1898 The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1898 Index - Volume 3
- Accident near Gloucester, 441.
- — Knaresborough. 501.
- Accidents and Incidents, 201.
- Accumulate Edison’s New Electrical, 376.
- Acetyloid Autocar Lamp, The, 512.
- Across Frrwn e on an Automobile, 227,
- Adyer SysAm. 165.
- Agricultural] Hall Case, The, 195.
- Agriculturists. Autocars among, 605.
- Air Ship, ?lie Newest, 327.
- Albion Oar The, 439.
- Alcohol a«i Fuel, The Use of, 205.
- — BenzolemA Run on, 82, 156.
- — Trials, Mere, 219.
- - The Faris-Roubaix, 361, 385, 408.
- Aluminium Alloys in Motor Oar Building. 'ifie Use of, 614.
- Allard Voiturette, 133.
- Amateur Autocar Maker, An, 606.
- Aneroid ?arburetter. An. 491.
- American Combination, 88.
- — PetroliC ir. A New. 396
- Argyll Voiturette, The. 31, 609.
- Ariel Qimdricycle, 275, 438.
- — Voitu*tte. Tlie, 204.
- Ascot of an Autocar. 1,630.
- Ashby Motor, The, 198.
- Australia, A Motor Tricycle Ride in, 76.
- Au«tralifci Paraffin Motor, An, 272.
- — View,tin (Mr. O. W. Bennett). 630.
- AutocarBlts Use and Management. The, 77. 197.
- Automobile Club and its Work, 367.
- - Till. 219, 238.
- - Competition Rules, 266.
- - Easter Tour, 357.
- - OnB Hundred Miles Trial, 283.
- - Rul. The, 258.
- — Co., ! ifc. Liquid Air, Power, and, 333.
- — ExpeiBnoes. Some, 285.
- Auto-sh«e, Germany’s First, 245.
- Baine’s Motor Bicycle, The, 79.
- Ball Bemings for Autocars, 313.
- Bardon Ear, The, 507.
- Belgium fctrmy, Autocars in the, 317.
- Belgian INews, 95.
- Belgian* Autocar of the King of the, 65, 371.
- Belsize «ir. The, 490.
- Belt Protection, 107, 132, 156.
- Belting, pile Treatment of Belting, 480.
- Benz car in North Wales, A, 399.
- — Motom Waggon, The, 296.
- Berkshire County Councils and Automobilism 144.
- Birmingham am Motor Mfg. and Supply Co., 523.
- Converted, 104.
- on a Motor, 270.
- ines Motor, 79.
- |tto Motor, 478.
- ylor Motor. 652.
- jt of 1901, 577. 603.
- Bigotry ^Municipal, 577.
- " BlerioM’ Acetylene Motor Lamp, 439.
- BombaAjMunicipal Corporation, 592.
- Boyer Light Carriage, The. 186, 273.
- Boyer-P|Unel Voiturette, 182.
- icessity for, 100.
- ’s Chains, 439.
- Factory of the Locomobile
- El.
- blls, Maidenhead. 293.
- Bridgwater Autooarists, Some, 395.
- Brighton Police and Automobilists, The, 267.
- — Public Service, 515.
- bilk
- Birmin
- Ltd:.
- Bicycle,
- — A |h
- — The
- — The
- — The
- Big Evi
- Brake,
- BramptJ
- BridgepJ
- Co., |
- Bridge
- Service, 515.
- British Motor Traction Co., 212, 236, 257.
- - v. - Freidlander, 213.
- - v. - Sherrin, 495.
- - v. - Daimler Motor Co., 499.
- Browne-Martineau Car, 604.
- Buffoline Change Gear, The, 551.
- Burner, The Clarkson 200 horse-power, 612.
- ’Buses in Lincoln, Motor, 319.
- Calthrop, Mr. E. R., 599.
- Canals, Oil Engines on. 545.
- Carburants, French Trials of, 220.
- Carburetter, An Aneroid, 491.
- — An Early Spray (Butler), 328.
- — An Economical, 60.
- — A Simple (Binks), 620.
- — Combined Valves and, 59.
- — Rough and Co.’s, 544, 559.
- Carburetters Condemned, 176.
- — Separate, 504.
- Carriage v. Autocar. 153.
- Centres of the A.C.G.B.. Local, 137.
- Chaboche Steam Car, The, 183.
- Chains, English, in Gordon-Bennett Race, 591.
- Challenge, A, 629.
- Char-k-banc, A Panhard, 333.
- Charette. A Run on a, 178.
- — Mrs. Billing on her, 631.
- Charging Accumulators, 89.
- Chestnut Sunday. 508.
- Choice of an Automobile, The, 415.
- Clarkson 200 - horse-power - Burner, The, 612.
- English Motor Club, 43, 389.
- Irish Branch of the Automobile Club, 112.
- Lincolnshire Automobile Club, - 40, - 109, 270 , - 284, - 410.
- Manchester - Automobile - Club, - 21, - 145, 283.
