyres, 90.
- Banquet to Messrs. Edge and Napier, 407.
- Beginners Only, For, 102, 340.
- Belt Adjustment, 187.
- Belt Dressing, 85, 74.
- Belt Driving, 81.
- Belt Fastener, Calvert’s, 161.
- Belt, Increasing the Efficiency of, 229.
- Belt, Tip About the, 244.
- Belt, Troubles of, 188, 238, 254.
- Benzol, .412.
- Bexhill Trials, 201, 214, .246) 247, 330. 394» 39^. 405-
- Bord Motor-bicycle, 394.
- Books on Motors, 206.
- Brake Horse Power, 97.
- Building a Motor, 139.
- Can Motors Drink? 117. ‘ >,
- Canoe, Engine for, 352.
- Carburetters, 270, 314.
- Carburetter, Blake’s, 221.
- Calvert’s Belt Fastener, 161.
- Carburetters, Flooded, 215, 236.
- Carburetters, Spray, r68, 226.
- Carburetters, Spray and Surface, 184*
- Catalytic Ignition Plug, 90. •
- Charging from Alternating Current, 124, 173.
- Chat About Motor Bicycles, 60.
- Chat, Motor Tricycle, 209.
- Chronograph and Speed Indicator, 151.
- Circuit des Ardennes, 394, 4*422.
- Clement Garrard Bicycle, 10, 213, 250, 310, 304,
- Competitions, Motor Bicycle, see Motor Bicycle
- Competitions.
- Compression, 320. 335.
- Construction, Problems of, 418.
- Consumption Trial near Paris, 11.
- Continental Shows, 93.
- Converting Motorbicycle into Tandem, 396,
- Conversion of Ordinary Cycles, 170, 222. 238.
- Crank Chamber Overheating, 352.
- Cromer on Motor Bicycles, 165.
- Crossed Belts Efficiency, 210.
- Croissant Ignition,-221.
- C.T.C. and Motor Bicycling, 18.
- C.T.C., Motor Section, 30.
- Crystal Palace Motor Show, 15, 33.
- Crystal Palace Show Awards, 36.
- Crystal Palace Trials, 119, 162, 163, 184. 364.
- Curious Experience, A, 264.
- Cugnot's Motorcar, 317.
- Cycle Engineers’ Institute, 10, 13.
- Dashwood Hill Trials, 227, 230, 245, 246;: 255, 300.
- Debut of a British Car, 177.
- De Dion Contact Breakers, To adjust, 410.
- De Dion Motor Bicycle, 147.
- Delights of Motor Cycling, 4.
- Derby Motor Bicycle, 206,.
- Details, Electrical, see Electrical Details.
- Deutsch, M., Accident to, 428.
- Dogs, 157.
- Drain Taps, 163, 157.
- Dry Batteries, 155. .
- Dublin Motor Cycling Club, 94.
- Dust, To Keep Down,. 268.
- Duties, 426^
- Early History, Motorcycles, 106.
- Easter Trade, 93.
- Edison’s Battery : Feats Equalled in England, 332.
- Edison^ New Battery* 282.
- Editorial, see Opinion.
- Electric and Petrol Combined System, 332.
- Electrical Details of Motor Bicycle, 6, 41, 138, 238.
- Electric Ignition, Magnetic System, see Magnetic System.
- Electrical Ignition Parts, Care of, 350.
- Electric Motor Bicycle, 163, 185.
- Electrical Question, An, 225.
- Emery for Grinding Valves, 195.
- Engines for Boats', 188.
- Engine Position, see Position of Engine. ‘ -
- Engine, The Motor, 40, 74. ‘ i
- Engine, Unique Position for, ^05. :
- English Mechanic Bicycle, 187.
- English Motor Club, 94.
- Excelsior, The, Illustrated and Described, 166.
- Exhaust, The, 206.
- Explosions in .Cylinder, 56.
- Essex Hill Climb, 332. .
