1910 Stanley Show: Accessories
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1910 Stanley Show
Extracted from the Cycle and Motor Trades Review
Eugen Baedeker.
Birmingham. Stand No. 151.
Here will be found a large selection of goods of the various manufacturers represented by Mr. Baedeker. The exhibit includes a big range of acetylene lamps, also saddles and tool-bags, spokes, inflators, rims, tubing, hubs, pedals, spanners, hells, etc.; also a large selection of boxed and carded goods, which should be inspected by all factors.
F. E. Baker.
Birmingham. Stand No. 186.
This exhibit. will consist of several specimens of motorcycle engines from 2-1 single to 6 H.P. twin.
Best and Lloyd, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 275X (Annexe).
The exhibit of this firm will include a large number of articles appealing to motor-cyclists. Amongst their special lines we may mention a drain valve, drip feed lubricator, compression tap, tank filler, combination tap gauge and filter, and combination tap and filter. The firm will also have on show a largo selection of high-class mascots.
The Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 148.
The exhibit of this famous firm will be one of the largest and most interesting in the Accessories Section of the Show, but of course in the space at our disposal it is impossible to do more than give a brief description of a few of the many interesting lines that will be on view. First and foremost must be mentioned the famous B.S.A. cycle fittings, samples of which will be shown suitable for all patterns of cycles. Samples of each of the complete cycles made by the company will also be on view these include a gent's de Luxe, with two-speed coaster, all black roadster, special roadster, fitted with Constrictor tyres, the Tourist, with three-speed gear, and a Carrier bicycle finished in red.
An item of great interest on this stand will be the new B.S.A. motor-bicycle, which will be shown with fixed engine and also with free engine A full description of these machines, and also of the other complete machines made by the B.S.A. Co., will be found in another part of the paper. The B.S.A. chains, brakes, handlebars, seat pillars, Hyde and B.S.A. free-wheels, the B.S.A. three-speed hub, also a complete range of the Eadie specialities, comprising coaster hubs, two-speed hubs, two-speed coaster hub, chains, etc., will be shown. Among the new things on view will be disc adjusting crank brackets, quick-release fork-ends, brake work, and mudguard attachments in improved patterns, and the Sadie motor free-wheel back hubs and motor front hubs.
A very interesting part of the firm's exhibit will be a complete range of the various patterns of the well-known B.S.A. rifles. Among the new features are the .410 bore shot gun, which has just been introduced, the Junior pattern air rifle, and several new forms of aperture back-sights and target and sporting fore-sights. We learn that the demand for the .410 bore shot gun is already greater than the output, This gun should make an excellent side line for cycle dealers, as the price is low, and it appeals to a large number of people. The Junior pattern air rifles have all the accuracy of the heavier models, but of course are not quite so powerful.
Chas. H. Blume.
Mitcham, Surrey. Stand No. 244.
Cycle stoving enamels (black and coloured), mudguard and gear-case enamels, silver paint, air-drying enamels, and maroon, grey, and bamboo rust-proof priming are the specialities of this firm, and samples of goods treated by their various processes will be exhibited. Mr. Blume's work is so well known that it is unnecessary for us to say anything respecting its quality. With reference to the rust-proof metallic priming, we might say that in addition to its rustproof qualities, a point in its favour is that it "carries" or "fills" better than the ordinary black first coat, and is equivalent in bodying up to two coats of ordinary enamel. The use of this priming does not exclude the use of the ordinary rubber or first-coat black enamel, which may still be used as an intermediary coating, but is not necessary.
Blumfield, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 268X (Annexe).
This firm's exhibit will comprise the Blumfield 5-6 H.P. twin-cylinder air-cooled engines, 67 by 95, as used in the last Tourist Trophy race, and improved to date. Also 7-8 H.P. twin engines, 80 by 95, which are new models for 1911.
"Power Units," comprising engines, carburetter, inlet exhaust pipes, magneto, magneto platform, and encased chain drive for magneto, in both 67 by 95 and 80 by 95 sizes will be shown; also adjustable belt pulleys in various sizes to suit light-weight, medium, and heavy twin engines.
Among the firm's new features are the means of oiling the big ends of connecting rods by centrifugal force, the oil being collected from fly-wheel rim, passed into timing gear box, thence through the main shaft bearing into an annular recess in centre of flywheel, and up through the fly-wheel web into inside of crank pin, whence it issues into the rod end bearings.
Bown Mfg. co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 206.
The celebrated "Aeolus" and "Popular" fittings, including hubs, pedals, and free-wheels, will be shown here, also the Aeolus and Bown frames and complete cycles. For 1911 season the firm are putting on the market a set of special design fittings for flush joints, and these will be shown not only as a fitting, but also built up into frames and complete machines.
Special attention is drawn to this set of fittings, and also to the new Bown London Model cycle, which is of special dimensions and is built light for road racing purposes.
James Bridger.
Croydon. Stand No. 166.
This exhibit will consist of a fun range of cycle and motorcycle accessories in improved patterns for the coming season. There will also be on view a first-class assortment of frames and tyres. In the latter, Mr. Bridger has a new line in eleven qualities; also a specially selected line of inner tubes, which will be known as the Dreadnought brand, and are stocked in six qualities. Mr. Bridger makes a feature of prompt delivery, and attention to all orders, and he invites cycle agents in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, with whom he is not already doing business, to get into communication with him.
The British Hub Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 207.
This firm claim to be the largest manufacturers in the British empire specializing in hubs, and their exhibit will include cycle and motor-cycle hubs in patterns and sizes to meet every requirement; also hubs for side-cars, trailers, rickshaws, aeroplanes, etc. They draw special attention to their side-car and disc adjusting hubs. The firm make a speciality of export trade, and they request colonial and foreign buyers to note that owing to their manufacturing facilities and extensive output, they are able to give immediate attention to all orders, and to ship immediately.
Canning and Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 163.
