Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1939 Who's Who In Engineering: Name E

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1939 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

EADES, J. A.M.I.Mech.E. Consulting Engr. Address: 17 St. Ann's Square, Manchester. Age: 62. Career: Chief Engr. and Rolling Stock Supt., Manchester Corp. Tramways, 1899-1906; in practice, above address, as Consultant since 1906.

EAGLESOME, Sir John E. K.O.M.G., M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.T. Managing Director, Aire and Calder Navigation, Dock Street, Leeds. Career: 1890, Indian Public Works Dept.; 1892, Asst. Engr., Khojak Tunnel, Afghanistan; 1900-02, Asst. Engr., Godavari Bridge, Madras; 1900, Dir. of Public Works, Northern Nigeria 1907, in charge of the construction of the Baro-Kano Rly.; 1912-19, Dir. of Rlys. and Works, Nigeria; Ministry of Munitions, 1916; Officer of Legion of Honour, 1919;. Member of Council, Inst. of Transport, 1919, Vice-Pres., 1923-24; Member, Colonial Economic Development Committee, 1919; Member of Committee on Inland Waterways and of Colonial Development Advisory Committee. Club: St. Stephen's.

EARNSHAW, E. J. M.A., A.M.I.E.E. Manager, Rotax Ltd., Willesden Junction, London, N.W.10. Private Address: 15 Park West, London, W.2. Mechanical Science Tripos, Cambridge.

EASON, Alec Birks. M.A. (Cantab.), M.I.E.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Staff Engr., P.O. Eng. Dept., Ivy House, Newgate Street, London, E.0.1. Private Address: 52 Buckingham Way, Wallington, Surrey. Age: 51. Ed.: Cambridge Univ. In various eng. grades in the Post Office since 1909.

EAST, Alan Neville. Assoc.Inst. C.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. Eng. Inspector, Electy. Commission, Savoy Court, Strand, London, W.C.2. Private Address: Kingsley Close, Hazelwood Lane, Abbots Langley, Herts. Age: 50. Career: Durham School; Smiths Dock Co. Ltd., N. Shields; Durham Univ. 1910-12, at sea with Pac. Stm. Nay. Co., Liverpool, and Messrs. Robt. Ropner, Hartlepool; 1912-15, Asst. Chief Elect. Engr., Montreal Harbour Commissioners, Canada; 1915-19 Eng.Lieut., R.N.R., H.M.S. Almangan; 1919 to date, Electy. Commission.

EASTMENT, V. S. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. Experimental Eng,r., Ford Motor Co., Dagenham. Private Address: 36 Crossways, Gidea Park, Essex.

EASTWOOD, Donald Rex. A.M.C.T., A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Engr., I.C.I. (Alkali) Ltd., Northwich, Cheshire. Private Address: "Burwood, " Davenham, Cheshire. Age: 34. Career: Coll. of Tech., Manchester. 1925-33, Tech. Engr., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd.; 1933 to date, present position.

EATOUGH, C. B.Sc. A.M.I.Mech.E. Manager, Gearing Dept. Herbert Ltd., Coventry. Address: 83 Green Lane, Co

EBEL, Sydney George. A.F.R.Ae.S. Asst. Chief Draughtsman, Handley Page, Ltd., Cricklewood, London, N.W. Private Address: 58 Valley Drive, Kingsbury, N.W.9. Age: 40. Career: Hackney Tech. Inst.; Regent St. Polytechnic (Aeronautics); Northampton Polytechnic; Experimental Supt.; Asst. Engr.; Asst. Production Engr. Inventions: Cowling Fasteners for Aircraft; Steam Boilers for Aircraft; Application of Heated Air for De-Icing Windscreens.

EBORALL, Alfred C. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. 20 Queen's Road, Kingston-upon-Thames. Age: 62. Career: City and Guilds Coll., 1892-95; Improver, Brown Boveri Works, Switzerland, 1895-96; on staff, Finsbury Coll. and Private Asst. to the late Dr. Sylvanus Thompson, 1897-99; Tech. Mgr., Witting Bros. (associated with Helios Co., Cologne, Electricite and Hydraulique, Charleroi and Kolben & Co., Prague), 1899-1903; Tech. Director, Witting Eborall & Co., Ltd., 1903-06; (Tech.),, Alfred Private ventry when the latter concern was purchased by Brown Boveri & Co., Ltd., became Managing Director of that Company, now British Brown-Boveri Ltd., 190633. Is now a Director of British Brown-Boveri Ltd., Bruce Peebles & Co., Ltd., Richardsons Westgarth-Brown Boveri Ltd.

ECCLES, Josiah. B.Sc. (Eng.), M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Deputy Engr. and Manager, Edinburgh Corp. Electy. Supply Dept., Dewar Place, Edinburgh, 3. Private Address: 50 Grange Road, Edinburgh, 9. Career: Apprent. MetropolitanVickers Elect. Co., Ltd.; Asst. Dist. Engr., Metropolitan-Vickers, 1926-28; Snr. Tech. Asst., Edinburgh Corp. Elect. Dept., 1928-37.

ECCLES, William. M.Sc., M.I. Mech.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., General Eng. Dept., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. and Mfg. Co., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: White Lee, Bentinck Road, Altrincham, Cheshire.

ECCLES, W. H. D.Sc., F.R.S., M.I.E.E. Consulting Engr. Address: 8 Roehampton Gate, S.W.15. Age:. 62. Career: Royal Coll. of Sc.; Univ. Coll., London; lately Professor of Elect. Eng., City and Guilds Tech. Coll.; Past-Pres., I.E.E., the Physical Soc., the Inst. of Physics and other Societies. Author of three books on Wireless and many papers on electrical subjects.

ECK, Justus. M.A. (Hons.) Cantab, M.I.E.E. Consulting Engr. and Tech. Translator (Free Lance), 10 Priory Road, Bedford Park, London, W.4. Age: 73. Career: King's Coll.; Univ. Coll., London; Peterhouse, Cambridge; Training Edison Telephone Co. and Paterson & Cooper; Experience England, Canada, U.S.A., Germany, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, in various tech. undertakings. Consultant, Vril Electric Launches; Edwd. Lloyd Ltd., Union Elect. Co.; Kandem Elect. Co.; etc. Important works: first elect. rly. (Wimbledon Common), Blackwall Tunnel, Wakefield and Hill End Asylums, Leeds Tramways, etc. Author of "Arc Lamps, Light and Illumination, " "Arc Lamps for Industrial Purposes," etc.

ECKERSLEY, Peter Pendleton. M.I.E.E., F.I.R.E., F.R.S.A. Consulting Engr., 11 Garrick Street, W.C.2. Private Address: 82 Swan Court, S.W.3. Age: 46. Career: Manchester Municipal School of Tech.; Apprent. Mather & Platts, and Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Co.; Wireless Equipment Officer, R.F.C. and R.A.F., served Near East and France, 1915-19; Head of Experimental Section, Designs Dept., Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., 1919-23; Chief Engr., B.B.C., 192329. Pres., Tech. Committee, Union Internationale de Radio diffusion, 1924; Consulting Engr., 1929 to date. Developed Bases Public Service Wireless Broadcasting and Wire Broadcasting.

EDEN, A. C. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Mains Engr. and Chief Asst. Engr., The Mid-Cheshire Electy. Supply Co., Ltd., Electricity House, Town Bridge, Northwich. Age: 36. Career: Bristol Univ., 1918-22; Metropolitan-Vickers, apprent., 1923-25; Yorkshire Elect. Power Co., Asst. Testing Engr. 1925-28, and Asst. Mains Engr., 1928-30; Mid-Cheshire E.S. Co., Mains Engr., 1930-38.

EDEN, J. A. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., Fulham Borough Council Electy. Dept. Private Address: 366 Durnsford Road, Wimbledon Park, S.W.19.

EDES, Major Noel Hamilton. B.A.(Cantab), A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I. R.E., p.s.c., Royal Corps of Signals. c/o Messrs. Lloyd's Bank Ltd., Cox's and King's Branch, 6 Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. Age: 39. Career: Blundell's School, Tiverton; Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; Clare Coll., Cambridge; Staff Coll., Camberley. Commissioned in the Royal Engineers, 25th January, 1918; transferred to the Royal Corps of Signals, 1921.