- Fashions, Motor, 93.
- Fastest Car in the World, A Run on, 108.
- Fate of the Pedals, 175.
- Faulty Explosions, 320.
- Feast’s Tyre Repair Band, 161.
- Fire, Motor Bicycle Catching, 288.
- Fittings for Motor, 90.
- F.N. Bicycle, 259.
- For Beginners Only, 102.
- For the Beginner, 340.
- France, Motor Cycling in, 233.
- France, Racing, 233.
- France, Record List, 202;
- Friction Clutches, 122;
- Gauging the Contents, 175.
- Getting Best Results, 256.
- Government of the Sport, 119.
- Grit in Joint, 87.
- Handy Combination Tool, 226.
- High Powered Engines, 146.
- High Speed Motor-bicycles in States, 412.
- Highway Administration, 217.
- Hill Climbing Trials, 146, 283, 393»
- Adjust Wearing Parts, 19.
- Alternative Method of Charging Accumulators,iO7
- Attend to Compression, 265. ,
- Attention to Free-wheel, 377.
- Battery Terminals Corroded, 377.
- Batteries, 19.
- Belts, Flat, 377.
- Chimney, The, 107.
- Cleaning Sparking-plug, 68;
- Climbing Hills, 37.
- Copper Wire, 389.
- Crank Case covered with Oil, 377.
- Damaged Accumulator Cases, 377.
- Exhaust Valves, 19.
- Experience Teaches, 265'.
- Firing with Current off, 377.
- Greasy Roads. 37.
- Hints to Novice, 68.
- How the Accumulator sometimes gets exhausted 388.
- How to Relieve Strain on Front Forks, 2658 Ignition Circuits, 107.
- Ignition Tips, 37.
- Keep Engine Clean, 19.
- Know Your Motor, 19.
- Lubricant, 265. <
- Lubrication, 19, 37.
- Motors running on a stand, 388.
- Oil on Contact Breaker Points, 389.
- Pedalling Chain Driver without exhaust lift, 37' Petrol, 19.
- Platinum, 107.
- Plugs, 19.
- Purchasing Second-hand Machine, 176.
- Side-slip, 19.
- Short Circuits, 19.
- Slipping of Round Belts, 377.
- Spare Sparking plug, 68.
- Spark Jumping Hint, 37.
- Sparking Troubles, 19.
- Starting Engine, 68.
- Steering head adjustment, 388.
- Strain the Petrol, 377.
- Surface Carburetter, 19.
- Tighten Motor Pulley Nut occasionally, 389. Trembler, 19.
- Use of Paraffin Oil at Starting, 389.
- Value of Paraffin Oil, 265.
- When Connecting Plug is lost, 389.
- Hire of Motorcycles, 19.
- Historical Model, An, 397.
- History, Some Motorcycle, 1, 26, 57, 3J7«
- Hooydonk’s Hundred, 52.
- Horizontal Motor, The Case for the, 172.
- Horse Power, 88, 90, 152, i54> *88, 326, 398.
- Horse Power, Brake, 97.
- Hot Air Engine, A, 10.
- How Grit Spoils a Joint, 87.
- How the Motor Works, 123.
- Hyde Park, Motorcycles in, 40, 74.
- Ideal Motor, The, i?o.
- Ideal Motor-bicycle, The, 28.
- Ignition and Speed Regulation, 297.
- Ignition of Small Petrol Engines. 9, 272, 355’
- Improving Details of the Motor, 1 14.
- Invalids, Motorcycles for, 284.
- Increasing One’s Knowledge, 192.
- India, Motor Cycling in, 397.
- Insurance, 278, 283, 299. 366.
- Interchangeability of Parts, 201.
- Internal Combustion Motor, 420.
- About the Engine, 188, 222.
- About the Ormonde, 256. , .
- Accumulators, 431.
- Acccumulator Exhausted, 416.
- Accumulator Mystery, 304.
- Accumulator Recharging, 384.
