Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1910 Stanley Show: Motor Cycles

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1910 Stanley Show

Extracted from the Cycle and Motor Trades Review

The Bat Motor Manufacturing Co.
London. Stand No. 85.
Twelve machines will be staged here, consisting of one or two of each model made by the Bat Co. A Bat side-car will also be shown fitted up to a motor-cycle, and the J.A.P. engines in parts can be inspected on the stand. The Bat spring frame is fitted to all models, excepting the two new T.T. types. All machines are belt-driven, and have magneto ignition driven by bevel gearing mounted on ball bearing, while automatic lubrication is also fitted universally. Amongst the improvements for the new year will be new spring forks to take rebound of spring arm, and stronger springs generally. There will also be large tank fillers, petrol filters, strengthened luggage carrier, new type of stand, etc.

The Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 66.
The new B.S.A. motor-bicycle is bound to prove one of the great attractions of the show, and every agent interested in motor-cycles should make a point of thoroughly inspecting it. The engine is of the single-cylinder type, with 85 min. bore and 88 mm. stroke, developing 31, H.P. at 1,500 revolutions per minute. Both inlet and exhaust are mechanically operated; the tappet rods and valve guides are made with a sliding cover, to prevent dirt entering the timing mechanism. The piston has a dome-shaped top; it is both light and strong, and is fitted at the top with two lap-jointed rings. The adjustable pulley used on this machine can be operated without the use of tools, all that is necessary being to take the belt out of the groove, and slide the movable flange inwards along a key. The locking ring can then be screwed up with the fingers to any position. The patent spring fork merits particular attention. The springs are placed in such a position as to strengthen the head and allow of easy access to all front parts. By means of a nut at the top, ready adjustment is obtainable.

An interesting feature of the machine is the magneto box. This is made of aluminium, and is firmly fixed to a platform placed sufficiently high to completely shelter the delicate mechanism of the magneto from wet or dust. Sliding doors at each side allow of easy access to the magneto for timing, etc., and the driving chain of the magneto is adjustable for wear.

Exceedingly heavy fly-wheels are fitted, and we learn that it is possible to control the machine at as low a speed as three miles an hour; while those who have ridden the machine state that the engine is exceedingly flexible, and that. it instantly picks up after being retarded. The silence of the engine with the cut out closed is particularly noticeable. The machine has a low frame, and this, with the' long handlebars provided, and the convenient position of the foot-rests, makes the B.S.A. motor-bicycle a most comfortable mount. The general appearance of the machine is neat and workmanlike, while of the workmanship it is only necessary to say that it is quite up to the famous 13.S.A. standard. The retail price is £50, or when fitted with free engine. 256 10s.

J. T. Brown and Sons.
Reading. Stand No. 269.
The Midget bi-cars will be shown in three models on this stand, in ale Standard, De Luxe, and an open-frame type.. All models will be fitted with 34 H.P. Precision engines, Brown and Barlow carburetters, Druid forks, Eisemann magnetos, Dunlop belts, etc.

Calcott Bros., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 59.
Two motor-bicycles, priced at 45 - guineas and £32 respectively, will be staged here. The 61 H.P. Calcott carries the following specification The engine is a White and Poppe with 85 mm, bore and 85 mm. stroke, rated at 4.5 H.P. The frame is built very low and exceptionally strong. The front rim brake is actuated by inverted lever, the back foot brake acting on the belt drum operated from the frame; the forks possess the Druid patent spring; the wheels are 26in. by extra strong, fitted with Dunlop rubber-studded non-skid tyres. A very strong and light, tubular carrier is attached, as well as a stand fixed on the chain stays. The light-weight Calcott has a 1 H.P. single-cylinder with 62 by 70 mm. bore and stroke; Bosch high-tension magneto; Druid spring forks; Lycett saddle, and Dufaux carburetter is fitted.

The Chater Lea Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 248.
Four motor-cycles and three side-cars will be exhibited en this stand. The Chater Lea Standard No. 7, price 75 guineas, is a passenger machine specially de-signed for sidecar attachment. They have further improved the No. 7 in detail for the 1911 season, the specification including either 8 H.P. Chater Lea or J.A.P. 6 H.P. engine, ball bearing 3-speed gear box, ball bearing multiple disc clutch, chain drive, and starting handle. The disc clutch, which has been reduced in weight, gives an easy drive.

A similar machine in construction is the No. 7 Chater Lea De Luxe, which is priced at 79 guineas. It is fitted with new Chater Lea 8 H.P. twin engine, and Voiturette tyres. The Chater Lea No. 9 motor-cycle, priced at £47 10s., is fitted with either 4 H.P. Chater Lea or J.A.P. engine, and has a low saddle position. The machine is fitted as a full roadster with all usual fitments, and can be had with or without pedalling gear, as desired.

