1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: F
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- F. W. Cook Brewing Co, Limited.-Dwect&n: Col. A. K. Dibb (Chairman), F. G. Burt, and Col. A. Gardner. M.P. Secretary: J. W. Jones. Office : 12, Moorgate Street, E.C.— The company was registered January 1, 1892, to acquire the capital stock of an American corporation owning a brewery in the city of Evansville, Indiana, U.S.A.
- Farnham United Breweries, Limited.—Director's: E. Barrett (Chairman), H. J., Gurdon- Rebow, E. T. Hargraves, E. Kempson, A. J. Nash, and H. J. Trimmer. Secretai'y: W. Young. Office: The Lion Brewery, Famham.—The company was registered October 22, 1889, to acquire the breweries of Mr. George Trimmer and Messrs. John and Edward Barrett.
- Flint and Co, Limited,—Directors: Sir J. R. Ellerman, Bart. (Chairman), J. G. Bellamy, and M. W. Mattinson, K.C. ; C. W. Battiscombe. Secretary: G. I. liean.^ Office: St. Dunstan’s Brewery, Canterbury.—The company was registered September 15, 1903, to take over the undertaking of Flint and Sons]], Limited, registered February 16, 1893.
- Flower and Sons, Limited.—Directcfj's: A. D. Flower, S. A. Flower, T. H. Lloyd, A. E. Park, J. Pritchard (London Managing Director), F. L. Talbot, and G. E. Thwaites. Secretary : C. Lowndes. Office: Stratford-on-Avon.—The company was registered February 25, 1888, to take over the business of brewers of the firm of this name.
- Forest Hill Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors : E. Venner (Chairman), T. Hull, T. R. Hull, and E. J. Venner. Secretary: A. E. Warr. 0ffi.ee: Forest Hill Brewery, Forest Hill, S.E.—The company was registered November 12, 1885, to acquire the business of Messrs. Morgan Brothers.
- Forsters Bishop Middleham Brewery, Limited.—Directors: M, Forster (Chairman and Managing Director), D. W. Forster (Secretary), L. Hudson, and F. E. Pease. Office : Bishop Middlehain, County Durham.—The company was registered March 27, 1897, to acquire tlie business of breirers of Messrs. C. F. and M. Forster.
- Frank Jones Brewing Co, Limited.—Directors: E, M. Ind (Chairman), C. H. Babingtoii, H. T. Brown, F. R. Pryor, and A. M. Tod. Secretary: E. A. Freeman. Offi,ce: 2, Change Alley, E.C.—The company was registered March 16, 1889, to acquire the Frank Jones Brewery, at Portsmouth, U.S.A., and a brewery at Boston, U.S.A., the latter of which has since been disposed of.
- Frederick Hotels, Limited.—Directors: Sir H. G. Regnart, Kt. (Chairman), A. Bird, G. Cooke, Col. F. G. Oldham, and* R. Peake. General Mawayer and Secretary: L. W. Slade. Office: 8, Bloomsbury Square, W.C.—The company was registered June 17, 1899, to acquire the Hotel Great Central and the Hotel Russell, in London; the Hotel Majestic, Harrogate ; the Royal Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone ; the Hotel Burlington, Dover Bay; the Sackville Hotel, Bexhill; and the Hotel Metropole, Whitby. All the properties except the Hotel Russell (which is held on lease for 99 years from June, 1896) are freehold.
- Frederick Leney and Sons, Limited.—Directors: A. Leney (Chairman), H. Green, E. Leney, and R. Tapply, Secretary: A. Starmer. O^ce: Phoenix Brewery, Wateringbury, Kent.—The company was registered January 14, 1896, to acquire the business of brewers of tbe firm of the same name.
- Fredk. Smith, Limited.—Directors: F. G. Reynolds, F. Smith (Managing Director), F. A. Smith, and G. Trentham. Office: Aston Model Brewery, Birmingham.—The company was registered February 25, 1895, to take over the brewery business of Iklr. Frederick Smith.
- Free, Rodwell and Co, Limited.—Directors: R. Y. Bevan (Chairman), Nigel W. Dawnay, S. O. Eaton, R. E. Free, Capt. J. A. Ind, W. K. S. King, and W. H. Rodwell. Secretary: F. J. Marshall. Office: The Maltings, Mistley, Essex.—The company was registered October 30, 1893, to acquire the business of maltsters of the firm of the same name.
- Friary, Holroyd and Healy's Breweries, Limited. — Directors: C. H. Master (Chairman), H. P. Cunliffe, G. B. Holroyd (Joint Managing Director), D. Jupp, C. E. H. Master (Joint Managing Director), and G. Simmons. Secretary: H. M. Lunn. Office: Friary Brewery, Guildford.—The company was registered April 8, 1889, as Friary and Holroyd’s Brewery Co]], Limited, and was re-registered January 14, 1890, as. Friary, Holroyd’s and Healy’s Brewery Co]], Limited, and again on June 24, 1895, under the above title. In 1897 Young’s Brewery, Dorking, and other properties were, acquired.
- Frome United Breweries Co, Limited. — Directors: B,. F. H; Batten-Pooll (Chairman), A. R. Baily, E. W. Baily (a Managing Director), J. L. Collings (a Managing Director and Secretary), and E. R. Trotman (a Managing Director). Office: The- Breweries, From©.—The company was registered March 20, 1889, to take over three breweries situated at Frome, in Somersetshire, another propeidiy being afterwards acquired.
- Fuller, Story and Co, Limited.—Dtrec/ors .? J. Fuller, W. V. Fuller (Secretary), T. Story, and G^ Webster. Office: Bell Brewery, Maidenhead.—The company was registered December 22,1899, to acquire the business of brewers of Messrs. John Fuller and Co.
See Also
Sources of Information