- Accumulator Troubles, 400.
- Advantages of Motor-bicycle, 170;
- Bands for Tyres, 90.
- Batteries, 106.
- Belt Troubles, 188, 238,256.
- Belts, 416.
- Books on Motors, 206.
- Building a Motor-bicycle, 367,384*
- Butted Inner Tubes, 206.
- Carburation, 416. ,
- Catalytic Ignition, 90.
- Chain Drive Idea, 415.
- Charging Accumulators, 272, 304.
- Choice of Machine, 106.
- Choosing Motor-bicycle, 368.
- Clement Garrard Motor, 256.
- Combustion Tandems, 154, *7°*
- Compression, 320.
- Concerting Old Pattern Minerva, 188.
- Concerting Ordinary Cycle, 170, 222, 238, 272.
- Derby Bicycle, 206.
- Dry Batteries, 431.
- Early History, 106.
- Electrical Details, 133, 238. «
- Electric Ignition, 431.
- Engines for Boats, 188,
- Exhaust, 206.
- Exhaust Valves, 431.
- Explosions in Cylinder, 56.
- Explosions in Exhaust Box, 432.
- Faulty Explosions, 320.
- Fittings for Motor, 90.
- Fitting Motor to Ordinary Bicycle, 40, 74.
- Friction Clutches, 122.
- Getting Best Results, 256.
- Hand Starting Device, A. 272.
- Hire Purchase Forms, 367.
- Holden Bicycle, 431.
- Horse Power, 90. 154, 188, 320.
- Ignition, 272, 367.
- Irish Roads, 416.
- Legal Questions, 400.
- Licenses, 56, 122, 183, 154, 170.
- Life of Motorcycle, 106.
- Lights, 206.
- Lubrication, 74.
- Magnetic Ignition, 188.
- Measuring Current, 384.
- Mitchell, 206.
- More Power, 431.
- Motor-bicycles in Hyde Park, 40, 74.
- Motor by Rail, 74.
- Motor Catching Fire, 288.
- Motors for Doctors, 400.
- Motors in Theobald’s Park, 170.
- Motor Licenses, 368.
- Motor Troubles, 206.
- Oil on Motor Pulley. 416.
- Oil Troubles, 90.
- Petrol, 106, 368.
- Petrol for Solution, 432.
- Powerful Motors, 170.
- Primary Batteries, 432.
- Purchasing a Motor, 90.
- Regarding the Engine, 40, 74.
- Resin and the Belt, 74.
- Roadside Query, 122.
- Rotary Engine, 416.
- Running Troubles, 256.
- Selecting Motorcycle, 431.
- Seeking Advice, 138.
- Silencer Troubles, 106.
- Simms-Bosch System, I223
- Spare Parts for Abroad, 256.
- Sparking Troubles, 288,
- Speed Limit, 256.
- Spring Saddle Pillar, 320
- Starting Troubles, 400, 432-
- Storage, 368. - . . ,
- Suitable Type, 416.
- Technical Classes, 74. /
- The Ideal Motor, 170.
- Throttle Valve. 367.
- Trailers, 415.
- Transmission, 367,
- Trouble with Driving Belt, 367;
- Two Speed Gears, 288. , ,
- Voltage, 56. ’
- Volt and Ampere Meters, 90. <
- Werner Carburetter, 400, 4x6.
- Wilkinson Bands, 206.
- Would-be Coil Maker, 206.
- Accumulator Charging, 325.
- American Motor Set, 388.
- A New Spray Carburetter, 226.
- Automatic Lubricator, New Style of, 403/
- Ball Bearing Driving Pulley, 371.
- Belt Dressing, New, 403.
- Blake’s Carburetter, 221. *
- Bowden Friction Clutch, 77.
- Brandes and Perkin’s Motor, 221.
- Calvert’s Belt Fastener, 161..
- Carburetter, A Nev^, 419.
- Carburetter Case, A New, 48.