This well-known Birmingham firm will be exhibiting a large variety of electro plating and polishing machinery and material on this stand. These will include their latest O.P. type dynamos for plating and charging accumulators; ingenious devices for rapid plating, which includes the Midget plating apparatus for plating small articles, such as screws, nuts, etc. The apparatus is very simple and cheap. and occupies a small space, so that it should appeal strongly to those interested in barrel plating, or the plating of small work. Nivo nickel salts for procuring a heavy rapid deposit of nickel; Velete nickel salts for a quick bright deposit of nickel; Multi-brass salts for heavy deposits of brass suitable for the motor trade; polishing lathes with ball bearings and self-oiling ring bearings; polishing mops in all qualities; polishing leather, felt, etc., Lustre polishing composition, emery grinders, etc., will complete an exhibit which will be very interesting to agents generally.
The Clipper Tyre Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 17.
This company, as the sole British agents for the American Wood Rim Co., and the Compagnie Franco-Americaine Des Jantes En Bois, will show an extensive collection of wood rims. To many a wood rim is a wood rim and nothing more, but an inspection of the exhibits on this stand will initiate the visitor into the mysteries of the construction of wood rims, and it is an exhibit which should on no account be missed. It is claimed that there is only one type of wood rim which is really reliable in the form required for use with the wired edge form of tyre, and this type is that known as the Kundtz curved laminated—the type which is controlled solely by the Clipper Tyre Co. There is undoubtedly a largely increasing demand for wood rims, and agents will be well advised to make a study of this exhibit, so as to be in a position to advise their customers on the subject of wood rims.
H. Collier and Sons, Ltd.
London. Stand No. 179.
This well-known firm have a stand in the Gallery besides the one in the main hall, and here they will display a full range of Matchless motor-cycle accessories, including girder spring 'forks, spring fork attachments, silencers, adjustable pulleys, stands, carriers, footrests, brakes of all kinds, petrol tanks, and filters, belt punches, adjustable belt fasteners, Matchless J.A.P. engines, etc. Matchless motor-cycle accessories are now made to suit practically every known make of motor-cycle. The new double adjustable pulley should be in great demand for passenger work.
The County Chemical Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 219.
A well-displayed array of the most attractive specialities will be found on this stand, including repair outfits, carbide, solution, lubricating and burning oils, tyre stopping, etc.
In addition to the specialities exhibited at last year's Show numerous novelties will be added to this exhibit. Amongst these will be shown the Chemico carbide blocks, which provide a new system in lighting. A few of its advantages are that it keeps good for all time in any atmosphere, or even under water; it generates immediately when placed in the lamp; can be handled by the most delicately gloved hand without soiling; it is absolutely odourless: gives a steady and even flame; never flutters or flickers, and is absolutely safe. It leaves the generator when exhausted as easily and as cleanly as a spent cartridge leaves the chamber of a gun. It may be carried in the pocket, and is priced at 1.5d. for one tablet, which will burn for three consecutive hours. It is packed in convenient tins containing three blocks, retailing at 4&d. per tin.
An improved pattern of the Wineberg Toe-Clip will also be found on this stand. Motor-cyclists will welcome the advent of a noiseless repair outfit. Comet and Chemico golf balls, which have so recently been placed on the market, and which have met with such unanimous approval, should receive the attention of all dealers. An improvement in the Chemico tyre stopping will be noted. Instead of having the press-on lid' the company is now packing it in a tin with a screw-on lid.
Coventry Plating and Presswork Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 203.
This firm are makers of all kinds of presswork for the motor car, motor-cycle, and cycle trades, and they are also gold, silver, electro, and brass platers and enamellers. Their specialities include all kinds of motor and cycle mudguards. This year they are making a special feature of a patent all- metal mud-splasher, which can be fitted to any type of motor or pedal cycle. Their exhibit will also include specimens of their motor-cycle tanks, and all sheet metal work appertaining to motor cars and motor and pedal cycles.
The Cowey Engineering Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 171.
The Cowey patent motor-bicycle speed indicator will be shown here in patterns registering 5-40, 10-60, and 10-80 miles per hour. These instruments can also be supplied in kilometres without additional cost. They are fully guaranteed for 12 months, and are made to fit any type of machine.
Dover, Ltd.
Northampton. Stand No. 213.
The Revod and Dover specialities in all their various departments will have a big display on this stand. In the cycle department there will be the Dover detachable gear case, transparent and black to suit all standard pattern cycles, and all kinds of back pedalling rim and hub brakes and speed gears, the Revod detachable chain cover, the Revod detachable tandem chain cover, and the Vero chain cover, all these being made either transparent or black. Additionally, there are the Dover Exonite handle grips, which will be seen in great variety. They are three-piece patterns with highly polished surfaces and coloured tips or rims. The improved pattern one-piece handles are in black and green, with no tips to break or become loose, and for these everlasting wear is claimed. A point to be remembered by agents is that all these handles are fitted with a self-adhesive compound, and can be attached by simply damping the inside of the handle with water. Dover Exonite inflators in all sizes, Exonite detachable mudguards, double tubular in section, cycle brake lever handles in many patterns, trousers bands and clips made from best spring steel, transparent oilers with registered thumb grip, exonised handlebars in various shapes, D.L. socket spanners, Exonite tubular covering for brake wires, exonised stranded wire for cable brakes and for operating speed gear devices, improved inflator connections, screw and spring patterns, attractive show easels and pump stands for displaying Dover originalities will complete an exhibit which will be undoubtedly of very great interest to all who see it.
A. Dunhill, Ltd.
London. Stand No. 149.
All the latest best accessories of many makers will be shown here, in addition to a complete range of clothing, including overalls, capes, caps, wool vests, leather vests and leather lined jackets.
The East London Rubber Co.
London. Stand No. 202.
