Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Brewery and Hotels: P

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book

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Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)

  • P. Mackenzie and Co., Distillers, Limited.—Directors; J. F. Mackenzie (Chairman and Managing Director), C. J. Macpherson, R. G. Stackpoole, and C. J. Tunicliffe. Secretary • J. F. Laurie. Office: 29, Stafford Street, Edinburgh.—The company was registered November 16,1897, to take over the business of distiller?, &c., of the firm of the same name, as well as that of the Dufftown-Glenlivet Distillery Co, Limited.
  • P. Phipps and Co. (Northampton and Towcester Breweries), Limited.— Directors: P. Phipps (Chairman and Joint Managing Director), W. H. Lamb, J. Langton, T. Ratline-(Joint Managing Director), and E. Webb. Secretary: J. H. Nolan. Office : 8, Gold Street, Northampton.—The company was registered September 12, 1881, to acquire the properties of the firm of the same name, and the business of Ratliffe and Jeffery, Limited, was acquired in 1899.
  • Page and Overton's Brewery, Limited.—Directors: N. Page (Chairman), J. A. Matthews, F. Overton, A. Page, and J. L. Wigan. Secretary : F. W. Roberts. O^ce: Shirley Brewery, Croydon.—The company was registered July 10, 1903, to acquire the business of Page and Overton’s Brewery Co]], Limited, registered August 8,1892, and two other concerns.
  • Paine and Co, Limited. — Directors: J. McNish (Chairman) and A. W. McNish. Secretary: J. Sibley. O^^ce: The Counting House, Market Square, St. Neots.—-The company was registered July 9, 1896, to take over the business of brewers, millers, and merchants of the firm of the same name.
  • Palace Hotel, Limited.—Directors.* T. E. Polden (Chairman), C. Cox-Hughes (Managing Director), J. Jervis, and A. W. Webster-Jones. Secretary: J. E. Spalding. Office: Royal Palace Hotel, Kensington, W.—The company was registered Felaruary 19, 1896, and owns the Royal Palace Hotel (freehold), Kensington.
  • Palatine Hotel and Buildings Co, Limited.—Directors .* J. Bailey (Chairman), R. Bridge, R. H. Earnshaw, H. Heap, W. Kay, and J. Richardson. Office: Palatine Hotel, Blackpool.—The company was registered November 27, 1896, to take over a property at Blackpool.
  • Palmerston, Limited.—Directors: G. H. Fookes, G. T. Moody, and R. Pearce (Managing Director). Office: 29, Palmerston House, E.C.—The company was registered September 9, 1902, to acquire the Palmerston Restaurant, Old Broad Street, E.C.
  • Parker's Burslem Brewery, Limited.—Director's: J. Akenhead (Chairman), W. W. Dobson (Managing Director), F. M. Haig, S. Lucas, and C. P. Wood. Secretary: W. A. Cowlishaw. Office: Parker’s Brewery, Burslem, Staffordshire.—The company i^^as registered in March, 1889, to take over Parker’s Brewery, at Burslem, Staffordshire, together with the Tunstall Brewery, near Burslem.
  • Peter Keegan and Co, Limited. — Directors: W. Hughes and J. Stewart. Secretary: J. Mulholland. O^ce: 6, Callender Street, Belfast.—The company was registered September 16, 1898, to acquire a business of distillers and wine merchants of a firm of the same name.
  • Peter Walker and Son Property Corporation, Limited.—D/rcciors : Sir C. E. Hamilton, Bart. (Chairman), W. R. Court, Sir P. C. Walker, Bart., J. R. Walker, J. M. Walker, and Col. W. H. Walker, M.P. and G. H. Robertson (Managing Directors). Secretary: E. Ellis. Office: 105, Duke Street, Liverpool.—The company was registered July 24,1894, to purchase licensed and other properties then recently acquired by Peter Walker and Son, Warrington and Burton]], Limited.
  • Peter Walker and Son Property Corporation (No. 2), Limited.—D/reciors: Sir C. E. Hamilton, Bart. (Chairman), W. R. Court, G. H. Robertson and J. R. Walker (Managing Directors), J. M. Walker, Sir P. C. Walker, Bart., and W. H. Walker, M.P. Secretary?: E. Ellis. Office: 105, Duke Street, Liverpool.—The company was registered May 29, 1905, to take over certain licensed and other properties, acquired, or to be acquired, by Peter Walker and Son, Warrington and Burton]], Limited.
  • Peter Walker and Son, Warrington and Burton, Limited,—Directors: Sir P. C. Walker, Bart. (Chairman), W. R. Court, Sir C. E. Hamilton, Bart., G. H. Robertson, J. M. Walker, and J. R. Walker and Col. W. H. Walker, M.P. (Managing Directors). Secretary: E. Ellis. Office: 105, Duke Street, Liverpool.—The company was registered April 16,1890, to take over the brewery and wine and spirit businesses of Messrs. Peter Walker and Son, and Messrs. IMonro and Co., at Warrington and Liverpool; Messrs. A. B. Walker and Sons, at Burton on-Trent, and Messrs. A. B. Walker and Co., at Liverpool and other places.
