1902 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1902 Jan-Jun Index - Volume 8
- Abandoned. Maybach Appeal. 493.
- Abandoned, Nice-Abbazia Race. 375.
- Abbazia Race, Nice, 60. 90 133 254. 290, 313. 316. 367, 375.
- — Route, Nice, 254.
- Abbott, Chas. E. (letter*, 246.
- Abeille Carburetter, 274.
- Abingdon Voiturette. 402.
- A.B. (query). 46.
- Absolute (query), 72.
- Accessories. Steam Car. 233.
- Accident at Staten Island, 660.
- — near Berkeley, 224.
- — to a Racing Monstrosity. 649.
- Accidents, Liability for. 567.
- Accles and De Veulle Radiator, 106, 216.
- — Terminal Clips, 249.
- Accommodation, Declining to Give, 278.
- — in the New Forest, 266.
- Accumulator, A.BXL, 20.
- — Ariel Tricycle. Changing over, 688.
- — Armoured. 161. 546.
- — Co., Hart, 461.
- — Deposits in. 591.
- — Mr. Carl Oppermann’s, 20.
- — Peto and Radford, 117. 161 546.
- — Query. An, 567.
- — The Edison. 604 . 617, 659. 688.
- — with Voltmeter. Testing, 639.
- Accumulators. 276. 314, 326. 567.
- — Charging. 46. 173, 187 . 221, 227 , 271, 314, 326 . 342, 416, 480 . 667.
- Acetylene Lamps Frozen. 4.
- — Lamp, The Ducillier, 658.
- A.C.F.. The New. 33.
- Acheres, Records at, 419.
- Acid in Motors. Picric. 269.
- Ackerman System of Steering, 591.
- Adjustable Inlet Valve. An. 658.
- Administration of the Law. 341.
- Advance, Exeter. 229.
- Adventure, Dr. Abbott’s Strange, 578.
- Aero Club of Belgium. 552.
- Africa. Cars to South. 42. 272.
- Aged Autocarist, T. Huxley. 179.
- Agency, Sole, 93.
- Agricultural Car, German Emperor's Prize, 18.
- — Hall, List of Exhibitors. 612, Show at the. 425, 608.
- — Show Cars, 608.
- Agriculture. Autocars and, 570.
- — French Minister of, 561.
- — Lincolnshire Chamber of, 609. Air-cooled Motors. 113.
- Air Pump, Automatic. 233. Locomobile, 180, 213. New Steam. 213.
- — Tubes, Deterioration of, 176.
- Alcohol Awards, 581.
- — Circuit, French Northern. 501, 526.
- — Lorries Driven by. 413.
- — Motor Show, French. 581.
- — Possibilities of. 419.
- — Race, France, Northern. 561.
- — Racing in France, 218, 245, 419.
- — The Age of. 59.
- — Trials, 155.
- — International, 60, 245. 290.
- Aldershot District Council and Earl Russell, 65.
- Allen Jeffreys. J. (letter). 632.
- All Weather Motor Bodv. 339, J71.
- Alnwick, Non-stop Run, London to, 647.
- Aluminium Jacket, Napier. 624.
- Amateur Car from a Quad. 131.
- — Interesting Car Built by an, 57, 81.
- Ambulance, A Motor, 639.
- Ambushes for Automobilists. 617.
- America, Automobile Club of. 21. 116, 310.
- — Signposts at Road Crossings. 41.
- American Automobilism, 263.
- — Colonial Patent Rights. Thornycroft
- — Steam Vehicles, 294.
- — Exhibition. 320.
- — Hill Trials. 59.
- — Petrol Car, 285.
- American Speed Trials. 649.
- A.M.I.N.A. (letter). 15, 38.
- Ampere Meter for Electric Vehicles. 160.
- Ancient and Modern, Locomobile at Pyramids. 368.
- Anglesey, Marquis of, 40.
- Annular Inlet Valve. The Napier. 395.
- Another Sphere of Usefulness, 212. Anti-spleen (letter), 137.
- Anxious (letter). 35.
- Appeal Abandoned. Maybach. 493.
- — Belated Motorist’s Unsuccessful, 278.
- — Pending Motorist’s, 614.
- Appearance Contests. 689.
- Arctic Expedition. Autocar’s. 67.
- Ardennes. Course du Circuit des. 685.
- Argyll Car, Glasgow to Bexhill, 8 h.p.. 543.
- — Round the World, 8 h.p.. 530.
- — Cars. Where Made. 683.
- — Double Phaetons, 344.
- — Factory, 394.
- — Light Car, 8 h.p., 86, 530.
- — Sporting Car. 682.
- — Transmission, 94.
- Ariel Circuit. 147.
- — Minerva, Carburetter. 308.
- — Motor quadricycle. 118, 599.
- — Tricycle Carburetter, 308.
- — Changing over Accumulator, 688.
- Armoured Accumulator. 161, 546.
- — Tyres, 344.
- Armour-plated Motor Car. 331.
- Army. Autocar for Reconnaissance. Austrian. 63.
- — Automobile Corps for Swiss, 637.
- Arrest. Power to, 230.
- Assam District. Mails in the. 150.
- — Importation of Motor Spirit Impossible. 66.
- Association Generale Automobile. French, 501.
- Astle-Wallis Petrol Electric Car, 520 , 552.
- Atkey. A. R. (letter), 186.
- Atkinson, J. (letter). 606.
- Attacked by Peasants, 462.
- Attitude Towards the Police. 230.
- A.S. (letter). 667.
- Auction Sales of Motor Cars 272, 296.
- Austin. H.. Means of Supplying Oil or Spirit to Carburetters. 302.
- Australia, Motor Cars in, 310.
- — Benz Victoria in. 65.
- Austrian Army, Autocar for Reconnaissance. 65.
- Autocar. Centenary of the. 10.
- — Its Use and Management. 78.
- — One Law for Horse, Another for, 491.
- — (query), 352.
- Autocarism as I see it (Lady Jeune), 332, 367, 391. 474.
- — Season, 300.
- Autocars for Invalids, 218.
- Autocrat, 115.
- Autogorium, 160.
- Auto Lubrine Co., 296.
- Automobile Association, French, 268. 313.
- — v. Twigg, 344.
- Automobile Club Garage. 19.
- — and Motor Cycles, 274.
- — Easter Tour of the, 259. 345.
- — The. 134.
- — Meeting. 1.
- — Membership. 134.
- — Mr. Roger Wallace, K.C.. Resigns Chairmanship. 584.
- — of America, 21. 116, 310.
- — Belgium, 19, 685.
- — Club’s 100 Miles Trials. 323, 638.
- — Club. The New French, 182.
- — Exhibition at Earl’s Court. Stanley
- — Cycle Club. 531. 552.
- — Mfg. Co., Ltd. (letter), 221.
- — Winding up. 173.
- — Mutual Protection Association. Ltd., 482, 498. 513.
- Automobiles on Railways in France. 290.
- — (review). 631.
- Automobilism in Italy. 41.
- the States. 263.
- Automobilist, A Veteran, 228.
- Automobilists and Farmers, 12.
- Awards at Crystal Palace Show, 198.
- Babette (letter), 270, 339.
- Baby Peugeots. 161, 238.
- Back Firing, 203.
- Backwards “ Race,” 76.
- Badminton Library, 381.
- — Magazine. 6.
- Bad Roads, 502.
- Baines Valve Lifter, Mr. W. A., 695.
- Baker Electric Racer, 649.
- Balancing of Engines, 67, 92.
- Motors, 31.
- Balfour, Mr. A. J., at Crystal Palace Show, 186.
- — Lunching, Mr. A. J.. 535.
- Ball and Roller Bearing. A Combined, 366.
- Ballooning. Severo, Tragic End. 528.
- Balloon Shed, Santos-Dumont’s. 274. Ball Valve. 174.
- Bank. Motor Car, 687.
- Barber, Mr. Lorenzo. 187, 318.
- Bardon Cars. 159.
- Bartleet on Tyres. H. Wilton, 55. 137.
- Basse and Michel, Agency of, 215.
- Bath Roads. Police. Staines and. 550.
- Batteries for Traction Purposes, Storage. 550.
- — Primary. 489.
- — Storage, 12.
- Battle of Flowers, An Automobile. 607, 670, 690.
- B.A.T. (letter). 633.
- Bayldon Condenser. 657.
- Bazaar. Daimler Motor Car for Coronation. 474.
- — Great Ormonde Hospital, 411, 474.
- B.C.C. (query). 120.
- Beales. T. W. L. (letter). 605.
- Bearing. Combined Ball and Roller, 365.
- Bearings, Napier Transmission Roller, 624.
- — Professor Hele-Shaw on Roller, 298.
- Beaufort Car. 476.
- Beaufort’s Driver Charged. Duke of, 491.
- Beeston-Humber Bicycle, 599.
- Beevers. F., Bun on a M.M.C. Car, 140.
- Beevor, Mr.. Starting from Cromer, 518.
- Begbie-Audin Radiator, 154.
- Cooling. 142.
- Behaviour of Cars. 205. 246.
- Belgian Critics, 378.
- Belgium. Aero Club of, 552.
- — and Paris-Vienna Race, 691.
- — Annual Tax. 18.
- — Automobile Club of, 19, 685.
- — Prince and Princess Albert of, 344.
- Belle Cars, 634.
- — 6h.p., 655.
- Bell, F. L. (letter). 481.
- Belsize Car, 66. 130, 249.
- Belt Couplers. 31.
- — Dressing, 141.
- — Fastener, Mr. G. Calvert’s, 375.
- — Shifting for Benz Cars. Pedal. 64.
- Benz, A. G. Reynolds. 3| h.p.. 634.
- — Car in Sabarmati. 20.
- — Cars, Pedal Belt Shifting for, 64.
- — New 15 h.p„ 409. 470.
- — Victoria in Australia. 65.
- Benzine. 20. 67.
- Bertin Eight-cylindered Motor, 141.
- Bexhill, Darracq and Clement Cars at. _ 637
- — Motor Cycling Club at. 497.
- — Preliminary Canters at, 491.
- — Reminiscences of, 619.
- Bexhill’s New Charter, 584 , 601, 639.
- — Speed Trials at. 259. 463 . 491. 506. 518. 553, 586, 600. 611. 637 , 696
- Bicycle. A Test Bun on the Holden 145
- — Awards at Crystal Palace Show 199
- — Beeston -Humber. 599.
- — Enfield Motor. 456.
- Bicycle, Excelsior Motor. 249.
- — Exhaust Box for Motor. 672.
- — for Business Purposes. Motor. 676.
- — Gear, 97.
- — George Eliot Motor. 595.
- — by Jacquot, New Two-speed. 635.
- — Hewetson's Motor. 40. 53. 141.
- — Holden Motor. 159, 505.
- — Humber Chain-driven Motor. 571.
- — Joos Motor, 28.
- — Kirk Motor. 79.
- — Licence, Motor. 46.
- — Patents, Motor. 246.
- — Query, Motor. 220.
- — Sherbourne Motor, 621.
- — Singer Motor, 371. 412. 528. 605.
- — Phoenix Motor. 4.
- — Stolen. A Motor, 257.
- — the King Motor. 349.
- — Two to One Gear Wheels. Motor. 639.
- — up Stoneleigh Hill, Singer Motor. 187.
- — with Variable Gear. 154.
- — Woking and Back, Holden Motor, 300.
- Bicycles. A. Craig on Motor. 225.
- — and Fire Insurance, Motor, 593.
- — Frame for Motor. 2.
- — Motor. 226. 246, 270. 293, 369, 376 . 676.
- — Trailers and. 380.
- — Variable Gear for. 185. 221, 246, 517.
- Bicycling. Motor. 341.
- Bicyclist. A Pioneer Lady Motor. 537.
- Biggs, T. J. (letter), 61.
- Bijou Voiturette. 93,
- Bill for Autoearists. 675.
- Billiardist’s Car. 236.
- Billington. L. 'query), 97.
- Bill Suggested, 231.
- Bishop, C. Herbert (letter), 221.
- Bishop of Bath and Wells. 472. Blackballed. 115.
- Blacklead Experiments on Tyres. 76.
- — French Chalk v.. 99.
- Blount. Bertram (letter), 480.
- Body, All-weather Motor. 339. 371.
- Boers. A Motor Lorry for the, 616.
- Boiler. Bolsover Flash. 335.
- Boiler (letter). 607.
- — Priming of Locomobile. 36. 61, 92 111. 137. 343.
- — Scale Deposits in, 330 . 481.
- Boilers. Small. 330.
- — Steam (Serpollet), Flash. 232.
- — The Advantages of a Flash. 37.
- Bollee. Run by an Old. 463.
- — Voiturette, 139.
- Bolsover Flash Boiler, 335.
- Bolton's Patent. R. L.. 459.
- Book for Autocarists, 353.
- Borax and Rose Water Eye Lotion, 474.
- Bordeaux. Motor Cycle Telegraph Deliveries for. 544.
- Bosnia. Tour in. 219.
- Bournemouth. Night Drive to. 361, 469.
- Boyer and Co., 18.
- B. (query). 72.
- Bracey. W. E. (letter). 293.
- Brake. Engine as a, 415. 513.
- Brakes, 37.
- — Tests. 71. 610.
- at Welbeck, Speed and, 68. 77.
- — Trials. 13, 26.
- Braking. Electrical 38.
- Brassey’s Car. Lord. 174.
- Breach of Contract. Alleged. 540.
- Breakage of Exhaust Valves. 266 . 337. 415.
- Brewer’s Motor Van. 338.
- Bridge, at. Stockport. Frost and Stevenson Crossing a Railway, 614.
- — Tolls. Durham. 412.
- — — Maidenhead. 49. 277.
- Bright. Herbert (letter'. 502.
- Brighton. To. on a Roaring Forty. 579.
- Bristol. Hill Climbing at 248.
- British Autocar Industry. Position of, 5.
- — Automobile Commercial Syndicate
- — Extension. 188.
- — Goodwin v. 118.
- — Ltd. (letter . 17.
- — Syndicate. Ltd.. Simonds v., 638.
- British Electromobile Co., 160.
- — Feature”. 233.
- — Motor Traction Co. v. Friswell 118, 482, 493.
- Co.’s Winding up. 482.
- — v. Foreign Cars, 271.
- Broadbent, (querv). 303.
- Brooke Car, Cylinder” Cooling. 370.
- — Three-cvlinder. 336.
- Rrooke’s Car. 106.
- Broughams. Electric. 222.
- Brown Brothers.. De Dion-Bouton v., 602.
- — Mrs. S. B.. 517.
- Brush-Abeille Car. lOh.p.. 311.
- Brush Autocars. 94, 274.
- — Dawson Ignition. 94.
- — Light Car. lOh.p., 274.
- Brussel”. Automobile Exhibition in, 275.
- — Speed in, 248.
- Buckingham Palace. Automobiles Outside. 317.
- Bucknail. Mr. A. Leslie, 368, 595.
- Buffalo Petrol Car, 321.
- Buffer Tyres, 96, 242. 477, 505.
- Buffoline Noiseless Gear, 329. 370, 584.
- — Co. (letter). 584.
- Buses at Portsmouth, Motor. 300.
- — in New York, Electrically-driven. 100.
- 'Bus. Fischer Motor. 571.
- — A New Motor, 233.
- — Hammersmith—Oxford Circus, 295, 379.
- Bush. T. H. (letter), 271.
- (query), 227.
- Business Purposes, Motor Bicycle or Tricycle for, 676.
- Burner. Clarkson. 150.
- — for Steam Cars. Paraffin, 54.
- — Starter, A New, 87.
- — Steatite. 116.
- Burning of Exhaust Valves, 416.
- the Platinum Points, 567.
