1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: B
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- Backus and Johnston’s Brewery Co, Limited.—directors: J. Lloyd (Chairman), W. F. Leese, E. Lembcke, and H. W. Sillem. Seci'etary : F. W. Bishop. Office: Dashwood House, E.C.—The company was registered September 13, 1889, to take over the brewery and ice business of Messrs. Backus and Johnston, at Lima, Peru.
- Baker Brothers, Limited.—Directors : E. H. Baker and W. R. R. Baker. Secretary: A. Piejus. Office : Tottenham Chambers, Tottenham Court Road, W.—The company was registered October 21, 1889, to take over certain hotels, &c. In 1896 some of the properties originally acquired were sold,
- Ballard and Co, Limited. — Directors; A. C. Beeman and H. J. Beeman. Secretary: A. W. Kogerson. Office: 32, High Street, Southover, Lewes.—Tlie companj^ was re<^istered February 1, 1898, to take over the business of brewers carried on under the same title.
- Balmenach-Glenlivet Distillery, Limited.—Directors: J. M‘Gregor (Chairman and Managing Director), W. Fletcher, and D. E. M‘Laren, Secretary: G. Clark. Office: Balmenach, Cromdale, Strathspey.—The company was registered February 16, 1897.
- Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh, Limited.—Director's: A, McNab (Chairman), J. Ferguson, and E. Sawers (Managing Director). Secretary: G. T. Clunie. Registered Office: Balmoral Hotel, Princes Street, Edinburgh. Secretary's Office: 46, George Street, Edinburgh.—The company was registered December 16, 1897.
- Barclay, Perkins and Co, Limited.—Directors: R. Barclay (Chairman), A. F. Perkins, F. L. Bevan, G. Bevan, H. F, Barclay, E. F. Barclay, E. W. Giffard (Managing Director), C. C. Perkins, and J. T. Scriven. Secretary: B. P. Pullan. Office: Park Street, Southwark, S.E.—The company was registered June 9, 1896, to take over the brewery business of the firm of the same name.
- Brewery Co, Limited.—DZA-CC^OT’S S. Lucas (Chairman), J. Akenhead, A. Beattie, J. Dymond, C. J. Tyas, and H. J. Wells (Secretary). O#’cc; Oakwell Brewery, Barnsley, Yorkshire.—The company was registered August 8, 1888, to take over the business of Messrs, Paul and Guy Senior.
- Barrett's Brewery and Bottling Co, Limited. — Amalgamated with Plowman and Co]], Limited, under the title of Plowman, Barrett and Co]], Limited.
- Bartholomay Brewing Company (of Rochester), Limited.—Directors: E. Milburn (Chairman), J. H. Epstein, and F. W. Fcllowes. Secretary: D. Willink. Office : 35, Copthall Avenue, H.C.—The company was registered April 11, 1889, to take over three breweries situated in the City of Rochester, New York State, U.S.A. The properties are held through an American company.
- Baslow Hydropathic Co, Limited.—Office: Alliance Chambers, George Street, Sheffield.—The company was registered February 25, 1880.
- Bass, Ratcliff and Gretton, Limited.—Directors: Lord Burton (Chairman), W. A. H. Bass, A. J. Clay, G. A. Clay, H, F. Gretton, J. Gretton, M.P., P. W. Ratcliff, R. Ratcliff, and R. F. Ratcliff, M.P. Secretary: J. Lambrick. Office: Burton-on-Trent.—The company was registered January 31, 1880, and on January 13, 1888, was re-registered.
- Bath Brewery, Limited.—Directors: H. F. Clutterbuck (Chairman), T. Baggs, J. J. S. Collins, and J. M. Hibbard (Managing Director). Secretary: R. E. Giles. Office: 13, Westgate Street, Bath.—The company was registered June 21,1889, to acquire six breweries in the neighbourhood of Bath.