- Midland Automobile Club, 69, 207, 407.
- Nottingham and District Automobile Club, 213, 389. 410. 439, 547, 600.
- Reading Automobile Club, 526, 560.
- Scottish Automobile Club. 241.
- Wolverhampton Automobile Club, 49, 308.
- Yorkshire Automobile Club, 182. Clutch, A Liquid, 83.
- Cloak. The Auto, 395.
- Columbia Automobiles, 320.
- — Electric Coupe, 321.
- - Victoria, A, 342.
- Comparison, A, 275.
- Compression Release, A, 124.
- Conference of Manufacturers, 522. Constables, Coy, 549.
- Consumption and Hill-climbing Trials, 507.
- Continental Caoutchouc and Guttapercha Co.. 591.
- — Tyre Profits, 295.
- Contour Road Book of England, The, 545.
- Control Contests, E.M.C., 90.
- — Contests, 389.
- Cool Request, A. 148.
- Accessibility of Parts, 483.
- Accumulator, Woven Glass, 483.
- Accumulators from Primary Batteries, Charering, 404.
- Alcohol Fuel, 133.
- Bardon Cars, 485
- Batteries for Electrical Ignition, Wet t>. Dry. 619.
- — for Tricycles, Wet v. Dry, 588.
- — Spare, 541.
- Battery Query, A, 154.
- Belt-driven Cycles, 436.
- Belts, Raw Hide, 514, 541.
- Benz Accumulator, 207.
- — Brakes, 618, 647.
- Bicycle Design, Motor, 647.
- — The Lawson Motor, 303.
- — The Motor, 618, 647.
- Bicycles, Motor, 62.
- Bishops and Motors, 648.
- Blowing Back, A Cure for, 557.
- - To Stop, 133, 155, 181.
- - Valve Grinding Tools and, 207.
- Bollee Voiturette, The, 134.
- Brighton Race. The. 403.
- Carburetter for Crude Oils. A, 85.
- — Combined Valves and, 110.
- — A Constant Level, 514.
- — A Feed Balance, 181.
- — A Novel, 402.
- — Without a, 207.
- Carburetters, 85, 281, 302, 381, 401.
- — Separate, etc., 542.
- — Condemned, 208 . 304.
- Cast-iron Heads for Exhaust Valves, 937.
- Century Engineering Carburetter, 180.
- Certificates for Mecaniciens, 433.
- Collier Pneumatic Tyre, The, 330.
- Commercial Traveller. A Car for a. 331.
- Compression Taps, Leaky, 281, 305.
- Construction, Autocar, 379, 435, 483, 542, 554, 588, 618, 645.
- Consumption Trial. 484.
- Control Contest, 433. 448.
- Cost of Motoring, 619, 642.
- County Councillors, Demonstration before. 590.
- Crude Oils, A Carburetter for, 85.
- Cycle Matters. Motor. 37, 85, 134.
- — Query, A Motor. 513, 541.
- Daimler Silencer, 554.
- Daimlers, The Nice Races and German, 330.
- Darracq. The, 306, 330, 351, 379, 644.
- Dawson Car, The, 301.
- Decauville, The Horse-power. 556 , 589.
- De Dion, An Improvement to the, 351.
- - Tricycle for Relieving Officer, 233.
- - Query, A. 154.
- - - etc., Reply to a, 180.
- — — Voiturette Query. A, 305.
- — - Reply to, 329.
- Duryea, The. 232.
- Dust Problem, The, 541. 555.
- Electric Ignition: A Solution, 641.
- Electrical Ignition, 232, 279, 304, 330, 352, 380, 404, 513.
- Empress Family Coach, 514.
- English Motor Club Races, 353.
- Exhaust Valves, Cast-iron Heads for, 937.
- Family Coach. Empress, 514.
- Fire Engines. Motor, 329, 515, 618.
- - Wanted. 233.
- - Worcester. 556.
- Firth. Mr. Staplee. 353.
- Freight, Cheap, 515.
- Fiery Motors, 556.
- Fuel Consumption, 110, 155.
- Gauge Glass at Night. The. 648.
- Gear. The “Tractor” Graduated Variable Speed, 400.
- — The Wellington Car Friction, 305.
- Gears for Motor Cars, Speed, 556.
- Gloves, Autocar, 304.
- Goring-Strentlev Toll. The. 513.
- Gravity v. Pressure Feed. 304.
- Heavy Autocar Tvres, 280.
- — Motor Trials, Liverpool, 619.
- Hereford Experiences, 515.
- Hill-climbing Contest, The Tilburstowe, 645
- Horses and Vehicles, Unattended 379
- Horses, The Behaviour of, 442, 448.
- House System, The. 543.
- Ignition, Electric and Tube, 436.
- — Electrical, 232 , 279, 304 , 330 , 352, 380, 404, 613.
- — Tube, Another Suggestion for Variable Speed, 655.
- Inlet Valves, Three Port. 302, 329, 351.
