1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: S
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- S. A. Brain and Co, Limited.—Directors: J. B. Brain (Chairman), J. H. Brain, W. H. Brain, and W. S. Sweet-Escott. Secretary: W. Bastabrook. O^ce: St. Mary Street, Cardiff.—The company was registered April 12, 1897, to acquire the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- S. H. Ward and Co, Limited,—Directors: C. H. W. Mander and C. B. Ward. Secretary : F. Ashbury. Offi^ce: Sheat Brewery, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield.—The company was registered February 27, 1896, to acquire a brewery business.
- S. Swonnell and Son, Limited.—Directors: A. G. Courage (Chairman and Joint Managing Director), W. J. Fieldhouse, G. H. Garrett, W. S. Hastings, and H. R. Tamplin (Joint Managing Director). Secretary: J. E. Turner. Office: 61, Mark Lane, E.C.—The company was registered August 22, 1898, to acquire the business of maltsters of the firm of the same name.
- S. W. Arnold and Sons, Limited.—Directors: S. W. Arnold, F. S. Arnold, T. P. Arnold, A. E. Arnold, and C. R. Rodwell. Secretary: D. H. Arnold. Office: Rowbarton Brewery, Taunton.—The company was registered January 14,1898, to take over the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- St. Anne's Well Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors F. W. Harding, W. C. Richards, L. D. Thomas, and AV. H. Willis. Secretary: AV. Howard. Office: 80, Queen Street, Exeter.—The company was registered February 1, 1889, to acquire the business of Messrs. Harding, Richards, and Thomas.
- St. Ermin's Hotel, Limited.—Directors: E. I. Husey (Chairman), C. Gold, Jun., and T. L. AVells. Secretary: A. Moss. Office: St. Ermin’s Hotel, Caxton Street, AVestminster, S.AV.—The company was registered February 7, 1903, in reconstruction of the Mansions Proprietary]], Limited, registered December 23, 1896.
- St. Louis Breweries, Limited.—Directors: R. Milburn (Chairman), J. M. King, R. H. Monro, and D. Willink. Secretai'y: W. Willink. Office: 35, Copthall Avenue, E.C. —The company was registered December 6, 1889, for the purpose of purchasing all the issued shares (except thirteen) in the St. Louis Brewing Association, which was formed in June, 1889, to acquire breweries in St. Louis, U.S.A.
- St. Pauli Breweries Co, Limited.—Directors: C. McL. McHardy (Chairman), C. H. Dreier (Bremen), J. Hannes, L. Kulenkampff (Bremen), D. Ruyter (Bremen), Lt.-Col. D, Stewart, and A. F. Unkraut (Bremen). Secretary: A. B. Daniels. Office: 9, New Zealand Avenue, Barbican, E.C.—
- Samuel Allsopp and Sons, Limited,—Director's: J, F. Remnant, M.P. (Chairman), F. Deuchar, R. Hutton, F. J, Roe, and W. G. Sinclair (Managing Director). Manager: H. M. Taylor. ; J. Hartshorn. O^ce: Burton-on-Trent.—The company was registered February 2, 1887, to take over the business of brewers of the firm of the same name. After prolonged negotiations, a scheme for the reduction and reorganisation of the capital was agreed to by the proprietors in 1903, with a view of extinguishing a deficiency account formed as a result of a revaluation of the assets in 1900-1, and the plan received the sanction of the Court in July, 1903, and has been carried out. In 1906 agreements were come to, providing practically for the transfer to this company of the undertakings of the Burton Brewery Co, Limited, and Thomas Salt and Co, Limited, but the plan subsequently fell through.
- Samuel Webster and Sons, Limited.—Directors: G. F. Dawson (Chairman), H. Bland, F. Buckley, G. F. Crowe, I. Lancaster, and T. S. Watney. Secretary: C. Barker. O^^ce: 57, Northgate, Halifax.—The company was registered March 18, 1890, to take over the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- San Francisco Breweries, Limited.—Directors: R. hlilburn (Chairman), J. Annan, F. W. Fellowes, B. T. L. Thomson, and D. AVillink. Secretary: W. Willink. Office: 35, Copthall Avenue, E.C.—The company was registered May 3, 1899, to take over the properties of a company of the same name, registered May 13,1890, with a view of amalgamating under one management ten breweries situated in and near San Francisco.