EDGCUMBE, Lt.-Col. K. T.D. Fellow Univ. Coll., London. M.Inst. C.E. Past Pres. Inst.E.E., F.Inst. Physics Chairman and Joint Managing Director, Everett, Edgcumbe & Co., Ltd., Elect. Instrument Mfs., Colindale Works, Hendon. N.W.9. Private Address: Holwell Court, Hatfield, Herts. Age: 65. Ed.: Harrow School, and Germany. Trained Crompton & Co. Hon. Sec., International Electrotechnical Commission; Vice-Pres., International Illumination Commission; late O.C. 27th Anti-Aircraft Batt. R.E. (T.A.). J.P. Herts.

EDGECOMBE, James Edmund. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Director, The Stearn Elect. Co., Ltd., 31 Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W.1. Private Address: Kawabata, Surbiton Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey. Career: Pupil G.W.R. (civil eng.); Crompton & Co.; Kensington and Knightsbridge Electy. Co., Ltd.; Notting Hill Elect. Co., Ltd.; Chief Engr., Kingston-upon-Thames Corp. for 25 years; Director, Electric Lamp Manufacturers' Assoc. of Great Britain, Ltd.; Pres., I.M.E.A., 1905 and 1912; Pres., D.E.U.A., 1914. Clubs: Kingston Club (Pres.), The Skiff Club (Pres.).

EDGEWORTH, Lieut.-Col. Kenneth Essex. D.S.O., M.C. F.R.A.S. M.I.E.E. Private Address: Cherbury, Booterstown, Co. Dublin. Age: 58. Career: Marlborough Coll.; House Scholarship, Snr. Math. Scholarship, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; Pollock Medal. Commission in R. Engineers, December, 1898; Retired as Lieut.Col. in March, 1926; Chief Engr., Posts and Telegraphs, Khartoum, 1926-31.

EDMINSON, E. A.M.I.Mech.E. Mech. Supt., North Metropolitan Elect. Supply Co., Brimsdown Power Station, Millmarsh Lane, Enfield, Mddx. Age: 45. Career: Rutherford Coll., Newcastle; Apprent., C. A. Parsons & Co., Ltd., Heaton Works; subsequently Asst. on Turbine Design Office Staff.

EDMOND, Alexander D. B.Sc. (Eng.) Lond., A.R.T.0, .Mech. E., M.I.Mar.E. Head of Mech. Eng. Dept., Robert Gordon 's Tech. Coll., Aberdeen. (Lecturer in the University of Aberdeen). Private Address: 73 Braemar Place, Aberdeen. Career: Draughtsman and Asst. to Engr. Supt., Southern Rlwy., Newhaven, 1912-14; Asst. Lecturer, Tech. Coll., Sunderland, 1914-15; War service 1915-18, Captain R.G.A.; Lecturer, Coll. of Tech., Manchester, 1918-19; Snr. Lecturer, Tech. Coll., Sunderland, 1919-29; present appointment from 1929. Member of Committee of the Scottish Branch of the Inst. of Mech. Engrs. Pres., Aberdeen Mech. Soc.

EDMONDS, Peter L. B.Sc.Eng. (Lon.), Wh.Ex., A.M.I.E.E. Head of Eng. Dept., Tunbridge Wells Tech. Inst.., Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Private Address: 42 Wilman Road, Tunbridge Wells. Age: 38. Career: Medway Tech. Coll. (Gillingham, Kent); H.M. Dockyard, Upper School, Chatham; Apprent., Elect. Eng., Chatham Dockyard, 1915-21; Lecturer Loughborough Coll., Leicestershire; Draughtsman, Elliott Bros. (London) Ltd.

EDMONDSON, J. H. A.M.I. Mech.E., M.I.Chem.E., General Manager and Engr., City of Sheffield Sewerage Disposal Dept., Wincobank, Sheffield.

EDMUNDS, J. T. W. A.M.I. Mech.E. Lecturer in Production Eng., County Tech. Coll., Wednesbury, Staffs. Private Address: 139 Hall Green Road, Stone Cross, W. Bromwich. Age: 36. Career: Lewis' School, Pengam; Cardiff Tech. Coll.; Apprent., G.W. Rly., Machen and Caerphilly Loco. Works, 1921-26; Caerphilly Works, G.W.R., 1927-36; present appointment, 1936. Captain, R.A.O.C., Sup. Res.

EDWARDES, R. Wilson. M.I. Mech.E., A.111.1.E.E. Chief Engr., New Hucknall Colliery Co., Ltd., Huthwaite, Mansfield, Notts. Private Address: "Coniston, " Huthwaite Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. Age: 54. Career: Univ. Coll., Cardiff; Principal Asst. Engr. with D. Selby Bigge & Co., Consulting Engrs., Glasgow; 1916-19, Royal Engineers.

EDWARDS, Charles Alfred. D.Sc. (Manchester), F.R.S. (1930). Principal since 1927, Professor of Metallurgy since 1920, Univ. Coll. of Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea. Private Address: 86 Eaton Crescent, Swansea. Career: Asst. in Metallurgical Dept. of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, 1905-07; Lecturer in Metallurgy in the Univ. of Manchester, 1907-10; Metallurgist, Bolckow, Vaughan & Co., and Dorman Long & Co., Middlesbrough, 1910-14; Professor Metallurgy, Univ. of Manchester, 1914-20. Author of numerous publications dealing with properties of metals and alloys in Journals of the Iron and Steel Inst., Inst. of Metals, and Inst. of Mech. Engrs.

EDWARDS, Christopher F. M.Sc. (Eng.), D.I.C., M.I.Mech.E. Snr. Tech. Officer, Royal Naval Torpedo Factory, Greenock. Private Address: Fendoch, Kilmacolm, Renfrewshire.

EDWARDS, David. P.P.Mun. & Cy.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I. Borough Engr., Brighton Corp., Town Hall, Brighton. Previously City Engr. of Bath and Borough Engr. of Taunton. Past-Pres., Inst. Mun. & Cty.E.

EDWARDS, F. H. M.I.E.E. Borough Elect. Engr. and Manager, Dartford Corp. Electy. Dept., Electy. Works, Dartford.

EDWARDS, F. S. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Research Engr., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester.

EDWARDS, F. S. A.M.I.Mech.E. 1st Class Draughtsman, Design Dept. (Guns), R.O. Factories, Woolwich. Private Address: 17 Llanover Road, Plumstead, London, S.E.18. Age: 31. Career: Woolwich Polytechnic; Apprent., Royal Ordnance Factories, Woolwich, 1923-29, and thereafter progressive appointments to present, 1936. Part-time Lecturer, Woolwich Polytechnic. A.M.Inst. of Professional Civil Servants.

EDWARDS, Guilford Lindsay. M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: 10 Fairdale Gardens, Hayes, Mddx. Age: 85. Pupilage, Simpson & Co., Waterworks Ensgrs., and Nicholls Mathews & Co., Mng. Engrs.; from 1872-1912, progressive positions with Indian Rlys.; finally Agent and Chief Engr., Rohilcund & Kumaon Rly.; retired 1912. 1914-18, Inspector, Woolwich Arsenal.

EDWARDS, H. G. A.M.I.E.E. Telephone Circuit Engr., Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Woolwich, S.E.18. Private Address: 69 Broad Walk, Kidbrooke, S.E.3. Age: 31.

EDWARDS, J. C. B.A., A.M.I.E.E. Head of Condenser Dept., Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., N. Woolwich. Private Address: 81 Lee Road, Blackheath, S.E.3. Age: 36. Ed.: Marlborough Coll; Sidney Sussex Coll., Cambridge.

EDWARDS, James Harry. J P. Chairman and Managing Director, The Middle Docks and Eng. Co., Ltd., Middle Docks, South Shields. Private Address: Roseworth East, The Grove, Gosforth, Newcastle-onTyne, 3. Career: Engaged on the building and repairing of small craft, trawlers, paddle and screw tugs, coasting steamers, etc.; 1895, appointed Manager, H. S. Edwards & Sons, High Docks; 1899, appointed Managing Director, The Middle Docks and Eng. Co., Ltd., South Shields.