Among the specialities which will be shown on this stand are the special winter guards, V section, finished in enamel, new pattern pumps, and pump clips, the two latter being metal "Enid' finish. In saddles a full range of the Celtic saddles, which were in large demand last season, will be shown, the Celtic handle bar and roller Matchless front rim brake, the Popular and Celtic chains, Saxon N.P. disc chain guards, Falcon and special ratchet free wheels, leather, metal and fabric gear cases, and a large variety of rubber and rat-trap pedals will complete a very interesting exhibit.
Elephant Chemical Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 276.
X Rays burning and lubricating oils; Elephant carbide; Elephant solution, outfits, and enamel will make up a very interesting stand of the manufactures of this well-known London company. Special mention in the motor-cycle department should be made to Motorol, a high-grade lubricant specially suitable for motor-cycles, the Elephant motor-cycle outfits, and the Vulstop tyre stopping.
Fastnut, Ltd.
London. Stand No. 263.
The "Fastnut" Washer, which will be exhibited by this firm, is now very well known. It is used on nearly all the English railways, collieries, tramways, etc., and, we learn, is now being adopted by the London General Omnibus Co. The "Fastnut" Spanner and the "Fastcut" Hack Saw Blades will also be shown. The first named in appearance resembles the ordinary drop forge spanner; in use the head swings back, and allows the spanner to turn 'on the nut without removal. It will take eight different sizes of nut without adjustment. The hack saw blades are made from Sheffield steel, hardened and tempered by a new process, and it is claimed that they cut quicker and last longer than any others.
Gough and Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 227.
There will be a large range of cycle and motor-cycle saddles and tool bags, gear cases, pannier bags, telescopic luggage carriers, frame bags, spare belt carriers, etc., and general leather goods, to be seen on this stand.
Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 246.
Here will be found a complete series of the vulcanising appliances for which Messrs. Harvey Frost and Co. are so justifiably famous, the series ranging from the little H.F. "Baby" to the largest re-treading plant with great capacity for rapid output. An interesting feature of the exhibit will be a motor tube with an absolutely flush and frictionless joint, this joint being made by the H.F. "jointless joiner," an appliance that has met with a very hearty reception. The tube has a flush valve seating in addition to the flush join referred, to, while the valve stem is fitted with the Warland cap, which, by reason of its special thread, is quickly released or tightened up, and absolutely secure when screwed down. Another interesting item will be the new H.F. vulcaniser for repairing the covers of pedal bicycle tyres. We learn that more H.F. vulcanising plants have been sold during 1910 than in any previous year of the firm's seven years' trading.
E. H. Hill.
Sheffield. Stand No. 226.
There will be a large assortment of motor car accessories, including the three-stage Nesthill Air Compressor, to be seen on this stand, as well as a large range of simple and compound pumps for garage and car use; new pattern tyre levers, dashboard mirrors, valve lifters, water pipe clips, tools, tyre testers, oil syringes, oil pumps, funnels, and other useful articles will complete this exhibit.
J. Heller.
Dalston, London. Stand No. 279 Annexe.
The exhibit of this firm will consist of Lighting-up Time watches for motorists and cyclists, also stencils for license numbers, etc.
Hobday Bros.
London. Stand No. 191.
The Quick Despatch Factors, of 27 Great Eastern Street, London, E.C., as Messrs. Hobday Bros. call themselves, will be showing on this stand a large assortment of their well-known motor-cycle accessories, fittings, tyres, etc., and agents interested in motor-cycle goods will do well to pay them a visit. From the very inception of the motor-cycle, when Mr. Hobday was manager of the late firm of Caswell, Ltd., he was one of the first to recognise the possibilities of the motor-cycle business, consequently the goods which - he has to show the agent are not only of a very comprehensive character but a selection of the very best that can be obtained. Included in this list are the Prested, C.A.V., and Fuller's coils and accumulators, Chase brakes, Lycett, Whittle, Wata Wata, Shamrock, Gloria and Stanley Dermatine motor belts; Brown and Barlow, Amac and Longue- mare carburetters, Powell and Hanmer, Lucas, and Miller's lamps, Bosch magnetos; Pognon, Lodge, Oleo, Bosch and Jap sparking plugs.
The Hoffmann Manufacturing Co.
Chelmsford. Stand No. 16.
This exhibit will deal entirely with Hoffmann steel balls and ball bearings made by this celebrated house. Hoffmann steel balls are manufactured from the very finest quality high carbon chrome steel, specially made for this purpose, and every possible precaution is taken throughout the manufacturing stages to ensure uniformity of quality and freedom from flaws, by a complete method of automatic heat regulation working in conjunction with electric pyrometers. Uniformity of hardening so as to give the best possible results is always maintained.
A. H. Hunt.
London. Stand No. 153.
The "H.H." specialities include the "Hellesen" dry batteries, coils, cross bar, all-metal switches, accumulators, portable dry battery hand lamps, adjustable belt fasteners, and combined belt punch and cutter, all of which will be exhibited on this stand. The Hellesen batteries are now fitted with a new type of insulated capped terminals. The accumulators are made in London under an entirely new process, by which means the cost is very greatly reduced. Various models, both for ignition and lighting, will be on view. One of the special features of the exhibit will be the portable dry battery hand lamp, and special attention is directed to the new model to retail at 13s., and is fitted with a "Flash" type "Hellesen" dry battery. It is pointed out that the motor-cycle size dry batteries, when too far exhausted for ignition purposes are quite suitable for these lamps, and will last for a considerable time with intermittent use.
W. and R. Jacobs.
London. Stand No. 161.
Electric bicycle lamps in many types, and side lines in electrical novelties, consisting of flash lamps, boy scout lamps, hand lamps, electric standards, shocking coils, switches, plugs, portable lamps, and torches will be shown on this stand. The "Electary" spare belt and tube case is a distinct novelty. The point about this case is that it has a registered "sunk" design. The belt compartment is only just as deep as is necessary for the belt, while the tube compartment is sunk below the surface of the base of the belt compartment. Thus the sunk portion fits snugly between the stays of the carrier, and the only projection is the part containing the belt, which is, at the most, 1 7/8in. deep. The "Electary" electric handle-bar inspection lamp with universal joint will also be shown.