The No. 8 lightweight Chafer Lea, priced at £35 10s., has been further improved in detail. It is fitted with 22 J.A.P. engine, gear driven magneto, Druid spring forks and complete roadster equipment. This machine is in the medium weight class, and is built for reliability. The Chater Lea Standard Side-car at £8 8s., and the Cane Side-car at £9 8s., and the Coach-built Side-car at £11 5s. 6d., will complete an interesting exhibit.

Components, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 40.
At their stand, No. 40, situated in the main hall, will be exhibited the 1911 models of Ariel motor-cycles. Interest will chiefly centre round the free engine and variable gear model fitted with the new Ariel easy-starting device, which the makers have such confidence in that they absolutely guarantee the machine will start at a walking pace within three yards. It would certainly appear to dispose of the difficulties hitherto experienced in starting single cylinder motor-cycles. and should serve to still further popularize the Ariel motor-cycle, which has had a most successful season, and will be remembered as the second fastest make of single -cylinder machine to finish in the International Tourist Trophy Race. An improved pattern carrier is also being fitted, a new pattern tank with improved inclined pump, larger filler caps, which are anchored to the tank to prevent them being lost, improved petrol injector, an improved silencer cut-out working on the ratchet principle and operated either by the foot or hand. The Ariel adjustable pulley model will also be on view, with and without pedalling gear. A new Ariel side-car attachment will also be shown, with fittings adapted to couple it to the new models of Ariel motor-cycles.

Corah Manufacturing Co.
King's Norton. Stand No. 72a.
This exhibit will consist of a 3 H.P. single-cylinder 85 by 88 mm. bore and stroke engine bicycle of general design, priced at £52 10s.

Douglas Bros.
Bristol. Stand No. 89.
The twin-cylinder Douglas will be the centre of attraction on this stand. It is a machine with a very high reputation, and has performed with great credit to itself in many of the most strenuous competitions which have been held in this country, and is one of a specification which has many features of outstanding merit. The engine is a 24 twin-cylinder with 60 mm. bore and 60 mm. stroke; the cylinders are bolted on, and are easily detachable; the pistons have lubricating lips, and are each fitted with three rings. No gudgeon pin set-screws are used, the gudgeon pin being driven in tight, and capped at both ends with copper. Very wide bearings of phosphor bronze are fitted; the crank shaft is of mild steel, case-hardened. The induction valves are automatic, the exhaust valves being mechanical and adjustable. Ignition is by Bosch magneto, and control is entirely from the handle-bar. Druid spring forks of registered design are fitted, and the frame is built of butted steel tubes, very low, with a long wheel base, and possessing detachable and adjustable footrests. The pulley is made adjustable for -wear, having one loose and one fixed flange. These can be brought closer together by substituting a narrower distance sleeve. The total weight of this machine is about 100 lbs. Its finish is of the very highest quality, and altogether is a bicycle which is bound to be even more popular in 1911 than in the 1910 season.

F. B. Goodchild and Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 31.
Six models of auto-carriers will be shown on this stand, there being practically no alterations from the 1910 standard specification, 'except in a few minor details, which have received necessary attention. Among the novelties are the A.C. carburetter, which is of unique design so that the air control is automatically connected with tie throttle, thus giving extreme flexibility. The exhibit includes A.C. Speed Sociables; A.C. Speed Sociables, fully equipped; A.C. Ambulance; Auto-Carrier gun carriage, with Maxim gun complete; Auto-Carrier standard; and Auto-Carrier special Box with rail.

F. N. - See below

Humber, Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 53.
The 3.5 H.P. two-speed Humber will undoubtedly prove a very great attraction on this stand. The frame is a new design, exceptionally strong, being only 281in. from the ground. The machine has a long wheelbase and improved pattern spring forks. The engine is a 3.5 H.P. 83 mm. by 90 mm. bore and stroke, with ball bearings to the main shaft, and large mechanically-operated valves. The front rim brake is exceedingly well made, and a powerful metal to-metal band brake is fixed to the back hub, and operated by the foot pedals. The carburetter control is by Bowden wire from the handle-bar; ignition is by high-tension magneto, gear driven transmission is through a variable pulley by best-quality rubber V shape gin. belt, the variable pulley giving 4 to 1 and 51 to 1 gears. The free engine clutch and two-speed gear is made under Roc patents, and the rest of the specification is carried out with that thoroughness with which the name of Humber is synonymous.

