1903 The Motor Cycle: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor Cycle
First issue 1903 March 31st
No. I. Vol. I.
- To the Readers of No. I Motor Cycle Monstrosities (illustrated)
- A Word for the Tricycle. A Mud Sp ash
- Carburetters i Surface and Spray (illustrated)
- Sparklets
- Repairing Tyres Carburetter Reliability
- Carry a Half-round File Weights & Measures
- How to Repair a Burst Tyre A Word for Dry Batteries Sand or Earth Testing the Accumulator A New Plug The Density of Petrol Testing Platinum Join a Club The Throttle Valve for Economy The Irish Automobile Fortnight Exhaust Spring Washer A Tip for Handle Switches 8, 9,10, II, 12
- The Position of the Motor Cycle
- Motor Cycles as a Class
- Easy Control
- The Captain of the Motor Cycling Club (illustration)
- My First Motor Bicycle Ride
- The First Run of the M.C.C. (illustrations)
- Barden v. Fournier (illustration)
- The Agricultural Hall Exhibition
- Questions and Replies
- The Bichrone Bicycle Motor (illustrated) .
- New Patents (illustrated)
No. 2. Vol. 1.
- Leaderettes: Military Motor Cycling The Handiness of the Motor Cycle The' Question of Silence Public Opinion 21, 22,
- Mrs. Hulbert on her Motor Cycle (illustration)
- The New De Dion Racing Motor Bicycle (illustrated)
- Carburetters: Surface and Spray (illustrated)
- Notes from France
- The New Simms Bicycle Motor (illustrated)
- After Thirteen Attempts
- The Prophet of 1881
- The New Bowden Motor Cycle (illustrated)
- The Light Motor Cycle (illustrated)
- A Lady Back Tandem (illustration)
- A Bradbury Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- A Rough Sketch of a New Motor Tandem Tricycle
- 6,000 Miles on a Motor Bicycle
- A Veteran Motor Cyclist (illustration)
- Letters to the Editor: Congratulations —Never ride on the Rim—Club Runs 36
- Questions and Replies: Belt Slipping—Intermittent Firing—Belt Pulley out of Truth -Accumulator Run Down —Primary Battery for Charging Accumulators—Do Spark Intensifiers Damage Coils ? 37, 38
- New Patents (illustrated) 39
No. 3. Vol. I.
- Leaderettes: A Warning Note—The Density of Petrol—Policemen on Motor Bicycles—Standardising Control Smoothness of Action
- A Glasgow to London Non-stop Trial
- Don’t! ” by Archie Barr
- An Interesting Motor Bicycle (illustrated)
- Riding Hints, by C. W. Brown
- Some Notes on Accumulators
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- The Automobile Club’s Forthcoming Races—
- “ The Motor Cycle ’’ Cups '
- The Coming of the Motor Bicycle
- Carburetters: Surface and Spray (illustrated)
- Useful and Practical
- A Good Combination
- A Worm-driven Motor Cycle
- A Good Tip
- Questions and Replies: Insulated Primary Circuit (illustrated) Faulty Valve Setting —Principles of Induction Coil (illustrated)
- Letters to the Editor
- A Suggested Design, by The Schemer (illustrated)
- Some 1903 Models (illustrations)
- New Patents (illustrated)
No. 4. Vol. I.
- Leaderettes -. Forecarriages--First Rides— The Pedestrian’s View—The Auto-Cycle Club
- The Easter Exodus (illustrations)
- The Novice at Large
- Riding Hints, by C. W. Brown
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- Past Defects and Present Requirements of Motor Cycles
- Back Firing
- Spark Timing
- Another Place for the Motor (illustrated)
- Dogs I have Encountered
- The Course for the Gordon-Bennett Motor Cycle Races (illustrations)
- Catalytic Ignition
- Some Tips for Travellers
- The Gordon-Bennett Fortnight
- Questions and Replies ; Knocking Noise in
- Questions and Replies ; w
- Motor Magneto and Piston Troubles Too Highly Geared Accumulators Short Circuited
- Some 1903 Models (illustrations)
- Letters to the Editor
- New Patents (illustrated)
No 5.
- Leaderettes: False Economy -Cheap Transit The Carriage of Motor Cycles —Nomenclature—Against Capes
- The Peugeot 2 h.p. Motor Bicycle (illustrated) Dry Cells when Stranded
- Is Paraffin Possible ? by P. Warren Noble
- Riding Hints, by C. W. Brown Sparklets (illustrated)
- Silencers for Motor Bicycles, by A. C. Davidson, A.M.I.C.E
- A Monster Motor Bicycle (illustrated)
- Mysterious Failure of Accumulator
- Running a Motor Bicycle on a Mixture Petrol, Picric Acid, and Paraffin
- The Star-Griffon Motor Bicycle (illustrated,
- An Easter Jaunt (illustrated)
- Notes from France : Water-cooled Engines—Power of Engines—Some High Speeds
- Birmingham Motor Cycle Club (illustrated)
- The Use of the Four-volt Lamp Intensity of Spark in Relation to Power
- Motor Cycle Timekeeping
- Racing Monstrosities (illustrated),
- Questions and Replies : Running Badly - Driving Methods -A Battery Failure - Converting from Belt to Chain Drive
- Letters to the Editor: The Handicapping and Classification of Motor Cycles—A Good Run—Low Power without Pedalling — Pedicycle and Mobicycle -Another Place for the Motor Forecarriages
- Recent Patents—(illustrated)
No 6. May 6th 1903.