Lake and Elliot, Ltd.
Braintree. Stand No. 145.
A varied and interesting display will be found on Messrs.
Lake and Elliot's stand, the chief novelty being an improved model of the "Millennium" two-speed hub. Greater facilities are afforded for the adjustment of the bearings, and it is now so designed as to render it easy to dismantle. It is claimed for the "Millennium" hub that by its use the engine can be started by the pedal whilst the rider is able to stop or start anywhere and ascend any hill with a moderate power engine. It is controlled entirely by one foot pedal. The "Millennium" Fitall Gear will be shown without alterations. The exhibit will also include a variety of motor-cycle stands, spanners, tools, etc., and the "Millennium" Autogrip, the chief characteristic of which is that it does not pull the corners off nuts, and that it can also be used as a powerful pair of pliers.
The Leatheries, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 204.
A very interesting display will be made by this well-known firm of saddle and gear case makers, and it is sure to be a centre of attraction, particularly to motor-cyclists, on account of the great success of the firm's latest pattern motor-cycle saddle. This saddle is named the Empire de Luxe, and is fitted with a patent tensioning device, which gives perfect adjustment. The famous Empire de Luxe, Empire, and the British Pattisson pedal cycle saddles are also sure to attract many visitors to the stand. Amongst other goods to be seen on this stand we may mention cycle and motor-cycle tool bags, leather and cloth gear cases, leather and cloth chain covers, and the firm's patent " Grosvenor " chain cover.
C. Lohmann.
London. Stand No. 221.
A. complete range of all kinds of accessories, fittings, tyres, tools, etc., required by the cycle and motor-cycle trade will be exhibited on this stand. The well-known "Perfecta" and "Superbe" brands of cycle and motor-cycle lamps and saddles will be shown in a variety of patterns, while cycle and motor horns, bells, inflators, tool bags, wrenches, accumulators, speedometers, sparking plugs, coils, and springs and jacks will also be on view. The tyres exhibited will include the Imperial, Vulcan and Vulcan Special, and there will also be a good range of tyre sundries. Special attention is drawn to the firm's leather pedal block, which is specially suitable for tradesmen's cycles, being more durable than rubber.
Joseph Lucas, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 147.
This famous Midland house, which is undoubtedly one of the oldest established in the cycle trade, will have one of the finest exhibits of lamps ever put into an exhibition. All their latest patterns of acetylene and oil cycle lamps, rear lights, bells, cyclometers, back carriers, front carriers, oilers, inflators, and girder wrench will have full display. Attention is directed to the improved pattern King of the Road motor-cycle projector, which is now fitted with Mangin lens mirror and a separate generator, as well as a special steel bracket for carrying same. A new pattern adjustable handlebar mirror for use on motor-cycles, which enables the rider to see what is behind him, will be a capital little side line for enterprising agents. Then there are the new pattern motor cyclorn, which has an improved adjustable clip allowing the horn to be carried on either side of the handle-bar or at any angle, a new pattern acetylene lamp called the "Colonia" King, which is for use on ordinary cycles. This is made in two styles, No. 268, with hood and bail, and No. 266. which does not possess these attachments, together with a range of improved bells, and the well-known Lucas £ s. d. and King series.
The Lycett Saddle and Motor Accessories Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 154.
This will be a most interesting stand, as some noteworthy examples in saddles and leather goods will be exhibited. A large variety of roadster and racer saddles will be shown, as well as special lines, such as the pneumatic anatomical special purpose models, tool bags, gear cases, travelling bags, frame bags, etc.
The requirements of motor-cycles are particularly catered for in a large range of motor saddles, tool bags, tool rolls, carrier bag, frame bag, stands, and the famous Lyso rubber belt, and Rawido leather belt. The latest model motor saddle that Messrs. Lycett have put on the market will be exhibited. It is called L.109, the construction principle of which consists of rear springs in tension so that the springs have no bottom, hence nothing to set up a bouncing action. This model has already been well received, and it looks as if it will yield all the comfort in riding which its makers claim for it.
We understand that there are some remarkable values being offered by Messrs. Lycett for next season. The firm have just issued a very fine art catalogue entitled "The Saddle Book," a publication which should be in the hands of every cycle maker and agent.
Markt and Co. (London), Ltd.
London. Stand No. 159.
This old-established firm will have their usual comprehensive display of cycle accessories on this stand. There will be shown the Jones motor-cycle speedometers, ranging in price from Model 26 at 3 guineas, Model 31 at 4 guineas to Model 32 at 5 guineas. This last-named speedometer includes maximum speed hand attachment. These instruments have been improved for the 1911 season in respect to the attaching fitments, and in various other details. The Veeder motor-cycle trip cyclometer will be shown in various sizes to suit various sized wheels. The Baby Giant pulling device is a tool in miniature of the Little Giant which is so well-known amongst motorists for the removal of car wheels. The Baby Giant will be found quite invaluable for the quick removal of motor-cycle pulleys, cams, etc., and for a large number of other purposes. The Goodlads bicycle speedometers, Sterling high grade rotary action bells, Clarion and Liberty revolving dome chime bells, voltmeters, wrenches, etc., will complete an interesting exhibit.
The Metallic Presswork Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 152.
Over sixty patterns of cycle and motor-cycle oilers, specially assorted, on cards, will be on view here. Toe clips, chain adjusters and caps (various styles) stay bridges, burner cleaners, sirens, and pump clips, will also be shown. Special attention is drawn to the sirens, which will be shown in a large number of patterns. This firm, as may be gathered from its title, undertakes general presswork for the cycle trade.
The Micrometer Free Wheel Co.
Coventry. Stand No. 218.
We have already referred in The Review to the new pattern Micrometer free wheel clutch which has lately been put on the market. We have no doubt that the stand will attract a considerable amount of attention on account of the exceptionally novel manner in which this clutch is made. It will be shown in section and in complete clutches.
Middlemore and Lamplugh, Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 199.