We recently referred to the new 2 H.P. light-weight motorcycle, which the company are now placin5 on the market. This machine weighs only 90 lbs., and is a beautifully- finished article. The engine is 2 H.P., 60 by 70 mm.; the ignition is by Bosch high-tension magneto, gear driven. The entire control, including exhaust valve lifter, is operated from the handle-bar without lifting the hands from the grips. The wheels are 26in. by gin., Dunlop motor-cycle, beaded edge, special rubber-studded tyres being used. The transmission is by belt of best quality, the pulley being variable, and giving 5 to 1 and 8 to 1 gears. The price of £37 is very reasonable for a machine of such very high quality, and we anticipate that the Humber light-weight will speedily become one of the most popular bicycles on the road.

James Cycle Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 49.
The James open-frame motor-cycle, which will be shown on this stand, and whirls during the last season has been very successful, will be improved in several instances, additions being made by an all-spring frame and a multiple disc free-engine clutch. In addition to the patented open-frame motor-cycle, the James Co. will be offering a motor-cycle built on standard lines fitting the same engine as in their higher-priced model. It will retail at £48.

Maude's Motor Mart.
London. Stand No. 271.
This exhibit consists of motor-cycles and a. plated sidecar chassis. The motor-cycles include Motosacoche, Ariel, Enfield, Rex, 3latchless, Hobart Bird, N.S.U., and F.N. makes.

Coventry. Stand No, 33A.
A very large assortment of side cars for use with motorcycles will be here shown. There will be the original form of side car with ratchet wheel, retailing, with plain wicker chair, at 8 guineas, or with nicely upholstered cane chair at 11 guineas. The company's latest model, fitted with the Radial Castor, will be exhibited for the first time. This is a distinct impiovement even upon the original castor wheel, for the making of which Mills-Fulford have been noted for so many seasons.

The spring wheel design introduced some three seasons ago will be. on view, fitted with a variety of bodies, including a handsome coach built car finished on motor car Fines. All 1911 Mills-Fulford side cars will be fitted with the firm's latest patented form of attachment whereby the car can be detached or re-attached inside of two minutes. In addition to this, Mills-Fulford will have on view the latest patterns of hoods, wind screens, petrol carriers, luggage boards and tool boxes.

Morgan and Co.
Malvern. Stand in Annexe.
Two motor runabouts will be shown here, fitted with 4 and 8 H.P. J.A.P. motors respectively.

The New Hudson Cycle Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 64.
A decided novelty will be shown on this stand in light weight machines with 2 H.P. free engine and 3-speed gear, catalogued at 45 guineas. The makers claim for this machine that it is a light-weight with all the efficiency of the heavy-weight, and that it is capable of going anywhere under any conditions. The intention is to make this the model de Luxe of light-weights, therefore the very highest quality fitments will be employed - Brooks best saddle, Dunlop non-skid tyres, together with the most luxurious finish and equipment possible. The same machine will also be catalogued without 3-speed gear and free engine at 35 guineas. A third machine will be shown of the New Hudson 3i- H.P., possessing all the same high-class fitments and finish, and retailing at 48 guineas.

Premier Cycle Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 63.
The 1911 Premier motor-cycles will contain many new features, amongst which may be mentioned the 3i H.P. single cylinder engine with an auxiliary exhaust release at the bottom of the stroke. This feature was introduced by the Premier Co. during the past season, and it is probably the first time an engine embodying the innovation has ever been shown at a cycle exhibition.

Another model will be fitted with the new Premier twin engine with cylinders firing at even intervals without the adoption of two throw crank and staggered cylinders. This engine resembles many other twin motors at first glance, but in principle it is entirely different.

A third model will be exhibited fitted with the new Premier free engine clutch, which possesses many interesting features, whilst all models are equipped with an adjustable pulley of entirely new design. A fourth model is the Premier T.T. Racer, which will prove of great interest to speed lovers. Altogether, the Premier motor-cycle exhibit will be found to be most interesting to those who closely follow the advancement of motor-cycle engineering.

The Quadrant Motor Co.
Coventry. Stand in Annexe.
The Quadrant Motor Co., who are building a new factory in Birmingham. and will shortly remove to their new address 45-53 Lawley Street, in that city, will be showing several models of Quadrant motor-bicycles, these including a 3 H.P. Quadrant with gear-driven magneto. and fitted with free engine; also the 2 H.P. Quadrant light-weight and 4 H.P. loss built models for passenger work.