- Instruction Books, The Want of, 541.
- Ireland for Automobiles, 279.
- Kimberley Daimler, The, 403.
- Knowles Chain or Chainless Voiturette, 207.
- Lamp Fixed not on the Off Side, 403.
- Lanonestor Patent Action, The, 86.
- Lawson Motor Bicycle, 303.
- License Plates, 180.
- Licensing and Numbering, 11, 86, 154.
- Liverpool Trials of Heavy Vehicles, 434.
- Locomobile, A Complete Cure for “Blowing Back" the, 557.
- — Improvements to the, 556.
- — Speed of the, 403, 557, 619.
- — The, 232, 279.
- Looomobiles, Paraffin Fuel for, 514, 589.
- Imbrication, 484.
- — Good and Bad, 554, 589, 617, 646.
- Mean Acts, 513.
- Medical Man, A Motor Car for a. 647.
- Minerva. Motor Bicycles, 558, 588, 646.
- Motor Cycle Matters, 37, 85, 134.
- — Patents, 9, 34, 62, 85.
- Napier, The, 380, 404, 436.
- — Stopped—Paris-Bordeaux—Why - the, 588.
- — The Sixteen Horse-power, 306.
- Nervous, To Reassure the, 279.
- New Orleans, Alterations to the, 541.
- - Voiturettes. 180, 208.
- Nice Race and German Daimlers, The, 330.
- — Week, The. 351.
- North of England, Trials in the. 110.
- Numbering. Licensing and, 11, 86, 154.
- Over-heated Plugs, 301.
- Over Heatings, etc., 380 , 404 , 432, 448, 541. 619.
- Paraffin for Locomobiles. 541.
- — Fuel for Locomobiles, 514, 589, 648.
- Paris-Bordeaux Race. Speeds in the. 555.
- — — Why the Napier Stopped, 588.
- Patentability, 86.
- Patriotism, A Plea for, 86. 133, 155 , 207.
- Pennell, A Challenge to Mr., 233.
- Persecution at Brighton, 280.
- Petrol Consumption, etc., 558.
- — From Private Owners. 9.
- — Pure. 280 . 301, 331. 353, 379.
- Petroleum Spirit Trial, Over-heating, etc., 434.
- - The, 404.
- Plugs, 279.
- — Over-heated, 301.
- Polling Day. Autocars on, 280.
- Prejudice. Disarming. 62.
- Pressure Feed. Gravity 304.
- Pure Petrol. 280 . 301. 331, 353, 379.
- Raw Hide Belts, 379 . 514. 541.
- Relieving Officer, De Dion Tricycle for, 233.
- Reading Show, The. 330.
- Rope Cure. The. 85, 110.
- Rugs for Frosty Weather. Bag. 85.
- Running Back on a Hill. To Prevent. 301.
- Sernollet, The. 403.
- — From Reading to Woodbridge on a. 6J6.
- Show. The. 484.
- Side-slip. 233.
- Singer Motor Tricycle r. Werner. 436.
- — Motors. The. 305. 329.
- Sparking Plugs. 231.
- - Repairing. 305. 380.
- Speed Gears for Motor Cars, 556.
- — of the Locomobile. 543.
- Spirit Motor for Trsmears, 110.
- South sea, An Experience at. 554.
- Star Car. The. 86. 513.
- — Carburetter, eto.. The. 351.
- Steam Cars. 62.
- - The Economy, etc., of. 590. 645. 64S.
- Streathim's Disappointment, 513.
- *' Sunrising. 646.
- Things Wanted. 180.
- "Tractor” Graduated Variable Speed Gear. The. 400.
- Trailer. The Whiooet. 619.
- Trailing Qocart. 613.
- Trsuncars. Spirit Motors for. 110.
- Trials in the North of England. tlO.
- Tricycle. A Chain-driven Motor. 443. Tropics. Motors for the, 645.
- Tvre Experiences. 620.
- Tyres for Motor Cvdes. 646.
- Tyre. The Collier Pneumatic. 330.
- — Wrinkle. A 554.
- Unattended Horses. 454.
- Valve-grinding Tip, A, 541.
- — Tool, A, 155. - „ , - „„„
- — Tools and Blowing Back, 207.
- Valves and Carburetter Combined, 110.
- — Three-port Inlet, 302, 329, 351.
- Variable Speed Ignition Tube, Another Suggestion for, 555.
- Wellington Car Friction Gear, The, 305.
- Werner Motor Bicycles, 558.
- Whippet Trailer. The, 619, 649.
- Wolseley Car, The, 645.
- — Voiturette, 154.
- Woven Glass Accumulators, 483.
- Cotterill, Mr. S. B., 622.
- Cotton Transit, Motor Vehicles for, 390.
- Coulthard Heavy Vehicle, 28.
- — Lorry, 535.
- — Motor Tip Van, 224.
- County Council Agitation, The, 88, 124, 144.
- — Councils and Autocars— East Suffolk and Yorks, 311.
