1953 British Industries Fair: Company Y
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1953 British Industries Fair
Held 27th April - 8th May at Olympia and Earl's Court
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- Yachting Press, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.3 153, Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff-On-Sea, Essex. Teleph. : Southend-On- Sea 45595.— Publishers Of “Yachts and Yachting,” A Fortnightly Journal Giving Latest News and Authoritative Articles On All Aspects Of Boat Design, Construction, Marine Engines, Gear and Materials.
- Yardley and Co. Limited Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands F.18 and F.21 33, Old Bond Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Regent 8272. Cables : “ Perfumador, London.”—Manufacturers Of Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps.
- Yendall and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.4 Typefounders, Risca, Mon. Teleph. : Risca 7439. Cables: “ Yendall, Risca.” London Office: Red Lion Court, E.C.4.—Manufacturers Of “ Riscatype ” Printers’ Metal Type and Spacing Material To Both British and Continental Specifications In Over 200 Different Typefaces.
- Young and Fogg Rubber Co, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.43 124-126, Haydons Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W.19. Teleph. : Liberty 6281-5. Cables; “ Rubbadip, Wimble, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Gartex ” Balloons For Carnival, Advertising, Scientific Purposes, Including Novelty, Jazz, Plain. Coronation Souvenirs. Rubber Toys, Novelties, Beach Shoes and Cast Dipped Goods To Specification.
See Also
Sources of Information