Many riders swear by this firm's saddles, and the exhibit on this stand is sure to prove one of the most interesting in the Accessories Section of the Show. The famous Tourist Trophy model, and the D.L. motor-cycle saddles (the last- named of which has been further improved for the coming season), also a full range of pedal cycle saddles, including the popular "Rideasy," will be on view. The Service and Express parcel carriers have been considerably improved by the fitting of drop forged clips, thus making the carriers extremely strong, and capable of withstanding the roughest usage. Mudguards, tool bags, and telescopic arid other patterns of valises for use on the cycle carriers will also be exhibited. Tool bags will be shown with fittings rendering them suitable for a variety of positions on motor-cycles.
Midland Gear Case Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 273X Annexe.
This well-known firm of gear case makers will have a representative exhibit of their numerous specialities. These include the patent "Express" chain covers and celluloid chain covers, cycle gear cases, celluloid mudguards and extensions, motor and cycle tool bags, splashers, saddle pads, canvas bags, luggage carriers, and all kinds of straps.
H. Miller and Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 143.
Acetylene, oil and candle lamps, bells, oilers, carriers and other accessories will be exhibited here. The Cetolite acetylene lamp has been considerably improved for 1911 by the addition of a glass-covered detachable reflector. The old features, including the patented method of opening the whole of the front for cleaning purposes at one portion, have been retained, and several new ones added. The glass-covered reflector will be the principal novel feature. The company has also greatly improved the Monarch acetylene lamp by the addition of a handle, and in other details. The Regalite and Mite acetylene lamps, and the Excelite, Raylite, and Jupiter No. 2 will also be shown. On the motor-cycle side the Cetolite projector motor-cycle lamp will be shown in two patterns. No. 1 is a very strong model with split glass front, mirror reflector, seamless body, adjustable socket at back, with only one opening for cleaning purposes. The No. 2 has all the good points of the No. 1, with the addition of a patented bracket socket,which permits the projector to be adjusted at any angle.
Moebius and Son.
London. Stand No, 259.
Moebius Special Challenge Motor Grease for gear boxes, grease cups, etc. Challenge Motor Oils put up into quarts, half gallons and gallons for motor-cycles and cars, and special burning oils for cycle lamps, and carbide for same will form the specialities on this stand.
The Monovo Co.
London. Stand No. 258X.
This firm specialise in carbide, oils, outfits, and solutions. This season they have launched out into the rubber trade, and are exhibiting some lines in tyres and tubes, which they claim will defy competition. They will also show a good range of pumps and lamps.
The M.P. Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 208.
The sole specialities of this firm are high-grade cycle bells of British manufacture, which are made in their new and specially equipped factory at Bordesley Green, and their exhibit will comprise a complete range of bells of every pattern.
Newman's Successors, Ltd.
London. Stand No. 195.
It would be difficult to mention any fitment or accessory for cyclists and motor-cyclists which this firm are not exhibiting. Their display of motor-cycle tyres, component parts, and accessories will be a particularly representative one. In novelties they have a special gas lamp, with a new design of carbide chamber, 'which is made exactly on the lines of a motor generator, and, we learn, gives far more satisfactory results than the ordinary style. This firm carries very large stocks of goods suitable for cycle agents to deal in as side lines, and they will have a large range of these goods on view. These will include sewing machines, air guns, safety razors, door bells, clocks, electric flash lamps, burglar alarms, whistles, juvenile tricycles, tricycle horses, waterproofs, gas mantles, fancy leather goods, gramophones, skates, footballs, boxing gloves, etc.
Perry and Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 201.
There are few houses in the trade which are better known than that of Perry and Co., Ltd., 'Birmingham. For very many years they have manufactured parts and fittings and chains for the trade, and although they are now devoting themselves more exclusively to chains and free-wheels than was formerly the case, they still have an accessory business of world-wide proportions. Agents will be interested to view the various novelties which they will this year display. The Victor chain is still one of the most popular in the trade, and we are glad to note is largely adopted by the biggest cycle makers this year. Messrs. Perry are introducing a new chain with recessed rivets and blue and plated side links. This is a very high class chain, and should add enormously to the selling of quality machines.
The Perry free-wheel still enjoys an enormous sale, and in addition to exhibiting this the company will have on view samples of their free-wheel hubs, 2in. and 24in. chain line. The latter is made specially strong with 4in. spindle for heavy motors.
Additionally there will be a full range of lubricators, oil cones and pump clips, all being of improved finish. Another style of article which will be very interesting, and which the company is introducing for the first time this season, is a cycle bell, samples of which will be on view. These bells will be very highly finished, with 2in. and 24in. beaded domes with band clip. The company inform us that these bells will possess the true Perry ring, and we advise every cycle trader to make a point of visiting the stand.
J. A. Phillips and Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 157.
We would like to draw the special attention of agents to the motor pedals fitted with compensating balance which will be exhibited by this well-known firm, as well as to the leather block carrier pedal, patent Enday Rear Reflector, which; latter is so constructed that the light is collected and diffused, thus ensuring brilliant shafts of red light being thrown out.
Additionally there will be a complete range of skates, from the Extension models to the racing skates. During the past season these skates have been extremely popular. Among the specialities for this year are the No. 9 Hockey, fitted with heel piece and combination aluminium and fibre wheels; and the Model Superb No. 50, fitted with twin cushions.
An item of interest in pedals is the aluminium type with rubber studs. This pedal has been designed to meet the requirements of the connoisseur. It is very neat in design, extremely strong, and being immune from rust, is undoubtedly a fine pedal for the highest grade machines.
In handlebars the Grand de Luxe model is one of the best examples of the specialist's art. It is combined with a brake, the levers of which are gracefully curved and specially tempered. They are carried parallel to the bar by a very neat lever attachment. This leaves the bar clean. The bar and brake rods are covered with either black or green celluloid, and the whole gives an air of distinction to any machine to 'which it is fitted.
