1938 Ironmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers Guide: Companies S

Note: This is a sub-section of 1938 Ironmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers Guide: Companies
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
- S. & D. Rivet Co. .. .. Ariel Works, Temple Road, N. Evington, Leicester..
- S. L. R. Electric, Ltd. ............. 17 Hanover Square, London, W.l
- Safes, Ltd. ............. .. .. West Bromwich
- Safety Tread Syndicate, Ltd.............. .. Crown Wharf Ironworks, Dace Road, London, E.3. J
- St. Andrew Mills, Ltd. ............. 34 St. Andrew Road, London, E.l 7
- Sale, H. B., Ltd. ............. Progress Works. Summer Lane, Birmingham
- Salopian Cattle Bowl Co. .. Prees, Whitchurch, Salop
- Salt, C. Ronald............. 70 Pastures Hill, Littleover, Derby
- Sanders, Thomas, Ltd. ............. St. Mary Street, Ladywood, Birmingham
- Sanderson & Robinson, Ltd. ............. .. Mansfield, Notts
- Sanderson Bros. & Newbould, Ltd. ............. Newhall Road, Sheffield, 9
- Sankey, Joseph, & Sons, Ltd. ............. .. Albert Street. Bilston, Staffs
- Sankey, Joseph, & Sons, Ltd. ............. .. Hadley Castle Works, Wellington, Shropshire
- Sankey, J. H., & Son, Ltd. .............Aldwycb House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2. (General Offices, Showrooms and Export Dept.)
- Sankey, J. H., & Son, Ltd. ............. The Hill, Ilford, Essex. (“ Pyruma ” Department)
- Seville, J. J., & Co., Ltd. ............. Triumph Steel Works, Sheffield, 9
- Schutz, J..............41 Prinsengracht, Amsterdam (C), Holland..
- Scoffin & Willmott, Ltd. ............. Ironcrete Works, Barking, Essex
- Scott, Thomas, & Co., Ltd. ............. .. 51 Grassmarket, Edinburgh
- Scottish Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. ............... 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow
- Scottish Tube Co., Ltd. ............. 34 Robertson Street. Glasgow, C.2
- Screw Machine Products, Ltd. ............. .. Woobum Green, High Wycombe, Bucks
- Seal, Stephen, Son & Co. ............ Darfield Quarries, near Barnsley
- Selby Engineering Co., Ltd. ............. .. 73/74 Chiswell St., London, E.C.1
- Sellman & Hill, Ltd. ............. Church Lane, Wolverhampton
- Senier, T. W., & Co............. 115/121 St.John Street, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.I
- Serck Tubes, Ltd. ............... .. .. Warwick Road, Birmingham
- Serpent Label Co. .. Rockbeare, near Exeter..
- Shanks, Alex., & Son, Ltd. ............... .. 66 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l
- Shardlow, Ambrose, & Co., Ltd. ................. Ealing Works, Meadow Hall, Nr. Sheffield
- Shaw, Frank, & Co., Ltd. ............... .. 67/69 Fleet Street, Birmingham
- Shaw, Henry, & Sons .. .. Park Works, Birchall Street, Birmingham,
- Shaw, John, & Sons Wolverhampton Ltd. ............... Fryer Street, Wolverhampton ..
- Shaw, Thomas, (Lian), Ltd. ............... .. Bridge Road Wire Works, Brighouse
- Shaw, William. ................. Victoria Copper Works, Dolly Lane, Leeds, 9
- Sheath Brothers. .................87 City Road, London, E.C.1
- Sheffield & Hallamshire Hacksaw Co., Ltd. ............... London Works, Bridge Street, Sheffield
- Sheffield Boring Tool Co. .. Soho Street, Sheffield, 11
- Sheffield Cutlery Case Co., Ltd. ............... .. 120 Rockingham Street, Sheffield, 1 ..