EDWARDS, John. B.Sc. (Birmingham), A.I.C., M.I.Chem.E. Manager, William Butler & Co. (Bristol), Ltd., Crews Hole Works, St. George, Bristol. Private Address: The Grange, 143 Westbury Road, Bristol. Career: Asst. Chemist, Albright and Wilson, Ltd., Birmingham; Research Chemist, The Rugby Lamp Co., Rugby; Inspector of Explosives, Ministry of Munitions (Midland Area); Supt. of Contact, Sulphuric Acid Plant, Ministry of Munitions (Govt. Dept., Chance and Hunt, Oldbury); Refining Supt., Mexican Eagle Oil Co., Tampico, Mexico. Examiner to City and Guilds of London Inst., Dept. of Tech. in Coal Tar Distillation and Crude Intermediate Products.

EDWARDS, John Marshall. B.Sc. (Eng. Ext.) London, A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Lecturer in Economics. Private Address: Burbank, The Drive, Northwood, Middx. Ed.: Hull Tech. Coll.; Westminster Tech. Coll.; Manchester Tech. Coll.; Northampton Tech. Coll.; Univ. Coll., London.

EDWARDS, Leslie. A.M.I.E.E. Meter Supt. and Consumer's Engr., Aberdeen Corp. Electy. Dept., Millburn Street, Aberdeen. Private Address: 191 Broomhill Road, Aberdeen. Age 41. Career: Regent Street Polytechnic, London; Tech. Asst., North Eastern Elect. Supply Co., Newcastle; Lecturer Elect. Eng., Robert Gordon's Coll., Aberdeen; 2nd Lieut., R.A.F., War Service, 1915-19.

EDWARDS, Roy Hartley. Major R.E. (S.R.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Div. Docks Engr., Eastern Ports, G.W.R., Divisional Docks Engr 's. Office, Barry Docks, Glam. Private Address: 108 Heath Park Avenue, Cardiff. Age: 37. Career: Pupilage and early experience, Taff Vale Rlwy.; Later with G.W.R. as an Eng. Asst. at Penarth Dock, Barry Docks, Newport (Railway) Division, Swansea Docks; Chief Engr. 's Office, Paddington; 1932, Resident Asst. Engr., Newport Docks; 1933, Resident Asst. Engr., Cardiff Docks; 1937, present appointment. Fellow and Member of Council of the Permanent Way Inst. Commanding Officer of the 151st (G.W.) Railway Construction Coy., Royal Engineers (S.R.).

EDWARDS, T. H. A.M. I.Mech.E., M. I.Loco.E. 4 Welby Gardens, Grantham. General Works Manager, Ruston & Hornsby Ltd., Grantham, Lincs. Born: 1882. Career: Tettenhall Coll.; Wolverhampton and Birmingham Mun. Tech. Schs.; Apprent., Electric Constr. Co, and 2nd Asst. to Works Manager; Asst. Works Manager, Isaac Stacy & Sons; Works Manager, Gen. Engine & Boiler Co., 1913-14; Works Manager and Asst. General Manager, Yorkshire Eng. Co., 1914-27.

EDWARDS, W. D. A.M.I.E.E. With Automatic Electric Co., Ltd., Milton Road, Edge Lane, Liverpool.

EDWARDS, Wilfrid Gordon. A.M.I.E.E. Lines Engr., The British Broadcasting Corp., Portland Place, London, W.1. Private Address: 4 Lake Close, Wimbledon, S.W.19. Age: 47. Training: Northampton Eng. Coll.; Radio Communication Co.; General Post Office. Thereafter with Marconi Co.

EDWARDS, W. Griffith. B.A. Eng. (Cantab.), M.I.Mech.E., A.M. Inst.C.E. Managing Director and Tech. Director, Hordern, Mason and Edwards, Ltd., Engrs., Pype Hayes, Birmingham. Career: Educ. Mill Hill School; London and Cambridge Univ. Apprent., John I Thornycroft, and Vickers, Ltd. Hon. Lieut., R.A.F. (Tech.), latter end of war; also flying experience (pilot). Works Manager, Liverpool. Co-opted member of SubStandard Committee, British Standards Inst.

EDWARDS, William Sydney. M.I. Mech.E., M.I.Loc.E. (Member of Council). Managing Director, W. G. Bagnall, Ltd., Castle Engine Works, Stafford. Private Address: Enville, Sandon Road, Stafford. Career: Commenced with Messrs. Kerr, Stuart & Co., Stoke-on-Trent, then with W. G. Bagnall, Ltd., Castle Engine Works, Stafford, as Chief Draughtsman, Works Manager, and finally Managing Director. Club: Constitutional.

EDWARDS, W. V. A.M.I.E.E. Retired in 1937 from position of Engr. and General Manager, Hastings Tramways Corp. Private Address: Lennox House, 141 The Ridge, Hastings.

EGGINTON, J. L. A.C.G.I., B.Sc., M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., Central Electy. Board, 1 Charing Cross, London. Private Address: 50 Wilbury Crescent, Hove, 4, Sussex. Age: 37. Career: City and Guilds, 1919-23; Apprent., English Electric Co., Ltd., Stafford and London, 1925-29; Asst. Engr., Messrs. Kennedy & Donkin, Consulting Engrs., Westminster, 1929-35; Asst. Engr., C.E.B., 1935 to present.

ELCE, Tom M.Sc.Tech., M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Eccles Corp. Private Address: "Rock Cliffe," Westminster Road, Eccles. Age: 49. Career: Educ.: Manchester Univ.; Bootle Corp.; Rochdale Corp.

ELDERSHAW, F. H. A.M.I. Mech. E., A.M.I.H. & V. Engrs., M.Inst.F., M. Ceramic Soc. Sales Manager, Musgrave & Co., Ltd., Brettenham House, Lancaster Place, W.C.2. (and Belfast). Private Address: Windybraes, Ferbies Road, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells. Age: 55. Career: Manchester Grammar School; Manchester School of Tech.; entire business life with Musgrave & Co., Ltd.

ELDRIDGE, T. T. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.R.S.E. Tech. Asst., Signal and Telegraph Dept., L.M.S. Rly., Euston House, London, N.W.1. Age: 37. Career: Eltham Coll.; London Univ.; 1923-26, Apprent., Metropolitan-Vickers, Trafford Park; 1926-29, General Rly. Signal Co., Rochester, N. York; 1929-31, Asst. Signals Supt., Buenos Ayres and Pacific Rly. Co.; 1931-35, Tech. Asst. British Power Rly. Signal Co.; Tech. Asst., L.M.S. since 1935.

ELFORD, Ernest J. M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Vice-Chairman, British Standards Inst. Borough Engr. and Architect, Metropolitan Borough of Wandsworth, Council Offices, Wandsworth. Late City Engr., Cardiff. Books: "Organisation and Administration of a Municipal Engineer's Dept."

ELGAR, William Henry. M.Eng. (Sheffield), A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.M. & Cy.E. Deputy Borough Engr., Cambridge Corp., The Guildhall, Cambridge. Private Address: 85 Grantchester Meadows, Cambridge. Age: 36. Ed.: King Edward VII School, Sheffield, and Univ. of Sheffield. Has held various appointments with Local Authorities in an eng. capacity.

ELGEE, H. A. B.A., B.A.I., M. Inst.C.E. Private Address: 9 Copplestone Road, Budleigh Salterton, Devon. Age: 71. Career: Bedford Sch.; Trinity Coll., Dublin; Sir John Jackson, Ltd., 1891-1921, Apprent., Asst. Engr., Engr. and Agent on various works, including Barry Graving Dock; Prince of Wales Pier, Dover; Hudson Dock Extension, Sunderland; Admiralty Harbour Works, Simonstown; Quay and Breakwater, Singapore; Breakwater, Victoria, B.C.; 1921-24, Dep. Chief Engr., and 1924-27, Chief Engr., Back Bay Reclamation, Bombay. Served in R.E. as Captain, 1917-19.

ELKIN, Hugh Arthur. B.A., M. Sc., A.I. C. Tech. Manager, The Gourock Ropework Co., Ltd., Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire. Private Address: Broomberry Villa, Gourock, Renfrewshire. Career: 5 years Asst. Chemist to the Linen Industry Research Assoc.

