1938 Ironmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers Guide: Companies M

Note: This is a sub-section of 1938 Ironmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers Guide: Companies
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
- M.C.L. and Repetition, Ltd............... .. Pool Lane, Langley. Birmingham.
- McAlpine & Co., Ltd. .............Thistle Works, Dunsmuir St., Govan, Glasgow .S.W.l
- McArd, Robert, & Co., Ltd. ............. Crown Cabinet Works, Crown Point, Denton, Manchester.
- McArthur & Co. ............... Midland Road, King’s Cross, London, N.W.l
- McArthur & Co. ............... Marsh Street, Bristol ..
- McArthur & Co. ...............Paradise Street, West Bromwich
- McArthur & Co. ............... Merchant? Quay, Dublin
- McDonald, David, & Son, Ltd............... .. Newpark Street, Hamilton, Scotland
- McDougall, James, Ltd. ..............Elwell Street, Wednesbury
- McDowall, Steven & Co., Ltd. .............. .. Laurieston Iron Works, Falkirk
- McKechnie Bros., Ltd. .............Rotton Park Street, Birmingham, 16
- Macpherson, Donald, & Co., Ltd............... 21 Albion Street, Manchester 1
- Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co. of Great Britain, Ltd. .............. 34 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l
- Magnum Cabinet Co., Ltd. (Incorporating S. Davis & Sons)……287/289 Old Street, London, E.C.1
- Major, Robinson & Co., Ltd. .......Scots Wks., 385/7 City Road, Cornbrook, Manchester, 15
- Makin, Wm., & Sons, Ltd. .............. 17 Darnall Road, Sheffield, 9
- Maleham & Yeomans, Ltd. .............. .. 47 Bowdon Street, Sheffield, 1
- Manger, J., & Son, Ltd............57 Kingsland High Street, London, E.8
- Manley & Regulus, Ltd. .............. Showell Works, Showell Road, Wolverhampton
- Mannering, W., & Co., Ltd. .............. Lovell’s Court, London. E.C.4
- Manual Training Tool Co. .. Brookhill Works, Brookhill, Sheffield, 3 1
- Marine & Factory Suppliers, Ltd. .............. Albert Engine Works, Gieenland Street, Liverpool, I
- Markt & Co. (London), Ltd. .............. Portpool Lane, Gray’s Inn Road, London. E.C.1 ..
- Marley, W. H., & Co. .. 21 Compton Terrace, London, N.l ..
- Marples, William, & Sons, Ltd. ............. Hibernia Works, Sheffield, 1
- Marples, William, & Sons, Ltd. ............. 44 Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4
- Marples, Wingfield & Wilkins .. 71/3 Hill Street, Sheffield 2
- Marrison & Catherall, Ltd. ............. .. Fomcett Street, Sheffield 4
- Mars Oil Co............10 & 12 Milton Street, London, E.C.2
- Marsh Bros. & Co., Ltd. ............... .. Ponds Steel Works, Sheffield
- Marshall Bros (Birmingham), Ltd. ............. 288 Icknield Street, Birmingham
- Marshall Bros. (Sheffield Coffin Furniture Co), Ltd. ............. Thomas Street, Sheffield, 3
- Marshall, John A............... Emu Works, Matilda Street, Sheffield, 1
- Marshall, L., & Sons, Ltd. ............. .. Canal Boiler Works, Huddersfield
- Marshall, Thos., & Son, Ltd. ............. Wellington Bridge, Leeds, 12 ..
- Mason, A., & Son, Ltd. ............. .. 11 Powell Road, London, E.5 ..
- Mather, Richard, & Son .. .. Shoreham Street Works, Sheffield, I
- Mathieson, Alex., & Sons, Ltd. ............. .. Saracen Tool Works, East Campbell Street, Glasgow, C.l
- Matterson, Huxley & Watson, Ltd. ............. Lion Foundry, Coventry
- Matthews & Mumby, Ltd. ............. .. Fireproof Door Dept., 131 Stockport Road, Manchester, 12
- Matthews Oils, Ltd. ............. .. .. Bromford Lane, West Bromwich
- Mendine Company (F. W. Coombe, Ltd.) .............123 Borough High Street, London, S.E. 1
- Mercer, Samuel, & Co. ............. Albion House, 4 Queen Street Place, London, E.C.4
- Mercer, Samuel, & Co. ............. Warehouse, Paddington New Yard, G.W.R., 1 Alfred Road, London, W.2
- Messenger and Co., Ltd............. Loughborough, Leics
- Messenger Bros., Ltd............ 128 High Street, Hounslow, Middlesex
- Metal Gravure Co., Ltd........... Babington Works, Knollys Road, Streatham, London, S.W.16
- Metal Mouldings, Ltd............. Park Royal Road, London, N.W.l0
- Metal Propellers, Ltd................. Purley Way, Croydon
- Metamine (England), Ltd. .............. ............. .. Lincoln House, High Holbom, London, W.C.l
- Metropolitan - Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd. ............. Trafford Park, Manchester, 17
- Meyer, Wm. A., Ltd. ............. .. 75 Southwark Street, London, S.E.1 ..