- Carlton Carburetter, 325.
- Catalytic Ignition Plug, 22.
- Charging Accumulators from Alternating Current, 173.
- Clement-Garrard Accumulator. 419.
- Combined Rim and Pulley, 226.
- Crest Starting Device, 98.
- Croisant Ignition, 221.
- Cushion Frame, 419.
- Detachable Inner Tube, 261.
- Driving Belts, 302.
- Dynamo, 325.
- Edison’s Battery, 302.
- Effective Spray Carburetter, 339;
- E.I.C. Plug, 302.
- Electric Motorcar, 77.
- Emery for Grinding Valves, 195.
- Excelsior Spring Head, 98.
- Feast Tyre Repair Band, .161.
- Float Feed Carburetter, New Type of, 403;
- Four-cylinder Air-cooled Engine, 339.
- Frictional Drive and Variable Gear, 307.
- Front Forks, 63.
- Guests’ Outfits, 302.
- Handy Combined Tool, 226.
- Halran Spanner, 302.
- Head Clip, Improved, 4*9*
- Improved Inlet Valve, 339.
- Ingenious Speed Changing Device, 253.'
- Jackdaw Lubricating Oil, 302.
- Kopaline Puncture-proof Band, 77.
- La Francaise Tricycle, 98.
- Lycett’s “ H ” Bag, 98.
- Manson Motor-bicycle, 48.
- Motor-bicycle Stand, 48. •
- Motorcycle Jack, 226.
- Motor with Crypto Speed Reducing Gear; 388.’
- New Altitude Meter, 261.
- New Belt, A, 98.
- New Bowden Motor-bicycle, 325.
- New Dynamo Sparker, 302.
- New Ignition Device, 307.
- New Motorcycle Jack, 98.
- New Pedal, 226.
- Non Short Circuiting Plug, 388
- Novel Interrupter, 371. ’
- Opel Motor-bicycle, 371.
- Perfection Sparking-Plug, 371.
- Petrol and Hot Air Motor, 419.
- Petrol Motor Coupled to Dynamo, 173*
- Power Transmission Problem, 253.
- Precision Carburetter, 22.
- Raleigh Front Driver, 419.
- Raleigh Motor-bicycle, 63.
- Reducing Width of Motor, 195.'
- Reserve Petrol Tank, 403.
- Roubeau Carburetter, i6r.
- Sparking Plug. A New Form of, 4*9*
- Spray Carburetter, A Simple, 48.
- Spring Gear Wheel, A, 307.
- Spring Tyre, A, 325.
- Starley’s Sociable, 221.
- Swinging Crank, 261.
- Test Lamps for Accumulators, 63.
- The Holley Cycle, 226.
- Transmission Gear, 161.
- Transparent Plug, T 73.
- Tricycle Radiator, 195.
- Twin Wheel, 403. . .
- Two Speed and Free Engine Gear, 261,
- Unbreakable Sparking-plug, 195.
- Unique Position of Engine, 295.
- Useful Timepiece, 77.
- Valve Lifter for Motor-bicycles, 388.
- Variable Gear and Starting Clutch. 77.
- Water-cooled Bicycle Motor. 302.
- Werner New Trembler, 48.
- Westfield Autobike, 3*77.
- Back to the Bike, 374.
- Belt and Pulley, 387.
- Brake in Trathc, 79.
- Carburetter Trials, 49.
- Causes of Side-slip, 113.
- Classification of Riders. 61
- Clothing. 404.
- Clothing Difficulty, 'Ihc. 225.
- Complete Breakdown, A 275
- Consumption Test, A, 133.
- Distance without Fatigue, 404.
- Dogs, 157.
- Drain Tap for Carburetter, 157-
- Efficient Brake Power Wanted, 79.
- Electrical Question, An, 133. 225.
- Engine Power, 79.
- Enjoyable Ride, An, 241.
- Exhaust Valve Lifter, An. 2414 ,
- Fate of the Pedals, 175.