  • Phillips and Marriott, Limited.—Directors: J. Marriott (Chairman), R. G. Bell (Managing Director), and J. Maycock. Secretary : H. H. Archer. Office: 1^, Much Park Street, Coventry.—The company was registered January 12,1900, to take over the businesses of brewers of a company of the same name, registered March 19, 1891, and that of the late Mr. William Ratliff.
  • [[Phillips and Sons] (of Newport)|Phillips and Sons]], Limited.— Directors: E. Phillips (Chairman), F. Phillips, and W. C. Phillips. Secretary: H. Keene. Office: Station Street, Newport, Mon.—The company was registered March 18,1892, to acquire the business of brewers of the firm of the same name.
  • Phoenix Brewery Co, Limited.—Directors: E. Aspinall, D. Marlor, H. W. Nuttall, T. Popple, J. Taylor, and G. F. Travis. Secretary: A. E. Goldstone. Office: Heywood, Lancashire.—The company was registered November 30, 1874.
  • Piccadilly Hotel, Limited. — Directors: G. M. Chamberlin (Chairman), R. H. Savory (Deputy-Chairman), H. Bennett (Joint Managing Director), P. W. De Keyser (Joint Managing Director), Sir F. D. Dixon-Hartland, Bart., M.P., and C. F. De Salis. Secretary: F. A. Stenger. Office: 1, Royal Hotel Buildings, Victoria Embankment, E.C. —The company was registered May 31, 1904, to acquire a block of property lying between Piccadilly and Regent Street then occupied by St. James’ Hall, St. James’ Restaurant, &c., and on this site to erect a hotel and restaurant, with shops. The site is crown property,
  • Plews and Sons, Limited.—Directors: AV. J. Plows (Chairman), A. H. Kobinson, T. W. Plews, and AV. E. Plows. Secretary : AV. V. Robinson. : Houndgate, Darlington.—The company was registered April 25, 1905, to acquire the business of wine merchanti, brewers, &c., of the firm of the same name.
  • Plowman, Barrett and Co, Limited.—Directors; E. S. Crick, F. D. Elkin, B. H. Greenslade, AV. Pierson (Managing Director), and E. Rawlings. Secretary: E. H. Crick. O^ce: 71? Bond Street, South Lambeth, S.AV.—The company was registered February 1, 1907, to amalgamate the undertakings of Plowman and Co, Limited, registered May 8, 1893, carrying on the business of beer merchants and bottlers, and of Barrett’s Brewery and Bottling Co, Limited, registered February 2fi, 1886.
  • Plymouth Breweries, Limited.—Directors: T. Brook (Chairman), E, Coppin, G. A. Collum (Managing Director), and AV. P. Vosper. Secr'ctary: H. M. Taylor. O^ce: Regent Brewery, Stonehouse, Devon.—The company was registered October 26, 1889, to acquire five, breweries situated in Plymouth.
  • Pontypridd United Breweries, Limited.—Director's; T. Jones, E. Phillips, Lcyshon, and T. R. Phillips. Secretary: J. Sprague. Offi-ce: Court House Street, pridd.—The company was registered September 1, 1903, to acquire and amalgamate two brewery businesses.
  • Portsmouth United Breweries, lAmiteA. — Directors: Sir AV. T. Dupree Kt. (Chairman and Managing Director), G. H. Dean, and AV. Dupree. Secretary: V. Dupree. Office: Eldon Street, Portsmouth.—The company was registered October 14, 1896, to take over certain breweries in Portsmouth and the neighboui’hood.
  • Powolny's (Hull), Limited.—Being wound up. Liquidators: J. Gordon, 7, Bond Place, Leeds, and C. H. Wilson, Park Row, Leeds.
  • Powolny's, Limited.—Directors: F. C. Macaskie-(Chairman), C. Dilly, Mrs. S. C. Macaskie, A. E. Pilkington (Managing Director), and C. H. Wilson. Secretary: J. E. Harrison. Office: 4-5, Bond Street, Leeds.—The company was registered December 8, 1897, to take over the business of restaurateur of Mr. E. A. Powoluy at Leeds, and in 1903 completed the sale of land and buildings thereon in Hull to Powolny’s (Hull)]], Limited, which, however, has since gone into liquidation. Another undertaking in Leeds has since been taken over.
  • Preston's Liverpool Distillery Co, Limited.—Directors: Robert W. Preston (Chairman), H. 0. Preston, F. J. Preston, W. Bell, Reginald W. Preston, and F. W. P. Preston. Office: 4, India Buildings, Water Street, Liverpool.—The company was registered August 1,1888, to acquire the distillery, at Liverpool, of Messrs. R. W. Preston and Co., which had been carried on as a joint-stock company since December 18, 1885, under the title of R. W. Preston and Co, Limited.
  • Princes Hall Restaurant, Limited.—Directors: G. M. Chamberlin (Chairman), V. Benoist, H. J. Preston, and R. H. Savory. Secretary: E. C. Colegrave. Office: Princes Restaurant, 191, Piccadilly, W.—The company was registered January 29, 1896.
  • Pump House Hotel (Llandrindod), Limited.—Directoi's: 3. X. Jebb (Chairman), D. E. Jones, D. Powell, (Managing Director) and Mrs. P. Price. Secretary: J. Price. O^ice: 6, The Bulwark, Brecon.—The company was registered October 20, 1903.

See Also


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