- Buxton. Provincial Clubs at, 566.
- Byelaws, Six Miles an Hour over a Bridge. 614.
- Cabs. St. Petersburg Motor, 344.
- Cib. The Crawling Hansom. 246.
- OiCI, Solutions. Freezing Points of, 234.
- Calcidum, to Prevent Water Freezing, 41, 234.
- Calcium Chloride. Objections to. 234.
- Calvert’s. Mr. G.. Belt Fastener, 375.
- Camshaft in an Oil Bath. 624.
- Canadian Customs’ Authorities. 66.
- Candler. Arthur (letter), 341.
- Canning. Leopold (letters), 185, 315. 316. 340. 343.
- — Nice Week, bv Hon. Leopold. 241.
- Cannstatt-Daimler Car, 689.
- Cannstadt. Steam Cars at. 603.
- Canopy to De Dion Car, 372.
- — Required for Automobile Business. 530.
- Caprices of Cars, 158.
- — Petrol Motors. 170.
- Carage. Automobile Club, 19.
- — Garage or. 93.
- Caravaning, Motor. 357.
- Carburants and Carburetters. 314.
- Carburetter and Inlet Valve. Carlton Combined, 390.
- — Constant Level. 656.
- — De Dion. 308, 377.
- — Flooding, 327. 479.
- — Kelecom. 289.
- — Problem. 308.
- — (query). 377.
- — Sthenos. 11.
- — The New Fillet, 499.
- — The Star, 13.
- — Trouble. 97. 114.
- Carburetters, Carburants and. 314.
- — F. W. Dalton and F. R. Wade 30?.
- — H. Austin, Means of Supplying Oil to, 302.
- Cardiff Ice and Cold Storage Co.. 517.
- — Police Notice, 551.
- — (query). 591.
- Care of Tvres. 123.
- Cir Heavy Oil Motor, 19.
- r’nr’qbrooke Castle and Motor Car. 411.
- Carlton Combined Carburetter and Inlet Valve. 390.
- — Hotel Electric Carriage Service, 39.
- Carnival. Liverpool. 691.
- Carriage of Goods. Autocars for, 75.
- Carriages Carlton Hotel Electric, 39.
- — Definitions, 676.
- Cars. Behaviour of. 205. 246.
- — Built too Low. 95
- Castor Oil and Resin for Belts. 141.
- r’atnlvcis. Ignition by 216.
- Catalytique Igniter. The Electro. 164.
- Cattnrd C.C.'s Climb—Westerham Hill. Kent. 662.
- Causes of Many Complaints. 206.
- Census of Vehicles in Pans, 41.
- Centaur Engine Panhard. 30.
- Centaur Motor. The Light, 547.
- Centenary of the Autocar. 10.
- Century Tandem Voiturettes. 249.
- Ceil for Traction Work. 461.
- Cel1'? Repaired Leaden Storage. 585.
- — Two Lead Line Storage. 100.
- Cerberus (letter), 113.
- Certificates 76.
- Motor in, 84.
- C.G.F.L. (letter). 341.
- C.G.V. 40 h n. Racing Car. 575.
- opinh/^be Steam Van. 485
- Chauffeur in America, 41.
- — (letter). 342.
- Chain-driven Motor Bicycle. Humber. 571.
- Chain Mail Cover for Tyres, 569.
- Challenge. The Fastest Car, A. 220.
- Champion Friction Clutch. 94.
- Change-speed Gears, Jarring. 666.
- Changing Engines. 23.
- — Over Accumulator. Ariel Tricycle, 688.
- Chapelle Motor Bicycle. 653.
- Charcoal as Fuel for Steam Cars. 222.
- Charging Accumulators. 46. 173, 187, 221. 227. 271. 314 , 342, 416. 480 . 667.
- Charter. BexhilFs New. 584. 601, 639.
- Chat Noir, Le, 208.
- Cherfil’g Patent. A. D.. 460.
- Chicago Motor Show. 320.
- — Show. Some Cars at. 317.
- Child. Arthur E. (letter). 528.
- Children in Front of Autocars, Dagger of, 95.
- Chubb, W. L. (letter), 315.
- Circuit. Ariel, 147.
- — De Dion, 147.
- — du Nord Race—Maurice Farman. 609.
- — French Northern Alcohol, 501.
- — Northern, 245, 290.
- Circuiting. Short. 222, 292.
- Circulation. Ignition and the Water, 312.
- — Water, 339. 370. 480.
- City Men, The Autocar for, 25.
- — Storage for Motors. 25.
- Clarkson and Capel Steam Car Syndicate’s Premises. 96.
- Clement Car at Bexhill Darr^cq and. 637. The 91 h.o.. 596. 620. 668.
- — 8 h.p. Two-evader, 524. ’’nh. A Steen. 332.
- r”imhg, The Richmond Hill, 150. 166. 185.
- Ciinner-Continental Tyres. 248 . 267. r’i1-nr<eY»..M’irhelin Tyres. 362.
- Clips. Accles anddeVeuIle Terminal. 249. 4 Night Driving. 366.
- ranekwork Lamp for Autocars. 221. ^n+bing. 471.
- A Touring. 633.
- — Cnr^ge. Automobile. 19.
- — Diu^er. Nottingham. 69. The Automobile. 478.
- — English Motor. 285
- — fnp Snuth^ea and District. V’7
- — rvnA Phu d red ^iles Trml 323.
- — Lincolnshire. 173. 324, 574, 686. Motor Cycle. 550.
- _ ^r-nohe«ter Automobile. 170 507. 597.
- _ VoTT»hAr«bip Automobile. 134.
- _ ^dl^d Automobile. 324. 508 51 o
- — Mr. Roger Wallace. K.C., Resigned
- Chairmanship of the Automobile. 584
- — French Automobile 182.
- — Nottingham and District Autom^b'1** 144. 412.
- — M Belgium. Automobile. 19 685.
- — Portsmouth and District Automnb’l<* 140. 27?
- — Programme for 1902-3 1.
- — Provincial Representation 258 306
- — Removal to Piccadillv. The Aut'un bilP, 9.53.
- — Pun English Motor. 39
- — Scottish Automobile. 307. 324. 512. 531. 641. 669.
- — Sneed Trials. Rules for the. 689.
- — storages. 61.
- — 'Pbe Automobile. 134 253.
- _ The Beading Automobile. 42.
- — vork«hire Automobile. 671.
- — Wnlverhavnnton Automobile 96.
- Clubq and the Parent Club. Provincial 150. 186. 220.
- — at Burton, Provincial. 566. '"’hitches. 13. 94.
- Coachman. Definition of a. 357.
- — or Groom. Motor Equivalent of. 357.
- Coachman’* Position. Pathetic, 391.
- Cogan. Philin (queryl 672.
- Coil Alteration of Trembler. 464.
- — Defective. 97.
- — Induction. 626.
- — Ticking in the. 303.
- — Wirino- oft 121.
- CoiK 276
- — Continuous 316.
- Coincidence Interesting 116.
- Collett. E. W. (letter). 13.
- Colli or Twin Tvre Co. (letter) 583.
- Combined Inlet Valve and Fuel Fe°d 666.
- — Petrol and Electric Car. 215. ^nm^diar’s Car, A Well-known, 4.
- Comfort before Smartness, 451.
- Commercial Travellers. 676. 689.
- Common Danger Driving to the. 282.
- What is. 281.
- Commonsense (letter), 607.
- Commutator. 598.
- — on Dashboard, 233.
- Comnared with Autocars, Horse Carriage 610.
- ^omnlniutg. Causes of Mnnv, 206
- Compound Air and Water Steam Pn™~ 23d compression, Increasing, 327.
- — Space, Dimensions of, 672.
- Con Bobyl (letter), 605.
- Condenser, 37.
- — Bayldon, 657.
- — berpoilet, 84.
- — Vapomobile, 477.
- Congress at Dijon, 182, 627.
- Connaught's Napier, Duke of, 664 , 697.
- — Visit to Warwick Castle, Dune and
- — Duchess of. 601.
- Connections, Electric, 640.
- Constaoies on Main Boads, Police, 569.
- — Stop Watches Supplied to Isle oi Wight. 008.
- Constant Level Carburetter, 656.
- Construction and Governing of High Compression Motors, by C. C. Longridge, 213.
- Construction, Elements of Car, 78.
- Consumption on. mgh-powered Cars, fuel, 91.
- — Petrol, z83, 412.
- — Trials at Crystal Palace, Cycle, 373. HB 1-cum Ding ana, 332.
- — in Pans, lo9, 182, 2b8. ol Touring Xenicles, 548.
- Consulting engineer (letter), 02.
- Contact-breaKer, Oil on, 6u5, 000, 666.
- Contest, Tyre Kemoving, 19.
- Continental caoutcnouc and Guttaperch.. Company, 37a.
- — Notes and JNews, 268 , 269, 290 . 291, 313. 314, 501, o02, o26, 32/, 348, oai, oaz,, DUO, 604, 62/, 628, 62y, 661, 662.
- — Practice, 4y2.
- — lyre Patent in Germany, 214.
- — continuous Coils, 316.
- — GUIS, 2^3, 340.
- Comract, Alleged Breach of, 540.
- Contradictory Pales, 336.
- Contrast—cruelty and Speed, 419.
- Controllability of Autocars, Salety and, 26, 30/.
- Control, Exhaust Valve, 278, 293.
- — 01 Motor Car, 231.
- — Throttle, 316.
- Conveyance ui Goods to Villages, 274.
- Conviction, ±,50 line on a Second, 320.
- cooler in Frosty weather, 4, 234.
- Cooling Beguie-Audin Kadiator, 142.
- — cj nnders, oZu.
- — w ater, 203.
- .breezing Prevented, 41, 234.
- Coop, F. (letter;, 632, 006.
- Coops 3i h.p. ixew Orleans. Mr. J., 297.
- Corcutt, Lecture by Mr., 337.
- Cordingley, .exhibition and Mr., 188.
- Cornwall, A Car for, 65o.
- Coronation Bazaar, Daimler Motor C«. for, 474.
- — processions, A Suggestion for, 592.
- Correspondence, 13, 14, 13, 16, 1/, 16, 3., 30, 3/, 08, 01, 62, 63, 64. 91, 9z, yo, ix. 112, 113, 114, lio, 134, 135, 130, loz, io>, 10^, lao. io/, 138, 184, 18o, 186, 22U, 246, 247, 248, 2/U, 2/1, 2/2, 2y2, 2yo, 2y, £3^, 314, 310, 316, 339, 340, 341, 342, O4w, 369, 370, 3/1, 4/y, HDU, 481, 502, o0o, 5zb, 083, 384, 604, 603, 606, 607, 631, 632, 6cc,
- 600, 067, 688, 689.
- Cost of maintenance, 294.
- — Running a Motor Quadricycle, 37, 93. Tyres, 260.
- — Working Steam Car, 677.
- Costume oi White Colt Skin, 222. Uove, ii. (letter), 112, 666.
- Cover. Blowing oil Tyre, 248.
- Coulthard’B Five-ton Lorries, 24.
- Coulthard Waggon, 159.
- County Council, Basex, 27. proposals, 76, 325.
- — Warwickshire, 140.
- County Councils and Autocars, 143, 513.
- — Association, Proposals of the, 340.
- Change of Front, 26.
- — Liabuities, 99.
- Couplers, Belt, 32.
- Course du Circuit des Ardennes, 685.
- Courtesy to Police, 230.
- Cover for Tyres, Chain Mail, 569.
- Cowl to Flario Lamps, 689.
- Craft, Motors for Pleasure, 274.
- Craig, Alexander, Patent, 656.
- — on Motor Bicycles, 225.
- Crank Chamber, Oil in the, 624.
- — (letter), 343. ,
- Cripps’s, Mr. B., Progress Voiturette, 3IO.
- Critchley, Mr. J. S., and Daimler Co., 95.
- Criticism, An Unanswerable, 257.
- Criticisms of BivalB, 305.
- Crombie’s Cars, Mr. Walter G., 287.
- Cromer, Easter Tour to. 259, 345.
- — Mr. Beevor Starting from, 518.
- — Trials at, 346.
- Crossingham, T. G. (letter), 369.
- Cross-over Switch, 688.
- Crowd, Charging against, 67.
- Cruelty to a Donkey, 419.
- Crystal Palace Co.’s Medals, 66.
- Cycle Consumption Trials at the, 373
- — Hill Trials at the, 373, 414.
- Motor Cycling at the. 199, 219 , 224
- Motor Show, The, 162, 190.
- C. Tx.. Motor Cycle Section of the Metropolitan District Association of the, 142 171
- Cudell, Mr. Max, 305.
- Cup. Gordon-Bennett, 33, 47, 181, 185. current, .Leakage of, 46a.
- Customs Authorities, Canadian, 66.
- Cycle Consumption Trials at the Crystal Palace, 373.
- — Drives, Belt or Chain, 132.
- — ignition, Motor, 23, 61.
- — items. Motor, 566.
- — Records, Motor, 291.
- — section, Metropolitan District Association of C.T.C., Motor, 142.
- Cycles at the Crystal Palace Show, Motor. 199. 219, 414.
- —- and How to Manage Them, Motor, 645.
- — Tradesmen’s Motor, 676.
- Cyclists' Hints, 217.
- — Touring Club—Motor Cycle Section. 40.
- Cylinder Dimensions, 377.
- — Meads and Water Jackets, 1.
- — Jackets, Non-freezing Liquids for, 234.
- — Lubrication, 567, 583, 606.
- Cylinders, Cooling, 370.
- Daimler Car, Cannstatt, 689.
- cooling Cylinders, 370.
- — Cars, 83, 159.
- — The King’s, 93.
- — with 'Tube and Electric Ignition, 159.
- —- Herr Gottlieb, 338.
- — Lorry, 614.
- — Motor Car for Coronation Bazaar, 474.
- — Mr. Alfred Harmsworth’s 22h.p., 637.
- -- Mr. W. J. Pealls, 236, 611.
- Daimlers, Various Borts ol, 22.
- Dalton and Wade, Carburetters, 302.
- Damages, Autocar, 269.
- — to a Motor Car, 18.
- Danger, Children in Front of Autocars, 95.
- — of Horses, 325.
- Darracq and Clement Cars at Bexhill, 637.
- -9 h.p., 607, 632.
- Darracqs, New Light, 551.
- Dashboard, Commutator on, 233.
- Dashwood Hill Tests. 532, 585, 636, 678.
- Dauphinois Automobile Club, 662.
- Davies, W. H. (query), 639.
- Deal and Walmer Service. 116.
- Decauville Car, The, 42, 647, 662.
- Decorated Car, Woodford Meet, 634.
- Decrees, Prince of Monaco’s, 19.
- De Dietrich Omnibus, 511.
- De Dion and Eagle, Race between, 635.
- — Batteries, 566.
- — Dion-Bouton Ltd., English Co., 161.
- — Profits, 117.
- — v. Brown Bros., 602.
- — Carburetter, 308, 377. Oars, 142, 283.
- — Circuit, 147. 8h.p., 457.
- — Engine, 42, 293. Water Tank for, 376.
- “ De Dion,” The Name, 602.
- — Voiturette, 15L
- — with New 6 h.p. Engines, 4$ h.p., 306.
- Defective Coil, 97.
- Defects, Motor Cycle, 397.
- Degraia upon 40 h.p. Mercedes-Simplex, 383.
- Delahaye Motor, 4s h.p., 376.
- — The, 502.
- — Tonneau, 6 h.p., 3.
- Delivery Van, Electric, 160.
- Gillet-Forest, 484, 549, 614.
- — Vans, 314.
- Dennis Bros., 52, 187.
- — Cars, 187.