In the Pullup type of brake Messrs. J. A. Phillips will have a most complete range, the levers being supplied to take any shape of bar, while the spring action is of the best. For carrier cycles the special Quickfit, a brake made extra strong for the purpose, is very popular.
H. S. Popplewell.
London. Stand No. 194.
Here will be found a full range of acetylene cycle lamps; also cycle horns, sirens, bulls' eye glasses, burners, etc. The acetylene lamps will be exhibited fitted with enamelled carbide chamber, mirror lens, and self-lighters. Motor accessories will also be exhibited, and these will include the Man- gin mirror lens lamp, fitted with a new automatic self-lighter; belt punch, fitted with a Morse twist. drill bracket to fix generator on handlebar, and a big range of mascots.
Powell and Hanmer.
Birmingham. Stand No. 165.
One of the finest assortments of cycle and motor-cycle lamps will be found on the stand of this old-established firm of lamp manufacturers. The Powell and Hanmer lamps are famous for their light-giving properties, and while being of the best quality, they are distinctly moderate in price. The exhibit will include lamps of every grade and finish, from the very best quality it is possible to produce to the very cheapest. Messrs. Powell and Hanmer were amongst the first to place on the market a rear lamp for pedal cycles, and they will have several patterns of this type of lamp on view.
Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 246.
Oils of every kind will be shown on this stand, made by one of the most famous firms in this industry, but the attention of agents is directed to a new cycle lamp oil which was put on the market during the past season. It met with instantaneous success, and there are evidences that it will be one of the most popular oils on the market during the forthcoming 6.S011.
A combined tin and oiler is a capital article. This is fitted with a spout which serves as an oiler, and it has met with universal favour at the hands of those who have used it.
Manulav is a soap for removing grease and dirt from the hands, and will be shown in various styles.
The Pyro Supply Co..
Coventry. Stand No. 168.
Agents dealing in both pedal cycles and motor-cycles will find something to interest them on this stand. This firm make a speciality of their all British lacing cords in silk glace or mercerised, and in a great variety of patterns and colours. Their Bestos brake blocks, also on view, are claimed to be unshrinkable. Other exhibits will include Ensign rubber rings for acetylene lamps, Lamb's cycle holder, an originally designed and effective appliance. instantaneous Push-on Pump Connections and a Patent Golf Caddy, which represents a good side line for agents. Members of the trade interested in motor-cycles will note the display of inverted copper and asbestos washers, and the varied selection of terminals.
E. A. Radnall and Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 212.
Cycle brakes are a speciality of this firm's, and they are exhibiting several entirely new patterns, including one which has been patented. Their "X.L." and "H.G." cycle fittings have been improved in design, and there will be a good display of these. They are making a special feature of cotter- less brackets, and these, and also a full range of bracket axles and caps for the leading cycle manufacturers, will be shown.
Hans Renold, Ltd.
Manchester. Stand No. 156.
All standard sizes of motor and motor-cycle chains will be displayed, and a range of standard cuttings for milling cycle chain wheels, standard wheel gauges, etc., will undoubtedly interest the repairer-agent. Included in the display will be Diu, pitch roller chains, sin. wide, used by the Triumph Cycle Co. on their motor-cycles for driving the magnetos, and the extra strong 5/8in. pitch roller chains which transmit the motive power on the Indian and Phelon and Moore machines, and the lighter Renold's chain similarly used on the Scott.
Richmond Gear Case Co.
Coventry. Stand 164.
Richmond celluloid chain covers, a full range of samples to suit all buyers in either transparent or black celluloid, with black enamel or any colour on plated fittings, will be shown here.
The Richmond Child Carrier is one of the latest novelties of this company and will undoubtedly create interest.
The Richmond Tradesman's carrier is a fitment which we dealt with fully in our Carrier issue. It has many special points of interest; for instance, it weighs only 3-i lb., and will carry any weight, while its ease of fitment, is such that no nuts or screws are necessary.
Roman Rims, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 144.
Roman Rims in all sections and sizes for wired-on and beaded edge tyres will be shown here. There is a special light Roman rim in lain. narrow section for beaded edge or wired-on -racing tyres. It is worthy of note that Roman rims have been adopted by practically all the leading cycle manufacturers for their high grade machines.
During the past season we had an opportunity of inspecting the works of the Roman Rim, Ltd., and subsequently published a special article on their method of manufacture. A feature at the forthcoming Olympia Show on the Roman stand will be the Romanalum corrugated motor tread for footboards of motor cars and other purposes. This tread will wear for the full life of a car, it is '45 per cent. to 33 per cent. lighter than rubber, is non-slipping, will not kink, and gives a far more elegant finish to the car than rubber, while it is more readily cleaned.
J. A. Ryley.
Birmingham. Stand No. 150.
This exhibit will include a large range of motor car and motor-cycle accessories, lamps, horns, tools, magnetos, body fittings, carburetters, Vita sparking plugs being amongst the principal items to be examined. The Vita magneto plug is claimed to be the only one of its kind on the market which will not burn at the points. Other items of interest are the K.E.W. magneto, the J.A.R. magneto cut-out, and the Quick-fix adjustable lamp bracket.
Seabrook Bros.
London. Stand No. 197 and 198.
In our issue of November 3rd we gave a short history of this well-known firm. On their stand there will be a full range of Seabrook spanners, bells, toe-clips, Uneeda oilers, Seabrook Solar motor-cycle lamps and generators.
The Service Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 220.
Everything in the way of accessories likely to be required by the motor-cyclist will be exhibited on this stand. Simms and Bosun magnetos, some new lines in terminals, switches, all the best known sparking plugs, and several recent introductions; the F.R.S. and the latest model of Service head lights, the new Golderlyte, and several recent introductions in the way of electric lamps, will be on view. Tyres and tyre sundries will also be shown. The exhibit will also include a wide range of garments suitable for motor-cyclists, and a leading line here will be the "Cold Weather" jacket.
Sidway Allwin, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No 252A.