- Gauging the Contents, 175.
- Hatred of Insects, 318.
- How the Engine Works, 29.
- How to Conduct Tests, 355.
- How to Set about Motoring, 29.
- Increasing One’s Knowledge, IQ2.
- Ignition, 355.
- Lubrication,
- Motorcycle on Hills, 295.
- Mystery, A, 175, 211.
- New Theory, A, 61.
- Paradox, A Seeming, 263.
- Petrol and Motor Spirit, 133, 192.
- Protecting the Eyes, 318.
- Quadrant Single Lever, 49.
- Railway Vagaries. 324.
- Reform Required, 263.
- Satisfactory Run, A, 175.
- Side-slip, 61.
- Sleep Inducer, A, 275.
- Sparking-plug Troubles, 16.
- Superfluous Wiring, 16.
- Testing Appliances, 355. .
- Transition, 16.
- Treatment of the Idle Machine, 387.
- Use of Pedals, The, 133.
- When the Belt Slips, 374.
- Where the Motorcycle Scores, 263.
- Where they excel the Bicycle, 375*
- Ireland, Motorcycle Union of, 215.
- Italy, Motorcydes in, 117.
- Jack for_Motorcydes. 2 20.
- Japanese Motor Club? 95?
- Jeames the Chauffeur, 10.
- Lamp Brackets, 185.
- Land’s End to John 0’ Groats. 391, 392, 396, 41U.
- Licenses, 56, 86. 122/ 138, 168. 269,
- Life of Motorcycle. 106.
- Light Side, The, 257, 281, 289, 306, 356, 383, 386J
- Lights, 206.
- Lighter Machines, 219, 258.
- Liliputian Car, The, 317, 328.
- Liquid Air, 244.
- Liverpool Show, n.
- Long Base Bicycle, 93.
- Lubrication of the Motor, 74, 91, 103, 310, 3tr, 334, 335-
- Mails, Carrying His Majesty’s, 20 r.
- Metric System of Measurement. 191.
- Midland Meet at Whitsuntide, 93-
- Mikado a Motorist, 10.
- Minerva Patents, 85, 205.
- Mis-fires, 114, 333-
- Missionary Trip, A, 156 ‘
- Mitchell, In Defence of the, 88. 206.
- Motor, A Two-stroke, 303.
- Motor-bicycle Chat, 60.
- Motor-bicycle Competitions, n*
- Motor-bicycle Conversion, 114*
- Motor-bicycles discussed, 13-
- Motor-bicycle Matters, 270. ‘
- Motor-bicycle, The : Has it Come to Stay ? 75; J
- Motor-bicycle, What Will it Become ? 83 qq. tJ^ 129, 142, 144. 153- I87'
- Motor-bicycle, Why is it bound to become popular t
- Motor Clubs, 185, 269, 3OI» 3®x» 3Q5» 426.
- Clement Garrard, 213.
- De Dion, Bicycle Motor, 314, 332, 411.
- Eagle, 381.
- Excelsior, 166.
- F.N., 259.
- Humber, 228.
- Mitchell, 372.
- Ormonde, 308.
- Phoenix, 193.
- Quadrant, 108, 376:
- Singer Wheel, 291.
- Werner, 150,
- Motorcycle History, see History, Motorcycle.
- Motorcycles in Italy, 117.
- Motorcycles, Tricks on,'244. f'-
- Motorcycle Trials, 148.
- Motorcycle Union of Ireland, 215, 314. ip
- Motor Cycling Club, 47, 94. 162, 232, 251, 283, 285* V 314.316.
- Motor. How Built, 139.
- Motoring,’ Why, 11.
- Motor Pacing, 217.
- Motor Principle, A New, 201.
- Motors in Johannesburg, 185. ik
- Motor Tandems, 146.
- Motor Trials and their Lessons, 144. ' –
- Motor Trials at Liverpool Show, 11.