- - Herts, East Suffolk, and Essex, 157.
- - Kent, East Suffolk, and Essex, 214.
- - Worcester, Isle-of-Wight, and Kent, 240.
- - — — Warwick, Berks, and Nottingham, 144.
- - and Licensing of Cars, 99.
- - Association, 515.
- - Autocar Trials for, 53.
- - Manufacturers and the, 76.
- - Norfolk—Begistration. Numbering, and Speed Proposal, 77.
- - East Suffolk. 88.
- — Councillors and Autocars, 196, 391.
- - Demonstrations to, 172.
- - Proselytising the, 414.
- - Demonstration to, 587, 596, 629.
- Crampin, Scott, and Co.. 614.
- Cripple, A Serviceable, 390.
- Criticism, Ignorant, 2.
- Critchley, J. S., Interviewed in New York. 221.
- Crouan Brake, The, 162.
- Cupron Element. The, 222.
- Cycle, A Good Kun on a Motor, 294.
- Cycles, Motor, 269.
- Cyclope, The 4.5 Horse-power (Vincent and Co., Illustration), 427.
- Daimler Motor Co., The, 354.
- - Action against the, 338.
- - v. British Motor Traction Co., 283, 338, 499.
- — The New Twenty Horse-power, 246.
- Danger of Death, 90.
- Dangerous Practice, An Old and, 605.
- Darracq, The Eight- Horse-power, 527.
- — Voiturette, 4.
- Dawson Car. The, 323.
- - From Canterbury to London on the, 276.
- — Magneto Igniter, The, 349.
- Death of a Scotch Automobilist, Tragic. 193.
- Decauville Car, The Eight Horse-power, ^ - 199, 580.
- De Dion: Alleged Infringement of Trade Name, 472.
- - Exhaust Closer, 3, 37.
- - Tricycle, The 1901, 581.
- Defects Concealed, 26.
- Defence Association, Motor Vehicle Users’ ^ - , - . - 213.
- Despatch Carrying on a Motor Bicycle, 560.
- Diana. The. 461.
- Diesel Engine, Demonstration of the. 314.
- Dion, Death of the Marquis De, 515. Discrimination Necessary. 391.
- Doctor's Motor TTicvcle, 153.
- Drake, Mr. A. T.. 282.
- Dry Batteries. 149.
- — Cells, Carrying Spare. 502.
- Dunlop Co. and Tyres for Heavy Autocars. The. 239.
- — Injunctions. Two More. 616.
- Duryea Car. The Four and a Half Horsepower. 103.
- Dust: A Contrast. 499.
- — Carts. Motors as. 414.
- — Problem. The. 502. 503, 526, 550.
- Dyalised Air, 131.
- East Suffolk County Councils and Autocars. 157. 214. oil.
- Fcole Light Car. The. 1S4.
- Edison Speaks. 501.
- Edison's New Electrical Accumulator, 376.
- Educating the Public, 29
- Electric Automobilism
- Exhibition, 629.
- - Ignition, 262. - -
- - (J. W. Roebuck), 28?
- - (S. F. Walker), 6, 28,
- - Road Waggons, 429.
- — Vehicles, Trials of. 192
- Electrical Accumulator,
- the Glasgow 312. 1150.
- New, 503.
- Club
- Another
- — Autocar, A Two-wheeled, 502.
- — Vehicle Co., 88. - J
- — Vehicles, Some New, 320,
- Electricity at the Automobile
- Exhibition, 479, 506.
- Empress Eight Car, The, 206, 393.
- Enfield Quadricycle, 228. - |
- End to End Drive. Anothlr> 294.
- - Trip, The Last, 326f
- English Chains in Gordon-fcennett Race, 591.
- — Motor Club Races, Snapshots at the, 376.
- - Club’s Control ConteftSj The, 367. 440.
- Enniscrone and Ballina, Public Service.
- K - 348.
- Essex County Councils and Autocars, 157, i - 214.
- Eureka, The New (the Motor Car Co.), 422.
- Excessive Speed for Motors, What is, 472.
- Exclusiveness, 526.
- Exhaust Closer, De Dion, 3,137.
- Exhibition Question, 522.
- Experiences of Motor Bicycles, Some, 137.
- Fabrique Nationale Small Car, The, 160.
- Farmer and the Autocar, Tlie, 221.
- Farmers Opposing Autocaristfc, 318.
- Fast Traffic, Autocars for, 179.
- Fatal Haste and Nervousness,s 501.
- Ferrv Charges for Autocars, 99.
- Field Battery, A Motor, 258.
- Reyrol Motor Co.. 18.
- Fire Brigade Committee of the London County Council, 267.
- — — in Hanover, 283.
- — — Board, The Melbourne, 546.
- — Engine, A Motor, 271, 639.
- - - Worcester, 527.
- — Engines, Necessity for Motor, 220.
- Firth Summoned, Mr. Staplee 365.
- Forman Engine, The. 252.
- Fowler, Mr. Henry, 599.