- Leaderettes: Proposed Legislation -Adjustment —Motor Cycling for Ladies —The Petrol . ^'Question
- "Easter Experiences,” by Hugo Wortham ^(illustrated)
- Motor Cycle v. Motor Car. A Collision
- A Higher Effort, by The Schemer (illustrated)
- The Motor Cycling Club Run (illustration) Sparklets (illustrated)
- Al Fresco Meals, by A. J. Wilson
- J. W. Stocks at Clipstone (illustration)
- A Motor Cycle Group at Clipstone (illustration)
- Motor Cyclists at the Gordon-Bennett Eliminating Tests (illustrated)
- A Novel Motor Bicycle (illustrated) The Development of the Motor Cycle The Doom of the Tandem
- Riding Hints, by C. W. Brown -.122-124
- Dr. E. J. Power on a 4} h.p. Hamilton Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- The Automobile Club
- The Motor Cycle Reliability Trials
- Mr. H. Martin Breaking the World’s Motor Bicycle Record (illustration)
- Letters to the Editor
- The Motor Cycling Club
- Motor Cycles at the Brighton Walk (illustration)
- Questions and Replies : Charging Accumulators from Alternating Currents -Troubles with a Wick Carburetter—Deficient Sparking —Increasing Power of Motor
- New Patents: A Horizontal Motor (illustrated)
- Opening Run of the Edinburgh Motor Cycling Club
No. 7- Vol. I. May 13, 1903
- Leaderettes: The Motor Cycle Reliability Trials —Suggestions for Making the Trials Complete Classification in the Reliability Trials— Motor Cycle Volunteers—In Spite of the Time Table
- Harry Martin at Canning Town (illustration)
- Week Ends on Wheels. By A. J. Wilson
- Five Rex Motor Cycles ascending Stoneleigh Hill (illustration)
- 6,000 Miles on a Motor Bicycle
- The Auto Cycle Club Committee
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- "Wake up, Ladies! ” By Mrs. Edward Kennard Lady Motor Cyclist (illustration)
- Glasgow to London Non-stop Trial (illustrated) The Development of the Motor Cycle Purchasing a Second-hand Motor
- Administering a warming up to Motor Bicycles at Canning Town (illustration) ? • >43
- Riding Hints. By C. W. Brown - • 144-145
- Mr. A. Yates on the Humber Motor Cycle (illustration)
- Latest Type Ariel Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- Motor Cycles ascending Stoneleigh Hill
- Work for the Auto Cycle Club
- The Conversion Mania The Ardennes Circuit
- Questions and Replies Loss of Compression Explosions in Silencer—Various Fitting Motor to Ordinary Bicycle- Quadricycle Troubles
- The Troubles of the Motor Cycle Maker
- Letters to the Editor
- Recent Patents (illustrated)
No 8. May 27, 1903
- Leaderettes: The Handicapping Question - The Motor Cycle Reliability Trials — Heavy Petrol- -680 Spirit Again
- To view the Paris-Madrid Race
- The Question of Leggings
- Crawfordsburn Hill (illustration) Section and Plan of Stoneleigh Hill
- A Group of Testers at the foot of Stoneleigh Hill (illustrated)
- Riding Hints (illustrated)
- Some Carburetter Wrinkles
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- A Simple Change Speed Gear for Motor Cycles (illustrated)
- The Irish Fortnight. By A. J. Wilson
- Weller Motor Bicycle (illustrated)
- Motor Bicycles and Forecarriages
- Wake up, Ladies! By Mrs. Edward Kennard
- The Paris - Madrid Rex Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- First Experiences of an Avant Train (illustrated) The Paris-Madrid Race
- Letters to the Editor: Low Power without Pedalling -Picric Acid and Surface Carburetters The Motor Cycle Reliability Trials
- The Glasgow to London Non-stop Trial (illustrated)
- The Sheffield Hill Climb
- The Motor Cycle Reliability Trials
- The Irish Hill Climb
- The Belgium Reliability Trials
- Recent Patents (illustrated)
- Excessive Horse Power
No. 9.