This well known firm of mailcart and folding bassinette makers will show samples of the various patterns of their specialities. Interesting items at this stand will be an electric welding machine, and go-carts, etc. in course of manufacture.
Silver Replating Powder Co.
Stolt, Newington. Stand No. 278 Annexe.
This firm's specialities are plating powders for re-silvering silver-plated articles, and renovating the worn parts of niotei and cycle fittings; these powders are named "Silverden" and "Nicxelden." The firm will also exhibit a rust remover, and a composition for cleaning plated parts.
Alfred Smith.
Birmingham. Stand No. 274X Annexe.
The exhibit of this firm will comprise the "VVV" series of cycle sundries for window and counter display, arranged on cards and in assorted boxes. The articles include pump connectors, pump clips, oilers, spanners, etc., also cotter pins, nub spindles, chain adjusters, screws and nuts, etc. They will also show motor-cycle goods, including 6parking plugs. petrol taps, oilers, belting, lamps, horns, goggles, etc. Special attention is drawn to the "Bull Dog" belt fastening, which is adjustable to five different lengths.
S. Smith and Son, Ltd.
London. Stand No. 192.
This old-established firm will exhibit for the first time their new cycle speed indicator, which is a smaller edition of the firm's "Perfect" speed indicator, and contains all its unique features. The instrument is mechanical, not magnetic, and is reliable under all conditions of temperature. The Goldenlyte cycle lamp, which is a replica of the well-known Goldenlyte head lamp, will also be exhibited. The chief points of this lamp are that it gives a splendid light, with non-dazzling results, will penetrate fog, and give an even illumination over the read.
Sphinx Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 187.
This exhibit will consist wholly of sparking plugs, of which the Warrior, Saxon, Marine, Pyramid and Dandy are well- known to agents. For motor-cycles a special plug is now being made, called the Gnat. This is a small plug, so made that it can be fitted to engines where clearance is small. It embodies a number of exclusive and registered features, and particular attention has been given to ensure that each plug is entirely satisfactory.
Stanley Feast and Co.
London. Stand No. 167.
These well-known manufacturers of cycling accessories will exhibit a full range of their well-known S.F. cyclaments and motoments, consisting of many patterns of tyre repair bands, cross patches, repair outfits, winged plasters, rubber solution in tubes and tins, aluminium paint, metal polishes, enamel, vulcanizing materials, etc., etc. They will have some particularly interesting novelties in winged plasters for inside repairs of motor covers, and some new patterns of their well-known and popular S.F. repair bands especially designed with extra thin ends for use with cycle tyres of the thickened edge type. The S.F. banked aluminium pedal which has caused such a sensation during the past season will be exhibited for the first time, and will be certain to attract a great deal of favourable attention, not only account of its many practical and mechanical advantages, but because of its having been used by Harry Green, F. H. Grubb, and other famous road riders, during the season which has just come to an end. The S.F. banked pedal has a distinctive appearance which immediately singles it out as "high-class"; it is rustle., very light in weight, provides a firm grip for the rider's foot—and above all—is banked.
The Stern Sonneborn Oil Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 266.
This well-known oil firm will exhibit samples of their various oils and greases. These will include the Autosternol A for air-cooled cylinders of motor-cycles, belt blocks for belts of motor-cycles, cycle burning and lubricating oils, and the Sternoline liquid metal polish in a new and improved quality.
Stonehouse Works Co.
Birmingham, Stand No. 209.
A full display of cycle pedals, rat-trap and rubber, of the latest registered designs of the well-known Challenge, Sell-best, Leader and Victory brands will be exhibited here, as well as the latest invention, the "One Minute" patent detachable rubber pedals and five designs of aluminium pedals to suit all types of riders. The company are manufacturers of bright rolled steel of various qualities and finish, and a full range of this material will be shown. On the motorcycle side there will be a large array of accessories, mote pedals, etc., motor footrests, and belt rim brakes.
Sturmey-Archer Gears, Ltd.
Nottingham. Stand No. 116.
The famous variable gear manufactured by this company presents externally the same appearance as last season, but certain little refinements and improvements in detail and finish have been introduced into the mechanism. In the Tricoaster, for instance, a phosphor-bronze brake drum has been substituted in place of the steel drum used hitherto. Specimens of the various internal parts of the gear will be exhibited in show cases, and also sectional hubs mounted in wheels to demonstrate the actual working of the mechanism. An attractive feature of the exhibit will be a clever mechanical model depicting a mountain scene with three riders climbing is hill at different speeds. This exhibit is sure to attract a great deal of attention.
Herbert Terry and Sons.
Redditch. Stand No. 183.
The "spring specialists of Redditch" will exhibit a most interesting and instructive collection and assortment of the well-known high-grade steel springs, clips, and presswork, as used in the cycle and motor trade. Special attention is drawn to Terry's Spiral Spring Motor Fan and lubricator belts, with various methods of coupling in all sizes, also their well- known trousers and dress clips, of which there are over 20 different patterns and designs.
Terry's series of cycle carriers include many new patterns for different purposes. These comprehend cheap but good quality.front and back carriers, a very high-grade tourist back carrier, a golf club and fishing rod carrier, tennis racquet carrier, cricket bat carrier, hockey stick carrier, etc.
Terry's well-known series of special quality hardened and tempered folding spanners will also be shown.
Charles B. Timperley.
Birmingham. Stand No. 202.
Williams chain wheels and cranks, Radnall's fittings. brakes and bars, British Hub Co.'s hubs, Mason's leather gear cases, celluloid chain covers, mudguards and splashers. Stonehouse Works pedals, Walters metal gear-cases and chain covers, U.P. Co.'s U.P. bells, Albion saddles, Bown's fittings. etc., will make up a very large stand devoted to the export business of this well-known firm.
E. Toon and Co.
Walsall. Stand No. 256.