- Deposit. Action to Recover. 146.
- Deposits in Accumulators, 591.
- Deputation to President of Local Government Board. 143.
- Depression of Freezing Point. 178, 247.
- Desert, An Automobile through the. 665.
- Design. Change not Improvement. Tendency of, 544.
- D. E. S. (query), 639.
- Detail Improvements, 624.
- Deterioration of Air Tubes, 176.
- Devonshire Lane, Turning in a, 625.
- Deykin, J. H. (letter). 14.
- D. G. H. (query), 23, 46, 97 . 615.
- Diameter, Pitch, 185.
- Diameters of Wheels, 376.
- Diaphragm Throttle Valve, Iris, 334.
- Dickson, J. (query), 46.
- Dieppe Automobile Fete, 662.
- Diesel Oil Engine, 634.
- Dijon, Congress at, 182, 627.
- Dimensions, Cylinder, 377.
- — oi Compression Space, 672.
- Dinner, Lincolnshire club, 324.
- — The Automobile Club, 478.
- Disinterestedness, finance. Motor and Journalism, 229.
- Dispenser and Car Driver. 355.
- Dispensing Justice by Telegram, 667.
- Disputed Purchase, A, 615.
- Distress, Wanted. A Signal of, 635.
- Docks, Motor Vehicles lor, 5.
- Docking v. the Sports Motor Car Co.. 146.
- Doctor 8 Car and Dispenser. 355.
- — Humber, 267.
- — Experience. 315.
- Dogs and Motor Cyclists. 635.
- Doinar, Hugh, 132, 323.
- Donkey, cruelty to a, 419.
- Donkin, Tile Late Mr. Bryan. 275.
- Double Phaeton, De Dion. 142.
- Downs, A. (query), 640.
- Dowson, W. E. (query), 203.
- Draliow (query;, 416.
- Dressing Belt. 141.
- Drip or Gravity Feeds, 309.
- Drivers, Supply of Professional, 676.
- Drive, Learning to, 648.
- Driving, Furious, 26.
- — Hints, 151.
- — in the Gale, 123.
- — Motors and Motor, 381.
- — to the Common Danger, 282.
- Dublin, Motor Cycle Club at, 273.
- — Cycling Club, 273.
- Ducellier Acetylene Lamp. The, 658.
- Dudgeon Steam Waggon, 354.
- Duiiu8, Lennox (query;, 146.
- Duke of Beaufort’s Driver Charged, 491.
- Dumont Electric Starting Device, 317.
- Dupont Two-speed Gear, 67, 417, 602.
- Durham Bridge Tolls. 412.
- Durkopp Car, 8h.p., 8.
- Duryea Co. (letter), 316.
- Duryea’s Design for a Racer, Mr. Chas. E. , 297, 333.
- — The, 157, 184.
- — Three-wheeler, The, 614.
- Dust, 41, 474, 655.
- — Oil and, 655.
- — the Only Drawback, 367.
- Dynamo (query), 591.
- Eagle, 8 h.p., 559.
- Eagle Car for Paris-Vienna Race, 189.
- — Race between Mr. Jarrott on De Dion and Mr. Jackson on, 635.
- Earl’s Court, Stanley C.C., Automobile Exhibition at, 531, 552.
- Earth Wire, 73.
- Easter Tour to Cromer, 259, 345.
- E. B. (letter;, 343.
- Economical Production, 306. Economy of Power, 662.
- Edge and the Kilometre Record. Mr.. 249.
- Edge, Mr. S. F., and Gordon - Bennett Race, 681.
- Edge's, Mr., International Medal, 361. (letter), 13, 61, 220, 370.
- — 6i h.p. Gladiator, Mr. S. F., 691.
- — 16 h.p. Napier, Mr. S. F., 690.
- Edinburgh, Cars Driven Recklessly in, 344.
- Edinburgh Club, 324.
- — Motor Trade, 187.
- Edison Accumulator. The, 6C4, 617, 659, 688.
- Edison’s Storage Batteries for Traction Purposes, 550.
- Edwards’s, Mr. E. A., Paper, 414.
- Edwards, N. Getter), 91.
- E. E. B. (query), 672.
- Egerton, Mr. Hubert, 291.
- E. J. B. (query), 46.
- Eight-cylindered Motor, Bertin. 141.
- El Dorado Motor Car, 258, 274.
- Election, Autocar at an, 95.
- — Lost by a Puncture, 461.
- Electrical Accumulator, Edison’s New. 604, 617.
- — Braking, 38.
- Electrically driven Buses, New' York, 100.
- Electrical Motor Lorry. 19.
- — Motor Vehicles, Triale of, 273, 512.
- — Vehicles, 252.
- Electric Broughams, 222.
- — Car. ABtle-Wallis Petrol, 520.
- — Combined Petrol and, 215.
- Explosion on an. 155.
- — Carriage Co., City and Suburban. 118.
- — Service, Carlton Hotel, 39.
- — Electric Connections, 640.
- — Delivery Van, 160.
- — Ignition, 276.
- — Daimler Car with Tube and, 159. Early, 459.
- — to a Panhard, 120.
- — Lamps for Examining Machinery, 541.
- — Landaulet Co., 274.
- — Landaulettes, Mrs. Langtry, 160.
- — Novelties, 12.
- — Racer, The Baker, 649.
- — Starting Device. Dumont, 317.
- — Torch, 20.
- — Vehicles. Amperemeter for, 160.
- — Waverley, 465.
- Electrician’s Pocket Book, Practical. 5.
- Electro Catalytique Igniter, The. 164.
- Electromobile, A Ninety-seven Miles Run on an, 659.
- — Pressure to be used on an, 88.
- — The Future of the, 16, 38, 136. 157, 293.
- — Trials, 695.
- Electromobiles at Niagara, 188.
- — Long Buns on, 688.
- Electromobilism, Beview of. 41.
- Eiyard-Brown, D. (letter), 38, 136.
- Endurance Run, America, 67, 525, 649.
- Engine as a Brake, 415, 513.
- — Diesel Oil, 634.
- — Forman Four-cylinder, 521.
- — Owner (letter), 343.
- — Panhard (Centaur), 30.
- — Power, 47, 62, 72, 92. 114, 184. 376. 417.
- — Reversing, 23.
- — Single-cylinder, 175.
- — Soncin, 154.
- Engines. Balancing of, 67, 92.
- — Changing, 23.
- — Panhard, 668.
- — Simms Stationary. 60.
- — Single Cylinder. 220.
- — The Use of Water in Explosion, 525.
- English Cars, Price of, 61, 92.
- — Motor Club Run, 32. En Panne, 516.
- Enquiry (letter), 633.
- Enterprise in Guildford. 304.
- — Misdirected, 205.
- Essex County Council. 27.
- Estcourt. E. (letter), 340, 370.
- Estimating Pace. Difficulty in, 543.
- Examining Machinery, Electric Lamps for, 541.
- Excelsior Motor Bicycle, 249.
- Exeter and the Autocar Industry, 229.
- — Omnibuses for. 66.
- Exhaust Box and Ignition. Reports in, 552
- Exelene Oils for Motor Work. 160
- Exhaust Box for Motor Bicycle, 672.
- — Lifter, 138.
- — Valve Control, 278, 293.
- — Valves, Burning of. 416.
- — — Breakage of. 266 . 337, 415.
- — with Cast-iron Heads, 637.
- Exhaustless Motor, 110.
- Exhibition and Mr. Cordingley. 188.
- — American, 320.
- — King’s Lynn, 160.
- — Brussels, Automobile. 275.
- — Items. 475.
- — Question. 277, 312, 468. 482. 607.
- Exhibitions. Unreadiness for, 76.
- — Provincial. 50.
- — Trials and, 87.
- — Agricultural Hall. 425.
- Exhibitors, List of Agricultural Hall, 612.
- Ex-member, An (letter). 134.
- Expansion in the Otto Cycle. Increased, 577.
- Experience. 229.
- — A Doctor’s. 315.
- — of Motor Quadricycle, 57.
- Experiences. A Lady's. 136.
- — The Locomobile. A Season's. 17.
- — of Automobilists. 592, 422.
- — Steam Car. 62, 136.
- — Up-to-date Quad. 396.
- Experimental Cars. 492.
- Explosion on an Electric Car. 155:
- — Engines, The Use of Water in. 525.
- Explosive Engine, 342-
- Exported from United States Cars. 310.
- Exports of Automobiles. 462.
- — Imports and, 149, 272.
- Extraordinary Propositions. Some, 325.
- Eye Lotion. Borax and Rose-water, 474.
- Fair Trading in Motor Cars. 113, 137.
- Falconnet Tyres, The. 136.
- Farmers and Autocars, 12. 570.
- Farman, Maurice, Circuit du Nord, 609.
- Fastest Car, The: A Challenge. 220.
- Fast Travelling, Sensations of—M. Ser- pollet, 468.
- Fatality, The Lincolnshire. 615.
- Fathead (letter), 184.
- Fat Spark? What is a, 120.
- Feed. Combined Oil and Water, 84. Inlet Valve and Fuel, 666.
- Feeds. Drip or Gravity, 309
- F.E.R. (letter), 134.
- F.G.D. (query), 121.
- Fiction, Autocar, 80.
- Fieldhouse, H. (letter;, 138.
- Fifty Pounds Fine on a Second Conviction. 525, 513.
- Fillet Carburetter, The New, 499.
- Filling Water Tanks, Hose Pipe for, 319.
- Filter Spout. Salsbury’s Petrol, 28.
- Finance, Motor Car, 467.
- Finance, Motor and Journalism Ibs- interestedness, 229.
- Fine on a Second Conviction, Fifty Pounds, 325.
- Fines, Proposal to Raise, 325.
- Fire Brigade, An Up-to-date, 421. Gainsborough, 368, 421.
- Hose Reel, 642.
- Motor Car for, 18, 421.
- — Car on, 297.
- — Engine, 642.
- -- — al Worcester, Motor, 608.
- — Engines, Motor Steam, 109.
- — Extinguishing Appliances, 21.
- — Insurance, Motor Bicycles and, 593.
- Firing Back, 203.
- — Irregular. 255.
- Firth. Mr. Staples, Photographed, 518.
- Fischer Motor Bus, 571.
- Fischer Motor Vehicle Co., 215.
- Five Thousand Miles Trial, 574.
- Fishing Boats with Motors, 274; 289.
- Fixtures, Continental Automobile, 335.
- Flash Boiler, Bolsover, 335.
- — The Advantages of, 37.
- — Steam (Serpollet), 232.
- Flashlight, A Motor, 626.
- Fleming, John J. (query), 464.
- Fletcher, Norman, 479.
- Flints on Roads, 37.
- Float Feed, 309.
- Floods, Autocars in, 42.
- Flooding Carburetter. 327, 479.
- Flowers. An Automobile Battle of, 607, 670, 690.
- “ Flying,’’ 275.
- Foden Lurry, 45.
- Foley, R. T. (letter), 293.
- Folkingham, A Meet at, 629. cord. Andrew (query), 327.
- Fording, 629.
- Foreign Autocars, Imports of, 317.
- — Cars, British versus, 271.
- Forman Four-cylinder Engine, 521.
- Formula for H.P., 13.
- Foster 15 h.p. Steamer, 321.
- Four-cylinder Engine, Forman. 521.
- Fox Hunting and Autocars. 12.
- F.P.N. (query), 673.
- Frames, Standardisation of, 501.
- France. Alcohol Racing in, 218, 245 , 419.
- — Automobile Industry in, 249.
- — Automobile Club de, 33, 529.
- — Byelaws in, 661.
- — Law in, 661.
- — Motor Car Postal Vans in, 266, 523.
- — Northern Alcohol Race in. 561.
- Freestone (letter), 221, 292.
- Freezing Point, Depression of, 178, 247.
- — 1. 134, 158.
- — Points of CaCl2 Solutions, 234.
- — Prevented. Cooling Water, 41, 134.
- — Radiators, 158.
- French Alcohol Motor Show, 581.
- — Association Generale Automobile. 501.
- — Automobile Association. 268. 313.
- — Industry and Alcohol, 419. Club, The New, 182.
- — Chauffeur and Rule of the Road, 140.
- — Consumption Trials. 169, 182.
- — Chalk v. Blacklead. 99.
- — Driving. 367.
- — Jottings, 33, 34, 35. 59, 60. 89, 90. 109. 110. Ill, 133. 134, 155, 156. 181, 182. 183. 218. 219. 245.
- — Limit of Speed, 661.
- — Lorry Trials, 124.
- — Motor Industry, 49.
- — Northern Alcohol Circuit, 501, 526.
- — Touring Club, 349.
- — Trials, 24, 314.
- Frentzel and Lehwess, Action against, 117, 278, 412.
- Friction Clutch, Champion, 94.
- Frictional Loss—Greases. 372.
- Friswell, British Motor Traction Co. v.. 118, 482, 493.
- — C. (letter), 271, 503.
- — Ltd.. Taylor v., 615.
- Frost and Stevenson Crossing Bridge at Stockport, 614.
- Frosty Weather, Coolers in, 4.
- Steam Gauge in, 136.
- Frown. The Automobile, 164.
- Frozen, Acetylene Lamps, 4.
- — Radiator, 235.
- F. S.C.B. (query), 23.
- Fuel Consumption, 688.
- — on High-powered Cara. 91.
- — Feed, Combined Inlet Valve and, 666.
- — Liquid, 2.
- Funnel or Tundish, Useful, 660.
- Furious Driving, 26, 40.
- — Charge of, 515, 594, 676.
- — King of Italy Stopped, 411.
- — Ordinary Law of, 675.
- Future of the Electromobile, 16, 38, 136, 157.
- Gainsborough Fire Brigade, 368, 421.
- Garage at Westminster, 25, 584.
- — Automobile Club, 584.
- — or Carage, 93.
- — The City, 160, 542.
- — The Motor Power Co., Ltd., 550.
- Gardner-Serpollet, 5h.p., 677.
- Garments for Autocarists, 9, 42, 471, 519.
- Garrard, C. B. (letter), 158.
- Gauge Glasses for Locomobiles, 689.
- Gauges, Water, 583, 606, 632.
- G. D. S. (letter), 13.
- Gear, A Simple Ignition, 12.
- — Bicycle, 97.
- — Co., Buffoline Noiseless, 329.
- — Driven Napier, The 40h.p., 681.
- — Dupont, Two-speed, 67. 417, 602.
- — for Bicycles. Variable. 185. 221, 246, 517.
- Gears, Jarring Change Speed, 666.
- — Motor Tricycle, 541.
- — Quiet, 329.
- — Steering, 24.
- — Two-speed, 14, 46, 97, 137, 146, 270, 292. 417, 517.
- — Width of, 147.
- — The Wolseley, 480.
- Gearing, 353.
- — Marshall Valve. 187, 217, 259.
- — Noisy Valve, 464.
- — Wheels, Buffoline, 370, 584.
- — Wheels. Motor Bicycle, Two to One, 639.
- Generale Automobile, French Association, 501.
- Generator, Kelly, 129.
- George Eliot Motor Bicycle, 595.
- George’s Patent, R., 460.
- Georges-Richard Van, 527.
- — Light Racing Voiturette, 612.
- German Car, 20h.p., 357.
- — Equivalents for Automobile, etc., 20.
- — Military Motor Vehicles, 186.
- — Tractors, 371.
- G. F. F. (query), 673.
- Gillet-Forest Delivery Van, 484, 549, 614.
- Gills, Continuous. 293, 340.
- Girardot, M., on the New 40h.p. C.G.V. Racer, 575.
- Girdlers, The Start of the World, 504.
- G.J.W. (query), 416.
- Gladiator Car, Paris to Nice, 526.