The Rover Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 66.
At this stand the Rover Company, who were among the earliest to manufacture a successful motor-bicycle, will be showing a now model. It is a 34 H.P. with Rover engine of 85 bore by 88 mm. stroke. The inlet valves are mechanical, the transmission is by 4in. belt, on two gears, the high ratio being 44 to 1 and the low 64 to 1. Spring front forks are fitted, while the diameter of both wheels (which have 24 Dunlop tyres) is 26in. The height of the saddle from the ground is 32in., and clearance is 4in. The machine has a wheelbase of 56in., and a weight of about 1801bs. Pedalling gear stand and carrier are provided, and a Triumph free engine clutch, made under license from the Triumph Co., is included in the price of £55 net.

Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 54 and 55.
Three motor-bicycle models will be exhibited on this stand, and as the Rudge-Whitworth Co. are for the first time launching out on the motor-bicycle business, they will be bound to prove a big attraction to all agents.

The machines are of standard H.P. single-cylinder type, the engine being designed to afford the greatest possible accessibility and ease of manipulation. The cylinder is 85 mm. bore, and 88 mm. stroke; the radiators are largest on the combustion head, where most heat is generated, in addition to which advantage it imparts a graceful appearance to the machine.

The valves are easy to get at, the inlet being of the overhead type actuated by rocking lever, the advantage being that the incoming gases keep the exhaust valve cool; owing to the special construction of the exhaust, trouble at this point has been done away with on the Rudge-Whitworth.

A very low and comfortable position is afforded by the design of the frame, and the spring forks are particularly effective in absorbing road shock, being connected with the steering head through a compression spring in a telescopic sheath.

Foot-rests are placed well forward to give an easy riding position, and both pedals may remain down to give an alternative position: A cut-out on the silencer is operated by the foot from the right foot-rest, and the back brake which works on the belt rim is connected with the left foot-rest by a perfectly straight connecting rod.

One of the machines is equipped with a free engine operated by a plate clutch attached to the engine shaft and fitted with gear connection for starting. By a patented device the back mudguard is hinged on the carrier, and can be raised to give access to the back wheel.

The Service Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 84.
On this stand will be shown the latest models of the now well-known Wanderer machines. They will be made as last year in the 14 H.P. single-cylinder lightweights, and the 3 H.P. twin types. Wanderer machines have a number of special features, including patent carburetter, tapless oil pump, etc. The prices of the machines are the same as last year, namely, 34 guineas for the 14 H.P.., and 42 guineas for the twin.

Singer and Co. (1909), Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 65.
Some ten motor-cycles will be staged on this stand, including six specimens of the 3 H.P. Roadster Model and Touring Trophy Model. There will also be three 14 Moto-Velo for gentlemen and 14 H.P. Moto-Velo light-weight for ladies. We understand that the Singer. Light-weight has been considerably improved for 1911. The frame height is lower, foot-rests are now fitted, as well as a foot-applied belt rim brake; wider mudguards and a new pattern handlebar will also be incorporated. The machine will be retailed at £33 15s. As regards the 3 H.P. model, the engine is of single-cylinder type with handlebar controlled carburetter; gear driven magneto ignition, enclosed with aluminium; variable pulley, double ball bearings to the main shaft• well designed and heavy flywheels; large inlet and exhaust valves, both mechanically operated and interchangeable; ample exhaust pipe; large silencer; bore and stroke 85 by 88, the cubic capacity being 499. The whole machine is beautifully finished. all bright parts heavily plated on copper, the tank being finished in aluminium with green panels.

The Triumph Cycle Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 79.
The power unit of the Triumph motor-bicycle will be the same as last year, namely, 85-88 mm. bore and stroke, rated at 34 single-cylinder, with by compression. The magneto, which is placed in front, is chain-driven, the chain being enclosed in an oil-tight aluminium case. The magneto is well protected by a wide and strong mud flap. Between the crank case and the magneto is placed a very efficient silencer, which is provided with a patent cut-out no arranged that a downward push both opens and closes it.

The Triumph patent carburetter has handle-bar control, and is sensible and economical. Ball bearings are retained on the engine main shaft. Spring tappets are now employed which not only relieve the hammering of the valves but keep the valve gearing taut when running idle in the cycle of operations.

Lubrication is effected by means of an inclined pump concealed in the forward part of the tank.

A refinement has been introduced by the fitting of gauze strainers to both oil and petrol-caps. The well-known 'Triumph spring forks will be retained, as well as the registered design variable pulley.

The free engine model Triumph will be a replica of the standard machine, but, of course, with the addition of the free engine clutch. This is a plate clutch located in the rear wheel. For the past two years it has been extensively used, and had proved itself very satisfactory. It adds only 10 lbs. to the weight and allows the machine to be started from rest.