- Sheffield Shears Co., Ltd. ............... .. Bower Spring Works, Sheffield, 3
- Sheffield Steel Comb Co. .. Pagoda Stieet, gfipffipld, 9
- Sheffield Steel Products, Ltd. ............... .. Templeborough, Sheffield
- Sheffield Twist Drill & Steel Co., Ltd. ............... Summerfield Street, Sheffield, Il
- Sheffield Wire Rope Co., Ltd. ............... .. Damall, Sheffield, 9
- Sheriff Manufacturing Co. .. Seacombe, Birkenhead
- Shetack Tool Works, Ltd. ............... .. 44a Tunstall Road, Brixton, London, S.W.9 »
- Shimwell & Co., Ltd. ............... .. Wellington Road, Leyton, London, E.l0
- Shipman, Geo., A., & Co., Ltd. ............... .. Box No. 16, G.P.O., Sheffield..
- Shortland, James, & Co., Ltd. ............... .. Thistle Nail Works, Wishaw, Lanarkshire ..
- Showell, Edwin, & Sons, Ltd. ............... .. Stirchley, Birmingham
- Siddens, H. C., & Co., Ltd. ............... .. Stour Valley Works, West Bromwich.
- Siddons, J. & J., Ltd. ............... West Bromwich
- Sieben, C. G., & Co., voorheen Jacob Grothaus Gebouw “DeKolk.” 32 Nwe Z. Voorburgwal, Amsterdam C, Holland
- Siemens Brothers & Co., Ltd. ............... .. Woolwich, London, S.E. 18
- Siemens Electric Lamps & Supplies, Ltd. ............... 38/39 Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4
- Silcock, Daniel .. .. .. Beech Works, Dronfield, near Sheffield .. .. ]
- Simmons and Co. .. .. 1-7 Tanner Street, London, S.E.1
- Simmons & Hawker, Ltd. ............... .. Southdown Works, Point Pleasant, Wandsworth, London, S.W. 18
- Sims, S., & Sons, Ltd., Britannia Works, New Whittington, Chesterfield ..
- Sinclair Iron Co., Ltd ............... Ketley, Wellington, Salop 1
- Singleton, Flint & Co., Ltd. ............... .. Newland Works, Lincoln
- Sippel, B. & J., Ltd. ............... .. .. 38 Arundel Street, Sheffield, 1
- Sippel, B. & J., Ltd. ............... .... Sipelia Works, Cadman Street, Sheffield, 4 ..
- Sissons Brothers & Co., Ltd. ............... .. Hull
- Skarsten Manufacturing Co. .. Hyde Way, Welwyn Garden City, Herts .. .. 1
- Skelton, C. T., & Co., Ltd. ............... .. Sheafbank Works, Sheffield, 2
- Skylux, Ltd. ............... .. .. .. 91-93 Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C.I
- Slack, Henry, & Sons, Ltd. ...............New Factory, Church Street, Accrington
- Slater, W., & Co ............... ..68 Halesowen Street, Halesowen, Worcs
- Slick Brands, Limited ............... ..Waddon, Croydon, Surrey .. .. 1
- Slingsby, Walter, & Co., Ltd. ............... .. Station Works, Keighley
- Small, F. L. & E................ ..72/75 Moseley Street, Birmingham, 12
- Smallwood, I. & D................ ..Leopold Street, Birmingham, 12
- Smart, Thomas, & Sons, Ltd. ............... .. Watson’s Green Works, Dudley
- Smellie, James, Ltd. ............... .. .. Ivanhoe & Cellini Works, Dudley
- Smith & Company.............. 343 Wells Road, Bristol, 4 .. .. i
- Smith & Turner ............. 22-30 Buttesland Street, East Road, London, N.l .. (
- Smith & Wellstood, Ltd. ............... Bonnybridge. Scotland
- Smith & Wellstood, Ltd. ................ 8 Upper Thames Street. London, E.C.4
- Smith Brothers 64 Clement Street, Parade, Birmingham, 1 ..