ELKINGTON, N. A.M. I.E.E. Deputy L.P. Distribution Engr., N. Eastern Elect. Supply Co., Newcastleon-Tyne. Private Address: "Bourton, " Beadling Gardens, Milvain Estate, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Age: 52. Career: Taunton 's, Southampton; Univ. Coll., Southampton; Degree, Assoc. Univ. Coll., Southampton.

ELLERD-STYLES, W. M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.I.Gas E. Managing Director, Ellerstyle Eng. Co., Ltd., Colebrooke Place, London, N.1. Private Address: 30 Forest Drive West, Leytonstone, E.11. Age:53 Career: Tech. Training, Northampton Polytechnic, London; One time Lecturer in Elect. Dept., Chelsea Polytechnic and East Ham Tech. Coll. Chairman, Tech. Advisory Committee, Electric Light and Power, Ministry of Labour, 1919-20 for Training Disabled ex-Service Men; 12 years Managing Director of Artofex Eng. Works, Ltd., London, and Artofex Corp., U.S.A. Patentee of various Inventions.

ELLIOT, N. G. M.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.W.E., F.G.S. Water Engr., Torquay Corp., Torquay, Devon. Age: 37. Career: Rossall School; Leeds Univ.; 1923, Engr., Rochdale Corp. Waterworks; 1930, Resident Engr., Water Grove Reservoir Works of the R.C.W.W.; 1935, Water Eng,r., Torquay Corp.

ELLIOTT, Claud John. M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., Calico Printers Assoc., Ltd., St. Jame's Buildings, Oxford Street, Manchester. Private Address: 15 Albert Road, Southport. Career: Mather & Platt, Ltd. Apprent., Lanc. Elect. Power Co., and Western Elect. Distribution Corp., Stroud, Glos., as Asst. Engr.; C.P.A. Ltd. as Elect. Engr.

ELLIOTT, Sir (James) Duncan. K.B.E. Private Address: Heather Lodge, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Career: 1887, Asst., Sir A. M. Rendel, K.C.I.E.; 1900, Asst., John Carruthers; 1903-18, partnership with John Carruthers; 1919-23, practising on own account as Consulting Engr. to the New Zealand Government, etc.; 1917-18, was member of Committee on Production; 1918-19, Member of Interim Court of Arbitration; since 1919 has been a member of the Industrial Court. Club: St. Stephen's.

ELLIOTT, George Robert. M.Sc. (Lond.), A.I.C., A.M.Chem.E. Departmental Manager on Production Staff, Lever Bros., Ltd., Port Sunlight, Cheshire. Private Address: Rushcliffe, The Ridgeway, Heswall, Cheshire.

ELLIOTT, William Randall. A.M.I.E.E. Engr. and Manager, County Borough of East Ham, Electy. Dept., Nelson Street, East Ham, E.6. Private Address: "Quorn," Kent View Avenue, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. Career: Carpenter's Company Schools; Finsbury Tech. Coll. National Telephone Co., Ltd.; Marconi Telegraph Co., Ltd. Club: Rotary.

ELLIS, Arthur. J.P., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E. Arthur Ellis and Partners, 44 Park Place, Cardiff. Private Address: "Highways," The Avenue, Llandaff, Cardiff. Career: Borough Elect. Engr., Southport, 1893-96; Borough Elect. Engr. and Tramways Manager, Bolton, Lancs., 1896-1900; City Elect. Engr. and Tramways Manager, Cardiff, 1900-20; in private consulting practice, 1920 to date.

ELLIS, Charles William. Managing Director, C. C. Dunkerley & Co., Ltd., Iron and Steel Stockholders and Constructional Engys., Store Street Manchester. Private Address: Over Tabley, nr. Knutsford, Cheshire. Career: Joined firm in 1886 and appointed Managing Director in 1900. Chairman of the Lancashire, Yorkshire and North-Western Counties Iron and Steel Stockholders' Assoc., and on the Executive Committee of the National Assoc. of Iron and Steel Stockholders, London. Club: Engineers (Manchester).

ELLIS, Christopher. A.NI.Inst. C.E., A.M.Inst.Mun. & Cy.E., P.A.S.I. Snr. Eng. Asst., County Borough of Burton-upon-Trent. Private Address: 36 Harbury Street, Burton-uponTrent. Age: 31. Career: Articled to W. H. Lewis, Esq., A.M.Inst.Mun. & Cy.E., Borough Surveyor and Water Engr., Abingdon, Berks; Asst., Borough of Abingdon; 1926-29 Asst., County Borough of Halifax, Yorks, 1929-35

ELLIS, D. C. A.M.I.Mech.E., D.L.C. Industrial Representative, Nobel Chemical Finishes Ltd., Nobel House, Buckingham Gate, S.W.1. Private A ddress: 85 Kenton Park Crescent, Kenton, Harrow, Middx. Age: 43. Career: Worcester Royal Grammar School; Mercantile Marine (World Travel); War, 21st Royal Fusiliers, R.F.C., R.A.F.; Loughborough Coll., Diploma Civil and Mech. Eng., 1920-23; Supt. Eng,r., H. D. Pochin's China Clay Mines, Cornwall, 1923-25; Asst. Engr. and Surveyor, Shell-Mex Ltd., 1925-30. Chairman, Harrow U.D. Council.

ELLIS, David Llewellyn. B.Sc., A.R.C.T., A.F.R.Ae.S. Head of Aerodynamics Dept., Vickers (Aviation) Ltd., Weybridge. Private Address: "Lochinver," Oxshott Way, Cobham, Surrey. Age: 30. Career: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; trained, B.T.H., Rugby; Jnr. Scientific Officer, Aero Dept., N.P.L.; part time in B.A. Dept., R.A.E., Farnborough.

ELLIS, E. D. A. M. I.Mech.E. Chief Designer, Messrs. John Fowler & Co. (Leeds) Ltd., Hunslet, Leeds. Apprent., Karrier Motors Ltd., Huddersfield; Draughtsman, Brazil Strakers Ltd., Bristol and RollsRoyce Ltd., Derby; R.A.S.C. (Motor Transport); Works Manager, T. Brook & Sons, Ltd., Huddersfield.

ELLIS, Edward Menzies. Assoc. M. Inst.C.E. Engr.'s Asst., London and North Eastern Rlwy., 23 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. Private Address: 50 Duddingston Road, Portobello, Midlothian. Age: 41. Career: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow. Apprent. with Messrs. Wharrie & Colledge C.E., Glasgow; Asst. with Sir. Wm. Arrol & Co., Ltd.; City of Westminster; London Midland & Scottish Rlwy.

ELLIS, Harry S. M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E. General Manager and Chief Engr., West Gloucestershire Power Co., Ltd., 126 London Road, Gloucester. Private Address: Dean Rise, Newnham, Gloucestershire. Career: Asst. Engr., Cardiff Corp., 1904-6; Asst. Engr. and Deputy City Elect. Engr. and Manager, Bradford Corp., 1907-12; Borough Elect Engr., South Shields, 1912-19; Borough Elect. Engr., Southampton, 1919-20; Consulting Engr. (A. Ellis and Partners, Cardiff), 1920-23; present appointment from 1923. Clubs: Gloucester; Devonshire (London.).

ELLIS, John Devonshire. M.I. & S.I., M.Inst.Met. London Manager, Birmingham Battery and Metal Co., 222 Gresham House, London, E.C.2. Private Address: 41 The Lawns, Blackheath, S.E.3. Age: 54. Career: Yorkshire Coll., Leeds; Apprent., Thwaites Brothers, Ltd., Bradford; 1914-18, Tech. Asst. to Director of Army Contracts; Inspecting Engr., Messrs. Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Manchester, Germany and London, 1907-14 and 1924-28.

ELLIS, John Newman. M.C. B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.H.V.E. Joint Managing Director, Saunders & Taylor Ltd., Heating and Ventilating Engrs., Praed Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, 17.Private Address: Budbrook, Glebelands Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. Age: 55. Ed.: Leeds Univ.; Pupil, Messrs. Parry & Bidder, M.M.Inst.C.E.

ELLIS, R. H. Metallurgical Chemist, Yorkshire Copper Works, Ltd., Leeds. Private Address: 3 Talbot Crescent, Leeds, 8. Age: 41.