- — Cars, 12h.p.. 287.
- — Mr. S. F. Edge’s 6£ h.p., 691.
- Glasgow-London Single Stop Trial. 415. 457. 583 . 606
- Glasgow to Bexhill. 8 h.p. Argyll Car, 543.
- — London, Non-stop Trial, 230. 350, 489. 528.
- — Penzance, 625.
- — Show, 50, 273.
- Glenny. Chas. J. (query), 566.
- Glycerine and Water. 134, 234.
- Gobron Motor Waggon. Roland’s, 631.
- Goldsworthy-Crump. C. E.. Thos. (letter), 688.
- Goods. Autocars for Carriage of, 75.
- — Traffic, Motor, 206.
- Goodyear Tyres. 549.
- Goodwin v. British Automobile Commercial Syndicate, 118.
- Gordon-Bennett Cup, 33, 47. 181. 185, 681.
- Governing of High Compression Motors. Construction and, 213.
- — Throttle. 282, 340 . 370, 479.
- G. (query), 72.
- Govan, Alec (letter), 92.
- Governor, 78.
- Gradual Payment System. 19.
- Grappler Tyres, 61. 114, 247, 271, 293.
- Gratitude from Horse Drivers, 639.
- Gravity Feeds, Drip or, 309.
- Grease or Oil, 567.
- Greases, Frictional Loss, 372.
- Greasy Exteriors, A Remedy for, 599.
- Great Ormonde Hospital Bazaar, 411.
- Grenoble. Laffrey, Gradient near. 662.
- Gretton’s Star Car. Colonel, 331.
- Griffin. John (letter), 342.
- Griffiths,. W. Bransom (letter), 369.
- Groom, Motor Equivalent for Coachman or, 357.
- Grose, A. M., 233.
- Grout Care. 59.
- Guernsey. Autocar Regulations in. 546.
- Guest, A. (letter;, 514.
- — (queries), 121. 227.
- Guildford, Enterprise in. 504.
- — Hotelkeeper’s Grievance, 609.
- — Magistrates Again, 552.
- — P. (query;. 576.
- Gunton Park Speed Trials, 519.
- H.A.G. (query), 541.
- Hail sham Trap, The, 696.
- H.A.J. (letter). 156.
- Hammersmith Steam Bus, 295, 579.
- Handbook (Wolseley;, A U'seiul, 595.
- Handcross Hui, lining, oou. Hardcastle (query., 48h.
- Hardy’s Tour in Scotland, Mr. Clias.. 5.
- Harmsworth, Mr. A. V.. OU MOLOT Car Question 6.
- Aiired, on Ignition, 45.
- — Mercedes Simplex 401i.p. Car, 411, 492 4^4. 522, 622.
- Harris Frederick H. (letter), 246. 666.
- Harl Accumulator Co., 461.
- Hastings, Service for Northiam, Rye. ana. 286.
- Hats thrown at Cars, 591.
- Hay craft, H. C. (query). 464.
- Haynes-Apperson. bh.p. Car, 1G2.
- Head DreBs, 552.
- — Lamp and Horses, 604.
- Heaitn, 2o.
- Heavy Oil Motor Car, 19.
- — vehicles at Liverpool, 177.
- — Traffic and the Roads, 545.
- — Transport, 54, 119.
- Hele-Shaw, Professor, on Roller Bearings, 298.
- Herbert. Ltd.. Alfred, 141.
- Herdman, J. C. (query), 120.
- Hereford, J. T. (letter), 91. 541.
- Hewetson’s Motor Bicycle, 4j, 55, 141.
- Hickman, Alan A. L. (letter). 139.
- High Compression Motors, construction and Governing of, 215.
- Hignest Development, 492.
- High-powered cars, Fuel Consumption on, 91.
- Highway Inspection Car, 27.
- — Reform, 3o6.
- Higginbotham Sn<>w Plough, 231, 242.
- Hui Climbing and Consumption Trials. 552.
- — at Bristol, 248.
- — Competition, The Richmond, 166. 167.
- — at Norwich. 291.
- — Grade, One in Five. Nethersall Gardens. 141.
- Woodcock, 619.
- — Trials, Scotcu, 669 . 686, 693.
- — Climb, Petersham Hill. 178.
- — Climbs, The Riciimona, 15b. 166, 167.185.
- — Trials at the Crystal Palace. 373. 414.
- — v. Rothschild, 118.
- Hints, Driving, 151.
- — on the Use and care of Tyres, 55, 114, 137, 248, 687.
- — Hiring, 72.
- — Question. 11.
- H.J.C. (query), 120.
- H.J.W. (query), 326.
- Hockey by Motor, To, 671.
- Hog's Back, over the, 140.
- Hoi born Motor Tyre, 141.
- Holden Bicycle, A Test Bun on the, 145.
- — Motor Bicycle. 159, 505.
- Woking and Back, 300.
- — — Lubrication of, 489.
- HJding Autocar Garments, 9.
- Holt v. Frentzel and Lenwess. 117, 278.
- Hollamby, Mr. W.. Paper, 414.
- Hollands, Sydney H., 528.
- Holiday, A Good Form of Mental, 362.
- Hooded Phaetan. Star. 6h.p„ 177.
- Hood for Protection from Weather, 474.
- Home Secretary’s Attitude, 608.
- Horse, Sugar from the Autocar, 362.
- — One Law for. Another for Autocar. 491.
- — Carriage compared with Autocar, 610.
- -- Drivers. Gratitude from, 639.
- — Frightened. 39. 60 . 223, 413 , 463 , 474, 549, 578.
- Horse-power Formula, 13.
- Horses, 18, 93, 604.
- — Broken in, 28.
- — Decline in the Value of, 67.
- — The Dangers of. 118, 325.
- — Unattended. 94.
- — Vagaries of the Average. 300.
- Hose Pipe for Filling Water Tanks, 319.
- — Reel. An Automobile. 642.
- Hotbed of Persecution, A. 594.
- Housing, Roads and, 512.
- Hounds. 12, 18, 67 . 75.
- Hozier. &ih.p.. 323.
- Hozier Engineering Co., Ltd. (letter), 92.
- Hozier Works, 683.
- Hughes. H. (letter), 342, 415.
- Hull. A Show at, 660.
- Humber Car, New 12 h.p., 358, 431.
- — Chain-driven Motor Bicycle, 571.
- — Doctor’s Car, 267, 282.
- — Light Cars, 117.
- — Voiturette. M.D., 339, 369.
- Hundred Miles Trials, Automobile Club's. 323, 638.
- Hunt. Autocars at the. 12. 18, 67. 75.
- Hutton, Ernest (letter), 292.
- Huxley. T.. Aged Autocarist, 179.
- Hyland. J. (letter). 64.
- Hydroleum. Liquid Fuel System, 478.
- Ice Autocars, 67.
- — Autocaring on Slippery Roads, 14.
- — Fatal Effects of. 19.
- — Riding on. 39.
- Icicle (letter), 136. icy Road, 19.
- Identification of Cars, 369.
- — Number for. 76. 231.
- Igniter. The Electro Catalytique. 164.
- Ignition. 120, 146 . 227 , 276 . 369 . 396 . 459, 639, 673.
- — A Lecture on, 276.
- — and the Water Circulation, 312.
- — Brush. Dawson, 94.
- — by Catalysis, 216.
- — Daimler Car, Tube and Electric, 159.
- — Early Electric, 459.
- — Electric, 276.
- — Gear, A Simple. 12.
- — Low Tension, 673.
- — Magneto, 369, 633.
- — Matters, 15.
- — Motor Cycle, 23, 61.
- — Mr. A. Harmsworth on, 43.
- — Mystery, 396.
- — Plug. Quartz, 67.
- — Pump and, 673.
- — (query), 71.
- — Reports in the Exhaust Box and, 352.
- — Rhodium for, 216.
- — liming Tube, 71.
- — Time of, 673.
- — to a Panhard, Electric, 120.
- — Pube, 276, 370.
- I. L., M.D. (letter), 341.
- Illingworth, D. H. (letter), 502.
- Imaginative Reporter. An. 224, 316.
- Imperial Autocar, Mfg. Co. (letter), 185.
- Import Duties on Autocars. 413.
- Imports and Exports, 149. 272.
- — of Foreign Autocars, 317 , 367.
- Improvement, 529.
- Improvements. Detail, 624.
- — Recent Steam Car. 180, 605.
- — in Serpollet Cars, 83.
- Increasing Compression, 327.
- Indian Dignitaries, 692.
- — Guests on Autocars, 692.
- Induction Coil, 626.
- — Valve, 598.
- Industrial Motor Vehicles, Performance;: of, 613.
- — Purposes, Alcohol for, 245.
- — Vehicles, 594.
- Industry, Autocars and the War, 593.
- — French Motor, 49, 249.
- — Position of the British Autocar, 5
- Inferior Quality of Lubricant, 85.
- Inflation, Pressures for Tyre, 525.
- Injustices, The Eckfield. 696.
- Inland Revenue, 357, 676.
- Inlet Valve, An Adjustable, 658.
- — and Fuel Feed, Combined, 666.
- — Carlton Combined Carburetter and, 390.
- — The Napier Annular, 395.
- Innkeeper and Autocarist, Legal, 278.
- — Declining to Receive Traveller, 278.
- Inquirer (letter), 63.
- Insulted (letter), 115.
- Instone. Mr. E. M. C.» 685.
- Inspection Car, A Road, 27, 53. inspection Pit, 46.
- Internal Combustion. Steam, or, 13. Engine, 2.
- Insurance. Motor Bicycles and Fire. 593.
- International] Alcohol Trials. 60, 245 , 290. Race. 290.
- — Medal for England (Edge). 361.
- — Reciprocity, 89.
- — Race, A Big, 34. invalids. Autocars for, 218.
- Ireland. Opportunity for Motor Services in. 594. 675.
- Iris Diaphragm Throttle Valve. 334.
- Irregular Firing. 255.
- Isle of Wight Constables, Stop Watches Supplied to. 608.
- Italian Sparking Plug, 19.
- Italy. King of, as an Autocar Driver, 67.
- — Automobilism in, 41.
- — Motor Car Regulations in, 160.
- Italy, Motor Cars in. 41.
- — King and Queen of, Mishap. 296.
- — King of. Furious Driving, 411.
- Iveagh s, Lord, Autocar, 520.
- Jacket. Napier. Aluminium. 624.
- Jackets. Cylinder Heads and Water. 1.
- — Non-freezing Liquids lor Cylinder, 234.
- Jacks. McCurd, 91.
- Jacquot. C., New Two-speed Bicycle, 635.
- J.A.G. (query), 567.
- James and Brown Car, 476.
- Jarring Change Speed Gears, 666.
- Jarrott. Chas, (letter), 91.
- Jarrott’s 7 h.p. Panha rd, Mr. C.. 691.
- Jenatzy Experimenting with 60 h.p. Oar, 331.
- Jenatzy’s Petrol Electric Car. Speed Possibilities of. 183.
- Jephson. W. (query). 255.
- Jeune Lady, Notes by, 332. 367 , 391. 474.
- J. G. (query), 567.
- J. H. B. (query), 23.
- Joel. Henry F. (letter). 688.
- J. K. (query). 303.
- Johnson, C. H.. jun., Amateur Car. 57.
- — W. F. (query). 377.
- — William (letter). 479.
- Johore. Sultan of, 490.
- Johannesburg. Service of Cars. 668.
- Jones and Co. (letter), 221.
- Jones (query). 465.
- Joos Motor Bicycle, 28.
- Journalism. Disinterestedness, Motor Finance and, 229.
- Journalistic Methods. 503.
- Joy, Mr. Basil H., 39.
- J.S.F. (query). 173.
- J.T.S.V.B. (query), 24.
- Julian, Mr. Arthur, 210.
- Justice Dispensed by Telegram, 667.
- Juvenile Drivers, 24.
- Kelecom Carburetter, 289, 309.
- — Motor Bicycle, 690.
- Keller. Non-freezing Liquids for Cylinder Jackets by, 234.
- Kelly Generator, 129.
- Kenealy, Mr., 503.
- Kennard. Mary E. (letter), 158, 272.
- Kent Coast Motor Syndicate. 116.
- — Example from, 75.
- Kilometre Record. 411, 419, 529.
- King. His Majesty the, 644.
- — Motor Bicycle, The. 349.
- King's Automobile Experiences, 685.
- — Cars, The. 49. 66, 93, 286, 401, 668, 698.
- — First Motor Drive, The, 643, 685.
- — Lynn Exhibition. 160.
- — New 22 h.p. Daimler. 401. 668, 698.
- Kingsburgh Public Service Vehicle, 331.
- Kingston Service. West End of London and Windsor and, 371.
- Kipling, Rudyard, on Car, 39, 589.
- Kirk Motor Bicycle, 79.
- Knight. J. H. (letter), 22L
- Knocking, 46.
- Lack of Full Power, 416.
- Ladies and a Steam Car, Two. 677.
- Ladies’ Club, 349.
- Lady, Drive by a, 341, 517.
- Lady’s Experiences, 136.
- Lady Motor Bicyclist, A Pioneer, 537.
- Lamp for Autocars. Clockwork, 221.
- Lamps and Horses, Large Head, 604, 637.
- — Salsbury Tail, 574.
- — Cowl to Flario. 689.
- — Shades over, 637, 689.
- — The Ducellier Acetylene, 658.
- Lancaster, Mr. E. H., 591.
- Lancashire Automobile Club, 618.
- Lanchester Car’s Run to Worthing, 460.
- — Cars, The, 473.
- — Car up Petersham Hill. 178.
- — 10 h.p., 432.
- Langtry, Mrs., Electric Landaulettes, 160.
- Langtry’s Accident, Mrs.. 249.
- Lathe by Astbury, Screw-cutting, 216.
- Law. Administration of the, 341.
- — Affecting Automobiles, Proposed Amendments in, 117.
- — for Horse. Another for Autocar, 491.
- — of Furious Driving, Ordinary. 675.
- Lawn Mower, Crowden's Motor, 637.
- — Ransome Motor, 456.
- Laws. Alteration in the Patent, 9.
- Lead Zinc Storage Cells. 100.
- Leaden Storage Cells Repaired, 585.
- Leakage of Current, 464.
- — Petrol, 541.
- Learning to Drive, 647.
- Lector (letter), 293.
- Lecture by W. E. Corcutt, 337.
- Leechman. Douglas, on Ignition. 459. (letter), 246.
- Legal, 22, 23, 118, 146, 189, 278. 344 . 412. 482, 489. 513, 540, 565, 602, 614 . 615, 638.
- — Decision, An Unsatisfactory. 281.
- — Review of 1901, 22.
- — Speed Limit, 39, 329.
- Legion of Honour Crosses. 93.
- Legislation, Automobile Club and. 251.
- — Pending, 230. ’ \
- Legislative Work, 23.
- Lehwess, Action against Frentzel and. . r, 117. 278 . 412.
- Lehwess, Dr. E. E., 305.
- Lehwess’s Drive Bound the World. Dr., T .x „ 64, 156.
- Leitner, Henry (letter), 112, 157.
- Leitman's Batteries, 659.
- Lenoir's Patent. 460.
- Letts. M. M. (letter), 503.
- — Automobilism in the States, 263.
- Lever, An Improved Timing. 397.
- Lewisham and Southend. Public Autocars, 366.
- Lewin, F. Guy (letter), 92. 114.
- Lewis and Co.. Action against, 504.
- Lex (letter), 294.
- L. H. T. (letter), 115. 632.
- Liability of Automobilists, 155.
- — for Accidents. 567.
- — State of Boads. 99.
- Licence. Exact Weight of Vehicles, 344.
- — for, A Quad, 46.