- Smith Brothers & Co. (Hyson) Ltd. ............... Hyson Green Valve Works. Nottingham .
- Smith, Ernest R., & Co............... Electra House, Haslemere, Surrey
- Smith Francis Tools, Ltd. ............... .. 68-70 Cheapside, Birmingham, 12
- Smith, Frederick, & Co., Wire Manufacturers, Ltd. ............... Caledonia Works, Halifax
- Smith Peace (Keighley), Ltd. ............... .. Trinity Works, Lawkholme, Keighley
- Smith, Samuel, & Sons, Ltd. ............... .. Beehive Foundry, Smethwick
- Smith Slater, Ltd. ............... Longley Street, Oldham
- Smith, Thomas, & Sons of Saltley, Ltd. .............. Saltley Mill, Birmingham, 8 .
- Smith, William, & Co............... Spring Works, Harrow Street, Sheffield, 11.
- Smith, Wm., & Co. (Sheffield), Ltd. .............. Beulah Road, Sheffield, 6
- Sofnol, Ltd. .............. Westcombe Hill. Greenwich. London. S.E.10
- Somerville, J., & W., Ltd. .............. .. Caledonian Nail Works, St. Ninian’s, Stirling
- Sorby, George ..............Brown Street, Sheffield 1
- Sorby, Robert, & Sons, Ltd. .............. .. Kangaroo Works, Woodseats, Sheffield, 8 ..
- Southern Foundries (1926), Ltd. ................ Purley Way, Waddon, Croydon, Surrey .. .. I
- Southerton, James, & Son, Martineau & Smith............. Martsmith Works, Coleshill Road, Sutton Coldfield..
- South Wales Brattice Cloth and East India Rubber Co., Ltd. .............. Usk Works, Newport, Mon.
- Sozol (1924), Ltd. .............., .. ..Dashwood House, Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2
- Spade Scrapers ..............Wappenham, Towcester.
- Spafford, A., & Co., Ltd. .............. .. Havelock Works, Colver Road, Sheffield, 2 ..
- Spear & Jackson, Ltd. .............. ..Aetna Works, Sheffield, 4
- Spencer, C. A., & Co...............Midland Works, Keighley
- Spencer Chapman & Messel, Ltd. .............. Walsingham House, Seething Lane, London, E.C.3 :
- Spencer, John, Ltd. .............. ..Globe Tube & Engineering Works, Wednesbury
- Spencer, J. F. ..............21 Harlaxton Street, Leicester
- Spencer, William, & Son, Ltd. .............. .. Kingston Steel Works, Neepsend. Sheffield, 3 ..
- Spicers, Ltd. ................ .. ..19 New Bridge Street, London, E.C.4
- Spong & Co., Ltd. .............. .. .. 27 Braemar Road, South Tottenham, London, N. 15
- Stainless Steelwares, Ltd. .............. .. 104 Southampton Row, London, W.C.l ..
- Stalker Drill Works, Ltd. .............. .. Drill Square, Sheffield 6
- Standard Fireworks, Ltd. .............. Half Moon Street, Huddersfield
- Standard Hacksaw Co., Ltd. .............. .. Standard Works, Meersbrook Park Road, Sheffield 8
- Standard Manufacturing Co ..............Rowditch, Derby.
- Standard Metal Window Co..............Houghton Street, West Bromwich.
- Standard Range & Foundry Co., Ltd. .............. Queen’s Road, Watford, Herts.
- Standard Wire Co..............Sterne Mills, Sowerby Bridge, Yorks .
- Staniforth, Thomas, & Co., Ltd. ................ Severquick Works, Hackenthorpe, Sheffield..