- Leaderettes: Camping Motor Cycle Reliability Trials Necessary Accessories
- The Quadrant Motor Cycle and Mr. Thos. Silver (illustration
- Sealing Cracks in Water-cooled Heads
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- Wake up. Ladies! By Mrs. E. Kennard
- The Novice at Large
- The Bristol Post Office Sports: A Regrettable Accident (illustrated)
- Motor Racing at the Workington A.C. Sports
- The Paris Madrid Race: The Start of the
- Motor Cycles—The First Day’s Racing- Map of Route 1 illustrated 1
- Motor Cycle Reliability Trials Committee Meeting '
- Induction Valve Spring Keys - 187.
- The Triumph Motor Bicycle and Mr. L. B. Tucker (illustration) 187
- The Motor Cycle. Has it come to stay ? 188-190
- An Excellent Rough Weather Outfit
- Position is Everything
- Current Chat
- Letters to the Editor
- The 200 Miles Motor Cycling Club for the S. F. Edge Trophy
- The Auto Cycle Club Committee
- Glasgow to London Non-stop Trial
- Questions and Replies
- Patents
No. 10. June 3, 1903-
- Leaderettes: Legislation—Racing Tracks— Motor Cycles in Traffic
- The Automobile Club’s Revised Bill
- A Monstrous Racing Quadricycle
- Motor Cycle Pacers (illustration)
- Motor Speed Trials in Ireland
- Wake up. Ladies! By Mrs. E. Kennard
- Sparklets (illustrated) 202-203,
- Another Test Hill (illustrated)
- Riding Hints. By Mr. C. W. Brown
- Werner Motor Cycle Factory (illustration).
- The Johnson Two-speed Hub
- Petrol Supply in Ireland
- Electric Ignition for Motor Cycles (illustrated)
- The Motor Cycle Reliability Trials
- Paris-Madrid Race (Snapshots of Competitors)
- The Care of Motor Cycle Belts
- At the Start of the Paris-Madrid Race
- The Longuemare Carburetter (illustrated)
- Current Chat
- Questions and Replies
- Letters to the Editor
- Mr. E. Arnott Interviewed
- The Story of the Motor Cycle Race (Paris- Madrid)
No. 11. June 10, 1903-
- Leaderettes: Motor Cycles for Elderly Riders — Lessons from Racing — Paris-Madrid Race 223-224
- Snap Shots on the Road at Whitsuntide (illustrations^ 225
- Sparklets (illustrated) 226-227, 236-239
- Motor Cycle Headgear 226-227
- A Run on a Borrowed M'Bike 228-230
- Current Chat 231
- Week-ends on Wheels. No. 2- Whitsuntide Woes. By A. J. Wilson, (illustrated) 232-234
- Clothing. By Douglas Leechman M.C.E.I. (illustrated)
- Practical Motor Cycling. By T. H. Hawley
- Acetylene Gas for Bicycle Motors
- Useful and Practical
- Letters to the Editor
- The Jehu Clutch
- An Effective Silencer (illustrated)
- A Detachable Sociable (illustrated) Questions and Replies
- Recent Patents
No. 12. Vol. I.
- Leaderettes: Unnatural Conditions A Wise Proposition - Air Cooling versus Water Cooling 247-249
- A Singer Tri-voiturette (illustration) 249
- An Appreciation 249
- Sparklets 250-251,260-263
- How I Started My Motoring 250-251
- Weighing Motor Bicycles for the Paris-Madrid Race 251
- Electric Ignition for Motor Cycles (illustrated* 252-254
- Our First Breakdown 254-255
- Motor Cycle Touring (illustrated) 256-258
- Climbing Hills with a Trailer Riding Hints. By C. W. Brown
- Belt Troubles and their Cure. by Harry Parsons
- Taking Motor Cycles into France Current Chat
- Letters to the Editor
- Auto Cycle Club Committee
- The 200 Miles Reliability Trial
- Questions and Replies
- New Patents
No. 13. Vol. I. June 24, 1903
- Concerning Laws - - - ? 271-272
- Albert Champion (illustration) 272
- Parbold Hill (illustration) 273
- The 1,000 Miles Motor Cycle Reliability Trial 274-275
- Stag's Hill, looking down.(illustrations) 274-275
- Sparklets 276-277. 234-287
- A Petrol Famine 276-277
- Current Chat . 278
- The Empire City Track (illustration) 279
- The Two Sides of Trailering 280-282
- The Graham Motor Sociable (illustrations) 280-281
- Some Electric Ignition Items -. 284-286
- A Friendly Dust Up (illustration) 286
- The Transport of Motor Cycles to Ireland 287
- Notes from France - - 288
- Four New Designs for Motor Cycles (illustrated) 289
- Questions and Replies 290
- Letters to the Editor 291-292
- Motor Pacing 292
- Recent Patents 293
No. 14- Vol. I.