- Savill Brothers, Limited.—Directors : E. Savill, P. Savill, P. R. Savill, H. Savill, L. L. Savill, A. E. Savill, and G. C. Earle. Office: The Brewery, Stratford, Essex.—The company was registered December 8, 1893, to acquire the brewing business of Messrs. Savill Brothers, carried on under the same name and under the style of Taplow and Co.
- Savoy Hotel, Limited.—Directors: R. D’Oyly Carte (Chairman), S. Boulter (Vice- Chairman), R. A. Handcock, G. Reeves-Smith (Managing Director), and H. Williams. Secretary : C. F. Munro. Office: Savoy Hotel, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered May 28, 1889, and acquired a 99 years’ lease of properties situated in London, but in 1893 the freehold was purchased, in 1896 the Grand Hotel, Rome, was acquired (referred to below), in 1899 the company acquired the whole of the share capital of New Claridge’s Hotel, Limited, and in 1900 the whole of the share capital of the Berkeley Hotel Co, Limited.
- Scarborough and Whitby Breweries, Lunited.—Directors: E. Hance (Chairman), H. Bennett, T, S, Jay, A, A, Smith, and G, Wadley, Secretary: E, T. Brickwell. Office: Westborough, Scarborough.—The company was registered as the Scarborough Brewery Co]], Limited, October 15, 18fe, to acquire the businesses of Messrs. Gr. and H. Hudson and Mr. W. J. Hudson, and in 1897, on the acquisition of additional properties, the name was changed as above.
- Scrase's Brewery, Limited.—Directors: Sir G, A. E. Hussey (Chairman and Managing Director), E. D. Herbert, and A. Spooner. Secretary : A. A. Burnett. Office: 2, High Street, Southampton.—The company was registered November 7,1889.
- Scratcherd and Co, Limited.—Director’s: F. Fleming, T. Greenwood, and E. William- sdn. Secretary: F. Bories. Office: Bull Green, Halifax.—The company was registered June 14, 1900, to acquire the business of wine and spirit merchants of the firm of the same name.
- Seabrooke and Sons, Limited.—Directors: C. Seabrooke (Chairman), J, Seabrooke, C. H. Seabrooke, H. Wallis, and E. F. Wood. Secretary: W. H. S. Burlton. Office: Thorrock Brewery, Grays.—The company was registered March 4, 1891, to take over the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- Seager Evans and Co, Limited.—Directors; Capt. P. A. Browne (Chairman), G. Baker, and C. J. Dignasse (Managing Director). Secretary: L. Haynes. Office: Millbank Distillery, 2, Grosvenor Road, S.W.—The company was registered October 5, 1898, to take over the distillery business of the firm of the same name.
- Shandon Hydropathic Co, Limited.—Directors: J. Morrison (Chairman), J. Allan, J. Brown, W. Gardiner, F. L. Morrison, and F. H. L. Thomson. Secretary; J. Wilson. Office: 186, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow.—The company was registered February’ 23, 1877.
- Short's, Limited.—Directors: H. R. Simpson (Chairman), J. B. Michelmore, and W. Millwood. Secretary: G. J, Hammond. OJJice: 310, High Holborn, W.C.—The company was registered July 14, 1898, to carry on the business of wine and spirit merchants, established by Mr. Short.
- Showell's Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir J. Smith (Chairman), E. Webb (Vice-Chairman), W. Showell (Managing Director), and A. C. Wright. Secretary: W, G. Holland. Office: 157, Great Charles Street, Birmingham.—The company was registered March 5, 1887, as Walter Showell and Sons, Limited, to take over the business of the firm of this name, brewers, at Oldbury, and in 1894 ^jie Brewers’ Investment Corporation, Limited, was absorbed, the capital then undergoing some readjustment and the name being changed as above.