ELLIS, Somers Howe. A.K.C. (Lond.), M.Inst.C.E., F.R.G.S. Chief Civil Engr., Alfred Holt & Co., 700 India Buildings, Liverpool, 2. Private Address: Dunedin, Hoylake, Cheshire. Age: 67. Career: Educ.: King's Coll., London; Pupil of Chief Engr. of Midland Rlwy.; Asst. Engr., Midland and East Indian Rlwys.; Contractor 's Engr., Khed iv ial Graving Dock, Alexandria; Resident Engr. on Tranmere Bay Development Works, Birkenhead; Consulting Engr. in Liverpool, carrying out Harbour Work in Hong Kong, China, Straits Settlements, Siam, Java, and West Africa.

ELLIS, Thomas. B.Sc., M.I.E.E. Director, Basinghall Elect. Co., Ltd., 29 Basinghall Street, E.C.2. Private Address: 28 Auriol Road, W.14. Ed.: Glasgow Univ. Formerly Chief Elect. Engr., A.E.G. Elect. Co., Ltd.

ELLIS, Sir William. G.B.E., D. Eng., J J.P. Retired from Managing Directorship, John Brown & Co., Ltd. Private Address: Weetwood, Ecclesall, Sheffield. Has served on several Government committees; Master Cutler of Sheffield, 1914-18; PastPres. of Inst.C.E. Clubs: Carlton, Alpine.

ELLISON, H. T. M.I.Mech.E. Inspector, Armaments Inspection Dept. (War Office) Woolwich Arsenal. Private Address: Woodspan Grange, Newbury. Age: 56. Ed.: Uppingham School; Trained as Civil and Mech. Engr.

ELLSON, J. M.I.Mech.E. Private Address: 19 Derby Road, Ripley, Derbyshire. Age: 68. Ed.: at Ripley. Apprent. to The Butterley Co., and in the service of that Company for 53 years, through various positions to Works Engr. Retired in 1937, but retained in an advisory capacity.

ELLSON, George. O.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.T. Chief Engr,, Southern Rlwy., Waterloo Station, S.E.1. Private Addresses: Wick House, Richmond Hill, Surrey; Chyngton Down House, Seaford, Sussex. Career, 1890-96, articled to Butterley Co., Ltd., 1898-1905, Eng. Asst., S.E. & C. Rlwy.; 1906-13, Resident Engr., S.E. & C. Rlwy.; 1913-20, Chief Asst. to Engr., S.E. & C. Rlwy.; 1920, Resident Engr. in charge of rlwy; 1923-27, Deputy Chief Engr., Southern Rlwy.; Chief Engr. since 1927. Past-Pres., Permanent Way Inst., Former Member of Council, Inst. of Transport and re-elected as from October, 1938. Author of papers before Inst. of Civil Engrs.; awarded Telford Medal and Premium for paper on "Cannon Street Bridge Strengthening." Telford Premium for paper on "The Remodelling of Cannon Street and Charing Cross Stations." Clubs: Walton Heath Golf, Hythe Golf.

ELLWOOD, William James. Engr.Lieut., R.N.R. M.I.Mar.E., M.E.A. since 1888. 1st Class B.O.T. Cert., 1892. Private Address: 43 Grove Avenue, Muswell Hill, London, N.10. Age: 72. Career: Apprent. to the Eng. at Vauxhall Foundry, Liverpool, 188187; Second and Chief Engr. on various routes and various companies and salvage service during war. Retired.

ELSTON, Walter Jonathan. Master of Eng. (Mappin Medallist). A.M.Inst.C.E. Civil Engr., Tarran Industries Ltd., Hull, Clough Road, Hull. Private Address: 35 Sutherland Avenue, Hull. Age: 33. Ed.: Sheffield Univ. Career: With Sir John Jackson, Ltd.; Lehane, Mackenzie and Shand Ltd.; Sir Lindsay Parkinson & Co., Ltd., etc.

ELTON, Sydney George. M.I. Mech.E. Formerly Manager for India, Worthington Simpson, Ltd. Private Address: 61 Summerdown Road, Eastbourne. Career: Apprent. with James Simpson, Ltd., Pimlico, London; 1900, appointed to their outdoor staff in India; carried out many pumping installations, including the Divi Pumping Project for the Madras Irrigation P.W.D.; 1910, appointed to Worthington Simpson office staff, rising to be their manager in 1917; retired from India in 1924. Club: Bengal (Calcutta).

ELVIDGE, Henry. M.I.A.E. Chartered Automobile and Mechanical Engr., 21a Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, W.C.2. Private Address: Leyshon House, Elmtree Avenue, Esher, Surrey. Age: 54. Career: Leeds Univ.; Chief Engr., Wm. Beardmore & Co., Coatbridge; Asst. Chief Designer, Humber Ltd., Armstrong Siddely Motors Ltd., A. C Cars Ltd.; Head Draughtsman, Royal Aircraft Factory, (engines branch); Leading Designer, Napier, RollsRoyce, and Austin's. Inventor of system of independent suspension for cars.

ELVY, T. E. O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., F.R.S.A. Private Address: 50 Foxley Lane, Purley, Surrey. Born: 1866. Career: Chatham Dockyard Sch.; Apprent., Chatham Dockyard; various Dockyard and Admiralty appointments to Chief Engineer, Haulbowline, Queenstown, 1914-16; Eng. Asst. to Director of Dockyards, Admiralty, 1916-26.

ELWELL, Cyril Frank. M.I.E.E., F.I.R.E., M.Am.I.E.E., F.P.S., S.M.P.E. Consulting. Engr., Chestnut Close, Kingswood, Surrey. Age: 54. Career: Stanford Univ., California (B.A. & E.E.); Chief Engr., Federal Tel. Co., U.S.A., 1909-13; Universal Radio Syndicate, 1913-14; Managing Director, De Forest Phonofilms, Ltd., 1923-28; Tech. Adviser, British Talking Pictures, Ltd., 1928-29; and Ste Francaise Radioelectrique, 192025; Cie Radio Cinema, 1929-30.

ELWIN, E. P. A.C.G. I., A.M. E.E. Chief of Cable Testing Dept., Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Woolwich, S.E.18. Private Address: 71 Foyle Road, Blackheath, S.E.3. Ed.: City and Guilds Central Tech. Coll.

ELY, Raymond E. V. M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.Struct.E. Works Director, Foster Eng. Co., Ltd.; Lancashire Dynamo & Crypto Ltd., Apex Works, London, S.W.19. Private Address: Greenways, Cornwall Road, Cheam, Surrey. Age: 37. Technical Education: Faculty of Eng. in Univ. of London.

EMERSON, John Christopher. B.Sc. (Eng.) London, A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Asst., Telephone and Associated Services, Ltd., Donington House, Norfolk Street, London, W.C.2. Private Address: 37 Tudor Close, Cheam, Surrey. Age: 31. Career: Doncaster Grammar School; Degree obtained by private study during training as Power Engr. at Cadeby Colliery, Yorkshire. G. V. Twiss & Partners, Tech. Asst.; Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Automatic Telephone Engr.

EMERY, Edward Thomas George. A.M.I.E.E. Personal Tech. Asst., London Power Co. Ltd., Battersea Station, Kirtling Street, Battersea, S.W.8. Private Address: 21 Brockenhurst Way, Norbury, S.W.16. Age: 29. Visiting teacher of maths. and elect. eng. at L.C.C. Tech. Inst.

EMM, Walter Wilfred. B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Resident Engr., The Derwent Valley Water Board, Bamford, Sheffield. Private Address: Golf House, Bamford Sheffield. Age: 37. Career: Glasgow Univ.; trained in Eng. Works, including Drawing Office experience; Asst. Engr., Trunk Road Surveys and Construction; Asst. Engr., Design of Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structions Design of Reinforced Concrete Dams etc.; Asst. Engr., Dongers (I.O.M.) Filtration Scheme, 1932; Asst. Engr., with The Derwent Valley Water Board since 1935 on General Waterworks Design, Construction, and Surveys, etc.

