1938 Ironmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers Guide: Companies F

Note: This is a sub-section of 1938 Ironmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers Guide: Companies
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
- Fairley, James, & Sons, Ltd. .. 9 & 10 Shadwell Street, Birmingham, 4
- Falk, Stadelmann & Co., Ltd. .. 83/93 Farringdon Road, London, E.C.1
- Falkirk Iron Co., Ltd. ... .. Falkirk ..
- Farmiloe, George, & Sons, Ltd. ........34 St. John Street, London, E.C.1
- Farmiloe, T. & W., Ltd............. Rochester Row, London, S.W.l
- Farrer, James, & Sons, Ltd.............. Devonshire Works, Division Street, Sheffield
- Felco Hoists, Ltd.............. 17 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l
- Fellows, S. J. & E., Ltd............. Vulcan Works, Wolverhampton
- Fenlon & Son, Ltd............................ 8-10 Tudor Street, London, E.C.4
- Fernden Fencing & Construction Co., Ltd.............. Bridge Street, Guildford, Surrey
- Fiddian, Benjamin, and Son Ltd.............. Albion Works, Stourbridge
- Fildes, Thomas (Proprs. Range Boilers), Ltd..............).............. Stalybridge, near Manchester
- Firth-Brearley Stainless Steel Syndicate, Ltd.............. Wharncliffe House, Bank Street, Sheffield
- Firth Co., Ltd............. Wire Manufacturers, Warrington
- Firth, Thos., & John Brown, Ltd.............. Atlas Works, Savile Street East, Sheffield, 1..
- Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels, Ltd.............. Staybrite Works, Sheffield, 9
- Fisher, Harrison, & Co., Ltd.............. Trafalgar Works, 1 ratalgar Street, Sheffield, I
- Fisher, Harry, & Co., Ltd.............. Kingfisher Works, Rockingham Street, Sheffield, 1
- Flather, David, & Sons............Solly Street, Sheffield, 1
- Flavel, Sidney, & Co., Ltd.............. Leamington
- Fleetwood Chemical Co., Ltd.............. 9/13 Prince Street, Deptford, London, S.E.8
- Fletcher, Russell & Co., Ltd.............. Palatine Works, Wilderspool Causeway, Warrington
- Flexello Castors and Wheels 334 Ulster Chambers, 168 Regent Street, London, W.1
- Flinn, T., & Co.................Haddon Works, 85 Denby Street, Sheffield, 2
- Florence Stove Co., Ltd.............. 235a Blackfriars Road, London. S.E.1
- Fluxite, Ltd........................................ Dragon Works, Bermondsey Street, London, S.E.1
- Folding Gate Co., Ltd........................... 150 Dobbies Loan, Glasgow, C.4
- Follows & Bate, Ltd.............Gorton, Manchester
- Follows & Bate, Ltd.............32 Brooke Street, Holborn, London, E.C.1
- Forbes Plastic Mouldings, Ltd.............. Bridge Works, Stamford Bridge, York
- Ford and Co..............Tyne Dock, South Shields
- Fordham Brothers...........Forbro Works, Beeston Road, Old Lenton, Nottingham
- Fordham Pressings, Ltd.............Melbourne Works, Dudley Road, Wolverhampton
- Ford-Smith, F., Ltd..............410 Ordsall Lane, Salford, 5, Lancs
- Forest Products, Ltd.............. Huntley, Gios.
- Forth & Clyde & Sunnyside Iron Cos., Ltd.............. Falkirk
- Foster, H. Johnson, Ltd.............. Trent Street, Sheffield, 9
- Four Oaks Spraying Machine Co............... Four Oaks, Birmingham
- Fowle, J. A..............Bell Street, Edgware Road, London, N.W.l..
- Fox, H. & J..............Century Works, Moat Street, Willenhall
- Fox, Samuel, & Co., Ltd.............. Stocksbridge, Sheffield
- Fox, W...........................Norfolk Mills, Suffolk Road, Sheffield, 2
- Freeder Brothers, Paper Mills............. Brimsdown, Enfield, Middlesex
- French, E. O., Ltd............. Coventry
- French, Thomas, & Sons, Ltd.............. Chester Road Mills, Manchester, 15
- French, W. T., & Son, Ltd..............Mysto Works, Ladywood, Birmingham 16
- Frost, Walter............. .. Eagle Ironworks, Crawford Street, Rochdale
- Froy, W. N., & Sons, Ltd.............. Brunswick Works, King Street, Hammersmith, London, W.6
- Fry Bros., Ltd.............. Norman Road, Greenwich, London, S.E.10
- Fry’s (London), Ltd..............56 Southwark Street, London, S.E.1
- Fry’s Metal Foundries, Ltd..............Tandem Works, Merton Abbey, London, S.W.l9
- Fulham Pottery & Cheavin Filter Co., Ltd.............. 210 New King’s Rd., Fulham, London, S.W.6
- Furnival Steel Co.............. 36 Furnival Street, Sheffield, 1
- Furnival-Victor Co..............34/36 Furnival Street, Sheffield, 1
- Fyffe & Co., Ltd.............. Riverside Brassworks, Dundee
- Fyffe & Co., Ltd................93/95 Chandos House, Palmer St.,Westminster, S.W.l