- France, Magnitude of the Industry in, 95.
- French Club Medals, 108.
- Absinthe for Motors, 553.
- cAccumulators, 231. - |
- Alcohol, Agriculturists and, 481, 482.
- — in Motors, 254.
- Autocars for Military Service, 300.
- Automobiles in France, 300.
- Cabs, Electric, at Paris, 33.
- Causes of Autocar Accidents, 300.
- Compagnie des Pneumatiques, 377.
- Dust Problem, 617.
- Electric Carriage, 553.
- — Vehicles, 231.
- Electrical Traction, 350.
- Gordon-Bennett Cup, 32. 61.
- High Powers in Racing Vehicles, 393.
- King of the Belgians. 553. - ,
- Match between M. Krieger and M. M. Bouquet, 553.
- Military Manoeuvres, 553.
- Mercedes Car. 431.
- Nice Season, 84.
- — Week. 254.
- Non-slipping Tyres, 377.
- Paris-Berlin Race, 432, 553, <17.
- Paris Cab Companies, 278. ;
- Patronage, 398.
- Police Interference, 481.
- — Prosecutions. 350.
- Post Office Denartment. 278. 1
- Prices. Reduction in, 84.
- Railway Companies, 398.
- Eeckles3 Driving. 640.
- Storage Battery. 616.
- Superiority of Petrol Motor J 398.
- Taxing Autocars, 33.
- Garage Club. The. 603.
- Gentlemanly Greeting. A. 603J
- German and Austrian News. 13, 2
- Gladiator Ascending Netheralj Ga
- Glasgow Exhibition. 577.
- - Electric Automobilism, 6#. 267.
- arden* 423
- Gla« Trials, 549.
- Goi* ofc-Bcnnett Cup- 251* 545.
- Governing. The Latest Method of, 127.
- Hall Hydraulic Gear, 21.
- Haytier Oar, The. 249.
- Heavy Motor Traction, Humane Aspect ft, 318.
- - Vehicles, 335.
- — Traffic Considerations, 413.
- - Motor Vehicles for, 390, 497.
- - Trials, Liverpool, 475. 569, 593.
- Hecnhm Non-corrosive Metal, 12.
- Hele-Shaw, Professor H. S., 599.
- Herefordshire County Council, 389, 397.
- Hertfordshire County Councils and Autocars, 157.
- High Wycombe Service of Motor Cars, 623.
- Hill-< limbing and Consumption Trials, Automobile Club’s, 473. 507.
- — Cc ntest. The Tilburstowe, 592.
- — Tyal Open, A, 630.
- Hill Climb. The Tilburstowe. 624.
- — Sc iling Autocar, A Napier, 118.
- — Ti ial, Proposed Ante-show. 387.
- Hors js ana Autocars, 52, 147, 148, 244. 341, 605.
- Hors; Drivers and Autocarists, 99.
- Horsfes, Motors among the, 652.
- — Mfctor Vehicles and. 623.
- — n t so Nervous, 413.
- — Unattended, 443 , 472.
- Hmake’s System, Ltd.—The Steam Car fo„ 89, 112.
- Hudd Engine, The, 430.
- — Sharking Plug, The, 299.
- — Starting Valve, 343.
- Humane Aspect of Heavy Motor Traction, 318.
- Humber Small Car, The New, 20.
- Humours of Autocaring in Switzerland.
- Ignition Tube, A Timing. 27.
- - The Wiles Timing, 81.
- Ire and. Automobilism in, 365.
- Isl4of-Wight County Councils and Autocars, 241.
- Italian Government and Automobilist*. 294.
- Jack. A Handy, 374.
- Jackson’s Doctor’s Car, 486.
- John-o’-Groat’s to Land’s End, 17, 294.
- Joy Mr. Basil H., 599.
- Justices’ Justice, 367.
- Keene Steam Car. A Twelve Horse-power, 568.
- Kent County Councils and Autocars, 214. 241.
- King. The. 604.
- — Bdward an Autocarist, 100.
- — of the Belgians, The Autocar of the. 371
- King’s Drive to Newmarket, The, 389.
- Kingston Conviction, The. 478.
- Kitto” Motor Bicycle, The, 478. 552.
- Knaresborough Public Motor Car Service, 517.
- Koifte-Atkinson Quadricycle, The, 229.
- Krigger Electrolette, The, 161.
- Laud's End to John-o’-Groat’s, 294.
- Lady's Easter Tour, A, 390.
- — Tour of 1,500 Miles, A. 446.
- Le:»s Motor Car Depot, Mr. W., 444. Lr(|AIj—
- Agricultural Hall Co. v. Oordingley, t Royal, 191, 212.
- British Motor Traction Co., 144.
- - Ltd., v. London Autocar Co., Ltd.. 143. - „
- Cordingley v. Royal Agricultural Hall Co.. 191. 212.
- Defective Plant. 76.
- Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. v. James I O’Neill. 83. - . ,
- Lfndon Motor Van, etc., ®. Daimler Motor Co.. Ltd.. 157.