- Showell's Stockport Brewery, Limited. — Directors: G. Atherton (Chairman), W. H. Brady, T. Meadows, R. Owen, and A. W. Pigott (Managing Director). Secretary: J. W. McLoughlin. Office: Brookfield Brewery, Stockport.-—The company was registered November 26, 1896, to acquire from Showell’s Brewery Co]], Limited, the Brookfield Brewery at Stockport, with attached houses.
- Shrewsbury and Wem Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: H. Kynaston (Chairman), R. G. Gatehouse, C. H. Kynaston, A. Mansell, and T. B. Sykes. Manager and Secretary: H. Gough. Office: The Brewery, Wem, Salop.—The company was registered January 31, 1898, as the Shropshire Brewery Co]], Limited, to acquire the business of Messrs. William Hall and Co., the name in the same year being changed as above.
- Silver Spring Brewery, Limited.—Directors: J. W. Davy (Chairman), AV. R. Osmond, H. R. Fraser, and S. C. Nutter (Manager), the last two being resident at Sherbrooke, Quebec. Secretary: L. Tucker. O^cc: 25, A’ictoria Street, S.AV.—The company was registered December 21, 1900, to acquire a brewery, situated at Sherbrooke, Province of Quebec, Canada.
- Simson and McPherson, Limited.—Directors: F. Deuchar and C. J. Stewart. Secretary : G. T. Potter. Office: Sandyford Brewery, Newcastle on-Tyne. Registrar: C. J. Andrews, 24, Coleman Street, E.C.—The company was registered February 7, 1896, to take over the brewery businesses of Messrs. James Simson and Sons, of Edinburgh and Melrose, and Messrs. John Ewen McPherson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and certain other businesses.
- Smedley's Hydropathic Co, Limited.—Directors : A. Sykes (Chairman), II. Chailand, E. Crowther, AV. Crowther, and J. H. Quilliam. Secretary: A. Douglas. Office : Matlock, Derbyshire.—The company was registered July 3, 1875,
- Smith and Co., Lamberhurst, Limited,—Directors: P. A. Simpson (Chairman and Managing Director), F. G. Christopher, and F. C. Simpson (Assistant Manager), Secretary: . B. Doggett. Office: Lamherhurst, Kent.—The company was registered December 15, 1899, to acquire the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- Smith, Garrett and Co, Limited.—Directors: H. Cowell (Chairman), E. Garrett (Managing Director), J. Garrett, L. B. Garrett, L. D. Nicholson, and R. W. M. Walker. Seo'etary : S. J. Hall. Office: The Brewery, Bow, E.—The company was registered July 18, 1882, to acquire the brewery of the firm of the same name.
- Smithers and Sons, Limited.—Directors: E. A. Smithers (Chairman), H.W. Smithers (Vice-Chairman), L. C. Ashby, and S. Ashby. Secretary : A. P. Dollman. Office: 201, Western Road* Brighton.—The company was registered June 28, 1906, to acquire the businesses of brewers of the firm of the same name, and of Messrs. Ashby and Co.
- Soulby, Sons and Winch, Limited. — Directors : T. Winch (Chairman), R. W. Millington, H. B. Walker, and T. M. Winch (Managing Director). Secretary: S. W. Allinson. Office: Alford. — The company was registered December 9, 1896, to take over the brewery businesses of Messrs. E. H. Soulby and Sons, at Alford, and T. M. Winch and Co., at Louth, and other properties have since been acquired.
- South African Breweries, Limited. —Directors: S. Chambers (Chairman), S. B. Joel, I. Lewis, N. S. Maughan, F. Mead, G. H. Raw, and E. C. AVigan. Secretary: L. Roome. Threadneedle House, E.C.—The South African United Breweries]], Limited, was registered November 8, 1892. In 1895 it was decided to reconstruct with an enlarged capital, and the present company was registered May 15, 1895. The company owns properties at Cape Town, East London, Port Elizabeth, Kimberley, Bloemfontein, Pietermaritzburg,- Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria, &c.