- Motor-tricycle, A Plea tor. 78;
- Motor-tricycle Chat, 209.
- Motor Troubles, 206. ‘ ; Mystery, A, 175, 211.
- Mysterious Breakdown Explained, 191;
- New Zealand, In, 86.
- Nice-Abbazia Race, 147.
- Nottingham, Motors In, 118.
- Numbering of Cars, 381.
- Number Plates, French, 14-’.
- Obstacle Racing, 380.
- Oil Troubles, 90.
- On the Road, 218.
- Against Big Powers, 64.
- Another Show, 230.
- Appearance, 96.
- Automobile Club Show, 112, 144.’ |
- Automobile Club, The, 80.
- Comparisons, 326.
- C.T.C. and Motorists, 128.
- Dawn of Motor Club Life, 96.
- Motor Pacing in Amateur Events, 96.
- Motor Patents in Suspense, 80.
- Motor Show, The, 178.
- Motor Tandem, 80.
- Motor Trials and Their Lessons, I44«
- New Association Wanted, 30.
- Pedalling in Motorcycle Races, 80.
- Position of the Engine, 159, 178.
- Quick Stop Trials, 264.
- Roadside Repairs, 50.
- Safety of the Motor-bicycle, 376.
- Seeking Information, 159.
- S. F. Edge’s Victory ; a fitting Tribute, 405;
- Show Question, 214.
- Speed, The Question of, 264. f
- Technical Matter, 159.
- The Need for Springs, 196.
- The Old Time Cyclist Converted, I59'»
- Trailer Question, i59«
- Trials and the Trade, 128.
- ‘They Will be Cheaper,” 178.
- Use Care, 50.
- Who Shall Govern the Sport? 112.
- Ordinary Bicycles, Fitting Motors to, 40, 74:
- Ormonde Bicycle, 256.
- A Two Stroke Motor, 303.
- Belt Adjustment, 187.
- Belt and Chain Drive, 23, 54, 15a; IA
- Belt Driving
- Bexhill Speed Trials
- Carburetters
- Cause of Mis-fifing,
- Charging Accumulators, 73, 137, 169;
- Compression, 33s. . /<5’
- Dashwood 1 rials, 2^, 287.
- Dust troubles, to Overcome, 413.
- Efficient Motor, An, 89. •
- English Mechanic Bicycle, 187, 236.
- Eyesores on Motorcycles, 120.
- Future Motor-bicycle, 399.
- Hill Climbing Contents, 399. .
- Hint to Novices, 168.
- Holden Motor Bicycle, 351.
- Horse Power, 152, 398, 430.
- Insurance, 366.
- Licenses, 168.
- Lubrication, 382, 413.
- Minerva Patents, 205.
- More Trials Wanted, 287.
- Motor Bicycles, Critical Review, 72.
- Motor Bicycle Experiences, 23, 54, 73, 89, i53» 4I3-
- Motor Bicycle in England, 54.
- Motor Bicycle Matters, 270.
- Motorcycles and Insurance Companies, 319.
- Motor Cycling Club, A, 39.
- Motor Cycling Club, Midland, 39, 54, 89, 120.
- Motor Cycling Tips, 152, 187, 237.
- Oil on Trembler, 398, 414, 429.
- Passing Horses, 398.
- Pedalling in Motor Bicycle Races, 105, 137.
- Pedals and Footplates, 204.
- Petrol and Ceylon, 398.
- Plug Experiences, 366.
- Police busy in Kent, 366.
- Position of Engine, 73, 88, 104, 120, 136, *37. 153, 168, 204, 205, 220, 236, 287, 270, 254, 303, 3i9-
- Quadrant Single Control, 105, 169, 205, 254.
- Quad Troubles, 335, 366.
- Railway Charges, 121, 168.
- Railway Regulations, 220.
- Rational Motor Bicycle Wanted, 152,
- Side Slip, 23, 104, 121, 351.
- Silencers, 89, 220.
- Singer Motorcycle, 187, 204.