- — Trailer. 71. 113, 145.
- — Inland Revenue. 676.
- — Motor Bicycle, 46. 676.
- — Tricycle without a, 548.
- Licences for Automobiles, 371.
- — on Autocars. 41, 110.
- — for Motor Servants, 357.
- — Withdrawing. 110.
- Lift, A Long. 506.
- Lifter. Exhaust. 138.
- — Weston, A Water. 85.
- Light. A Question of, 342. 667.
- — Car. 8h.p. Argyll, 86.
- — Teste-More t. 29.
- — Renault, 128.
- — Cars. 7 h.p. Turrell. 263.
- — Failing to Show a Red, 530.
- — Motor Cars and Voiturettes, 9.
- Lights on Perambulators, 75.
- — Without a, 80.
- Limousine Body, Lamplugh and Co., A New. 629.
- Lincolnshire Automobile Club, 173, 324, 574, 686.
- — Trials, 185 . 221.
- — Self-propelled Traffic Association, 189, 667.
- Llanrwst Magistrates. Charge of Excessive Speed. F. B. Summers. 608.
- Local Authorities, Tramways and, 516.
- — Government Board, 593.
- Deputation to President of, 143.
- Locke Automatic Water Level Regulator, 233.
- Locomobile at the War, 149.
- — Boiler, Priming of. 36. 61. 92, 111. 137.
- — Co. and Overman Automobile Co.. 125.
- — America (letter), 503.
- — Great Britain. Ltd.. 671.
- — The, 317. 318.
- — Factory, '237, 250.
- — (letter). 315.
- — Light Delivery Van. 284.
- — Patents, 318.
- — Petrol Consumed by, 688.
- — The, 315. 480.
- — A Season’s Experience. 17.
- — Towing a Searchlight, 626.
- Locomobiles, Steam Economy in. 112.
- — Miss Mab Paul Driving her, 505.
- — Works, 237, 295.
- — Racer, 10 hp.. 651.
- Locomobilist (letter), 36, 137.
- Locomotive Engineer (letter). 61. Ill, 114.
- London, A New Motor Bus in, 233.
- London-Oxford Road Tents, 606.
- — to Alnwick. Non-stop Run, 647.
- Harrogate, 10h.p. Peugeot, 516.
- Long Acre Motor Car Co,. 90.
- - Distance Run. Successful, 543.
- Long Island Endurance Test. 67, 525.
- Longridge, Articles by Capt. C. C., 213. 266, 312, 525.
- — C. C. (letter), 480.
- Long's, Mr. Walter, Speed, 39.
- Love. John (letter), 583.
- Lovelace Non-slipping Tread. 66.
- Lorries and Right of Road, 176.
- —- Coulthard’s Five-ton, 24.
- — for Military Purposes, War Office
- — Trials of Motor, 45.
- — Portuguese Motor, 413.
- Lorry and Trailer. Thornycroft War Office. 439.
- — Daimler, 614.
- — Electrical Motor, 19.
- — for the Boers, A Motor, 616.
- — Steam, 273.
- — 16h.p. Napier, 505.
- — Trials, French, 124.
- — Useful Factor in Traffic. Motor, 481.
- Lortep (letter), 604, 689.
- Low Tension Igniti< n, 673.
- — Water (letter), 13.
- Loyal Radiators, 94 , 242.
- L.R.C.P. (letter), 64.
- L.S. (letter), 667.
- Lubricant, Inferior Quality cf, 85.
- Lubricating OilB. 85, 271, 296, 372.
- Lubrication. 91, 567. 583.
- — Cylinder, 567, 583, 606.
- — of Holden Motor. 489.
- Lubricator (query). 568.
- Luggage, Passengers . 84.
- — Van. Duke of Sutherland’s Shooting
- — Brake and, 40.
- Lyndhurst Garage. 266, 637.
- Macgregor, Elsie (letter), 136.
- Machine Tools. 141.
- Madagascar, Motor Waggons for, 274.
- Magisterial Automobilist, A, 578.
- Magistrates, 585.
- Magneto, 12.
- — Ignition. 369, 633.
- Maharajah’s Motor Car, 51.
- Maidenhead Bridge Legal Expenses Fund, 65.
- — Tolls, 49, 277.
- Mail Cover lor Tyres, Chain, 569.
- — Vans, Manchester and Liverpool
- Motor, 549, 585.
- Mails. Collection of, 18.
- — in Ceylon, Motor, 84.
- Main Roads, Police Constables on, 569.
- Maintenance, Cost of, 294.
- Management, Autocar, Its Use and, 78.
- Manchester Automobile Club, 170, 507, 597.
- Manifesto cf the Automobile Club, Pending Legislation, 251.
- Mann, Jas. H. 'letter;, 270.
- Manoeuvres. Motor Car for Military. 355.
- Manufacture, Profits cn, 313.
- Map, An Illuminated, 115.
- Martin Pneumatic Tyre Syndicate. 125.
- Marshall Valve Gear, 187, 217, 259.
- Marriage. Motor, 367. 371.
- — of Mr. Mark Mayhew. 608.
- Masters of Their Art (Mr. A. C. Harmsworth), 6.
- Mawly’s 8h.p. De Dion. Mr. E. G., 530.
- Maybach Appeal Abandoned. 43.
- Maybach's Patents, Butler and, 22.
- May-day Procession. In a, 540.
- Mayer. Alfred (query), 541.
- Mayhew's Exciting Experiences, Mr. Mark, 39.
- Mayhew. Marriage of Mr. Mark. 608.
- McCalmont’s Autocar. Colonel, 571.
- McCrea. P. W.. 480.
- McCurd Jacks. 91.
- — Supports. 397.
- McKirdy. John (query). 326.
- McVail. Depression of the Freeing Point, by B.. 178.
- Measurement of Petrol at the Trials, 464.
- Mechanical Details of Steam Cars, 296.
- Mechanical Road Traction. 414.
- Mechanicians. Union of, 676.
- Medal for England. International, 361.
- Medals, Crystal Palace Co.’3. 66.
- Medical Man and Autocar, 19.
- — Men. Advantages of Automobilism
- — for. 64.
- Mental Holiday. Good Form of, 352.
- Mercedes Car, 689.
- Mr. Harmsworth’s 40 h.p.. 411. 492, 494, 522. 572. 622.
- — Simplex Racers. Degrais upon, 383.
- — The Abstention of, 629.
- Mercie Two-speed Gear, 137.
- Methods, Some Journalistic, 503.
- Methylated Spirits, 20.
- Metropolitan Streets. 618.
- Michelin on Tyres. 248.
- Micklewood, Lecture on Motor Cars, 188.
- Midget Sparking Plug. lhe. E.I.C.. 598.
- Midland Automobile Club, 324 . 508. 519. 585.
- Midland Clubs at Buxton. 585.
- Mievelle, Mr. B., A Good Run, 516.
- Miesse Steam Cars, 351.
- Mikado and Imperial Automobilists, 140.
- Mile Record for Steam Carriages in America, 634.
- Military Authorities, Swiss, 637.
- — Manoeuvres, Motor Car for, 355.
- — Motor Vehicles, German. 186.
- — Purposes, War Office Trials of Motor Lorries for, 45.
- — Steam Waggon, 580.
- — Tractors, German, 371.
- Milk Carrier, The Singer, 407.
- Milnes Car, Petersham Hill Test, 223. 254.
- — Box Van to carry 30 cwts., 404.
- — Motor Van, 338.
- — 16 h.p.. 433.
- Minerva Bicycle Carburetter, 3G8.
- Misdirected Enterprise, 205.
- Ministers as Autocansts. His Majesty’s. 584.
- Misfiring, 303.
- M.M.C. Car, 8 h.p.. 458.
- — F. Beevers’s Bun on an, 140.
- Moderation (letter), 631.
- Monaco's Decrees, Prince of, 19.
- Monetary Aspect of Automobilism, 468.
- Mono Track Tricycle, Slinger, 66. 240.
- Monte Carlo, Paris to, 483, 509, 538, 613.
- Montgomery, Death cf Major-General. 1.
- Moore. Lewis G. (letter), ZIQ.
- Moravia, Autocar in, 65.
- Morriss, Frank (letter), 138.
- Morocco. Sultan of, Coupe. 222.
- Mors 15 h.p.. 260.
- — 60 h.p.. 411.
- — Hon. C. S. Rolls’s New 40 h.p., 611.
- — Legion of Honour Crosses. M. Emile. 93.
- — (query), 514.
- — up the Savoy Hill. 10 h.p.. 514, 531.
- Motor Bicycle, Shaw. 2ih.p., 248.
- — Ballooning, Severo’s Tragic End, 528.
- — Car Question, 6.
- — Cycle Club at Dublin, 273.
- — Defects. 397.
- — Defined, 22.
- — Matters, 82. 214, 283, 396, 599.
- — Cycles and How to Manage Them. 645.
- — Automobile Club and, 274.
- — Section, Cyclist’s Touring Club, 40. 142, 171.
- — Cycling Club, 381. at Bexhill, 497.
- Motoring on the Water. 343.
- Motorist (letter), 688.
- Motor Mfg. Co., Ltd., Reconstruction, 488 540, 638, 697.
- — Regulations, The New, 593.
- — Services in Ireland, Opportunity for. 594.
- Motors and Motor Driving, 381.
- — Balancing of, 31.
- — Spirit Impossible in Assam. Importation of, 66.
- — Steam Fire Engines, 109.
- — Tank Waggon. 221.
- — Tricycle. Singer. 689.
- — Union, The Work of the, 22.
- — Vehicle Regulations. 251. 593.
- — Waggons for Madagascar. 274.
- “ Motor Wheel,” 334.
- Mountain Ash Traction Engine, 176 . 270. M. (query), 376, 673.
- Mud, To Intercept. 600.
- Murray, T. Blackwood letter), 340.
- Mutual Protection Association. Ltd.. Automobile. 482, 498, 513.
- Mystery, A. 343.
- Nainby, C. M. (letter), 62.
- Nalder Brothers and Thompson, 160.
- Names (letter), 369.
- Namur Meeting. The. 630.
- Nancienne Tip Waggon. 527.
- Napier Annular Inlet Valve. 395.
- — Arrangement Crank chamber. 624.
- — Buses, Scarborough, 179.
- — Car in Flames. 297.
- — 9 h.p.. 40. 481. 664. 697.
- — Duke of Connaught. 9 h.p.. 664.
- — Mr. S. F. Edge's 14 h.p., 690.
- — Panhard v., 270, 292, 315. 339.
- — 16 h.p.. 159. 336. 457. 505.
- — Ten Days’ Trip on a 9 h.p.. 481.
- — The 40 h.p. Gear-driven. 681.
- — Transmission. Boiler Bearings, 624.
- — Van, 13.
- Narrow Escape. 173.
- Nervous Horse. Sugar from Autocar, 3t2.
- Nethersall Gardens. Hill Climb, 141.
- New Forest, Accommodation in the, 266. .637.
- — Light Racing Panhard, 500.
- — Orleans. Mr. J. Coop’s 3fch.p., 297.
- — The Four Cylinder. 108.
- — Patents. 47, 75. 122. 148. 226, 302. 351. 466. 641. 672.
- — Rossleigh Cycle and Motor Co.. 187.
- — Year’s Message. 2.
- New York. Automobile Registered, 41.
- — Electrically-driven 'Buses in. 100. Flat Base Tyre. 461.
- New Tyre Co., Ltd.. 40. (letter). 92. 114.
- New Zealand. Petrol Admitted Free. 141.
- Newman. J. (query . 353.
- Niagara. Electromobiles at, 188.
- Nice-Abbazia Race. 60. 90. 133 . 254 . 290, 313. 316 . 367, 375.
- — Abandoned. 375.
- — Route. 254.
- Nice. Automobile Meeting at, 382.
- — Racer on View. 411.
- — Races. New Cars for the, 313.
- — Serpollet Cars at, 445.
- — Week, by Hon. Leopold Canning, 241.
- Nicholas. M. J. (letter), 14.
- Night Drive to Bournemouth. 361. 469.
- — Driving Clock. 366.
- — Service. Norwich. 243.
- Nixon, J. C. (letter). 35.
- Noisy Valve Gear. 464.
- Non-slipping Tread. Lovelace. 66.
- Non-stop Record. 678.
- — 312 Miles, 647.
- — Trial. Glasgow to London, 230 . 350, 489 , 528.
- Northiam. Rye. and Hastings. Service for, 286.
- Northern Alcohol Race. France. 561.
- — Circuit. French, 501, 526.
- — Circuit, 245, 290.
- Northey, Percy W. {letter). 16.
- North Road Policeman Removed. 237.
- Norwich, Hill Climbing at, 291, 609.
- — Night Service. 243.
- Nottingham and District Automobile Club. 144. 412.
- — Club in Court, 380. Dinner. 69.
- Novelties. Electric Line. 12.
- Novice. A (query), 567.
- — (letter). 528.
- — Puzzled. 40. 356.
- Number for Identification. 76.
- Numbers on Autocars, 62. 89 . 91. 325, 675.
- Obstruction, 344.
- Obstructions, on the Road. Placing, 468.
- Officiousness of the Police. 325.
- O.H.B. (letter). 37. 91.
- Oil and Water Feed Combined. 84.
- — Car. Roots and Venables. 35h.p.. 498.
- — Engine. Diesel, 634.
- — External, 397.
- — Grease or. 567.
- — in the Crank Chamber. 624.
- — Lubricating, 85. 271. 296 . 372.
- — on . Contact Breaker. 605, 633. 666.
- — Pump. Celluloid, 639.
- Oils for Motor Work. Exelene. 160.
- — Wilburine Motor. 690.
- Oiling and Tarring Road Surfaces. 655.
- Old Machine A Good Ride on an. 463.
- — and the New, 75.
- Omnibuses. 18.
- — for Exeter, Motor, 66. Omnibus Action, re. 295.
- — Motor, in Ireland, 160.
- — The De Dietrich, 511.
- — Panhard, 510.
- — Peugeot. 613.
- — — Powerful. 215.
- On Expeting Too Much 424.
- Onslow, Lady Dorothy. Driving Lord. 420.
- Oppermann’s Accumulator, Mr. Carl, 20.
- Opposed to Common Sense. 380.
- Ordering in Advance, 286.
- Ordinary Law of Furious Driving. 675.
- Osmont Engaged by Barnum and Bailey. ( 96.
- Otto Cycle, Increased Expansion in the. 577.
- Otto’s Ignition. A. N.. 460.
- Outhenin-Chalandre. M.. Panhard Car, 679.
- Overheating. 203. 283.
- — etc., Tricycles, 15. 35. 135, 157.
- Overman Automobile Co., Locomobile Co. and, 125.
- — Steam Car. 117. 412.
- Overton’s, J. T.. lO h.p. Georges-Richard Light Racing Voiturette, 612.
- Owen. G. (query;. 326.
- Oxford Automobile Agency, 498.
- Pace. Difficulty in Estimating. 543.
- Packard Car, 13. 35.
- Painting Aluminium, 112.
- Panhard and Levassor Car. 40 h.p., 571.
- — Electric Ignition to a, 120.
- — Centaur. Engine. 30.
- — Duke of Sutherland’s 12 h.p.. 244.
- — Engine. 70h.p.. 679.
- — Engines. 668, 679.
- — Mr. C. Jarrott’s 40 h.p.. 368, 595. 7 h.p., 691.
- — Leslie Bucknalls 40 h.p.. 595.
- — Monopoly in. 22.
- — New Light Racing. 500.
- — Omnibus. 510.
- — 7 h.p.. 286.
- — Severe Test. 16 h.p.. 390.
- — 16 h.p. Light, 550.
- — 12 h.p. Racing. 80.
