1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: N
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- Nailsworth Brewery Co, Limited.— Directors: W. G. Clissold (Chairman), G. Clissold, J. Clissold, A. Neame, and W. S. Swinscow. Secretary: R. Heaven. Office: Nailsworth.—The company was registered May 15, 1889, to acquire the business of Messrs. Clissold and Sons.
- Nalder and Collyer's Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: F. H. Nalder (Chairman and Managing Director), J. Alexander, W. F. Crouch, J. A. Maitland, A. Walton (Deputy Managing Director), and W. R. Wilson. Secretary: H. R. Woollven. Office: The Brewery, Croydon.—The company was registered May 3, 1888, to take over the business of Messrs. Nalder and Collyer, of Croydon.
- New Cross Brewery Co. Limited.—Directors: W. H, Burney, F. G. Burt, and T. Willerson. Secretary: E. Dalton. Office: 26, Pomeroy Street, S.E.—The company was registered September 30, 1905, in reconstruction of Burneys New Cross Brewery, Limited, registered December 31, 1898.
- New England Breweries Co, Limited.—Directors: C. E. Barnett (Chairman), J. T. Agg-Gardner, H. E. Hoare, and Col. C. Larking. Secretary: E. A. Freeman. Office: 2, Change Alley, E.C.—The company was registered March 27, 1890, to acquire, through an American company, three breweries in Boston.
- New Grand Hotel, Birmingham, Limited—Directors: Hon. A. P. Allsopp (Chairman), B. Horton, J. Horton, and T. E. Polden. Secretary: R. Muras. Office : Grand Hotel, Birmingham.—The company was registered May 8, 1896, to take over from the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, Limited, properties held on lease for 99 years from March, 1893, at a rental of £3,000 per annum.
- New London Brewery Co, Limited.—S. Stimpson (Managing Director), and C. T. Sutton. Secretary: E. Street, Vauxhall, S.E.—The company was registered March 26, properties of a company of the same name, registered July 23,
- New Westminster Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors; P. Gates (Chairman), F. H. Holmes (Managing Director), M. W. Mattinson, K.O., and W. Murray. Secretary: C. E. Payne. Offices: Earl Street, Westminster.—The company was registered August 1, 1873.
- New York Breweries Co, Limited.—Directors: J. Y. Stephen (Chairman), J. T. Agg-Gardner, Hon. H. Hanbury-Tracy, Sir H. B. Praed, Bart., and N. Spens. Secretary: E. A. Freeman. Office: 2, Change Alley, E.C.—The company was registered August 10, 1888, to take over the breweries of the H. Clausen and Son Brewing Company and Messrs. Flanagan, Nay and Co., both of New York.
- Newcastle Breweries, Limited.—Directors: W. A. Bevan (Chairman); J. Allison, T. W. Lovibond, and B. R. Reed (Managing Directors); and C. Liddell. Secretary : J. W. Carr. Haymarket, Newcastle-on-Tyne.—The company was registered February 27, 1890, to take over various businesses.
- Newland and Nash, Limited.—Directors: C. E. Clark (Managing Director and Secretary) and R. Summers. Office: Bedford.—The company was registered May 21, 1897, to take over the business of brewers, &c., of the firm of the same name.
- Nicholson and Sons, Limited.—Directors: A. F. Nicholson (Secretary), F. W. Nicholson, G. Nicholson, W. Nicholson, and W. R. Nicholson. Office: The Brewery, Maidenhead.—The company was registered July 7, 1903, to acquire the business of brewers of the same name.
- Noakes and Co, Limited.—Directors: J. N. Noakes, S. N. Noakes, W. Noakes, and W. F. Noakes. Secretary and Manager: W. G. Poole. Office: White’s Grounds, Bermondsey, S.E.—The company was registered March 10, 1897, to take over the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- North British Distillery Co, Limited.—Directors: G. Robertson (Chairman), W. Cree, G. Ferguson, J. Ferguson, Sir A.O. Riddell, Kt., and W. Sanderson (Managing Director). Secretary: W. Andrew. Office: Gorgie Road, Edinburgh.—The company was registered October 24, 1885.
- North Cheshire Brewery Co, Limited.— Directors: T. Brown (Chairman). W. Brear, W. P. Cartlidge, R. W. Evans, and E. Robinson. Secretary: G. H. B. Johnson. Office: Charles Street, Macclesfield.—The company was registered October 11, 1897, as the North Cheshire and Manchester Brewery Co, Limited, to take over the business of the North Cheshire Brewery Co, Limited, registered May 28, 1873, but in 1898 the name was changed as above.
- North Eastern Breweries, Limited.—Directors: R. Murray (Chairman and Managing Director), W. Aynsley, J. T. Bramley, W. Kirk, J. G. Murray, and R. T. Murray. Secretary: T. Humphrey. Office: Wear Brewery, Chester Road, Sunderland.—The company was registered December 2, 1896, to take over several businesses.
- North Worcestershire Breweries, Limited—Directors: E. Webb (Chairman), S. 0. Boulter, F. R. Garrard (Managing Director), Sir W. H. Humphery, Bart., K.C.B., and Sir H. B. Praed, Bart. Secretary: B. Pritchard. Office: Stourbridge.—The company was registered May 12, 1896, to acquire breweries at Stourbridge, Blackheath, and Oldbury, all in Worcestershire; and at Brierley Hill, in Staffordshire; with an hotel at Stourbridge, and a wine and spirit merchant’s business in the last mentioned place.
- Northampton Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: D. J. Morgan (Chairman), P. Allen, H. T. Brown, A. T. Page, Col. B. T. Seckham, D.S.O. (Managing Director), and G. J. T. Seckham. Secretary: W. G. Carter. Office: The Brewery, Bridge Street, Northampton. —The company was registered February 9, 1887, to take over a private business carried on under the style of the Northampton Brewery Company, and has since acquired the Lion Brewery at Northampton.
- Northern Corporation, Limited.—Directors: W. A. Bevan (Chairman), Col. J. Allison, A. J. Foster, C. Liddell, T. W. Lovibond, and B. R. Reed. Secretary: J. W. Carr. Office: Haymarket, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.— The company was registered November 25, 1891, as the Northern Breweries Corporation, Limited (the name being changed as above in 1903), for the purpose of investing capital in the purchase and subsequent leasing to the Newcastle Breweries, Limited, or others, licensed and other properties.
- Notting Hill Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: F. J. Bearman, A. B. Chandler, R. J. Chandler, T. G. Chandler, and G. L. Palmer, Secretary: J. G. Wright. Office: 125, Clarendon Road, Notting Hill, W.—The company was registered June 23, 1905, to acquire the business of a private company of the same name.
- Nottingham Brewery, Limited.—Directors: C. J. Cox (Chairman), F. W. Colley, J. E. Cox, and J. W. McCraith, Secretary: A. Moore. Office: Mansfield Road, Nottingham.—The company was registered February 28, 1887, to acquire the brewery of Mr. E. W. Field.
See Also
Sources of Information