- Leaderettes: Motor Cycling for Children— Be Considerate—Incompetent Authorities 295-296
- Mr. T. Silver and his Quadrant (illustration)
- From John-o’-Groat’s to Land’s End on a Motor Bicycle in 64h. 29m. (illustrated)
- Sparklets
- Motor Cycling in Lancashire The Song of the Trailer
- The Ardennes Motor Cycle Race (specially illustrated) 300-302
- The Two Hundred Miles Reliability Trial (specially illustrated) 303-306
- Current Chat 307
- Motor Cycle Touring Some Hints for Tourists in Ireland (illustrated)
- Motor Bicycles for Ladies
- Lubricating and Air Cooling for Small Motors. By E. H. Arnott
- The Castlewellan Speed Course (illustrated
- Notes from France
- Letters to the Editor
- A Useful Pressure Gauge
- Questions and Replies
- Recent Patents
- A Useful Motor Cycle Alarm
- No. 15. Vol. I.
- Leaderettes -. Motor Cycle Pacing—The Same Subject—A Reliable Tyre Wanted - - 319-320
- The Latest Type of Sociable Attachment (illustration)
- The Liverpool Motor Cycle Club (illustration)
- The Latest 2} h.p. Ormonde Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- Sparklets 322-323, 336-339
- Forecarriages. By G. H. Smith 322-323
- A Tandem Motor Tricycle Suggested Design (illustrated)
- On taking a Motor Cycle into France
- Riding Hints
- Current Chat
- Catford Hill Climb (illustrated)
- Gordon-Bennett Course (illustrated)
- Motor Cycle Speed Trials (illustrated)
- Recent Designs in Motor Cycles
- Useful and Practical
- Motor Cycle Touring
- The Monument, Phoenix Park (illustration)
- A Police Trap (humorous illustrations)
- Roadside Inns
- Pilette on a De Dion Tricycle (illus.)
- The Lord Lieutenant's Police Escort (illus.)
- The Wheatley Cup (illustration)
- Questions and Replies
- Letters to the Editor
- Recent Patents
No. 16. Vol. I.
- Leaderettes: The Motor Bill — The Trailer Question - The 1,000 Miles Reliability Trials — The Club’s Rejoinder — Practical Confirmation . 347’348
- Motor Cycle Speed Trials, Dublin (full page illustration)
- Sparklets
- Forccarriages. By G. H. Smith
- Reimers and Another (illustration)
- Current Chat
- A Water-cooled Motor Bicycle (illustrated)
- 6,000 Miles on a Motor Bicycle
- Rigal, one of the Competitors in the Recent Match, Fournier.Rigal. at Paris 354
- Racing in County Down (illustrated) 355-356
- Fallowfield Races, Manchester (specially illustrated) 357
- “ The Lord of the Highway.” By Archie Barr 358-359
- Coming through Dunstable in the 200 Miles Reliability Trial (illustration) 359
- Motor Cycle Touring (illustrated) 360-363
- Motor Cycles and Army Signalling (illustrated) 364-366
- Letters to the Editor 367
- Questions and Replies 368
- Recent Patents 369
No. 17- Vol. I.
- Leaderette: The 1.000 Miles Reliability Trials- The Question of Pedalling A Fresh Regulation- Motor Cycle Track Racing— The Exclusion of the Monster 371-372
- A. C Wright and B. Yates at Castlewellan (illustration)
- Dunstable Chalk Cutting illustration)
- Current Chat
- A Relic of the Past
- The Jesmond Motor Bicycle 'illustration
- The Motor Cycle Speed Course
- The Starley Motor Bicycle
- The Noble Motor Bicycle
- Canning Town Races (illustrated*
- Two Days’ Imprisonment in a Paris Gaol (illustrated)
- A Motor Cycle Tour in Belgium
- Sparklets
- Practical Motor Cycling
- Letters to the Editor
- Questions and Replies
- Recent Patents
No. 18. Vol. I.
- Leaderettes: Holiday Time The Motor Bill The 1,000 Miles Reliability Trial
- Crundall on the Humber (Full page Illustration)
- Current Chat
- The Relative Dimensions of Cylinders. Jules Gobiet
- Sauvenicre on the Clement Racer (Illustration)
- Mr. Sleigh on his Humber Tricycle (Illustration)
- The 200 Miles Reliability Trial (illustrated), second round
- Practical Motor Cycling Useful and Practical (Illustrated) Notes from France
- Through the Ardennes (illustrated)
- A Run on the New Imperial Rover
- Sauvenicre at Full Speed (illustration)
- A New Three-speed Hub (Illustrated)
- Letters to the Editor
- Questions and Replies
- Recent Patents
No. 19. Vol. I. August 5, 1903.
- Leaderettes: The 1,000 Miles Reliability Trials. Police Persecution. Two Things Wanted 4'9-420
- Members of the Cheltenham and Gloucestershire Automobile Club, Two Photographs (Full page illustration)
- Current Chat 422-423
- 200 Miles in a Day. By B. H. Davies (illustrated) 424-426
- Notes from France 427
- Military Motor Cyclists 427
- Through Normandy on a Motor Cycle 428-429
- Map of the 1,000 Miles Reliability Trials Routes (Full page illustration)
- An Excellent Spring Frame (illustrated)
- The 1,000 Miles Reliability Trials
- Practical Motor Cycling
- The Noble Motor Bicycle
- Sparklets
- Tricks of the Trade
- Riding Hints. By C. W. Brown Letters to the Editor Questions and Replies Recent Patents
No. 20. Vol. 1.