- — 10 h.p.. 413.
- — Numbers, 16.
- — v. Napier, 270, 292. 315, 339.
- Panne. En, 516.
- Paraffin Burner for Steam Cars. 54.
- — Wax and Coil. 217.
- Parbold. Hill. 100, 479.
- Parcel Vans for Post Offices, Motor. 249. 504 , 585.
- Parent Club, Provincial Clubs and the, 150. 185 . 220.
- Paris-Bordeaux Race. 661.
- Paris. Census of Vehicles in, 41.
- — Consumption Trials in. 169. 182, 268.
- — to Monte Carlo. 483, 509. 538 613.
- Paris-Vienna Race. 20. 110, 132. 156, 181, 189. 548. 582, 603. 628. 637. 661, 680. 690, 691.
- — Racer. A. 679.
- — Route, 628. 661, 680.
- Parker. T. H. (letter). 36.
- Parker-Thomas. Presentation, Mr. W.. 28.
- Parliament and Autocarists. 675.
- — Motor Regulations Discussed in. 590.
- — Opening of. 75.
- Parr, Richard (letter), 14.
- Parsons. Harry (letter), 371.
- Partiality. 491.
- Partnership Dispute, Motor Car. 118.
- Parts, etc.. Prices of Spare. 666.
- Passe-Partout. Companion of the. 530.
- — Quits London. 486.
- — Round the World, 64. 156. 305. 418, 486, 487. 497. 529.
- — The Log of the. 487. 497.
- Patent Laws. Alteration in the, 9.
- Patents, Whitney, Infringement of, 317.
- — in the States. Steam Car, 370.
- — Motor Bicycle, 246.
- — New, 47. 73. 122. 148. 226, 302, 351, 466. 641. 672.
- Paul, Miss Mab. Driving her Locomobile, 505.
- Pau Meeting. Suppression of the, 109.
- Pawsey. C. (query), 490.
- Peace. Autocar Industry and. 593.
- — Procession of Autocars. 609.
- Pealls. Mr., 12 h.p. Daimler, 611.
- W. J.. 14 h.p. Daimler. 236.
- Pearce. Sir William George, 612.
- Pearce’s Napier Car. Mr. S. H. 95.
- Peasants. Motor Oar to Collect the Savings of. 687.
- Peculiar Methods of Trade. 356.
- Pedal Trip. A. 599.
- Pedley. G. Foster, and Daimler Co.. 187.
- Penzance. Glasgow to, 625.
- Pending Legislation, 230.
- Pennell’s Denial. Mr., 341.
- Pennell. Joseph (letter). 246, 316.
- — Phoenix Motor Bicycle. Mr. J., 285.
- Penny-a-liner, Unscrupulous. 94.
- Pennsylvania Steam Vehicle Co.. 203.
- Perambulators, Lights on, 75.
- Perplexed (query). 147. 174.
- Persecution. A Hotbed of. 594.
- Petersham Hill. Lanchester Car up, 178.
- — Test. Milnes Car, 223. 254.
- Peto and Radford Accumulator. 117.161,246.
- Petrol Admitted Free. New Zealand. 141.
- — at the Trials, Measurement of. 464.
- — and Steam Cars. 604 . 632. 667.
- — Electric Car. Combined. 215.
- — Consumed by Locomobile. 688.
- — Car. An American, 285.
- — Consumption and Overheating. 283.
- — Electric Car, Astle-Wallis. 520 . 552.
- — Electric Car. Speed Possibilities of Jenatzy's, 183.
- — Engine. Soncin. 154. 187.
- — Filter Snout. Salsbnrv’e. 28.
- — in a Solid Form, 223. 272.
- — Motors, Caprices of. 170.
- — for Fishing Boats, 274 , 289.
- — Picric Acid in. 269.
- — Storage of. 23. Petro (ouery). 352.
- Petty. J. Paxton (letter). 220.
- Peugeot Cars, 613. to South Africa. 42
- Peugeots. 5 h.p. and 6 h.p.. 238.
- — from London to Harrogate, 10h.p., 516.
- — 5 h.p. Baby. 238.
- Phaeton Star, 6h.p.. Hooded. 177.
- Pheddie (letter). 15.
- Philanthropic Automobilist. 582.
- Phoenix Motor Bicycle, Mr. Pennell's. 285 4 . 284 . 690.
- Picric Acid in Motors, 269.
- Pictorial Prophecy. 256. ,
- Pieper Voiturette. Run on a 4A h.p.. zAi.
- Pierre de Crawhez, Baron. 663.
- Pike, Spicer and Co.. 338
- Pioneer, Lady Motor Bicyclist. 537.
- Pipe Automobile. 663. -»
- Pitch Diameter. 158. 185.
- Pitliie, Alex. D. (query). 203.
- Pit Inspection, 46.
- Platinum Points. Burning of the, 567.
- Pleasure Craft. Motors for. 274.
- — Trips in Public Autocars, 549.
- P. (letter). 92.
- Plug. Meredith. Sparking. 366.
- — E.I.C.. Midget. Sparking. 366.
- — Sparking. 337.
- — Transparent. 334 . 570.
- Plymouth Autocar Service. 93.
- Pneumatic Suspension Wheel. 20.
- — Tyres, 36.
- — Solid v.. 26. 114, 137.
- — Wheel. Mr. Preston Weir’s. 243.
- Police, Attitude Towards the 230.
- — Autocarists’ Warning of. 617. 688.
- — Constables on Main Roads. 569.
- — Courtesy to. 230.
- — Notice, Cardiff. 551.
- — OfficiouBness of the. 325.
- — Showing Forbearance. 474.
- — Staines and Bath Roads. 550.
- —- Timing, 64. 329. 411.
- Policeman. Application against a. 493.
- — Driven to the Station, 230.
- — Removed. North Road 237. Policeman’s Estimate of Speed. 411.
- Pollice Verso (letter). 688.
- Portland, Duke of. 259.
- Porto Rico. Motor Cars for, 18.
- Portsmouth and District. Club for. 140, 272. 609.
- — and Gosport Motors, 41.
- — Motor Omnibus Service. 67.
- Portuguese Motor Lorries 413.
- Possibilities of Alcohol. 419.
- Postal Mails in France. 323.
- — Motor Service. Liverpool to Manchester. 549. 585.
- — Vans. France. Motor C^r, 266.
- Post Offices, Motor Parcel Vans for. 249. 504 . 585.
- Power and Speed. A Problem in, 351.
- — Economy of. 662.
- — Engine. 47. 62. 72. 92. 114. 184 , 376 417.
- — Lack of Full, 416.
- — of Ridicule. 515.
- — Tooth Wheels and. 352.
- — Switch off. 65.
- Practical Electrician’s Pocket Book, 5.
- — Proposals. Highway Reform. 356.
- — Work. Records of. 229. 288.
- Prelate, A Progressive, 472.
- Premier an Automobilist. 468.
- Premium Svstem. The 258. 274.
- Prescott. West car. C. W. (letter). 632.
- — and Conrad Steam Cars. The, 623.
- Precursor (letter). 63.
- Presentation. Mr. Parker-Thomas’s. 28.
- Pressures for Tyre Inflation, 525.
- Pressure to be Used on an Electromobile. 88, 111.
- Price of English Cars, 61. 92.
- Prices of Cars 37.
- — Spare Parts, etc.. The. 666.
- Primary Batteries. 489.
- Priming of Locomobile Boiler. 36. 61 92. 111. 137. 343.
- Princeps, Autocar Co.’s Voiturette. 93.
- Procession of Autocars, Peace Demonstrators. 609.
- Production. Economical. 306.
- Profits on Manufacture 313.
- Proger, J. L. (letter). 292
- Progressive Prelate, A. 472.
- Progress Voiturette, Mr. R. Cripps, 310.
- — Light Car, 310.
- Prony Brake, 117.
- Prophecy. A Pictorial. 256.
- Prosser. H. (letter). 606.
- Propositions of the County Councils Association. 340.
- Projection Association. Ltd., Automobile Mutual. 482. 498. 513.
- — from the Weather. 372.
- Provincial Clubs and the Parent Club, 150. 186 . 220.
- — at Buxton. 566.
- — (letter). 185.
- — Representation. Club. 258, 306. Proving the Royal Car. 646.
- Public Autocars. Pleasure Trips in. 549.
- — Motor Car Service at Rugby. 159.
- -.Service. Putney and Piccadilly Circus. 85.
- Public Services, 210.
- — Opinion, 37.
- — Service Cars, 41, 35. 93. 106. 142. 210. 242. 243. 286. 319.
- — Car. Stirling, 545.
- — South Africa. 142. 242.
- — Vehicle. Kingsburgh. 331.
- Pugh’s Car, Side-slip. Mr. Vernon. 65.
- Pullen. W. (query). 97.
- Pump and Ignition. 673.
- — Automatic Air, 233.
- — Locomobile. Air. 180. 213.
- — New Steam Air. 213.
- — Water. 180.
- Purchase, A Disputed. 615.
- Purchaser. The Motor Car. 424.
- Putney and Piccadilly Circus Public Motor Service. 85.
- Puzzled (letter), 157.
- Pyramids, Locomobile at the, 368.
- Quad, Amateur Car from a. 131.
- — A Successful (Ariel), 599.
- Quad Experiences. Up-to-date, 396.
- — Licence for a, 46.
- Quadrant, M. B.. 214.
- Quadricycle, Ariel Motor. 118.
- — Cost of Running
- — a Motor , 37, 93.
- — Sociable, 211.
- Quartz, Ignition P’ lug of, 67. 46,
- Queries of General Interest. 23 . 24. 47. 71. 72. 73.
- Quidam (letter), 13, 91.
- Race. A Big International. 34.
- — Jarrott’s De Dion and Jackson's Ea^e. 635.
- — Gordon-Bennett Cup. 33. 47, 181. 135.
- — France. Northern. Alcohol. 561.
- — Nice-Abbazia, 60. 90. 133. 254. 290. 313. 316. 367 , 375. 582.
- — Paris-Bordeaux. 661.
- — Paris-Vienna. 20. 110. 132. 156. 181. 189. 548. 582. 603. 628. 637 . 661. 680. 690, 691.
- Rarer, The Serpollet. 583 . 607 632, 688.
- — The Wolseley 45 h.p.. 680, 687.
- — An Idea for a, 297. 333.
- — A Paris-Vienna. 679.
- Racer. A Nice, on View. 411.
- Racing, Automobile, as a Snort, 259.
- — Car. Hon. C. S. Rolls’s. 307.
- — Cars. 218, 307.
- — Skilful Construction of. 689.
- — in France, Alcohol. 218, 245, 419.
- — Panhard. New Light, 500.
- — Steam Car, 21.
- Radiator. Begbie-Audin. 154.
- — Cooling. Begbie-Audin, 142.
- — De Veulle. 106, 216.
- — Frozen, 233.
- Radiators. Freezing, 158.
- — Loyal. 94. 242.
- Railways in France. Automobiles on. 290.
- Rambler. The. 322.
- Ransome Motor Lawn Mower, 456.
- Ranger. Robert (ouerv). 46.
- Reading Car. Engine. Sardv’s, 406.
- — Public Service Cars at, 106.
- — Touring Car. 442.
- Reasonable Sneed. 22.
- Recinrocity. International, 89.
- Reconnaissance. Austrian Army, Autocar for. 65.
- Reconstruction. Motor Mfg. Co.’s 488, 540 638. 697.
- Record Mile. American, Steam Carriages. 634.
- — Mr. Edge and the Kilom.. 249.
- — Non-stop. 678.
- Records at Acheres. 419.
- — Motor Cycle. 291.
- — with Mercedes Car. Mr. Vanderbilt’s. 46? 50? 529
- — of Practical Work. 229 288.
- — The Kilometre. 411. 419.
- — Tricycle. 219. 269.
- Red Flag, Show the. 617.
- — Light, Failing tn Show a, 530.
- Reform. Highway. 356.
- Reforms Autocar. 628.
- Regulation of Street Traffic 618.
- Regulations. Motor. Discussed in Parliament. 590.
- — French Automobile, 661.
- — Automobile, in Guernsey, 546.
- — Motor Car. 251. 325.
- — The New Motor. 593.
- Regulator, Locke Automatic Water Level. 233.
- Reliability of the Autocar. 392, 422.
- Reminiscences of Bexhill, 619.
- — Automobilism. 188.
- Renault Light Car. 128.
- — Spider. 4A h.p., 517.
- Rennie and Prosser. Ltd.. 603.
- Repainting, 120.
- Repairers, Unknown. 21.
- Repairing New York Tyres, 91.
- Repair Outfits. Tyre. 253.
- Repairs (letter). 633.
- Reporter. An Imaginative. 224, 316.
- Reports in the Exhaust Box and Ignition, 352.
- Representation. Provincial Club. 258, 306.
- Rescued by an Autocar, 186.
- Resin Dissolved in Castor Oil for Belts. 141.
- Respectability Tells, 380.
- Responsibility of Automobilists, 133.
- Restrictions as to Speed, 675.
- — Automobile Club and Legal. 257.
- — Withdrawing of Hampering, 230, 675.
- Reversing Engine. 23.
- Review of 1901. A Legal, 22.
- Reviews. 631, 645. Rewiring Cycle, 639.
- Rex Car, 6|h.p.. 459.
- Rhodes, Mr. Cecil, 309.
- and Wolseley Car, 116.
- Rhodesia. Werner Motocyclettes to, 40.
- Rhodium for Ignition, 216.
- Richardson, Simpson. Strickland, and Co. v., 489, 513.
- Richmond Hill Climbs, 150. 166. 167, 185 6G9.
- — Some Snapshots at. 165.
- Ridley. John (letter). 293, 340.
- Ridicule. Power of. 515.
- Right of Road, Steam Lorries and, 176.
- Rim. The Vipen. 107.
- Road Authority. One Supreme. 349.
- — Carrying Co., Ltd.. 183, 511.
- — An Automobile. Continental. 35.
- — French Chauffeur and Rule of the 140
- — Inspection Car. A. 27.
- — Maintenance and Repair. 295.
- — Placing Obstructions on the. 468. Roads. 36 , 99. 222. 343. 502 512.
- — and Housing Question. 512.
- — for Automobiles, 124.
- — Improvement Association. 37. 356.
- — Steam Lorries and Right of. 176.
- — Surfaces. Oiling and Tarring. 655.
- — Tests, London-Oxford. 606.
- — Traffic, Reawakening of. 206.
- — Vehicles. Self-propelled, 414.
- Roaring Forty. To Brighton on a. 579.
- Roberts’s Car, Mr. Arthur. 4.
- Robertson (letter). 114.
- Roche. B. V. (letter), 667.
- Rochet Cars. 240.
- Roland's Gobron Motor Waggon. 631
- Ro’ier Bearing, Combined Ball and. 366
- — Bearings. Pro. Hele-Shaw on. 298.
- Transmission. Napier. 624.
- Rolls. Charles S. (letter). 607.
- — Hon. Charles S.. Lecture. 503.
- — Kilom. Record, 411.
- — New 40 h.p. Mors. 611.
- — Racing Car. 307.
- Roots and Venables (letter). 13.
- — 3$ h.p. Oil Car. 498.
- — J.D. (letter). 370.
- Ropner. L. (letter), 157.
- Rosebery, Lord. A Motorist. 140.
- — and the Derby. 222.
- Rose. Walter (auery), 417.
- — W. (letter). 605. 6oo.
- Rothwell Light Car. 10.
- Rothschild and Vanderbilt. Six Kiloms. in 3m. 14s., 479.
- — Baron Henri de, 582.
- — Hill v.. 118.
- Round the World. 8 h.p.
- — Argyll Car. 530.
