1953 British Industries Fair: Company E
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1953 British Industries Fair
Held 27th April - 8th May at Olympia and Earl's Court
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- Easiwork Ltd, Gillingham, Kent
- Easticks Yacht Station, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.11 Acle, Norwich, Norfolk. Teleph. ; Acle 64.—Manufacturers Of “ Meteor ” One-Design Auxiliary Sloop. 21 Ft. By 6 Ft. 4 In. By 2 Ft. 9 In. Sail Area 175 Sq. Ft. Engine Stuart Turner. R3m. Iron Keel, 700 Lbs. Alloy Mast Boom. Clinker. Two Cockpits. Cuddy.
- Ebbels, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.18 41, Knightsbridge, London, S.W.L. Teleph. : Sloane 1505.—Manufacturers Of Table Mats, Glass Based and Lacquered Wood Trays, Bedtables, Etc.. Decorated With Old and Reproduction Coloured Prints.
- Econasign Co, Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.69 92, Victoria Street, London, S.W.L. Teleph. ; Victoria 5662. Cables : “ Econasign, London.”—Manufacturers Of Econasign Outfits For The Production Of Showcards, Notices, Price Tickets, Etc. Artistic Cards In Various Sizes.
- Edgware Cutlery Manufacturers, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.104 Humber Road, Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Teleph. ; Gladstone 4902 and 3454. Cables : “ Hanedge, London.”—Manufacturers Of Scissors, Forged Steel, Fully Hardened and Tempered. Wide Range. All Types Available. “ Edgware ” Multi-Purpose Kitchen Scissors. Stainless Steel Surgical Scissors. Light Drop Forgings.
- Edward, Bernard (Wholesale) Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.408 30-31, The Broadway, Ealing, London, W.5. Teleph. : Ealing 5754.— Sole Agent For Henry Showell “ Excalibur ” Regd. Expanding Watch Bracelets In Gold, Rolled Gold, Gold Plated, Steel, Chrome “ Vice-Grip ” Watch Bracelets. Lockets In Silver, Rolled Gold and Gold.
- Electrix, Limited Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand W.L Sterling Works, Dagenham, Essex. Teleph. : Seven Kings 3466. Cables : “ Sterling Dagenham.”—Manufacturers Of “ Nu-Electrix ” Vacuum Cleaner, British Electrix Complete Cleaning Equipment, Electrix “ Halcyon ” Floor Polisher, Industrial Sprayer, “ Handette ” Three-In-One Cleaner, “ Handyman” Light Industrialisanding, Polishing, Drilling Machine.
- Elem Clothes, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.512 10-18, Vestry Street, London, N.I. Teleph. : Clerkcnwell 4641-2 and 5818. Cables : “ Holbakcut, London.”—Manufacturers Of Men’s Highgrade Suits, Overcoats, Proofed Topcoats, Sports Jackets, Trdusers and Dresswear. Distributed Under The Style Of “ Elem ” Clothes, “ Holbakcut ” Clothes and “ Ragjag ” Sports Wear.
- Elite Optics, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.L 31b, Frogmoor, High Wycombe, Bucks. Teleph. : High Wycombe 792.— Manufacturers Of “ Elite ” Epidiascope, Film Strip Projectors For All Size Slides, Micro-Attachment, Auto-Continuous Slide Advertising, Interchangeable Objectives F=1 J" 1 : 2 To F=20" 1 ; 5. Cine-Lenses, Condensers, Achro-Aplanat Magnifying Glasses.
- Ellams Duplicator Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands J.3 and J.13 5, Dean Street, Oxford Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Gerrard 4556-9. Cables : “ Duplicator, Westdo.”—Manufacturers Of Duplicators, Stencil Paper, Duplicator Ink, Carbon Paper Of Au Descriptions, Typewriter and Inked Ribbons For All Machines.
- F. W. Elliott, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.401 105, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.L, Teleph. ; Holborn 5141. Cables : “ Elclocks, Cent, London,”—Manufacturers Of Fine Quality Clocks In Reproduction and Modern Styles. Chiming and Striking Clocks In Mantel, Grandmother and Grandfather Types. 8-Day Lever Clocks In Choice Designs.
- Elliott and Spear Oakhill, 3376-7. Cavendish Square, W.L. Teleph. : Lanham 4123.—Manufacturers Of Table Lamps, Lampshades, Also Table Mats, Waste-Paper Drums, Trays, Bookends, Gifts and Novelties.
- Ellis Optical Co. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.19 Mayday Road, Thornton Heath, Croydon, Surrey. Teleph. : Thornton Heath 2293-4, Cables: “ Elopco, Croydon.”—Manufacturers Of Ophthalmic Instruments Trial Frames, Ophthalmoscopes, Perimeters, Scotometers, Spherometers, Keratometers, Test-Types, Laryngoscopes, Diagnostic Sets, Auriscopes, Laryngoscopic and Ophthalmic Lamps, Lenses, Mirrors, Dental Mirrors, Binocular Magnifiers.