- Leaderettes : Classification by Cylinder Capacity. Governing Motor Cycle Trials. The Motor Bill. A Royal Commission 443-444
- Full Page Illustration — Mr. Tessier the “Bat”
- Current Chat
- A Week-end Trip (illustrated)
- Riding Hints
- Maps of the 1,000 Miles Trial
- Elementary Principles of Ignition
- Racing at Canning Town (illustration)
- A Run on a “Peerless" (illustrated)
- Practical Motor Cycling (illustrated)
- Messrs. Young and Watkins starting in 200 Miles Trial (illustration)
- Why the Motor Bicycle would not go Sparklets (illustrated)
- Useful and Practical
- 6,000 Miles on a Motor Bicycle Letters to the Editor
- Queries and Replies
- Recent Patents
No. 21. Vol. 1. August 19, 1903.
- Leaderettes: Hill-climbing in the Trials. The Pleasures of Pedestrianism. The Motor Bill . 467-468
- The Empire City Trotting Track, Yonkers,
- N.Y. (illustration, 468
- Current Chat 469-470
- A Pioneer Tour (illustrated >, by R. T. Lang 471.473
- Dickinson’s Patent Filler (illustration)
- Durtel at the Cote de Laffrey (illustration)
- The 1,000 Miles Motor Cycle Trial.
- Fully reported and profusely illustrated 474-479
- Notes from France (the Laffrey Hill climb)
- Mr. Newman on the 2f h.p. Chase motor.
- Starting a Group of Competitors from the Crystal Palace (full page illustration)
- Loss of Power in Motor Cycle Engines
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- Questions and Replies
- Novelties on Their Trial
- An Irish Reliability Run Letters to the Editor
- Practical Motor Cycling (continued)
- Recent Patents
No. 22. Vol. I. August 26, 1903.
- Leaderettes: The Road Trials. Efficiency and Organisation. A Retrograde Step
- List of Entrants in the 1,000 Miles Trial
- Motor Cycling permitted by Law at Fourteen
- THE 1,000 MILES RELIABILITY TRIAL. (The second week.) Specially Illustrated 493-499
- Current Chat 504-505
- High Speed v. Large Cylinders—by “Rotator” 506-507
- Sparklets 506-507
- The System of Marking in the 1,000 Miles Reliability Trial
- THE S. F. EDGE 200 MILES RELIABILITY TRIALS Reliability Trials in France
- Letters to the Editor
- Questions and Replies
- Recent Patents
No. 23. Vol. I. September 2, 1903.
- The Motor Cyclist and the New Act
- Mr. E. H. Arnott on his 3.25 h.p. Werner (illustration) 517
- Current Chat .
- Some Less Known Machines in the Trials
- Mr. H. Rignold with his 2.75 h.p. Riley Motor Bicycle (illustration) 520
- THE THIRD ROUND OF THE S. F. EDGE CUP (profusely illustrated; 521-522, 527-528
- Notes from France
- 25 OF THE 28 SURVIVING COMPETITORS IN THE 1,000 MILES TRIALS, with key map. Riding Hints. By C. W. Brown
- Canning Town Races (illustrated)
- Snapshots in the 1,000 Miles (illustration)
- Experiences of the 1,000 Miles Trial
- Sparklets
- Through Normandy on a Motor Bicycle. II. 532-533
- Letters to the Editor
- Questions and Replies
No. 24. Vol. 1.
- Leaders: THE JUDGES’ AWARDS. UNION S STRENGTH. A New War Instrument 539-540
- The A.C.G.B. and I. 1,000 Miles Trial 541Speed Trials at Southport 541
- A Middle-aged Motor Cyclist (illustrated) 544
- HIGH SPEED v. LARGE CYLINDERS. By Jules Gobiet 545-546
- Tricycling Pleasures by Cyclo Motor - - 547
- Current Chat (illustrated) . - •548-549
- MY FIRST CENTURY. By R. T. Lang - - 550-551
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- FLAT BELTS. By Ernest H. Arnott 554
- Notes from France 555 A
- Plea for the Motor Cycle Rider 556
- A New Side Carriage (illustrated) 556
- An Enthusiastic Motor Cyclist 557
- Letters to the Editor 558
- Questions and Replies 559-560
- Recent Patents (illustrated) 561
No. 25. Vol. I. September 16, 1903.