- — on an Autocar. 64. 156 . 305. 418, 487. 497. 504. 530 614.
- Rousellot's Patent. J. S., 459.
- Route. Paris-Vienna 628. 661. 680.
- Royal Autocarists Warwick Castle. 601.
- — Car. Proving the. 646.
- Rowbotham. Walter (letter), 93.
- Rugby. Public Motor Car Service at. 159
- Ruhmkorff Batterv, 460.
- Rule of the Road, 19. 140.
- Rules for the Club Sneed Trials. 689.
- Run. An Eniovable 287.
- Running a Motor Quadricycle, Cost of. 37. 93.
- Russell's Claim. Earl, and Aidershot District Council. 65.
- Russell. Sidney Precursor (letter!, 63.
- Ruthven. W. (letter). 113, 158.
- Rye and Hastings. Service for. 286.
- Sabarmati, Benz Car in, 20.
- Sacking Round Tyres, 39.
- Safety and Controlability of Autocars. 26, 559.
- Sale of Autocars, Auction, 272, 296.
- — by Description, 489, 513.
- Salisbury’s, Locomobile. Marquia of, 468.
- Salsbury Tail Lamp, 574.
- — and Son. Ltd. (letter).* 607.
- Salsbury’s Petrol Filter Spout, 28.
- Santos-Dumont’s Balloon Shed, 274.
- Sard/a Reading Car Engine. 406.
- Satisfied (letter), 18.
- Savings of Peasants. Motor Car to collect. 687.
- Savoy Hill, l0 h.p. Mors up the, 514, 531.
- Scale Deposits in Boilers. 330. 481.
- Scarborough. Napier Buses. 179.
- Schwab’s, C. N., Cars. 689.
- Schwind, C. L. Getter), 134.
- Scotch Enterprise. 319.
- — Hill-climbing Trials. 669. 686, 693.
- Scotland. Mr. Chas. Hardy’s Tour in, 3.
- Scott, Cyril (letter), 139.
- — H. Lacy (query), 339.
- Scottish Automobile Club, 307, 324. 512. 531, 641. 669.
- Searchlight, Autocar for, 330.
- — Locomobile towing a, 626.
- Season. The Autocar, 300.
- Season’8 Work, 156.
- Seeking Air, Autocars for, 515.
- “ Seer ” Plugs, 334. 570.
- Self-propelled Road Vehicles. 414.
- Self Starter. The New. 84, 288.
- Sensations of Fast Travelling. M. Serpollet, 468.
- Separator, Oil, 37.
- Serpollet Car, Ideal Steam Carriage and, 668.
- — Cars at Nice. 445.
- — Improvements in. 83. 288.
- — Racer. The. 583. 607, 632. 688.
- — Self Starter. 288.
- — System. 232.
- Serpollet’s. M.. Record. 419, 477.
- Sensations of Fast Travelling. 468.
- — Trial Spin at Bexhill. 600.
- Servants, Licences for Motor, 357.
- — Training of Motor. 317.
- Service at Rugby, Public Motor Car. 159.
- — Carlton Hotel, Electric Carriage, 39.
- — Deal and Walmer. 116.
- — Motor. Putney and Piccadilly Circus. 85.
- — of Autocars, Lewisham and Southend, 366.
- — Cars, Johannesburg. 668.
- — Plymouth, 93.
- — Portsmouth Motor Omnibus, 67.
- — Vehicle, Portsmouth and Gosport, 88.
- — West End, Windsor and Kingston, 371.
- Services in Ireland. Opportunity for Motor, 594, 675.
- — Public Motor. 41. 85. 93. 106, 142, 210, 242, 243. 286, 319, 331, 366.
- Setting People against the Movement, 11.
- Severo’s Tragic End, Motor Ballooning, 528.
- Shades over Lamps. 637.
- Shaw. 2ih.p. Motor Bicycle, 248.
- — W. J. (letter), 605.
- Sheen House, Time Trials at, 51.
- Sheldon P. J., Essex Surveyor’s Car. 27.
- Shooting Brake and Luggage Van. Duke of Sutherland’s. 40.
- Shortage of Water. 37.
- Short Circuiting, 222, 292.
- Shot in an Autocar. 330.
- Show, A Guide to the. 398.
- — and After. The. 467.
- Mr. Cordingley. 188, 301.
- — at Hull. 660.
- — the Agricultural Hall. 425.
- — Chicago Motor. 320.
- — Glasgow. 50. 273.
- — Items. 225.
- — Liverpool Cycle and Motor, 20 50, 144, 159 172 186.
- — Question. The. 277. 312. 468, 482, 589 612.
- — in Court 22.
- — The Crystal Palace Motor. 162. 190 224
- — Tombola. The 109.
- Shrapnell-Smith’s Resignation. E.. 189. 222
- Sideslip. 13. 39. 62. 65. 66. 82.
- Signal of Distress. Wanted. A. 633.
- Signposts at Road Crossings. America. 41.
- Signals. Warning. 617 . 688.
- Simms. Frederick R. (letter). 112.
- — Stationary Engines. 60.
- — Motor Car. 331. 363.
- Simonds v. the British Automobile Syndicate. Ltd., 638.
- Simplex Car. Mercedes. Mr. Harmsworth’s. 411, 492. 494. 522, 572. 622.
- — (query). 673.
- Simpson, Strickland and Co. v. Richardson, 489. 513.
- Singer Carburetter, 308.
- — Milk Carrier. 407.
- — Motor Bicycle. 371. 412. 528. 605.
- — up Stoneleigh Hill. 187.
- — Tandem, 104.
- Singer Tricycle. 689.
- — Tandem Tricycle. 439.
- Single-cylinder Engine. 175.
- — Engines. 220.
- Single Stop Trial, Glasgow—London. 415 457.’
- Six Hundred and Fifty Miles Trial. 694.
- — Miles an Hour. 380.
- — on Bridges. 614. Sizes of Tyres. 482.
- Skegness. A Mee. at. 686.
- Skidded on Tramline. 222.
- Skilful Construction of Racing Cars. 689.
- Slater, A. Clevere letter . 480.
- Slinger Mono Track Tricycle, 66. 240.
- Slippery Roads. Autocaring on. 14.
- Slow-moving Vehicles. Misbehaviour of Drivers of. 618.
- Smartness. Comfort before. 451.
- Smethwick. James (query . 376.
- Smith. F. H. (letter . 248.
- — (query). 672.
- — G. H. (letter). 14. 316.
- Snapshot (query . 557.
- Snapshots at Richmond 165.
- Snow. Motoring in the. 140, 183.
- — Plough, A Motor, 231. 242.
- Snowstorm. Forty-two Miles in a. 164.
- Sociable Quad (E. Clarkei 5.
- Softening of Water. 42D, 481.
- Sole Agency. 93.
- Solid Form. Petrol in a. 223, 272.
- Solid v. Pneumatic Tyres. 26. 114 137.
- Soncin Launch Engine. 223.
- — Petrol Motor. 154. 187.
- South Africa, Cars to, 42. 272.
- — Motors at. 149.
- — Public Service 142. 242.
- Southend. Service of Autocars. Lewisham and, 366.
- Southsea and District, Club for. 117, 140.
- Sparking Apparatus. 626.
- — Plug, E.I.C.. 337, 598. Italian. 19.
- — Meredith. 365.
- — Troubles. 326. Sparks at Trembler, 639.
- Spark? What is a Fat, 120.
- Spectators. 660.
- Speed, 65.
- — Restrictions as to. 675.
- — and Brake Tests at Welbeck. 68. 77.
- — Commonsense. 543.
- — Appeal, An Incompetent Timekeeper, 282.
- — A Problem in Power and. 351.
- — Checks. 631.
- — Excessive. 161. 552, 585.
- — Fined for. 463.
- — F. B. Summers, Llanrwst Magistrates and, 608.
- — French Limit of, 661.
- — Gears, Jarring Change. 666.
- — in Brussels. 248.
- — Law as to. 36, 172, 301.
- — Limit, 26. 76, 314. 329- Abolition of. 76. 675.
- — A New Legal. 329.
- — of Motor Cars. Appeal, 301. The. 590.
- — Possibilities, Jenatzy’s Petrol Electric Car. 182.
- — Policeman’s Estimate of, 411. 505.
- — Question. 341.
- — Reasonable, 22.
- — Two Miles an Hour, 172.
- — Timing and Calculating the, 281. 535
- — Trials American, 649.
- — at Bexhill. 259, 463, 491. 506. 518. 553. 536, 603 . 606 . 611, 637.
- — Rules for the Club. 689.
- Speeds per Hour, Cards of, 67.
- Speed-King Light Carriage. 8h.p.. 52.
- — Undue. 606. 631, 666.
- Speedwell Motor and Eng. Co.. Ltd. (letter). 583 633.
- Spirit. Importation of, to Assam. 66.
- Spratt’s Patents Delivery Van, 66.
- Spread of Automobilism. 219.
- Sport, Automobile Racing as a, 259. 297.
- Sporting Car, 286, 682.
- Sports Motor Car Co., Ltd.. Docking v. the, 146.
- Sporting Fixtures. 259.
- Spout. Salsbury’s Petrol Filter. 28.
- S.S. (query). 416.
- Staines and Bath Roads. Police, 550.
- Standardisation of Frames 501.
- Standardising Autocars, 133.
- Staner. Mr. H. W., Lecture by. 296.
- Stanley C.C. Automobile Exhibition at Earl’s Court. 531, 552.
- — Bros, and the Whitney Patents. 317.
- — Whitney Motor Waggon Co. against. 124 189.
- Stanton’s “ Le Chat Noir.” Mr. Oliver. 208.
- Stanton, Mr. Oliver. Teaching to drive, 648.
- Star Car. Colonel Gretton’s, 331.
- — The Latest 10 h.p.. 679.
- — Cars, 8 h.p.. 331.
- — 6 h.p.. Hooded Phaeton 177.
- Starting Device, Dumont Electric. 317.
- Starter. A New Burner, 87.
- — The We8ton. 107.
- Staten Island. Accident at, 660.
- States. Automobilism in the, 263.
- — Steam Car Patents in the. 370.
- — Litigation in the, 124, 189.
- Stationary Engines, Simms. 60.
- Steam Car in the War. 330.
- — Air Pump on Locomobile. 213.
- — 'Bus. Hammersmith 379.
- — Economy in Locomobiles. 112.
- — Lorries and Right of Road. 176.
- — Lorry, 273.
- — Motor Waggons. 517.
- — Omnibus. Thorn yer oft, 207.
- — Pump. Compound Air and Water, 233
- — or Internal Combustion, 13. 37.
- — Serpollet, Flash Boiler. 232.
- — Street Watering Waggon, 159.
- — Van. Chaboche, 485.
- — Waggon. Military. 580.
- — Waggon. Coulthard and Co., 212.
- Steamcar Accessory Syndicate (letter), 91.
- Steam Car, A Racing. 31.
- — Accessories. 233.
- — Improvements. 180. 605.
- — Litigation in tht States, 124, 189.
- — Night Run on a. 361, 469.
- — Overman. 117. 412.
- — Patents in the States, 370.
- — Two Ladies and a. 677.
- — Carriage, Ideal, and Serpollet Car. 668.
- — Carriages in America. Mile Record for. 634.
- — Cars at Cannstatt, 603.
- — Charcoal as Fuel for, 222.
- — for Touring. 230.
- — Cost of Working, 678.
- — Experiences, 62 136. * 22. 62, 63. 91. 116. 132, 135. 160, 330.
- — Mechanical Details of, 296.
- — Miesse. 351.
- — New Designs in, 160.
- — Papers on. 116.
- — Petrol and. 604 , 632, 667.
- — Paraffin Burner for. 54.
- — The Prescott and Conrad. 623.
- — Toledo. 321, 465.
- — Delivery Van, 284.
- Steamer. Foster. 15 h.p.. 321.
- — (letter), 632.
- Steatite Burner. 116.
- Steep Climb. 332.
- Steering, Ackerman System of. 591.
- — Gear. 24.
- — Improved 599.
- Stephens, Wm. T. (letter), 479.
- Sthenhos Carburetter. 11.
- Stirling Car. 159.
- — Public Service Car, 545.
- Stirling s Motor Carriages. Ltd., 319.
- Storage Batteries for Traction Purposes, Edison’s, 550.
- — Cells Repaired. Leaden, 585.
- — Two Lead Zinc 100.
- — for Motors, City, 25, 542.
- — of Petrol. 23.
- Storages Club, 61.
- Stockport, Frost, and Stevenson crossing a Railway Bridge, 614.
- Stocks, J. W. (letter). 62. 114.
- Stolen, A Motor Bicycle, 257.
- Stoneleigh Hill, Singer Motor Bicycle up. 187.
- Straits Settlements, 503.
- Straker Steam Vehicle. 45.
- — Military Waggon, 39.
- Strand Motor Timepiece. 38.
- Street Traffic. Regulation of. 618.
- Stretton. Mrs. A. E., 537.
- Strickland, F. (letter), 607, 689.
- St. Petersburg. Motor Cabs. 344.
- Sturmey. H. (letter). 15, 135, 185.
- Suffield’s. Lord. Cromer Estate for a 1 s 259
- — Visit to the Daimler Co., Lord. 503.
- Sugar, Nervous Horse and, 362.
- Sultan of Johore’s Car. 490.
- Morocco. Automobile Coupe, 222.
- Supports. McCurd’s, 397.
- Suppression of the Pau Meeting, 109.
- Surveyor of Essex. 27.
- Suspension Wheel, Pneumatic, 20.
- Sutherland’s Cars, One of the Duke of, 33. 125 , 244.
- — Shooting Brake and Luggage Van. 40.
- Swift. 4$ h.p. Car. 436.
- Swift Motor Co.’ Voiturette. 42.
- Switch Off Power. 65.
- Sylvia (query), 327.
- Taddington Rise. 560.
- Talbot Pneumatic Tyres, 187.
- Tandem. Singer Motor. 104.
- — Tricycle, Singer. 439.
- Tandem Voiturettes. Century, 249.
- Tank, Refilling the. 140.
- Tanks. Hose Pipe for filling Water, 319.
- — Waggon Motor. 221.
- Tapes in Rims. 248.
- Tapley. Mark (letter), 158.
- Tare Limit for Motor Waggons, 272.
- Tarring Road Surfaces. Oiling and, 655.
- Taylor. D. G. 'letter). 185.
- — (query). 147.
- — v. Friswell. Ltd. 615.
- — of Penzance. Mr. J. T.. 625.
- Taxes on Stolen Cars in France. 80.
- Telegram, Dispensing Justice by. 667.
- Telegraph Deliveries for Bordeaux, Motor Cycle. 544.
- Terminal Clips Accles and de Veulle, 249.
- Terriss, Tom (letter). 137.
- Teste-Moret Light Car. 29.
- Testing Tyres, 291.
- Tests, Brake. 71. 610.
- — at Walbeck. Speed and Brake. 68 . 77.
- — London—Oxford Road. 606.
- Thermo (query , 73.
- Theta (letter). 62-
- Thomas, T. Penrose (letter), 136.
- — W. F. (letter , 271.
- Thompson. George (letter). 220. 341.
- Thornycroft Steam Omnibus. 207.
- — Steam Vehicles American Colonial
- — Patent Rights. 274.
- — Waggon. 45.
- — War Office Lorry and Trailer. 439.
- Throttle Governing, 282. 316, 370. 479.
- — Valve, Iris Diaphragm. 334.
- — Valves. 615.
- Ticking in the Coil, 303.
- Timekeeper, An Incompetent. Appeal Case. 282.
- Time of Ignition. 673.
- Timepiece, Strand Motor. 38.
- Time Trials at Sheen House. 51.