ENDERBY, Herbert Millson. M.I.M. & Cy.E., A.I.A.A. (Medallist M.I.M. & Cy.E.). City Engr. and Surveyor, City and County Borough of Canterbury. Private Address: "Cadsdean, " Old Dover Road, Canterbury. Age: 42. Career: Asst. Surveyor, Borough of Aylesbury; Deputy City Surveyor, Canterbury, 1921; Present appointment since 1928. Hon. Sec. Assoc. of Kent Surveyors. Inventions, etc.: "Thermator" Hot Water System; " Joyntbar" Method of Concrete Slab Joints; originator in England of Hexagonal System of Concrete Road Construction.

ENGHOLM, A. Goldie. A.M.I. Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Elect. and Mech. Engr., 45 and 56 Newhall Street, Birmingham. Born: 1873. Career: Belvedere House Sch., Norwood; New Coll., Eastbourne, King's Coll., London; Regent St. and Battersea Polytechnics; Trinity House; R. W. Blackwell & Co., London; in 1905, took over the Steam Dept. of this Co., and started business on own account, as Manufacturer, Agent and Merchant, Home trade and export. Midland Agent for Hayward Tyler & Co. Ld., Luton, Ham. Baker & Co. Ld., Langley Green, and The C. A. Dunham Co. Ld., London. Chairman, Goldie Engholm, Ltd., Birmingham.

ENGLAND, W. L. M.Eng., A.M.I.E.E. Transformer Designer, Ferranti Ltd., Hollinwood, Lancs. Private Address: Wharmton House, Horsforth Road, Greenfield, Yorks. Age: 37. Career: Barnsley Grammar School; Sheffield Univ., 1919-22 (Double Hons. Elect. and Mech.); Employed by Ferranti Ltd., since 1923.

ENGLISH, Guy Whytehead. A.M.Inst.C.E. Departmental Manager, Thos. Firth & John Brown, Ltd., Atlas Works, Sheffield. Private Address: Moorside, Dore, Sheffield. Age: 50. Career: Works apprent. in Leeds; Felstead School Eng. side; Leeds Univ. Mech. Eng., 3 years course. Major Mech. Transport R.A.S.C. Mentioned in despatches 3 times.

ENGLISH, Robert Lawrence. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., M.Assoc.M.E.E. Elect. Engr., Special Eng. Section, English Elect. Co., Ltd., Stafford. Private Address: 10 Manor Rd., Oxley, 'hpton. Age: 31. Career: Univ. of Birmingham. Asst. Designer, Elect. Construction Co. Ltd., Wolverhampton; Chief Designer, Bull Motors (Branch of E. R. & F. Turner, Ltd.), Ipswich.

ENNIS, Lawrence. C.M.G., O.B.E., J.P., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst. C.E. Formerly Managing Director, Dorman, Long & Co., Ltd., Zetland Road, Middlesbrough. Career: After 17 years in U.S.A., Supt. of Dorman Long & Co.'s Bridge and Constructional Works in 1903; General Manager, Dorman Long & Co.'s Britannia and Redcar Works in 1915; Director of the Company in 1924, and Director of Construction of Sydney Harbour Bridge; appointed Managing Director of Dorman Long & Co., Ltd., upon return from Australia in 1932. First hon. member of Australian Inst. of Engrs.; awarded Telford Premium by the Council of the Inst.C.E. Deceased.

ENTWISLE, Alan. A.M.Inst. C.E., A.M.Inst.M & Cy.E. Dist. Surveyor, Lancashire County Council, County Offices, Preston. Private Address: 3 Hollinhurst Avenue, Penwortham, Preston. Age: 43.

ENTWISLE, Miss Gertrude L. A.M.I.E.E. Small Motor Designer, Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: 5 Holmefield, Sale, Manchester. Ed.: Manchester University. Vice-Pres. Women's Eng. Soc.

EPTON, Alfred William. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Engr., N. H. Graesser, Chemical Works, Sandycroft, nr. Chester. Private Address: " Jolwynds," Church Lane, Upton-by-Chester. Career: East London Coll.; Lincoln Tech. Coll.; 5 years apprent. Messrs. Robey & Co., Lincoln; D.O., Ruston Proctor & Co.; Elect. Engr., Clarke Nicholls & Coombs, London; Works Engr., Bell Telephone Mfg. Co. Antwerp; Works Manager, Simmonds Bros., London; Chief Engr., Monsanto Chemical Works, Ruabon.

ERIKSON, Per Engelbert. M.I.E.E., Fel.Am.Inst.E.E. Asst. Vice-Pres., International Standard Elect. Corp., Connaught House, A ldwych, London, W.0.2. Age: 58. Civil Engr. Graduate from The Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm, Sweden.

ERITH, H. Charles. M.I.Mech.E., M.Nat.Assoc. Claywork Managers. Director, Rowlands Castle Brickworks, Ltd., St. Stephen's House, London, S.W.1, and Rowlands Castle, Hants. Private Address: 46 Albion Road, Sutton, Surrey. Founder of Erith's Eng. Co., Ltd. (now owned by Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.); late Managing Director, Riley Stoker Co., Ltd. (now owned by International Combustion, Ltd.); late Director, Bedford Brick Co., Ltd. (recently sold to London Brick Co., Ltd.). Introduced, in 1900, retort-type stokers, since developed under his patents as Erith-Roe Stokers; patented and developed the moist-air system of timber drying, also drying systems for all other purposes.

ERSKINE, Alexander. As.H.W.C. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Tech. Asst., The Fife Electric Power Co., Dunfermline, East Port, Dunfermline. Career: Heriot Watt Coll., Edinburgh; The British Elect. Plant Co., Alloa; Elect. Eng Co., Dunfermline; H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth; British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby.

ESCOTT, Alexander John. A.M.I.E.E., City & Guilds of London Inst. Final, Automatic Telephony. Managing Director and Chairman, Escott Bros. Ltd., 109 Maybank Road, London, E.18. Private Address: Cedar House, Stradbroke Drive, Chigwell, Essex. Age: 33. Career: Eng. Student with Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Woolwich; West Ham, Woolwich & Brighton Tech. Colleges; Regent Street Polytechnic; Goldsmith's Coll., London Univ. Automatic Telephone Circuit Development, Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Deputy Chief Warden, A.R.P. Scheme, Borough of Wanstead and Woodford; British Red Cross Society's Advanced Certificate, "First Aid in Chemical Warfare. " Three minor patents, Automatic Telephone Circuits.

ESCREET, Hubert John. B.Sc. (Eng.), M.Inst. Gas.E., Assoc.M. Distributing Engr., The Gas Light & Coke Co., London, 146 Goswell Road, E.C.1. Private Address: 21 Hillway, Highgate, N.6. Age: 44. Career: City of London School; Northampton Polytechnic Inst.; Staff Pupil with G.L. & Co. 1914; Lieut. R.F. Artillery, 1915-18; Asst. Engr. in Distribution Dept., Gas Light & Coke Co., 1920 onwards; Appointed Distributing Engr., 1933.

ESPLEY, D. C. M.Eng., A.M.I.E.E. Research Engr., G.E.C. Labs., N. Wembley. Private Address: 79 Blockley Road, North Wembley, Mddx. Age: 32. Career: Liverpool Univ.; Research Labs., International Tel. and Tel. Corp., 1928-30; at present i/c. Television Research (Experimental Dept.); Lecturer in radio and television. Regent St. Polytechnic since 1930; more than 50 patents.

ESSON, William B. M.I.E.E. Director of West London and Provl. Elect. and Genl. Trust Ltd. Private Address: 14 Glorane Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W.3. Career: City and Guilds, Silver Medallist; 1883, Chief Electrician, Paterson & Cooper; 1884, Manager; 1892-94, Manager, Gulcher Elect. Light and Power Co.; 1894-1904, Chief Engr. and Manager, Johnson and Phillips Elect. Lighting and Power-trans. Depts.; Designed Generating Plant for more than 20 Central Stations for public supply; responsible for the long distance power transmissions by A.C. Sheba Gold Mines, Rezende Gold Mine, Ruby Mines in Burma, etc., etc. Former Member Council, I.E.E. Was associated with several elect. Supply undertakings, and Managing. Director, Chiswick Elect. Supply Corp. for 36 years.

ESTLER, M. J. P. B.Sc., A.M.I. Mech.E. Director, Estler-Irving Ltd., Slough. Private Address: Mascot, Crane's Drive, Surbiton.