- Leaders: THE MIXING OF CYCLES AND CARS. The Inequality of the Test. Free Insurance. The New Act
- The Kerry Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- Notes from France
- Current Chat
- A. C. Wright on the Ormonde
- THE 100 MILES NON-STOP RUN (illustrated) 571-574
- A Veteran Motor Cyclist Riding Hints
- The Irish Reliability Trial
- Motor Cyclists and the New Act. By John A. Williamson, Solicitor
- A Run on a Quad
- The Freemasonry of the Motor Cycle
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- Practical Motor Cycling (illustrated)
- The Automobile Club 1,000 miles Trial
- Letters to the Editor
- Questions and Replies
- Recent Patents
No. 26. Vol. 1. September 23, 1903.
- Leaders -. Lack of Enterprise. False Economy.
- The Control of Motor Cycles 587-588
- Riding Hints. By C. W. Brown 589
- From Buckhurst Hill to Barnstaple (illustrated) 590-591
- Current Chat (illustrated) 592-593
- The Crownfield Lady’s Motor Bicycle
- The Latest Peugeot Motor Bicycle (illustrated)
- THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB 1.000 MILES TRIAL, CLASS Al (illustrated) 595-596
- Notes from France (illustrated)
- Practical Motor Cycling
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- Sparking Contacts
- Chain Belts
- A Water-cooled Tandem (illustrated
- Military Motor Cycling (illustrated)
- A Useful Table
- Letters to the Editor .
- Questions and Replies
- Recent Patents
No. 27. Vol. I. September 30, 1903.
- Leaderettes: Lamps A Striking Contrast Motor Cyclists and the New Act
- Elementary Principles of Ignition (illus.
- A Tankless Motor Bicycle (illustrated >
- Current Chat (illustrated)
- Motor Cyclists and the New Act
- THE 1,000 MILES Trial. Class A1
- THE 200 MILES NON-STOP RUN - FOURTH ROUND (illustrated) * 620-621
- Notes from France 623-624
- French Trials: The Winner and Others. Some of the Competing Machines (full page illustrations) 625,630
- Motor Cycle Touring 626-627
- Sparklets (illustrated) 626-627
- The Motor Cycle Corps at the Army Manoeuvres (illustrated) 628-629
- Letters to the Editor 631
- Questions and Replies 632
- (Recent Patents - - 633
No. 28. Vol. I. October 7th, 1903.
- Leaderettes: The Non-stop Trials. Racing Standards. Fatigue 635-636
- Notes from France 637
- Current Chat (illustrated) 638-639
- A BUSINESS TOUR ON A MOTOR CYCLE illustrated) . .640-642
- Late News—The Century Tandem at Bexhill illustration' 643
- A Neat Conversion (illustration). The Attempt to Strangle the Quad 647
- How I Improved my Motor Cycle 648-649
- Sparklets (illustrated) 648-649
- Building a Motor Cycle. By an Amateur (illustrated) 650-651
- Some Recollections of the Manoeuvres (illustrated) - - - - - 652-653
- Questions and Replies 654
- Letters to the Editor 655-650
- Recent Patents 657
No. 29. Vol. I. October 14th, 1903.
- Leaderettes« ITHE QUESTION OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. Further Arguments
- against the Large Engine—The New Act 659-660
- A General View of the Southport Speed Course (illustration)
- Riding Hints. By C. W. Brown
- Current Chat (illustrated)
- Motor Cycle Touring by E. H. Arnott
- The Elementary Principles of Ignition
- The Cost of Motor Cycling 670-671
- Mr. J. H. Rowse’s Pillion Seat (illustrations) 671
- Sparklets (illustrated) 672-673
- The Control of Motor Cycles 672-673
- The Chateau-Thierry Hill Climb (illustrations' 672-673
- Notes from France (illustrated) 674-675
- The New Michelin Motor Bicycle Tyre
- The Southport Speed Trials (illustration)
- A Clever Conversion (illustrated)
- Questions and Replies Letters to the Editor
- 1904 Minerva Motors
- Recent Patents
No. 30. Vol. I. October 21st, 1903.
- Leaderettes 1 The French Motor Cycle Trials. The Transmission Question. Sunday Competitions .
- At the Winchester Run (illustration)
- Current Chat (Illustrated)
- AN AUTUMN TOUR (Illustrated)
- An Interesting Amateur Design (illustration!
- The Watawata Belt. J. Edge climbing Havelock Hill (illustrations!
- Hints and Tips. The Motor Volunteer Corps The 1904 Minerva
- The Motor Cycling Club Final Contest
- The Birmingham Motor Cycle Club Climb at Rednal (illustrated)
- The Elementary Principles of Ignition (continued)
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- Passenger Motor Cycle Attachments
- Some Impressions of a Recent Visit to Paris
- Auto Cycle Club News
- An Awkward Predicament 698-699
- Snapped in the Act of Mounting (illustration) 699
- High Speed v. Large Cylinders -.703-701
- The Pitcher and Bartlett Motor Tandem (illus )
- A Two-speed Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- Questions and Replies
- Letters to the Editor
- Recent Patents
- A New Motor Cycle Oil Lamp
- Lycett’s Stand and Carrier
No 31.