- Sparking Current, The, 255.
- Spray Carburetter, 168.
- Standardisation, 54.
- Steam Driven Motor Bicycles, 136, 168, 204, 255, 382, 413- . ,
- Strickland Motor Bicycle, 351.
- Suggested Improvements, 24, 39;
- To Prevent belt Slipping, 429.
- Trailers, 429.
- Transmission, 136.
- Tricycle, In Favour of, 39, 73.
- Tricycles, 89, 120.
- Uniformity of Piston Speed;<120.
- Water in Petrol, 187, 220.
- Weight of Motor Bicycles. 104;
- Pacing Motor. 217.
- Paris-Vienna Race, 326, 330, 341, 342» 357> 358, 379,394.408.
- Parts, Interchangeability of, 201.
- Pedal Controlled Motor-bicycle, 362.
- Pedalling in Motorcycle Races, 162.
- Pedals and Footplates, 204, 237.
- Pedals. Fate of the, 175-
- Pedersen Motor-bicycle, 397.
- Arnott, E. H., 271..
- Count De Dion, 354-
- Craig, Alexander, 14-
- Fawcett, E. D., 274.
- Jarrott, Chas., 274.
- Kennett, H., 274.
- Martin, H., 274.
- Norfolk, Stanley, 274;
- Pearse, S. H., 274.
- Yates, Bert, 271.
- Watson, S. J., 274.
- Petrol, 106, 187. 163, 207, 254.
- Petrol : Can Explosive Power be Increased r 155.
- Petrol Motor Coupled to Dynamo, 173.
- Petrol Motor v. Steam Engine, 362.
- Petrol, Substitute for, 412.
- Petrol, Water In. 187, 220.
- Phoenix, Illustrated and Described, 193.
- Plug, Transparent, 173- .
- Popularity of the Motor-Bicycle, 145.
- Portsmouth Club, 95-
- Position of Engine, 73. R8, 93. TC4, T20. 21 I, 214. 136, 137. 153, 168, 304, 205, 220. 236, 242, 254, 270, 303, 3T9«
- Powerful Motors, 170.
- Prince and Motor Bicycle, 203
- Pulleys; Improvements in, 119.
- Purchasing a Motor, 00.
- Quad, A Word for the, 186.
- Quad, Two Passengers, 191.
- Quadrant Cycles, 108, 169.
- Racing, Aston, 85, 93, 119.
- Racing Bicycles, 93.
- Racing : Canning Town, 396, 411, 428.
- Racing : Circuit des Ardennes, 394, 422.
- Racing, Coventry, 268.
- Racing, Fast Trains at Nice, 162.
- Racing : Gordon-Bennett. Interview with Mr. S. Edge, 373-
- Racing, Paris, 87/268.
- Racing : Paris-Vienna, 357, 358, 379, 394» 4°8«
- Racing, Plymouth, 268, 283, 348.
- Racing, Putney, 127.
- Racers, Would-be, 94.
- Radiator for Tricycle, 195.
- Rail, Motors by, 74.
- Railway Charges for Tourists’ Cycles Abroad, 397^
- Railway Regulations, 220.
- Rational Motor-bicycle Wanted, 152.
- Record Run on a Singer Motor, 353.
- Renewals and Detail improvements, 369, 386.
- Reducing the Levers, 52.
- Reducing Width of Motor, 195.
- Repair Band, 161.
- Repairing Under Difficulties, 234.
- Roadside Repairs, 65, 122.
- Roubeau Carburetter, 161.
- Rules of the Road, 277.
- Running Troubles, 256.
- Russian Army, Motorcars in the, 411;
- Santos Dumont Airship, 147.
- Satisfactory Run, A, 175.
- Serpollet’s New Car, 412. ,
- Seven Thousand Miles on a Motor-bicycle, 2ro.
- Show Crystal Palace. See Crystal Palace Show; Shows, List of, 230, 267.
- Show Question, 214.