- Times, The, and Automobilism, 257.
- Timing and Calculating Speed. 281.
- Timing. Handcros3 Hill, 530.
- — Lever, An Improved, 397.
- — Police, 64 . 329.
- — Tube Ignition. 71.
- Toledo Steam Car 321, 465.
- Tolls, Durham Bridge. 412.
- — Maidenhead Bridge, 49. 277.
- Tombola. The. Show, 109.
- Tool. A Handy Combined. 161 636.
- — Chest. The Weston. 477.
- — Valve-grinding. 602.
- Toothed Wheels and Power, 352.
- Torch, Out-of-date. 37.
- — Electric. 20.
- Tour in Bosnia. 219.
- Touring Car, A Design for a, 603.
- — Powerful. 595.
- — Club. A. 633.
- — Steam Car for. 280.
- — Vehicles, Consumption Trials of. 548.
- — to Cromer. Easter, 259.
- Tourist's Car, Definition of a, 689.
- Traction Co.’s. British Motor, Winding up. 482.
- — Engine. Mountain Ash. 176, 270.
- — Speed of. 411.
- — Mechanical Road. 414.
- — Work, Cell for. 461.
- Tractors. German Military, 371.
- Trade Meeting. 87.
- Tradesmen’s Motor Cycles. 676.
- — Peculiar Methods of. 356.
- Trading in Motor Cars, Fair, 113, 137.
- Traffic and the Roads, Heavy. 343.
- — Having Regard to the, 281.
- — Motor Goods, 206.
- — Lorry Useful Factor in, 481.
- — Regulation of Street, 325, 618.
- Trailer, Law as to, 380, 593.
- — Licence for. 71. 113, 145.
- Training of Motorist. Servants, 317.
- Tramcar. After the Passage of a, 535.
- Tramline. Skidded on. 222.
- Tramways and Local Authorities, 516.
- Transmission. 50, 94.
- — Economise Power in, 662.
- — Roller Bearings. Napier. 624.
- Transparent Plug. 334.
- Transport. Heavy, 34, 119.
- — in Tunis, Automobile. 603.
- Traps for Automobilists, 325.
- Traveller. Innkeeper declining to Receive. 278.
- Travelling. M. Serpollet, Sensations of Fast. 468.
- Tread. Love la e Non-slipping. 66.
- Treads, The Wilkinson, 112, 134. 158.
- Trembler Coil. Alteration of the. 464.
- — Sparks at. 639.
- Trial. A. 5,000 Miles. 574.
- — Glasgow to London, Non-stop. 220. 350. 489 528.
- Single Stop. 415 . 457 . 583 , 606.
- — of Motor Cycles. 335.
- — Tyres. A. 618.
- — Hundred M’’"« Quarterly. 96.
- Trial. 650 Miles. 694.
- Trials. Alcohol. Io5.
- — and Exhibitions, 37.
- — at Bexhill, Speed, 259, 463. 491, 506, 518, 553, 586. 600, 611. 637, 696.
- — Sheen House, Time. 51.
- — the Crystal Palace, Motor Cycle Consumption and Hill. 373, 414.
- — Automobile Club’s 100 Miles. 323, 638.
- — Dashwood Hill, 532. 585. 636.
- — Electromobile, 695.
- — for 1902. 1.
- — the Autumn, French. 662.
- — French, 34. 314. Lorry, 124.
- — Hill-climbing and Consumption, 532.
- — in Paris, Consumption, 169, 182, 268.
- — Liverpool, 185. 221.
- — of Electrical Motor Vehicles, 273, 512.
- Touring Vehicles. Consumption, 548.
- — Heavy Vehicles, 34.
- — Motor Lorries for Military Purposes. War Office. 45. 179.
- — Measurement of Petrol at the, 464.
- — Buies for the Club. Speed. 689.
- — Scotch Hill-climbing. 659, 686, 693.
- — The Brake, 13. 26.
- — Welbeck, 66, 95, 259.
- Tricycle. Changing over Accumulator, Ariel, 688.
- — Conversion, 138.
- — Gears. Motor, 541.
- — Record. 219, 269.
- — Singer Motor. 689. Tandem, 439.
- — Slinger Mono Track, 66, 240.
- Tricycles. Overheating, etc., 15, 35, 135. 157.
- Trier. Ernest (query), 97.
- Trio of Cars. 287.
- Trip. A Pedal. 599.
- Trips in Public Autocars, 549.
- Troubles, Sparking. 326.
- Trouble with a Driver. 638.
- Trusselle Sociable, 211.
- T.S.A. (query). 71.
- Tube and Electric Ignition. Daimler Car with. 159.
- — Ignition, 276 , 370.
- iming, 71.
- Tumulty, J. (letter). 247.
- Tunis, Automobile Transport in, 603.
- Tundish, Useful Funnel or, 660.
- Turgan Tractor, 613.
- Turrell Car. 161.
- — C. McR.. On Expecting too Much, 424.
- — Light Cars, 7 h.p.. 263.
- Tutorless (query), 465.
- Twigg, Automobile Association v., 344.
- Two-3peed Bicycle, G. Jacquot x. New. 635.
- — Gear. Dupont, 67, 417 . 602.
- — for Bicycles, 185. 221 246. 517.
- — Gears. 14 . 46, 97. 137, 146. 270, 292, 417. 517.
- Tyre Cover. Blowing off. 248.
- — Covers. Inside Friction. 99.
- — Holborn Motor. 141.
- — Inflation, Pressures for, 525.
- — New York Flat Base. 461.
- — Question. 63.
- — Removing Contest. 19.
- — Repair Outfit, 253.
- — Syndicate. Mart n Pneumatic, 125.
- — The Buffer. 477.
- — Troubles. 492.
- Tyres Armoured. 344.
- — A Trial of. 618.
- — Buffer. 96. 242. 505.
- — Blacklead and. 76.
- — Care of. 123, 176.
- — Chain Mail Cover for. 569.
- — Clipper-Continental. 248 , 267. V
- — Cost of, 265.
- — Goodyear, 549.
- — Grappler. 61. 114 . 247. 271. 293.
- — Hints on the Use and Care of. 55. 114. 137, 248. 687.
- — Improvement in Pneumatic. 607.
- — Michelin on. 248.
- — Pneumatic 35, 607.
- — Repairing New York. 91.
- — Sizes of. 482.
- — Solid v. Pneumatic. 26. 114. 137.
- — Talbot Pneumatic, 187.
- — Testing. 291.
- — The Falconnet. 136.
- — Worn out. 14$.
- Uckfleld Injustices. The. 696.
- Unanswerable Criticism. An, 257.
- Undue Speeds, 631. 666.
- Union of Mechanicians. 676.
- — The Motor Power of, 23.
- — Work of the Motor. 22.
- United Motor Industries (letter), 14, 316.
- — Ltd.. 35.
- — States, Cars exported from, 310.
- Unprotected Villages. 549.
- Unreadiness of Exnibitions. 76.
- Unsympathetic Attitude. Home Secretary's. 609.
- Untried Cars, 91, 114.
- Usefulness. Another Sphere of. 212.
- Valve. An Adjustable Inlet, 658.
- — and Fuel Feed, Combined Inlet, 666.
- — Ball, 174.
- — Control, Exhaust. 278. 293.
- — Gear. Marshall. 187 217. 259.
- — Noisy, 464.
- — Grinding Tool, 602.
- — Induction, 598.
- — Ins Diaphragm. Throttle. 334.
- — Lifter, Mr. W. A. Baines, 695.
- — The Napier Annular Inlet, 395.
- Valves, Breakage of Exhaust, 266 , 337 . 415.
- — Burning of exhaust, 416.
- — Throttle, 615. Valvoline. 271.
- Van, An Express Parcels Delivery, 101.
- — Brewer’s Motor, 338.
- — Cha hoc he Steam. 485.
- — 8 h.p. Georges-Richard, 527.
- — Electric Delivery, 160.
- — Gillet-Forest Delivery, 484 . 549 . 614.
- — Spratt’s Patents Delivery, 66.
- — Steam Delivery, 284.
- — The Napier, 13.
- Vanderbilt, Six Kiloms. in 3m. 14s.,
- — Rothschild and, 474.
- Vanderbilt s Records with Mercedes Car, 462, 502, 529.
- Vans. Large, in Little Hands. 24.
- — Petrol Motor Delivery, 160.
- — Motor, for Parcels Post, 249. 504.
- Vapomobile Condenser. 477.
- Vaporiser. The Syndicate. 116.
- Variable Gear, 270. 292.
- Bicycle with. 154.
- for Bicycles, 185. 221. 246, 517.
- Vercingetorix in an Autocar. 60.
- Vernon on Motor Vehicles. Mr. A., 132.
- Veteran Automobilist, A, 228 . 246.
- Viennese Electric Tramway, 141.
- Viaticus (letter). 666.
- Vignes, E. (query), 204.
- Villages. Conveyance cf Goods to, 274.
- — Unprotected, 549.
- Vipen Rim. The. 107.
- Voiturette, A Lady’s, 151.
- — A Quad (E. Clarkei, 5.
- -- De Dion, 151.
- — Humber M.D., 339, 369.
- — J. T. Overton s 10 h.p. Georges-Richard. 612.
- — Mr. R. Cripps’s Progress, 310.
- — Princeps Autocar Co.’s Bijou, 93.
- — Run on a 4| h.p. Pieper. 547.
- — Swift Motor Co.’s, 42.
- — The Bollee, 139.
- Voiturettes, Century Tandem, 249.
- — Light Motor Cars and. 9.
- Voltage. 38.
- Voltmeter,Testing Accumulator with. 639.
- Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., 160.
- Wade. Dalton and Carburetters, 302.
- Waggon, Coulthard. 159.
- and Co., Steam. 212.
- — Military Steam. 5£0.
- — Motor. 42.
- — Tank, 221.
- — Nancienne Tip. 527.
- — Roland’s Gobron Motor, 631.
- Waggons, Coulthard. The Latest in Motor, 103.
- — for Madagascar. Motor, 274.
- — Steam Motor. 517.
- — Tare Limit for Motor. 272.
- — Steam. Street Watering. 159.
- — War Office, 39.
- Waiting for a Perfect Motor, 463.
- Walker. Lieut. R. S., 330.
- — S. F., Pressure on an Electromobile, 88.
- Walk through Wolseley Works, 126.
- Wallace, Mr. Roger. Law and Automobiles. 117.
- — Resignation of. 584.
- Waller. Mrs. Lewis, and Her Motor Car, 540. 565.
- War, Autocar Industry and the, 593.
- — Car. Simms. 331. 363.
- — Motors at the. 149. 330.
- — Shot in an Autocar at the. 330.
- — Office Car, Wolseley. 512. 524.
- — Lorry and Trailer. Thornycroft. 439.
- Motor Cars. 664.
- — Trials of Motor Lorries for Military Purposes. 45. 179.
- Waggons, 39.
- Warning, Autocarists'. of Police, 617, 688.
- — Signals, 617, 688.
- Warranty, Breach of. 638.
- Warwick, Countess of. 608.
- — Castle. Royal Autocarists at.. wl.
- Watches supplied to Isle of Wight Constables, Ston. 608.
- Water Circulation, -339. 370, 480.
- — Ignition and. 312.
- — Cooling. 203.
- Water Gauges, 583, 606, 632.
- — Glycerine and, 134.
- — in Explosion Engines, The L'se of, 525.
- — Jacket, Leaky, 639.
- — Jackets, Cylinder Heads and, 1.
- — Love! Regulator, LocKe Automatic, 233.
- — Feed Combined, Oil and. 84.
- — Lifter, Weston, 85, 140, 506.
- — Motoring on the, 343.
- — Pump, Locomobile, 180.
- — Shortage of 37.
- — Softening of, 420, 481.
- — Steam Pump, Compound Air and, 233.
- — Tank for De Dion Engine, 376.
- — Tanks, Hose Pipe for filling, 319.
- Waverley Electric Vehicles, 465.
- W.B. (query), 47.
- Weather, Protection from the, 372, 474.
- Webb, Reginald (letter). 113, 270.
- Webster. Jas. (query), 353.
- Wedding, Embarrassing Situation at, 608.
- — Autocar, in Scotland, 367, 371.
- Weigel, D. M. (letter), 17. 91, 667.
- Weight Allowance. 529.
- — Exact, of Vehicles for Licence, 344.
- Weir. A. (letter), 157.
- Weird Story. 65.
- Weir’s Pneumatic Wheel, Mr. Preston, 243.
- Welbeck, Returning from, 98.
- — Speed and Brake Tests at, 68, 77.
- — Trials, 66. 95, 259.
- Werner Motocyclettes, 690.
- — to Rhodesia, 40.
- Westerham Hill, Kent. Catford C.C.'s Climb, 662.
- We ’Make, R.. jun. (letter), 37. 92.
- Westminster Garage, 25, 534.
- Weston Dogcart, 160.
- — Starter, The. 107.
- — Stanhope, 160.
- — Tool Chest, 477.
- — Water Lifter, 85 140. 506.
- Wheel. Mr. Preston Weir’s Pneumatic, 243.
- Wheels. Diameter of. 376.
- White. J. Lee (letter), 114.
- — Mr. Montague Graham and Savoy Hill, 514, 531.
- Whitney Motor Waggon Co. against Stanley, 124, 189.
- — Patents, Infringement by Stanley. 317.
- Width of Gears, 147.
- Wight. I. of. Persecution in the. 594.
- — Automobilism in the Isle of, 676.
- Wilburnie, 271, 690.
- Wilkes, A. (letter), 61.
- Wilkinson Treads. The, 112. 134. 158.
- Wilson and Pilcher Commutator. 598.
- — Induction Valves, 598.
- — A. J. (letter), 341, 633.
- Motor Cycle Matters. 82, 214. 396, 283, 599.
- Wimshurst, Progress Cars, 252.
- Winding up, Automobile Mfg. Co.. 173.
- — British Motor Traction Co.’s. 482.
- Windsor, West End of London Service, 371.
- Winter Weather, Car for. 179.
- Winterwood, Carslake (letter). 246.
- — E. J. (letter), 583.
- Winton 15 h.p. Petrol Car, 652.
- — Motor Car. 18. Wiring, 326.
- — of Coil, 121.
- — up, 672.
- Withdrawn. The Maybach Appeal, 493.
- W.M.H. (querv), 416.
- Woking and Back, Holden Motor Bicycle. 300.
- Wolenscroft. Grace (letter). 246.
- Wolseley Car. Mr. Cecil Rhodes and, 116. The 20 h.p., 105.
- — 45 h.p. Racer The. 680, 687.
- — Gear. The. 480.
- — Handbook, 395.
- — Motor Co. Extensions. 223, 273.
- — 10 h.p.. 437. 585.
- — Tool and Motor Co.. 47. 141. 286. 492.
- — Works. Walk through the. 126. 152.
- Wolverhampton, Automobile Club, 96.
- Woodcock Hill. Climbing, 619.
- Woodford Meet. Decorated Car. 634.
- Would-be Purchaser (letter). 220.
- Work. Records of Practical, 229.
- World’s Flying Kilom. Record, Mr. K.
- Vanderbilt and. 529.
- World on an Autocar. Round the 64. 156, 305. 418. 487. 497, 504 , 530 . 614.
- Worn-out Tyres. 149.
- Worthing, A Run to. 460.
- — The Start for, 473.
- Wrides. J. T. (letter), 114.
- W.S.P. (query). 46.
- W.T.W. (letter), 666.
- Wyatt. A. H. (letter), 315.
- X.Y.Z. (query), 464.
- Yachting: and Motoring 273.
- Yorkshire Automobile Club, 671.
- Zuylen's Panhard Baron. 382.