- Leaderettes: A Neglected Type. A Common Objection. The Storage Difficulty
- Current Chat (illustrated)
- An Autumn Tour (illustrated)
- The Kyma Sociable
- Auto Cycle Club Committee Meeting
- The Quandary of the Quad
- The Racing at Dourdan Late News
- An End to End Ride on an Ariel
- The Advantages of High Power
- 1904 Clement-Garrards
- Riding Hints
- A Happy Land
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- Preparing for a Run Dr. Brown and Mr. Oliver Stanton (illustration) Handle-bar Control for Motor Bicycles (illustrated
- The Sidecarriage
- A Police Trap (illustration)
- The New Miller Cetolite
- Questions and Replies
- Letters to the Editor
- Recent Patents
- The New Minerva-Longuemare Carburetter
No. 32. Vol I. November 4th, 1903.
- Leaderettes -. The Federation of Motor Cyclists. Motor Cycle Organisations
- Current Chat (illustrated)
- Ascending Rose Hill, Rednall (illustration)
- Mr. Harry Tate on a Chase illustration)
- The 1904 Triumph Motor Bicycle.
- The Motor Cycling Club
- The Elementary Principles of Ignition (illustrated)
- The Demon Scorcher
- The Phoenix Two-speed Gear (illustrated) 745
- The Centaur Motor Bicycle 746
- Chain versus Belt 747
- An Interesting Amateur Design (illustration) 747
- Sparklets 748-749
- Experiences with the Samson Band 748
- Canvas Belts on Motor Cycles 749
- Winter Run of the Motor Cycling Club 734-749
- Mr. S. Wright with his Excelsior (illustration)
- An Early Pattern (illustrated)
- An Excellent Machine Aeolus Gear driven Motor Bicycle (illustrated)
- Questions and Replies
- Letters to the Editor
- Recent Patents
- Minerva Improvements (illustrated)
No. 33. Vol I. November 11th, 1903.
- Leaderettes« Motor Cycles and the Weight Limit- The Numbering of Motor Cycles A Group at Golden Gates, between Hockliffe and Woburn (lllustration)
- Current Chat (illustrated)
- A Light Four-wheeled Motor Cycle (illus.)
- Carburetter Adjustments
- Tips (illustrated)
- The Moto Cardan Gear (illustrated)
- A Lady's Motor Bicycle
- A Handy Little Two-seater (illustrated)
- Motor Cyclists and their Engines Late News- Show Rex’s
- Starting a Motor Bicycle
- Sparklets (illustrated)..
- The Motor Bicycle in City Traffic
- The Ormonde Chain Belt illustrated)
- A Useful Paraffin Valve (illustrated)
- The Irish Local Government Board Regulations
- M.O.V. versus Automatic Inlet Valves
- A Novel Sidecarriage Attachment
- Werner Motors Ltd., v. A. W. Gamage Ltd. ..
- “The Motor Cycle" Readers’ Competition
- Notes from France
- The Schmidt Gas Lamp (illustration)
- Questions and Replies
- The Clarendon Motor Bicycle (illustration) ..
- Letters to the Editor..
- Recent Patents
No. 34. Vol. I. November 18th 1903,
- Leaderettes: The Future of the Motor Cycle. The Shows
- Gaillon Hill Climb (illustrations)
- A GUIDE TO THE SHOWS. Describing some of the most interesting exhibits (illustrated)
- A Non exhibitor’s Specialities (illustrated)
- THE FRENCH 1,000 KILOMETRES TRIALS (illustrated)
- Current Chat (illustrated)
- The Xlall Two-cylinder Motor Bicycle (illus.)
- Just off, an incident in the 200 Miles Trial (illustration)
- The Finishing Point on Gaillon Hill < illus.)
- The Reliability of the Motor Bicycle (Milligan with his 2.5 h.p. Bradbury- (illustration
- The Control of Motor Cycles Sparklets (illustrated)
- Press Representatives preparing to follow up the 200 Miles Trial (illustration)
- Discussing the Merits of a New Machine (illus.)
- Fun with a Second-hand Quad (continued)
- The Micrometer Clutch (illustrated)
- Another New Chain Belt (illustrated)
- From Scotland to Scandinavia (illustrated)
- Lycetts’ New Tool Case (illustration)
- Questions and Replies
- The Limitation of Cylinder Capacity
- How the S. F. Edge Cup was won
- Letters to the Editor
- “The Motor Cycle" Lamp Design Numbers ? illustrated
- Recent Patents
No. 35. Vol. I. November 25th
- Leaderette: The Size of the Numbers; etc. in? Motor Cycle” Suggestion Accepted .. .. .. . .
- THE STANLEY SHOW: Motor Cycles and their-Accessories (fully illustrated)
- THE NATIONAL SHOW: A Description the Motor Cycle (fully illustrated)
- Current Chat (illustrated) ..
- A Halt for Lunch at the Red Lion, Hatfield (illustration)
- Carburisation..