- Ellison, J. Parker, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.25 “ Pelso ” Works, Bradshawgate, Bolton, Lancs. Teleph.: Bolton 3950-1. Cables : “ Pelso, Bolton.”—Manufacturers Of Rugs, Canopies, Quilts, Pillows and Mattresses For Baby Carriages and Cots, “ Pelso ” Karri-Kots, Baby Carriers, Patent 4-Way Kiddie Seats, Doll Folding Cots. Motor Rugs.
- Elmat, Limited Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.905 26-34, Emerald Street, London, W.C. 1. Teleph.: Holborn 0094-5. Cables: “ Elmat, London.”—Manufacturers Of All Kinds Of Shoulder Pads For All Fashions and Types Of Garments. Distributed In Great Britain and All Over The World.
- Emerson Mill, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.436 Emerson Road, Preston, Lancs. Teleph. : Preston 84271. Cables: “ Emersonia, Preston.”—Manufacturers Of Curtain, Casement, Corset and Slipper Cloths, Linings, Tablecovers, Huckabuck Towels, Tickings. Cloths For Making-Up Offered To Making-Up Factories, Curtain Fabrics Retail Stores.
- Emmott, Hayward Ltd. and R.634 Cables: J ....Jw, 1-Uiiuuii. —I.Iaijumliuiua Ui X Ivj'vc, “ Dagoiict ” and “ Ccu- Turion ” Umbrellas For Ladies and Gentlemen. Umbrellas and Sunshades For All Climates. Also Golf Umbrellas and Walking Sticks, Covers and Components.
- Empire Porcelain Co. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.8 11, St. Andrew Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 0066. Factory : Empire Works, Stoke-On-Trent Teleph. : Stoke 48543. Cables : “ Empire Works, Stoke-On-Trent.”—Manufacturers Of Earthenware, Teaware, Dinnerware, Fruit Sets, Etc. Also Cigarette Boxes, Ash Trays, Vases, Sweet Dishes, Etc.
- Enfield Clock Co (London), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.318 Sectric House, Waterloo Road, Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Teleph. : Gladstone 6464. Cables : “ Rightime, Phone, London.”—Manufacturers Of Striking and Chiming Mantel Clocks, Grandfather Clocks, Grandmother Clocks, Kitchen Pendulum Clocks, 8-Day, 30-Hour Timepieces, Strike and Chime and 8-Day Movements.
- English Numbering Machines, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.28 25, Queensway, Enfield, Middlesex. Teleph.: Howard 2611. Cables: “ Numgravco, Enfield.”—Manufacturers Of Mechanical and Electrical Counting Devices, Hours Recorders For I.C. Engines. Precision Tin and Zinc Die Casting. Automatic Numbering Machines, Daters and Type High Boxes.
- Evans Components Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.315 “Paragon Works,” 37, Hockley Hui, Birmingham, 18. Teleph. : Birmingham, Northern 4581-2-3. Cables : “ Evansco, Birmingham.”—Manu Facturers Of Powder Compacts, Flapjacks, “ Six-In-One ” Vanity Case , Presentation Sets, Make-Up and Magnifying Mirrors, Lipstick Mirrors, Powder Bowls, Brush Sets, Fancy Metal Novelties. ‘ Lerage ” (Registered) Products.
- S. and R. J. Everett and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.24 939, London Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey. Teleph. : Thornton Heath 3252. Cables : “ Hypodermic, Croydon.”—Manufacturers Of All Sizes and Types Of Hypodermic Serum and Instrument Needles. Standard Range Of Hypodermic Syringes, American and European ; Also Tuberculin and Insulin Syringes.
- Evertaut, Limited Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands J.3 and J.13 Walsall Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, 22 (B). Teleph. : Birmingham, Birchfield 4587.—Manufacturers Of Steel Office and Factory Seating, Stacking Chairs, Works Shelving, Cupboards and Lockers, Library Shelving, Plan Files, Work Tray Storage Systems, Canteen Tables, Office Sundries.
- Everwear Candlewick, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.521 and R.628 Gwalia Works, Brynmawr, Breconshire. Teleph. : Brynmawr 356-7-8. Cables : “ Everwear, Brynmawr.”—Manufacturers Of “ Everwear Candle- Wick ” Tufted Cheniue Bedspreads, Bathmats, Ladies’ and Children’s Dressing Gowns, Bed-Jackets, Housecoats, Beachwear, Play-Pen Rugs, Cribspreads, Etc. Also Every Type Of Ready-Made Curtain.
- Export Credits Guarantee Department Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.98 and Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand A.24 9, Clements Lane, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Mansion House 8771. Cables: “ Exportcred, Cannon, London.”—Guarantees For United Kingdom Exporters Against Losses On Overseas Trade. Special Facilities For Exporters Of Capital Goods and For Trade In The Dollar Markets.
See Also
Sources of Information