- Ml.vne McTaggart, 18.
- Leuf'-'ter Detnonstration, 605.
- Leyland Lorry, 630.
- Licensing of Cars, County Councils and, 99
- Lifu Steam Car. 491.
- Lincoln and Back with Three Small Carriages. 318.
- Liquid Air Power and Automobile Co.. Ltd., 333.
- — Clutch. A, 83.
- Liver Motor Car Depot. 540.
- Liverpool Autocar Show, 144
- — Cycle and Motor Exhibition, 157.
- — Enterprise, A, 540.
- - Heavv Traffic Trials, 475, 569.
- Liverpool Self-propelled Traffic Association, 604.
- — Trials Awards, 158.
- - The. 206 . 257, 527.
- - - Motor Lorries in the, 528.
- Locomobile, An Indian Sahib on his, 657 ~ S°: a. Private Driving School, 171.
- — Driving a, 372.
- — End to End on a, 15, 47, 66, 93.
- in the Yosemite and Big Swamp, Virginia, 173.
- London County Council Election. 219.
- - and Metropolitan Traffic, The, 220.
- — Electric Omnibus Co., 21, 39.
- — Fire Brigade, Locomobile for, 439,
- Lorries for Military Purposes, Self-propelled, 488.
- Magneto Igniter, The Dawson, 349.
- Maidenhead Bridge Tolls, 338.
- Mail Service, An Autocar, 365.
- Mails by Autocar. 13.
- Manchester A.C., 21.
- Mann Tip Van, 537.
- Manoeuvres, Autocar and Motor Cycles at Easter, 360.
- Manufacturers and the County Council, 76.
- Manufacturers, Conference of, 522.
- — Memorial to County Councils, 342.
- Marot-Gardon Voiturette, 163.
- Martin, Mr. Ernest, of Minehead, 296.
- Maybach Patent, The, 510.
- Mayhew, To Hein Mr. Mark, 171.
- Medals, Automobile Club de France, 108.
- Mercedes Car in the Riviera, 319.
- Military Motor, The Simms, 297.
- — Purposes, Autocars for. 300. 366 488
- Milk Carts and Obstruction, Motor, 220.
- Milne Lorry, 528, 529.
- Missionary Effort, A, 413.
- Morriss, Mr. Frank, King’s Lynn, 551.
- Mors Cars, 88.
- — The Latest Ten Horse-power, 546.
- — The New Twenty-four Horse-power. 488
- Motor Bicycles, Some Experiences of, 137.
- — Bicycling for Women, 203.
- — Cars Past and Present, 213.
- Motor Cars (Roebuck), 19, 41, 67, 91, 119. 136.
- — Cycle Matters, 252, 374.
- Motor Manufacturing Co, Ltd.. The, 52. 371.
- - — Iveagh Phaeton, 296.
- — Service Waggon Fire Brigade, 237.
- — Traction Co., Ltd., The. 578. 600.
- - Tricycle at the Front, A, 152.
- — Union, 237, 283.
- — Van Service, London and Tunbridge Wells, 651.
- Motor Vehicle Users’ Defence Association, 213.
- Mule and the Motor. The, 640.
- Municipal Bigotry, 577.
- — Corporation, Bombay. 592.
- — Work, Autocar for, 64.
- Napier: A Hill-scaling Autocar.
- — Car Trial, 631.
- — Cars for the Gordon-Bennett,
- — Engine, A Companion, 154.
- Fifty Horse-power Cars, The, 118. 447. 480, 629. 632.
- — Nine Horse-power, 451.
- New Era of Travel. 549.
- — Ground. Opening up, 271.
- — Orleans Car. 516.
- Nice. Snapshots at, 392.
- — The Autocar Meeting at, 309 . 356
- Night Drive, A. 578.
- Nottingham Club, 88.
- Nottinghamshire County Councils
- Automobilism, 144.
- Novice's Debut, A, 607.
- Nuisance Some of us are— Dust.
- Numbering of no Use, 502.
- — Proposals. Alternative. 40.
- Numbering Proposals, Origin of, 2o.
- and 502.
- Offers of Cars, 311.
- Oiler, A Good (Waterson’s), 636.
- Omnibus De Dion, 54.
- Omnibuses for the Suburbs, Motor, 341.
- — Metropolitan Motor, 245.
- Ophir Steam Car, 509.
- Orleans, The New Seven Horse-power W.C. New, 445.
- Panhard, A Belgian, 30.
- — A New, 51.
- — A Racing, 311.
- — A Twelve Horse-power, 481.
- — Char-it-Banc, A, 333.
- — Lord Shrewsbury’s, 414.
- — Lorry, The, 211.
- — The Latest Twelve Horse-power, 295.
- — Voiturette, 174.
- — Works, A Visit to the, 344.
- Paris-Berlin Course, The, 608.
- — Race, The, 651.
- Paris and Bordeaux, 501.
- Paris-Bordeaux, 550.