- The Neofold Tricycle (illustration) ..
- Paillard with the Paillard Water-cooled Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- The Latest Pattern Motosacoche (illustration)
- Notes from France. The French 1,000 Kilometres Trials (illustrated) ..
- Some Ryley 1904 Accessories (illustrated)
- Questions and Replies
- Letters to the Editor
- Recent Patents
- French Motor Cycle Trials
- No 36. December 2nd, 1903.
- Leaderettes : Water-cooling on Forecarriages. Desirable Improvements.
- A Reminiscence of the Motor Cycling Club Non-stop Trials (illustration)
- The 200 Miles Reliability Trial. A Retrospect
- A Scene on the Great North Road (illustration)
- A Record of Progress, by A. J. Wilson (illustrated)
- Registration and Driving Licences for Motor Cycles. The Ariel Coupling (illustration)
- Meeting of the Motor Cycle Traders’ Association. Late News
- Notes from France
- Current Chat (illustrated)
- Visits to the Shows. Details of more new Machines
- High Speed v. Large Cylinders, by Rotator
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- The Edwards new Non-slipping Device (illustrations)
- A Flooded Road near Reading (illustration)
- Group of some of the Members of the Motor Cycling Club (illustration)
- A Successful Winter Run
- Questions and Replies
- Letters to the Editor
- The Empire B.P. Support
- Menzie’s Free Engine Arrangement
- The New Revolution Motor Cycle Stand
- Recent Patents
No. 37. Vol. I. December 9th, 1903
- Leaderettes: Sociability and Silence. Still about Quiet Running. Tandem Design
- Mr. and Mrs. Phillips on their Excelsior Tandem (illustration)
- The Auto Cycle Club Dinner (illustrated)
- Desirable Improvements, by Mr. Mervyn O’Gorman
- The Singer Belt-driven Motor Bicycle
- Mr. J. Van Hooydonk’s Lecture at the Auto Cycle Club Dinner, reproductions of some of the lantern slides (full page illustration)
- The Elementary Principles of Ignition (illustrated)
- The Dunlop Carburetter (illustrated)
- The Registration of Motor Cycles
- The Modern Motor Tricycle, by B. H. Davies(illustrated)
- The New Simms-Bosch Ignition System for Motor Cycles
- A Striking Poster (illustration)
- Current Chat (illustrated)
- Silencers, by Dr. Wood McMurtry (illustrated*
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- The New 1904 Werner (illustrated)
- The New Palmer Cord Tyre (illustrated)
- Questions and Replies
- Letters to the Editor
- Recent Patents, by G. Douglas Leechman 919
No. 38
- Leaderettes: Motor Cycle Taxes. Retaliation. Motor Cycle Volunteers 921-922
- Current Chat (illustrated) 923-925
- C.T.C. Meeting 926
- A Glance at the Shows 927
- Useful and Practical (illustrated) 928
- THE PARIS SHOW : A Review of the Motor Cycles (fully illustrated) 929-932
- Riding Hints, by C. W. Brown 933
- A Night Ride in the Highlands 934-936
- Sparklets (illustrated) 934-936
- AN INGLORIOUS TOUR, by Zelos 937-939
- Starting a Monster (illustration) 939
- Questions and Replies 940-941
- Letters to the Editor 942
- Recent Patents, by G. Douglas Leechman 943
No. 39. Vol.I. December 23rd 1903
- Leaderettes : The Non-slip Tests. Reliability Trials. Easily First 945-946
- The Simms-Bosch Magneto (illustration) 946
- Exterior of the Grand Palais, Paris (illustration)
- Current Chat (illustrated)
- 25,000 Miles on Motor Cycles, by B. H. Davies
- The Alert Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- An Improved Petrol Gauge
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- The Early Days, by John J. Leonard
- The Leonardis Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- Useful and Practical: The Cobb Mechanism. A New Direct Drive for Motor, Cycles (illustrated)
- The Wail of an Exhibitor
- The Swift Two-speed Motor Bicycle
- Questions and Replies
- Several Adventures
- The Bat Forecarriage (illustration)
- Letters to the Editor
- Recent Patents, by G. Douglas Leechman
- A Reproduction of the Driving License
No. 40. Vol. I. December 30th, 1903.
- Leaderettes : 1904—Litigation
- Ascending River Hill (illustration)
- Current Chat (illustrated)
- Quaint and Curious Objects (illustrated)
- Facsimile of Registration Form (illustration) .
- Motor Cycling in West Australia
- The Wolf Motette (illustration)
- Practical Motor Cycling (illustrated)
- The Werner Registered Frame Action
- Are Pedals Necessary ?
- Maintaining the Power • .
- The Ader Motor Bicycle (illustration)
- Sparklets (illustrated)
- A Midnight Ride
- Useful and Practical (illustrated) Questions and Replies
- Letters to the Editor
- Recent Patents, by G. Douglas Leechman