- Beacon Hotel, Crowborough, Limited.—Directors; A. Bull (Chairman), H. H. Fuller, R. R. L. James, R. King-Sampson (Managing Director), and J. A. Le Gros. Secretary: A. H. Cullen. Office^: 11, Ironmonger Lane, E.C.—The company was registered March 29, 1906,
- Bear's Paw Restaurant, Limited.—Director's: J. J. Saint (Chairman), E. W. Lightfoot, C. R. B. McGilchrist, J. Maughan, and J. Paxton. Secretary: A. E. S. Cook. Office: 53, Lord Street, Liverpool.—The company was registered November 12, 1891.
- Bredford Brewery (Plymouth), Limited.
- Beeston Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: S. T. Banning (Chairman), A. Fawcett (Managing Director), and J. D. Robinson (Secretary). Office: Beeston, Nottingham.— 'Fhe company was registered October 2, 1896, as the New Beeston Brewery Co]], Limited, to take over the business of the Beeston Brewery Co, Limited, registered November 18, 1882, and in November, 1897, the name was changed as above.
- Bell and Co, Limited.—Directors: H. Bell (Chairman), A. Bell, J. Eadie, W. Alurray, and J. D. Penney (Alanaging Director). Secretary: W. Hallowell. Office: Hemp- shaw Brook Brewery, Stockport.—The companj’ was registered November 29, 1898, to take over the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- [[Bellingham and Co., Idmited.—Directors: Sir W. Johnson (Chairman), J. C. Bayley, A. Bellingham, H. Hore (Managing Director), and J. S. Mortimer. Secretary : A., Mathie- son. Office: Dalston Distillery, N.E. — The company was registered October 20, 1887, to take over the business of rectifying distillers of the firm of the same name.
- Benrinnes-Glenlivet Distillery, Limited. — Directors : A. Edward (Chairman and Managing Director), R. I. Cameron, D. MacCallum, and J. M. Scott. Manager and Secretary: W. A. Eddie. Office: Benrinnes, Aberlour.—The company was registere<l December 10, 1896.
- Benskin's Watford Brewery, Limited.—Directors: J. A. Panton (Chairman), C. Healey, H. T. M. Howes, E. I. Husey, H. M. Husey, and J. S. Wood. Head Office: Cannon Brewery, Watford. Transfer Office: 58, Coleman Street, E.C.—The company was registered January 26, 1898, chiefly to take over the business and properties of a company of the same name, registered July 12, 1894.
- Bentley and Shaw, Limited.—Directors; J. L. Shaw (Chairman), H. C. Bentley, W. N. L. Champion, and N. Jagger (Managing Director). Secretary: C. L. Jones. Office: Lockwood Brewery, Huddersfield.—The company was registered October 22, 1891, to take over the business of Messrs. Bentley and Shaw,
- Bentley’s Yorkshire Breweries, F. W. Bentley, R. B. Bentley, G. (Managing Director), and J. F, Milne. Secretary : J. W. Hampshire. Office Brewery, Woodlesford, Leeds.—The company was I Bentley and Co., and Yorkshire Breweries]], Limited, to acquire the businesses of Henry Bentley and Co]], Limited, of Woodlesford, Leeds, the Brunswick Brewery Co]], Limited, of Leeds, Mr. J. Eastwood, of Northowram, Halifax, Messrs. J. and H. S. Hirst, of Bradford, and the executors of the late Mr, Samuel Taylor, of Bradford. Other businesses have since been acquired, and in 1893 the name was changed as above.
- Bent's Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: E. J. Chevalier (Chairman), Churton, A. T. Salvidge (Managing Director), and A. Tyrer, General Manager and Secretary: J. G. Howard. Office: 30, Johnson Street, Liverpool. — The company was registered July 16, 1889, to acquire the business of Messrs. R. Bent and Co., and in 1902 absorbed the Chester Lion Brewery Co]], Limited.
- Berkeley Hotel Co, Limited,—Directors: R. D’Oyly Carte, R. A. Handcock, and G. Reeves-Smith (Managing Director). Secretary: C. F. Munro. OSice: Savoy Hotel, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered October 29, 1896.