- Meynell & Sons, Ltd. ............. Wolverhampton
- Micklethwait, W. H., & Co., Ltd. ............. Clough Works, Rotherham
- Midland Manufacturing Company (Taylors) Ltd. ............ Celtic Works, Savile Street East, Sheffield,
- Midland Metal Spinning Co., Ltd. ............. Tower Works, Gt. Brickkiln Street, Wolverhampton
- Miles, Druce & Co., Ltd.............. 29 Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4
- Milford Products Co., Ltd. ............. .. Milford, Derbyshire
- Millar, Dennis and Co ............. Victoria Works, Thornton Road, Bradford
- Millar, John S., & Son .. .. Annan, Scotland
- Millard Bros., Ltd. .............467 Caledonian Road, London, N.7
- Mint, The, Birmingham, Ltd. ............. .. Icknield Street, Birmingham, 18
- Mitchell, F., (Nottingham), Ltd. .............. Derby Road, Nottingham
- Mitchell, Russell & Co., Ltd. ............. .. Chattan Foundry, Bonnybridge
- Mitton, Paul, & Co., Ltd. ............. .. 6 Wool Exchange, London, E.C.2
- Modern Machine Tools, Ltd. ............. .. Butts Works, Coventry
- Monitor Oil Appliances, Ltd. ............. .. Monitor Wks., Redhill Rd., Hay Mills, Birmingham
- Monmer Foundry, Ltd. ............. St. Anne’s Road, Willenhall
- Moody, Charles P.............. 33 Finck Street. London, S.E.1
- Moore & Wright (Sheffield), Ltd. ............. Britain’s Tool Factory, Trafalgar Street, Sheffield, 1
- Moorwoods, Ltd. ............. Harleston Iron Works, Harleston Street, Sheffield, 4
- Morier, William, & Co., Ltd. ............. .. Copeland Works, Govan, Glasgow
- Morleys (Birmingham), Ltd. ............. .. Regina Works, 81 Alcester Street, Birmingham, 12
- Morris, Alexander, & Co.......... 56, Leithcote Gardens, London, S.W. 16
- Morris Hiring Appliances, Ltd. ............... 59 New Oxford Street, London, W.C.l
- Morrison, Ingram & Co., Ltd. ............. .. Hygeia Works, Hadfield Street, Cornbrook.Manchester
- Morrison, J. E., & Sons, Ltd. ............. .. Granville Works. Tenter Street. Sheffield, I..
- Morse, A. T., Sons & Co., Ltd. ............. .. 134 Upper Road, Plaistow, London, F..13 ..
- Mosers, Ltd. ............. Borough High Street and 4 Marshalsta Road, London. S.E.1.
- Mosley, R. F., & Co., Ltd. ............. Randall Street, Sheffield
- *Mosley, R. F., & Co., Ltd............... 59 Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C.1
- Moss & Gamble Bros., Ltd. .............Franklin Works, Wadsley Bridge, Sheffield, 6
- Mottershaw & Rowe, Ltd. ............. 82 Tenter Street, Sheffield, 1 ..
- Mouliware, Ltd ............. 20-22 Hatcham Road, London, S.E. 15
- Mountford, F., & Sons, Ltd.............. 93 St. Mary’s Road, Sheffield, 1
- Mountford Rubber Co., Ltd. 180 Aston Road, Birmingham, 6
- Murray, A. M., Ltd................4-6 Watson Street, Glasgow, C. 1
- Muxlow & Knott, Ltd.............. Hope Steel Works, Harrow Street, Sheffield. 11
- Myford Engineering Co., Ltd.............. Neville Works, Beeston, Notts