- — Race, Some Impressions of the, 582.
- - : The, 561, 652.
- Paris, Echoes from, 504.
- Paris Roubaix Trials, 361, 385, 408.
- Paris Show, The, 113, 138, 159, 183.
- Parisian Daimler’s Good Record, 75.
- Paraffin Motor, An Australian, 272.
- Abridgment, 145.
- Burning of Inflammable Gas (T. Clarkson), 169.
- Starting (F. W. Lanchester), 410.
- Patents Question Discussed, The, 488.
- Pau Autocar Meeting, The, 189.
- Peugeot Method of Governing, The Latest, 127.
- — Voiturette, The New, 187.
- Pennell’s Progress, Mr., 270.
- Pennington, Mr.. 171.
- Persecution, A New Form of, 195.
- — More, 603.
- — Rejoicing in, 512.
- Petrol, The Storage of. 413, 441.
- Petroleum Spirit Trial, 308, 319 , 384.
- Petromobile Steam Car, The, 399.
- Philiphaugh. A Visit to, 539.
- Plucky Driver. A, 148.
- Pluton Car, The, 164.
- Police Court— Bennett, A., 22.
- Above the Law (Mr. H. W. Ladell, Leeds), 577.
- Constables, Demonstrations to Chief, 214.
- Extraordinary Magisterial Decision at Aberdeen, 575.
- Lamp not on the Off-side, 402.
- Leaving Autocar Unattended (Frank Emery), 65.
- Legal Speed Limit (F. Rough), 293.
- No Competent Person in Charge (W. C. Bersey). 68.
- Not Keeping to the Left Hand, 345.
- Obstruction, An, 593.
- — (A. Valintine), 65.
- Police and Automobilists, The Brighton, 267.
- — Tactics Exposed, 579.
- Press Car, The, 611.
- Queer Decision. A, 606.
- Speed (H. Burrin). 39.
- Tvpical Case, A, 578.
- Weigel “a Competent Person”, Mr. D M.. 236.
- Polling Day. 238.
- Portugal, At Work in. 28.
- Position and Prospects of the Autocar Industry, 391
- Postal Carrier. Society Pansienne, 163.
- Prejudice, Ignorant. 25.
- Present and Future of Motor Traction, The, 264, 288, 310, 334.
- Primary Battery Resurrection, Another, 503.
- Progress Voiturette, A. 616.
- Prosecutions, More Petty, 271.
- Proselytising the County Councillors, 414.
- Public Autocar Service for Toronto, 243.
- — Service, 591.
- - - Autocars. 70.
- - Car Design, 25.
- - Cars. Suggestion as to, 81.
- - Chester and Farndon, 501.
- - Enniscrone and Ballina, 348.
- - Reading, 591.
- — Services. 2, 526.
- Puteaux Works, A Visit to the, 105, 128
- Quad, Long Bung on a, 270, 608.
- — Queries. Replies to Some. 638.
- Quadricycle. Improving a, 343.
- — The Enfield, 228.
- — The Korte-Atkinson, 229.
- Queen Victoria, Death of, 75.
- Queen’s Autocar, The, 443, 505.
- Races, Last Year’s, 212.
- Racing, A Future for Motor Cycle, 260.
- — Cars, The Weight of, 508.
- Radiator, A New. 552.
- — for One Hundred Horse-power Motor, 153.
- Railway Methods, 76.
- Reading Automobile Show. 243, 308.
- — Steam Carriage, The, 230, 375.
- Recorder. 406.
- Rejoicing in Persecution. 512.
- Reliability of Autocars. 39. 51.
- Resourcefulness—Rope Tyres, 52.
- Retort Courteous. The, 653.
- Reyrol Motor Car Co.. 18, 38, 63.
- Ridley Car, The, 276. 341.
- Ripley Road Policemen, 549.
- Road Making. 1.
- Rosenhein, Mr. E. A., 622.
- Roubeau Carburetter, The, 322.
- Salon and Hall, 546.
- Salsbury-Bleriot System of Lighting, The, 223.
- Schwanmeyer Motor. The, 54.
- Sherrin Judgment, 495.
- Show, A Guide to the, 417.
- — Items, 489.
- Automobile Club Show, 450.
- Liverpool Show, 144.
- Shrapnell Smith. Mr. E., 599.
- Shrewsbury, Lord, and his Autocar, 414.
- Sight-seeing. Autocars for, 168.
- Simms Military Motor, The, 297.
- — Voiturette, 8.
- — Water-cooled Motor, The Six Horse power, 277.
- Simple Motor and Gear, A, 614.
- Simplex Voiturette, The. 245.
- Simpson-Bibby Lorry, 532.
- Singer Motor Bicycle, 487, 635.
- Sirene, Light Carriage, La, 166.
- — Tonneau. The, 454.
- Snow, A Drive in the, 359.
- Sole Agency Question, 516.
- South Wales Items, 338.
- Sparking Coil, 69.
- — Dynamos, Kitto, 517.