- Bieckert's Brewery Co (1900), Limited.—Directors: M. W. ‘ Mattinson, K.C. (Chairman), W. F. Leese, J. Lumb, F. A. Walker, and T. Wood. Secretary: E. J. Honychurch. Oj}ice: 5, Copthall Buildings, E.C.—The company was registered January 15, 1900, to take over the properties of a company of practically a similar title, registered March 12, 1888, to acquire Mr. Bieckert’s brewery, in Buenos Ayres.
- Birkenhead Brewery Co, Limited.—.• F. Newsfcead (Chairman), N. Cook, T. S. peakin, G. E. Holt, and F. IL Playne. Manager and Secretary: 3. Gallienne. Offices: Oiiel Chambers, 14, Water Street, Liverpool.—The company was registered in 1865.
- Birmingham Hotel and Restaurant Co, Limited.—Directors: J. L. Haninan fChairman), H. Meredith, and J. F. Remnant. Secretary: E. B. Upton. Office: 5, Colonnade Passage, New Street, Birmingham.—The company was registered December 9, 1896, to acquire certain properties at Birmingham.
- Boardman's United Breweries, Limited. — Director's: E. H. Seddon (Chainnan), J. W. Saynor, and J. Wood. Secretary: W. J. Etherington. Office: 28, Leinster Chambers, 4, St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. — The company was registered June 25, 1896, to take over various businesses, including that of Boardman’s Breweries]], Limited, registered June 26, 1895.
- Boddingtons Breweries, Limited.—Directors: W. S. Boddington (Chairman), R. S. Boddington (Deputy-Chailman and Managing Director), G. S. BaU, H. Kershaw, and W.. Sumner,-jun. Secretary: A. E. Ward. Office: Strangeways Brewery, Manchester.—The company was registered December 15, 1887, to take over the business which in 1888 had been transferred to Henry Boddington and Co, Limited.
- Bodega Co, Limited.—Directors: H. AV. Walmisley (Chairman), T. B. Bickerton, T. Richards (Managing Director), and J. H. M. Scott. Sec^'ctary: D. H. Beardon. OJ^ce: 42, Glasshouse Street, Regent Street, AV.—The company was registered March 31, 1881, to take over the wine and spirit establishments of Messrs. Lavery and Co., known under the title of “ Bodega.”
- Bohemian Breweries, Limited.—O,ffice.- 27, Cornhill, E.C.—In liquidation.
- Booth's Distillery, Limited.—Directors: AV. Foster, AV. A'^. Foster, H. C. Greengrass, F. J. Kelly, R. C. Lane, H. Pocock, and D. Stewart. Secretary: J. S. C. Callingham. Oj^ce: 55, Cowcross Street, E.C.—The company was registered November 3, 1897, to take over the businesses of Messrs. Booth and Co. and Grimbic’s Distillery]], Limited.
- Border Brewery, Limited.—Directors : E. Belfield (Chairman), F. D. Jones, H. J. F. Newbould, and J, H. Stephens (representing the trustee for the debentme holders). Secretary: C. AV. G. Cook. Office: Berwick-on-Tweed.—The company was registered July 27, 1899, to acquire a business carried on under the same title.
- Bournemouth Imperial and Grand Hotels, Limited.—Directors: J. F. Remnant, M.P. (Chairman), P. H. Brown, E. Daoust (Managing Director), and C. Hodges. Secretary ; E. R. Ives. Office: Imperial Hotel, Bournemouth.—The company was registered July 12, 1898.
- Brachia Distillery Co, Limited.—Directors: J. Anderson (Chairman), W. C. Newbigging (Managing Director), Sir A. O. Riddell, Kt., and Sir R. Usher, Bart. Secretary: J. C. Milne. Office: Brackla Distillery, Naim.—The company was registered March 3, 1897, to take over the business of Messrs, Robert Fraser and Co.