ETCHES, Frank George. B.Sc. (Eng.) Lond., A.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Civil Engr., Dr. Oscar Faber, Romney House, Tufton Street, Westminster. Private Address: Walton, Verdayne Gardens, Warlingham, Surrey. Age: 31. Career: School of Building, Brixton; Birkbeck Coll. and Battersea Polytechnic; The Gas Light & Coke Co., Chief Engr 's. Dept.

EULER, Louis Henry. M.I.E.E. Chairman and Managing Director (since 1922), Saxonia Elect. Wire Co. Ltd., Roan Works, Greenwich, S.E.10. Private Address: 6 South View Bromley, Kent. Age: 63. Career: Bradford Grammar School; City and Guilds; Faraday House; Rosling and Matthews, Bradford; Elect. Construction Co.; Henry F. Joel & Co., Ltd.; Henleys Telegraph Co., Ltd.; Western Elect. Co., Ltd.; Saxonia Elect. Wire Co. Ltd.

EUSTICE, John. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.R.S.M., A.M.Inst.C.E., Wh. Sch., 1887; Nat. Sc. Sch., 1888. Professor Emeritus, formerly Professor of Eng. and Vice-Principal of Univ. Coll., Southampton. Born: 1864. Career: Lecturer in Eng., Hampshire County Council, 1891-92; Head of Eng. dept. of Univ. Coll., Southampton, 1892-1931; directed manufacture of Shells and Testing of Materials for M. of M. in the Coll. Laboratories, 1915-17; Tech. Director, Austin Motor Co.; organised Austin Works School, 1917-18; Lectured on Eng. Subjects for Y.M.C.A. in various centres in England and France, 1918-19. Author of many tech. publications.

EVANS, Lt.Col. Arthur Anthony. O.B.E. (Military), M.C. Officer of the Order Serbian Eagle with Swords. M.I.E.E. Private Address: Stilton House, Stilton, Peterborough. Age: 64. Career: Univ. of Wales; Eng. Branch British Post Office; Engr.-in-Chief, Palestine; Chief Signals Officer and Asst. Director, Army Signals, Palestine and Syria. War Service, South African War, 4 Clasps; Great War, Gallipoli, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, 1914-20. 4 mentions in despatches. Now retired.

EVANS, A. W. M.Eng., A.M.I.E.E. Asst., Personal Staff of Engr.-inChief, County of London Elect. Supply Co., Ltd. Private Address: 23 Wanstead Lane, Ilford, Essex. Age: 36. Career: Merchant Taylor's Sch.; 1918-23, Apprent., H. T. Boothroyd Ltd., Bootle; 1923-27, Liverpool Univ.; 1927, B. Eng. 1st Cl. Hons., David Inglis Dawbarn Prize and Grad. Sch.; 1927-30, Asst. Engr., North Met. Elect. Power Supply Co., Royston Dist.; 1930, Asst. Test Engr., County of London, E.S.C.

EVANS, Colonel Cecil Hugh Silvester. O.B.E., T.D., M.I. Mech.E., M.I.E.E., F.Inst.P. Principal Tech. Officer, Air Defence Experimental Establishment, Biggin Hill, Kent. Born: 1889. Ed.: St. Paul's Sch. and Central Tech. Coll., City and Guilds. Training: Siemens Bros., Ltd., Woolwich and Stafford. Career: Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd.; War Service, Royal Engineers; Insp. of Searchlights, Plant and Machinery, G.H.Q.G.B. 1925-30, Commanded 27th (London) Anti-Aircraft Battn., R.E., T.A. (London Elect. Engineers). 1938, Vice-Pres., Illuminating Engineering Soc.

EVANS, David O. M.I.E.E. Private Address: Aelybryn, Dyffryn, Merioneth. Born: 1872. Career: Gelligaer Grammar Sch.; Manchester Sch. of Tech.; articled W. P. J. Fawcus, M.Inst.C.E.; 2 years Res. Elect. Engr., Manchester Ship Canal; 3 years Siemens Bros.; 2 years H.M. Office of Works, Res. Engr. at Ordnance Survey Office; Manager and Engr. for N. Wales, National Elect. Construction Co., 30 years; now retired.

EVANS, Rev. E. B. A.M.I.Mech.E., M. Norwich Eng. S. Private Address: The Vicarage, Ludham, Gt. Yarmouth. Born: 1885. Career: King Edward VI Sch., Birmingham; trained, H. W. Ward & Co., Birmingham; 15 years in R.N. (E.R.A.); after the war, Staff Instructor at Govmt. Instructional Factory, Birmingham; Workshops Supt. and Lecturer, Bradford Tech. Coll. (12 years); Ordained 1932; Port Chaplain for Missions to Seamen, Yarmouth and Lowestoft, 1934-37; Vicar of Ludham from 1937.

EVANS, G. A.M.I.E.E. On Staff of North Eastern Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Carliol House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Private Address: 37 Cavendish Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Age: 58. Career: Carnarvon County School; Univ. Coll. of N. Wales; Trained, Leeds Electy. Dept. and held appointments under the Leeds Corp., Metropolitan Rly. Co., Durham Collieries Elect. Power Co.; joined the Newcastle E.S. Co., Ltd., in 1907.

EVANS, H. H. A.M.I.Mech.E. Engr., Maintenance for Compressors and Lighting of Esso Service Stations London, Anglo-American Oil Co., 85 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, S.E.11. Age: 62. Career: City of London Coll.; Marine School of Eng.; Apprent., Johnson & Phillips, Ltd. Asst. Engr., Laing, Wharton & Downs; Senior Charge Engr., Power House, Blackwall Tunnel; Resident Engr., Calamon Mining Co., of Spain; Responsible Munitions Area Dilution Officer, Birmingham, 191618; Plant Engr., B.T.H. Co., Blackheath; Plant Engr., Standard Oil Refinery, Purfleet.

EVANS, I. G. A.M. I.E.E. Tech. Asst., Rhondda U.D.C. Electy. Dept., Porth. Private Address: 11 Blosse Terrace, Porth, Glam. Age: 31. Tech. Ed.: South Wales and Mon. School of Mines. Training: Insoles Ltd., Cymmer Collieries, Porth.

EVANS, John. M. En g., M. I.Mech. E., A.M.I.E.E. 8 Cranleigh Gdns., Stoke Bishop, Bristol 9. Chief Engr., Mardon, Son & Hall, Ltd., Printers and Lithographers, Bristol. Age: 39. Career: Messrs. Vickers-Armstrong Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness; Liverpool Univ.; Tech. Asst. to Messrs. Hick, Hargreaves & Co., Ltd., Bolton; Asst. Chief Engr., Admiralty Eng. Laboratory, West Drayton, Middx.; Chief Engr., Needlers, Ltd. Authority on "Air Conditioning for Industrial Purposes."

EVANS, J. H. A.M.I.Mech. E. Private Address: "Tycwm," Heol-yrefail, Whitchurch, Cardiff. Age: 60. Career: St. Pauls Sch., Newport; Univ. Coll., Cardiff; Apprent., Emlyn Works, Newport; Tutor, L.C.C. Training Classes; Tutor Essex C.C. Training Classes; Senr. Tutor, Summer Sch., Bournemouth Municipal Coll. Author of "Constructive Metalwork," "Metalwork" (Adam and Evans), Eng. Section of "The Practical Senior Teacher."

EVANS, John Tulle. M. Inst.C. E., M.Inst.T., B.Sc. (Lond.), 1st Cl. Hons., D.I.C. Engr. and Manager, Trent Navigation Co., Wilford Street, Nottingham. Private Address: Windwhistle, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Notts. Age: 36. Career: City and Guilds Coll.; London Univ.; Kitchener Scholar; Assistant and Resident Engineer with Sir Douglas Fox & Partners, on Hydraulic and General Civil Eng. Works, 1924; Engr., Trent Navigation Co., 1929; Engr. and Manager, 1936.

EVANS, Lieut.-Col. L. C.M.G., D.S.O., R.E., M.I.E.E. Director of Creed & Co., Ltd., Telegraph House, Croydon. Private Address: St. Judes, Sherborne, Dorset. Career: Charterhouse Sch.; R.M.A., Woolwich; S. African War, 1900-02 (despatches, Queen's Medal, 6 clasps, and King's Medal); European War, 1914-18 (despatches). D.S 0., Bt. Lt.-Colonel, C.M.G. Chev. Legion d'Honneur, Chev. Order of the Crown, Belgium. Retired from Army, 1920.