- South African Hotels, Limited.—Directors: S. Chambers (Chairman), N. S. Maughan, and F. Mead. Secretary: L. Roome. Office: 28-31, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C.— The company was registered August 31, 1901, to acquire the Grand Hotel at Cape Town, and additional properties have been purchased.
- South-Western Brewery Co, Limited.— Directors: J. Milligan, A. B. Sheiinan, and J. Stroyan. (Secretary). Office: 23, King Street, Newton-Stewart.—The company was registered July 14, 1898, to take over the brewery and aerated water business carried on by Mr. AVilliam Thomas Solomon.
- Southdown and East Grinstead Breweries, Limited.—Directors: A. G. S. Manning (Chairman), T. S. Manning, and AV. Pawley. Secretary: D. Cronin. Office: Thomas Street, Lewes.—The company was registered June 11,1895.
- Spa Hotel Co, Limited.—DrrecZors; A. Wallace (Chairman), W. Finlay, and A. Naughty. Sccreiary: A. Dallas. ; 27, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh.—The company was registered April 27, 1895.
- Spreckley Brothers, Limited.—Directors; A. G. Spreckley and H. W. Spreckley. Secretary: E. T. Bennett. O(ficc: 7, Foregate Street, Worcester,—The company was registered June 21, 1897, to acquire the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- Springfield Breweries, Limited.—Directors: E. Rawlings (Chairman), J. L. Hale, A. J. Ker, and W. S. L. Schuster. Secretary: J. W. Jones. 0ffi.ee : 12, Moorgate Street, E.C.— The company was registered March 27, 1890, to acquire two breweries at Springfield, Ohio, U.»S.A.
- Springwell Brewery Co, Limited. —Directors: C. P. Wood (Chaiiman), F. M. Haig, Hon. R. Parker, and C. W. Whitworth. Secretary: J. Thacki'ah. Office: The Springwell Brewery, Heckmondwike, Yorkshire.—The company was registered March 17, 1888, to take over the Springwell Brewery at Heckmondwike, near Leeds.
- Stansfeld and Co, Limited.—Directors: J. J. Stansfeld {Chairman and Managing Director), C. A. Davis, and J. A. H. Stansfeld. Secretary: C., A. Davis. Office: Swan Brewery, Fulham, S.W.—The company was registered January 2, 1899, to take over the business of brewers, &c., of the firm of the same name.
- Star Brewery, Cambridge, Limited. — Directors: C. Armstrong (Chairman and Managing Director), H. C. Francis, and A. Walton. Secretary: J. Carter. Office: 13, Newmarket Eoad, Cambridge.—The company was registered November 18, 1891. In March, 1901, another brewery was acquired.
- Starkey, Knight and Ford, Limited.—Directors: T. Starkey (Chairman), J. J. Baily, Capt. A. W. Daniel, T. H. Ford, and H. B. Walker. Secretary: F. H. Allen. Office: High Street, Bridgewater.— The company was registered November 17,^ 1887, as Starkey, Knight and Co]], Limited, to take over the businesses of brewers, &c., carried on by LIr. Thomas Starkey, and Messrs. H. and G. Knight, at Bridgewater, Taunton, &c.; in 1895 the business of brewers, &c., of Messrs. T. Ford and Son, of Tiverton, was acquired, the name being then changed as above, and in 1896 a portion of the business of Arnold, Perrettand Co, Limited, was acquired.
- Steel, Coulson and Co, Limited.—Directors: J. Wyper (Chairman), F. W. Coulson (Joint Assistant Managing Director), J. L. Coulson (Managing Director), R. N. Coulson (Joint Assistant Managing Director), and A. B. Graham. Secretary: T. A. Craig. O,tfic€: 139, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow.—The company was registered May 14, 1888, to take over the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
- Steward and Patteson, Limited.—Directors; A. Finch, C. H. Finch, A. F. Morse, G. H. Morse, and H. T. S. Patteson. Secretary: C. L. Page. Office: Pockthorpe Brewery, Norwich.—The company was registered July 3, 1895, to acquire the business of brewers of Messrs. Steward, Patteson, Finch and Co., and also the Swaffham Brewery.