- Brampton Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: E. T. Hargraves (Chairman), R. H. Tennant, U. H. Tristram, and W. J. Wilkinson (Managing Director). Secretary: G. Boldry. Office: Brampton, Chesterfield.—The company was registered Jxme 10, 1897, to take over the business carried on under the title of the Brampton Brewery Company.
- Brandon’s Putney Brewery, Limited.—Directors: A. J. Brandon, 0. Foulsham, S. S, Foxdsham, S. O. Nevile, and A. H. Palmer. Secretary: J. Longman. Office: Putney, S.W.—The company was registered July 2, 1896, to take over the business and properties of A. J. Brandon]], Limited.
- Brear and Brown, Limited.—Directors: 'VV. Brear (Chairman), T. Brown, A. Eastwood, and E. Robinson. Secretary and Manager: H. Halliday. Office: The Brewery, Hipperholme, near Halifax.—The company was registered February 28, 1894.
- Breeds and Co, Limited.—Directors: T. Breeds (Chairman), F. W. Breeds, W. Cheesman, and J. C. Mappin. Secretary: H. E. Morris. Office: Hastings.—The company was registered October 26, 1897, to take over the business of brewers of Messrs. Thomas Breeds and Co.
- Brickwood and Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir J. Brickwood, Kt. (Chairman and Managing Director), R. Barnes, H. Brickwood, W. Bull, and J. Miles. Secretary: H. B. Hole. Office: Portsmouth.—The company was registered November 3,1891, to acquire the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- Bridge Hotel and Theatre Company, Darlington, Limited.— Directors: E. Berry, H. t. Luck, T. H. Oliver, H. J. Park, J. Plant, N. Slothard, and T. C. Usher. Secretary: J. Hall. Office: Bridge Hotel, Northgate, Darlington.—The company was registered September 25, 1897, to acquire a property at Darlington.
- Bridge of Allan Hydropathic Co, Limited.—Director’s K Sandeman (Chairman), R. Hunter, J. Macdonald, R. Nish and R. G. Ross. Secretaries : Honeymah and Drummond. Office: 58, Bath Street, Glasgow.—The company was registered in 1865.
- Brighton Grand Hotel Co, Limited.—Director’s: M. Townsend (Chairman), Col. W. J. A. Baldwin, R. J. Beadon, .1. Debenham, and J. Farncombe. Manager: E. R. Berner. Secretary: W. E. Shubrook. The company was established in 1859 as the Brighton Hotel Co]], Limited, and late in 1883 the name was changed as above.
- Bristol Brewery, Georges and Co, Limited.—Directors: W, E. George (Chairman), W. Bisdee, C. B. Hare, E. J. Swann, A. C. Terry, and P. H. Vaughan. Secretary : H. J. A. M. de Provence. Office: 15, Bath Street, Bristol.—The company was registered February 13, 1888, to take over the business of Messrs. George and Co., and in 1889 the Bedminster Bridge brewery of Messrs. James and Pierce was acquired.
- Bristol College Green Hotel Co. Limited.—Directors: G. K. Stothert (Chairman), E. W. B. Villiers (Deputy-Chairman), J. H. Clarke, and E. A. King. Secretary: C. S. Ware. Office: Royal Hotel, College Green, Bristol.—The company was established in 1864.
- Bristol Hotel and Palmerston Co, Limited.—Directon: G. H. Fookes (Chairman) and R. Pearce. Office : Palmerston House, E.C.—The company was registered July 4, 1892, and owned the Bristol Hotel, Burlington Gardens, W., and the Palmerston Restaurant, Old Broad Street, E.C. In 1902-3 the company disposed of its properties,
- Bristol United Breweries, Limited.—Directors: A. W. Summers (Chairman), E. B. Colthurst, C. R. Hancock, J. H. Lockley, andH. W. K. Wait. Secrctar]/: H. E. C. Baker. Office: Lewins Mead Brewery, Bristol.—The company was registered July 24, 1889.