- Stanley Bros., Ltd. ..............Stockinford, Nuneaton
- Star Horsenail Co.............. 7-16 Redcliffe Street. Bristol
- Starkie, James, & Sons, Ltd. .............. .. Church Street Wire Mills, Preston
- Steam Plant Accessories, Ltd. .............. .. 82 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l
- Steel & Garland, Ltd.............. ..Priory Foundry, Worksop.
- Steel Nut & Joseph Hampton, Ltd. .............. Woden Works, Wednesbury
- Steenkist, Joh. v/h. J. Schyfsma .............. Tweede Weteringdwarsstraat 3, Amsterdam, Holland
- Stephens, Horace W............... Llanthony, Gloucester.
- Stephenson Clarke & Associated Companies, Ltd. .............. 54 Bute Street, Cardiff.
- Stephenson, Joseph, & Co. (London), Ltd. .............. 83 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4 .
- Steps & Tables, Ltd. ..............Melbourne Street, Gloucester
- Sterling Manufacturing Co. (Incorporated with John G. Murdoch & Co., Ltd.) ............... Davis Street, Cubitt Town, London, E. 14
- Stevens, Ernest, Ltd. ............... Cradley Heath, Staffs
- Stevenson, A., & Co............... 58/62 Newhaven Road, Leith, Edinburgh
- Stevenson, W. H., & Sons.............76 Trafalgar Street, Sheffield, 1
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd. .............. .. 41 Oswald Street, Glasgow, C.l
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd. .............. Broad Street Chambers, Birmingham ..
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd. .............. Winchester House, Old Broad St., London, E.C.2 .
- Stickler, Harry.............. Upplandsgatan 33, Stockholm K, Swede
- Stone & Sons .............. 129 Church Street, Stoke Newington, London, N.16
- Stone, J., & Co., Ltd.............. Deptford, London, S.E.14
- Stone, J. B., & Co., Ltd. ..............135 Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.2
- Stonehouse Works Co.............. Houghton Street, West Bromwich I
- Stonier, S...............The Mill, Holmes Chapel Road, Congleton, Cheshire :
- Stooke & Sparks Gravesend, Ltd. .............. Stratford Ironworks, Queen Street, Gravesend, Kent 1
- Stott, James, & Co. (Engineers), Ltd. .............. Vernon Works, Oldham
- Stourbridge Rolling Mills, Ltd. ................ Stourbridge .. ..
- Stoward, J. D., & Co., Ltd .............. .. 37 Bridgewater Stieet, Salford, Manchester, 3. 1
- Stringer’s, Charles, Sons & Co., Ltd. .............. 24 & 24a Stephen Street, Coventry
- Stubbs, W. B., & Son .. .............. Progress Works. Hawksworth. Notts...
- Stubs, Peter, Ltd. ............. ... Scotland Road. Warrington
- Stubs, Peter, Ltd. ............. .... Holmes, Rotherham
- Summers, E. G., & Co..............Times Works, Garden Street, Sheffield,! ..
- Summers, John, & Sons, Ltd. ............. .. Hawarden Bridge Steel Works, Shotton, Chester ..
- Summers, John, & Sons, Ltd. ............. .... 34 Lime Street, London, E.C.3
- Sunshine Devices, Ltd. ............. 6 Colquitt Street, Liverpool, 1
- Sutcliffe, J. W. ..............Town Street. Horsforth, near Leeds ..
- Sutton & Ash, Ltd. ............. .. .. New Spring Street, Birmingham, 18 .. .
- Swain, John, & Son, Ltd. ................ 89-92 Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4
- Swann Garland, Ltd. ...............Marlborough Works, Chippinghouse Road, Sheffield 8
- Swift and Sons.. ............. ....Olympia Works, Durham Street, Scarborough
- Swift, J. H., & Sons, Ltd. ............. .. Dreadnought Tool Works, Penistone Road, Sheffield 6
- Swindell and Co. .. ............. .... Withymoor Works. Netherton, near Dudley..
- Swingler, G. & J., Ltd. .............320 Witton Road, Aston, Birmingham.