The Tourist Trophy model is deprived of pedalling gear, and consequently a shorter wheel base is employed. This machine has already demonstrated its capacity for speed and reliability, as an instance of which in the last Tourist Trophy race of the eight Triumphs which started all finished, and, in fact, were, the first eight single-cylinder machines to pass the finishing post.

Victoria Motor and Cycle Co. Ltd.
Glasgow. Stand No. 190.
Among the exhibits of this well-known Scottish firm will be a new 3 H.P. motor-cycle with magneto ignition. We understand that this is a first-class machine in every way, and is priced at a figure which will bring it within the reach of all.

A. W. Wall, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 90.
Amongst the various models shown on this stand will be the open frame motor-bicycle, the specification of which carries a chassis of pressed steel similar to that used in car construction, suspension chair seat, two-speed gear, spring forks, valveless silent engine, outside flywheel, shaft transmission through silent worm gear. It is claimed that this is the first rational or all weather machine designed essentially for comfort. The mudguards and footplates are formed integral with the frame, and afford adequate protection to the rider. The Roc. patent clutch and two-speed gear sets will also be shown.

The Wincycle Trading Co.
London. Stand No. 44.
This exhibit will consist of one 3 H.P. motor-cycle, which will he sold under the name of the "Win" motor-cycle. The specification is as follows—Precision engine, mechanically-operated inlet valves, Brown and Barlow carburetter, lin. belt transmission, fitted with stand and carrier, spring forks, Dunlop tyres, Brooks saddle, the list price being £45 10s.

Wulfruna Engineering Co.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 265X.
Two models of the Wulfruna motor-cycles will be staged, one being the Wulfruna feather-weight Royal model B, the specification of which contains 14 H.P. engine, magneto ignition, 26 by 2in. tyres, weighing about 851bs., and retailing at £29. The Wulfruna 2 H.P. Grand Model B has a single-cylinder engine, magneto ignition, Hutchinson's 2in. motor tyres, and complete with Druid fork and all the latest improvements, retails at £35.

Zenith Motors, Ltd.
Weybridge. Stand No. 70.
There will be a comprehensive exhibit on this stand including the 34 H.P. Zenith Gradua, the 34 H.P. Zenith with side car, the 6 H.P. Zenith Gradua, and the Triumph Gradua. There will be a demonstrating model of Gradua gear. All the machines are fitted with J.A.P. engines, Brown and Barlow carburetter, Druid forks, and special Zenith stand. Amongst the improvements will be special parallel brake movement, and a new pattern silencer and cut out.

F. N.
One of the most interesting exhibits at the Stanley Show is to be found on stand 56, which contains a good display of the famous F.N. motor-bicycles. The 1911 5-6 H.P. four-cylinder F.N. contains a large number of interesting features, while the price, viz., 50 guineas, including foot-rests, is approximately the same as a high-grade cycle cylinder model, and less than some twin-cylinder machines. It is now nearly five years since the first gear-driven four-cylinder F.N. motor-cycle was introduced, and its increasing popularity proves that it is giving every satisfaction.

For 1911 the engine has been entirely re-designed, and is now rather more powerful, the bore of each cylinder being 52.5 mm., the stroke remaining at 57 mm, as before. The ports for the sparking plugs are formed on the right-hand side between the inlet and the exhaust valve ports, so that over-lubrication does not now always mean dirty plug troubles. The crankshaft is now carried in phosphor-bronze bearings, and a needle valve compression cap occupies the place in each cylinder where the sparking plugs were placed in the older models.

Perhaps the chief improvement, however, relates to the automatic carburetter, which, fitted in conjunction with a branched induction pipe, ensures phenomenally slow running, and the machine can actually be ridden at a walking pace. Being automatic in action, one lever suffices to control it; moreover, it can be detached in a few moments and dismantled in the same time.

The revolving portion of the distributor has been improved, having a brass tubular guide for carrying the carbon brush, the terminals of the outer casing being of the ball type for push-on terminals. No fly-wheel covering is now fitted, but an annular oil connecting ring is fitted behind the end bearing of the crank shaft, with a lead-off pipe, pointing upwards and downwards. Any excess of oil is collected in the annular ring, and flows away by means of the pipe. The transmission remains very much the same as before, with one important exception, and that is, that the gear wheels are now made from chrome nickel steel. The gear ratio is 5.25 to 1. A new system of locking the transmission casing has now been embodied. In its improved form this famous machine should be more popular than ever amongst all classes of motor-cyclists.

See Also


Sources of Information