- Strand Hotel, Limited.—Directors: M. Gluckstein, J. Lyons, and A. Salmon. Secretary: W. G. Taylor. Offi,ce: 199, Piccadilly, W.—The company was registered October 31, 1907, to acquire a long lease of land situate in the Strand, Burleigh Street, and Exeter Street, London, and to erect thereon “a popular-priced hotel.”
- Stretton's Derby Brewery, Limited.—Directors; E. T. Hargraves (Chairman), G. D. Clark, P. C. Keid, H. J. E. Scott-Makdougall, A. Stretton, and R. H. Tennant (Managing Director). Secretary: E. Chambers. OjHce: Asbbouine Road, Derby.—The company was registered December 3, 1890, to take over the business of Messrs. Stretton Brothers, and in 1899 absorbed the Derby Brewery Co, Limited. Early in 1903 the entire ordinary capital of Alton & Co, Limited, was acquired, and in addition the company holds all the share capital of the Midland Brewery Co, Limited, while the company is largely interested in other concerns.
- Strong and Co., of Romsey, Limited.—Directors: D. Faber (Chairman), Capt. H. H. Beever, Capt. W. V. Faber, M.P., and Col. A. Finlay. Secretary: E. W. Plumb. Office: The Brewery, Romsey, Hampshire. Transfer Office: Cash, Stone & Co., 90, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was registered November 26, 1894, to take over the brewery businesses of Messrs. Strong and Co., at Romsey and Weyhill.
- Stroud Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: M. AV. Colchester-Wemysa (Chairman and Managing Director), E. Armitage, E. F. Broderip, and H. H. Mills. Sect'etary: W, G. Downing. Office: The Stroud Brewery, Stroud.—The company was registered May 23, 1888, to take over the business of Messrs, Watts and Co.
- Strouts's Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: B. J. Young (Chairman), W. H. Camm, and C. Harryman (Secretary). Office: Burton Road Brewery, Neepsend, Sheffield.— The company was registered December 27, 1889, to take over the business of Messrs. Strouts and Co.
- Style and Winch, Limited.—Directors: G. M. Style (Chairman), T. Winch (Vice-Chairman), G. Marsham, C. H. Style, H. W. Tyrwhitt-Drake, G, B. Winch, and I. G. Winch. Secretary: P. Good. Office: Medway Brewery, Maidstone.—The company was registered March 17, 1899, to take over the businesses of brewers of Messrs. A. F. Style and Co., of Maidstone, and E. AVinch and Sons]], Limited, of Chatham.
- Swan Brewery, Leatherhead, Limited,—Directors: F. H. Williams (Chairman), J. W. James (Managing Director), and H. Moore. Secretary: T. Saunders. Office: Swan Brewery, Leatherhead.—The company was registered October 1, 1903, to acquire the business of brewers carried on by Messrs. George Moore and Co., and in April, 1907, the >Sun Brewery, Dorking, was acquired.
- Swansea Hotel Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir K. A. Morris, Bart. (Chairman), Dr. D. A. Davies, A. P. Steeds, and Sir G. Thomas, Kt. Secretary: C. Strick. Office: Hotel Metropole, Swansea.—The company was registered July 22, 1896.
- Swansea Old Brewery and Davies (Cardigan) Bonded Stores, Limited.—Directors: D. Davies, W. H. Howell, G. G. Isaac, J. V. Leeder, J. D. Lodwig, W. Mordecai, J. Rees, andL. M. Richards. Secretary: D. W, Evans. Office: Singleton Street, Swansea.—The company was registered May 15,1896, to take over the businesses of the Swansea Old Brewery Co]], Limited; Messrs. Davies Brothers, of Cardigan ; and Messrs. R. George and Son, of Pembroke,
- Swansea United Breweries, Limited.—Direct&i's: J. Benson (Chairman), B. R. Benyon-Winsor, P. Hawes, W. H. James (Secretary), G. H. Thomas, and H. Wain. Office: The Brewery, Orange Street, Swansea.—The company was regis tered March 21, 1890.
See Also
Sources of Information