This firm will exhibit their "Toon" patent cycle lock, which is easily and securely fitted to the head of the cycle by means of four specially designed screws. A bolt passes through the head of the cycle into the stem of the front fork, thus preventing the machine from being started. The lock is light and strong, and does not possess any parts likely to fail in action. It is a lever lock, and there is practically no limit to the variety of keys which can be used with it.
The Tormo Mfg. Co.
London. Stand No. 216.
The Torpedo coaster, which is now so well-known, will be shown on this stand, and will be demonstrated in all its details. The chief points of the Torpedo are that it possesses six square inches braking surface; has absolutely free running of the clutch, and has a smooth and positive action. There will also be shown samples of the Eagle light racing hubs, and new types of Sarolea engine, as well as samples of Tormo steel balls.
The Union Rubber and Chemical Co., Ltd.
Manchester. Stand No. 224.
This well-known Manchester company will show a large range of proprietary packed goods, including carbide, oils, repair outfits, rubber solution, and other "Turco" lines, as well as some very special qualities in cycle tyres, repair bands and all other accessories.
Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 188.
On this stand will be shown the various samples of the products of this well-known company. The Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., are now marketing oils for every requirement of the motor-cyclist, and the following grades will be shown Mobiloil "A," a light oil; Mobiloil "R Heavy," a medium oil; and Mobiloil "B," a heavy oil. Mobiloil "H.H." will also be exhibited. This is a special oil for racing and very high engine speeds. We are requested to note that the
company will welcome any opportunity for a chat with motorcyclists interested in lubrication problems.
The Villiers Co.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 169.
The Villiers two-speed gear has been aptly described as a "three-speed" without the low gear. It gives a direct drive of about 65 for hard work, and a high gear for speed. It has only 29 separate parts, against the 60 to 100 of other types of speed gear.
In addition to the above, the Villiers Co. will be showing the Villiers free wheel, which is one of the lowest priced first- class, cycle fittings on the market, possessing a solid back and double rows of steel balls. It is a point of interest that this free-wheel is used on all Government Post Office bicycles. Villiers Pedals will also be shown; a new aluminium pedal of patent design being of great strength and lightness, is specially suitable for bicycles designed for all weather use and for light weight motor-cycles.
C. C. Wakefield and Co.
London. Stand No. 193.
We recently gave a special article on the new Carbic acetylene blocks in The Review. These products will be shown' on Stand No. 193 in various sizes, and, in addition, a big range of motor lubricants. It is worthy of note that such well-known motor-cyclists as Harry Martin, H. V. Colver, W. Chitty, F. W. Dayrell, S. A. M. Whitham, W. Cooper and J. H. Slaughter use the products of Messrs. Wakefield and Co.
Walters (Wolverhampton), Ltd.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 210.
A full range of this firm's well-known metal gear cases and chain covers for cycles, also a varied exhibit of motorcycle tanks will be on view here. The firm's No. 1 detachable oil bath gear case, which can be made to suit machines with detachable and fixed down stays as fitted to the leading makes of cycles, will be shown.
G. Westreich.
London. Stand 280X
"Dreadnought" cycle and motor-cycle lamps in a large number of patterns will be shown here. Fifty-eight different models of cycle lamps will be exhibited, including lamps with self-contained and separate generators, and with self- lighters. The exhibit will also include bells, a special line in sirens, saddles, tool-bags, steel pumps, spring forks for cycles and motor-cycles, spanners, leggings, etc. Special attention is drawn to the "Dreadnought" motor-cycle lamp, which has adjustable lens mirror, and is furnished with bracket for fixing generator to the handle-bar, or top tube, thus allowing the light to be regulated without the rider having to dismount.
A. E. Wilby, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 180.
This exhibit will include models of cycle saddles, tool bags, gear cases, as well as motor-cycle saddles, tool bags and other accessories, and these will include many new and improved patterns. In the cycle section the particular attention of agents is directed to the full roadster saddles and a new model W 18 racing saddle, the appearance and design of which are perfect. The well-
known Wilby Distance Saddle will also be exhibited. On the motor-cycle side seven distinct patterns of saddles will be shown. These are built up on well-tried principles, and are adapted to suit all modern machines. In motor-cycle tool bags there will be saddle, carrier, rear, pannier and other patterns, all made from solid leather,. and in most cases reinforced with steel plates. Several novelties will also be on view, including belt and tube cases, outfit and other bags.
E. Williams.
Birmingham. Stand No. 205.
This will be a stand of more than ordinary interest, as it will include all the well-known patterns of cold forged steel wheels, steel wheels and cranks in various designs, engineers' cut gears, motor gears, free wheels and ball bearings, for which Messrs Williams have been famous for many years. We cordially commend this stand to the notice of manufacturers and agents.
Wilson and Co.
Earley, Berks. Stand No. 162.
A rain-proof bicycle saddle will be shown on this stand. This saddle is so made that a simple spring clip fixes and releases the top of the front springs from the girder, so that the whole top can be tilted over backwards.
M. and A. Wolff.
London. Stand No. 182.
The Nirona motor-cycle lamp, with the latest improvements, will be shown on this stand, in addition to a variety of accessories such as Mandaw and Rival cycle bells, Primus revolving chime bells, Mandaw cycle lamps and hubs, Nirona motor-cycle lamps, motor car lamps, and carbide generators, Komet syrens, celluloid pumps, nickel pumps, foot pumps, toe-clips, and pump-clips
S. Wolf and Co.
London. Stand No. 226.
An interesting exhibit of this stand will be a new pattern of the "Solex" motor-cycle carburetter, which embodies several distinct improvements. "Sanser" sparking plugs. S.R.O. ball bearings, and the N.F. magnetos in operation will also be shown.
Woodgates Bros.
Tiverton. Stand No. 253.
The specialities of this firm consist of the "Patch Quick" patent motor and cycle patches, by the use of which it is claimed that vulcanizing is superseded. The patches can be used on any sized tyre, and a permanent and quick repair, from a small puncture to a burst, can be easily effected. The "Quick Patch" chemically prepared "Fix" will also be on view.
See Also
Sources of Information