- Side-slip, 279.
- Signs of the Times, 267.
- Silencers, 190, 2 20,*411. (•
- Silencer Troubles, 106. . >
- Simms-Bosch System, 122.
- Simplification of Motor-bicycle, 8;
- Singer Motor-bicycle, 187, 204.
- Singer Motor Tandems, 353.
- Small Man’s Opportunity, 9. >
- Sound Joints, 191. ' v t
- Sparking Coils, 224, 239, 279.
- Sparking Current, 255. Sparking-plugs, 118, 293, 305.
- Sparking-plugs, 73, 190, 191.
- Sparking Troubles, 288.
- Spare Parts for Abroad, 256.
- A Plea for the Motor Tricycle. By C. A. Smith, 78 J .
- A Run on the Fastest Car in the World, 108.
- Chat about Motor-bicycles, A. By E. Douglas Fawcett, 60.
- Delights of Motor Cycling. By Ernest H. Godbold, 4-
- For Beginners Only. By Ernest H. Godbold, 102.
- From the Sublime to the Ridiculous. By E. G. Ruckes, 402.
- Ideal Bicycle, The. By G. P. Mills, 28.
- Motor Bicycle ; Why is it Bound to Become Popular ? By S. F. Edge, 145.
- The Motor-bicycle in Warfare, 134.
- The Motor Bicycle ; Has it Come to Stay ? By G. Lacy Hillier, 75.
- Why I prefer Motor Cycling to any other form of Motoring. By Charles Jarrott, 46.
- Speed, 52,69, 85,186, 202, 216, 233, 243, 330, 332, 379, 394, 4io-
- Speed Limit, 256.
- Speed Machines, 10, 29.
- Speed Pacers, 396.
- Speed, Regulating in New York, 268.
- Spread of Clubs, 184.
- Spring Saddle Pillar, 320.
- Springs, The Need for, 196.
- Standardisation of Parts and Fittings, 27;
- Starley Challenge Cup, 380.
- Starting Difficulties, 333.
- Starley’s Sociable, 221.
- Starting Troubles, 103.
- Steam Driven Cycles, 136, 168, 204, 255, 380;
- Storage in Birmingham, 163.
- Storing Petrol, 87.
- Suction Pump Crank Lubricator, 130.
- Tandems, 146, 240.
- Testing Mart, A, 88.
- Technical Classes, 74?
- Theobald’s Park, Motors in, 170.
- Tips, Motorcycle, 152, 187.
- Tolls for Motorcycles, 202.
- Touring, 114.
- Touring : Charges for Machines abroad, 397, 424*
- Touring in France, 117.
- Touring on Motor-bicycle, 321.
- Touring the Continent, 117. • '
- Towing Risks, 185.
- Trailers, 52.
- Trailer’s License, 364.
- Transparent Plug, 173.
- Trial Run, A, 337. X
- Trials at Crystal Palace. See C. P. Trials.
- Tricks on Motorcycles, 244.
- Tricycle. A Plea for, 78.
- Tubes, Butted Inner, 206.
- Two Cylinder Motor, 412.
- Two Speed Gears7288.
- Two-speed Gears for Motor-bicycles, 392.
- Two Speeds, 164, 190.
- Tyre Repairing, 103.
- Tyre Wiring, Strengthening the, 140.
- Tyres, 163, 203.
- Unpuncturable Tyre, An, 203.
- Useful Hints, 42.
- Valves, 81, 195.
- Voltage, 56. j
- Volt and Ampere Meters/90,
- War Car, The Simms, 147;
- Warfare, The Motor Bicycle in, 134.
- Werner, Described and Illustrated, 150.
- Westerham Hill Climb, 363.
- Westphalian Show, 315.
- Wheel-base and Side-slip, 279.
- Why I prefer Motor Cycling to any other form Motoring, 46.
- Wilkinson Bands, 206:
- Working of Motor. 123:
- Youthful Motist. The, 85.