- — Plug Attachment for Benz Engines, The, 298.
- - The Hudd, 299.
- - Wellington’s. 133.
- — Troubles, 45, 69.
- Speed Estimates, 653.
- Speed Indicator, 487.
- — King Motor Cycles. 449.
- — Limit, The, 266.
- Star Six Horse-power Car, The, 511.
- Steam Autocar, Another. 365.
- — Car, Another English-built, 490.
- - A Twelve Horse-power Keene, 368.
- — — Co.’s House’s System. Ltd., 112.
- — for Traction Work, Novel Method of, 526.
- — Carriage, The Reading, 230.
- — Carriages, Early. 100.
- “ Still ” Electric Vehicles, 622.
- Storage of Petrol, The, 413.
- Straker ’Bus, The, 552.
- Streets. The Perils of the. 195.
- — The Problem of the, 244. 443.
- Suburbs—Mr. Balfour’s Suggestion, 102.
- Steam Car, A New, 172.
- Sunbeam Autocar, The, 149.
- Switzerland, Humours of Autocaring in, 447.
- Taylor Motor Bicycle, The, 652.
- Tax on Autocars, Paris, 12.
- Teras Tonneau with Eight Horse-power Engine. 418.
- Thornycroft Boiler, Section of, 530.
- — Waggon, 531.
- Tilburstowe Hill-climbing Contest, 592. 624.
- Times and the Numbering Proposals, 366.
- Timing by Telephone, 26.
- — Gear of a De Dion Engine, Setting the, 615.
- — Ignition Tube, A, 27.
- Toboganning Motor, 179.
- Tolerance Manifest, More, 391.
- Tolls for Autocars. 147.
- — Maidenhead Bridge, 293. 338.
- Toronto, Public Autocar Service for, 243.
- Tour, A Christmas, 2.
- — of the Automobile Club, The Easter. 357.
- Tours in Scotland in Mid-Winter, 101, 125.
- Traction Engines, 243.
- Trade, Meeting of the, 488, 586.
- — Autocar Taxation. 550.
- — Purposes, Motor Vehicles for, 219.
- Traffic, L.C.C. and Metropolitan, 220.
- Trailer Case, The, 26.
- — not a Separate Car, A, 44.
- Transmission Gear of a Motor Carriage, The, 492, 518.
- — Mechanism, Motor Car, 167.
- Trial Certificates, One Hundred Miles, 355.
- — The Proposed 1.200 Miles, 167.
- Trials of Electric Vehicles, 192.
- — for County Councils, 53.
- Trophies of the Law, 314.
- Turgan and Foy Steam Roulette, The, 426.
- Turrell Vibrationless Car, The Seven Horse-power, 253.
- Tyre Construction, Advance in, 53.
- — Profits, Continental, 295.
- Tyre Repairs, Useful for, 478.
- Tyres for Heavy Autocars, The Dunlop Co. and, 239.
- — The Width of, 443.
- Unattended, Leaving a Car, 383.
- Union, The New Motor, 319.
- Valise, The “ E.H.” Motor, 395.
- Valves and Carburetter Combined 59.
- — and Valve Diagrams, 100.
- Van, Coulthard Motor Tip, 224.
- Venerable Motor Cyclist, A, 275.
- Vilain Car, The, 188.
- Voiturette, The Allard, 133.
- — The Argyll, 36.
- — The Ariel, 204.
- — Boyer-Prunelle, 182.
- — Progress, 616.
- — The Ridley, 341.
- — The Simms. 8.
- Voiturettes, Recent Practice in the Design of, 337, 355.
- Waggons, Electric Road, 429.
- Waggon, The Benz Motor, 296.
- Walters Motor Syndicate, 8.
- Walton Motor, The, 251.
- War, Autocars for. 270 , 319 . 392.
- Warning, Numbering Proposals, )rigin of a, 25.
- War, Steam Carriage for U.S.A., t)2.
- Warwickshire County Councils and Automobilism, 144.
- Weight of Racing Cars, The, 508.
- Wellington Light Car, 225.
- Wellington’s Sparking Plug, 133.
- Werner Bicycles, 591.
- — Motor Bicycles, 558.
- West, Mr. H. H., 599.
- Weston, A Run on the, 604.
- — Steam Car, The, 637, 649.
- West, Progress in the, 296.
- Wile’s Timing Ignition Tube. 81.
- Wiring on a Motor Cycle, The, 613.
- White, Mr. J. Walwyn, 622.
- White Sewing Machine Co., 283.
- Wolseley Engine, The Five Horse-power, 152.
- - The Ten Horse-power Two-cylinder, 427.
- — Five Horse-power Voiturette, The
- Wolseley Tool and Motor Co., Ltd., The,
- — Tonneau, The Ten Horse-power,
- Women, Motor Bicycling for, 203.
- Worcester County Councils and Autocars, 240. 428. 3. 53.
- Yale Motor, 7.
- Yorkshire West Riding County Councils and Autocars, 311.