- British Beer Breweries, Limited.—Directors.- J. Girdwood (Chairman), T. H. Fox, W. St. J. Fox, Capt. G. P. Haine, H. N. Lubbock, and B. D. Quihampton. Secreta/rij : G. Sidebotham. Office: St. Clement’s House, Clement’s Lane, E.C.—The company was registered September 30, 1907, to acquire the business of brewers, maltsters, &c
- Brunt, Bucknall and Co, Limited.—/>»*ec^o?’s ; S. Ratcliff (Chairman), A. H. Betterton, II. B. Betterton, C. G. Markham (Secretary), and C. R. Ratcliff. Office: Hartshorne Brewery, Burtou-on-Trent. — The company was registered October 25, 1890, to acquire the business of brewers and wine and spirit merchants of the firm of the same name.
- Buckley's Brewery, Limited.—Directors; J. F. H. Buckley (Chairman), D. Lewis, and B. W. Valentin. Secretary: J. H. Gale. Office: Llanelly, South Wales.—The company was registered December 10, 1894, to acquire the business of brewers, &c., of Messrs. Buckley Bros., and early in 1896 and 1900 the businesses respectively of Messrs. Wm. Bythway and Co. and the Carmarthen United Breweries]], Limited, were acquired.
- Budlen and Biggs Brewery, Liraited.—Directors: L. B. Biggs (Chairman and Joint Managing Director), J. T. Aldridge, J. H. Biggs (Joint Managing Director), L. Biggs, and J. Budden. Secretary: W. Beck. Office: Strood, Rochester.—The company was registered May 7, 1897, to take over certain businesses of brewers and wine and spirit merchants, at Chatham and Strood, Kent.
- Bullard and Sons, Limited.—Directors: G. A. Coller (Chairman), E. J. Bullard, and D. G. Gaul (Secretary). Office: St. Miles Bridge, Norwich.—The company was registered March 28, 1895, to acquire the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- Bulloch, Lade and Co, Limited.—Directors: R. Sutherland (Chairman), J. Archer, J. M. Glen, and T. Wilson (Secretary). O£icc: 4, Bothwell Street, Glasgow.—The company was registered September 23, 1896, to take over the business of merchants, distillers, and commission agents of the firm of the same name, all the distilleries being freehold.
- Burlington Hotels Co, Limited.— Directors: Sir E. C. Nugent, Bart. (Chairman), Col. the Hon. F. C. Bridgeman, W. H. Burgess, G. Cooke (Managing Director), and R. G. H. Somerset. Secretary: A. G. Plante. Office: 2, Buckingham Gate, S.W.—The company was registered December 11, 1896, to acquire the Burlington and Buckingham Palace Hotels in London, and the Hotel Burlington at Boscombe. Burton Brewery may reconstruct.
- Bushell, Watkins and Smith, Limited.—/directors .• C. C. Perkins (Chairman), C. Collard, P. Smith, G. Wadley, and J. Watkins. Secretary: T. Newton. Office; Wester- ham.—The company was originally registered July 16, 1894, as B. C. Bushell and Co]], Limited, to acquire the business of brewers of Messrs. Bushell and Co. ; re-registered under the title of E. C. Bushell, Watkins and Co]], Limited, July 22, 1897, with an increased capital, in connection with the acquisition of the brewery business of Messrs. John Watkins and Sons; and again re-registered, under the above title, July 20, 1899, with a further increased capital, on the purchasing of the brewery property of Messrs. Smith and Son.
- Buxton Hydropathic, Limited.— Directors: H, R. P. Lomas (Chairman and Managing Director), W. Armstrong, and A. Lomas. Secretary: G. W. Bosworth. Orifice: Buxton.— The company was registered May 4, 1899, to take over a property as a going concern.
See Also
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: A
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: C
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: D
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: E
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: F
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: G
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: H
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: I
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: J
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: K
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: L
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: M
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: N
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: O
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: P
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: Q
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: R
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: S
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: T
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: U
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: V
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: W
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: X
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: Y
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: Z
Sources of Information