EVANS, R. H. M.Sc., Ph.D., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Lecturer in Civil Eng., The Univ. of Leeds. Ed.: Manchester Univ. Has contributed widely to the Tech. Press.

EVANS, S. A.M.I.E.E. Managing Director, Evans & Wheeler (Elect. Engrs.) Ltd., 77 Market Street, Birkenhead. Private Address: 42 The Parade, Hoylake, Wirral, Ches. Age: 53. Career: Elect. Engr. Shrewsbury Coll.; Birkenhead School; Liverpool Univ.; Ayr Corp. Electy. Works; Lanarkshire Tramways Co.; Aeronautical Inspection Dept.

EVANS, Thomas Richard. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr. and Manager, Rhondda Urban Dist. Council, Electy. Dept., Porth, Rhondda. Private Address: 23 High Street, Porth, Rhondda. Age: 49. Career: Cardiff Univ.; H. Parfit & Co., Merthyr Tydfil; Glamorgan Collieries Co. (Training). Chief Asst., Rhondda Tramways; Chief Asst., Rhondda U.D.C.

EVANS, Ulick Richardson. Sc.D. (Cantab.). Asst. Director of Metallurgical Research Cambridge University. Private Address: 19 Manor Court, Grange Road, Cambridge. Books: "Metals and Metallic Compounds, " 4 vols. (1923); "Corrosion of Metals," (1924 and 1926); "Metallic Corrosion, Passivity and Protection," (1937).

EVANS, W. E. A.M.I.E.E. Manager, Contract Dept., The General Elect. Co., Ltd., Witton, Birmingham. Private Address: 29 Holly Lane, Erdington, Birmingham.

EVANS, William John. A.M.I.E.E., A.M. Inst.T. Rolling Stock and Overhead Lines Engr., Rotherham Corp. Transport Dept., Rawmarsh Road, Rotherham. Private Address: "Brendon," 33 Broom Road, Rotherham. Age: 36. Career: Faraday House Coll.; Practical training with G. K. Stothert & Co., Bristol, and The General Elect. Co., Witton, Birmingham. Traction Maintenance Engr., General Elect. Co., Witton.

EVE, J. L. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. Managing Director, The J. L. Eve Construction Co., Ltd., 272/4, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W.1. Age: 51. Chairman, Transmission Section, I.E.E.

EVENDEN, Edward Frederick. A.M.I.E.E. Sales Director, The P. & B. Eng. Co., Ltd., Tamworth Lane Works, Mitcham, Surrey. Private Address: 3 Cranleigh Gardens, Sanderstead, Surrey. Age: 45. Career: Northampton Eng. Coll., London, E.C.1.; Ferranti, Ltd.; B.T.H. Co., Ltd., (Training.); Draughtsman, B.T.H. Co., Ltd., Rugby and Willesden; Works Manager, Ferrox Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton; Asst. Engr., Loders & Nucoline Ltd., Silvertown; General Manager, The International Electrolytic Plant Co., Ltd., Chester.

EVENS, J. M.I.Mech.E. With Genl. Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Corp., Ltd., General Buildings, Aldwych, W.C.2.

EVERALL, W. T. 0.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst. Welding. Consulting Engr. (Rly. and Highway Bridges, and Welded Constructed Bridges) specialising in the development of standard interchangeable forms of bridges and other steel structures, rivetted or welded. Private Address: Silver End, Witham, Essex. Age: 58. From 1908-1935, with Indian Rlys., particularly on bridges; Member of Bridge Standards Committee, Rly. Dept., Govmt. of India. Developed for military use, Everall Transportable Road Bridge, adopted as a standard type by Military Dept. in India. 1938, member Research Committee, Inst. Welding, and of all panels dealing with welded constructions.

EVERARD, F. Vincent. A.M. I. Mech.E., A.M. I.N.A., Assoc.M.0.T. Director and Works Manager, Belliss & Morcom Ltd., Ledsam St. Works, Birmingham, 16. Age: 30. Career: Bradfield Coll., Berks; Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Apprent., Belliss & Morcom, and subsequently employed by them.

EVEREST, Arthur B. B.Sc., Ph.D., M.I. & S.I., NI.Inst.Met., etc. Metallurgical Engr., The Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Research and Development Dept., Thames House, Millbank, London, S.W.1. Author of several publications and papers on Development and Application of Modern High-Duty Cast Iron.

EVEREST, Francis John. M.Sc., A.C.G.I., D.I.C., A.M.I.E.E. Designing Engr., B.T.H. Co., Ltd., Rugby. Private Address: 2 Brookside Close, Dunchurch Road, Rugby. Age: 31. Career: Rugby Sch.; Rugby Coll. of Tech.; City and Guilds; Apprent. B.T.H. Co.; 1931-32, G.E.C. of Schenectady; 1932 to date, B.T.H. Co.

EVERETT, Wilfred H. B.A., B.E., A.C.G.I., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Private Address: Silvaplana, Wolsey Road, Moor Park, Northwood, Mddx. Career: Professor Elect. Eng., Bengal Govt. Eng. Coll., Calcutta (retired).

EVERITT, Lt. Comdr. R. A. R.N., A.M.I.E.E Address: H.M.S. "Effingham," Portsmouth. Age: 42. Service career in ships afloat and in H.M.S. "Vernon" ashore. Torpedo and Electrical specialist.

EVERSHED, Sydney. M.I.E.E. Director, Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Acton Lane Works, Chiswick, London, W.4.

EVES, G. W. M.A., M.A. I., F.R.G.S., M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: Aloha, Warlingham, Surrey. Age: 68. Career: Civil Engr., Rlys. Malvern Coll., 1885-89; Trinity Coll., Dublin, to 1893; Galway-Clifton Rly., 1895; Bengal Nagpur Rly., India, 1895-1903; Shanghai Nankin Rly., 1903-06; Executive Engr.; Knoloon-Canton Rly, 1906-10, Chief Engr.; Western Rly., Havana, 1912, Chief Engr.; Barsi Light Rly., India, 1913-20, Chief Engr.; Gen. Manager, 1920-33; now Director.

EVETTS, George. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Cons.E., M.I.Gas.E. Consulting Engr., 159 Palace Chambers, Westminster, S.W.1. Director of a number of gas undertakings. Books: "The Administration and Finance of Gas Undertakings," "Gas Legislation."

EWART, John W. M.I.H.V.E., Assoc.I.E.E. Chairman and Managing Director, Messrs. Ewart & Son, Ltd., 346 Euston Road, N.W.1.

EWEN, John Taylor. O.B.E., J.P., B.Sc., F.R.S.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.S.A.(Scot.). Private Address: Pitscandly, Forfar, Angus. Formerly H.M. Insp. of Schools Scottish Education Dept. Career: Was educated at Forfar Academy; Univ. Coll., Dundee; and Univ. of Edinburgh (B.Sc. Eng., 1888). 1879-84, apprent. with Robertson and Orchar, Engrs., Wallace Foundry, Dundee; 1884-85, on contractors' staff at Forth Bridge Works; 1888-89, Engr. to Edinburgh Sanitary Protection Assoc.: 1889-94, Recorder to Research Committees of Inst. of Mech. Engrs.; 1894-98, Insp. of Schools, Sc. and Art Dept.; 1898-1928, Scottish Education Dept. Seconded for war service, 1915-19, as Sec. to the Committee, to the Board of Management, and to the National Shell Factory of the North-East Scotland Munitions Committee.

EWER, Alfred R. M.I.Loco.E. Dist. Loco. Supt., L.M.S. Rly., Willesden. Private Address: Chandos House, Rickmansworth Road., Watford. Age: 43. Career: Paddington Tech. Inst.; Apprent., L.N.VV. Rly. Loco. shops; Asst. Loco. Foreman, L.N.W.R., Holyhead, 1920-23; Loco. Foreman, L.M.S., Widnes, 1923-26; Dist. Loco. Supt. Asst., Swansea, 1926-29; Kentish Town, 1929-34; Camden, 1934-38; asst. to Div. Supt. of Operations, Derby, June to Oct. 1938.

See Also


Sources of Information